RESOLUTION 2020-1 ...... 69 MORE ...... 71

2020 DIOCESAN EVENTS LIST ...... 73 NOTES ...... 74


Registration Information Council Registration is open online for Churches, Individuals, Childcare, and Exhibitors. Individual Workshop Registration is required as part of the 2020 Council Registration process; see Workshops Catalog (page 12) for more information. Sign up at council-dwtx.org, by Monday, February 10.

Churches Clergy, Delegate, Alternate ($165, includes Friday Luncheon & Banquet) Clergy Spouses ($120, includes Friday Luncheon & Banquet) Individuals Visitors and Volunteers ($35, does not include food, see below) Childcare ($20, daily, per child) Exhibitors (fee varies, does not include food, see below)

Food Options - Thursday Commission for Women’s Ministry Luncheon ($25) Small Church, Big Mission Dinner ($30) Food Options – Friday Bishop’s Luncheon* ($30) Council Banquet* ($40) *Friday meals included in Church Registration.

Due Dates Exhibits Registration January 17 Automatic First Night Payment from Hotel January 23 Certification of Lay Delegates February 1 Diocesan Supplemental Reports February 1 The Episcopal Church Parochial Report February 1 Hotel Block Reservations End February 3 Church/Individual Online Registration February 10 Financial Audit May 1

Hotels The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas has reserved a block of rooms for two nights (Thursday, February 20 and Friday, February 21, 2020) at the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel for clergy, delegates, and alternates who attend Council 2020. Each church should carefully determine the number of rooms appropriate for its clergy, delegates, and alternates, informed by the congregation’s delegate count. Hotel reservations can be made by calling the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, at (361) 887-1600, and asking for a room within the “Episcopal Diocese of West Texas” block.

Please take note: Per the hotel’s new payment policy, the card on file for reservations will be charged the cost of the first night’s stay for all rooms reserved with that card on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at $125 per room. For example, if a church reserves five rooms using the office credit card, then that card will be charged $625 on January 23rd. If a different card than the one used during reservation will be used to pay for the room, contact the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel by phone and provide updated payment information before Thursday, January 23.

Questions? Contact Caroline Mowen, Canon for Administration and Ministry Support, at (210/888) 824-5387 or [email protected].

2 “WITH THE EYES OF OUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” The Rt. Rev. David Reed, Bishop of West Texas

I can explain.

The theme for Council in February, and for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas in 2020, takes some explaining.

“With the eyes of our hearts enlightened” (Ephesians 1:18) is not catchy. It doesn’t provide an easily understood message or a clear call to action. Instead, the letter’s author, Saint Paul, offers an odd mash- up of important organs: the eyes and the heart. What the phrase does is invite us to pause, wonder, and perhaps, to wander around in it for a while.

I wish I could say that the theme came to me in a blazing revelation, but the truth is, I was trying to be clever. The 116th Diocesan Council begins on February 20, 2020. So I thought it would be very clever indeed for our biblical theme to reference vision. 02/20/2020… Get it? I began reading passages on vision and sight, and there are plenty, but this verse from Ephesians was the first to catch my eye, so to speak, and touch my heart.

“With the eyes of our hearts enlightened,” of course, isn’t a complete sentence, or even a complete thought. I hope this phrase will make us curious about the words that come before it and where the letter is going, drawing us into an ongoing theological conversation of our own. In that sense, it is a snapshot of the entire biblical story and the ways we encounter the “logos,” the living Word of God, in daily life.

Here are the verses from the first chapter of Ephesians that frame our theme, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, with the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe, according to the working of his great might which he accomplished in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his right hand in the heavenly places…and he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:16-22, RSV)

Even this larger context does not explain Paul’s intentions, rather it invites us into a larger and deeper conversation with the Word, wondering about and wandering deeper into God’s power, glory, and beauty.

Our 2020 theme invites us to wake up and keep our eyes peeled. With confidence and boldness, the Gospel proclaims that God is at work, that He has not wandered off, and that there is always more going on than meets the eye.

3 Back in the fall, a wise man shared with me something he had heard a priest say during a retreat at Duncan Park, our conference center in Colorado. The priest explained the difference between asking, “What is happening?” versus “What is going on?”

The first question speaks to the surface level facts of the situation, whether personal, cultural, or political. Answering it requires some consideration and discernment, even more so in the current state of our nation. But, the second question requires a deeper engagement; asking, “What is going on amidst what is happening?” It leads us to consider what God is doing in the present moment, regardless of whether it is a good moment or a bad one. Both questions matter. The questions lead us from the “givenness” of our lives to the “giftedness” of the ways that God reveals himself to us.

Through the theme, events, worship and workshops of Council, we will establish a pattern of looking once and then looking more deeply, of seeking grace to watch expectantly with the “eyes of our hearts” for what is truly going on as God continues the redemptive and saving work in Jesus Christ and through the power of the Spirit, right in the midst of what we see happening. Of course, this perspective is not limited to the delegates, alternates, and clergy at Council, but intended for the whole diocese, so that we might love one another more truly and follow Jesus more closely.

One way to expand our consideration of this theme from Ephesians will be engaging in a diocesan-wide Bible Study, as has been our custom for many years now. All congregations of West Texas are invited and encouraged (even implored and cajoled, if necessary!) to engage in sustained, shared study of the Book of Psalms, a book of ancient prayers and hymns that still speak powerfully to us today. The poetry of the Psalms “tells the truth, but tells it slant” (Emily Dickenson) - moving us to look more deeply at our own lives and the world around us, to take seriously our relationship with the living God, and to consider life “with the eyes of our hearts.”

We hear and say these ancient words in church every week, but rarely take time to ponder them. The Psalms are, at the same time, familiar yet often strange. They are the prayer book and hymnal of the synagogue that Jesus knew and loved, the earliest prayer book of the Church. Expressing the full range of human experience and emotion, the Psalms draw us into the depths, lamenting the worst that life has to offer, and lift us up to see and sing about the wonder and glory of God.

The Psalms are honest prayers from the heart. Faith and fear, hope and despair, adoration and anger, laments and shouts of joy - all are given voice in the Psalms. They are a God-given means to consider the world, to have compassion for one another and ourselves, and to be in conversation with God.

I commend the Book of Psalms to you for your use and study, personally and in your church. Guided by our theme verse, allow the beauty and authentic prayers of these sacred songs to permeate the course of your year. Recommended resources from the Diocese will be available at Council and shared online.

By the grace and power we receive in baptism, let us keep the eyes of our hearts enlightened and open to see the works of God in the world and recognize the face of Christ in our neighbor. In the simple prayer of an old hymn: “Day by day, dear Lord of Thee three things we pray: To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day. Amen.”



Thursday, February 20 10:00 a.m. Council Registration opens Foyer, Ground Level 11:00 a.m. Childcare opens Watergarden B, Second Level 11:30 a.m. Com. for Women’s Ministry Luncheon Rotunda, Second Level 1:00 p.m. Call to Order, Council Business starts Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 4:45 p.m. Council dismissed 5:00 p.m. Vesting room opens for bishops and clergy Selena Rehearsal Hall, Ground Level 5:30 p.m. Council Eucharist Selena Auditorium, Ground Level 7:30 p.m. Small Church, Big Mission Dinner Railroad Seafood Station Brewing Co. 7:30 p.m. Childcare closes Watergarden B, Second Level

Friday Morning, February 21 7:30 a.m. Friends of Bill Meeting Room 101, Ground Level 7:45 a.m. Childcare opens Watergarden B, Second Level 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Rotunda, Second Level 8:45 a.m. Council reconvenes Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 11:45 a.m. Council in recess 12:00 p.m. Bishop’s Luncheon The Omni Hotel 12:00 p.m. Clergy Spouses Luncheon The Omni Hotel Friday Afternoon, February 21 1:00 p.m. Break, Visit Exhibits Exhibit Hall A, Ground Level 1:45 p.m. Council Reconvenes Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 2:30 p.m. Workshop Session 1 American Bank Center 3:45 p.m. Break, travel time 4:00 p.m. Workshop Session 2 American Bank Center 5:15 p.m. Break, travel time 5:30 p.m. Council reconvenes Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 6:00 p.m. Council dismissed 6:00 p.m. Friends of Bill Meeting Room 101, Ground Level 6:15 p.m. Reception Ballroom Foyer, Second Level 6:45 p.m. Council Banquet Henry Garrett Ballroom, Second Level 9:00 p.m. Childcare closes Watergarden B, Second Level

Saturday, February 22 8:00 a.m. Friends of Bill Meeting Room 101, Ground Level 8:00 a.m. Childcare opens Watergarden B, Second Level 9:00 a.m. Council reconvenes Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 12:10 p.m. Sending song, Council dismissed Exhibit Hall B, Ground Level 1:00 p.m. Childcare closes Watergarden B, Second Level



Thursday, February 20 Commission for Women’s Ministry Luncheon 11:30 a.m., Rotunda, Second Level Council Worship 5:30 p.m., Selena Auditorium, A.B.C. Clergy are invited to vest, wearing green stoles; the Rev. Becca Stevens will preach. Small Church, Big Mission Dinner 7:30 p.m., Railroad Seafood Station Brewing Co.

Friday, February 21 Friends of Bill Meeting 7:30 a.m., Room 101, Ground Level Morning Prayer 8:00 a.m., Rotunda, Second Level Bishop’s Luncheon 12:00 p.m., The Omni Hotel Featuring Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, Christian Ethics & Moral Theology professor from Seminary of the Southwest Clergy Spouse Luncheon 12:00 p.m., The Omni Hotel Council Workshops 2:30 p.m., American Bank Center Reception and Council Banquet 6:15 p.m., 6:45 p.m., H. G. Ballroom, Second Level Featuring Down for the Count Band

“The Enlightened heART: A Showing of Artwork by the Clergy Family” Enjoy a gallery of original artwork created by the clergy family and arranged by Mrs. Patti Reed and the Rev. Kelly Conkling. Let us honor and empower the spirit of creativity within our diocese and nurture creativity within ourselves, even when we do not see ourselves as “artistic.” Open throughout Council.

Council Café: Entertainment and Expression Coffee House Local musicians and poets will share their gifts with us throughout Council, in the Hospitality area of the Exhibits Hall. All Council attendees are invited to bring your musical instrument, original poetry, or an interesting excerpt or poem to read. A sign-up sheet will be available in the Council Café Area; pick a time to share in the fun.

The Traveling Labyrinth All Saints’, Corpus Christi will set up its traveling labyrinth outside the Foyer for prayer and meditative movement throughout Council. Attendants will be available to provide a brief introduction to this meditative and moving experience for anyone who has not previously experienced a labyrinth.

Collaborative Art Project (Thursday & Friday only) Everyone is invited to contribute to a fun, collaborative project to capture the creative heart of our diocese. Day Wheeler, member of Trinity by the Sea, Port Aransas, is a professional artist and art educator who will facilitate the project outside the primary Council Business Hall. It will be simple so everyone can join in; all you need is your hands.

10 Council Prayer Chapel – Rotunda, Second Level Sponsored by the Daughters of the King chapters throughout the Diocese

Acts 3:16 Healing Room – Harborview Room 225 B, Second Level Hosted by the Rev. Chuck Sharrow, Vicar of St. Paul’s, Brownsville, and others from across the Diocese

COUNCIL IN ACTION Corpus Christi Metro Ministries

Each year, Council in Action is an opportunity for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and Council participants to serve the community where Council takes place. In 2020, Council In Action will collect supplies for Corpus Christi Metro Ministries, a non-profit organization serving people experiencing poverty and homelessness in Corpus Christi and the surrounding Nueces County.

It is the mission of Metro Ministries to help create a community that is free from hunger and homelessness by Feeding (the mind, body, and spirit), Sheltering, and Transforming Lives. Following the teachings and compassion of Jesus Christ, Metro Ministries extends beyond a basic soup kitchen, also focusing on getting people off the streets and into sustainable jobs and homes. Its Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Patty Clark, is a member of All Saints’, Corpus Christi.

For more information about Corpus Christi Metro Ministries’ programs, visit their website at www.ccmetro.org or follow their social media profile at www.facebook.com/metroministries.

Congregations are invited to collect items from the list below and bring them to Council 2020; a booth in Exhibit Hall A will be set up to receive all donations.

Client Needs:

Hygiene Products Clothes & Linens Quart Size • Combs • Bandanas Zip-Lock Bags • Deodorant • Socks Used to build traveling hygiene kits • Detergent • Underwear, all sizes • Disposable Razors • Wash cloths • Soap • Shampoo • Toothbrushes • Toothpaste

Traveling light? H-E-B or Walmart gift cards will also go a long way to bless this amazing ministry.


The Rev. Becca Stevens, Council Eucharist Preacher and Workshop Leader The Rev. Becca Stevens is an Episcopal priest, speaker, leader, and President of Thistle Farms, a nonprofit social enterprise, based in Nashville, TN. Thistle Farms is dedicated to helping women survivors recover and heal from trafficking, prostitution, and addiction, and it provides a safe place to live, a meaningful job, and a lifelong sisterhood of support believing that love is the most powerful force in the world. Learn more about Thistle Farms and Becca Stevens at www.thistlefarms.org.

Becca has visited the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas numerous times, addressing Diocesan Council, teaching at the inaugural Bishop’s Spring Retreat, and presenting at churches around the diocese.

Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, Speaker at the Bishop’s Luncheon Dr. Scott Bader-Saye is the Academic Dean and Helen & Everett H. Jones Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX. He will present during the Bishop’s Luncheon, expanding on the theme, “With the eyes of our hearts enlightened,” through a lens of civil discourse and Christian ethics, considering how we can apply this teaching to our daily life.

Scott joined the seminary faculty as the Helen and Everett H. Jones Chair in Christian Ethics and Moral Theology in 2009 and has served as academic dean since 2013. His research interests include economy, sexuality, political theology, virtue ethics, and interfaith dialogue. He teaches the core Theological Ethics courses for all degree programs. He is the author of several books, has contributed to The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics (2006) and The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels (2006), and has published widely in theological journals and magazines. Dr. Bader-Saye is active as a teacher and parishioner at St. Julian of Norwich Episcopal Church, a mission in northwest Austin.


The Rt. Rev. David Reed and diocesan staff have organized two Council workshop sessions on Friday afternoon to broaden knowledge, build ministry skills, and foster connections. All workshops will take place inside the American Bank Center and repeat during Session 1 and Session 2. Workshops will last one hour and fifteen minutes, with a fifteen-minute break in between. Individual Workshop Registration is a required part of the online registration process. ______Church Planting and the Ministry of the Whole Church: A Look at Ministry Renewal and Creative Beginnings through the Planting of St. Nicholas Planting new churches is a call for the whole church. Why is church planting important? How do creative new ministries grow? What are the opportunities for renewal and revitalization? Come and explore these questions through the lens of the recent diocesan initiative of planting St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

Led by the Rev. Beth Wyndham, founding pastor of St. Nicholas and diocesan Church Planter, and the Rev. Mike Michie, rector of St. Thomas, . Hosted by the Diocesan Church Planting Initiative.

12 Digital Marketing 101: Creating a Communications Strategy and Plan in the Digital Age Before you promote that event, release an announcement, or craft the weekly newsletter, you should be able to articulate a communications and marketing strategy that works for your audience(s). In this workshop, participants will begin building a strategic communications plan that allows them to more efficiently generate content that reaches their audience and tells a compelling story across multiple channels. Participants will also get an inside look at workflow processes and gain resources to create clear content that fits into a strategy. This workshop is designed for both new and experienced church communicators, whether that be clergy, staff, or lay members of a congregation.

Led by Emily Kittrell, Diocesan Director of Marketing and Communications, and Laura McGrew, Diocesan Communications Manager. Hosted by the Diocesan Communications Office.

Practically Divine – 10 Ideas to Live with Enlightened Hearts in our Everyday Lives The Rev. Becca Stevens, Council Preacher and internationally beloved Episcopal priest, speaker, and President of Thistle Farms, will share ten ideas based on the axiom that healing and justice are inextricably linked, and encourage workshop participants to create lists of their own. Everyone’s top ten might be different, but the goal is to write lists that will illuminate the beauty and wonder in everyday, ordinary life and the people we share it with. 2020 is the year to “gird our spiritual loins,” so that we are grounded and loving!

Led by the Rev. Becca Stevens – speaker, leader, Episcopal priest, entrepreneur, and president of Thistle Farms, a multifaceted, international nonprofit. Becca has visited the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas numerous times, addressing Diocesan Council, teaching at the inaugural Bishop’s Spring Retreat, and presenting at churches around the diocese. Hosted by the Diocese.

F.I.S.H. – Easy Evangelism for Everyday Episcopalians Finding the Inspiration, Strength, and Hope in your faith story so that you can share it with others – A condensed version of the day-long F.I.S.H. workshop to introduce concepts, ideas, and resources for reaching out to others with your faith story.

Led by the Rev. Jay George, Rector of Grace, San Antonio. Hosted by the Diocesan Evangelism Department.

Plugging into Unplugging: Discovering the Beauty and Holiness in Nature While we’ve gained much from technological advances, the loss of our connection to God and nature has profound implications for human health, child development and the future of the natural places we cherish. The consequences of not acting on this trend are serious and urgent. In addition to the social and spiritual costs of a sedentary lifestyle, there is also the concern about raising up the innovators of tomorrow who will have the capacity, interest, and care to solve the issues that will result from climate change and biodiversity collapse. Come hear how to help sound the alarm and learn practical, safe, fun ways to help us get outside and improve our world.

Led by Rob Watson, Diocesan Director of Camps and Conferences, Kevin Spaeth, Katie Young, Johnson Jeffers, and Alida Garcia. Hosted by the Diocesan Camps and Conferences Department.

13 Helping Your Church Flourish: Practical Tools for Strengthening Your Life Together In September, the Diocese will host its first College for Congregational Development (CCD), a program for clergy and lay leaders seeking to improve leadership skills and learn ways to increase congregational vitality and effectiveness in spreading the Gospel. During Council, experience a crash-course introduction to this rich curriculum for strengthening your church and learn about the College. The Rev. Canon Alissa Newton, Canon for Congregational Development for the Diocese of Olympia, will present principles for facilitating effective meetings that your church members and staff will enjoy and benefit from, as well as other leadership skills. Allie Melancon, West Texas staff, will also share the diocesan resource portal, Basecamp, which can connect your congregation to other churches in the diocese for shared resources and digital fellowship.

