PN5544 C92 1989.Pdf
UG TilE UNIVERSI1Y OF QUEENSLAND UBRARIES LIBRARY · : UNDERGRADUATE . 4F19B8 · I! lJ6ll J!!6� tlliJ IJ - -- --- -- -- --- ---- - ...-- -----· �-------- -- �· ,.. , ; · - �· THE PRESS IN COLONIAL QUEENSLAND A SOCIAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY 1845-1875 Denis Cryle University of Queensland Press \ ' 100 r • I I , , ' � trCt�lr:'\ t.. I First published 1989 by University of Queensland Press, Box 42, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia © Denis Cryle 1989 This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher. The typeset text for this book was supplied by the author and has not been copyedited by the publisher. Printed in Australia by The Australian Print Group, Maryborough, Victoria Distributed in the USA and Canada by International Specialized Book Services, Inc., 5602 N.E. Hassalo Street, Portland, Oregon 97213-3640 Cataloguing in Publication Data National Library of Australia Cryle, Denis, 1949- . The press in colonial Queensland. Bibliography. Includes index. 1. Australian newspapers - Queensland - History - 19th century. 2. Press and politics - Queensland·_ History - 19th century. 3. Queensland - Social conditions - 1824-1900. I. Title. 079'.943 ISBN 0 7022 2181 3 Contents . Acknowledgments Vl List of T abies vii List of Maps vzzz . List of Illustrations lX Introduction: Redefining the Colonial Newspaper 1 Chapter 1 Press and Police:
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