Figure 1 and Table 1 showed the number of data cards or records for each type of hazard from 2005 - 2017. There were eight most frequently reported disaster events represented in the pie chart: flood, fire, storm, lightning, drought, pest outbreak, epidemic, and river bank collapse. The hazard reported to be occurred the most frequently was flood, with a total of 3,052 data cards, representing 38% reported between 2005-2017; followed by fire with 1,877 data cards (23.25%); storm 1,414 (17.25%); lightning 893 (11%); drought 581 (7%); pest outbreak 85 (1%); others included epidemic 56 (1%) and river bank collapse 48 (1%).

Figure 1: Disaster Topology

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage of Disaster by Data Card (2005 - 2017)

No. Disaster Data Cards Percentage 1 Flood 3,052 38 2 Fire 1,877 23.5 3 Storm 1,414 17.5 4 Lightning 893 11 5 Drought 581 7 6 Pest Outbreak 85 1 7 Epidemic 56 1 8 River Bank Collapse 48 1 TOTAL 7,389 100

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Spatial Distribution of Disaster

Figure 2 below showed the distribution of data cards or records of disaster events across the 25 Provinces and Cities in Cambodia. The top five provinces with most report cards were with the total of 1,184; followed by (709); Kratie (499); (492); and (470).

Figure 2: Spatial Map: Number of Data Card (2005 - 2017)

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Table 2: Distribution of Data Card and Percentage by Province (2005 – 2017)

No. Province Data Cards Percentage 1 Siem Reap 1,184 14 2 Kampong Cham 709 9 3 Kratie 499 6 4 Battambang 492 6 5 Prey Veng 470 6 6 Takeo 451 5 7 Kandal 429 5 8 Banteay Meanchey 427 5 9 402 5 10 304 4 11 300 4 12 Kampong Speu 295 4 13 280 3 14 255 3 15 Tboung Khmum 248 3 16 Oddar Meanchey 239 3 17 Kampong Thom 238 3 18 233 3 19 Stung Treng 174 2 20 Rattanak Kiri 145 2 21 Pailin 135 1.60 22 Mondul Kiri 123 1 23 Preah Sihanouk 110 1 24 Koh Kong 108 1 25 30 0.40 TOTAL 7,389 100

The eight different types of disaster have been recorded from 2005 - 2017. They were flood, fire, storm, lightning, drought, pest outbreak, epidemic, and river bank collapse. The disaster events had occurred across the country. However, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Battambang and Prey Veng were the most reported disaster provinces.

2. IMPACT ON HUMAN LIFE (2005 - 2017)

This section discussed the impact of major disasters on human life. It highlights key disasters that claimed human lives, where and when the people died from different disasters.

A. Causes of Human Life Loss

The Figure 3 below showed the type of natural disasters that caused human casualties from 2005 - 2017. In accordance with the pie chart, there were several causes included flood, lightning, fire, storm and epidemic. In the period from 2005 - 2017, there were 1,812 people died caused by different types of natural disaster. Lightning was the most dangerous natural disaster which killed 969 people, and followed by flood which 592 people death.

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Figure 3: Causes of Human Life Loss by Different Types of Disasters

Table 3: Annual Distribution of Death, Affects, Injured, and Missing by Different Types of Disasters (2005 - 2017)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 Event Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Affects Affects Affects Affects Affects Injured Injured Injured Injured Injured Missing Missing Missing Missing

Drought - 1,024,335 - - - 100,592 ------31,706 - - Epidemic 4 - - - 2 - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - Fire - 3,082 - - - 1,002 3 - 1 1,448 2 - - 1,662 - - Flood 9 72,567 - - 15 807,202 1 - 2 75,156 2 - 4 43,601 - - Lightning 11 - - - 8 9 - - 29 4 13 - 45 4 11 - Pest ------2,378 ------Outbreak River Bank 440 - - - 309 - - - 4 1 - - 40 - - Collapse Storm 5 1,252 3 - 4 2,442 5 - - 6,238 3 - - 21,507 8 - TOTAL 29 1,101,676 3 - 29 911,556 9 - 33 85,228 21 - 49 98,521 19 -

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Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 Event Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Affects Affects Affects Affects Affects Injured Injured Injured Injured Injured Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Drought ------358 - - - 25,563 - - Epidemic - 1 - - 1 - - - 8 - - - 3 - - - Fire 11 3,330 3 - 2 3,936 - - - 1,319 - - 20 3,850 30 - Flood 32 528,597 17 - 11 141,813 8 - 250 1,884,402 22 - 26 54,909 - - Lightning 94 111 33 - 72 18 27 - 200 5 98 - 137 37 69 -

