NET PRESS RUN '■^?5AVBRAGB DAHiT CIR€TOATION ■ the month of Jiumory, IM S ^ 5,087 • et the , Andit B «ea « •t Clirealettleu *

MANGBESTER, CONNi, '|!^URSDAY, FEBBftJARY 16,1928. V O L .X U I., NO. 117. GlMwifled Advertising on Page 1(K ^ FLAPPER CONTINENTAL NEW TRAD. LEADS LONDdiilClDA BY MISS ANDERSON TO CHEST JOINI SE^ION r W R I G F O R J ^ Qiief of the U. S. Women’s SEC. WILBUR SNUBS Sinclair Gave $75,000 to bigineers In B (^ CMies, Bureau Says There is ADMIRAL PLUNKETT Republican National Com* Hands; and Fect-irf I d k Offh Nothing the Matter With mittee to Pay Campaip If Hiey Were in ^ Same SLAIN IN ALBANY Mrs Tied-^iamier the Modem Miss. Is Chief Guest of Honor at Debt in 1920. HaD. WIndi Tbay Met DeaA Testimonial Dinner and Dnkiwwn B odN Were Washington, Feb. 16.— Promin­ INctini & Wkose Jhtei- Washington, Feb. 16— A winding New. York, Feb. 16.—^The world!; ent Europeans have been coming to ! trail was followed today by the Sen­ was drawn still closer tp.dny. Badly Decipposedi Were America recently and expressing Fails to Appear. : % Rejected Nnr- ate oil committee to show^ that dlo, brain-child of rhan, made an opinions on everything from the auditorium for twd audiences, sep­ Harry F. Sinclair gave the Repub­ eminence of American leaders to arated by 3,000 miles’bf water. derer Hdd B ; Police; Taldng Prisoners to Re- New York, Feb.. 16— The failure lican national committee $75,000 of flappers and gin. They have pro­ Knitted together through a of Secretary of the Navy Wilbur to posed numerous lists of outstand­ the Continental Trading Company’s trans-Atlantic radio telephone cirr fornatory When AM ing Americans, both men and wom- attend the testimonial dinner last mysterious $3,080,000 Liberty Bond cuit, the American Institute o f Albany, N. Y „ Peb.<16.— Pretty, Wi. night in honor of Rear-Admiral fund to pay a 1920 campaign debt. Electrical Engihemrs In New York, dark-haired Henrietta Ckampion Today, Miss Mary Anderson, Charles P. Plunkett, was declared met .jointly with the BriGsh Insti­ Traces of Prisoners and Two witnesses told the committee tution of Elecfricai Engineers, in 'was. today, the v victim of a chief of the Women's Bureau of of selling $75,000 in Liberty Bonds the Labor Department, offered a today by Colonel E. A. Simmons, London. mavi whose attentions she rejected, president of the American Marine for the Empire Trust Company of Officers Were Lost roll of honor of American women The demonstration, marked' the acqoYdtng^4o! the ^ police- . ’'T :;; who are leaders in the life of the Association and chairman of the New York. Many of them have employment ■ of tne trans^Atlantie nation. Her position, one of the dinner committee, to be a ‘‘public since been traced as the original circuit for the first time as a means 'MIchaei'®(mitney) Watte, alleg­ most important occupied by a wo­ rebuke” to the admiral’s recent property of the Continental com­ of communication between large ed hootlegfger and man about town-, Foster, Ind;,' Feb. 16,—The bod­ pany. The next step of the commit­ man iu the government service, warlike speech at the National Re­ audiences, normally . assembled was. being held by the police on an ies of the '!two missing deputies brings her in contact with millions tee will be to prove these bonds without individual telephone equip­ open charge. Assistant District At­ publican Club. who were kidnapped by two pris­ of nien ail over the country. Secretary Wilbur had been an­ were turned over to the bank by ment. torney John ,T. Delaney sttid Watts^ Her honor roll of ouistanding nounced as the chief guest of honor the Republican national'committee Big Audiences'^'.. who was arrested a^fe.v(l^Q^^ after oners more^than- a week ago flom Aiaeiican women follovi.^. at the banquet, the occasion for and that they represented a $76,- The meeting opened at 10:25 a. the slaying of Mrs.’' Champion, con­ Lafayette* Ind., were ifoand upon a Industry— Mrs. Raymond Fob- which was Admiral Plunkett’s re­ 000 gift to the Republican cam­ m., and lasted for id minutes. In fessed to him that he stabbed the farm near - here this afternoon paign fund by Sinclair. ^ New Yoru., an overflow gathering bins of Chicago. tirement from service on his 64th gjrl to death because she rejected bound hand'and foot. Citizenship— Mrs. Carrie Caap- birthday. Joseph F. McMahon, an assistant of 2,000 people listened in one au­ his love. mau Cat! of New York. cashier for Potter & Co., New York ditorium while another 1,000 per­ The bodies were discovered on A Smoke Screen These photographic sfikBes of Han^ Hill. Streator (111.) youth, The stabbing took place in a. Jay. the farm of Charles P. AbdllL Social Work— Miss Jane .\drtams Col. Simmons, who read Secre­ brokers, told of selling the bonds sons tuned in upstairs. In London, street roomlhg house where Mrs. of Chicago. for the Empire Trust Company on charged with murdering his mother and burying her body in the cellar, more than 1,000 persons were ga­ T h a ^ n d s and feet of berth men tary Wilbur’s letter explaining his were made during his trial at Ottawa. 111. The dapper young man's Champion li'ved.: The girl staggered had bbbif tied. The bodies were- } aw— Judge B’loreace Allen. absence as being due to the neces­ Nov. 30, 1923. He gave the num­ thered. , ' ' from the house into the arms of a meiiiOer of the Ohio Slate Supreme bers of the bonds handled, ManJ^ varying emotions during the trial are shown in the series of camera Three large amplifiers in the hall badly deoomposed. The deputies, sity off appearing before the House views. policeman. She'died an hour later John- P. Grove and Wallace Mc­ Court. naval committee. Issued a state­ of these were fdund by Committee brought the voices from overseas Medicine—Dr. Beithct Van Hos- to the ears of the listeners, The In Memorial .hospital. Clure, were taking two prisoners, ment charging that the letter was a agents to correspond with the num­ “ Mike Watts stabbed me,” police cn of Chicago. bers of bonds originally owned by tones were so clear that the listen­ Samuel Baxter and John Burns to Literature— Wiila Ca.! ner of New "smoke screen.” ers could scarcely tell whether It say she muttered as she was being the State Reformatory at Pendle­ He said the real reason for the the Continental company. rushed to tbe hospital. Yon;. Paid to Dupont was London or a speaker on the ton in an automobile. Nothinff Poetry— Edna St. Vincent Millay secretary’s absence was fear that Make Your Will Today New York platform talking. A blood-stained' jack kfiife was had been heard of the four unfil his presence would be misunder­ McMahon told of paying $74,- A resointion that this new scien­ found In Watts’ pocket when he of New York. 718.87 the proceeds of the sale, to today when Bheriff Samuel Cole Tunc are other wonieu whose stood, and declared that the secre­ tific link between the old world was arrested, police’ declared. the account of Senator T. Coleman was notified to rush to the farm of romarkable achievement warrant tary had admitted as much to him and the flew world should form the Came From Hartford AbdllL which is one-quarier of tk' high recognition by the country and in'a telephone conversation. Dupont, republican of Delaware, Noted Banker^s Advice basis of an Increase of good wnf Mra. Champion came here from mile north o f the Dixie &lghwaj> the world, b-a; the women I have Admiral Plunkett’s retirement the chairman of the board of the and understanding among nations, Hartford, Conn., about, a year ago, EeW DetaHs. namca are repvtsentatlce leaders brought him many expressions of Empire Trust Co. was untinlinously adopted by bdth according to . advices received by The manner in 'which the tw » in their 'partio-riai fields of endea­ appreciation for hi-; vigorous pleas This testimony was only one link audiences in London and New ,the police from Hartford. She was meh met death Is unknown pending vor,” Miss Anderson declared. for preparedness. In trailing the Continoutal bonds. New York, Feb. 16.— At theA making has surrounded itself with York. known in that city . as Henrietta the arrival and investigatiofl. o r ‘‘They have won fame, not only In tribute to Admiral Plunkett In 1924, the committee was head of the list of things to do to­ an atmosphere of superstitloii and London Speakers Collins,;'and Is a daughter o f Mrs. ebroner Van Y. Haznilibn. The by signal ability' and hard work, and his work, the dinner took the Will Hhys, then Republican national day should aipear the words fear. Many people put oft making a Among thd speakers In London Patrick O’RleUy of 84 Village men were bound with heici^ ropes. but by applying themselves to com form of a Marine Congress, at which chairhUm, that Sinclair had glv^n ‘‘Make My Will.” will because subconsciously they were Sir Oliver' Lodge, Col. T. F. street, Hartford. From the appearance, of the. feel that It hastens their death. Btructive, serious problems in an representatives of the farm interests the Republicans $75,000,. Shortly “ Toihorrow” may never come. Purves, chief engineer of' the Bri­ The girl was .stabbed four times bodies. It is believed they, met effective, sensible way. They give industrial organizations and labor afterwards, Leon W. Baldwin, presi- Such was the warning contained ' “ The decision of the courts are tish post office,-Archibald Page, based on' the law of the land. If in the throat. death shortly alter, they 'started for us examples to be followed by the spoke In advocacy of an extensive dent of the Empire Trust Co., tes­ In a radio talk made by Homer president, of the British Institute^ Police said they learned the wo­ the reformatory. The bodies were wpmanhbod of America.” tified his band had received $75,' Ouck, vice president of the Union a - woman fails to dispdse 'of her merchant marine, as essential to real and-pewonal property by will, | of Electrical Engineers, (In. New man had ' been keeping comptiny covered, vrith a blanket. Defends Flaming Y’outli all departments of our national life. 000 In 3-% per cent Liberty Bonds Truflt Coihpany, Detroit, In connec­ Y ork ). Oaneral John: J.. (jart^,. Edit The abtomebile In which the Miss Anderson warmly defended Uh% steps in and : it several m . ^ ' woman . as county commissioner ing Stronghold of Rebds The imputation’ is that the planes Jn speaking of: Col.'Lindbergh, Pan American Conference,- will ad-, benefit dance, for'a newsboys home. trust by which the Bank of Ameri­ miffit be ‘ goo.d politicAl. strategy.” Eddie did a clog daace. ^ KILLED IN OAR CRASH represent the Soviets’ .reply to the Madame Nungesser repeatedly com­ jburn next week without a solution ca has been held by the present alleged T.rovocatlons 'of the British So'well did /he perform on that management, it was believed today In Nicaragua. pared his ideas with those of her of the Immigration issue, In which Danbury, Conn., Feb. 16— Albert foreign seciretary. ,. - ' gallant son. tea ch e r occasion, professional engagements that a new L....on banking unit the United States is vitally- inter­ BIBLE CLASS ^ came, quickly ’’ to the youth. For will be formed by linking the Bank McIntyre, of Paterson, N. J., died Trotsky Forgotten Son's Reply: In Danbury hospital today of In­ Leon’: TTotrity,-' fftufldar and or­ •' “ I always tried to be a help to ested. . ■ • several years, however, he was con­ of America, the Manufacturers Managua, Feb. 16— .Slowly and Trust Company and the California juries he received late last night ganizer nof''; the Bed Army, Las not Charles, rather than a .biflderance,” 'There are two resolutions before (XTS A JAIL SENTENCE tent to do his skits in cabatots. banking interests headed by A. P. when a car In whic,h he was . riding laboriously a battalion of U. S. once been - meutioneid % during the she said,’ “ But even so^ some time the conference-r-one that. no. Ameri­ In 1876, Foy Joined' the Cosmo- Gianninl. crashed head-on into a truck on the marines is moving through the oluuorate'.prep'aTafiops that-are be­ I just cbuld ndt> Help asking him can republic may apply paota res­ polltafl'Vanities in Chicago. Two ing madoi for thb pfilebiation in; all Arrested ill Hartford For Fass> years later he was paired with q» Unless the decision voiding the Brewster-Pawling road, just over mountain Jungles northeast of to be prudent. And he would al­ trictions to Immigration, from ano­ voting trust is upset by the . nited the New York state line, and up­ p.icts of the C!c6ihtry. The regi­ ways reply— ‘petite; mere ‘ cherle, ther American country; the other -ingr False Checka—Ia Prison actor: named Thompson and the h^atagalpa to .tighten the net to ments,^ fortresses,/ qadet schools, two started a road tour. ■ Songs, States Supreme Court, control of set. McIntyre was fiung from the cruisers ;and,-battleships'which, were pfle,. .cah'^not ' abandon aviation. that any Americah republic may re­ Welfare Worker. the Bank of America will pass to a car headlong against tbe pavement. prevent the escape'of Gen. Sandino Somebody has-got to ’blaze the; way strict Immigration from a nbn- acrobatic dances and black-face group associated with Ralph Jonas, and his rebel forces through that named in- Trotfeky*s ’honor, have all acts were their specialty. - He lived for some time after he been ehhhged’ His picture vrill be —why not;me?'; American contiflent. Hartford, Conn., Peb. 16.— H. chairman of the boaid of directors reached the local hospital. district. 1 . “ Besides, Charles never thought . There is a bill pending in the H. Horton, who in 1923 addressed Foy’s next engagement was with of the Financial and Industrial Se­ carried! in .none off [the pairades, as the famous old Emerson minstrels. Mrs. McIntyre and'Mr. and Mrs. There are a number of rich cof will Lehlne's andllstalin’s. ’From there was any pAnger afld; he would United States Congress at present the New Britain Everyman’s Bible curities Corporation and a brother Charles Hudson, also of Paterson, Invariably tell me With a siuile that giving the United States the right Class and the New Britain A. M. E. He played in a steltor rohr with the of Nathan S. Jonas, president of fee plantations In the Yasloa vaL his far-off'exiie-in Verne nowA'ome- company until 1884. ' were slightly Injured In the acci­ ley owned by Americans and ot^er to apply quota I’cetrietiqns to im­ Zion church as “field secretary" of the Manufacturers Trust Company. dent, Hudson was arrested by New ^Coottniiied on Pa«ie 8) the ' Natlonar'Prison, Welfare The actor was' versatile. He was Negotiations have been going on foreigners and the marines'and na­ (OOttUiinetl on Page 3) migration from Canada, Mexico and York state troopers after the crash. tive constabulary are seeking to Latin America., League, is bhek in Hartford county: a performer and a comedian. His for some time between Gianninl The truck Involved In the acci­ X He will be here for sixty days, serv­ next jaunt took him ovW the coun- ' and the Jonas interests with a view keep constabulary of that sone.' . Domestic Question dent was owned by the Ladd Com­ It Is evidently the plan of the The United States regards'immi­ ing a jail sentence for passing a try with the Kelly AMasm^ com­ to perfecting a close working rela­ fradulent chec|(» having been sen­ pany playing “ The Tigers,” . FaTir tionship between these two groups, pany, of Ne'wfoundland, N. J. The marines and the constabulary' to gration as a purely domestic, ques­ driver was sli|:btly hurt, ' increase their pressure against 175M a Miles A Second tion and H. P. Flefcher, of the tenced in police, court today. nearly 30 years :therbapter je and It is believed that an agree­ tir- , - • Sandino from the southwest and United States; delegation, served Horton, 'WbOi* ia,„j£nown as ed roles In' moat ment ociween them ^.'il^ be. hasten­ Augustus Biinjwba/^ and . AugUbtus comedy' produbflons o f the ‘ j/" ed by the decision in the Bank of southeast to compel him to keep formal notice, upon the cbnfefehce Rose, gives Rochester, N. Y., as his America case. moving northward towards the that his country would never con­ many-of ,th*to biUeff aa A Day Nearer home. He riseently finished a ^ati Btaf. / :, If a merger is effected, the new Honduran border. sent to any agreement by which sentence therer for running’an eni’^ ban., will rank among the largest Marines Monnted. another power ..could dictate 'Wash­ ...... ■ The Solution ployment-lnireau ■wltiiOUl; at ‘license, '' BURGLAH financial instuiitlons In the coun­ The marines are mounted and New Yvrk,,^ Feb.‘ i f . — SclentisteAthe American Institute of B.lectrical ington’s immigration. policy, pqliee sayv Hla( conhecti^ with, the try and will represent the most ini- Wondering how you’re go­ are led by Nicaragnan guides, and The official status of Dr. Honqrio Prison Welfare League, is. not clear, '•A"V ;/.v ' to'day acclaimed the achievement of Engineers here. He said it was a . Memphi.8.-Y-R4ck! portwt financial development of ing to make all that mone^ are heavily armed with Springfield three-ln-one arrangement of the Pueyriredon; chairman of thq Argen­ pblide>say 'in pointing out that fn Its kind in years. by just reading The Herald^ rifles, r^apld fire guns, machine Dr. Wiiiiam/ $1/ Opolldge, asstotabt tine delegation. Who la understood hto Horf^'Rritaih talks he said he Klussman first cathode ray, bperatihg at 800,- threatened' the tomorrow, aren’t you? guns and hand grenades. director o f^ t^ 'General Electric 00.0 volts.-,This- super-power tube to have resigned because the con­ woo^ returif to collect funds. STEWARTS DIVORCED Be patient. Just one more; Large qufuitities of ammapltion ference rejected'his “ tariff harrier ‘ . r-— .1,1'. ' — • man, Memphis .oai Com^anjr'f; ‘Petffl^rch jq’bqrato^y remult of Dr. Coo- government as chairman 'because Vofl^hlosohxlsker. Ridgewood sqcifr southward, ■will prevent ■sjrmijathli lidge’s ezi^lmenti. i X-ray arts,’’ Dr.' CopUdge was In New Tork, Philadelphia and on awsu^d the Edison medal by the he felt that hisvviews were not ty matrofl. was-given to thw jnry at ‘I t Won’t Bg Loffiff Now.” hers frOpi moylhg northWard to' fe- ’ D'rv Oo'cdldga. dbccribed the new" noon tod a y ,/ ! : the Continent, ^ were married at U e o a e u . .whPl^ supported. ^ryn ’MawT, Pal, on Nor. 20, IDJji, liiforce u e rebel band... tnh«' at -the' annual .cohventioA; of

iC'A-V' - S d t i t

I ' ^Ki4VS ■-r-X-

■\- MANCHBS'BBR XCONN.) e v e n i n g . B®RALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1928. P A < i B W O