Led by the Rev. Canon Alissa Newton, Canon for Congregational Development for the Diocese of Olympia, and Allie Melancon, Interim Director of College Missions. Hosted by the Diocesan Congregational Development Dept.

Listening as Military Ministry: How Hearing Can Help the Church Heal the Wounds of Veterans Most Americans will never serve in the military or step foot on a battlefield, but many feel an obligation to support those who have. This workshop will provide a facilitated Listening Session to help bridge the gap between civilians and veterans. Participants will hear from veterans and family members about the impact of war and military service, explore ways to engage with one another, and discuss opportunities for shared ministry.

Led by the Rev. Karen Brandon, Assisting Priest at St. Paul’s, San Antonio, the Rev. Josh Woods, Assistant Rector of St. David’s, San Antonio, and Dexter Lesieur, Bi-Vocational Seminarian and Bishop’s Warden of St. Matthias’, Devine. Hosted by the Diocesan Military Ministries.

Mental Health, Mental Illness, and the Good News of God’s Compassion Given that we all have our own “stuff,” we will talk about the broad spectrum of mental health and ask, “How do we create communities of compassion, grace and as much spaciousness as possible?” We seek a community where a person experiencing a manic episode or living on the spectrum is held as gently as someone experiencing the depression of a divorce. How do you distinguish between someone having a bad day and a real crisis? Let’s talk about how we can live into the love and delight that God holds for us all.

Led by the Rev. Cynthia McKenna, Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, and Associate Rector of All Saints’, Corpus Christi.

Modern and Relevant Christian Formation for Churches of Any Size Christian Formation Strategies for Children, Youth, and Young Adults. More information will be made available online at council-dwtx.org/workshops2020.

Led by Sarah Kates, Director of Family Ministries at St. David’s, San Antonio and Chair of Christian Formation Committee. Hosted by the Diocesan Christian Formation Department.

14 Navajoland: A Closer Look at Mission Work in Navajoland and How You Can Get Involved The Diocese of West Texas is heavily involved in an ongoing mission partnership with The Episcopal Church in Navajoland. This workshop will detail our mission efforts there and will let you know how to be involved.

Led by the Rt. Rev. David Bailey, Bishop of Navajoland, and Dr. Marthe Curry, Director of World Mission. Hosted by the Diocesan World Mission Department.

Small Church, Big Music: The Wonder of Music in Creative Worship and Shared Ministry Music isn’t just for backgrounds. Music can call us to action, help us find peace, and bring us great joy and freedom. Marcus Hummon will share insights into his current project, creating a Eucharist service through music, and offer a space for workshop attendees to share and perform personal compositions. Gene Dowdy will explore how to find, nurture, and use the talent you already have in your congregation, and community, to incorporate music and creativity into your weekly services.

Led by Marcus Hummon, award winning singer and songwriter from Nashville, TN and previous speaker at the 2018 Bishop’s Spring Retreat, and Gene Dowdy, member and musician of Holy Spirit, San Antonio and member of Down for the Count.

Spirituality for the Wisdom Years Each season of our life has the potential to bring us new revelations, new challenges, new blessings. As we enter our “wisdom years” – the last third of our life – we find that while the body diminishes, the spiritual longing for a deeper relationship with God increases. How we nurture that, individually and as a church, is the topic of this interactive workshop.

Led by Marjorie George, Consultant for Adult Christian Formation. Hosted by the Diocesan Christian Formation Department.

Discovering the Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit The Bible speaks about the power of the Holy Spirit and how encounters with the Holy Spirit transformed people’s lives. This workshop will consist of teaching, personal stories and a time of ministry where we believe people will be touched by the Holy Spirit. Come and be encouraged and changed by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Led by the Rev. Chuck Sharrow, Vicar of St. Paul’s, Brownsville.

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January 13, 2020


For 2020 the budget is organized into two different budgets, the Operating Budget and the Reaching Out Budget, in order to tell more clearly the story of the Mission and Ministries of the Diocese.

The OPERATING BUDGET consists of six parts:

SUPPORT FOR THE EPISCOPATE….. …..funds the travel of the bishops who fill important symbolic and functional roles and also the travel of Episcopal visitations made by retired bishops.

SUPPORT FOR THE ORDAINED MINISTRY….. …..provides for the funding necessary to the development and maintenance of lay and ordained ministries.

SUPPORT FOR THE DIOCESAN OFFICES AT BISHOP JONES CENTER….. …..provides for the daily operations and programs of the Diocese.

CONTINGENCY….. …..provides for personnel moves as needed and other expenses not appropriately accounted for in other parts of the budget.

SUPPORT FOR MINISTRY PROGRAMS SALARIES, ALLOWANCES & BENEFITS…… …..provides funding for most salary and benefit costs for Operating and Reaching Out programs.

The REACHING OUT BUDGET consists of two major categories:

PROGRAM FOR MISSION AND OUTREACH….. …..provides funding for work through Diocesan institutions and for ministries that touch people outside the Diocese and its congregations.

PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF CONGREGATIONS….. …..provides funding for programs which serve as resources to all congregations and for the support of ordained ministry in mission congregations.



REVENUES: Current Apportionments 4,449,900 4,456,344 4,501,812 4,501,812 Endowment Income 854,988 886,888 709,569 709,569 Other Income 102,000 102,000 104,000 104,000 TOTAL REVENUES 5,406,888 5,445,232 5,315,381 5,315,381


SUPPORT FOR THE EPISCOPACY 681,319 681,319 620,525 620,525

SUPPORT FOR THE ORDAINED MINISTRY: Commission on Ministry 59,600 81,500 78,271 78,271 Educational Aid 28,000 38,000 32,000 32,000 Other Support 355,202 401,074 370,333 370,333 Support for TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas 27,408 27,408 28,584 28,584 TOTAL SUPPORT - ORDAINED MINISTRY 470,210 547,982 509,188 509,188

SUPPORT FOR THE DIOCESAN OFFICES AT BJC: Bishop Jones Center 224,500 224,500 221,000 221,000 Other Diocesan Expenses 175,300 175,300 254,056 254,056 Moving Expenses and Contingency 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 TOTAL SUPPORT - DIOCESAN OFFICES AT BJC 439,800 439,800 515,056 515,056


Group Insurance Increase (decrease) 14,000 27,500 32,200 32,200 Salary/Pension - COLA Increases 51,000 49,000 41,000 41,000 Insurance Participation by Staff (10,000) (2,750) (3,300) (3,300) Change In Personnel 0 0 (56,200) 0 Change in Suffragan Bishop position 0 0 (53,600) Less Allocations (55,000) 0 39,900 0 0 73,750 0 69,900

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 2,469,168 2,620,690 2,430,884 2,500,784

FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR REACHING OUT 2,937,720 2,824,542 2,884,497 2,814,597




PROGRAM FOR MISSION & OUTREACH: General Church Program 577,096 644,018 Province VII Assessment 0 0 World Mission Division 276,188 268,411 Christian Faith in Action 8,000 8,000 Youth, College & Young Adult 264,500 202,515 Episcopal School Commission 22,000 46,900 Good Samaritan Community Services 145,008 145,008 TOTAL PROGRAM FOR MISSION & OUTREACH 1,292,792 1,314,852

PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF CONGREGATIONS: Congregational Development 846,027 757,658 Camps & Conferences 485,197 530,358 Christian Education 7,750 23,950 Communications 255,680 239,526 Ecumenical Commission 250 0 Evangelism 34,051 25,000 Historical Commission 2,000 2,000 Liturgy & Music Commission 100 100 Military Ministry - New Ministry 2,000 24,565 Department of Stewardship 80,864 34,062 Commission for Women's Ministries 10,000 10,000 Audio Visual Communications 5,000 0 Reaching Out Contingency 0 0 TOTAL SUPPORT FOR CONGREGATIONS 1,728,919 1,647,219


SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (83,991) (77,574)


2018 2018 2019 2019 % 2020 2020 2021 AMENDED ACTUAL AMENDED ACTUAL OF PROPOSED AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET 12/31/18 BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL REQUEST REVENUES: 1 Current Apportionments 4,312,260 4,312,260 4,449,900 4,449,900 100.00% 4,456,344 4,501,812 4,501,812 Endowment Income: 2 Episcopal Endowment Fund 148,641 148,641 152,693 152,693 100.00% 152,693 156,504 156,504 3 H. Jones Endowment 34,334 34,334 35,138 35,138 100.00% 35,138 35,704 35,704 4 Mission Endowment 16,660 16,660 17,072 17,072 100.00% 17,072 17,367 17,367 5 Venture in Mission 52,764 52,764 53,955 53,955 100.00% 53,955 54,755 54,755 6 TEC Endowment 0 0 9,550 9,550 0.00% 9,550 11,336 11,336 7 Other Endowments 65,000 65,000 60,000 60,000 100.00% 60,000 60,000 60,000 8 DWTX Supplemental Endowment Distributions 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100.00% 25,000 20,000 20,000 9 Support for Youth, College & Young Adults 132,000 111,476 122,270 72,301 59.13% 122,270 60,370 60,370 10 Support for Congregational Development 143,000 130,945 149,800 143,059 95.50% 149,800 50,000 50,000 11 Church Plant Initiative 0 0 150,000 150,000 0.00% 150,000 150,000 150,000 12 Support for Seminarians 36,500 36,474 28,000 27,882 99.58% 38,000 32,000 32,000 13 Continuing Education Endowment 50,000 50,146 50,000 49,747 99.49% 71,900 60,000 60,000 14 Youth Endowment 1,472 1,472 1,510 1,510 100.00% 1,510 1,533 1,533 15 Total Endowment Income 705,371 672,912 854,988 797,907 93.32% 886,888 709,569 709,569

Other Income: 16 Miscellaneous Undesignated 30,000 44,831 40,000 25,460 63.65% 40,000 40,000 40,000 17 Interest & Dividends 6,000 11,983 10,000 11,100 111.00% 10,000 12,000 12,000 18 Administrative Revenues 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 100.00% 52,000 52,000 52,000 19 Total Other Income 88,000 108,814 102,000 88,560 86.82% 102,000 104,000 104,000 20 TOTAL REVENUES 5,105,631 5,093,986 5,406,888 5,336,367 98.70% 5,445,232 5,315,381 5,315,381

DISBURSEMENTS: SUPPORT FOR THE EPISCOPATE: 21 Bishops' Travel 50,000 42,484 44,800 39,691 88.60% 44,800 30,000 30,000 22 Supplies & Miscellaneous Expenses 6,000 11,364 12,000 11,537 96.14% 12,000 6,000 6,000 23 Vehicles Expenditures 28,000 27,239 27,200 27,399 100.73% 27,200 27,200 27,200 24 Visiting Bishops 1,000 448 1,000 3,093 309.30% 1,000 1,000 1,000 25 Total Program Support 85,000 81,535 85,000 81,720 96.14% 85,000 64,200 64,200 26 Clergy Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 437,175 428,214 451,422 413,830 91.67% 451,422 404,143 404,143 27 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 142,129 142,037 144,897 137,472 94.88% 144,897 152,182 152,182 28 TOTAL SUPPORT FOR THE EPISCOPATE 664,304 651,786 681,319 633,022 92.91% 681,319 620,525 620,525

SUPPORT FOR THE ORDAINED MINISTRY: Commission on Ministry: 29 Discernment Committee 8,000 6,097 8,000 8,186 102.33% 8,000 8,000 8,000 30 Continuing Education 50,000 50,146 50,000 49,747 99.49% 71,900 60,000 60,000 31 Compensation Committee 1,500 1,434 1,500 697 46.47% 1,500 1,500 1,500 32 Lay Ministry 100 32 100 1 1.00% 100 100 100 Total Program Support 59,600 57,709 59,600 58,631 98.37% 81,500 69,600 69,600 23 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS 2018 & 2019 OPERATING BUDGETS & ACTUALS WITH 2020 & 2021 BUDGET REQUESTS

2018 2018 2019 2019 % 2020 2020 2021 AMENDED ACTUAL AMENDED ACTUAL OF PROPOSED AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET 12/31/18 BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL REQUEST 33 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 8,671 8,671 34 TOTAL COMMISSION ON MINISTRY 59,600 57,709 59,600 58,631 98.37% 81,500 78,271 78,271

Educational Aid: 35 Aid to Seminarians 29,000 29,004 20,000 20,125 100.63% 30,000 23,000 23,000 36 Seminarian Retreat 7,500 7,470 8,000 7,757 96.96% 8,000 9,000 9,000 37 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL AID 36,500 36,474 28,000 27,882 99.58% 38,000 32,000 32,000

Other Support: 38 Clergy Conferences 27,000 26,643 27,000 28,425 105.28% 27,000 27,000 27,000 39 Clergy Deployment & Recruitment 20,000 5,540 20,000 14,616 73.08% 20,000 20,000 20,000 40 Clergy Relief 10,000 9,971 10,000 7,550 75.50% 10,000 10,000 10,000 41 Sexual Misconduct Awareness Training 2,500 2,374 2,500 2,825 113.00% 2,500 5,000 5,000 42 Retired Clergy Group Insurance 155,000 151,563 155,000 161,724 104.34% 155,000 155,000 155,000 43 Total Program Support 214,500 196,091 214,500 215,140 100.30% 214,500 217,000 217,000 44 Clergy Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 90,703 33,100 93,287 91,178 97.74% 93,287 96,338 96,338 45 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 48,827 48,447 47,415 44,108 93.03% 93,287 56,995 56,995 46 TOTAL OTHER SUPPORT 354,030 277,638 355,202 350,426 98.66% 401,074 370,333 370,333

Support for TMI 47 Texas Military Institute Chaplain 31,992 31,992 27,408 27,408 100.00% 27,408 28,584 28,584

48 TOTAL SUPPORT-THE ORDAINED MINISTRY 482,122 403,813 470,210 464,347 98.75% 547,982 509,188 509,188

SUPPORT FOR DIOCESAN OFFICES AT BJC: ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: Bishop Jones Center: 49 Household Supplies 3,000 2,995 3,000 2,797 93.23% 3,000 3,000 3,000 50 Repairs & Replacement 30,000 26,845 30,000 28,080 93.60% 30,000 30,000 30,000 51 Equipment Replacement 8,000 8,080 8,000 9,310 116.38% 8,000 5,000 5,000 52 Maintenance Contracts 75,000 72,298 75,000 66,446 88.59% 75,000 75,000 75,000 53 Grounds Maintenance 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 100.00% 12,000 12,000 12,000 54 Trucks & Mowers 5,000 4,600 5,000 4,333 86.66% 5,000 5,000 5,000 55 Postage 4,000 3,927 4,000 4,052 101.30% 4,000 4,000 4,000 56 Office Supplies 6,000 5,163 5,500 5,257 95.58% 5,500 5,500 5,500 57 Printing 4,500 4,472 4,500 4,146 92.13% 4,500 4,500 4,500 58 Telephone 28,500 27,930 28,500 28,314 99.35% 28,500 27,500 27,500 59 Utilities 46,000 48,044 49,000 49,328 100.67% 49,000 49,500 49,500 60 TOTAL BISHOP JONES CENTER 222,000 216,354 224,500 214,063 95.35% 224,500 221,000 221,000

Other Diocesan Expenses: 61 Council Expense 38,000 38,841 39,000 38,723 99.29% 39,000 39,000 39,000 62 Journal Expense 400 122 200 360 180.00% 200 300 300 24


2018 2018 2019 2019 % 2020 2020 2021 AMENDED ACTUAL AMENDED ACTUAL OF PROPOSED AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET 12/31/18 BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL REQUEST 63 Executive Board & Committees 3,700 3,158 3,700 4,713 127.38% 3,700 4,000 4,000 64 Abide in Me Conference 6,500 5,137 5,000 0 0.00% 5,000 0 0 65 General Convention Deputies Exp. 16,000 16,000 18,000 18,000 100.00% 18,000 18,000 18,000 66 Province VII Deputies Expense 2,000 2,000 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 67 University of the South Trustees 2,100 637 2,000 1,333 66.67% 2,000 2,100 2,100 68 Annual Giving to Seminaries 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 100.00% 6,000 6,000 6,000 69 Lambeth Conference Expense 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 100.00% 3,000 0 0 70 Sabbatical Expense 5,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 100.00% 1,000 0 0 71 Auditing Expense 18,000 18,000 20,000 20,000 100.00% 20,000 20,000 20,000 72 Chancellor's Expense 32,000 30,878 32,000 28,787 89.96% 32,000 25,000 25,000 73 Insurance:Property,Liability, Etc. 36,000 35,752 38,000 38,931 102.45% 38,000 42,000 42,000 74 Payroll Service 7,200 7,244 7,400 7,561 102.18% 7,400 7,500 7,500 75 Total Program Support 175,900 171,769 175,300 168,408 96.07% 175,300 163,900 163,900 76 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 90,156 90,156 77 TOTAL OTHER DIOCESAN EXPENSES 175,900 171,769 175,300 168,408 96.07% 175,300 254,056 254,056

78 CONTINGENCY EXPENSES 40,000 39,953 40,000 40,191 100.48% 40,000 40,000 40,000

TOTAL SUPPORT FOR DIOCESAN OFFICES 79 AT BISHOP JONES CENTER 437,900 428,076 439,800 422,662 96.10% 439,800 515,056 515,056

SUPPORT FOR MINISTRY PROGRAMS SALARIES, ALLOWANCES, BENEFITS: 80 Administrative Support 758,468 767,660 794,352 790,491 99.51% 794,352 661,274 661,274 81 Episcopal Foundation in W TX & Development 95,712 94,679 97,660 87,492 89.59% 97,660 17,524 17,524 82 Development 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 126,168 126,168 83 Episcopal Church Corporation 27,066 26,112 21,823 22,015 100.88% 21,823 17,729 17,729 84 Less Employee Reimbursements (31,900) (32,110) (35,996) (34,488) 95.81% (35,996) (36,580) (36,580)

