
Discussion Questions

Message Text: Acts 17:16-34 Message Title: “The God Who’s Been Revealed” BIG IDEA: In this message Bryan talked about how God is making known the things we long to know. Bryan’s three sections of his message: 1. Who God Is 2. Who We Are 3. How we come to know God Questions: 1. To open his message, Bryan shared part of a song that expressed the questions, is there a God? And, can we know this God? Where do you find these questions bubbling up in other places in our culture?

2. Read Acts 17:16-34. What would you have done if you were in Paul’s shoes in ?

3. How is the scene in Athens similar to our time in history, and specifically our city?

4. While modern-day idolatry may not look like making sacrifices in front of different statues or on different altars, that doesn’t mean idolatry doesn’t exist. How do you know if something has become an idol in your life?

5. Paul opened his message at the talking about who God is. Bryan listed four attributes of God. He is a creator and sustainer. He’s sovereign, and a judge. What other attributes of God really connect with you? Can you sight a verse that describes that attribute?

6. Bryan also talked about how there might be aspects of God or commands from that challenge us and make us uncomfortable. Can you identify an attribute of God that challenges you and sight a scripture reference that describes it?

7. How does knowing who God is help us better understand ourselves?

8. Repentance is the way we begin and relationship with God, but it is also the way we grow in our relationship with God. • Work on defining repentance. (verses on repentance: Mark 1:14-15, Matt. 3:8, :19, Rom. 2:4, Rev. 2:5 & 3:3.) • How does repentance help us grow in our faith and relationship with God?

9. Response: Based on the question above, repentance isn’t a one-time act but an on-going practice. Since hearing this message, and participating in this discussion, is there anything from which you need to repent?