Annexure a to Procedural Minute 6

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Annexure a to Procedural Minute 6 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Appendix 3.1 Schedule for the Outstanding Natural Features Overlay Owner/ Approral/ Sub#/ Point Name Theme Topic Subtopic Summary Submission Type Support Evidence Comentary Investigate 81 Mt Royal Rd, Mt Albert, and all other lava cave Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the entrances, for inclusion in the SEA schedule [Note - relates to Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features ONFs. Refer to Albert-Eden Local Board Views, Volume 26, page 5716-3481 Auckland Council Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add 30/103]. Local Government no iv Investigate the 'Spring', located under Crystal Motors at 11 Ruru Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the St, Eden Terrace, for inclusion in the SEA schedule [Note - Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features relates to ONFs. Refer to Albert-Eden Local Board Views, Volume 5716-3482 Auckland Council Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add 26, page 30/103]. Local Government no iv Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Include volcanic features in former outlying district such as Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Franklin within the PAUP including Pukekohe Hill, Puni Mountain, 4485-11 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Pukekohe East crater. Key Stakeholder no iv Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Include Pukekohe Hill and Puni Mountain as outstanding natural 4485-13 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add features. Key Stakeholder no iv Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Apply V1 and V2 overlays to volcanic reserves and surrounding 4485-21 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Includeareas. the following volcanic features within the PAUP: Mt Key Stakeholder no iv Cambria scoria cone, Purchas Hill scoria cones, Little Rangitoto scoria cone, Three Kings scoria cones, Mt Albert top of scoria cone, Hampton Park scoria cone, Crater Hill tuff ring and scoria Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the cone, McLaughlins Hill scoria cone in DoC management, Wiri Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Mountain scoria cone, Pukaki Lagoon explosion crater to intertidal 4485-22 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add lagoon, Pukeiti/Puketapapa small scoria cone, Otuataua scoria Key Stakeholder no iv Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Include Big King as V2 in relation to the progressing 4485-23 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add redevelopment. Key Stakeholder no iv Auckland Volcanic Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Cones Society Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Include land at the end of Gollan road, Mt Wellington, which 4485-24 Incorporated Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add drops into the Quarry as V2. Key Stakeholder no iv Add the entire area of the Motu Manawa (Pollen Island) Marine Reserve and Traherne Island as an Outstanding Natural Feature Forest and Bird Motu Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the if it is not identified as an Outstanding Coastal Natural Character Manawa Restoration Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Area [High Natural Character area] as requested. Refer to pages 5100-11 Group Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add 9/20 and 10/27 of submission for details. Community Group no iii Forest and Bird Motu Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Add the Bridge Avenue Reserve land that overlooks the Manawa Restoration Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Waitemata Harbour entreance, (28 Bridge Avenue, Te Atatu 5100-12 Group Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add AddSouth) the as entire an Outstanding foreshore and Natural seabed Feature. area surrounding Te Atatu Community Group no iii Peninsula (including the large mangrove island at the top, and Henderson Creek and mangroves) as an Outstanding Natural Feature, with the exceptions requested for the wetlands, Forest and Bird Motu Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the foreshore and seabed (that they be identified as an SEA-M1 and Manawa Restoration Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features as Outstanding Natural Character area). Refer to page 14/27 of 5100-17 Group Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add submission for details. Community Group no iii Forest and Bird Motu Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Add the landform features that contribute to the significance of Manawa Restoration Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features the Harbourview Reserve, Te Atatu peninsula land and coastal 5100-20 Group Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add area. Refer to submission for details (Appendix 1 pg 16/27). Community Group no iii Add local outstanding volcanic and other landform and geological Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the features to the schedule. (These features are mapped in the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features operative District Plans particularly in the Isthmus and Hauraki 93-1 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Gulf Islands section) Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Add privately owned land to the mapped Outstanding Natural Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Features volcanic cones and basins, not just publicly owned 93-2 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add land. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-4 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Mt Cambria scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-5 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Purchas Hill scoria cones. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-6 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Little Rangitoto scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-7 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Three Kings scoria cones. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-8 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Mt Albert top of scoria cone. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-9 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Hampton Park scoria cone. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-10 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Crater Hill tuff ring and scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-11 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add McLaughlins Hill scoria cone in DoC management Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-12 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Wiri Mountain scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-13 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Pukaki Lagoon explosion crater to intertidal lagoon Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-14 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Pukeiti/Puketepapa small scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-15 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Otuataua scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-16 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Puketutu Island scoria cone Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-17 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Maungataketake scoria cones Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-18 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add AmendAdd Waitomokia feature 222 scoria to greatly cones. increase the mapped area to Community Group no iii include the privately owned land which is part of the cone, the tuff ring and unquarried remains of the solidified lava lake. Alternatively separately schedule the Big KIng, Eden Mews tuff Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the exposure, the lava lake remnants in St Andrews Gardens, Three Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features Kings School and Reserve and the tuff ring-moat-in-lava lake 93-54 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add front arc around McCulloch Ave. Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-60 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Stony Batter, Waiheke Community Group no iii Appendix 3.1 - Schedule for the Geoscience Society of Outstanding Natural Outstanding Natural Features 93-61 New Zealand Features (ONF) Rules Overlay Add Add Thumb Point tombolo, Waiheke Community Group no iii
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