October 2019 -

Opal stone meaning also includes its association with love and passion, as well as desire and eroticism. Interestingly, if is one of seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and stabilizes the emotions. This colorful stone is also known for bringing lightness and spontaneity. The stone is very useful, stimulating originality and innovative thinking and creativity. Opal has an absorbent and reflective nature, therefore it helps you with picking up thoughts and feelings reflecting amplified to their source. The gemstone is also meant to represent justice and harmony, and is a protective stone in risky conditions.

Opal is best stone you can gift to your partner as it bring about loyalty and faithfulness. Opal is also extremely beneficial in many other physical realms as well, such as in disease cure. Opal stone is said to help strengthen the immune system, hence making you less prone to disease. Furthermore, it purifies blood and kidneys, regulates insulin, eases childbirth, and alleviates PMS. It is also beneficial to the eyes, especially as an elixir. Overall, opal has been proven useful in preventing bad health, birth pain, alleviate many types of pains in the body and makes the body resilient to infection. Opal stone is also known to help those who are suffering from chemical dependencies. The stone gives the wearer strength and the ability to take back control over their lives.

History of Opal Stone- After discussing the opal stone meaning, we are going to briefly discuss the history and scientific aspects of this marvelous gemstone. The Opal gemstone is known to humans as long as 4,000 years ago, and there is many myths and lore in practically all cultures about this brilliant gemstone. The opal was priced as high as in ancient Greece because they thought opal to be the tears of Zeus. According to them opal brings foresight and prophecy, which would ensure the owner’s success in war, business and life.

According to the legend of the Australian aborigine opal is God’s footprint that touched the earth at the base of a rainbow to bring harmony. However, the ancient Australian aborigines believed this stone to be of sinister origin. They thought opal means to be half serpent and half devil, and that the fire in opal gemstone stone was actually a trap to lure them into the devil’s lair. The ancient Romans also wore this gemstone for hope and purity and for curing illness. According to ancient Indian belief the opal stone was actually the Goddess of the Rainbow which turned to stone. Ancient Arab cultures believed the opal gemstone came from the sky and that the bright play of color was trapped lightning within. According to Arab mythology opal could make its wearer invisible.

In middle ages the emerged with the name ” Opthalmius”, which means Eye Stone, and was thought to be effective healing stone for eyesight. Blonde maidens also wore to protect their hair from darkening or fading color. In this age opal gemstone meant to provide great luck because it was believed the each color represents the virtues of other gemstone and opal possess all the virtues of each gemstone.

In recent history in history the opal stone has been ridiculously thought as an evil stone. In fact, this has been a ridiculous belief for a long time all over the world. The opal was rumored as being a stone of bad luck. At one point opal became so popular that it became rival to . The diamond merchants were afraid that the opal stone may surpass diamonds in popularity. They spread the rumor that brought bad luck to the wearer.

Anne of Geierstein opal Sir Walter Scott’s bestselling novel, Anne of Geuerstein, written in 1829, played an important role in unfortunate reputation of opal stone meaning. In his novel a Lady Hermione, was falsely accused of being a demoness, and dies shortly after a drop of holy water accidentally falls on her opal and destroys its color. The public misunderstood the meaning and the thought that the genius author means that opal brings bad luck. This novel succeeded in destroying the European opal market for almost 50 years with no real reason.

The Queen Elizabeth played an important role and her efforts helped opal to shed its bad luck reputation and regain popularity with the public. She never believed these superstitions associated with opal stone meaning at all. During her reign, she wore opals herself and gifted them to her daughters.

The myth about the bad luck of opal still exists even today, there are many people who believe not to buy or wear opal stone unless it is your (October)

“Opal…Made up of the glories of the most precious gems, to describe it is a matter of inexpressible difficulty: there is in it the gentler fire of the , there is the brilliant purple of the , there is the sea-green of the , all shining together in an incredible union. Some aim at rivaling in luster the brightest azure…of the painter’s palette, others the flame of burning sulfur, or of a fire quickened by oil.” ~ Pliny the Elder

Physical health Properties- Opal has a generally health enhancing effect because it strengthens the will to live. Opal is beneficial for the health or your eyes, kidneys and skin. This stone is helpful if you are challenged by dehydration or water retention. Use it to balance your body's water content. This is a good stone for those who work in or around water, such as a physical therapist who employs hydrotherapy. Opal strengthens the will to live. It treats Parkinson's disease, infections and fevers. Opal strengthens your memory, purifies the blood and kidneys. It regulates insulin, eases childbirth and alleviates PMS (use the dark colors for this). Opal is beneficial to the eyes, especially as crystal water.

