Auckley Surgery ______

Dr Felcy Alex (MB. BS., MRCGP)

41 Ellers Lane Auckley DN9 3HY

Tel: 01302 770327 Fax: 01302 771302

Practice Information Leaflet

Welcome to Auckley Surgery

Our surgery serves patients in the areas of Auckley, Branton, Finningley, Blaxton, , Cantley, Bessacarr and Armthorpe. Our team includes 2 GPs, 2 Practice Nurses and Practice Manager, Secretary, Dispenser and Reception staff.

Here is a current list of staff:-

Dr F Alex MB. BS., MRCGP Dr E Ashdown BSc, DRCOG, MBChB, MRCGP Elizabeth Walsh Practice Manager Margaret Scamans Senior Practice Nurse Christine Seymour Practice Nurse/Nurse Prescriber Chris Kisby Secretary Linda Hale Dispensary Lynn Tilston Receptionist/Admin Caroline Gillon Receptionist/Dispensary Jacky Carmody Receptionist/Dispensary Maria Parkes Receptionist


Our Charter sets out the standards to which we are working. It is our commitment to provide a quality service and care to all our patients. This can only be achieved by working together and by having a clear understanding of each others needs. We respect the need for privacy and all records or information regarding each individual patient will be completely confidential. Please note that all patients are entitled to have access to their written and computerised health records within the limitations of the law, at the discretion of the Doctor. All patients have the right within the law to express a preference of their own choice of a general practitioner within the surgery in accordance with paragraph 13.8 of the GMS contract.


The practice leaflet is incorporated within the charter booklet. It outlines surgery times and explains in detail all services offered at the practice by ourselves and other attached staff i.e. Health Visitor, Midwife etc.


The telephone will be answered as quickly as possible by any member of staff available. This also includes the Doctors and the Practice Nurses if other staff are busy. We aim to be polite, courteous and understand that sometimes you may need to speak to the Doctors or Practice Nurses. If they are unavailable at the time of calling then a mutually convenient time will be arranged by us for you to either call again or for the Doctors or Practice Nurses to return your call.


We will at all times endeavour to meet your requests for clinics that require appointments. Clinics will start on time but please appreciate that in certain circumstances delays are unavoidable, such as emergencies on the day. We aim to see you within 20 minutes of arrival and you will be kept informed if clinics are running late. We have a SMS text messaging service, which will send you a reminder about your booked appointment. We have extended clinics for the Nurse on a Monday mornings from 7am to 8am and the doctor from 6.30pm to 7.10pm. In the event of a Bank Holiday, the extended clinics will be moved to the Tuesday instead. You can access appointments at the surgery via the NHS Choices website. You must first come to surgery for a secure password.


Requests for regular repeat prescriptions will be dealt with and ready for collection within two working days. Urgent requests will be dealt with immediately if necessary but will always be ready for collection within 24 hours. The practice will post prescriptions on receipt of a written request and a stamped addressed envelope. Please ring between 9am & 6pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and between 9am to 1pm on Wednesday. Please allow up to 48 hours for prescription to be dispensed and please pick prescriptions up from the Surgery between the hours of 1pm & 3pm.


Practice Postal Code Areas / Practice Boundaries

As a result of the nGMS (New General Medical Services) contract between PCT (Primary Care Trust) and the Practice are required to agree the Practice boundaries. These postal codes are as follows:- DN9 3 and this will also include any patient with a postal address of Branton. DN3 Armthorpe, DN4 Cantley and Bessacarr and DN11 Rossington. The areas for the Practice therefore are Auckley, Blaxton, Branton, Finningley, Armthorpe, Rossington, Cantley and Bessacarr. We will not accept any patient outside of these postal addresses.

The areas are Auckley, Blaxton, Branton, Finningley, Armthorpe, Rossington, Cantley and Bessacarr.

