Vermonters Who Served As Officers
; VERMONTERS Who Served as Commissioned Officers in the U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, U. S. Colored Troops, Veteran Reserve Corps, as General or Staff Officers, and in Organizations from Other States. BY HERBERT SIDNEY FOSTER, CAPTAIN, TWENTIETH INFANTRY, U. S. ARMY. THE following lists comprise the names of 591 ter, Ethan A. Hitchcock, Perley P. Pitkin, U. A. sons of Vermont, who served as commissioned Woodbury, Rush C. Hawkins, Orville E. Babcock, officers in the regiments and batteries of other Chas. E. Hovey, Hannibal Day, Justin Dimick, Amos States, or were officers of the regular army, or the Beckwith, H. S. Burton, Napoleon B. McLaughlin, United States navy, during the War of the Rebellion, Wm. Smith, Gustavus Loomis, Wm. Y. W. Ripley, natives E. Henry Powell, Edward R. Piatt, Asa P. Blunt, being either of or appointed from Vermont ; Geo. or who were general officers, or received general W. Hooker, Merritt Barber, Ira H. Evans, Daniel staff appointments in the volunteer service, or be- D. Wheeler, Lucius J. Dixon, Samuel W. Thayer, came commissioned officers of colored troops, or of Edward E. Phelps, Gardner S. Blodgett, Horatio L. the Veteran Reserve Corps. Wait, Albert S. Kenney, Horatio B. Lowry, Edwin The town mentioned is generally the native place T. Woodward, Emerson H. Liscum, Nathan P. Bow- of the officer, though, in a few cases, the native place man, and many others. Four of these have been at not being known, the town in which he resided, or the head of importantant staff departments of the from which he enlisted, is given.
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