85 SUBTOTAL SALARIES, ALLOW., BENEFITS 849,346 856,341 877,839 865,510 98.60% 877,839 786,115 786,115

86 Grp Ins Increase 5.04% '18. 7% '19, 6% '20) 14,000 14,000 27,500 32,200 32,200 87 Salary/Pension Inc 2.5% 2018; 3% 2019, 3% 2020 51,000 51,000 49,000 41,000 41,000 88 Employee Participation @ 10% (10,000) (10,000) (2,750) (3,300) (3,300) 89 Changes in Personnel 0 0 0 (56,200) 0 90 Change in Suffragan Bishop 0 0 0 (53,600) 0 91 Less Allocations (55,000) (55,000) 0 39,900 0

92 Subtotal Additional Expenses 0 0 0 0 73,750 0 69,900

93 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,433,672 2,340,016 2,469,168 2,385,541 96.61% 2,620,690 2,430,884 2,500,784

94 REACHING OUT BUDGET 2,671,959 2,753,970 2,937,720 2,950,826 100.45% 2,824,542 2,884,497 2,814,597 25 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED INTERIM OF EXEC BD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED 94 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR REACHING OUT 2,671,959 2,753,970 103.07% 2,937,720 2,950,826 100.45% 2,884,497

PROGRAM FOR MISSION & OUTREACH General Church Program 95 Episcopal Church USA (TEC) 311,818 311,818 100.00% 577,096 577,096 100.00% 644,018 96 Missionary Giving Outside Diocese 205,653 205,653 100.00% 0 0 0.00% 97 Total General Church Program 517,471 517,471 100.00% 577,096 577,096 100.00% 644,018

98 Province VII Assessment 6,089 3,045 50.01% 0 0 0.00% 0

World Mission Department 99 Postage and Mailing 3,000 3,162 105.40% 4,000 4,514 112.85% 5,000 100 Support of Mission Partners 7,000 7,024 100.34% 3,000 1,270 42.33% 2,500 101 Support of Diocesan Missionaries 7,000 7,320 104.57% 10,000 9,004 90.04% 8,000 102 Council Exhibit and Workshops 3,500 3,416 97.60% 3,000 3,000 100.00% 3,000 103 Emergency Request Fund 2,400 2,400 100.00% 1,000 115 11.50% 500 104 Meeting Expenses 3,000 3,148 104.93% 5,000 5,635 112.70% 6,000 105 Staff Travel Expenses 8,000 7,430 92.88% 29,500 32,172 109.06% 30,000 106 Construction 0 0 0.00% 32,000 35,039 109.50% 36,000 107 Education 0 0 0.00% 31,000 30,911 99.71% 35,000 108 Medical/Dental 0 0 0.00% 24,000 21,410 89.21% 22,000 109 Ministry Events 0 0 0.00% 7,500 6,888 91.84% 2,000 110 Total Program Support 33,900 33,900 100.00% 150,000 149,958 99.97% 150,000 111 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 155,034 84,092 54.24% 126,188 110,165 87.30% 118,411 112 Total World Mission Department 188,934 117,992 62.45% 276,188 260,123 94.18% 268,411

Christian Faith in Action 113 Habitat for Humanity 1,000 515 51.50% 500 864 172.80% 1,000 114 Recovery Ministries 3,000 3,003 100.10% 3,000 2,987 99.57% 3,000 115 Restorative Justice Ministry 4,000 3,842 96.05% 4,000 3,791 94.78% 4,000 116 Ecological Stewardship 500 140 28.00% 500 0 0.00% 0 117 Travel and Conferences 1,000 743 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 118 Mental Health Ministry 500 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 119 Total Christian Faith in Action 10,000 8,243 82.43% 8,000 7,642 95.53% 8,000

26 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED INTERIM OF EXEC BD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED Youth, College & Young Adults 120 Development & Administration 9,300 8,964 96.39% 9,300 9,051 97.32% 9,100 121 Conferences 14,400 9,807 68.10% 14,400 10,308 71.58% 14,400 122 Programs 123 Fellowship & Food 16,000 11,976 74.85% 16,000 10,355 64.72% 10,000 124 Technology & Marketing 2,000 2,698 134.90% 2,000 2,385 119.25% 2,000 125 Student Leadership/Development & Formation 3,000 3,285 0.00% 3,000 1,167 38.90% 3,000 126 College Mission Director 74,700 74,390 99.59% 77,200 74,832 96.93% 69,600 127 Assistant College Mission Director 57,400 57,357 99.93% 59,300 40,154 67.71% 0 128 College Missioners 7,500 4,298 57.31% 3,000 9,116 303.87% 15,200 129 Travel for Director & College Missioner 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 5,000 130 San Marcos 41,000 30,549 74.51% 19,200 7,939 41.35% 12,415 131 Valley Missioner & Expenses 55,000 55,248 0.00% 57,600 58,020 100.73% 58,800 132 New Mission Fund 2,000 770 0.00% 2,000 1,507 0.00% 2,000 133 Total Program 258,600 240,571 93.03% 239,300 205,475 85.87% 178,015

134 Travel & Meeting Expenses 1,200 794 66.17% 1,500 0 0.00% 1,000

135 Total Youth, College & Young Adult 283,500 260,136 91.76% 264,500 224,834 85.00% 202,515

Episcopal School Commission 136 Consultant 0 0 0.00% 16,200 16,200 100.00% 32,400 137 Travel & Accomodatons 0 0 0.00% 5,800 4,838 83.41% 11,000 138 Mailing and Office Expense 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 1,000 139 Special Programs/Conferences 100 1,950 1950.00% 0 0 0.00% 2,500

140 Total Episcopal Schools Commission 100 1,950 1950.00% 22,000 21,038 95.63% 46,900

141 Good Samaritan Community Services 150,000 150,000 100.00% 145,008 145,008 100.00% 145,008

142 Total Program for Mission & Outreach 1,156,094 1,058,837 91.59% 1,292,792 1,235,741 95.59% 1,314,852


PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF CONGREGATIONS Congregational Development Department 143 Support for Mission Congregations 189,200 189,166 99.98% 190,000 189,158 99.56% 164,158 144 Church Restarts & Other Support 135,500 123,366 91.05% 87,564 87,516 99.95% 75,000 145 Curacy Program 162,000 154,028 95.08% 192,136 204,578 106.48% 200,000 146 IONA Collaborative 45,000 32,344 71.88% 47,000 36,807 78.31% 35,200 147 Total Support Congregational Ministries 531,700 498,904 93.83% 516,700 518,059 100.26% 474,358

Other Expenses 148 Transfer to Mission Reserves 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 149 Church Plant Initiative 0 0 0.00% 150,000 150,000 0.00% 150,000 149 Coaching & Training 10,000 11,127 111.27% 20,000 14,746 73.73% 20,000 150 Committee Consultant 0 2,499 0.00% 11,800 8,509 0 151 Mission Contingency 30,000 10,997 36.66% 30,000 11,234 37.45% 20,000 152 Total Program Support 153 Clergy Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 37,793 0 38,870 31,153 40,141 154 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 70,429 87,958 78,657 78,518 53,159 155 Total Congregational Development 679,922 611,485 89.93% 846,027 812,219 96.00% 757,658

Camps and Conferences 156 Camp Capers Revenues 1,006,200 1,078,589 107.19% 1,098,107 1,124,091 102.37% 1,149,200 157 Camp Capers Expenses 1,017,975 1,055,888 103.72% 1,069,050 1,070,592 100.14% 1,102,300 158 Subtotal Camp Capers 11,775 (22,701) -192.79% (29,057) (53,499) 184.12% (46,900)

Mustang Island Conference Center 159 MICC Revenues 469,300 421,044 89.72% 437,400 429,505 98.20% 458,700 160 MICC Expenses 801,000 763,204 95.28% 796,100 778,927 97.84% 809,150 161 Subtotal Mustang Island Conf Center 331,700 342,160 103.15% 358,700 349,422 97.41% 350,450

Colorado Adventure Camp 162 Colorado Adventure Revenues 187,000 178,875 95.66% 184,000 135,562 73.68% 143,000 163 Colorado Adventure Expenses 182,250 198,362 108.84% 191,400 177,180 92.57% 191,950 164 Subtotal Colorado Adventure Camp (4,750) 19,487 0.00% 7,400 41,618 562.41% 48,950


165 Director's Travel 18,600 18,679 100.42% 18,000 17,199 95.55% 18,600

166 Total Program Support 357,325 357,625 355,043 354,740 371,100 167 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 173,676 171,524 130,154 130,219 159,258 168 Total Camps & Conferences Support 531,001 529,149 99.65% 485,197 484,959 99.95% 530,358

Christian Education & Formation 169 Council Expenses 1,500 822 54.80% 1,000 733 73.30% 1,000 170 Education for Ministry 2,750 2,750 100.00% 2,750 2,750 100.00% 2,750 171 Adult Formation 5,000 2,257 0.00% 3,000 706 0.00% 3,000 171 Department Expenses 1,000 857 85.70% 1,000 1,548 154.80% 1,000 172 Consultant 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 16,200 173 Total Christian Education 10,250 6,686 65.23% 7,750 5,737 74.03% 23,950

Communications 174 Press Runs 16,500 12,598 76.35% 16,000 0 0.00% 0 175 Postage & Mailing 11,000 7,641 69.46% 9,000 0 0.00% 0 176 Digital Marketing & Communication 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 12,300 177 Freelance Assignments 250 150 0.00% 200 0 0.00% 0 178 New Website 0 0 0.00% 0 20,435 0 179 Subtotal Communications 27,750 20,389 73.47% 25,200 20,435 81.09% 12,300

DWTX Magazine 180 Print and Mail House 16,000 14,663 91.64% 15,700 16,737 106.61% 13,000 181 Postage 6,000 5,284 88.07% 5,500 0 0.00% 4,500 182 Freelance Writers/Other Expenses 500 764 152.80% 800 0 0.00% 0 183 Word Press/Reflections Online 1,600 1,100 0.00% 1,200 0 0.00% 0 184 Subtotal Magazine 24,100 21,811 90.50% 23,200 16,737 72.14% 17,500

29 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED INTERIM OF EXEC BD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED Communications (continued) Other Communication Expenses 185 Computer Online Capabilities 2,000 3,955 197.75% 4,000 4,298 107.45% 0 186 Branding 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 10,250 187 Maintenance & Supplies 2,000 3,914 195.70% 4,000 3,631 90.78% 6,600 188 Interns 800 300 37.50% 600 5,853 975.50% 2,700 189 Travel & Conferences 5,000 3,133 62.66% 6,000 5,551 92.52% 5,940 190 Workshop 200 0 0.00% 0 109 1,450 191 Equipment 2,000 4,478 223.90% 1,000 8,997 899.70% 2,460 192 Subtotal Other Expenses 12,000 15,780 131.50% 15,600 28,439 182.30% 29,400

193 Total Program Support 63,850 57,980 64,000 65,611 59,200 194 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 110,897 81,405 191,680 190,082 180,326 195 Total Communications 174,747 139,385 79.76% 255,680 255,693 100.01% 239,526

Ecumenical Commission 196 Dues for EDEO 250 0 0.00% 250 0 0.00% 0 197 Total Ecumenical Commission 250 0 0.00% 250 0 0.00% 0

Evangelism Department 198 Sharing Faith 100 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 199 Department Expense 1,000 504 0.00% 1,000 1,493 149.30% 1,000 200 Cursillo - Support 20,400 21,539 105.58% 29,000 27,616 95.23% 24,000 Total Program Support 21,500 22,043 102.53% 30,000 29,109 97.03% 25,000 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 3,905 3,904 99.97% 4,051 3,264 80.57% 0 201 Total Evangelism Department 25,405 25,947 102.13% 34,051 32,373 95.07% 25,000

Historical Commission 202 Annual Dues 400 0 0.00% 100 90 0.00% 100 203 Communications 155 77 49.68% 100 46 46.00% 100 204 Council 400 185 46.25% 400 226 56.50% 400 205 Equipment & Special Projects 45 500 0.00% 200 593 296.50% 200 206 National Conference 0 0 0.00% 600 200 0.00% 600 207 Travel 0 0 0.00% 600 775 0.00% 600 208 Total Historical Commission 1,000 762 76.20% 2,000 1,930 96.50% 2,000 30 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED INTERIM OF EXEC BD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED

Liturgy & Music Commission 209 Commission/Council Expense 2,000 0 0.00% 100 0 0.47% 100 210 Total Liturgy & Music 2,000 0 0.00% 100 0 0.47% 100

211 Military Ministry Program Support 2,000 2,005 100.25% 2,000 1,953 97.65% 2,000 212 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 0 0 0 0 22,565 213 Military Ministry 2,000 2,005 100.25% 2,000 1,953 97.65% 24,565

Department of Stewardship 214 Consultant/Coach Training 1,000 10,675 1067.50% 35,000 34,393 98.27% 15,000 215 Consultant/Coach Travel 1,500 1,280 85.33% 2,000 0 0.00% 0 216 Council & Department Expenses 1,000 53 5.30% 200 1,346 673.00% 0 217 Annual Conference 2,000 2,000 100.00% 2,000 0 0.00% 0 218 Department Expenses 2,000 2,002 100.10% 2,050 582 28.39% 1,000 219 Electronic Communication/Website 1,000 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 220 Equipment & Software Purchase 2,000 0 0.00% 2,000 0 0.00% 0 221 Printed Materials & Printing 1,000 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 222 Staff Development/CPE 1,000 200 20.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 223 Staff Travel & Presentations 1,250 385 30.80% 500 298 59.60% 2,000 224 T E N S 1,250 1,250 100.00% 1,250 1,500 120.00% 1,500 225 E-Market Planned Giving Systems 3,000 3,000 100.00% 3,000 3,000 100.00% 3,000 226 Total Program Support 18,000 20,845 115.81% 48,000 41,119 85.66% 22,500 227 Lay Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 33,910 33,597 99.08% 32,864 22,732 69.17% 11,562 228 Total Department of Stewardship 51,910 54,442 104.88% 80,864 63,851 78.96% 34,062


Commission for Women's Ministries 229 Triennial Pledge 300 300 100.00% 300 300 100.00% 300 230 Province VII Dues 300 300 100.00% 300 300 100.00% 300 231 Province VII Delegates 600 600 100.00% 600 600 100.00% 600 232 Triennial Delegates 1,800 1,800 100.00% 1,800 1,800 100.00% 1,800 233 Spring Gathering 2,500 3,747 149.88% 3,000 2,820 94.00% 3,000 234 Fall Gathering 1,500 1,456 97.07% 1,500 712 47.47% 1,500 235 Mini Gatherings 500 0 0.00% 400 0 0.00% 400 236 Leadership Retreat 500 (371) 0.00% 300 0 0.00% 300 237 Administrative Expense 1,000 1,264 126.40% 1,000 922 92.20% 1,000 238 Travel & Conferences 500 665 133.00% 500 364 72.80% 500 239 Diocesan Ministries 500 0 0.00% 300 11 3.67% 300 240 Total Women's Ministries 10,000 9,761 97.61% 10,000 7,829 78.29% 10,000

241 Audio Visual Communications 5,000 4,895 97.90% 5,000 0 0.00% 0

242 Reaching Out Contingency 108,908 108,908 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0

243 Total Programs for Support of Congregations 1,602,393 1,493,425 93.20% 1,728,919 1,666,544 96.39% 1,647,219

244 TOTAL REACHING OUT BUDGET & REQUESTS 2,758,487 2,552,262 92.52% 3,021,711 2,902,285 96.05% 2,962,071

245 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (86,528) 201,708 -233.11% (83,991) 48,541 -57.79% (77,574)


Total Revenues 5,105,631 5,093,986 99.77% 5,406,888 5,336,367 98.70% 5,315,381

Total Expenses 5,192,159 4,892,278 94.22% 5,490,879 5,287,826 96.30% 5,392,955

Surplus (Deficit) (86,528) 201,708 -233.11% (83,991) 48,541 -57.79% (77,574)

32 33 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS CAMPS AND CONFERENCES REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED ACTUAL OF EX BOARD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED CAMP CAPERS Receipts 246 Summer Camps 580,000 587,788 101.34% 600,000 572,796 95.47% 595,000 247 Conferences 350,000 408,288 116.65% 410,000 478,705 116.76% 478,000 248 Canteen 35,000 42,223 120.64% 48,000 39,413 82.11% 43,000 249 Mid-Winter Youth 37,000 36,294 98.09% 36,000 27,856 77.38% 28,000 250 Gifts, Miscellaneous 100 88 88.00% 100 1,314 1314.00% 1,200 251 Transfers from Endowments 4,100 3,908 95.32% 4,007 4,007 100.00% 4,000 252 Total Receipts - Capers 1,006,200 1,078,589 107.19% 1,098,107 1,124,091 102.37% 1,149,200

Disbursements Camping Program 253 Program, Development & Support 7,500 7,465 99.53% 7,500 12,391 165.21% 10,000 254 Training Conference 7,000 7,662 109.46% 7,600 10,289 135.38% 10,000 255 Summer Staff 75,000 80,875 107.83% 80,000 77,152 96.44% 80,000 256 Conference Program Expense 7,500 9,671 0.00% 9,500 12,695 133.63% 12,600 257 Craft Supplies 2,500 1,624 64.96% 2,000 1,924 96.20% 1,800 258 Program Equipment 2,500 2,204 88.16% 2,500 2,131 85.24% 2,500 259 Music Expense 100 70 70.00% 100 0 0.00% 0 260 Mid-Winter Expenses 200 154 77.00% 200 200 100.00% 200 261 Misc. Sessions Expense 1,100 1,143 103.91% 1,200 1,161 96.75% 1,000 262 Sub-total - Capers Programs 103,400 110,868 107.22% 110,600 117,943 106.64% 118,100

