Photo RoUNDS Anna K. Allred, BS; Nancye K. McCowan, Adolescent with rash on face MS, MD; Robert Brodell, MD University of Mississippi and scalp Medical Center (Ms. Allred); Division of Dermatology, University What was causing a hypopigmented, slightly scaly facial of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson (Drs. rash and dandruff in this otherwise healthy teenager? McCowan and Brodell); University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY (Dr. Brodell) A 13-year-old African American male popigmentation in the nasomesial folds and
[email protected] presented with a 2-year history of a mildly eyebrows, and diffuse scaling and erythema DEpartment EDItOR pruritic central facial rash (FIGURE) and dan- throughout his scalp. Richard p. Usatine, MD druff. Recent treatment with hydrocortisone University of Texas 1% cream and nystatin cream (100,000 U/gm) Health Science Center at San Antonio for 1 week resulted in no improvement. ● What is youR diAgnosis? The patient had no history to suggest an Ms. Allred and Dr. McCowan allergic contact dermatitis or drug allergy. He ● HoW Would you TReAT THIS reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. had confluent scaling and erythema with hy- pATIENT? Dr. Brodell serves on speaker’s bureaus for Allergan, Galderma, and PharmaDerm, has served as a consultant and on advisory Figure boards for Galderma, and is an investigator/received grant/research support from Slight scale and hypopigmentation in the nasomesial folds Genentech. PHO T o COU RT ESY OF : R o B e RT BR ODELL , MD Vol 63, no 4 | ApRIL 2014 | The jouRnAl of Family PracTice 209 PHOTO RoUNDS Diagnosis: the Malassezia yeast and topical steroids are Seborrheic dermatitis used to suppress inflammation.