Pest ------Outbreak

River Bank - 356 ------1 ------Collapse Storm 40 17,204 126 - 5 20,664 55 - - 4,093 11 - 6 4,235 8 - TOTAL 177 549,599 179 - 91 166,431 90 - 458 1,890,178 131 - 192 88,594 107 -

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Event Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Affects Affects Affects Affects Affects Affects Injured Injured Injured Injured Injured Injured Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Drought - - - - - 14,631 ------250,859 ------Epidemic 14 12 - - 4 5 - - Fire 31 1,396 13 - 10 15,979 23 - 23 2 14 - 7 - 15 - 2 - 5 - Flood 184 1,893,178 11 - 40 329,272 1 - 2 48,235 - - 17 61,323 - - Lightning 131 2,049 47 - 73 - 43 - 52 14 14 - 40 - 68 1 77 - 74 -

Pest ------Outbreak

River Bank - - - - 3 - 1 ------63 - - Collapse Storm 15 24,867 68 - - 266 35 - 26 2,044 98 - 2 - 8 - 2 - 23 - TOTAL 375 1,921,502 139 - 130 360,153 103 - 101 2,060 126 - 51 299,094 91 1 98 61,386 102 -


Events Total 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Lightning 11 8 29 45 94 72 200 137 131 73 52 40 77 969 Flood 9 15 2 4 32 11 250 26 184 40 0 2 17 592 Fire 0 0 1 0 11 2 0 20 31 10 23 7 2 107 Storm 5 4 0 0 40 5 0 6 15 0 26 2 1 104 Drought 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pest Outbreak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Epidemic 4 2 1 0 0 1 8 3 14 4 0 0 0 37 River Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Collapse TOTAL 1,812

B. Spatial Distribution of Death

The Figure 4 below showed the distribution of people death by province. The spatial map showed two groups of provinces where the most human death happened. The first group of provinces included Prey Veng (186), Kampong Cham (166), Battambang (154) Takeo (139), Page 5 of 14

Consolidated By: H.E. Ma Norith, Deputy Secretary-General (NCDM), March 2018 and Siem Reap (137). These five provinces had the highest number of deaths, represented 43% of the overall death toll (1,812). There were concentrated in one similar geographical location, the lower part of the country to where major rivers such as the , Tonle Sap Great Lake and Tonle Basac flow. There were frequently experienced in heavy flooding, which caused the largest number of human deaths.

The provinces of which the second-largest group of human lives lost were located around the Tonle Sap Great Lake. These provinces included Siem Reap with 137 deaths, Kampong Thom (130), Banteay Meanchey (104), and Svay Rieng (127). As indicated in the (Table 3), flood was the main cause of human death. These four provinces where attached to the Tonle Sap Great Lake were vulnerable to floods which flowed down from two main sources of the Mekong River and the mountainous areas bordering Cambodia - Thailand.

Figure 4: Spatial Distribution of Human Life Loss

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Table 4: Distribution of Deaths by Province and Different Types of Disasters (2005 – 2017)

No. Province Deaths Percentage 1 Prey Veng 186 10 2 Kampong Cham 166 9 3 Battambang 154 8 4 Takeo 139 8 5 Siem Reap 137 8 6 Kampong Thom 130 7 7 Svay Rieng 127 7 8 Banteay Meanchey 104 6 9 Kandal 81 4 10 Pursat 72 4 11 Kratie 69 4 12 Kampong Chhnang 68 4 13 Tboung Khmum 56 3 14 Kampot 53 3 15 Pailin 45 2 16 Preah Sihanouk 38 2 17 Oddar Meanchey 35 2 18 Phnom Penh 34 2 19 Mondul Kiri 31 2 20 Kampong Speu 25 1 21 Rattanak Kiri 20 1 22 Preah Vihear 16 1 23 Stung Treng 10 1 24 Kep 9 0.5 25 Koh Kong 7 0.5 TOTAL 1,812 100

C. Annual Time Series Distribution of Death by Types of Disasters (2005 - 2017)

The bar chart below indicated the annual distribution of the human life loss by different types of disaster from 2005 - 2017. The highest death toll had been observed in the years of 2011 (exceeding 450 people), 2013 and 2009 respectively. Flood and lightning were the main causes of death.

Figure 5: General Trend of Human Life Loss by Different Types of Disasters (2005-2017)

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Table 5: General Trend of Human Life Loss by Different Types of Disasters (2005-2017)

Events 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Drought 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Epidemic 4 2 1 0 0 1 8 3 14 4 Fire 0 0 1 0 11 2 0 20 31 10 23 7 2 Flood 9 15 2 4 32 11 250 26 184 40 2 17 Lightning 11 8 29 45 94 72 200 137 131 73 52 40 77 Pest Outbreak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 River Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Collapse Storm 5 4 0 0 40 5 0 6 15 0 26 2 2 TOTAL 29 29 33 49 177 91 458 192 375 130 101 51 98

D. Seasonal Distribution of Death by Different Types of Disaster (2005 – 2017)

The chart below showed the seasonal calendar of human life lost by different types of disaster from 2005 - 2017. In September and May were observed to have the highest death toll. More than 450 people have died in September since 2005. The second highest month of the year was May, and more than 250 people died. Flood was the main cause of death in these two months. The second trend of human life loss fell in April and May respectively. Lightning was the main cause of death in these two months.

