

by Emanuel D. Rudolph and Ronald L. Stuckey

Botanical Beginnings (187 3-189 1)

From the founding of the University until 1891, an identified professor of Botany was not a part of the University. Upon his de2th in

'April of 1873, Dr. William Starling Sullivant> an internationally recognized authority on and a citizen of Colurr.b us, bequeathed his , microscopic equipment, and books on to the

Starl5.ng Medical College. His extensive and valuable botanical library was divided between the new agricultural college in Columbus (The 2Jhio

State University) and Harvard University where- his good friend

and books about . William's brother Joseph Sullivant was trustee and secretary and a member of the executive conunittee of the university. He tbo had a keen interest in and was / influential in incorporating the study of botany and into the curriculum of the University. He had recommer.ded th,e. establir;hmet of n

Department of Botany and Vegetable and had· several prominent botanists in mind for its professorship, however such a departra ent was not formed at that time. Before 1881, a limi ted amount of botany was taught by Norton Strange Townshend H.D., the professor-of and Botany.

The disciplines of Agriculture, Botany, ar;i.d Zoology in 1875 were placed in the School of Natural History and t:he courses uere tat!ght in

University Hall. ' \ '

-2- ,, In 1881 a Departnent of Botany and was formed separate · from Agriculture, and placed in the School of Agriculture. Dr. Andrew

Price Horgan, a mycologist, was appointed Assistant Professor in the

Department, howev~r,his appointment was terminated after a few months.

As reported in Cape's History of the Ohio State University, "At a meeting of the Board of Trustees January 5, 1881, a resolution Yas adopted establishing a department of Horticulture an

A.P. Morgan of Dayton, Ohio was elected to the. position, his services to begin at the opening of the ensuing term. (p. 474) ••• It seems that the work of Professor A. P. Morgan who had been elected to ·the chair of

Horticulture had not given satisfaction. Ile had, it appears, devoted his time to teachin~ botany almost exclusivelv. He had been exnected to ~ive new impetus to work in practical horticulture and had failed to do so.

Therefore, at the meeting of the Board of Trustees last above mentioned [June 21, 1881], ~rofessor w. R. Lazenby was elected :Professor of Botany and Horticulture ••• " (p. 475) In their minutes the Board said of Morgans

"In the retirement of Professor A. P. Morgan, after a brief

term in his professorship, the Board takes pleasure in bearing

testimony cf his extensive attainments ~n Scientific Botany,

t~ his unusual skill as a teacher of this subjec t and to his

high character as a man." (p. 475)

William Rane Lazenby brought from Cornell taught the botany courses and

in 1882 became Director of the newly formed Agricult:i:cral Experiment Station.

Professor Lazenby in 1881 recommended a building for the department, at a

cost including equipment of $10,000, a greenhouse at a cost of $5,000; a

dwelling house for the professor, and appropriations £or special articles \ , . -3-

of equipment. At the November 1882 meeting of the Board of Trustees, it

decided to ask the legislature for $15,000 for a Horticultural and

Agricultural Hall, and $5,000 for a house for the professor of Horticulture.

In .January 1883 the legislature made the appropriation. In 1883 the Botany

and .Horticulture Building was completed to the west of Orton Hall on the

. site of the present Faculty Club. It was a little larger than a farmhouse,

constructed of brick and , with an attached greenhouse. In 1890 Hr.

·william C. Werner became Assistant to Professor Lazenby and superintendent

of the greenhouse. During this period at least one student assistant,

Mosses Craig, aided with the work. The botany program was not outstanding,

in fact Mr. Werner says of this period when writing about it in 1934,

"There was nothing doing. ·rt was a dead departi ent. Before the

arrival of Dr. Kellerman, the botany given was of the most

elementary type. After Kellerman arrived and hecame settled

down, there was a general awakening in the department •••

Previous to Dr. Kellerrnan's time, ••• there were three

microscopes'of the Queen Acme type with inch amd one-half inch

objectives in the department but Craig told Wexner that they had

never been used in class work ••• There was na>tt: a razor for

making a section, not a scape!, dissecting nee:i'l.e, or forceps on

the place."

Professor Lazenby's interests were in practical horl:f'.culture rather than

in botany and he did outstanding work in that field.

The Kellerman Period (1891-1908)

A department of Botany and was formed fiom a split from

Horticulture in 1891. Professor Lazenby became the h ofessor pf Horticulture \ ' . -4-

and Dr •. William Ashbrook Kellerman, brought from Kansas Agricultural College

where he had made a reputation as a mycologist, became the Professor of Botany :,,' and Forestry. Three years later, the courses in for~stry were transferred

to _the Department of Horticulture which became the Department of Horticulture

and. Forestry. Kellerman was the head and only faculty member of the first

independent Department of Botany at The Ohio State University. He had Mr.

Werner and Mr. Craig to assist him in laboratories and class work. Mr.