Capers Operating Expenses 263 Salaries, Allowances, Benefits 401,000 384,443 95.87% 405,000 375,910 92.82% 409,000 264 Canteen 23,000 34,594 150.41% 35,000 35,204 100.58% 35,000 265 Chapel 375 405 108.00% 400 188 47.00% 400 266 Credit Card Fees 8,000 9,917 123.96% 10,000 9,826 98.26% 10,000 267 Snacks 11,000 11,041 100.37% 11,000 9,393 85.39% 9,500 268 Food 152,000 154,543 101.67% 152,000 160,256 105.43% 161,000 269 Kitchen Equipment 1,500 1,985 132.33% 2,000 2,986 149.30% 2,000 270 Household 15,500 17,107 110.37% 17,000 13,718 80.69% 14,000 271 Houskeeping Services 30,000 27,727 0.00% 28,000 30,747 109.81% 31,000 272 Infirmary 1,500 3,715 247.67% 3,500 2,782 79.49% 3,000 273 Insurance 67,000 65,613 97.93% 69,900 71,251 101.93% 76,000 274 Insurance - Participants 3,500 2,831 80.89% 3,000 2,697 89.90% 3,000 275 Laundry Expense 18,500 23,324 0.00% 24,000 32,749 136.45% 32,000 276 Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements 30,000 34,985 116.62% 30,000 38,683 128.94% 30,000 34 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS CAMPS AND CONFERENCES REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED ACTUAL OF EX BOARD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED 277 Office 41,000 46,328 113.00% 43,000 34,866 81.08% 35,000 278 Pest Control 900 581 64.56% 750 512 68.27% 700 279 Pool 7,600 10,399 136.83% 8,000 9,717 121.46% 10,000 280 Telephone 6,000 6,381 106.35% 6,400 8,430 131.72% 8,500 281 Trash Removal 4,000 2,761 69.03% 3,000 2,550 85.00% 2,600 282 Travel Expenses 3,200 1,947 60.84% 2,500 2,318 92.72% 2,500 283 Truck & Tractor 18,000 18,679 103.77% 18,000 17,405 96.69% 18,000 284 Utilities 71,000 85,714 120.72% 86,000 90,461 105.19% 91,000 Sub-total Capers Operating Expenses 914,575 945,020 103.33% 958,450 952,649 99.39% 984,200

285 Total Disbursements - Camp Capers 1,017,975 1,055,888 103.72% 1,069,050 1,070,592 100.14% 1,102,300

286 Net Support - Camp Capers 11,775 (22,701) -192.79% (29,057) (53,499) 184.12% (46,900)

287 MUSTANG ISLAND CONFERENCE CENTER Receipts 288 Conferences 243,000 207,295 85.31% 210,000 211,974 100.94% 236,000 289 Canteen Sales 3,000 2,176 72.53% 2,200 1,994 90.64% 2,200 290 Family Camps 187,000 185,140 99.01% 188,000 193,509 102.93% 198,000 291 Cursillo 27,000 17,034 63.09% 27,000 15,075 55.83% 15,000 292 Guest Services 9,000 8,209 91.21% 9,000 6,649 73.88% 7,000 293 Gift Income 300 1,190 396.67% 1,200 304 25.33% 500 294 Total Receipts - Mustang Island 469,300 421,044 89.72% 437,400 429,505 98.20% 458,700

Disbursements Family Camp 295 Publicity 100 0 0.00% 100 138 138.00% 200 296 Staff Salaries 16,500 12,867 77.98% 14,000 14,031 100.22% 14,000 297 Craft Supplies 600 444 74.00% 600 677 112.83% 600 298 Program Development & Support 5,000 5,819 116.38% 5,000 4,939 98.78% 5,000 299 Program Equipment & Supplies 2,500 1,763 70.52% 2,100 4,454 212.10% 3,000 300 Total Family Camp Expenses 24,700 20,893 84.59% 21,800 24,239 111.19% 22,800 Operating 301 Salaries, Allowances, Benefits 317,700 271,900 85.58% 302,600 282,034 93.20% 310,600 302 Canteen Expense 2,200 1,428 64.91% 2,000 3,125 156.25% 2,500 303 Credit Card Fees 5,000 4,733 94.66% 5,000 4,361 87.22% 4,500 304 Food Expense 82,000 83,000 101.22% 82,000 67,844 82.74% 70,000 305 Guest Services 6,000 3,719 61.98% 4,000 4,103 102.58% 4,000 35 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS CAMPS AND CONFERENCES REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED ACTUAL OF EX BOARD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED 306 Hospitality 5,500 3,941 71.65% 4,000 5,650 141.25% 5,500 307 Insurance 110,000 111,419 101.29% 111,600 109,099 97.76% 116,700 308 Kitchen Expense 7,800 6,008 77.03% 6,000 4,800 80.00% 5,000 309 Landscape Expense 3,400 3,150 92.65% 3,000 4,150 138.33% 4,000 310 Linens 18,000 26,519 147.33% 27,000 30,615 113.39% 30,000 311 Housekeeping 61,300 60,805 99.19% 63,600 67,246 105.73% 69,000 312 Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements 30,000 34,992 116.64% 30,000 38,407 128.02% 30,000 313 Office 15,000 14,973 99.82% 15,000 13,567 90.45% 14,000 314 Pest Control 600 664 110.67% 600 498 83.00% 500 315 Security System 1,000 515 51.50% 800 806 100.75% 850 316 Telephone 9,000 8,557 95.08% 8,500 6,734 79.22% 7,000 317 Trash Removal 7,200 10,178 141.36% 10,000 12,267 122.67% 12,300 318 Travel Expenses 800 871 108.88% 800 2,030 253.75% 2,000 319 Truck Expense 11,000 10,389 94.45% 10,000 14,744 147.44% 12,000 320 Utilities 57,000 62,046 108.85% 63,000 59,524 94.48% 60,000 321 Lost Colonies Condo 25,800 22,504 0.00% 24,800 23,084 93.08% 25,900 322 Subtotal - Mustang Island Expenses 801,000 763,204 95.28% 796,100 778,927 97.84% 809,150

323 Net Support - Mustang Island 331,700 342,160 103.15% 358,700 349,422 97.41% 350,450

COLORADO ADVENTURE CAMP Receipts 323 Summer Camp Income 90,000 50,605 56.23% 55,000 72,018 130.94% 72,000 324 Conferences 34,000 65,270 0.00% 66,000 13,544 20.52% 21,000 325 Support from Camp Annual Fund 63,000 63,000 0.00% 63,000 50,000 79.37% 50,000 326 Total Receipts 187,000 178,875 95.66% 184,000 135,562 73.68% 143,000

327 Disbursements 328 Credit Card Fees 900 1,074 119.33% 1,000 1,063 106.30% 1,100 329 Cleaning Service 0 720 0.00% 750 1,645 219.33% 1,700 330 Disposal Service 800 745 93.13% 800 755 94.38% 800 331 Equipment 4,500 1,439 31.98% 2,000 899 44.95% 2,000 332 Excursions 10,000 9,078 90.78% 9,000 13,760 152.89% 10,000 333 Food 13,000 14,137 108.75% 14,000 16,727 119.48% 16,000 334 Household Expenses 300 938 0.00% 900 844 93.78% 900 335 Infirmary 400 129 32.25% 250 361 144.40% 350 336 Insurance 5,200 4,713 90.63% 6,000 7,179 119.65% 7,700 337 Laundry 850 1,023 120.35% 1,000 1,353 135.30% 1,300 36 EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS CAMPS AND CONFERENCES REACHING OUT BUDGETS & ACTUAL FOR 2018 & 2019 WITH 2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD PROPOSED 2018 2018 % 2019 2019 % 2020 AMENDED ACTUAL OF AMENDED ACTUAL OF EX BOARD BUDGET 12/31/18 ANNUAL BUDGET 12/31/19 ANNUAL PROPOSED 338 License & Regulations 500 808 161.60% 800 1,917 239.63% 2,000 339 Miscellaneous 1,000 1,762 176.20% 1,000 1,818 181.80% 1,500 340 Postage/Mailings 350 977 279.14% 1,000 699 69.90% 800 341 Program, Development & Support 500 574 114.80% 600 1,379 229.83% 1,300 342 Property Taxes 150 0 0.00% 100 0 0.00% 0 343 Repairs & Maintenance 30,000 30,020 100.07% 25,000 10,749 43.00% 15,000 344 Retreat Expenses 16,500 22,067 133.74% 16,700 16,863 100.98% 16,800 345 Salaries 33,600 32,596 97.01% 36,600 36,598 99.99% 49,800 346 Supplies 0 192 0.00% 200 862 431.00% 700 347 Satellite Phone 700 1,166 166.57% 1,200 1,536 128.00% 1,200 348 T-shirts 1,000 825 82.50% 1,000 1,120 112.00% 1,000 349 Transportation 61,000 71,879 117.83% 70,000 56,541 80.77% 57,000 350 Utilities 0 0 0.00% 0 1,407 1,500 351 Wilderness First Responder Train. 1,000 1,500 0.00% 1,500 1,105 73.67% 1,500 351 Total Expenses 182,250 198,362 108.84% 191,400 177,180 92.57% 191,950

352 Net Colorado Adventure Camp Support (4,750) (19,487) 410.25% 7,400 (41,618) 0.00% 48,950

353 Officer's & Director's Travel 18,600 18,679 99.58% 18,000 17,199 95.55% 18,600

354 Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 173,676 171,524 101.25% 130,154 130,219 100.05% 159,258

355 TOTAL CAMPS & CONFERENCES 531,001 490,175 485,197 401,723 530,358

SUMMARY 356 Camp Capers Support 11,775 (22,701) -192.79% (29,057) (53,499) 184.12% (46,900) 357 Mustang Island Conference Center Support 331,700 342,160 103.15% 358,700 349,422 97.41% 350,450 358 Colorado Adventure Camp (4,750) 19,487 0.00% 7,400 41,618 0.00% 48,950 359 Officer's & Director's Travel 18,600 18,679 100.42% 18,000 17,199 95.55% 18,600 360 Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 173,676 171,524 98.76% 130,154 130,219 100.05% 159,258

361 TOTAL CAMPS & CONFERENCES SUPPORT 531,001 529,149 99.65% 485,197 484,959 99.95% 530,358


BEGINNING ENDING BALANCE INCOME EXPENSES BALANCE 1 Anglican International Ministries 5,300.04 10,930.00 (6,500.00) 9,730.04 2 A Bowden Union Black Episcopalians 271.85 1,844.00 (397.77) 1,718.08 3 Bishop's Development Fund 487,422.10 75,739.97 (168,795.16) 394,366.91 4 Bishop's Golf Tourney 37,847.67 36,821.00 (31,479.02) 43,189.65 5 Bishop's Theological Education Fund 285.48 33,270.27 (27,881.99) 5,673.76 6 Bishop's Youth Commission 14,021.22 7,400.00 (5,000.00) 16,421.22 7 Book of Remembrance 2,240.34 480.00 0.00 2,720.34 8 Camp Tree Fund 2,089.87 1,003.00 0.00 3,092.87 9 Camps and Conferences 200,910.03 65,596.00 (137,303.21) 129,202.82 10 Capital Replacement Reserves 553,868.94 317,242.91 (136,334.67) 734,777.18 11 Cathedral House Gallery 748.84 86.46 (306.06) 529.24 12 Cathedral Park Fund 86,350.84 496,440.60 (466,703.70) 116,087.74 13 Christian Education 24,003.76 0.00 0.00 24,003.76 14 Christian Faith in Action 5,148.45 0.00 (1,250.00) 3,898.45 15 Church Plant Initiative 0.00 227,257.38 (119,839.67) 107,417.71 16 Clergy Conference Reserves 3,302.55 0.00 0.00 3,302.55 17 Clergy Continuing Ed Reserves 3,278.00 0.00 0.00 3,278.00 18 Columbarium Visitation Fund 4,125.71 0.00 0.00 4,125.71 19 Commission for Women's Ministry 17,009.92 2,530.00 0.00 19,539.92 20 Conference Registration Acct 47,779.94 111,942.50 (112,829.51) 46,892.93 21 Corpus Christi Coalition 718.64 40,176.00 (32,136.29) 8,758.35 22 Cursillo Funds 326.55 26,351.01 (19,677.56) 7,000.00 23 Daughters of the King 14,552.14 14,101.36 (6,431.19) 22,222.31 24 Discretionary Funds 81,165.18 43,171.79 (57,918.73) 66,418.24 25 DWTX Disaster Relief 475,251.35 552,952.02 (821,445.94) 206,757.43 26 Education for Ministry 1,791.85 4,345.00 (3,858.82) 2,278.03 27 ERD Border Immigration 0.00 20,162.00 (842.51) 19,319.49 28 Friends of Cathedral Park 1,161.71 826.93 (643.34) 1,345.30 29 General Convention Fund 15,477.70 18,000.00 0.00 33,477.70 30 Habitat Builders in West Texas 48,920.11 11,620.00 (44,000.00) 16,540.11 31 Happening Funds 17,920.54 16,392.96 (21,319.26) 12,994.24 32 Historical Commission Gift 936.14 0.00 (936.14) 0.00 33 Investments with Foundation 1,752,504.25 355,250.34 (44,380.00) 2,063,374.59 34 Lambeth Conference Reserve 30,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 33,000.00 35 Leah (Magdalene) Fund 985.46 0.00 0.00 985.46 36 McAllister Clergy Spouse Fund 6,135.56 3,880.00 (2,355.40) 7,660.16 37 Memorial Funds 450.00 0.00 (450.00) 0.00 38 Military Ministries 833.21 839.00 (373.51) 1,298.70 39 Miscellaneous 1,346.07 18.48 0.00 1,364.55 40 Mission Development Reserve 365,896.71 4,810.90 (96,259.00) 274,448.61 41 New Beginnings 12,896.89 1,525.00 (609.02) 13,812.87 42 Open Table 105.02 0.00 0.00 105.02 43 Reconciliation Committee 2,642.77 0.00 0.00 2,642.77 44 Recovery Ministries 2,207.93 600.00 0.00 2,807.93 45 Sabbatical Fund 35,589.98 1,000.00 0.00 36,589.98 46 Silent Retreat 0.00 10,834.50 0.00 10,834.50 47 Spiritual Retreat 6,789.51 14,597.00 (17,804.68) 3,581.83 48 St. John Altar Guild Funds 9,167.18 753.41 (1,028.01) 8,892.58 49 Stewardship Reserves 7,665.25 0.00 (7,665.25) 0.00 50 Threads of Blessings 6,591.55 76,117.58 (71,671.20) 11,037.93 51 United Thank Offering 5,078.37 4,379.39 0.00 9,457.76 52 Verger Fund 1,350.00 400.00 (307.21) 1,442.79 53 World Mission Division 134,996.32 162,954.34 (188,807.86) 109,142.80 54 Youth, College and Young Adults 16,730.68 35,085.24 (50,453.92) 1,362.00 4,554,190.17 2,812,728.34 (2,705,995.60) 4,660,922.91 55 Net Income (Loss) 106,732.74


Other World Congrega- Camps & Comm- Military Steward- Comm. on Other Diocesan Church Develop- Foun- Mission tional Dev. Confs. unications Ministry ship Episcopate Ministry Ministry Program Admin. Corp. ment dation Total

Diocesan Bishop 100% 100%

Bishop Assistant 100% 100%

Archdeacon 25% 5% 60% 10% 100%

Canon for Administration & Ministries Support 6% 8% 7% 6% 20% 22% 22% 9% 100%

Development Officer 100% 100%

Development Assistant 25% 20% 15% 30% 10% 100%

Director of Marketing & Communications 100% 100%

Communications Manager 100% 100%

Graphic Intern 100% 100%

Director of Camps & Conferences 100% 100%

World Missions Officer 100% 100%

World Mission Program Coordinator 100% 100%

Financial Officer 10% 10% 20% 60% 100%

Accounting Officer 86% 5% 9% 100%

Executive Assistant to the Bishop 100% 100%

Executive Assistant to the Bishop Assistant 20% 75% 5% 100%

Administrative Assistant to Canon & Archdeacon 30% 20% 40% 10% 100%

Administrative Assist.- Admin 100% 100%

Receptionist & Printing Manager 7% 9% 12% 72% 100%

Maintenance Person #1 100% 100%

Maintenance Person #2 100% 100%

Part-time Maintenance Person #3 100% 100%

Part-time Maintenance Person #4 100% 100%


Episcopal Church Corporation Episcopal Church Foundation Diocesan Development Program in West Texas in West Texas

Revenues Revenues Revenues Miscellaneous $ 3,000 Supplemental Endowment Income $ 136,000 Cash Available $ 20,000 Unrestricted Bequests $ - Miscellaneous $ 3,000 Pledges Due 2014 $ 500 Alder Estate $ 90,000 Interest Income $ 3,000 Total Revenues $ 93,000 Total Revenues $ 139,000 Total Revenues $ 23,500

Expenses Expenses Admin Expenses Administrative Fee to DWTX $ 12,000 Annual Audit Fee $ 15,000 Consultant $ - Audit Fee $ 9,000 Admin Fee to DWTX $ 28,000 Council Expenses $ 500 Miscellaneous $ 8,000 Copier Expense $ 1,000 Cultivation $ 3,000 Property Taxes $ 14,000 Legal & Accounting $ 2,500 Database & Accounting $ 2,000 Alder to DWTX Budget $ 50,000 Meeting Expense $ 2,000 Donor Recognition $ 3,000 Total Expenses $ 93,000 Postage $ 100 Marketing & Printing $ 2,000 Supplies $ 200 Meeting Expense $ 3,000 Web Site Expense $ 100 Office Supplies $ 800 Software Expense $ 15,000 Postage $ 1,750 Executive Director's Salary $ 19,443 Professional Fees $ 2,000 Executive Director's FICA $ 1,487 Research & Grant Writing $ 2,000 Office Rental $ 30,000 Travel $ 1,000 Transfer to DWTX $ 24,170 Contingency $ 2,450 Total Expenses $ 139,000 Total Expenses $ 23,500

Revenue Over (Under) Expense $ - Revenue Over (Under) Expense $ - Revenue Over (Under) Expense $ -


41 42 The Report of the Diocesan Nominating Committee to the 116th Annual Diocesan Council to be held February 20 - 22, 2020 Corpus Christi, Texas

Executive Board Standing Committee Episcopal Church Corporation of West Texas Trustees Sewanee: The University of the South Trustees TMI Episcopal Trustees General Convention and Provincial Synod Deputies and Alternate Deputies