^ H. . 'j;-' Am Sugar ;... 57% 57% 67% COURT FRdWNS UPON Am T & T ....178% 178% 178% LEGION BANQVEr Am Woolen . . 24% 24 2 4 % Anaconda ... 57% 5f% 67% INFORMAL RELATIONS Atchison ..... 184% 184% 184% S B K SUCCESS TRAIL LEADS Balt & Ohio . . 110% 110% 110% " (Furnished by Putnam * CJo.) Beth Steel .. 58 57% 58 Requires’ Fartn Hand to Wed Bid Asked V tl%oinsJ'’Ke]|^ ^ JUIlY^ MMICK9: C M & St P pfd 30% 30% 30% Thomas Kelley, aged 88 yeaw, Widow With Grown Children Bank Stocks Cons Gas .... j.o4% 134 134% died Wednesday morning at 6:8v Or Go to JaiL ^ ID WAR (MSTI Los Angeles.— Nine m em biw .... '* City Bank & Trust . .850 ’ — Corn Prod . . . 68% 67% 67% Best Tannat Yet o( WorU :r. Capital Natl Bank . . .285 — o’clock Et his homo on ElEBt stroot. a jury, trying a llQuor caaw^w^i Du Pont ... .326 326 326 Death was due to old age. He was A romance that started on a to­ wero dlsmlaaed without aiwiSg b r in Conn R iv e r ...... 800 — ■ 51% 51% (continued from page 1) E r i e ...... 51% born In the city of Cork, Ireland, (Contlnned from page 1) bacco farm two years ago culmin­ War Veterana—Lots Municipal Judge First Bond and Mort . — 65 Gen Elec .... 13 0 % 129% 130% and at the age -Of twelve ywra he ated in a court-ordered marriage broae following a polntadf'dlacattrse ^First Natl (Htfd) ...2 9 0 800 136% 137% Gen Motors ..137% cama to this coufttry and i electrical onglneewt as marking today when John Zaparoackas, 32, T. c. Dupont or the Empire Trust on "dereliction. In .betraylriE aacred r Hart Nat B & Tr . . .490 500 Gillett Raz .,.J0U'«, 100%, 10d% SonreiHrs For Diners. ia .b . .d - and Mrs. Alice Zaleski, 38,‘ were Co.? trust an Jurors." The-’ *H tld Conn Tr Co ...7 7 5 800 Int NioldMr. . . . .92% 9t% ? S U . united by Rev. C. T. McCann. Both V“ Yes, quite frequently for the failed to deny ■: Land Mtg & Title .., 53 — Kennecott-*.H. .84 ' 8*%- 84^ S su ^ ved by four stas, ,Ste£bon. vancement'pf electrical science \ live in Buckland and work for Empire Trust Co." ‘ Morris Plan Bank ...1 5 0 — Mack Truck . 100% 99% 100% Answers In New York pint of evlaance subnSltt^ by the John, Edward and Jerry all of this Hackett Brothers. A fine roast cfiToken and spa­ / ‘Almost every day for ten yeara,’ ptoseeutloir. The defandMt, by . Park St T r ...... »550 — r Marland Oil . 33% 33% 33% Qharardl: ^New York) "We are Zaparoackas was arrested last city. He was a member of St.. Ber­ said McMahon, “ hut not always In the Way, had been found "not Phoenix StBTr ....435 450 j Mo Pac com . 45%. 45% 45% gratified that traps-AtlanClc com­ night by Constable James W. Foley ghetti dinner and a large group of. 62 nard's Church and the Holy Name Liberty Bonds." Riverside Trust...... bOO — New Haven . .. 62% 61% Society. The funeral will be held munication has made this meeting on complaint of Mrs. Zaleskl, who souvenirs and' door prizes were James Bernieri, an employee ot guilty.” V Bonds Nor Am_, Co ..62 . 61% 62 Friday morning at 9. o clock at possible! it has added one more to Is a widow with four children 5 to 110 94% 94% features of last night’s annual ban­ C. F. Childs & Co., New York brok­ Conn IT P 5 % s ------i08 Nor Pac . •.‘.94% Bernard's cburcb. Rev. George T. the many ties existing between our 19 years. Her husband died two quet of Dilworth Cornell Post, No. ers, told of buying the bonds from Brid Hyd 5s ...... ‘'04 ;.63% 63% 63% Penn R R . Sinnott will officiate. two institutions and has added still years ago. 102, American Legion, held in the Potter & Co. He gave the numbers East Conn Power ..-.101% 103 Pere Mar . . , .128 128 128 another opportunity for ■ friendly 103 Notes . In court this morning, Judge R. Knights of Columbus hall. The of the bonds, which corresponded to PISO s ^ ■ Conn L P 4 % s ...... 102% Postum Cer , .123% 123% 123% Miss McDonald of Storrs College, communication between ua." A. Johnson gave Zaparoackas the ' Insurance Stocks Pullman new . .82% 82 82 affair was declared to be the most McMahon’s list. ' c o u y h ' i addressed the Mothers’ Club of the The applause from London could option of the altar or the pen successful from every point of Walsh read into the present rw - _ Aetna Insurance ....800 820 Radio Corp , . .91 *,*8 90% 91 Union Congregational Church ^ d - be heard, d l^ c t ly . Very little .[ choose the former and after sever it Aetna Cas & Sure .. .900 920 Sears Roe . . .89% 89% '89% view that the local Legion post has ord the testimony given the coBa- __ __ nesday eranlng. She spoke on''The static - pUfi^funnST'^nP communtca j al attempts to secure someone to ever conducted. mittee four years ago by Hays arid ■yrap—35e and 60e ■Ing- Aetna Life S-pO 870 Sou Pac .. .120% 120% 120%; Habit Forination ot Children. Af­ tlonc At. one, pointi -a cough from perform the ceremony the knot ton^.«MPiaO*8HH 1900 143 143 Among the souvenirs which Baldwin. Hays testified to getting Chwtaeb% «. *Conn General ...... — ^ Sou Rail .. .143% ter the meeting refreshments were one of the speakera dn the platform was finally tied by'Rev. C. T. Mc­ 35 'f Automobile . . . .385 400 S O of N J . .38% 38 38 were placed at. each plate were, $75,000 from Sinclair and applying served by Mrs. George Walnwrl^t, in London,, could bo heard here. It Cann, a clothes brush from the Manches­ '^Hart I’ lre . . ___ 830 6o0 Studebaker . . 64 63% 63% Mrs .Edmund Brown and Mrs. Phil­ The couple made application for ___ 850 870 , .113% 112% 112% took Its place in history as the first ter Dairy Ice Cream Company, a ,r Hart St lioil \ Tob Prod .. a marriage license In Hartford last 192 lip Stoneman. international radio bough at a joint combination mirror and comb from Lincoln Nat Life . .. .12^0 Union Pac . , .192% 192 Wihiam Miller, 27, of Thomas month but apparently never made [^National Fire .....1070 1090 United Drug .198 197% 198 meeting; ’ the F. T. Bllsh Hardware. Com­ street was fined ?100 and costs In ?Cdl. Purves: ‘(In-London) “It is use of the license. ^Phoenix ...... ,...840 860 United Fruit .138% 138 138% police court,Tuesday morning for pany, an Auto-Strop razor from the Travelers ...... "P.ITOO 1720 U S Rubber . ..52% 52% 52% a . great thing that two largo as­ Manchester Evening Herald, a Kiddies Theater Coupon driving while under the Influence of sembles separated by wide ex­ IptRossia ...... 178 182 U S Steel .. . .144 Vi 143% 144% liquor. He appealed the case and Is sample o f Bon Ami from the Ortord 95% 95% panses of ocean, , can join them­ HARMONY RECORDS TO^ THIS COUPON, WITH 5 ' CENTS, ENTITLES ANt » PubUc Utility Stocks Westing . . . , . 96% being held unuer |400 bonds. Soap Company, toilet water from '•^Conn L P 8% ...... 120 Willys Over . .18% 18% ]!; The new Scout organization of selves together as we are doing the J. B. Williams Company and a CHILD TO a d m i s s i o n TO THE “BARGAIN ' ^ConnLP.7% ------.1^^ the Flfst Evangelical Church was now and interchange their thoughts BE SOLD BU IEM FS stick of Wrlgley’s chewing gum,. MATINEE” AT THE Green Wat & Gas . .^. .101 invested Wednesday evening and ahd ideas by the simple and natural A complete list of those who do­ -'Hart E L ...... 420 HOSPITAL RECEIVED received Its charter from the state ntedUtm of direct speech to a com­ nated souvenirs and prizes is print­ ^ Hart Gas com ...... 95 board. The members were Invested bined audience. Harmony records, the product of ed below. CIRCLE THEATER !i Hart Gas' pfd .... . V, 72 by Otto Relsch of Southington and "It opens up the prospects of re­ the Columbia Phonograph Company, Dinner. S; S N E Te ICo ------.117 . Edward Leek of Meriden. Rev. sults which thrill the Imagination, are to be sold by Kemp’s Music The Legionnaires gathered In the '.r Conn El Ser pid .... 92 1372PATIEN'RIN'27 John F, Bauchmann will be the and which are bound to be bene- House. This is one of the most upper hall at .6:30 and as soon as Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 18 y- Rlannfactnring Stocks •leader of the troop. fldent, and to conduce, by. the way •popular records sold in this coun­ Head Walter Joe Novelll gave the American Hardware ..77 MAyilower Rebekah Lodge held of^^clearer mutual understanding, try. It is a thirty-five cent record, word the ex-service men filed to BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL j American Silver...... 25 to the good ot mankind." made exactly the same as the rec­ the tables in the lower hall. The I; Acme W ire ...... 8 Average Daily Cgnsus Was%f?®,1S- Seconded In London ords which, are retailed at seventy- menu consisted of antipasto made " It-Billings Spencer com. 1 ® ^ ijy i^jas Eleanor Neumann and five cents. This is to meet the com­ up of sardines, salami, anchovies 'Billings Spencer pfd. . 3 General Carty (In New York) Mrs. Vera Cobb, then offered his "good will" resolu­ petition of the thirty-five cent rec­ and other Italian relishes, olives *'‘*Blgelow Hart com . . . 94 48 and Cost Per Patient Mrs. William Davis of Elm ords which are sold everywhere. and celery, Italian spaghetti with • Bristol Brass ...... 11 tion. Sir Oliver Lodge, eminent street entertained a few friends at British scientist, (in London) sec­ The only dealers who can handle tomato sauce, half roast chicken, 1. Collins C o ...... 112 bridge on Tuesday evening. The Hirmony Records, are those deal­ mashed potatoes, sweet peas, coffee i Colt Fire Arm s...... 30% onded the resolution. Long Wa$|5.43 a Day. prize was awarded to Mrs. George "The actuaL achievement of to­ ers who Are authorized to sell Col- and cakes. During the dinner Eagle Lock ...... 80 un^Mat'vphonographs and Records. James McKay’s Serenaders enter­ jFafnir Bearings...... 110 Dickinson. day must be credited to the en­ Live Raymond Dickinson has returned Kent f t f Mualc House was made the tained. A silent prayer was offered • Hart & C ooley...... 215 Thirteen hundred and seventy- thusiastic cooperation owing to the 188 to New York after spending a few dealer for Columbia pro- for the memory of the late Andrew Romancel ! Inter Silver com . . . .180 two persons were admitted to Me­ days at his home on Talcott avs- scientific and engineering skill of ‘ Inter Silver pfd . .‘ .130 morial hospital during 1927, it was many workers in the background ducts.jiere in Manchester and vicin­ Crawford, who died during • the ity, some time last fall. past year and for other dead com- ' Landers, irary & Clrk 77 disclosed In the secretary’s annual Clements Kloter has returned whose names are not familiar to • Mann & Bow A .... 19 report read at the Board of Trus­ the public as well as to those who There has already been consider­ home from a few days spent in New Immediately following the dinner i- do B ...... 10 tees’ meeting yesterday afternoon able demand for these records in York City, are well known,” said Lodge. and after all door prizes had been ' New Brit Ma pfd A . .100 at the hospital. The average dally "The union and permanent Manchester, and Mr. Kemp has pre­ harry Flamm, proprietor of the pared an up-to-date stand for these awarded the Legionnaires went j do c o m ...... 26 census was 48 and the average cost Royal Stores, is in New York at friendliness of all branches of the i.Niles Be Pond ...... 37 famous records, having a display to the main hall where Command­ per capita was $5.43. There were tending a convention. English speaking race, no\/ let us er Jack Pentland introduced Col ;’ j R Mont p f d ...... — 179 births during the year and 641 The Young Peoples’ Fellowship hope are more firmly established rack holding three hundred and ’ North & J u d d ...... 30 fifty. 'J’his will enable the local Harry Bissell as toastmaster. Col operations were performed. of the St. John’s Episcopal church than ever, is an asset of incalcul­ Bissell complimented the banquet I Pratt, Whitney pfd The budget division in * percen­ will hold a food sale in the Rock­ able value to the whole of humani­ music store,, to give efficient service I^Peck, Stowe & Wil committee on Its good job in get­ tages is divided as follows: Ad­ ville Willimantic Lighting Co. of­ ty. Let no words of hostility be in this line. 'The public is Invited i* Russell Mfg CO . . to'hear this splendid Harmony ting out Such a big crowd of mem­ I Scoville Mig Co . . ministrations, 11: professional care fice on Friday at 2:30 p. m. ever spoken." bers. He said all of them should of patients, 36: housekeeping; 3; The Past Chiefs’ Club will hold The voices of speakers on an Record, and can do so by visiting It Smyth Mfg Co . . . Kemp’s Music House, where' demon­ attend post meetings as faithfully. laundry, 2; dietary department, a regular meeting Frldiy evening. American-England connection un­ Stanley Wks com . . Following the meeting, waffles will strations will be given. The Speakers. ■’ Standard Screw . . 22; engineering department, 13: dergo various changes and travel State Commander Earl Richards, new equipment, 13. One of the be served. Mrs. irank Elnseldel over both wires and ralio circuits. lo rrin g to n ...... 94 and Mrs. George Herzog will be In County Commander Frank Ander­ i: S Envelope pfd . . .117 largest items in tl.e budget this From New York, the first step is son and Commander Bent of Mid­ UnioUi^^tg ®o 21 year outside pf the equipment and seventy odd miles to Rocky Point, R. B. PRECEPTORY TO dletown post were present and alterations . of the kitchen, for Burpeo W. R. C. held a regular "Whit Coil Pipe ----- 19 meeting last evening in G, A. R. Long Island, where the radio trans­ were called upon by the which the trustees have already mitter is located. Here, intricate toastmaster. They told of the voted $10,000, is the unit sterilizer hall. Aldertaan A. E. Waite served a and powerful apparatus multiplies INSTAU OFnCERS work the Legion was doing here equipment for the three lavatories, Dutch supper to a few friends at the power of the voice a hundred and elsewhere and reminded the amounting to $2,205. N.Y. Stocks his shack on Tolland avenue. million times and converts it to Star of the East, Royal Black soldiers to read their monthly Gifts In Year The Ladies’ Auxiliary A. Q. H. radio waves which, one-sixtieth ot magazine to find put what posts Gifts valued at well over $1,000 Preceptory No. 13 will hold its. 37th held a public Valentine whist In a second later, are picked up by a annual installation of officers in -W-ere doing all over the country. T o n ^ l h t were given to the hospital aside radio receiver at Oupar^ Scotland. Foresters’ Hall on Tuesday even­ Orange hall tomorrow evening at Pat Dougherty, local barber, and ‘ I . High Low 1 p. m. from the public drive during the ing. There were seventeen tables After this 3,200 mile journey veteran of many a battle, most of Alied Chem ..152% 152% 152% past year. The Linen Auxiliary 7:30. The installing officers will playing and prizes were awarded to the waves need further amplifica­ be Preceptor Henry Tedford. Past them battles of oratory, was pres­ Alls Chal ...121 120 121 Branch of the hospital, for example the following ladies: Mrs. Jose­ 79'% tion to begin the link of 430 miles Preceptor David Neville will act as ent as an Invited guest and he fa­ Am Can .... 79 •% 79% gave $500 and a Liberty bond gift phine Devlin, Mrs. Esther Rear­ of telephone circuit to London. Am Cr & Fdy.107% 107% 107% installing marshal. A few guests vored with a few remarks. from the late Dr. Myron C. Maine don and Mrs. Irene Morin; gents, From London, the voice goes 85 The principal speaker at the din­ TONIGHT’S CIRCLE NIGHT Am Smelt . 17S% 178% 178% was in the same amount. Other Francis LaCrosse, John Hammond have been Invited in addition to 60% miles to Rugby where powerful those who have made application ner was Captain Joseph Lawton of i HOW IS THIS AT CIRCLE PRICES Am St Fdy . . 60% 60% gifts Included ten flower vases by and Michael r lynn. a radio wavds sent out from a trans­ to be received into membership in Company B, 169th Infantry, C. N. the Kings’ Daughters of the Cen­ The Friendly Class of Union mitting station travel 2,900 miles G.. of Mlddletowh. Captain Law- ter Congregational church, a quan­ Congregational church will give a the preceptory. ACTS SEMI-PROFESSIONAL to a special antenna at Houlton, Following the installation cere­ ton attended the American Leglo'a tity of old linen by Mrs. A. F. pancake supper on Tuesday even­ Me. The radio waves are here con­ convention In Paris last September I FOUND lU B A lM Howes, dictionaries by Miss Mary ing, February 21, to which the pub­ mony supper will be served in the VAUDEVILLE verted into electric currents which banquet hall, after which a prograni arid was one of a group of military Cheney, medical books by Mrs. A. lic is invited. flow over a 600 mile telephone cir­ men and Legion officers who made T. Dewey, magazines by Mrs. H. O. of songs, speeches and musical num­ WONDERFUL REMEDY cuit through the New England bers will be given. The committee a tour ot Europe following the Bowers, Miss Emily Cheney, Mrs. states to New York. convention. Captain Lawton de­ Austin Cheney, Dorothy and Mar­ MADAME NUNGESSER in charge of arrangements includes WITH 2 BIG FEATURES the first live officers of the precep­ scribed the Interesting things he jory Cheney and Mrs. Charles had seen vividly and was given a FOR RDEDMATISM tory. PAT Cheney. BACKS UNDY PLAN rousing cheer for his talk. Several acts of profOsslonal en­ O’MALLEY in Bowery Onderdla” STAMFORD TRULY WET 75 BOMBING PLANES tertainment brought the program *‘An atladc of rhcnmatiaBi rendered me nearly Stamford, Conn., Feb. 16.— (Contlnned from Page 1.) ART ACORD in helpleBi,” M ys Frank E . Cede, 4 Arthor Street, to a close. A list of the concerns Mayor Phillips today forwarded to AS MRTHDAY GIFTS (PLAN BOX SOCIAL giving souvenirs and prizes fol- Bereriy, Mate. *'My hands and feet were so Governor Trumbull a resolution “SPURS AND SADDLES” swollen and painful that life was unbearable. In he would rather fly than cross the l0V7S • passed by Stamford’s City Council Place de L’Opera or the Boulevards Watkins Brothers, Edward Hess, 2 FE.ATURES PRESENTED TODAY AND KMMORROW de^air .1 sousht every available advice, but on January 23rd calling on the AT GI|EEN MEETING there seemed no help for my particular case. One at noontliue.” Asked to compare (continued from page 1) Barrett & Robbins, Frances B^y, SAME CIRCLE PRICES governor and the attorney general the' value of human life with the John I. Olson, P. J. O’Leary, Bon day a friend sugeested Rabalm. It afforded me to start action at once in the Su­ EVE;: 25c, Children lOe. instant relief, and its continued use fradualiy advancement of aviation, Madame times called Alma Alta, he may Ami Company, Cheney Brothers, MAT: 15c., Children 10c. preme Court of the United States The Manchester Green Communl reduced t | ;e swelling and restoted me fully to Nungesser said: catah a glimpse of marching Tur­ ty club will hold its regular meet­ F. T. Bllsh Hardware Company, my customary health. B abaW 'ls dDwondeiful to upset the Eighteenth Amend­ "I am an old woman. I am not kestan frontier guards, but thht is Manchester Evening Herald, E. S. ment. ing at the school assembly hall to­ remedy.” qualified to answer that. All I know all. Kibble & Company, Hartford, J. B. Stamford’s counsel resolved se morrow evening at 8 o’clock. The is that Charles was my son and he Shfunm Battles Williams Company, Glastonbury, If you also suffer fromjhenmatisffl, you too, riously that the Eighteenth Amend­ business will be followed by a whist, did what he considered was his Two great sham battles will take after which there will be a box Wm. Wrlgley, Jr., Chicago, Q. E- like M r. Cole, can quickly obtain relief by using ment took away from the citizens Keith & (Company, E. E. Scranton, duty. placd during anniversary week. social. The ladles will provide box Rabalm. A white, stainless, pleasant-smelling of Connecticut "the republican One In Odessa will re-enact the’ Manchester Public Market, Metter s ointment, Rabalm will not stain clothes or bed fo^qpi^pt •spvernment provided by And I am sure Madame Lind­ lunches for two and these will be bergh feels the same way about her rout of Denikin’s army by the smoke Shop, Plnehurst Grocery. “ TH E HOUSE linen and disagreeable inedicine-cabinet the ionstitutlon,” and ordered the Bolsheviks. Fifty thousand soldiers, auctioned off. Pine Street Grocery, Edward J. odor. Get Rabalm today and start using it son’’. Mrs. Florence Hayden and Mrs. mayor to proceed at once to take civilian-volunteers and school chil­ Murphy, J. H. Quinn & Company, OP HITS* tonight. In two sites, 50-cents and $1.00 contain­ legal steps to restore this form of Edward Boyle constitute the com­ dren will participfite in the man­ Howard Murphy and the Blue RIALTO ing 3 times as much. RABALM is (or sale by all government. LINDY IS RIGHT mittee in charge and they promise euvers. Ribbon Bakery. druggists. Paris, F«b. 16.— Col. Charles A. In the Leningrad army corps dis­ unusually good prizes, three for the Lindbergh Is absolutely right In re­ trict the north fleet, marines'and ladies and three for the gentlemen. TONIGHT ONLY! fusing to give up experimental fly­ land batteries will repel a phantom Coffe will also be served. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ing— however, he should- stick to "British naval Invasion’’ from the Benefit Ever feeady Circle, King’s Daughters. that and forego any more trans- The beautiful Tyrian purple dye Baltic. FOR SALE—A SIX TUBE BroWnlng- Presenting a program of educational'and historical HOW MUCH MONEY Atlantlc attempts or stunt flights. Moscow will see a big military is made from the glands of Med • Draks receiving: aet, with tubes— | This was the opinion expressed parade in Red Square and spectac­ Iterranean sea-snalrt, of Which $50.00 W. C. Hilliard, Andover, Conn. photoplays. ^ to International News Service today ular air maneuvers. about 200,000 produce one ounce. Tel. Wllllmantlo 1812-14. by Louis Blerlot, the first man to "Jamestown” DO YOU NEED? fly across the English channel and “ Eve o f the now France’s leading airplane ThrlUs and romance amongst EVERY MAN NEEDS MORE MONEY Revolution’’ builder. l a s t t i m e s America In Its Infancy- these early Vltglnla settlers. SOMETIMES Col. Liddbergh’s knowledge and LA ST TIM ES story o f the great cmiflict. \Ve finance workins: men, nnlnrled men, amnll inerclinnfa and aninll experience, according to M. Blerlot, TONIGHT PATHB NEWS EVENTS 1 Rib-Tickling Comedy property hold^ra by Brantina: them are of incalculftble worth to the TONIGHT United States and therefore he AT 6:45 and 8:45 TOMORRO WAND SATURDAY should be careful. AT 6:45 and 8:45 AN IDEAL LOAN SERVICE "But," M. Blerlot added, "it BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL would seem stupid tor a man like DOUBLE FEATURE BILL Let Us Advance You $25 to $300 Lindbergh to taeet his death on the The coloB^ epic of the glorious West that has taken ground. A NATION! AT HIS FEET RED GRANGE ‘ the country by storm—bigger.and better than “Covered and enable you to meet many of life's neceaaltlea by paylns prompt­ "Col. Lindbergh, Is only 26. All ly yonr B'oeer, batcher, hospital bills. Insurance, rent, cosL doth- EMILJANNINGSin • W agon.” InB. HortBnB« Interest, piano, phonoBrsph \or Fnrnltnre instal- his faculties are alert. Why should menta, or by makInB your first dorm payment on your home. Yon he give up flying?" can estabUsh ypnr credit vrlth n«, the same as any b^nesa Mail Last Command** MARIE PREVOST 75 repaid In 4 equal monthly paymenta la ...... CONTRACTOR s little hoy— able In his way to attain the h e lj ^ ot rooUm. 100 repaid In 4 eqnal monthly payments la ...... S.jra a » w ir ir wait With U i. »l«O d 200 repaid In 4 equal monthly paymenta la ...... 17.80 eyea has earned for himeelf a niche In the heart of the'Whole^wWe%orld. If you liked our Marie in Interest eharsea are baaed on unpaid monthly balnneea. X<>n have and the prlvtljese to make full payment at any time or renew yonr loan “ Almost a Lady” 3^ u ’U sim ­ if necessary. 'We chargre only for the actnal time yon use onr BUILDER ' ADDED moaey.'^ourteay and Service Bnamateed. IRENE RICH in ‘THE SILVER SLAVE ply adore her in this! FEATURE SBil w h a t A MOTMBR WILL DO FOB RKR CHILD. Adapted from that famous First “ 'anii SscMul HortgagM IDEAL FINANCING ASSOCIATION, Inc. INTHB stage play. Prepare to 988Mhlii St., Boom‘408.' . Hmrtford, arranged on aU now work. SUNDAY Ramon and^ Norma - V f . . and* scream ! ' F. W. Hawkinson, Mgr. Phone 2-8652 ^‘STUDENT PRIN(]E” 68 HoHister street* MONDAY Novarro ^ Shearer Alaaciintera w- ri '■ ^ • " MANCmSTER (CQNN.) ^JVBJNING HBRiS^, 16, 1928. 'S - * •. ^ •! y • S O M S # TEMPERANCE TiUlILTIIFSTiUIlS’ LLG.H0HENTHAIT0 TONIGHT MODERN-OLD FASHION HERE 42 YEARS OU) ATTEND CONFER^CE 'V , HLUCHENETmL DANCING A t THE

Anniversary to Be Celebrated W ill Be Delegate to Big Gather* Tomorrow Night With Social ing in Wa^Ungtmi to Discuss RAINBOW Time at Lester Hohenthal’s. Crowd Overflows Seating Pr^idential Cwdidates. Saturday Night South Manchester dlTislon, Sons • Announcement has been made of ^ MODERN DANCING of Tempeiance, will celebrate Its Capadly to See Well Done a big national conference to be 42nd anniversary tomorrow evening held In Washington on February 28 Walter Lynch’s Alhambra in response to a call signed by 1,000 with a social get-together at the Amatenr ’ Orchestra* home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hohen- of some of America’s most distin­ thal» of 43 Ridgewood street. The guished citizens when resolutions publio celebration of the anniver­ will be drawn up asking for a sary was held last Sunday night at Cheney hall’s seating capacity clean-cut, decisive declaration on ‘ ^ . ■ . ’ . . - > . . . - St. Mary’s Episcopal church when was taxed to the limit last night the part of presidential candidates VALENTINE WHIST Rev. Charles Kendall Gilbert spoke for the presentation of "The Family in support of prohibition. The con­ Upstairs” , the uproariously funny ^ SATURDAY THE LAST DAY OP SALE on "Law Enforcement." ference will also urge decisive en­ Tomorrow Night Mrs. Anna R. Baedor of Hart­ 3-act play under auspices of the forcement planks in party plat­ Young People’s Society of the ford, most worthy patriarch of the forms. The sessions which are be­ CITY VIEW DANCE HALL We still have a few Quaker Ranges and Gas Stoves left which have been marked very low for guick dearahee. “A Sons of Temperance and head of the Lutheran Concordia church. It was ing sponsored by the Committee of Year to Pay” at these lower prices. . < national division, will be present necessary to add row after row of 1,000 will be open to anyone inter­ GOOD WILL CLUB tomorrow night as will be Mrs. extra chairs and many remained ested in the strict enforcement of 6 Prizes. Refreshments., Dancing Evelyn Earle of Shelton, grand standing throughout the perform­ the 18th amendment to the consti­ wortty* patriarch of Connecticut. ance. A1 Behrend’s orchestra of five tution. There are now about 26 members pieces gave a brief concert as the Thirty-two organizations will of the South Manchester division audience assembled, played between send delegates to the conference and some o f these are scattered the acts and also for the dancing and E. L. G. Hohenthal of this ABOUT TOWN throughout the country. which continued until midnight. town will be one of these delegates. South Manchester division, Sons Miss Leila M. Church of Rock­ Mr. Hohenthal will go to Washing­ ville has been coaching the young of Temperance, was instituted in ton on February 25 and will remain Mrs. Emma B. Hagenow of people of the cast for the past the old library building on Wells through the convention. Among Church street, sister of Miss Hattie several weeks, and the production street on February 11, 1886. About the speakers at the banquet will be Strickland of the Town Clerk’s last evening gave evidence of con­ 1,000 local people have held mem­ Dr. John A. Lapp, chairman of the office, is seriously ill in the Hart­ stant and careful rehearsing and bership In the organization. E. L. Catholic Social Service commis­ ford hospital with a complication of attention to ^he minutest details. G. Hohenthal has been a leading sion, Bishop William F. Anderson, heart and kidney trouble. She has It was a credit to both the cast and factor In the local division and is Dr. Jones, Bishop Freeman and Dr. been in a state of coma for several the director. The hall resounded at present most worthy scribe of the S. Parkes Cadman. days. national division. He will attend with continuous rippling laughter the national convention of Sons of throughout the entire performance. Mrs. William Aspinwall of Cedar Temperance In Boston in July. The entire action of the play GETS SPIRIT M ESSA^ takes place in the everyday living street left this morning for New Quaker Home Range room of an ordinary family, Mr. York, where she will spend the bal­ and Mrs. Joseph Heller and their FROM FRANCES SMITH ance of the week with her broth­ Black ...... $129.50 er’s family. Quaker C Range VARE SPENT $19,000 three children. Able assistance In Enamel ...... $195.00 arranging the settings was given A number of local Grangers went TO GATHER UP VOTES the young people by Manager Jack Springfield Spiritualist' Says to Scantic yesterday for the session , . "A Year- to Pay” $ 9 4 . 5 0 Sanson of the State theater. The Missing Heiress Told Her She of East Central Pomona Grange. play opens with the small daughter The largest size coal range In the Killed Herself. The East Windsor Grange who en­ "A Year to Pay** of the Hellers, Annabelle, practic­ tertained put on a fine roast pork Quaker line. A really remarkable Senate Committees Had No ing at the piano. Her mother, mix­ bargain at these prices. There are Springfield, Mass., Feb. 16.— A dinner. Quaker Royal Combination Range. In black only. Tha regular list Funds to Do the Work, He ing bowl in hand enters and the hundreds of these ranges now in use price is $120. Comes witb. double dialogue between them about the "spirit message” said that Miss in Manchester and we have yet to Explains. Frances St. John Smith, missing Friends in town have received The Large Size mantel shelf as shown. Full 20 piano lesson is typical of similar cafds from Miss Olive Chapman, receive a single complaint. Stock inch oven. A Vronderfnl heater a>o4 daily occurrences in thousands of Smith college freshman and New who is spending sbme time at Lare­ is not large and there will be no Washington, Feb. 16.— Senator York heiress, committed shlclde, a perfect baker. - PrCMnt atocK American homes. The mother be­ do, Texas. Miss Chapman spoke of more at these prices. Black ...... $175 only closing at $94.60. Elect William S. Vare, Republican according to Information given to transplanting larkspur and other of Pennsylvania, spent $19,807.38 gins to count and beat time with the mixing spoon. These comedy Northampton police today by Mrs. plants, and seems to be enjoying E nam el...... $235 to collect the ballots cast in sizty- Georgiana Hillman, a local Spiri­ her stay in the Southwest. "A Year to Pay” ■V i; . ^v pne counties of Pennsylvania in the elements of everyday home life give the play its appeal. tualist. Quaker Social Range 1926 Senatorial election he report­ Mrs. Hillman told the officers the A son, James Edward, was born This range has four covers for cooking over coal sec­ Second Hand Ranges ed today to the Senate committee Miss Belle Lange in the role of Mrs. Heller had a very heavy part, spirit of Miss Smith appeared to last night to Mr. and Mrs. James tion of cooking top and five cooking burders in gas sec­ J on privileges and elections. tion. There are two ovens for baking with gas and calling for continual action and the her during the night and told her Sheehan of 132 Cooper street. $ 1 2 9 . 5 0 "A Year to Pay" Vare told of advancing $15,000 that she had committed suicide. “A Year to Pay” one for baking 'with coal, all of them larger than the to meet these bills, giving $5,000 dlsplaY of emotion. Between her usual ovens found in combination ranges. Quaker We have several second baud anxiety over her elder daughter’s The Spiritualist also maintained The young people of the Good each to the United States marshals Ranges are perfect bakers and perfect cooker^ and re­ ranges that have been put In fln t lack of suitors and her affiictlon that the Smith college girl narrat­ Will club, the Parent-Teacher As­ In gray enamel only. Regular of each federal district in Pennsyl­ ed to her details of her death. sociation in the Fifth District will list price is $160. Here is your quire much less fuel than the ordinary range. .List class condition which we are closing with "gall stones,” which she called out at a very low price. Come In vania. He filed the bills with the Mrs. Hillman refused to divulge give a Valentine whist tomorrow opportunity to get a beautiful en­ price on the Quaker Royal Black Range is $220. On attention to at every opportunity, the Enamel $295. While our present stock alsts you and look them over, you may* find, committee, under an agreement en­ life for her wasn’t exactly a song. the particulars to the police evening at the City View Dance amel, range at the price of the tered into In Chicago last fall, when hall. There 'will be six prizes given black. Only one range left to sell can buy the Black range for $175, and the Enamel range just what you want for very Uttla Joe Heller, the father, was a role officials saying: money. the Reed slush fund and Senate "I won’t tell anyone but the tke winners, refreshments served at this price. for $235. "A Year to Pay.” portrayed by Oscar G. Anderson in and dancing and sociability for the elections committees were without the most realistic manner. In watch­ father of Miss Smith what was re­ funds to gather the ballots. vealed to me by the daughter’s remainder of the evenlhg. The ing the progress of the play one committee fin charge includes Bur- The ballots seized at this cost completely lost sight of the fact spirit.” have never been brought to Wash­ ten Hagenow, Miss Emma McCon- that the actors were amatuers,, Northampton police officials, noti­ -ville and Miss Rose Craig. ington, but are now held by the so natural and finished was fied St. John Smith, father of the district courts In Pennsylvania. G. E. KEITH FURNITURE CO., INC. the entire presentation. Joe’s girl, of the message "from his The committee has not yet re­ Members of the Get Together chief concern was the lazy life, led daughter,” and will follow it up If club of Cheney Brothers with their Comer Main and School Streets* South Manchester ceived a bill from William B. Wil­ by his boy, Willie Heller, who would he believes that It will lead to dis­ son Democrat for the cost of wives and friends will observe neither go to school nor try to find covery of thq body of the missing Ladies’ Night this evening la gathering ballots in four other a job. His ambition In^llfe was to heiress. bounties where he contested the re­ Cheney hall. A roast turkey dinner be a politician. Willle^'Heller, the will be served at 6:30 followed by sult. PLANS ATLANTIC HOP adolescent son was the role played entertainment and dancing. SOCIETY DANCER DDES NEW HAVEN BUB LINES by Harold Knofla and he looked and DEFENSE MAY WIN. ACCIDBNTS IN STATE ' DURING LAST MONTH MEN TRAPPED acted 4he part,<4uraishing not a lit­ Ralelgn, N. C., Feb.- 16— Captain Hartford, Conn., Feb., 16,— A', Ted Burke, veteran New^York avia­ Companies No. 3 and 4 of the Indianapolis, Feb. 16.— ^With a Boston, Feb. 16— Miss Berthe De AS BUILDING FALLS tle of the comedy.' Miss Louise South Manchester Fire department motor bus line Is projected for thA Heller, the elder sister, played by tor, who has been here for the past defense victory in sight at nOon to­ Hartford, Conn., Feb. 16.— Thir­ Bourtales Braggiotti, prominent so­ aristocratic,Prospect street region were called out a 7.40 last evening ciety dancer, died early today fol­ New York, Feb. 16— At least ten Miss Emily Stavnitsky, was also ex­ three months, is planning a trans- day in the bribery conspiracy trial ty-eight persons were killed and In New Haven, and> two companies to a fire in a six car garage at 164 of Governor Ed Jackson "in Marlon lowing an operation for appendici­ men were believed trapped today tremely natural in all her speeches Atlantic fiight from Paris to New 656 Injured In motor vehicle acci­ arc seeking the franchise. A routs Oak street owned by Rosario Criminal Court, when the court In­ dents In Connecticut In January, tis. when a five story building on and action. She rather surprised York this summer, it was learned Squatrtlto. Two trucks were dam­ Btaiting at Temple and Chapel her family by announcing an ex­ today. dicated .he might take the case according to the state motor vehi­ Miss Francesca Braggiotti, who streets and going through College Eighth avenue collapsed into the aged and the building was some­ cle department’s monthly report Is­ pected call from her friend, Charles Burke stated that he already had from the jury, the state reopened often danced with Berthe, and who and Prospect streets to the Baim^ Eighth avenue subway excavation what damaged. its case In its battle to prevent an sued here today, January 1927 saw between Fifty-second and Fifty- Grant, a part taken by John Zwick. the financial backing of Sheldon hurried from Hollywood, Calif., and den town line, is projected* ' instructed verdict of “ not guilty.” 18 persons killed and 472 Injured Miss Gloria Bragiglotti, another sis­ third streets. The young couple became engaged Clark, Jr., "hief engineer of the Sin­ The Public UtUltiee ConuBlsslbn 'Prosecutor William H. Rwny in 1,521 accidents. ter Marla, were at the bedside, as The men pinned beneath the unknown to Mrs. Heller, who in her clair Oil Company. tomorrow morning at lOtSU* -'wlU 'was put on the witness stand , to Ten children were killed In the was the father, Isadore Braggiotti. hear t ^ applicants for the fran­ wreckage were subway workmen zeal to promote an alliance between testify that he knew nothing of the auto accidents of the lust month employed by the Heyman-Goodman the young folks, "puts both feet in MERCHANT DIES She was born in Italy. chise. They are the Orange Street alleged conspiracy to bribe former and 123 were injured, Bus Lines, Inc., and the Conneotb- contracting firm, which used the it” as her husband said, by exag­ Governor WarrOn T. McCray lu Accident totals by cities In Janu­ building as a boiler room and ma­ gerating and misrepresenting their Stamford, Conn., Feb. 16.— Ab­ SUSPECTED OP TREASON cut Company, A difference In fares raham H./Brook, for many years a 1923 before the Indianapolis Times ary were as follows: IS Indicated by the applicants and chine shop. social, and financial status to the published a purported account o f Hartford 233, New Haven 201, Bucharest, Feb. 16— General Ra- this may play a^. part In tne a'ward young man. He tries to break the prominent clothing merchant here, FUNERAL OF ATiMAANDER Bridgeport 192, Waterbury 89, kovica was arrested today ks he re­ died in Miami, Fla., during the ^ TROTTER. the alleged incident in July 1927. of'the franchise. : WIDOW COMRIITS SUICIDE engagement and a weeping scene The state then formally asked Stamford 56, -New Britain 49. turned from Paris. He was charg­ occurs. In which father and daugh­ night, according to word received ed with carrying a manifesto from here today. Mr. Brock had been permission to reopen its case which Greenwich 43, Meriden 35, New* Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 16.— ter upbraid th^ mother for her in­ The funeral of Alexander Trotter London 34, Norwalk 30i Norwich former Crown Prince Carol of Don’t miss it— St. Mary’s 32nd' sent to Miami recently by his phy­ was held at his late home, 100 East had been closed at 9:11 a. m. Prior Annual Mask ball, Cheney Hall;' Mrs. Mytia Griffin, a r>ung widow, terference. After the crying spell sician to recuperate after an ill­ to this Judge McCabe had indicated 29, Middletown 20, Danbury 16, Rumania. Tuesday evening, February 21.;—•: was found dead in the kitchen of a very clever bit of acting occurs, Center street, this afternoon at Willimantlc 14, Manchester 12, The officer will be tried for high ness. He leaves his wife ahd a son, 2:30. It was largely attended by h0 would take the case from the Advt. her apartment at 375 East Main everybody talking in subdued tones Hariry. He was 57. jury. Naugatuck 11, Putnam 7, Winste im straightening out the tangle and friends of Miss Martha C. Codman, 'I ' ' . the reasons for Mrs. Griffin’s death. and New Jersey. The rest of the dye interests as leaders of the The Columbia was damaged a of 'Vf’ashlngton, D. C:, were as­ all ends happily. ' "Babel” paper was printed in movement, was predicted today by few days ago while Stultz, was at-‘ tounded to learn today that the For ordinary coughs any simpla^ent. health destioylug' cough is MBS. COOLIDGE ILL Miss Leila Church, who has as­ French. Trade Commissioner at Berlin. tempting to take off from Roose­ wealthy 60-year-old art. patron, sisted many of the local churches He told executives of the Amer­ sweet sugary cough syrub will prob­ pushlng towards ^the grave, get a velt Field. The field Is still so soft philanthropist and music lover has ably dp. [ and organizations in similar pro­ ican Chemical Industry, meeting ahd muddy that it will be impossi­ bottle., today and" notice how the. Washington, Feb. 16.— President HAS NARROW ESCAPE become the bride of Maxim Kafo- But when you want to throw-out Ifirst dose takes right .hold and Coolidge will receive alone tonight ductions, but who is remembered as here, that the^ German dye trust ble to get the plane off the ipround. lik, handsome 27-year-old tenor the producer and director of Man­ had negotiated three commercial of your system one of those obsti­ soothes the raw sore membrane^ [ at the annual Army and Navy re­ Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 16.— Stultz says two days of freezing who formerly sang with the' Petro- chester’s Centennial pageant, was agreements with American inter­ weather are needed to harden the nate, old timers, that simply won’t Often three or four doses brink ception at the White House. Captain Malcolm Campbell'of Lon­ grad Opera company. , be conquered, but lingers - on and blessed relief and halt a bottle For the first time since they en­ called before the curtain and re­ don, England, narrowly escaped ests and was preparing further co­ runway. ceived an ovation. ’The young peo­ operative compacts In an apparent John R. Lazenby, a New 'York on causing sleepless nights and days forces the most stubborn, die-hard tered the White House, Mrs. Coo­ serious injuries while driving his I lawyer, revealed today that the of torment then you’ve just got to cough into submission. lidge will be absent from his side ple -of the cast presented her with a Napier-Bluebird speed car on a effort to offset cut throat compe­ FORMING HOOVESR CLUB beautiful bouquet of flowers, and tition between the t'wo countries. couple were married ■ on Feb. 2, have a REAL cough medicine. "A bottle ofvmagic!’ one old-man at a reception. An attack of grippe trial run on the beach here today. on the Cote D’Azur. Then you must ask your druggist calls Bronchuline Emulsion. He 'wes has confined her to bed for nearly she made a graceful little speech The great car struck a bump in Gary, Ind., Fab. 16.— A Hoover- commending the young people for SLAIN WOMAN FOUND The bride’s fortune is reputed to fori a bottle of Bronchuline Emul­ all worn out and'ready, to give hp a week, and on the advice of her the sand while going 170 miles an fqr- President organization was In exceed $25,000,0d0. She sponsor­ sion for the harder and tougher and when a friend brought him the their untiring work. She said they process of formation here today physicians she will not attempt the were deserving of praise for the hour and took a long jump, which Detroit, Feb. 16.— The body of ed Karollk at entertainments Ih tighter they come the more Joy good news about Bronchuline. rather arduous task of shaking some observers estimated at 100 following a preliminary meeting of her Newport, R. 1., villa last sum­ Bronchuline gets m knocking them Don't let a cough hahf on— It's time and effort they put into re­ a well-dressed^ woman, apparently Northern Indiana RepubUoan lead- hands with several hundred officers hearsals, making the piky the suct feet. The pan of the car, which has slain and thrown out of an auto, mer after introducing the tenor In out.' ' , dangerous company— Get rid ot-^lt of the service. about a three-inch clearance was erh at East Chicago last nlght.^ concerts at her home In' Wasbing- Bronchuline isn't a cheap cough- quick. Ask. Magnell Drug Co*» Son^ cess that It proved to be. Miss was found today by Deputy Sheriff The purpose of the meeting was Tonight’s reception marks the Belle Lange received several bou­ damaged, but Campbell was not George Springer near Phoenix Park tbn. Each went ab'foad last'fall. conqueror, mind you, for first raters Manchester, or any up to the times hurt. to-’ draw up plans for crystallizing are nevier; che^. But if you are one druggist for a bottle of Bronchulbia close of the official winter social quets from friends. In recognition at the Five-Mile road near Ply- sentiment behind the secretary] 6f program at the White House. of her good work. The car was returned to the laouth. There was nothing on her of the unlucky ones that a perslst- Emulsion.'—Advt. commerce lor the' Republican nom­ RECEIPTS FALL OFF. The profits from the play will be garage where the damage to the person which would aid in Identifi- ination for president. T WANT TO DO WHAT__ ” devoted to the purchase of new pan will be repaired at once. catiem. It was agreed that, under pres-^ 'Washington, 16.— With colored glass windows for the Lu­ The 'Victim had been shot In the efit conditions. Hoover should no.t Brooklyn, N. Y.— Ferd and Joe theran Concordia church. FLOOD CONTROL BILL head and In the abdomen. Either he entered In, the stkte; p'rimhry federal income tax collections in Pharmacist Offers Prescription for Fanara are Inseparable brothers. wound would have caused death, against Senator Jihi Watson, but March estimated'at "ten per cent, Their actions are always unanim­ Washington, Feb. 16.— One mail an examination revealed, that, pledge votes be-Unedv up for. less than last year, a'deficit is ous. Even the sea of matrimony responsibility and federal assump­ threatened in 1929 It the $290,- STEALS JAIL LOCK. Hoover to be useu when and if Joint Agony and Rheumatic found them In strict accord, and tion of the entire cost have been tobacconist K IliliE D Watson’s favorite spn delegation J: 000,000 Houm t ^ reduction bill when the venture landed on the decided upon as the two cardinal released from his support.' Is approved by the Senate, Treae- rocks It did so for both. At the Buffalo.— Police headquarters of principles of a Mississippi river Reldsvllle, N. C., Feb. 16.— Zera ury Department officials announced this city Is liked so well that same time they became engaged In flood control bill which the House W. G'wynn, 46, for many years,a MISS AtOWELL INNOCENT ' ; today. . . ,1 At Trifling Cost tortured Joints are usnally Caused Paris; brought the girls to America prisoners often take away souven­ flood control committee will rec­ prominent tobacconist of Dan'vllle, 'fhe treasury had anticipated by rhenmatlc trouble and Joint-Base irs of their temporary residence. and got married; received the ommend to Congress, It was dis­ Va., '?ra8 killed and Temesumi Ko- .'Hackensahk, N, J.‘,. Feh. 16,—■ larger collections this March than 12 Days’ Trial Free being a penetrating* pain sUbdulng news that the girls had tricked The latest souvenir to finds Its way closed today. kobu, councilor of the Bureau of In 1927. T emollient when' rubbed thorougll^ out of the prison walls Is the lock Miss Sarah Mowelh 20-ye£r-old them to avoid the immigration After deliberations and hearings Monopolies of the Japanese govern­ Ridgewood, N. J:, bank b^ieirk. ah- It 'was a studious pharmacist who Into the skin helps to bring reliefr:] laws; were deserted and obtained from the cell door of one of the since' November 7, the committee ment, was seriously Injured today Remember, yplnt-Base is $or aU? prisoners. He removed the lock cipjed of haying written "poison eaW prescriptlbn after prescription annulments from Supreme Court has definitely rejected President as a result of an automobile pen” letters : to Mra. Enlma Vbh fair to help hundreds of his custom­ ments of the joints, whether la Justice Dunne. before he was taken to court, ar­ Coolldge’s proposal to aAsess 20 wreck. , I, kle, arch, ; knee, ^ip* elbow, shou^ raigned and liberated. Mhschzlsker, s<>itiety]’siaiTon, today! UGHtfRUCiaNClAIID ers .to get rid of rheumatic swell­ per cent of the* cost upon states and The auto In which G'wynn and was found innoceht ((t the eharges| ings'and twingy Inflamed joints. der or: Anger wid when yeat r u b ^ local levee districts. KokObu were riding collided with aghinst her by a jury-.which; dellbr on, you may expect grstifying BATS GUARD BOOZE another machlne~driven hy a negro. And it was this same man who erated 2 hours and 12. ntinutes.'i;; E X P R ^ SERVICE asserted thkt a remedy should he suits. ■ . .. '. POULSON GUELTY ■y Newark. — Prohibition agents SPANKING IS FINE. compounded that would bring com­ It is now on sale at FOX CASE APPEALED Dally Tripf, Between Manches­ nrho attempted to dismantle an al­ Newark, N. J., Feb. 16.— Mama REED'S rc4AfPA2^ fort to swollen. Inflamed, pMnrtor- everywhere in America ler leged booze plant. In a basement on Detroit.— ^An old-fsshloned pad­ ter fwd Hartford mented joints. a tube. ^ S. Poulson, state superintendent of Los Angeles, Feb. 16.— The leg­ Washington, ’^Feb.i Ifi.-r-Ssaat'bt Walnut street here, were forced to dling was the fine impoeed on John the 'Anti-Saloon League of New al fight :o save Wllllain-Edward Nouf this prescription, rightly Better give your ryacuate before a mass attack of Magy, 16, when he pleaded guilty Jersey, was today found guilty by Hickman from the gallows was car­ Ja^es A. Reed of Mii^jsouii, yrl)d| Packag'es Called For.and named Joint-Base After being tested nibbing, with jotot- esumablr drunken rats. Relh- of violating the immigration law a Jury of issuing false statements ried one step further today rwHen Inaugurate an actlvd can^aigh fot Delivered on many caf^ is offered through hurh anA dehe reement, consisting of men, dogs before Judge Simmons of the fed­ to newspapers and was fined $600. his attorneys appealed to the Cali­ thp presIdency];^toih'or»ow by statt- progressive . pharmacists to the mil­ tho time—^youTl Kihd weapons of all sorts, finally eral court. Magy was caught In fornia Supreme . Court from the Ihg on a speakihg tour through the. lions‘of people w)xo suffer from ail­ ly Bvitpria.e'd. mbdued the rodent. booze guard, the act of smuggling a man and a Queea Victoria, who ruled from conviction which resulted In his sqdthwest. Probably U; dpsen speech^ iivmmb ing; join ts that heed helptal gCten- ' i^'dend d captured two men and th«jr woman, from Windsor, Canada, to ea'wlll be made by the.Missourian tlon. ■ 1887 to 1901 had the longest reign sentence to be hanged om April 27 8o*.jl|Qii^ester. euor making equipment. Michlgaa. JJ. S. A« _ ,oI all English monarcha. iaetst* . bedpre he rethiM'^ tp WiMhtogt(m.^^A