Werner writes,

"In the fall of 1891, after Dr. Kellerman had arrived Craig had.

a regular class of agricultural and science students who wished

to know something about the flowering , ••• This was

about the first regular class in advanced botany in the university •••

the laboratory work was ·now developed by Herner who had the

three ol.d microscopes cogether toli t n a ftrw odt1Saud e J oOl: ' 0\·:r:d . from the Zoology Department. The next year Prof.[essor]

Kellerman procured several Zeiss instruments and a number of 1/4

in.[ch] obj~ctives, but not enough to go around. Kellerman had

to fight for small appropriations, because those in authority

could not see where such funds as· he asked for could be required

in a Botany Department. T~ey based their judgmen t on what had

been allotted to the department in former years."

Dr. Kellerman was an enthusiastic botanist who inspired students •

. David Fairchild the famous collector wrote about his introduction to

botany at the University of Kansas (1941). "Under the enthusiastic

guidance of Professor Kellerman, I became immersed in the problem of

tumbleweeds. The barbed-wire fences--rather a new invention in those days--

were piled high in the autumn with a great variety of dried weeds which '

-5- scatter.ed their as the cont inual winds rolled them across the prairies. Doctor Kellerman's assistants were incredibly busy. We collected every -spot and parasitic which we could find, and a world . formerly filled with innocuous suddenly became a place full of dangerous spots and discolored surfaces."

In 1891-92 the Department offered ten courses to a total of 190 students.

In the early years of Kellerman's professorship, many activities began

'which were of importance to the university _program and to botany in genera~.

The Biological Club and The Ohio Academy of Science:

In 1891 the Biological Club of The Ohio State University and the

Agricultural Experiment Station for professors, instructors, and students of the several departmentsof Natural History of the University held its first meetings. Active discussions of current biological research were held with presentations by faculty and students. Its most notable achieve- ment was initiating activity that led to the foundin~ of The Ohio Academy of Science .incorporated in 1892 with Kellerman as OM of six incorporators.

He had been on several cormnittees involved with the planning for the

Academy. Kellerman also played an active role in the initiation of a journal, The Ohio Naturalist, the first volume which appeared in 1900-1901.

It was published for several year.s by the Biological Club, later jointly by the Academy and the University. J.ohn H. Schaf fnel!: , whom Kellerman had brought into the Botany Department as an assistant, s erved as the journal's first editor for most of the years until 1917, even after it became

The Oh io Journal of Science in 1915. \ '


Beginning of the . (Before 1908): /

A small collection of dried plants forming an herbarium belonged to the department resulting from the contributions of professors .Townshend and Lazenby, and assistants Werner and Craig. Shortly after his appoint- ment, Dr. Kellerman consolidated and began to eniarge this collection.

The herbarium, then as it does now, benefited the department and the university as a resource for teaching, research, and public service. Dr.

Kellerman served as curator until his death in 1908. In 1893 Dr.

Kellerman separated the herbarium into two parts: (1) The Ohio Collection

(or State Herbatium) and (2) the General Herbarium· (composed of plants from outside the state). The State Herbarium was organized to show the distribution and the morphological variations of all the plants from all parts of the state. By the fall of 1896, the State Herbarium contained about six thousand specimens. According to the first published report cf the State Herbarium in 1900, the collection contained over ten thousand sheets of phanerogams (flowering plants) and ~ascular cryptogams ().

In addition, the herbarium had large numbers of specimens of the lower plants (mosses, fungi, .), but these were not counted and were only partially mounted and arranged, a condition which still exists in part today. Annual reports for the State Herbarium were published by

Kellerman in the Annual Reports .£i. The Ohio State Academy .£i. Science from

1900 to 1903 and by Kellerman and his assistants in The Ohio Naturalist in 1904 and 1906. According to the latter report, a total of 21,911 specimens were in the State Herbarium. Since then annual reports for the

State Herbarium have not been published but information on the material progress of the State Herbarium has appeared from time to time in The Ohio -7-

Journal.£!. Science through 1947.

In the development and expansion of the Herbarium emphasis was placed

on the study of the Ohio . One of the earliest. activities was the

cataloging the plants of the flora. Kellerman and Werner in 1893 published

a Catalogue of Ohio Plants. This catalogue was based on specimens

studied and deposited in the State Herbarium, as well as summary of reports

· from the previous published catalogues and county or local flora lists. In

·1899, Kellerman published The Fourth State Catalogue of Ohio Plants.

Additions to this list were issued annually through 1904 by Kellerman or

by him and his assistants. After Kellerman began taking botanical expedi-

tions to Guatemala in 1905, he no longer continued the supplements to the

Fourth Catalogue.

Kellerman and his assistant, John H. Schaffner, encouraged other

stud1es on t he Ohio flora. '.i:hey and their studem:s during this iorrnacive

period published (mostly in The Ohio Naturalist) over 80 papers on the

composition, , distribution, and of the Ohio flora.

Dr. Kellerman, with the help of Mrs. Kellerman, spent considerable time

and effort in preparing a very creditable exhibit of framed, glass mounted,

lower plants and flowering plants and a display of various parts of every

native forest of Ohio for the Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago.