43 Executive Board Elect two clergy and four lay persons for three-year terms. Description of duties: The Executive Board is required to meet twice a year, but usually meets more often. The Board functions in a way similar to a parish vestry, including preparing the diocesan budget and submitting it to Council for approval. The Executive Board appoints several departments and committees, including the Finance Department and the Nominating Committee. Members of the Executive Board serve as liaisons to the various departments and commissions of the diocese. Knowledge and experience with the ministries representing the breadth of the diocese is an asset to persons who serve on the Executive Board. At the same time, a willingness to engage diocesan ministry and learn of the breadth of the diocese is the most basic requirement for service on the Executive Board. (Diocesan Constitution Art. IV, Sec. 1, 2, and 3; Diocesan Canon 4, Sec. 1a-1d)

Clergy warranted, and has a deep desire to serve the Diocese as a whole. Sean is passionate about the role of the The Rev. John Hardie Diocese in the life of parish ministry. Rector Local Church Activities: Rector St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi Community Activities: Director of Sea Breeze Qualifications: John has Singers Men’s Barbershop Chorus, Corpus Christi been a rector in our diocese for Clergy Alliance 22 years. He understands the Diocesan Activities: Reconciliation Committee, diocesan budget, its processes College Missions, Trustee for the University of the and how funding affects various South ministries and entities Nominated by: The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Rector Community Activities: of All Saints’, Corpus Christi Pharaoh Valley Neighborhood Association, Director of Friends of the King’s Forest The Rev. Cynthia McKenna Diocesan Activities: Camp Capers dean, Standing Associate Rector Committee, appointed to Evangelism Committee, All Saints’, Corpus Christi Spiritual Director on several Cursillo weekends, Qualifications: Ordained in Board of Examining Chaplains, Dean of Southern 1996, Cynthia has a diversity of Convocation experience that will be helpful Nominated by: John DeMontel and Vestry of St. in diocesan conversations. She is Mark’s, Corpus Christi also a licensed psychotherapist with 14 years managing her own The Rev. Alex Holloway practice. She understands the Non-parochial Priest need for sound management Qualifications: Alex is bright, practices and attention to detail. She brings a passion energetic and enthusiastic. for stewardship and the careful tending of the resources She will bring new energy and entrusted to us perspective to the Executive Local Church Activities: Parish ministry with a Board. focus on pastoral care, community outreach, liturgy Diocesan Activities: Budget planning, and formation. Also a spiritual director, Task Force, Examining a Certified Myers Briggs facilitator, and a Certified Chaplains Disaster Chaplain Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Community Activities: World Aids Day, Mike Marsh, Rector of St. Philip’s, Uvalde International Day of the Migrant, Pride Parade, Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Texas Master The Rev. Sean Maloney Naturalists, American Assoc. of University Women Rector; St. Bartholomew’s, Diocesan Activities: Congregational Development Corpus Christi Commission, Disaster Response Commission Qualifications: Having Nominated by: Vestry of All Saints’, Corpus Christi served the diocese in a variety of capacities over 11 years, Sean possesses a deep working knowledge of the Diocese and its structures. He can offer a critical eye where needed, lend a supportive voice where

44 Executive Board, contd. Community Activities: Helotes Chamber of The Rev. Tom Murray Commerce Rector; Grace, Weslaco Diocesan Activities: Council on College Missions, Qualifications: Tom has Commission on Church Buildings, Camp Capers served on the Executive Chaplain and Dean, Mustang Island Chaplain, Duncan Board in the Diocese of Texas Park Chaplain, Diocesan Development Committee, and is gifted in the area of Examining Chaplains, Ad Hoc Budget Committee, Discernment. Diocesan Stewardship Committee Community Activities: Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee Rotary, Weslaco Stroke Support Group Lay Diocesan Activities: Mr. J. Michael Allen Commission on Disaster St. Alban’s, Harlingen Response Qualifications: Strong public Nominated by: Mr. Carter Huber, St. Alban’s, affairs background; founder Harlingen and CEO of large international public affairs company, educated The Rev. David Read, with undergraduate and Rector; St. Helena’s, Boerne graduate degrees in business Qualifications: Broad and public affairs, strong experience in the Diocese management and inter-personal of West Teas, experience in relationship skills, strong public churches and schools, a passion speaking and writing skills, for congregational development; strong religious background. Michael is retired, so and experience with stewardship willing and able to expend necessary time to dutifully and capital campaigns fulfill the duties of the office Local Church Activities: Local Church Activities: Vestry member, chairman, Rector capital improvement/facilities committee, usher, Community Activities: Boerne Ministerial Alliance active in church school and multiple church activities Diocesan Activities: Currently: Congregational including annual antique show and garage sale Development, Church planting, Diocesan Community Activities: Consultant and fundraiser Development; Convocation Dean, Cursillo for Harlingen Public Library, Rotary Club, past MDA Previously: General Convention Deputy, Standing national Board member, active in autism community Committee, Diocesan Secretary, Church Corp Trustee activities, national advisor to many charitable Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee healthcare entities, served as officer and committee chair for several government and public ethics oriented The Rev. Jason Roberts, associations Rector Diocesan Activities: Delegate to Diocesan Council Holy Spirit, San Antonio Nominated by: Mr. Carter Huber, St. Alban’s, Qualifications: Ordained Harlingen a priest 16 years ago in the Diocese of Virginia, Jason Mr. Hal Dantone served an urban congregation Epiphany, Kingsville there and supported college Qualifications: Hal received a missions. He was also B.S. in aeronautical engineering Commission on World and math from the US Naval Missions Chair in the Diocese Academy while playing varsity of Virginia. After moving to West Texas in 2009, he football and lacrosse and was became Vicar of Holy Spirit, San Antonio. He has in the top 7.5% in leadership. walked with Holy Spirit on its transition from mission After 10 exemplary years on to parish status, worked to purchase land, build a new Active Duty in the Navy serving campus, support Holy Spirit adopting preschool, lived his country, he attended law through deficit and surplus budgets, and journeyed to school full time at night while working a full time day bring together two congregations into one common job and drilling with the Naval Reserves. Most of his mission law practice was for NASA, again serving his country. Local Church Activities: Parish rector He is a leader with a servant’s heart.

45 Executive Board, contd. professionals Local Church Activities: Hal serves as Lay reader, Diocesan Activities: Recovery Ministries Lay Eucharistic Minister, usher, and performs other Commission, Council host committee (3 times), duties as asked in his role of clergy spouse at a small Happening Board member church; men’s group and Bible study leader Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee Community Activities: Prison ministries (prison entrepreneurship program – 2.5 years and Bridges to Mrs. Suzette Harris Life – 5 years), home repair ministry – 8 years, assisted St. Luke’s, San Antonio in one Alpha program Qualifications: Passion for the Diocesan Activities: Parish delegate to Council, work of the Church; committed 2018 and 2019 to the work of reconciliation Nominated by: The Rev. Jan Dantone, Rector of with God; consistent, positive, Epiphany, Kingsville level headed leadership Local Church Activities: Mr. Kyle Grest Former vestry member, VBS, St. David’s, San Antonio church/school liaison, St. Luke’s Qualifications: Through School Board of Trustees - serving on the Parish Vestry, member and officer, Altar Guild, Wednesday morning Kyle has developed and Bible Study demonstrated his leadership Community Activities: Olmos Park Garden Club, in managing church finances Delta Delta Delta Sorority, Olmos Park Friends and and communicating with the Neighbors group (FAN), Texas Independent Women’s broader church community in Financial Club an approachable way. Kyle has Diocesan Activities: Mission work in Haiti, Council an analytical mind well suited to delegate, Cursillo approaching complex budgets and financial issues. Nominated by: The Rev. Irv Cutter, Rector, and Local Church Activities: Kyle has served as the Vestry of St. Luke’s, San Antonio Treasurer of St. David’s for the past 3 years. He has also been a council delegate and alternate. He has Mr. Rodney Hart served on the Church’s stewardship committee and St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi is a member of the joint school and church finance Qualifications: Rodney is a committee. He also plays the violin and contributes wise, consensus builder with music to the worship service on certain Sundays and many years’ experience serving holidays. clients as an engineer and Community Activities: Kyle is active in the Trinity consultant in estate planning Alumni Network and serves as a mentor to Trinity and banking students to assist in professional skills development. Local Church Activities: Nominated by: The Rev. Joshua Woods, Curate/ Elder; Senior and Junior Assistant Rector of St. David’s, San Antonio Warden; Lay Reader; Lay Eucharistic Minister; Council Mr. Jody Guerra Community Activities: Nueces County Hospital Trinity, Victoria District (15 years); Walk to Emmaus; Youth Coach; Qualifications: Long-term FCA Ministry Leadership; FAC Coach at Roy Miller active member in church High School, Corpus Christi worship, church and school Diocesan Activities: Mustang Island Development facilitation, and church service Board; Bishop’s Task Force; Cursillo teams and Cursillo work Rector Local Church Activities: Nominated by: Mr. John De Montel, St. Mark’s, Vestry, Jr Warden, search Corpus Christi committee church & school, Council delegate, usher, contemporary worship music team member, High School and Jr. High youth group leader, food pantry Community Activities: Rotary member, SAFE & Drug free schools, school health advisory committee, City of McAllen Chamber member, UNIDAD Coalition, State Board Texas Association of Addiction

46 Executive Board, contd. director (5 times), past president of St. Peter’s School Mr. Robert B. McDonald Board, Happening parish coordinator (2 times), past St. Alban’s, Harlingen president & treasurer of Episcopal Church Women Qualifications: CPA in Community Activities: United Way Executive the state of Texas for 24 Director (5 years), past president of Charity Ball, past years, extensive experience president of Kerrville Public School Foundation, past with budgeting. 35 years of president of Peterson PTO, Board member of Partners experience with accounting, in Ministry (2 terms), Chairman of Christmas Food finance and management delivery for the Good Samaritan Community Services, Local Church Activities: Community Foundation Board (2 terms) Vestry, Bishop’s Committee, lay Diocesan Activities: Development Committee, Past reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, member of the Executive Board and Standing Treasurer, Council delegate, Committee, past president of the Cursillo Secretariat, Bishop election delegate, Audit committee Cursillo team member, past member of the stewardship Community Activities: Youth sports volunteer, of creation committee and stewardship committee, school volunteer, election judge, volunteer city treasurer Diocesan Council Courtesy Resolution Committee Nominated by: Mr. Carter Huber, St. Alban’s, (multiple years) Harlingen Nominated by: The Rev. Bert Baetz, Rector of St. Peter’s, Kerrville Mr. Michael Mortensen St. Luke’s, San Antonio Mr. David Schrante Qualifications: Michael St. Luke’s, San Antonio genuinely cares about he Qualifications: Servant leader; Episcopal Church and involves experienced in local church and himself in the hopeful leadership diocesan leadership and proactive involvement of its Local Church Activities: future Vestry, lay reader, Council Local Church Activities: delegate, Lay Eucharistic Vestry (2 times), church- Visitor, semi-annual blood drives school liaison/executive organizer, usher, manages men’s committee, acolyte director (15 years), verger (15+ quarterly dinners, tri-chair to years), past junior warden, stewardship committee, organize Brotherhood of St. Andrew Chapter search committee, Diocesan Council delegate (2 Community Activities: United Way volunteer times), mission trips to Uganda (2 times), Haiti (2 fundraising associate, meals on wheels driver, frequent times), fundraising benefiting youth program, Good platelet donor Samaritan, Habitat for Humanity Diocesan Activities: Environmental Stewardship Community Activities: 20+ years dedicated chair, Habitat Builders of West Texas task force, 2nd commitment with non-profit fundraising campaigns for year Education for Ministry (EFM) student Battered Women’s Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Good Nominated by: The Rev. Irv Cutter, Rector, and Samaritan Community Services, San Antonio Area Vestry of St. Luke’s, San Antonio Foundation and SAMMinistries Diocesan Activities: Verger’s Guild (secretary – 2 Mrs. Suzanne B. Scott years), mission trips to Uganda and Haiti Reconciliation, San Antonio Nominated by: Curt Mowen, St. Luke’s, San Antonio Qualifications: 4th term on the church vestry, currently Mrs. Betty C. Mosty Senior Steward and has served St. Peter’s, Kerrville previously in that capacity. More Qualifications: Much than 30 years of progressive experience in local church and management experience within diocesan activities; desire to a successful public sector participate in diocesan planning career. Since 2007 serving as Local Church Activities: the General Manager of a Current - Bible study leader, governmental entity reporting to an elected board and women of the church; Former – managing an annual budget of $222 million with 300 Senior warden (3 times), Vestry employees. (multiple times), stewardship chairman, finance committee, Lenten speaker, VBS

47 Executive Board, contd. Diocesan Activities: Prior Executive Board member, Local Church Activities: Vestry and Senior Steward; prior Cursillo Secretariat, World Mission Committee, Usher; Endowment Fund; Parish Activities Committee; Navajoland Mission, Council Alternate and Delegate, Grounds and Landscaping improvement strategic Cursillo teams, Abide in Me conferences planning committee; Council delegate Nominated by: Vestry of St. Francis by the Lake, Community Activities: Current Board member Canyon Lake of Bexar County Arts Fund; Current active member of numerous Chambers of Commerce; Current Executive Board Notes: Elect two clergy and four Regional Council member of National Parks laypersons for three-year terms. Conservation Association; Current Chair of regional water stakeholder groups. Former Chair Green Spaces Alliance; Former Chair, San Antonio Chamber Water Clergy: and Public Affairs Committee Nominated by: The Rev. Judith Rhodes, Interim 1. Rector of Reconciliation, San Antonio 2. Mrs. Vanessa Smith St. David’s, San Antonio Local Church Activities: Laity: Founder of young adult group, Altar Guild, Stewardship 1. committee, wedding coordinator, Council delegate, 2. search committee member, stewardship campaign speaker 3. Community Activities: San 4. Antonio A&M Club, Heartland Rhythm Institutes charitable organization, Coastal Heart Foundation, Magdalena House, Brighton Center, Mission Road Diocesan Activities: Bishop’s Young Adult Task Force and Bishop’s Council Address Committee Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee

Ms. Libby Templeton St. Francis by the Lake, Canyon Lake Qualifications: Libby has excellent leadership and communication skills. She has served on the Executive Board in the past and is aware of the prayer and commitment needed in the role. As parish Finance and Budget Ministry lead she understands budgeting processes. She is grounded in prayer, study and worship. She represents her peers well and has a willingness and desire to continue serving Christ at the diocesan level Local Church Activities: Finance and Budget Ministry lead, lead lector and Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), previous Vestry member, stewardship, acolyte, lector, community of hope, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Navajoland mission team leader Community Activities: ConnectedInFaith – prayer employee resource group at Dell, CROP Walk, Race for the Pantry

48 Standing Committee Elect one cleric and one lay person for a three-year term. Description of Duties: The Standing Committee meets about three times a year and serves as a Council of advice to the diocesan bishop. Among its responsibilities are granting or withholding consents to the election of bishops in The Episcopal Church and interviewing seminarians and recommending to the bishop whether or not they be made candidates for ordination. The Standing Committee is composed of 6 persons, 3 clergy and 3 lay persons. In the event that the office of bishop is vacant, the Standing Committee serves as the Ecclesiastical authority for the diocese. Persons serving on the Standing Committee should be familiar with the Constitution and Canons, aware of issues in the wider Anglican Communion, and be persons who are willing to undertake a wide range of leadership needs and discernment. (Diocesan Constitution Art. IV and V, Sec. 1 and 2; Diocesan Canon 3, Sec. 1 and 2) Clergy The Rev. David Archibald The Rev. Chris Caddell Rector Rector; Holy Spirit, St. Andrew’s, San Antonio Dripping Springs Qualifications: Rector of Qualifications: Chris has a St. Andrew’s, a very diverse good understanding of church congregation on the 410 loop policy and is willing to serve as a in San Antonio for 12 years. voice in advising the bishop. David’s sense is that Jesus was Local Church Activities: about spiritual transformation, Rector care for the poor, inclusivity, Community Activities: non-violence – and that the Supporting his children with Gospel also includes – environment care of creation. school and community activities If chosen, he looks forward to serving faithfully and Diocesan Activities: Discernment Committee, with energy on the Standing Committee of our Executive Board, Province VII Synod, Trustee of Diocese to support the Bishop as we move into the truly Church Corp, Secretary of the Diocese challenging years ahead. Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of Local Church Activities: Previously served as St. Philip’s, Uvalde; the Rev. Stephen Carson, Rector Assistant Rector to a large downtown parish in of St. Francis, Victoria Houston; before that he was a rector of a small town parish in Arkansas; and his first assignment was at The Rev. Christopher Cole Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi Rector; Resurrection, Diocesan Activities: Has served on many Windcrest committees at the diocesan level, including Commission Qualifications: Chris has on Ministry, and Stewardship, as well as a number of shown exemplary leadership Camp Capers staff assignments skills, is a true moderate who Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of understands and can speak to St. Philip’s, Uvalde various sides of an issue, and is a lifelong Episcopalian who is concerned for the future of our church. Local Church Activities: Rector Community Activities: Walzem YMCA Board, Chapel Choir of SA Board, Mission trips to Honduras and Mexico, Walzem Road Revitalization Committee Diocesan Activities: Good Samaritan Board (6 years), TMI Trustee (2 years), Camp dean/chaplain, Dean of Central Convocation (3 years), Executive Board (1 Year) Nominated by: Ms. Dorcas Sampson, Senior Warden of Resurrection, Windcrest

