DEATH OF JEHU BAKER Early Rising Not Always a Virtue. Celery Thousands of people sweat \ pK Paine’s have no choice jpj Rain and \\ v He Served Con- 1 have on MOW MATTERS. Was Eig'iiy-One, Had in whatever about their hour of rising in no effect Jrvn) rs-*r r (rr\ gress Never Any One S harness treated /Jr As Air Di and Permitted the morning. Later or earlier, with Eureka Har- V W; that ffl 0 * Coughs His It re- c \ Compound to Pay Way. hour is fixed for them by the require- |jl ness Oil. -■ interesting Events of the Past Belleville. Ills.. March 2. lion. ments of the office, the shop or the 1 “My wife had a deep-3 'ated cough Few Days Reported by Jelni l aker. ex- minis- classroom, by the time table of tbe rail- for three years. I purch.sed two Cures road, by the arbitration of tlieir Cherry Telegraph. ter to Venezuela and representative em- bottles of Ayer’s Pectoral, ployers or the size, and it cured her com- tor necessities of their em- keep.the^eajji-^lj large DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, j: ployees. But in the cases manifold pletely.” not ' personal gj harness \ \ l'' where liberty is enjoyed it ' J. H. Macon, Col. STxVTE ITEWS TOR OUR READERS STOMACH TROUBLES. only keeps a- V A \ AND several be ■ should not thoughtlessly restricted I looking like w W* \ tßanHttaMßOTitaamcAaMßTJWT*.jin* v> .miw /Vv Vv’/*’"* simply because of the domestic tradi- 8 new, but iJmJJ nY • \xV>X j '* district Illi- -1 wears twice \ ! The tortures and evils of dyspepsia and of , IN lv V Probably you fcrrw itcirm Caught from tho Wire Which tion that early rising deserves praise as longby the La#/ ' >- J, of indigestion are experienced by thousands at nois. died yes- of Will I3e of Special Interest to and late rising blame. ■ use Eureka y-j> ’ cough medicines ; n re- this time. The dyspeptic’s train of evils Wisconsin People. may be enumerated as follows: feelings of Breakfast may often be a movable lieve little coughs, **;.? dizziness, languor, nervousness, sleeplessness, feast without materially disturbing the headache, distension of the stomach, loss of routine of an orderly housekeeping day. coughs, except vcvp ores! Madison, Wis.. Feb. 27.—The legis- flesh, difficult breathing, and the action of the Invalids, mothers whose rest lias been The medicine t! * t hns lative committee which lias been inves- heart is seriously affected. broken by teething babies and. above forms of dyspepsia are quickly banished one years ago r tigating the coal situation recommends All all. rapidly growing children, should been curing t e \vo si of by the use of Paine’s Celery Compound. that such legislation be enacted as will have their sleep out. Nature demands Standard Oil \ deep coughs sixty The use of this marvelous medicine allays the near Lexington, for compel the mine owners doing business inflammation of the nerves centred about the JEHU BAKER. j-y this, and violence is done to her when ji sleepy people rudely years is Ayer’s C >.~rry in this state to report to the secretary stomach; it opens up the sewers of the body In 180(5. while in congress, he be- are aroused from matter; S tlieir beds. Early to single of state the cost of hard coal on the and removes all waste it cleanses the came totally blind, which forced him bed is the Pectoral. new nerve fibre; it restores prescription to insure early to at blood; it makes give ii]) active participation in po- safe rise. P< 4 docks of the state and the mines to Three alite^: 2':., Y, *f *M (tr*'""*" *?. digestive power, and promotes bodily strength repeat and ilie cost of transportation from the litical campaigns. In 1878 President We need to it over and over to and activity. Mr. Fred. Ross, Clarendon, anxious, and the appointed him to Yen- our hurrying, toiling Amer- .!.<• .. to selling Hayes minister f'mwnH your > s. t-i take it. mines the docks lowa, briefly writes about his happy experi- ■! i: ican men and women; Rest, [.ton >ai t. siy<. ll lie telN y- 1 t price, together with a true statement Celery Compound as zuela. which office he occupied for rest and t.