. r ■ I “V >v-,' w yjssm, f^ A C E W tm ' ' If t :o~ order for one within reach of their l i i m ^ i t H F hands. Better forego the possible AB advantage thereof in the discussion l A C Ctt^ninB BwalJ* with the nelgbbof. POBIjISHBD bt Two coursesXwould seem to be THB HIBBA1.D PRINTING CO. open to the Navy > Department. 'BvTrvri. Founded by Bl^ood S. Bl». Oot. 1. 1881 Either to make a new request for BvenlnB Bxcept Sunday* and really necessary ships for Navy bal­ (67) Dairying in Cmmccticiit. ancing and perhaps get them, or **§Bter*d at the Post Offlcf at Man- Dairying In Connecticut has becomt g gptciallif^ buiiness of. ■:/ fliester a* Second Class Matur. to keep talking about an Armada great Importance. At least three-fourthf of thg fgrmtrs.of the * IBUBSCSIWION RATES: By Mall state rely on dairy products for a part or all of thoif annual ala dollars a year, sixty cents * and get nary ship at all. mpntb (or shorter periodii. revenue. Tha Increased use of milk and cream, tho nearness By cixrrler, etsbtMIt MBtX * to large cities and the dense population of this area are responsi­ plpsle ooptea thres MBtR. O FFld^ BUILDING ble forlthe Importance of the dairying Industry. BtECIAE^ADVBRTIiMfa KBPB8' One wonderf Fkat yandeflck the Connecticut stood seventh In a recent year among all gtates In ■BNTAriVB, Hamllson-D* Usser. state of Connecticut Is to* use In the average number of gallons of mllh P9T cow for thg twelve Inc.. 285 Madison Avenue, New Torlc months. The average waa 598.gallons, which is well over the M(1 612 North Mlclilsan Avenue. planning a building on Ckicsso. 440 gallon average for the United States. Massachusette and The Manchester Bvenins Herald Is the basis of the Mquiremonts of fif­ Rhode Island each had a higher average than Connecticut. •a sale in New York City at Schultz's teen years hence, we tP contem­ There are between 100,000 and 115,000 cows being milked News Ptand, Sixth Avenue and 42ii(L Street and 42nd. Street entrance ot plate an Increase In official activi­ annually on Connecticut farms. About 10,500 cows are brought g rand Central Str.tlop and at all ties, In the number of offices* the into the state yearly to make replacements In dairy herds. Con­ patfirs Nsws Btaads. number of employes, the amount of necticut has over 8,000 pure-bred cows. - .i; New figured velvet • • » Litchfield county leads all other Opime^cut- counties in Stair Carpets, yard Client of international News Ser- money to be raised and spent on amount and value of dairy products. , /- .t . M.15 VlC6 statq*governmeDA,‘ In]^ ©(^respond <'Jatsrnatlohal Neyra .SttVtCf tb rLatest available statistijjs ou eyolusive rlghti tn^Mlifhr WphWles"pa­ ing ratio to^tiib i n c i s e ijtft jaet ‘jtle a -th e state at 147,000, havlhg ■‘A n ^ tteisth ^ a lu e of |12,- lM>n in any form all Pawd diapatfhsnes fifteen years? If so we shall require 173,000. The milk produced by 109,134 cows totaled ®P'®31,- epedUed to or net ethernrla# iredittd — ^ * 206 gallons. Buffer made 6n farms amounted fP fn this paper. It |s also egeiMiHiieai^^ a rather majestic pile. agtiued to use (pr Pipoblia.. . , pounds; butterfat sold, 376,816 pounds; cream sold, 186,744 the local_orlocal or undated Jifjfa hewa auM»h#d But is there warrant for-believ ggUpns; ifhqle milk sold; 48;627,02k gallons; value of dairy Mrein." Pull Servlf# Olfbat hi W w ^ Ing that the statq>,,bd«ipese''krill Per vice, ‘ increase In bulk as much in the negt '^'^Cartle to^toe^state^in 1900 were valued at 15,044,265. Dairy produce that year was valued at O'?<090,^8. _ fifteen years as it has in tke last Tomorrow'^Pollshes; Qlase Ontftoffj Garters. THURSDAy. FBB. 16, X»i58 fifteen? Or in the next fifty as it has In the last fifteen? A DIFFERENT WAY One of the very serious troubles We find fiohaidaratile to think In this country Is an assumption^ With the smith boy hanging around. 4 1 about in that Father and Son bao^ that the country and its business 'Several times, all on our own fluet at the South Methodist eburch must necessarily continue to grow hook, we have expressed the con­ and cover combinations, the designs and flnish- pu Tuesday evening. That there was as it has grown in the last quarter S is usually the case, the Grand Rapids UP*.. viction that it, was by no means es, are better than eveg, duo to the fact that eomething very dietinctiva about it of a century. It Is just the same as­ pertain that Smith would either be Uolst?red Samples which wc obtain cv;#v7 tlwy were to he shewn at the famous IpQth wars anyone who attended must have sumption as the one that a boy who A or try to be the Democratic candi­ shf pipntbs are going fast. This seagpu k^, Ti&^y’^they are twice reduced because been aware; the identiflcation of grows from five feet two at the ago date. This has been, apparently, our BY RODNEY DUTORER the samples are being selected even-faster than ^ pnrehag^ them at a substantial saving at that eomething was another mat- of fifteen to the manly figure of six ter. .nwh excluslyp, hunch and we have Washington, Feb. 16.— On the usual, due tc'tbe fact Oiartha pie«s ^ of r Grand Rapids, and because special Februwy feat, at t^enty, has an equally good; Veen inclined to nurse it, so as to prices are in effect throughout the store. Best We have about come to the con- ^;hance of growing to six feet ten theory that everyone reaUjr wapts be able to chortle mildly when to write to bis or her congressman make your sel^ ien Just as soon as possible— elusion that the very cqdspicuous'' inches In the next five years. As 100th Grand Bapids Market; a hitorym jw W and if— Governor A1 sistounds bis or eongrepswoman, hut that, many tomorrow if possible* point of difference between this af­ matter of fact there Is very little evrat Itself. Secondly-the worfanarwhip party by declining to lay. off the don't know jupt what to' write fair and so very many other social likelihood that ba will do any such about, here are a few pupgepttonsn-r Presidency game for four years, funetiena harried out uader ehureh thing, he will improve his blils bafora Songrtop: some time before the Houston con­ ausplses waa that the Fat|i^r and Blx-fOot stSure appreciably In all In the |to>nsc 8 Piece Suite consisting of a sofa, club chair and vention. But if'McAdoo comes loping Hudspeth, Texas: To construct a 2 Piece Suite comprising a sofa «id Son bauquet bad the benefit of a the rest of his years. , wing chair has carved wood bases and Queen Aims Into the arena pn his ancient nag 880.000 fpnea along a section of the of a new graceful design with thin arms and Mmfort'- .i bisk decree pf enterprise and twn' SO far as America gqes, she is feet, A taupe ftise is used all ever the pieces wipi Dry BPnes, we are going to renege Texas-Mexican border. SlB taJk. A taupe Iris, ia as,d *11 wpr the pteoa prgy on the part of its promotiBre, emerging from adolescence. She Is Englebright, California: To name a cOlerful figured frise on the reversible seat cush­ on our forecast-^at least that part with a figured frise for the leat cushiPPa anC two while the ordinary “ churchy” social becoming grown up- Her beat years a prominent mountain or peak after ions to^ve a touch of eoler. 'fl A of it about smith’s not trying to get Svnnport pi^ows. The legs are turned and fluted affair lacks the exhibition of either are ahead of her and she may be ex­ the tote' GongrePiman John s . Regifisf $444.0® , •...... ^ the nomination. Raker. with a wood bage showing in front, p£ these qualities to any marked ex-- pected. tP “ Ail out,” but it would bo The surest way on earth to make Ziblman, Maryland: To regulat^ Heguiar $498.00 ...... tent. foolish to buy her clothes several ^9W'i9 the Bmitbites, including Spiitb, fight the practice pf naturopathy in the When a fire company or a Cham­ sizes too long for her in expectation 8 Piece Suite covered all over in a taupe mohair tooth and nail and with all the 1924 District of Ppiumbia- ber of Commerce or a Kiwanis or that she will “ grow to them-” WuFsbach, Texas: To make the 8 Piece Suite consisting of davenporti Club has its reversible seat cushions in figured and colored weapons, is for 'William G. to show The feet are Rotary blub plans a blowout a group It Is to be expected that the pro­ tariff on onions three nehtp a pound, and wing chair ia covered all over in taupt mchair, frise* Queen Anne wRh a carved base the tip of bis nose amppg the Hous­ MacGregor, New Turk! To per" of members take off their epats and posed Cpanecticuti office building hiped in mohair with reyerge gida of seato in a mc^ to enhance its beauty. A dayen^rt, club chair and ton entries. But we need a lot mpre mit the Indians of the Sly Nations po to work- They pnt vim and'en­ will he fine and stately and ample. flimtte frige, making a beautiftl cojpr scheme. The wing chair are the pieces comprising than one mero unsuppprted rumor born in Canada to pass and repass thusiasm and time iotp it» 1* things But the people of this state would the borders of the United States. feet w e in the form of flattened balls, a ^ fho outfit. Regular $448»00 ,,, tp convince us that Mac has any idea don't go right somebody gets madf dislike to pay for a structure plan­ Huddleston, Alabama: To direct Regular $846.00 ...... ijidir # jF of putting up the entrance fee. It apd q ^ e a - A lot pf. steam is blown ned bn such a scale that the state’s the Department cf Commerce to r takes more than four years for a publish the. names of families re­ pff, but a lot more goes through the business will rattle round in It ‘ 8 Piece Suite In the Queen Anne style with mohmr thin roan like him to gpt over such turned' at the ppcohd, third and ' cyiindb^rii and tke load is mpved. when and If some ^ay we get rid of 3 Piece Suite covered with a apftljr colored, hew y in a taupe shade used all around the pieces, Red bioo4.And finger are essential a mauling as be took in New York, fourth censuses, duaUty ratine tapestry, piped in some of -Its-superfiultlea-T-of which Oldfield, Arkansas: To spend frise on^U reverse side of seat cushions, Ingridlents-^and a willingness to there are plenty. 81.090.000 a year for three years verse, side of seat cushions^ the samu w ils and ^ssella are used m tijmnnngs, A spfa, bump yourself and get tired on the for flood control on the. White davenport, a hightorm club chair and a tufted-back dluh chair mid ti^ted^back wmg e W r ^Qb. ELEPHANTS river. . ‘ - Dving chair with turned w d fluted ------make up the suite, Regular $4.-7.60 It is very seldom, for some rea­ Oldfield, ArkanBaB:. To spent 81, legs make the suite. Regular $386.00 George'Eastman, famous Roches­ .000,000 a yaar tor three years for son P? other, that a chureh seclal ter camera" manufacturer. Is report­ flood control oa the Black river. function gets this kind of a push: ed as having shot an elephant with Ill the Senate over.. There Is too much formalism tusks that weigb|d sixty-four Sheppard, Tmias::j .To. -P,rpm,ote u-l. - U and too much letting down and .tpQ po.uftijs and a w^ite rhlnocer,; Aecan Oultura to soutNwesterh Unit 'ad.jiitatosi' . ■ " \X-' ^^^/(ATKINS BROTHBRS, Inc. much ell eround futility, fiong' with os ^n Uganda,' AWca. ’ ' the defarenee and the polltenass, 1 AehUtol, AirlPOPf; To pave In-. Mr. Eastman Is more than seven­ ternatlOual street at Nogales* biiUd- EXCtoSIVB BBPBBSBm'ATiVBS FOB CBAWPOB» ANB CHAMBERS EANGB9 And too much skinning out of things New York. Fe'). 16— Boredom, ty years old and we have the great­ being what it Is, Manhattan makes tog. sewers and tn8tailtog"an orna­ and leaving them somebody else. est respect for the courage p| a mau feverish efforts to protect Its blase mental lighting system’’ for 860,- Opo. Obviously the Men's friendly 8p- pf hIs age who, after a sedentary jchildren from Its clutp^s. , Ransdell, Leusiana: To change eiety pf the South Methodist church Ife. has the nerve and the stamina Boredom In New York is no dif­ has acquired* or has developed from ferent from boredom In Kansas the name of saint Vlneaut'a Orphan to go big game hunting in the Ugan­ Asylum (in WaBhington) to Saint latent internal powers, a very pro. City, Duluth or Gopher Prairie. It da elephant country; and for the merely strikes harder In New Yon< Vincent's Horae and School. pounced degree pf sturdy eflicteocy. self-control that ihade'It possible For once the'Manhattanite Is fed Edge, New Jersey: To provide q It took vision and stamina and a lot for him to bag hpth a tUSker and a up,” it takes unusual measures to 8200 fine and up to a year in the of hard work to put that banquet get him out of It. hoosegew for anyone stealing aU rhino. But we wonder, nevertheless, automobile in the Canal’ Zone, over. Hence the frantic attempts on aU why a man who has developed the Capper, Kansas: To name the 7 q W 7 n And we take it that a ehurch so. sides to create aoniathlng “ new’’---, England Makes Big Effort camera into an,. Instrument which as though were POj>sibl4H--tha^. first Thursday of each October as olety that can make a whale of a eeme other huaters And muoh more the iaded may be roused from them national Agrioultural Day, World Lead In Commercial Flying success of a show Uke that is In a sportluf thfn-th^ vrijie Bhodldl pre. inertia and the. faltering ones may Passed By the Hoqse fair way to achieve success in other fqr-tp. kill an e je p W t to qatcblng be saved. To regulate the' appointmept and and more permanent-kind perhaps duties of the superintendent of the a snapshot ol.him. It Mr. Eastman’s Antletam battle field. Londoa.— Researeh work for thafrylns 109 passeagqra ahlj^^ more important" matteyar The ramifications of these efforts development■ ■ of commercial . . avlati . Ijy without______refuelling in gOod elephant had been a phenomenal To provide for markers fo? the weather a distance of some 4,000 Ivory hearer, a museum Piece, so at “being different” reach through battle 'fields of Eastport and luka, has advanced to'a greater extent to many currents pf the city’s life. Great Britain during tb« past year miles. NO AR] to speak, we mighh understand a Miss. But before England proceeded to Thus a chain of bootblack stands To amend the Hawaiian organic than in any otter country of the —!or die ygasB to o«ne,wJdi» eyetp Quite evidently tlt|^|BV|Aot the desire to capture the creature fpr ^ r ld . But in apl-e of tuis and;al- spend huge sums of money to com­ dress their shiners In gaily color­ act so that women may be jurors plete these giant aitohips, the dan- SfifOy, M economy and low u p k ^ For the slightest chance thattow Wilbur the sake of exhibiting its tusks. But tMugh the British -Air Ministry liaa ed sroocks. Other stands have ’ £ they so deplre* Ars wer® looked into, and accord* wills ol yow hogM Wt leogwmend- Armada will ever. ^ - built. Repre­ group oaUod “ the singing boot­ undoubtedly a wider knowleaga ot after all a 64 pound tusk isn’t Paaeed By' the Beuato European air routes and aerial na­ ing to'Sir Samuel A'’are: ^ sentative Tilson ^jF^is state. Re­ so much; there is already one in a blacks," who burst unexpectedly To autobripa and empower tb "'We believe, w have discovered into close harmony while slapping vigation than any other country to S H B E T R O C K publican Hiq^nae 'leader, tempering museupi that weighs pounds, secretary qf the Interior “ to gran Europe, England has not attain9>i many of the weaknesses and sbr- 226 bn the -pollshr Over in the Wash- rasunted many of the dlfficulries his words to tko conventional pro­ ^md^the elephant that Mr- Bast.' permtopipn tp Fanpie-M, HoUtoga-. superiority to commercial aviation !u«ton Market appeared one mern- worth to divert, througim one^toch that oecasiolied the (iilures to the prieties ap'd speaking mildly but man kfi^e'i'' wBs probably, his senior ing the ,“ 8lngln« oyster sheliers, an'd probably Wlil not for the next pipe, for use for domeatto, purposea two dr three years. „ past. lucidly, hie let It be known that by n good many years, perhaps half who attracted much attention by and fire protection on the propertF By that tltoa, however, England "'The structure ef both th® air­ afttker he ,ppr Speaker Longworth a century. He was a citizen of the rowing tuneful as they egtraatad ships that are now nearly eejaipi^e heretoaftor dasertoed, water to a Diana to present to the word a eom- are Ineoraparably sponger in toe nor Chairman Madden ot the appro­ Uganda jungles. He was going about e pyators fQ.r waiting customeri, ppFtog from a westorly dtoaetion mereial air ‘'fleet*' almost equal to that di her mershantlw marlno. matter of material than the struc­ priations tp ^ 5}it^ee can be reckon- ,4rfs/lHia|Bfas in,life peaceably, doing from the said property approai’ ture of any airship that-has bton Just now the young "blaso boys mateiy four hundred and gfty It will ednsist of the most ertex- ed on as an AidOf ,an4 abettor of tbA offeiHiarm. ’ Ha- was a creature of .la« slve ohfto ot regular air eervleea built to the post As to toe weather, are jtow> gotog in for wlna aallers, yarda, tba sato spring hPtog tod we believe wei have mnd® the most Wllion dollar prpiect at the warf '^ ig ep cp .^ erta ln ly very l|ttlattesa fmUatlpps of toe erudo ' »Wtont pply one within suah dtotassf of ever eqitoi a h i Wfit mrtend to every admirals and the Navy aeoretary. A part of the ariUeh Empire, estoniivo study ot wenthto ethdl* IntalUgtfloe than some hnmen ha I'Vat rooms” of Eiwope are hoito- the houpe on the aaid property, Sras itoat hgs ever h ^ attomn^i “ reasonable" Increase In the num­ which ip.deenrfhed as follows; Let lf5^L^ppllto|hw^ / - togs, though not, of ooursa, to Mr, nlng to appear in a This to not m «e iy ''A UtopiMt nThen afalh w® beUeva ^ f » V e ber of cruisers Is likely toytbp favor­ Eastman's class. But Mr. Eastman of the city. They are all to»ntoJ 4 of section 16 In township 88 met the danger of oonfiagfa^g; basepaents an4 solootod for their north of range 18 west of the Mon­ dream ot British aeronautical en­ ed by the House, according to Mr would hardly tbifik..of shooting ;tQ thusiasts, but a reality toward The airships which are now being ,»rlQiiB degrees A# of « roughness » V\ OBfl tana principal meridian, to Flathead bniit wiil be eqnl-.’fid. hPt with pe­ Tilson, with the appropriations death ap Inferior hdpan hatog, county, state of Montana, contain­ which England fans been constanilv mado from time to time as neceot dust is on the floor, and all about working for more than two years trol, h»t' -:^th heavy ell engines. if there were no law against it, un­ are kegs of wiiiB. The lights are ing .approximately eleven aeres, gpry, Which is another and polite BritlshMrmen and women have less la solf-protection or toV the diiR.aR.d the tabiae sfo tong. acqerdihg te the government aor- made numerous flights throughout “ Slowly hUt surely gpr program way to saying toat pongress u not public yhp visitors Bit in to® vey thereof, eubJeat to such ceugl- the eontinents of Europe, Australia, to doveioptog and we pifop^a Jd going to deflniteiy aommit the coun ght’.^ 'lo n g board bopcbep- tiops as the seoretary of the to:; and Africa, gathering .data on the carry put anennato home ’lai* this etophaqt is a personality, year. When ihese trlftll ar® POm- try to anything more^tban a perfect-' A fftf ;TOptopP??tog P^^^^bters a?e terior may preseriha and sub jest uncharted regions of these upper at- to viery. big an^ eats a '|ot, but thorp (h»pN:'h,to^r'atmosphere. further tb-.4hn 'right'ptAaid seere- radsphLeres, tfie details o* which aro pleted we shall then make demon- ijr normal navy poitoy. - Is wrgfoat ^4jpoin- to -oaotrai icat-eofittooutai bar-man draws the tary to terininaite any Permit grant­ resfetoi^'ln 4ke .Igins: stratlonr. — fli|^ -^to to the capital^ qf While Wilburns imperialistic navy Ehropb/i^'ana.,and then "iBqugnrgto nnr| WHY NOT OWN Africa^ and a.groat-deal of his hind v T i S p g d ^ d W ed hefeundaf when to his judgment 'Alv^htotoyf; ■ > t<.v: ' ' air routes, by whish’ we flan to eeheme received noasinai su»- pf food. He la not an ecppomie lia­ Limousines drive np to these the particular water itoeii be need-; AA onlolAl of the Air^ Ministry, iB desertblng the difficulties Enf • jtojf up the deminiens ef |he Britieh port of President QeoHdge, there bility. For the hunter who has the rough- uelghhorSUQla, aad outstep ed by the gevem m eni' In the’ ad» youitoYWOmeu to .evening dress ana ministration and protection ot land .has experienced In attemptto^^ Empire." ' are probably pof nig penBla In too ixerve to go after him armed with Id open edmniefclal hto routes, saldi The mato terminus of to§ge air-' country who .hnw tho' lalntest n ^ yitong #|U^edOB, They prawl Qiaeie? Nationui Park,”' . ilftp routes will be London. From A A, .caniftr A h.U M dowwsAw . tloD, was that ot an entirely pacific or “ Isn't it Just too thrlUtog! The Wilson d.t MlsMsslppi had om f uch ? TtOy repeiitedly refused to permit trip whieh it Is proposed to do with­ But perhaps it was an accident. bartender winks an eve at hto oro- now comes Tillman ot Arkansas in u days.. The next mi dmest tmr person who figures that he is better Britain to operate an air rodte. . TBADBS COMitoBSSP ON AU. >IAXB» nles and rings up another few w i t f another, Roth hills are too Mope for g^ntJon equipped for an argument with a dollars. drastic to gHOBtt.Ba.: t - j x . . * ; MSAIEIOO •' This route had been thoroughly reealdtrant neighber If thare, iS; a a while yet, i aurvf^ed from the Mr. Sjd plans propoi > Dry*pomoewtf are-said’to be urg­ BBRINO D^IVBRT A^CBBD „ dottbia barreled sbotfun stonding These placdsare being Pat" had bomi comptoted lor toe impor other route to Austrgllar 'ria ing Wiiltom j?/M?AdpP to tahe over lerned after similar resorts to rial Airways to-toaugiirate a. regu­ and Karachi, IndV aielBst tow - dp^Iaffib alpngsfdo % d “‘fdrelgn''quarterS of Manhattan rkont.M!' C»# ii: w t »w u «e OernSnstirttas. toe joh of bppohent of Oovernor A? lar service - between London ' and him. His Idea o f a gvaat hitte-prlnt where the wine eeUars are gath­ AustoaUa this year, wit it has hean navy to that It would provide good BmUh for the Democratic Presiden ering places on winter evenings. -postponed owing fb':-fbrelgff oPposi- 1 enimwltton lor further discus- tiai nomtoattoP^f htoh to nq parti­ They gather' ground the hot drum ^on. cular news, if true, for some dry stoves, even as the country hoys Thus, aftor-hivlng spent onor- 4i(os of the preblem of naval dis­ I 4 I S T O R . Y mouB sums o f mpney and,risked toe Democratf or other hae always bean gathered around the town store armament. Which might ha, very stove to "ye olden days.” ..They lives of her'foremost yalrmen o'a tme. / - urging MeAdoo to go to and lick toe , ''Fei^F«iiry Iff- .Bur-*e-y work, England was faced l O N MMnSH - Pii#Btn# But the shotgun may become A wet Bmlth boy. Rut8«t Mr,.lWeAdo® o « be 1321— Samoset, Indian chief, weL the possibility of not being DSNMS ^-deofOiiifl^iiafllt tO-hAWi-AbOttt if «ald to be jtgrlQusl/. , ,cen8lderto» fAund the modern variations on that ■■ corned Fiymonth eoionists. able to cowpleto toem. But the Mis hsi^ sriM ho, yielding to the urge—-wbleh, If true, grand Old custom of “ rushing the 1818-,*-»lRvtotmtt«id>to Opngress] -deronannotitol experts, who heye there le a lot of wlUful and excltahlo been wtmktog on these plans were ' 4 - totHtoWs todeed; because almoet growler.’-’ Wives, husbands and to organise territory of Arkan*, sisliMt 86|*>* email, hoye arowaA^And Mr. Wilbur babies aU-Akther out of the cold sal. ' And are determined tp carry on, and fsd'toe wwrUka admlrale are both e^i^bodf holtoved WlUtoi and sit a^ou( ’nhtU' bed time;, sip­ J881—Texas troops seised Uhited :lbey 0 .iir^e they have found a so- whW he said thiht be hid ha^ploui imiern One wbieh may reydiutlontoe That to’ m most -wreitoed' fortune matti irmiul Mad eaelUble, » ping at their wine—even as to the Statff arsenaLat dan Antonio. wMmiito:w»tosottt I k ^ ty-pluB Of trying to get Democratic 1898—dipato sent official “regrets’ 'ADVEffiSHffil'' IN ' -S k E wohld he a perilone thing to pnt little “ pubs” Of Emop^ ^ It is to Miigibles easahlo of sar. UUa'Kirrus. GILBERT gw AN, eoaMratog tho Maine disaster. S lu r Uto Bi*X ilotfim or a eifottf jgoptoSftona for tot Ftosldency I cweqk-end.YY^b pan n ^, Mi;. lA paper' jf r B®M.^6!^6nt' b i ■ iBnflpr^ aiid Mrsr ih’khlf, Strtffig,; ^'■f: Mrs. Herbert Walker, hap return? v o c ii sQlcffijhy T rw js^ bijr- ni; aiatifr,, ft^in .i^Ve^pn w aftgft e^.. to her -home after spending a Woodwar^^'i^r^iaeh A -mbnoldgub^hy-M^^^ ftelg- of. week at J. 'W* Sumnerjji , — v ’ dnjbyedbyjJinii 8|; Valenjv ehesteTr. Grunge With-'an anebre a: ' -Ah. a,, ^ili' qt .Manchester ^Grange. bio^gp'aphy of Nellie Melba. . son of Hartford. effort to get there. There was a Then followed a ybcal duet by agis­ The Rev T. D. Martin was pres­ ■Indigo takes its name from Indja. short program including a reading ters of East Windsor Grange, and ^ r 'V ' \ ent at the meeting of the New Lon­ • - * * » don Archdeaconry on Tuesday,. in - 1 S' 1 New London. . <** Lincoln’s Day was not observed cnAIVjGCD TO ^ :i A . r as a holiday in the schools of the % -r-». 4. • W t ’ . v * town. Most of the teachers, how­ ■ j ever, planned the day’s program , . V . . iA. with some reference to the life of the ex-president. W e STAtE it as A revision in the list of borrow­ ; bur Hpnest beU^ that ers from the Hebron library, or m evfery cup those who have taken books or ■ ^ ^the'tohaccos used in magazines from the library, for the past year, brings the number to 342. This includes 28 new names ar« of finer quality added to the list through the year 1927. As each borrower represents ,«Gd'kence of better others usually from one to three in taste than in any a family .it may be seen that a very- good proportion of the people of other cigarette at the “ the town are aYailing themselves of the privileges of the library. jprice* , Liggett & Mtbbs There are less than 1000 inhabi­ Tobacco Co. tants of the town, part of these, of course, being children too young to read and part of them being foreigners unable to read the lan­ • • • «pd what’s guage. The plan for distributing books through the schools is work­ ing well and helps to overcome the and yet THEY SATISFY! ' ^ difficulties in the way of the chil­ dren of the remote parts of the town gaining acc chester on Sunday. t^MlLUONJARSUseon/m * 24 hours—A recorci Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wightman and son Richard of Stafford Springs for stock tars below ;.S-. were Sunday visitors at the home $1400 of Mrs. Etta Rathbone. Joseph Ruschmann is suffering Electric Wiring from an attack of rheumatism. A Bag One-Profit Edward W. Raymond is repre­ l^ S o n * s long peffonnaac* lefde^^ senting the American Agriculturist, The Ne.w. Swwper-Vac Value his headquarters being at Wood- Electric Fixtiiu’es ship is countered apW't® * stock. Mrs. Raymond and two chil­ BREMER-TULLEY Polisher AttaijChm^t sppirpqg^y ot ” dren are at present spending some GONKEY AUTO/CO;; Tiant* shiibhx cei^in aijw time at the home of her parents, RADIO All t ^ t any deaner, can do the* At the Center Mr. and Mrs. Robinson W. Dean in ^ o w n Sweepr-Vac does and lien 'It does f l a g H tid s b n 'b pi^ Canterbury. - moire. No other vacnmn cleianer has v ^ e as tangible as its great el Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stratton of '$5.25 a'inohth Johnson Electric Co. a revolving flr polishing attach-, Guilford were Sunday guests at the 29 Clinton St., So. Manchester home of Mrs. Stratton’s parents, Liberal allowance nient. .No other clean(U.hee theYao- \ Whifgver ahhWw has been Mr. and Mrs. William L. Griffip. Tel. 657-4 for y ^ r old' l\fop fw suction cleaning bare floors. cofded t pnhhc pvation. that is a Mrs. Sherwood Griffin and three V ______clearer. children are spending some time Don’t tfibute to the sn ee^ of the world s at the home of Mrs. Griffin’s sister, nwatlamaos Mrs. Jesse Keeney in Manchester. Westinghouse Heater:, Free with Mrs. Keeney is recovering from a HAVE YOUR Stock Gome and .exmhine tho New Supers recent illness. Her mother, Mrs. Sweeper-Vacs'sold during this cam­ Red Cedar Shingles They w ill give you an en- Giles Olin, who assisted in her paign. titaly fresh view motor car values. daughter’s care was called back EYES EXAMINED Roofing PMer , . ,, , home on account of Mr. Olin’s be­ Ask fpr a Demonstration Liiiseed'^U ing laid up with an attack of rheu­ matism. Paint _ • '■ ' Today. Varnish' • WALTER OUVER Builders* Hardware Optometrist We also have Johnson’s Elec­ BOLTON 1)15 Main Street, So. Manchester tric .Floor Waxeirs. to rent’ at Tel. 39-3. $2.00 per day. ; The local fire warden, A. E. Man- cggia, received the following notice Hours 10 a. ni. to 8 p. m. from the State of Connecticut stat­ Manchester Green ing that there is so much dead J e c t n c Store ' . grass and other Inflamable material :7'73 ] street Phone 1700 on the ground that unless we have > . l-v- W. Harry England. Phone 74 plenty of snow between now and spring we will have a very bad fire Read Herald Advs1' season and they suggest therefore that the farmers be advised that all those wishing to burn'brush to do so now while conditions are still OF ALL KINDS safe, since no permits will be issued during April. CARNEY AGENa The Ladies Aid will meet at the Basement Thursday afternoon. A 1 Must K|^p My JOim P, CARNEY comfortable will be tied, and a Room 4, ; Oiford5lock hash supper served. I have hundreds of I people employed by me in preparation for Schools in town observed 'Valen­ tine’s day, with a box, filled with a very busy, season.. I have’plenty of merchandise of the finest valentines for their school friends. quality and help must’ )be kept employ^.' With that end in view, Ernest Strong of Hartford spent I offer woolens from iny stMk that were bought to sell for $35 ; Sheet Metal . .. • . •; • . . and $40—^values that 1 am offering you .NOW. ' t-' Work ' > Gas SpoSed Sleep, SUIT OR Hot Air Fuiuai^, Tin^ Roofe, Made Her Dizzy TOPCOAT-.: Conductor PipW Eave ROBERT “ For years,I suffered from gas To Ybtir . Measure and constipation. Used to get head­ t40 Otiit S t ‘ '. aches aod dizzy spells. The first dose ''of Adlerika gave me relief. Now I the Tailby Estimates ‘ CheSiH^ttUy Givsn^ rest well.”— Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just ONE spoonful of Adlerika relieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat aud sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and ■ I ' ^ removes Old waste matter you never thought was there. No matter what rou tried for your stomach, Adlerika will surprise< you.— Advt. PAGE SIX ■ MAaa®!5j^:'

