TEOLOGIA anul XV, nr. 3 (48), 2011 The review publishes studies, translations from Holly Fathers, notes, comments and book reviews. REQUIREMENTS The authors are expected to send the studies that meet the specifi ed requirements 2.0 lines spacing. The authors assume the responsability of the contents of the articles. The unpublished studies are not returned. TEOLOGIA TEOLOGIA Orice corespondenţă se va adresa: Any correspondence will be sent to the fol- lowing address: FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE 310096 ARAD 310096 ARAD Strada Academiei Teologice Nr. 9 Strada Academiei Teologice Nr. 9 Tel/Fax: 0040-257-285855 Tel/Fax: 0040-257-285855 Preţuri/ Prices: Uniunea Europeană (UE): 1 abonament (4 exemplare/ copies = 24 €; 1 exemplar/ copy = 6 €) Alte ţări/ Other countries: 1 abonament (4 exemplare/ copies = 40 €; 1 exemplar/ copy = 10 €) UNIVERSITATEA „AUREL VLAICU” ARAD FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE ORTODOXĂ TEOLOGIA ANUL XV, NR. 3 (48), 2011 Editura Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu” A R A D EDITORIAL STAFF PUBLISHER The Orthodox Theology Faculty from “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad PRESIDENT OF HONOR: M.R. Ph D. TIMOTEI SEVICIU, Archbishop of Arad CHAIRMAN OF EDITORIAL BOARD: Rev. PhD. IOAN TULCAN, „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
[email protected] EDITOR IN CHIEF: PhD. CRISTINEL IOJA, „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
[email protected] ADVISORY BOARD: Rev. PhD. ŞTEFAN BUCHIU, University from Bucharest (
[email protected]); Rev. PhD. CON- STANTIN RUS, „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad (
[email protected]); Rev. PhD. ERNST CHR. SUTTNER, University from Wien (
[email protected]); PhD. IRINI CHRISTINAKIS-GLAROS, Uni- versity from Athens (
[email protected]); PhD.