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MANY PHYSICIANS and patients do not believe that dermatology involves life-threatening situations. However, there are many emergencies that the dermatologist needs to address and many cutaneous diseases in the emergency room that require rapid dermatologic consultation. The dermatologist is frequently the first physician to examine such patients before a hospital admission and also the first to identify a critical situation, stabilize the patient, and choose urgent and appropriate intervention. The first chapters of this book are directed toward those dermatol- ogists who care for hospitalized patients with severe and dangerous skin diseases. Later chapters are intended for all physicians, including dermatologists, who wish to hone their diagnostic skills, expand their knowledge and understanding of pathological events, and learn treatment options available for acute life-threatening skin diseases. This book brings together top dermatolo- gists from around the world to address the complicated and multifaceted field of dermatologic emergencies for the practicing dermatologist and emergency physician.

Ronni Wolf, MD, is Associate Clinical Professor and Head of the Dermatology Unit at Kaplan Medical Center, Rechovot, Israel, and the Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.

Batya B. Davidovici, MD, is Physician in the Dermatology Unit at Kaplan Medical Center, Rechovot, Israel.

Jennifer L. Parish, MD, is Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Lawrence Charles Parish, MD, MD(hon), is Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Cuta- neous Biology and Director of the Jefferson Center for International Dermatology at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Parish is also Visiting Professor of Dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.


Edited by Ronni Wolf Kaplan Medical Center

Batya B. Davidovici Kaplan Medical Center

Jennifer L. Parish Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and Tulane University School of Medicine

Lawrence Charles Parish Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and Tulane University School of Medicine CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao˜ Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City

Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Information on this title:

C Cambridge University Press 2010

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First published 2010

Printed in China by Everbest

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data

Emergency dermatology / edited by Ronni Wolf ...[et al.]. p.;cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-521-71733-5 (hardback) 1. Dermatology. 2. Medical emergencies. I. Wolf, Ronni. [DNLM: 1. Skin Diseases – therapy. 2. Emergencies. 3. Emergency Treatment. WR 140 E53 2009] RL72.E443 2009 616.5025 – dc22 2009007871

ISBN 978-0-521-71733-5 Hardback

Every effort has been made in preparing this book to provide accurate and up-to-date information that is in accord with accepted standards and practice at the time of publication. Although case histories are drawn from actual cases, every effort has been made to disguise the identities of the individuals involved. Nevertheless, the authors, editors, and publishers can make no warranties that the information contained herein is totally free from error, not least because clinical standards are constantly changing through research and regulation. The authors, editors, and publishers therefore disclaim all liabilty for direct or consequential damages resulting from the use of material contained in this book. Readers are strongly advised to pay careful attention to information provided by the manufacturer of any drugs or equipment that they plan to use.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents

CONTRIBUTORS vii Chap. 9. LIFE-THREATENING BACTERIAL PREFACE xi SKIN INFECTIONS 81 Richard B. Cindrich and Donald Rudikoff Chap. 1. CELL INJURY AND CELL DEATH 1 Adone Baroni, Eleonora Ruocco, Maria Chap. 10. BACTEREMIA, SEPSIS, SEPTIC SHOCK, Antonietta Tufano, and Elisabetta Buommino AND 98 Geeta Patel, Ryan Hawley, and Noah Scheinfeld Chap. 2. CLEAN AND ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE AT THE BEDSIDE 12 Chap. 11. STAPHYLOCOCCAL SCALDED Sapna Amin, Aron J. Gewirtzman, and Stephen Tyring SKIN SYNDROME 109 Eleonora Ruocco, Adone Baroni, Chap. 3. NEW ANTIMICROBIALS 18 Sonia Sangiuliano, Giovanna Donnarumma, and Maryann Mikhail and Jeffrey M. Weinberg Vincenzo Ruocco

Chap. 4. IMMUNOMODULATORS AND Chap. 12. LIFE-THREATENING CUTANEOUS THE “BIOLOGICS” IN CUTANEOUS VIRAL DISEASES 115 EMERGENCIES 34 Aron J. Gewirtzman, Brandon Christianson, Batya B. Davidovici and Ronni Wolf Anne Marie Tremaine, Brenda L. Pellicane, and Stephen Tyring Chap. 5. CRITICAL CARE: STUFF YOU REALLY, REALLY NEED TO KNOW 50 Chap. 13. LIFE-THREATENING CUTANEOUS Haim Shmilovich and Arie Roth FUNGAL AND PARASITIC DISEASES 126 Marcia Ramos-e-Silva, Carlos Gustavo Costanza, Chap. 6. ACUTE SKIN FAILURE: CONCEPT, and Sueli Coelho Carneiro CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, AND CARE 62 Robert A. Norman and Gwynn Coatney Chap. 14. LIFE-THREATENING STINGS, BITES, Chap. 7. CUTANEOUS SYMPTOMS AND AND MARINE ENVENOMATIONS 146 NEONATAL EMERGENCIES 66 Dirk M. Elston Daniel Wallach and Pierre-Henri Jarreau Chap. 15. SEVERE, ACUTE ADVERSE Chap. 8. NECROTIZING SOFT-TISSUE CUTANEOUS DRUG REACTIONS I: INFECTIONS, INCLUDING NECROTIZING STEVENS–JOHNSON SYNDROME AND TOXIC FASCIITIS 75 EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS 154 Ronni Wolf, Yalc¸in Tuz¨ un,¨ and Batya B. Davidovici Ronni Wolf and Batya B. Davidovici




Chap. 20. GRAFT VERSUS HOST DISEASE 194 Chap. 31. ENDOCRINOLOGIC EMERGENCIES Jasna Lipozenciˇ c´ and Ronni Wolf IN DERMATOLOGY 298 Margaret T. Ryan, Vincent Savarese, and Chap. 21. ERYTHRODERMA/EXFOLIATIVE Serge A. Jabbour DERMATITIS 202 Virendra N. Sehgal and Govind Srivastava Chap. 32. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF SKIN TORTURE AND SELF-INFLICTED Chap. 22. ACUTE, SEVERE BULLOUS DERMATOSES 313 DERMATOSES 215 Daniel H. Parish, Hirak B. Routh, Snejina Vassileva Kazal R. Bhowmik, and Kishore Kumar

Chap. 23. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF Chap. 33. SKIN SIGNS OF POISONING 318 PURPURA AND VASCULITIS, INCLUDING Batya B. Davidovici and Ronni Wolf PURPURA FULMINANS 233 Lucio Andreassi and Roberta Bilenchi Chap. 34. DISASTER PLANNING: MASS CASUALTY MANAGEMENT 327 Chap. 24. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF Lion Poles CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS AND THEIR COMPLICATIONS 245 Chap. 35. CATASTROPHES IN COSMETIC Kristen Biggers and Noah Scheinfeld PROCEDURES 331 Marina Landau and Ronni Wolf Chap. 25. SKIN SIGNS OF SYSTEMIC INFECTIONS 256 Chap. 36. LIFE-THREATENING DERMATOSES Jana Kazandjieva, Georgeta Bocheva, and IN TRAVELERS 340 Nikolai Tsankov Larry E. Millikan

INDEX 345 Contributors

Samuel H. Allen, FRCP Elisabetta Buommino, PhD Department of Infectious Diseases Department of Experimental Medicine Ayrshire & Arran Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Scotland, United Kingdom Section Second University of Naples Sapna Amin, MD Naples, Italy Department of Dermatology Baylor College of Medicine Sueli Coelho Carneiro, MD, PhD Houston, Texas Sector of Dermatology Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Lucio Andreassi, MD Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho Department of Dermatology School of Medicine University of Siena Rio de Janeiro State University Siena, Italy Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Adone Baroni, MD, PhD Brandon Christianson, MD Department of Dermatology Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Second University of Naples University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Naples, Italy Dallas, Texas

Kazal R. Bhowmik, MBBS Richard B. Cindrich, MD Paddington Testing Company, Inc. Department of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine Kristen Biggers, MD Bronx, New York West Virginia University School of Medicine Morgantown, West Virginia Gwynn Coatney, DO Department of Family Medicine Roberta Bilenchi, MD University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Department of Dermatology Stratford, New Jersey University of Siena Siena, Italy Carlos Gustavo Costanza, MD Sector of Dermatology Georgeta Bocheva, MD, PhD Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Pharmacology Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho Medical University–Sofia School of Medicine Sofia, Bulgaria Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Batya B. Davidovici, MD Marina Landau, MD Dermatology Unit The Dermatology Unit Kaplan Medical Center Wolfson Medical Center Rechovot, Israel Holon, Israel

Giovanna Donnarumma, PhD Jasna Lipozenciˇ c,´ MD, PhD Department of Experimental Medicine University Hospital Center Zagreb and Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Section University Department of Dermatology and Venereology Second University of Naples School of Medicine Naples, Italy University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia Dirk M. Elston, MD Department of Dermatology Maryann Mikhail, MD Geisinger Medical Center Department of Dermatology Danville, Pennsylvania St. Luke’s–Roosevelt Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Aron J. Gewirtzman, MD New York, New York Division of Dermatology Albert Einstein College of Medicine Larry E. Millikan, MD Bronx, New York Department of Dermatology Tulane University School of Medicine Ryan Hawley, DO New Orleans, Louisiana Samaritan Medical Center Watertown, New York Robert A. Norman, DO, MPH Department of Dermatology Serge A. Jabbour, MD College of Osteopathic Medicine Department of Medicine Nova Southeastern University Division of Endocrinolgy Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Daniel H. Parish, MD, JD Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology Pierre-Henri Jarreau, MD, PhD Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Department of Neonatal Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Port-Royal Hospital Formerly, Assistant United States Attorney Paris, France Northern District of Illinois Chicago, Illinois Jana Kazandjieva, MD, PhD Department of Dermatology Jennifer L. Parish, MD Medical University–Sofia Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology Sofia, Bulgaria Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sadiye Keskin, MD Department of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Tulane University School of Medicine Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty New Orleans, Louisiana Istanbul University Istanbul, Turkey Lawrence Charles Parish, MD, MD(hon) Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology Kishore Kumar, MBBS, FCPS Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Assistant Registrar Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit Department of Dermatology Dhaka Medical College Hospital Tulane University School of Medicine Dhaka, Bangladesh New Orleans, Louisiana CONTRIBUTORS ix

Geeta Patel, DO Margaret T. Ryan, MD Montgomery Regional Hospital Department of Medicine Blacksburg, Virginia Division of Endocrinology Riddle Memorial Hospital Brenda L. Pellicane, MD Media, Pennsylvania Department of Dermatology Wayne State University School of Medicine Sonia Sangiuliano, MD Dearborn, Michigan Department of Dermatology Second University of Naples Lion Poles, MD Naples, Italy Deputy Director General Kaplan Medical Center, Rechovot and the Vincent Savarese, MD Ministry of Health, Israel Division of Endocrinology Department of Medicine Kyrill Pramatarov, MD, PhD Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson Department of Dermatology University Medical University–Sofia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania University Hospital Lozenetz Sofia, Bulgaria Noah Scheinfeld, MD, JD Department of Dermatology Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Marcia Ramos-e-Silva, MD, PhD New York, New York Sector of Dermatology Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Virenda N. Sehgal, MD, FNASc, FAMS, FRAS (Lond.) Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho Skin Institute and School of Dermatology School of Medicine Greater Kailash Rio de Janeiro, Brazil New Delhi, India

Arie Roth, MD Haim Shmilovich, MD Division of Cardiology Division of Cardiology Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Sackler Faculty of Medicine Sackler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv, Israel Govind Srivastava, MD, MNAMS Hirak B. Routh, MBBS Skin Institute and School of Dermatology Paddington Testing Company, Inc. Greater Kailash Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New Delhi, India

Donald Rudikoff, MD Anne Marie Tremaine, MD Division of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center University of California–Irvine School of Medicine Albert Einstein College of Medicine Irvine, California Bronx, New York Nikolai Tsankov, MD, PhD, DrSci Eleonora Ruocco, MD, PhD Department of Dermatology Department of Dermatology Tokuda Hospital–Sofia Second University of Naples Sofia, Bulgaria Naples, Italy Maria Antoinetta Tufano, MD Department of Experimental Medicine Vincenzo Ruocco, MD Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Department of Dermatology Section Second University of Naples Second University of Naples Naples, Italy Naples, Italy x CONTRIBUTORS

Yalc¸in Tuz¨ un,¨ MD Michael Waugh, MB, FRCP, FRCPI, FAChSHM, Department of Dermatology Dip Ven DHMSA Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Genito-Urinary Medicine Istanbul University Nuffield Hospital Istanbul, Turkey Leeds, United Kingdom

Stephen Tyring, MD, PhD Jeffrey M. Weinberg, MD Center for Clinical Studies Department of Dermatology Departments of Dermatology, Microbiology and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Molecular Genetics, and Internal Medicine Department of Dermatology University of Texas Health Science Center St. Luke’s–Roosevelt Hospital Center Houston, Texas Beth Israel Medical Center New York, New York Snejina Vassileva, MD, PhD Department of Dermatology Ronni Wolf, MD Medical University–Sofia Head, Dermatology Unit Alexandrovska University Hospital Kaplan Medical Center Sofia, Bulgaria Rechovot, Israel Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School Daniel Wallach, MD Jerusalem, Israel Department of Dermatology Tarnier Hospital Paris, France Preface

“Dermatology is the best specialty. The patient never rooms, intensive care units, and burn units in differenti- dies – and never gets well.” (anonymous) ating between skin diagnoses. Treating a severely ill der- matologic patient is always multidisciplinary teamwork. Many physicians and patients believe that dermatology Although the trained eyes of the dermatologists and their does not involve life-threatening situations and that it is, extensive knowledge about diseases of the skin are indis- like beauty, only skin deep (e.g., it is mainly an aesthetic pensable for rapid and correct diagnosis and management specialty). Although the horrors of the syphilitics and the of a dermatological emergency, fundamental knowledge of lepers of medieval times no longer exist, there are contem- internal medicine, including cardiology, nephrology, and porary emergencies with which the dermatologist needs to rheumatology, is also essential in this setting. This vol- contend, as well as cutaneous diseases that require rapid ume is intended to update and refresh what dermatolo- management. gists and nondermatologists need to know for dealing with Although the dermatologist is not likely to be the pri- critically ill dermatologic patients. Emergency Dermatology mary care physician responsible for the severely ill patients should provide the link to the experience, expertise, and in the hospital setting, the skin disease specialist is still fre- skills of various disciplines with the aim of guiding the med- quently the first clinician to examine these patients before ical caretakers of patients who are in true dermatological hospital admission. The specialist may be responsible for crises. making the initial diagnosis; for differentiating mundane There are plenty of available dermatology textbooks. skin ailments from more serious, life-threatening condi- Some encompass widespread fields of dermatology (e.g., tions; and also for being the first to identify a critical sit- Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine) whereas oth- uation, to stabilize the patient, and to choose urgent and ers are devoted to special issues, such as dermatopathology, appropriate interventions. contact dermatitis, dermatologic surgery, photodermatol- Dermatologic emergencies and life-threatening skin ogy, and many others. There is currently no publication diseases should be spared the “atrophy” that threatens that covers all aspects of critically ill dermatologic patients. knowledge that is not applied in everyday practice and fails In Emergency Dermatology, we have attempted to retrieve to be refreshed from time to time. Dermatologists have no and organize the relevant information and available knowl- choice but to continue to be on the front line of diagnosing edge on this specific niche of medicine and to fill the gap in and treating all skin diseases, especially the more severe and available reference material to guide the medical caretakers acute ones. of patients who are in true dermatological crises. Although This book brings together the top “players” in the we have strived for completeness, we recognize that cer- lively, complicated, and multifaceted field of dermatologic tain entities have not been addressed as completely as some emergencies and life-threatening skin diseases with the readers may wish; however, it is not our intention to pro- purpose of assisting the practicing physician in coping vide an encyclopedic textbook, but rather a more usable with dermatologic conditions that require urgent interven- volume. tion. Although this book is intended primarily for derma- We are indebted to all the distinguished international tologists, it should also be of help to family practition- specialists who have consented to give of their valuable ers, internists, and all those who practice in emergency time and vast experience to cover this complex and vital

xi xii PREFACE issue in a systematic and practical manner and who have matologic emergencies by knowing what to do when- produced such a comprehensive, state-of-the-art refer- ever they encounter severely ill patients with complicated ence source of which we believe we can all be proud. skin diseases and reach the correct decisions in urgent If this book helps practicing physicians, both dermatol- and critical situations, it will all have been worth the ogists and nondermatologists alike, to cope with der- effort. CHAPTER 1 Cell Injury and Cell Death

Adone Baroni Eleonora Ruocco Maria Antonietta Tufano Elisabetta Buommino

WHEN CELLS are damaged, as often occurs during balance of the living system, and it is the ultimate result trauma and metabolic stress, the organism has to choose of most physiological as well as pathological processes. whether to repair the damage by promoting cell survival or Skulachev aptly described the concept of cell death using remove irreparably injured cells. Cell injury occurs when the metaphor of the “Samurai law of biology” (i.e., it is an adverse stimulus reversibly disrupts the normal, com- better to die than be wrong), showing that the suicide pro- plex homeostatic balance of the cellular metabolism. In this gram is a way to purify cells of damaged organelles and case, after injury the cells attempt to seal breaks in their tissues of unwanted cells that use up valuable substrates membranes, chaperone the removal or refolding of altered and nutrients.3,4 Likewise, cell death also has value for the proteins, and repair damaged DNA. On the contrary, when species, as it provides a mechanism for eliminating ter- cell injury is too extensive to permit reparative responses, minally injured individuals who consume necessary soci- the cell reaches a “point of no return” and the irreversible ety resources or harbor toxic pathogens.3,5 Death, there- injury culminates in programmed cell death (PCD). Spe- fore, appears as the unique solution to eliminate what is cific properties or features of cells make them more or less unwanted or dangerous to the “community.” vulnerable to external stimuli, thus determining the kind In past decades, PCD was mainly associated with apop- of cellular response. In addition, the characteristic of the tosis, a death process characterized by morphological injury (type of injury, exposure time, or severity) will also changes such as shrinkage of the cell, condensation of affect the extent of the damage. chromatin, and disintegration of the cell into small frag- We present a short overview of the best-known PCD ments (so-called “apoptotic bodies”) that are removed by pathways. We emphasize the apoptotic pathway, consid- phagocytosis. On the contrary, necrosis was considered as ered for years the hallmark of PCD, and the different stim- an alternative passive cell death occurring in an acciden- uli that produce cell injury. tal, violent, or chaotic way.6 Necrosis, however, has been recently recognized as a specific form of cell death with dis- tinct morphological features.7,8 It is now known that cell CELL INJURY death cannot readily be classified as “apoptosis” or “necro- The survival of multicellular organisms depends on the sis,” and alternative types of PCD have been described.9–11 function of a diverse set of differentiated cell types. After Different PCD pathways exist, either mediated by cas- development is complete, the viability of the organism pases (a specific family of cysteine proteases, as in apopto- depends on the maintenance and renewal of these diverse sis) or caspase-independent (such as autophagic cell death lineages. Within each lineage homeostasis is maintained [ACD], paraptosis, and programmed necrosis).1 Death pat- through a delicate balance between cell proliferation and terns may overlap or integrate, reflecting the high flexibil- cell death.1 Disorders of either process have pathologi- ity in cell responses to various circumstances and stimuli cal consequences and can lead to disturbed embryogenesis, (Figure 1.1). neurodegenerative diseases, or the development of cancer.2 Cell injury occurs as a result of physical, chemical, or Therefore, the equilibrium between life and death is tightly biological insults or as a result of vital substrate deficiency. controlled, and faulty elements can effectively be eliminated The cellular response to injury can be adaptive when it by PCD, a term that well defines the planned sequence of is designed to restore homeostasis and protect the cell physiological cellular autodestruction, which requires both from further injury. In this context, the gene transcrip- energy expenditure and a specific enzymatic network. Cell tional activity is modified in favor of vital genes.5 If the death is an essential strategy for the control of the dynamic genetic and metabolic adaptive responses are inadequate



AUTOPHAGY DEATH STIMULUS (physical agents, UV light, drugs, NECROSIS calcium influx, infectious agents, hypoxia, etc.) PARAPTOSIS


FIGURE 1.1: Various models of cell death (c Quill Graphics, for a given injury, or if injury accumulation reaches a criti- In fact, some cells will be more susceptible than others to cal level, the damaged cells commit suicide.3 Cell injury can, agents (heart muscle cells are more susceptible than con- therefore, be reversible (sublethal) or irreversible (lethal). nective tissue cells to oxygen depletion). Cells may be reversibly injured, but if severely injured, they may be unable to recover and cell death will occur. The Exposure Time death stimuli are diverse and include normal physiologi- cal signals, such as hormones that trigger deletion of cells The length of exposure to a particular stimulus will affect during differentiation or involution of tissues and organs, the chances of cell survival. Relatively resistant cells will be maturation of organ systems as, for example, in the immune damaged if the duration of exposure is prolonged. system, and removal of cells that have sustained some form 2 of damage. Alternatively, cells already may be primed to Severity undergo cell death, with the withdrawal of important extra- The ability of a cell to survive an injury also will depend on cellular components, such as serum or growth factors, pro- its severity; if the withdrawal of growth factor is partial, the viding the signal.12 Other death stimuli also are impor- cell is still able to survive for a long period (depending on tant from a biomedical perspective. These include physical cellular resistance), but if it is complete, cell death occurs agents (ultraviolet [UV] light causing damage to the skin, in a very short time with modalities that vary from cell to hyperthermia, cold, and trauma), cytotoxic drugs, calcium cell. influx, glucocorticoids, infectious agents (bacteria, virus, We now describe some models of cellular death, tak- yeast), and hypoxia. The stimuli that initiate the death path- ing into consideration that a clear-cut definition cannot be ways vary widely with the affected cells.13 In particular, var- given because of the overlapping of the different programs ious stimuli (e.g., cytokines, heat, irradiation, pathogens) of cell death. can cause both apoptosis and necrosis in the same cell population(Figure 1.1). Apoptosis can be induced by a Apoptosis. Cells have different ways of committing suicide lower concentration or level of almost all the stimuli that and may select the fastest and most effective of the options cause necrosis.14 This means that the mechanism of self- available. Apoptosis has been considered for years as the destruction can be activated by a relatively mild stimulus. PCD paradigm and is still considered one of the main Whereas mild hypoxia produced symptoms of apoptosis, pathways activated during stressful conditions, although severe hypoxia produced infarction and necrosis;15 simi- alternative pathways were recently identified.1 The term ◦ ◦ larly, exposure to temperatures between 37 Cand43C “apoptosis” derives from the ancient Greek word used to induced apoptosis in lymphocytes, and exposure to higher describe the “falling off” or “dropping off” of petals from temperatures induced necrosis.16 Therefore, the charac- flowers or leaves from trees, to emphasize the normal phys- ter of the injury will determine the pattern of cell death iological nature of the process.17 In 1972 this kind of cell evoked. This aspect is important to highlight. The three death was first described17 and noted that it was truly dis- main features of injury are type of injury, exposure time, and tinct from necrosis, underscoring the importance of apop- severity. tosis in human medicine. As part of the immune response, apoptosis allows the elimination of virally infected and cancer cells or the deletion of unnecessary or poten- Type of Injury tially dangerous lymphocytes.18 Defects of apoptotic cell The injury can be, for example, physical, chemical, or toxic, death may promote tumor or autoimmune disease devel- but the response will be different for different cell types. opment. The apoptotic process has been shown to proceed Chapter 1 ● Cell Injury and Cell Death 3



FIGURE 1.2: Morphological changes occurring in A549 (human carcinoma lung cell line) (panel B) (R. Nicoletti, E. Buommino, A. De Filippis, M. P. Lopez-Gresa, et al. World J Microbio and Biotechnol. 2008; 24: 189–95) and NCI (human mesothelioma cell line) (panel D) cells (E. Buommino, I. Paoletti, A. De Filippis, R. Nicoletti, et al. Cell Prolif. forthcoming 2010), treated with proapoptotic metabolites, with a particular of membrane budding shown in panel B; panel A and C show the morphology of A549 and NCI untreated cells, respectively. Magnification: 20X. via a number of discrete steps. Cells undergoing apop- with its preserved integrity. The fragmentation of both tosis are characterized morphologically by cell shrink- nucleus and whole cell then produces membrane-bound age, chromatin condensation, loss of contact with neigh- bodies in which the organelles are intact to form apop- boring cells and the extracellular matrix (Figure 1.2), 19 totic bodies (Figure 1.2 [inset]).22 This is also called the actin cleavage,20 and biochemically by DNA laddering “budding phenomenon” and should not be confused with (Figure 1.3).19 The last is a peculiarity of most apoptotic blebs, fluid-filled structures typically devoid of organelles.6 pathways. The double-stranded linker deoxyribonucleic The apoptotic bodies are cleared from tissues by profes- acid (DNA) between nucleosomes is cleaved at regularly sional phagocytes, such as macrophages, but also epithelial spaced internucleosomal sites, giving rise to DNA frag- cells and even fibroblasts have been shown to clear apop- ments representing the length of nucleosomes (180–200 totic bodies.23,24 Phagocytosis is initiated by the exposure base pairs).13 Molecular characterization of this process of the PS receptor located on the membrane of the phago- identifies a specific DNase (caspase-activated DNase) that cytes and vitronectin receptors, resulting in a cell-signaling cleaves chromosomal DNA in a caspase-dependent man- response.22 The apoptotic pathway and the engulfment ner.21 Other features of apoptosis are early depolymeriza- process are part of a continuum that helps ensure the nonin- tion of cytoskeletal proteins, loss of phospholipid symme- flammatory nature of this death paradigm. Studies in mam- try in plasma membrane with the outer layer exposure of mals have highlighted the importance of proper disposal phosphatidylserine (PS) residues, and the appearance of a of apoptotic bodies by phagocytic cells.24 The suppression smooth-surfaced protuberance of the plasma membrane of proinflammatory factors is necessary during apoptotic 4 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Caspases can be activated through three main path- ways: an “extrinsic” death receptor (DR)–mediated process and two “intrinsic pathways,” a mitochondria-mediated– and an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–mediated pathway (Figure 1.4).1,18 The extrinsic pathway involves the surface DRs, a sub- family of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R) superfamily activated in response to specific extracellular signals.26 To date, eight DRs have been identified, namely, Fas (CD95, Apo-1), TNF-related apoptosis-inducing lig- and (TRAIL)-receptors 1 (TRAIL-R1) (DR4) and 2 (DR5, Apo-2), TNF-R1, TRAMP (WSL-1, Apo-3), EDAR, p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), and DR6.26 Despite their name, not all of these receptors induce apoptosis, but they may trigger specific signaling pathways that result in a variety of cellular outcomes. The DRs comprise three FIGURE 1.3: DNA feature of HeLa cells treated or not with domains: an extracellular cysteine-rich domain for ligand 3-O-methylfunicone. DNA fragmentation induced in OMF treated binding, a transmembrane domain, and an intracellular cells after 48 and 72 h (lane 3 and 4, respectively). Lane 1, untreated cells; lane 2, cells treated for 24 h; lane 5, negative death domain (DD), which is required for apoptotic signal 26 control (absolute ethanol). M, 100 bp ladder (Roche Diagnostics) transduction. The DR TNF ligand (TNF-L), Fas ligand used as MW-marker. (E. Buommino, R. Nicoletti, G. M. Gaeta, (FasL), and TRAIL induce apoptosis by binding to their cell M. Orlando et al. Cell Proliferation. 2004; 37:413–26) membrane receptors. Following ligand binding, a confor- mational change in the intracellular domains of the recep- body clearance. This suppression is accomplished at least tors reveals the presence of a “death domain,” which allows in part by a release of antiinflammatory factors including the recruitment of various apoptotic proteins to the recep- transforming growth factor β and IL-10 by macrophages tor. This protein complex is known as the death-inducing engaged in corpse engulfment. Furthermore, regulatory signaling complex (DISC). The final step in this process is mechanisms help ensure that, when phagocytosing den- the recruitment of one of the caspases, typically caspase-8, dritic cells present peptides from apoptotic bodies to T to the DISC. This recruitment results in the activation of cells, no immune reaction against self-peptides is initiated. caspase-8 and the initiation of apoptosis. Defects in the clearance of corpses are predicted to create Interestingly, there are also decoy receptors (DcRs) that a proinflammatory milieu that may predispose to autoim- compete to bind ligands to DRs, allowing the cell to escape mune disorders. death ligand–induced killing. DcR1 and DcR2 compete A cascade of genes is activated as a consequence of the with DR4 or DR5 to bind to TRAIL. DcR3 competes with induction of a defined genetic program in which caspases Fas to bind to the FasL. have a prominent role. Caspases are cysteine proteases (pre- The intrinsic cell death pathway involves the mito- existing as inactive zymogen precursors in the cell) that chondria and ER. The mitochondria-mediated pathway is cleave substrates at critical aspartic acid residues.18 Acti- induced by lethal intracellular signals such as oncogenic vation of caspases is the central event in apoptosis, lead- transformation and DNA damage. Mitochondria contain ing to the cleavage of numerous proteins involved in the many proapoptotic proteins such as apoptosis-inducing fac- cell structure, cell-cycle control, and DNA synthesis and tor (AIF), cytochrome c, and Smac/DIABLO.27 Thelastis repair. The initiator caspases (caspase-2, -8, -9, and -10) a protein that directly neutralizes inhibitors of apoptotic are activated by interaction with caspase adapters, whereas proteins (IAPs), such as survivin, originally described as the effector caspases (caspase-3, -6, and-7) are downstream an inhibitor of apoptosis proteins with a cell-cycle–specific of the activator caspases and act to cleave various cellular function.28 AIF, cytochrome c, and Smac/DIABLO are targets and substrates and induce cell death.18 The enzyme released from the mitochondria following the formation poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase, or of a pore in the mitochondrial membrane called the per- PARP, was one of the first proteins identified as a substrate meability transition (PT) pore. These pores are thought for caspases. PARP is involved in the repair of DNA dam- to form through the action of the proapoptotic members age. It functions by catalyzing the synthesis of PARP and by of the bcl-2 family of proteins, which in turn are acti- binding to the DNA strand breaks and modifying nuclear vated by apoptotic signals such as cell stress, free rad- proteins.25 The ability of PARP to repair DNA damage is ical damage, or growth factor deprivation.29 In partic- prevented following cleavage of PARP by caspase-3. The ular, AIF and Smac/DIABLO were also reported to be inflammatory caspases are involved in cytokine activation involved in the mitochondrial death pathway related not and are represented by caspases-1, -4, -5, -11, -12, -13, to apoptosis but to the apoptosis-like death pathway.30 and -14. The release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria is a Chapter 1 ● Cell Injury and Cell Death 5


UV, radiation, chemo, ER Stress hypoxia (misfolded proteins) Death Plasma receptor Membrane


Procaspase-12 Initiator Mitochondria Caspase-8 Initiator Caspase-12 Bcl-2/ Bid Ca++ Bcl-xL TRAF2

IP3R Ca++ Cyto c Bcl-2/ Bcl-x Effector Apaf-1 L Caspases Endo G AIF Endoplasmic Effector reticulum Initiator Caspases caspase-9



Death domain

FIGURE 1.4: The two main pathways for the initiation of apoptosis: the extrinsic pathway and the intrinsic pathway (S. Gupta, A. Agrawal, S. Agrawal, H. Su et al. Immunity & Ageing 2006; 3:5 doi:10.1186/1742-4933-3-5).

particularly important event in the induction of apopto- proapoptotic bcl-2 proteins at the surface of the mitochon- sis. When cytochrome c has been released into the cytosol dria is thought to be important in the formation of the PT it interacts with a protein called Apaf-1. This interaction pore.29 The proapoptotic bcl-2 proteins are often found in leads to the recruitment of procaspase-9 into a multipro- the cytosol, where they act as sensors of cellular damage or tein complex with cytochrome c and Apaf-1 called the stress. Following cellular stress they relocate to the surface apoptosome. Specifically, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) of the mitochondria, where the antiapoptotic proteins are is required for the formation of the apoptosome, nec- located. This interaction between proapoptotic and anti- essary for the activation of caspase-9 and the induction apoptotic proteins disrupts the normal function of the anti- of apoptosis. If damage to the mitochondria is such that apoptotic bcl-2 proteins and can lead to the formation of the ATP levels are insufficient to complete the apop- pores in the mitochondria and the release of cytochrome totic process, the mode of death may be directed toward c and other proapoptotic molecules from the intermem- necrosis. brane space. This in turn leads to the formation of the The bcl-2 proteins are a family of proteins involved in apoptosome and the activation of the caspase cascade. The the response to apoptosis. Some of these proteins (such as bcl-2 gene has been shown to be transcriptionally repressed 31 bcl-2 and bcl-XL) are antiapoptotic, whereas others (such by p53. The p53 tumor suppressor gene codes for the as Bad, Bax, or Bid) are proapoptotic. The sensitivity of p53 protein and plays an important role in the control of cells to apoptotic stimuli can depend on the balance of the cell cycle, apoptosis, senescence, differentiation, and pro- and antiapoptotic bcl-2 proteins. When there is an accelerated DNA repair.32 DNA damage caused by expo- excess of proapoptotic proteins, the cells are more sensitive sure to ionizing radiation, UV light, or some exogenous to apoptosis, but when there is an excess of antiapoptotic or endogenous chemical mutagens, which results in DNA proteins, the cells will tend to be more resistant. An excess of strand breakage, can trigger an accumulation of p53.This 6 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 1.1: Different Characteristics of the Cell Death Pathways

Types, Autophagic cell Programmed characteristics Apoptosis death Paraptosis necrosis Necrosis