For this collection he was awarded a Columbian Exposition medal and


Dr. Kellerman distributed specimens of rare Ohio flowering plants to

botanists as a memento of the Columbus meeting of the American .Association for the Advancement of Science, August 1899. \


Later Departmental Activities:

/ -I During the summer of 1896 several rooms were built at the rear of

Botany Hall (formerly the Botany and Horticulture Building opened in

1883). These rooms contained Professor Kellerman's and Mr. Wilcox's

offices and two special laboratories for advanced students. The botanical

greenhouse had also been enlarged. Hr. W.R. Beattie was the florist in

·the greenhouse.

Mr. Edwin Head Wilcox served as assistant from 1895 to 1897. By 1896

with more students and activities it was apparent that Kellerman needed

help with the teaching. Mr. W. F. Julian was brought from the University

of Illinois as Assistant Professor in October of 1896. but because he knew

physiology but not taxonomy he was released in December 1896. To assist

u~. K~ii~rman tne nexc year, cir. John Henry ~cnarrner was brought tram the

University of Chicago, where he had begun outstanding t~ork in plant cytology.

· Two years later, Schaffner was named Assistant Professor and Miss Alice

Dufour was made Assistant. The first masters degree in botany was awarded

to Freda Detrners in 1891, on the rusts of Ohio. In The Journal of Applied

Microscopy for 1898 Schaffner wrote a short description of the facilities

of the department. They were housed in a two story building, Bota~y Hall,

with connected large greenhouse. It contained three laboratories in addition

to a lecture room, offices, dark-room, library, and museum-herbarium. The

·laboratories were furnished with equipment, "sufficient though not extensive

apparatus for carrying on advanced work in cytology and , and

enough for the elementary physiology," including twenty-five compound

microscopes. A laboratory at Lake Erie ha.s been opened in 1896 at Sandusky

where botanical investigations could be pursued in the field. Both -9-

Kellerman and Schaffner taught there in 1900 and later. A Botanical

Journal Club for advanced students and faculty was founded in 1899 and met

for several years. The assistants between 1900 and 1905 were Frederick

Jared Tyler (1900-1903), Otto Emery Jennings_ (1902-1903), Harlan H. York

(1903-1904), Caroline Martha Cormack (1904-1905), and Henry A. Gleason

(1904-1905). The first Ph.D. in botany was awarded to Lumina Cotton

Riddle in 1905 for a cytological thesis.

In 1905 Professor Kellerman took an expedition to Guatemala where he

collected parasitic fungi and flowering plants. Between then and 1908 he

made four trips to Guatemala, Several university peop le went with him on

these trips and on the 1908 trip he took three undergraduate students who . , were part of a recently established Tropical School of Botany, an auxiliary

to .the Department of Botany authorized by the University. This early

attempt to develop the study of tropical botany by a North American

University was sadly terminated with Kellerman's death by a tropical disease

on the 1908 trip. He was buried in the churchyard at Zacapa, Guatemal~ .

The few years before Kellerman's death saw an active growth in the botany

program and faculty of the department.

In 1906, Mr. Robert Fisk Griggs, with an undergra duate degree from the

Ohio State University and a masters from the University of Minnesota after

teaching at the University of North Dakota, returned as assistant professor,

Freda Detmers became instructor that year, and in 1906 , Dr. Alfred Paul

Dachnowski became substitute assistant professor. Associate Professor

Schaffner, as of 1902, left in 1907 for Europe to obtain his doctorate.

When Kellerman decided to go to Guatemala in 1907, he summoned Schaffner to

return to aid with the necessary teaching. Schaffner, without having

obtained his Ph.D. _degree, learned of Kellerman's death on his way home from

Europe. \ '

· -10-

The Consolida tion Per i od of Schaffner (1908-1917)

With the return of John Schaf fne r from Europe,· he was made head of the

department. Dr. Dachnowski became a regular assistan t professor. The

enrollment of students in 1908-1909 was 380. The numb ers continued to

· increase each year: 1?09-1910, 402; 1910-1911, 487; 1911-1912, 669;

1912-1913, 735; 1913-1914, 904; 1914-1915 (including f irst summer session),

918. In 1912, Mr. Wilmer G. Stover was added to the f aculty as instructor

making a faculty of five members. The following year two student assistants .

were needed to help with the instruction. Schaffner c ontinued his active

research program in cytology and taxonomy in addition to his teaching

be~oming full professor in 1911. In 1914 Mr. Stover b ecame assistant

professor. On July l, 1915 Dr. Dachnows.ki resigned t o go to the 'united

States Department of Agriculture. While at Ohio State he had been

associated with the Ohio Geological Survey during the years 1909 t o 1912 - as botanist and had become an expert on peat. Mr. Herbert William Markward

from the University of Nebraska was hired in 1914 as i nstructor in plant

physiology to replace Dr. Dacknowski. We suspect he r emained only one year

or less. In 1915-1916, Dr. Edgar Nelson Transeau was appointed Pr~fessor.

Dr. Transeau with a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan had taught at

Alma College for o~o years and at the Normal School i n Charleston, Illinois

· for eight years. He came highly recommended by several i mportant botanists

at the University of Chicago where he had spent two years. Mr. Paul

Bigelow Sears from the University of Nebraska was ins tructor three years

(1915-1918) after which he left for military service. I n these pre-World War I

years (1914-1917) the numbers of students cont i nued to increase as did the -11- numbers of graduate student assistants, from three in 1914 to five in 1917.

