Row Labels Sum of Results Reported School 629707 a W Brown

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Row Labels Sum of Results Reported School 629707 a W Brown Row Labels Sum of Results Reported School 629707 A W Brown Leadership Academy 487 Genesis Campus Pre-K Thru 5 190 Quest Campus Kinder Thru 8 297 A+ Academy 136 A+ Academy EL 82 A+ Secondary School 54 Abilene ISD 2300 Abilene HS 166 Atems High School 328 Austin EL-Abilene 112 Bassetti EL 11 Bonham EL-Abilene 59 Bowie EL-Abilene 143 Clack Middle 91 Cooper HS-Abilene 126 Craig Middle 263 Crockett Early Headstart 117 Dyess EL 92 Jackson EL-Abilene 65 Johnston EL-Abilene 69 Lee EL-Abilene 68 Long Early Learning Center 12 Madison Middle 104 Mann Middle-Abilene 177 Martinez EL 77 Ortiz EL-Abilene 82 Reagan EL-Abilene 46 Thomas EL-Abilene 39 Ward EL-Abilene 47 Woodson Center For Excellence 6 Academy Of Dallas 122 Academy Of Dallas 122 Adrian ISD 7 Adrian School 7 Alamo Heights ISD 882 Alamo Heights HS 347 Alamo Heights JH 132 Cambridge EL 126 Howard EL 165 Woodridge EL-San Antonio 112 Alba-Golden ISD 86 Alba-Golden EL 16 Alba-Golden HS 70 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Aldine ISD 1895 Carver HS For Applied Tech/Engineering/Arts 1 Child Nutrition Center-Aldine ISD 1621 Davis HS Aldine 39 Davis Ninth Grade 9 Drew Academy 4 Dunn EL-Houston 3 Francis EL 1 Garcia Middle-Houston 24 Hill EL-Houston 46 Jones EL-Humble 1 Jones Middle-Humble 4 Mead Middle 2 Nimitz HS-Houston 45 Parker EL-Houston (Hardy) 5 Vines Ec/Pk/K 18 Yes Prep-Eisenhower HS 55 Yes Prep-Hoffman Middle 17 Al-Hadi School 390 Al-Hadi School 390 Alice ISD 26 Adams Middle 3 Alice HS 8 Dubose Int 4 Hillcrest EL-Alice 2 Memorial Int 1 Noonan EL 1 Salazar EL 3 Schallert EL 4 Alief ISD 8967 Admin Services 7226 Albright Middle 3 Alief Early College HS 25 Alief ISD Center For Advanced Careers 1 Alief Learning Ctr (6-12) 6 Alief Middle 12 Alief Support Facility 5 Best Elementary 5 Boone EL-Houston 122 Budewig Int 36 Bush EL-9730 Stroud 47 Chancellor EL 12 Collins EL-Houston 48 Cummings EL 79 Elsik HS 70 Hastings HS 105 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Hearne EL-Houston 66 Heflin EL 29 Hicks EL-Houston 9 Holmquist EL 45 Holub Middle 15 Horn EL-Houston 38 Kennedy EL-10200 Huntington 28 Kerr HS 41 Killough Middle 67 Klentzman Int 86 Landis EL 45 Liestman EL 35 Mahanay EL 10 Martin EL-Houston 30 Mata Int 169 Miller Int-Houston 41 Olle Middle 39 Outley EL 41 Owens Int 49 Petrosky EL 19 Rees EL 37 Smith EL-11300 Stancliff 56 Sneed EL 33 Taylor HS-Houston 96 Youens EL 4 Youngblood Int 37 Alpine ISD 445 Alpine EL 229 Alpine HS 125 Alpine Middle 91 Alvin ISD 791 Alvin HS 114 Alvin JH 4 Assets 595 Bill Hasse EL 1 Don Jeter EL 1 E C Mason EL 1 G W Harby JH 1 Hood-Case EL 1 Manvel HS 27 Manvel JH 1 Mark Twain EL-Alvin 1 Meridiana EL 2 Pomona EL 3 R L Stevenson Pri 2 Rodeo Palms JH 2 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Shadow Creek HS 34 Shirley Dill Brothers EL 1 Amarillo ISD 2951 Amarillo ISD 2909 Ascension Academy – AMAISD 2 Crockett Middle-Amarillo 2 Highland Park ISD – Potter 25 River Road ISD - AMAISD 10 St. Andrew’s School – AMAISD 3 Angleton ISD 753 Angleton HS 102 Angleton JHschool 83 Cats Academy-Angleton 381 Central EL-Angleton 11 Frontier EL 16 Northside EL-Angleton 38 Rancho Isabella EL 10 Southside EL-Angleton 20 Westside EL-Angleton 92 