Triggers Death receptors, Serum amino acid Trophotoxicity Ischemia, Excessive damage trophic factor starvation, protein excitotoxicity by physical or withdrawal, DNA aggregates chemical injury, high damage, viral intensities of infections, etc. pathological insult Plasma Membrane-bound Elongation and Shrinkage Rapid loss of plasma Rapid disintegration membrane apoptotic bodies, invagination, membrane integrity blebbing blebbing Nucleus Chromatin Pyknosis in some Late disintegration No chromatin Karyolysis condensation, cases, but neither condensation, in internucleosomal prevalent nor some cases DNA cleavage striking, no DNA chromatin clustering (ladder) laddering to loosen speckles Cytoplasm Condensation and Vacuolization, Vacuolization Swelling, extensive Condensation, loss shrinkage, autophagosome vacuolization of structure, cytoskeleton and autolysosome fragmentation, collapse formation swelling Organelles Preservation Enwrapped by Swelling Swelling Condensation and membrane sac. final disintegration Autodigestion

gene can activate transcription of growth regulatory genes of caspase-independent cell death.37 Disorders such as such as p21 WAF1/Cip1, GADD-45,andcyclin G, result- Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, ing in G1 growth arrest, presumably to allow for repair amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion protein disease all of damaged DNA. If irreparable DNA damage exists, the share the common features of accumulation and aggrega- cell becomes committed to the apoptosis pathway and is tion of misfolded proteins.38 deleted by the system. For this reason, p53 is known as the “guardian of the genome.” Mutant p53 proteins may allow an escape from this surveillance mechanism and generation OTHER FORMS OF PCD of a malignant phenotype. Compared to apoptosis, relatively little is known about The ER is another important sensor of cellular stress autophagic PCD and paraptosis, and even less is known that can withhold protein synthesis and metabolism to about other nonapoptotic forms of PCD. Most of what is restore cellular homeostasis. Misfolded proteins are con- known is based on morphological descriptions. The exact stantly produced; these proteins trigger a protective phenotype of a dying cell is certainly dependent on many stress response, known as the unfolded protein response. different factors that include the cell type, the cellular Although this response may put off a cellular catastrophe for context, and the specific death stimulus.30 Characteristic a short time, if the damage to ER is too extensive, the dam- changes that differ in the various forms also include modifi- age can initiate PCD via the unfolded protein response or cations of the cell shape and architecture, such as alterations via release of calcium into the cytoplasm.33 Thus caspase-12 of the cytoskeleton (Table 1.1). Any questions about the is activated, which then engages caspase-9 and leads to the other forms of cell death remain unanswered: How impor- effector cascade recruitment.34 In addition, an intracellular tant is the activation of the different PCD for the organism, calcium influx caused by ER stress induces the activation and are all the mediators that trigger one type of death or of a family of cytosolic proteases, the calpains (calcium- another known? To these and other questions we will try activated neutral proteases), which normally reside in the to give an answer. cytosol as inactive zymogenes.35,36 Calpains, kept in con- trol by their natural inhibitor calpastatin, have been shown to act downstream of caspase. In fact, it has been demon- ACD strated that vitamin D compounds trigger cell death in ACD is a long-known nonapoptotic cell death modality, MCF-7 cells via calpains and independent of caspase also called type II cell death (to distinguish it from apop- activation, thus indicating a role of ER in certain types tosis or type I cell death).39 Phagocytosis and autophagy Chapter 1 ● Cell Injury and Cell Death 7 are two well-known processes involved, respectively, in the The features of paraptosis differ from those of apop- removal of extracellular organisms and the destruction of tosis and involve cytoplasmic vacuolation, mitochondrial organisms in the cytosol. Autophagy, for either metabolic swelling, the absence of caspase activation, and typical regulation or defense, involves the formation of a double nuclear changes including pyknosis and DNA fragmenta- membrane called the autophagosome, which then fuses tion.10 There is increasing evidence that this alternative, with lysosomes to degrade the contents, a process that nonapoptotic PCD exists in parallel with apoptosis. The has similarities to phagosome maturation. Autophagy is, neuropeptide substance P and its receptor, neurokinin-1, in fact, normally activated during starvation by nutrient mediate a nonapoptotic form of PCD resembling parap- sensors to allow the recycling of substrates and organelles tosis in some cases.44 Activated microglia trigger neuronal and to ensure the metabolic precursor.40 Autophagy is also cell death with ultrastructural characteristics of marked vac- a means to eliminate dysfunctional organelles and allow uolation and slightly condensed chromatin following the a turnover of long-living proteins, thus preventing their blockage of the caspase cascade.45 In addition, ceramide pathological accumulation in the cells. Consequently, the induces nonapoptotic PCD with necrosis-like morphol- cell “cannibalizes itself” from the inside (autophagy = “self- ogy in human glioma cells in the presence of pan-caspase 46 eating” in Greek). When this self-eating reaches excessive inhibitors or during overexpression of bcl-XL. These levels it may progress toward ACD, occurring in response examples support the theory that cells have other intrin- to prolonged deprivation or stress, during embryogenesis, sic programs for death that are distinct from apoptosis. in adult tissue remodeling, in human diseases, or during This death program can be mediated by mitogen-activated cytotoxic drug treatment.39 Autophagy is often observed protein kinases and can be triggered by the TNF-R when massive cell elimination is needed or when phago- family member TAJ/TROY, capable of inducing apopto- cytes do not have easy access to the dying cells. ACD is dif- sis independent of DNA fragmentation and caspase acti- ferentiated from apoptosis by certain peculiarities, includ- vation, and the insulin-like growth factor I receptor.1,47 ing autophagosome and/or autolysosome formation, a vast The idea that PCD might be induced by hyperactiva- autodigestion of organelles, a preserved nucleus until late tion of a trophic factor receptor (trophotoxicity) is com- stages (with the absence of DNA laddering), and cytoskele- patible with an earlier observation that some trophic fac- ton preservation until the final stages. In contrast to apop- tors may increase neuronal cell death, for example, that tosis, ACD occurs in a caspase-independent pathway. Inter- induced by excitotoxicity.48 Such an effect might be pro- estingly, autophagy can be a factor in both the promotion tective against neoplasia in that it may eliminate cells and prevention of cancer, and its role may be altered during that would otherwise undergo autocrine loop–stimulated tumor progression.41 The first autophagy gene identified in oncogenesis. The resulting program would necessarily be humans was Beclin 1. The heterogeneous disruption of this nonapoptotic because trophic factors inactivate apoptotic gene leads to increased tumorigenesis in mice.42 Beclin 1 signaling. is inhibited by its interaction with Bcl-2, which thus not only functions as an apoptotic suppressor, but also as an antiautophagic factor.43 Another aspect to be considered NECROSIS AND PROGRAMMED NECROSIS is that some malignant cell types respond to anticancer For a long time necrosis was considered as an alternative to agents by triggering autophagy, indicating the potential apoptosis.7,8 Recently, necrosis, once thought of as simply utility of ACD induction in cancer therapy. Cancer cells a passive, unorganized way to die, has emerged as an alter- may need autophagy to survive nutrient-limiting and low- native form of PCD, the activation of which might have oxygen conditions, and autophagy may protect cancer cells important biological consequences, including the induc- against ionizing radiation by removing damaged elements. tion of an inflammatory response.49 The term necrosis has, The precise role of this cell death is, therefore, not yet therefore, been wrongly used for years to define an alter- fully understood, but it is important to underline that native mode of cell death. It is now evident that we cannot autophagy and apoptosis can be observed simultaneously in refer to necrosis to mean a particular program of death the same tissue, and, in some cases, autophagy may precede and that this term should be used to describe what hap- and later trigger apoptosis when the autophagic capacity pens after a cell is dead. It is, therefore, more correct to use is overwhelmed.39 In other settings, autophagy has been the term “programmed necrosis” or “necrosis-like PCD” observed to delay or antagonize apoptosis, and there are when we describe certain kinds of cell death governed by also examples in which the two processes can be mutually a specific genetic program and quite different from classi- exclusive.39 cal apoptosis or not falling within the cell death pathways described earlier in this chapter.6 There are many exam- ples of programmed necrosis being a normal physiologi- PARAPTOSIS cal and regulated (programmed) event. Signaling pathways Recently, a novel nonapoptotic PCD process designated (e.g., DRs, kinase cascades, and mitochondria) participate paraptosis was described by Sperandio and colleagues.10 in both processes, and, by modulating these pathways, it 8 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY is possible to switch between apoptosis and programmed deficiency syndrome [AIDS], type I diabetes, systemic lupus necrosis. Moreover, antiapoptotic mechanisms (e.g., bcl-2/ erythematosus [SLE], Sjogren¨ syndrome), intestinal disor- bcl-x proteins, heat shock proteins) are equally effective ders, and kidney disease.2 In particular, diseases character- in protecting against apoptosis and programmed necrosis. ized by the accumulation of cells include cancer, autoim- There are several examples of necrosis during embryoge- mune diseases, and certain viral illnesses. Cell accumulation nesis, normal tissue renewal, and the immune response.7 can result from either increased proliferation or the failure The core events of programmed necrosis are bioenergetic of cells to undergo apoptosis in response to appropriate failure and rapid loss of plasma membrane integrity. These stimuli. events can result from specific molecular events that occur in the dying cell, including increased mitochondrial reac- tive oxygen species production, channel-mediated calcium Cell Death in Cancer uptake, activation of nonapoptotic proteases, and/or enzy- Tumor growth occurs when the cellular birth rate exceeds matic destruction of cofactors required for ATP produc- the death rate. Control of cell growth is important in the tion. Karyolysis of the nucleus occurs as a consequence of process of normal development and tissue homeostasis, and the complete dissolution of the chromatin due to the activ- in pathological conditions such as neoplasia. Growth arrest ity of specific DNase. In addition, these necrotic medi- and cell death are also important in normal and neoplastic ators are often induced in the dying cell simultaneously growth. and enhance each other’s ability to initiate the demise of Inactivation of apoptosis is a hallmark of cancer, an the cell.50 Calpain and lysosomal cathepsin activation have obligate ritual in the malignant transformation of nor- been shown to contribute to necrotic cell death. Due to the mal cells. By inactivating apoptosis, cancer cells enhance immunogenic potential of the necrotic cell debris removal, their chances of survival and increase their resistance to the target induction of programmed necrosis is gaining chemotherapeutic agents. Because apoptosis is a gene- attention among immunologists and oncologists in can- controlled process, it is susceptible to genetic manipulation cer immunotherapy.51 At this point, it is important to note for therapeutic purposes, such as in cancer treatment. The that, to complicate the intricate net of terminologies used acquisition of resistance to apoptosis is important in the to define the area of apoptosis versus necrosis, the term transition from normal melanocyte to melanoma. Apop- “oncosis” (from the Greek word for swelling), a form of tosis is, in fact, critical for epidermal homeostasis, repre- cell death activated by ischemia, has also been used through senting a key protective mechanism removing premalig- the years to define all the situations in which marked cel- nant cells that have acquired mutations.52 lular swelling occurred. Extensive literature on the mor- Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, phological criteria for oncosis exists, but the biochemical notoriously resistant to current modalities of cancer ther- pathway(s) of oncosis has not yet been described. Oncosis apy and known to be a tumor with an elevated metastatic is thought to be mediated by a failure of plasma membrane ability.53 Although today melanoma is more often diag- ionic pumps. One potential mediator of oncosis is a calpain- nosed in an early stage of disease and therefore shows a family protease (possibly a mitochondrial calpain), which better overall survival, when tumor cells are detected in suggests that oncosis may turn out to be related to, or syn- the regional lymph node, the patient has a poorer prog- onymous with, a calcium-activated programmed necrosis nosis. One of the earliest events in melanoma progression cell death. Majno and Joris proposed this term for desig- involves the unregulated proliferation of melanocytes. In nating any programmed cellular suicide characterized by this stage of melanoma progression, the cells lose their a marked swelling, whereas the term “necrosis” refers to ability to maintain the cell-cycle controls that function in the features that appear after the cell has died.6 Necrosis normal unstimulated melanocytes. This loss of cell-cycle may be either oncotic or apoptotic in origin. In this context, control can lead to sustained proliferation, decreased apop- oncosis comprises the prelethal changes leading to ischemic tosis, or both. It also has been reported that melanocytes or coagulation necrosis, whereas necrosis describes a mor- displayed a broad expression of apoptotic inhibitors to phology but not a process, thus underscoring the final fea- maintain their longevity, at the cost of the nonelimina- ture of a dead cell. tion of damaged cells, thus resulting in a high probabil- ity of developing melanoma.52 In contrast, keratinocytes are more prone to undergoing apoptosis to ensure a rapid APOPTOSIS AND HUMAN DISEASES turnover and efficiently remove damaged cells and meet Nonregulated apoptosis involves different pathophysiolog- their functional needs in the skin. Melanoma cells are resis- ical situations such as malignant and premalignant con- tant to a wide range of antineoplastic treatments because ditions, neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer disease, of their ability to evade the cytotoxic action of different prion-associated disorders), heart disease (ischemic car- insults such as DNA damage, microtubule destabilization, diac damage, chemotherapy-induced myocardial suppres- or topoisomerase inhibition,53 showing, in contrast, strong sion), immune system disorders (e.g., acquired immune resilience. In fact, melanoma cells in vivo demonstrate low Chapter 1 ● Cell Injury and Cell Death 9 levels of spontaneous apoptosis compared with other tumor cell types, and resistance to apoptosis is associated with CONCLUSIONS increased resistance to chemotherapeutic agents.54 The Even in diseases in which the affected cells have been shown knowledge acquired about the altered apoptotic mecha- to die with “apoptotic morphology,” one cannot exclude the nism in melanoma has focused the attention of researchers possibility that a caspase-independent cell death program on molecules able to compensate for or bypass the cell occurs in concert with a caspase-dependent program.61 The death defects and on the development of new chemother- knowledge of the genetic program underlying the onset of apeutic strategies that facilitate the death of cancer the disease might help the researcher to use the appropriate cells. genetic therapy by inhibiting one pathway or another. In such cases, it is important to understand whether a pro- gram of death is controlled by caspase activation. The Cell Death and Autoimmune Disorders inhibition of the caspase cascade to control apoptosis Physiological regulation of cell death is essential for the induction in some degenerative diseases can delay (but removal of potentially autoreactive lymphocytes during not prevent) the progression of the disease if some other development and for the removal of excess cells after the caspase-independent program of death is operating. The completion of an immune response. Failure to remove occurrence of one or another of the different programs of autoimmune cells that arise during development or that cell death is an important aspect to take into account. In develop as a result of somatic mutation during an immune fact, one of the cancer therapy approaches is to kill can- response can result in autoimmune disease.55 Upregu- cer cells by apoptosis. It is also known that cancer cells lated levels of soluble Fas, which might competitively are selected for their acquired resistance to apoptosis. It is, inhibit FasL–Fas interactions, have been documented in therefore, important to be able to exploit other genetic pro- many autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthri- grams to complement or integrate apoptosis and perhaps tis, SLE, and pemphigus vulgaris (PV).56 PV is a chronic open new frontiers for tumor therapy. autoimmune cutaneous disease characterized by circulat- Despite the numerous models proposed to categorize ing autoantibodies that cause blisters and erosions on the PCD, it is difficult to give one single definition, and prob- skin and mucous membranes.57 Circulating autoantibodies ably also incorrect, due to the overlap and shared signaling bind with the epidermal cell membrane and cause cell– pathways of the different death programs. It has, there- cell detachment (acantholysis), leading to epidermal tissue fore, been postulated that the dominant cell death phe- damage. In recent years, the idea that apoptosis might play notype triggered by cytotoxic agents is determined by the a central role in the induction of acantholysis has gained most readily available death program.62 Besides caspases, momentum. In support of this supposition, a study by a broad spectrum of proteases can carry out PCD, with Weiske and colleagues demonstrated the proteolytic cleav- the participation of different cellular organelles, including age of desmoglein 3 (PV antigen) by caspase-3 during apop- mitochondria, lysosomes, or ER, which can act indepen- tosis, thereby causing desmosome disruption only after the dently or actively collaborate with each other. The mul- induction of apoptosis.58 ticellular organism can take advantage of the existence of In a past study, we showed the ability of pemphi- multiple death pathways because they offer protection, for gus serum and captopril to induce apoptosis in human example, against the development of malignant diseases. keratinocytes.59 In particular, the authors demonstrated Many difficulties and obstacles have to be overcome before that a drug (captopril) or antibodies (PV serum) acting, a cell becomes a tumor cell, and this in part explains the respectively, by a biochemical or immunological mecha- rarity of cancer, considering the number of cell divisions nism induced acantholysis through the same genetic pro- and mutations that occur during human life. The control gram leading to PCD. 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47. Eby MT, Jasmin A, Kumar A, et al. A novel member of the 55. Thompson CB. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis and treatment tumor necrosis factor receptor family, activates the c-Jun N- of disease. Science. 1995;267:1456–62. terminal kinase pathway and mediates caspase-independent 56. Puviani M, Marconi A, Cozzani E, Pincelli C. Fas ligand in cell death. J Biol Chem. 2000;275:15336–42. pemphigus sera induces keratinocyte apoptosis through the 48. Koh JY, Gwang BJ, Lobner D, Choi DW. Potential necro- activation of caspase-8. J Invest Dermatol. 2003;120:164–7. sis of cultured cortical neurons by neurotrophins. Science. 57. Korman N. Pemphigus. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1988;18:1219– 1995;268:573–5. 38. 49. Edinger AL, Thompson CB. Death by design: apoptosis, 58. Weiske J, Schoneberg T, Shroder W, et al. The fate of desmo- necrosis and autophagy. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2004;16:663–9. somal proteins in apoptotic cells. J Biol Chem. 2001;276: 50. Zong WX, Thompson CB. Necrotic death as a cell fate. Genes 41175–81. Dev. 2006;20:1–15. 59. Baroni A, Buommino E, Paoletti I, et al. Pemphigus serum 51. Sauter B, Albert ML, Francisco L, et al. Consequences of cell and captopril induce hsp 70 and inducible nitric oxide synthase death: exposure to necrotic tumor cells, but not primary tissue overexpression, triggering apoptosis in human keratinocytes. cells or apoptotic cells, induces the maturation of immunos- Br J Dermatol. 2004;150:1070–80. timulatory dendritic cells. J Exp Med. 2000;191:423–34. 60. Arredondo J, Cheryavsky AI, Karaouni A, Grando SA. Novel 52. Bowen AR, Hanks AN, Allen SM, et al. Apoptosis regulators mechanism of target cell death and survival and of therapeutic and responses in human melanocytic and keratinocytic cells. action of IVIg in pemphigus. Am J Pathol. 2005;167:1531– J Invest Dermatol. 2003;120:48–55. 44. 53. Soengas MS, Lowe SW. Apoptosis and melanoma chemore- 61. Kitanaka C, Kuchino Y. Caspase-independent programmed sistance. Oncogene. 2003;22:3138–51. cell death with necrotic morphology. Cell Death Differ. 54. Johnstone RW, Ruefli AA, Lowe SW. Apoptosis: a link 1999;6:508–15. between cancer genetics and chemotherapy. Cell. 2002;108: 62. Bursch W. The autophagosomal-lysosomal compartment in 153–64. cell death. Cell Death Differ. 2001;8:569–81. CHAPTER 2 Clean and Aseptic Technique at the Bedside

Sapna Amin Aron J. Gewirtzman Stephen Tyring

CUTANEOUS SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS are another study describing the complications following Mohs becoming more and more popular as this area of dermatol- Micrographic Surgery showed an infection rate of 1.6%.8 ogy continues to rapidly expand. Dermatologists are per- Complication rates have been shown to be higher in forming progressively more surgical procedures in their dermatology inpatients. A recent study examining the com- private offices.1 A survey performed by the American Soci- plication rate of diagnostic skin biopsies performed on inpa- ety of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) in 2003 revealed tients found that 29% of patients developed postopera- that 3.9 million procedures were performed that year by tive complications, with 93% of these complications being participating ASDS members.2 These outpatient proce- wound infections.9 This increased rate may be attributable dures allow the dermatologist to provide more compre- to differences in the patient population. Dermatology inpa- hensive care to the patient and present the patient with tients are more likely to be widely colonized with Staphy- a more affordable option, because outpatient procedures lococcus aureus, to have extensive skin disease, and/or to be under local anesthesia are less expensive than in the hospital systemically unwell.9,10 setting.1,3 Clinically, SSIs are recognized by the extrusion of pus With the upsurge in the number of cutaneous surgeries, from a wound that may also exhibit some of the cardi- an important goal remains to keep patients free of nosoco- nal signs of inflammation in the surrounding skin: red- mial and surgical site infections (SSIs). Traditionally, der- ness, heat or warmth, swelling, and pain. Patients may matologic procedures and surgeries have benefited from also display systemic signs of infection, such as fever or relatively low infection rates,2,4 despite varying infection- chills. Laboratory confirmation is also necessary to make control practices.1 Strict adherence to aseptic technique is the diagnosis. Bacterial cultures taken from the site should required to maintain this low rate of infectious complica- demonstrate a concentration of at least 100,000 colony- tions. In addition to the principles of asepsis, the surgeon forming units per square centimeter. Treatment of infected must also minimize patient and environmental risk factors, wounds requires effectively reducing the bacterial concen- achieve adequate preoperative preparation, decide if antibi- tration, and debridement is the most important method of otic prophylaxis is necessary, as well as maintain proper achieving this. Other techniques include the use of topi- surgical suite protocol and surgical technique. cal antibacterials, frequent dressing changes, and biologic dressings. The most common cause of wound infections is the SURGICAL SITE INFECTIONS patient’s endogenous skin flora,11,12 with the absolute most Postoperative infections after dermatologic procedures are common pathogen being S. aureus.11,13 These microorgan- rare. These surgeries are largely considered either “clean” isms tend to colonize the uppermost layers of the skin and or “clean-contaminated,” with infection rates of less than hair follicles; approximately 10%–20% of bacteria pene- 5%5 and 5%–10%, respectively.2 Studies examining the trate deeper into the hair follicles, however, where they rate of infectious complications following dermatologic can escape routine disinfection methods. Despite steriliza- procedures have indicated an even lower incidence in this tion and disinfection procedures, the skin remains contam- field. Two studies reported infectious complication rates of inated because these elusive organisms are a viable source 2% following outpatient dermatologic procedures,6,7 and of recolonization after the removal of superficial bacteria.14

page 12 Chapter 2 ● Clean and Aseptic Technique at the Bedside 13

Researchers have suggested that the rate of SSIs might be equipment. Although cleaning does not kill these bacte- decreased further by decreasing the number of skin flora.11 ria, spores, or viruses, it remains an essential part of the decontamination process as the removal of these surface organisms facilitates disinfection and sterilization of equip- PATIENT RISK FACTORS ment. Organic matter may interfere with adequate decon- Many factors contribute to the likelihood of a patient con- tamination by inactivating disinfectants and sterilants and tracting a surgical wound infection. Patient-specific charac- preventing direct contact with microbial cells. Cleaning is teristics often cannot be eliminated or modified and must most effective when performed as soon as possible after be dealt with on an individual basis. The most common equipment use. Cleaning should only be performed as the patient-specific risk factors encountered are specific medi- sole method of decontamination on noncritical items – that cal conditions that decrease the immune status of the indi- is, items that come into contact only with normal and intact vidual.15–17 Diabetes mellitus, for example, has been shown patient skin. In general, automated cleaning methods, such to increase the risk of infection and to have a negative as washer disinfectors and ultrasonic cleaners, are superior effect on wound healing. Smoking also has been shown and preferable to manual methods (paper towels, wet wipes, to have similar harmful effects, perhaps from the nicotine- etc.) as these methods produce standardized results.21–24 induced vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to the skin. In a study examining risk factors for SSIs, diabetes, obesity, and smoking all were found to be independent risk factors. Disinfection Patients should be encouraged to abstain from smoking Disinfection refers to the chemical destruction of the in the perioperative period as this will decrease the risk of majority of viable microorganisms residing on a given sur- SSI and tissue necrosis.13,18,19 Other risk factors include an face. Although some spores may also be targeted, disinfec- immunocompromised state secondary to a variety of causes tion alone does not reliably kill or inactivate all spores and (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune viruses. In situations where sterilization by steam under deficiency syndrome [HIV/AIDS], corticosteroids, malig- pressure (autoclaving) is inappropriate or could damage nancy, advanced age) and concomitant infections, such as medical equipment, the disinfection process may be uti- urinary tract infections, which must be treated before the lized to decontaminate semicritical and critical items that surgical procedure is performed. Patients with concurrent have been exposed to nonintact patient skin, mucous mem- infections have a markedly increased risk for developing branes, or sterile body cavities. Disinfectants may be com- SSIs, even if the infection is distantly located from the promised by some organic matter, highlighting the impor- wound.15–17 Location of surgery also contributes to the tance of proper cleaning prior to disinfection. Disinfection risk of SSI development. Due to vascular factors, the lower may be achieved by either chemical or physical processes, extremities pose the highest risk18,20 whereas the well- with the latter being preferred as they are more amenable vascularized face presents the lowest risk of infection.18 to monitoring and standardization.21–24

ENVIRONMENTAL RISK FACTORS Sterilization Factors extrinsic to the patient also contribute to the devel- Sterilization refers to the complete destruction or elimina- opment of SSIs. These environmental risk factors can often tion of all transmissible organisms from a surface, including be modified and/or eliminated to decrease the patient’s risk bacteria, spores, viruses, and fungi. Given its thorough- of acquiring infection. ness, this process is appropriate for critical equipment and instruments. Many different types of sterilization exist; the most commonly used methods for surgical equip- DECONTAMINATION OF SURGICAL EQUIPMENT ment include autoclaving, dry heat, ethylene oxide, and Surgical procedures involve the use of instruments that irradiation.21,22,24 may come into contact with patient skin, mucous mem- branes, and/or sterile body cavities. Viable microorganisms and spores must be removed from reusable surgical equip- PREOPERATIVE SKIN ANTISEPSIS ment after each use to decrease the risk of infection and prevent cross-contamination between patients. Microbial Alcohol decontamination may be achieved by cleaning, disinfec- Alcohol is one of the oldest and most effective antiseptics tion, and/or sterilization.21–23 available. It is abundant, rapid acting, and inexpensive. It is appropriate for use in minor, clean procedures, and has ger- micidal properties against most bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Cleaning Some bacterial spores may show resistance. Its use is often Cleaning removes viable microorganisms and the organic limited, however, by its flammability and potential for skin matter in which they survive from the surfaces of medical irritation.16,17 14 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Iodinated Preparations have found hand washing to be the most effective method 30 Betadine and other iodophors have broad-spectrum antimi- of reducing hospital-acquired infections. These results crobial activity. These compounds are rapid acting and assume satisfactory hand-washing methods are undertaken; are bactericidal within minutes; however, iodinated com- past studies have shown that adequate washing is hardly pounds are effective only when dry, and they lose their achieved and that approximately 89% of staff do not cleanse 15,31 bactericidal effect when removed from the skin. They also the entire hand surface. Hands should be washed before leave a yellowish discoloration on the skin, are irritating, and after each patient contact.32 Three varieties of hand- and are inactivated by contact with blood and other serum washing agents are currently available. proteins. Although iodophors are relatively safe, when used chronically in pregnant women, associated hypothyroidism has been reported in neonates.16,17,25 Plain Soaps Plain soaps derive their cleaning activity from their deter- gent bases. Soap and water are most effective in remov- Chlorhexidine ing dirt, soil, and some organic substances. Although Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is active against a wide soaps have no inherent antimicrobial activity and can- range of gram-positive and -negative bacteria, viruses, and not remove resident microorganisms, they can eliminate yeast. It is rapid acting, does not stain the skin, and is transient microorganisms from the hands;21,32,33 however, not inactivated by contact with blood or other serum pro- hand washing with soap can also cause an increase in the teins. An additional benefit of CHG is that it demonstrates total number of bacteria on the hands.15,34 This paradoxical prolonged antimicrobial activity by binding to the stra- increase has been explained by enhanced release of bacte- tum corneum of the skin, allowing for efficacy even after rial particles from the skin after hand washing. Soaps may removal. In comparison with the iodophors, CHG has been also contaminate the hands if the source has become extrin- shown to lead to a greater reduction in bacterial counts and sically contaminated. Several cases of extrinsic contamina- demonstrates a cumulative effect after repeated exposure. tion of nonmedicated liquid soaps with Serratia marcescens Cases of keratitis and ototoxity have been reported after have been previously documented.35,36 prolonged, direct contact with patients’ eyes and tympanic membranes. The majority of these instances occurred in Antiseptic Detergents. Antiseptic detergents, like plain patients exposed to CHG while under general anesthe- soap and water, are also effective at removing dirt and soil. sia, who were unable to respond to the antiseptic-induced These agents do have antimicrobial activity and are more irritation.16,17,26–28 effective in removing both transient and resident microor- ganisms from the hands.15,21,34

Preparation of the Skin Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs. Alcohol-based hand rubs are Before prepping the skin with antiseptic, all visible dirt and the most effective at removing microorganisms from the organic matter should first be removed. Antiseptic should hands and reducing hand flora. These solutions have ger- then be applied to the area where the skin incision will micidal activity against a broad range of gram-positive be made, extending outward in concentric circles. A large and -negative bacteria, including some multidrug-resistant enough area should be prepped so that the incision can pathogens. Alcohols are also active against certain viruses be extended or new incisions/drain sites can be made if when tested in vitro. To be most effective, these hand rubs necessary.16,17 should contain 60%–95% alcohol.17 Additionally, these agents are simple and quick to use and require less effort Hair Removal. Hair that may contaminate the operative than traditional soaps, which may lead to increased compli- site should be removed with scissors or by clipping prior to ance with hand washing. Alcoholic hand rubs should not be the procedure. Shaving of the area should not be performed used on visibly soiled hands as these agents are not effec- within 24 hours of the surgical procedure as open skin, tive at removing dirt or other physical contaminants. In cuts, and scratches increase the risk of infection. If shaving this case, hands should first be washed with soap and water is necessary to remove the hair, the skin should first be before applying the alcohol-based hand rub.16,21,34 scrubbed with an antiseptic and then shaved immediately prior to the procedure. Adhesive tape can then be used to Scrubbing. “Scrubbing” refers to the process by which remove excess pieces of hair.16,17 members of the surgical team who will be in contact with the sterile field or instruments significantly decrease the Hand Washing. The majority of hospital-acquired infec- bacterial counts on the hands and forearms. Although the tions are thought to be transmitted via the hands of health majority of dermatologic surgeries are performed on an care workers. As many as 10,000 colony-forming units outpatient basis, some procedures require the dermatolo- can be transmitted by brief hand contact alone!29 Studies gist to perform the traditional surgical scrub. Chapter 2 ● Clean and Aseptic Technique at the Bedside 15

Three types of antiseptics exist for scrubbing: aqueous inherent risk of postoperative infection of no greater than scrubs, alcohol rubs, and alcohol rubs with additional active 10%. Although it is clear that antibiotic prophylaxis can ingredients. Aqueous scrubs are water-based preparations reduce this already low infection rate, antimicrobials them- with active ingredients such as CHG and povidone–iodine. selves may cause problems. Use of antimicrobials can add Alcohol rubs, described earlier in this chapter, are also to the number of adverse drug events and allergic reac- approved for the purpose of scrubbing. The third class tions, promote drug-resistant organisms, and interact with of antiseptic is a modification of the alcohol rub with the concomitant medications, in addition to adding cost.5,16,38 addition of active ingredients (usually CHG or povidone– Antimicrobial prophylaxis should not be used routinely for iodine) to impart greater antimicrobial activity.28 CHG dermatological procedures, but rather in a select group of and povidone–iodine are the recommended antiseptics for patients at high risk for SSI or other infectious complica- scrubbing in the United States.17 tions. The quality and effectiveness of scrubbing is also affected Class I wounds do not require antimicrobial prophylaxis, by factors other than the choice of antiseptic. The condition nor do most cases of class II wounds. Antimicrobials may be of the skin on the hands, the scrubbing technique and dura- beneficial for class II wounds in which oronasal or anogen- tion, and the gowning and gloving technique must all be ital mucosae are breached or for large axillary or inguinal considered. Although studies have not yet shown an opti- wounds.16 In class III and IV wounds, antimicrobials serve mum duration of scrubbing, it has been shown that scrub- a therapeutic rather than prophylactic purpose, and should bing for 2 minutes is as effective as for 10 minutes. The be used routinely. first scrub of the day should always be the most thorough, Besides reducing SSIs, another reason dermatologists and it is at this time that surgical team members should often use antimicrobial prophylaxis is for the prevention of thoroughly clean under their fingernails. The hands and infection at a distant site such as a heart valve or pros- forearms should then be vigorously cleaned with a brush thetic joint.16,39 Endocarditis or seeding of a prosthetic up to the elbows and rinsed. Hands and arms should be joint theoretically can be caused by bacteremia induced held up with the elbows flexed, avoiding contamination, during skin surgery. The incidence of bacteremia during until dried with sterile towels immediately before dressing skin surgery has been found to be only 0.7%,40 which in a sterile gown and gloves.17 compares favorably to the 0%–2.1% incidence of bac- teremia in random blood cultures of healthy volunteers.41 WOUND CLASSIFICATION The routine use of antimicrobial prophylaxis during der- matological procedures in otherwise healthy individuals Antibiotic selection to prevent wound infection first for prevention of endocarditis or joint infection seems requires a discussion of wound types. Clean wounds (class I) unwarranted. In fact, no randomized clinical trial to date refer to surgical sites without contamination that do not has established that antimicrobial prophylaxis prevents involve entry into the gastrointestinal, respiratory, or uri- endocarditis.42 nary tracts. No inflammation is present at the wound. Should the decision to use antimicrobials be made, the Risk of infection is less than 5%. Most dermatologic surg- next most important step is to use them optimally. Effective eries fall into this category. Clean-contaminated wounds prophylaxis provides a high blood and tissue level of antimi- (class II) involve controlled entry into the gastrointestinal, crobial at the time of anticipated bacteremia.39 Antimicro- respiratory, or urinary tracts without spillage or gross con- bials given at the conclusion of a procedure are not as effec- tamination. The risk of infection of dermatologic surgery tive in preventing infection, and after the wound is closed into a class II wound is approximately 10%. Contami- there is generally no longer any risk of contamination.16 A nated wounds (class III) occur by various means: breaks large loading dose of the appropriate antimicrobial should in sterile technique, spillage of gastrointestinal or urinary be given approximately 1 hour before surgery. tract contents, or traumatic accidents. This category also The route of antimicrobial prophylaxis is generally includes wounds with nonpurulent discharge. The infec- thought of as either oral or intravenous. Intraincisional tion rate from dermatologic surgery in a class III wound is antimicrobial prophylaxis injected along with buffered lido- 20–30%. Finally, dirty wounds (class IV) include wounds caine and epinephrine has also shown to reduce wound with purulent discharge, fecal contamination, foreign bod- infection. Benefits of intraincisional antimicrobial prophy- ies, or necrotic tissue or entry into a perforated viscus. Risk laxis include immediate delivery to the site where it is of infection is 40%.16,37 needed, ease of use (in the same syringe as anesthetic), enhanced compliance, and relatively low cost.43 Addi- ANTIMICROBIAL SELECTION tionally, because the dose of intraincisional antimicrobials Whether to use antibiotic prophylaxis in dermatological is low compared with the amount necessary in oral or surgery is a frequent topic of debate. As discussed ear- intravenous prophylaxis and is applied locally, the risk of lier in this chapter, most dermatological procedures are systemic side effects and bacterial resistance is theoreti- performed on class I or class II wounds and carry an cally lower. Intraincisional antimicrobials are not widely 16 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

used currently, but their potential benefits warrant further 6. Amici JM, Rogues AM, Lasheras A, et al. A prospective study investigation. In the future, they may become more com- of the incidence of complications associated with dermato- mon as an alternative to traditional prophylaxis. logical surgery. Br J Dermatol. 2005;153:967–71. For class III and IV wounds, in which antimicrobial 7. Futoryan T, Grande D. Postoperative wound infection use is recommended routinely, the choice of antimicro- rates in dermatologic surgery. Dermatol Surg. 1995;21:509– bials should be based on the presumed organism causing 14. 8. Cook JL, Perone JB. A prospective evaluation of the incidence the infection. If a wound culture with sensitivities is avail- of complications associated with Mohs micrographic surgery. able prior to a procedure, this should obviously be taken Arch Dermatol. 2003;139:143–52. into account prior to antimicrobial selection. In absence 9. Wahie S, Lawrence CM. Wound complications following of wound culture results, first-generation cephalosporins diagnostic skin biopsies in dermatology inpatients. Arch Der- are a good choice because of their excellent coverage matol. 2007;143:1267–71. of staphylococcal organisms (the most common cause of 10. Helbling I, Muston HL, Ferguson JE, McKenna M. Audit of wound infection) as well as common gram-negatives such admissions to dermatology beds in Greater Manchester. Clin as and some Proteus species.5 Penicillins, Exp Dermatol. 2002;27:519–22. especially beta-lactamase–resistant variants are also good 11. Cantlon CA, Stemper ME, Schwan WR, Hoffman MA, choices. Many patients have penicillin sensitivity, and due Qutaishat SS. Significant pathogens isolated from surgical site to cross-reactivity with cephalosporins, both of these first- infections at a community hospital in the Midwest. Am J Infect Control. 2006;34:526–9. line choices would be inappropriate for these patients. In 12. Finn L, Crook S. Minor surgery in general practice–setting these cases, macrolides (e.g., erythromycin) or quinolones the standards. J Public Health Med. 1998;20:169–74. (e.g., ciprofloxacin) can be used. Current American Heart 13. Maragh SL, Otley CC, Roenigk RK, Phillips PK. Antibi- Association guidelines recommend amoxicillin as the first otic prophylaxis in dermatologic surgery: updated guidelines. choice for standard prophylaxis (or ampicillin for patients Dermatol Surg. 2005;31:83–91. unable to take oral medications), with clindamycin as an 14. Davis CP. Normal flora. In: Baron S, editor. Medical microbi- alternative for patients with penicillin allergy.42 ology. 4th ed. Galveston,TX: The University of Texas Med- ical Branch at Galveston; 1996. 15. Aseptic technique. In: Dougherty L, Lister S, editors. The CONCLUSIONS Royal Marsden Hospital manual of clinical nursing proce- dures. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell. 2004. 50–63. With the number of dermatological procedures being per- 16. Hurst EA, Grekin RC, Yu SS, Neuhaus IM. Infectious com- formed increasing each year, ensuring a minimal amount of plications and antibiotic use in dermatologic surgery. Semin nosocomial and SSIs is important, while understanding the Cutan Med Surg. 2007;26:47–53. inherent risk factors of a procedure and that using proper 17. Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, et al., The Healthcare aseptic technique can help prevent such complications. Sur- Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guidelines gical equipment decontamination, preoperative skin asep- for prevention of surgical site infection, 1999. Atlanta, GA: sis, and proper hand washing are all techniques that can Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. keep infections to a minimum. Antimicrobial prophylaxis 18. Dixon AJ, Dixon MP, Askew DA, Wilkinson D. Prospec- is generally unnecessary for dermatological procedures, as tive study of wound infections in dermatologic surgery in the risk of adverse events due to the antimicrobials often the absence of prophylactic antimicrobials. Dermatol Surg. outweighs the benefit of further reducing an already low 2006;32:819–26; discussion 826–7. 19. Olsen MA, Lock-Buckley P, Hopkins D, et al. The risk fac- incidence of infection. tors for deep and superficial chest surgical-site infections after coronary artery bypass graft surgery are different. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;124:136–45. REFERENCES 20. Garland R, Frizelle FA, Dobbs BR, Singh H. A retrospec- 1. Rogues AM, Lasheras A, Amici JM, et al. Infection con- tive audit of long-term lower limb complications following trol practices and infectious complications in dermatological leg vein harvesting for coronary artery bypass grafting. Eur J surgery. J Hosp Infect. 2007;65:258–63. Cardiothorac Surg. 2003;23:950–5. 2. Aasi SZ, Leffell DJ. 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25. Danziger L, Hassan E. Antimicrobial prophylaxis of gastroin- procedures in everyday hospital use. Br J Dermatol. testinal surgical procedures and treatment of intraabdominal 2000;143:546–50. infections. Drug Intell Clin Pharm. 1987;21:406–16. 35. Sartor C, Jacomo V, Duvivier C, et al. Nosocomial Serra- 26. Perez R, Freeman S, Sohmer H, Sichel JY. Vestibular and tia marcescens infections associated with extrinsic contami- cochlear ototoxicity of topical antiseptics assessed by evoked nation of a liquid nonmedicated soap. Infect Control Hosp potentials. Laryngoscope. 2000;110:1522–7. Epidemiol. 2000;21:196–9. 27. Murthy S, Hawksworth NR, Cree I. Progressive ulcerative 36. Archibald LK, Corl A, Shah B, et al. Serratia marcescens keratitis related to the use of topical chlorhexidine gluconate outbreak associated with extrinsic contamination of 1% (0.02%). Cornea. 2002;21:237–9. chlorxylenol soap. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1997; 28. Tanner J, Swarbrook S, Stuart J. Surgical hand antisepsis to 18:704–9. reduce surgical site infection. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 37. Bell RM. Surgical procedures, techniques, and skills. In: 2008; CD004288. Lawrence PF, Beel, RM. Dayton, MT editors. Essentials of 29. Gould D, Ream E. Assessing nurses’ hand decontamination general surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & performance. Nurs Times. 1993;89:47–50. Williams: 1999. 519–62. 30. Gould DJ, Chudleigh J, Drey NS, Moralejo D. Measur- 38. Lamberg L. Dermatologists debate sentinel node biopsy, ing handwashing performance in health service audits and safety of liposuction, and antibiotic prophylaxis. JAMA. research studies. J Hosp Infect. 2007;66:109–15. 2000;283:2223–4. 31. Taylor LJ. An evaluation of handwashing techniques-1. Nurs 39. George PM. Dermatologists and antibiotic prophylaxis: a sur- Times. 1978;74:54–5. vey. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1995;33:418–21. 32. Boyce JM, Pittet D. Guideline for hand hygiene in health- 40. Carmichael AJ, Flanagan PG, Holt PJ, Duerden BI. The care settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection occurrence of bacteraemia with skin surgery. Br J Dermatol. Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/ 1996;134:120–2. SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for 41. Wilson RW, Van Scoy RE, Washington JA. Incidence of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (Association for Pro- bacteremia in adults without infection. J Clin Microbiol. fessionals in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society of 1975;2:94–5. America. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2002;51:1–45, quiz CE41– 42. Scheinfeld N, Struach S, Ross B. Antibiotic prophylaxis 44. guideline awareness and antibiotic prophylaxis use among 33. Grinbaum RS, de Mendonca JS, Cardo DM. An outbreak New York State dermatologic surgeons. Dermatol Surg. of handscrubbing-related surgical site infections in vascu- 2002;28:841–4. lar surgical procedures. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 43. Huether MJ, Griego RD, Brodland DG, Zitelli JA. 1995;16:198–202. Clindamycin for intraincisional antibiotic prophylaxis in 34. Winnefeld M, Richard MA, Drancourt M, Grob JJ. Skin dermatologic surgery. Arch Dermatol. 2002;138:1145– tolerance and effectiveness of two hand decontamination 8. CHAPTER 3 New Antimicrobials

Maryann Mikhail Jeffrey M. Weinberg

WITH THE continuing development of clinical drug dalfopristin, daptomycin, oritavancin and dalbavancin, the resistance among bacteria and the advent of resistance to quinolones (moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin), and tigecycline the more recently released agents quinupristin/dalfopristin (Table 3.1). and linezolid, the need for new, effective agents to treat multidrug-resistant gram-positive infections remains im- portant. With treatment options limited, it has become LINEZOLID critical to identify antibiotics with novel mechanisms of Linezolid (Figure 3.1) is an oxazolidinone antibiotic activity. Several new drugs have emerged as possible shown to be effective for nosocomial and community- therapeutic alternatives. This chapter focuses on agents acquired , vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus newly introduced and those currently in clinical devel- faecium (VREF) infections, and skin infections caused by opment for the treatment of skin and skin structure certain staphylococcus or species.2 The oxa- infections. In addition, novel antifungal agents will be zolidinones are a novel class of antibiotics first discovered reviewed, as will novel dosing of antiviral agents for herpes in 1987.3 labialis.