In 1914 the Department had moved into a new building on Neil Avenue that was only partially finished inside, the upper floor being incomplete.

The department was growing and its facilities were improving. Howeverp all was not well with the administration of the department. In the sprine of 1915 the president of the University was advised in a letter by

Dr. William McPherson who was investigating the department for him that

Professor Schaffner was not an effective leader and that he should be replaced as ~hairman of the department by someone better suited for administrative work. As Dr. Adolph E. Waller's biography of Professor

Schaffner indica.tes (1941), he was a quiet. scholarly person who was at his best as a teacher in informal discussions with small groups of advanced students or with individual assistants. Schaffner insoired all with his knowledge of plants and with his penetrating papers about them. The department faculty in that spring consisted of Professor Schaffner, Assistant

Professors Dachnowski and Griggs, and Instructors Detmers and Markward.

Dr. Griggs, having obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1911 became actively engaged in field studies in Alaska with the National Geographical Society

Expedition to Katmai. He began to spend at least one _quarter each year in

Alaska where he discovered the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes in 1916.

Apparently the administration of the department was weak as was the teaching of lower level classes, while the research activities of Schaffner,

Dachnowski and Griggs were prominent and the botanical reputation of the department was growing in this country and abroad. It was into this environment at Ohio State that Dr. Transeau came in the fall of 1915, brought as plant physiologist, with the hope that he could in time, assume the leadership that was lacking in the department. \

... 12-

Steady Growth under Trans eau (1917-1946)

After two years, in 1917, Dr. Edgar Nelson Transeau became acting head of the department to become permanent head the following year. At

that time Professor Schaffner continued as professor and in 1928 became

Research Professor although he continued to teach advanced courses and

curate the herbarium. The year 1917 also marked the time when a new faculty

member was appointed as instructor, Dr. Homer Cleveland Sampson. Dr.

Sampson had been an assistant of Dr. Transeau's in Charleston from 1909 to

1912 after which he had obtained a B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of

Chicago. Dr. Adolph E. waller who had received an H.Sc. in 1916 and a

Ph.D. under Dr. Transeau in 1918 at Ohio State, after coming from the

University of Kentucky, became instructor in 1918. Professor Transeau with

the aid of Dr. Sampson and others in the department changed the manner of

instruction in beginning botany to a laboratory-demonstration-discussion

program using the Socratic question-answer method. It has been said that

the teaching of beginning botany before 1915 was not very enthusiastically

received by the students. With the new method requiring as it did more

graduate student assistants for preparing demonstrati on;and teaching, for

example nine in 1920, more students enrolled in botany courses although

1919 was a low year because of the war. The year 1920 brought the resigna-

tion of two faculty members Assistant Professor Griggs and now Instructor

Detniers. These resignations were the result of confl ict of interest between

Professor Treanseau and these faculty members. Teachi ng was to be emp hasized.

Poor teachers and researchers who spent time away from campus thus being

unable to meet their teaching responsibilities were no t to be supported

according to Professor Transeau. Dr. Waller was joined in 1920 as \

-13- instructor by Mr. Jasper Dean Sayre who received his masters degree that year in the department and a doctorate two years later. With these two new instructors to replace the two 19.st faculty members, the teaching program could be maintained and improved.

A Plant Science Institute was organized in 1921 at Professor Transeau's suggestion. It was to include all of the plant science departments of the

College of Agriculture at the University. Reports by faculty and graduate students of the various departments were presented. Speakers were occasionally invited by the Institute, with the help of the Graduate

School, from other institutions. The Institute after 1939 was continued as the Botanical Colloquium which exists up to the present with meetings weekly. On October 1, 1917, the Botany and Zoology Library opened its doors, thus becoming the third ancillary library to be established at the

Ohio State University. Mrs. Ethel Hiller faithfully served as first librarian for thirty years. In the early years she spent half-time as librarian and half-time as secretary in the Botany Department. The botanical holdings of the library are outstanding as a result of substantial gifts from friends and faculty starting with that of Dr. William

Starling Sullivant and _by wise purchase policy through the years.

During the years of P~ofessor Transeau's tenure as department chairman the teaching and research activities of the department _continued to ex~and.

Staff members were added and/or replaced when they left (see table. I~ for listing). In a report to the president of the university in 1929,

Professor Transeau listed 17 major research projects of the Department of

Botany which include: floristic and vegetational studies in Ohio, various physiological and ecological experimental projects, taxonomic and genetic , problems, various aspects of plant diseases, and experimental studies in \


teaching of general botany. In October 1939 observational and experimental

work was begun at Neotoma Valley in Hocking County. The report of 1949

entitled "Microclimates and Hacroclimate of Neotome, a Small Valley in

Central Ohio" by John N. Wolfe, Richard T. Wareham, and Herbert T. Scofield

is a pioneer work in microclimatology. In it the authors say, "Our mm

department has provided much equipment, has borne the cost of high mortality

of some instruments not designed for field use, and has expedited the

project in many ways ••• We are especially grateful to E. N. Transeau,

whose interest has been stimulating and whose ad.vice has been helpful so


An outgrowth of the continued work of improving the beginning botany

course was the outstanding introductory work, Textbook of Botanv by E. N.

