COFE - Council on Forest Engineering - Conference Proceedings 2001

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COFE - Council on Forest Engineering - Conference Proceedings 2001 COFE - Council On Forest Engineering - Conference Proceedings 2001 Welcome to the Council on Forest Engineering(COFE) Publications Website 2001. “Appalachian Hardwoods: Managing Change” Snowshoe, West Virginia - July 15-18, 2001 Select an individual paper from the list below. If you know the last name of the primary author you may also click that letter below to go to that paper. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Andersson, Bjorn; Dyson, Peter. Log Measuring Accuracy of Harvesters and Processors. Aust, W. Michael; Visser, J.M. Rien; Poirot, Matt. Forest Road Stream Crossing Options and Costs. Baker, Shawn; Sloan, Hank; Visser, J.M. Rien. Cable Logging in Appalachia and Opportunities for automated Yarder Equipment. Barrett, Scott M.; Prisley, Stephen P.; Shaffer, Robert M. A Computer Simulation Model for Predicting the Impacts of Log Truck Turn-Time on Timber Harvesting System Productivity and Cost. Bigot, Maryse. Using Machines to Harvest Hardwoods in France. Bolding, M. Chad; Lanford, Bobby L. Forest Fuel Reduction Through Energy Wood Production Using a Small Chipper/CTL Harvesting System. Chung, Woodam; Sessions, John. Designing a Forest Road Network Using Heuristic Optimization Techniques. Coulter, Elizabeth Dodson; Sessions, John. Managing Existing Road Systems: How Should Priorities Be Set? Eichrodt, Adrian W.; Heinimann, Hans R.[1/15/2019 3:06:22 PM] COFE - Council On Forest Engineering - Conference Proceedings 2001 Mobility of Timber Harvesting Vehicles. Garland, John J.; Sessions, John; Pilkerton, Stephen; Stringham, Ben. Synthetic Rope Used in Logging: Some Potentials. Halleux, Olivier R.M.; Greene, W. Dale. Setting Analyst: A Practical Harvest Planning Technique. Heinimann, Hans R. Productivity of a Cut-to-Length Harvester Family - An Analysis Based on Operation Data. McDonald, Tim; Taylor, Steve; Valenzuela, Jorge. Potential for Shared Log Transport Services. Murphy, Glen. The Future of Forest Engineering. Reisinger, Thomas W.; Gallagher, Thomas V. Evaluation and Comparison of Two Tree-Length Harvesting Systems Operating on Steep Slopes in West Virginia. Renzie, Chad; Han, Han-Sup. An Operational Comparison of Partial Cut and Clearcut Harvesting Methods in Old Cedar-Hemlock Forests in Central British Columbia. Rummer, Bob; Klepac, John; Archer, Harry; Hebner, Gerry. Improving Stability of Low-Volume Forest Roads Using a Lignin-Based Emulsion. Sessions, John; Chung, Woodam. Effect of Load Distribution and Trailer Geometry on the Gradeability of Short Log Tractor-Trailer Combinations. Sherar, James; Keller, Gordon. Low-Volume Roads, Best Management Practices: A Field Guide for US Agency for International Development. Shouse, Scott; Stringer, Jeff; Smidt, Matthew; Pelkki, Matthew; Ringe, Jim; Kolka, Randy. Machine and Labor Times Required to Implement Kentucky's Skid Trail Erosion Control and Revegetation BMPS. Shrestha, Suraj P.; Lanford, Bobby L. Utilization and Cost for Animal Logging Operations. Sloan, Hank. Appalachian Hardwood Logging Systems; Managing Change for Effective BMP Implementation.[1/15/2019 3:06:22 PM] COFE - Council On Forest Engineering - Conference Proceedings 2001 Smidt, Mathew F.; Kolka, Randall K. Alternative Skid Trail Retirement Options for Steep Terrain Logging. Stampfer, Karl; Lexer, Manfred J.; Vacik, Harald; Hochbichler, Eduard; Durrstein, Hubert; Spork, Josef. Cones - A Computer Based Multiple Criteria Decision Support Tool for Timber Harvest Planning in Steep Terrain. St. John, Doug. Data Systems for Forest Management. Thompson, Jason D. Calculating Utilization Rates for Rubber Tired Grapple Skidders in the Southern United States. Visser, Rien; Rodgers, Brian F.; Stampfer, Karl; Gallagher, Tom. Improved Harvesting Viability Through Increased Value Recovery. Wang, Jingxin; McNeel, Joe; Baumgras, John. A Computer-Based Time Study System for Timber Harvesting Operations. ~ top ~ Return to Publications Homepage[1/15/2019 3:06:22 PM] 2001 Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) Conference Proceedings: “Appalachian Hardwoods: Managing Change” Snowshoe, July 15-18, 2001 Log Measuring Accuracy of Harvesters and Processors Björn Andersson and Peter Dyson Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada Vancouver, British Columbia ABSTRACT - FERIC examined the measuring accuracy of common harvesters and processors operating in British Colum- bia and Alberta. The results showed large variation in length and diameter performance of the machines, which partly was attributed to differences in the emphasis placed on measuring accuracy at the harvesting site. Other factors included variation in tree characteristics, lack of properly