Liste des Titres des soutenances de thèses Doctoral Defence Thesis titles list



St. Paul University / Université Saint-Paul (Canada) 1931-2005 Sources: M. Thériault, “Doctoral Dissertations and Master of Arts Theses in Presented to the University of Ottawa (1931-1964) and the Saint Paul University (1966-1987)” Studia Canonica 22 (1988) 431-451 (Eng/Fr intro), and M. Thériault, “Doctoral Dissertations in Canon Law Presented to Saint Paul University (1987-1990)” Studia Canonica 25 (1991) 477- 484 (Eng/Fr intro). Listings for 1991-2005 kindly provided by Beverly Kavanaugh of the canon law faculty offices. The "D" designations are Thériault’s and are not part of the original numbering system; the year indicates year of formal deposit only. Many Canadian dissertations, especially older ones, were published in a variety of formats. Consult Thériault’s articles for more information. Michel Thériault

CARON, Arthur Le droit canonique comparé au droit civil en matière matrimoniale. 1931

SUAVÉ, Gustave La loi ecclésiastique. 1931

TACHÉ, Louis de la Broquerie Disquisitio historico-canonica de ordinatione religiosorum: seu, circa eamdem materiam dissertatio de evolutione legum ecclesiasticarum nec non [sic] et commentarium canonum Codicis juris canonici ad eam pertinentium 1931

GUAY, André Législation ecclésiastique en matière scolaire. 1936

LATRÉMOUILLE, René L’Église et l’exemption des religieux. 1936

MEUNIER, Ovila-A. L’Église et la politique. 1936

BÉLANGER, René La dîme ecclésiastique: dissertation historico-juridique sur la dîme ecclésiastique, particulièrement au Canada. 1939

BERGERON, Désiré La personnalité internationale du Saint-Siège. 1939

2 DOYON, Paul-Émile La personne du ministre ordinaire de la communion 1940

MCGUIGAN, Elliott Meaning and consequences of canon 974 § 1, 2° 1941

DE GUISE, Léo Le promoteur de la justice: son intervention dans les causes matrimoniales 1943

PELOW, Rogers The vicar delegate of mission ordinaries: an historical introduction and canonical commentary 1943

MARC-AURÈLE, Paul Le propre évêque pour l’ordination des séculiers. 1944

SACKETT, Frederick The spiritual director in an ecclesiastical seminary 1945

BEAUDOUIN, J.-Lucien La dissolution du lien matrimonial en droit canonique et en droit civil canadien 1947

FORBES, Eugene The canonical separation of consorts: an historical synopsis and commentary on canons 1128-1132 1947

GUINDON, Bernard Le serment : son histoire, son caractère sacré 1947

HORTON, Thomas The time and place of baptism: an historical synopsis and commentary 1947

LARIVIÈRE, Roger Catholiques et écoles publiques: essai d’interprétation sur le canon 1374 1947

3 CAMPBELL, Joseph The ordinary power of prelates inferior to the to grant 1948

VEGA, Felipe Cejudo El primer Concilio plenario de la América latina 1948

LAFONTAINE, Paul-Henri L’évêque d’ordination des religieux des débuts du monachisme à la mort de Louise le Pieux (840): étude historico- juridique 1948

LESAGE, Germaine L’accession des congrégations à l’état religieux juridique 1948

MCDONALD, Alexander The rights and obligations of the metropolitan as such according to the Code of canon law 1948

MONNET, J.-M.-Alexis Administration des biens en pays de mission. 1948

CHAPUT, Raymond Le vicaire coopérateur : ses pouvoirs dans le droit commun et le droit particulier canadien: sommaire historique et commentaire juridique 1949

DOYLE, Emmett The consultation of experts: an historical outline of the legislation and practice 1949

KINLIN, Peter Canonical and civil status of parishes in Canada (outside of the civil province of Quebec) 1949

MALONE, Basil The function and limited extension of ecclesiastical laws 1949

4 PICKET, Colin The insane and the laws of the Church: an historical synopsis or roman and ecclesiastical law and a canonical commentary 1949

WAY, Edmund Educating to Catholic marriage: an historical development and canonical commentary, with particular reference to Canada 1949