Transeau, H. C. Sampson, and L. H. Tiffany, published in 1940 (revised

edition 1953). A laboratcry guide was also written.

Departmental facilities continued to improve. The roof of the Botany

and Zoology Building was raised to accommodate an entire upper floor and

the two upper floors were completed in 1931-1932 at which time the basement

. wing was also finished. The library that had expanded some in 1925, now

in 1932 occupied the former museum after the books which has been placed

in the main library during the construction were returned. An annual social

event, the dandelion party, that still continues was initiated by the graduate students in 1921. The :

As early as 1902 some had vision of a botanical garden for the

department. Two assistants, Otto E. Jennings and Frederick J. Tyler, that

spring attempted to establish one in the ravine. (now filled) between the

current Botany and Zoology Building and Campbell Hall. During the summer -15-

the Dean of the College of Agriculture had turned thi s fenced-in area into

/ a pig pen. Thus ended these first efforts. In 1925 a member of the

Trustees expressed interest in a garden and in 1927, r eally serious plans were initiated for a botanical garden. A fence was c onstructed around the site in 1929 and plantings began the spring of 1930. In that year,

Dr. Transeau was named Director of the Botanical Garden and Dr. Waller was named as curator. A small redbud collected in s outheastern Ohio was

the earliest planting. The garden occupied the land -west and south of the

Botany and Zoology Building. The years have resulte~ in the diminution

of the area as a result of construction of additions ~o the building,

the building of the Dentistry Building, and the pavi~ of 12th Avenue.

Now all that remains is a very small area directly west of the building.

· It is still used as a teaching collection of woody plants.

The Herbarium (1908-1947):

Under the curatorship of Professor Schaffner, following the death pf

Dr. Kellerman, the Herbarium continued to enlarge. Byl935 over 40,000 sheets

of vascular plants had been accessioned forthe State He rbariurn, and by

the time of his death in 1939, some 55,000 specimens. According to Schaffner,

in 1934, the Herbarium was, "greatly hampered by a lack of suitable cases to

hold this valuable collection properly ••• . " In 1937 he reported that

steel cases had been obtained. Furthermore, the General Herbarium, having

been,"packed away in boxes ever since the Botany Departraent moved into the

new Botany-Zoology Building in the autumn of 1914, was now arranged in cases

again." Additions were made to this collection in t he following years.

Schaffner took an active interest in the Ohio flora and continued from

1909 to 1912 the publishing of additions to Kellerman's Fourth Cata logue . -16-

In 1914, Schaffner published a Catalop, of Ohio Vascular Plants, and in 193 2 a Revised Catalog ••• , both as bulletins of The Ohio Biological Survey .

Additions to these catalogues were issued annually in The Ohio Journal of

Science from 1915 to 1939. Schaffner and his students emphasized the preparation of taxonomic treatments of certain families in

Ohio. Over 30 papers of this type were published, mostly in The Ohio llaturalist and The Ohio Journal of Science. Beyond Ohio floristics,

Schaffner published taxonomic papers fron 1905 to 1939 in these and other journals.

Mr. Clyde H. Jones, who had received his master's degree in 1936 under

Dr. Transeau, was appointed curator after Dr. Schaffner's death in 1939.

In the early 1940's he continued the work of Prof. Schaffner in adding speci~~- to both the St~te A~d GenPra] HP.rb rium. Fo~ pxamrle. ~ 1941 he rep0rt~d that 4,000 sheets had been added to the State Herbarium ·and 1,500 sheets to the General Herbarium. In 1940 he announced that a new set of _species distribution maps of the vascular flora of Ohio had been completed, which replaced the card map index prepared in the later 1930's. He continued ·the annual published lists of additions of Schaffner's Revised Catalog until

1947. World War II and its effects evidently played a part and in 1944

Jones reported that some collect~ons had remained unexamined because of

"the lack of 'man-power' for assistance and to the temporary assignment of herbarium personnel to the teaching of Army classes on the campus."

Herbarium specimens continued to accumulate from donors of the Botany

Department, as well as from amateur botanists and collectors in various parts of the state. For several years in the middle 1940's activity was curtailed in the Herbarium. \


The period of Bernard S. Meyer (1946-1967) /

With the retirement of Professor Transeau in the autumn of 1946, Dr.

Bernard S. Heyer"became chairman of the department which as a result of the merger of the plant group at the experiment station in Woos~er in the following year became the Department of Botany and .

A year later, in 1948, Dr. Meyer thus became chairman of botany and plant pathology at Columbus and Wooster. Professor Meyer was a prominent teacher of who had co-authored with D. B. Anderson of University of North Carolina an important textbook, Plant Physiology published in 1939.

