NET PRESS RUN '■^?5AVBRAGB DAHiT CIR€TOATION ■ the month of Jiumory, IM S ^ 5,087 • et the , Andit B «ea « •t Clirealettleu * MANGBESTER, CONNi, '|!^URSDAY, FEBBftJARY 16,1928. V O L .X U I., NO. 117. GlMwifled Advertising on Page 1(K ^ FLAPPER CONTINENTAL NEW TRAD. LEADS LONDdiilClDA BY MISS ANDERSON TO CHEST JOINI SE^ION r W R I G F O R J ^ Qiief of the U. S. Women’s SEC. WILBUR SNUBS Sinclair Gave $75,000 to bigineers In B (^ CMies, Bureau Says There is ADMIRAL PLUNKETT Republican National Com* Hands; and Fect-irf I d k Offh Nothing the Matter With mittee to Pay Campaip If Hiey Were in ^ Same SLAIN IN ALBANY Mrs Tied-^iamier the Modem Miss. Is Chief Guest of Honor at Debt in 1920. HaD. WIndi Tbay Met DeaA Testimonial Dinner and Dnkiwwn B odN Were Washington, Feb. 16.— Promin­ INctini & Wkose Jhtei- Washington, Feb. 16— A winding New. York, Feb. 16.—^The world!; ent Europeans have been coming to ! trail was followed today by the Sen­ was drawn still closer tp.dny. Badly Decipposedi Were America recently and expressing Fails to Appear. : % Rejected Nnr- ate oil committee to show^ that dlo, brain-child of rhan, made an opinions on everything from the auditorium for twd audiences, sep­ Harry F. Sinclair gave the Repub­ eminence of American leaders to arated by 3,000 miles’bf water. derer Hdd B ; Police; Taldng Prisoners to Re- New York, Feb.. 16— The failure lican national committee $75,000 of flappers and gin. They have pro­ Knitted together through a of Secretary of the Navy Wilbur to posed numerous lists of outstand­ the Continental Trading Company’s trans-Atlantic radio telephone cirr fornatory When AM ing Americans, both men and wom- attend the testimonial dinner last mysterious $3,080,000 Liberty Bond cuit, the American Institute o f Albany, N. Y „ Peb.<16.— Pretty, Wi. night in honor of Rear-Admiral fund to pay a 1920 campaign debt. Electrical Engihemrs In New York, dark-haired Henrietta Ckampion Today, Miss Mary Anderson, Charles P. Plunkett, was declared met .jointly with the BriGsh Insti­ Traces of Prisoners and Two witnesses told the committee tution of Elecfricai Engineers, in 'was. de.ad today, the v victim of a chief of the Women's Bureau of of selling $75,000 in Liberty Bonds the Labor Department, offered a today by Colonel E. A. Simmons, London. mavi whose attentions she rejected, president of the American Marine for the Empire Trust Company of Officers Were Lost roll of honor of American women The demonstration, marked' the acqoYdtng^4o! the ^ police- . ’'T :;; who are leaders in the life of the Association and chairman of the New York. Many of them have employment ■ of tne trans^Atlantie nation. Her position, one of the dinner committee, to be a ‘‘public since been traced as the original circuit for the first time as a means 'MIchaei'®(mitney) Watte, alleg­ most important occupied by a wo­ rebuke” to the admiral’s recent property of the Continental com­ of communication between large ed hootlegfger and man about town-, Foster, Ind;,' Feb. 16,—The bod­ pany. The next step of the commit­ man iu the government service, warlike speech at the National Re­ audiences, normally . assembled was. being held by the police on an ies of the '!two missing deputies brings her in contact with millions tee will be to prove these bonds without individual telephone equip­ open charge. Assistant District At­ publican Club. who were kidnapped by two pris­ of nien ail over the country. Secretary Wilbur had been an­ were turned over to the bank by ment. torney John ,T. Delaney sttid Watts^ Her honor roll of ouistanding nounced as the chief guest of honor the Republican national'committee Big Audiences'^'.. who was arrested a^fe.v(l^Q^^ after oners more^than- a week ago flom Aiaeiican women follovi.^. at the banquet, the occasion for and that they represented a $76,- The meeting opened at 10:25 a. the slaying of Mrs.’' Champion, con­ Lafayette* Ind., were ifoand upon a Industry— Mrs. Raymond Fob- which was Admiral Plunkett’s re­ 000 gift to the Republican cam­ m., and lasted for id minutes. In fessed to him that he stabbed the farm near - here this afternoon paign fund by Sinclair. ^ New Yoru., an overflow gathering bins of Chicago. tirement from service on his 64th gjrl to death because she rejected bound hand'and foot. Citizenship— Mrs. Carrie Caap- birthday. Joseph F. McMahon, an assistant of 2,000 people listened in one au­ his love. mau Cat! of New York. cashier for Potter & Co., New York ditorium while another 1,000 per­ The bodies were discovered on A Smoke Screen These photographic sfikBes of Han^ Hill. Streator (111.) youth, The stabbing took place in a. Jay. the farm of Charles P. AbdllL Social Work— Miss Jane .