Figure 6: Seasonal Distribution of Human Life Loss by Different Types of Disaster (2005 - 2017)

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Table 6: Seasonal Distribution of Human Life Loss by Different Types of Disaster (2005 - 2017)

Pest River Bank Month Drought Epidemic Fire Flood Lightning Storm Outbreak Collapse Jan 0 9 20 0 23 0 0 4 Feb 0 6 4 0 6 0 3 0 Mar 0 8 23 0 72 0 0 5 Apr 0 4 4 0 213 0 0 12 May 0 2 5 0 246 0 0 9 Jun 0 1 2 3 149 0 0 8 Jul 0 2 2 14 96 0 0 1 Aug 0 1 4 88 62 0 0 6 Sep 0 1 7 371 60 0 0 31 Oct 0 3 9 113 29 0 0 26 Nov 0 0 8 2 5 0 0 1 Dec 0 0 19 1 0 0 0 2 TOTAL 0 37 107 592 969 0 3 105

In conclusion, 1,812 people have died during 2005 - 2017 from different natural disasters including flood, lightning, fire, storm and epidemic. Flood was among the dangerous killers, claiming 32% of the total death toll. Lightning was also claiming 53% of the total death toll. Both flood and lightning were covered 85% of human life loss in Cambodia for the period from 2005 - 2017. The highest number of human death occurred in three different years 2009, 2011 and 2013. Human death usually occurred in May and September of the year. The loss of human life was unevenly distributed throughout the country. Prey Veng, Kampong Cham, Battambang, Takeo and Siem Reap provinces were observed to have high death tolls.

3. IMPACT ON HOUSING (2005 - 2017)

This section focuses on the impact of natural disasters on housing from 2005 - 2017. It presented and discussed in different disaster events that damaged and destroyed houses. It also indicated where and when the houses were damaged and destroyed by different disasters.

A. Profile of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

Since 2005, many houses have been damaged and destroyed. The figure in pie chart below showed three different causes of damaged and destroyed houses. These included storm (57%), flood (33%), fire (8%) and other hazards (1%) respectively.

Figure 7: Causes of Damaged and Destroyed Housing (2005 - 2017)

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Table 7: Causes of Damaged and Destroyed Housing (2005 - 2017)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Events Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Houses Destroyed

Drought ------Epidemic ------Fire - 357 - 121 2 297 45 425 176 630 14 486 3 322

Flood 947 3 824 130 334 44 - - 482 210 94 90 1,048 435 Lightning - - 2 - - 1 - 1 - 14 - 4 2 -

Pest Outbreak ------

River Bank 5 - 2 - - 63 13 1 42 - 8 - 160 - Collapse

Storm 104 514 300 208 803 635 1,483 1,182 2,979 1,198 3,074 2,056 625 206

TOTAL 1,056 874 1,128 459 1,139 1,040 1,541 1,609 3,679 2,052 3,190 2,636 1,838 963

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Event Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Houses Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed

Drought ------

Epidemic ------

Fire 44 397 60 489 31 268 121 288 129 31 15 57

Flood 241 176 1,103 252 5 141 3,590 - 8,703 7 Lightning 1 1 12 3 2 - 5 2 143 - 1 9

Pest Outbreak - - - -

River Bank 6 2 - - 2 1 56 32 13 2 Collapse Storm 1,411 381 6,334 1,940 768 204 3,600 1,527 482 98 454 157

TOTAL 1,703 957 7,509 2,684 808 614 3,782 1,849 4,344 129 9,186 232

Houses Damaged + Event Percentage Destroyed Drought 0 0 Epidemic 0 0 Fire 4,808 8 Flood 18,859 33 Lightning 203 0 Pest Outbreak 0 0 River Bank Collapse 408 1 Storm 32,723 57 TOTAL 57,001 100

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B. Spatial Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

Houses were damaged and destroyed by storm, flood, fire and other hazards throughout the country. However, from the map below, it was observed that Battambang (14%), Takeo (12%), Siem Reap (10.5%), Kratie (6.5%), and Kampong Cham were the top five provinces where most of the houses were damaged and destroyed.

