Pesticide Tables for Potato Pests

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Pesticide Tables for Potato Pests In fields that are plowed deeply in the fall, wireworms will turn but research is ongoing in this area. An important management up during plowing. They may be detected by following behind the consideration is avoiding prolonged periods of time between vine plow and checking for them in the turned-up soil. Fall plowing, death and harvest. Typical wireworm damage occurs mid-season however, is becoming much less common. and results at harvest in healed holes in tubers; however, tubers left in the field for weeks after vine death can be re-infested resulting in There are no established treatment thresholds for wireworms in serious tuber damage and tubers containing wireworms at harvest. potatoes. Management decisions are a complex assessment of crop history, scouting, previous pesticide treatments, etc. For more information, see Management—cultural and biological controls Management—chemical control: HOME USE Crop rotation is an important tool for wireworm control. ♦ azadirachtin (as a mix with pyrethrins)—Some formulations are Wireworms tend to increase rapidly among red and sweet clover OMRI-listed for organic use. and small grains (particularly barley and wheat). Birds feeding ♦ bifenthrin (as a mix with zeta-cypermethrin). in recently plowed fields destroy many wireworms. However, ♦ cyfluthrin in seriously infested fields this does not reduce the overall ♦ zeta-cypermethrin pest population below economic levels. To date, field tests of Management—chemical control: COMMERCIAL USE entomopathogenic nematodes in wireworm infested fields show they do not effectively control wireworms. There are no parasites or See: biological insecticides known to be effective in wireworm control, Pesticide Tables for Potato Pests Pesticide Tables for Potato Pests Tables 1-3 present nearly exhaustive lists of insecticides and biocontrol agents that are registered to control arthropod pests of potatoes in the PNW. Some of these products provide better control than others. Tables 1 and 2 are lists of conventional pesticides, with Table 1 being products with a single active ingredient and Table 2 being mixed products commonly known as “package mixes.” Most package mixes have a broad spectrum of control, but if over-used can contribute to outbreaks of certain pests such as aphids and spider mites, and also increase the risk of insecticide resistance due to over-application of a single mode-of-action such as the neonicotinoids (IRAC Group 4A). Table 3 lists many of the available products that are either biocontrol microbes, approved for organic use, or are not directly insecticidal. The latter category includes some of the oil sprays, which are most effective in interrupting virus transmission by aphids, as opposed to killing insects outright. Table 1. Single active ingredient products Insecticide Signal Restricted PHI Type Active Ingredient Trade Name Target Pest(s) REI Group Word Use? (days) FU 1,3 dichloropropene Telone II (Dow) symphylan, Soil Warning N 5 NA wireworm fumigant days F abamectin Agri-mek, Colorado potato 6 Warning Y 12 hr 14 (a.k.a. avermectin Epi-Mek (Syngenta), beetle, potato B1) Abacus (Rotam), Reaper psyllid, spider mite, (Loveland), Abba Ultra thrips* (Makhteshim Agan), F acetamiprid Assail 30SG, Assail 70WP, aphid, beetle, 4A Caution N 12 hr 7 Intruder Max 70WP leafhopper*, (United Phosphorus) potato psyllid* F afidopyropen Sefina (BASF) aphid, whitefly, 9D Caution N 12 hr 7 potato psyllid* F bifenazate Acramite (UPLCrompton) spider mite 25 Caution N 12 hr 14 IF, F bifenthrin Capture LFR, Brigade beetle, various soil 3 Warning Y 12 hr 21 2EC (FMC), Fanfare 2EC grubs, wireworm. (Makhteshim Agan), Lepidoptera*, Tundra EC (Winfield) spider