Celebrate Halloween with WF Symphony
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A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, October 13, 2011 Page 23 Explore the World of Rocks, Celebrate Halloween With Fossils and Gems at Trailside WF Symphony Orchestra MOUNTAINSIDE – The Union saurs Rock” is an interactive hands- WESTFIELD - Music lovers of all gaging way to learn about the movie, County Board of Chosen Freehold- on program that allows the audience ages are invited to savor the silver music and music makers before the ers and the Department of Parks and to see up-close and touch museum screen’s final silent masterpiece – concert will be conducted by Barbara Community Renewal invite you to quality pieces. Admission to this spe- swashbuckling musketeers and more Thomson in The Presbyterian Church explore the fascinating world of rocks, cial presentation is $5 per person. – as Westfield Symphony Orchestra Chapel at 6 p.m. minerals, fossils and gems at Trailside This show is recommended for ages (WSO) celebrates Halloween by Young, and not so young alike, are Nature and Science Center on Satur- 4 and older and tickets go on sale at bringing to life, in glorious symphonic invited to come to the concert in day, October 15, from noon to 5 p.m., 12:30 p.m. Strollers are not permit- technicolor, the original 1929 movie costume and participate in the annual and Sunday, October 16, from 11 ted in the auditorium. “The Iron Mask” starring Douglas Halloween costume contest at inter- a.m. to 5 p.m. This educational, entertaining Fairbanks on Saturday, October 29, mission. The competition for the cash Geologists, young and old, will be hands-on dinosaur and fossil adven- at 7 p.m. in The Presbyterian Church prizes (top prize $200) will be di- mesmerized by the variety of rocks, ture will allow the audience to expe- in Westfield. vided into two age groups: adults and minerals, fossils and gemstones on rience prehistoric times like never With split-second timing and pre- kids 14 and under and judging and display and for sale. Admission both before. It’s an opportunity to see and cision, more than 50 WSO musicians presentations will take place at inter- days is free. touch genuine, life-size museum under the direction of Maestro David mission. Photo courtesy of Joe Geinert Wroe will perform live a magnificent This is a family friendly concert On Saturday, vendors will be dis- quality specimens that are millions MUST SEE…The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey will present the highly playing and selling their specimens. of years old. Highlights include di- anticipated To Kill A Mockingbird beginning on October 12, continuing through soundtrack by renowned composer beginning at 7 p.m. and tickets for all On Sunday, there will be ongoing nosaur eggs, footprints, teeth, a life- November 20 at the theatre’s Main Stage – the intimate F.M. Kirby Shakespeare Carl Davis as the original classic students K-12 are discounted to only demonstrations of gemstone cutting size T-Rex skull and a 9-foot high Ice Theatre. Pictured are Brent Harris as Atticus Finch and Emmanuelle Nadeau of movie – a stirring story of, swords- $12. The concert has been made pos- and polishing, children’s activities Age mastodon leg. For a nominal Westfield as Scout. For tickets or for more information, call the box office at (973) manship, deception, romance, drama, sible in part by funding from The and a specialist will be available to fee, children also can dig like a real 408-5600 or visit www.ShakespeareNJ.org. violence, humor, and grandiose glory Westfield Foundation, by a HEART help you identify minerals, rocks and paleontologist for genuine fossils, that more than stands the test of time grant from the Union County Board fossils from your own collection. pan for gemstones such as amethyst, Calderone’s String Teacher Performs – is projected above the orchestra and of Chosen Freeholders, and by the Sunday also will feature a special emeralds and rubies, and open crys- in full view of the audience. generous support of WSO Trustee presentation of “Dinosaurs Rock” in tal-filled geodes. With Award Winning Orchestra Musical giants, goblins and flying Byron Arison. the Trailside Visitor Center Audito- Sponsored jointly with the New warrior women will round off the For tickets ($25-$75) and informa- rium at 1:30 and 3: 30 p.m. “Dino- Jersey Mineralogical Society, the SPRINGFIELD - Jeff Sassaman, a Halloween festivities as WSO pre- tion go to Rock, Gem and Mineral Show on strings teacher at the Calderone sents Monsters from “The Ring” a www.westfieldsymphony.org or call Oct. 15-16 will host more than 25 School of Music, is a string bassist selection of enthralling orchestral (908) 232 9400. Audience members vendors selling