StandinsrBy^ fiAT IS IiONO> BUT— SHORT HPIE STAE REDUCES - V i;k (5o ! --AN' Mias-Frosh :jUgh Sehoel 'ton AY’ TMATiJtVf the this moving* DETOUR COSriH T" “ Oh be wai. wond<^uL.cian- ' Bings. Janntngs. He '^asi- ’com- **Last Cpmmanii’* T od^ and A striniBP mrotosAt Vas meen StaterSwiday Taken- manded the ,oc.sacks» If you gtoized .^at 'Kemiys Itustc Hofist F rta a PamoiwN Likbt Opera know what I iheau.” , ^ e r Pig Ftoinrea Coming headquarters: for to627thlhg m to' Is W ctiy Loye Stbry. ^ Master Soph Hlgh’^^^ School cal, to give, the hoys and girls wf (across the .-way in the car) receive instruction ,-' quired one of the most elaborate the'Pirates.” . , hers, aji Js’'«videnced by the at- an agreement • to-'. :fwthft^ ,^ttend'$C’ settings ever built to transfer it And so it goes. traetic^.'outlined in'.tbe State ad- to tbe'screen. ------:------vertlsemeiit oh toother page of The Total Bat H ^ w a ; Pe|rt. All music has' heen ddhdted oy This is the paradox of “ The Heralfi'- 'tOtoy. **The' Last 0dm- Mr. -Joyner, director pI thb.'Violla Student Prince,” Metro-Goldwyn- mand,’* Efidil Jannihgis’ finest pic­ Lowers Upkeep Per Unk. Senoor add includes light, philhar- Mayef’s Huge fllmizatlon of the ture,'^ showing today for the last monie settihto of hd,th. early anil famous old play* in which Ramon tiifid #lto ^fThe'. Rgclng Roinfioi” modern classics. ^ NOvarro and Norma Shearer were AT CIRCLE T O N W staiTihg Red Grtoge. j, strumentatiod inctodea'firat. secon't .“ The Last Command” makes no Connecticut Highway Department and third vioHns, jriola, ceUo« bas-A directed by Ernest Lubitsch, and and piano. It is pTannod-at > later- which comes on Sunday to the State prdtento'Of glosslug over a, stark expended $129, prepare and VaudeviUe and Double Bill to blt.oftoality with a happy ending. date td include horns and reed, re- theater. There' isn't any happy ,ending, ex­ maintain traffic detours during tbe ceising:assistance in this frdtosev^ ■With their love as the central Be'Seirved to Fans--^Tbeaier cept for the feelittg .that the poor construction period of 1927, an in­ cral non-professioaals ,whd are an^ th'eme, a' cast of thirty-five famous Running Full Tiime Now. old mto-is dylng./and wiir meet'his crease of $3,486 over the detour xious fort the developm-hut Of mu4;4 players and several thousand ez;tras Bweetoeart in the Hereafter. That expenditure for 1926, the increase ic appreciation*' amdng^ youngei^ wpre neeessaiT to reproduce the. 'i nree -vaudeville acts and two In'I Itself is a happy ending; al­ being due to the fact that 190 miles Manchester; ^ : famous old story, immortalized on big.features are the pieces dq.ref though ■ 'Upf conforming to the of detour were necessary during Paren-te of chlldten- -#hd‘:haTe ref, the stage bi^ Richard Mansfield, sistance at the Circle theater fbh' dtototods' of happy, endings gener- the 1'927 construction period, as ceived instruction oh tlte vi«lln ar^ and recently' revived in musical tonight only., The double feature' hlly' itohered to in the movies. compared with 164 in 1926. The urged to consult Mr, Kemp pn th4 form as “ The Student Prince.” bill will be shown again ItomdiTff^: ; Janulnga as an .actor, is incom- I figures, however, show a decrease matter of enrollment to receiv^ ■Whole towns were built; great nignt and from then on the Circle partol^' There has never been his of $84 in the cost of maintaining a this training which Is free, to; e-verj^ © E t t d t ^ ’WS castles in Germany reproduced and will operate on a full weekly sched­ equal or ntorly. his equal om' the mile of detour in 1927, the average student , of the Vionn,,, School on the University of Heldblberg ule; with programs every night. screen and every motion picture he cost per mile of detour in 1927 demonstration of satisfActory 'ablH recreated in wood and plaster for The ftitures on the program to­ puts out is a gem. It shows act­ ing $679, as compared with $763 Ity. ? the huge production. In one scene, night and tomorrow are -iSpurs and ing, not the nsual screen stuff, but in^l926. showing the welcome of the towns­ Saddles,” starring the great wesS^ acting that comes from the heart. ' Because of the costlinesS:^ of de- people to the young prince, played ern actor, Ayt Acord, and “ A Boyr- ‘‘The'Last Command” is undoubt­ tours,_the ConnectlcuO Highway De­ Tests iaade: b y' .scientlsta provn by Novarro, two thousand villagers, ery Cinderella,” with Pat O'Malley^ edly •Jgnhlngs^’ best picture, better partment strives to avoid their use that efilor'. efl^s': are aSi’follows; guardsmsn. police and other charac­ starring. • even than "The Way of All Flesh.” even mote than motorists. Highway red and orange sriinnlate; ' deep ters appear in a gigantic setting The story, of “ A Bowery Cinder­ yellow cheerii; green''has' a slow­ ella” is by Melvin Houston; Adrian .’ TqmPrrow’s features, which will department engineers try to keep depicting, a public square and cover­ also: be .shown on Saturday, are one side of a road open to traffic ing effect anii. white Intocto rirri- ing ten acres. Johnson adapted it fqr the screen; tatio'n. ■! Harry Chandlee edited and titled it “ Little .Mickey. Grogan,” starring while pavement is being laid on the The coronation ceremonies re­ after Burton King's direction, t it the newest vchild actor, Frankie other side. That is not always pos­ quired hundreds of soldiers in the K i,,r r.K ® f tells o t a youhg girl frbm the East Darro, and “ The Silver, Slave,” sible, however, and it then becomes brilliant uniforms of the imperial York Who was a fash­ wllh Jrehe Rich in the leading necessary to prepare a detour guard, - diplomats and noblesi; five ion model in onl of the uptown' es- role. around the spot at which road-* hundred gaily, , attired students tabllshmentB of 8 famous modiste; In “ Little Mickey Grogan” building is taking place. reveled in the Heidelberg garden ho-F her face aud figure displayed Fratoie. plays a nameless urchin Preparation of detours is a far scenes, the majestic Heidelberg in B fashion, show brought her to oh'‘the rtreet?- of a .big city. He more difficult task than it may seem! Castle was recreated, in.side and the nbtlfce: of a musical copiedy pror doton’t know . his nrlgin, has no to the average layman. In most out, and other huge construction duper; how he -was personally at­ 'friends and no relatives'. A situa­ cases, the highway, department has tasks iharked the filming of the tracted to her a^d put her In the tion like this-would be hard, for to do coqsiderable repair work on new Buper-spCctacle. chorus, ot his she .. ; hoti^ she sur­ many^ child actor to, take' hdva.u-;' detour roads before they can be, The cast includes many famous prised everyone by her exceptional tage of hut this boy Is fully hware opened to the increased amount, of names: Jean Hersholt, in the i-die dancing aoility; ,h6w she neariy of the possibilities in it and he traffic w*hich is to be shunted off V of Dr. Juttner, thfe tutor; Edward ruined her contemplated happiness makes- the best of every bit of from the main highway. Although Connelly, as the prime minister; with., her real “ boy friend” oh ac pathos and humor. the bbst roads available are select­ count of the attentions paid her by On Sunday, and Monday tbe will open with the playing of 10:— Medical talk .under the aus­ Bobby Mack as Kellermau; Otis' ed for the detours, preliminary re­ Harlan as the innkeeper; (iustave the producer and how he was ultl State-will show, that great pictur- pair work, oiling, tod, lighting- are "Golden Gate,” a dance song pices of the Hartford' Medical mately put In his right and proper izatlon of a great light opera, “ The with a catchy tune. A new ori­ Society, United -States Public Von Seyffertitz, Edythe Chapman, usually necessary in order to make George K. Arthur, Lionel Belmore, place. Student Prince,” with Ramon ental number, ._with a dreamy Health Service talk,, , . “ When, a “ Spurs and.. Saddles,” is even them safe for tbe additional traffic WTIC Child Refuses e|>t0» : |B4(BiPP®'L 7:00— Ayers Soda Boys. from N. B. C. Studios. . Tonight-the Rialto theater is iii dromd in- nl-hety minutes, which is with shades, jMjreeaa. afid tereeb Ten of the latest dance tunes stigation of Irving .'Rosshelm, then ,Laborde, of the Cuban Air Service, 8:00— Dodge Brothers progra'm charge, of the Ever R afi;; Circle of ' claimed to;be a. record for a ma­ and Captain C. D. Collyer, of the doors.- Api>l5'«f - . will be played by the Ayers Soda treasurer of the organization. After Klng»- Dapghterft itob will present chine o f this size. Boys in the dinner dance pro­ from N. B. C. Studios. the mayor had declined “ with re­ Los Angeles, CaUf*-, Feb. 16.—• American, Air Service, today began their: scheduled benefit program. Corflpletlon of a jury was'expected The average speed.. foR the 225^ ,a. preliminary survey throughout gram through WTIC of the 8:30— Capitol theater presenta­ luctance,” Rossheim himself was mflps was 150 miles an houri , Travelers tonight. The program tion. chosen. The usual twp-shows will: prievail at today in the second murder trial Cuba; ^^efId^t|Mpj0hado signed- the iVfancheste]:^’^ ^ ^ l ^ -7 and 9. Two splendid photoplay at­ of William Edward ‘Hickman; al-^^ “ ''Ad!Handley Page Jupiter la^M otoor'tor hhp toridl; survey -yestern • ___ ■> — tractions, both.'indorsed: by leading ready, under sentehto of death foT most''powerfuI air liner in the Lon" day. Grovring interest in aviation is educ'atiohal authorities and produc­ the killing of Marion, Parker. < don Continental services; being attributed to Col. Lindbergh’s re­ 527 Main ed exclusively for the. silent drama Nine’ women and three men: had driven by three Bristol Jupiter en­ cent visit. or Phone 2108'after ju OL,:' by the Yale Unlversl'y Press, will been tenta.tively selected for- thA gines, totalling nearly 1500 h. p, be shown., They ate “Jamestown” jury as. tire curtain, rose qn the sec­ ( Thei actual speed^ rtoord for: the DAILY RADIO PROGRAM and “ Bve ot the Revolution.” The ond day o f the' trial -'' Hickman London to Paris filght is 87 mln- Thursday, February 16. 399.8— WTAM, CLEVELAND—750. Leading DX Stations. ; former is a picturization. of.^the and Welby Hunt, his 16-year-oid ntes, being! held by a D. H. Napier 6:00—Dance orchestra. early 'Virginia settlements while the accomplice, on charges of murde"?- air liner, which is of a much small* All American music and talent will 8:00—WEAF Dodge presentation. 47E5—WSB. ATLANTA-630. ing C. Ivy Thoms. during a drug be featured in ihe Maxwell hour to be 8:20—WE.A.F Hoover Sentinels. 9:00—WJZ Maxwell houi. latter has the; colorful background er type; .' •-l 9:00—Wiilard Cavaliers. 10:00—Utah entcrtalnmom. store holdup ou Christmas eve. broadcast by WJZ and the Blue net-, of the Rtoolutlohary War as its 440.9— W eX-W JR, DETROIT—680. 11:45—Organ i-ccital, quartet. theme. Botht features are of his­ 1926, work at S o’clock Thursday nigbl. The 6:30—Soprano, tenor, orchestras. 526—KYW, CHICAGO—570. The joint defense has. exercised FLOODS IN FRANCK soloists will be Helen Clark, inezz^j-, 7:30—WJZ programs (.1 hrs.) 8:30—WJZ Amplco hour. , torical value and should prove' eight of Its thirty peremptory chal­ Banisli Eczema soprano; lilliott Shaw, baritone, and 11:00—Colton I’ickers orchestra. 9:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. more than inttoesting to local Willard Robison. Negro tenor. -J’Uey 535.4— WTIC, HARTFORD—560. 10:00—Continentals program. lenges. Thp state hcc used none of 10:05—Burning of the “ Philadelphia” moviegoers. Paris, Feb. 16.— A-large section of will be supported by Natlianiel Sbil- 6:30—Bond trio; Ayers boys. its twenty* Or Your Money Back. Thats the Plan on femerald Oil kret’s orchestra. Another group of 7:30—WEAK Comfort orchestra, anniversary. In addition to thes. two excep­ Ha-vlng tolled in'their attempt to France was threatened with floods equally popular radio entertainers 8:00—WEAP Dodge presentation. 11:30—Hamp’a Kentucky serenadera. tionally fine pictures an interesting today owing to .the thaw which Is Sold by All Good Drugginto will be heard in the Dodge presenta­ g-iSO—Theater program; healili. talk. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. secure a continuance of the Thoms tion through WBAF and the Red nec- 10:10—Two dance orchestras. 8:00—Hawaiian music, artists. variety of Rialto Short Subjects trial, Hickman’s attorneys -were to­ has followed warm, spring-like work at S o’clock. Hlliott Sh'iw will 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—710. 10:00—Or.clicstra; artista will he shown. day confronted with the double weather. The Seine liver is eleven Make UP your mind, today to^t’?>treatmento will CTOvifics also be included in' this group along 7:30—^Hale Byers orchestra. 12:00—Hank’s theater gang. ’ For tomorrow and. Saturday feet above normal and a rise of you that bjr stlcki5g faithfully to it with Frank Black, Andy Sunella. liarl 8:00—Educational talk; pianist. 365.6—WEBH-WJJO. CHICAGO—820 task of preparing an appeal to. the. you are going to give your skin Oliver, Joe Green and Lou Radermi-.n. 8:25—N. Y. Philharmonic orchestra. 9:00—Mooseheart hour, Manager Campbell is presenting California Supreme Court from the another foot is' expected by Sunday for a short while ygur Bits from musical comedy sUw'cess of 10:30—Organ nocturne, baritone'. 10:30—Edgewater orchestra, artists. another of those popular weelr-end death sentence in the kidnaping- unless cold weather chdfcks it. a real chance to get well. will be A thifii of .the past. the past and present will featiise this 11:05—Paul Spetch'.s orchestra. 11:00—Studio program. double feature bills. murder case, and. at the same Navigation Is difficult. Flood dam­ You’ve probably been, like a'lot 'D6n’Ftopect. a ,stogfe.h6tUe to do half hour. Composition hy Rudolf 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—SOC. 13:00—Artists; mystery trio. Friml, Bohemian player-composer, will 6:00—Organ; radio rodeo; talk. 416.4— WGN.WLIB. CHICAGO—720 . A glorious • epic of the Golden time, resisting: me efforts of the age-is already heavy in the rural of other people, convinced that the It all at once but. one botUe Wj? be played in the Atupjca hour of mu­ 7:00—Orchestra; pioneers; 9:00—WEAF Eskimos, West in the early days of staunch state to .bring a second d.oath pen­ districts. only thing, to use was an ointment know will show, you beyond al| sic to be radiated ^.iid the 8:00—Springfield^ musical program.. 10:00—College orchestra, quki'teu pioneers, brave explorers and sav- alty upon the head of the Kansas or salve (some, of them are very question that ybu' have discofrered Blue network at 8. ‘Tni's broadcasi 8:30—WJZ Amplco hour. UtlO—Sam ’ n* Henry;-musical box, toe way to,.restore yofir skin, to per­ will be presented by Frank Munn. 9:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 11:40—Bongs; Hoodlums; orchestra. nge red men! Put these all to­ City youth. PRATT & WHITNEY BUSY good) hut in the big majority of tenor, and Frank Black’s orchestra. 10:05—Tenor, baritone. 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. gether and you have the Ingre­ Hunt Too Young (Bases these sticky salves simply clog fect health. - ■. Programs out-of-the-ordinary ara the 11:05—McEnelly’8 orchestra. 8:00—Scrap book. Young Hunt’s life Is not at i Hartford, Conn.. Feb. 16.—The the-pores ahd the condition primar- Remember that Mophe’s Emerald Brickner-Darrow debate through 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK^IO. 8:30—Supertone hour. dients of "Men of Daring,” one of 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. the features for tomorrow and Sat­ stake because of his age. His attor- Pratt & Whitney.Company will be ilj* remains the same. Gil Is a clean,''poweftol penetrating WHK at 8:15: a North Pole bridge 6:00—Waldorf dinner music. Antiseptic Oil that. does ntit stain game with the Eskimos through ■7:00—Mid-week .hymn sing. 8:40—Talk; cpntralto; trio. urday. “ Men Of ,Haring,” is a Unl-- ndy; A, Gray Gilmer; is expected’ to as busy during 1928 as any concern Go to any good druggist today WE.\F and tne Red network at 8 ^ fprt- hour with orchestra. . 9 tjtfr^l’itaoist, plailers. versal-Jewel fecia l production and develop the argument that the 16- In-Coauecticut, according to an of­ and, get an original bottle of or leave a greasy residue and .that o’clock; the dinner of Kings County presentation featuring 10:06—Hamiltonians program, year-old youth was subject td the ficial announcement Issued today Moone’s Emerald Oil. . it -must kive complete: satlsfactioh Grand Juror’s Association with talks ar radio stars; ll;00—Del Lampe's orchestra. features a cast of over a. thousand domination of Hickmanis will. or your, money cheerfully refun^ by United States Senator Copeland, 8:30—Hoover Sentinels quartet. 499.7— WFAA, DALLAB^^. ^people. Critics claim it to be far Shoeing the" company has federal ■ The very first application wifi Mayor Walker, Senator Baums and 9:00^Esiilmos. songs, 'music. 7;30—WEAF Sentinels, quartet. ' Miich of the Insanity testimony husiness- to the gross amount of give you relief and a few' .short ed.—^Advts.-. " -V ' Rear Admiral Plunkett through W NIC 10:00—Smith Brothers,, harmonists. . aOtOO—Studio 'musical program superior to “ The Covered, Wagon” . used in the kldnkpii :^-murder. trial 374.8^WOCr DAVENPORTt-800. $.6,0fi0;p00 to turn put this year. at 9:30 and the anniversai-y of the 10:30—Johnny Johnson's orchestra. Appearing in the featured role is will he Introduced into the present T-he'Work includes 400 “ Wasp” and burning of "Philadelphia’’ thiough 11:30—Arnold Johnson's orchestrd-. 8:30—WEAF Sentinels. Jack Hoxie, known to millions of^ KVW at 10:05. . 454.3—WJZ, NEW^yORK—660. 9:00—^WJZ Maxwell hour. case, it was indicated Hickman’s •18 U “ Hornet” engines for airplanes. ;30-rPenhay^hiH Oi^estra. .*j 16:60—WEAF,. Smith Brothers. picture fans for his splendid nttnTTiPVH V The company’.s latest government- face type Indicate* best feaU :30—The ^^xers. _ : ' '.lOiSO—’The Sicilians orchestra. ebaracterizationa of western roles. Hunt’s plea is “ not guilty” while order la fo r-96 ‘'Hornet” engines 8:30—Market reports; bkrttonei- ■ 499.7-iWBAP^' FORT WORTH-600. , The second feature will be Marie ‘■All programs Eastern Standard Time? r:00Ml< A band. rr 8 ;80^Songs: pianist. Hickman’s is "not guilty” “ not for Navy, Army and patrol planes, - 7:30—NeUonal aalxed'quartet. 9;06r^Saxopholae octeL Frevost in her latest Pathe-DeMille guilty by reason of insanity.” If each'*engine to he of 525 hor'se-pow- S e r v i c e — Q u a l i t y Leading East Stations. 8:00-^Re(qld tales. "Last X;eaf;<” 11:45—Musical comedy program. comedy-dramh, “ Getting Gertie’s Hickman Is found guilty, it was er, alr-copled; 8:30—Amplco hour featuring compost- 12:15—OrganisL. Garter.” pointed’ out, he will-face*a second 272.6—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. tiqna fix Ritdolf Friml,. ^ .400—RW X,.HAVANA—750. 7 Dramatic soprano; orchestra. 9:00—Mjxvyeil hour, featuring . ^eien 7:0D—Dinner music- hearing to determine his canity due n iiw YORK’S LARGEST HOTEL .*C- $ !—Soprano, tenor, baritone, piano. Clark,, soprano, p llioit, Shaw, 8:00-^oluJhhla broadcast. OLDEST COLLEOIAK DIES to his double pleg. . —Dual trio; movies. baritone, Wifia^df Rot>ison, Ne.- 16:60—Concert orchestra. Jerome Walsh and his associates Finest Sea 10:20—Organist; dance orchestra. gro tenor, Shilkreils brchestra. 370B*i"W0AF, KANSAS CITY—610, New- York, ! Feb 16.— Ground 285.5—WBAL.'«AUTIMORE—1050. 10:00—^The Continentals orchestra. 10:30—Goldkette’a orcliestra. Cincinnati, Ohio; Fab. 16.— Fun­ in Hickman’s defenge plan to em­ ^riUlbe-*'broken' today for what is 6:30—Dinner orchestra, organist. 11:00—Slumber music. 12;4S—Nightbawk frolic. eral seiMces were to be held here ploy a second Jury verdict of to be New York’s tallest and larg­ 7:45—Two pianos, soprano. 348.8—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—860. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELE$-:640r today for Dr, Samuel W. Williams, “ sane” If one Is returned In the est hbiel on'the west side of Eighto j 8:30—WJZ Amplco hour. ■ 7:00—rBedtime story. 11:00—;Packara concert orchestra. present trial— as further - basis of 9:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 8:00—Calvert music hour. 12:00—N. E C programs. who died'at the age of 100 years, a-yenue ■••hetween 34th and -,3Sth, 10:00—U. S. Naval Academy band. 9:00—Newton’s radio forum. 1:00—Modern vloiin classics. two months and twelve days. He their contention thst the new Cali­ streets. >i!he new hotel, expected to iVesh.Cod Steajc ...... i V 302.8—WGR, BUFFAI.0—990, • : 816.^KDKA, PITTSBURGH—950. 416.4— KHJ. LOS ANGELES—720 had been known as tbe olddst col­ fornia “ insanity” statute Is uncon­ be ready next year, -will be 39 stor- G:30—Van Surdam's orchestra. •:15-£iLlttle Symphony orchestra. 10:00—Songs-of yesterday. lege graduate in the: United States, stitutional In their offqrts to save ito in height and vfill be known as Fresh Cod to B oil...... 7:30—Science service talk. 7:30-4Becker'a Hawaiian, trio. 11:00—Orchestra; soprnHo.'bass. Hickman from death' on the' gal- g;00—WI-.’-AF Dodge presentation. 7:45-i-PlttBburgh< Hniveralty talk. 13:00—Orchestra, artists. ‘ haying received hli' decree' in' 1^48 the New Yorker. i Boston Bluefish • W • B • 8:30—Coniraito. violinisL 8:00—W JZ retoUL 4Mea 836.9—W8M. NASHVILLE—890, at'! Ohio Wesleyan University. He low8. ' ■ . The Btructhre will rise more 9:00—WK.\l' programs to 11:30. 8:30—WJZ Ampied hour. 10:00—Orchestra; soprano. i than 400'feet on a site 2(10 by 175 545.1—WP^AK, BUFFALO—ssa 9:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 11:30—F. A. HenkM. organfsL whs also the oldest living member ]0dston Bluefish tohuke . * 7:00—Bulla lo theater program. 280.2— WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070. 384.4- KOO, OAKtANO—790. of the Phi Beta, Kappa fraternity. feet! The' hotel will have 2,500 9:00—Rainbow revelers. 7:45—WJZ political talk. 11:00—Drama; Remhranqt trio. 'The cane which Dr. Williams had rooms each with pri-vate bath. Steak Salmon • • • • 10:00—Niagara Falls band. 8:00—WJZ retold tales. 12:60—N. B. C. programs. There -will be a tunnel connection 11:00—Silver Slipper orchestra. 8:30—-\yJZ Amplco hour, 1:05—Ellis'dance orchestra. carried to designate him as Ohio J Halibut Steak . 9:00—"WJZ Maxwell hour. 864.1—WRVA,' RICHMOND—1180; Wesleyan’s oldest living graduate, to the Feuosylvania stotlto. EsU- Cir- 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON—460. Here ls one'solution to-the LET­ mated.' tost is set at 622,00-0-;000! 6:30—Orchestra: foot peppers.-* 10:00—Studio entertaiOTnent. Sd>e—Banjo quartet; planlsL ■ < wiirbebent to Col. Edwin A. Par- TER GOLF puzzle on the comlc.s Herrings...... f ’. • * • 7:30—Adventures; carollers, 11 fOS—Homeateiuller's,'Orchestra. 9:00-WJZ Maxwell ’ 8:30—Theater presentations. 379.5—WQV. SCHeMBCTAPY-m 10:00—Com Cob Pipe club. irbt, Princeton, N. J. Col. Parrott page: ' ’ ^ Round Clam s3eah«hg Cferas 10:15— rwo orchestras to -12:00. 11:55—Time; weather; marketa 488.3- KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—710 graduated In 1649. 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 6:00—Markets; dinner music; talk. 11:00—Caswell feature hour. 8:00—"A Garden of Music." 7:30—Talk; violin reeitaL 13:00—N. B. C. progi^gma Smoked Fillet of Haddock ^ 8:30—WJZ Ampico hour. .8:00—W EAP programs (2 hrs.) 1:00—Orchestra, two pianoa NSW m u r d e r d a w M . r f 9:00—WJZ Maxwell hour, 10:00—Niagara rails band. 344.6—WCBD. ZiO N -^0 Fresh Haddwk Fillets. 10:01—Minnick’s harmony four. 11:00—WEAF dance oivhestra. 9:00—Junior orchestra, mixed qtisr* Albany,. N. Y., Fbb.^ 16.— Under 11:00—Castle Farm orchestra. 11:30—Strand theater organist. tet, celestial bells, artists. a bill signed today by Gov. Smith, s "X! A iVesh Cod Fillets ..... Secondary EasterppBtations. Secondary DX Statidti. secopd degfee murderers may be Fancy Mackerel, . 508.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. 9:00—Ensemble;, Or. Mu presents. 8701—WORD, > BATAVIA—1090. sent to prisPh for, life. The measura 7:30—W EAF programs to 10:30. 10:00—Two dance orchestras. 8:00—Musical; talks; JOsson.- - s JK 1 2 E 10%35—Kalis’ dance orchestra. 340e^W Q BS. NEW YORK—860. 9:00—Musical program; readings. was'* sponsored! by the^- Baumes tVesh Kllet of Sdle ... 245.8—WKRC, CINCINNATI—1320. lOOO—Empire Jubilee sthgera . EtB4—WENR. OHICAQO—1040. Crime Commission; At .present per­ 8:00—Dance orchestra. 10:15—to in te t; YldSlBh readings.^ 1 6:00—OrgaiS talks; stod&e. sons eon-vlcteff of seepto degree s T p R E Fresh Oy sters ...... y m m 8:30—Artists program. 11:00—ffim lst; danoO’ orchestra. -‘8:00—Or^eftra. artiste (8 <|trs:) murder' cannot be imprisoned for No More 9:01—Dance orchestra. 11:30—wuntain folk soi^. 305.9—WNT, CHICAGO—980. F^esh Baked Maibkerel 361.S-;>V^AI, CINCINNATI—83a 9:85—Tdlk;-^oUnlst: ramblers. * more than 20 ye^rs. . T o E 9:00—Accordionist: artists. 10:30—Chicago Fhllharmonld' trio. y . ~ - . — 'S'"-';- : Perspirati(mQdot§ - ]^mon Sole ...... ^i"; 10:30—W EAF Smith Brothers; opera. 8fsa—TOr^Lmddlhtjm^ideting.' 13:00—Tour Hour League.' NAnONAlJSTS DEFEATED 11:30—Studio program, 9:30—Kingr CnitiRp •Qrdhd Jurors At< 635.4— WHO. DES M0INES-660 s T' 'Y ^ JPried Fish Cakes ...... ; v .. 265.3—W H K . CLEVELAND—i m aoeiatlon dinner. 8:00—Programs with WEAF. ' k . Aovcasy way to remove all bo^ 8:15—DarroW'Brickner dabate, 40S.2—W H PHILADELPHIA—740 10:00—Studio program.' — ^ Shanghai, Feb, 16.— General Sun 10:00—Decimo male quarteL 6:30—AdMpiUa'inhispeilng orchestra.. 384.4— KTH$.vHOT SPRINGS—780 Fang hag. driven back the :Natlonal- -A tablespoonful of 11:00—Williams* mustemakers. 7d5«KAaitoin0hne<(^ly Jeettire. 8:30—Solo hour.' , .V- 406.8-WCCO. NHNN.. ST. RAUL—74|l, lst8» after heavy fighting in the di- SylptoNathol in'the] bath. This wiU ; M8.7—WWJ« DETROlT-88a .: tn)o—w b a p piotnuBs to io:oo reetloh of Hinucllo.w. said dispatchies 7:18—Musical program. planisL 10:00—Studlb-p^iogram. 9:00—Hamline University hour; n<^ only banito perttontioa odors^ bet 8:00—-WEAF programs to 11:00. 10:30—Johnny Johnson’ s Orchestra. 9:3DH^raftmen’s program, frpm the* front todgy, 451.8-WCAE. PITTSBURGH—660 1O:O0UWEAF Vipltn Brotberfi “ ' Qen. Ohlnfig Kai Shek is hasten­ ipstantto rdievp tot, atom^i ^spir­ 4ia7-C N R M , MONS-REAI— 730 7:S(L-£vlxie twonder BOyg. ■ ton League.: 8:00—Chateau Lsurier orchestra. 8:^W E A F tmigraii^ iVk brs.k • ^ 808.2-W t VOMAHA~690. ing- to :Hsuphow from Ghoongchow ing feirt. Gives mote vigor and frtoh- 8:30—MiijBtiBrt^lutjtTras: Ulk. 19:30—NttirJ-GhtnB orchestra. ^ J0:W)—Feature. to. take personal . command of the nds to the body. Itovcs no odor of A. Podrove,.,. . 9:30—OriiHital hour; organist. 408.6—WRC, WASH I NOTON—640. 11:00—RurhlKUti'g' WiyOita JUlMa Nationalists., The NationalistsrOlalm 10:20—Light opera; orchestra. 7:00—D. B. Marine band. 848.6-KJR, BRATTLE-*^ , to oWB. Get at to 309.1—WABC, NEW YORK—970 8:00—Same as^WEAF (2U hrs.) li. .10:30—Varied studio program*. . to'have 300^0- imldi,ers' -.-on deaton. g;)W—OfiPfiegtrai cQntr«lte{.'Srtl«faL danct-ptottohr*. , Grgto Cftnal and Kinban fronts. L.I IfcgjHLe-PafKUs baod.^ t t *

