Tabularia Sources écrites des mondes normands médiévaux Autour de Serlon de Bayeux : la poésie normande aux XIe-XIIe siècles | 2018 Topographical and Thematic Perspectives in the Latin Poetry of the First Anglo-Norman Kings Perspectives topographiques et thématiques de la poésie latine à l’époque des premiers rois anglo-normands Prospettive tematiche e topografiche nella poesia latina all’epoca dei primi re anglo-normanni Roberto Angelini Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/tabularia.3009 ISSN: 1630-7364 Publisher: CRAHAM - Centre Michel de Boüard, Presses universitaires de Caen Electronic reference Roberto Angelini, « Topographical and Thematic Perspectives in the Latin Poetry of the First Anglo- Norman Kings », Tabularia [Online], Autour de Serlon de Bayeux : la poésie normande aux XIe-XIIe siècles, Online since 10 September 2018, connection on 01 May 2019. URL : http:// ; DOI : 10.4000/tabularia.3009 CRAHAM - Centre Michel de Boüard Topographical and h ematic Perspectives in the Latin Poetry of the First Anglo-Norman Kings Perspectives topographiques et thématiques de la poésie latine à l’époque des premiers rois anglo-normands Prospettive tematiche e topograi che nella poesia latina all’epoca dei primi re anglo-normanni Roberto Angelini Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Firenze
[email protected] Abstract: h is study deals with Norman poetry: it examines the authors, the texts, and especially the literary genres to which they belonged, in the period between the XIth and XIIth centuries. Following a chronological order, the analysis starts from XIth-century Normandy: the main political and religious centres, Rouen, Caen and Le Bec, were also the most important places of poetic output.