Mode of Action NOVEL ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS Cellular Mechanism. Oxazolidinones, and specifically There has been an alarming increase in the inci- linezolid, are theorized to act by inhibiting the initiation dence of gram-positive infections, including resistant bac- phase of translation and thus interfering with bacterial pro- teria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus tein synthesis.4 It is thought that linezolid binds to the 23S (MRSA) and drug-resistant pneumococci. Although van- portion of the 50S ribosomal subunit, preventing initiation comycin has been considered the drug of last defense complex formation. This early inhibition of protein synthe- against gram-positive multidrug-resistant bacteria, strains sis is a unique mechanism and limits cross-resistance with of vancomycin-resistant bacteria, including vancomycin- other antimicrobial agents, because there is no preexisting resistant enterococci (VRE), began to emerge by the late resistance mechanism in nature.4 1980s. More recently, strains of vancomycin-intermediate- resistant S. aureus (VISA) have been isolated.1 Pharmacokinetics. Oral bioavailability of the antibiotic in Gram-positive bacteria, such as S. aureus and Strepto- a normal host is 100%. The drug can be administered coccus pyogenes, are often the cause of both uncomplicated with or without meals. Food may slightly decrease the and complicated skin and skin structure infections. Uncom- rate of absorption but has no effect on the amount of the plicated infections are mild, localized to the skin, and drug absorbed. Linezolid shows a protein binding of only responsive to topical or systemic antibiotics. This category 31% and a half-life of 5–7 hours. At a dosing schedule of includes simple , impetiginized lesions, furuncles, 600 mg administered orally every 12 hours, the average and . Complicated infections are those involving steady-state plasma concentrations exceed the minimum deeper soft tissues and requiring surgical intervention or inhibitory concentration required to inhibit the growth of associated with significant systemic disease or comorbidi- 90% of organisms (MIC90) for staphylococci, streptococci, ties. Corresponding clinical entities include surgical wound and enterococci. It is primarily metabolized by oxidation of infections, infected ulcers or burns, severe carbunculosis, the morpholine ring, which produces two inactive metabo- , and . lites. Its metabolism is unaffected by the cytochrome P450 Several novel agents have emerged as possible thera- enzyme system. Kinetics are similar in patients with mild peutic alternatives. These include linezolid, quinupristin/ to moderate renal or hepatic compromise. In patients older

page 18 Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 19

TABLE 3.1: Novel Antibacterial Agents for Skin and Skin Structure Infections

Generic Brand name name Mechanism of action Dosage usage

Linezolid Zyvox R Binds to 23S portion of the 50S ribosomal 400Ð600 mg PO/IV Uncomplicated/ subunit and prevents initiation complex q12h for 10Ð14 d Complicated formation Quinupristin/ Synercid R Binds to different sites on the 50S subunit 7.5 mg/kg IV q12h Complicated Dalfopristin and inhibits protein synthesis for at least 7 d Daptomycin Cubicin R Disrupts bacteria plasma membrane 4 mg/kg IV q24h for Complicated function 10Ð14 d Oritavancin ——— Inhibits biosynthesis of cell wall 1.5Ð3.0 mg/kg IV qD Complicated peptidoglycan for 3Ð7 d Dalbavancin ——— Inhibits biosynthesis of cell wall 500Ð1000 mg IV qwk Complicated peptidoglycan Moxifloxacin Avelox R Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV 400 mg PO/IV qD for Uncomplicated 7d Gatifloxacin Tequin R Inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV 400 mg PO/IV qD for Uncomplicated 7Ð10 d Tigecycline Tygacil R Inhibits protein synthesis by blocking the Initial: 100 mg, then Complicated 30S ribosomal subunit 50 mg BID IV over 30Ð60 min for 5Ð14 d Retapamulin Altabax R Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by Topical application Uncomplicated interacting with the 50S ribosomal subunit BID for 5 d ()

PO, per os (orally); IV, intravenous; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; BID, twice daily. than 5 years, a dose of 10 mg/kg every 12 hours displays Clinical Indications similar pharmacokinetic properties.2 Currently, linezolid is U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the treatment of various gram-positive In Vitro Activity. In vitro studies have shown linezolid to infections, including both hospital- and community- be effective against many antibiotic-resistant gram-positive acquired pneumonias, complicated and uncomplicated skin organisms, including MRSA, penicillin-resistant Strepto- and skin structure infections, and VRE infections. Studies coccus pneumoniae,andVRE5–9. Linezolid is bacteriostatic have been conducted comparing (head to head) linezolid against most susceptible organisms, but has shown bacteri- and standard antibiotic therapies in the treatment of skin cidal activity against perfringens, Bacteroides frag- and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs). In terms of efficacy, a ilis, and some strains of S. pneumoniae.10 In addition to its double-blind, randomized study in 332 adult patients with coverage of antibiotic-resistant gram-positive organisms, uncomplicated skin infections (cellulitis, skin abscesses, and it has some broad-spectrum activity against gram-positive furuncles) secondary to staphylococcus and streptococcus cocci, gram-negative anaerobes, and some mycobacteria. It compared linezolid 400 mg twice daily with clarithromycin has also shown moderate in vitro inhibitory activity against 250 mg twice daily for a course of 7–14 days. Follow- influenzae and , although ing treatment, 91% of the linezolid-treated patients had it was not effective against and Pseu- a clinical cure, compared with 93% in the clarithromycin domonas aeruginosa. group, demonstrating that linezolid is as effective as clar- ithromycin.11 Another randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial compared the efficacy and safety of linezolid, an oxazolidi- O none, with those of oxacillin–dicloxacillin in patients with N complicated SSTIs (cSSTIs).12 A total of 826 hospitalized O O adult patients were randomized to receive linezolid (600 mg intravenously [IV]) every 12 hours or oxacillin (2 grams IV) F N O C every 6 hours. Following sufficient clinical improvement, N CH3 H patients were switched to the respective oral agents, line- zolid 600 mg orally every 12 hours or dicloxacillin 500 mg FIGURE 3.1: Linezolid. orally every 6 hours. Primary efficacy variables were clinical 20 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY cure rates in both the intent-to-treat (ITT) population Conclusions as well as clinically evaluable (CE) patients and microbi- Linezolid is the first of a novel class of antibiotics called ological success rate in microbiologically evaluable (ME) oxazolidinones and is indicated for use both in uncompli- patients. Safety and tolerability were evaluated in the cated and complicated skin and skin structure infections ITT population. Demographics and baseline characteris- caused by MRSA or streptococcal species. tics were similar across treatment groups in the 819 ITT patients. In the ITT population, the clinical cure rates were 69.8% and 64.9% in the linezolid and oxacillin– QUINUPRISTIN/DALFOPRISTIN dicloxacillin groups, respectively (95% confidence inter- Quinupristin/dalfopristin (Figure 3.2) is a combination of val [CI], –1.58 to 11. 25; p = .141). In 298 CE linezolid- two semisynthetic pristinamycin derivatives and is the first treated patients, the clinical cure rate was 88.6%, com- parenteral streptogramin antibacterial agent. Both quin- pared with a cure rate of 85.8% in 302 CE patients upristin and dalfopristin have antibacterial capability indi- who received oxacillin–dicloxacillin. In 143 ME linezolid- vidually, but demonstrate synergistic activity when used treated patients, the microbiological success rate was in combination. Much of the clinical experience with 88.1%, compared with a success rate of 86.1% in 151 ME this antibiotic is derived from five comparative trials and patients who received oxacillin–dicloxacillin. Both agents an FDA-sanctioned emergency-use program for patients were well tolerated; most adverse events were of mild-to- without alternative therapies. moderate intensity. No serious drug-related adverse events were reported in the linezolid group.12 Linezolid was also found to be as effective as van- Mode of Action comycin in the treatment of skin and soft-tissue MRSA infections.13,14 In VRE infections, a clinical success rate of Cellular Mechanism. Quinupristin and dalfopristin enter 81% was noted, indicating that treatment with linezolid bacterial cells by diffusion and bind to different sites on the 50S ribosomal subunit, resulting in an irreversible inhibi- may be superior to comparator antibiotics in patients with 18 complicated skin infections who also have comorbid condi- tion of bacterial protein synthesis. Dalfopristin blocks the tions.15 There have been reports of development of resis- reaction catalyzed by the peptidyl transferase catalytic cen- tance to linezolid in some patients with E. faecium.16 ter of the 50S ribosome via inhibition of substrate attach- ment to the P-site and the A-site of the ribosome. Quin- upristin inhibits peptide chain elongation. The synergistic Dosage Regimens effect of the combination appears to result from the fact that these compounds target early and late steps in protein The recommended dosage of linezolid depends on the 19 severity of the skin or soft-tissue infection. Uncomplicated synthesis. infections should be treated with 400 mg every 12 hours for 10–14 days. For complicated infections, 600 mg twice daily Pharmacokinetics. Quinupristin/dalfopristin is rapidly either via IV infusion or orally is recommended. No dose cleared from the blood and is widely distributed. It is elim- adjustment is needed when switching from IV to oral ther- inated through the bile into the feces. Its clearance may apy,4 because the absolute bioavailability after oral dosing be slightly reduced in patients with severe chronic renal is nearly 100%. failure. Its pharmacokinetics are unaffected by age or gen- der. Quinupristin has a half-life of approximately 1 hour, and dalfopristin has a half-life of approximately 30 minutes. Contraindications/Cautions The postantibiotic effect of the drug is prolonged to greater Linezolid is generally well tolerated, with the most com- than 7.4 hours against streptococci regardless of penicillin 20 mon adverse effects being diarrhea (8.3%), headache susceptibility. Quinupristin/dalfopristin inhibits the bio- (6.5%), and nausea (6.2%).10 Because linezolid is a non- transformation rate of cytochrome P450 substrates in selective, reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, it vitro. may interact with serotonergic or adrenergic agents.17 Like many other antibiotics, it may cause pseudomembranous In Vitro Activity. Quinupristin/dalfopristin has inhibitory colitis, as a result of overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. activity against a broad spectrum of gram-positive bacteria Approximately 2% of patients develop thrombocytope- including MRSA, VREF, and drug-resistant S. pneumoniae. nia, which appears to be dependent on duration of ther- It is bactericidal against methicillin-resistant staphylococci apy. The effect is reversible; however, the manufacturer and S. pneumoniae and bacteriostatic against most E. faecium recommends monitoring patients with preexisting throm- in vitro. Quinupristin/dalfopristin also has demonstrated bocytopenia or those whose treatment will exceed 2 synergy with other antibiotics. Rifampin is synergistic with weeks. No deaths related to thrombocytopenia have been quinupristin/dalfopristin against MRSA, and doxycycline reported.2 is synergistic against VREF in vitro. Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 21









FIGURE 3.2: Quinupristin (panel A) and dalfopristin (panel B).

Clinical Indications continues. In 1995, quinupristin was approved for emer- FDA indications for quinupristin/dalfopristin are serious gency use. During this emergency-use basis in the treat- infections associated with VREF bacteremia and com- ment of VREF infections, in which no other treatments plicated skin and skin structure infections caused by were available, patients using quinupristin/dalfopristin had methicillin-sensitive S. aureus or S. pyogenes.VREFinfec- a 71% success rate21 and a significantly lower mortality rate tions are difficult to treat, and few therapeutic options than did patients using other agents.22 In another study, are currently available. These pathogens are resistant to patients with complicated skin and skin structure infec- most ␤-lactam and aminoglycoside antibiotics. Judicious tions who were given quinupristin/dalfopristin had almost use of vancomycin is currently being advocated to reduce identical clinical success rates (68%) when compared the incidence of resistant organisms, but their presence to those using vancomycin, oxacillin, and/or cefazolin 22 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

(71%).23 In addition, in the treatment of patients with increase in hepatic transaminases and bilirubin.27 Use is gram-positive nosocomial , it was found to be contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity as efficacious as vancomycin.24 to streptogramins, or with any drugs metabolized by the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme system (some anti–human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] agents, vinca alkaloids, ben- Dosage Regimens zodiazepines, immunosuppressives, corticosteroids, and For complicated skin or skin structure infections, the rec- calcium channel blockers). In addition, particular care ommended dose is 7.5 mg/kg IV twice daily for at least should be taken when using medications that prolong the 7 days. The drug can be administered up to three times QT interval (e.g., astemizole, cisapride, disopyramide, lido- daily for bacteremic patients. Dose adjustment to 5 mg/kg caine, quinidine, and terfenadine).27 Caution is also recom- is recommended for patients with hepatic insufficiency. No mended if using cyclosporin concomitantly.28 Resistance dose adjustment is needed for elderly or renally impaired to quinupristin/dalfopristin has been encountered infre- patients. quently among VREF, and resistance among staphylococci is rare in the United States.29,30

Contraindications/Cautions Approximately 63% of patients receiving quinupristin/ Conclusions dalfopristin reported at least one adverse effect. Evalua- Quinupristin/dalfopristin is the first parenteral strep- tion of these adverse effects is difficult because they are togramin and offers a unique alternative treatment against often assessed in the context of severe underlying ill- multidrug-resistant gram-positive bacteria. Because of its nesses. Adverse venous events at the IV site of admin- potency, bactericidal activity, long postantibiotic effect, istration of the drug were the most common. Reports and rare resistance, it has excellent potential for treatment of pain and/or inflammation during its administration of serious gram-positive infections. Its efficacy should be were reported in 34.9%–74.0% of patients.23,25 Atro- weighed against possible adverse effects, tolerability, and phy, edema, hemorrhage, hypersensitivity, burning, and interactions prior to utilizing this potent antibiotic. In seri- thrombophlebitis were also reported. A statistically sig- ously ill patients with unresponsive infections and minimal nificant number of venous events occurred with quin- other potential treatment options, it should be considered upristin/dalfopristin compared with oxacillin, cefazolin, or the treatment of choice. vancomycin (66.2% vs. 28.4%).21 Suggested but unproven management options to limit these events include admin- istration in a larger volume of fluid or via a central DAPTOMYCIN line. Mild to moderate myalgias and/or arthralgias have Daptomycin (Figure 3.3) is a novel lipopeptide antibiotic been reported.26 Gastrointestinal events also occurred with derived from the fermentation of a strain of Streptomyces 4.6% of patients experiencing nausea, 2.7% experiencing roseosporus. It has demonstrated potent antimicrobial activ- vomiting and diarrhea, and 2.5% developing a rash.27 The ity against a wide variety of gram-positive bacteria includ- most common laboratory abnormalities reported were an ing MRSA and VRE. Initially developed in the early 1980s,




FIGURE 3.3: Daptomycin. Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 23 daptomycin was temporarily shelved due to concerns about phase II trials, the clinical efficacy of daptomycin was com- skeletal muscle toxicity. At lower doses, this toxicity was pared with that of conventional agents such as ␤-lactams, not seen, but clinical trials using daptomycin were again semisynthetic penicillins, and vancomycin for the treat- halted due to treatment failures in patients with S. aureus ment of skin infections and bacteremia.41 In patients with endocarditis. Recently, due to the need for new agents with SSTIs, 2 mg/kg daily resulted in clinical cure or improve- activity against vancomycin-resistant bacteria, this IV ther- ment in 29/30 patients, compared to 37/39 patients treated apy was reevaluated and now has supportive data from phase with conventional therapy. Two multicenter phase III trials III clinical trials.31 have now been completed, involving a total of 1079 sub- jects with cSSTIs.31,41 In both studies, patients were ran- domized for treatment with IV daptomycin (4 mg/kg, once Mode of Action daily) or standard treatment with a semisynthetic penicillin Cellular Mechanism. The precise mechanism of action or vancomycin. Of all the CE patients, 89% had clinical of daptomycin is unknown. It kills by disrupting bacteria success with daptomycin, and 88% were treated success- plasma membrane function, but does not enter the cyto- fully with standard treatment.31 These two groups were plasm. Proposed mechanisms include inhibition of lipotei- statistically equivalent. Of note, the group that received choic acid synthesis32,33 and dissipation of bacterial mem- daptomycin required a significantly shorter course of treat- brane potential.34,35 ment, with 63% of patients receiving daptomycin requir- ing only 4–7 days of treatment and 67% of patients being Pharmacokinetics. Following once-daily dosing, it exhi- treated with standard therapy requiring 8 or more days of bits linear pharmacokinetics and minimal accumulation. It treatment.31 has a half-life of approximately 8.5 hours.36 It is highly protein bound (94%), and its in vitro activity is altered in the presence of serum or abumin.37,38 Daptomycin Dosage Regimens is eliminated by the kidney; therefore, dose adjustments The recommended dosage of daptomycin is 4 mg/kg IV based on creatinine clearance are required. Because hep- every 24 hours for 7–14 days.42 Because daptomycin is elim- atic metabolism of daptomycin is limited, interactions with inated primarily by the kidney, a dosage modification is other drugs metabolized by the liver are minimal. recommended for patients with creatinine clearance <30 mL/min, including patients receiving hemodialysis or con- In Vitro Activity. Daptomycin has rapid, concentration- tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The rec- dependent bactericidal activity against gram-positive ommended dosing regimen is 4 mg/kg once every 24 hours organisms. Using the standard definition of a 3-log reduc- for patients with creatinine clearance ≥30 mL/min and tion in viable organisms, daptomycin (and not vancomycin) 4 mg/kg once every 48 hours for patients with creati- is bactericidal against both S. aureus and Enterococcus fae- nine clearance ≥30 mL/min, including those on hemodial- calis.39 In addition, in vitro studies designed to eval- ysis or CAPD. When possible, daptomycin should be uate the bactericidal activity of daptomycin (compared administered following hemodialysis on hemodialysis with vancomycin, linezolid, and quinupristin/dalfopristin) days.43 against various gram-positive organisms found that the bactericidal activity of daptomycin is improved when con- centrations are ≥4 times the MIC.40 At these levels, dap- Contraindications/Cautions tomycin and vancomycin achieved 99.9% killing of MRSA Daptomycin is well tolerated with an incidence and at 8 hours, which was greater than the killing seen with nature of serious adverse effects comparable to those seen linezolid and quinupristin/dalfopristin. It also had greater with conventional therapy. The most frequently reported activity against VRE at 8 hours and 24 hours when com- adverse events were headache and constipation in approxi- pared with linezolid and quinupristin/dalfopristin. Sponta- mately 4% of patients. These events were not dose related neous acquisition of resistance is rare as long as therapeu- and did not persist. Skeletal muscle has been identified tic serum levels of daptomycin are maintained. Synergistic as the primary target organ of daptomycin toxicity.44 interactions were noted most frequently with aminoglyco- Reversible skeletal muscle toxicity occurred only at the sides and against enterococcal organisms. highest dose tested (4 mg/kg every 12 hours). Transient muscle weakness and myalgia were noted, but resolved 1 week after discontinuing daptomycin. By monitoring cre- Clinical Indications atine phosphokinase (CPK) levels, muscle toxicity can be Daptomycin was recently approved for the treatment of prevented, as CPK elevations precede muscle toxicity. No complicated skin and skin structure infections caused by signs of cardiac or smooth muscle toxicity were noted. In gram-positive bacteria, including those caused by MRSA addition, once-daily dosing has been shown to minimize and MSSA (methicillin-susceptible S. aureus). In early associated muscle toxicity. 24 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

H C of tigecycline is bound to plasma proteins. Following IV 3 CH3 H3C CH3 N N administration, tigecycline serum concentrations initially HH OH decline rapidly during distribution into body tissues.49 The O mean half-life of tigecycline after a single 100-mg dose was H3C H N NH2 27.1 hours; after multiple dosing of 50 mg every 12 hours, H3C N 49 H OH the mean half-life was 42.4 hours. Approximately 59% of H3C OH OOOH O the drug is eliminated by biliary and/or fecal excretion, and 33% is excreted in urine. Of the total dose, approximately FIGURE 3.4: Tigecycline. 22% is excreted as unchanged tigecycline in urine.

Conclusions Clinical Indications As resistance to conventional antibiotics increases, dapto- Tigecycline is indicated for cSSTIs as well as for compli- mycin may be a useful adjunct to our antibiotic armamen- cated intraabdominal infections. Its efficacy as monother- tarium. It possesses efficacy against resistant bacteria and apy was demonstrated to be similar to combination therapy provides for a rapid and concentration-dependent kill time, with vancomycin and aztreonam in two double-blind phase a broad spectrum of activity, and a low frequency of resis- III comparison studies. Patients (total = 1116) with cSSTIs tance.45 received tigecycline (100 mg, followed by 50 mg IV twice daily) or vancomycin (1 g IV twice daily) plus aztreonam (2 g IV twice daily) for up to 14 days. Clinical responses to tige- TIGECYCLINE cycline and vancomycin–aztreonam at test-of-cure were Tigecycline (Figure 3.4) belongs to a novel class of antibi- similar: 79.7% (95% CI, 76.1% to 83.1%) versus 81.9% otics called the glycylglycines. It was approved by the FDA (95% CI, 78.3% to 85.1%; p = .4183). Adverse events were in June 200546 for the treatment of adults 18 years old similar, with increased nausea and vomiting in the tigecy- or older with complicated skin or skin structure infec- cline group and increased rash and elevated hepatic amino- tions caused by Escherichia coli, E. faecalis (vancomycin- transferase levels in the vancomycin–aztreonam group.50 susceptible isolates only), S. aureus (methicillin-susceptible and -resistant isolates), Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococ- cus anginosus group, S. pyogenes,andB. fragilis.Itisalso Dosage Regimens approved for the treatment of complicated intraabdominal The recommended regimen is an initial dose of 100 mg, infections caused by a variety of species. followed by 50 mg every 12 hours. IV infusions should be administered over approximately 30–60 minutes every 12 hours. The recommended duration of treatment for cSSTIs Mode of Action or for complicated intraabdominal infections is 5–14 days. Cellular Mechanisms. Glycylcyclines are semisynthetic No dose adjustment is warranted in patients with mild-to- derivatives of tetracycline antibiotics in which a glycyl- moderate hepatic impairment. In patients with severe liver amido moiety is attached at the 9 position of the D-ring disease, the initial dose of tigecycline should be 100 mg, of the base molecule. This modification maintains the followed by 25 mg every 12 hours. No dosage adjustment antibacterial effect but provides stability against mecha- is necessary in patients with renal disease or in patients on nisms of tetracycline resistance.47,48 Like the tetracyclines, hemodialysis. The safety and efficacy of tigecycline has not tigecycline is bacteriostatic and inhibits bacterial protein been tested in patients younger than 18 years.49 translation by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit and blocking entry of amino-acyl transfer RNA molecules into the A site of the ribosome.49 Contraindications/Cautions In phase III clinical studies with 1415 patients, the most In Vitro Activity. Tigecycline shows broad spectrum in commonly reported adverse events were nausea (29.5%) vitro activity against gram-positive pathogens (including and vomiting (19.7%). Nausea and vomiting generally MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis,and occurred within the first 2 days of treatment. Only 1.3% of VRE), gram-negative organisms (such as acinetobacter), patients discontinued therapy due to nausea and 1.0% due anaerobes, and rapidly growing mycobacteria.49 It is not to vomiting.49 active against Pseudomonas strains. Laboratory abnormalities reported during tigecycline treatment included increased prothrombin time and par- Pharmacokinetics. In healthy subjects given IV tigecy- tial thromboplastin time, without significant bleeding cline, peak concentration is linearly proportional to doses episodes, increased blood urea nitrogen without con- over the range of 12.5–300 mg. Approximately 71%–89% comitant nephrotoxicity or increase in creatinine, and Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 25 hyperbilirubinemia. Although in phase III clinical stud- In Vitro Activity. Retapamulin is bacteriostatic against S. ies, infection-related serious adverse events were more aureus and S. pyogenes at the retapamulin in vitro MIC frequently reported for subjects treated with tigecycline for these organisms. At concentrations 1000× the in vitro (6.7%) versus comparators (4.6%), the relationship of this MIC, retapamulin is bactericidal against these same organ- outcome to treatment cannot be established due to differ- isms. Retapamulin demonstrates no in vitro target-specific ences between treatment groups at baseline. cross-resistance with other classes of antibiotics. Two Glycylglycines are structurally similar to tetracyclines mechanisms that cause reduced susceptibility to retapa- and, therefore, may have similar adverse events such as mulin identified in vitro are mutations in ribosomal protein photosensitivity, pseudotumor cerebri, and pancreatitis. L3 or the presence of an efflux mechanism. Decreased sus- Patients with a history of tetracycline hypersensitivity ceptibility of S. aureus to retapamulin (highest retapamulin should be closely monitored if treated with tigecycline. MIC was 2 mcg/mL) develops slowly in vitro via multi- Tigecycline may cause fetal harm if administered to preg- step mutations in L3 after serial passage in subinhibitory nant women and may cause permanent tooth discoloration concentrations.53 during development. It should not be administered simul- taneously with amphotericin B or diltiazem. Coagulation Pharmacokinetics. Systemic exposure following topical studies should be monitored in patients on warfarin and application of retapamulin through intact and abraded skin tigecycline.49 was low. In a study of healthy adults, applying retapamulin ointment, 1%, once daily to intact skin (800 cm2)and abraded skin (200 cm2) under occlusion for up to 7 days, Conclusions provided a median maximum concentration plasma value Tigecycline monotherapy is as effective as combination at day 7 of 3.5 ng/mL (range, 1.2–7.8 ng/mL) from intact therapy with vancomycin and aztreonam in the treatment skin and 9.0 ng/mL (range, 6.7–12.8 ng/mL) from abraded of cSSTIs. This new agent thus holds promise as an alter- skin. Retapamulin is 94% bound to human plasma pro- native to the ␤-lactams and fluoroquinolones for the initial teins regardless of concentration. Metabolism takes place empiric treatment of serious dermatologic infections.51 mainly in the liver, and the major enzyme responsible for this is cytochrome P450 3A4. The apparent volume of dis- tribution and retapamulin elimination in humans has not RETAPAMULIN been investigated due to low systemic exposure after topical application.54 Retapamulin (Figure 3.5) is an antibiotic ointment approved in April 2007 for the treatment of impetigo due to MSSA and S. pyogenes. It is a semisynthetic derivative Clinical Indications of the compound pleuromutilin, which is isolated through Retapamulin ointment is indicated for use in adults and fermentation from the fungus, Clitopilus passeckerianus.52 pediatric patients 9 months old or older for the topical treat- ment of impetigo (up to 100 cm2 in total area in adults or Mode of Action 2% total body surface area in pediatric patients 9 months old or older) due to MSSA or S. pyogenes.52 Cellular Mechanisms. Retapamulin selectively inhibits Retapamulin ointment has been studied in a multicenter, bacterial protein synthesis by interacting with the riboso- randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel- mal 50S subunit L3 protein to inhibit peptidyl transfer, group study of adult and pediatric (9 months old or older) block P-site interactions, and prevent the normal forma- patients applying retapamulin ointment twice daily for 5 tion of active 50S ribosomal subunits.53 days for the treatment of impetigo. Of the 210 patients enrolled, 164 (78%) were younger than 13 years. Clini- cal success was defined as the absence of treated lesions, treated lesions that had become dry without crusts or with- OH out erythema compared with baseline, or treated lesions N that improved such that no further antimicrobial treatment O was required. At 2 days posttreatment, the ITT clinical population for retapamulin showed a success rate of 85.6% S H (119 of 139 patients) compared with the placebo group, O which had a success rate of 52.1% (37 of 71 patients). A follow-up examination 9 days after treatment showed a similar trend: retapamulin with a success rate of 75.5% O (105 of 139 patients) and placebo with 39.4% (28 of FIGURE 3.5: Retapamulin. 71 patients).55 26 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY





O O OH Cl Cl




FIGURE 3.6: Oritavancin (panel A) and dalbavancin (panel B).

Dosage Long-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic A thin layer of retapamulin should be applied to the affected potential have not been performed with retapamulin. It area (up to 100 cm2 in total area in adults or 2% total body has shown no genotoxicity, and no evidence of impaired surface area in pediatric patients 9 months old or older) fertility has been found in either male or female rat studies. twice daily for 5 days. Retapamulin is dispensed as a 1% The safety of retapamulin ointment has been assessed ointment in 5-, 10-, and 15-g tubes. To reduce the devel- in a study of 2115 adult and pediatric patients who used at opment of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the efficacy least one dose from a 5-day, twice-daily regimen. Adverse of retapamulin, use should be limited to treatment or pre- events rated by the investigator as drug-related occurred vention of infections that are proven or strongly suspected in 5.5% (116 of 2115) of patients treated with retapamulin to be caused by susceptible bacteria.52 ointment, the most common of which was application site irritation (1.4%). A safety profile has not been established for patients younger than 9 months.52 Contraindications/Cautions Due to low systemic exposure to retapamulin follow- Retapamulin ointment is pregnancy category B; therefore, ing topical application in patients, dosage adjustments it should be used in pregnancy only when the potential for retapamulin are unnecessary when coadministered benefits outweigh the risks and at the discretion of the pre- with CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as ketoconazole. From scribing physician. in vitro P450 inhibition studies and the low systemic Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 27








FIGURE 3.6 (continued)

exposure observed following topical application, retapa- terial activity of glycopeptide antibiotics results from the mulin is unlikely to affect the metabolism of other P450 inhibition of bacterial cell wall formation. More specifi- substrates. The effect of concurrent application of other cally, these antibiotics inhibit the biosynthesis of bacterial topical products to the same area of skin has not been stud- cell wall peptidoglycan. These two agents are currently in ied.52 late stages of clinical development.

