Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names

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Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names M. = kaolinite + illite ?, Robertson 23 (1954). M 40 = kapustinite, EJM 21, 1071 (2009). maacle = twinned diamond, Thrush 666 (1968). maakite = hydrohalite, MM 30, 738 (1955). maansteen = orthoclase or Ca-rich albite or gypsum, Council for Geoscience 770 (1996). macallisterite = mcallisterite, AM 50, 629 (1965). MacAllisterite = mcallisterite, AM Index 41-50, 191 (1968). macasanite = obsidian (lava), MM 43, 1063 (1980). macconnellite = mcconnellite, Fleischer 71 (1975). MacConnellite = mcconnellite, de Fourestier 38 (1994). MacFallite = macfallite, MM 48, 577 (1984). macfarlanite = silver + nickeline + galena + sphalerite + chalcopyrite, Dana 7th I, 98 (1944). MacGillite = mcgillite, de Fourestier 203 (1999). MacGovernit = mcgovernite, Hey 503 (1962). macgovernite = mcgovernite, MM 21, 570 (1928). machiavecchia = compact calcite (marble), O'Donoghue 367 (2006). MacIntoshit = U-(OH)-rich thorite, Clark 413 (1993). mackelveyite = mckelveyite-(Y), MM 36, 1153 (1968). MacKelveyite = mckelveyite-(Y), de Fourestier 38 (1994). Mackensit = Fe3+-rich chamosite, AM 4, 61 (1919). mackinavite = mackinawite, Chudoba EIV, 65 (1974). mackinstryite = mckinstryite, AM 52, 1253 (1967). MacKinstryite = mckinstryite, Kostov & Minčeva-Stefanova 207 (1981). mackintoshite = U-(OH)-rich thorite, AM 38, 1007 (1953). MacKintintoshite = U-(OH)-rich thorite, de Fourestier 38 (1994). Mackit = hanksite, Strunz 548 (1970). macle = twinned cross-formed andalusite, Haüy II, 365 (1822). macle basaltique = twinned cross-formed andalusite, Dana 6th, 496 (1892). macle en coeur = twinned gypsum, Chudoba RI, 39 (1939); [I.3,4281]. macle hyalin = andalusite, Dana 6th, 496 (1892). maclureite (Nuttall) = augite, Dana 6th, 352 (1892). maclureïte (Seybert) = chondrodite, Dana 6th, 535 (1892). maclurite (Nuttall) = augite, Clark 414 (1993). maclurite (Seybert) = chondrodite, Frondel 65 (1972). Macnocalit = dolomite + calcite, Kipfer 111 (1974). maconite = hydrobiotite, Dana 6th, 667 (1892). macrokaolinite = kaolinite + illite + montmorillonite (rock), AM 58, 1115 (1973). macrolepidolite = trilithionite or polylithionite, MM 13, 371 (1903). macroperthite = orthoclase + albite, Allaby & Allaby 277 (1990). macrotypous Kouphone Spar = lévyne, Egleston 189 (1892). macrotypous Lime Haloid = dolomite, Egleston 107 (1892). macrotypous Parachrose-Baryte = rhodochrosite, Egleston 290 (1892). macskaarany = mica, László 165 (1995). macskaezüst = mica, László 165 (1995). macskaszem = chatoyant chrysoberyl or quartz or cordierite or diopside or tourmaline, László 165 (1995). macturita = chondrodite or pyroxene, de Fourestier 203 (1999). macuaba = actinolite or jadeite, Egleston 14 (1892). macusanite = natural glass (Si-Al-Na-K-F-O), AM 84, 947 (1999). macusani üveg = natural glass (Si-Al-Na-K-F-O), László 165 (1995). Madagascar aquamarine = blue beryl, Webster & Jobbins 67 (1998). Madagascar citrine = yellow topaz, Bukanov 81 (2006). Madagascar topaz = heated yellow gem Fe-rich quartz, Thrush 211 (1968). Madagascar moonstone = Ca-rich albite, Schumann 166 (1997). Madagascar schorl = pink elbaite, Bukanov 