V .V " ■■ J ■A, A- : t-, iiANCHBSim xeom ) t o t i i s p a y , FEBi^A K irie, w _ t w..

ritpiyqaa«ifM«f!m|PiW . v t . J. «.■’•T «, •• ■ r T*TF” T .* ^ • y i? jT^ - t' T" .‘-C X. >. • -» ^ r ^ .- • ^ * - J t» > err V '■-«''w;, ______

Will Be Held Under Auspices of k f , . ..y . M, C. A -rB. Kent Hyb- iMurd to-''Address Opedni^ Tl ---- iirT - Meetinj^. A coifrse of lessons in traffic manaj^einent wiirbe given in Hart­ /X4'* ford, under the auspices of the lit. . r ■ - Mahutacturers Association of Connecticut, cooperating with Hiil- y^r'Ihstitute of the Hartford Y. M. AT C. A- I. Kent Huhbard, president of th« .association'will address €he ffrst m'eeting, which will be held on F ebruary 28 a t,th e Y. M. C. A. ..W .'F.' Price, traffic manager of .. „ .K*. it- the J. B. Williams Company, who is also a member of the Traffic Committee of the State Association and president of the New England Traffic League, will have charge of 11 instnihtipn. He will .have co-in- j ] irf'rr-.-. struetbrs with him, H.^ H. Hoyt, u v I V- president of the . Hartford Traffic [ Association and traffic manager of j the Whitney Manufacturing Com­ pany, and A. Schlomberg, chief iK .1 clerk of the billing department of the.Hartford division of the New York, NeW Haven and Hartford J • Railroad. i. . The. course is being established :waii-' ’ ~C~ : f -•■jr for the purpose of affording an op­ This big sale is one of the events of the year. Hundreds of people ftav^ 's" -*'*i portunity for men and women in The Hartford and vicinity now engaged mg for it. Don’t let anythingftqp you fthm attending. Come prepared to buy. in transportation work to acquire a pradtieal . understanding of the values we'are offering are indeed exceptionalo- proUems with which they are daily confronted and the instructors have, ^en especially selected be- eapsei -of their many years experi­ ence is. traffic work and'their abil- ity^to offer practical help to stu- 10 DAYS OF itenta. Sessions . of two hours each will be held .Tuesday evenings ’•iK • throughout the ctfurse, part of the • • • time being J devoted to instruction and t ^ :balance to open discussion, • • • • Ladies’Coats, regi itt .irjiich jdl participate with the MenfiSlii X inidiitctor. Roy Mi Van Fleet, edu- f d be sure I received f catiofeHr’^irector of, the Hartford ’Y.:|li^i e:? As,-is in charge ofv ar- L a d ^ ’4 Bucide Arctics...... 4 1 .4 8 nhfdhtents for the Y. M. -C. A. Men’s '' -Manufacturers Association reMntly investigatiou Ladies’BedroontS]ippm,2pair $1 the full nleasure of value for ^ s -Middle West ^ aiud West reg. ^ ‘whliSi' dlMlpsed the fact that the » larger, pfbpoi^on' of the country's . nJ J; ^ indvetries in those- sections main­ tained departments for handling s their transportation and shipping Boys Leadier Lumber jackets prablehy^'i^A|i^ that-m uch ^attention “It is a step in the right direction that 2for...... $1.00 counts. Take a tip from your old dad... and buy^ - = . ' ’ “Ih‘J^ie4:;.-^IujMditie8. - Tfie > Associa­ res^, ^3.2^ ^ 2,1 "V- tion-haa.adypcated a' better’ under­ nothing but fine furniture. You and.Ma^-may. . standing; 'offr transportation matters by ihdiiatties-'and -buislness in gen- Growing Girls’ Hats, reg, not appreciate this suggestion now, but in fivp.- ‘ eral'lh this' .vicinity as many In- MensLumberjackets,r(^.$2. .$1.59 or ten years from to-day you can look back and - ' stanoee have come to its attention of .eoipetitW n cutting into Connec-| say I’m glad we took dad’s advice . . . This furni?,. . ticnf bttalxmwH)ehau8e of a lack of laj understanding of the proper handl­ ture is as good as, the day we made our choice ing of, incoming and outgoing ship­ Boys’ Lumber jackets, reg. $Z. .$1.25 and the years have only added grace to its beau-: ■ r/** ments. -‘Slnfilar courses have al- Suits, reg. $1,00,2 fo r...... $1.00 . rMdy' been established in Water- ty...... ■ ^ Hi#w H a^n and Ohe'‘ls to I be ppsh^ lin-' New Britain next Boys’ Pants, reg. $1.25...... 75c * ■ '' j'J '' week. Ladies’ Union Suits^ reg.$2.00 .$1.00 “And from a_business viewpoint, let me add . The meetiug on February 28 will be an introductory one, general In . .. that if I were 'you I would select my furniture nature and in addition to those who have already signed, anyone Men’s One Button Hatch Union Chfldren^s Dresses, Guaranteed at Garber Brothers, then I would know that; I re­ /B'- in Hartford whp Is Interested is In- - vitedlto^dtteait to leieim; more- about ceived full value for my ihoney. . '' -I'-l' .-l the natofocrff]^ Instruction to- bb ■ G « « VAO given,'’-, fljw' xhey may defin­ hm reg.$iM ::n;.:...75c itely determine whether they desire- : , “At Garber Brothers you won’t find so- fo take the course. Each of the called ‘sales’ and discounts to baffle.- ^There. succeediug.-lessons will consist of Children’s All Wool Dresses, practical tralhlng in rates, routing, you will find one low price on all the furniturO: tariffs, methods of securing proper, clSseification and other forms of .. .the very lowest.; They have a ‘NO SALF/ detailed InfociUation essential . to reg. $3.00...... ,..$1.00 reg.' $5 and $ 0 ...... $2.t policy and let me tell you that a house that oper-„ traffic t^ork. r ' i ' ' ______ates its business on such sound basis can’t help ", I'jNOT WORRYING . ■ Children’s Coats, reg. $6 and $7, $3.50 but give you the full measure'^of value for Chicago, Feb. 16. "I should wor­ Men’s Fancy Silk Hose, ry,” said Promoter Jim Mullen to­ your money... and you and Mary can’t help but day in comnienti.-on the suspen­ Ladies’Silk and Wool Hose, be satisfied.” < i > v. • sion of Mickey Walker, middle­ reg. 59c, 3 p air...... $1.00 V *, weight champion, by the National . . ^ ;;T — - B q^g Association. This b the advice ffiven by a bndneM Mullen, who claims to have reg. $1.00,2 f o r . .$1.00 man to hb son about to^fnnibh bb lint Walker under contract for a little home. It was told to us by-tte son af> defense Rghf here this summer, Men’s Hose, reg. 35c, 4 p air. .. $1.00 ter hs -bad fonnd oat for himself that said he is, going ahead wRb plans the advice was good. -We -reprint it Growing Girls’ Fancy Stockings, here bf^ieasc such advice b our best ad« for themaitph and hopes to line up Tcrt' Ace Hudkins as Mickey’s opponent. The Chicago promoter said none Men’s Canvas Gloves...... ,7c pair of the men listed by the N. B. A. as ^logical contenders for Walker’s reg 75c, 3 pair...... $1.00 crown, would, in his opinion, give the champion a real battle. He Men’s Broadcloth Shirts...... $1J hinted such' a match wpuld be a Children’s Flannel Bloomers, pronaotional "bust.” Men’s Wool Mixed Stockings 18c pa reg. 25c...... 10c pair A white-handled table . knife I------was found in the stomach- of a I for Catalos . five-pound trout caught in a Scot­ Send tish stream- by a Liverpool angler. Boys’ Heavy Washable Suits.., 75c Children’s 29c Stockings in 1 Mail This ^npo» | l GAB8EK BROS., I I IM Mocfan St. | 'C0^9rs a. . ...HartfMdj Cmin; . IF S NOT HARD Boys’ Flannel Blouses, r ^ . $1 ... 59c , ... ■ , I Please send me your | ID GROW THIN attractive Famitnre cat- . P e c ^ ^ n ^u t you can testify to that Girls’ Lmnberjackds; all cob ( Most of me slender figures seen today aloff.- I MVe been won in eaw ways. Many have I ^ n won by Mannola ptescription trf). Fidl line of Men’s and Boys’ (|)thing Custtm -Built Jets, keed on amodem scientific discow reg. $3i00....,. :...... $1.! ciy. Pecq>Ie.have used Marmola for 20 l>* • '.H i 3W5T“ ^lions of boxes of it Now Living Room Suites ' alend^^ figures in almost every circle f ■ !-.r; ' 18pow WB8t cioCS^ A book inbox of Marmola gives the f ib u la and states the scientific rea- t o soM lOT loults. So users realise how -1 ioo:.;,.:..i.$i.98 •Ud e f ^ are beneficial A way ] m which has dbne so much for so many ,-y.i . ■ y: ?’p;- d » e ^ a test to m you. Make it now, watch the reaulu for a little whUe, then ■ dniggiat today for a* m bos of Mpimola. N E V E B - Rooea“SaIe« "

A SUiUiif litetvery We MLWMS1’ X'- ' SM For hm Nrllinmtie-Ailkritit (■iryyf .W; t < "rfi '.-J ’ Tte FOraULA OP A NEW ^ JERSEY DOCTOR OWow Stiff, Tsndtr, Aohlns Joints Eats K aykisi|reg.$l|0. . .ii ' ^ . Rlttt Up,'sr Your Monoy Book, So aaitcr how influnod, tender or oore to tow^o opo^ relief from your n. lerinx is now ■ i: , * 'illV*. . '♦V • 'i \ '1 = ' s \ •ahW tow euickly it TCsks right in to the Joints, ■■ ailment, and quickly loosens . , ^ tr. 1 ■ & yp tfeqoojatiff, fiicanutic-.nutic joints,jointa, whilt its emol* ■ . •y ...... i,\ i. , »W-. iiO l.- jloJ(ll#a)|itiujaoothoiaootho and healhr*' the inUamed —-*-’ i) - t-j.- -«nrfhee |ifiid draw'out tbs psln. \y' i***® thousands use CAM- PHOTOtk. onea^ou try it, and realizo how ■ Chronic RhoumoMwii.’ Join|ii, NeWUaiNMrot'

- it Btwars DEPOT SQUARE =.• titU '. V - MANCaES'TER W ® B W i Mim St. af.i : ' V . ;rag£ida' |Sflkati(w|ai , ; r -4 .... . f4-l

„A I

'.M W': f-:r ‘V MANCHESTEIR (C O ^ O IBT^^EN^ THURSDAY/FEBRUARY16, 1928.; PAGSEIGSTT' 1. m LATEST FASHION HINTS BY FOREMOST x-\-‘ " ■ '■ 'J .- ., , AUTHORITY '.--/'’W... J,: '/'j ’•.iSHiii.Jl,' r : r-

