CENTRAL EUROPEAN PAPERS 2014 / II / 1 9 Together, But Almost Alone? On the Ethno-Political Aspects of Interethnic Interactions of West-Ukrainian Lands in 1867–1914 Ivan S. MONOLATII Zakład Teorii i Myśli Politycznej, Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Filia Piotrków Trybunalski Department of Theory and Political Thought, Institute of International Relations Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Branch Piotrków Trybunalski ul. Słowackiego 116, 97–300 Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
[email protected] The importance and timeliness of the present article are determined by the fundamental impact that ethno-national communities can have on building inter-ethnical relations as and when they interact. In view of ethnical diversities, the significance of interactionism becomes particularly apparent when one takes into consideration the fact that ethno-na- tions, as independent subjects, play a certain role in political processes and predictably defend the solutions to inter-group conflicts that satisfy solely their own interests. Initia- tives that are offered by at least one of them and directed at changing or saving the exist- ing status-quo particularly under conditions of a ranging system of inter-ethnical relations, induce counter-acting processes.1 The societal importance of interactionism is indisput- able because common stimuli and group reactions directly affect inter-ethnical relations. The latter, while being a core element in the structure of interactionism of ethno-national communities, is among the factors that have a direct influence on political processes in multi-ethnical countries. The ambivalence of subject-object relations (direct and indirect) diversifies the phenom- enon of interactionism, hence it becomes imperative to understand all of its aspects and take into consideration the specific nature of various contacts among groups.