\drtams Col. Simmons, who read Secre­ brokers, told of selling the bonds sons tuned in upstairs. In London, street roomlhg house where Mrs. of Chicago. for the Empire Trust Company on charged with murdering his mother and burying her body in the cellar, more than 1,000 persons were ga­ T h a ^ n d s and feet of berth men tary Wilbur’s letter explaining his were made during his trial at Ottawa. 111. The dapper young man's Champion li'ved.: The girl staggered had bbbif tied. The bodies were- } aw— Judge B’loreace Allen. absence as being due to the neces­ Nov. 30, 1923. He gave the num­ thered. , ' ' from the house into the arms of a meiiiOer of the Ohio Slate Supreme bers of the bonds handled, ManJ^ varying emotions during the trial are shown in the series of camera Three large amplifiers in the hall badly deoomposed. The deputies, sity off appearing before the House views. policeman. She'died an hour later John- P. Grove and Wallace Mc­ Court. naval committee. Issued a state­ of these were fdund by Committee brought the voices from overseas Medicine—Dr. Beithct Van Hos- to the ears of the listeners, The In Memorial .hospital. Clure, were taking two prisoners, ment charging that the letter was a agents to correspond with the num­ cn of Chicago. tones were so clear that the listen­ “ Mike Watts stabbed me,” police Samuel Baxter and John Burns to "smoke screen.” bers of bonds originally owned by say she muttered as she was being Literature— Wiila Ca.! ner of New the Continental company. ers could scarcely tell whether It the State Reformatory at Pendle­ Yon;. He said the real reason for the was London or a speaker on the rushed to tbe hospital. ton in an automobile. Nothinff secretary’s absence was fear that Paid to Dupont Poetry— Edna St. Vincent Millay Make Your Will Today New York platform talking. A blood-stained' jack kfiife was had been heard of the four unfil his presence would be misunder­ McMahon told of paying $74,- A resointion that this new scien­ found In Watts’ pocket when he of New York. 718.87 the proceeds of the sale, to today when Bheriff Samuel Cole Tunc are other wonieu whose stood, and declared that the secre­ tific link between the old world was arrested, police’ declared. the account of Senator T. Coleman was notified to rush to the farm of romarkable achievement warrant tary had admitted as much to him and the flew world should form the Came From Hartford AbdllL which is one-quarier of tk' high recognition by the country and in'a telephone conversation. Dupont, republican of Delaware, Noted Banker^s Advice basis of an Increase of good wnf Mra. Champion came here from mile north o f the Dixie &lghwaj> the world, b-a; the women I have Admiral Plunkett’s retirement the chairman of the board of the and understanding among nations, Hartford, Conn., about, a year ago, EeW DetaHs. namca are repvtsentatlce leaders brought him many expressions of Empire Trust Co. was untinlinously adopted by bdth according to . advices received by The manner in 'which the tw » in their 'partio-riai fields of endea­ appreciation for hi-; vigorous pleas This testimony was only one link audiences in London and New ,the police from Hartford. She was meh met death Is unknown pending vor,” Miss Anderson declared. for preparedness. In trailing the Continoutal bonds. New York, Feb. 16.— At theA making has surrounded itself with York. known in that city . as Henrietta the arrival and investigatiofl. o r ‘‘They have won fame, not only In tribute to Admiral Plunkett In 1924, the committee was told.by head of the list of things to do to­ an atmosphere of superstitloii and London Speakers Collins,;'and Is a daughter o f Mrs. ebroner Van Y. Haznilibn. The by signal ability' and hard work, and his work, the dinner took the Will Hhys, then Republican national day should aipear the words fear. Many people put oft making a Among thd speakers In London Patrick O’RleUy of 84 Village men were bound with heici^ ropes. but by applying themselves to com form of a Marine Congress, at which chairhUm, that Sinclair had glv^n ‘‘Make My Will.” will because subconsciously they were Sir Oliver' Lodge, Col. T. F. street, Hartford. From the appearance, of the. feel that It hastens their death. Btructive, serious problems in an representatives of the farm interests the Republicans $75,000,. Shortly “ Toihorrow” may never come. Purves, chief engineer of' the Bri­ The girl was .stabbed four times bodies. It is believed they, met effective, sensible way.
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