ANTIBIOTICS IN DEVELOPMENT Oritavancin Oritavancin (Figure 3.6A) and dalbavancin (Figure 3.6B) Oritavancin is distinguished from vancomycin by its bac- are two novel semisynthetic glycopeptide antibiotics, tericidal activity against enterococci, S. pneumoniae,and belonging to the same class as vancomycin. The antibac- staphylococci, including MRSA.45,56,57 In animal studies 28 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

O OH for 7 days. All single and multiple dosages studied were well tolerated. Dalbavancin also was found to have a long half- F life of approximately 10 days.63 These results suggest that O once-weekly dosing could be sufficient to provide trough concentrations that are bactericidal for staphylococcus.63 H In a phase II trial, 62 patients with SSTIs were treated N N with one of two dalbavancin-dosing regimens compared to HN a standard-of-care antibiotic.64 Clinical success rates were O 94.1% in patients receiving two doses of dalbavancin, given 1 week apart, 76.2% for standard-of-care treatment (dos- H ing was daily for 7–21 days), and 64.3% for the group FIGURE 3.7: Moxifloxacin. that received a single dose of dalbavancin (unpublished data).64 In a randomized, double-blind, phase III noninferiority using rabbits as models, oritavancin was successful in the study, two doses of dalbavancin (1000 mg given on day 1 treatment of endocarditis from MRSA.58 It also has a longer followed by 500 mg given on day 8) were as well tolerated half-life (>10 days) than vancomycin, and thus can poten- and as effective as linezolid given twice daily for 14 days for tially offer a shorter duration of treatment.59 In a phase III the treatment of patients with complicated SSTIs, includ- study, IV oritavancin (either 1.5 mg/kg or 3.0 mg/kg once ing those infected with MRSA.65 daily) followed by placebo was compared to IV vancomycin As of December 2007, Pfizer received an approvable let- (15 mg/kg once daily) followed by oral cephalexin in 517 ter from the FDA and is in the process of providing the patients with cSSTIs (unpublished data).60 Efficacy was sta- additional data requested.66 tistically equivalent in the two groups, with a 76% clinical success rate in the group that received oritavancin and 80% in patients who received vancomycin/cephalexin. Patients NEW INDICATIONS FOR QUINOLONES in the oritavancin group required an average of only 5.7 The FDA recently added new indications for two newer days of treatment (in those receiving the 1.5 mg/kg/d generation fluoroquinolone class antibiotics. In April 2001, dosage) and 5.3 days of treatment (in those receiving the moxifloxacin(Figure 3.7), and in October 2002, gatifloxacin 3.0 mg/kg/d dosage), compared to 11.5 days in patients (Figure 3.8), were FDA approved for use in uncomplicated receiving vancomycin/cephalexin.60 skin and skin structure infections. Several studies supported A second phase III, double-blind, randomized trial in these new indications. In one multicenter trial involving 1246 patients with cSSTIs corroborated that oritavancin 410 patients with uncomplicated SSTIs, a once-daily gati- 200 mg daily for 3–7 days IV followed by oral placebo was floxacin dose of 400 mg orally had a cure rate of 91%.67 This as effective as 10–14 days of vancomycin/cephalexin (van- compared to the control group, which received a once-daily comycin/cephalexin at 15 mg/kg twice daily for 3–7 days oral dose of 500 mg of levofloxacin and had a cure rate of IV followed by 1000 mg twice-daily oral cephalexin). This 84%. Another study examined the efficacy of moxifloxacin study also demonstrated that significantly fewer patients ex- versus cephalexin in patients with uncomplicated skin infec- perienced adverse events (p < .001) and fewer patients dis- tions.68 The clinical effectiveness was 90% for the group continued therapy (p = .003) in the oritavancin group than receiving oral moxifloxacin (400 mg once daily) and 91% in the vancomycin/cephalexin group.61 for the group receiving oral cephalexin (500 mg three times Targanta Therapeutics submitted a new drug applica- tion to the FDA in February 2008 seeking to commercialize oritavancin in the treatment of complicated skin and skin O O structure infections.62 F OH Dalbavancin Dalbavancin also has been shown to be bactericidal in 63 in vitro studies with gram-positive pathogens. In ani- N N mal studies, using rats as models, dalbavancin successfully HN treated lobar pneumonia from penicillin-resistant pneumo- O cocci.30 In a phase I study, healthy volunteers received sin- gle IV infusions of dalbavancin in doses ranging from 70 mg to 360 mg.63 Other subjects received dosages of 70 mg/day FIGURE 3.8: Gatifloxacin. Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 29

TABLE 3.2: Novel Antifungal Agents for Invasive Fungal Infections

Generic Brand name name Mechanism of action Dosage Indications

Voriconazole Vfend R Interferes with fungal cell wall synthesis 200 mg BID PO or 3Ð6 Candida, IFIs, by inhibiting 14␣-demethylase synthesis mg/kg BID IV for 14 d after drug of choice of ergosterol resolution of symptoms for aspergillus Posaconazole Noxafil R 200Ð400 mg BID PO Candida, IFIs Anidulafungin Eraxis R Interferes with fungal cell wall synthesis 50Ð100 mg IV q24h for 14 Candidemia/ by inhibiting 1,3-β-glucan synthase d after symptom resolution Candidosis synthesis of 1Ð3-β-glucan

BID, twice daily; PO, per os (orally); IV, intravenous; IFI, invasive fungal infection.

daily). Both groups received the antibiotics for a total of 7 severe side effects than the standard approach of initial ther- days. Other studies also have supported these findings.69 apy with amphotericin B.73 Voriconazole may be admin- istered both orally and IV. In clinical trials, oral (200 mg twice daily) and IV (3–6 mg/kg every 12 hours) doses have NEW ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS produced favorable response.74 Side effects include dose- related, transient visual disturbances, skin eruption, and The increasing burden of invasive fungal infections (IFIs), elevated hepatic enzyme levels.74 especially among hospitalized patients with immune com- Two randomized multicenter trials have accessed the promise, has created an urgent need for novel antifungal efficacy of posaconazole (200 mg orally twice daily) in pre- therapies (Table 3.2). The two major causes of IFI are venting IFIs compared to standard azole therapy (flucona- Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus, although other zole or itraconazole) in high-risk patients with neutrope- emerging fungi, such as non-albicans Candida (particu- nia or graft versus host disease (GVHD). A prospective larly Candida glabrata), Fusarium, and Zygomycetes, are nonblinded study in high-risk neutropenic patients with contributing to the need to expand our armamentarium of neutropenia due to either acute myelogenous leukemia antifungal agents.70 or myelodysplastic syndrome randomized 602 patients to receive posaconazole (n = 298) or either fluconazole or itraconazole (n = 304) until neutrophil recovery or VORICONAZOLE AND POSACONAZOLE occurrence of an IFI for up to 84 days.75 Proven or Voriconazole (Figure 3.9) and posaconazole (Figure 3.10) probable infections were diagnosed in 7 patients (2%) are new triazole agents with broad-spectrum activity in the posaconazole group versus 25 (8%) in the com- against many fungi. As with all azole antifungal agents, parator group. The majority of breakthrough infections voriconazole and posaconazole work by interfering with in the fluconazole/itraconazole arm were due to aspergil- synthesis of the fungal cell wall element, ergosterol, losis. through inhibition of cytochrome P450 14␣-demthylase.71 Voriconazole was FDA approved in 2002 for primary treat- ment of acute invasive aspergillosis and salvage therapy for N rare but serious fungal infections caused by the pathogens N Scedosporium apiospermum and Fusarium spp. Posaconazole N CH3 F was approved in 2006 and is indicated for prophylaxis of OH invasive Aspergillus and Candida infections in patients (13 years old or older) with immune compromise as well as for the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis, refractory to F N N itraconazole and/or fluconazole.72 Voriconazole has become the drug of choice for treat- ment of invasive aspergillosis. In a study comparing voriconazole with amphotericin B in 277 patients with proven or probable aspergillosis, voriconazole led to bet- F ter responses and improved survival and resulted in fewer FIGURE 3.9: Voriconazole. 30 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY






FIGURE 3.10: Posaconazole.

A double-blinded study in allogeneic hematopoietic effects appear to be gastrointestinal (including diarrhea, stem cell transplant patients with GVHD compared flu- nausea, and vomiting) and rashes.75,79 conazole (n = 299) and posaconazole (n = 301) for up to 112 days or until the occurrence of an IFI. Proven or probable infections were diagnosed in 16 patients (5%) in ANIDULAFUNGIN the posaconazole group and 27 (9%) in the fluconazole Anidulafungin (Figure 3.11) is a novel echinocandin group.76 approved in 2006 for the treatment of candidemia as well as An open-label, multicenter, case-controlled clinical trial for candidal esophagitis, abdominal abscesses, and peritoni- of posaconazole as salvage therapy in patients with IFIs also tis.80 As with other echinocandins, anidulafungin blocks has been completed for a variety of IFIs that failed pri- the synthesis of a major fungal cell wall component, 1–3- mary therapy (predominantly amphotericin B regimens). ␤-glucan, presumably via inhibition of 1,3-␤-glucan syn- Among patients with aspergillosis (n = 107), the global thase.81 response to posaconazole therapy (800 mg/day divided In a multicenter, randomized, blinded trial that com- doses) was 42% versus 26% response in contemporary con- pared anidulafungin with fluconazole in the treatment of trol patients who received other licensed antifungal therapy invasive candidosis, treatment was successful in 75.6% ( p = .006).77 of patients treated with anidulafungin, as compared with Preliminary data also suggest that posaconazole may 60.2% of those treated with fluconazole ( p = .01).82 be an effective therapy for zygomycosis unresponsive to Another randomized, double-blind, double-dummy amphotericin B–based regimens.78 study compared the efficacy and safety of intravenous Posaconazole is available only as an oral suspension and anidulafungin to that of oral fluconazole in 601 patients requires intake with high-fat meals for absorption, limiting with esophageal candidiasis and found it to be statistically its utility in the critically ill patient. The major adverse noninferior.83



FIGURE 3.11: Anidulafungin. Chapter 3 ● New Antimicrobials 31

TABLE 3.3: Novel Dosing of Antivirals for Herpes 3. Slee AM, Wuonola MA, McRipley RJ, et al. Oxazolidinones, Labialis a new class of synthetic antibacterial agents: in vitro and in vivo activities of DuP 105 and DuP 721. Antimicrob Agents Generic Brand Chemother. 1987;31:1791–7. name name Dosing 4. Swaney SM, Aoki H, Ganoza MC, Shinabarger DL. The oxa- zolidinone linezolid inhibits initiation of protein synthesis in R Famciclovir Famvir 1500-mg single dose bacteria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1998;42:3251–5. R Valacyclovir Valtrex 2000 mg BID for 1 d 5. Eliopoulos GM, Wennersten CB, Gold HS, Moellering RC, Jr. In vitro activities in new oxazolidinone antimicrobial BID, twice daily. agents against enterococci. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1996;40:1745–7. Anidulafungin is available as an IV infusion. Dosing 6. Ford CW, Hamel JC, Wilson DM, et al. In vivo activities of for esophageal candidiasis is 100 mg on day 1, then 50 U-100592 and U-100766, novel oxazolidinone antimicrobial mg/day. Dosing for candidemia is 200 mg on day 1, then agents, against experimental bacterial infections. Antimicrob 100 mg/day. Similar to other echinocandins, anidulafungin Agents Chemother. 1996;40:1508–13. 7. Jorgensen JH, McElmeel ML, Trippy CW. In vitro activ- is well tolerated. In clinical trials, the most common side ities of the oxazolidinone antibiotics U-100592 and U- < 83 effects ( 5%) are abnormal liver function tests. 100766 against Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1997;41:465–7. NEW DOSING OF ANTIVIRALS (Table 3.3) 8. Mercier RC, Penzak SR, Rybak MJ. 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Clin Microbiol Rev. 1999;12:40– tant gram-positive infections. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 79. 2003;12:117–37. 75. Cornely OA, Maertens J, Winston DJ, et al. Posaconazole 60. Wasilewski MM, Disch D, McGill J, et al. Equivalence vs. fluconazole or –itraconazole prophylaxis in patients with of shorter course therapy with oritavancin compared to neutropenia. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:348–59. vancomycin-cephalexin in complicated skin/skin structure 76. Ullmann AJ, Cornely OA, Burchardt A, et al. Pharmacoki- infections. Program and abstracts of the 41st Interscience netics, safety, and efficacy of posaconazole in patients with Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; persistent febrile neutropenia or refractory invasive fungal 2001 Dec 16–19; Chicago, IL. infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2006;50:658–66. 61. Giamarellou H, O’Riordan W, Haas H, et al. Phase 3 trial 77. Walsh TJ, Raad I, Patterson TF, et al. Treatment of invasive comparing 3–7 days of oritavancin vs. 10–14 days of vanco- aspergillosis with posaconazole in patients who are refractory mycin/cephalexin in the treatment of patients with compli- to or intolerant of conventional therapy: an externally con- cated skin and skin structure infections (cSSSI). Abstr Intersci trolled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:2–12. Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Athens, Greece; 2003. 78. Greenberg RN, Mullane K, van Burik JA, et al. Posacona- 62. Targanta Therapeutics. Press release. Targanta submits zole as salvage therapy for zygomycosis. Antimicrob Agents oritavancin new drug application. Cambridge, MA. http://en Chemother. 2006;50:126–33. 79. Noxafil (posaconazole) oral suspension [package insert]. application-4801102.html. Accessed February 11, 2008. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering-Plough. 63. Steiert M, Schmitz FJ. Dalbavancin (Biosearch Italia/ 80. Eraxis [package insert]. New York: Pfizer. Versicor). Curr Opin Investig Drugs. 2002;3:229–33. 81. Kurtz MB, Abruzzo G, Flattery A, et al. Characteriza- 64. Vesicor Inc. Press release. Vesicor announces positive phase tion of echinocandin-resistant mutants of Candida albicans: 2 study results with dalbavancin for skin and soft tissue infec- genetic, biochemical, and virulence studies. Infect Immun. tions. Fremont, CA September 5, 2002. 1996;64:3244–51. 65. Jauregui LE, Babazadeh S, Seltzer E, et al. Randomized, 82. Reboli AC, Rotstein C, Pappas PG, et al. Anidulafungin double-blind comparison of once-weekly dalbavancin ver- versus fluconazole for invasive candidiasis. N Engl J Med. sus twice-daily linezolid therapy for the treatment of com- 2007;356:2472–82. plicated skin and skin structure infections. Clin Infect Dis. 83. Krause DS, Simjee AE, van Rensburg C, et al. A random- 2005;41:1407–15. ized, double-blind trial of anidulafungin versus fluconazole 66. Pfizer Mediaroom. 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CHAPTER 4 Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies

Batya B. Davidovici Ronni Wolf

BIOLOGIC AGENTS are proteins or antibodies engi- Side Effects neered to target specific molecules. They are derived from Most of the side effects that have been described correspond the products of living organisms. In recent years, numer- to infusion reactions, which occur in approximately 10% of ous drugs of this type have been added to the therapeu- patients and tend not to be serious.4,5 tic armamentarium in various disciplines of medicine. In Part of the infliximab molecule is murine in origin; dermatology, psoriasis is so far the only entity for which hence, the development of neutralizing antibodies has been various drugs of this type are approved. Two main groups described in between 15% and 50% of cases, depending of biologic agents are used in psoriasis: The first is tumor on the study.6–9 The presence of neutralizing antibod- necrosis factor (TNF) blockers, and the second group con- ies is associated with an increased risk of adverse effects, sists of inhibitors of T lymphocytes or antigen-presenting and a higher dose is required to control the disease.9 The cells. Drugs from the anti-TNF group, as well as addi- dose of infliximab is not associated with the development tional biological agents from other specialties, have been of antibodies, although an association has been described used off-label in numerous skin diseases – some of them are between low plasma levels of infliximab and the presence dermatologic emergencies. No doubt, the increasing devel- of antibodies.9,10 The concomitant use of immunosup- opment and use of these drugs will also extend the num- pressant drugs such as cyclosporine or methotrexate has ber of possible indications in numerous skin diseases. This been shown to reduce the rate of formation of neutralizing chapter reviews the current reports on these agents and antibodies.10,11 their use in various dermatologic emergencies(Table 4.1 ). Postmarketing data from infliximab-treated patients with RA, Crohn disease, or other indications for which INFLIXIMAB infliximab is approved suggest a potential increased risk for events such as opportunistic infections, for example, tuber- Infliximab (Remicade; Centocor, Inc., Horsham, PA) is culosis, which can also present as disseminated or atypical a chimeric immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) monoclonal anti- disease,12 lymphoma, demyelinating disease,13–16 or con- body containing human constant regions and murine gestive heart failure.17–19 There is no evidence that TNF variable regions. It binds and inhibits both soluble and inhibitors increase the risk of new-onset cardiac failure in transmembrane TNF-α and activates lysis of cells that patients with RA.20,21 express transmembrane TNF-α. via antibody-dependent and complement-dependent cytotoxic mechanisms.1,2 INFLIXIMAB IN DERMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES Indications Blistering Diseases: Pemphigus Vulgaris Indications for treating are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn disease, Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune blistering dis- ulcerative colitis, and moderate to severe plaque type pso- order of the skin and mucous membranes that is char- riasis. acterized by autoantibodies directed against desmoglein (dsg) 1 and dsg 3. To date, two cases have been de- scribed of recalcitrant PV that was refractory to mul- Dosage tiple immunosuppressant treatments and that responded Infliximab is administered as an intravenous (IV) 3–5 mg/kg rapidly to treatment with infliximab.22,23 In both cases, (in most diseases) infusion, at initiation, week 2, and week the patients showed a lasting response (4 months and 104 3 6 and subsequently every 8 weeks. weeks).

page 34 Chapter 4 ● Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies 35

TABLE 4.1: Clinical Use of Immunimodulators and Biologics in Dermatologic Emergencies

Intravenous immunoglobulin Infliximab Etanercept Rituximab (IVIG)

Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) +++a +++ Pemphigus foliaceus +++ Paraneoplastic pemphigus + Bullous pemphigoid +++ Cicatrical pemphigoid + + +++ Graft versus host disease +++b ++ ++ SJS-TEN ++ +++c Angioedema with hypereosinophilia +

+ Weak evidence; ++ few supporting reports; +++ many supporting reports. SJSÐTEN, StevensÐJohnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. a Close surveillance for infectious complications in PV patients undergoing rituximab treatment is warranted. b For patients with skin and gastrointestinal tract manifestations who have not responded to standard treatment. c Because randomized, controlled, multicenter studies are lacking, treatment with IVIG cannot be considered the standard of care in these cases. Special caution is indicated in elderly patients with preexisting renal dysfunction.

Cicatricial Pemphigoid cyclosporine. Failure to control the disease with these 27 Cicatricial pemphigoid (CP), also referred to as mucous drugs represents a difficult therapeutic challenge. Bio- membrane pemphigoid, is a heterogenous group of autoim- logic agents acting against TNF-α. have proven to be effec- mune subepithelial blistering disorders that primarily affect tive in some cases and represent a first-line option for the mucosal surfaces and, occasionally, the skin. CP was pre- treatment of refractory cases. Some authors have observed viously called benign mucousal pemphigoid; the outcome greater efficacy with infliximab in cases of gastrointesti- 28,29 might not always be benign. Due to its scarring nature, nal (GI) GVHD, suggesting that TNF-α. is the main blindness, deafness, or strictures of the pharynx, esophagus, cytokine involved in the GI disease, whereas in cutaneous larynx, and/or anogenital mucosa may result. Autoantibod- and hepatic GVHD, other cytokines also play an important ies to β 4-integrin, α 6-integrin, bullous pemphigoid (BP) role.28,30 antigen (Ag) 1, BP Ag 2, and laminin 5 have been detected. Some case series have been published on the treatment Patients with ocular CP have elevated levels of serum TNF- of acute GVHD with infliximab. Most involve patients in α compared with normal controls.24 Only one case, how- whom severe acute disease that was refractory to traditional ever, has been described of BP of the mucous membranes.25 treatments (immunosuppressant drugs and corticosteroids) The process was highly aggressive and refractory to mul- developed following bone-marrow transplant. In these case tiple immunosuppressant treatments, in which treatment series the treatment consisted of four infusions of 10 mg/kg with infliximab at standard dose and regimen led to remis- infliximab per week. sion of the disease in the oral and pharyngeal mucosa and The most extensive series28 included 37 patients with stabilized the ocular involvement, which had led to the loss acute GVHD treated with infliximab, of whom 28% had of an eye. corticosteroid-resistant disease. After treatment with a median of 4 weekly infusions of infliximab, 10 mg/kg, the complete response rate was 75% for skin, 81% for upper Acute Graft Versus Host Disease GI tract involvement, 91% for lower GI tract, and 35% Acute graft versus host disease (GVHD) has three differ- for liver involvement. Twenty-two patients died during ent phases. TNF-α is implicated both in the first phase, in the study; in 13 of these patients, death was attributed which it is released from tissues damaged by the condition- to GVHD progression. No other adverse events were ing, and the third phase, in which it is released by effec- reported. tor T lymphocytes from the donor, previously activated by It has been reported31 that a series of 11 patients with antigen-presenting cells from the recipient and that lead steroid-refractory acute GVHD, 10 of whom had grade III to cell death via a mechanism of cytotoxicity involving or IV disease were treated with infliximab. Only 2 patients TNF-α.26 had a complete response; although 5 of 9 remaining patients GVHD is a serious condition in which the first-line had a partial resolution of symptoms, all 9 eventually died. treatment involves high doses of systemic corticosteroids Six of these deaths were attributed to progressive GVHD followed by maintenance treatment with tacrolimus or and infection. 36 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Two retrospective studies have been published in which Infliximab was well tolerated in most cases. It is not easy promising results were obtained with this disease in patients to reach a conclusion regarding whether it increases the refractory to corticosteroid therapy. The first was a series risk of infection, because patients with refractory GVHD of 21 patients (14% grade I, 67% grade II, and 19% grade are immunocompromised and it is difficult to determine III/IV) treated with infliximab as monotherapy.27 An over- the extent to which infliximab is involved. A retrospective all response of 70% was obtained for cutaneous disease cohort study concluded that infliximab was associated with (67% complete response), 75% for intestinal involvement an increased risk of invasive fungal infections; this result (65% complete response), and 25% for hepatic disease suggests that the possibility of increased infections with (25% complete response). The overall survival was 38%, infliximab should be further evaluated.39 Anti-TNF ther- but all of the patients went on to develop chronic GVHD. apy seems to show promise for some patients with acute The second study reported similar results in a series of 32 and chronic GVHD, although mortality rates for steroid- patients diagnosed with grade II/IV GVHD.30 An adequate resistant disease remain high. On the basis of the reports response to infliximab was obtained in 59% of the patients presented herein, infliximab appears to be most effective (19% complete responses and 40% partial responses), and for skin and GI tract manifestations and less effective for all the 13 unresponsive patients died. Other series pub- liver involvement and high-grade acute disease for those lished on acute or refractory GVHD treated with infliximab patients who have not responded to previous treatments. encompass a total of 12 patients, of whom 10 died dur- It does not appear to offer improvements over standard ing follow-up, despite 8 having shown improvement with treatments in previously untreated patients. treatment.32–34 Only two cases have been reported in which There are no human studies available to resolve the treatment of acute GVHD with infliximab (in both cases important issue of whether infliximab may be associated associated with adalizumab) led to a good response.35 with reduced transplant efficacy as confirmed in animals A phase III study has been published comparing the following inhibition of transmembrane TNF-α. efficacy of infliximab with that of standard treatment in previously untreated patients.36 Fifty-eight patients were randomized to receive either infliximab plus methylpred- Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic nisolone or methylprednisolone alone. Overall response Epidermal Necrolysis rates were not significantly different between the two treat- Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal ment arms (63% response to methylprednisolone alone necrolysis (TEN) are rare, acute, life-threatening muco- compared with 66% response to a combination of methyl- cutaneous diseases characterized by widespread sloughing prednisolone and infliximab). There were no differences in of the epidermis and of the mucous membranes. Mortal- response by organ. This study suggests that early treatment ity is high and increases with more extensive skin detach- with infliximab does not provide added benefit in patients ment. Although its exact role is not completely clear, TNF- who have not developed steroid-resistant disease. α. appears to be important in the pathogenesis of TEN. Various studies have found that blister fluid from patients with TEN has an elevated concentration of TNF-α. com- Chronic GVHD pared with fluid from patients with thermal burns.40–42 It An initial study28 also described 22 patients with chronic has been proposed that TNF-α may contribute to epi- GVHD treated with a median of 4 weekly 10 mg/kg dermal necrosis both indirectly, through recruitment of infusions of infliximab in addition to prednisone and T cells and macrophages, and directly, through facilita- other immunosuppressive therapy. Researchers observed a tion of keratinocyte apoptosis.43,44 Others suggest, how- response rate of 57% for skin disease and 92% for GI tract ever, that the TNF-α found in blister fluid is produced by disease in these patients. Eleven patients died, with GVHD keratinocytes as a defensive response to T-cell invasion.45 identified as the cause of death in 7 patients. Another Interestingly, thalidomide, which is thought to act, at least study, which describes 10 patients with steroid-dependent in part, through inhibition of TNF-α in other disorders, chronic GVHD treated with etanercept, reported more was shown to be detrimental in the treatment of TEN in a than 50% alleviation of symptoms in 5 of 8 patients who randomized, controlled trial.46 Patients in the thalidomide- were able to be evaluated and a steroid dose reduction in 6 treated group had higher levels of blister fluid and serum patients.37 Finally, Reidi and colleagues38 reported a series TNF-α than did control patients, possibly indicating of 13 patients, including 8 patients with chronic GVHD, that thalidomide caused a paradoxical increase of TNF-α who received infliximab salvage therapy. Patients received a in these patients. Others have suggested that thalidomide’s median of 4 weekly 10 mg/kg infusions, and responses were stimulatory effect on T cells may have led to the deteriora- observed in 7 of 8 patients with skin disease who could be tion observed in the treated patients.47 evaluated, 6 of 7 patients with GI tract disease, and 0 of 4 The first case of TEN treated satisfactorily with a single patients with liver disease. dose of infliximab (5 mg/kg) was published in 2002.48 Since Chapter 4 ● Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies 37 then, 5 more cases have been reported,49–51 all with a sat- ETANERACEPT IN DERMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES isfactory response. The most recent publication reported 3 cases with characteristics compatible with exanthematous Autoimmune Blistering Diseases: CP pustulosis and TEN that had not responded to corticos- One report has been published of the successful use of etan- teroids or suspension of the drug responsible for the symp- ercept for the treatment of CP. The case involved a patient toms. However, in these cases a single dose of infliximab with CP affecting the oral cavity, with disease resistant to led to a rapid and significant improvement.51 multiple previous treatments.57 Etanercept, 25 mg twice Further research is clearly needed to elucidate the role weekly, was added to the existing regimen of prednisone of TNF-α in therapy for TEN and to determine whether 60 mg daily. The patient received 6 doses of etanercept. No TNF antagonists will have efficacy beyond these case new blister formation was observed after the third dose, and reports. clinical remission persisted through 8 months of follow-up. During this time, the prednisone dosage was tapered to 1 mg daily. ETANERCEPT

Etanercept (Enbrel, Amgen and Wyeth, Thousand Oaks, Bullous Pemphigoid CA) is a recombinant fusion protein comprising domains BP is a subepidermal autoimmune blistering disorder char- of the 75-kDa human TNF receptor and human IgG, acterized by autoantibodies against BP Ag 1 and 2. BP is which inhibits the activity of TNF-α. It binds primarily usually considered a benign bullous disease, particularly to soluble TNF-α as well as to TNF-β (lymphotoxin). compared with PV, yet it can be lethal, especially in elderly Binding of etanercept prevents TNF from binding to its patients or in those with higher daily steroid dosage at dis- receptor, thereby effectively blocking its physiologic func- carge. In BP, TNF levels are elevated in both serum and tions.52 Unlike infliximab, it does not fix complement, blister fluid and correlate with the severity of disease.58–62 cause antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, or trigger T-cell TNF is thought to mediate the recruitment of neutrophils apoptosis.53 and eosinophils seen in the inflammatory infiltrate of BP lesions and stimulate the production of other inflammatory 59 Indications cytokines and chemokines. Yet, there has only been one case report of a patient with concurrent BP and psoriasis Etanercept is approved for use in moderate-to-severe RA, who was successfully maintained on a regimen of etaner- polyarticular-course juvenile RA, ankylosing spondylitis, cept after initial treatment with prednisone.63 Etanercept psoriatic arthritis, and chronic moderate-to-severe plaque allowed for the successful tapering of prednisone without psoriasis. a rebound of the patient’s psoriasis or a flare of the BP.

Dosage Acute GVHD Recommended dosage for RA, ankylosing spondylitis, and Etanercept has also shown promise in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis is 25 mg administered subcutaneously acute GVHD. One case report has been published of an 11- twice weekly for the entire year. For plaque-type psoria- year-old girl who achieved complete remission of steroid- sis patients; the dosing is 50 mg twice weekly for the first refractory acute GVHD with etanercept treatment.64 In 12 weeks followed by a “step-down” to 25 mg twice weekly a phase II study of etanercept in combination with the foranother12weeksor25mgtwiceweeklyfor24weeks. interleukin-2 receptor antibody daclizumab for the treat- ment of steroid-refractory acute GVHD in 21 patients, the overall response rate was 67% (38% complete response, Side Effects 29% partial response).65 Similarly, in a pilot study on Injection site reactions occurring in up to 40% of patients the use of etanercept in combination with tacrolimus and were the most commonly reported adverse events in initial methylprednisolone as initial therapy for 20 patients with psoriasis clinical trials. The rate of development of anti- stage II or III acute GVHD, 75% of patients had a complete etanercept antibodies has been less than 10% and has not response within 4 weeks of initiating treatment.66 been observed to lead to decreased efficacy.54–56 Long-term data from clinical trials in many patients receiving etanercept for other indications, such as RA, Chronic GVHD found infrequent cases of tuberculosis, a possible increased A study that describes 10 patients with steroid-dependent risk of certain neurological disorders in patients taking chronic GVHD treated with etanercept reported more etanercept, rare cases of pancytopenia, and congestive heart than 50% alleviation of symptoms in 5 of 8 patients who failure.14 were able to be evaluated and steroid dose reduction in 38 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

6 patients.37 Etanercept was administered at 25 mg twice treatment of RA, infections occurred in 35% of patients weekly for 4 weeks and then once weekly for the subsequent in the rituximab group compared with 28% of the placebo 4 weeks; all patients were receiving concurrent steroids, group. Serious infections occurred in 2% of the rituximab and 4 patients were started on a regimen of mycophenolate group compared with 1% of the placebo group.77 Human mofetil with etanercept. antichimeric antibodies (HACAs) developed in less than Two patients died before completion of the study (1 of 1% of patients treated for lymphoma.78 The incidence may relapsed malignancy, 1 of thrombotic thrombocytopenic be higher, however, in patients treated for autoimmune dis- purpura), and 1 patient died of infection after relapse of ease. In a study of rituximab for SLE, 6 of 18 patients devel- chronic GVHD that occurred after study completion. oped detectable HACAs; no patients had adverse events related to this development.79

RITUXIMAB RITUXIMAB IN DERMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES PV Rituximab (Rituxan; Genentech, South San Francisco, CA) is a chimeric murine–human monoclonal antibody Rituximab treatment for PV was first attempted based on its to CD20, which induces depletion of B cells in vivo.67 success in other autoimmune disorders and the hypothesis In 1997, rituximab became the first monoclonal anti- that depletion of B cells would result in a decrease in pro- body approved for treatment of malignancy. Rituximab’s duction of the disease-causing autoantibodies.80 The cor- cytotoxicity is mediated by several mechanisms, including relation of decreases in PV autoantibody levels with clinical antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, complement-mediated improvement in most of the patients in whom these levels lysis, and direct disruption of signaling pathways and trig- were reported would seem to support this theory.80–83 This gering of apoptosis. The contribution of each mechanism theory also seems to suggest that most PV autoantibodies + remains unclear, and different mechanisms may predom- are produced by CD20 B-cell clones susceptible to rit- inate in the treatment of different diseases.68,69 Ritux- uximab. Alternatively, it has been suggested that, although imab results in depletion of normal as well as malignant both plasma cells and memory B cells may produce PV B cells, leading to investigation of its use in autoimmune autoantibodies, plasma cells, which are CD20 negative and disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), thus resistant to the effects of rituximab, may predomi- RA, autoimmune thrombocytopenia and hemolytic ane- nantly produce the less pathogenic IgG1 dsg 3 antibodies mia, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive vasculi- whereas the memory B cells produce the IgG4 antibodies tis, and autoimmune neuropathies.70,71 responsible for disease. This alternative theory might explain the clinical improvement in the face of persistently elevated PV anti- Indications body titers observed in one patient and the improvement Rituximab is indicated for use in non-Hodgkin lymphoma preceding decreased titers in a second patient.84,85 Fur- (NHL) and active RA not responsive to one or more TNF thermore, in SLE patients, for whom clinical improvement antagonist therapies. It is also currently approved for the after rituximab is regularly correlated with B-cell deple- treatment of relapsed or refractory, low-grade or follicular, tion but not to any decrease in other serologic markers + 72 CD20 B-cell lymphoma. or autoantibody levels, it is postulated that disruption of antibody-independent activities of B cells, including pre- Dosage sentation of autoantigens, costimulation of T cells, and reg- ulation of leukocytes and dendritic cells, are central to rit- The initial approved dosing regiment was four weekly infu- uximab’s effect on the disease.79 Thus the critical effects of sions of 375 mg/m2. rituximab in PV may expand beyond decreasing autoanti- body production to inhibiting B-cell–dependent activation Side Effects of T cells. The successful use of rituximab in more than CD20 is a B-cell specific antigen expressed on the surface 20 individual cases of treatment-resistant PV including a of B lymphocytes throughout differentiation from the pre- case of refractory childhood PV and also two cases of pem- B cell to the mature B-cell stage, but not on plasma cells phigus foliaceus has been reported.80–94 In all cases, the or stem cells.67,73 Because plasma cells and hematopoi- standard course of 375 mg/m2 given IV for 4 weekly doses etic precursors are spared, immunoglobulin levels do not was administered initially. B-cell depletion after treatment fall dramatically and B cells typically begin to return to was seen in all cases in which it was measured. In most the circulation within 6 months of therapy.74,75 Hence the cases, the response to rituximab was rapid, with improve- incidence of serious adverse effects with rituximab is rela- ment noted within the first 2–4 weeks. There is one report tively low. Infusion reactions are the most common adverse of a delayed response, where improvement was not noted effects. In most cases, these are mild and occur only with for 3 months and clinical remission was not achieved until the first infusion.74,76 In a recent study of rituximab for the 11 months after the first infusion. Chapter 4 ● Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies 39

Rituximab was well tolerated in most of the cases critical step in the development of disease.104,106,107 It reported, consistent with the observations made in lym- has been shown that fibrosis in the tight-skin mouse, a phoma and other autoimmune disorders; however, four model for systemic sclerosis, is mediated by hyperactive B cases of serious infections were reported, including pneu- cells that overexpress CD19 and overproduce interleukin-6 monia, a relapse of septic arthritis of the hip,85 sepsis,84 and (IL-6).108 This process may also be active in the scleroder- fatal Pneumocystis carinii (now renamed Pneumocystis jiroveci) matous change seen in chronic GVHD.102 Patients with pneumonia.91 These events may indicate that close surveil- chronic GVHD develop autoantibodies similar to those lance of PV patients undergoing rituximab treatment is seen in patients with autoimmune disease.102,105,109 Anti- warranted until the incidence of infectious complications bodies to Y chromosome–encoded minor histocompati- in this patient population is better understood. bility antigens are generated after sex-mismatched trans- plantation, and the presence of these antibodies has been correlated to the occurrence of GVHD.110,111 In the trial Paraneoplastic Pemphigus discussed previously, there were four male recipients of Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) usually presents with female grafts.101 All four of these patients had autoanti- painful mucosal ulcerations and polymorphous skin lesions, bodies before treatment that became undetectable after which usually progress to blistering eruptions on the trunk rituximab. The autoantibodies disappearance correlated and extremities. A wide variety of both benign and malig- with a clinical response. The success of rituximab in these nant tumors are found in these patients. Most reported 4 series provides further evidence for the role of B cells in patients die from their underlying tumors, whereas oth- chronic GVHD. These studies have also raised the question ers may die from bronchiolitis obliterans. Before 2005, of whether rituximab may be useful in localized or systemic there were 5 reported cases of PNP treated with rituximab. scleroderma, and trials are currently under way in these Three case reports describe significant improvement in oral diseases. and cutaneous lesions after rituximab95–97 and two reports describe less successful treatment, especially with regard to mucosal lesions.98,99 Rituximab in a patient with PNP IV IMMUNOGLOBULIN with underlying NHL was treated with rituximab and, not IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) comes in several formula- surprisingly, the patient improved, given the indication for tions, including Carimune (ZLB Behring LLC, King treatment of NHL with rituximab.100 of Prussia, PA), Flebogamma (Instituto Grifols, SA, The mechanism of action in PNP is likely similar to Barcelona, Spain), Gammagard (Baxter, Deerfield, IL), that in PV. In addition, most of the treated patients experi- Gammar (Aventis Behring, King of Prussia, PA), Gamunex enced at least partial remission of the underlying neoplasm, (Talecris Biotherapeutics, Research Triangle Park, NC), and this remission may have contributed to the observed Octagam (Octapharma, Lachen, Switzerland), Panglob- improvement. ulin (ZLB Behring LLC), Polygam (Baxter), Gamimune (Talecris Biotherapeutics), Iveegam (Oesterreichisches Institut fuer Hemoderivate GmbH. OIH), Sandoglobulin Chronic GVHD (Novartis, Basel, Switzerland), and Venoglobulin (Alpha The use of rituximab in the treatment of chronic GVHD Therapeutic Corporation, Grifols USA, Los Angeles, CA). has been reported in 4 series of patients. The largest The mechanism of action of IVIG is not fully understood series is a phase I/II trial featuring 21 patients with and likely differs depending on the disease. The following steroid-refractory disease.101 Cutaneous findings included mechanisms have been proposed: lowering the levels of both sclerodermatous and lichenoid changes. Patients were deleterious autoantibodies through idiotypic antibodies treated with one, two, or three cycles of 4 weekly infu- contained in IVIG;112,113 accelerating the catabolism sions of rituximab at a dose of 375 mg/m2. Patients were of pathogenic IgG by saturating neonatal Fc recep- allowed to continue stable doses of other immunosuppres- tors (FcRns) with exogenous IgG;114,115 inhibiting the sive medications throughout the trial. The overall clinical pathogenic activation of T lymphocytes by antibodies response rate was 70%, including 2 complete responses. to CD4 and other T-cell receptors;116,117 inhibiting Cutaneous and musculoskeletal manifestations of GVHD complement-mediated damage;118 interfering with were more amenable to treatment with rituximab than were the production, release, and function of inflammatory mucous membrane and hepatic manifestations. The other cytokines including interleukins-2, -3, -4, -5, -6, and -10, 3 series showed similar findings.102–104 Experimental evi- TNF-α, and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating dence has indicated that T cells and natural killer cells play factor;119–123 inhibiting the differentiation and maturation a central role in the pathogenesis of chronic GVHD.105 of dendritic cells, thereby reducing the activation of harm- Evidence for the involvement of B cells has also been ful T cells;124 increasing sensitivity to corticosteroids;125 accumulating. In one mouse model of chronic GVHD, an and inhibition of thromboxane A2 and endothelin, and expansion of host B cells directed by CD41 T cells is a increased prostacyclin secretion.126 40 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Indications patients receiving IVIG, particularly patients with a his- 134 Indications are primary and secondary immunode- tory of migraines. It usually presents with headache, ficiencies (i.e., common variable immunodeficiency), meningismus, and photophobia. Severe anaphylactic reac- X-linked agammaglobulinemia, severe combined immun- tions may occur in patients with IgA deficiency. Acute odeficiency, Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, acute and chronic tubular necrosis, which is usually reversible, may occur in immune thombocytopenic purpura, human immunode- individuals with preexisting renal disease and/or diabetes ficiency virus (HIV) in children, chronic lymphocytic mellitus and in the elderly population.135 Acute tubular leukemia, Kawasaki disease, Guillain–Barre´ syndrome, and necrosis has been associated with IVIG products containing GVHD prophylaxis in patients receiving allogeneic bone- high concentrations of sucrose.134 marrow transplantation. As with all blood products, there is a risk of transmission of viruses and prions. IVIG is screened for hepatitis B and C, HIV, and , and donors are carefully selected. Dosage Additional methods to remove viruses include physical IVIG is composed of human plasma derived from pools inactivation with heat and chemical inactivation with sol- of 1000–15,000 donors.126 The purified immunoglobulin vents, low pH detergents, and caprylate. Caprylate and is stabilized with glucose, maltose, sucrose, mannitol, sor- nanofiltration may also remove prions.136 Transmission of bitol, glycine, or albumin. IVIG is made up of more than hepatitis B virus and HIV has not been reported.134 Trans- 90% IgG and small amounts of IgM and IgA. Generally, mission of hepatitis C virus has been reported and was likely IVIG is given at a dose of 2 g/kg over 3–5 days, but can be a result of inadequate viral inactivation steps. The intro- given over 2 days in younger patients with normal renal and duction of improved viral inactivation techniques, such cardiovascular function. The total amount of immunoglob- as incubation at pH 4 and solvent–detergent treatment, ulins that are infused with a 2 g/kg dose is enormous; serum should minimize this risk.137 In addition, there remains IgG will increase approximately fivefold.127 the risk of transmission of currently unidentified infectious agents.