CAREW, William The apostolic delegate 1950

FERLAND, Arman Notion de la peine ecclésiastique 1950

GIROUX, Paul-Émile La forme du mariage dans la province de Québec: étude de droit comparé 1950

MÉNARD, Pierre L’exemption des séminaires de la juridiction paroissiale: étude juridico-historique. 1950

DÉRY, Santès-Marie La norme relative du jeûne dans le droit commun et au Canada. 1952

REGAN, Anselm The law requiring a server at mass: a study of its origin and the development of its interpretation 1952

HINZ, Leo The celebration of marriage in Canada: a comparative study of civil and canon law outside of the province of Québec 1953

KELLY, John The legal status of mission stations: an historical synopsis and canonical commentary 1953

ARBOUR, Guy Le droit canonique particulier au Canada 1954

5 OGLE, Robert The faculties of Canadian military chaplains: a commentary on the faculty sheet of December 1955 and the directives for Holy Week promulgated March 14, 1956 1956

FOUCREAULT, Lucien Oeuvres des religieux et autorité diocésaine 1957

ROBITAILLE, Denis L’érection canonique des paroisses dans la province de Québec 1957

LECLAIRE, Roland La forme canonique ordinaire des mariages interrituels au Canada 1960

ATIENZA MARTÍNEZ, Francisco El De personis en la Dionisiana (excepto el papa y los obispos) 1963

LACERTE, Henry The nature of canon law according to Suárez 1963

DOYLE, Gerald The Catholic hospitals of Canada 1964

SASKI, Joseph Juridical relationship between the lay apostolate and the hierarchy 1966

BOUCHER, André La loi des fabriques du Québec 1968

MARTIN, Bernard Les structures sociales de l’Église au premier siècle 1968

PAGE, Roch Le conseil diocésain de pastorale 1968

6 GAUDIN, Jean-Roch Les rapports entre l’Église et l’État d’après le cardinal Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau 1972

MORRISEY, Francis The juridical status of the in Canada 1972

HÉROUX, Simon Les relations entre l’Église et l’État d’après le cardinal Louis-Nazaire Bégin 1973

JEAN, Marguerite Évolution des communautés religieuses de femmes au Canada, 1639-1973 1974

MEAGHER, Katherine The status of women in the post-conciliar Church 1976

SANSON, Robert A preliminary investigation in marriage nullity trials 1976

BOUCHER, Marie-Alice Rénovation conciliaire du droit des religieux 1977

HUDSON, Edward Marital consummation according to ecclesiastical legislation 1977

FELLHAUER, David The consortium omnis vitae as a juridical element of marriage 1978

MAKOTHAKAT, John The sincerity of mixed-marriage promises according to recent legislation 1978

MONCION, Jean L’incorporation civile des instituts religieux au Canada 1978

7 ZUSY, James Psychic immaturity and marriage nullity 1980

KENYON, Roger A concept of ecclesial law 1981

BARRY, John Ecclesial norms for priestly formation 1982

DOYLE, Denise Religious freedom in Canada 1982

MENDONÇA, Augustine Antisocial personality and nullity of marriage 1982

DION, Marie-Paul La consécration des vierges: implication juridiques. 1983

MALIEKAL, John Celebration of Catholic marriages in India 1983

TOBIN, Joseph The teaching office of the diocesan bishop 1983

BEDOYA, Flavio-Hugo Preparation for marriage as a communion of life and love 1984

MACPHERSON, Ishbel The exercise of authority in apostolic religious institutes of women according to the 1983 revised Code of canon law. 1984

MARTIN, John The religious state according to Suárez 1984

8 MATTHEWS, Kevin The development and future of the administrative tribunal 1984

STOKES, Clifford Interdiocesan tribunals in southern Africa 1984

DE MÛELENAERE, Marc The canonical significance of marital fidelity among the Bantu of South Africa 1985

D’MELLO, James The double religious marriage celebration in India 1985

O’LOUGHLIN, Brian Marriage covenant and consortium totius vitae: Scriptural basis, conciliar teaching, and the revised Code of canon law 1985

BAILLARGEON, Paul The canonical rights and duties of parents in the education of their children 1986

