MWHS-3 Tees Off Baby Season Cradles Miramar
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Vol. 13 No. 26 Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif. July 1, 2011 MWHS-3 tees off Baby season cradles Miramar Cpl. Z. L. Majors Cpl. Alexandra M. Vazquez ESCONDIDO, Calif. - Sgt. Zachary Denning, an aviation supply Marine Couples search through dozens of prizes during the Headquarters and Headquarters with Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 3, tees off on the 3rd hole Squadron Baby Shower aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., June 26. during a ‘MUSH-3 Golf Tournament’ here hosted by MWHS-3 June 23. H&HS and Marine Aircraft Group 16 hosted the shower for the units’ new and expecting FOR FULL STORY GO TO GOLF, PAGE 5 parents. AGE OF FLIGHT BEGAN WITH A. A. PRECISION WEAPONS REPAIRERS REACH US MCAS Miramar CUNNINGHAM MAKE SHARPER SHOOTERS Alfred A. Cunningham was the first Ma- Precision weapons repairers perform a Website rine aviator who made his first solo flight crucial job, from fabricating and repairing with only two hours and 40 minutes of special weapons to modernizing weapons training. See page 4 for full story. used by Marines across the fleet. See EDITORIAL page 6 for full story. (858)-577-6000 NEWS MAG-16 welcomes new CO Religious Services Compiled by deputy to the Plans Division with I Marine Ex- the Flight Jacket Staff peditionary Force. In June 2007, he became The Chaplainʼs Office, the deputy and division chief of the Joint Op- located in Building 5632 Col. Jerome Driscoll relinquished command erational War Plans Division. Driscoll then took on Bauer Road, coordi- of Marine Aircraft Group 16 to Col. Patrick command of MAG-16 as part of the 3rd Marine nates regularly scheduled Gramuglia during a change of command cer- Aircraft Wing at MCAS Miramar. services. For the location emony here June 29. Driscollʼs personal awards include the De- Driscoll attended the University of California fense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and meeting schedules of and received his Master of Arts in Political Sci- Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, religious activities, call ence in 1984. Air Medal with Numeral 2, Navy and Marine (858)-577-1333, or visit Driscoll was commissioned through Officer Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars Candidate School in August 1984. He completed and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Med- the Infantry Officer Course and reported to 2nd al. Sunday: Marine Regiment at Marine Corps Base Camp Gramuglia graduated from San Diego State 9 a.m. Protestant Maj. Gen. Lejeune, N.C., as an assistant training officer. University in 1987 and commissioned as a sec- Worship Service Thomas L. Conant In December 1985, he was assigned as a rifle ond lieutenant through the Platoon Leaders Class platoon commander and company executive of- in September 1987. He completed flight school Commanding General ficer with 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment. and was designated a naval aviator in March 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing 9:30 a.m. Protestant Driscoll entered primary flight training 1990. Childrenʼs Worship aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., and In April 1990, he reported to HMMT-301 Whiting Field with Training Squadron 3 and He- at MCAS Tustin, Calif., for replacement air- licopter Training Squadron 18 in June 1986. He crew training. Upon completion, he reported to 11 a.m. began advanced helicopter training with Marine HMM-166. While there, he served as flight of- Roman Catholic Mass Medium Helicopter Training Squadron 301 at ficer, assistant operations officer and weapons Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, Calif. and tactics instructor. During this period, he de- Religious Education/Sunday: Upon completion in May 1988, Driscoll trans- ployed with the 13th and 15th MEUs in support 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. ferred to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron of Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. Catholic CCD Children K-12 265 at MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Driscoll In February 1995, Gramuglia reported to 1st completed two deployments to Okinawa, Japan, Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment at MCB Camp and deployed to Southwest Asia during Opera- Pendleton, Calif., for duty as a forward air con- 10 a.m. Protestant tions Desert Shield and Desert Storm. troller and air officer. Adult Bible Study He reported to MAG- 24 and participated in Gramuglia then reported to Naval Air Train- the disaster relief operations in the wake of Hur- ing Command, Training Squadron 28, Corpus Weekday Worship Service: Col. Frank A. Richie ricane Iniki in 1992. Christi, Texas. He completed the Aviation Safe- Mon. – Fri. 11:30 a.m. In August 1993, he attended the Amphibious ty Officer Course and served as flight officer, Commanding Officer Catholic Mass MCAS Miramar Warfare School in Quantico, Va., and reported safety officer and the operations officer. to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit as an as- In August 1998, Gramuglia reported to sistant air officer. During his tour he deployed HMM-165 at MCAS El Toro, Calif. He served Mon. 