> ; 1 1-e it. then take it. lie knows, ence with Paine’s lM again rest. Do think time ill spent •• •. — not l, it with him. V<. w i' of the amount of hard and soft coal on follows: over seven years. He died poor. ,J. AYi.I; Lov/eU. Mass. is spent in repairing ravages C. CO.. hand in the state on the first day of “It gives me great pleasure to testify to the In all his campaigns Raker never that the well nigh May, August and November of each merits of Paine’s Celery Compound. I can spent money for liquor, and never per- of our incessant activity. year. candidly and honestly say it is the best medi- mitted campaign committees to pay Two ago I was suf- Exposure. l’oker Friends. cine in the world. years any of his expenses. In compliance Painful Teaehor Narrowly Escapes Mobbing. from indigestion and nervousness, and “No, I am not popular any more with fering with his wish his body will be held Richard Uneducated people often LaCrosse, Wis., March 2.—Thomas was so run down that I could hardly walk the gang,” moaned a business man four days without embalming. have a lot of insight. Galahan, of Waukon Junction, a teach- without help. I used two bottles of Paine’s who used to entertain largely at poker. Robert—That is so. Our new maid er in the district school at Harper’s Celery Compound and got better almost from “I haven’t touched a card in seven and had no use for medi- knows that she is a better cook than Ferry, a few miles below here, narrow- the first dose, have years. The friends I made at the pok- I completely cured.” we’ve been used to. Free on a rail by an cine since. was HALF A BLOCK !N ASHES er table were near and dear to me. ly averted being ridden Press. angry mob of citizens as a result of .When I lived on the seventh floor of a When a hat, a good dress, or other beating Frank Collins, one of his pu- CINCINNATI HAS A BIG BLAZE ” tenement, they flocked to see me night- 1 i' pils. It appears that in a fight be- garment is a little faded and old in Deafness Cannot be Cared ly, climbing the stairs without a mur- by local applications, as they cannot tween pupil and teacher, boy was it need not be thrown away. mur. When I moved to the Bronx, the fashion Wipes Out a Property Worth. Probably, reach the diseased portion of the ear. A SLIP unconscious and was thought to Color they followed me. When I settled in beaten it with DIAMOND DYES. $2,000,000 —Narrow Escape of There is only one way to cure deafness, is frequently made in buying real estate be dead. The teacher escaped from the Jamaica, the ride to my house did not We liuve a special department of advice, and will AA'ill Jones. and that is by constitutional remedies. because a reliable dealer was not con- village, walking the railroad tracks, answer free any questions about dj cing. Send Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- sulted, seem too long for them, nor did they when possible. and escaped an organized attack sample of goods Cincinnati, Feb. —Over one-half dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- mind the journey home at 3 or 4 in the 45 dyed samples free. 27. Better make a purchase through this Direction book and tachian Tube. When this tube gets in- I was planned by the father of the boy. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. of the best square in Cincinnati Avas office and the value of the morning. When realized that I flamed you have a rumbling sound or property destroyed purchased will be of the rising order. Supporting them with my losses, I tore Wants to Call It a $.>0,000 Joke. by tire yesterday. The imperfect hearing, and when it is en- up the cards and cracked the chips square, bounded by Vine, Fourth. Wa- result, Racine, Wis.. March 3.—As the re- How the Ancients Regarded Iron. tirely closed deafness is the and Beidg well posted on all matters per- With a hammer. When, 10, behold, ev- and Third was conceded unless the inflamation can be taken out sult of a practical joke B. M. Wood- The ancient Egyptians believed that lnut streets, taining to ery mother’s son of them knew me no and tl-iis tube restored to its normal con- ward, a barber, will lose the sight of iron was the bone of Typhon. tlie ene- to be the most solidly constructed por- FARM LANDS more! I lived so far away that it was Johnson, dition, hearing will be destroyed forever, one eye. A friend. Nels sent my of Osiris, and for this reason it was tion of the city. That half north of and farm values in this we can impossible to find time to come to visit Dine cases out of ten are caused by ca- section, the former a cigar loaded with a considered impure. No one could make Baker alley, with the exception of the tarrh, nothing inflamed offer many bargains. me. lam sure that if I had opened a which is but an spring in the shape of a safety pin. • use of it even for the most ordinary Carlisle building at the southwestern condition of the mucous surfaces. poker game in the darkest cell in the Send or call