During his tenure as chairman the research activities of the department expanded into new areas of botany as a result of the hiring of new staff

, gcncti~s, l!~hcnology, ar.d physiology. This naturally led to expanded course offerings in botany.

The botany offerings at the Stone Laboratory on Lake Erie, again taught by faculty members in the summer of 1927, uere now expanded.

The size of the university progressively increased particularly after

World War II resulting in larger enrollments in botany courses. This in turn resulted in larger numb ers of faculty members. and graduate student assistants. Beginning in 1960, greater riumbers of graduate students became involved in classroom teaching of elementary courses and this trend has continued through the present. Expansion of facilities also progressed: with new greenhouses being added to the building in 1948; two years later, in 1950, an addition was made to the botany part of the building; and again, in 1962-1963 a new addition was made to the botany side of the building. -18-

The Herbarium Under Clara G. Weishaupt (1949-1967):

Under the curatorship of Dr. Weishaupt, the backlog of Ohio material

that accummulated during the middle 1940's was gradually accessioned, sorted,

mounted, and filed, although at the end of the period large amounts of

material still remained to be prepared. Little or no additions were made to

the General Ilerbarium. The county distribution maps for the Ohio flora

were continually updated for easy reference in determining the general

distribution of any vascular plant in the state. With the formation

in 1951 of the Ohio Flora Project, sponsored by The Ohio Academy of Science,

a reemphasis on floristic study took hold in Ohio, and The Ohio State

University began playing an active role, primarily because the largest

collection of plants on which the major portion of the flora was to be

based is housed here. This project stimulated professional and amateur

botanists to survey the flora and collect plant specimens. Large amounts

. of new material, especially woody plants, came to the herbarium from

various collectors throughout the state. The number of specimens in the

Al/\0:,( State Herbarium Adoubled to about 8 4 000 at the end of this period. Two books on the Ohio Flora have resulted from this project, one of them,

on the Monocotyledoneae contains a treatment of the grasses prepared by

Dr. Weishaupt. As a result of her research in the herbarium and Held,

Dr. Weishaupt has prepared a book of keys and short descriptions of Ohio

plants, Vascular Plants Ei_ Ohio, written for students of the Ohio flora.

This work was originally published in 1960 and revised in 1968. -19-

/' The Most Recent Period (1967- I

When a College of Biological Sciences was considered in 1965, the

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology was naturally to be a part of that college. In 1966, the new college was formed with the department as a unit and with the further understanding that there would be internal reorganization of the college. The plant pathologist:swere to be given a year to decide if they desired to remain in the College of Biological

Sciences or return to the College of Agriculture. Their desire at that time was to form a Department of Plant Pathology to he in the College of Agriculture and the botanists in the department now called Department of Botany concurred with their wishes. Internal reorganization of the college was considered and completed at the end of 1967 with the elimination of the designation departments and the formation of new units termed Academic Faculties. The major portion of those involved in the botany undergraduate and graduate degree programs made their primary allegiance with the Academic Faculty of Organismic and Developmental chaired as interim chairman by Professor Carroll A. Swanson, who had been since January 1967 chairman of the department. Those who were teaching plant allied themselves with the Acaderaic Faculty of Genetics,

those teaching with the Academic Faculty of Population and

Environmental Biology, and those teaching cellular biology with the Academic

Faculty of Cellular and Microbial Biology. In 1969, Professor Swanson left

the chairmanshi_p in order to direct the drafting of a proposal for

improvement of the biological sciences facilities at the University, under -20- the University Science Developm ent Pr ogram. Pr of essor John A. Schmitt, Jr. became acting chairman of the Academic Faculty of Organismic and Developmental

Biology. All those faculty members who consider thems elves botanists· are part of the undergradua te and gradua te degree awarding programs in botany even though they may not belong to the same Academic Faculty.

The Herbarium under Dr. Stuckey (1967- ):

Under the curatorship of Dr. Stuckey emphasis continues on Ohio floristics with distributional studies on the aquatic and marsh flora and the spring flora of the state as current projects. Biosystematic investigations on several Compositae genera are also associated with the herbarium. Backlog material and current accessions for Ohio plants, as well as non-Ohio plants, are being mounted and filede The Ohio colle ction of vascular plants consists of over 92,000 specimens h aving been increased by approximately 8,000 specimens since the fall of 1967. Part of this increase is the result of the presentation of the Hen arium of the Ohio

Agricultural Experiment Station in June 1968. The t otal number of vascular plants for the entire berbarium is approximately 160,000 • ./ Specimen exchanges are being carried out with several institutions, and loans of specinens are being made to researchers in other institutions for study.

Acklowl edgements

Many of the botanists on the faculty, and partlculary those who have been associated with the University for some years. w~re helpful to us in -21- providing information for which we are indeed gratefu l. We want particularly , to thank Professor Emeritus Adolph E. Waller and Dr. Andrew -Denney Rodgers III for their valuable suggestions.


Much of the information has been obtained from 1 etters and other materials in the University Archives, from issues. of the Lantern, and the annual issues of The Dandelion (compiled and issued at the time of the annual Dandelion Party). These have not been individually references below.