Anna ISD 259 Anna Education Center 58 Anna HS 113 Joe K Bryant EL 36 Judith L Harlow EL 32 Sue Evelyn Rattan EL 20 Anthony ISD 1292 Anthony ISD 1283 Anthony Middle-Anthony 8 Raymond Tellas Academy-Daep 1 Argyle ISD 176 Argyle HS 74 Argyle Int 22 Argyle Middle 9 Argyle West 32 Hilltop EL 39 Aristoi Classical Academy 57 Aristoi Classical Academy 57 Arlington Classics Academy 48 Arlington Classics Academy -Intermediate 7 Arlington Classics Academy-Arkansas Campus 10 Arlington Classics Academy-Middle 31 Arlington ISD 1901 JPS School Based Clinic 1703 Martin HS-Arlington 13 Sam Houston HS 171 Seguin HS-Arlington 14 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Arrow Academy 39 Arrow Academy-Harvest Preparatory Academy 34 Arrow Academy-Save Our Streets Center 5 Athens ISD 361 Athens HS 207 Athens Middle 59 Bel Air EL 26 Central Athens 45 South Athens EL 24 Aubrey ISD 843 Aubrey HS 392 Aubrey Middle 105 Hl Brockett 120 Jackie Fuller EL 67 James A Monaco 159 Austin Achieve Public Schools 306 Austin Achieve 106 Austin Achieve HS 14 Austin Achieve Northeast Campus 186 Austin ISD 9304 Akins HS 76 Allison EL 28 Anderson HS 37 Andrews EL-Austin 64 Austin HS-Austin 67 Austin ISD 5538 Bailey Middle 16 Baldwin EL 36 Baranoff EL 47 Barrington EL 5 Barton Hills EL 2 Becker EL 18 Bedichek Middle 37 Blackshear EL-Austin 23 Blanton EL-Austin 9 Blazier EL 101 Boone EL-Austin 2 Bowie HS-Austin 84 Brentwood EL 21 Bryker Woods EL 43 Campbell EL-Austin 26 Casey EL 42 Casis EL 33 Clayton EL 40 Cook EL 68 Covington Middle 72 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Cowan EL 19 Crockett Echs 120 Cunningham EL-Austin 26 Davis EL-Austin 11 Dawson EL-Austin 52 Dobie Middle 10 Dobie Pk Center 9 Eastside Memorial Echs 34 Galindo EL 87 Garcia Ymla 11 Garza Independence HS 20 Gorzycki Middle 17 Govalle EL 17 Graham EL-Austin 17 Guerrero Thompson 172 Gullett EL 10 Harris EL-Austin 49 Hart EL-Austin 21 Highland Park EL-Austin 42 Hill EL-Austin 6 Houston EL-Austin 1 Ihs Austin ISD 1 Jordan EL 46 Joslin EL 25 Kealing M S 19 Kiker EL 23 Kocurek EL 17 Lamar M S-Austin ISD 10 Langford EL 26 Lasa HS 7 LBJ Echs 16 Lee EL-Austin 14 Linder EL 18 Lively Middle 25 Maplewood EL 34 Mathews EL-Austin 28 McBee EL 5 McCallum HS 15 Menchaca EL 26 Mendez Middle 103 Metz EL 36 Mills EL 117 Murchison Middle 21 Navarro Early College HS 35 Norman EL 1 Northeast Early College HS 61 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported O Henry Middle 107 Oak Hill EL 39 Oak Springs EL 7 Odom EL-Austin 61 One Aisd Center 239 Ortega EL 5 Padron EL 18 Palm EL 4 Paredes M S 22 Patton EL 52 Pecan Springs EL 18 Perez EL-Austin 1 Pickle EL 18 Pillow EL 15 Pleasant Hill EL-Austin 4 Reilly EL 30 Ridgetop EL 65 Rodriguez EL-Austin 1 Rosedale 125 Sadler Means Ywla 15 Sims EL 2 Small Middle 66 St. ELmo EL 17 Summitt EL 48 Sunset Valley EL-Austin 14 Travis Early College HS-Austin 47 Travis Hts EL 39 Uphaus Early Childhood Center 16 Walnut Creek EL-Austin 42 Webb M S 53 Widen EL 14 Williams EL-Austin 17 Winn EL 1 Wooldridge EL 25 Wooten EL 21 Zavala EL-Austin 11 Zilker EL 10 Austwell-Tivoli ISD 5 Austwell-Tivoli EL 1 Austwell-Tivoli HS 4 Avalon ISD 30 Avalon School 30 Axtell ISD 53 Axtell HS 49 Axtell Middle School 4 Azle ISD 7 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Walnut Creek EL-Azle 7 Barbers Hill ISD 6 Highpoint 6 Bastrop ISD 453 Bastrop