I. Produits De La Recherche
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I. Produits de la recherche 1. Journaux / revues Articles scientifiques Aharon, I., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., and Levin, Y. (2015). Special issue on “Complexity modeling in social science and economics”. Mind & Society, 14(2), pp. 153-154. Alsmith, A. and Vignemont de, F. (2012). Embodying the mind & representing the body. In A. Alsmith, and de F. Vignemont de (Eds.), The body represented/Embodied representation. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Special issue, 3 (1). Arcangeli, M. (2012). Esperimenti mentali [Thought experiments]”. APhEx (Analytical and Philosophical Explanation), 6, pp. 33-72. Arcangeli, M. (2013). Immaginare è simulare: cosa e come? [Imagining is simulating: what and how?]. Rivista di Estetica, s.i. “Nuove teorie dell’immaginazione”, 53/2, pp. 135-154. Arcangeli, M. (2014). Against cognitivism about supposition. Philosophia, 42/3, pp. 607-624. Arcangeli, M. (2017). De l’autre côté du miroir de l’imagination. Imagination et imagerie mentale. Bulletin d’analyse phénoménologique, XIII/2, pp. 108-128 Arcangeli, M. (2017). Interacting with Emotions: Imagination and Supposition. Philosophical Quarterly. Arnold, G., and Auvray, M. (2014). Perceptual learning: Tactile letter recognition transfers across body surfaces. Multisensory Research, 27(1), pp. 71-90. Atran, S. (2012). Talking to the Enemy: An Alternative Approach to Ending Intractable Conflicts. Solutions 3: pp. 41-51. Atran, S. (2012). Parasite stress is not so critical to the history of religions or major group formations. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35: pp. 79-80. Atran, S. (2013). From mutualism to moral transcendence. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36: pp. 81-82. Atran, S. (2014). Martyrdom’s would-be myth buster. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37: pp. 362-363. Atran, S. (2015). Moralizing religions: Prosocial or Privilege of Wealth. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39: pp. 19-20. Atran, S. (2015). 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Perceptual crossing: The simplest online paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6: 181. Auvray, M. and O’Brien, J. (2014). The process of distal attribution illuminated through studies of sensory substitution. Multisensory Research, 27, pp. 421-441. Auvray, M., and Harris, L.R. (2014). The state of the art of sensory substitution. Multisensory Research, 27, pp. 265-269. Baumard, N., André, J.-B., and Sperber, D. (2013) A mutualistic approach to morality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 36(1), pp. 59–122 Baumard, N., and Boyer, P. (2015). Empirical problems with the notion of “Big Gods” and of prosociality in large societies. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 5(4), pp. 279-283. Baumard, N., and Chevallier, C. (2015). The nature and dynamics of world religions: a life-history approach. Proc. R. Soc. B, Vol. 282, No. 1818, p. 20151593. Baumard, N., Hyafil, A., and Boyer, P. (2015). What changed during the axial age: Cognitive styles or reward systems? Communicative & Integrative Biology, 8(5), e1046657. Baumard, N., Hyafil, A., Morris, I., and Boyer, P. (2015). Increased affluence explains the emergence of ascetic wisdoms and moralizing religions. Current Biology, 25(1), pp. 10-15. Bernard, S., Proust, J., and Clément, F. (2015). Four-to Six-Year-Old Children's Sensitivity to Reliability Versus Consensus in the Endorsement of Object Labels. Child development, 86(4), pp. 1112-1124. Bernard, S., Proust, J., & Clément, F. (2015). Procedural Metacognition and False Belief Understanding in 3-to 5-Year-Old Children. PloS one, 10(10), e0141321. Berns, G. and Atran, S. (2012). Biology of cultural conflict. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society – B 367: pp. 633-639. Berns, G., Bell, E., Capra, C.M., Prietula, M., Moore, S., Anderson, B., Ginges, J. and Atran, S (2012). The price of your soul: Neural evidence for the non-utilitarian representation of sacred values. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society-B 367: pp. 754-762. Beyssade, C. (2012). Le statut sémantique des incises et des incidentes du français, Langages, vol. 186, no.2, pp. 115-130. Beyssade, C. (2013). Reabilitando a pressuposicao de unicidade. Abralin, 12 (1), pp. 125-147. Beyssade, C. (2014). Back to uniqueness presupposition. Recherches Linguistique de Vincennes 42, pp. 123- 137. Beyssade, C. and Pires de Oliveira, R. (2014). Weak and strong definites across languages. Introduction, Recherches Linguistique de Vincennes 42, pp. 5-10. Beyssade, C., Portes, C., Michelas, A., Marandin, J.M., Champagne-Lavau, M. (2014). The Dialogical Dimension of Intonational Meaning: Evidence from French. Journal of Pragmatics, Vol. 74, pp. 15-29. Blumstein, B., Atran, S., Field, S., Hoichberg, M, Johnson, D. Sagarin, R, Sosis, R. and Thayer, B. (2012). The peacock’s tale: Lessons from evolution for effective signaling in international politics, Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History 3: pp. 191-214. Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2012). 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