EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President: Terry Abbott Vice President: Jeff Kelly Secretary: Bruce Bilton Treasurer: Ed Roberts Executive Officer : John Brakeman Chief Instructor: Debbie Keehart ******************** Range Manager: Bill Lagusis Administrative Assistants: Cheryl Mauler Alicia DeCou Financial Manager: Ellen Catena Spring 2017 Historians: The Bob Shell ******************** Ricochet Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club, Inc. 3960 N. Usery Pass Road Mesa, Arizona 85207-9702 Phone: 480-984-3724 480-984-9610 Fax: 480-986-1592 E-MAIL
[email protected] WEB www.RSSCaz.com Attention High School Curtis Hughes, Webmaster ******************** Seniors! The range is closed on New Years Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiv- ing Day, and Christmas Day each Essay year. “What the Second Amendment Means to me” MARCH, APRIL, MAY Attention High School Seniors! Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club will be offering a $2,000 scholarship for the school year 2017-2018. If you are interested in more information and/or the application form, it is available online on the BOD page at RSSCaz.com or click here You must be a competitive shooter, write an essay, and participate in a service project for our Range. “What the Second Amendment Means to me” Deadline is Thursday, March 31, 2017 MARCH, APRIL, MAY Welcome to Cowboy Fast Draw with the Rio Salado Vaquero’s ! Well with the new moons starting and all the gunslingers mak’in plans which trail they want to take which camp fires they want to visit and tell stories. I would like to put an end to last year and how Rio Shooter’s fin- ished up. The last Ricochet told of the last gunfight we had at the Rio Corral with 35 gunfighters shoot’in out to see who was going to end up on top and the others in Boot Hill.