JBL 128, no. 3 (2009): 507–525 On the Rise and Fall of Canaanite Religion at Baalbek: A Tale of Five Toponyms richard c. steiner
[email protected] Revel Graduate School, Yeshiva University, New York, NY 10033 The city of Baalbek, in present-day Lebanon, has been a subject of interest to students of the Bible for more than a millennium. Since the tenth century c.e., many have identified it with Baal-Gad (Josh 11:17) and/or Baalath (1 Kgs 9:18).1 Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, others have connected it, in one way or another, with Bikath-Aven (Amos 1:5). In 1863, these and other suggestions were reviewed by John Hogg in a lengthy treatise.2 The etymology of the toponym, which appears as Bvlbk in classical Syriac and as Bavlabakku in classical Arabic, has been widely discussed since the eighteenth century. Many etymologies have been suggested, most of them unconvincing.3 Part of the problem is that a combination of etymologies is needed, for the name of the place changed over the centuries as its religious significance evolved. In this article, I shall attempt to show that the rise and fall of Canaanite reli- gion at Baalbek from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine period can be traced with the help of five toponyms: (1) Mbk Nhrm (Source of the Two Rivers),4 (2) Nw) t(qb 1 See Richard C. Steiner, “The Byzantine Biblical Commentaries from the Genizah: Rab- banite vs. Karaite,” in Shai le-Sara Japhet (ed. M. Bar-Asher et al.; Jerusalem: Bialik, 2007), *258; and Conrad Iken, Dissertationis philologico-theologicae no.