This is to simplify patient allocations. Patients falling outside this area will not be allocated to the Practice. Patients moving away from the immediate area will be asked to seek medical attention from another GP in their own area.

Dr Alex or the Practice Nurses will listen to your problems and you will be given enough time to explain them. If you need more time after your appointment another will be offered. Please listen to and follow their advice. If you are unsure about anything please do not be afraid to ask, remember, you are also responsible for your own well being. Referrals to specialists and outside clinics will be offered when appropriate and also a second opinion if it is considered necessary. Routine referrals will be sent within one week, urgent referrals within 24 hours.

Choose and Book – Choosing your hospital. For most medical conditions you can now choose where and when to have your treatment. Find out more information at

Choices Website - You can now access information about the practice via the internet. Log onto and access the surgery through the appropriate GP.

Surgery website – We also have our own Auckley Surgery website for additional information. The website address is

Friends & Family Test (FFT) – Is a method by which patients can recommend the surgery to friends and family. This is done through IWantGreatCare, and if you would like to leave your comments and find out more information go to


You can help us by informing us of any changes to names, addresses or telephone numbers.

Keeping appointments and being punctual. Remember that if you do not arrive on time then you are taking someone else’s time. Delays of more than five minutes will sometimes result in you being asked to re-book your appointment, or you may have to wait until the next available free time as our aim is to see you within 20 minutes of your arrival.

Telling us as soon as possible if you cannot attend appointments so that other patients may be offered the available time.

Remembering that an appointment is made for one person only, if other members of your family need to be discussed then another appointment should be asked for, even though it may only be a simple childhood complaint. If several different complaints need discussing then please ask for a longer time when booking your appointment.

If we are running late please be patient, on another occasion it may be you that needs the extra time.

If for any reason you are unable to wait please re-arrange your appointment for a more convenient time.

Patients which have not been seen within three years Consultations will be available to patients who have not been seen within the last three years from the ages of 16 to 75 years and over.

Requesting home visits only when the patient is too ill or disabled to visit surgery. Please ensure that you inform us of your telephone number, or a number at which you may be contacted. All requests for home visits are passed onto the Doctor, who will decide if a home visit is necessary. Calls please if possible before 10.30am.

Calling out the Doctor (out of hours) is for emergencies only and not for routine treatment, advice or repeat prescriptions. It would be appreciated if patients would check their medications mid-week to ensure that they have sufficient to last until normal surgery re-opens.

A Doctor is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When Dr Alex is not on duty a deputising Doctor is available. The answerphone at the surgery will give details of the telephone number to ring, please be patient and wait for the Doctor to arrive.

The Surgery is not open on Saturdays.

If the surgery has no appointments for the same day that you contact us, there is an 8 to 8 Centre based at the The Flying Scotsman Centre, St. Sepulchre Gate West, Doncaster, DN1 3AP – 01302 645544. This service should only be used if there are no appointments available at the Surgery.


Auckley Surgery promotes training sessions within the practice. Training sessions are taken in- house and at outside venues, also via on-line training tool. All staff including the G.P.s and nurses are encouraged to attend training venues.

The Practice is closed on Wednesday afternoons for such venues. Twice a month the Doctors and staff undergo training in order to maintain the high standards of care that we wish to deliver to our patients. One of the venues regularly attended is Target venues (Time for Audit Review Guideline Education and Training).

You can help us by letting us know when our standards are not to your satisfaction.

We will always try to resolve any complaint you may have about any member of staff or any of the services provided. Just let us know. If you have a complaint please feel free to discuss it with our Practice Manager. It is completely confidential so please feel free to speak your mind. The Practice Manager will try to help you with your complaint. If you feel you need to take a complaint further the Practice Manager will guide you through the process.

Dr Felcy Alex. M.B., BS., MRCGP.