BUSUGUTSALA, Gandayi L’Église et l’État face à la question scolaire au Zaïre de Léopold II à Mobutu Sese Seko, 1885-1985: doctrines sous- jacentes, fondements juridiques et praxis 1986

CONLON, Daniel The moderator of the as manager of diocesan pastoral action 1986

DALY, Brendan Canonical requirements on the part of parents in cases of infant baptism 1986

HANNON, John The college of and the exercise of ecclesial authority 1986

PEARSON, John The reservation and veneration of the Blessed Eucharist 1986

9 FARRELLY, Adrian The diocesan finance council: a historical and canonical study 1987

HACK, Michael Stability of the office of priest in the 1987

LAGGES, Patrick The legislative authority of the conference of bishops: its nature and scope in the 1983 Code of Canon Law 1987

BAUHOFF, Richard Canon 1084 and psychic impotence 1988

FINFINI, Antoine Le statut juridique du catéchiste en territoires de mission: structure et signification du canon 785 du Code de droit canonique de 1983 1988

NEVILLE, Gary The religious superior’s council in the 1983 Code of canon law 1988

PHILLIPS, Marilyn The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart: their patrimony and historico-canonical status 1988

ALLARD, Pierre Le canon 578 et son application à la Société de Marie : le patrimoine de l’institut 1989

CARR, John The of a cleric by the administrative procedure according to the 1983 Code of canon law 1989

DOYLE, Jerald Civil incorporation of ecclesiastical institutions: a canonical perspective 1989

HANNAN, Patricia The apostate of women religious in the particular church since the : juridical relationships with bishops according to the 1983 Code of canon law 1989

10 LAVOIE, Laval L’érection canonique du diocèse de Gaspé et l’oeuvre de Monseigneur François-Xavier Ross 1989

LICARI, Ronald The as a particular church according to the 1983 Code of canon law 1989

MEALEY, Mark The parish pastoral council in the United States of America: applications of canon 536 1989

BLOT, Louis-Gabriel L’Église et le système concordataire en Haïti : étude du de 1860 signé entre le Saint-Siège et la République d’Haïti 1990

COGAN, Patrick The understanding of defection in the 1983 Code of canon law 1990

GAFFNEY, Christopher Priests, religious, and public office in the 1983 Code of canon law 1990

MACDONALD, Helen Hermits: the juridical implications of canon 603 1990

MCKENNA, Kevin The right of confidentiality and diocesan clergy personnel records 1990

WATERS, Ian Australian conciliar legislation prior to the : a comparative study with similar legislation in Great Britain, Ireland, and North America 1990

WIJLENS, Myriam Theology and canon law: the theories of Klaus Mőrsdorf and 1990

WRIGHT, Mary The canonical development of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1991)

11 DARCY, Catherine The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: the canonical development of the proposed governance model 1991

DUNN, Brian The Catholic schools in Newfoundland: an investigation into their nature according to the Code of canon law 1991

FARAJ, Jean La situation juridique de l’Église grecque melkite catholique au Canada 1991

MWAUGULU, Robert The particular legislation of the Catholic Church in Malawi 1991

SAUNDERS, Michael The application of Canon 11 of the Code of canon law to members of the Church of England in regard to nullity of marriage 1991

VOWELL, Thomas The acts of financial administration by diocesan bishops according to the norms of Canon 1277 1991

KASLYN, Robert Canonical Communion: A reading of Canon 209, § 1 1992

MALONE, Anthony The canonical and pastoral implications of Canon 1148 1992

ROSS, David Diocesan synods: the application of the law in three in the United States of America 1992

AUBAIN, Jean-René La rémunération des prêtres diocésains avec application en Haïti 1993

BARR, Diane The right to one’s reputation: applicable legislation in the United States of America 1993

12 BAIR, Melanie Fusion and union of institutes of in light of the Code of canon law 1993

BRIA, Benyamin The development of mixed marriage legislation through missionary law 1993

DOGRA, Jacob The lay faithful within the juridical structures of the Catholic Church in Pakistan 1993

O’DEA, Michael The effects of histrionic personality disorder on marriage consent 1993