49 Standing Committee, contd. CCHRMA-CC, President of NAIFA – CC, President of CC Chapter of CLU & CHfC Society Lay Diocesan Activities: Executive Committee, Mr. Tom Hardin Trustee Church Corp, Discernment Committee Christ Church, San Antonio Chair, Insurance Committee Chair, Cursillo Rector, Qualifications: Leadership Happening Team, Faith Alive Team, Secretariat, experience at both parish and Happening Board diocesan level Nominated by: The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Rector Local Church Activities: of All Saints, Corpus Christi Vestry, Sr. warden, Jr. warden, council delegate, Missions Mr. Rob Schneider committee, Lay Eucharistic Holy Spirit, Dripping Minister, lector, mission trips Springs Diocesan Activities: Qualifications: Long Executive Board, World Mission, Bishop’s Committee time member of DWTX, on Mission Ministry, Bishop’s Council of Advice, knowledgeable, common sense Treasurer, Artemisia Bowden Diocesan UBE Chaprter and more Nominated by: The Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, Local Church Activities: Lay Canon Missioner of Coastal Bend Partners In Ministry reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Council delegate, Senior Mr. Richard C. Mosty Warden, Education For Ministry St. Peter’s, Kerrville (EFM), Cursillo Qualifications: Well Diocesan Activities: Chair of Constitution and established relationship with Canons, Assistant Chancellor, Delegate General Bishop Reed, prior experience Convention on Standing Committee Nominated by: Dr. Elizabeth Manning, Holy Spirit, including during most recent Dripping Springs election of Suffragan Bishop. Local Church Activities: Chancellor. Prior – Sr. Warden Standing Committee Notes: Elect one cleric and and vestry (multiple times), one lay person for a three-year terms. Building Committee chair Diocesan Activities: Board of Episcopal Church Clergy: Foundation; Committee on Shared Ministry (Apportionment) Co-Chair, Prior – Standing 1. Committee, Executive Board, Church Attorney for Title IV matters, Cursillo Nominated by: The Rev. Bert Baetz, Rector of St. Peter’s, Kerrville Lay:

Mr. John Otto 1. All Saints’, Corpus Christi Qualifications: John has been in leadership positions in each organization he has participated in, listed below. Local Church Activies: Vestry, Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Finance Committee Chair, Treasurer, Liturgy Committee, Search Committee Chair, Choir, Council delegate, lay reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, youth group sponsor Community Activities: Leadership Corpus Christi Steering Committee, President Council on Alcohol and Drug abuse, Board member of NCCJ, President of

50 Episcopal Church Corporation of West Texas Trustees Elect one cleric and one lay person for a three-year term. Description of Duties: The Episcopal Church Corporation of West Texas holds title to the permanent funds and other property belonging to the diocese. It has authority to receive bequests and donations, and to sell or mortgage property to which it holds title. As such, Trustees should have an understanding of/interest in financial, real estate, and property matters. The Trustees work with the Bishop on designating certain restricted funds as they are needed in ministry. There is usually monthly contact needed with the Trustees, and a substantial amount of the Trustees business historically has been done via telephone and mail and confirmed at their quarterly meetings. (Diocesan Canon 6, Sec. 1) Clergy The Rev. Jason Roberts, The Rev. Milton Black, Rector Rector; Good Shepherd, Holy Spirit, San Antonio Corpus Christi Qualifications: Jason has Qualifications: Strong served the Diocese of West business background and Texas for 10 years and has previous Archdeacon experience with developing Local Church Activities: congregations and their Rector resources while encouraging Community Activities: a sense of entrepreneurship Various Boards and ministries and creativity. The Trustees Diocesan Activities: of the Church Corporation sit at the threshold Numerous between congregational creativity and the resources Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee of the diocese. Jason can bring practical imagination to difficult problems in a systematic way while also The Rev. Canon Beverly safeguarding diocesan assets. Jason has supported Patterson, Canon Missioner the Holy Spirit community in two capital campaigns, Coastal Bend Partners in the purchase of land, two building projects, and the Ministry(PIM) adoption and growth of a preschool. Qualifications: 20-year career Local Church Activities: Church school board, in customer financial services Council delegate, Vestry, Rector with $13 M portfolio, 8 years Community Activities: Helotes Chamber of as parish priest with 3.5 years Commerce, local elementary school volunteer of those as Canon Missioner Diocesan Activities: Council on College Missions managing four congregations (2012-2015), Commission on Church Buildings and church buildings (2012-present), Camp Capers Chaplain, Camp Capers Local Church Activities: Current: Canon Missioner Dean, Mustang Island Chaplain, Duncan Park Priest- of the Coastal Bend Partners In Ministry (PIM), in-Residence, Diocesan Development Committee Previous: rector for 5 years. Prior to ordination (2018-present), Examining Chaplains (2019-present), Christian Education Director, Sunday school teacher, Ad-Hoc Budget Committee, Diocesan Stewardship Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Committee, Bishop Golf Tournament choir, Mother’s Day Out, Episcopal Youth Community Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee sponsor Community Activities: Tri County Christian Community Services, board member; Past service for Boy & Girl Scouts, Jr. League, Rotary Leadership Laguna Madre, several community choirs Diocesan Activities: Nomination Committee 3 terms, 1 as Co-Chair; Ad Hoc Apportionment Committee, Christian Formation Committee, Senior Spirituality Committee, College of Congregational Development Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee

51 Church Corporation, contd. Lay Mr. Carter S. Huber Mr. Douglas Forbes St. Alban’s, Harlingen Wayland, St. Mark’s, Qualifications: Committed to Corpus Christi community, parishioners, church Qualifications: Doug has and school served as treasurer for St. Local Church Activities: Lay Mark’s for seven years, as well reader and Eucharist Minister, as treasurer of the Cliff Maus Vestry, St. Alban’s School Board, Village Apartments for three Council Delegate years. He has also served as Community Activities: senior and junior warden Harlingen Country Club board Local Church Activities: member, Past President of Senior Warden (2 years); Junior Warden (3 years); American Heart Association, Valley-Owned Grocers Treasurer (7 years); Lay Eucharistic Minister (12 years); Association Chair lead adult Bible study; lead Financial Peace University Diocesan Activities: Nominating Committee Co- (3 times); Council delegate (5 times). Chair Community Activities: Leader Access Plus Ramp Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee Building Ministry (12 years); active for 17 years; served on the board of Cliff Maus Village Apartments (6 Mr. Wayne Lundquist years). Good Shepherd, Corpus Nominated by: The Rev. John Hardie, Rector of Christi St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi Qualifications: Love of Christ and experience in Real Estate Church Corporation Notes: Elect one cleric and Local Church Activities: Council Delegate, Lay Reader, one lay person for a three-year terms. Senior Warden (2001), Vestry – Clergy: 4 terms Community Activities: 1. Former Rotary, Palmer Drug Abuse Board, reading at Literacy Council Diocesan Activities: Cursillo - 1994 Nominated by: Vestry of Good Shepherd, Corpus Lay: Christi 1.

52 Sewanee: The University of the South Trustees Elect one lay person for a three-year term. Description of duties: The Trustees of the University attend the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, promote Church support and student enrollment, and report to the annual Council the condition and progress of said University. (Diocesan Canon 11, Sec. 1-4) Lay Mrs. Elizabeth Landry St. Paul’s, San Antonio Mrs. Claire Odom Qualifications: Elizabeth has Campbell; Good Shepherd, previous experience in this role Corpus Christi and current connections with Qualifications: Enthusiastic students in School of Theology. Sewanee alum (C ’06) who She was as a previous spouse of served as an Alumni Arcadian the seminary. to represent Sewanee at regional Local Church Activities: Lay college fairs and welcome newly reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, admitted students Godly Play door keeper, oversee Local Church Activities: church nursery Active in Women’s Bible study Community Activities: Supporting her children’s and Reunion group organizations, with time and necessary supplies when Community Activities: Sustaining member of needed, including school theatre, choir, Girl Scouts Junior League Diocesan Activities: Spouses of the diocese, Diocesan Activities: Led a Bible study conversation Sewanee trustee on “Go” in the Way of Love at Council 2019 and wrote Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of the corresponding article for Reflections magazine; St. Philip’s, Uvalde Cursillo #264, member of Clergy Spouses group Nominated by: The Rev. William Campbell, Rector, Dr. Andrew D. Reichert and Vestry of Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi Trinity, Port Aransas Qualifications: Andrew is Ms. Abby Cole committed to higher education, St. Luke’s, San Antonio has worked at several university Qualifications: Abby is a counseling centers, including 2016 Sewanee graduate, has teaching undergraduate courses, a deep love for the university, and loved a recent visit to and is passionate about sharing Sewanee. this love with other people. She Local Church Activities: truly believes in the mission Andrew often assists with of Sewanee as an institute worship, is licensed to preach and has done so when the of higher education, and is rector was away, taught youth class, and will serve on invested in the betterment of the Vestry next year the Sewanee community to benefit everyone associated Community Activities: Andrew often discounts his with the University fees for locals in need, provided free crisis and group Local Church Activities: Assistant to the Youth counseling after Hurricane Harvey, and is active with a Minister, member of St. Luke’s young adult group, local 12-step group with long-term sobriety alternate Council delegate (2017) Diocesan Activities: Spiritual Retreat in Recovery Community Activities: Participant in Walk to End Committee Alzheimer’s, Relay for Life, Member of Alamo PMI, Nominated by: The Rev. James Derkits, Rector of Alamo HDI Volunteer, Soldier’s Angels, San Antonio Trinity, Port Aransas Food Bank, Sewanee Alumni Ambassador Diocesan Activities: Camp Capers Summer Staff Sewanee Trustees Notes: Elect one lay person for (2012, 2013, 2014), Involvement in Happening both as a three-year terms. participant and adult volunteer Nominated by: The Rev. Irv Cutter, Rector of Lay: St. Luke’s, San Antonio 1.

53 TMI Episcopal Trustees Elect two person, either clergy or lay, for three-year terms. Elect one additional clergy or layperson to fill a one-year unexpired term. Description of Duties: The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for communicating the needs of the school to the Diocese and to gather resources in support of the school at the direction of the Board of Governors. The Trustees meet three to four times a year on average, at the campus of TMI. (Diocesan Canon 14, Sec. 3)

The Rev. Bert O. Baetz, III The Rev. William Campbell Rector, St. Peter’s, Kerrville Curate, Good Shepherd, Qualifications: Taught and Corpu; Christi served as Associate Chaplain at Qualifications: Attended The St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Hill School, a Austin (3 years); have served in Pennsylvania, for high school three parishes with Episcopal and is familiar with the demands Schools (11 years); founded and challenges facing secondary St. Mark’s Episcopal School, schools in the 21st century Richmond (2014) Local Church Activities: Local Church Activities: Curate/Assistant to the rector, Rector Chaplain to St. James Episcopal Community Activities: Kerrville Ministerial Alliance School, Corpus Christi Diocesan Activities: Apportionment Committee, Community Activities: The Dealey Family Budget Priorities Committee, Dioce-san Council Foundation board member, Chaplain-brother of The Nominating Committee, Co-facilitator with new Clergy Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Fly-fisherman, Colleague Group telemark skier, dad, Eagle Scout Nominated by: Mrs. Betty Mosty, St. Peter’s, Kerrville Diocesan Activities: Trustee for Sewanee: The University of the South (2015-2018), Lay Council Mrs. Meredith Borrego Delegate from Saint Luke’s, San Antonio St. Alban’s, Harlingen Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee Qualifications: Served as a trustee on the St. Alban’s school The Rev. Irv Cutter, Rector for over three years and has St. Luke’s, San Antonio experience working with school Qualifications: Irv has served and church leadership in that as a deputy or alternate deputy capacity multiple times representing Local Church Activities: the Dioceses of Oklahoma St. Alban’s School Board and Texas; he is interested and Treasurer, Alternate delegate active in diocesan, national, and to Council 2018, member of search committee for St. Anglican communion issues. Alban’s rector in 2017 Local Church Activities: Community Activities: Harlingen High School Rector and St. Luke’s School PTSA Vice President of Membership, Ronald board trustee McDonald House of RGV - accountant and volunteer Community Activities: Saint Simeon’s Episcopal Nominated by: Mr. Carter Huber, St. Alban’s, Home, Tulsa, OK, Board of Trustees Member, ‘07-’19, Harlingen Ethics Committee, ‘08-’19 (Chair, ‘13-’15; Secretary, ‘16-’19); Holland Hall Board of Trustees, Tulsa, OK Episcopal college preparatory school, ‘18-’19; Rice University Alumni Volunteers and Admission, Area Team Chaplain, ‘14-’19; Oklahoma Center for Community and Justice Presenter, Youth Interfaith Tour, October ‘10, Trialogue Panel Member, Feb. ‘11 Diocesan Activities: The Diocese of Oklahoma: Standing Committee and Diocesan Council Member ‘09-’12; Commission on Ministry Member, ‘09-’19, Chair, ‘15-’19; Province VII Synod clergy delegate, ‘15; Clergy Conference Chair, Planning and Design Team, ‘14-’17; The Diocese of Texas: East Harris Convocation Dean ‘05-’06; Executive Board, ‘03-’06;

54 TMI Trustees, contd. Mr. Garry Schnelzer Diocesan Schools Commission, ‘05-’06; Diocesan Christ Church, San Antonio Convention (Council) Registration Coordinator, Qualifications: Extensive Supervisors and Tellers Committee; Autry House/ Diocesan experience (retired Episcopal Chaplaincy at Rice University; Board of Diocesan Canon), TMI Trustee Regents Member, ‘01-’05; Community of Hope Faculty as Diocesan staff person Member, ‘99-’02 Local Church Activities: The Episcopal Church & Anglican Communion Past senior warden, Missions Activities: General Convention Alt. Deputy ‘06- Committee treasurer TX, ‘09-OK, ‘18-OK; Gen. Convention Deputy and Community Activities: Deputation Chair ‘12-OK, ‘15-OK; General Board of Community College Committee Examining Chaplains, Reader for the Gen. Ordination member Exams, ‘02-’05; Church Pension Group Member, Diocesan Activities: Retired Lay Canon DWTX, Client Council, a group giving feedback to CPG Diocesan Assistant Treasurer, Diocesan staff support to leadership team, ‘15-’17; The Lambeth Conference TMI Board Secretariat Team Leader, ‘98 and ‘08 Nominated by: The Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, Nominated By: Vestry of St. Luke’s San Antonio Canon Missioner of the Coastal Bend Partners in Ministry and Nominating Committee Co-Chair Mrs. Polly Horany St. Peter’s, Kerrville The Rev. Will Wauters Qualifications: Polly’s Acting Rector; Santa Fe, grandson attended TMI for 4 San Antonio years graduating in 2019; she Qualifications: Served as experienced in a special way Chaplain and Teacher of the strength and grace of the Religion and Ethics at The community that is TMI. Polly Lawrenceville School, a has a passion for Episcopal boarding school in New Jersey. education having observed the Has been on many non-profit life changing values each of her Board of Directors three children developed while attending Episcopal Local Church Activities: schools Diocesan Historical Commission, Spiritual Director of Local Church Activities: Vestry member, Episcopal Cursillo 283, Chair of Episcopal Peace Fellowship Church Women president and currently hospitality Community Activities: Volunteer at Haven chair, St. Peter’s School Board member, cottage shop for Hope for 9 years teaching a class for homeless volunteer, team leader on Altar Guild alcoholics and addicts Diocesan Activities: Council delegate and alternate Diocesan Activities: Formerly on Hispanic (multiple times) Commission, Commission on Ministry, Task Force on Nominated by: The Rev. Bert Baetz, Rector of Small Churches St. Peter’s, Kerrville Nominated by: Self-nominated

Dr. David Ross TMI Trustees Notes: Elect two person, either St. Mark’s, San Antonio clergy or lay, for three-year terms. Elect one Qualifications: Strong additional clergy or layperson to fill a one-year commitment to TMI. David’s unexpired term. daughter was an Alkek scholar; he is grateful for her education and would welcome a chance to 1. give back to TMI. Local Church Activities: 2. Vestry (2018-present), usher, 3. Care committee member (2016-present), Sunday school teacher, 2 medical mission trips Diocesan Activities: Previous Council delegate Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee

55 Deputies and Alternate Deputies to General Convention 2021 and Provincial Synod Elect four clergy and four lay as Deputies; elect four clergy and four lay as Alternate Deputies. All nominees must be confirmed communicants in good standing. Description of duties: As voting representatives of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas attend General Convention and Provincial Synod in Baltimore, Maryland in Summer 2021. The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese. The General Convention also includes Interim Bodies which meet between the triennial sessions to accomplish ongoing work and tasks set in the triennial sessions. (Diocesan Canon 9, Sec. 4) Clergy The Rev. Chris Caddell The Rev. David Chalk Rector; Holy Spirit, Rector; St. Francis, Dripping Springs Canyon Lake Qualifications: As one who Qualifications: Involvement, loves the Episcopal Church and commitment, knowledge, and the Diocese of West Texas, I am experience willing to go and to represent Local Church Activities: the people of the Diocese. Bible Study, Spiritual Direction, Local Church Activities: teacher Rector Community Activities: Community Activities: Host for local food pantry, Supporting my children in shelter, and many Twelve Step school and community activities. programs Diocesan Activities: Discernment Committee; Diocesan Activities: World Missions, Navajoland, Executive Board; Province VII Synod; Trustee of Honduras, SE Mexico, Examining Chaplain, Iona Church Corp; Secretary of the Diocese facilitator/mentor Nominated By: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector Nominated By: The Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, of St. Philip’s, Uvalde, and the Rev. Stephen Carson, Nominating Committee Co-Chair and Canon Rector of St. Francis, Victoria Missioner of the Coastal Bend Partners in Ministry

The Rev. Stephen Carson The Rev. Christopher O. Rector; St. Francis, Victoria Cole; Rector Qualifications: Stephen is a Resurrection, Windcrest strong leader, good listener and Qualifications: Chris has effective communicator. His shown exemplary leadership experience serving as the rector skills, is a true moderate who of St. Francis, Victoria for over understands and can speak to 7 years, his time serving on the various sides of an issue, is a Executive Board and several life long Episcopalian who is other Diocesan committees plus concerned for the future of our his previous business experience church make him a strong candidate for Local Church Activities: Rector this position. Community Activities: Walzem YMCA Board, Local Church Activities: Holy Smokers BBQ Team Chapel Choir of SA Board, Mission Trips to Honduras Head Cook, Trinity Episcopal School volunteer and Mexico, Walzem RD. Revitalization Committee Community Activities: Police Chaplain, Diocesan Activities: Good Samaritan Board (6 Communities of Faith (interreligious clergy group), years), TMI Trustee (2 years), Camp Dean/Chaplain, Pine Street Community Center Board, Victoria County Dean of Central Convocation (3 years), Executive Long Term Recovery Group Executive Board, Bass Board (1 year) guitar player making a joyful noise unto the Lord! Nominated By: Vestry of Resurrection, Windcrest Diocesan Activities: Executive Board, Scholarship Committee, Nominating Committee Chair, Episcopal Schools Committee, Dean of Eastern Convocation Nominated By: The Rev. Chris Caddell, Rector of Holy Spirit, Dripping Springs

