Plant List As of 3/19/2008 Tanya Harvey T23S.R2E.S25, 36 *Non-Native

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Plant List As of 3/19/2008 Tanya Harvey T23S.R2E.S25, 36 *Non-Native compiled by Bearbones Mountain Plant List as of 3/19/2008 Tanya Harvey T23S.R2E.S25, 36 *Non-native FERNS & ALLIES Taxaceae Quercus garryana Oregon white oak Dennstaediaceae Taxus brevifolia Pacific yew Pteridium aquilinum Garryaceae bracken fern TREES & SHRUBS: DICOTS Garrya fremontii Fremont’s silk tassel Dryopteridaceae Aceraceae Cystopteris fragilis Acer circinatum Grossulariaceae fragile fern vine maple Ribes roezlii var. cruentum shiny-leaved gooseberry, Sierra Polystichum imbricans Acer glabrum var. douglasii imbricate sword fern Douglas maple Ribes sanguineum red-flowering currant Polystichum munitum Acer macrophyllum sword fern big-leaf maple Hydrangeaceae Polypodiaceae Berberidaceae Philadelphus lewisii western mock orange Polypodium hesperium Berberis aquifolium western polypody shining Oregon grape Rhamnaceae Pteridiaceae Berberis nervosa Ceanothus prostratus Mahala mat Aspidotis densa Cascade Oregon grape indians’ dream Betulaceae Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush Cheilanthes gracillima Corylus cornuta var. californica lace fern hazelnut or filbert Rhamnus purshiana cascara Cryptogramma acrostichoides Caprifoliaceae parsley fern Lonicera ciliosa Rosaceae Pellaea brachyptera orange honeysuckle Amelanchier alnifolia western serviceberry Sierra cliffbrake Sambucus mexicana Selaginellaceae blue elderberry Holodiscus discolor oceanspray Selaginella scopulorum Symphoricarpos mollis Rocky Mountain selaginella creeping snowberry Oemleria cerasiformis indian plum Selaginella wallacei Celastraceae Prunus emarginata Wallace’s selaginella Paxistima myrsinites bitter cherry Oregon boxwood TREES & SHRUBS: CONIFERS Rosa gymnocarpa Cornaceae Cupressaceae bald-hip rose Callitropsis nootkatensis Cornus nuttallii Rubus leucodermis Alaska yellowcedar Pacific dogwood black raspberry Calocedrus decurrens Ericaceae Rubus nivalis incense cedar Arctostaphylos columbiana snow bramble hairy manzanita Pinaceae Rubus parviflorus Arctostaphylos nevadensis Abies amabilis thimbleberry Pacific silver fir pinemat manzanita Rubus ursinus Rhododendron macrophyllum Abies concolor x grandis dewberry hybrid white/grand fir Pacific rhododendron Salicaceae Abies grandis Vaccinium membranaceum Salix scouleriana grand fir thin-leaved huckleberry Scouler willow Pseudotsuga menziesii Vaccinium parvifolium Salix sitchensis Douglas-fir red huckleberry Sitka willow Tsuga heterophylla Fagaceae western hemlock Chrysolepis chrysophylla HERBACEOUS DICOTS chinquapin Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Lomatium hallii Hall’s lomatium Osmorhiza berteroi Microseris nutans Ericaceae mountain sweet-cicely nodding microseris Chimaphila menziesii Sanicula graveolens *Mycelis muralis little prince’s-pine/pipsissewa Sierra snake-root, sanicle wall lettuce Chimaphila umbellata Apocynaceae Packera bolanderi prince’s pine/pipsissewa Apocynum androsaemifolium Harford’s or Bolander’s groundsel Monotropa uniflora spreading dogbane Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. indian pipe Aristolochiaceae slender cudweed Pyrola asarifolia Asarum caudatum Senecio integerrimus pink, bog, alpine pyrola wild ginger western groundsel Pyrola picta Asteraceae (Compositae) *Senecio jacobaea white-veined wintergreen, pyrola Achillea millefolium tansy ragwort Fabaceae (Leguminosae) yarrow Berberidaceae Lathyrus polyphyllus Adenocaulon bicolor Achlys triphylla leafy pea trail plant, pathfinder vanilla leaf Lotus crassifolius Agoseris grandiflora Vancouveria hexandra big deervetch large-flowered agoseris inside-out flower *Trifolium repens Agoseris heterophylla Boraginaceae white clover annual agoseris Cryptantha intermedia Vicia americana Anaphalis margaritacea common cryptantha American vetch pearly everlasting Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Fumariaceae Antennaria racemosa Arabis glabra Dicentra formosa raceme pussytoes tower mustard western bleeding heart Arnica latifolia Arabis holboellii Dicentra uniflora mountain arnica Holboell’s rockcress steer’s head Aster radulinus Cardamine hirsuta Hydrangeaceae rough-leaved aster western bittercress Whipplea modesta Aster sp. Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii Whipplevine, Yerba de Selva aster slender toothwort Hydrophyllaceae Cirsium remotifolium Campanulaceae Hydrophyllum occidentale mountain thistle Campanula scouleri western waterleaf Columbiadoria hallii Scouler’s harebell Nemophila parviflora Hall’s goldenweed Githopsis specularioides small-flowered nemophila Crepis pleurocarpa common blue cup Phacelia hastata naked-stem hawksbeard Caprifoliaceae silverleaf phacelia Ericameria nauseosa var. speciosa Linnaea borealis Phacelia verna rabbit brush twinflower spring phacelia Erigeron cascadensis Caryophyllaceae Romanzoffia californica Cascade fleabane Moehringia macrophylla California mistmaiden Erigeron foliosus var. confinis bigleaf sandwort Hypericaceae leafy fleabane Silene antirrhina *Hypericum perforatum Eriophyllum lanatum sleepy catchfly Klamath weed, St. John’s wort Oregon sunshine, woolly sunflower Silene campanulata ssp. glandulosa Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Hemizonella minima nodding catchfly Satureja douglasii least tarweed Crassulaceae yerba buena Hieracium albiflorum Sedum oregonense Scutellaria antirrhinoides white-flowered hawkweed creamy stonecrop snapdragon skullcap *Leucanthemum vulgare Sedum spathulifolium Stachys rigida oxeye daisy broadleaf stonecrop rigid hedge nettle Luina hypoleuca Sedum stenopetalum silverback luina wormleaf stonecrop Onagraceae Claytonia sibirica Scrophulariaceae Chamerion angustifolium candyflower Castilleja pruinosa fireweed Lewisia triphylla frosted paintbrush Circaea alpina threeleaf lewisia Castilleja rupicola enchanter’s nightshade Montia parvifolia cliff paintbrush Clarkia rhomboidea littleleaf montia Collinsia grandiflora rhomboid clarkia Primulaceae large-flowered blue-eyed Mary Epilobium brachycarpum Trientalis latifolia Collinsia parviflora tall annual willowherb western starflower small-flowered blue-eyed Mary Epilobium minutum Ranunculaceae Collinsia rattanii small-flowered willowherb Actaea rubra Rattan’s blue-eyed Mary Gayophytum diffusum western red baneberry Mimulus alsinoides spreading groundsmoke Anemone deltoidea chickweed monkeyflower Orobanchaceae western white anemone, Columbia Mimulus breweri Orobanche pinorum Aquilegia formosa Brewer’s monkeyflower pine broomrape western columbine Mimulus guttatus Orobanche uniflora Delphinium menziesii seep monkeyflower naked broomrape Menzies' larkspur Mimulus pulsiferae Oxalidaceae Rosaceae candelabrum monkeyflower Oxalis oregana Fragaria vesca Nothochelone nemorosa Oregon wood sorrel woods strawberry woodland beard-tongue Polemoniaceae Potentilla glandulosa Pedicularis racemosa Collomia heterophylla sticky cinquefoil parrotbeak varied-leaf collomia Rubiaceae Penstemon deustus Gilia capitata Galium aparine hot-rock penstemon bluefield gilia common bedstraw, cleavers Penstemon rupicola Linanthus bicolor Galium oreganum cliff penstemon true baby stars Oregon bedstraw Synthyris reniformis Navarretia divaricata Galium triflorum snow queen mountain navarretia fragrant bedstraw Valerianaceae Phlox diffusa Saxifragaceae Plectritis congesta spreading phlox Heuchera micrantha rosy plectritis Phlox gracilis small-flowered alumroot Valeriana scouleri annual phlox Lithophragma parviflorum Scouler’s valerian Polygonaceae small-flowered prairie-star Violaceae Eriogonum compositum Mitella diversifolia Viola glabella heart-leaved buckwheat angle-leaved, varied-leaved mitrewort stream violet Eriogonum nudum Mitella trifida Viola sempervirens bare-stemmed buckwheat three-toothed mitrewort evergreen violet Eriogonum umbellatum Saxifraga bronchialis ssp. vespertina Viola sheltonii sulphur buckwheat spotted, matted saxifrage Shelton’s violet Polygonum cascadense Saxifraga integrifolia MONOCOTS Cascade knotweed grassland, northern saxifrage Iridaceae Polygonum douglasii Saxifraga mertensiana Iris chrysophylla Douglas' knotweed wood saxifrage slender-tubed iris Polygonum minimum Saxifraga rufidula Liliaceae least knotweed western saxifrage Allium crenulatum Portulacaceae Tellima grandiflora Olympic onion fringecup Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra Calochortus subalpinus redstem miner’s Lettuce Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata mountain cat’s ear foamflower Calochortus tolmiei Tolmie’s Cat’s ear Clintonia uniflora queen’s cup, bead lily Erythronium grandiflorum glacier lily Erythronium oregonum giant fawn lily, Oregon fawn lily Fritillaria glauca Siskiyou fritillary Lilium columbianum western tiger lily Lilium washingtonianum Cascade lily, Washington lily Maianthemum racemosum false Solomon’s Seal Maianthemum stellatum starry false Solomon’s seal Prosartes hookeri Hooker’s fairy bells Trillium ovatum western trillium Veratrum insolitum Siskiyou false hellebore Xerophyllum tenax beargrass Zigadenus venenosus death camas Orchidaceae Calypso bulbosa fairy slipper, Calypso orchid Corallorhiza maculata spotted coralroot Corallorhiza mertensiana western coralroot Goodyera oblongifolia western rattlesnake plantain Piperia unalascensis Alaska rein orchid GRAMINOIDS Poaceae *Bromus tectorum cheatgrass brome Koeleria macrantha junegrass.
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