SANGAL, Nira The canonical effects of incest on matrimonial consent 1993

SCHMIDT, Kenneth Educatio prolis as an essential element of marriage 1993)

STAMP, Douglas The alienation of temporal goods in clerical religious institutes 1993

THOMAS, Paul Exclaustration in the Code of canon law 1993

CONNELL, James Invalidation and incapacitating laws in the Code of canon law 1994

D’SOUZA, Victor The juridic condition and status of minors according to the Code of canon law 1994

MACARANAS, Rafael Active lay participation in the life and mission of the church according to the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines 1994

13 MICHALAK, Paul Le secrétaire général dans les instituts religieux: sa mission - son institution - son statut juridique 1994

NGUNDU, Mich Les implications de la pauvreté religieuse et de la saine administration des biens temporels chez les missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée avec application à la province du Zaïre 1994

Patrick Connolly, The nature of marriage as proposed in the Codex iuris canonici and in the Codex canonum Ecclesiarum orientalum 1995

DOIRON, Michael An historico-juridical consideration of the Jesuit fourth vow: special obedience to the pope with regard to missions 1995

DUNN, Beverly Sponsorship of Catholic institutions, particularly healthcare institutions, by the Sisters of Providence in the Western United States 1995

GALLAGHER, Marjory The common life: an element of apostolic religious institutes of women 1995

WIKEEM, Susan Contemporary lay associate program in Canada: origins, canonical considerations and practical aspects 1995

ZORZI, Daniel Towards altering canonical status: a case for Catholic universities and colleges in Canada 1995

LON, Yohannes The right of association and its application to secular priests 1996

MALVAUX, Benoît Les relations entre évêques diocésains et instituts religieux cléricaux du droit pontifical: réflexions à la lumière du Synode sur la vie consacrée 1996

14 MEDINA BALAM, Mario The obligation to observe the constitutions and of church authorities: an analysis of Canon 754 1996

BLANGIARDI, Jeffrey The general congregation as an instrument of governance in the 1997

BOURGON, Robert The presiding judge: present legislation and future possibilities for marriage nullity cases 1997

CASSIDY, Thomas Districts and district superiors within the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1997

HARRINGTON, Rachel The applicability of the principle of subsidiarity according to the Code of canon law 1997

KOWAL, Wojciech Understanding ecclesiastical laws: Canon 17 in the light of contemporary hermeneutics. 1997

DORAN, John Just autonomy and episcopal authority from the Second Vatican Council to the Ninth Ordinary Synod of Bishops 1998

KUZIONA, John The nature and application of juridical acts according to Canon 124 of the Code of canon law 1998

MCGOWAN, Michael The canonical status of Catholic health care facilities in the Province of New Brunswick in the light of recent provincial government legislation 1998

EZENWA, Anne-Marie Ecclesial and Nigerian legal perspectives on employment of workers: application of Canon 1286, 1o 1999

KABASU BAMBA, Jacques Diacres permanents ou catéchistes au Congo-Kinshasa? 1999

15 LUNA BARRERA, Luis Los consejos evangélicos en las sociedades de vida apostólica. 1999

MORRIS, Patrick Alcoholism and marital consent 1999

O’SULLIVAN, Anthony The pastoral care of immigrants applied to the Archdiocese of Wellington with particular reference to the Samoan and Maori Communities. 1999

SWEENY, Edward The obligations and rights of the pastor of a parish according to the Code of canon law 1999

UTEMBI TAPA, Marcel Baptême des enfants et responsabilité de la communauté paroissiale 1999

WAMALA, Joseph The assessment and perspectives of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops 1999

WATERS, Bernard The canonical status of diocesan and parish schools in New Zealand, with particular reference to the Diocese of Auckland, in the light of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 1999

BAINOMUGISHA, Lambert The role of the lay Christian faithful in the mission of the Church in Mbarara Archdiocese (Uganda) in light of its first synod 2000

CASEY, Maria The approval of new forms of consecrated life in the light of Canon 605 2000

KODACKAL, Berchmans The validity of inter-Church marriages in India – a comparative study of the Latin and the Oriental legislation 2000

16 MAMINIMINI, Helen Maturity and its assessment for admission of candidates to religious life with particular reference to institutes in Zimbabwe 2000