HS 38 Bastrop Int 33 Bastrop Middle 64 Bluebonnet EL-Houston 7 Cedar Creek EL-Cedar Creek 40 Cedar Creek HS 32 Cedar Creek Int 22 Cedar Creek Middle 44 Emile EL 27 Genesis HS 79 Lost Pines EL 15 Mina EL 37 Red Rock EL 15 Bay City ISD 70 Bay City HS 54 Bay City JH 9 Cherry EL 3 Roberts EL-Bay City 2 Tenie Holmes EL 2 Beaumont ISD 1658 Amelia EL 21 Beaumont ISD Early College HS 689 Beaumont United HS 127 Bingman Pk 134 Blanchette EL 18 Caldwood EL 18 Charlton-Pollard EL 50 Curtis EL-Beaumont 44 Dishman EL-Beaumont 6 Dr Mae E Jones-Clark EL 10 Fehl-Price EL 48 Fletcher EL 42 Guess EL 66 Homer Dr EL 6 Lucas Pk 43 M L King Middle 1 Marshall Middle-Beaumont 6 Martin EL-Beaumont 5 Odom Middle 102 Pietzsch/Mac Arthur EL 6 Regina Howell EL 38 Smith Middle-Beaumont 5 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Vincent Middle 41 West Brook Sr HS 132 Belton ISD 1 Southwest EL-Belton 1 Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco ISD 578 Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco EL 132 Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco HS 446 Benavides ISD 349 Benavides EL-Benavides 87 Benavides Secondary 262 Betty M Condra School For Education Innovation 109 The Condra School 109 Big Sandy ISD 70 Big Sandy HS 70 Big Springs Charter School 210 Big Springs Charter School 210 Birdville ISD 404 Birdville HS 404 Bishop CISD 14 Bishop EL-Bishop 14 Bishop Lynch High School 30 Bishop Lynch High School 30 Blanket ISD 92 Blanket School 92 Blooming Grove ISD 422 Blooming Grove EL 136 Blooming Grove HS 284 Blooming Grove JH 2 Blue Ridge ISD 67 Blue Ridge EL-Blue Ridge 40 Blue Ridge HS 27 Bob Hope School 8 Bob Hope School Beaumont 8 Boerne ISD 128 Boerne Alter Sch 128 Bonham ISD 99 Bailey Inglish Early Childhood Center 5 Bonham HS 2 Evans EL 30 Finley-Oates EL 59 Rather L H 3 Borger ISD 576 Borger HS 121 Borger Int 44 Borger Middle 167 Crockett EL-Borger 132 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Gateway EL 62 Paul Belton EL 50 Bowie ISD 18 Bowie HS-Bowie 18 Boys Ranch ISD 920 Blakemore Middle 6 Boys Ranch HS 909 Mimi Farley EL 5 Brackett ISD 55 Brackett HS 22 Brackett JH 5 Jones Elementary/Intermediate School 28 Brazosport ISD 290 Brazos Success Academy 281 Brazosport HS 6 S F Austin EL 3 Breckenridge ISD 5 Breckenridge HS 3 East EL-Breckenridge 1 South EL-Breckenridge 1 Bremond ISD 108 Bremond EL 41 Bremond HS 52 Bremond Middle 15 Brenham ISD 378 Brenham Community Education Building 340 Brenham HS 31 Burton ISD – Brenham ISD 5 Navasota ISD – Brenham ISD 2 Brock ISD 3 Brock EL 3 Brookesmith ISD 44 Brookesmith School 13 Davinci 2 Quest 29 Brooks ISD 1122 Falfurrias EL 257 Falfurrias HS 212 Falfurrias Innovation Academy 57 Falfurrias JH 223 Lasater EL 373 Brownfield ISD 257 Brownfield Education Center 163 Brownfield HS 71 Brownfield Middle 21 Oak Grove EL-Brownfield 2 Row Labels Sum of Results Reported Brownsville ISD 3219 Benavides EL-Brownsville 7 Brownsville ISD 3158 Canales EL 1 Gallegos EL-Brownsville 48 Martin EL-Brownsville 3 Veterans Memorial Early College HS 2 Brownwood ISD 190 Brownwood HS 171 Northwest EL-Brownwood 19 Bryan ISD 20 Anson Jones EL-Bryan 16 Bonham EL-Bryan 1 Jane Long 1 Sam Rayburn 1 The Mary Catherine Harris School-School Of Choice 1 Buckholts ISD 34 Buckholts School 34 Buffalo ISD 118 Buffalo HS
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