IOM Nigeria DTM COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard

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IOM Nigeria DTM COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard 44: DTM North East Nigeria Nigeria 13 - 19 MARCH 2021 Fouli Kanem Fouli Fouli Kanem KEY FIGURES Fouli KayaKaya Kaya KanemKanem WadiKanem Bissam Wadi Bissam Lac Lac Wayi 3 Wayi 388 Mamdi Mamdi Points of Entry Total movements (incoming and outgoing) observed Mamdi OVERVIEW During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Dagana Yobe DaganaDagana collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) monitors the Yobe Hadjer-Lamis movement to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States, located in the Hadjer-Lamis North East Zone. Assessments are conducted at Points of Entry located along Haraze-Al-BiarHaraze-Al-Biar Haraze-Al-Biar the border with Cameroon. Ghana Ghana Ngala Ngala RannRann NgalaNgala Rann Ngala N'Djamena 96 N'Djamena During the period 13 - 19 March 2021, 388 movements were observed at three 96 N'DjaménaN'Djaména 9 KalaKala balgebalge N'Djaména Borno Kala balge Borno Kala/BalgeKala/Balge Points of Entry in Borno State. Of the total movements recorded, 227 were Kala/Balge4848 JereJere 25 incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon. Additionally, 161 outgoing Jere movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Maiduguri ChariChari Cameroon. Chari Chari-Baguirmi BamaBama Chari-Baguirmi Bama BaguirmiBaguirmi Yobe Baguirmi Yobe 83Bama83Bama A range of data is collected during the assessment to better inform on Nigeria 15Bama travellers’ nationalities, sex, reasons for moving, mode of transportation and BankiBanki timeline of movement as shown in figures 1 to 4 below: ChadChad GwozaGwoza Gwoza NATIONALITIES OF TRAVELLERS (FIG. 1) SEX (FIG. 2) 113 100% Mayo-LemiéMayo-Lemié 161161 Mayo-Lemié 22749227 Far-NorthFar-North Mayo-Kebbi Est 35% Mayo-Kebbi Est ±± Nigerian ± Mayo-BoneyeMayo-Boneye 65% Mayo-Boneye CameroonCameroon REASONS FOR MOVEMENT (FIG. 3) Mayo-BinderMayo-Binder Mayo-Binder MontMont Illi Illi Mont Illi Reasons for Movement Number of Individuals Percentage Adamawa LacLac Léré Léré Economic Migration 67 17% Lac Léré KabbiaKabbia Cross-borderCross-borderKabbia movementmovement Forced Movement Due to Insurgency 92 24% Cross-border movement XXXXXX Travellers’Travellers’ destinationdestination Seasonal 78 20% Mayo-KebbiMayo-Kebbi Ouest Ouest TandjileTandjile Ouest Ouest Mayo-Kebbi Ouest XXX Travellers’ destinationTandjile Ouest Tandjilé Short Term Local Movement 151 39% XX Tandjilé North X IncomingIncoming travelerstravelers North Mayo-DallahMayo-Dallah Incoming travelers Grand Total 388 100% Mayo-Dallah PointsPoints ofof EntryEntry Points of Entry GuéniGuéni MODE OF TRANSPORTATION (FIG. 4) NeighboringNeighboring countriescountriesGuéni Neighboring countries LogoneLogone Occidental Occidental DodjéDodjé 67% StateState boundaryboundaryDodjé State boundary LacLac Wey Wey 00 Lac Wey 0 ©© OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap (and) (and) contributors, contributors, CC-BY-SA CC-BY-SA © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA SOURCE: ESRI, IOM & OPENSTREETMAP (OSM) The map is for illustration purposes only. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown are not warranted to be error free nor do they imply judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or accpetance of such boundaries by IOM. 18% 14% PASSENGERS HEALTH SCREENING 1% Enumerators stationed at Points of Entry conduct interviews with travellers and collect Boat Motorcycle Bicycle Foot information about travellers’ points of departures, intended destination, vulnerabilities, temperatures, reasons for moving and mode of transport. Additional questions concerning TEMPERATURES TAKEN (FIG. 5) the COVID-19 pandemic were asked to determine if travelers exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19; if they were recently in contact with individuals exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or might have died from it. 200 Furthermore, the assessments serve to evaluate whether travellers sought medical care 150 or took medication in the 24 hours preceding the interviews and to verify whether they are 100 aware of whom to call in case of emergency. The results are shown in figures 5 to 8. Number of Individuals 50 HAVE YOU HAD ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS HAVE YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH ANYONE (FEVER, COUGH) IN THE LAST 14 DAYS? (FIG. 7) WHO IS SICK IN THE LAST 14 DAYS? (FIG. 8) 0 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 100% 100% Temperatures HAVE YOU SOUGHT ANY MEDICAL CARE IN ANY HEALTH FACILITY WITHIN THE LAST 14 DAYS? (FIG. 6) 100% No None None "When quo�ng, paraphrasing, or in any other way using the informa�on men�oned in this report, the source needs to be stated appropriately as follows: “Source: Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) of the Interna�onal Organiza�on for Migra�on (IOM), March 2021”" For more information or to report an alert, please contact: Henry Kwenin, DTM Project Coordinator: | +234 903 8852 524.
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