Black precious opal can be helpful in breaking up in the body, such as tumors and cysts. White precious opal helps strengthen the skin, hair and fingernails. It is useful for skin disorders including eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Emotional Health properties-Opal strengthens desire, erotism and sexuality. It makes us emotional, seductive, and unconventional, in love with life and enhances optimism. If you have been emotional or on the verge of tears, other peoples energy is affecting your wellbeing. If you are a highly sensitive person find solace in water, have a bath, a swim, or walk along the water’s edge to help clear away energy that isn't yours and replenish your energy field. The high water content of opal assists you to shift your emotions through to self-awareness. This stone also helps protect you from too easily absorbing other people's energy, feelings, or thoughts. Because opal produces its colors through interference and diffraction, allow this stone to run interference for you when encountering challenging people, places or things that affect your emotions or hurt your feelings. Opal stimulates originality and dynamic creativity; it helps in accessing and expressing your true self. Opal is absorbent and reflective. It picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and then sends them back. Opal is a karmic stone sending you the message "what you put out here comes back to you three fold". It is a protective stone; if you program it correctly you will become invisible and unnoticeable to others. Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Opal can act as an emotional stabilizer, but the stone may scatter energy and the user needs to be well centered before using opal to explore or induce feelings, or to have other stones standing by to help integration. Opal shows you what your emotional state has been in the past and teaches you how to take responsibility for how you are feeling now. It encourages you to send out positive emotions. Wearing opal is said to bring loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity to you but it may also increase fickleness if the person is inclined that way in the first place. Opals are used to send healing to the earth's energy field, repairing depletions and re-energizing and stabilizing the grid.

Black precious opal helps you face your darkest fears; It assists those who wish to overcome phobias, anxiety attacks, chronic worry and other manifestations of fear energy. White precious opal will bring to the surface of your consciousness whatever emotional patterns need to be cleared. This can sometimes create a period of intense emotional sensitivity when you first begin working with this stone. After this initial period of cleansing, however, it will assist you in becoming more positive and loving. Cognitive Health properties- Opal makes us light hearted, sometimes even a little light headed. It encourages spontaneity, poetry and an interest in the arts of the Muses. Opals are supportive when encountering mental obstacles. Use this stone to gain the perspective needed to make the shift from distraction to action. Opal amplifies traits and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. It increases self-worth, helps you to understand your full potential.

Spiritual Health properties- Opal bestows joy in your worldly life. It draws out attention to the more colorful sides of life and awakens the desire for variety and distraction. The watery vibration of opal makes this stone a perfect tool for connecting with the devic forces of water, including all the devas of the undine family of which merfolk and water sprites are but a few. Connect with opal's energy to assist in interspecies communication with dolphins and whales for expanded spiritual awareness. Ancient Greeks believed the opal had the power of giving foresight and the light of prophecy to its owner. Opal is a delicate stone with a fine vibration. It enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions. Black precious opal incorporates Light into the dark void, It is a powerful stone for the spiritual warrior, who must enter the darkness carrying the Light of consciousness. It can help those who have come to facilitate the crossing over of spirits and ghosts to the higher realms. It is a powerful shamanic stone and can facilitate the journey to the lower world. White precious opal can be called upon to bring angelic energy into your energy field. It is extremely useful in infusing the aura with full spectrum energy and can help you sense your spiritual guides more strongly.

Common opal has the same chemical composition as (silicon dioxide but also contains 1 to 2 percent water and is not crystallized. it is transparent to semi opaque and occurs in veins or nodules inside cavities or cracks in silica rich rocks. Common Opal may be any of several different colors, but it is generally opaque and does not show any of the play of color exhibited by precious opal. Common Opal is found in many locations, but the best Pink and Blue specimens are found in Peru. Common Opal vibrates at a lower frequency and gentler intensity than the precious opals, and this enhances its calming and soothing effects on the emotional body. Common Opal in all of its colors is a stone of gentle energies. It is well suited for sensitive people who are easily overwhelmed by more powerful stones, or for those who are overburdened with stress and need stones that will help them relax. Each color, of course, offers a somewhat different emphasis. It is grounding for the emotional body and is an excellent stone to alleviate worry, chronic stress, and depression. It has a palette of colors including white, brown, honey, orange, blue, green and red. Common opal can also occur with dendritic inclusions.

