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For Personal Use Only Use Personal for Key Figures of Kfw Group ∆Financial Report 2016 For personal use only Key figures of KfW Group Promotional business volume 2016 2015 EUR in billions EUR in billions 81.0 79.3 Key figures of the income statement 2016 2015 EUR in millions EUR in millions Net interest income (before promotional activity) 2,802 2,904 Net commission income (before promotional activity) 280 286 Administrative expense (before promotional activity) 1,185 1,125 Operating result before valuation (before promotional activity) 1,898 2,066 Risk provisions for lending business –150 –48 Net gains/losses from hedge accounting and other financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 349 478 Net gains/losses from securities and investments and from investments accounted for using the equity method 11 43 Operating result after valuation (before promotional activity) 2,108 2,539 Net other operating income 102 107 Profit/loss from operating activities (before promotional activity) 2,210 2,647 Promotional activity 230 345 Taxes on income –21 130 Consolidated profit 2,002 2,171 Consolidated profit before IFRS effects 1,769 1,900 Cost/income ratio before promotional activity1) 38.4 % 35.2 % 1) Administrative expense (before promotional activitiy) in relation to adjusted income. Adjusted income is calculated from Net interest income and Net commission income (in each case before promotional activity). For personal use only Key figures of the statement of financial position 31 Dec. 2016 31 Dec. 2015 EUR in billions EUR in billions Total assets 507.0 503.0 Volume of lending 472.4 447.0 Volume of business 609.2 587.2 Equity 27.1 25.2 Equity ratio 5.3 % 5.0 % Key regulatory figures 31 Dec. 2016 31 Dec. 2015 EUR in billions EUR in billions Risk position 116.1 131.8 Tier 1 capital 25.9 24.1 Regulatory capital 25.9 24.2 Tier 1 capital ratio1) 22.3 % 18.3 % Total capital ratio1) 22.3 % 18.4 % 1) The table shows the analogous IRBA ratios which KfW calculates voluntarily for internal purposes on the basis of the relevant legal provisions and taking the annual results into consideration. Since January 2016 KfW has been subject to the regulatory reporting requirements for capital ratios. In 2016 capital ratios as per the credit risk standardised approach (CRSA) were reported to banking regulatory authorities. KfW no longer has any tier 2 capital in its equity, so that the tier 1 capital ratio and the total capital ratio as of 31 December 2016 are the same. Employees of KfW Group2) 2016 2015 5,944 5,807 2) The average number of employees including temporary staff but without members of the Executive Board and trainees For personal use only Overview of KfW KfW is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. It applies its decades of experience to improve econo mic, social and environmental living conditions across the globe on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the federal states. In 2016 alone, KfW provided promo­ tional funds totalling EUR 81.0 billion. Of this total, 44 % was spent on measures aimed at protecting the climate and the environment. KfW has no retail branches and does not hold any customer deposits. It funds its promotional business activities almost entirely through the international capital markets and in 2016 raised EUR 72.8 billion for this purpose. In Germany, KfW Group has offices in Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bonn and Co­ logne. Its global network includes around 80 local and representative offices. For personal use only ˚Responsible Banking For personal use only ˚Contents For personal use only The figures in tables were calculated exactly and added up. Figures presented may not add to totals because of independent rounding. Actual zero amounts and amounts rounded to zero are presented as EUR 0 million. Letter from the Executive Board 6 Executive Board, Directors and Managing Directors of KfW Group 17 Report of the Board of Supervisory Directors 18 Members and tasks of the Board of Supervisory Directors 21 Corporate Governance Report 23 Group management report 28 Basic information on KfW Group 30 Economic report 35 Sustainability report 46 Risk report 50 Forecast and opportunity report 73 Declaration of compliance 80 Consolidated financial statements 81 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 84 Consolidated statement of financial position 86 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 87 Consolidated statement of cash flows 91 Notes 93 Attestations 199 Statement by the Executive Board 200 Auditor’s report 201 For personal use only Letter from the Executive Board Bernd Loewen, Dr Günther Bräunig, Dr Stefan Peiss For personal use only Dear readers, KfW Group reported another successful year in promotional terms and continued to experience very brisk demand for its financing products in 2016. The volume of promotional commitments rose to a total of EUR 81 billion (2015: EUR 79.3 billion, +2 %). With a commitment volume of EUR 55.1 billion (2015: EUR 50.5 