The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Volume 49 (2018/1), p. 57-87. DOI : 10.1501/Intrel_0000000317 The US Bases and Their Contributions to US Hegemony Gülten Üstüntağ* Ayşe Ömür Atmaca** Abstract This study analyzes the perpetuation of US hegemony through its overseas military bases. It takes a Marxist-Gramscist hegemony approach as its theoretical basis and discusses the political processes, ideological debates, security perceptions; economic goals and hegemony seeking attempts when these bases are deployed. The study claims that the US used all its military deployments towards achieving its goals, with many military invasions being launched through the bases to perpetuate the hegemonic order in favor of US interests. In short, the US overseas military base structure forms part of its hegemonic expansion and is a reflection of hegemony‟s coercion component. Keywords Hegemony, consent, US hegemony, military bases. * Freelance Journalist. ** Assistant Prof. Dr., Hacettepe University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations.
[email protected] ( Makale geliş tarihi : 01.12.2017 Makale kabul tarihi : 28.03.2018 58 The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Volume 49 (2018/1) Introduction The concept of hegemony is a crucial factor in world affairs and has been discussed ever since ancient times. However, it became popular when Italian political theorist Antonio Gramsci used the term in explaining Italy‟s political impasse following fascism penetrating the governance. While Gramsci defined hegemony at the state level, Robert W. Cox adapted it to global politics, by explaining the nature and implementations of hegemonic order. Conceptualizing hegemony from a neo-Gramscian perspective, Cox defines hegemony in a wider context by emphasizing the ties among society, economy, culture, gender and ideology that determine the future of political rule.