Aesthetics (HSA020N207A) | University of Roehampton
09/23/21 Aesthetics (HSA020N207A) | University of Roehampton Aesthetics (HSA020N207A) View Online (Module Validation) 156 items Further Reading - additional to the weekly readings (53 items) The birth of tragedy and other writings - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Raymond Geuss, Ronald Speirs, 1999 Book | Further Reading The Disjunctive Theory of Art: The Cluster Account Reformulated - F. Longworth, A. Scarantino, 2010-03-10 Article | Further Reading The Lyotard reader - Jean-Franc ̧ ois Lyotard, Andrew E. Benjamin, 1989 Book | Further Reading On photography - Sontag, Susan, 1979 Book | Essential Reading The principles of art - Collingwood, R. G., 1938 Book | Further Reading The century of taste: the philosophical odyssey of taste in the eighteenth century - Dickie, George, 1996 Book | Further Reading Aesthetics: a critical anthology - Dickie, George, Sclafani, R. J., Roblin, Ronald, c1989 Book | Further Reading An introduction to the philosophy of art - Richard Thomas Eldridge, 2014 Book | Further Reading Schopenhauer - Patrick Lancaster Gardiner, 1963 Book | Further Reading The Routledge companion to aesthetics - Gaut, Berys Nigel, Lopes, Dominic, 2005 Book | Further Reading Languages of art: an approach to a theory of symbols - Goodman, Nelson, 1968 Book | Further Reading Philosophy of the arts: an introduction to aesthetics - Graham, Gordon, 1997 1/11 09/23/21 Aesthetics (HSA020N207A) | University of Roehampton Book | Further Reading The sociology of art - Arnold Hauser, 2013 Book | Further Reading Emotion and the Arts - Mette Hjort,
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