Side Effects Infusion-related side effects occur in less than 10% of IVIG IN DERMATOLOGIC EMERGENCIES patients and are generally mild and self-limiting.127 These side effects include headache, myalgias, flush- PV ing, fever, chills, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, low back- IVIG has been shown to be effective in the treatment of ache, chest discomfort, hypotension and hypertension, PV in numerous studies. IVIG lowers antibody titers to tachycardia, and skin eruptions such as eczematous reac- dsg 1 and dsg 3, often making them undetectable.138–143 tions, urticaria, lichenoid reactions, pruritus of the palms, In the two largest studies, which are from one institu- and petechiae.127,128 Premedication with acetominophen, tion, 42 patients were treated with IVIG (2 g/kg every nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, antihistamines, or 4 weeks) until control was achieved, as defined by heal- low-dose IV corticosteroids may help avoid other infusion- ing of old lesions and no new lesions.139,141 The interval related adverse events. Myalgias, chills, and chest discom- between IVIG treatments was then gradually increased to fort may occur during the first hour and respond to halt- every 16 weeks. Prednisone and immunosuppressive agent ing the infusion for 30 minutes and then resuming it at (ISA) were tapered off during this time in all patients; IVIG a slower rate. Postinfusion fatigue, fever, or nausea may was then used as monotherapy. Treatment with IVIG led to occur and last for 24 hours. More serious, but rare, adverse a clinical remission in all patients. In another study,141 con- events include thromboembolic events; therefore, caution trol was achieved after a mean of 4.5 months, prednisone should be used in patients with risk factors for thromboem- was tapered off after a mean of 4.8 months, and ISAs were bolism, immobilized patients, and patients with hypervis- tapered off after a mean of 2.9 months. Both studies were cosity syndromes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration prospective, but uncontrolled. has identified high infusion rates and high doses as poten- There have been an additional two case series and six tial risk factors for thromboembolism in patients at risk.129 case reports of the successful treatment of 23 patients with Hemolytic anemia may result from blood group antibod- PV with IVIG.142,144–150 A juvenile case of PV had excellent ies. Neutropenia is common, transient (lasting 2–14 days), response to IVIG.151 and usually benign.130–132 Some clinicians 132 hypothesize In France, 12 patients with PV were treated with IVIG, that this may be a result of antineutrophil antibodies con- and 8 were in complete remission at the end of treatment.152 tained in IVIG or from induction of neutrophil apopto- In Mexico, a patient with refractory PV was treated with sis. Transfusion-related acute lung injury is characterized IVIG and healing of her mucosal and cutaneous lesions by severe respiratory distress occurring 1–6 hours after was seen in 3 weeks;153 however, IVIG was not always suc- the infusion. Aseptic meningitis,129,133 occurs in 11% of cessful; nine case reports of treatment failures from other Chapter 4 ● Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies 41 institutions have been reported.154–157 In one case, the IVIG was effective in the treatment of CP patient received only one cycle of IVIG.156 in several prospective studies from one institu- tion.158,165,166,171,173,175,176 These patients were initially treated with corticosteroids and other ISAs, which were Pemphigus Foliaceus tapered off in all cases. Remission was generally attained Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is an autoimmune blistering in 4–5 months, and treatment with IVIG led to prolonged disorder characterized by autoantibodies to dsg 1. Sami and remissions that persisted after treatment with IVIG was colleagues158 conducted a prospective study of 8 patients discontinued. There have been two additional case reports with severe (body surface area >30%) steroid-resistant PF. of treatment successes and one treatment failure from Patients were treated with IVIG (2 g/kg every 4 weeks) other institutions.157,169,172 until they were completely healed. The interval between One study of 16 patients with stage 2 ocular CP com- IVIG treatments was then gradually lengthened to every pared IVIG with standard treatment with corticosteroids 16 weeks. All patients attained clinical control after a mean and ISAs.176 Randomization was based on whether insur- of 4 months. Prednisone was tapered off in a mean of ance would pay for IVIG. Eight patients (group A) were 2.9 months; IVIG was used as monotherapy there- treated with IVIG (2 g/kg every 2–4 weeks) until con- after. trol was achieved. The interval between IVIG treatments Eleven patients with PF were treated with IVIG was then gradually lengthened to every 16 weeks, and cor- (2 g/kg every 4 weeks) until they were completely healed. 159 ticosteroids and other ISAs were tapered off. The other The interval between IVIG treatments was then gradually 8 patients (group B) were treated with corticosteroids and lengthened to every 16 weeks. All patients cleared after an other ISAs. The median times to remission for groups A average of 5.3 months of therapy. Prednisone was tapered and B were 4 and 8.5 months, respectively. There were off in a mean of 4.5 months and other ISAs after a mean of no recurrences for group A, whereas 5 of 8 patients in 2.6 months; IVIG was used as monotherapy thereafter. All group B experienced a recurrence. No patients in group A 11 patients maintained remission after discontinuation of experienced progression, whereas 4 of 8 patients in group IVIG for a mean follow-up time of 18.6 months. A case of B progressed to stage 3. eyelid PF was also responsive to IVIG. In summary, large, multicenter, randomized, controlled Overall, there are three published case series158–160 and studies of IVIG for the treatment of autoimmune bul- two case reports161,162 of the successful use of IVIG in the lous diseases have not been performed; nevertheless, the treatment of PF. IVIG lowers antibody titers to dsg 1, often results of the studies presented here suggest that IVIG making them undetectable.158 In all, at least 26 patients can be considered as a viable treatment option for patients were treated successfully with IVIG for PF.158–160,163 with PV, PF, BP, and CP who are resistant to conventional therapy, have experienced complications as a result of conventional therapy, or for whom conventional therapy Bullous Pemphigoid is contraindicated. In most cases, patients were treated There are two published case series141,162,164 and three case in conjunction with corticosteroids or other ISAs, which reports (n = 5)144,148,157 reporting the successful use of could often be tapered or discontinued. Maintenance IVIG in the treatment of BP. There have been two reported infusions are generally required to maintain remis- treatment failures.157 IVIG lowers autoantibody titers to sion, although the interval between treatments can be bothBPAg1andAg2164. lengthened to 16 weeks. Some patients have maintained In the only prospective study141 15 patients were treated prolonged remissions after treatment with IVIG, and with BP with IVIG (2 g/kg every 4 weeks). The interval indeed a consensus statement on the use of IVIG in between IVIG treatments was then gradually lengthened to the treatment of autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering every 16 weeks after patients cleared. All 15 patients cleared diseases has been published.129 The authors recommend after a mean of 2.9 months and were able to discontinue a starting dose of 2 g/kg every 3–4 weeks until con- prednisone after a mean of 3.3 months. IVIG was used as trol can be achieved. Thereafter, the interval between monotherapy thereafter. All 15 patients achieved sustained treatments can be lengthened in 2-week intervals to 16 remission with a mean duration of follow-up off IVIG of weeks. For patients with aggressive ocular CP it appears 22.9 months. that more frequent IVIG treatments every 2 weeks are required to gain control. Because the vast majority of the literature on the use of IVIG for autoimmune bul- Cicatricial Pemphigoid lous diseases was generated at a single institution, addi- CP was treated with IVIG, leading to improvement in the tional reports of large case series by other authors are disease in more than 78 patients.158,165–174 One patient had encouraged, as a retrospective series published by the no response.157 IVIG has been shown to lower titers of Mayo Clinic failed to obtain such strikingly positive β4-integrin and α6-integrin in patients with CP.165,166 results.157 42 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal in only one of the studies using a comparator group was Necrolysis a statistically significant result achieved.185 Shortt and col- Patients with SJS–TEN may have a high mortality rate. leagues186 concluded that IVIG was not beneficial in their The average reported mortality of patients with TEN in retrospective series; although patients receiving IVIG expe- large series ranges between 25% and 35%.177–181 The rienced a lower mortality compared with historic con- mortality of patients with SJS is lower.178 Current treat- trol subjects, the difference was not statistically significant. ment options are limited to supportive care in intensive There was also a trend toward less progression of skin care and burn units. Treatment with corticosteroids and sloughing in the IVIG-treated group compared with his- other immunosuppressives is controversial and may result toric control subjects. A prospective, open-label study 184 in higher incidences of complications secondary to sepsis. and a retrospective study 192 also did not find IVIG to be The mechanism of action of IVIG in the treatment of beneficial in the treatment of TEN. The study by Bachot TEN is not fully understood, but may partially be explained and colleagues184 included patients with SJS. The study by by the observation of Viard and colleagues182 that antibod- Brown and colleagues192 was confounded by the fact that ies present in IVIG block Fas-mediated keratinocyte apop- 67% of the patients treated with IVIG also received con- tosis in vitro. Because of the low prevalence of TEN, ran- comitant corticosteroids. Brown and colleagues also used domized controlled studies have not been performed. The lower doses of IVIG than did most other studies (mean dose evidence for and against IVIG in the treatment of SJS and 1.6 g/kg). This finding is important, because Prins and col- TEN consists of two open-label, prospective studies and a leagues183 found a higher mortality with lower doses (mean number of retrospective case series and case reports.182–209 2.7 g/kg in survivors vs. 2 g/kg in those who died) in their In addition, there has been one report of the successful use retrospective review. Moreover, the number of days from of IVIG (2.4 g/kg given over 3 days) as prophylaxis for a onset of symptoms to treatment was 9.2 in the IVIG group patient with recurrent episodes of SJS from IV contrast.210 versus 5.6 in the historic control group, although this dif- Particularly in regard to case reports, one should not forget ference was not statistically significant. Again, Prins and the possibility of a selection bias toward reporting favorable colleagues183 found a higher mortality when treatment was results. delayed (6.8 days in survivors vs. 10.2 days in those who IVIG has been reportedly used in at least 162 cases died). Because several studies did not include a comparator of TEN,183–186,209,211–214 with improved survival in the group, a compilation of mortality benefit from IVIG across majority of patients. IVIG and plasmapheresis used in 5 studies is not possible. patients with severe TEN had a mortality of 20%, com- Because of the lack of controlled, prospective, multicen- pared with the 66% mortality as predicted by a severity-of- ter trials, strong conclusions regarding the effectiveness of illness score for TEN (SCORTEN).211 In an Asian series, IVIG in the treatment of TEN cannot be reached. More- 8 patients with TEN and 4 with overlap TEN–SJS demon- over, because IVIG is a biologic substance, there is varia- strated a 91.6% survival after treatment with IVIG.212 tion in the final product between manufacturers and batch In a German study of 9 patients, 5 were treated with to batch that could affect results.219 For example, if inter- IVIG. The rate of mortality was 20% in the IVIG group ruption of Fas-mediated cell death by antibodies in IVIG compared with 50% in the non-IVIG group.215 In 38 is the mechanism of its action in TEN, then batches that Korean patients, 14 received IVIG, and a trend of lower are lacking these antibodies will not be successful. Thus, actual rate of mortality compared with predicted rate was the variability of different batches can account for the dif- discovered.190 ference in results attained by Prins and colleagues183 and A pediatric case of a 2-year-old-girl with TEN–SJS Trent and colleagues,185 who used multiple brands of IVIG overlap was treated successfully with IVIG.209 Another and attained positive results, with Bachot and colleagues184 pediatric series from India of 10 patients had a rate of mor- and Shortt and colleagues,186 who used one brand (Tege- tality of 0% when using low-dose IVIG to treat TEN.216 A line and Gamimune N, respectively) and did not attain review of published case series found 156 patients treated positive results. The brand used in the study by Brown with IVIG for TEN or SJS. The data reviewed, how- and colleagues192 was not stated. Furthermore, Tegeline ever, did not significantly demonstrate efficacy for IVIG.217 contains sucrose, which may be nephrotoxic. Bachot and Conversely, a 2006 review notes that 6 of 8 studies demon- colleagues184 noted that mortality in their patients treated strate benefit of IVIG at doses greater than 2 g/kg for with IVIG mostly occurred in elderly patients with preex- TEN.218 isting renal dysfunction. Although caution should be used because comparison Although the results from the majority of case series sup- across studies is difficult as a result of differences in sever- port the use of IVIG in the treatment of TEN and TEN– ity of disease, patient characteristics, efficacy variables, and SJS overlap. Because randomized, controlled, multicenter outcome measures. Of the 11 studies, 8 concluded that studies are lacking, treatment with IVIG cannot be consid- IVIG was beneficial in the treatment of TEN, although ered the standard of care in these cases. Chapter 4 ● Immunomodulators and the “Biologics” in Cutaneous Emergencies 43

Angioedema with Hypereosinophilia 13. Enayati PJ, Papadakis KA. Association of anti-tumor necrosis Orson220 treated a 54-year-old man with angioedema and factor therapy with the development of multiple sclerosis. J hypereosinophilia with prednisone (40 mg/d) and IVIG Clin Gastroenterol. 2005;39:303–6. 14. Mohan N, Edwards ET, Cupps TR, et al. Demyelina- (400 mg/kg every 3 weeks). The patient had a marked tion occurring during anti tumor necrosis factor alpha ther- decrease in symptoms and eosinophil count after 6 weeks, apy for inflammatory arthritides. Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44: and prednisone was tapered off in 6 months. Interestingly, 2862–9. when the brand of IVIG was changed from Panglobulin to 15. Thomas CW, Jr., Weinshenker BG, Sandborn WJ. Demyeli- Gamimune N, the patient’s illness recurred. Retreatment nation during anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha therapy with Panglobulin led to remission again. This case report with infliximab for Crohn’s disease. 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194. Metry DW, Jung P, Levy ML. Use of intravenous a single high dose of intravenous immunoglobulin. Ann immunoglobulin in children with Stevens-Johnson syn- Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003;91:86–91. drome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: seven cases and review 208. Kalyoncu M, Cimsit G, Cakir M, Okten A. Toxic epider- of the literature. Pediatrics. 2003;112:1430–6. mal necrolysis treated with intravenous immunoglobulin 195. Yip LW, Thong BY, Tan AW, et al. High-dose intra- and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Indian Pediatr. venous immunoglobulin in the treatment of toxic epider- 2004;41:392–5. mal necrolysis: a study of ocular benefits. Eye. 2005;19:846– 209. Arca E, Kose O, Erbil AH, et al. A 2-year-old girl 53. with Stevens-Johnson syndrome toxic epidermal necrolysis 196. Amato GM, Travia A, Ziino O. The use of intravenous high- treated with intravenous immunoglobulin. Pediatr Derma- dose immunoglobulins (IVIG) in a case of Stevens-Johnson tol. 2005;22:317–20. syndrome. Pediatr Med Chir. 1992;14:555–6. 210. Hebert AA, Bogle MA. Intravenous immunoglobulin pro- 197. Moudgil A, Porat S, Brunnel P, Jordan SC. Treatment of phylaxis for recurrent Stevens-Johnson syndrome. J Am Stevens-Johnson syndrome with pooled human intravenous Acad Dermatol. 2004;50:286–8. immuneglobulin. Clin Pediatr. 1995;34:48–51. 211. Lissia M, Figus A, Rubino C. Intravenous immunoglobu- 198. Sanwo M, Nwadiuko R, Beall G. Use of intravenous lins and plasmapheresis combined treatment in patients with immunoglobulin in the treatment of severe cutaneous drug severe toxic epidermal necrolysis: preliminary report. Br J reactions in patients with AIDS. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Plast Surg. 2005;58:504–10. 1996;98:1112–5. 212. Tan AW, Thong BY, Yip LW, et al. High-dose intravenous 199. Phan TG, Wong RC, Crotty K, Adelstein S. Toxic epi- immunoglobulins in the treatment of toxic epidermal necrol- dermal necrolysis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ysis: an Asian series. J Dermatol. 2005;32:1–6. treated with intravenous gammaglobulin. Australas J Der- 213. Nasser M, Bitterman-Deutsch O, Nassar F. Intravenous matol. 1999;40:153–7. immunoglobulin for treatment of toxic epidermal necrol- 200. Magina S, Lisboa C, Goncalves E, et al. A case of toxic epi- ysis. Am J Med Sci. 2005;329:95–8. dermal necrolysis treated with intravenous immunoglobin. 214. Neff P, Meuli-Simmen C, Kempf W, et al. Lyell syndrome Br J Dermatol. 2000;142:191–2. revisited: analysis of 18 cases of severe bullous skin disease 201. Straussberg R, Harel L, Ben-Amitai D, et al. in a burns unit. Br J Plast Surg. 2005;58:73–80. Carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome 215. Spornraft-Ragaller P, Theilen H, Gottschlich GS, Ragaller treated with IV steroids and IVIG. Pediatr Neurol. 2000;22: M. Treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis experience with 231–3. 9 patients with consideration of intravenous immunoglobu- 202. Brett AS, Philips D, Lynn AW. Intravenous immunoglob- lin. Hautarzt. 2006;57:185–94. ulin therapy for Stevens-Johnson syndrome. South Med J. 216. Mangla K, Rastogi S, Goyal P, et al. Efficacy of low dose 2001;94:342–3. intravenous immunoglobulins in children with toxic epider- 203. Samimi SS, Siegfried E. Stevens-Johnson syndrome devel- mal necrolysis: open uncontrolled study. Indian J Dermatol oping in a girl with systemic lupus erythematosus on high- Venereol Leprol. 2005;71:398–400. dose corticosteroid therapy. Pediatr Dermatol. 2002;19:52– 217. Faye O, Roujeau JC. Treatment of epidermal necrolysis 5. with high dose intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg): clin- 204. Simeone F, Rubio ER. Treatment of toxic epidermal necrol- ical experience to date. Drugs. 2005;65:2085–90. ysis with intravenous immunoglobulin. J La State Med Soc. 218. French LE, Trent JT, Kerdel FA. Use of intra- 2003;155:266–9. venous immunoglobulin in toxic epidermal necrolysis and 205. Sidwell RU, Swift S, Yan CL, et al. Treatment of toxic epi- Stevens-Johnson syndrome: our current understanding. Int dermal necrolysis with intravenous immunoglobulin. Int J Immunopharmacol. 2006;6:543–9. Clin Pract. 2003;57:643–5. 219. Wolff K, Tappeiner G. Treatment of toxic epidermal necrol- 206. Tan A, Tan HH, Lee CC, Ng SK. Treatment of toxic epider- ysis: the uncertainty persists but the fog is dispersing. Arch mal necrolysis in AIDS with intravenous immunoglobulins. Dermatol. 2003;139:85–6. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2003;28:269–71. 220. Orson FM. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy suppresses 207. Mayorga C, Torres MJ, Corzo JL, et al. Improvement of manifestations of the angioedema with hypereosinophilia toxic epidermal necrolysis after the early administration of syndrome. Am J Med Sci. 2003;326:94–7. CHAPTER 5 Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know

Haim Shmilovich Arie Roth

ALL PHYSICIANS should be experienced in the practices may mask the development of coincident complications of and procedures of Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced critical illness. Cardiopulmonary Life Support (ACLS). Outside the hal- The provision of resuscitation is based on medical guide- lowed hospital walls, “Is there a doctor in the house?” means lines, written by expert panels from many disciplines. They you! Within the hospital, the fundamental equipment and provide clear-cut instructions on the measures to be taken staff are on hand, but it is the responsibility of the nearest for treating life-threatening situations while allowing alter- available physician to get it right and at maximum speed. ations in individual cases. First and foremost, the physi- The dermatology ward is no stranger to life-threatening cian must rapidly and correctly recognize the nature of events: This chapter is intended as a brief refresher course the emergent situation. To standardize treatment during for the situations that cannot wait. resuscitation, a number of algorithms have been devel- The ultimate goal of resuscitation is to maintain cere- oped that were based on large studies and on laboratory bral perfusion until and after cardiopulmonary functions and clinical evidence. These have been compiled into the are restored. Most adult cardiac arrests are due to ventric- BLS and ACLS guidelines published and updated regu- ular arrhythmias for which early defibrillation is critical. larly.1,2 The most significant recent changes were made to The emphasis is on stabilizing the patient on site so that he simplify cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instructions or she can survive to get to an intensive care unit (ICU). and increase the number of chest compressions delivered The critically ill patients already on the ward are still not per minute while reducing the number of interruptions in out of trouble, because they are usually being treated with chest compressions during CPR. After delivering two res- many medications, leaving them vulnerable to adverse drug cue breaths, the rescuer begins chest compressions imme- reactions, toxicity, and side effects, which themselves occur diately. A universal recommendation is to provide a single more frequently in these patients due to altered hemo- compression-to-ventilation ratio of 30:2. An important rec- dynamics and metabolism. The high rate and rapid ini- ommendation is that all rescue efforts – including insertion tiation of complications necessitate careful monitoring of of an advanced airway, administration of medications, and vital signs and frequent physical examinations and labora- reassessment of the patient – be performed in a way that tory tests. A high index of suspicion and close attention minimizes interruption of chest compressions. The most to changing symptoms and parameters are mandatory for important determinant of survival from sudden cardiac preventing and/or treating any newly emerging medical arrest (SCA) is the presence of a trained rescuer who is problem. Routine care of a critically ill patient involves ready, willing, able, and equipped to act. continuous assessment of symptoms, physical examina- Unlike other medical interventions, CPR can be initi- tion, hemodynamics, monitoring the need for changing ated without a physician’s order, based on implied consent the dose and/or route of administration of drugs, and con- for emergency treatment. A physician’s order, however, stant vigilance in terms of the supportive care that is being is necessary to withhold CPR. The decision to terminate administered. resuscitative efforts rests with the treating physician in the Sedatives and analgesics are commonly administered to hospital and is based on consideration of many factors, the critically ill patient. The clinician must recognize the including time to CPR, time to defibrillation, comorbid dis- diverse and often unpredictable effects of critical illness on ease, prearrest state, and initial arrest rhythm. Witnessed the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sedatives collapse, bystander CPR, and a short interval from col- and analgesics. Failure to do so may lead to inadequate lapse to the arrival of professionals improve the chances or excessive sedation. Bear in mind that sedatives and anal- of a successful resuscitation. Local ethical and cultural gesics may cause prolonged alterations in mental status and norms must be considered when beginning and ending a

page 50 Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 51 resuscitation attempt: It behooves the physician to know CPR and begin ACLS consisting of definitive breathing what they are. Patients or families may ask physicians with intubation and the use of medications. to provide care that is inappropriate. Physicians are not All BLS providers should be trained to provide defib- obliged to provide such care when there is scientific and rillation because ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most social consensus against such treatment. One example is common rhythm found in adults with witnessed, nontrau- the administration of CPR for patients with the clear-cut matic SCA. For these victims, survival rates are highest signs of irreversible death. Whereas health care providers when immediate bystander CPR is provided and defibrilla- are not obliged to provide CPR if no benefit from CPR tion occurs within 3–5 minutes. The rescuer should inter- and ACLS can be expected, few criteria can accurately vene if the choking victim has signs of severe FBAO. These predict the futility of CPR. In light of this uncertainty, include signs of poor air exchange and increased breath- all patients in cardiac arrest should receive resuscitation, ing difficulty, such as a silent cough, cyanosis, or inabil- unless the patient has a valid Do Not Attempt Resuscitation ity to speak or breathe. Do not interfere with the patient’s (DNR) order, if the patient has the standard signs of irre- spontaneous coughing and breathing efforts. Chest thrusts, versible death, or if no physiological benefit can be expected back slaps, and abdominal thrusts are permissible and effec- because vital functions have deteriorated despite maximal tive for relieving severe FBAO in conscious adults. If the therapy. adult victim with FBAO becomes unresponsive, the rescuer should carefully support the patient to the ground, and then begin CPR.3,4 BASIC LIFE SUPPORT BLS includes recognition of life-threatening situations (such as SCA, heart attack, pulmonary embolism [PE], CARDIAC ARREST stroke, anaphylaxis, and foreign body airway obstruction Cardiac arrest, defined as the sudden complete loss of car- [FBAO]) and the provision of rapid and effective CPR and diac output and therefore blood pressure, is the leading defibrillation. SCA is a leading cause of death. Four crit- cause of death in the developed world. The mechanism of ical points are important for the purpose of resuscitation: cardiac arrest in victims of trauma, drug overdose, drown- early recognition of the emergency situation, early CPR, ing, and in many children is asphyxia. CPR with both com- early delivery of a shock, and early ACLS followed by pressions and rescue breaths is critical for resuscitation of postresuscitation care. The algorithm of BLS consists of these victims. In the majority of cases, the underlying etiol- the mnemonic ABC: A for airway, B for breathing, and C ogy of arrest is myocardial ischemia in the setting of coro- for circulation/compression. When a person lies unrespon- nary artery disease. Conversely, cardiac arrest is the initial sive and without movement, check the airway and open it by presentation of myocardial ischemia in approximately 20% the head tilt–chin lift maneuver. If the patient isn’t breath- of patients. A wide variety of other processes can lead to ing, give two breaths. If there is a pulse, give breaths at a rate cardiac arrest, including septic shock, electrolyte abnor- of 10–12 per minute and recheck the pulse every 2 minutes. malities, hypothermia, PE, and massive trauma. If there is no central pulse, give a ratio of chest compres- Survival from cardiac arrest remains low, even after the sions to breaths of 30:2. The chest compressions should introduction of electrical defibrillation and CPR more than be on the lower half of the sternum at a rate of 100 per 50 years ago. In the best cases (witnessed VF arrest with minute. It is important not to interrupt the chest compres- rapid defibrillation), survival to hospital discharge is about sions until the return of spontaneous rhythm/circulation 35%, although overall out-of-hospital arrest survival is usu- (ROSC) or the arrival of a defibrillator: Chest compres- ally much lower, about 15%. Several studies have docu- sions are preferable to ventilation when there is a single mented the effects of time to defibrillation and the effects rescuer. of bystander CPR on survival from SCA. For every minute Supplementary oxygen should be used when available. that passes between collapse and defibrillation, survival When the victim has an advanced airway in place dur- rates from witnessed VF-SCA decrease by 10% if no CPR ing CPR, two rescuers should no longer deliver cycles of is provided. If bystanders provide immediate CPR, many CPR (compressions interrupted by pauses for ventilation). adults in VF can survive with intact neurological func- Instead, the compressing rescuer should administer contin- tion, especially if defibrillation is performed within about uous chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute without 5 minutes after SCA. CPR prolongs VF (the window of time pausing for ventilation. The rescuer delivering ventilation during which defibrillation can occur) and provides a small should provide 8 breaths per minute. If the rhythm can amount of blood flow that may maintain some oxygen to be altered by shock (e.g., a rapid heart rhythm), adminis- the heart and brain. Basic CPR alone, however, is unlikely ter one shock with the highest energy and continue CPR to eliminate VF and restore a perfusing rhythm. Even after immediately for five more cycles of 30:2. Recheck pulse and successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest, most patients continue with shocks and CPR. If there is no pulse or the die within 48 hours despite aggressive intensive care treat- rhythm had not been suitable for applying shock, continue ment. 52 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

