KARA L. NELSON Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710
[email protected], (510) 643-5023, www.ce.Berkeley.edu/~nelson SUMMARY Prof. Nelson teaches courses and conducts research on critical issues at the intersection of puBlic health and the environment. Her research program investigates practices for water reuse, disinfection, nutrient recovery, and international WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), which draw on her expertise in a wide range of treatment processes including filtration, memBrane processes, ion exchange, and disinfection with UV, sunlight, and ammonia. She has advised 19 PhD dissertations (completed) and puBlished over 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Prof. Nelson teaches courses on innovation in the water sector, drinking water and wastewater treatment processes, pathogen detection and inactivation, and natural treatment systems. She leads the Engineering Research Thrust at ReNUWIt, and previously served on the expert panel advising the State of California on criteria to regulate indirect and direct potaBle water reuse. As Associate Dean in the College of Engineering, she ensures that equity and inclusion are emBedded throughout the College’s programming and has launched an initiative to diversify the faculty. EDUCATION Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of California at Davis, SeptemBer 2001 M.S.E. Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 1996 B.A. Biophysics, University of California, Berkeley, 1992 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2017