billion, +9 %), domestic promotional business provided clear impetus for German econo­ mic growth. The increase was largely due to the high demand for promotional loans in housing construction; businesses also made very good use of KfW’s promotional programmes. Dr Ingrid Hengster, Dr Norbert Kloppenburg Commitments in the international busi­ ness are stable at EUR 24.9 billion (2015: EUR 27.9 billion). It was an excellent year for financing and promotional activities in the field of development cooperation which came in at EUR 8.8 billion (2015: EUR 7.7 billion). The volume of financing offered by KfW IPEX­Bank as a specialist for export and project finance normalised again at EUR 16.1 billion following the previous year’s exceptional figure. Dr Ulrich Schröder (Chief Executive Officer) ∆KfW is undergoing a digital transformation process, and sees these new technologies as an opportunity. In doing so, we are For personal use only meeting our customers‘ growing demand for the streamlined and digital processing of their promotional loans. We also want to do our bit to promote Germany’s digital transformation. Dr Ulrich Schröder KfW Financial Report 2016 Letter from the Executive Board | 7 Promotion of environmental and climate been able to apply for the investment protection projects was once again a key grants offered by KfW via the KfW grants focus of our work (EUR 35 billion, or 44 % portal, and receive their funding commit­ of all commitments). ment immediately. Digitalisation also serves as a catalyst for modernisation and Between 2012 and 2016, KfW issued development in the promotion of devel­ commitments with a total volume of oping countries and emerging economies. EUR 103 billion for projects in connection with the energy transition, in line with KfW is helping the German Federal Gov­ the KfW Energy Turnaround Action Plan, ernment, states and municipalities with thus making an important contribution direct crisis management as well as sus­ towards achieving the German Federal tainable integration in connection with Government‘s environmental and climate the refugee issue. The “refugee accommo­ goals. Promotion was provided for in vest­ dation” special facility that was launched ments in energy­efficient construction in September 2015 was already ex haus t­- and refurbishment, energy efficiency ed four months later, in January 2016. measures for businesses and municipa­ Accommodation for up to 150,000 people lities, renewable energy and technological was created in 700 municipalities. KfW innovations in the area of climate pro­ has been assisting the German federal tection. states with promotional programmes for affordable housing since April 2016, thus The digitalisation of KfW‘s business con­ making a valuable contribution towards tinues, with new approaches for promo­ long­term integration. tion in Germany and other countries. In Germany, the digital on­lending platform Internationally, the KfW Development “BDO 2.0” is taking advantage of the Bank business area currently has almost opportunities offered by digitalisation. 100 ongoing projects relating to refugees Almost all housing sector promotional in 27 different countries with an overall products are now processed digitally volume of EUR 2 billion. A total of around between KfW and its financing partners EUR 575 million in new commitments via this platform. The first commercial went to 30 projects that are providing promotional loan was also granted via direct support for towns and villages tak­ BDO in the summer of 2016. Since ing in refugees in partner countries. December 2016, private clients have 81 billion euros was the total amount of promotional commitments in 2016. The photo series shows KfW’s new innovation lab. For personal use only 8 | KfW Financial Report 2016 Letter from the Executive Board ∆This year the share of KfW‘s total promotional business volume that was committed for environmental and climate financing was the highest in its history. In this way, KfW is continuing in its role as one of largest financiers of environ­ mental and climate protection measures in Germany and around the world. Dr Günther Bräunig For personal use only KfW Financial Report 2016 Letter from the Executive Board | 9 The independent non­profit KfW Stiftung (foundation) also provided support to ref­ ugees. Under the patronage of the then Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel and in collabora­ tion with Social Impact GmbH, KfW Stif­ tung ex pan ded its stipend programme “Ankommer. Perspektive Deutschland” in 2016, through which it supports projects 55.1 and initiatives that give refugees access billion euros was the com­- to education, training and jobs, and thus mitment volume in domestic also the chance of becoming active mem­ promotional business. bers of German society and the economy. Details on the business sectors‘ promotional activities Domestic promotional business: The volume of new business in the Mittelstandsbank business sector last year amounted to EUR 21.4 billion.

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