calibrated measuring systems, and wrong target lengths programmed in the measuring system’s computer. Based on the findings, FERIC suggested actions that could be taken to improve measuring performance. INTRODUCTION In the ‘production-oriented studies’, FERIC collected length data on randomly selected logs that were manufactured un- Manufacturing of stems into company-specified log lengths, der normal harvesting conditions. To minimize the risk of be it cut-to-length (CTL) logs or long-logs (LL), prior to including random-length logs, FERIC excluded logs with mill delivery is a common harvesting practice in western top diameters near company-specified minimums, and logs Canada. The machines processing the stems are expected to with lengths that might have been affected by a stem defect. manufacture logs within company-specified length and di- ameter tolerances. While these specifications vary among companies, common length accuracy requirements are Table 1. Summary of equipment studied 95+% of the manufactured logs within 5 cm in CTL opera- Log measuring system Type of processors tions and within 7.5 cm in LL operations. However, in- Dasa 280 Woodking 650 formation on actual measuring performance has been lack- Denharco MD II Denharco T3500 ing, which has raised concern that manufacturing logs at the Entek TY 5000 Ultimate 4500, 5300 harvesting site will cause substantial revenue losses to the Lim-mit COMS Lim-mit 2000, 2100, 2200 Lokomatic 90 Timberjack 762B industry. To address this issue, the Forest Engineering Re- Motomit Lako 550 search Institute of Canada (FERIC) conducted studies on Optilog Denharco 550 several types of measuring systems and processing units on Rolly (Risley) Rolly II CTL and LL harvesters and processors between October Scanmet 512 Keto 500, 1000 1996 and September 1999 on active logging operations System 90 Rottne Snoken, EGS 85 throughout British Columbia and Alberta (Table 1). FERIC Timberjack 3000 Timberjack 762B, 763C recorded the measuring accuracy under different stand and Toshiba (Target) Target, Hornet 825 operating conditions; quantified the influence of these con- Valmet VMM 1000 /1100 Valmet 960, 965 ditions on measuring accuracy; and recommended possible Waratah AS593 / 595 Waratah (Pierce) HTH-20 solutions to reduce log-measuring errors. RESULTS STUDY PROCEDURE Length measuring performance The field data were collected both under controlled and As there are no standard definitions for ‘measuring accura- normal harvesting (production-oriented) conditions. In the cy’, FERIC presented the length measuring results in several ‘controlled studies’, the machine manufactured logs from different ways. Two of these are presented here. However, about 50 pre-selected trees of known characteristics. The regardless of what yardstick was used to measure the length logs from each tree were placed in separate piles so that they accuracy, the measuring performance of the machines stu- could be tracked back to their ‘original’ tree. Where condi- died varied greatly. tions allowed a researcher to be in the cab during processing, FERIC recorded the length and diameter dis- Company-accepted logs. The percentage of Company- played on the computer at the time the cut-off saw was acti- accepted logs among the CTL machines ranged from 37% to vated. 100%, and averaged 85%, while among the LL machines it ranged from 36% to 95% and averaged 74%. Based on the 2001 Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) Conference Proceedings: “Appalachian Hardwoods: Managing Change” Snowshoe, July 15-18, 2001 common log manufacturing standards, 28% and 10% of the machines in the CTL and LL operations, respectively, ful- 50 filled the company requirements for length measuring accu- Best-5 racy (Figure 1). Best-10 40 Distribution of length measuring errors. FERIC also examined the distribution of length error of individual logs 30 in 1-cm error classes. To capture the essence of the distri- 20 bution, FERIC adopted the approach used in Sweden to (no.)Studies quantify length measuring accuracy (Berglund and Sondell 10 1985). Best-5 and Best-10 quantify the frequency of logs (as percentages) within the five and the ten adjacent error 0 classes with the highest number of logs, respectively (Figure 90+ 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 50 <50 2). These percentages for the Best-5 and Best-10 represent Logs within Best range (%) the machine’s ability to produce logs within length varia- tions of 2.5 cm and 5 cm, respectively. Figure 3. Best-5 and Best-10 distributions of CTL machines. The Best-5 and Best-10 for the CTL machines ranged from 26 to 92% and from 45 to 100%, respectively (Figure 3). 8 The corresponding numbers for LL machines were from 23 Best-5 to 67% and from 41 to 91%, respectively (Figure 4). Best-10
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