The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life, by Food
,^_^_x^f^^^g|gg=^ Tmi SM^M Boston Medical Library in the Francis A.Countway Library of Medicine --Boston Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School THE ART OF INVIGORATING AND PROLONGING LIFE, ETC. %otCtitmi PB.lST'ED 3V' JAMES MOVES, GREVILLE STRfcST. : THE ART OF INVIGORATING AND PROLONGING L I F E, BY FOOD, CLOTHES, AIR, EXERCISE, WINE, SLEEP, &( AND PEPTIC PRECEPTS, POINTING OUT AGREEABLE AND EFFECTUAL METHODS TO PREVENT AND RELIEVE INDIGESTION, AND TO REGULATE AND STRENGTHEN THE ACTION OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. TO WHICH IS ADDEDj THE PLEASURE OF MAKING A WILL. Finis coronat opus. BY THE AUTHOR OF " THE COOK'S ORACLE, 4^C. 4;C. ic FOURTH EDITION, ENLARGED. LONDON PRINTED FOR HURST, ROBINSON, AND CO. AND A. CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH. 1822. TO THE NERVOUS AND BILIOUS, THE FOLLOWING TREATISE, ON THE ART OF MANAGING THOSE TEMPERAMENTS, IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. PREFACE THE FOURTH EDITION. There are now Seven Thousand Copies of this Work in Circulation, — a very gra- tifying proof, that the Editor's labours have been acceptable to the Public. To Professors of Medicine, he never imagined that he had any information to offer — but hopes, that he has given to the Public, some hints for the recovery, and improvement of Health, in such plain terms as will be universally understood. He has been more ambitious to be ex- tensively useful, than to appear elaborately VUl PREFACE. scientific ; — and his aim has been, to illus- trate subjects of vital importance to all — in so perspicuous a manner that all may clearly comprehend.
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