_ Charley ® CeriSmexV mm TTf" -if • S on 9 Hpme;PagexEditoriBl;' ' 0 *v « 'a %

T i^ Going *1 ' b o a l c S ^ e By th e ifm AivifhSM BENSON MVRDER © . j . y*."©*©* • A _««__ ' wTt_A _.r___•___s * WT_ < CHARACTERS know just what-to" say. He was of nearly two ^billion dollars,'ac­ What nonsense! Women have wildly in love with Margy: and she . It's a knotty problem, Van- By Olive Roberts Barton VHXLO VAWCB ^ ^ Something’s amiss somewhere.” cording to' a recent convention of never had more money for person­ ■ i' JOHN V.-X. MARKHAM. JDUtrlet led him on, too. But she was sorry beauty parlor operators. They say al adornment, and looked prettier Attoraer ©i New Y © * Oeemtir for it afterward, becausd be got He was silent, smoking, for sev­ J MAHGAHET ODEI.X. (THE eral blocks. that the woman, over 30, apd es­ than they do today, even If they “ GANABY” ) jealous—like a crazy person. pecially the-woman between 45 and have learned how to simlify the “He used to pesteri^the. life out ‘‘Mannix. . . . Curious he should: "Say,'* said old Pop Turner, “if' G H A R 1 .e s G X .E A V E R .a aum- 7:5, who. is. bound to cheat old age, process. It’s that very simplifica­ Hal Mebivitt hadn’t, • a'tookxout ak©a<-t©wa -a< i‘ ’ of her.A & & onceh*-TO know!— crop up again. And he Issued or­ KENNETH SPOTSWOODE. a auuia- puts most of the shiny gold into tion that has inade them lovlier his old silver turnlpUhe. ininute he., Mrs. Ro'binsdtt ofHhe Lily H.eatit'y^piach.. in.>.e^de'nce: - on 80$as *^an taaNloaaMe aearoloslat DON'T BELIEVE IT. WOMEN DEBATE. bray’s store playing poker,: that fireside seats, yrtdl©: iq . rooiqs-'wltb to be afraid- Anyway I think she —On the other hand, was he with “ you love to , touch.” Her ring: Is .delicately p'olbredi H p ^ tU re;- dSsh- TONY SKEEIi. a prafeaaioaai mu I don’t believe a word of It "Must Women Be, Ruthless?” is night^—and; caught the hind leg of *1»P was taking awful chances. . . - . his chore amie from half past ten True, women have to keep young a debate subject, handled by two 1671 and she .specializes in all ions o f satto, •yeivei'or felt are'hsed.-- WHiIilAM aiT-MKR JESSUP, tel* Oh! Do you think it could have till early morning?- Well, welL the 10:47 to New York, he never phases; of- beauty work. '' Vkaae operator' as Jong^ as possible In this day prominent women in a current would a seen that uncle o’ his'that ^ 'e . qrew^ ..pUloyrs. o f . oht.r grapd' HARRY SPIVEI.Y, telepkoae ©P- been—do you really think—— ?” Again, who knows? Something ,iDbther3; fate -tmioh prized *decpra' is: a; fcljihep aiid whqh woman's magazine. The writer of was sailin’ for Europe'nevt mornin’. erater ___ ^ _ “And wasn’t there any one" else” queer about that business discus­ A cooking, expert in giving- cd'un--! tions to4ayi New :and amusing ERNEST HEATH. Ser»eaat ©f tae one hlushe»:to ^ « caught l^oraht. the affirmatlva says that, women “Hal was only wantin’ to see Vance interrupted, “who might sion. artists, “ careerists,” must live for sel to a young girl :about"'to be' cush io as are made of plain. material Htualdde Bnreau But the quest , of beiu'ty Is pri­ him to ask the lend of a, grand, 'as • • • have, felt the same way?—any. one “Then Cleaver. He called up Just marily . a : young. waman?8 Job. It their art only and not be distract­ married)-stressed the importance, of with little dogs,, bats orfrabbits- cul the gun-toters call it, but unc he. Miss* Odell had reason to fear?” ten minutes before midnight—oh, is husband and, romance bait ed by “ the traditional appeals to 'learning-to make good coffee, and- out Of fur aqd’velvet and appliqued TBS STORY THUS FAR up «n’ decides Hal's a great boy ©Mr. Haaalx waa with me from “No.” Miss La Fo.ifle shook her yes, he called up. That wasn’t a Here’s wagerin'g- - that fpr. .. every womanhood.” She cites women to m ake„it exactly as “.He” wished. onto the center. Triahgular - - and tot viitil two ia tao head. “Margy didn’t know many fairy-tale. But how could he tele­ $20 one old womafi idi^es % heauty /artists'Who did not need children and. made his will on the boat. And lt> whether strong, weak, boiled or round cushions are ,used, as elbow aabralasr.” Alya Ua Foaae tella when Hdl comes back to Pickeral VaaM. Yaace had traced a ple- men intimately. She'*dldn’t change phone from a speeding car? He partcH for Eet-hair ^’tinttiig’ "*there "of their o'wn to express childhood “ perked,” next to learn to make a pillows on armchairs, while oblong. tar© toaad la the apartm^t of often, if yon know what I mean. couldn’t Maybe he really wanted are 20,000 girls under, 25 with in art. She points to the painter, Branch, two months later he was cresCm or saufc'e smooth, and free square and. hox^ shapes are. seen on the mardered Margaret Odell to towin’ a Rolls Royce. from lumps. She also advised the Alya. He la tryla* to prore to There wasn’t anybody else outside to have a party "with his recalcitrant their $2.75 for shampo’Or trim and Mary Cassatt, whose canvases of davenports. arayhha— that Skeel did aot com- of those you’ve mentioned, except, Canary, don’t y’ know. But then, marcel. children are hailed as supreme. “ He!d bought a new watch as use of a double boiler which cooks aait the marder, deaplte the fact of course, Mr. Spotswoode. He cut why the brummagem alibi? Punk? thin as the ham in a pop-stand the contents of the upper pan just The news, columns jof ^the Herald Skeel’a aa«er-prlata were foaad Pop out—several months ago. She Maybe. HER BEAUTY. THE OTHER SIDE. sandwich but the old silver one he under the boiling point, and a are open day In and day out tor the la the apartmeat. Vaaee believe put away In lavender and ol’ lace. Skeel was kidliigr i® * eloset wkne. went to dinner with him Monday “But why the circuitousness?— What they don’t say at the Her opponent cites great wo­ thermometer fbr today the exact doing, of; clttbs; and >various organi­ the marder waa coaunitted. Mark­ night, too. I wanted her to go to beauty conventions! Some big city men artists who also lived the tra­ ‘There’s only one way to get temperature is often given in re- zations -Of. whlcTi the town has:' its ham ridleulea the theory,^ hat why didn’t he call his lost love healthy, wealthy an’ wise, boys,* Vaaee la aaahakea. He bellerea the ‘Scandals’ with me—^that’s how hair-dressers’ association spouts ditional woman’s life with hus­ ceipes for, the- baking of - different full share. 'We are alwa.ys glad to direct? .Ah, perhaps he did! Some says Hal.‘ And that’s to l.eep your the marder waa committed by oae I know.” one certainly called her by phone that woman suffrage has made band and children. dishes. Finally; anyone with keen print persoipats; about our readers et the lollowlaa loan Haaalx. Vance rose and held out his band. woman lose her beauty. Women Somehow both arguments seem watch set RIGHT, an’ go by it. It’s mentality jjy making intelligent use' also. , YoUi* comj.n,$B ahd goings ;and CleaVer. Sr. liladqalat or Spota- at twenty minutes to twelve. better than fillin’ a bqb-tailed woodc. He la trylas: to set aome “You’ve been very kind. And you “We must look into that. Van. no longer take time for adorn­ so very futile. In this big world of a cook book and. followipg exact the doings‘of your ciitefe of^friSnds laformatloa from Alya Ua Foaae. flush at* both ends.’ ” have nothing whatever to fear. No . . . Yes, he may have called her, ment, say they, and have become one can always find samples and directions, seldom falls. are of' interest, to- perhaps naore a • * The world is full of flocks. But one shall ever know of our little and then when a man answered— . but efficient, frumpy business examples to illustrate any point than you have anj? Idba of. • If. you < CHAPTER XXVIII we don’t use them. I suppose the visit this morning.” who the deuce was that man, any­ bodies. They seem to object that one wants to make. Generally is Try folding, grated new carrots entertain- gU!^a:fr6m :oht of tbwn, 6il"M sure It will be a success.' average of one o’clock engage­ “Who do you think killed Margy?” way?—^he may have appealed to woman can dress herself by don- the only thing that counts. into ■whipped cream slightly salted are to be; av^y^ yourSolf,’'or • give a Vance spoke with disarming ments are kept at two. Four There was genuine emotldn In the Alys. Quite natural, y* know. and .made piquant with lemon juice. flarty, ll^t.'.us.kiidWfra'bbdt prompt­ f f o’clock means anything toward the friendliness. “Were you home alone girl’s voice. “Louey says it was Anyway, he wasn’t in Boonton.— 44 Serve on a bed ,'df letttice. . Fresh ly. . If there'i»Va little'hew‘ arrival end of the afternoon to a lot'of peo­ all Monday evening?" probably some burglar who wanted Poor Markham! How upset he’ll 'Ideal Fashions carrots are now obtainable all a, your home or:am ong your rela- ple. • “Hardly.” The Idea seemed to her jewels.” be when he finds out. through the winter, as well as le.t- tivjBs, try, ‘to dee .ithat. we- baye. a One day-recently ; I .. as at an amuse her. “I went to the ‘Scan' “I'm too wise to sow discord in “But what really worries me Is tube, cabbage, peppers/ celery..and; notice of It.' We Ab hear,-’'of these appointed rendezvous for luncheon dais’—but I came home early. I this happy., nienage by even ques­ that story of the doctor. Jealous spinach. For' salads and- relishes happenings wheu- thby.^oeciir at the kne'w^ Louey—Mr. Maunix—was tioning Mr. Mannix’s opinion,” said mania: it squares with Ambroise’s and at one o’clock. At one thirty I tele­ the raw vegetables outside of spin­ hospitals, but afib'e private ihombz' coining.” Vance half bariteringly. “No one character perfectly. He’s the kind s . phoned. My friend’s daughter said, ach are often more appetizing and it Iscdfteh overtiotefced hntil it is no "I trust he appreciated your sac­ knows who’s guilty; but the police that does go off his head. - I knew “ Mother’s just leaving. She sup­ healthful than ';Wh,en cipoked,. when" longer"neWs. ‘ : rifice.” Vance, I believe, was dis­ agree with Mr. Mannix.” his confession of paternalism was posed you’d' be Idte so she waited grated Or'shredded finely. appointed by this unexpected alibi For a moment the girl’s doubts a red herring. My word! So the to bake a cake.” She arrived at ten If ther'e ds any-special* cooking of Mannixis. After a momentary returned, and she gave Vance a doctor was making threats and •MOM minutes to two and then stormed The trend In. dress, materfalg is recipe that you desirb/ibr "any other pause, he changed the subject. searching look. flourished pistols, eh? Bad, bad. becaus-3 the fried scallops were toward those which have a supple. assistance in h.ous€hoi4‘ a'ffairs!^^^^^ “"Why are yon so interested? You gone. I tried my best to show-her feel yet are durable and bracticaL J are-invit^ to call'upon, iis-and'w# “Tell me; what do you know I don’t like It. With those ears of didn’t know Margy, did you? She niiG ir LeLters the error of her ways but she was about a Mr. Charles Cleaver? ' He his, he wouldn’t hesitate to pull Two years ago when printed silks j wl^;4qlp'y6ti^‘ l^^t‘^S3^bs8iM^^ never mentioned you.” completely placid. were introduced .so generally levery-j the other, hand if yoii have hit iipon was a friend of Miss Odell’s.” the trigger. Paranoia—that’s It. Vauce laughed. Delusions of persecution. Probably •BY RUTH DEWEY GROVES The next time I’ll— why,. I., sup­ body, welcom'ed them for these ] a special aid or short cut,or il^ve "Oh, Pop’s all right.” The girl “ My dear child! I only wish I thought the girt and Pop—or may­ pose I’ll be there at one and wait qualities, and. their adaptability to j something o f' geneijRl ’^ntbrest, ' we was plainly relieved by this turn knew why I am so deuced con­ Dearest Mother; for her until ten minutes to two. both outdoor .and, indoor, affairs, wiirall be grateful if you wiil paez in the cohversation. “A good scout. be the girl and Spotswoode—were Remember, you asked me to try cerned in this affair. ’Pon my vrord,. plotting his misery and laughing I always have and always will and Th.ey are just as popular, if not -jt on to others. .; '■ - ; He was certainly gone on Margy. I can’t give you even tbe sketchiest and imagine how I would feel if at him. so will everybody, else. I hope,: she more, so today.' i ' ' , Tiven after she threw him over for explanation. . . . No, I never met Alan, took another girl: to lunch? reads, this account of her sins and “ You can’t tell aboht those chaps. Well, i know! JThe oddest coinci­ 'Ateyicaa! qf /Ct^fs Lirer:. Mr. Spotswoode, he was faithful, Miss Odell. But it would offend then sets her watch and all her Despite spreading rumors, that- as you might say—always running They’re (deep—and they’r& danger­ dence!" Thre^-j'fburths'pbimd ’'8 my sense of proportion If Mr. Skeel ous. The canny Alys had him clocks RIGHT, and tries to live up Icmg tresses will be most favored, ;2'' cups s.lfted -efinned tpmatoei,. 8 after her, sending her flowers and were punished and the real culprit Norman and I happened upon scores of smart: women are. retain- sized up — warned the Canary to them, afterwards. onions'^; -1 green :;PbppeV, 2 table­ presents. went free. Maybe I’m getting senti­ a quaint little tea room, the other in~ their bob,,and others who.have against him. . . .’ Taken by and spoons fippr,' " ir 2 te a s p o o n ,.aalt, “ Some men are like that. Poor day and I never gave a thought to mental. 'A sad fate, what?” large, it’s a devilish tangle. Any­ GAKDE.V PL.ANMNG, put off bobbing' for' one, reason.'and 1-4 teaspoon papfika,, A old Pop! He even phoned me MoU'?' “I guess I’m getting soft, too.” its being in, Alan’s neighborhood way, I feel rather bucked. We’re another are now having it .donP-.fOF spoon,, ground' ;n»ustar4> day night to call up Margy for him She nodded her head, still looking until he came in and sat down at the first time. A igreat. jnany ■ more moving—oh, undoubtedly we’re Long before planting dayS; ar­ ■ spoon- $Wund. clpyee,; 3. table­ and try to arrange a party.—May­ a table near ours. Vance squarely in the eyes. “ I moving—though in what direction rive, the real gardener: will plot, out women would take, the pluiige, if spoons butter,:' ;2 , slices,'bacon.. be if I’d done it, she wouldn’t be risked my happy home to tell you He had a girl I didn't know I can’t even guess. It’s beastly her grounds,' plan ller flowers and 1 it spoken of in such strong / 'Gut: liver -jhr-inch i X X ; how many possible tricks hall?-' ' Mflk to dose yourself,with strong drugs. 'espond. to demands made upon it. from sunlight'itself. , . m a y . he makei ? ' ~ “■ ■XJWhat can you dp with j^^it Just take -a; plain' white,* pleasant- Rise of temperature, and de- -xAppnirently w h a f ls flrePdPd^^IfbV Thie Answers , ' / " taating tablet. * " ■ a-ease In weight on exppsure;. to the general use is a machine which :l£ e r e ? - Best Pape?s Cbld Compound is snoh. a 1— One club. : >/■ The 'A ^ w e r g :. iltra-vlolet rays he considered, a will supply only the Intensity of 2— ^Four-card suit bid is prefer­ simple thing to use, it doesn^ seem oms. Certain neurasthenic patients sunlight and with which, therefore, 1. A Spanite' shawHiS a wrap for possible ,-that It can knock a ',,bold able.: and out of plape bn; a dunce floor.. eemed to become exceedingly the average person will be quite, 3— ^WO. O i i l - out completely in a*fbw hour8.''But reakenod after exposure to ultra- safe. '#■ 2. Yes,.tho|^ -It tends.*to look it does!,: And there^ip’t a sliigle lolet rays aqd the development of. --Already h^!'the ^oiise of Cism- as if you werelbhpylny ,It-ofl. dreug after-effect’ bn hfeart', head, ■* ,pr his symptom ^^'was., conslwred a mon'sv.ln SiBglahd and ^Iu.j^'ya^us % - 3 .'Throw iR?tq«Wi.tibe hack of stomach, It is sold by every drug­ your’ chair. / pntrainditRtlqn u fe 'o f the legislaHV® ’ bodies . n this country BfUST s i ;B 1 A B B ^ . a -• H ew itt. gist for ohly 35c. ays., ■ ^ the question hein,g agitated of 1- Tommy; 'What'Is the greatest 49H oU develoi^ng sonie control over#lhe waterpower, knonrh'to man? , . Most Important of all was the Phone rarnlng ; of the French, observer use of physical methods over the Alec: , Woman’s tears.— i^An- . A Siberian •gobd •ice will I |iat every patient should • haye 80^ uutriaihed in .thek iippUGatiopJ.ii!rfirs. draw abpttt SO'i^i m e054 Ag:-;--" f ... ■ . . . -if. . ..-'rV


'j;;’* :; V I ^^».Ty * . : - / ^



The Rec Flv# basketkeU t6am#fl#ld,. Conneetteut Aggie luminary, However, 'local ’Boy, will travel to DanielBon tonight lo Beeves is another star performashii February 16 for a defense of his sporting hyehte. Tha’.HeraJd now BY DAVI9 J. WADSH Krsmer, Rhem. Donohue ao4 amateur boxing ibow of the Massa- title, caosed considerable activity Meadows just reached that mark. Boit A. C. which win be held in .w . ^ L* . P- plana a Pocket Billiard' tournament here today In the camp of Joe Dun­ I. N. S. Sport# JBditpr The two American League pitch­ BIG SHOTS OF TENNIS ^elimination of little Bill jo'hniton Foot Guard hall to-'ght. • • • • V * ■ • 88 14 89 to get under-way shortly. Anyon* dee. The welterweight champion ers to shine were Uhie of Cieveland The Onited States Golf Assoela Is announced. ' There are sixteen entries from Out)S... •sfcec ■'•••• 87 15 38 In town is eligible to compete. also was threatened with suspend with 2 7 battles to his credit, and tion‘already ha§ anttPURCed thi ten Remember that Dick Williams the heavier battlers-middle- We 6. R e c ...... 26 16 56 Last year. The Herald sponsered Sion by the N. B. A., but escaped New York, Feb. 16— Light, it is Pennock, who registered 23 tri­ amateur player# which, ip fts opin­ one pf the Pbts of the association weights, light heavies and heavy, C]iov0r^e»v#« . a, -. ‘M 18 32 elminatlon championship tennit the ban yesterday because he has estimated, travels at the rate of umphs. ion, ranks above, every other golf was not ranked several years ago welghte. In the heavyweight divi­ Rto 0^ Oc aa 80 a i tournaments Tor men and womer been under contract for some time 90 186,000 miles per second and the Last year the, number.of twirler# star and because of the predomin­ because he ^7a1 laid up with, a lame sion, Paddy Jones of, Waterbury, ChQTCh^ . . • 89 m apd both were a Wg ahcc^. Just to box here as soon as his legal to reach the coveted figure in the ance pf American golf that terri­ ankle and was not able to play who this week scored his fourth Rott ••••••• 22 80 89 at present, the Herajd Bowlihf troubles in Califor-ia are settled only reason 1 mention this is that 25 League which wilt decide the five- Leach Cross, the bid lightweight majors was increased by one over tory taken in by the golf assoela- in enough tournament eempetltlon. consecutive kayo, will meet Mike Beethoven ...... 21 21 and he is reinstated in New York, Kaeffello, the Springfield south, Brltc Amefa . . . * J* 15 87 21 man toVrp tttie. is entangled in s Max Waxman, manager of Dun­ and once the young millionaire, is the preceding sdason. Qn.ce again tlon .may be eensidered to be the Johnston was never Physically the National offered four such stars whole universe. ably to play last year and h© also paw, who has: been defeating all Ik. ot 16 86 19 merry race. Tommy ConVan and dee, practically concluded ^negotia­ in town today apii it is a question 18 Howard Murphy are engaged in « while the American had three. With the tennis assoclAtion, how­ saved himself as much as possihiA comers at Foot uUard shows. St| BriGg^ts SCO.. 14 88 tions yesterday for a bout here on in his mind whether light will ever 28 18 battle for the one-man town A striking coincidence aboyt the ever, the Bituatien is sUgbWy differ­ in ord#r to have every'^ ounce Ot In the tight heavy division there 14 March 23 between the champion see the bay it can race aheah of bad are entries from Ray Sanborn of hurling record# otVhese two years ent. American tennis doesn’t pre­ strength available for the. defense honors. ' and Ace Budkins, pfofided the lat­ news. The coneprring inur»hr you Hartford, Louis Crahiel of Holyoke, 'TONIGHT’S, m a t c h e s . The^ Seraltl believes that tow? ter defeats Sergeant Sammy Baker hear from the rear of the hall ppor Is the fact that not one o| the six dominate the werid, and in fact tbo of the Davis Ciip. That America failed end: France wop the Dari# Luclen tariviere of Waterbury and championship events are much reh here tomorrow night. Waxman cem- b#bly emanates frpfh Lew ’Teiwiier, to go 20 or better games In 1926 “ First Ten” soon to he announced, ished by the readers as w«U as tht Cup certainly cannot be blamed en­ Vlo (Jarlsen e, TerryvUte. ^ At Conran's. ferred with Art Hudkins, the “ wild­ who like Cress made a fortune In was able to repeat last season. Fen by the United States Lawn Tennis Eddie E«e of fprinsfield hoidB High. Park vs. Bon Ami. Players. And for that reaePU. th*. cat’s brotner and manager. the dual role of lightweight boxer nock and Meadows fell jnet one Ateociation may m»t include a num>- tirely PS Jphnaten. FerbapPi how­ the middleweight entry list and writer has made plans for decidinfi hep of the ranking star# who in a ever, he could have been Placed Brit. Amer. vs, Masons. and a heavyweight realtor. short of the charmed numbei’, among tb9;^tti9!r8 are Blu Bruno of AtK.uf C. , that “ who's who” la iiooldom. Deach Cross has come hack; while Kremer, out for a couple of world-ranking group would be' very somewhere on the list.' Windsor Locks. wimnheimer of Some moat interesting battlei ClBVsrieaves ye, Beefn^ve^. S7' a span of Vearp, to the ghetto of his mentbs with a had knee, was two much in evidence. Williamdi when he was left off C^nby, Joe Murphy. Al Mariano At Mnrpby*s. should take place as Manchester 1« The "First ten’* has not been an­ the ranking'HsL was' so disabled BENSON SHOWS FANS boyhood. He arrived several days games away. and- ‘’Weaver" Squires of Water- Qnbs vs, K, of P. . said to be rilled With "sharks” . ago from California, followed by In the National League averages nounced by the tenpis associatlPn physically that he couldn’t, play at bniT, Paul urozowitz. Nelson Rec. vs. Center Church. All matches, will be a hundred two fifty dollar bills;' that is, if for 1927, we find Root of Chicago but there is no death penalty for ail. Little Billy played bis heart Sbarpa and “ St0nswair’ Jackson, St. Bridgets vs. K. of C. points in length and play will he they weren’t following him, the heel with the most victories, 26; like­ guesssing and a number of very out. all of Hartford. on an ,eUnilnation basis. A sllvei HE’S NO ‘HAS BEEN’ curious guesses have already been The ascent of young Lott over There will / be specials on the of each of Leach’s shoes was violat­ wise', he lost the most games of the Tonight’s the night to look, for loving! Auj) . will be presented the ing h confidence. The fifties Mrere fonr oqtstanding pitchers in the made, ' Alonzo can be expected in the rank­ card as follows; Hay Strong vs. winnei^%y'The Herald. Knowing, that, here's one guess ings to be aoneupced offliclaUy c°o°- some more upsets in The Herald cached in the only way that would senior organization, as 15 defeats Tony Jutiano, both of Hartford; Bowling League. It is a time when ’ All matches will be played In the satisfy a man who valued them in­ were charged to him. that may appeal to seme as good.g If such a thing occurs. It is a Eddi* Reed nf Hartford vs. Art School street Rec. a public Institu­ very promising ^bisg for American ChapdeWae of Springfield; Vic in each match, there is a warm Leads ordinately. Haines of St. Louis, with 24 guess as any made. favorite, and that’s just when the tion. These tables are cofisidered It is not a matter of record that wins and only Id defeats, finished Big Bill Tilden, Francis T. Hun­ tennis because Alonso is ope ef the Morley vs. Charley Stevens, both “ neutral” to practically all of the best players in the world and thb of Hartford; ' Frank Columboof, dope bucket usually gets the, swift­ the old Leach Cross was given to witfr the best average, followed by ter, Manuel Aionse and George m . est kick. With Bevprql team# in pllayers in town. Entries should tory; Herb Sniilb Scores valuing anything, ekeept his health. Alexander, with 21 wins and 10 Lott, Jr., are sure te b© included rise of Lott, as well as Van By». Windsor Lpeka vs. "Zeke” Mazier he forwarded immediately to the White. Roeg and other youngster#, of Kariford. the thick of the right for first place But then, times have changed. losses and Hill wjth 23 victories in the ranking ten. So that leaves as the league shuote along down sports department of The Herald Following • Hobby against 11 reverses, ' only six places for the other six is an indication that while Tilden Al Dowd of Mf.nche#ter meets in care of the- writer. Some of Joe Champ of Hartford lu the final the home stretch, interest is grow­ A s Only a few weeks age. Lew Tend- The American Leagne data shows places is that Johnny Hennessey, and Johnston aro going fast there those who are expected to compete are some youngster# who are brees- for the Northern CfmneCticut feath­ ing in leaps gnd bounds. ler came to town to take a cruel ‘■Waite Hoyt as the pitching ace of John Van Ryu, Arnold W, Jones, The Masons. Cubs, R ec Clover- are Billy Kaminsky. Charlie Lewis N. White, John Doeg and ing along to take their place, erweight’championship. The local SchaUb, Paul Dougan, Jack Hart­ beating and was rewarded with a that organization with 22 wins and hoy Is the favorite although he will leaves, K. of C. and Bon Ami are Harry Benson was the star #t few piffling thousands. It was .only seven defeat#. “ Lefty’* Grove Fritz Mercur will be ranked along The Position of Hunter lu Ameri­ nett, Sam Houston,-Jarle Johnson, Plainfield last night when the have to '^ r k top speed. the favorites to win hut who can pointed out at the time that the lad, finished second with 20 and 12, with the four aforemenUened stars, can tennis Is, of .epurse, beyond tell what will happen? Several Walter Dunn. Tommy McCann, Phila4elphia Colored Giants were doubt, and he surely will be ranked Fred McCann, Louis Chagnot, rich beyond the dreams of avarice, while Lyons was third with 22-'!4, l a s t NIGHT’S FIGHTS teams hare benefited by adding turned hack hy a itl to IB score be­ loved to fight and now was follow­ it will k'e noted that, of the DBOP VOHNSTON? just below Tilden again, this year. another player to their list made Arthur Jarvis,' “ DUCkcr’V Carlson, fore a packed house. Filling In at ing the game as a hobby. That seven leading pitchers of the tw.i Don’t he too surprised, If you All in all. the guess, as a whole, At San Francisco—Walcott possible by a new , league ruling. Sam Heron, Paul Bailsieper, Joe guard in the absence of George statement mu#t ia v e been good for leagqcis,' men able to win 20 or are surprised any at all, If the looks pretty good. " Langford. Chicago negro middle­ Several teams have niade no Boroski, Earl Judatz, John Seuenk Stavnltsky whose knee Injury made an ironical smile on Tendler’s part. more ball games, only Grove of weight, drew with Phil Krug, of change. The Bon Ami will use and Judd Gallup. it ^^eGessary to put “Whitey” Ber- ' It was a good story, however, tlm Fhilsdelphia Athletics is a left­ EXPECT LARGE CROWD New Jersey, 10, Louis Genovese, Its new member not at center, Benson showed that even If it wasn’t right. The fact of hander. At Toledo, Ohio— California Joe tonight. Qthers may follow. Only he is far from a “ has been” lead­ the matter Is that few men fight Difficulty in holding a working Promoters of the PauUno-Ged- Lynch and Andy Martin of New seven more weeks of play remain j KICKED OFF SQrAD ing his team in scoring in addition for the love of It and Tehdler Isn't margin of a one or two run lead. am pus frey fight in Los Angeles late this England, were put out of the ring on the schedule, | to holding his opponent to one one of these. He simply Is doing Is wkat makes pitching such a try­ month expect the bout to. draw for alleged stalling tactics in 8th Because he-failed to pass an ex- the' pne thing he knew# to do ing Job these days, and the winning crowd of at least 26,000 fahs^ round. REGISTRATION RISES aminationr Everett Olsen, captain of Plainfield’s defense was the best best! j of 20 ball games so difflcuU a task. At Dayton, Ohio— Joe Sekyran the Illinois‘ basketball team, was of the season. At halftjme, the Leach Cross, bprn to another-day Major league,pitchers npver con­ i m r a ANOTHER FRENCH ON WAY Dayton light heavyweight, knocked There are now 23i226,l9f motor banned from play early in Febru* score stood 14 to 12 in favor pf and age pf can’t even do sider a^’gime reasonably safe un­ out Italian Jack Herman, Brook­ vehicles in the United States, an ary, ______, Phihifield’ ’ and In ’'the " sepond Ualtr that. The man who made a quarter less they have a five-rup lead- A eOB MATHERNM Penn State expects John French, lyn, 8. ^ Increase of 1,224,789 over 1927, the home team pulled ahead far million in purses and twice that brother of Walter French, to he a ^ At Kansas City— '"npy” Roe­ WILL PILOT ANTONIO margin of four runs or less is al­ Many college athletes participate buck, Indian heavyweight, kayoed enough to coast out a 27 to 18 win­ amount outside the ring now is ways considered dangerous. leading candidate for quarterback TRUCKS KILL M081 ner. Chambers pulled some spec­ in one sport only. Quite a number "Big Boy” Peterson, of Minneapo­ talking of going Into vaudeville Often it, is an easy matter to fill on the football team. Frank Gibson , .catcher last sea­ tacular shots for the losers. The take part in two sports, and a few lis, 1st round. with a monologue, candidly admit­ the bases. It can be dppe ffu-ough Four-fifths of the automobile son with the Boston, Braves, has game was rough In spots with are skillful enough to make good in Pressing clothes with hot irons been appointed manager of. the San ting that he needs a break. an error, a hit and a base on balls, three sports, and occasionally one The normal rate of speed of the fatalities of New York during Copper being “ found guilty'" many . . Can’t Eat Climate not only prSshrveB tbs creases; it October and:November, last year, Antonio Texas League club; for thi# or various other ways, In .a,jiffy crashes through in four. also destroys disease-producing blood as it passes through the body times. The Giagts scored hut six “ California was fine,” he says, were caused by trucks. coming season. and then loom# the. danger of a Which makes the record of Rog­ germs. is seven miles an hour. points in the second half. “But you can't eat th# climate.” home run that will fie a foqr-FUn Herb Smith of this town refereed And so, with the Instinct of the er Mahoney, 200-pound senior at the game in a highly satisfactory lead and wipe oqt a lesser advan­ Penn State, all the more remarka homing pigeon, he return^ to the tage. rups, you know, are ble. He has come through in five manner. For some time, the ofllciaf;- old, familiar streets and their end­ Ing at Plainfield hasn’t been satis­ not longer uncommon, sports! less parade of faces, older now and All of which may partly qzplain factory. Repeated changes have less familiar, leaving behind him » For three seasons Mnhouey has availed nothing, hut it looks as why plfcbing is considered at;least been on thb football squad and last w e a t h e r ^ T i CITY memory of those filer# in the stock 65 Tier cent of the .SYfiVage hall though Smith is the key to the year was given honorable me itlon SaiM at t4w«va at pjb market, the money hp made and game. as center on a number of all-star ED ITIOli solution. spent and lost and lent. tbBcpfyesr. The summary: selections. Li#I)V^ 0I