minerals, rocks, for the Park Avenue Chamber Sym- excerpts from Wagner’s Ring Cycle are encouraged to purchase tickets gems, jewelry, seashells and fossils phony (PACS) in New York City. which are bound to appeal to all gen- on line using WSO’s new secure tick- from around the world. This year PACS was awarded first erations. eting system where it is now possible For more information about the prize by the American Prize Compe- A free pre-concert lecture, an in- to select seats, print tickets, and avoid Rock, Mineral and Gem Show, or tition in Orchestral Performance. formative, entertaining and an en- all handling and facilities fees. upcoming programs and special The American Prize Competition events at Trailside, call (908) 789- is a series of national competitions 3670 or visit www.ucnj.org/trailside. providing cash awards and national Trailside Nature and Science Center and international recognition for is located at 452 New Providence the best recorded performances by HANDS ON ROCKS…“Dinosaurs Road (at Coles Avenue) in ensembles and individuals in the Rock” is a feature presentation during Mountainside and is a service of the United States. PACS’s award win- the two-day Rock, Mineral and Gem Union County Board of Chosen Free- ning live recording of Symphony Show at Trailside Nature and Science holders. No. 2 by Sergei Rachmaninoff is Center. one of seventeen albums available ™ for download on iTunes.com, POPCORN Amazon.com and Naxos Classics Jeff Sassaman Online. Upcoming performances 0405 in East Hanover or (973) 467- are listed on the PACS website at 4688 in the Springfield school, visit “50/50” chambersymphony.com. www.calderoneschoolofmusic.com. Odds are You’ll Laugh The Calderone School of Music is a New Jersey State Registered 3 and ½ popcorns Professional School, established in One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair • Three Popcorns, Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent 1975. The school offers By MICHAEL S. GOLDBERGER from every other beast on the planet. Kindermusik from birth to age Film Critic It’s part and parcel of that ennobling seven, private music lessons on all Director Jonathan Levine’s “50/50,” spirit that declares, “I’m human, and instruments and voice, College Prep about a 27-year-old man stricken with by gosh someday one of us is going to Division, and Professional Devel- a rare spinal cancer, hardly seems a wipe this vile thing from the face of opment Division. For more infor- likely source for levity. But while bra- the Earth.” But right now, Adam isn’t mation please contact Prof. zenly demonstrating the opposite, it is so sure. Kathleen Calderone at (973) 428- testament to the fantastic mental bal- Commiserating with the good bud- ancing act we are capable of when the dies he meets where the chemo is ‘Meet and Greet’ chips are down. It is both frightening administered, the gallows humor holds and inspiring. sway. No punches pulled, it’s the can- With Author The emotional odyssey Joseph Gor- cer patient’s version of “Beau Geste” don-Levitt’s Adam must navigate re- (1939)…brave men facing up against Daniel Errico minds in part of the heroic rationaliza- the odds. That’s where the “50/50” tion manifested by Roberto Benigni’s comes from…the statistical chances WESTFIELD - The Town Book Guido Orefice in “Life is Beautiful” that Adam will beat this rap. The three Store in Westfield will host a “Meet (1997). Only here, instead of a Nazi are a fine ensemble. and Greet” with Daniel Errico, au- death camp terrorizing the bejesus out Philip Baker Hall is Alan, the dour thor of the children’s book The Jour- of our protagonist, it’s the great un- oldster. If good-natured cynicism ney of the Noble Gnarble on Satur- known and a medical establishment could conquer the scourge, he’d be day, October 15, from 2-4 p.m. A often in disconnect. cancer-free in no time. Matt Frewer is wonderful children’s book that takes And, while for Guido romantic love Mitch, the ever cheerful victim who place under the sea, The Journey of Free was his survival instinct’s chief ally, in supplies marijuana-laced treats his the Noble Gnarble tells the tale of a this case the afflatus is friendship. wife bakes. Whether or not the weed little Gnarble who dreams one day of Introductory Seth Rogen as Kyle, smartly trans- diminishes the chemo’s side effects, swimming to the surface to see the forming the devil-may-care slacker they sure do have a high old time. sun. His journey proves hard when he that’s served him so well into a Sometimes Kyle joins them. bumps into many creatures that say Lesson Kiplingesque pal, has Adam’s back, Also supplying succor, or at least he can not reach the top and fish who literally and figuratively. Of course really trying hard to, is Anna want to have a snack.