Cope. Alexis. 1920. History of the Ohio State University. Vol. 1,

1870-1910. Columbus; The Ohio State University Press. 612 o •.

Fairchild, David. 1941. The World was my Garden. Travels of a Plant

Explorer. New York: Charles Scribner's Dons. (p. 12)

Lampe, Lois. 1950. The Origin and Development of The Ohio State University

with special reference to the biological sciences. Ohio Journal of

Science, 50 (5): 201-204.

Rodgers, Andrew Denny, III. 1940. "Noble Fellow" Witliam Starling

Sullivant. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. (pp. 290-291).

S[chaffner], J. H. 1898. [The botanical department of Ohio State

University.] Journal of Applied 'Microscopy, 1: 188.

Waller, Adolph E. 1941. Professor John Henry Schaffner (1866-1939).

Ohio Journal of Science, 41(3): 252-286.

Waller, Adolph E. 1965. The Botanic Journal Club of the Ohio State

University. Ohio Journal of Science, 65(3): 154-158. \ '


Werner, William c. 1934. Beginnings of botany at Ohio State University.

The Dandelion [Ohio State University Department of Botany] 1934.

2 pp. in unnumbered mimeographed publication.


/ '


Regular Faculty Members Instructor or Above in the Botany Program 1925-1970

Highest Degree Name while on Faculty Rank and Years

Allison, Clyde C.· Ph.D. U. Minnesota Assoc. Prof. 1938-46; Prof. 1946-67.

Beatley, Janice Ph.D. Ohio State Asst(l) 1945-54, Instr.(2) 1955-56

.Bell, Frank H. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1946-49

Blaydes, Glenn W. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1928-32; Asst. 'Prof. 1932-37; Assoc. Prof. 1937- 45; Prof. 1945-

Boggs, Thomas L. B.S. Glenville State Asst. 1960-63; Instr. 1963- College

Bohn-ing, Richard H. Ph.D. Ohi6 State Asst. 1940-42; Instr. 1946- 50; Asst. Prof. 1950-55; -Assoc. Prof. 1955-61;

Brown, Carole M.S. Ohio State Asst. 1963-64; Instr. 1964-66 Burley, J. William A. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1957-61; Asst. Prof. 1961-68 Camp, Wendell H. Ph.D. Cornell Instr. 1927-36

Cline, Morris G. Ph.D. U. Michigan Asst. Prof. 1968-

Colinvaux, Llei1ellya H. Ph.D. U. Michigan Asst. Prof. 1964-

Collins, Gary B. Ph.D. Iowa State Asst. Prof. 1968- Davis, Benjamin H. Ph.D. Cornell u. Ins tr. 1935-39 ·Davis, Donald E. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1946-47

Day, Peter R. Ph.D. U. London · Assoc. Prof. 1963-64 Decker, Jane N. Ph.D. Yale u. Instr. 1962-64, Asst. Prof. 1965-69

DeSelm, Henry R. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1950-53; Instr. 1954 fv\ S, Dobbins, Raymond A. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1920-22; Instr. 1923- 26 Highest Degree Name while on Facult y Rank · and Years

Dougall, Donald K. Ph.D. Oxford U. Asso c. Prof. 1967-68 Ellett, c. Wayne Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1939-44; Instr. 1946- 55; Asst. Prof. 1955-59; Assoc~ Prof. 1959-67; Prof . 1967-

Essman, Robert H. M.S. Ohio State Asst. 1956-60;Instr. 1960-

Fisher, T. Richard Ph.D. Indiana U. Instr. 1956-58; Asst. Prof. 1958-61; Assoc. Prof. 1961-65; Prof. 1965-68

Fratianne, Douglas G. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst . 1959-61; Instr. 1961- 68; Asst. Prof. 1968-

Freeland, Ralpho. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1930-31 ;· Instr. 1931- 38; Asst. Prof. 1938-40

Giesy, Robert M. Ph.D. bhio State Ass ~ .- 1950-53; Ins tr. 1958- - 62; Asst. Prof. 1962-66; Asso c. Prof. 1966-

Gilbert, Gareth E. Ph.D. Ohio State Inst r. 1952-56; Asst. Prof . 1956-61; Assoc. Prof . 1961-

Gordon, Robert B. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1926-30; Instr. 1930- 37; Asst. Prof. 1937-38

Gray, William D. Ph.D. U. Pennsylvania Assoc. Prof. 1947-52; Prof . 1952-64

Heaslip, Margaret B. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1950-51

Hendrix, John E. Ph.D. Ohio State Ass~. 1960-65; Instr. 1965- .67

Hicks, Lawrence E. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1928-30; Instr. 1930- 34

Horton, Clark w. Ph.D. Ohio State Ass t. 1927-29; Instr. 1929- 33

Humphrey, Sylvester S. M.S. Ohio State Asst . 1917-25; Instr. 1925-65

Janson, Blair F. Ph.D. Ohio State Inst r. 1947-50

Jones, Clyde H. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst . 1934-39; Instr. 1939- 46; Asst. Prof. 1946-64