CPR is important both before and after shock deliv- ery. When performed immediately after collapse from VF- ASYSTOLE AND PULSELESS ELECTRICAL SCA, CPR can double or triple the victim’s chance of ACTIVITY survival. CPR should be provided uninterruptedly until a PEA encompasses a heterogeneous group of pulseless defibrillator is available. After about 5 minutes of VF with rhythms. Pulseless patients with electrical activity have no treatment, outcome may be better if defibrillation is pre- associated mechanical contractions, but these contractions ceded by a period of CPR with effective chest compressions are too weak to produce a blood pressure detectable by that deliver some blood to the coronary arteries and brain. palpation or noninvasive blood pressure monitoring. PEA CPR is also important immediately after shock delivery: is often caused by reversible conditions (the 6h’s and 5t’s) Most victims demonstrate asystole or pulseless electrical and can be treated if those conditions are identified and cor- activity (PEA) for several minutes after defibrillation, and rected. Patients who have either asystole or PEA will not CPR can convert these rhythms to a perfusing rhythm. benefit from defibrillation attempts. The focus of resusci- Most victims of SCA demonstrate VF, which is charac- tation is to perform high-quality CPR with minimal inter- terized by chaotic rapid complexes that cause the heart to ruptions and to identify reversible causes or complicating tremble so that it is unable to pump blood effectively. Bear factors. Providers should insert an advanced airway. Res- in mind that many SCA victims can survive if bystanders act cuers should minimize interruptions in chest compressions immediately while VF is still present, but successful resusci- while inserting the airway and should not interrupt CPR tation is unlikely when the rhythm deteriorates to asystole. while establishing IV access. If the rhythm check confirms During cardiac arrest, basic CPR and early defibrilla- asystole or PEA, resume CPR immediately. A vasopres- tion are of primary importance, and drug administration is sor (epinephrine or vasopressin) may be administered at of secondary importance. After beginning CPR and defib- this time. Epinephrine can be administered approximately rillation, rescuers can insert an advanced airway, establish every 3–5 minutes during cardiac arrest; one dose of vaso- intravenous (IV) access, and consider drug therapy. If spon- pressin may be substituted for either the first or second taneous circulation does not return after defibrillation and epinephrine dose. For a patient in asystole or slow PEA, peripheral venous drug administration, the provider may consider atropine. Do not interrupt CPR to deliver any consider placement of a central line through the subcla- medication. Give the drug as soon as possible after the vian vein. When dealing with a pulseless arrest rhythm, rhythm check. After drug delivery and approximately five begin BLS and CPR and call for help immediately. Attach cycles (or about 2 minutes) of CPR, recheck the rhythm. If defibrillator leads. VF or ventricular tachycardia (VT) are a shockable rhythm is present, deliver a shock. If no rhythm shockable rhythms. Give one shock (maximum energy) is present or if there is no change in the appearance of the and continue five cycles of CPR with ACLS. Check again electrocardiogram (ECG), immediately resume CPR. If an for rhythm and, if appropriate, give shock medications organized rhythm is present, try to palpate a pulse. If no until return of a pulse. These medications are epinephrine pulse is present, continue CPR. If a pulse is present, the (adrenaline) 1 mg IV every 3–5 minutes for 3 doses, or a provider should identify the rhythm and treat accordingly. single dose of vasopressin 40 U IV. After a second cycle of If the patient appears to have an organized rhythm with a shocks–medications without response, consider the admin- good pulse, begin postresuscitative care. istration of amiodarone 300 mg IV, lidocaine IV at 1–1.5 mg/kg, and/or magnesium 1–2 g IV. If asystole is diag- SYMPTOMATIC BRADYARRHYTHMIA OR nosed, continue CPR while giving epinephrine or vaso- TACHYARRHYTHMIA pressin as already mentioned, and consider atropine 1 mg IV every 3–5 minutes up to 3 doses. Check routinely for Cardiac arrhythmias are a common cause of sudden death. pulse or shockable rhythms and proceed accordingly, all the ECG monitoring should be established as soon as possible while bearing in mind that chest compressions must not be for all patients who collapse suddenly or have symptoms interrupted until ROSC. In adults with a prolonged arrest, of coronary ischemia or infarction. In general, if bradycar- shock delivery may be more successful after a period of dia produces signs and symptoms (acute alteration of men- effective chest compressions. There is insufficient evidence tal status, ongoing severe ischemic chest pain, congestive to recommend routine administration of fluids to treat car- heart failure, and hypotension) that persist despite adequate diac arrest, but fluids should be infused if hypovolemia is airway and breathing, prepare to provide pacing. For symp- suspected.5–9 tomatic high-degree atrioventricular (AV) block (second- Finally, it is important to search for and treat possi- degree AV block Mobitz type II and third-degree AV block) ble reversible etiologies which are summarized as “6h’s provide transcutaneous pacing without delay. If the tachy- and 5t’s”: hypovolemia, hypoxia, hydrogen ion (acidosis), cardic patient is unstable with severe signs and symptoms hypo/hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, toxins, related to tachycardia, prepare for immediate cardiover- tamponade, tension pneumothorax, thrombosis (coronary sion. If the patient with tachycardia is stable, determine if he or pulmonary), and trauma. or she has a narrow-complex or wide-complex tachycardia Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 53 and then tailor therapy accordingly. In a patient with a heart 1–1.5 mg/kg slow push and then a maintenance drip of rate lower than 60 beats per minute, which is inadequate for 2 g/day. If the diagnosis of VT is not possible, a trial of the clinical situation, check for airway and breathing and procainamide 20 mg every 1 minute should be considered provide supplementary oxygen. Check vital signs, establish until the tachycardia responds. an IV access, and try to diagnose the bradyarrhythmia. If Although synchronized cardioversion is preferred for there are signs of adequate perfusion, observe and moni- treatment of an organized ventricular rhythm, it is not pos- tor the patient for the possibility of reversible causes with sible for some arrhythmias. The many QRS configurations either later improvement or continuing deterioration. If and irregular rates that comprise polymorphic VT make there are signs of poor perfusion, call a cardiologist and it difficult or impossible to reliably synchronize to a QRS begin to prepare for transcutaneous pacing, while consid- complex. In addition, the patient with persistent polymor- ering atropine 0.5 mg IV for a total dose of 3 mg, and phic VT will probably not maintain perfusion/pulses for if the atropine is ineffective, begin to pace. Also consider very long, so any attempt to distinguish between polymor- epinephrine or dopamine by continuous drip while waiting phic VT with or without pulses quickly becomes doubtful. for pacing. Use a temporarily external pacemaker if one is A good rule of thumb is that if your eye cannot synchronize available. In conjunction with all of the above, identify and to each QRS complex, neither can the defibrillator. If there treat contributing factors (the 6h’s and 5t’s). is any doubt whether monomorphic or polymorphic VT is Atropine remains the first-line drug for acute symp- present in the unstable patient, do not delay shock delivery tomatic bradycardia. An initial dose of 0.5 mg, repeated to perform detailed rhythm analysis – provide high-energy as needed to a total of 3 mg, is effective in the treat- unsynchronized shocks. After shock delivery, be prepared ment of symptomatic bradycardia. Transcutaneous pac- to provide immediate CPR and follow the ACLS Pulseless ing is usually indicated if the patient fails to respond to Arrest Algorithm if pulseless arrest develops. atropine, although second-line drug therapy with medi- cations such as dopamine or epinephrine may be success- ful. Atropine will not suffice for infranodal blocks; they MEDICATION IN ACLS AND OTHER CARDIAC require a pacemaker. Other medications to consider are EMERGENT CASES epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine, or glucagon in the case of beta blocker or calcium channel blocker toxicity. Epinephrine Transcutaneous pacing is a class I intervention for any Epinephrine produces beneficial effects in patients during symptomatic bradycardia. It should be started immediately cardiac arrest, primarily because of its adrenergic receptor- for patients who are unstable, particularly those with high- stimulating (vasoconstrictor) properties, which increase degree AV block. coronary and cerebral perfusion pressure during CPR. The After defibrillation and stabilization of the patient, the value and safety of the β-adrenergic effects of epinephrine next step is to treat the factors that may have precipitated are controversial because they may increase myocardial the tachycardia, if possible, such as fever, pulmonary em- work and reduce subendocardial perfusion. It is appropri- boli, hyperthyroidism, or acute myocardial infarction (MI). ate to administer a 1-mg dose of epinephrine IV every 3–5 Supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs) with the pathophys- minutes during adult cardiac arrest. If IV access is delayed iology of reentry will respond to carotid massage and/or or cannot be established, epinephrine may be given by the adenosine 6-mg IV administration with abrupt cessation of endotracheal route at a dose of 2–2.5 mg. the tachycardia. Other SVTs will necessitate slowing of the ventricular response by slowing the AV node conduction with IV medications such as beta blockers and/or calcium Vasopressin channel blockers and by trying to convert the rhythm to Vasopressin is a nonadrenergic peripheral vasoconstric- sinus rhythm if the tachyarrhythmia is not of long duration tor that also causes coronary and renal vasoconstriction. and there is a minimal risk of thromboembolism. Wide- There are no significant differences between vasopressin complex tachycardias are often hemodynamically unstable and epinephrine for ROSC, 24-hour survival, or survival and necessitate defibrillation. If the patient is stable (systolic to hospital discharge. Because vasopressin effects have not blood pressure greater than 90 mm Hg, no angina pectoris, been shown to differ from those of epinephrine in cardiac no altered mentation or signs of hypoperfusion), one can arrest, one dose of vasopressin 40 U IV may replace either try IV medications. If there is the possibility of VT (note: the first or second dose of epinephrine in the treatment of any regular wide-complex tachycardia in an elderly person pulseless arrest. with a history of prior MI has a more than 80% chance of being VT), a trial of amiodarone or lidocaine is rec- ommended. Amiodarone is given as a loading dose of 150 Atropine mg over 15 minutes and then in a 1200-mg maintenance Atropine reverses cholinergic-mediated decreases in heart drip over 24 hours. Lidocaine is given as a loading dose of rate, systemic vascular resistance, and blood pressure. It 54 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY can be considered for asystole or PEA. The recommended refractoriness in the AV node. These actions may terminate dose of atropine for cardiac arrest is 1 mg IV, which can be reentrant arrhythmias and control ventricular response rate repeated every 3–5 minutes (maximum total of 3 doses or in patients with a variety of atrial tachycardias. These med- 3 mg) if asystole persists. ications are indicated for stable, narrow-complex, reentry mechanism tachycardias (reentry SVT) if rhythm remains uncontrolled or unconverted by adenosine or vagal maneu- Amiodarone vers, for stable, narrow-complex, automaticity mechanism IV amiodarone affects sodium, potassium, and calcium tachycardias if the rhythm is not controlled or converted by ␣ ␤ channels as well as -and -adrenergic blocking properties. adenosine or vagal maneuvers, and for controlling the rate It can be considered for the treatment of VF or pulseless of ventricular response in patients with atrial fibrillation or VT unresponsive to shock delivery, CPR, and a vasopres- atrial flutter. IV verapamil 2.5–5 mg is effective for termi- sor. It improves survival rates and defibrillation response nating narrow-complex reentry SVT, and it may also be when given for VF or hemodynamically unstable VT. used for rate control in atrial fibrillation. Verapamil should be given only to patients with narrow-complex reentry SVT Lidocaine or arrhythmias known with certainty to be of supraventric- ular origin. It should not be given to patients with impaired Lidocaine is an alternative antiarrhythmic of long-standing ventricular function or heart failure. familiarity with fewer immediate side effects than may be Diltiazem seems to be equivalent in efficacy to vera- encountered with other antiarrhythmics. Lidocaine, how- pamil. It is administered at a dose of 20 mg IV over 2 min- ever, has no proven short-term or long-term efficacy in utes, and repeated after 15 minutes at a dose of 25 mg. cardiac arrest. It should be considered an alternative treat- Verapamil and, to a lesser extent, diltiazem may decrease ment to amiodarone. The initial dose is 1–1.5 mg/kg IV. myocardial contractility and critically reduce cardiac out- If VF/pulseless VT persists, additional doses of 0.5–0.75 put in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction. mg/kg IV push may be administered at 5- to 10-minute intervals, to a maximum dose of 3 mg/kg. ␤-Adrenergic Blockers Magnesium Beta blocking agents (atenolol, metoprolol, labetalol, pro- Magnesium can effectively terminate torsades de pointes pranolol, esmolol) reduce the effects of circulating cate- (irregular/polymorphic VT associated with prolonged QT cholamines and decrease heart rate and blood pressure. interval). It is not likely to be effective in terminating irreg- They also have various cardioprotective effects for patients ular/polymorphic VT in patients with a normal QT inter- with ACS. For acute tachyarrhythmias, these agents are val. The acute treatment is 1- to 2-g IV loading dose and a indicated for rate control for narrow-complex tachycardias maintenance dose of 3–5 g/day. Care must be taken in renal that originate from either a reentry mechanism (reentry failure and congestive heart failure, where those dosages SVT) or an automatic focus uncontrolled by vagal maneu- should be halved, and serum magnesium level should be vers and adenosine in the patient with preserved ventricu- monitored. lar function, and to control the rate in atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter in the patient with preserved ventricular func- tion. Commonly used drugs in the acute situation are pro- Adenosine pranolol 1 mg IV and metoprolol 5 mg IV. They can later be Adenosine is an endogenous purine nucleoside that briefly converted to oral propranolol 10 mg three times per day or depresses AV node and sinus node activity. It is recom- oral metoprolol 25 mg twice a day, respectively. Side effects mended for defined, stable, narrow-complex AV nodal or related to β-blockade include bradycardias, AV conduction sinus nodal reentry tachycardias. Adenosine will not ter- delays, and hypotension. Cardiovascular decompensation minate arrhythmias, such as atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and cardiogenic shock after β-adrenergic blocker therapy or atrial or ventricular tachycardias, because these arrhyth- are infrequent complications. Contraindications to the use mias are not caused by reentry involving the AV or sinus of β-adrenergic blocking agents include second- or third- node. Adenosine has a short half-life. Its acute dose is 6 degree heart block, hypotension, severe congestive heart mg IV while monitoring the ECG. If there is no response failure, and lung disease associated with bronchospasm. within 3–5 minutes, a repeat dose of 12 mg IV should be These agents may be harmful for patients with atrial fibril- tried, and then a third one by the same rules. Each dose of lation or atrial flutter associated with known preexcitation adenosine should be flushed with 20 cc of saline. (Wolff–Parkinson–White [WPW]) syndrome.

Calcium Channel Blockers: Verapamil and Diltiazem Procainamide Verapamil and diltiazem are nondihydropyridine calcium Procainamide suppresses both atrial and ventricular channel blocking agents that slow conduction and increase arrhythmias by slowing conduction in myocardial tissue. Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 55

Procainamide is superior to lidocaine in terminating spon- Pulmonary Embolism taneously occurring VT when given in doses of 100 mg IV PE is a life-threatening condition. The embolus usually every 5–10 minutes as tolerated, not to exceed 1000 mg. derives from the deep veins of the leg or pelvis. Criti- Procainamide may be considered in stable monomorphic cally ill and bedridden patients are at high risk. Other VT in patients with preserved ventricular function, control common risk factors include thrombophilia and cancer. of heart rate in atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter in patients The main clues of an existing PE are dyspnea, tachyp- with preserved ventricular function, acute control of heart nea, tachycardia, low saturation, and sometimes pleuritic rhythm in atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter in patients with chest pain, in the above settings. The gold standard for known preexcitation (WPW) syndrome and preserved ven- diagnosis is computed tomographic (CT) angiography. tricular function, and for AV reentrant, narrow-complex The patient should be treated with oxygen and antico- tachycardias, such as reentry SVT if rhythm is uncontrolled agulation (e.g., subcutaneous [SC] enoxaparin 1 mg/kg by adenosine and vagal maneuvers in patients with pre- twice a day, reduced to once daily if renal function is served ventricular function. impaired). In severe life-threatening cases assessed clini- cally and/or echocardiographically, the treatment should be fibrinolysis (IV streptokinase 250,000 U bolus main- OTHER EMERGENCIES tained at 100,000 U/h for up to 48–72 hours). To pre- vent PE, critically ill patients should be treated with anti- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction coagulation prophylaxis while bedridden (SC enoxaparin Death from FBAO is an uncommon but preventable cause 1 mg/kg once daily or SC heparin 5000–7500 U twice or of death. Most reported cases of FBAO in adults are thrice daily). Recurrent PE or contraindications to antico- caused by impacted food and occur while the victim is agulation will necessitate the usage of an inferior vena caval eating. Because recognition of airway obstruction is the filter. key to successful outcome, it is important to distinguish this emergency from fainting, heart attack, seizure, or other conditions that may cause sudden respiratory dis- Pulmonary Edema tress, cyanosis, or loss of consciousness. When FBAO pro- Pulmonary edema is a life-threatening condition caused duces signs of severe airway obstruction, rescuers must by both cardiogenic and noncardiogenic etiologies, such act quickly to relieve the obstruction. If mild obstruc- as acute MI, acute heart failure, hypertensive crisis, pul- tion is present and the victim is coughing forcefully, do monary emboli, or infections. The etiology must be sought not interfere with his or her spontaneous coughing and and treated, in parallel with the administration of diuret- breathing efforts. Attempt to relieve the obstruction only ics, vasodilators, and morphine, as needed. Recommended if signs of severe obstruction develop: The cough becomes doses are IV furosemide 40 mg (or 60 mg in renal fail- silent, respiratory difficulty increases and is accompanied by ure), IV nitroglycerin 1 mg/h and uptitrated as blood pres- stridor, or the victim becomes unresponsive. For respon- sure permits (contraindicated if systolic blood pressure is sive adults and children at least 1 year old with severe <90 mm Hg), and IV morphine 3 mg, repeated as needed. FBAO, case reports show the feasibility and effectiveness A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device and of back blows or “slaps,” abdominal thrusts, and chest sometimes intubation will be needed until the patient is thrusts. Although these maneuvers are feasible and effec- stabilized. tive for relieving severe FBAO in conscious adults and children at least 1 year of age, for simplicity in train- ing, we recommend that the abdominal thrust be applied Myocardial Infarction in rapid sequence until the obstruction is relieved. If MI is primarily the consequence of atherothrombotic dis- abdominal thrusts are not effective, the rescuer may con- ease of the coronary arteries. Atherosclerosis of the coro- sider chest thrusts. It is important to note that abdom- nary arteries is a common phenomenon in the vast major- inal thrusts are not recommended for infants younger ity of the population, and its occurrence coincides with than 1 year because the thrusts themselves may cause “atherosclerotic risk factors,” for example, smoking, dia- injuries. Chest thrusts should be used for obese patients betes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and fam- if the rescuer is unable to encircle the victim’s abdomen. ily history of premature coronary disease. Atherosclerotic If the choking victim is in the late stages of pregnancy, plaques can disrupt blood flow caused by mechanical or the rescuer should use chest thrusts instead of abdominal inflammatory factors, and they can erode and rupture thrusts. If the adult victim with FBAO becomes unrespon- so that a thrombus evolves rapidly on top of them, sive, the rescuer should carefully support the patient to thus atherothrombosis. Other etiologies of MI include the ground and then begin CPR. A health care provider embolization or spasm of the coronary artery. Many should use a finger sweep only when the provider can see patients suffering an acute MI die instantly because of solid material obstructing the airway of an unresponsive acute complications, such as malignant ventricular arrhyth- patient. mia or mechanical failure of the heart. Others who reach 56 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY the hospital need to be treated immediately to open the combination of poor perfusion and hypoxemia will exacer- occluded coronary artery, either medically with throm- bate and extend ischemic brain injury, and has been associ- bolytics or mechanically with percutaneous coronary inter- ated with worse outcome from stroke. The administration vention (PCI). Afterward, the patient must take med- of supplementary oxygen is mandatory. ications for secondary prevention (aspirin, beta block- A 12-lead ECG does not take priority over the CT scan, ers, angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) and but it may identify a recent acute MI or arrhythmias (atrial aggressively treat any modifiable risk factor. fibrillation) as the cause of an embolic stroke. There is gen- A patient with risk factors and/or a prior coronary event eral agreement to recommend cardiac monitoring during who presents with typical chest pain must immediately be the initial evaluation of patients with acute ischemic stroke given chewable aspirin 300 mg, IV heparin 80 U/kg, and to detect atrial fibrillation and potentially life-threatening sublingual nitrate if his or her blood pressure is normal. An arrhythmias. Management of hypertension in the stroke ECG must be immediately performed and interpreted: If patient is controversial. For patients eligible for fibrinolytic it shows classical signs of ST elevation MI, the patient has therapy, however, control of blood pressure is required to to be prepared for immediate PCI. If the ECG is normal, reduce the potential risk of bleeding. If a patient who is the patient needs to be monitored, undergo repeat ECG, otherwise eligible for treatment with tissue plasminogen and have blood drawn for measuring troponin levels at 4–6 activator (tPA) has elevated blood pressure, try to lower hours from the beginning of pain: A high troponin level it to <185/<110 mm Hg. Because the maximum interval means a non-ST elevation MI, and a normal value means from onset of stroke until effective treatment of stroke with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or unstable angina pectoris tPA is limited, most patients with sustained hypertension (UAP). Either way, based on clinical and hemodynamic above these levels cannot be treated with IV tPA. Fibri- parameters and on noninvasive tests, a diagnostic coronary nolytic administration is not recommended if the patient’s angiography will need to be performed to evaluate the need neurological signs appear to be clearing spontaneously and for revascularization. approaching baseline. As with all medications, fibrinolytics have potential adverse effects. The physician must verify that there are Stroke no exclusion criteria, consider the risks and benefits to the Stroke is the number 3 killer and a leading cause of patient, and be prepared to monitor and treat any poten- severe, long-term disability. Fibrinolytic therapy adminis- tial complications. The major complication of IV tPA for tered within the first hours of the onset of symptoms con- stroke is symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. tains neurological injury and improves outcome in selected patients with acute ischemic stroke. The window of oppor- tunity is, however, extremely limited. Effective therapy Hypertensive Crisis requires early detection of the signs of stroke, appropri- Marked elevation of blood pressure to levels greater ate evaluation and testing, and rapid delivery of fibrinolytic than 200/120 mm Hg requires immediate attention. The agents to eligible patients. The goal of stroke care is to min- urgency and the method of treatment are not dictated solely imize brain injury and maximize patient recovery. When by the absolute level of blood pressure but also according there is suspicion of stroke, the goal of care is to perform the to the patient’s clinical status. The treatment is urgent if initial assessment within 10 minutes, performing and inter- the patient is encephalopathic, pregnant with toxemia, or preting a CT scan within 25 minutes, and administering suffering from acute myocardial ischemia, aortic dissection, fibrinolytics to selected patients within 3 hours of the onset or acute stroke. Malignant hypertension is a clinical diag- of symptoms. If the stroke patient is not eligible for fibri- nosis manifested by systolic blood pressure greater than nolytic therapy and there is no suspicion of a hemorrhagic 220 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure greater than stroke (either by CT or clinically/anamnestically, such as no 130 mm Hg with hemorrhagic retinopathy, papilledema, head trauma, no anticoagulation therapy, no uncontrolled and other end-organ involvement, such as renal failure hypertension or arteriovenous malformations), then the and encephalopathy. Clinically, the patient is likely to have immediate treatment is high-dose aspirin. A rapid assess- pulmonary edema, in which case the treatment of choice ment of consciousness and neurological status is performed will combine a diuretic (IV furosemide 40 mg) with a using the Glasgow Coma Scale, which is based on three vasodilator (e.g., as nitroglycerin 1 mg/h and uptitrated parameters: eye movement, motor assessment, and verbal or nitroprusside 0.3–10 µg/kg/min). Other maintenance assessment. The scores range from 3 (poorest) to 15 (best). therapies constitute thiazides (oral chlorothiazide 12.5 mg Any stroke victim with a score less than 8 needs airway once daily), ACE inhibitors (e.g., oral enalapril 10 mg twice protection with endotracheal intubation. daily), central acting drugs (oral aldimine 250 mg twice Patients with acute stroke are at risk for respiratory daily), and alpha (oral doxazosin 1–8 mg once daily), beta compromise from aspiration, upper airway obstruction, (oral metoprolol 25 mg twice daily), and/or calcium block- hypoventilation, and neurogenic pulmonary edema. The ers (oral amlodipine 5 mg once daily). The aim of urgent Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 57 treatment is to lower the blood pressure by not more than During CPR, the rescuers should minimize the number 25% so as not to impair cerebral blood flow. Practically, the and duration of interruptions in chest compressions, with drug regimen should contain IV furosemide 40 mg push the goal of limiting interruptions to no more than 10 sec- and IV nitroglycerin 20 mg/100 mg saline (beginning 2 onds except as needed for interventions, such as placement cc/h rate, uptitrated as needed). Consider a beta blocker of an advanced airway. Interruptions needed for intubation (also exerting alpha-blocking effects) such as labetalol at can be minimized if the intubating rescuer is prepared to an initial IV dose of 20 mg injected over 2 minutes and begin the intubation attempt as soon as the compressing additional injections of 40 or 80 mg every 10 minutes as rescuer pauses in administering compressions. The com- needed up to a total dose of 300 mg. Another possibil- pressions should be interrupted for only as long as the ity is an agent with direct vasodilator properties, such as intubating rescuer needs to visualize the vocal cords and nitroprusside with a starting dosage of 0.1 g/kg/min and insert the tube. The compressing rescuer should be pre- increased as necessary and as tolerated. pared to resume chest compressions immediately after the tube is passed through the vocal cords. If more than one intubation attempt is required, the rescuers should provide Shock a period of adequate ventilation and oxygenation and chest Shock is a syndrome of low blood pressure and inade- compressions between attempts. If endotracheal intubation quate end-organ perfusion. Its main etiologies are cardio- is performed for the patient with a perfusing rhythm, use genic, septic, hemorrhagic, and anaphylactic. Cardiogenic pulse oximetry and ECG monitoring continuously during shock must be considered in a patient with a history of intubation attempts and interrupt the attempt to provide heart disease who presents with chest pain and low blood oxygenation and ventilation if needed. pressure with peripheral hypoperfusion. In such a patient, Even when the endotracheal tube is seen to pass through the shock is most probably due to acute MI and/or acute the vocal cords and tube position is verified by chest expan- heart failure. As such, treatment will constitute revascu- sion and auscultation during positive-pressure ventilation, larization with either PCI or coronary artery bypass graft- rescuers should obtain additional confirmation of place- ing and inotropic drugs (e.g., IV dopamine 400 mg/500 cc ment by using an end-tidal CO2 or esophageal detection saline in an initial rate of 5 cc/h, or IV dobutamine 500 device. The most important caveats for rescuers perform- mg/500 cc saline, in an initial rate of 5 cc/h). Septic shock ing CPR after insertion of the advanced airway are to be is probable in a patient with fever, chills, and infection; the sure the advanced airway is correctly placed and to not cease patient must be treated with fluids, antibiotics, and glu- CPR efforts. cocorticoids for adrenal insufficiency. Patients who have Complications of endotracheal intubation are associated lost blood must be treated with blood transfusion. Anaphy- with improper endotracheal tube positioning. Esophageal lactic shock is due to drugs or toxins, and the immediate and right main stem bronchus intubation should be sus- treatment is SC adrenaline 0.1 mg and the usual supportive pected if hypoxemia, hypoventilation, or cardiac decom- treatment. pensation occurs. Abdominal distension, lack of breath sounds over the thorax, and regurgitation of stomach con- tents indicate esophageal intubation. In emergency set- SPECIAL PROCEDURES tings when standard endotracheal intubation cannot be per- formed, needle cannulation of the cricothyroid membrane Endotracheal Intubation can be performed as a stopgap before providing a more The endotracheal tube confirms a patent airway, permits definitive airway. suctioning of airway secretions, enables delivery of a high concentration of oxygen, provides an alternative route for the administration of some drugs, facilitates delivery of Central Venous Catheterization a selected tidal volume, and, with the use of a cuff, may Central venous catheterization is the insertion of an protect the airway from aspiration. Endotracheal intuba- indwelling catheter to a large central vein, mostly the sub- tion attempts by unskilled providers can produce com- clavian or internal jugular veins. It is mainly indicated for plications such as trauma to the oropharynx, interrup- better fluid therapy, drug administration, and parenteral tion of compressions and ventilations for unacceptably nutrition, and for monitoring of the central venous pres- long periods, and hypoxemia from prolonged intubation sure. The only contraindication against its use is an existing attempts or failure to recognize tube misplacement or dis- coagulopathy. placement. Indications for emergency endotracheal intu- bation are the inability of the rescuer to adequately ven- tilate the unconscious patient with a bag and mask and Postresuscitation Support the absence of airway protective reflexes (coma or cardiac The management of successfully resuscitated patients arrest). should focus on the treatment of the underlying disease 58 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY process and the maintenance of electrical, hemody- Organ-Specific Evaluation and Support namic, and respiratory stability. All patients require care- After ROSC, patients may remain comatose or have ful repeated assessment and should be initially moni- decreased responsiveness for a variable period of time. If tored in an ICU. Few randomized, controlled clinical spontaneous breathing is absent or inadequate, mechani- trials have dealt specifically with supportive care follow- cal ventilation via an endotracheal tube or other advanced ing cardiopulmonary–cerebral resuscitation from cardiac airway device may be required. Hemodynamic status may arrest; nevertheless, postresuscitation care has significant be unstable when there are abnormalities of cardiac rate, potential to improve early mortality caused by hemody- rhythm, systemic blood pressure, and organ perfusion. namic instability and multiorgan failure and later mortality/ Clinicians must prevent, detect, and treat hypoxemia and morbidity resulting from brain injury. hypotension, because these conditions can exacerbate brain The initial objectives of postresuscitation care are to injury. It is essential to determine the baseline postarrest optimize cardiopulmonary function and systemic per- status of each organ system and support impaired organ fusion, especially perfusion to the brain, and to con- function as needed. tinue care in an appropriately equipped critical care unit. Attempts are made to identify the precipitating causes of the arrest, and measures are instituted to prevent Respiratory System recurrence and improve long-term, neurologically intact Respiratory dysfunction is not uncommon after ROSC. survival. Some patients will remain dependent on mechanical venti- lation and will need an increased inspired concentration of oxygen. They should undergo a full physical examination Induced Hypothermia as well as a chest x-ray to verify appropriate endotracheal Both permissive hypothermia (allowing a mild degree of tube depth of insertion and to identify any cardiopulmonary ◦ hypothermia >33 C that often develops spontaneously complications of resuscitation. Mechanical ventilatory after arrest) and active induction of hypothermia may support should be adjusted based on the patient’s blood play a valuable role in postresuscitation care. In two ran- gas values, respiratory rate, and work of breathing. As the domized, clinical trials,10,11 induced hypothermia resulted patient’s spontaneous ventilation becomes more efficient, in improved outcome in adults who remained comatose the level of respiratory support may be decreased until after initial resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Complica- spontaneous respiration returns. If the patient continues tions associated with cooling can include coagulopathy to require high inspired oxygen concentrations, providers and arrhythmias, particularly with an unintentional drop should determine if the cause is pulmonary or cardiac below target temperature. There was some increase in the and take measures accordingly. There is some debate as number of cases of pneumonia and sepsis in the to the length of time that patients who require ventila- hypothermia-induction group. Cooling may also increase tory support should remain sedated. To date, there is little hyperglycemia. These authors concluded that mild hy- evidence to guide therapeutic scheduling and inadequate pothermia may be beneficial to neurological outcome and data to recommend for or against the use of a defined is likely to be well tolerated without significant risk of com- period of sedation or neuromuscular blockade after car- plications. diac arrest. Use of neuromuscular blocking agents should be kept to a minimum because they preclude thorough neurological assessments during the first 12–72 hours after Glucose Control ROSC. The postresuscitation patient is likely to develop electrolyte Sustained hypocapnia may reduce cerebral blood flow. abnormalities that may be detrimental to recovery. Many After cardiac arrest, restoration of blood flow results in studies have documented a strong association between high an initial hyperemic blood flow response, followed by a blood glucose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and more prolonged period of low blood flow. During this lat- poor neurological outcomes. Tight control of blood glu- ter period of late hypoperfusion, there may be a mismatch cose using insulin reduced hospital mortality rates in criti- between blood flow and oxygen requirement. If the patient cally ill patients who required mechanical ventilation. Signs is hyperventilated at this stage, cerebral vasoconstriction of hypoglycemia are less apparent in comatose patients, may further decrease cerebral blood flow and increase cere- so clinicians must monitor serum glucose closely to avoid bral ischemia and ischemic injury. There is no evidence that hypoglycemia when treating hyperglycemia. On the basis hyperventilation protects the brain or other vital organs of findings of improved outcomes in critically ill patients, from further ischemic damage after cardiac arrest. when glucose levels are maintained in the normal range, it In summary, although there are no data to support tar- makes sense to maintain strict glucose control during the geting a specific arterial PaCO2 level after resuscitation postresuscitation period. from cardiac arrest, data extrapolated from patients with Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 59 brain injury support ventilation to reach normocarbic lev- the posttresuscitation setting seems prudent if there are no els. Routine hyperventilation is detrimental.12 contraindications.

Cardiovascular System Central Nervous System Both the ischemia/reperfusion of cardiac arrest and elec- A healthy brain and a functional patient are the primary trical defibrillation can cause transient myocardial stun- goals of cardiopulmonary–cerebral resuscitation. Follow- ning and dysfunction that can last many hours but may ing ROSC, cerebral blood flow is reduced after a brief ini- improve with vasopressors. Cardiac biomarker levels may tial period of hyperemia (the “no-reflow phenomenon”) as a be increased in association with global ischemia caused by result of microvascular dysfunction. This reduction occurs absent or decreased coronary blood flow during cardiac even when cerebral perfusion pressure is normal. Neuro- arrest and CPR. Increased cardiac biomarkers may also logical support for the unresponsive patient should include indicate acute MI as the cause of cardiac arrest. measures to optimize cerebral perfusion pressure by main- Hemodynamic instability is common after cardiac taining a normal or slightly elevated mean arterial pressure arrest, and early death caused by multiorgan failure is asso- and reducing intracranial pressure if it is elevated. Because ciated with a persistently low cardiac index during the first hyperthermia and seizures increase the oxygen require- 24 hours after resuscitation. Thus, after successful resusci- ments of the brain, hyperthermia must be controlled and tation, clinicians should evaluate the patient’s ECG, radio- therapeutic hypothermia should be considered.13 graphs, and laboratory analyses of serum electrolytes and cardiac biomarkers. Performing an ECG within the first 24 PROGNOSTIC FACTORS hours after arrest is useful to guide ongoing management. Patients who are resuscitated following out-of-hospital car- The period after resuscitation is often stressful to medi- diac arrest may have significant early but reversible myocar- cal staff and family members as questions arise about the dial dysfunction and low cardiac output, followed by later patient’s ultimate prognosis. Ideally, a clinical assessment, vasodilation. Hemodynamic instability usually responds to laboratory test, or biochemical marker would reliably pre- fluid administration and vasoactive support. Invasive mon- dict the outcome during or immediately after cardiac arrest. itoring may be necessary to measure blood pressure accu- Unfortunately, no such predictors are available. Determi- rately and to determine the most appropriate combination nation of prognosis based on initial physical examination of medications to optimize blood flow and distribution. The findings can be difficult, and coma scores may be less pre- provider should titrate volume administration and vasoac- dictive than individual motor and brainstem reflexes found tive (e.g., norepinephrine), inotropic (e.g., dobutamine), in the first 12–72 hours after arrest. and vasodilator (e.g., milrinone) drugs that are given to Five clinical signs that were found to strongly predict support blood pressure, cardiac index, and systemic perfu- death or poor neurological outcome, with 4 of the 5 pre- sion. Both cardiac arrest and sepsis are thought to involve dictors detectable at 24 hours after resuscitation are absent multiorgan ischemic injury and microcirculatory dysfunc- corneal reflex at 24 hours, absent pupillary response at 24 tion. Goal-directed therapy with volume and vasoactive hours, absent withdrawal response to pain at 24 hours, no drug administration has been effective in improving sur- motor response at 24 hours, and no motor response at 72 vival from sepsis. The greatest survival benefit is due to hours. An electroencephalogram performed >24–48 hours a decreased incidence of acute hemodynamic collapse, a after resuscitation also has been shown to provide useful challenge also seen in the postresuscitation setting. Rela- predictive information and can help define prognosis.10 tive adrenal insufficiency may develop following the stress of cardiac arrest, but the use of early corticosteroid supple- Other Complications mentation in such patients to improve either hemodynam- Sepsis is a potentially fatal postresuscitation complication. ics or outcome is unproven and requires further evaluation. Patients with sepsis will benefit from goal-directed ther- Although SCA may be precipitated by cardiac arrhythmia, apy. Renal failure and pancreatitis, although often tran- it is unclear if antiarrhythmics are beneficial or detrimen- sient, should be ruled out. tal in the postresuscitation period. Thus, there is insuf- ficient evidence to recommend for or against prophylac- tic administration of antiarrhythmic drugs to patients who MONITORING have survived cardiac arrest from any cause. It may be rea- sonable, however, to continue an infusion of an antiar- Blood pressure rhythmic drug that was associated with ROSC. Also, given Blood pressure can be monitored either noninvasively or the cardioprotective effects of beta blockers in the con- invasively, and it is fundamental for hemodynamic assess- text of ischemic heart disease, the use of beta blockers in ment. When intraarterial monitoring is in place during the 60 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY resuscitative effort (in an intensive care setting), the clini- ill patient. Most patients require IV narcotics at least ini- cian should try to maximize arterial diastolic pressures to tially (IV morphine 3 mg or IV dolestine 12.5 mg). Thus, achieve an optimal coronary perfusion pressure. adequate sedation begins with adequate analgesia. Regional pain control techniques, such as with epidural catheter– administered anesthetics or opiates, can be highly effective Pulses at achieving pain control in the postoperative patient. The Arterial pulses should be palpated during chest compres- evaluation of sedation adequacy can be performed only at sions to assess the effectiveness of compressions. No studies the bedside and is facilitated by use of validated sedation have shown the validity or clinical utility of checking pulses scales, along with a protocol for the systematic assessment during ongoing CPR. Carotid pulsations during CPR do and administration of sedatives and analgesics. Most postar- not indicate the efficacy of coronary blood flow or myocar- rest patients require larger doses of sedatives in the initial 48 dial or cerebral perfusion during CPR. hours. Thus, the level of sedation must be reassessed con- tinuously and a protocol for downward titration of sedation applied. If continuous administration is used, daily sedative Arterial Blood Gases interruption is recommended to prevent drug accumula- Arterial blood gas monitoring during cardiac arrest is not a tion, to allow the performance of a neurological examina- reliable indicator of the severity of tissue hypoxemia, hyper- tion, and to permit reassessment of the need for sedation. carbia (and therefore the adequacy of ventilation during An example of a sedative is oxazepam 10 mg thrice daily. CPR), or tissue acidosis. It provides the foundation for the assessment of respiratory function. REFERENCES 1. 2005 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopul- Oximetry monary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Cir- During cardiac arrest, pulse oximetry will not function culation. 2005;112 Supplement I:IV-1–IV-45. because pulsatile blood flow is inadequate in peripheral 2. International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. 2005 tissue beds, which are also constricted. It is, however, International consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation commonly used in emergency departments and critical and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations. Resuscitation. 2005;67:157–341. care units for monitoring patients who are not in arrest 3. Washington University School of Medicine Department of because it provides a simple, continuous method of tracking Medicine, Green GB, Harris, IS, et al. (editors). The Wash- oxyhemoglobin saturation. Normal pulse oximetry satura- ington manual of medical therapeutics. 31st ed. (spiral- tion, however, does not ensure adequate systemic oxygen bound). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, delivery. 2004;1–15;536–44. 4. Gabbott D, Smith G, Mitchell S, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation standards for clinical practice and training in the End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring UK. Resuscitation. 2005;64:13–19. 5. Wik L, Hansen TB, Fylling F, et al. Delaying defibrillation to End-tidal CO2 monitoring is a safe and effective noninva- sive indicator of cardiac output during CPR and may be an give basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation to patients with out- early indicator of ROSC in intubated patients. CO con- of-hospital ventricular fibrillation: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2 2003;289:1389–95. tinues to be generated throughout the body during cardiac 6. Van Alem A, Sanou B, Koster R. Interruption of CPR with arrest. In the patient with ROSC, continuous or intermit- the use of the AED in out of hospital cardiac arrest. Med Ann tent monitoring of end-tidal CO2 provides assurance that Emerg Med. 2003;42:449–57. the endotracheal tube is maintained in the trachea. End- 7. Eftestol T, Sunde K, Steen PA. Effects of interrupting precor- tidal CO2 can guide ventilation, especially when correlated dial compressions on the calculated probability of defibrilla- with the PaCO2 from an arterial blood gas measurement. tion success during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Circulation. 2002;105:2270–3. 8. Van Alem AP, Vrenken RH, de Vos R, et al. Use of automated Sedatives external defibrillator by first responders in out of hospital Sedatives and analgesics used commonly in the care of crit- cardiac arrest: prospective controlled trial. BMJ. 2003;327: ically ill patients often exhibit pharmacokinetics and phar- 1312. 9. Peberdy MA, Kaye W, Ornato JP, et al. Cardiopulmonary macodynamics that are significantly different than those resuscitation of adults in the hospital: a report of 14720 car- that are exhibited in studies of their use in other settings. diac arrests from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Knowledge of these differences is crucial to designing a Resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2003;58:297–308. sedation protocol for the critically ill patient. Intravascular 10. Sandroni C, Nolan J, Cavallaro F, Antonelli M. In-hospital catheters, endotracheal intubation, suctioning, immobility, cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to and underlying illnesses all may cause pain in the critically improve survival. Intensive Care Med. 2007;33:237–45. Chapter 5 ● Critical Care: Stuff You Really, Really Need to Know 61

11. Boddicker KA, Zhang Y, Zimmerman MB, et al. Hypother- 12. Stocchetti N, Maas AI, Chieregato A, van der Plas AA. Hyper- mia improves defibrillation success and resuscitation out- ventilation in head injury: a review. Chest. 2005;127:1812–27. comes from ventricular fibrillation. Circulation. 2005;111: 13. Berk JL, Sampliner JE, editors. Handbook of critical care. 3rd 3195–201. ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company; 1989;153–213. CHAPTER 6 Acute Skin Failure: Concept, Causes, Consequences, and Care