Morning Surgery Evening Surgery Extended Hours Nurse Doctor Monday 9 am to 11.30 am 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm 7am - 8am 6.30pm - 7.10pm Tuesday 9 am to 11.30 pm 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm Wednesday 9 am to 11.30 am Closed Thursday 9 am to 11.30 am 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm Friday 9 am to 11.30 am 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. (The Emergency Service is available for medical emergencies only not for routine appointments or repeat prescriptions).

Doncaster Emergency Out of Hours Service (OOHS) can be contacted by phoning the surgery on 01302 770327.

When the Surgery is not open on a Wednesday afternoon there will be available an out of hours service. Please ring the Surgery for the number.

The Practice operates an appointments system for both morning and evening surgeries.


8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday. Tel: 01302 770327 Fax: 01302 771302


Morning Evening Collection of prescriptions Monday 9am to 11.30am 3.30pm to 5.30pm 12pm to 3pm Tuesday 9am to 11.30pm 3.30pm to 5.30pm 12pm to 3pm Wednesday 9am to 11.30am Closed 10am to 1pm Thursday 9am to 11.30am 3.30pm to 5.30pm 12pm to 3pm Friday 9am to 11.30am 3.30 pm to 5.30pm 12pm to 3pm


Requests for home visits may be made by telephoning the surgery, whenever possible before 10.30 am. Calls only please if the patient is too ill or disabled to attend surgery.


Emergency calls may be requested by telephoning the surgery where an answering machine will indicate the telephone number to call. If Dr Alex is off duty then a deputising Doctor is available. Please telephone the Surgery for the correct number available.


Requests for repeat prescriptions can be made either verbally or by telephone call or by paper left at Reception. Please give up to 48 hours notice for all repeat prescriptions, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays where exceptions will be made in request for repeat prescriptions. Patients on certain types of medication will need to consult either the Doctors or the Practice Nurses every three months for them to reassess each individual patients needs. Patients will be informed of this when their course of treatment is commenced.

It would be appreciated if the collection of repeat prescriptions is made between the hours of 1 p.m. & 3 p.m.


Trudie Henson is the midwife attached to the Practice. The practice midwife will give advice on where the ante-natal and parent-craft classes are held. Patients are delivered in Doncaster Royal Infirmary under Midwifery Led Care or Consultant of their choice, but there are also other alternative arrangements that can be made in consultation with the Midwife.


The Health Visitor is based at Rossington on 01302 737230. A Health Visitor is a qualified nurse with additional training. Although specialising in child development she also deals in health related problems in all age groups.

Other Child Health Clinics available in our area: Hayfield Lane Children’s Centre: 1st Thursday of the month 1.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. Methodist Church, Tickhill: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 1.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.

Out of Hours Drop in Sessions New Hall: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 4.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.


Minor surgery is available at the Practice. The Doctors will advise each individual patient on whether minor surgery is advisable. If necessary an appointment will be arranged for this to be carried out after normal surgery hours.


The Practice Nurse is responsible for most health promotion clinics held at the practice i.e. Asthma, Blood Pressure, H.R.T. (Hormone Replacement Therapy) checks, Well Person Check, Diabetes and Coronary Heart Disease clinic. All patients in the age group of 15-74 years, both male and female should be seen on a regular basis i.e. every 12-36 months. Obviously some patients will need to be seen on a more regular basis, the Doctors or the Practice Nurse will arrange this.

We also carry out Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests, H-pylori breath test, 24 hour blood pressure monitoring and ECG monitoring. Vaccinations and Immunisations / Childhood Immunisations and Cervical Screening.

Patients over the age of 75 will be seen either in surgery by the Practice Nurse or arrangements can be made for patients to be seen at home if they are unable to come to the surgery. An appointment must be made for all of these clinics, please contact the reception to arrange a convenient time for you to attend. Our Practice Nurse is always willing to speak to any patient regarding any problems that may arise, be it health wise or just advice. Please speak either to the Practice Nurse personally or contact reception to arrange an appointment.