84 (2006). Madagaskar-Mondstein = Ca-rich albite, Kipfer 111 (1974). madamait = diaspore, Chudoba EII, 949 (1960). madárszemkvarc = multicolored quartz, László 153 (1995). Maddrell's salt = synthetic Na3[P3O9], AM 65, 982 (1980). Madeiracitrin = red-brown Fe3+-rich quartz, Haditsch & Maus 122 (1974). Madeirastein = red-brown Fe3+-rich quartz, Haditsch & Maus 122 (1974). Madeira stone = red-brown Fe3+-rich quartz, Bukanov 123 (2006). Madeiratopas = red-brown Fe3+-rich quartz, Strunz 548 (1970). Madeira topaz = red-brown Fe3+-rich quartz, AM 12, 387 (1927). Madenkies = calcite, Haditsch & Maus 122 (1974). madera de montaña = sepiolite or palygorskite or fibrous actinolite or chrysotile, Novitzky 274 (1951). madera petrifica = opal-CT, de Fourestier 203 (1999). madhyamarastraka = diamond, O'Donoghue 73 (2006). madisonite = synthetic Ca2Mg2[(Al2Si3)O13] ? (slag), MM 23, 633 (1934). Madisonsit = synthetic Ca2Mg2[(Al2Si3)O13] ? (slag), Aballain et al. 210 (1968). madocite (Meunier) = iron (meteorite), Horváth 278 (2003). madosiet = madocite, Council for Geoscience 767 (1996). madre di Esmeralda = actinolite or jadeite, Egleston 14 (1892). madreporeite = compact calcite (shells, marble), Egleston 64 (1892). madreporic marble = compact calcite (shells), Dana 6th, 267 (1892). madréporite = compact calcite (shells, marble), Egleston 196 (1892). Madreporstein = compact calcite (shells, marble), Egleston 64 (1892). maeaite = omphacite, Bukanov 270 (2006). maekinenite = mäkinenite, Nickel & Nichols 247 (1991). Maenakan = pseudorutile, Clark 414 (1993). mafic family = Mg-Fe-minerals, MM 20, 460 (1925). mafite family = Mg-Fe-minerals, MM 31, 966 (1958). mafkat = turquoise, Bukanov 156 (2006). Mafurit = unknown, Chudoba EII, 755 (1959). magabasita = hübnerite, Domeyko II, 92 (1897). Magadait = magadiite, Chudoba EIV, 51 (1974). magallanita = bitumen, AM 23, 293 (1938). Magalux = synthetic gem spinel (Mg,Al)Al2O4, MM 39, 910 (1974). maganese chalcanthite = jôkokuite, Clark 434 (1993). maganese-sicklerite = sicklerite, Clark 428 (1993). maganfayalite = Mn-rich fayalite, AM 24, 659 (1939). maganite = manganite, Clark 427 (1993). maganknebelite = Fe-rich tephroite, AM 24, 659 (1939). maganthophyllite = anthophyllite, AM 63, 1051 (1978); MM 61, 309 (1997). maganthrophyllite = anthophyllite, Clark 414 (1993). magantofillit = anthophyllite, László 166 (1995). magarfvedsonite = magnesio-arfvedsonite, MM 35, 1143 (1966). magasbassanit = high-temperature 2Ca(SO4)·H2O ?, László 166 (1995). magascristobalit = high-temperature SiO2, László 166 (1995). magaskvarc = high-temperature SiO2, László 166 (1995). magasschapbachit = high-temperature AgBiS2, László 166 (1995). magastridimit = high-temperature SiO2, László 166 (1995). magaugite = Fe2+-rich diopside (Mg-rich augite), MM 27, 271 (1946). magbassite = magbasite, MM 35, 1143 (1966). magbaszit = magbasite, László 166 (1995). magerer Nephrit = zoisite or epidote + albite, Haditsch & Maus 122 (1974). Magerkohle = semianthracite (coal), Doelter IV.3; 575, 600 (1930). Magesioferrit = magnesioferrite, Clark 415 (1993). magferalsilite = majorite, AM 52, 932 (1967). maggenite = maghemite, Clark 415 (1993). maggot-ore = hemimorphite, de Fourestier 204 (1999). maghaemite = maghemite, MM 31, 966 (1958). maghagendorfite-Na• = NaMgMnFe2(PO4)3, MM 43, 230 (1979). maghastingsite = magnesiohastingsite, MM 35, 1143 (1966). maghemite (Walker) = ilmenite + hematite + goethite, Dana 7th I, 708 (1944). maghemo-magnetite = magnetite ± maghemite, MM 36, 1154 (1968). magic Arab diamond = corundum, László 96 (1995). magic cross = twinned cross-formed staurolite, Bukanov 217 (2006). magic rainbow diamond = synthetic rutile, Bukanov 212 (2006). magic stone = opal-A or staurolite or obsidian, Bukanov 151, 217, 308 (2006). mágikus arabgyémánt = corundum, László 96 (1995). magistrettiite-(Y) = U-free mckelveyite-(Y)-2M, LAP 32(9), 47 (2007). Magnalit = montmorillonite + saponite, AM 8, 188 (1923). Magnalumoid = Fe-rich spinel, MM 30, 739 (1955). magnalumoxide = Fe-rich spinel, AM 39, 405 (1954). Magnalumoxyd = Fe-rich spinel, Chudoba EII; 228, 583 (1958). magnatis = magnetite, Bukanov 75 (2006). magnatite = magnetite, AM 44, 543 (1959). magneetkies = pyrrhotite, Zirlin 96 (1981). Magneferrit = magnesioferrite, Dana 6th, 226 (1892). magnélite = zoisite or epidote + albite, Clark 415 (1993). magnélithe = zoisite or epidote + albite, Egleston 301 (1892). magnes = magnetite, Dana 6th, 224 (1892). magnesferrite = magnesioferrite, Clark 417 (1993). magnesia, native (Thomson) = magnesite, Egleston 197 (1892). Magnesia (Wallerius) = pyrolusite, Dana 6th, 243 (1892). Magnesiaalaun = pickeringite, Doelter IV.2, 523 (1927). magnesia alba = hydromagnesite, Dana 6th, 304 (1892). magnesia alum = pickeringite, Dana 6th, 953 (1892). magnesia-alumina garnet = pyrope, Egleston 133 (1892). magnesia-arfvedsonite = magnesio-arfvedsonite, AM 63, 1051 (1978). magnesia-blythite = Mn-rich pyrope, MM 21, 570 (1928). magnesia borate = boracite, Egleston 196 (1892). magnesia carbonate = magnesite, Egleston 196 (1892). magnesia carbonica = hydromagnesite, Linck I.3, 3516 (1929). magnesia chalcanthite = Mg-rich chalcanthite, Clark 415 (1993). Magnesiachalkanthit = Mg-rich chalcanthite, Chudoba EII, 755 (1959). magnesia chloride = carnallite or chloromagnesite (bischofite ?) or tachyhydrite, Egleston 69, 81, 336 (1892). magnesia clorurada = bischofite, de Fourestier 204 (1999). magnesia-cordierite = cordierite, MM 24, 616 (1937). Magnesia der Glasmacher = romanèchite, Linck I.3, 3606 (1929). Magnesia-Eisen-Glimmer = biotite, Hintze II, 539 (1891). Magnesiaeisentongranat = pyrope, Doelter IV.3, 1142 (1931); [II.2,602]. magnesia fluophosphate = wagnerite, Egleston 196 (1892). magnesia fluosilicate = chondrodite, Egleston 196 (1892). magnesia friabilis terriformis = wad (pyrolusite ± manganite ± romanèchite ± cryptomelane), Dana 6th, 257 (1892). magnesia fuliginosa = manganite or pyrolusite, de Fourestier 204 (1999). magnesia garnet = pyrope, Egleston 133 (1892). Magnesiaglimmer = phlogopite, Hintze II, 524 (1891). magnesia-goslarite = Mg-rich goslarite, AM 23, 175 (1938). magnesia-gralmandite = Mg-Fe2+-rich grossular or Ca-rich almandine, MM 25, 636 (1940). magnesia hornblende = tremolite, Bukanov 252 (2006). Magnesia-Hydrat = brucite, Dana 6th, 252 (1892). magnesia hydrocarbonate = hydromagnesite, Egleston 160 (1892). magnesia hydrocarbonica = hydromagnesite, Linck I.3, 3516 (1929). magnesia idocrase = vesuvianite,
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