The Far East COLUMBAN MISSION MAGAZINE August 2017 Mary MacKillop Advocate for the poor August 8, the Feast of St Mary of the Cross. PRICE $1.50 The Far East Contents August 2017 Vol 99, No. 7 THE FAR EAST is devoted to furthering the missionary apostolate of the church and has been published by the Missionary Society of St Columban since November/December 15, 1920. THE SOCIETY was founded in 1918 as a society of secular priests dedicated to 4-5 8-9 the evangelisation of the Chinese and other overseas people. It is an exclusively missionary society. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 per year (AUSTRALIA) AUSTRALIA St Columbans Mission Society 69 Woodland Street Essendon Vic 3040 Postal address: PO Box 752, Niddrie Vic 3042 10 15 Tel: (03) 9375 9475
[email protected] NEW ZEALAND St Columban's Mission Society P.O. Box 30-017 Lower Hutt 5040 Tel: (04) 567 7216
[email protected] 22-23 23 3 From the Editor 16 Mission World Publisher: Pope Francis supports Hong Fr Gary Walker 4-5 Priest on reverse drug run Kong prison ministry
[email protected] 6-7 Working with the laity 17 From the Director and enjoying it The woman with the umbrella Editor: 8-9 Reflection - Mary Mrs Janette Mentha 18-19 Hanging between MacKillop - Advocate for home and away
[email protected] the poor 20-21 Cultural curiosity and Proof Reader: 10 The quiet and gentle trends in Japan Fr Ray Scanlon missionary Fr Barry Cairns reflects on the culture in Japan.