Market Garden 82nd Airborne [Light] - Setup order

1 x2

Weurt Waal 2 x6

3 x11 Honinghutze Drop Zone T

Alverna 4 x1 Hatert 5 x1

Malden Groebeek

Drop Zone O Breedeweg 6 x1

Maas Overasselt Heumen 7 x2

Grave 8 x1

Drop Zone N

Cuijk 9 x16

10 x11 Reinforcement of the XXXth corps 11 x6 Historical Background The largest airborne operation of the war is about to begin. His goal was to cross the Rhine at to enter Germany 12 x3 and end the war as quickly as possible. Three divisions will be parachuted over Holland. The 82nd Airborne Division will be parachuted south of Nijmegen. It will aim to capture the bridges of this city on the Waal as well as the important bridge of Grave on the Maas. The 82nd is 13 x12 to be joined by the Armoured Guards Division of the XXXth Corps which will arrive to the south after its connection with the 101st. It will then have to head north to join the 1st British Airborne Division on Arnhem. 14 x1 in memory. After 4 stars obtained, the XXX Corps arrives Briefing in reinforcement from the south. Each subsequent turn, Allied player: the allied player will be able to make appear a unit of 15 x7 -6 command cards armored vehicles on the South road without having to - you play first use a command card (provided the hexagon is free). It 16 x2 German player: thus has in total 6 tanks units in reserve. -5 command cards Conditions of Victory 17 x16 -10 medals -Medals are temporary objective medals for allies. 18 x1 -Any Allied armoured unit that exits the board through the hexagon exit is a medal to the Allied player. 19 x1 Special Rules -Parachuting: At the beginning of the game, the allied 20 x7 player parachutes 10 special units at the hexagons marked with a battle star (see rules parachuting). -Arrival of the XXXth Corps: This rule is similar to the 21 x9 night rules. At the beginning of each turn, the allied player throws a dice. If he gets a star, he keeps the score

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