Figure 8: Spatial Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

Table 8: Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing by Province (2005 - 2017)

No. of Damaged and No. Province Percentage Destroyed Houses 1 Battambang 7,954 14 2 Takeo 6,975 12 3 Siem Reap 5,901 10.50 4 Kratie 3,708 6.50 5 Kampong Cham 3,590 6.50 6 Kandal 3,333 6 7 Kampong Thom 2,786 5 8 Tboung Khmum 2,608 4.50 9 Prey Veng 2,383 4 10 Oddar Meanchey 2,351 4 11 Pailin 1,961 3.50 12 Preah Vihear 1,887 3.50 13 Kampong Speu 1,862 3.50 14 Kampot 1,670 3 15 Kampong Chhnang 1,226 2 16 Stung Treng 1,130 2 17 Phnom Penh 1,002 2 18 Rattanak Kiri 891 2 19 Banteay Meanchey 882 1.50 20 Svay Rieng 751 1.25 21 Koh Kong 686 1 22 Mondul Kiri 368 0.75 23 Preah Sihanouk 270 0.75 24 Pursat 199 0.35 25 Kep 81 0.15 TOTAL 56,455 100

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C. Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing by Different Types of Disasters (2005 – 2017)

The damaged and destroyed housing were not evenly distributed throughout the years from 2005. The figure below showed three different trends of damaged and destroyed houses. The first and the highest trend of damaged and destroyed houses were in 2013, with total of 10,193 houses. Storm was the main cause of damaged and destroyed houses in that year. The second highest trend was in 2017. Flood was the main cause of damaged and destroyed houses in that year. The third trend was in 2009 and 2017. Storm might be the main factor in damaged and destroyed houses in those two years.

Figure 9: Annual Time Series Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing (2005 - 2017)

Table 9: Annual Distribution of Housing Damaged and Destroyed by Different Type of Disasters (2005 – 2017)

House Damaged and Destroyed

Event Total 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Flood 950 954 378 0 692 171 1483 417 1,355 146 0 3,590 8,710 1,8846 Fire 357 121 299 470 806 500 325 441 549 299 409 160 72 4,808 Storm 618 508 1,438 2,665 4,177 5,143 831 1,792 8,274 972 5,127 580 65 32,190 Lightning 0 2 1 1 14 4 2 2 15 2 7 143 10 203 River Bank 5 2 63 14 42 8 160 8 0 3 88 0 15 408 Collapse TOTAL 1,930 1,587 2,179 3,150 5,731 5,826 2,801 2,660 1,0193 1,422 5,631 4,473 8,872 56,455

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D. Seasonal Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

The figure below showed the seasonal distribution of damaged and destroyed houses from 2005 - 2017. It showed two trends of months when most houses were damaged and destroyed. The first trend was in August, September, and October. As indicated in Figure 10, these two periods of time was the flood season, thus houses may be damaged and destroyed by flood in these two months. The second trend of houses damaged and destroyed were in March, April, and May, and storm may be the main factor that causes houses to be damaged and destroyed in these months as indicated in the figure. Storms usually occur in these three months of the year. It was also observed that storm was the main factor that caused the houses to be damaged and destroyed, and was spread throughout the year, whereas flood occurred in September and October.

Figure 10: Seasonal Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

Table 10: Seasonal Distribution of Damaged and Destroyed Housing

Pest River Bank Month Drought Epidemic Fire Flood Lightning Storm Outbreak Collapse Jan 0 0 832 0 0 0 0 306 Feb 0 0 709 0 0 0 25 708 Mar 0 0 528 0 4 0 166 5,317 Apr 0 0 520 0 11 0 10 8,030 May 0 0 231 0 24 0 14 6,600 Jun 0 0 564 0 2 0 61 2,522 Jul 0 0 253 294 146 0 0 2,287 Aug 0 0 183 10,184 5 0 62 960 Sep 0 0 221 3,765 2 0 23 3,437 Oct 0 0 178 4,563 8 0 47 2,197 Nov 0 0 404 53 1 0 0 330 Dec 0 0 183 0 0 0 0 22 TOTAL 0 0 4,808 18,859 203 0 408 32,723

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In conclusion, there were 56,455 houses damaged and destroyed from 2005 to 2017. Storm, flood and fire were the three main factors. Most houses were damaged and destroyed in years 2017, 2015, 2013, 2010 and 2009 respectively. March, April, and September were the noticed months of the year when most houses were damaged and destroyed. Flood was the main factor that damages and destroys house in these two months. March, April and May were also months when houses were damaged and destroyed. Storm was the main factor that damages and destroys houses in these three months. Distribution of damaged and destroyed houses was not even throughout the country. Battambang, Takeo, Siem Reap, Kratie, and Kampong Cham were the provinces where most of the houses were damaged and destroyed.


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