Blue opal is an antidote to restless thoughts. If you tend to wake up at night with your mind racing, rehashing the past or anticipating the future, this stone in your pillowcase will help you sleep more peacefully. As a bonus, it can enhance the recollection of your dreams, and can even bring about more pleasant dream experiences. It assists you in sharing your feelings and communicating about emotional issues. Blue opal promotes a calm and centered mind. It can facilitate contemplative prayer and meditation by allowing you to be witness of, rather than a participant to the minds activities. Blue opal can help in the retention of knowledge and is an excellent stone for students. Blue opal helps calm respiratory inflammation and can be of assistance when you are suffering instances of chronic cough due to asthma, lung damage or allergies. It can help relieve inflammation, as well as eczema and psoriasis. Blue opal helps you to surrender to the Divine Will and releasing resistance to your spiritual path. It assists you in calm understanding of difficult life experiences from the past and can help you to joyfully embrace the future. Blue opal facilitates spiritual understanding. It can help you to accept and follow spiritual guidance without ego resistance.

Fire opal is named after its vivid orange color. It doesn't normally opalesce, but it is sometimes clear enough to make into faceted gems, and these can be beautiful. The most significant sources of fire opal are in Mexico, but deposits have been found in Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Turkey, Australia and the USA. Fire opal stimulates the base and sacral chakras, so initially the energy may be sexual in nature. However as the kundalini energy is activate and begins rising up the spine, this experience will change to reflect the energies of each chakra. Fire opal stimulates the creative self and the expression of your emotions through art. This stone stimulates the chi and the endocrine system. It is an excellent balance of yin and yang energies. Fire opal is excellent to use for fertility issues for both men and women. It is useful in instances of chronic fatigue and in situations where hormonal imbalance creates menstrual problems. Fire opal assists you to overcome shyness, fear of taking action and defeatist thinking. It can help you become more optimistic, socially outgoing and confident in yourself and your abilities. It brings and energy of playfulness and curiosity into your life. Fire opal can assist you in experiencing complete spiritual abandon to the frequency of creative energy that flows throughout the Universe. Its energy promotes artistic creativity, manifestation from the etheric, sexual enjoyment, fertility and physical energy.

Lemurian opal is a yellow variety of opal that doesn't exhibit fire. Its color, however is quite vivid and relatively unique among opals. Lemurian gold opal got its name from its color and its metaphysical association with the legendary ancient civilization of Lemuria. These stones are only found in Madagascar. Lemurian gold opal supports the immune system through calming the body and diminishing the effects of stress, It can help you recall and dispel past life issues associated with current physical problems. Lemurian gold opal helps you to heal the emotional body and to develop and integrated mental and emotional awareness. Lemurian gold opal can facilitate access to awareness of ancient lemurian consciousness and memory. It enhances all types of empathic and clairvoyant abilities. This stone helps you move easily into deep states of meditation. It facilitates lucid dreaming and enhances your memory of dreams. It can help you work spiritually to overcome sleep disorders, and it brings the recognition that you don't need to control everything.

Oregon opal is surprisingly clear type of opal which often has a bluish tinge and which sometimes displays flashes of pink or yellow within the stone. Oregon opal stimulates the solar plexus chakra, facilitating self-expression and decisive action. It encourages you to follow your joy and break free from limiting visions of what is possible. Oregon opal can be used for all imbalances of the kidneys, including kidney infection, bedwetting and difficult or painful urination due to kidney stones. Oregon opal brings a sense of joy, upliftment and excitement to your emotional body. It helps you overcome negative self-talk and the hopelessness that it creates. Oregon opal teaches you the joy of pursuing your dreams and desires, even if they don't manifest. It is a stone of process and exploration, as opposed to acquisition and completion. It can help you enjoy the processes of life, growth and experience.

Owyhee blue opal is a new variety of opal, discovered in eastern Oregon in 2003. It is characterized by a rich blue color, similar in shade to a fine blue . Its name is derived from the location where it was found. This opal is often translucent when first removed from the ground but will gradually turn opaque when exposed to air as the water within the stone starts to evaporate. Owyhee blue opal is stimulating to the third eye and throat chakras, which can help channels, mediums, psychics and teachers communicate higher guidance through speech and sound. This stone helps clear and balance the throat chakra and is a good companion for speakers and singers. Its energy helps you find the right words or sounds to communicate your true meaning. Owyhee blue opal is useful for throat imbalances, including inflammation caused by viral or bacterial infection, overuse of the vocal cords or exposure to smoke. It is mildly cooling to other inflammations in the body as well. Owyhee blue opal assists you in being fearless but not reckless. It will assist you in doing what must be done without falling prey to fears, suppositions or fantasies about what might go wrong. It can help you become focused and remain focused throughout a task. Owyhee blue opal is a good stone for angelic connection. It promotes communication with angelic beings and can assist in embodying higher frequencies into your aura.