56 General Convention, contd. The Rev. James Derkits, The Rev. Irv Cutter, Rector Rector; Trinity, St. Luke’s, San Antonio Port Aransas Qualifications: Irv has served Qualifications: As a life-long as a deputy or alternate deputy Episcopalian and having worked multiple times representing in the Episcopal Church 20 the Dioceses of Oklahoma years, I see the blessings and and Texas; he is interested and challenges of our church, and I active in diocesan, national, and desire to represent our diocese. Anglican communion issues. Local Church Activities: Local Church Activities: Vestry, Community Garden Rector and St. Luke’s School Volunteer, Preacher, Day School Chaplain, other as board trustee needed Community Activities: Saint Simeon’s Episcopal Community Activities: Youth Sports Coach, Rotary Home, Tulsa, OK, Board of Trustees Member, ‘07-’19, Club Member, Monthly Column in Local Paper, Ethics Committee, ‘08-’19 (Chair, ‘13-’15; Secretary, Occasional Musical Performances ‘16-’19); Holland Hall Board of Trustees, Tulsa, Diocesan Activities: Executive Board, Building OK Episcopal college preparatory school, ‘18-’19; Commission, Mustang Island Conference Center Rice University Alumni Volunteers and Admission, Program Committee, Family Camp Chaplain Area Team Chaplain, ‘14-’19; Oklahoma Center for Nominated By: Sue Miles, Sr. Warden of Trinity, Port Community and Justice Presenter, Youth Interfaith Aransas Tour, October ‘10, Trialogue Panel Member, February ‘11 The Rev. Jim W. Friedel Diocesan Activities: The Diocese of Oklahoma: Rector; St. Peter’s, Rockport Standing Committee and Diocesan Council Member Qualifications: Jim is well ‘09-’12; Commission on Ministry Member, ‘09-’19, respected among the clergy in Chair, ‘15-’19; Province VII Synod clergy delegate, the diocese and is a thoughtful ‘15; Clergy Conference Chair, Planning and Design and calming influence in Team, ‘14-’17; The Diocese of Texas: East Harris discussions involving differences Convocation Dean ‘05-’06; Executive Board, ‘03-’06; of opinion which would be Diocesan Schools Commission, ‘05-’06; Diocesan helpful (and essential) in Convention (Council) Registration Coordinator, controversial issues which often Supervisors and Tellers Committee; Autry House/ come before the deputation at Episcopal Chaplaincy at Rice University; Board of General Convention. Regents Member, ‘01-’05; Community of Hope Faculty Local Church Activities: Rector; parish Member, ‘99-’02 administration, liturgy and worship design, preaching, The Episcopal Church & Anglican Communion teaching, pastoral care, communications, and outreach Activities: General Convention Alt. Deputy ‘06- activities TX, ‘09-OK, ‘18-OK; Gen. Convention Deputy and Community Activities: Local ministerial alliance, Deputation Chair ‘12-OK, ‘15-OK; General Board of local Lion’s Club, community outreach activities, post- Examining Chaplains, Reader for the Gen. Ordination hurricane Harvey rebuilding activities, and local public Exams, ‘02-’05; Church Pension Group Member, school support Client Council, a group giving feedback to CPG Diocesan Activities: Diocesan Commission on leadership team, ‘15-’17; The Lambeth Conference Ministry, Examining Chaplains, clergy mentor, Secretariat Team Leader, ‘98 and ‘08 congregational development committee, Cursillo Nominated By: Vestry of St. Luke’s San Antonio spiritual director, Province 7 deputy Nominated By: John Warren and the Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, Diocesan Nominating Committee Co-Chair and Canon Missioner of the Coastal Bend Partners in Ministry

57 General Convention, contd. The Rev. Carrie Guerra The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez Associate Rector Rector; Grace, Cuero Trinity, Victoria Qualifications: I am Qualifications: Carrie interested in and passionate served as a deputy at General about the work of the church Convention in 2012 and 2015. at the national level. Prior Local Church Activities: to ordination I served for Community Activities: many years as a lay delegate Diocesan Activities: Carrie to diocesan conventions. It is has served on multiple Diocesan important to have young women boards such as Executive Board, clergy represented at General Camps and Conferences, and Youth Ministry boards Convention. and currently serves on the Happening Board and as a Local Church Activities: Rector’s duties including Cursillo Spiritual Director. pastoral care for parishioners and their families. Nominated By: The Rev. Bonnie Reeves, Eastern Planning and Celebrating for worship. Christian Partners in Ministry (PIM) formation planning and teaching. Administrative tasks such as bulletin planning. (not an exhausive list) The Rev. Ripp Hardaway Community Activities: Serves on the board for, Rector and volunteers at, the local food bank. Participates in St. John’s, New Braunfels local ecumenical work, including meeting with other Qualifications: Ripp has pastors to discuss local community needs, hosting and served at three prior General leading ecumenical services to raise money for outreach Conventions, is active locally, in programs. Member of Rotary Club. the diocese and on the National Diocesan Activities: I’m fairly new to the Diocese of level and is a good leader West Texas and have not had the opportunity to serve Local Church Activities: much at the diocesan level yet. I was to serve on the Rector Diocesan Nominating Committee this year, but had to Community Activities: decline as I was on maternity leave for most of Fall ‘19. Family Promise, Habitat for Humanity, Ecumenical Nominated By: Self-nominated Ministerial Alliance, Salvation Army, Big Serve of New Braunfels The Rev. Andrew Green Diocesan Activities: Standing Committee, Spiritual Curate/Assistant Rector Director for Cursillo and Happening, Church Planting Holy Spirit, San Antonio Committee, Development Chair for Camps and Qualifications: Familiarity Conferences, Dean at Camp Capers, Chaplain at with General Convention Mustang Island procedures and Constitution & Nominated By: Karen Shumway Canons Local Church Activities: The Rev. Ram Lopez, Youth Ministry, Young Adult Rector; St. George, Ministry, Pastoral Care, Adult San Antonio Formation, Preschool Chaplain, Qualifications: Experience Discernment Group Facilitator as Alternate and Deputy at Community Activities: Navajoland Pilgrimage General Convention 2006, 2020, Coffee & Compline, Bishop’s Golf Tournament 2009. Leadership skills gained Diocesan Activities: Chaplain to the Verger’s Guild, from years of growth-focused Dean of Camp Capers Primary Camp B 2019 parish ministry Nominated By: Self-nominated Local Church Activities: As a member of the laity I served on Bishop’s Committee, was a lay reader and lay Eucharistic minister, taught Christian formation, youth group leadership, college ministry peer minister and in other roles. As a member of clergy I still do most of those things! Community Activities: Pay it Forward Ministries board member, 2017; Pathways to Hope Mental Health Conference panelist; active in recovery community

58 General Convention, contd. The Rev. Cynthia McKenna Diocesan Activities: Elected – Church Corporation Associate Rector Trustee; University of the South – Sewanee Trustee; All Saints, Corpus Christi & Standing Committee; Executive Board; General Psychotherapist Convention Deputy/Alternative Deputy. Appointed – Qualifications: I have been Recovery Commission; Young Adult Ministry; Camps ordained since 1996 and have and Conferences; World Mission; Christian Education. attended General Convention Also served as Camp Capers Dean and Chaplain; twice as a visitor. As a priest, Mustang Island Family Camp chaplain Trainer/ psychotherapist, and spiritual presenter for various Diocesan ministries director, I offer the gifts of deep Nominated By: Diocesan Nominating Committee listening and keen observation. Through my experience in providing pastoral care The Rev. Philip May in a wide variety of situations, and insight gained Associate Rector from community engagement, I hope to bring the Good Shepherd, Corpus perspectives of the Diocese of West Texas to the Christi church-wide deliberation about our role in God’ Qualifications: A careful mission. listener; theologically articulate; Local Church Activities: Parish ministry with a focus a great love of the Episcopal on: pastoral care, community outreach, liturgy planning Church and the Anglican and formation, integrating newcomers into the life of Communion the parish, tending to Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Local Church Activities: All Readers, Acolytes, the intercessory prayer guild and duties of a parish priest; other social media. I am also a spiritual director, a Certified duties as may be assigned Community Activities: Myers Briggs facilitator, and a Certified Disaster Diocesan Activities: Cursillo Secretariat, Examining Chaplain. Chaplains Community Activities: World Aids Day, Nominated By: Diocesan Nominating Committee International Day of the Migrant, Pride Parade, Martin Luther King, Jr. March, Texas Master The Rev. Kendrah Naturalists, American Association of University McDonald, Curate Women. I facilitate a support group for young women St. Alban’s, Harlingen not associated with our parish. Qualifications: Attending Diocesan Activities: I serve on the Congregational Seminary at VTS and interacted Development Commission as well as the Disaster with people from across the response Commission. I have attended Year A of the Episcopal Church and Anglican College for Congregational Development Communion and heard their Nominated By: Vestry of All Saints’, Corpus Christi needs, concerns and successes Local Church Activities: Lay The Rev. Dr. Claudia Reader, Lay Eucharist Minister, Nalven, Rector Outreach Coordinator, Children and Family Ministries St. Andrew’s, Port Isabel Coordinator, Council delegate for five years Qualifications: I care about Community Activities: Backpack Buddies The Episcopal Church, and Coordinator, Reading mentor, Math Tutor, Coached I enjoy engaging with others Soccer, Basketball and Softball around issues of concern. I am Diocesan Activities: Council delegate for five years a good team member, and work Nominated By: Mr. Carter S. Huber well with people of varying perspectives. Local Church Activities: Rector Community Activities: Teaches English as a Second Language, sings in local choir, holds chapel at community day school, on-call at regional hospital. Diocesan Activities: Pre-Council Meeting host, 2019 Nominated By: the Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, Canon Missioner of the Coastal Bend Partners in Ministry and Diocesan Nominating Committee Co- Chair

59 General Convention, contd. Community Activities: Boerne Ministerial Alliance The Rev. Ben Nelson, Rector Diocesan Activities: Currently: Congregational St. Mark’s, San Marcos Development, Church Planting, Central Convocation Qualifications: Ben has Dean. Previously: Standing Committee, Diocesan served as an alternate deputy Secretary, Church Corp Trustee for two consecutive General Nominated By: Vestry of St. Helena’s, Boerne Conventions and is active in the life of The Episcopal Church as Lay a voice for people in recovery. Mrs. Susan Alwais Local Church Activities: St. George, San Antonio Rector, San Marcos Ministry Qualifications: strong Association, Texas State leadership skills; effective as University Ministry, Stewardship consulting ministry leader; understands Community Activities: Hays Caldwell Women’s how church operates Center Capital Campaign board member, Mental Local Church Activities: Health and Addiction Advocate Serving her 2nd year as St. Diocesan Activities: Camp Capers Chaplain, George Senior Warden; Recovery Commission Co-Chair, works with the Former Treasurer; Church Bishops on new clergy orientation, National Church Finance Committee, Lay task force to the opioid epidemic, Alt Deputy, ‘15, ‘18 Eucharistic Minister Coordinator; Lay Reader; Nominated By: Vestry of St. Mark’s, San Marcos Altar Guild; member of St. George School Board; President Daughters of the King; St. George Finance The Rev. Canon Beverly Committee; Council Delegate Patterson, Canon Missioner Community Activities: Life Member of San Coastal Bend Partners in Antonio Livestock Exposition; Member of Ag Science Ministry Committee; Employee Crisis Fund volunteer Qualifications: Willing and Diocesan Activities: Standing Committee member; able to represent our Diocese Diocesan Executive Board 2 terms; Diocesan Finance Local Church Activities: Committee; Diocesan Task Force 2012; Council Currently Canon Missioner 3.5 Delegate; Cursillo Ministry; President, Cuirsillo Servant years, prev Rector 5 yrs prior to Community ordination Christian Education Nominated By: The Rev. Ram Lopez, Rector of St. Director, Sunday School George, San Antonio Teacher, LEH, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, choir, Mother’s Day Out, Episcopal Youth Community sponsor Ms. Wheless Baker Community Activities: Current- Board Member St. John’s, Sonora TriCounty Christian Community Services, prev. Boy Qualifications: I have & Girl Scouts, Jr. League, Rotary Leadership Laguna previously attended General Madre, several community choirs. Convention and truly enjoyed Diocesan Activities: Nominations Committee the experience of getting to 3 terms 1- Co Chair, Ad-Hoc Apportionment learn about and know our Committee, Christian Formation Committee, Senior church on a deeper level. Spirituality Committee, College of Congregational Local Church Activities: Development 1 yr Have served on many vestry Nominated By: Diocesan Nominating Committee boards, Jr. Warden, Godly Play teacher, Lector, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Council The Rev. David Read, Rector Delegate several years, Ugandan Orphan Mission St. Helena’s, Boerne Community Activities: Camp Good Sam Sonora Qualifications: I have Chair, Eaton Hill Nature Preserve Vice-President and attended seven General Dog Rescue Convention and served on the Diocesan Activities: Executive Board, Nominating following legislative committees: Committee, Discernment Committee, General Ministry Structure, Evangelism, Convention 2018 and Dispatch of Business. I Nominated By: Elizabeth Manning would like the opportunity to continue this work. Local Church Activities: Rector

60 General Convention, contd. Dr. Kathy Dittman Mr. Jack D. Beauchamp St. Alban’s, Harlingen Epiphany, Kingsville Qualifications: Strong, Qualifications: Jack loves his faithful and dedicated part of church and has served as both St. Alban’s and DWTX for over Senior and Junior Warden at two decades least 5 times. He has served as Local Church Activities: Council delegate every year for Lay Reader, Past Vestry and at least the past 10 years and School Board Member and frequently since the 1990s. Local Council Delegate, past Local Church Activities: Education for Ministry (EFM) Served on parish vestry as student, Care Portal Coordinator Sr. Warden and Jr. Warden Community Activities: Child abuse prevention numerous times. Served as Lay Reader and Council advocate, Past President of Prevent Child Abuse Texas Delegate. and The Shaken Baby Alliance Community Activities: Kleberg County Pregnancy Diocesan Activities: Delegate to Diocesan Council Resource Center Board of Directors 2013-2018 Nominated by: Carter Huber, St. Alban’s, Harlingen Diocesan Activities: Nominated by: The Rev. Jan Dantone, Rector of Ms. Suzanna Frey Epiphany, Kingsville St. Luke’s, San Antonio Qualifications: Suzanna has Dr. Bill C. Campaigne DVM been a part of this diocese and St. John’s, New Braunfels diocesan proceedings for many Qualifications: years. As a staff member of a Local Church Activities: Vestry, local church she has a vested Junior Warden, Usher, Council interest in health and growth of Delegate, Texas Ramps the greater Episcopal church. `Community Activities: Local Local Church Activities: and world outreach, “Love Diretor of Children & Family Honduras”, Habitat and Ministries, duties include Sunday school supervision, Boarder Ministry seasonal events, and others as needed; small group Diocesan Activities: World member, occasional lay reader Mission Board DWTX, Nails and Prayers Community Activities: Outreach facilitation, such Nominated by: The Rev. Ripp Hardaway, Rector of as Salvation Army Angel Tree and Good Samaritan St. John’s, New Braunfels Community Services donations Diocesan Activities: Diocesan Discernment Mrs. Liz Deitrick Committee member, Christian Formation Committee St. Andrew’s, Port Isabel Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of Qualifications: I have been a St. Philip’s, Uvalde Council delegate in the Diocese of Texas as well as Diocese of Mrs. Lesley Hart West Texas. St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi Local Church Activities: Qualifications: Lesley is Several terms as a vestry a long time member of the member, including Senior Diocese of West Texas, and Warden for two different clergy. would represent the Diocese Was Senior Warden during 2.5 well at General Council year search for a new priest. Local Church Activities: Community Activities: Port Isabel Chamber of Council Delegate, VBS, Youth Commerce Ambassador, taught English as a Second Program Director, Youth Language at church, Cameron County Ministerial Program Volunteer, Sunday Association member School Teacher Diocesan Activities: Active with the World Missions Community Activities: PTA, Booster Club, Hope Department, planned local missions programs for the Village Parent’s Group, Cotillion Alegre, Walk to valley and was a presenter at World Missions meeting Emmaus Nominated by: The Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, Diocesan Activities: Cursillo Canon Missioner of Coast Bend Partners in Ministry Nominated by: Nominating Committee

61 General Convention, contd. Community Activities: Humane Society of Uvalde, Mr. Rodney Hart Flights to Forever Dog Rescue, Bark in the Park, St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi community coordinator for Border Migrant Ministries Qualifications: Rodney is a Diocesan Activities: Current Diocesan Chancellor, wise, consensus builder with former Standing Committee, Executive Board, Trustees many years’ experience serving of Church Corp., Trustee of TMI, Finance Committee clients as an engineer and Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of consultant in estate planning St. Philip’s, Uvalde and banking Local Church Activities: Dr. Elizabeth Manning Elder; Senior and Junior Holy Spirit, Dripping Warden; Lay Reader; Lay Springs Eucharistic Minister; Council Qualifications: Alternate Community Activities: Nueces County Hospital Deputy in 2018, Episcopalian District (15 years); Walk to Emmaus; Youth Coach; 50+ years, DWTX Executive FCA Ministry Leadership; FAC Coach at Roy Miller Board High School, Corpus Christi Local Church Activities: Diocesan Activities: Mustang Island Development Education for Ministry (EFM) Board; Bishop’s Task Force; Cursillo teams and Cursillo graduate; Vestry, served as Rector Jr. and Sr. Warden; Council Nominated by: Mr. John De Montel, St. Mark’s, Delegate; Bible Study; Sophia Circle Women’s Group; Corpus Christi Youth Formation Teacher Community Activities: Lakeway Painters; Master Dr. W. Clark Hendley Gardeners Travis County Neighborhood Assoc, St. John’s, New Braunfels Architectural Review; Helping Hands volunteer Qualifications: Clark is a Diocesan Activities: Discernment Committee; great leader on a local, diocesan Congregational Development committee; Executive and national level. He leads Board; Budget Task Force; Communications at St. John’s, is an Examining Committee; Habitat for Humanity volunteer Chaplain for the diocese, and Nominated by: Curt Mowen reads General Ordination Exams for the church. Ms. Mary Hayden Manning Local Church Activities: Lay St. David’s, San Antonio Eucharistic Minister, Lay reader, Qualifications: Mary Hayden choir and Sunday School teacher is an active leader in the diocese, Community Activities: SOS Food Bank and Family and in her local congregation. Promise Her devotion to the church, Diocesan Activities: Clark has served on the Board passion for church politics, of Examining Chaplains, faculty, Iona school for leadership experience, wisdom ministry, delegate to Council and perspective as a young Nominated by: The Rev. Ripp Hardaway, Rector of professional woman will be of St. John’s, New Braunfels great value in our representation at general convention. Mrs. Kelly Kimble Local Church Activities: Lay staff member, St. Philip’s, Uvalde Stewardship Committee, Capital Campaign leadership Qualifications: Served as team, Youth Minister, Children’s Chapel/ Godly Play deputy to General Convention teacher, Girl’s Small Group Leader, Acolyte Trainer, in ‘09, ‘12, ‘15, and ‘18, VBS Asst. Dir., Haiti Mission trip team leader, domestic and served as Secretary to mission trip leader, Confirmation teacher, Women’s Environmental Committee Bible study leader (2015) and Secretary to Community Activities: Trinity University Women’s Constitutions and Canons Club, Gamma Chi Delta Sorority Alumnae Mentor, (2018) Pub Theology member Local Church Activities: Diocesan Activities: Happening Board Member Current vestry, former Senior Warden, Treasurer, 2019- present, New Beginnings Chair 2016-2018, Finance Committee, Lay Reader, Acolyte, chalice Council Alternate 2019, EYE Adult Sponsor 2014, bearer World Missions Development Committee,

