City Hall East (213) 978-8100 Tel 200 N. Main Street (213) 978-83!2 Fax Room 800
[email protected] Los Angeles, CA 90012 '\ \ ) / CARMEN A. TRUTANICH City Attorney REPORTNO. __~R_1_'_)_-~0~3~6~Z-- REPORT RE: DRAFT ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 88.00 OF CHAPTER VIII OF THE LOS ANGELES MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD SUBSECTION 83 TO ESTABLISH THE NEW WESTCHESTER PARKING METER ZONE AT A METER RATE OF $1.00 PER HOUR The Honorable City Council of the City of Los Angeles Room 395, City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Council File No. 12-0940 Honorable Members: Pursuant to your request, this Office has prepared and now transmits for your consideration the enclosed draft ordinance, approved as to form and legality. The draft ordinance would amend Section 88.00 of Chapter VIII of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to add the newly created Westchester Parking Meter Zone with an adopted meter rate of $1.00 per hour. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Deputy City Attorney Michael Nagle at (213) 978-8141. He or another member of this Office will be present when you consider this matter to answer any questions you may have. Very truly yours, CARMEN A. TRUTANICH, City Attorney By PEDRO B. ECHEVERRIA Chief Assistant City Attorney PBE:MN:fa Transmittal M:\GENERAL COUNSEL DIVISION\MICHAEL NAGLE\REPORTS TO COUNCIL\Report re ORO. amending LAMC 88,00 to add Subsec,83,Westchester.doc ORDINANCE NO.~--~-~~ An ordinance amending Section 88.00 of Chapter Vlll of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to add Subsection 83 to establish the new Westchester Parking Meter Zone.