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Maj. Jay Delarosa and participated in exercises in Jordan, United as operations officer, director of safety and stan- Praise and Worship Service Public Affairs Director Arab Emirates and Kuwait. dardization and aircraft maintenance officer. He He reported to HMM-164 at MCAS El Toro, deployed as part of the 11th MEU and partici- Wed. 7 p.m. Baptist Service Gunnery Sgt. Steven Williams Calif., in December 1995. He served as the op- pated in Operation Stabilise. Public Affairs Chief erations officer and plans officer and deployed He then reported to 1st Marine Division as in support of the 13th MEU. He transferred to the deputy division air officer in May 2001, and Study Groups: Sgt. Justin M. Martinez MAG-16 in October 1998. in January 2003 he deployed in support of Oper- Mon. 7 p.m. Internal Information Chief Driscoll attended the Marine Corps Com- ation Iraqi Freedom. Gramuglia was assigned to Night Bible Study, mand and Staff College and the School of Ad- MAG-39 and assumed command of Headquar- Classroom in the Chapel area Sgt. Deanne Hurla vanced Warfighting from 1999-2001. In Novem- ters Squadron 39 in December 2003. Gramuglia Editor ber 2001, he assumed command of HMM-268. assumed command of HMM-268 in May 2005, The squadron deployed in support of Operation and subsequently deployed to OIF. Tues. 6 a.m. Cpl. Alexandra M. Vazquez Iraqi Freedom in February 2003. Morning Prayer Service Layout and Design Specialist In October 2003, Driscoll reported as the GO TO COC, PAGE 3 and Study Group The Flight Jacket is published every Friday. This newspaper is an authorized publication for the Islamic Worship Service: military services, contents of the Flight Jacket are not neces- sarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. govern- Fri. at noon. ment, the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. It is for informational purposes only Located in the Chapel or visit and in no way should be considered directive in nature. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office. Comments or questions should be directed to 858-577-6000. Jewish: Jewish Outreach at (858) - 571 - 3444 Visit us on July 1, 2011 Flight Jacket Page 2 NEWS COC, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 He reported to Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific in July 2008, where he served as director of operations and training and executive officer. Gramugliaʼs personal decorations in- clude the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal with one gold star, Single Mission Air Medal, Air Medal with Numeral 7, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with three gold stars and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with one gold star. Col. Kevin Killea Col. John Jansen OUTGOING COMMANDING OFFICER INCOMING COMMANDING OFFICER MAG-11 welcomes new commanding officer Compiled by graduating from the NWC, Killea reported Pacific. Jansen joined MAG-46 in 1995 as the Flight Jacket Staff to Aviation Plans, Programs and Budget the group logistics officer and later served as Branch of Headquarters Marine Corps Avia- the operations officer for VMFA-134. Dur- Col. Kevin Killea relinquished com- tion until May 2004. ing this tour, he graduated from “TOPGUN” mand of Marine Aircraft Group 11 to Col. Killea assumed command of VMFA-122 training. John Jansen during a change of command aboard MCAS Beaufort until June 2006. In 1998, Jansen reported to VMFA-323 ceremony here June 24. In July 2006, Killea attended the Indus- as the squadron operations officer. He de- Killea graduated from St. Johnʼs Uni- trial College of the Armed Forces at the ployed in 1999 to the Persian Gulf in support versity in January 1988 where he received a National Defense University where he was of Operation Southern Watch. Bachelor of Arts in Finance. He received his awarded a Master of Science in National Re- In 2000, he transferred to VMFA-314 as commission as a second lieutenant the fol- source Strategy. the executive officer and deployed in 2001 to Col. Jerome Driscoll lowing March. Killea reported to the Office of the Sec- the North Arabian Sea aboard the USS John OUTGOING COMMANDING OFFICER Killea was designated a naval aviator in retary of Defense in June 2007 and concur- C. Stennis in support of Operation Enduring September 1991 after completing advanced rently graduated from the George C. Mar- Freedom. strike training at Naval Air Station Kings- shall European Center for Security Studies Jansen reported to the Coalition Forces ville, Texas. Killea then reported to Strike in Germany. Land Component Command Headquarters, Fighter Squadron 125 for replacement pilot Killea assumed command of MAG-11 Camp Doha, Kuwait as the deputy chief of training.