Robert A. Norman Gwynn Coatney

PHYSICIANS AND health care professionals working at and mortality of the patient. The most common example hospitals and in acute care facilities strive to prevent and is the decubitus ulcer, also called a pressure ulcer or bed treat organ failure on a daily basis. The skin is one organ sore.2 system that is usually overlooked when considering organ failure. The concept of skin failure is not well circulated in the medical world but is an important topic that should CAUSES OF ACUTE SKIN FAILURE be addressed. The potential for a severe prognosis and Acute skin failure has many etiologies (Table 6.1). The most increased morbidity and mortality is a significant reason common and the best known may be thermal burns. Acute why skin failure needs to be addressed. medical conditions or illnesses can also lead to acute skin failure. Hypoperfusion of the skin can occur when other organ systems, such as the cardiovascular or renal system, WHAT IS SKIN FAILURE? become severely dysfunctional or fail. Blood, along with Failure of any organ system occurs when its normal tasks essential nutrients and oxygen, is then shunted to the core and functions can no longer be performed. The same goes organs, and the peripheral skin becomes impoverished of its for the integument, which is the largest organ of the body. blood supply. The end result is that the skin and underlying The skin plays many important roles. It acts as a physical tissue begin to fail. barrier against trauma and aids in the prevention of for- Common dermatologic conditions such as eczema and eign materials, including bacteria, from entering the body. psoriasis can develop into acute skin failure if the cases are Conversely, this barrier also prevents loss of body fluids severe or if there is extensive involvement of the integu- and essential nutrients, such as protein and iron. Nor- ment. Erythrodermic or generalized pustular psoriasis is mally functioning skin also serves in temperature regula- an example of what could potentially become a severe case. tion, detection of sensation, toxin excretion, and vitamin D synthesis and as an immune modulator. When this organ TABLE 6.1: Causes of Acute Skin Failure loses the ability to maintain temperature control; when it can no longer retain the balance of fluids, electrolytes, and No. Principle causes for acute skin failure nutrition; and/or when it fails as a mechanical barrier, skin 1 failure has occurred. 1. Erythroderma a. Primary (idiopathic) b. Dermatitis (atopic, seborrheic, contact dermatitis) ACUTE VERSUS CHRONIC AND END-STAGE c. Psoriasis, pityriasis, rubra pilaris SKIN FAILURE d. Exfoliative drug eruption e. Disorders of keratinization (lamellar ichthyosis, bullous Acute skin failure has a rapid onset and occurs simultane- and nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma) ously with a critical illness or event. Any medical condition f. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that results in the patient suffering from severe hypoten- g. Graft versus host disease sion, hypovolemia, or organ failure, could also develop 2. StevensÐJohnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis 3. Acute generalized pustular psoriasis acute skin failure. Chronic skin failure has a slower, stead- 4. Immunobullous disorders: Pemphigus vulgaris and ier presentation and occurs during an ongoing disease state. pemphigus foliaceus This type of skin failure is more prevalent in elderly patients 5. Infections: Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, with multiple comorbidities. End-stage skin failure occurs febrile viral exanthemas at the end of life and is associated with increased morbidity

page 62 Chapter 6 ● Acute Skin Failure: Concept, Causes, Consequences, and Care 63

TABLE 6.2: A Severity of Illness Score for Toxic TABLE 6.3: Definite Indications of Antibiotic Use Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN)

1. High bacterial count (single strain) from skin/catheter sample 1. Age >40 y of urine 2. Concurrent illness Presence of malignancy 2. Sudden hypothermia in a relatively stabilized patient 3. Epidermal detachment >30% 3. Confused mental status, anxiety, and excitement 4. Serum urea-nitrogen level >28 mg/dL > 10 mmol/L 4. Symptoms of infections pertaining to a particular system, 5. Blood glucose level >252 mg/dL >14 mmol/L e.g., pneumonia/urinary tract infection 6. Serum bicarbonate level <20 mEq/L < 20 mmol/L 7. Heart rate >120 bpm

From (6, 7). The body’s ability to regulate temperature is lost when skin fails. Hyperthermia is seen in patients who have Significant dermatologic diseases such as toxic epider- decreased function or blockage of their sweat ducts. An mal necrolysis (TEN), Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS), increase in dermal blood flow occurs with severely dam- cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, exfoliative drug reaction aged skin, causing radiant heat expenditure resulting in eruptions, infections such as staphylococcal scalded skin hypothermia. Hypothermia can be the initial sign of sep- tic shock in the infected patient. Therefore, temperature syndrome or viral exanthemas, pemphigus vulgaris, and ◦ graft versus host disease can also cause acute skin failure.1,3 should be maintained at 30–32 C. When the stratum corneum is destroyed, the amount of fluid lost through this physical barrier is greatly increased. RISK FACTORS In a patient with 50% body surface involvement, fluid loss There are several components that can increase the pos- can exceed 4–5 L/day. It is important to quickly replace sibility of acute skin failure or make the prognosis more intravascular fluid loss (Table 6.3). Normal saline is the severe. first-line treatment, but human albumin and fresh frozen With increased age the skin becomes thinner and has plasma are other treatment options. Urine output and decreased elasticity and increased fragility. Elderly skin also body weight should be measured daily to monitor fluid has decreased vascularity that may result in slower repair balance. and healing. Additionally, sun damage and smoking effec- Infection is common in acute skin failure and can lead to tuate premature aging of the skin. sepsis and even death. Bacterial culture sensitivity should The percentage of surface area in failure is directly pro- be tested at the initial presentation and throughout the hos- portional to the amount of fluid and nutrients lost. An pital course to treat with appropriate systemic antibiotics increased fluid and nutrition loss also elevates the risk of (Table 6.4). Topical antiseptics may also be applied to the infection and raises the risk of poor prognosis. affected areas. Patients who have incontinence of their bowel or blad- There can be long-term complications as a result of der are more likely to develop skin failure. Constant expo- acute skin failure (Table 6.5), which is just another reason sure of feces and urine to the skin causes an increased need why patients should be treated quickly and aggressively. for cleansing. When the skin is cleaned with soap or alco- The underlying etiology should be treated specifically. For hol, the top layers are debrided; this debridement may cause thinning and an increase in the skin’s pH, which makes the TABLE 6.4: Long-Term Complications of Acute Skin Failure skin more susceptible to bacterial infection and breakdown. Multiple comorbidities or immunocompromised pa- No. Organ involved Complications tients further complicate acute skin failure. In a patient with concurrent skin failure and heart disease, there is an 1. Eye Ectropion, entropion, corneal, scarring, symblepharon, increase in cardiac output and blood volume needed for cir- secondary sicca syndrome culation, which can ultimately lead to heart failure. A sig- 2. Mucosal involvement: nificant loss of fluids and electrolytes can precipitate renal Esophagus Dysphagia resulting from stricture 4,5 failure. Urethra Stricture and phimosis Vagina Synechiae 3. Skin Pigmentary changes (hypo- and MANAGEMENT hyperpigmentation), contracture Acute skin failure is considered to be a dermatologic emer- 4. Hair Scarring alopecia gency, and should be managed in an intensive care setting 5. Nail Beau’s lines, splinter hemorrhage, (Table 6.2). Some literature suggests that treatment should distal onycholysis, dystrophy, be conducted in a burn unit. Special attention should be complete shedding of nail paid to patients who are at an increased risk. 64 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 6.5: Important Parameters to be Monitored in Patients with Acute Skin Failure

Clinical Biochemical Hematological Microbiological

Pulse rate Blood and urine Total and differential Bacteriology of white blood cell count skin lesions Respiratory rate Sugar Platelet count Urine culture Level of consciousness Urea/creatinine Albumin

Urine output Serum electrolytes Gastric emptying Phosphorus

example, systemic steroids should be used to treat pemphi- and allopurinol.9 Although most of these drugs are ther- gus vulgaris and biologic agents for psoriasis.6,7 apeutic and the overall risk is low, if there are early signs of TEN is a major cause of acute skin failure. SCORTEN SCAR, then these drugs are the likely suspects and should is a scoring system used to assess the risk factors associ- be stopped and be avoided completely in the future. The ated with the morbidity and mortality of TEN( Table 6.6). person should wear a medical alert bracelet with the name The majority of TEN cases are related to chemicals of the drug. systemically administered as drug therapy – in particu- lar, antibacterial sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, allopuri- nol, pyrazolone derivatives, and, less frequently, other CONCLUSIONS nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).8 The The complications that stem from acute skin failure are SCAR (severe cutaneous adverse reactions) study included serious and potentially fatal. Other factors to consider are 245 patients with TEN and SJS in Europe. The study the patient’s age and the presence of multiple comorbidi- confirmed the “classical culprit” drugs: antibacterial ties. Acute skin failure can be caused by many etiologies, sulfonamides (cotrimoxazole); aromatic anticonvulsants and it should be managed aggressively to ensure a positive (phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine); some antimi- prognosis. Patients should be immediately hospitalized and crobials (aminopenicillins, quinolones, cephalosporins); treated with the same level of care as patients suffering from some NSAIDs (tenoxicam, piroxicam), chlormezanone, heart or kidney failure.

TABLE 6.6: Fluid Electrolyte Replacement and Nutrition in Patients with Acute Skin Failure

IV fluid Nasogastric feeding

Human albumin (diluted in NS 40 g/L) 1 mL/kg Body weight per % BSA Initial 24 h + Saline 0.7 mL/kg 1500Ð2000 mL (providing normal 1500Ð2000 calories) Body weight per % BSA Thereafter To be guided by previous day’s output Progressive increase of nasogastric/oral supplementation Gradual decrease of IV fluids Increase by 500 cal/d, up to 3500Ð4000 cal/d Electrolytes Supplementation of potassium phosphate in initial 24 h Hypokalemia Inj. potassium chloride 40 mmol/L in 5% Milk, fruit juice, honey, potassium (alkalosis ruled out) dextroseÐsaline/5% dextrose/NS, 6Ð8 nightly chloride syrup Hyponatremia NS (500 mL/d) supply normal daily requirement. Further deficit can be replaced by extra amount of NS

BSA, bovine serum albumin; IV, intravenous; NS, normal saline. Chapter 6 ● Acute Skin Failure: Concept, Causes, Consequences, and Care 65

REFERENCES 6. Col Vaishampayan SS, Brig Sharma YK, Col Das AL, Lt Col Verma R. Emergencies in dermatology: acute skin failure. 1. Irvine C. “Skin failure”-a real entity: discussion paper. J R Soc MJAFI. 2006;62:56–9. Med. 1991;84:412–13. 7. Inamadar AC, Palit A. Acute skin failure: concept, causes, 2. Parish LC, Witkowski JA, Crissey JT. The decubitus ulcer in consequences and care. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. clinical practice. New York: Springer Verlag; 1997. pp. 1–241. 2005;71:379–85. 3. Witkowski JA, Parish LC. The decubitus ulcer and destructive 8. Heimbach DM, Engrav LH, Marvin JA, et al. Toxic epi- behavior. Int J Dermatol. 2000;39:894–6. dermal necrolysis: a step forward in treatment. JAMA. 4. Roujeau JC. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syndrome): 1987;257:2171–5. more than “acute skin failure.” Intensive Care Med. 1992; 9. Roujeau JC, Kelly JP, Naldi L, et al. Medication use 18:4–5. and the risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic 5. Benbow M. Back to basics-skin and wounds. J Com Nurs. epidermal necrolysis. N Engl J Med. 1995;333:1600– 2007;21:34–8. 7. CHAPTER 7 Cutaneous Symptoms and Neonatal Emergencies

Daniel Wallach Pierre-Henri Jarreau

EMERGENCIES ARE frequent in neonatal medicine as medical staff, and all persons in contact with newborns. the physiological fragility of the newborn induces rapid General hygiene of the facilities, “surgical” hand washing, deterioration of general condition in many circumstances, meticulous care of the nipple area of breastfeeding moth- including initially localized infections. In a broad sense, ers, and nontoxic antiseptic care of the umbilicus (aqueous one could argue that the majority of cutaneous abnor- chlorhexidine) are mandatory parts of this prevention. malities found in a newborn requires a rapid diagno- Neonatal starts as a localized sis1,2 for adequate management and relevant parental superficial lesion located in the umbilical area, around folds, information. and/or in the diaper or periorificial areas: yellow crusts, Among neonatal emergencies, a few situations imply erythema, and oozing, small pustules. cutaneous symptoms, either as a predominant feature or is the localized form of the epidermal as one of the elements of a complex clinical situation. The bullous disease caused by the exfoliatin secreted by some goal of this chapter is to provide dermatologists with the phage II group S. aureus strains. Lesions appear as flat, clinical knowledge of the main cutaneous neonatal prob- flaccid bullae, rapidly ruptured, leaving round erosions or lems requiring rapid diagnosis or intervention. crusts. If untreated, these localized infections may lead to Taking care of these babies, whatever their cutaneous the following types of complications: problem, generally requires a hospitalization in a neonatal unit and thus involves a neonatal team. Indeed, the con- ● cellulitis, fasciitis, abscesses, lymphadenitis; sequences of the initial condition as well as of the loss of ● osteomyelitis, arthritis, septic pleuritis, pneumonia, sep- the cutaneous barrier may be severe and require supportive ticemia, by hematogenous spread; care, which depends on neonatologists. ● a toxinic generalized skin disease called SSSS (staphylo- To facilitate the identification of these problems, we coccal scalded skin syndrome), resembling toxic epider- will classify them according to the clinical presentation. mal necrolysis. We must point out that, whatever the cutaneous condi- tion, when called to see a neonate, the physician must have SSSS starts as a bright, scarlatiniform, erythematous rash, always in mind infection as a possible diagnosis. Infec- predominating in periflexural and periorificial areas. tion may be the cause of the cutaneous symptoms, or Rapidly, the superficial part of the epidermis is shed, as an appear as a complication of an initially noninfectious skin extensive peeling or superficial blistering, with a positive disorder. Nikolsky sign (Figure 7.1). This desquamation phase lasts 2–4 days, and is followed by complete healing, without scar- ring. Complications may include dehydration, hypother- BULLOUS ERUPTIONS mia, and generalized sepsis. SSSS is caused by some strains of phage group II Staphylococcal Infections S. aureus. The portal of entry is a superficial infec- Newborns are exquisitely sensitive to the infection by tion: cutaneous wound (umbilicus, circumcision, puncture), Staphylococcus aureus strains that produce exfoliatin because nasopharynx, conjunctiva. Epidermolytic toxins are dis- of the immaturity of the epidermal barrier and of the seminated through the bloodstream and exert a proteolytic renal elimination of toxins. S. aureus infections are activity on desmoglein 1, leading to an exfoliation at the acquired postnatally and must be prevented by ade- subcorneal level of the epidermis (similar to superficial quate hygiene and antisepsis of the nurseries, mothers, pemphigus).

page 66 Chapter 7 ● Cutaneous Symptoms and Neonatal Emergencies 67

lous diseases), resulting in an epidermal detachment. EB includes numerous subtypes of variable severity, including severe, lethal, or incapacitating forms. Each of these sub- types is due to a genetic defect in one of the many molecules involved in the cohesion between the epidermis and the dermis. They are classified by mode of inheritance, clini- cal features, histopathology, and more recently molecular defect.

The Newborn with EB When no prior history is known, the birth of a child with EB is a difficult problem that is better dealt with in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), in cooperation with a reference center. Trauma- or friction-induced blisters are the hallmark of EB. These blisters are initially located on the areas of presentation in the case of vaginal delivery, and are induced by handling by the obstetrician, midwife, and neonatal staff. Later, hands, feet, and the diaper area will be the most involved areas. The child must be placed in an incubator (it is important to avoid overheating), and the general principles of care are similar to those for premature infants, whose skin is also fragile. A precise subtype diagnosis is difficult or impossible dur- ing the first week, and the course is difficult to predict. It is advisable to be cautious in the indications given to the par- ents. In addition to the support by the medical staff, useful information and psychological support may be provided FIGURE 7.1: Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. by groups such as the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA). Differential diagnosis includes all neonatal bullous erup- A skin biopsy will be helpful to establish a precise diag- tions. The onset after a few days helps differentiating nosis. The biopsy must be taken on a normal appearing, infection blisters form epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Burns, recently rubbed area to induce splitting. Conventional his- ichthyosis bullosa, or toxic epidermolysis may be consid- tology, antigenic mapping, and electron microscopy by a ered. specialized center will allow a subtype diagnosis, which is SSSS has a good prognosis, provided the following mea- important both for the patient himself or herself and for sures are taken: future prenatal diagnoses. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mutations may be identified in the blood cells of the child ● intravenous antibiotics: methicillin, oxacillin, cloxacillin, and his or her parents. or vancomycin in case of resistance to β-lactams. Fusidic acid, mupirocin, or retapamulin may be used for the top- ical treatment of localized staphylococcal infections. THE MAIN EB SUBTYPES ● isolation in an incubator; ● nontraumatic skin care, including the use of emollients EB Simplex (sterile petrolatum, paraffin oil); the shedding epidermis The most common EB type, called the Koebner type, is an must be conserved as a “biologic dressing.” autosomal dominant, relatively mild disease. It is caused by mutations of keratins 5 and 14. The bullae are intraepider- mal and heal without scarring. Even in the case of neonatal Epidermolysis Bullosa onset, nails and mucosae are uninvolved, there is no extra- EB is a group of rare genetic diseases characterized by cutaneous manifestation, and the prognosis is good with an increased fragility to mechanical trauma (mechanobul- progressive improvement. 68 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Variants of junctional EB include a form with pyloric atresia, which may be revealed by polyhydramnios. Uro- logic complications may also be present. This form is due to a defect in the α-6 β-4 integrin.

Dystrophic EB Dystrophic EB is due to mutations of the COL7A1 gene, coding for collagen VII, a major component of anchoring fibrils. Blisters in the superficial dermis heal poorly, with scars and many possible complications. Dominant dystrophic EB (Cockayne–Touraine type) is a relatively mild disease, although blistering may be present at birth. Atrophic scars and milia are frequent (hands, feet, knees). Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau–Siemens type) is a severe disease. Extensive blistering since birth leads to large nonhealing ulcerations, atrophic scars, and/or joint contractures. On the hands and feet, repeated blistering and abnormal scarring end in a “mitten-like” deformation, functional limitation, and severe handicap. Oral ulcerations and digestive involvement are frequent. Children face mul- tiple nutritional deficiencies, growth failure, and ocular and urinary complications and are susceptible to infection (and later to squamous cell carcinomas). The management of a child with recessive dystrophic EB requires a trained spe- cialized multidisciplinary team.

Principles of Management No therapy is able to correct the skin fragility. Hopes of genetic therapy stand in the future. Recently, hematopoi- FIGURE 7.2: Superficial ulceration in junctional epidermolysis etic stem cell therapy has been successfully performed in bullosa. severe forms, general medical and psychological support is most important. Reference centers and specialized associ- The Dowling–Meara variant, which is more severe, is ations exist in many countries. characterized by a herpetiform pattern of the blisters (mim- During the neonatal period, hospitalization in a NICU icking nonmechanical bullae). An autosomal recessive vari- is necessary for control of the general and cutaneous con- ant, clinically more severe and associated with muscular ditions. The main principles of management of a newborn dystrophy, is caused by mutations of the protein plectin. with EB are3 special attention to the avoidance of all trauma to the skin, use of bland emollients and nonadhesive dress- ings, protection of all fragile areas, feeding with special bot- Junctional EB tles in case of oral lesions, and attention to all the numerous The Herlitz type of junctional EB is a rare, severe, often possible complications, including pain, bacterial infection, lethal disease. It is an autosomal recessive disorder, due to dehydration, and undernutrition. mutations of laminin 5, which induces splitting at the level of the lamina lucida. Bullae and large erosive areas heal very slowly after birth OTHER NEONATAL BULLOUS DISORDERS (Figure 7.2). The formation of granulating tissue following blisters around the nails is characteristic. There is a severe Other Skin Fragility Syndromes mucosal involvement, with oral blisters; respiratory, diges- In addition to the many subtypes of EB, other genetic dis- tive, and urinary lesions; and ocular complications. Failure orders may start with a neonatal bullous eruption: peeling to thrive, anemia, and (later) severe dental problems cause skin syndrome and/or4 transient bullous dermolysis of the many distressing and life-threatening local and systemic newborn.5 complications. Patients with Herlitz disease die early in Kindler syndrome, a rare disorder with poikiloderma childhood from one of these complications or from sepsis. and photosensitivity in childhood, may induce traumatic Chapter 7 ● Cutaneous Symptoms and Neonatal Emergencies 69 blisters in the neonatal period.6 It is due to mutations in the gene coding for kindlin-1, a protein linking actin filaments to the extracellular matrix.

Neonatal Syphilis Congenital syphilis has disappeared where effective pro- phylaxis is performed in pregnant women. In other situ- ations, it may still be observed. The first sign is usually rhinitis, an unusual symptom in newborns. Many types of cutaneous eruptions may be seen, including a characteristic bullous eruption on the palms and soles. Congenital syphilis is a systemic infection with hepatic, bone, and neurologic manifestations. Spirochetes can be found in the lesions. FIGURE 7.3: Neonatal herpes simplex. (Photo courtesy of Alain Serological tests are reactive. Parenteral penicillin G is the Ta¨ıeb, MD, Bordeaux, France.) first-line treatment.

flu-like febrile illness before onset of labor. Infants appear Porphyria septicemic with a multisystemic involvement. Cutaneous Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, or Gunther disease, lesions are present at birth. A macular–papular generalized is due to the absence of uroporphyrinogen III synthase. rash, with petechiae, progresses to vesicles, then pustules. Children suffer from extreme photosensitivity, which may Gram-positive rods can be found in the pustules. Immedi- induce blistering on exposed areas and skin fragility, start- ate antibiotic treatment is needed, using ampicillin and an ing in the neonatal period. aminoglycoside.

Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Herpes Simplex Infection Transient neonatal blistering may be caused by the Neonatal herpes is usually acquired perinatally from an transplacental transmission of maternal autoantibodies. infected mother. The more frequent cause is primary her- The diagnosis is usually easy, but the affected mother may pes simplex virus (HSV)2 infection, but HSV1 and recur- (rarely) have an inactive disease. rences may also infect the newborn. The dermatologist may The maternal disease is usually pemphigoid gestationis diagnose neonatal herpes by clinical examination showing (herpes gestationis), an autoimmune subepidermal bullous isolated or grouped 1- to 3-mm vesicles with a slight sur- disease associated with pregnancy.7 Newborns from moth- rounding erythema (Figure 7.3) on the skin or, more rarely, ers with pemphigus vulgaris may suffer from neonatal blis- the oral mucosa. ters and mucosal lesions.8 The diagnosis may be rapidly confirmed by Tzanck smear, polymerase chain reaction, or immunofluorescence. The treatment is intravenous acyclovir, 20 mg/kg every 8 VESICULAR/PUSTULAR ERUPTIONS hours. There are three forms of neonatal herpes simplex Neonatal Sepsis infection: Neonatal sepsis is a worldwide problem and a leading cause of mortality in newborns. Prevention and treatment strate- ● Superficial herpes simplex infection (50% of cases): gies have been discussed.9 Cutaneous symptoms are not There is no extracutaneous dissemination, and the prog- infrequent in neonatal sepsis, but the majority are non- nosis is good. specific.10 Therefore, a diagnosis of sepsis must systemati- cally be suspected and appropriate biological examinations ● Encephalitis (40% of cases). Cutaneous lesions may not performed. The availability of superficial lesions, however, be present. The prognosis is severe, with possible seque- may be helpful for the bacteriological identification of the lae despite antiviral treatment. causing organism. ● Disseminated herpes (10%). Newborns appear sep- ticemic, with fever, neurological signs, and multisys- temic involvement (lung, liver, eye). Cutaneous lesions are present in half the cases. Even with treatment, mor- Listeria monocytogenes is a rare cause of maternal–fetal infec- tality is high and survivors often suffer from ocular and tion. Affected mothers, contaminated by food, develop a neurological sequelae. 70 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

fungal filaments are easily found in the lesions. Parenteral antifungal therapy and supportive care are necessary.

Scabies The incubation period of scabies is approximately 15 days, and a newborn may be contaminated by the cutaneous con- tact of an infested individual. The newborn does not express pruritus. The skin lesions are a papular–vesicular eruption, with small nodules predominating around the axillae, vesi- cles, or pustules on the palms and soles. Burrows may be seen by the naked eye, and dermoscopy may identify the intraepidermal mite. The contaminating person is usually rapidly found. FIGURE 7.4: Invasive candidal dermatitis. First-line treatment for neonatal scabies is a scabicide product containing pyrethroids. Care must be taken in the Varicella decontamination of the linen, the treatment of contact indi- Congenital varicella, acquired in utero from a maternal viduals, and the avoidance of repeated or toxic treatments. varicella between the 13th and the 20th week of pregnancy, Infantile acropustulosis is a rare pustulosis of infants, is rare.11 It may result in limb abnormalities and/or ocu- predominating on the hands and feet. It must not be mis- lar and neurological involvement. The cutaneous lesions taken for scabies, but may follow an efficiently treated are irregular scars (sometimes zosteriform), atrophic areas, scabies. and/or hemorrhagic blisters. Perinatal varicella is a severe disease, occurring when the mother presents varicella between 5 days before and 2 Incontinentia Pigmenti days after delivery. The newborn has a disseminated, vesic- All of the preceding vesicular–pustular conditions of neo- ular rash, as well as a visceral varicella (lung, liver). Spe- nates are of an infectious nature. Incontinentia pigmenti is cific immunoglobulins may prevent or lessen the severity an X-linked dominant genetic disorder, occurring almost of neonatal varicella.12 Acyclovir and supportive therapy are only in girls.13 It is due to mutations of the NEMO gene, needed. The varicella vaccine should eradicate this severe located in X q 28. Inflammatory vesicles in a blaschkoid disease. pattern are the first clinical manifestation of incontinentia pigmenti. Papular, keratotic, then pigmentary lesions may follow or coexist. Eosinophils are found in the vesicles, and Congenital Candidosis there is at the same time a blood hypereosinophilia. Incon- Newborns may have localized Candida infections: oral tinentia pigmenti is usually a benign, limited disorder, but thrush, perianal diaper dermatitis, and/or nail infection may include neurological (epilepsy, mental retardation), with . ocular, and dental abnormalities requiring specialized con- Congenital cutaneous candidosis is acquired in utero from a sultations. A genetic consultation is also advised. candidal chorioamniotitis. It is manifest at birth or shortly after, as a generalized rash, made of dozens of small erythe- matous papules that rapidly progress to vesicles and pus- OTHER NEONATAL ERUPTIONS tules, followed by superficial desquamation. Respiratory infection can be found, but systemic dissemination is rare, Macular–Papular Eruptions in contrast with systemic candidosis, which may include Bacterial neonatal infections (neonatal sepsis) are multisys- skin lesions. A parenteral antifungal therapy is required if temic. A macular–papular rash may be observed, but is not there is evidence of pneumonia or birth weight is less than indicative of any etiological agent.10 1500 g. Invasive fungal dermatitis is a severe candidal infection occurring in only extremely premature babies (birth weight Purpuras <1000 g). The fungi (organisms other than Candida albi- Apart from traumatic purpura resulting from a difficult cans may be responsible) invade the body through the skin, delivery, purpura in a newborn is always an emergency. The because of the absence of an efficient epidermal barrier. main causes are platelet abnormalities, coagulation defects, This disseminated dermatitis starts a few days after birth, and infections. as an erythematous crusty eruption, with erosions and pus- Protein C and protein S deficiency may cause neona- tules (Figure 7.4). As in all forms of superficial candidiasis, tal purpura fulminans. Infections may include purpura Chapter 7 ● Cutaneous Symptoms and Neonatal Emergencies 71

Subcutaneous nodules, starting shortly after birth, are located on the upper back, shoulders, and arms. They resolve in a few weeks, and their main complication is hypercalcemia.

NEONATAL ERYTHRODERMA Erythroderma, in other words, generalized erythema and desquamation, can occur in newborns.16 This must be dif- ferentiated from toxinic erythema (SSSS), generalized mas- tocytosis (skin infiltration, bullae), and ichthyosis bullosa (erythema, hyperkeratosis, bullae). The main causes of neonatal erythroderma are immuno- deficiencies (including Omenn syndrome); inflammatory dermatoses such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis (Leiner disease), or atopic dermatitis; some metabolic disorders; and inherited ichthyoses. Erythroderma is a state of suba- cute cutaneous insufficiency, and affected newborns are at risk of superinfections as well as metabolic complications due to proteic, aqueous, and ionic transepidermal losses. They require intensive neonatal care, careful investigation, FIGURE 7.5: Bluish nodular eruption (“blueberry muffin baby”) and follow-up. Cutaneous management is based on emol- during a cytomegalovirus infection. (Photo courtesy of Odile lients and prevention of infection. Enjolras, MD, Paris, France.) Inherited ichthyoses are a group of genetic skin diseases characterized by excessive desquamation. Some of these by many mechanisms, including thrombocytopenia and disorders can be present at birth. The clinical presentation extramedullary erythropoiesis. is a neonatal erythroderma, or a collodion baby. The collodion baby is a striking phenotype: The baby TORCH Syndrome seems to be surrounded by a shiny, erythematous envelope resembling cellophane or collodion. Tension around the TORCH is an acronym designating a clinical condi- eyes and the mouth gives rise to eclabion and ectropion tion that can be caused by several congenital infections: (Figure 7.6). The collodion-like envelope soon fissures and Toxoplasmosis, Other infections, Rubella, Cytomegalo- desquamates. Collodion babies are at risk of dehydration, virus, and Herpes. hypothermia, and infection from an inefficient skin barrier Clinical manifestations include petechial purpura, jaun- andtheymustbekeptinincubators.Skincareisbased dice, and cutaneous nodules of erythropoiesis (blueberry on abundant emollients and prevention of infection. Sys- muffin baby) (Figure 7.5).14 The systemic consequences of temic toxicity of any topical must be considered. Collodion the infections may be very severe. babies must be differentiated from the desquamation of postmature newborns, and from the collodion-like hyper- Lupus Erythematosus keratotic aspect of some ectodermal dysplasias. Although Neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE) is due to the trans- the majority of collodion babies have variants of congeni- 17 placental transfer of some antinuclear antibodies (anti-Ro- tal ichthyosis, some cases rapidly recover, with perfectly SSA, more rarely anti-LA–SSB). Mothers may be asymp- normal skin. It is impossible to predict the prognosis during tomatic or suffering from a connective tissue disease. The the first days or weeks after birth. autoantibodies are pathogenic for the skin and the car- Netherton syndrome is characterized by a special form diac conducting tissue. Cutaneous NLE consists of annular of ichthyosis (ichthyosis linearis circumflexa), trichorrhexis papulosquamous lesions, located on the upper part of the invaginata, and atopic dermatitis. This syndrome is due to face and scalp. They disappear in a few weeks. NLE may mutations of the gene SPINK 5, which codes for a pro- also cause congenital heart block and, rarely, liver disease tease inhibitor called LEKTI. Affected children may be and hematologic manifestations. erythrodermic at birth (Figure 7.7). In this condition, the epidermal barrier is greatly impaired and there is a risk of hypernatremic dehydration, as well as systemic intoxica- Nodular Eruptions tion from absorbed topical drugs. The same risk exists, to Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn is a benign pan- a lesser degree, in all erythrodermic infants and, as said, in niculitis occurring in newborns with some risk factors.15 collodion babies. 72 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 7.6: Collodion baby. (Photo courtesy of Claudine FIGURE 7.7: Neonatal erythroderma of Netherton syndrome. Blanchet-Bardon, MD, Paris, France.)

CONGENITAL CUTANEOUS TUMORS must be diagnosed rapidly. The two areas of concern are the needed workup, the specialized medical–surgical man- Hemangiomas agement, and the psychological support to the parents. Hemangiomas usually become visible after a few weeks. At Infantile myofibromatosis appears at birth as cutaneous birth, they may be mistaken for capillary angiomas. White nodules that may be solitary or multiple. Skin lesions vasoconstriction areas may herald the development of a may regress spontaneously, but visceral lesions may be hemangioma. fatal. Hemangioma-related emergencies may result from a rapid increase in size, associated with thrombocytope- Mastocytosis nia (Kasabach–Merritt syndrome), from diffuse heman- Mastocytosis is a benign infiltration of the skin by mast giomatosis with visceral involvement, or from ulcerations cells. Several forms exist, which may be present at birth. of periorificial hemangiomas. Darier’s sign is a useful clinical clue: The gentle rubbing Congenital hemangiomas18 can even be diagnosed pre- of the lesion induces an urticarial papulation. The rubbing natally. They realize violaceous superficial tumors (Figure must be done on a very small area, to avoid generalized 7.8). Some regress rapidly. If the diagnosis of hemangioma flushing. cannot be ascertained clinically, a biopsy is necessary. Mastocytoma is a round elevated nodule, usually solitary. Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis presents as large, thick, Hamartomas orange or brown plaques (Figure 7.9). Urtication or bulla Localized cutaneous malformations are visible at birth. formation may be the consequence of pressure or friction Epidermal nevi, melanocytic nevi, and other hamartomas, by clothes. Chapter 7 ● Cutaneous Symptoms and Neonatal Emergencies 73

FIGURE 7.8: Congenital hemangioma. FIGURE 7.9: Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis.

