Book of Abstracts: 36Th International Symposium on Essential Oils, 4–7 Sept
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Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries 44th CCoonnffeerreennccee on MMeeddiicciinnaall aanndd AArroommaattiicc PPllaannttss ooff SSoouutthh--EEaasstt EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouunnttrriieess BBOOOOKK OOFF AABBSSTTRRAACCTTSS Iaşi – România 28th – 31st of May 2006 Organisers: University of Medicine and Pharmacy 'Gr. T. Popa' Iaşi University of Bacău 'Al. I. Cuza' University of Iaşi ALMA MATER PUBLISHING HOUSE 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries – Iaşi, România 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries - Iaşi, România 9th National Symposium 'Medicinal Plants – Present and Perspectives' 3rd National Conference of Phytotherapy Editors: Prof. dr. Ghiorghiţă Gogu Prof. dr. Stănescu Ursula Prof. dr. Toma Constantin The Organizers are not responsible for the scientific content of the papers or the linguistic errors within the volume. ISBN 973-8392-16-0 - 2 - 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries – Iaşi, România CONTENTS SECTION I.....................................................................................................................10 Kopp Brigitte, Wawrosch Christoph – In vitro propagation of medicinal plants for quality assurance and protection of endangered species..........................................................................................................................11 Dušek Karel, Dušková Elena, Karlová Kateřina – Genetic resources of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants in The Czech gene bank in Olomouc .........................................................................................................11 Habán Miroslav, Otepka Pavol – Cultivation of medicinal, aromatic and spicy plants in Slovakia after join the European Union.......................................................................................................................................12 Genova Elena – Biodiversity and protection of the medicinal and aromatic plants in Bulgaria .........................13 Bazina Elvira, Zeneli Gazmend – An overview on The Albanian medicinal and aromatic plants industry ......13 Mullaj Alfred, Faslia Ndoc, Ibraliu Alban – Study on medicinal aromatic plants in the zone of National Park of Llogora.....................................................................................................................................................14 Onisei Tatiana, Ştefan Nicolae, Stoianov Radu, Panzaru Georgeta, Anastasiu Paulina, Cucu Natalia – Wild and cultivated medicinal plants – an important potential for the sustainable economic development of Romania................................................................................................................................................................15 Bauer Petrovska Biljana, Karadelev Mitko, Kulevanova Svetlana – Medicinal species of macromycetes recorded in the Republic of Macedonia ................................................................................................................15 Dajić Stevanović Zora, Šoštarić Ivan – Review of some useful methods in taxonomical interpretation of difficult taxa of medicinal and aromatic plants. Case: Thymus L. ........................................................................16 Oroian Silvia – The role of the botanical gardens of targu-mures in ex-situ conservation of rare and endangered species of Romania............................................................................................................................17 Štolcová M., Vildová A. – Medicinal and aromatic plant researches at The Czech Agriculture University in Prague ...................................................................................................................................................................17 Nedelcheva M. Anely, Pavlova K. Dolja – Medicinal and aromatic plants on the serpentines in the Vlahina Mts. (SW Bulgaria) .................................................................................................................................18 Bodrug Mihai – Medicinal plant collection from the Botanical Gardens of The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy........................................................................................................................................19 Antal Diana Simona, Peev Camelia Ioana – The spectrum of bioforms and the areal geographic structure of the medicinal plants from the Western part of the Banatian Mountains (Romania).........................................19 Antal Diana Simona, Oroian Silvia – Rare and vulnerable species of pharmaceutic interest from Aninei Mountains (Romania): Recent data ......................................................................................................................20 Baričevič D., Kušar A. – Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Europe – A review of current progress.................................................................................................................................................................20 Xhevit Hysenaj – EPCA towards value adding of map’s in Albania ..................................................................21 Michler Barbara, Kathe Wolfgang, Schmitt Susanne, Rotar Ioan, Pacurar Florin – Conservation of Eastern European medicinal plants: Arnica montana in Romania........................................................................21 Uppal Rajesh – Conservation strategies and Cultivation of Bunium persicum (Boiss) Fedtsch – A potential Medicinal Herbal Plant in Cold Deserts of North Western Himalayas.................................................................22 Habán Miroslav, Otepka Pavol – Investigation of therapeutical perspective of medicinal plants and possibilities of their introduction into culture ................................................................................................22 Căpraru V. Gabriela, Băra I. Csilla Iuliana, Băra I. Ion, Câmpeanu M. Mirela, Maxim V. Elena – Numerical and morphostructural characteristics of Trigonella foenum graecum (2n=16) mitotic chromosomes ........................................................................................................................................................23 Gonceariuc Maria, Balmus Zinaida – Studies on genetics and breeding of aromatic and medicinal plants carried out in the Republic of Moldova ................................................................................................................23 - 3 - 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries – Iaşi, România Murariu Alexandrina, Stratu Anişoara, Zamfirescu Oana – Ecophysiological research on some medicinal plants from Bălteni Forest (Vaslui County) .........................................................................................24 Muntean L. S., Tămaş Mircea, Vârban Dan, Muntean L., Muntean S., Cernea S., Morar G., Duda M., Vârban Rodica, Oniga Ilioara – Morpho-physiological, production and quality traits of the Napoca cultivar of Echinacea pallida Nut.........................................................................................................................24 Zamfirache Maria Magdalena, Toma Constantin, Burzo Ioan, Adumitresei Lidia, Toma Irina, Olteanu Zenovia, Mihăiescu Dan, Tănăsescu Violeta, Apetrei Roxana Iuliana, Surdu Ştefania – Morphological, anatomical, biochemical and physiological researches upon taxa of Rosa genus cultivated in Iasi Botanical Garden (note II) .........................................................................................................................25 Toma Constantin, Ivănescu Lăcrămioara, Toma Irina, Rugină Rodica – Histo-anatomical research regarding some species of Cupressaceae ..............................................................................................................25 Huţanu-Bashtawi I. Luminiţa, Toma Constantin – Considerations on the histo-anatomical study of the leaves of Cynara scolymus l. Treated with thiophanat-methyl (Topsin M)..........................................................26 Mačukanović-Jocić P. Marina, Rančić Dragana, Dajić Stevanović Zora – Nectary structure of Ocimum basilicum (l.).........................................................................................................................................................26 Grujic-Jovanovic M. Slavica, Marin D. Petar, Duletic-Lausevic N. Sonja, Simic M. Ana – Micromorphological analyses of stachys scardica (Griseb.) Hayek trichomes ....................................................27 Bucureşteanu Maria, Gille Elvira – Functional Correlations of the Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Evolution and the Productivity of the Verbascum Populations.............................................................................27 Sústriková Andrea – Variation of sage herb yield and quality regarding the genotype and agroecological factors ...................................................................................................................................................................28 Sústriková Andrea – Quantitative analysis of sage (Salvia officinalis l.) stand structure...................................29 Habán Miroslav, Otepka Pavol, Poláček Milan – Selected parameters of ecologically and conventionally cultivated medicinal plants ...................................................................................................................................29