Johnson, Tillman J. Ph.D. Ohio State Hi~r otechnidan 1946-57; Instr. 1957-62; Asst. Prof . 1962-68; Assoc. Prof. 19 68- \ '

Highest Degree Nar.ie while on Facultv Rank and Years

Klikoff, Lionel G. Ph.D. Duke U. Asst. Prof. 1964-66 / Lampe, Lois Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1917-23; Instr. 1923- 24, 26-40; Asst. Prof. 194Q-66; Emeritus 1966- Lir.iing, Franklin G. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1930-34; Instr. 1934- 37

McCormick, Jacks. Ph.D. Rutgers · Asst. Prof. 1961-63

MacMahon, Richard R. M.A. U. Mass. Instr. 1964-65

Meyer, Bernard S. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1923-27; Asst. Prof. 1928-34; Assoc. Prof. 1934-40; Prof. 1940- (Chairman 1946-67)

Naskali, Richard J. M.S. Ohio State Asst. 1958-63; Instr. 1963-67

Norris, Frederick H. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1935-43; Instr. 1943-47

1:c1uuu k, El uh F. Ph.D. U. Cali[o nia Asst . rrof. 1;~j-j~; Assoc. Prof. 1954-68; Prof. 1968-

Pierstorff, Arthur L. Ph.D. Cornell Assoc. Prof. 1928-42 Platt, Roberts. Ph.D. Harvard Instr. 1956-57; Asst. Prof. 1957-66; Assoc • . Prof. 1966-

Popham, Richard A. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1937-40; Instr. 1940-42; Asst. Prof. 1946- 50; Assoc. Prof. 1950-68; Prof. 1968-

~astorfer, James R~ Ph.D. Wash. State Asst. Prof. 1967-

Rudolph, Emanuel D. Ph.D. Wash. U. Asst. Prof. 1961-64; Assoc. Prof. 1964-69; Prof. 1969-

Sampson, Homer C. Ph.D. U. Chicago Instr.. 1917-19; Asst. Prof. 1919-22; Prof. 1922-55; Emer itus 1955-63

Sayre, Jasper D. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1916-20; Instr. 1920-25; Asst. Prof. 1925-27

I • - ··------·-· • • -·· • Highest Degree Nat:1e while on Faculty Rank and Years

Schaffner, John H. M.S. Baker College Asst.1897-99; Asst. Prof. 1899-1902; Assoc. Prof. 1902-11; Prof. 1911-1939 (Chairman 1908-18 )

Schmitt, John A. Ph.D. U. Michigan Instr. 1955-57; Asst. Prof. 1957-62; Assoc. Prof. 1962-69; Prof. 1969- . (Chairman 1969- )

Scofield, Herbert T. Ph.D. Cornell Instr. 1937-40; Asst. Prof. 1940-43

Shanks, Royal E. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1936-39; Instr. 1939

Smith, Glenn E. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. Prof. 1957-67

Stover, Wilmer G. Ph.D. U. \Usconsin Instr. 1910-14; Asst. Prof. 1914-22; Prof. 1922-52; Emeritus 1952-61

Stuckey, Ronald L. Ph.D. U. Michigan Asst. Prof. 1965-

Swanson, Carroll A. Ph.D . Ohio State Asst. 1938-40; Instr. 1940- 46; Asst. Prof. 1946-48; Assoc. Prof. 1948-56; Prof. 1956- (ChaiIT.lan 1967-69) ....=, "'-.__ Taft, Clarence E. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1931-35; Instr. 1~35- 40; Asst. Prof. 1940-45; Assoc. Prof. 1945-511; Prof. 1954-

Thut, Hiram F. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1~26-30; Instr. 1930-31

Tiffany, Lewis H. Ph.D. Ohio State Instr. 1920-25; Asst. Prof. 1925-28; Assoc. Prof. 1928- 32; Prof. 1932-37

Transeau, Edgar N. Ph.D. U. Michigan Prof. 1915-46; Emeritus 19~6-1960 (Chairman 1918- 19~6)

Troxel, Allen W. Ph.D. U. California Instr. 1954-59; Asst. Prof. 1959-67

. - ____ ,.,.__ . - -~ \.. '

Highest Degree Name while on Faculty Rank and Years

Waller, Adolph E. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1914-16; Instr. 1918-21; Asst . Prof. 1921- 28; Assoc. Prof. 1928-63; Emeritus Prof. 1963-

Wareham, Richard T •. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1934-35; Instr. 1936-44

Weishaupt, Clara G. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1932-35; Instr. 1946- 51; Asst. Prof. 1951-60; Assoc. Prof. 1960-68; Emeritus 1968-

Wolfe, John N. Ph.D. Ohio State Asst. 1935-37; Instr. 1937-43; Asst . Prof. 1943- 47; Assoc.· Prof. 1948- 53; Prof. 1954-55, 57-58

Young, Stephen B. Ph.D. Harvard Asst. Prof. 1969-

(1) Assistant applies to all types of assistantships~ student, graduate, ------'- ---' - -.. -- -' _, •------"'•) ""'" """ ..:,pc.~..LU.L. t

(2) Instructor includes assistant instructor as wel1 as instructor · when applicable.