62 General Convention, contd. Senior Warden, leader local Camp Capers teacher, 2016-2019, and Mother discernment committee, Daughter Retreat staff member sabbatical committee, Nominated by: Emily V. Kittrell, diocesan staff leader stewardship committee, vacation bible school, leader Ms. Allie Melancon search committee Christ Church, San Antonio Community Activities: Qualifications: I appreciate current: Habitat for Humanity, and value the traditions of the Good Samaritan Committee Episcopal Church and desire Previous activities: United Way, to share them with a younger Haven for Hope, Catholic generation who are desperately Charities, HEB Tournament of Champions, Home seeking a way to express their Owners Association Board, Valero Texas Open spirituality in a faithful way. Diocesan Activities: Current: Cursillo President, I believe I can bring insights co-chair Habitat Builders of West Texas, BJC volunteer, to our cooperate conversation Standing Committee member about how we might more fully live into this call. Previous Activities: Executive Board member, Local Church Activities: Lay Eucharist Minister, Morningside Ministries, Texas Water Mission, World Lay Reader, World Missions Committee member Mission, Cursillo Lay Rector, Trip leader Honduras Community Activities: Volunteer at neighborhood well drilling, GC Alternate Deputy community garden, building Ecumenical relations Nominated by: The Rev. Canon Beverly Patterson, with conferences, churches and universities; Sidewalk Canon Missioner of the Coastal Bend Partners in Saturday coordinator and volunteer, through CECSA Ministry and Nominating Committee Co-Chair Diocesan Activities: Director of College Missions, Congregational Development Core Team member & Mrs. Dianne Pape committee member, Christian Formation committee St. Mark’s, San Marcos member, College for Congregational Development Qualifications: Dianne has a participant/ planning team strong commitment to her local Nominated by: The Rev. Dr. Mike Marsh, Rector of parish and the Diocese of West St. Philip’s, Uvalde Texas. She has a keen interest in being a voice for the Diocese Mr. Robert B. McDonald of West Texas in the life of the St. Alban’s, Harlingen national church Qualifications: Delegate to Local Church Activities: numerous county, senatorial and Senior Warden, vestry, Lay state political conventions; CPA Eucharistic Minister, Sunday school teacher, Search with 35 years of accounting, committee chair, pre-school founder and board finance and management member, Dioc. Council host chair experience. Community Activities: San Marcos River Fdtn., Local Church Activities: various local charities and service organizations, Vestry, Bishop’s Committee, advocate for addiction and recovery resources Lay Reader, Treasurer, Council Diocesan Activities: Spiritual Retreat in Recovery delegate, Bishop Election delegate, Audit committee Planning Team, Council Delegate and Council Community Activities: youth sports volunteer, Planning Team school volunteer, election judge and volunteer city Nominated by: Vestry of St. Mark’s, San Marcos treasurer Diocesan Activities: n/a Ms. Meredith Rogers Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee St. Mark’s, San Antonio Qualifications: Meredith Mr. Curt Mowen shows great interest in the St. Luke’s, San Antonio governance of the Diocese and Qualifications: Church and business leadership The Episcopal Church, she is experience, collaborative, experience working in always trying to learn more from cross-functional teams, experience leading in difficult those around her. situations. Local Church Activities: Local Church Activities: current: lay reader, Youth Minister, Acolyte director, council delegate; Previous activities: vestry member, lay reader, Lay Eucharistic

63 General Convention, contd. Senior Warden, parish Chancellor, board member and minister, Education for Ministry mentor and Thurifer Chancellor- St. James Episcopal School, parish Cursillo Community Activities: Two-time flag football rep., member and chairman parish mission society, champion in the San Antonio Sports and Social Club board member and chairman Board of Trustees for Diocesan Activities: Past Diocesan Staff (3 years) as Cliff Maus Village Trust, parish endowment board Camp Capers Program Director and Youth Liason; member, parish 150th Community Outreach co-chair, Capers Lifeguard and Ropes Facilitator (6 years), Council delegate and alternate (multiple terms- 2 Teacher at Camp Capers (2 years), Executive Board parishes), lay reader member, Duncan Park Program Committee member, Community Activities: EYE 2020 Registrar Diocesan Activities: Standing Committee, Executive Nominated by: The Rev. Beth Knowlton, Rector of Board (prior and current), Trustee of DWTX Church St. Mark’s, San Antonio Corporation, General Convention alternate deputy- ‘06, ‘09, ‘15, deputy- ‘12; Diocesan focus group ‘12, Mrs. Martha Monier Steves Cursillo Secretariat, multiple Cursillo teams member, St. Mark’s, San Antonio asst. rector, Council balloting and vendor committee Qualifications: Martha is a co-chair, nominating committee, Bishop’s Address lifelong Episcopalian, whose committee, Budget Task Force ‘17-’18 Co-Chair. personal faith and love for Nominated by: The Rev. James W. Friedel, Rector of the whole Church has led St. Peter’s, Rockport her to serve on numerous parish, local nonprofit, and Mrs. Jennifer S. T. Wickham diocesan leadership groups. All Saints’, Corpus Christi She is a discerning, smart, Qualifications: Jennifer is and compassionate person a lifelong Episcopalian and who would represent the Diocese well at General deeply-committed Christian Conventionl. who possesses great love for Local Church Activities: Lay Reader and the liturgies and policy of The Eucharistic Minister, Reception Committee, Delegate Episcopal Church. As an active to Diocesan Council. Former Senior Warden and layperson, Jennifer has explored member of the Vestry, Former Choir member, a lifelong call to ministry, seeking Sunday School Teacher and member of the Finance to be relevant and responsive in Committee a variety of contexts. She currently works as Bishop’s Community Activities: Charity Ball Association Past Deputy for Disaster Recovery, overseeing the diocesan President, Battle of Flowers Association, Junior League response to Hurricane Harvey. In addition, Jennifer is a of San Antonio, Children’s issue Council of United national mentor trainer for Education for Ministry and Way, various Community Boards has served several churches and schools as a Christian Diocesan Activities: Department of Finance, Ad- educator. Prior to her current position, Jennifer was the Hoc Budget Priorities Committee Co-Chair; Former development coordinator for an Episcopal school for member of the Standing Committee, Executive disabled children in Haiti. Board, Congregational Development Committee , Local Church Activities: Education for Ministry Co-Chairman of Bishop Lillibridge’s Consecration, (EFM) mentor, Journey to Adulthood/Rite 13 Threads of Blessing volunteer, memorial “dove wall” volunteer, and various Nominated by: Diocesan Nominating Committee other parish volunteer duties Community Activities: Coastal Bend Disaster Mr. John S. Warren Recovery Group, Corpus Christi Chorale. St. Peter’s, Rockport Diocesan Activities: Disaster Preparedness and Qualifications: John has Response Commission (Chair), Diocesan Discernment served as a lay deputy and Committee, General Convention alternate (2015) and alternate on several occasions. deputy (2018), National Episcopal service includes He is familiar with General being an Education for Ministry Mentor Trainer and Convention format and knows Partner in Response and Resilience for Episcopal Relief the ministries and administrative and Development. structure of the Diocese of West Nominated by: Vestry of All Saints’, Corpus Christi Texas. John stays up to date with essential issues facing the larger General Convention Notes: Elect four clergy and church. four lay as Deputies; elect four clergy and four lay Local Church Activities: Vestry member (3 terms), as Alternate Deputies.

64 Offices to be Filled by Election at Council 2020 Please use the page below to take notes regarding your potential vote and/or to track the results of each ballot.

Executive Board: Elect two clergy and four TMI Trustees: Elect two person, either clergy or laypersons for three-year terms. lay, for three-year terms. Elect one additional clergy or layperson to fill a one-year unexpired Clergy: term. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. Lay: General Convention: Elect four clergy and four 1. lay as Deputies; elect four clergy and four lay as Alternate Deputies. 2. Clergy: 3. 1. 4. 2. Standing Committee: Elect one cleric and one lay 3. person for a three-year terms. 4. Clergy: 5. 1. 6. 7. Lay: 8 . 1.

Church Corporation: Elect one cleric and one lay Lay: person for a three-year terms. 1. Clergy: 2. 1. 3. 4. Lay: 5. 1. 6.

Sewanee Trustees: Elect one lay person for a 7. three-year terms. 8 . Lay: 1.

65 Offices to be Filled by Election at Council 2020 Please use the page below to take notes regarding your potential vote and/or to track the results of each ballot.

Executive Board: Elect two clergy and four TMI Trustees: Elect two person, either clergy or laypersons for three-year terms. lay, for three-year terms. Elect one additional clergy or layperson to fill a one-year unexpired Clergy: term. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. Lay: General Convention: Elect four clergy and four 1. lay as Deputies; elect four clergy and four lay as Alternate Deputies. 2. Clergy: 3. 1. 4. 2. Standing Committee: Elect one cleric and one lay 3. person for a three-year terms. 4. Clergy: 5. 1. 6. 7. Lay: 8 . 1.

Church Corporation: Elect one cleric and one lay Lay: person for a three-year terms. 1. Clergy: 2. 1. 3. 4. Lay: 5. 1. 6.

Sewanee Trustees: Elect one lay person for a 7. three-year terms. 8 . Lay: 1.


67 68 RESOLUTION 2020-1 Creation of the Office of Assistant Bishop and Authority to Appoint an Assistant Bishop

WHEREAS, the Diocese of West Texas has historically operated with two Bishops, the Diocesan Bishop and the Bishop Suffragan, both whom are elected by the Diocesan Council;

WHEREAS, the previous election for Bishop Suffragan was held in 2017 and the Bishop Suffragan has since resigned to accept a position in another Diocese;

WHEREAS, the Bishop and the Standing Committee are in unanimous agreement that another election, at this time, is not in the best interests of the Diocese;

WHEREAS, the Bishop and the Standing Committee are also in unanimous agreement that the best course of action is to appoint an Assistant Bishop; and

WHEREAS, Canon III.12.5 of the Canons of The Episcopal Church sets forth the procedure to create the office of an Assistant Bishop;


1. The Office of the Assistant Bishop is hereby authorized for the Diocese of West Texas in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese and The Episcopal Church; and 2. The Right Reverend David Reed, Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas, may appoint an Assistant Bishop for the Diocese for a period not to exceed three (3) years.

The complete and authorized version of the Constitution and Canons together with the Rules of Order, of The Episcopal Church and the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas are available for reference on the Council website, at council-dwtx.org/resolutions2020. The members of the Diocesan Standing Committee are listed online, at dwtx.org/governing-bodies.

69 Excerpt of a letter sent to Clergy, Churches, and diocesan leadership in December 2019, from the Rt. Rev. David Reed regarding Council Resolution 2020-1:

“The Standing Committee and I will submit a resolution in February 2020 asking the Diocesan Council to create the office of Assistant Bishop, for a period not to exceed three years, and to give me approval to seek and appoint a bishop to that position. If approved, this resolution will permit me to call an already consecrated bishop to serve our diocese in this role; it would not permit me to call and consecrate a priest to serve as bishop.

Allow me to explain three terms, for the sake of clarity. The canons of The Episcopal Church provide for three types of bishops to serve in an assisting role to the diocesan bishop: suffragan, assisting, and assistant.

• A Bishop Suffragan is elected by the clergy and people of a diocese and can be a priest who will be consecrated in order to serve. Their tenure is not determined by the diocesan bishop. Our diocese has elected six suffragan bishops since the mid-1950’s, including the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson, myself in 2006, the Rt. Rev. Robert Hibbs, and three other faithful shepherds of our congregations and clergy.

• An Assisting Bishop is an already consecrated bishop who serves a diocese on an occasional basis at the request of the diocesan bishop, helping with confirmation visits and other duties of the bishop. Typically, they have retired or resigned from the dioceses in which they were previously called to serve. When the Rt. Rev. Jim Folts, former Bishop of West Texas, makes a Sunday visitation at my request, he is acting in this role.

• An Assistant Bishop is an already consecrated bishop called by the diocesan bishop to serve on an ongoing, regular basis with duties delegated to them by the diocesan bishop. They can serve in a full-time or part-time capacity and typically have resigned all previous responsibilities to other dioceses. The Assistant Bishop’s tenure cannot extend beyond the tenure of the diocesan bishop who called him or her.

My hope, and that of the Standing Committee, is that Council will approve our resolution in February 2020, so that the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas may benefit again from the work of two bishops, which has been our practice for over sixty years.

This resolution is not an attempt to circumvent our diocese’s right to elect its bishops, but rather to respond in a faithful, creative, and timely fashion and to provide for needed episcopal ministry.

It is an interim step, taken by Council resolution rather than canonical change, that will not last longer than three years unless Council chooses to renew it.

The Standing Committee and Diocesan Chancellor have been strong and steady leaders during this season, and I am so grateful for their encouragement and guidance.

I give thanks to God for you, the clergy and people of West Texas, and for your prayers, support, and trust."


71 72 2020 DIOCESAN EVENTS LIST AD-HOC COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT MEETINGS DUNCAN PARK YOUTH & FAMILY CAMPS 03/01 Northern - St. Peter’s, Kerrville 06/07 - 06/12 Veteran Family Camp 03/05 Western - St. Philip’s, Uvalde 06/14 - 06/19 Explorers Camp 03/08 Northeastern - St. Mark’s, San Marcos 06/21 - 06/26 Junior High Camp 1 03/23 Valley - St. John’s, McAllen 06/28 - 07/03 Senior Adventure Camp 03/24 Southern - St. Peter's, Rockport 06/28 - 07/03 Senior Backpacking Camp 03/26 Eastern - Grace, Cuero 07/05 - 07/10 Junior High Camp 2 04/02 Central - St. George, San Antonio 07/12 - 07/17 Adult and Advanced Backpacking 07/19 - 07/24 Adult Backpacking SPRING RETREATS, WORKSHOPS, & EVENTS 07/26 - 07/31 DWTX Family Camp 01/2020 Mid-Winter Camps I, II, III 01/25 Navajoland Workshop CAMP CAPERS YOUTH CAMPS 02/07 - 02/09 Father / Son Retreat 05/31 - 06/06 Primary Camp A 02/07 - 02/09 Food for the Soul Retreat 06/07 - 06/13 Senior High Camp A 03/06 - 03/08 Happening #145 06/14 - 06/20 Junior High Camp A 03/12 - 03/15 Cursillo #284 06/21 - 06/27 Intermediate Camp A 03/17 - 03/20 Preachers’ Retreat 07/05 - 07/11 Senior High Camp B 04/03 - 04/05 Nails & Prayers Retreat 07/12 - 07/18 Junior High Camp B 04/17 - 04/19 The Good, the True, & 07/20 - 07/24 Good Samaritan Camp the Beautiful Retreat 07/26 - 08/01 Intermediate Camp B 04/24 - 04/26 Spring Women’s Gathering 08/02 - 08/08 Primary Camp B 04/24 - 04/26 “By His Wounds We Are Healed,” Valley Conference FALL RETREATS, WORKSHOPS, & EVENTS Spiritual Retreat in Recovery #115 05/01 - 05/03 08/07 – 08/09 Happening #146 Bishop’s Valley Golf Classic 05/01 08/20 - 08/24 Book of Nature Retreat 08/29 World Mission Symposium 09/03 - 09/07 Enneagram & Spiritual Practices MUSTANG ISLAND FAMILY CAMPS Retreat 03/12 - 03/15 Spring Break Family Camp 09/11 - 09/13 Mother/Daughter Retreat 05/28 - 05/31 Family Camp Session 1 09/13 - 09/19 College for Congregational 06/04 - 06/07 Family Camp Session 2 Development 06/11 - 06/14 Family Camp Session 3 09/24 - 09/27 Cursillo #285 06/18 - 06/21 Family Camp Session 4 10/02 - 10/04 Spiritual Retreat in Recovery #116 06/25 - 06/28 Family Camp Session 5 10/09 - 10/11 Mother/Son & Father/Daughter 07/02 - 07/05 Family Camp Session 6 Retreat 07/09 - 07/12 Family Camp Session 7 10/16 - 10/17 Fall Women’s Gathering 07/16 - 07/19 Family Camp Session 8 11/06 - 11/08 Art & Soul Retreat 07/23 - 07/26 Family Camp Session 9 11/06 Bishop’s Golf Classic 07/30 - 08/02 Family Camp Session 10 11/12 - 11/15 Cursillo #286 08/06 - 08/09 Family Camp Session 11 11/20 - 11/22 Happening #146 09/04 - 09/07 Labor Day Family Camp


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