SHERBA, Girard Canon 1096 on ignorance: application to tribunal and pastoral practice 2000

SMITH, Patricia The integral reordering of law with application to 2000

BROWN, Warren The unification of provinces in a with particular reference to the situation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the United States 2001

GONSORCIK, Patsy The canonical status of separately incorporated healthcare apostolates in the United States: current status and future possibilities for the public and private juridic person 2001

NAGY, László Transfer of ascription in a church with particular application to the Archdiocese of Alba-Julia, Romania 2001

DOHERTY, John The withdrawal of assisted nutrition and hydration and the canonical offence of homicide 2002

LIMBOURN, Brian The sacrament of reconciliation and general absolution 2002

LYONS, Mary Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland): analysis of the governance structures 2002

POLL, Margaret Sharbel The reparation of harm: a canonical analysis of Canon 128 with reference to its common law parallels 2002

17 ADOPPILLIL, Thomas The rights and obligations of the pastor of a parish according to the Code of canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church 2003

GALLES, Duane Res pretiosa as the Church’s cultural property: the origin and development of ecclesiastical legislation 2003

KABONGO LUKUNDA, Bertrand Statut canonique de l’école catholique au Congo-Zaïre à la lumière du canon 803 2003

KEREKES, László Ecclesiastical law and ethnic minorities with particular reference to Hungarian minorities in East-Central Europe 2003

MENEZES, Valerian The executive power of the diocesan bishop according to the 1983 Code of canon law 2003

PERKINS-ASSELIN, Anne L’Articulation des ministères ordonnés et des ministères non ordonnés dans le gouvernement du diocèse 2003

KALLIKKATTUKUDY, Joy Fraud and nullity of marriage in Canon Law and Indian Civil Law: a comparative analysis 2004

KIBANDA MAVITA, Jean-Robert La prise de possession canonique et l’exercice de l’office de l’évêque diocésain. Étude du canon 382 § 1 et de ses incidences juridiques 2004

KIFFMAN, Robert The implementation of canon law in Ontario regarding decent support for retired diocesan clergy 2004

OONNOONNY, George Pastoral care of Eastern Catholic faithful residing outside their historical territory with particular reference to the United States and Canada 2004

18 DELANEY, Elizabeth Canonical implications of the response of the Catholic Church in Australia to child sexual abuse 2004

DIKOŠ, Peter The status of the canonical form of marriage in Papua New Guinea: A comparative study of the customary, statutory and canonical celebration of marriage 2005

SALAMAH, Youhanna Séparation et divorce selon l’enseignement de Bar Hebraeus et l’implication œcuménique 2005

SIGNIÉ, Jean-Marie L’administration des biens temporels de la paroisse d’après le code de droit canonique de 1983: application à l’Église du Cameroun 2005

COTTER, Elizabeth The General Chapter in a Religious Institute, With Particular Reference to IBVM, Loreto Branch 2006

OGBENNA, Jude The Application of Canon 702§ 2 on Equity and Evangelical Charity towards a Member Separated from a Religious Institute with Particular Reference to the Nigerian Context 2006

VASKO, Christopher Premarital Cohabitation and its Effect on Marital Consent: Canonical Considerations and Pastoral Preparation for Marriage 2006

ANYANWU, Chinenye Celestine The Relationship between Universal Law and Particular Law: A Critical Analysis of the Particular Complementary Norms of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria. (CBCN) 2007

BOULANGER, Guy La paroisse communauté eucharistique et les réaménagements paroissiaux 2007

GROB, Jeffrey A Major Revision of the Discipline of Exorcism: A Comparative Study of the Liturgical Laws in the 1614 and 1998 Rites of Exorcism 2007

KEELER, Roger The pastoral office of priests and developing relations with the canonical institute of incardination 2007

19 KINGHAM, Andrew The Norms for Judging Alleged Apparitions and Private Revelations 2007

ZUBACZ, Gregory J. The Sacramental Seal of Confession from the Canadian Common Law Perspective 2007

DIRAVIAM, John Judicial Penal Procedure for the Dismissal of a Diocesan Priest from the Clerical State 2008