mite*, BiFenture EC (United leafhopper*, lygus*, Phosphorus) potato psyllid* IF carbaryl Sevin 4F, Sevin 80S, Sevin beetle, 1A Caution or N 12 hr 7 XLR Plus (Bayer), Sevin 5 Lepidoptera, Warning Bait (Wilbur Ellis) stink bug, depending leafhopper, potato on psyllid*; various formulation soil-inhabiting arthropods (5 Bait) PNW Insect Management Handbook K211 Table 1. Single active ingredient products Insecticide Signal Restricted PHI Type Active Ingredient Trade Name Target Pest(s) REI Group Word Use? (days) F chlorantraniliprole Coragen (FMC) Colorado potato 28 None N 4 hr 14 beetle, Lepidoptera F, IF clothianidin Belay 50WDG, Belay beetle, aphid, 4A Caution N 12 hr 14 (Valent) leafhopper, psyllid IF cyantraniliprole Verimark (FMC), Exirel Colorado potato 28 Caution N 4 hr –2 (FMC) beetle, Lepidoptera F cyfluthrin Tombstone (Loveland) beetle, 3 Warning Y 12 hr 0 Lepidoptera, leafhopper, potato psyllid, F beta-cyfluthrin Baythroid XL (Bayer) beetle, 3 Warning Y 12 hr 0 Lepidoptera, leafhopper, potato psyllid F lambda-cyhalothrin Warrior, Warrior II aphid, beetle, 3 Warning Y 24 hr 7 (Syngenta), Province grasshopper, (Tenkoz), Silencer leafhopper, (Makhteshim Agan), Lepidoptera, Lambda-Cy (United potato psyllid, stink Phosphorus) bug F gamma- Respect, Respect EC beetle, 3 Warning or Y 12 hr 1 cypermethrin (BASF), Mustang, Mustang grasshopper Caution Max, Mustang Max EC, leafhopper, Mustang Max EW (FMC) Lepidoptera F cyromazine Trigard (Syngenta) Colorado potato 17 Caution N 12 hr 7 beetle F deltamethrin Battalion 0.2, Battalion 1.5 beetle, leafhopper, 3 Danger/ N 12 hr 3 (Arysta) Lepidoptera, Poison F dimethoate various brands, 2.67 and aphid, grasshopper, 1B Warning N 48 hr 0 4E formulations leafhopper, potato psyllid* F, IF dinotefuran Scorpion 35 SL (Gowan), beetle, leafhopper, 4A Caution N 12 hr 7 Venom (Valent) potato psyllid F esfenvalerate Asana (Valent), beetle, 3 Warning N 12 hr 7 S-FenvaloStar (LG grasshopper, Lifesciences), leafhopper, Zyrate (Rotam) Lepidoptera, potato psyllid IF ethoprop Mocap 15G, Mocap EC symphylan, 1B Danger/ Y 72 hr –2 (AMVAC) wireworm Poison F fenpyroximate Miteus (Nichino) leafhopper, potato 21A Warning N 12 hr 7 psyllid, spider mite IF fipronil Regent 4SC (BASF) wireworm 2B Warning Y 0 hr 90 F flonicamid Beleaf 50 SG (FMC) aphid, potato 9C Caution N 12 hr 7 psyllid, thrips*, whitefly F hexythiazox Onager Optek (Gowan), potato psyllid, 10A Caution N 12 hr 21 Hexamit spider mite, (Albaugh/Agri Star) K212 PNW Insect Management Handbook Table 1. Single active ingredient products Insecticide Signal Restricted PHI Type Active Ingredient Trade Name Target Pest(s) REI Group Word Use? (days) IF, F, imidacloprid Many brands, and aphid, beetle, 4A Caution N 12 hr 7 SP formulations leafhopper, potato psyllid, wireworm (seed piece damage) F indoxacarb Avaunt (FMC) Lepidoptera, 22 Caution N 12 hr 7 Colorado potato beetle F malathion Many brands and aphid, blister 1B Warning or N 12 hr 0 formulations beetle, Caution grasshopper, leafhopper F methomyl Lannate LV, Lannate SP aphid, flea beetle, 1A Danger/ Y 48 hr 6 (Cortevat), Nudrin LV, leafhopper, Poison Nudrin SP (Rotam) Lepidoptera, Colorado potato beetle*, lygus, potato psyllid*, thrips* F novaluron Rimon (Chemtura) Colorado 15 Warning N 12 hr 14 potato beetle, Lepidoptera, lygus*, potato psyllid, thrips*, whitefly F, IF oxamyl Vydate C-LV, Vydate L aphid, beetle, 1A Danger/ Y 48 hr 7 (DuPont) leafhopper, Poison potato psyllid, Lepidoptera*, lygus, thrips* F permethrin Many brands, and beetle, leafhopper, 3 Warning or Y 12 hr 14 formulations Lepidoptera, Caution potato psyllid, lygus, thrips* IF phorate Thimet (Amvac) aphid, Colorado 1B Danger/ Y 72 hr 90 potato beetle, Poison leafhopper F phosmet Imidan 70-W (Gowan) beetle, leafhopper, 1B Warning N 5 7 tuberworm, days Lepidoptera*, potato psyllid