Pink opal is a lovely stone for healing the emotions, especially those connected with subconsciously held pain. Opals are generally associated with past lives and the world of dreams, and these are places from which old wounds can come to the surface. Sleeping with pink opal or holding it, during a past life regression session helps you resolve painful memories with gentleness and compassion for yourself. Pink opal clears and calms the heart and brings a sense of peace and tranquility to your aura. It is excellent for children who have difficulty sleeping or tend to have nightmares. Pink opal directly soothes the heart and can be useful in instances of erratic or irregular heartbeat. It supports the lungs and the use of oxygen by the body. Pink opal can help those who have excessive fear, worry or anxiousness. It is useful in dissipating stress and allowing you to become more emotionally centered and calm. Pink opal brings peace and release to your heart, allowing you to discharge past trauma, tension and stress. It can be used to keep your connection to the angelic realm open and clear.

Violet flame opal is the name that has been given to a purple and white common opal that was discovered at a site in Mexico in 2011. Violet flame opal facilitates the release of stress, allowing the body to be guided by its innate inner wisdom. Violet flame opal brings emotional harmony to the cells, as well as all levels of the etheric body. Violet flame opal is a stone of profound spiritual purification. It can cleanse and purify the etheric body and the cellular energy matrix, and enhance your connection with angelic beings. It also stimulates your visionary experiences.

White opal provides purification of your energy field, cleansing and rebalancing the chakras of the etheric body and support for their connection to your physical self. It can attract angelic beings, and it is an ideal gift to leave for them in some hidden spot. White opal assists in grounding Light in the aura. Its energy is nurturing and enlightening, as it gently points out emotional issues that need clearing. White opal is a good stone for those of you who are recovering from all types of abuse. It helps to illuminate the densities in the body and assist in dispersing fibroids and various kinds of cysts. White opal soothes the emotional body and promotes a positive outlook. White opal helps to clarify, calm and focus the mind so that more subtle spiritual signals can be received and processed. It is a general enhancer of psychic information.

Opal harmonizes well with: Amethyst, & Zincite

Opal harmonizes well with.... • If the earth star chakra is out of balance you may feel disconnected to the earth and the people around you. You might be suffering from hallucinations, anxiety from unknown origins or feel no connection with the Divine. • If the base chakra is out of balance you may be belligerent and aggressive toward others. With this stone in hand, you are able to relieve the symptoms of ADHD or ADD. It will reduce the desire to be overly possessive, craving continual excitement or manipulative. • Use this stone to awaken your awareness of your past life talents and ease unwanted fears. • It will balance the circulatory, reproductive system and increase the function of your lower limbs and pelvis. • If the solar plexus chakra is out of balance, you may feel critical of others, be a bully and in need of constant change. You also may believe that you aren't recognized for your achievements or have difficulty learning new tasks. • Use this stone on the solar plexus chakra to bring empathy into your life and enhance your psychic abilities. It will open your clairsentience abilities. • It will assist in healing digestive, stomach, liver and gallbladder ailments. Use this stone when the true cause of a disease needs to be found. • If the heart chakra is out of balance you may have sudden bursts of anger, jealousy or blaming others for any issues that arise in your life. You might need constant confirmation of your self-worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others. • With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities. • It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration. • If the throat chakra is out of balance, you may be hyperactive, domineering or fanatical about your political or religious views. You might also resist change of any kind and slow to respond to tasks and reasonable demands on your time. • With this stone in hand, you will enhance your clairaudience abilities and manifest abundance. When used on the throat chakra this stone encourages and directs your creative abilities. It will help you speak and live your truth. • This stone will assist in improving and maintaining the health of your throat, esophagus, mouth, teeth and the respiratory system. • If your chakra is out of balance you may need to feel as though you are indispensable in your workplace, or need constant sympathy for perceived injustices. You might also feel misunderstood by others or find it difficult to treat others with tenderness and benevolence. • With this stone in hand, you will able to align yourself with the higher forces of the universe and connect to the subtle bodies of energy that surround you. It will assist you in linking to your past lives and determine their effect on your present. • It will help the function of the whole nervous and skeletal systems of the body. • If your soul star chakra is out of balance you may feel confused about where you are going in life or your value to be in this physical plane. You also may not be able to accept the existence of the Divine Will and its role in your life.

Resource content: https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/opal

Provided by Noteworthy Resources www.nwralbany.org