HERRING, James The Application of the Requirement for the Mandatum of to American Catholic Universities Sponsored by Religious Institutes: A Case Study of St. Norbert College 2008

LECLAIR, Douglas The Deacon’s Participation in the tria munera in the Latin and Ukrainian Churches: A Historical-Canonical Analysis 2008

MELNYK, Roman A. Legates of the Roman Pontiff – Permanent Observers of the Missions at the United Nations 2008

PAYYAPPILLY, Sebastian Mixed Marriage in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church 2008

RYAN, Robert The 2004 Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum on Abuses in the Celebration of the Eucharist: Background, Analysis, Reception and Interpretation 2008

DORISMOND, Lourdy dit Kesner Le directoire pour la gestion des biens temporels dans les instituts religieux (c. 635 : 2) avec application particulière aux missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée 2009

MARATTIL, Jose Reverential fear as a ground of marriage nullity with particular reference to the Indian culture 2009

HACHEM, Talal La situation juridique de l’Église Maronite au Canada 2009

TIDJANI, Danialou Serge La formation des prêtres diocésains au Bénin à la lumière de la législation canonique actuelle 2009

ANTHONY, David Kumar Pastoral care of refugees according to the teaching of the Catholic Church with particular reference to the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu, India 2010


GLENDINNING, Chad "" and the use of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite: A canonical analysis in light of the current liturgical law 2010

MUAMBA KALALA, André Le droit du clerc à la rémunération selon le c. 281, [paragr.] 1 du cic /83 et son application aux prêtres en paroisses au Congo-Kinshasa 2010

OMOROGBE, Edwin Nosakhare The power of the diocesan bishop with regard to the administration of ecclesiastical goods of public juridic persons subject to him an analysis of canon 1276, [section] 2 2010

CONNORS, Kelly Dimensions of the Office of Major Superior with Particular Reference to Women’s Institutes of Consecrated Life in the United States 2011

LYIMO, Prosper Baltazar Polygamy in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Munus Docendi: Canonical Structures in Support of Church Doctrine and Evangelization. 2011

OUÉDRAOGO, Roger Mariages dispars : propositions canoniques et pastorales pour une législation particulière au Burkina Faso 2011

RASAMIMANANA, Gilbert Augustin L’indissolubilité du mariage et ses impacts dans le contexte Malagasy, en particulier chez les Betsimisaraka (c. 1056) 2011

CHANGANKARY, Matthew Finance Officer in the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church 2012

OKOSUN, John E. The Collaborative Role of the Presbyteral Council in the Governance of a Diocese 2012

ACOTCHOU, Gisèle Les relations canoniques des évêques diocésains et des instituts religieux de droit diocésain : La juste autonomie (cc. 576 et 586) avec une application particulière à l’Église du Bénin 2013

21 CREURER, Philip A. Parent-Founded Schools for the Catholic Education of Children: Considerations for Canonical Recognition in the North American Context 2013

GIEGBEFUMWEN, Stella Ehizomwengie The Role of the Constitution of a Religious Institute in Ordering the Relationship Between the Institute and the Diocesan Bishop with Particular Reference to Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart 2014

RASAIAN, Lawrence The Collaboration between the Parochus and the Parish Finance Council in the Protection of Parish Property: Practical Reflection on the Relation between Canons 532 and 537 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law 2014

BATIONO, Emmanuel La justice et l’équité à observer dans la division des personnes juridiques publiques, en particulier des diocèses et des paroisses (c. 122) 2015

IKESSI DIELE, Sylvain Le droit de propriété de l’Église catholique et de ses institutions du Congo-Brazzaville 2015

DANIEL, William A Proposed Revision of the Canonical Norms Governing the Procedure for the Formation of Singular Administrative Acts

LABRÈCHE, Chantal Le développement du droit canonique particulier au Canada depuis le Concile Vatican II 2015

MORRISON, Laura The Denial of Holy Communion Due to Obstinate Perseverance in Manifest Grave Sin : The Applications of c. 915 in the American Context 2015

NTAMBWE KASONGO Paul Venance Les normes canoniques sur les moyens d’éviter les litiges et leur application dans le contexte culturel du Congo- Kinshasa 2015 ? ou 2016?