F propargite Comite, Omite (UPL NA) spider mite 12C Danger Y 2 14 Endomite (Atticus) days F pymetrozine Fulfill (Syngenta, Adama) aphid, potato 9B Caution N 12 hr 14 psyllid F spinetoram Radiant SC () Colorado 5 Caution N 4 hr 7 potato beetle, Lepidoptera, thrips lygus* potato psyllid, F spiromesifen Oberon 2SC, Oberon 4SC spider mite, potato 23 Caution N 12 hr 7 (Bayer) psyllid, whitefly F spirotetramat Movento, Movento HL, aphid, potato 23 Caution N 24 hr 7 Kontos (Bayer) psyllid, whitefly PNW Insect Management Handbook K213 Table 1. Single active ingredient products Insecticide Signal Restricted PHI Type Active Ingredient Trade Name Target Pest(s) REI Group Word Use? (days) F sulfoxaflor Transform (Corteva) aphid, leafhopper, 4C Danger N 24 hr 7 potato psyllid, whitefly, lygus F, IF, thiamethoxam Actara, Cruiser 5FS, aphid, beetle, 4A Caution N 12 hr 14 SP Platinum, Platinum 75SG leafhopper, potato (Syngenta) psyllid, wireworm (seed piece protection) F tolfenpyrad Torac (Nichino) aphid, Colorado 21A Warning N 12 hr 14 potato beetle, leafhopper, potato psyllid, thrips All trade names may not be listed here. Product application codes: F = foliar; FU = fumigant; IF = in-furrow; SP = seed protectant. PHI = Pre-harvest interval. REI = Restricted entry interval. Insecticide Group codes refer to modes of action, and should be used in managing insecticide resistance; for more on insecticide codes and resistance management, see: Always consult specific pesticide labels before making recommendations or deciding on a product and treatment. *The pesticide label does not list this pest, but the insecticide has been shown to be effective in its control. 1 Penncap has a 5-day PHI. 2 Some products do not list PHI specifically. Table 2. Package mixes of active ingredients. Active Signal Restricted PHI Type Active Ingredient 1 Trade Name Target Pest(s) REI Ingredient 2 Word use? (days) FU 1,3 dichloropropene chloropicrin Telone C17 symphylan, wireworm Danger Y 5 days
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    Royal Entomological Society HANDBOOKS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS To purchase current handbooks and to download out-of-print parts visit: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Copyright © Royal Entomological Society 2013 Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects Vol. 10, Part 14 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IMMATURE STAGES OF BRITISH FLIES DIPTERA LARVAE, WITH NOTES ON EGGS, PUP ARIA AND PUPAE K. G. V. Smith ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON Handbooks for the Vol. 10, Part 14 Identification of British Insects Editors: W. R. Dolling & R. R. Askew AN INTRODUCTION TO THE IMMATURE STAGES OF BRITISH FLIES DIPTERA LARVAE, WITH NOTES ON EGGS, PUPARIA AND PUPAE By K. G. V. SMITH Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History) London SW7 5BD 1989 ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON The aim of the Handbooks is to provide illustrated identification keys to the insects of Britain, together with concise morphological, biological and distributional information. Each handbook should serve both as an introduction to a particular group of insects and as an identification manual. Details of handbooks currently available can be obtained from Publications Sales, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD. Cover illustration: egg of Muscidae; larva (lateral) of Lonchaea (Lonchaeidae); floating puparium of Elgiva rufa (Panzer) (Sciomyzidae). To Vera, my wife, with thanks for sharing my interest in insects World List abbreviation: Handbk /dent. Br./nsects. © Royal Entomological Society of London, 1989 First published 1989 by the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD.
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