t Brusso. rf 1 0 2 ■York where my old friends could 5anl Cp. Dissenger, If 0 4 4 winter and won a boxing letter. VtfU i , No* B Thursday, February 16,1928. come and hear me,” Last spring he tpok papt in several a 8 7 Bernot, c ..•••••• 2 Leach Cross did have many kind lacrosse contests and won a letter. Madden, rg 2 0 4 friends and followers here in the READY FOR BIG/ This year he has made good as a GoH b Name New Bato Benson, Ig 3 4 10 days when he needed neither. It is wrestler and will be the heavy­ “JESSIE, OF THE POTS AND — MAN BITES DOG SIf, and Mm. M<^s Gold, .well that a thoughtful provideiice weight representative ef Penn gtate of 2234 PierpinMcts Street, the 8 11 27, takes due account of the saving in all matehes. Sttery Break* A t M PANS"'-«**/^ , PhUadelphia (18) SPORT REVIVE Bronx, New York, have grace ef optimism. With all bis sebolastie ability, thdr new baby, boy F. T. XH £ B- chicago.^Jdid-western wrestling Mahoney has found enough time ta Harman J. QHucoie, 45, bit a large browi Oteltf Leoia David Gold. C h a p te r! ChambcrB^-If -*.« • • • • 3 0 6 rank as an hener student in mining "Whea 1 see that name, Bethard,^ f t ...... 1 2 4 prpniotors nro preparing: for a. and metaliufgy. one n? the hardest airedale on Heffer Street tWs aftemooH. 0. t . D. Gold," said ^ Jstricq Hl|d>tewer h08 been herself eatering a night club Cooper, c ■ • ^ 1 0 2 vivtgt ofrthi mat game, courses tbefa is. He will gradueto tn and hearing people sOy, They sea In the world’s heavy-i hapw* tether." it wiU remind brought up in a small tPVm. YanCy, rg 2 2 6 June. The acene waa witiieaa^ Georg* file of tmr tevarite s m ^ and "There’s timt temous Mitchell, Ig -9 * m • m • 0 0 0 Watkins Bros. weight title conteit to he staged in i’Ubed8uWyh^y.“ Pwbfflw m dwht.thl| HijSitower. * Iffic had »sd c St, Louis, February 20 between Ed Modqpty las itiSiapffbut tktro’s CJarbam wbo pQk Glucose in custody. stetenumt, but whgbe sifiy? up h ff . inind th^jf.such ♦ *’$tringief'* Lewis and. Joe gteeher, It hcRl bewtoarthBire 7 18 sugh a t^ng aa r,liq^nf f# Tierm^ lu StaiaoH House NtJG^TS ; - happteatwaca fcaily ever te ^ Refers t Herb Smith. both claimants of the title, an op­ fari laJ^s SUffPFd Gei’fiyi te Jte' te thi «ty ami live place, gh? WO|^ smUc #weew Wm portunity to aaeio, popularise the State baskotteu fosward. roBsmng bg caa iiMi iom&>np to go To fill We esftm . riw wka Llire^^MtotiNteaiiyr Ps# it and say? it^ltel’t, I'm . big tee and arm iport, a Kama with Htasapi WQUsite in ffffs his pontftem Memfri her _«hmiee -would Je*«f Hiltetowcf,” - . Chicago promoters declare the penri?!, cerdy b u w jsfi lu M m and lOi ba^D ^ Oeid rigarettes. come. l e a g u e S T J ^ IN G match is "entirely an the square" Evf geaiums. lute % te^ d w m uad jeitu '.ms dffiily hwi i e ^ rite in Bilge’s drug^tire npUtegO 44 et $400.00. liariuafi * v «i end was retesiaf to work Contractors and that one of the main objeets steayod lute te® gyuteasium. pu did HELP W A N T E B soda, a Strangs'ffitered. ^ Watkins Bros. ,...81 8 41 of the title bout is to attract inter­ a Btedie thfoug&rtna neaiteSt door, saw ^ a t much immey to his life. overtime. ; was yqqng. sunvc and High School ., ..,.23 13 38 est in the leng-negleeted sport. The suffering cuts from broken ^ass So a eontnb?—Pile U»iy She we# i beauriM gq-i, some. As h* drew an o w her leaf, wwr^ hiende hair Map. Plumbing ....21 15 27 mat impressarioB are planning to that required numprou# Aiflted why he bit the alte- if he ba« the l^ e st rifsp- Gold cigarette freai a beauti­ fltgarettcs. btew; fartefiiy bobbed, ®u4 L U U IN D m Trust Company ___ 18 20 17 carefully note the pubUo's reaction and which will prevent his plajriu^ he Slid, hi Mwfiv hftfd of a ^ guWteUon m ful rilver case, he bowed agd flM pthf i as SBC weshed tec Trade School ___ 11 25 U to the St. Louis contest and a re­ baskethaU any mora th|# seas®^ pens in h ^ mother’s kitchen, said? ' ' ^ ■ ____ '6 27 8 tiiat if a dof hte a Wte It Wte’t FSUI ” P»4ou me, tedri A A P Tea Co. vival of wrestling in Chicago and wasn't n«vs> but if a man hit that statement in the ' mifiM (ahiitelX - But wa she dreamed isf New -York, Keiths Co. ___ 4 26 5 You often___ ksaF*f . thji______askfd; Ds from tee city- Are, you JDw the middlewest generally is pre­ jte edutri^t®'#' T*y Hro^toNgr » d uU thc traffic Jessica Hi^tpwe^ I f so, 1-4 'ftiere was a mistuke lU the league dicted. ' 1 UnemeB or baekrield men mall® •4if teatwaiL, Olympic Committee FaQs to tei«P»FUiP*l6fel m © y oatebisaA Nopoy^SPept ^ cfin isB , On her pnuo she like to converse with yqU, standing in fhe" gomwerclal Bowl­ A Long Dispute tea doaokast Qffleiais ut Ohig State hid cqte longs as "Hotsy “ Oh, you hush uj>!” ff* ing lleague last night and the above The heavyweight wrestiing title who reepnily compiled an am*- L0 Advtg^* Totsy Ham Ham" and plied Jessica, etdl siim?ng.' qC formep athlete# who UF® Anmver Their Protest of is eprreet. Watkins Brothers were has been in dispute since J.92$ after Locfilard Co.(Ine., “ Baby, Qet Hot,” As she “ gypBPd’’ a point giving the Con­ coaching say it Is a dead heat. Of 40 UO West 40th St.i N. V. C. played tecpe rile imaginad (To At aonrieved)' Wayne Muun. the giant Nebraskan, men so employed, §fF§ i& 86§fi struction Company i four geint tossed Lewis fro® a, Hancac City 10,000 Metre Race. lead, it should have been three class, w o . are ce'nters, eight guards, Miss Emma Wtepnx n d Bb HuUoW. onr poptepr ring. Lewis Claimed he was fouled one teckle, five quarterbackB, nice points,' , , but Munn was reeegnized by many 2#h6 S w i m « p i ffSiPhad •teWiN~ ' and te tei Trust gomgmy. This does not make a whale of a ends, 11 halfhaeks and four full­ at the aa champion. Later in the same backs. bus Vv*te-pre#t- St. Moritz, Switzerland, Feb. 16. lot of differesPl &S Iftf 68 th§ final WedutedWi „ year Stanislaus ZbysskP. the ancient deui,gb®< miinmid —With their WoteSt thA games &?§ eppperned neit ^ ^ d a y , yotteg teU| - hS Polish grqppler, defeated Munn in A FCOOUt cicrarion which eUm" parents' rise |o ^ , * when •efqa^l Pf the Int^^hfiHwuiWymplc Watkins SFoy»er# 'Wifi tU Philadelphia, In May of 1985 Lewis, teeftesldeot;, Ifim for three games an3^ay»'h u t in^cuse ingted ceytetu w m tefMible al®®# Al-' pair was a 1 lomiglttee ta accqpt the mark made defeated Munn in a mateh at Michi­ leu Loffan, SmUW jUUlCF Wbo. riB- and a icartee ^ . >y frying Jaffee in the 10,000 they do, it wpuld make them cham­ gan City, shortly after gtecher had ished seventh is ik® daeatfilon at which aomsee teste a f®w hisTdii More netrS race still unanswered, the pions instead of tying th^contea^ defeated ^byszko In St, Louis. the Penn HelayB stest year, belief ctwfc ‘ poteNtejrte* /The L smoother [Tnitdd States speed skaters left for tors as stated yesterdayr will Stecher, who has claimed the that be wlU make tbe Olympic ^ . Paris: today. be Impossible te tie the gontractpi^ title since the St. Lpuis contest, ha# eenad tbte veari He thinks eiimina- and better ^ As;the teams of Norway, Sweden, because if the latter gate a single been wrestiing fqr more than four­ tion o f tbe troublft 'viH make him \ fin i^ d , and Austria had already Mint, they wiU be the pennant win- teen years and during 'thst time; better in the weifnte events, where IterlffiBAlBVIN eft, there was no ppisihiUiy that pqrs. Watkini Brothers have g hes suffered only two lefeats. Eerl be euffered last yaer. s m a a tts cigairette he race would he run evey^gain. pteong team and are hopeful of Ceddock won frodt Stecher in 1910, Ipwg has three' seniors on |t# HoWever, a# Gustavn# T. Hifby, turning hack the Qonstruetfon Com­ in Omaha and Lewi# defeated him wrestling squad who enefi have held '7.1 a Big Ten iwreBtilngJjbampfpnshlp, ITtWte J Oelg tes fineal of teo WWtePe uanager ot the American skaters pany for four point# and the title. in a New York match eight years ntei fteSKm ieclayed, “ as far as we are eoecerui The league officials refiuest the ago. They are Hpral W »r, ilSVpQund m u r iv v i tottered CT®ite*i*sfut® teem. Id, l^e consider Jaffee Olyffiple varipu# teams which have pestpom* ' Pick Leifle To Win chnmpies two yesfeago; Leslie ihaBudon In the 10,060 mmres ed gamis’te play that theie ba fim Beers, 14 S-peund Champion the “ Strangler” haa been gfltlve in Bgme year: and , B. Michael, 135- ace.i^' ished a# soon a# po##lhle. It should wrestling for ten years and like hi# ppund tl^iit in 1985. - Jalfee's time west by the hoard be remembered that the five dollerr opponent in the fortbooming bont Dm u GromwfeU has haver felt, a rhen lJte.'yirieime called off the of the forfeit fee I# apt returnable has only been beaten twice. He lost need for sprinters for hie 89ttth®rs vent^ whibh tohk -place Tuesday. A unless all matches .are played. ; the disputed bout to Munn. and CaUfornta track squad. Hie ery late­ .Fofe|t wag iUi|d by the Aintrieani Zbyszko won from him In 1921 In ly hap been for thc dletence run- c w l o G esterday,-'‘ New York. ueri, Sut that cry is not heard tti|* It Was understood today that the •; GEW ;^IAL IN M A J(^ Lewis is a master of the deadly year. Be has a number of not a cough iu a fnltell States dplMjrifon liquid head lock rnd will probably rely on ters who look so good that Gordon he Olympic eomnflttee tp decide on -Elmer Bray, former Wasblngtoo this hold In the St. Louis jneeting, gmlth, his one veteran from last heir protest before the start ot the College star, has signed for a trial while stecher will employ the body year, will have to work doubly hard gurer skating',.; competition at with the Chicago White Sox this scissors formula ia which is in an this year ie win a place on t*te justOrdam. , Wi^isc,- ■■■ expert. .

'.'Vs:''; Tell And You Will A Classified Ad is ^ 71 W O R K O F 4 t o L I O H ^ AHARAirrHTOlIEftR DONH IBLBCTBIOm Want Ad fBfomuidOB liOBt and Found ^ >r" W a n te d —-F e m a le 8 8 modern h o u s e , ■'’tfsrage, rmlt w e u 'Washlngrtbn,u-';F®b.. 16.—^Mfichanl^ l o s t —GBRMAN-Police puppy, near COMPETENT STOUNG^ WOMAN de­ P rlC s^ ly .f4,000. 2^ OF MASONIC H o p s c41 power ia doing the work of 4,- the Heights. Return to Tony Gre- sires care of children, evenlnga ley. 827 Main street. TeL 1428-2. 468,000, men' t» t^je - United M a n c h ^ t e r Telephone 1482. Tieno, 18 Norman street. - ULWinnhn ' States evd^ day» Ifldwin W- \ Houses Sale 73 Evening Herald Announcements WANTED—^POSITION afternoons, by Chapman Court, Order of Atna- of the' CohSinerbe Department^ de­ person experienced In all branches Phone ’Your Want business session tomor^w evening clared at a coiufei^OTce o f ichemlcal CJlassified'Advertisements of office work, Including: stenogra­ ON STATE •^B0AD-'*6 room single at the Masonic temple. The mem­ AS A MATTER OP RECORD we Wish phy. Address Box R, -in care of industry executlvea'here today,. Count *lx avoraxo 7°XSrl^tloni; To The bers will then adjourn to the large The electric industry, which Y ^- ,i»«o1h TinmberB and abprovtatioua to locatejEasy SVashlng machine No. Herald office. S' -'- •only 35000. Call Arthur A Knofla. M-458491,'^hd will Bay, hall where F. A....-Verplanck 'will fesenta $20,000,000v000 inyegted words as two -virords. 85.00,rif h i will notify Mt. Thumith, WANTED—POSITION- .by American TeL 782-3|2£2— give a “ Masonicscope” lectitfe. Mr. capital, generated a lafge pi^on iB price ot three llnea Watj^li^ & othera girl, 20, neat, capable and trust- f o r SALB^NiiSW . 6 ROOM bunga­ Verplanck "will tell about and sho'W of the billion mechanical horse­ • • • • worthy. Some high school education; low all ■ Improvements Telephone STEAltoBttP TlCKfilTS—all parts of ambitious and willing to learn. Ob- 2632-2 . br'^call' 108 Benton street, pictures o f the. Masonioi; home in power Wbfking for the cb^ try a t • lilne rates per day for .tr^slent the world. Ask for galling '•jeot—new field of work. Address Wallingford, the new Washington the rate of about forty slaves per ads. ratsA PhOha 750^2. Robert J. Smith, ElIeotlTa March IT, 1**V __ BOX E. in care of Herald office. fjegul Notices Memorial Temple at Alexandria capita. T . . Cash Charge 1008 Main street. ____ and other scenes ^ that ^ will appeal "The experts V of our indurtry ' B Consecutivelutlve Days .,| 7 otsl * ots Dogs— ^Blrds— ^Pets 41 AT A COURT OP.PROBATE HELD to those interested in Masonic Antom oU l^'p|r Sale at Manchester, within and for the have acqulreii a positive facility in 1 8 Consecutiveiutive D ays ^ • o t j 11 « t ; work. This illustrated lecture ■will juggling ions, atoms and mole­ ■ 1 Day -»«aeaae*»**« - • I ** * FOR SALE — PEDIGREED Police District o f Manchester, on the 16th. CHEVROLET isiiiE S & SERVICE day of« January, A D., 1928. be given about 8:30 and is free to cules,” he said, "They know just I All orders fo r .Irregular pups, 3 1-2 months old. Price^rea^n- HYDE, Esq., all. A social hour •with refresh­ ' will be charged at the Salesman to take care of new and able. Abel’s Service Station, Oak Present WILLIAM S. which permutations and combina­ Special rates for long term eve^ used oar departments all day sun- street. Telephone 789. ments will follow. The jcommlttee tions of those forces •will give your And Adc for a Want'Ad Taker o f Daniel J. Sheehan late of in charge Includes all the officers day advertising given upon A. STEPHENS—Chevrolet Dealer. M ^h ester, In eaid District, deceased. industry the maximum chemical Ads ordered for whose stations are bn the nocth advantage over determinable re­ and stopped before the thl^rd or nftn Pou-^ry and Supplies 43 Tell Her What You Want On motlon.^ of Sophie S. Sheehan, day will bosoharged o ^ y for tpe ac­ GOOD USED CARS GUARANTEED 'side of the hall. sistances.” - 1926 Overland Six -.Coach—8475. “ o r d e r e d That six. months from tual number pf times the ad hPl*®*£* An experienced operator will take your ad, kelp you ed, charging at the rate 1926 Whippet Coup®—8299. BABY CHICKS—^Best local stock; the 16th. day of Januapr, A D.. 1928, no allowances or refunds can be made 1925 Wyllls-Knlght Sedan—8450. -popular breeds; guaranteed live de­ word it for best results, and see that it la properly in­ be and the same are. llmlted_ and al FIRST 6 f BOY A Ii BRIDGE on six time ads stopped after the 1924 Overland Sedan—8125. livery; we do custom hatching; free lowed lo r the creditors within which PARTIES TTETiD YESTERDAY HraaKTgfiTi NOT SATISFIED 1923 Overland Sedan—8<5. catalogue. Clark’s Hatchery, East serted. Bill will be mailed same day allowing you until to bring In their claims against said forbids” ; display lines not 1928 Essex Coach—8150., Hartford, Conn. seventh day after Insertion to take advantage of the estate, and the said executor is di­ 1923 Durant Coupe— rected- to give public notice to the The first Royal Bridge in' the se­ New York, Feb. 16.— George D. ^°Ttie Herald will not bo responsible 1919 Buick Touring—845. BABY CHICKS CASH RATE. creditors to bring In their claims ries to be given by members of Haskell, who won an $8,000,000 for more than one Incorrect insertion Cash or terms. Baby chicks, blood tested, Ohio within said time allowed by posting Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ jury verdict against the estate of of any advertisement ordered for PICKETT MOTOR SALES State University accredited. Order In a copy of this order on the public ranth, was held yesterday after­ James xi, Duke, today will petition 22-24 Maple St. i Tel. 2017 sign post nearest to the place where more than one time. advance. Manchester Grain and Coal noon at the home of Mrs. E. C. The Inadvertent omission or incor­ Company. Phone 1760. the. deceased last dwelt within said that the award be trebled. rect publication of advertising will be FOR SALE—DODGE AUTO BODY, town and by publishing the same in Packard of Henry street. The four Haskell will make Ms plea to rectified only by cancellation of the top and side curtains. A-1 condition. some newspaper having a; circulation "Aces,” representing the four head Judge Runyon under a section of charge made for the service render- Cheap; also 33x4 tires in fine condi­ FOR SALE—BROILERS. Marks Poul­ Musical Instruments .58 Apartments—Flats— in said probate district,' within ten officers of the court, combined in the Sherman law which provides fo‘; tion. Inquire 13 Fairfield street. try Yard. Telephone 1877. Tenemento for Bent H3 days from the date of this order, and ... return make to this court of the no­ giving the party. They are Royal triple damages in cases where the, tice given. • Matron, Mrs. Pauline Grant, Mrs. plaintiff .is injured in restraint of ■ All advertisements jQUst conform PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR BENT—SEVERAL first class In style, copy and typography with 1000 MARCH HATCHED White' FOR SALE—WEBBER grand piano, rents with all Improvements. Apply WILLIAM S. HYDE Jessie Winterbottom, Mrs. Packard trade. i for an early delivery on the new Ford Leghorn Pulleta High producing medium size. Tel. 214-2. Judge. regulations enforced by the publish­ car. Orders will be filled strictly In Edward J. HolL 866 Main street. TeL and Mrs. Adelaide Shelton. The ers. and they reserve the r»Sht to strain. Grown uder Conn. “Grow H-2-16-28. ^ tally cards, candles, prizes and re­ edit, revise or reject any copy con­ the order received. Trades on all cars Healthy Chick" Plan. Oliver Bros., FOR SALE—ALL ELECTRIC radio 560. ______sidered objectionable. . ' _ considered. No. Windham, Conn. $70; 6 tube Mohawk—tubes and FOR RENT—POUR ROOM tenement, freshments were appropriate to St. CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads horn $65; Phllco B-Bllmlnator 180 all Improvements. Apply 93 Foster ] Valentine’s day. Mrs. James Rich­ to be published same day must be re­ MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES volts 815; Majestic B-Ellmlnator Dependable Used Cars Articles for Sale 1:5 $22; 199 tubes $1.25. Telephone 2219. street. Telephone 409-8. • mond was the, winner of the first ceived by 12 o’clock >on. Saturdays prize and Mrs'. Scott Simon, the 10:30 a. m. 1069 Main street. Tel. 740 —10 Beech street after 5 p. m. f o r r e n t —ON MINUTE from I Denis P. Coleman, Mgr. FOR SALE—^BLACK CLOTH coat, Main street, six room mo -arn tens-] consolation. Telephone Your Want Ads black fox collar and cuffs. Practical­ ment, all Improvements Telephone The next bridge in the series will ,, l?2L Steams Roadster. ly new, size 40, Telephone 1815. Wanted— ^to Buy 58 Ads aro-a®c®Pt®d o ^ r the telephone ''’3VZ7 Essex Coach, 1804 or call Arthur K ’Ofla, 783-2. be in charge of the "Kings.” the CHARGE RATE Slve“ a**®’ ® atas a convOTience to advertisers, but 1924 Ford Coupe. FOR SAT.F—SEWING MACHINES— JUNK—I will pay highest prlcM for FOR BENT—3 ROOMS with ImH! One Free cabinet, one Standard drop all kinds of junk; also buy all kinds provements at 30 Church street. the CASH RATES will be accepted M JAMES STEVENSON p a y m e n t if paid at the busi­ head, cheap. Repairing of all makes. of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ Rent reasonable. Inquire on premises | 63 Blssell St, TeL 2169-2 R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward' street. phone 982-4. or teL 1598. 100 NIGHT CLUB OWNERS ness office on or before the seventh Telephone 715. day following th® fi” *; lnser«o“ 10 GOOD USED CARS Including Mar- MUST APPEAR IN COURT each ad., otherwise the CHARGE Booms Without Board o9 TO BENT—6 BOOM tenement, with I mon and Olds demonstrators. Craw­ FURNITURE AND PIANO POLISH. sewing room, with all modern Im­ r a t e will be collected. No responsl- ford Auto Bupply Company, Center bllitv for errors In telephoned ada The best polish that can he had for provements, corner Blssell and Holl | Chicago, Feb. 16.— Owners and and Trotter streets. Telephone 1174 your piano or any furniture. Also FOR RENT—TWO ROOM heated streets—^135 Blssell street. proprietors of one hundred cafes lily B will be assumed and their accuracy " or 2021-2. for autos. For sale at Kemp’s Music apartment, Johnson Block, facing cannot bo guaranteed. and night clubs today were served House. Main street. Apply to Aaron John­ I TENb 2 e Nt ] pleasant Jocation, 3 j Auto Accessories— Tires H son. 6:i Linden street or to the I minutes walk from Main street, im­ The council met Tuesday after­ notice to appear before Judge Wal­ thu costs nfone; P h on e 664 Janitor. provements, newly renovated, near ] noon with Mrs. James Neill. At ter C. Lindley in Federal Court to­ ASK FOR WANT AD SERVICE Ellectrical Appliances— Radio 11 1 schooL 31 Strant. Telephone 859-4. • • ♦ WEED TIRE CHAINS repair links this meeting it Was voted to send morrow to have trial dates set for RIVATE property is e x ­ Apartment i— ^Flats— 1 and crosschains. All sizes including some money for the Juliette Low permanent closing injunctions pensive. Luckless auto- Index of Classifica^^ regulars and trucks. Service 100 per ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appll Tenements for Rent 33 Memorial Fund. Every troop and P ances, motors, generators, sold and against their places for alleged mobile ow ni» have often cent. Center Auto -upply Co. 155 Council has been asked to contri­ Evening Herald Want Ads Are now Center. Phone 673. repaired; work called for. Pequot FOR RENT—ONE FOUR ROOM fiat, TO GET RID OF DELAY violation of the - prohibition law. regretted diat they had no grouped according to classifications Electric Co„ 407 Center street. Phone bute to this fund, which is an in­ These one hundred places are al­ on 2nd fioor; also three room fiat Property Damage Insurance. below anji for handy reference will Business Service Offered 13 1592. with modern Improvements, hot ternational memorial to the Girl ready closed oh temporary injunc­ appear In the numerical order Indi­ water heat, at 170 Oak street. In­ IN RECEIPT OF MAIL Scout founder, Juliette Low. The 49-A tions, obtained on evidence gather­ Carry i£ma Combination cated; ^ , CHAIR CANING neatly done. Price Fuel and Feed quire 164 Oak street or call 616-5. interest on this fund will he used Lost and Found ...... J ed in raids and by under cover dry Automobile Insurance— with Announcements ...... _ right, satisfaction guaranteed. Carl FOR RENT—6 ROOM upstairs fiat, each year or from time to time to Anderson, 53 Norman street, Phofie FOR SALE—HARD-WOOD $8 a large promote girl scouting and guiding agents. adequate Property Damage Personals ...... ® load, slabs $7. half loads sold. all modern Improvements, 82 Sum­ Divided Handling at Railroad Antomobiles 1892-2. ‘ mer street. Phone 1986. This is the first step In a drive Charles R. Palmer, 44 Henry street. Station Remedied After Post-1 in all parts of the world. to padlock permanently three hun­ ' lim its. Automobiles for Sale ...... ’ Telephone .895-3^______The rally for International Scout Automobiles for Exchange “ FOR RENT-AT 20 Chestnut street, master Acts. dred and fifty establishments alleg­ Auto Accessories—Tires ...... ° PIANO TUNING—All work guaran­ first floor flat, all Improvements. Ap­ Day, February 22, will be held In Auto Repairing—Painting ...... < teed Estimates cheerfully given. FOR SALE—BIRCH WOOD cut In ply at 43 Church street or telephone High School auditorium instead of ed to have violated the dry laws. i ® T N A - I Z E Kemp’s Music House. TeL 821. stove lengths $11 per cord. Phone Prompt delivery of early morn­ The drive, if successful, practical­ Auto Schools ...... 143-12. C. H. Schell. 423. ______the Armory as planned. All parents Autos—Ship by Truck ...... ® ing mail at the South End post and friends of scouts are in-vlted to ly spells the doom of so-called night Autos—For Hire ...... APARTMENTS—Two. three and four ROBERT J. SMITH hlorists— Nurseries 15 FOR SALE — HARDWOOD stove office has been considerably handi­ attend this rally. The program will life in Chicago and vibinity. Garages—Service—Storage .••• length, under cover. Call after 5 room apartments, heat. Janitor eer- Real Estate and Insurance Motorcycles—Bicycles ,...... vlce. gas range, refrigerator, in-a- capped for the past few weeks start at 7:30 p. m. and will consist Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . .j. FOR SALE—CARNATIONS, calendu­ p. m. V. Flrpo 116 Wells street. door bed furnished. Call Manchester through inconvenient arrl/al of Steamship Ticket* las, cinerarias, cyclamen, 621 Old Phone 13'07-2. of sluing, drum and bugle corps More than a million dollars will ^ BasinesS' ttnd Professional Services Construcflon Company. 2100 or tele­ the mail on the train stopping at be spent by American archaeolo­ 1009 Main St. Tel. 750-2 Business Services Offered ...... 1® Hartford Road Greenhouse, 37-3. phone 783-8. and a speaker. The scouts are ask­ Household Services Offered ...... ^**,4 Household Goods 51 the north end depot at 6 o’clock. ed to be at the auditorium at 7:15 gists In excavations under the an­ Building—Contracting ...... 1* PRUNING OF FRUIT trees, have this It seems that some of the mail in uniform. cient city of Athens. Florists—Nurseries ...... work done before spring spraying time. 12 years experience. Telephone 3-PIECE CUT VELOUR living room comes in a regular mall car and Troop 2 Funeral Directors ...... suite sample, just arrived from the Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. W. H. Cowles. 945. Edgewood Fruit PROTESTS DISREGARD FOR that another lot transferred from a Troop 2 had a valentine party Farm. factory for $89. One sample Jacquard Insurance ...... suite for $98. Both good buys. Ben­ New York train at Hartford, is Monday evening In place of the THE BOOK OP KNOWLEDGE: Millinery—Dressmaking ...... son’s Furniture Co. placed in the express car which is regular scout meeting. Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . Moving—'rrucking—Storage 20 PARKING STALL LINES Brownie Pack No. 2 (213) InShaDow Seas ;' Painting—Papering ...... “ backed onto a siding here and push­ Professional Services ...... “ ed back a- considerable distance The girls hate made forty val­ Sketches by Bessey; Synopsis by Braiicher PERRETT AND GLENNEV—Local FOR SALE—BASSINET and single entines and sent them to shut-ins Repairing ; ...... and long distance moving and truck­ bed, very cheap, 86 West street. from- the station. Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ...• ing. Daily express to Hartford. Liv­ Forty Times a Day Somebody As a result, the mall messenger, and sick children. Toilet Goods and Services...... FOR SALE—SIDEBOARDS, bureaus, Betty Lloyd has been enrolled Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 ery car for hire. Telephone 7-2. Ties in Somebody Rise’s Car, Clarence Porterfield, is delayed by beds, tables, chairs, and oth^r in the pack. Ednenttonnl MANCHESTER & N. V. MOTOR DIS­ articles. Mrs. Blatter, Iv) Foster St. Declares Citizen. having to handle both the mail Courses and Classes ...... -7 PATCH—Part, loads to and from which is tossed from the regular Private Instruction ...... CARD OF THANKS. 28-A New York, regular s. rvlcA Call 7-2 THREE PIECE WALNUT bedroom A somewhat miffed citizen fiagg-^ mail car and that In the express Dancing ...... or 1282. suite $109. walnut chair, bench and Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 rocker $24 extra. Oak buffet and ed a Herald man on Main street. car. As a result the mail pouches Wanted-^Instruction ...... 30 round table $45. Watkins Furniture "Look here,” demanded he. “You often do not reach tiie south end We wish to thank our neighbors m F in a n cia l Repairing 23 Exchange, 17 Oak. and friends for the kindness shown Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages . want an item for your paper?” until ten minutes before seven, “Does the Bay Rum club want a.; which makes, it very difficult to get us during the Illness and at the Business Opportunities ...... CHIMNEYS CLEANED; key fitting, time of the death of our dearly be­ Money to Loan ...... safes opened, saw filing , and grind­ the mail sorted in time for the mail­ drink?” loved mother. We also 'wish to Money Wanted ...... ing. Work called for. Harold Clem- “Well, then, look here. What men to make their routes on sche­ Help and Situations LEND-A-HAND PLEA thank the Ever Ready Circle of son. 108 North Elm street. Phone are those stall marks for?” Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 462. dule. Help Wanted—^Male ...... 36 “For automobiles to park be­ A complaint was forwarded to Kings Daughters. Family of Mrs. Ida Murray. Help Wanted^JSKle or Female .. 37 m a t t r e s s e s , BOXSPRINGS cush­ BRINGS MANY GIFTS tween,” replied the innocent re­ New England headquarters at Bos­ Agen ts Wantftd'...... • • • ‘ ions and pillows; sterilized and ton and as a result the transporta­ Situations Wanted—Female ----- 38 renovated .with sulphur and formal- porter. With the exception of the Order Situations 'Wanted—Male .....1 39 “Right!” shouted the citizen. delyder best mithod.* Manchester tion agent and his assistant from of the Bath, the Prince of Wales Emplovnient - Agencies ...... 40 Upholstering iCo.. 119 Spruce streeL “And look at where this buzzard Hartford came here yesterday and Live Stoefc-LPets— Ponltry—Vehicles institute Family Gets Sup­ holds all the British orders of Phone'1268. ______^ has left his old codfish crate!” conferred with Postmaster Oliver The sea' is a wonderland of living things, ^ d , Itudy Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 plies From Numerous Read­ I knlg^^'hood. L l^ Stock—Vehicles ...... 4Z PHONOGRAPHS, Vacuum cleaner and A Massachusetts light truck had F. Toop. They promised to remedy of the denizens of the deep one of the int^rei^ng ^pur­ Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 clock repairing. Lock and gunsmlth- ers of Herald- been slopped in, any old way, with Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 the situation. suits. Empires have been founded on the herring, and Ing, saw filing. Bralthwalte. 62 its ■ rear wheels across the right For Sale— His'cellaneons Pearl street. ___ the cod, not tales of gold or fairy lands, brought some Articles for Sale ...... 45 hand stall line of the Space occu­ Boats and Accessories ...... 46 pied by the peeved one’s coupe, .o f our mariner forefathers across the Atlantic to fish Building Materials ...... 47 Thilbring-Dyelng^e^ng -24 The Herald’s Lend-A-Hand col­ ABOUT TOWN Investors Or with bleeding, splitting hands on the Newfoundland Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry^ .. 48 --•i—— umn, through which charity work­ “How in blazes am I going to get Electrical Appliances—Radlq^ .. 49 HARRY ANDERTCN' 'representing ers have many times been enabled out? Well, maybe I can squeeze banks. ' Fuel and Feed ...... ;'i'. .49-A Robert Kerr, 60, of 4 North English Woolen Co. Tailors since to appeal for articles for needy peo­ out but I’ll bet a thin dime the By NEA, Through Spo&'al PormiMlpn of the PuMWiof, of Th» Boole el Kno%ri.dg>. ^ yrig h t, 1923-26.^ Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 1898. Phone 1221-2, 38 Church street. bird who left that bus there could­ Fairfield street, an employe of Contractors Household Goods ...... 51 So. Manchester. ple, came through nobly again yes­ Cheney Bros., was painfully injur­ Machinery and Tools ...... 52 terday when Miss Jessie N. Reyn­ n’t if he was in my place. And Musical Instruments ...... 53 they’re always doing it. Forty times ed at 8 o’clock last night when he We offer: A central property con­ Private Lnstmction 28 olds, social service worker, asked sisting of large tenement house of Office and Store Equipment . . . . . 54 a week somebody does it. What are was struck by an automobile while Sporting Goods—G uns...... 55 for beds, bedclothing and other 30 rooms. With slight alterations parking rules for? What are these crossing the street at the Center. Specials at the Stores ...... 66 BACKWARD CHILDREN and those necessaries for a family of seven. could be‘ made a money maker. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... -67 behind In work because of sickness Kerr was taken to a local physi­ The husband, who is the father of here lines for? Darn!” There is a good large extra build­ r*<- Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 tutored In all grammar school sub­ He did get out, but you couldn’t cian’s office where his wounds were Roo ms— Bon rd— Hotela-^Resorts jects. Former grammar school five children, has been out of work dressed. Both legs were badly ing- lot suitable for business or Restaurants principaL Reasonable rates. Call and the family is practically des­ have put a thin sheet of paper be­ dwellings; Price for all $7,800, easy Rooms Without B oard...... 69 tween his hub cap and the truck’s bruised. It is expected he will be 216-5. titute. ^ terms. Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A hup cap. laid up for some time. At first Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 Shortljr^after the Herald came Busiiie8$ ' block Depot Square. Stocks— ^Mortgages 81 Seeing that it was a Massachu­ Kerr said that Raymond Smith of Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 ^ut yesterday afternoon Miss Rey­ Comer location, stores and tene­ Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 setts car and that the owner pro­ 66 Pine street, the driver of the nolds was called on the telephone car which struck him, was driving ments. Could be made a choice Real Estate For Rent MONEY TO LOAN on first and second bably bought his gas at home, and toyestmeut. Now offered at rea­ Apartments, Flats, Tenements .. 63 mortgagee Mortgages bought and by persons who’had the articles she carried his lunch, and didn’t pay very fast, hut modified his state­ Business Locations for Rent . . . . 64 sold. P. D. Comollo, 13 Oak street. wanted and were anxious to give ment when Patrolman -Winfield sonable figure. ^ Houses for Rent ...... 65 anything anyhow for the upkeep of TeL 1640. them for the aid of the needy fam­ Martin made the investigation. No Main Street. 80 feet front with Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Connecticut roads, the reporter 8 room residence. House needs Summer Homes for R e n t 67 ily. : arrest was made. ; Wanted to Rent ...... 38 ' Help Wanted— ^Fenude 35 looked around for a cop. A cop some repairing but the land is worth She received two beds, mattres­ can't be all over Malii street; at once, Real Estate For Sale The French Club’s Carnival fea­ the price alone. There Is only one Apartment Buildings for Sale . . . 69 WANTED—ENERGETIC WfWlAN. for ses, bedclothing and other clothing, however. So nothing resulted hut Main street. Easy terms. > Business Property for Sale . . . . . 70 house to bouse canvas in town. .Ap­ as well as a quantity of milk. an extra strain on the arteries of ture this year will'be "Le Moulin Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 ply by letter, Paul Lanz,' '97''Goriter Clothing, of “all kinds was donated Rouge.” For those lyho seek ele­ 33ouses for Sale ...... •. ...14 72 street. South Manchester^,;.. . the miffed driver. > - • gance in service, entertainment and Lots for Sale and tumpd oyer by Miss Reynolds The common cod, one Resort Property for Sale music, this will be a special' attrac­ Help Wanted—^Male 86 to the nqi^y family. fobert J. Smith of the. prized catches of Another comtnoh fish Suburban for Sale.,;i...... The reBponse was characteristic There is a tradition In Illinois tion. There ■will be songs and Real Estate for Ettbange . . . . . dances in costume, soft lights and 1009 Main St. the sea, is pictured is the rhackerel. Crdat SALESMAN high grade motor and of Manchester,'Which has never yet that the thrushes, will not sing on Wanted—Real EsUHe ' • • ■ music while eating under’real:Pa­ Anctloa— Noileea tractor oUs, paints. Salary’’ or coin-: ^«rfled;to answer a plea sent through thh anniversary of the dea^h of Rffll Estate, Insurance, above. Oil from 'thjs quantities of m a c k ^ l mission. Jed Oil and Faint ^ Co., risian atmosphere. A-Uctlon ' Sales ...... The Herald’s Lend-A-Hand column. Abraham Xiincoln. Steamship Tickets flhh’ s liver is used as ^ are salted. - The ma^>. Legal Notices ...... Cleveland, Ohio. B y Frank Beck GAS BUGGIES—eonflicting Detmls ------r ------^ — ------— MORE TALK VBH, HOW weu. ABOUT DO M )U ^THE hlA fi AOCOOMT R 5R AMD C0MIN6 SAKAGB .OUT HERB . .TICKE-T. HIMSELF r ; LAU6H THAT OTP.

