........a.....i T H E NE W Y ()RK IIERA % LD. NO. 6742. M(3RNING EDITION.TUE:SDAY, FEBRUARY 26, li850. TWO CENTS. entreat cor fellow-cKliens. of all parti** and aactioas. to fanatical vagabonda. tboaa fanatical aoonndrela-thoai of to the ot this lnterestla u<l the Steamer's TREMENDOUS DEMONSTRATION s'ady th**« resolutions oarefully, lad ia a spirit of davotioa listening proceedings terj I Tit* Telegraph N«wf. Common -.Council. ih* llaion and of thl* aobl* <>"nt«drracT. patty larceny villains- tfaoaa grand laroeny felona, «h<J and Important meeting. I had ooexpectation ofhavio A Td-d'HrH Orrirt, ) t* peipatalty deal la wholaaala that to the honor called this BOARD Of ILVItXIN. AT K*solv*d, That, in view of th* above oouiideratioai. w* oanting bypooriay aught doubljt to be upon stead i am ladebtc d Maoor, Oe. February Iff, 1M0. ) ** Thle hoard met puraun » to »dJour»«Mt a* the basis of a the aad damn tbem, interfered with tba arrangement, aad in to the kindness of friend, who dlsoovered me beloi Ni* Ywi were m aeeept compromise preamble r, Emtob petitiona eived and re."«rr*d. VArlona CASTLE GARDEN. a* iatrudnccd by Mr CUj into th* Seaat* ofresolutionsiti* daoed the judge to do the owner great wreng, by t1o for having the honor to In sach a oocspiouou Dun 8m :. The thirt)-first report fr m the tt weei of th* Baaa foe United Stat**, Jaauaiy l!>th, 1840, via:. the dln-ot of and law In thli appeardid I Ibuu:m Banna* in thin riiy, with an aoaoapanyiBj Uting principle* Jnatiee manner before yon. Little expect beiug oalle4 I notice In your paper of the 10th init an extra**t pr<-aei)t«d rasanat-c. robbed the man of hla Thaaa an Mot# Irorn the M»jur, and for thu tear gliding 3l*t JJiotmbor. way, they proparty. > upen to adiirees ttile grant and glorious meeting, wblo h taken from the Ntv OrUam Caimerctal Bulletin o> It being desirable for th* p*soa, ooaoord. lad *f cares IMS', III* dupoaitori number !>;.. in who hare d»p"itcf harmoay the that make tba South feel that frre labor lii l« worthy of the Kmpirc City.worthy of the e the loth heeded with the Tele of whieh out THE VOICE OF NEW YORK th* I'aioa of these Statu, to sattl* and adjust amioably ill that itaelf I Kmpii January, "Kaaoallty 61. oul -A» jo ha* b»en drawia fl.7ttf,7ioby of between then, out of the better than alava. and tba inatitution lii State, and worthy of tba nlon which you same beie Ai this artiole aeems to refer exciuaiml; J6-IT Ae|» «tur», leavira a balaac* o( S". > iu f.h Hueettcai contiorsrsy ansiac worte fael wa bar* failed to J. graph." f haua; institution of slavery, upoa a fail equality and just bail*: They that repeatedly > to support (Great applause ) I tee before ma tb e to toe Washington and New Orleans telegraph line, 1j of the troatee* of 1L1* institrtion. The r V«ft ml ordorra ON Th*r«f*r*, them juatiea. and benea I aay. until wa do tbea Jua the wealth, tbe of this becomes dutr to stiate to the OB iii*. Intelligence, patrlotltui graiit mj that the pro> '* we public After otlti baatnrn* w»i tree « I, a Reeolved, That California, with suitable bonadariei, ought, tiee. have no eauaa ta aay that wa have done th»ci citj. voluntarily coming here for tk« purpose of au|». duotlon of the Imagination* ef those editors, at thai animportia: her to be adnittad a* van of the Statoo of no »m iflrred, to a runt Hf.'tri K K. Colli:, a « Co. resolutionthe as* upon application, injustice Let us aet to tn* constitution I g< > Union. I am an «- up porting that humble friend and d> particular time, wae entirely Ineorrect and withoutt of at t. to u « I u *ii«m THE UNION. this Vnion, withovt the imposition by Coigns* of me tfce pl«ra th* (*ot of Canal atrer b« any foi whole constitution. ud if It I* MHtrr tk*i I voted servant of that tame Union. I do not oall a to the exclusion *r introduction of slavery withinrestriction uiyee If foundation I found, upon careful personal examiu for their *te«n»liipe, at a reat of f> .'* i.or an. 