Normal clinic times are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and Monday afternoon between 1p.m. and 5p.m., Tuesday afternoon between 1p.m. and 2p.m., Thursday afternoon between 1p.m. and 3p.m. and Friday afternoon between 1p.m. to 3.30p.m.

A convenient time for patients to ring for the result of any test resulting from clinics would be between the hours of 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. when the surgery is not at its busiest.


All forms of contraceptive services and advice are offered at the practice. Please speak to either Doctor or Nurse for advice regarding this service. All contraceptive services are offered free by the National Health Service.


If you would like a chaperone present during your consultation then please advise the receptionist when checking in or you can ask the doctor / nurse at any time during your consultation.


District Nurses are based at Rossington. If a home visit is required please contact reception.


Dr Alex and her staff will be happy to receive any comments or complaints regarding the provision of general medical services. Complaints can be useful in helping patients to express real grievances in a constructive way and in helping the practice to monitor standards of performance; we would also welcome comments on anything that you have particularly appreciated. If you have any complaints or concerns about the service that you have received from the Doctors or any staff working for this practice, let us know. We operate an informal complaints procedure at the surgery to deal with your complaints.

This procedure does not affect your right to make a formal complaint to NHS if you wish. Nor does it affect your right to seek compensation in law.

Complaints should in the first instance be addressed to Mrs Elizabeth Walsh who will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken so that all matters are dealt with thoroughly and as quickly as possible. This is completely confidential so please feel free to speak your mind.


Violent patients will not be tolerated at this Surgery, either verbally or by means of any physical abuse to any member of staff, Doctors, Nurses or Reception staff within this Practice. Action will be taken to review the incident and assess what action will be taken against the perpetrator. We have in the Practice a Protocol on Violence and Aggression.


Pick up a registration form and a universal container for urine at the reception. The Receptionist will make an appointment with the Nurse for a registration check; there will be a simple health check at this time, including a blood pressure check and a urine sample analysis followed by a brief summary of the patients medical history including details of any current medication taken.

All patients over the age of 5 years who wish to register at this practice will follow the practice protocols of the registration check. Any patient under the age of 5 years can be registered at this practice without a health check but will be seen by the Health Visitor at the next available Child Health Clinic. It is an informal procedure, set in a friendly and helpful environment. The Health Visitor will advise you accordingly on all your children’s health needs.

There is adequate access and toilet facilities for disabled patients. There are also two car parking spaces available on the forecourt. For patients with hearing problems we have the Loop System available.


At the time of registration you will be asked to complete documentation if you agree or disagree to having a Summary Care Record (SCR).

Below are details of what a Summary Card Record entails. Please be aware that if you do not indicate a preference we will assume you are happy with the changes and a Summary Care Record will automatically be generated.

The NHS in England is introducing the Summary Care Record, which will be used in emergency care.

The record will contain information about any medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had to ensure those caring for you have enough information to treat you safely.

Your Summary Care Record will be available to authorised healthcare staff providing your care anywhere in England, but they will ask your permission before they look at it. This means that if you have an accident or become ill, the doctors treating you will have immediate access to important information about your health.

Your GP practice is supporting Summary Care Records and as a patient you have a choice:

• Yes I would like a Summary Care Record – you do not need to do anything and a Summary Care Record will be created for you.

• No I do not want a Summary Care Record – enclosed is an opt out form. Please complete the form and hand it to a member of the GP practice staff.

If you need more time to make your choice you should let your GP Practice know.

Additional copies of the opt out form can be collected from the GP practice, printed from the website or requested from the dedicated NHS Summary Care Record Information Line on 0300 123 3020.

You can choose not to have a Summary Care Record and you can change your mind at any time by informing your GP practice.

If you do nothing we will assume that you are happy with these changes and create a Summary Care Record for you. Children under 16 will automatically have a Summary Care Record created for them unless their parent or guardian chooses to opt them out. If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16 and feel that they are old enough to understand, then you should make this information available to them.