for list. The ends of the spring there tied to- requirements of life without polluting corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, We will give One Hundred Dollars for bottom of the bottomless pit they would gether with thread, and when the fire his soul iu a way that would cause is in ruins, while the American Book any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) have come to play with me. To regain of the cigar the same tlie that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh burned him harm both oil earth and iu the company’s publication house, the their friendship it is only necessary to Send fro circular, free. E. M. LADD, spring flew out into Woodward’s eye. other world. Woodrow Printing works, the Zum- Cure. announce a reopening of the game.”— F. J. Cheeney Sc Cos.. Toledo, O. Edgerton, . Wis. Now Woodward wants to sue for $50,- briel box factory and other concerns New York Press. t3l“Sold by druggists, 75c. 000. Reading. on the south side of Baker alley are s Were I to pray for a taste which also burned out. The tire was burn- Greatly Reduced. The Etiquette of Cues. Two Athletic Records Broken. should stand me in stead under every ing for twelve hours before it was con- “Well, well, old man! This is quite a In China the men take as much pride Madison, Wis.. March 2.—At the In- This Paper variety of circumstance and be a source troled. and the city tire department change ! Last time I saw you you were in their hair as women, and the “pig- door track meet Saturday evening AND THE of happiness and cheerfulness to me had help from all the neighboring among the Four Hundred. And now”— no In in the Wisconsin gymnasium, two in- tail” is a thing of little moment. during life and a shield against ills, towns. “Now I am clean back in fractions.”— making cue the whole head shav- door collegiate records were broken. Weekly the is however things might go amiss and The total less is estimated at from Baltimore American. Wisconsin ed except a circular patch upon the Post, pushed hard by Hahn, won the the world frown upon me, it would be $1,500,000 to $2,000,000, and it is dis- We have perfected clubbing arrange- crown. The liair from this is braided, mile in 4:30. or 2-3 of a second better A Certain Cure for Chilblains a taste for reading.—Sir John Herschel. tributed among the occupants of four ments whereby we can now offer both and strands of silk are added, which than the record made by Hall at Shake into your shoes Allen’s Foot this paper and the Weekly large office buildings and other struc- Wisconsin end in a tassel reaching to the heels. Champaign. Ills., two weeks ago. Ease, a powder. It cares Chilnlains, for the low price of $1.75 a year. The He Had. tures. The heaviest losers are the In full mourning the black strands are Breitkreutz. in tlie half mile, ran a Frostbites, Damp, Sweating, Swoden Weekly Wisconsin is a family newspa- “Have you ever written anything,” American Book company and Robert feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, replaced by white ones and in second hard race against time, finishing in per unexcelled in reputation. Particular said liis cynical friend, “to make the Clark & Cos., whose losses total $825,- 25c. Sample free. Address Allen S. attention is devoted to local news of mourning by light blue or green. 2 minutes 3 2-3 seconds. the world happier or better?” 000. Olms'ed. Leßoy, N Y. the northwest. It’s woman page of mat- It is an unpardonable breach of eti- Earthquake in Wisconsin. “Rather,” quotli the insurance agent Will Jones, a well-known local ter every week is worth the cost of the quette for an inferior to enter the pres- Mistress Seeks a Cook. Wis., Feb. 27.—Disturb- who sometimes dabbled in verse. “1 actor, was taken off the opera house paper, ence o*‘ a superior with his cue wound Pardeeville. “How many ways can you serve ance resembling an earthquake, accom- Lave written $400,000 worth of life in- roof just before it fell in. He had round his neck or head, as it is fre- meat?” BEST panied by loml noises and ending in a surance within the last year.” gone that wav for safety and finding TH IS JIOfiH TOO GOOD quently disposed of during work, and “Three, mum.” heavy report, alarmed tlie people of the no safety had written a message on the greatest insult one man can offer “What are they?” village Tuesday morning. There were What Did Be Mean? one of his cuffs and thrown it into the another is to pull his cue. It seems “Well doue, rare and raw.” —Chicago