't"B Attar a those boundaries. « should free the iltiN. let ua buy them, (great ap> a oltisea of the Kaat or of tha North, of the We»t or < >f ation into the matter referred to .that the cause* of ebon diauuMiea, it Wa* sent to lb* board of *a» a aat Their interests and their of for coBcurrencc. Rnsolved, Tbat as slavery daes not eilst by lav, and is ptau>e ) nopes protection , tbe Sooth. I have served that Union for neatly forty-tw lay of which they apeak, were produoed from the deo Aldermen, THE UlflON 11 ST AND SHALL BE PRESERVED. act to h* iatroduced lato any of the territory aoimred their glories in the future, depend M much apon thi i and feal'that I am a citizen of and of oourse. oontrol Tli* following *icm*k a fr >m Mayer H'oodhull wi> ' euhmittad likely years, every part pai treats, and, beyond human eler- to U.« Board ot A!d«ini7», for ih«It *i*w* the l aportaa* by the United States from tli* Rtoublie of Masio, it Is lntectn<es it that constitution, as our* Nay, more 10 eel of tbla glorious constellation of States As a The first of whioh was oaused upon for Oonrrtas to provide by law. either for its oannot afford to dissolve tbe Union 1 there they apeak by acbject. Alter beian rrad. it wa* referred to the U 1 inexpedient say. friend of tha Union, and that ua . introdaction or its *xclnsion of iiid tb»y knowing the Colo nlng.that prevented from working only at lnt»rTal«;lightn department into, tram, any th* *«» *»» »* part fore, that It is onr that it U th< in rm tVla Wtiatku* Kainai wtaeiM aa^J ENTHUSIASTIC PROCEEDINGS. territory; aad thut appropriate tirritorial giveriime*-* fellow-citizens, duty- is jeopardy. and knowing that this mettle To the HoJioiiaer.it thi Common Coi ncii. of tbt to to exer * to le established, by in all of th* siid duty North, put down^fanaticlsm. was railed for the devising measureis ly the cue la that latitude, it all season* ot the year. or "*rrw cirf or New Yobi * ought Congress, else our and take our off purpose*of Mavoa's I**' .< n.. Oa.U a.j nik... territory not assigned as the boardaries of th* pr»p->wd justice-toopen eyes bandage* of compromise and oooelliation. I oarne here. Manf 1 be *scocd was caused by the great and almost Orricr, Feb. 1H, uuii« v« wiuivuv ui« aaumua 01 and let bold the seales. Then, on* caua« i have Gratlfinen .The ljrwa relating to the public health h tra. at UI uvUi DVUlt nuu VVUOIB. vauiuttift, asj resiriouoa justice great thanks for the Undoes* you shown me. 1 am no cedented freshet*, covering the low oountry foruuureitmile*, w.iJ ApVVVUOB or condition on tin mb.iect of alaTery. of diaMtisfaotion will be removed, and we will ban i aa abolitionist nor an advoca'e of earioa* times. uuder*.<ae material alUTationa and au of slavery. I would and our wire washing Into the water, where It eould eata. Me., Me., Me. R**olv*d, That the we* tern boundary of th« 8tf« done towards the South what, under all the olrcutn not fcavc come here It I had these aot be until tba watar raaaded Those *f Texa*ought to b« lined ob th* Rio 4(1 Norto, comnmnoing thought subjectj repaired The aatexed city etiarver. and particularly that porti "> stances, we would wish the South to have done w< uld hava militated with each other at thin tlemen were also mistaken with to the content* it which yivea to one ol the meoBtiv* o« on* marine league from in month, and running uu that river us incetinj regard gea; di-partm^nta to tli* *outj,trn lis* of Naw Mexico, thence with that line Let us perform eur duty, and when thattowardsti i I did not come here a« a whig or as a deuioorat I of the referred to. I waslnf >rm»d ot all matteia relative to the public health of the i 7>'tanoe*7 la of call, several thousand of private di*pat*h bj of New * «" pursuance signed by eu*tfkidly. and continuing in the Hue direction. to th* done we shall hear no more of the dissolution of th< ) have not attended a part? ";:»i.ng for upwards of fortj one of the editor* of tha Picayune, who mw it that It kcrk. aflotte aleo, very oasentiapy, <«« of th oa* and influential line M **tabli*hed bctwean th* Fnlted Sta'.ea and Sr.t-n. Union. But, m) friends, the Union cannot, must not 90mrm hnf kan ihm U that tha !Tnln« lei leailiuK roviMoBt. the hat >»en, that tlie » most respectable inhabitants, r, contained the arrival of the steamer at Halifax, lawa. aa to tkeir m< and w excluding an; portion of Maw Mexioo, ahiUir ing on tbo stall not. and will not be dissolved, as aa th rti a the uning practical operation, ha»* be the "oltltens of the and of New lj long and rally I* called /or support of tbe Unl >n, 1 bnt Dot one word if teamer'* news Be thl* as it cone involved in action* d'uuit and that * city ciuuty invitingei it or we*t of that river.
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