mAMBiM “oU> LSPT IN'’ SMIAJ* The four pictures above tell the life, story o f a young tturi>ot. / As it grows it changes $ h | i^ develops i spines on the head. Chie of its eyes iravels-toward the top of its head as it grows. When full grown the'fish has bo^ eyes on top of its hoRd, the avofi^on taking placs while it Iim on the bottom of the ' X . ‘ -


L. Crai)^ ^ SKIPPY V IJ ^ P P E R PANNY'SAYSt SENSE NONSENSE lam THIM T 0N€ o f TH6 M6Y£f» fiAVtfr') X m oavis ■niATi A 7 Radio Fan at Heart , SM PPV.stwrt-ntsf A doctor’s little daughter, deeply' ORCHerrRAi FfeoH U PARADIS SAND fROH K om 1 (Tdtfb b o y ! V interested in radio, glanced one Twe leofc fiooH o f t m c w a c o - ^ WASHINOroH. OUR FIRST LOUD Off AW 7* morning into the office where her s . ) S€CCCr/ON'— father was testing the heart and U— -y a t r a t v b o s lungs of a patient. “ Qetting any new stations, daddy?” she ashed. T H e y a e , J U H A T UOfttf. yeRY LwtLV, “ My daughter has fallen in love l^?AwociofVs?| A- with the radio announcer at 1 m a A r KXKZ.” 1$ O N ?. T “Is it serious?” \ “ It Is. Her bill for applause tel dud- a - egrams this months was ♦49.80. One nice thing about the . radio ^/2 If you don’t like the program you II 1 UBI.IUI ■ ^ can shut It off without offending anybody. “ I got shanghai on my one tube set last night.” “ Can you beat it! I found five tubes Of tooth paste in mine and I only got Pyorrhea.” CwrrilSS. *»J8, TmKt L Ci»*y, CwfaBl P w b e g . u . s . p a t . o f t . “ That radio singer makes me 0 1 S28. BY HEA SERVICE. INC. think or a mosquito, he’s so differ­ OUR BOARDING HOUSE ent.” By Fontaine Fox A girl I loathe is PhyUis Farr; “ As how?” Tom boy Taylor she always wants to drive my car. “ A mosquito doesn’t hurt you By Gene Ahem while he’s singing.”

If they want people to keep —^AP LA35,-'X AK SORguy W(U, cle^n, why do they bar soap? - T o M P o ' f d a d O P T H ^ P o d o R A t o n e a s A woman is never an old maid WHICH HAD ff^PPClALUy PR^rAR^D 'T h it t C A S X "FROM MV TOO-f “ i 1151: ^..v until she dresses like one. possiBiLVIfes a brcmze DAR.IrAAdHurr . -foPAV,* AKiP CAST " ^ O let’s turn on the vacuum I m a p ^ o f voGRTbo-r,t-«rrcoLiLP \ni seJ^RAL\v\Bces i THIS LOOKS GOOD! cleaner and get some music we can , rely on, said we in our impatient IvlAV/e BSeKS PEP(CrT^AST^es ^ class, He that improveth not himself A box of candy I also must pass; should not expect to improve oth­ When I try for a movie I’m left in B y C r a n e ers. a lurch. But say! I ’m a plunger when W ASHINGTON TUBBS H “ I passed by your place yester- chucked in at church. I'M SORRM, Sir, TvAAt'5 A NOW, WAITA MlNUfE. BIG cay.” ■BOYS,YOUR VlRAte NOT NOPTtX ^ vrtHS,t^\^t•5 Sim ple. MOO : “ Thanks, awfully.” BOM! MAMBE '^HIS PABM iS but mm partner The chief crime in this country f?. BEE, MM W09BM IS 6AThER1»IG [ verm natural I /V^AP R£ALLN ISN'T 6, DtWE,£«? ■JUST POLLIN’ A STALL. S’POSING! AW \ AAME DECIDED is not murder, but tonsil opera­ 0\-D PIRATE SOOMENIRS, A-O vj RE ASON ,WIA5H./ Fingers: Something for money VIORTv\ a d im e , UOT Th en iaIww in OUR MAP REALLM LEADS To NOT To SELL OOR tions on defenseless little children. OTOER WEAUTNM MEN COLtECfi LET^ — to slip through. VUU MAVte A FINAL TrtoNDEt? ARE A BIG tREASURE. JUST m ap a T A a . @ 0 VOO SOtkNWOUS a r t o b je c ts > a n d I NEED o f f e r of $5,000, s'PoSE t a a t ! IS A StRANGER To GtET It? A TREASURE MAP To •7- ro PAW BIO COMPLETE MM C MONEW FOR COUVECTiON. VMASW'S AND SfOBV^ UAL COCHRAN — nCYURCS ^ KNICK GOZS'S OFT ' ' Kfe.u.f.MT.orr.. KIODEP 1RFASOC6 m , •frtN-r VlfrSW,IN PARtiCOUAR O V6 ’BFCr INNING 1b OAlN FAini\ IN Ifs vAioe,


B y B l o s s e r Now , Is That Nice? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 1 VWA^JT to s a y <500D b y e to 7H&Q!£S BILUS! MV.'COOI^ V oo; P R E C k u e s * 1 k/AOVY v o u 'l u V6F,AAJ’A£’S DONIT^wSAeR APPLESAOCEi O a s o f jlOMO popular J j-VAYS. A AAARYELOUS TIMS A N P USAVfAJ© IH A 7 UMBlE= SA6 FR£CliU£S' , ACO O PVEi , >0STAAVJ£ /siesiaRTRSATED A S IS VJ0I7A DO VURITE M S A POST CARD SM&RV-- SA1L1M6 FOR D A V S -O O S r /iNOAJSy.' VOL) AJlCEj. f r o m (daj b o a r d S W f? .AFRICA BODY." v w im A IS AFRICA?.' UNCUS lAARSy r' IS DRAMJIH6- 7 CIjOSER.*** 0ILLlE;7)xe pQsrr/uTTL^ f 6!RI-;VWA0 AUWAVS T R S A T e O F c e c K L S S ‘00l7AACDl-l> SAOULDER, S E S M S V e R Y rfraThs-Mt, //07EBESTEO giiaM,¥Y tmA A JO \)J= = U J B y S m a l l That’s R ight, Sam READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE SALESMAN SAM “ Oh, mercy me, lads, hang on Clowny’s ear. He shouted, “ Ouch!’ and then he said, “ I told you this SURE« B U T WECC, TtlATS ONE tight. I guess we’re due for quite a Wpa-MOSiTO' TH’ ^ We C-LjUSSENTA WHAT ARE VA, "m* flight,” said Coppy, as the balloon was bad. We are not safe up in the <5o5H,

under the auspices of Group 4 of doing and expo-' TONIGHT AT THE RIALTO D iG N in CAST OFF AS the . Center church women. 'rqnartztotell rlments. ANNOONONe Yale HlstoficiQ Tirm¥----- Music between the acts was furn­ Already a number of additional, f- “JAMESTOWN” ished by the Center church Trouba­ reservations ha've been made foif •*’ V and GOWNS ARE PUT ON dours and during the acts by Mrs. the dinner since it became known S lC lfH that Mr. Reinartz was to tell hljs Consult Your ;^ n d Annnal Masquerade “ THE EVE OP THE REVOLUTION Stephen C. Hale, pianist. Flowers OF BIG RADIO FEAT story. Ever Beady Circle King’s Daughters for the decorations came from the Wt esrry.aeompUU stock of tkgmatkMaUy lunmm- ! ' o f Showing at 7 :0 0 and 9 :0 0 p. m. Gtaid Church Members as Mod­ Park Hill flower shop. Comedy, News Reel. Adm. 85c. RADIO IN1?BRFEBENCE 6t* Marys's Young Men’s Gub els in “Fashion Revue” Give ‘ A unit of the interference locat­ DON’T FORGET TONIGHT Hilarious Show* Exidanadon of Arcdc Broad­ ing committee of the Broadcast CHENEY HALL WATKINS WORKERS listeners Association of Hartford VALENTINE DANCE An audience of more than -300 visited South Manchester Saturday peri^ns was convulsed with laugh- SEE CARPETS MADE cast to Be GiYen at Cham­ evening; Feb. 11 to check’ the vari­ ^er’durihg oTie of the most hilarious FEBRUARY 21ST. AT TURN HALL ous forms of'radio inductive Inter­ >nd ludicrous entertainments ever ber Banquet. ference which have been noticeable S u r g i c a l ^ Waddell’s 8-Piece Orchestra Given by presented in Manchester when the for some time past and after tests GIRLS’ EAGLE CLUB Admission 50c. men of the Center church staged a Six of Local Store Employees made at Maple sljeet, the Center, Maternity Garments, After-opera­ Wieman’s Orchestra “ fashion show” last night. The Journey to Thompsonville Hartford Road, Pine street, Cooper tion and Convalescing Supports, men of the church threw restraint For Tour Through Factory. Guests at the Chamber of Com­ street and. McKee street, it was Corrective models for Dropped AMERICAN RED CROSS Elaborate preparations ar^ being to the winds and produced a fash­ merce banquet to be held next found that the: town was. fairly Stomadh, Intestines, Floating ion" revue that will not be equaled Kidney, Hernia and SacrP-Diac made for the Washington dance by, Six employees of the local Wat­ Mbnday evening, are to be given an well free from radio interference. ANNUAL MEETING the Ways and Means committee at in a long time. opportunity to hear about the lat­ John P. Campbell, 8^ Maple street, grain s. There wasn’t a w’oman on the kins Brothers store, spent all day the Buckland school Monday etqpti- yesterday inspecting the Bigelow- est triumph of John L. Reinartz, cooperated with the locating com­ Friday, Febrnarj' 17th, at 5:80 ing. The grand march will be led stage during the whole perfor- CAMP SUPPORTS are recom­ Hartford Carpet Company's mills mittee and arrangements have been mended and used by Professors In the' by a couple representing George 'mahee. Even the maid, who fussed superintendent of Cheney Brothers’ made to take up the search, latier.. WATKINS BUILDING at Thompso’’.ville and learning how electrical department. of Medical Colleges, Chiefs of and Martha Washington in cos­ Around as many another maid all the various Bigelow-Hartford 11 Oak Street. tume, the identity of the couple is Mr. Reinartz has the proud dis­ Staffs, Clinics, Hospitals and Phy­ Svould, could be recognized as Sam rugs are woven. Miss Helen B. sicians throughout the world. to remain a secret until the night •Nelson, Jr., clerk of the board of tinction of having accomplished Stronf, r raniv • J. Limbacher, what no other person in the wotld of the dance. Another novelty will 'assessors. A red wig, coifted In the Charles F. Marshall, Harry N. Extremely______e ly ______light in weight. Ma­ be a “ Snowflake” dance. Durlngj 'style of the gay nineties, couldn’t has ever occu able to do— make his WATKINS BROTHFJIS temitylty imodels weif^ng approxi- DANCE Roth, Harold Eells and Herbert W. voice heard >.iirough the air to a the intermission the committee will hide the identity of the maid, and Swanson were the. fortunate ones matehily 14 1------ounces, Post-operative serve W’ashington pie and ice designated point 3,/ j miles away. and Ptosis Supports about 12 MANCHESTER GREEN the fact that he was on the stage to make the trip, the party starting In addition to this accomplish­ Saturday Evening, February 18 cream. Wehr’s orchestra will play most of the time gave him a chance from the local store about 8:15 ounces. Others in proportion. for dancing. ment, Mr .Reinartz has the distinc­ V Behrend’s Orchestra 4o'become one of the stars of the yesterday morning. tion of ha'ving invented and manu­ J ju n e r a l Beebe, Prompter Excellent for correcting pos­ Mrs. August Johnson of 136 piepe. When they arrived at Thompson- factured the apparatus which ac­ ture of maturing young girls, af­ Admission 50c. Miss Estes’ Show •ville the mill guide was assigned to complished this feat. Wood,land street has entered the William Remig, famed as an fording strengthen!^ sui^rt for Memorial hospital for treatment. them and the inspection Included a The name of John L .Reinartz Is ^ tr e e td r s elderly women, relieving fatigue amateur actor, acted as master of visit 1.0 every uepartment of the today the subject of press dis­ and hack-aches. Ideal for motor­ ceremonies, aided and abetted by plant from the designing room patches throughout the world and Robert K. Anderson ing, golf, tennis and other ath­ ABOUT TOWN a black moustache and goatee. where the patterns are originated Manchester feels pr.ud of him. letics. PLAN FOR A THOUSAND Backstage the whole affair was en- and color schemes chosen, through Mr. Reinartz hac promised the giiieered by Miss Helen Estes, tea­ the first process oi wool cleaning, committee to be present at the ban­ Phone; )00 or 748*2 Do not pay exorbitant prices for cher of English in the High school, spinning, and weaving to the bal­ quet next Monday evening, and in The final session in the training AT ST. MARY’S MASQUE who had written the lines and ing for shipping. his own way, tell just what^he is Supports of this kind — schoul for Sunday school teachers j planned out the show. Much credit At noon a dinner was served to Avill be held at the South Methodist . is :due her for the success of the the group at the mill restaurant OUR PRICES church this evening at 7:30. j affair. and th^ assistant factory superin­ This Year’s Ball to Be the Most Eric Crawshaw, display manager tendent answered questions about Judge William S. Hyde who has Elaborate in the Organiza­ of Hale’s, started off the festivities the various weaves and told of the been in Kansas City and was not tion’s History. by draping the first model, Rodney new things the mill is planning to $5.50 t. $8.00 expected home until Saturday, com­ Wilcox, In a creation of beautiful make in the near future. pleted his mission there more rap­ ^^lans for the 32nd annual blue silk. The model appeared in Following the dinner the party idly than he expected and was in masquerade ball of St. Mary’s a pink under-something, and the again entered tne mill, to finish EXPERIENCED SURGICAL FITTERS his local office today. Young Men’s club indicate that thp dress was made on the spot from a their inspection of Jacquard weav­ S a v e ^ l o o affair in Cheney hall on February bolt of silk, cleverly handled by ing. ^Irs. Harold Johnson of Girard 21 will be the most elaborate In the Mr. Crawshaw. Camp Corsets— Main Floor street entertained the Octet Bridge history of tjhe organization. An This began the proceedings and club yesterday afternoon, Mrs. E. energetic’committee has been work­ from then on the affair was a riot. in eleven months B. Inman won first prize and ing for two weeks on the plans and Styles of every description, from Mrs. Robert McKay consolation. a number of novelties are sche­ bathing suits to fur coats, were Dainty refreshments were served duled to be presented. demonstrated by the men. Persons and a pleasant social time was en­ Many of the members of the club of immense dignity in everyday life joyed. are to appear in costume to give unbent and became a part of a Mhiaumtm ^iBasher LHIRTY cents , every day impetus to the competition between circus. Good News! Attention of Red Cross members prizes offered. Quimby, Shelton Cut-ups amount to one hundred is called to the postponed annual There are two prizes for women, Clarence Quimby, principal of the a cameo ring and a cameo pin, and dollars in eleven months. meeting to be held at Watkins High school, vied with Dr. Elbert \ For Those W ho Wish Brothers chapel, 11 Oak street at one prize for the man with the Shelton of the Cheney laboratory 5:30 p. ni. tomorrow. Committee funniest outfit, a ten-dollar gold for honors in clowning. William chairmen will report on the year’s piece. Competition is usually keen Parkis appeared in a movie scene Start an account with us work and an executive committee for the costume prizes, although the add a numbe;r of prominent church To Make Their will be appointed. Immediately Clemson family of the north end members aped the women of the now and let it grow with afterwards the newly appointed has won the men’s prize for the various church groups. executive committee will meet to past six years. “ Mrs. Parkis” was played by D’r. regular deposits and com­ Dollars G o the elect the officers for 1928. A door prize is to be given also, Shelton, Mr. Parkis became “ Mrs. a wrist watch, which is on display A. N. Potter,” Mr. Quimby played pound interest. The Girls Friendly candidates in the windows of the Dewey-Rich- “ Mrs. Watson Woodruff,” while will enjoy a valentine party tomnr- j man company, along with the other “ Mrs. George H. Wilcox.” “ Mrs. F a rth est row afternoon at 3:30 at St. Mary’s] prizes. Club members are selling Klinefelter” and “ Mrs. J. A. Irvine” parish house. tickets on the watches now. were Sidney Wheaton, John Ander­ ____ ! A number of club members char- son and William McCormick. Read Our Advertisement The Woman’s Missionary society | tered two trucks Amelita Galli-Curci, famous of the North Methodist church ! week ^nd went to Roc^riUe^to Jid- Italian soprano, became a baritone SALES and SERVICE In The Herald Tomorrow Night, will meet tomorrew afternoon at Sjveitise the dance. „ . A for the evening in the person of The Savings Bank of Manchester Le 'Verne Holmes o f ' enaded the city of KocKViiie unui John Anderson. Mr. Anderson’s SouUi Manchester. Conn. ATnJn street i the police told them that it was time two solos were highlights of the .Mam street. __ i home. A similar advertising program. HILLERY BROS. Every Department Is Out to Break The second get-together in the j scheme will be tried out in Willi- Between ihe acts little girls of Tel. 1107 series of the Fyworth League maiitic, also. the church’ sold candy. 384 Htfd. Road, So. Manchester winter institute will be held toiiior- The attendance at the ball last The fashion show was put on Their Record. It will Pay Ydii row evening at the East Hartford year was more^ than 800 but it is diurch, with supper at 6:30. j expected that there will be at least to Visit Our Store Satulrday. I a thousand paid admissions at this Mrs. W. B. Gammons of 335 [year’s affair. Adams street is spending a few daj's Phone 125 at The Roosevelt, New York City. ! MANCHESTER WOMAN SUES Phone 125 i HARTFORD FOB FALL John Jensen of Woodbridge street representative of the W. B. Foshay Mrs. Selma Weiman of 7 7 El- | Company, investment brokers, is in di'idjge street is suing the city of., Boston today on business for the Hartford for $1,500 as the after- concern. j math of a fall on Church street in SOUTH MANCHESTER • CONN I that city. The case is one of two Ever Ready Circle King's Daugh­ which are being brought as a re­ ters feel that they cannot recom­ sult of falls and is returnable to mend too Itighly to parents, chil­ dren and teachers the Yale histori­ the court of common pleas on the cal and educational films which first Tuesday In March. are to be shown for the first time in XIanchester at the Rialto theater Don’t miss it— St. Mary’s 32n.i ^ this evening. A special matinee for Annual Mask ball, Cheney Hall, ' the children was given at 4 o’clock, Tuesday evening, February 21.— I FHONI and again at 7 and 9 o’clock the G O O D C O A L photoplays “ Jamestown” and “ The Advt. Eve of the Revolution” will be^ shown in addition to the regular •• news reel and comedy pictures. GOOD THINGS TO CAT The Girls’ Friendly Society and the Men’s Bible class combined FILMS CALL 2000 forces in giving a social at St. Mary's parish hall last evening, DEVELOPED AND ivfcv. George B. Gilbert of Middle- PRIN TED tov.-n and his three sons were pres­ 24 HOUR SE R V IC E ent and contributed much to the Film Deposit Box at FRESH FISH enjoyment of the party. Mr. Gil­ SELLS FRESH FROM BOSTON BY EXPRESS. Store Entrance bert gave a talk in a humorous F<«ty Fathom Fillet of Haddock vein and the boys furnished music Fmrty Fathom Fillet of Haddock, Smoked for the old-fashioned • and modern Forty Fathom Dressed Haddock dancing. Refreshments were served KEMP'S Steak Cod or Cod to Boil Mackerel to about 150. The proceeds will be Sliced Halibut Fillet of Sole for a new curtain for the par­ Oysters ish hall. Large Clams for diowder. Open Oams for chowder. 'We wiU have a very fine se­ Try our cme pound rolls of lection of Just the freshest veg­ Meadowbrook Fresh Creamery ALL Butter 55c lb. etables on the market. For good balk Molasm send PHONE 456 your jug or Jar to Pinehurst or B Dandy Crisp Clean Spinach we wiU supply'a container. I White Cauliflower Fresh Eggs will l]« ----- 55c For the convenience of our many customers in Man­ Tomatoes Peppers Large R inso wiH be . .. .19c For Fresh Fish ; Mushi'ooms New Maid Bread wiU chester we have installed free direct telephone j Celery Lettuce b e ...... *. 8c loaf H a d d o ck ___ 12c lb. S m e lts...... 30c lb. R4d and Yellow Onl

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables W om an’s Oranges, Grapefruit, Apples, Fresh Spinach, Carrots, Turnips E xchange 853 Main Street Departmeiit Sion

General * DEPOT SQUARE. Reymander’s Market Auto Repairing and MANCHESTER 1071 Main Street* ( South Manchester Phone 125 Phone 125 Overhauling Open Every JHtgh^: Opposite Army and Navy Club. W e delivm:. SHRiLDON’S GARAGE Reor-bf 25 Hollister Street. Phone 2S28-a Recldeooe 2888*3 ’ U ntii 9