Urticaria pigmentosa is the name given to papular masto- Usual locations are the head and neck and the perineal cytosis, which develops later in infancy. area. Congenital melanoma is a rare occurrence. It may present as a nodule on a giant congenital melanocytic nevus. Neoplastic Diseases Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a polymorphous dis- order. It cannot be considered as an emergency, but it is important to suspect LCH when a newborn has papular– crusty, sometimes purpuric lesions in the folds, the scalp, and/or the diaper area (Letterer–Siwe disease). Visceral and/or bone involvement, as well as diabetes insipidus, may be present. A nodular form of LCH is regressive (Hashimoto–Pritzker syndrome). Neuroblastoma may be present at birth. Cutaneous metas- tases appear as firm, bluish nodules(Figure 7.10 ), which may blanch on palpation. Histological examination will differentiate these lesions from leukemia or nonneoplastic causes of “blueberry muffin” lesions. Leukemia is rarely congenital. Purpuric and nodular lesions appear in the context of a systemic leukemia. Biopsy and blood examinations provide the precise diagnosis. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor that can be con- FIGURE 7.10: Subcutaneous metastasis of neuroblastoma. genital. It appears as a shiny, red to purple firm tumor. (Photo courtesy of A¨ıcha Salhi, MD, Algiers, Algeria.) 74 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

In all these cases of neonatal cutaneous tumors, the diag- 6. Fassihi H, Wessagowit V, Jones C, et al. Neonatal diagnosis nosis relies on the histological examination of a biopsy, of Kindler syndrome. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;39:183–5. which may be considered as urgent. Special stains may be 7. Aoyama Y, Asai K, Hioki K, et al. Herpes gestationis in necessary. a mother and newborn: immunoclinical perspectives based on a weekly follow-up of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay index of a bullous pemphigoid antigen noncollagenous APLASIA CUTIS domain. Arch Dermatol. 2007;143:1168–72. Aplasia cutis is a congenital absence of skin, on a lim- 8. Campo-Voegeli A, Muniz˜ F, Mascaro´ JM, et al. Neona- tal pemphigus vulgaris with extensive mucocutaneous lesions ited area. The majority of cases are small, round atrophic from a mother with oral pemphigus vulgaris. Br J Dermatol. patches of the scalp, near the vertex, with no associated 2002;147:801–5. anomaly. 9. Vergnano S, Sharland M, Kazembe P, et al. Neonatal sepsis: There are in fact many other situations, including associ- an international perspective. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal ations with EB (Bart syndrome), malformative syndromes, Ed. 2005;90:F220–4. and chromosomal defects.19 10. Olivier-Martin M, Wallach D, Bordier C, et al. Les signes Some cases of aplasia cutis are large congenital ulcer- cutanes´ des infections bacteriennes´ neonatales.´ Arch Fr Pedi- ations requiring careful wound care. Large ulcerations of atr. 1985;42:471–82. the scalp may involve the underlying structures, with the 11. Enders G, Miller E, Cradock-Watson J, et al. Consequences risk of lethal hemorrhages of the venous system. Radiologic of varicella and herpes zoster in pregnancy: prospective study imaging and surgery may be necessary. of 1739 cases. Lancet. 1994;343:1548–51. 12. Heuchan AM, Isaacs D. The management of varicella-zoster virus exposure and infection in pregnancy and the newborn PREMATURITY AS A CUTANEOUS EMERGENCY period. Australasian Subgroup in Paediatric Infectious Dis- eases of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases. Med The main function of the skin is to constitute a barrier J Aust. 2001;174:288–92. between the organism and the environment. This function 13. Hadj-Rabia S, Froidevaux D, Bodak N, et al. Clinical is carried out by the stratum corneum, which is formed study of 40 cases of incontinentia pigmenti. Arch Dermatol. during the last trimester of gestation. Premature babies 2003;1399:1163–70. (born before the 37th week) lack an efficient epidermal bar- 14. Epps RE, Pittelkow MR, Su WPD. TORCH syndrome. rier and are at risk of dehydration, hypothermia, infection, Semin Dermatol. 1995;14:179–86. and systemic toxicity of topicals. The procedures of neona- 15. Mahe´ E, Girszyn N, Hadj-Rabia S, et al. Subcutaneous fat tal medicine, including the care in heat- and hydration- necrosis of the newborn: a systematic evaluation of risk fac- tors, clinical manifestations, complications and outcome of 16 controlled incubators, aim at alleviating the consequences 20 children. Br J Dermatol. 2007;156:709–15. of the functional insufficiency of the immature skin. 16. Pruszkowski A, Bodemer C, Fraitag S, et al. Neonatal and infantile erythrodermas: a retrospective study of 51 patients. Arch Dermatol. 2000;136:875–80. REFERENCES 17. Paller AS. Disorders of cornification (ichthyosis). In: Eichen- 1. Eichenfield LF, Frieden IJ, Esterly NB. Textbook of neonatal field LF, Frieden IJ, Esterly NB, editors. Textbook of neona- dermatology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001. tal dermatology. Philadelphia:WB Saunders; 2001. pp. 276– 2. Taieb A, Enjolras E, Vabres P, Wallach D. Dermatologie 93. neonatale.´ Paris: Vigot Maloine; 2009. 18. Mulliken JB, Enjolras O. Congenital hemangiomas and 3. Lin AN. Management of patients with epidermolysis bullosa. infantile hemangioma: missing links. J Am Acad Dermatol. Dermatol Clin. 1996;14:381–7. 2004;50:875–82. 4. Levy SB, Goldsmith LA. The peeling skin syndrome. J Am 19. Frieden IJ. Aplasia cutis congenita: a clinical review and pro- Acad Dermatol. 1982;7:606–13. posal for classification. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986;14:646–60. 5. Fassihi H, Diba VC, Wessagowit V, et al. Transient bullous 20. Williams ML. Skin of the premature infant. In: Eichenfield dermolysis of the newborn in three generations. Br J Derma- LF, Frieden IJ, Esterly NB, editors. Textbook of neonatal tol. 2005;153:1058–63. dermatology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001. pp. 46–61. CHAPTER 8 Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections, Including Necrotizing Fasciitis

Ronni Wolf Yalc¸in Tuz¨ un¨ Batya B. Davidovici

SKIN AND SKIN structures are among the most frequent surgical debridement of these often fatal and crippling dis- sites of human bacterial infection and account for ∼10% eases will save patients’ lives and reduce morbidity. It is of hospital admissions in the United States.1 for this reason that familiarity with the clinical character- The terminology used for infections of skin and skin istics, diagnostic tools, and principles of management is so structures is often confusing. “Primary” skin infections important when dealing with affected individuals. occur in otherwise normal skin and are usually caused by Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is categorized as type 1, 2, or group A streptococci or Staphylococcus aureus. Infections are 3, depending on the causative organisms.3 Type 1 NF is called “secondary” when they complicate chronic skin con- mostly a mixed infection from aerobic and anaerobic bac- ditions (e.g., eczema or atopic dermatitis). teria, including Group A β-hemolytic streptococci (GAS), A second classification system divides skin and skin- S. aureus, Klebsiella species, Enterococci, Escherichia coli,and structure infections into “uncomplicated” or “compli- Clostridium and Bacteroides species. The infecting organ- cated,” the latter defined as involving abnormal skin or isms are often introduced at sites of surgery or trauma, wound infections occurring in a compromised host or and the lesions are often found in perineal and abdominal requiring substantial surgical intervention. areas. A more important and, for our purposes, relevant dis- Type 2 NF is caused by GAS, possibly with a coinfection tinction with essential management implications subdivides by S. aureus, and primarily affects the extremities. Type 3 soft-tissue infections into “non-necrotizing” and “necro- NF is associated with Vibrio vulnificus, which enters the sub- tizing” processes. This chapter reviews only the necrotiz- cutaneous tissues via puncture wounds from fish or marine ing soft-tissue infections (NSTIs) – the ones that pose real insects. emergencies that are rapidly progressive, destructive, and Another similar classification1 distinguishes among the highly lethal. following subgroups of NF: NSTIs can be defined as infections of any of the layers within the soft-tissue compartment (dermis, subcutaneous 1. Polymicrobial fasciitis (type I), tissue, superficial fascia, deep fascia, or muscle) that are 2. Fournier , associated with necrotizing changes. NSTIs are typically 3. Synergistic necrotizing “cellulitis” with fasciitis and not associated with abscesses, although they can originate myonecrosis, from an untreated or inadequately drained . The incidence of NSTIs in the United States, as recently 4. Streptococcal gangrene (type II), and established from insurance databases from various states, 5. Fasciitis caused by V. vulnificus and other vibrio species. is 0.04 cases per 1000 person-years.2 This number is high enough to predict that surgeons, family physicians, Myonecrosis is further subdivided into crepitant myo- internists, and dermatologists will encounter at least one necrosis and noncrepitant myonecrosis. patient during their practice, but too low for these doctors It should be noted, however, that anatomical boundaries to acquire any real degree of familiarity with the disease. are not necessarily respected by invasive pathogens and one Distinguishing NSTIs from non-NSTIs and establishing form of infection can rapidly progress to another (e.g., cel- the diagnosis of these infections is probably the greatest lulitis can progress to fasciitis and myonecrosis and vice challenge in managing them. Early diagnosis and aggressive versa).


CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND LABORATORY TABLE 8.1: Signs and Symptoms of NF AIDS REQUIRED FOR DIAGNOSIS Symptom/Physical finding % of patients We will briefly describe an actual case that emphasizes the essence of early diagnosis. Pain >97% One of us (RW) was called for a consultation in the Erythema ∼100% rheumatology clinic to examine a 26-year-old woman with Swelling ∼75% systemic lupus erythematosus due to severe pain at the hip Fever 40%Ð70% area. The affected skin was erythematous and – we willl get Skin necrosis 30%Ð45% Blistering 20%Ð40% ahead of ourselves here – it had a giveaway color, something Crepitus 12%Ð25% between pink and violet, a color that, once you see, you X-ray findings ∼20% will never miss. She was febrile but appeared to be in good physical condition, and had come for consultation inde- pendently. We prescribed ampicillin with clavulinic acie to the inexperienced clinician as being more serious than and instructed her to return the following week. Instead, cellulitis, and cellulitis more alarming than NF. It cannot she presented on the same evening to the emergency room be emphasized enough that the very early stage of NF, because of worsening of the pain that was now unbearable. the time when we strive to make the correct diagnosis, is Because nothing in her clinical situation seemed to have characterized by mild symptoms that provide no clues of changed, the consultant dermatologist ordered an x-ray, the seriousness and grave prognosis of the disease. Most which showed no bone or joint involvement, so he dis- of the patients we saw were febrile (but in apparent good charged her with the same medication. She returned to the health) and came for consultation independently with no emergency room on the following morning and died one need for special transportation. This experience is also the day later from septic shock (the result of cultures was GAS) experience of others.6 The affected dermal area character- and multiorgan failure. What we want to emphasize in this istically had the typical rose–violet color. One symptom tragic case is the paucity of dermatologic symptoms and the that no report misses is the disproportionately severe pain absence of systemic symptoms except for severe localized at the site of involvement. Another clue to diagnosis is the pain. There were no signs of either sepsis or shock, when tenderness extending beyond the apparent area of involve- the patient was first seen by us. ment. The explanation for this phenomenon is the rapid It is our experience that too many cases of NF are misdi- spread of the infection along the deep fascia, faster than in agnosed as non-NSTIs, and vice versa. This is also the expe- the epidermis. rience of others. In a large case series4 of NF, only 14.6% of An additional cause and possible explanation for misdi- the patients were correctly diagnosed or suspected as hav- agnosis or delay in diagnosing NF is the search for spe- ing NF on admission. The majority of the patients were cific findings that are either not as common as previously diagnosed as having cellulitis (58.4%) or abscesses (18%). thought, or, more important, are signs that become appar- Similar numbers were recorded on the case report forms of ent only later in the evolution of the disease. These signs 42 cases of GAS NF at the Florida Department of Health.5 include the presence of crepitus on physical examination or Only 9.5% were correctly diagnosed as having NF, and soft-tissue air on plain x-ray, hemorrhagic and gangrenous 4.8% were diagnosed as suffering from invasive GAS dis- bullae and ulcers, and the appearance of compartment syn- ease or toxic shock syndrome (also an acceptable diagnosis), drome (one of the favorite signs of the orthopedic sur- but 31% of the patients had an admitting diagnosis of cel- geons). Pathognomonic as all these signs may be, waiting lulitis and 24% of sepsis. The reason for this misdiagnosis for them to emerge would lead to a regrettable and unfor- is, in our opinion, the enormous dread of discovering that tunate postponement in arriving at the correct diagno- our patient is suffering from “flesh-eating disease” together sis. According to some large, retrospective case series4,6–8 with the erroneous expectation that the clinical signs should and reviews,9 the most common symptom of NF is pain be suitably dramatic. (>97%), and the most common clinical findings on admis- Clinicians should be aware that the pathological process sion are erythema, tenderness, and warm skin on palpation involved in NF takes place very deeply – in other words, at (>90%–100%). Much less common and inconsistent symp- the level of the fascial planes and even deeper – thus sparing toms are fever and tachycardia (40%–70%), bullae/vesicle the top layers of the skin at the earliest stages. This is unlike formation (20%–40%), and discoloration (20%–40%). Still cellulitis, which involves the dermis and subcutaneous tis- less common are crepitations (12%–25%), x-ray findings sues early on, and much different from erysipelas, the most (∼20%), skin necrosis, and hypotension, which are also late superficial infection. Consequently, clinical signs (e.g., the signs (Table 8.1). color, hemorrhagic bullae, and necrotic skin ulcers) are Although we do not doubt the claims that crepitus, blis- more prominent in the more superficial skin infections and tering, or radiographic evidence of soft-tissue gas are found less noticeable in the deeper ones. Erysipelas would appear in more than 80% of patients on admission,10 we believe Chapter 8 ● Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections, Including Necrotizing Fasciitis 77 that these are not the early signs that the clinician should patient hemodynamically before surgery, and delay may look for. Indeed, it is not uncommon for NF patients to lead to a fatal outcome. After the initial debridement has progress with alarming rapidity through the early, interme- been done, management in an intensive care unit is recom- diate, and late presentations within hours of initial insult, so mended, and scheduled debridements should be performed they present with “hard signs” on admission. These cannot as necessary. and should not be considered early signs. Indeed, although Physiologic support combined with close monitoring in the previously mentioned symptoms are the ones apparent an intensive care unit setting is mandatory. Appropriate at admission, it does not mean that they are the earliest nutritional (enteral or parenteral) support administered as ones. early as possible cannot be overemphasized. The magni- tude of protein and fluid loss from the large wounds asso- KEYS TO EARLY DIAGNOSIS ciated with NF is tremendous. In general, patients with severe tissue loss should receive twice their basal caloric ● Do not look for the “hard signs,” such as necrosis, crepi- requirements.7,11 Aggressive fluid resuscitation and blood tation, x-ray findings, or compartment syndrome. These component therapy is often required during the perioper- are late signs and, in any event, are present in the minor- ative period. ity of patients. It is not uncommon to see patients with NF develop ● Do not expect to see a severely ill patient with signs of organ failure, such as acute renal failure (∼30%), adult septic shock. NF patients are often in apparently good respiratory distress syndrome (∼30%), multiorgan sys- health and walk into your clinic just like ordinary other- tem dysfunction (20%), infectious complications, and wise fit patients. others,10 all of which require careful monitoring and ● Look for severe disproportionate pain and the typical prompt treatment. color of the erythema: They are, in our opinion, the most As for the role of antibiotics in NF, we refer to the Infec- reliable signs that should raise suspicion of NF. tious Disease Society of America guidelines.13 Antimicro- ● Tenderness usually extends beyond the area of skin bial therapy must be directed at the pathogens and used in involvement. appropriate doses until repeated operative procedures are no longer needed, until the patient has demonstrated obvi- ous clinical improvement, and until fever has been absent TREATMENT for 48–72 hours. The treatment of NF involves the principles of treatment of any kind of surgical infection: source control, antimi- crobial therapy, support (hemodynamic, nutritional) and ANTIMICROBIALS monitoring. NF is an excellent example of the important Mixed infection: Ampicillin-sulbactam or piperacillin- role of source control. When treatment is based only on tazobactam + clindamycin + ciprofloxacin. Alternatively, antimicrobial therapy and support, mortality approaches meropenem, ertapenem, cefotaxime + metronidazole or 100%.11,12 Antibiotics have not been shown to halt the clindamycin infection in NF when pre- and postantibiotic series are GAS infection (type II NF): Penicillin + clindamycin compared.12 It is clear that early and complete debridement S. aureus infection: Nafcillin, oxacillin, cefazolin, van- is essential for effective treatment of NF. Concomitantly, comycin (for resistant strains), clindamycin appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage combined with adequate organ support and close monitoring helps Clostridium infection: Clindamycin or penicillin patients during the acute phase of the disease, but, again, it is only the complete debridement of infected tissue that Until recently, therapy directed against methicillin- controls the infection and allows for future recovery. resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was not recommended in stan- Wide debridement of all necrotic and poorly perfused dard guides, presumably because of the rarity of this tissue at the time of initial presentation is clearly the most pathogen as a cause of NF. Over the past few years, important step. The debridement is extended until skin and community-associated infections caused by MRSA (CA- subcutaneous tissue cannot be elevated off the deep fascia MRSA), the majority involving skin and soft tissues, have by a gentle forward pushing maneuver. Healthy, viable, become common in multiple areas in the United States bleeding tissue should be present at the edges of the exci- and worldwide. CA-MRSA should no longer be regarded sion site, and aggressive resuscitation should accompany as a strictly nosocomial pathogen.14 MRSA is now the most the perioperative period. Poorly perfused tissue is a nidus common pathogen isolated in the emergency department for continued bacterial proliferation. The anesthesiologist from skin and soft-tissue infections.15 Recently, 14 cases plays a critical role in the initial management of hemody- of NF associated with CA-MRSA were identified among namic instability. Because NF fuels the progression of the 843 patients whose wound cultures grew MRSA,16 and septic state, one may not be able to completely stabilize the wound cultures were monomicrobial for MRSA in 12 of 78 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY them. Although all these patients survived, serious com- conclusion of the Infectious Disease Society of America13 plications were common, including prolonged stays in the “ . . . that additional studies of the efficacy of IVIG are nec- intensive care unit, the need for mechanical ventilation and essarybeforearecommendationcanbemade...”Wevig- reconstructive surgery, septic shock, nosocomial infections, orously disagree with those clinicians who suggest that this and endophthalmitis. The main lesson from this and other therapy “may allow an initial non-operative or minimally reports is that we should include antibiotics with good activ- invasive approach.”26 No therapy should tempt the surgeon ity against CA-MRSA in the currently recommended ther- to postpone surgery or to perform less mutilating and, con- apy for NF.16,17 Vancomycin is still the preferred antibiotic sequently, less effective surgery. for empirical coverage and definitive therapy, but whether it should remain so is questionable. It is a less effective anti- staphylococcal agent than the penicillins, and increased use PROGNOSIS AND FACTORS THAT will further exacerbate problems with vancomycin-resistant AFFECT OUTCOME enterococci and staphylococci.17 Newer effective antibi- Many attempts have been made to understand the factors otics, such as linezolid and teicoplanin, represent appro- affecting mortality from NF. The fortunate rarity of the priate empirical therapeutic options.14 disease and the multiple factors that influence the outcome Single-organism NF is also increasingly recognized as a (such as causative agent, site of infection, and host factors) manifestation of Klebsiella infections18–20 probably due to have paradoxically hampered the establishment of an effec- the emergence of the highly virulent K1 capsular serotype, tive scoring system. Objective estimation of the probability the predominant serotype of potentially lethal dissemi- of death from NF would have provided an explicit basis for nated infection with this pathogen in Asia, including NF.18 clinical decisions, aided in the understanding of the rela- Single-organism NF due to Klebsiella speciesisstrongly tive contribution of these specific prognostic criteria, and associated with predisposing conditions, such as diabetes reduced the reliance on clinical intuition. mellitus, and has a propensity for metastatic dissemination The mortality rates for NF vary considerably, ranging resulting in multiple sites of infection.20 between less than 10% and as high as 75%. The larger, Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunctive treatment has been more robust, retrospective case series have narrowed these advocated by different groups that argue for a decrease in rates to between 25% and 40%.27 What is clear, however, is the number of debridements and an associated decrease in that the prognosis has improved considerably over the past mortality.7,21,22 Results from this therapeutic strategy are two decades as a result of early recognition and improved contradictory, and no real epidemiologically based studies supportive multidisciplinary measures. have been performed to elucidate the effect of this form of In a recently published retrospective analysis of 99 therapy. Certainly, hyperbaric oxygen therapy should not patients with NF treated in three tertiary care hospitals jeopardize standard therapy for NF. Hyperbaric oxygen in Ontario, Canada,28 the overall mortality was 20%. Six- is not available at all institutions and is hardly standard teen patients underwent amputation or suffered organ loss. equipment of ordinary intensive care units; thus patients There was a strong positive association between a patient’s would have to be transported to the chamber at least 3 times age and mortality, with the risk of death increasing by 4% per day, which may expose them to risk of contamination every year. Apart from age, streptococcal toxic shock syn- and may limit the ability to perform close monitoring and drome and immunocompromised status were independent timely debridements while they are in the chamber. predictors of mortality. There was also a significant associa- Another adjuvant treatment that has been used is intra- tion between diabetes and negative outcome. The anatomic venous immunoglobulin (IVIG). The value of this form sites of infection did not reach a level of significance in pre- of therapy is difficult to assess given the small number of dicting outcome, with the exception of perineal infection, patients that had ever been treated with this method, the which was significantly associated with a negative outcome. differences in methodologies and, particularly, the diver- Interestingly, the hyperbaric oxygen therapy group had a sity between batches of the different companies.23 The use higher mortality rate than did the nonhyperbaric oxygen of IVIG has been advocated mainly for GAS infections. therapy group.28 Information on the efficacy of IVIG in GAS bacteremia can be found in a publication of the Canadian Strepto- coccal Study Group.24 They compared survival in 21 con- NSTI CAUSED BY V. VULNIFICUS secutive patients with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome Although V. vulnificus infections had probably occurred in who had been given IVIG to that of 32 control patients ancient times (the first fatal infection was possibly reported who did not receive the therapy. Sixty-seven percent of the by Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE),29 it was not until treated patients survived compared with only 34% of the the reporting of the first case in 1987 (in Taiwan)30 that control patients. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial an increased prevalence became apparent. Recent findings from northern Europe showed no significant improvement suggest that the reason might be associated with global in survival for the IVIG group.25 We suggest adopting the warming and prolongation of warmer weather and warmer Chapter 8 ● Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections, Including Necrotizing Fasciitis 79 water temperature.31 V. vulnificus is considered one of the rapidly progressive inflammation of the skin and soft tis- most dangerous waterborne bacterial pathogens, with a sues following recent exposure to contaminated seawater case fatality rate that may reach 50% for V. vulnificus sep- or raw seafood, and possibly one of the associated predis- ticemia. Notably, V. vulnificus is estimated to account for posing diseases. Definitive diagnosis is made by identifying 95% of all seafood-related deaths in the United States.32 the bacteria from cultures. Gram-negative bacteria can be seen on Gram’s staining.

Microbiology and Epidemiology V. vulnificus is a naturally occurring, gram-negative, Treatment halophilic bacterium of the noncholera group that is a Soft-tissue infection by V. vulnificus represents a true sur- free-living inhabitant of estuaries and marine environments gical emergency. Early recognition and prompt aggressive throughout the world. Vibrio species have been found in debridement of all necrotic tissue are critical for survival warm coastal waters ranging in temperature from 9◦Cto and improve the rate of survival. The cause of death in 21◦C in geographically diverse regions that include the most cases is multiorgan failure, acute respiratory distress Gulf of Mexico, South America, Asia (Thailand, Taiwan, syndrome, or overwhelming sepsis. With appropriate early Hong Kong), and Australia.33 The bacterium is frequently surgical intervention, mortality varies from 8.7% to 50%, found in oysters, crustaceans, and shellfish (according to depending on a number of variables.36 Without surgical various reports, up to 50% of oysters and up to 11% of intervention, the disease is usually fatal because antibiotics crabs are cultured positive during summer).34 alone are ineffective against the large soft-tissue bacterial inocula resulting from the invasive nature of these infec- tions and because of the widespread obliterative vasculitis, Clinical Manifestations vascular necrosis, and thrombosis of the supplying vessels The disease manifestations caused by V. vulnificus depend that hinder the penetration of antibiotics to the affected on the route of infection, with three recognized syndromes: area. As with other types of NSTIs and NF, debridement 1) primary septicemia, which is classically linked to the con- must be aggressive, all necrotic tissue with overlying skin sumption of raw oysters; 2) wound infection resulting from should be excised deeply and beyond the necrotic area, and cellulitis caused by direct inoculation of the microorgan- all necrotic fascia and fat should be removed until healthy ism, which may result in tissue necrosis and secondary bac- viable tissue is evident. A second examination should be teremia (usually involving the exposure of chafed skin to done within 24 hours to assess the progression of the con- salty water containing the microorganism or injuries asso- dition and check the need for further debridement.36 ciated with the cultivation and/or preparation of seafood); In addition to aggressive surgical debridement, efficient and 3) gastrointestinal illness, characterized by vomiting, and early presurgical antimicrobial treatment is essential diarrhea, or abdominal pain. Pneumonia and endometritis for management of V. vulnificus infection. Antimicrobial have also been reported. Skin lesions appear within 24– use should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis is considered 48 hours of exposure. The disease process begins with likely. The combination of cefotaxime and minocycline localized tenderness followed by erythema, edema, and demonstrated a better outcome than monotherapy with indurated plaques. A purplish discoloration develops in the either drug alone.36 This combination is also better than center of the lesions and then undergoes necrosis, even- first- or second-generation cephalosporin. More recently, tually forming hemorrhagic bullae or ulcers. These clin- the newer fluoroquinolones have been demonstrated to be ical manifestations occur in nearly 90% of patients and as effective as the combination cefotaxime plus minocycline are most common on the lower extremities. Noteworthy, in vitro and in vivo.37 The combination of quinolone plus these symptoms are different from those described earlier cefotaxime showed a superior in vitro efficacy than either for NF because the infection usually starts superficially and drug alone or the combination of minocycline plus cefo- is accompanied by cellulitis. In a survey from Israel,35 for taxime.37 example, 57 of 62 cases of NSTI caused by V. vulnificus All other measures to be taken are the same as for other developed cellulitis, and only 4 had NF. types of NF. The disease occurs mostly in immunocompromised host–associated diseases. In a recent study of 67 patients,36 27 (40%) had hepatic disease, 17 (25.4%) had chronic REFERENCES renal insufficiency, and 12 (17.9%) exhibited adrenal insuf- 1. DiNubile MJ, Lipsky BA. Complicated infections of skin and ficiency. skin structures: when the infection is more than skin deep. The diagnosis of NSTI caused by V. vulnificus is diffi- J Antimicrob Chemother. 2004;53 Suppl 2:ii37–ii50. cult because the symptoms of sepsis caused by V. vulnifi- 2. Ellis Simonsen SM, van Orman ER, Hatch BE, et al. Cellulitis cus are not different from those of any other form of sep- incidence in a defined population. Epidemiol Infect. 2006; sis. This infection should be suspected in patients with a 134:293–9. 80 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

3. Salcido RS. Necrotizing fasciitis: reviewing the causes and 22. Riseman JA, Zamboni WA, Curtis A, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment strategies. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2007;20:288– therapy for necrotizing fasciitis reduces mortality and the need 93. for debridements. Surgery. 1990;108:847–50. 4. Wong CH, Chang HC, Pasupathy S, et al. Necrotizing fasci- 23. Kaul R, McGeer A, Low DE, et al. Population-based surveil- itis: clinical presentation, microbiology, and determinants of lance for group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis: clinical mortality. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2003;85-A:1454–60. features, prognostic indicators, and microbiologic analysis of 5. Mulla ZD. Group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis: reduc- seventy-seven cases. Ontario Group A Streptococcal Study. ing the risk of unwarranted litigation. Am J Emerg Med. 2005; Am J Med. 1997;103:18–24. 23:578–9. 24. Kaul R, McGeer A, Norrby-Teglund A, et al. Intra- 6. Wang YS, Wong CH, Tay YK. Staging of necrotizing fasci- venous immunoglobulin therapy for streptococcal toxic shock itis based on the evolving cutaneous features. Int J Dermatol. syndrome–a comparative observational study. The Cana- 2007;46:1036–41. dian Streptococcal Study Group. Clin Infect Dis. 1999; 7. Childers BJ, Potyondy LD, Nachreiner R, et al. Necrotizing 28:800–7. fasciitis: a fourteen-year retrospective study of 163 consecu- 25. Darenberg J, Ihendyane N, Sjolin J, et al. Intravenous tive patients. Am Surg. 2002;68:109–16. immunoglobulin G therapy in streptococcal toxic shock 8. Singh G, Sinha SK, Adhikary S, et al. Necrotising infections syndrome: a European randomized, double-blind, placebo- of soft tissues–a clinical profile. Eur J Surg. 2002;168:366–71. controlled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37:333–40. 9. Cunningham JD, Silver L, Rudikoff D. Necrotizing fasciitis: 26. Muller AE, Oostvogel PM, Steegers EA, Dorr PJ. Morbid- a plea for early diagnosis and treatment. Mt Sinai J Med. ity related to maternal group B streptococcal infections. Acta 2001;68:253–61. Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2006;85:1027–37. 10. Elliott DC, Kufera JA, Myers RA. Necrotizing soft tissue 27. Carter PS, Banwell PE. Necrotising fasciitis: a new manage- infections. Risk factors for mortality and strategies for man- ment algorithm based on clinical classification. Int Wound J. agement. Ann Surg. 1996;224:672–83. 2004;1:189–98. 11. Anaya DA, Dellinger EP. Necrotizing soft-tissue infection: 28. Golger A, Ching S, Goldsmith CH, et al. Mortality in diagnosis and management. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:705– patients with necrotizing fasciitis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 10. 2007;119:1803–7. 12. Burge TS. Necrotizing fasciitis–the hazards of delay. J R Soc 29. Baethge BA, West BC. Vibrio vulnificus: did Hippocrates Med. 1995;88:342P–343P. describe a fatal case? Rev Infect Dis. 1988;10:614–15. 13. Stevens DL, Bisno AL, Chambers HF, et al. Practice guide- 30. Yuan CY, Yuan CC, Wei DC, Lee AM. Septicemia and lines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft-tissue gangrenous change of the legs caused by marine vibrio, V. infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;41:1373–406. vulnificus–report of a case.. Taiwan Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi. 14. Maltezou HC, Giamarellou H. Community-acquired 1987;86:448–51. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. Int J 31. Paz S, Bisharat N, Paz E, et al. Climate change and the Antimicrob Agents. 2006;27:87–96. emergence of Vibrio vulnificus disease in Israel. Environ Res. 15. Moran GJ, Krishnadasan A, Gorwitz RJ, et al. Methicillin- 2007;103:390–6. resistant S. aureus infections among patients in the emergency 32. Oliver JD, Bockian R. In vivo resuscitation, and virulence department. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:666–74. towards mice, of viable but nonculturable cells of Vibrio vul- 16. Miller LG, Perdreau-Remington F, Rieg G, et al. Necro- nificus. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1995;61:2620–3. tizing fasciitis caused by community-associated methicillin- 33. Strom MS, Paranjpye RN. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Los Angeles. N Engl J Vibrio vulnificus. Microbes Infect. 2000;2:177–88. Med. 2005;352:1445–53. 34. Tamplin M, Rodrick GE, Blake NJ, Cuba T. Isolation and 17. Chambers HF. Community-associated MRSA–resistance and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus from two Florida estuar- virulence converge. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:1485–7. ies. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1982;44:1466–70. 18. Kohler JE, Hutchens MP, Sadow PM, et al. Klebsiella pneu- 35. Bisharat N, Agmon V, Finkelstein R, et al. Clinical, epi- moniae necrotizing fasciitis and septic arthritis: an appear- demiological, and microbiological features of Vibrio vulnifi- ance in the Western hemisphere. Surg Infect (Larchmt). cus biogroup 3 causing outbreaks of wound infection and 2007;8:227–32. bacteraemia in Israel. Israel Vibrio Study Group. Lancet. 19. Liu YM, Chi CY, Ho MW, et al. Microbiology and fac- 1999;354:1421–4. tors affecting mortality in necrotizing fasciitis. J Microbiol 36. Kuo YL, Shieh SJ, Chiu HY, Lee JW. Necrotizing fasciitis Immunol Infect. 2005;38:430–5. caused by Vibrio vulnificus: epidemiology, clinical findings, 20. Wong CH, Kurup A, Wang YS, et al. Four cases of necrotiz- treatment and prevention. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. ing fasciitis caused by Klebsiella species. Eur J Clin Microbiol 2007;26:785–92. Infect Dis. 2004;23:403–7. 37. Kim DM, Lym Y, Jang SJ, et al. In vitro efficacy of the 21. Jallali N, Withey S, Butler PE. Hyperbaric oxygen as adjuvant combination of ciprofloxacin and cefotaxime against Vib- therapy in the management of necrotizing fasciitis. Am J Surg. rio vulnificus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005;49:3489– 2005;189:462–6. 91. CHAPTER 9 Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections

Richard B. Cindrich Donald Rudikoff

DERMATOLOGISTS are often called on to diagnose may derive from sinus infection, otolaryngological consul- severe life-threatening skin infections in the emergency tation is often helpful. department, hospital wards, and in their clinical prac- tices. The observational skills of the dermatologic specialist enable him or her to differentiate conditions that are poten- Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis tially fatal from those that may look horrific but are not life Distinction between preseptal and orbital cellulitis in threatening. This chapter provides essential information on patients with periorbital inflammation is the major pri- serious infections, many of which are not usually discussed ority. Patients with preseptal cellulitis complain of pain, in depth in most dermatologic texts. These include perior- symptoms of conjunctivitis, epiphora, and blurred vision bital (preseptal) and orbital cellulitis, malignant external and display eyelid and periorbital erythema and edema otitis, meningococcemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever that may be so severe that they cannot open the eye.3 (RMSF), Mediterranean spotted fever, anthrax, , Although edema may frustrate examination, the visual acu- and infections with Vibrio vulnificus, hydrophila ity, light reflexes, and range of motion of the globe should and Chromobacterium violaceum.Itishopedthatprompt be assessed. Unlike preseptal cellulitis, orbital cellulitis recognition of these infections by the clinician will reduce presents with some degree of ophthalmoplegia, pain on morbidity and possibly be lifesaving. eye movement, and/or proptosis. The latter condition may also compromise the optic nerve causing vision loss, abnor- mal papillary reflexes, and disk edema. Computed tomog- PERIORBITAL (PRESEPTAL) CELLULITIS AND raphy with contrast should be undertaken when physical ORBITAL CELLULITIS examination is impeded by obtundation or patient age to rule out abscess formation, if orbital cellulitis is suspected. Background Eyelid infections presenting with erythema and edema are not uncommon in children and adults and in some cases can cause serious sequelae. Involvement of the orbit with bacterial infection can result in severe damage to the eye, cavernous sinus thrombosis, and death. Preseptal cellulitis is an infection of the eyelids and surrounding skin anterior to the orbital septum (Figure 9.1).1 This layer of fibrous tis- sue arises from the periosteum of the orbit and extends into the eyelids.2 Infection posterior to the septum is referred to as orbital cellulitis. Although less common than presep- tal cellulitis, it is a much more worrisome condition with the potential for major sequelae. It is essential when con- fronted with a patient with eyelid infection to distinguish orbital cellulitis from preseptal infection and other enti- ties that may present similarly. Whereas preseptal cellulitis often can be managed in an outpatient setting, orbital cel- lulitis requires hospitalization, intravenous (IV) antibiotics, FIGURE 9.1: Left preseptal cellulitis. Reproduced with permis- and sometimes surgical intervention. Immediate ophthal- sion from the BMJ Publishing Group. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007; mological consultation is essential and, because the process 91:1723–4.


Orbital cellulitis can be caused by penetrating trauma but is therapy is dependent on response and extent of infection. almost always a consequence of sinusitis. Most commonly, If improvement does not occur in 24–48 hours, a resistant the ethmoid sinus is involved in extension across the lam- organism or orbital infection should be suspected. Treat- ina papyracea. Blood cultures and complete blood counts ment should be continued for about 10 days. (CBCs) should be done in all patients but do not reliably dif- For orbital cellulitis, IV antibiotics should be contin- ferentiate between the two conditions. Leukocytosis with ued until the infection is well controlled and considera- left shift will be present in most patients with either condi- tion given to oral therapy to complete a course of 3–4 tion. Bacteremia is infrequent but more common in young weeks. Venous sinus thrombosis is a potential complica- children. Cultures should be obtained from the eyelid, or tion of orbital cellulitis as venous drainage of the orbit is any conjunctival or lacrimal sac discharge.3 through the cavernous sinus. Preseptal cellulitis occurs as a consequence of facial infection, trauma, insect bites, or herpetic lesion. It also may occur as a result of bacteremia in children younger MALIGNANT EXTERNAL OTITIS than 36 months. In this setting, prior to the introduction and routine use of conjugated Hemophilus vaccine, the most Background common pathogen was Hemophilus influenzae but it is now Malignant (necrotizing) external otitis is an invasive infec- Streptococcus pneumoniae. The intact orbital septum usually tion of the external auditory canal and skull base most prevents posterior spread of preseptal cellulitis in adults, commonly occurring in elderly individuals with diabetes but in children such spread can occur. Clinical evidence mellitus (86%–90%) and in patients with acquired immun- of trauma, insect bites, herpes infection, dacryocystitis, or odeficiency syndrome.6,7 It is caused by Pseudomonas aerug- sinus infection should be sought in all patients presenting inosa in more than 98% of cases. Case reports have impli- with eyelid and periorbital inflammation. cated other bacteria in some cases including S. aureus, , and others. Aspergillus fumigatus has been implicated in cases of fungal malignant external otitis. Therapy Occasional pediatric cases of malignant otitis externa have Oral antimicrobial coverage for Staphylococcus aureus and been reported, particularly in adolescents with diabetes and group A Streptococci is usually sufficient in uncomplicated children with immune dysfunction as a result of leukemia, cases of preseptal cellulitis in adults. Typical regimens malnutrition, and/or solid tumors.8 Children with the dis- include oral amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, a first-generation ease may display fever, leukocytosis, and pseudomonas bac- cephalosporin, or intramuscular ceftriaxone. Younger chil- teremia and develop facial nerve palsy more often than dren should be admitted to the hospital and addition- adults may. Rare cases have been reported in infancy. ally receive antibiotic coverage for S. pneumoniae with an Malignant external otitis may be complicated by facial agent such as cefuroxime. Local prevalence of methicillin- nerve palsy, meningitis, brain abscess, and dural sinus resistant S. aureus and penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae in thrombophlebitis and may be fatal. the community should be considered in deciding initial antibiotic coverage pending the receipt of culture results. An evidence-based literature review to determine whether Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis children with simple preseptal periorbital cellulitis should Patients with malignant otitis externa typically present with be treated with IV or oral antibiotics failed to find any ear pain and drainage, and frequently they will have failed evidence that either approach was superior.4 The authors therapy with topical agents. They may also give a history of noted that, in one hospital series, four pediatric patients recent irrigation for impacted cerumen. Pain may extend to with preseptal cellulitis developed intracranial, epidural the temporomandibular joint and be exacerbated by chew- abscess or empyema.5 ing. A predisposing immunocompromising condition, dia- Suspected cases of orbital cellulitis should be admitted to betes most commonly, is usually present. the hospital for IV antibiotic treatment. Consultation with On physical examination, granulation tissue is noted ophthalmology and otolaryngology should be obtained on in the auditory canal at the bony cartilaginous junction.9 an emergency basis. Following culture collection, antibiotic Drainage is present, but the tympanic membrane is usually therapy should be initiated with coverage of Streptococcus undamaged. species, S. aureus, anaerobes, nontypable Hemophilus,and Moraxella catarrhalis. Therapy Following culture, therapy should be initiated with antibi- Course and Prognosis otics covering Pseudomonas species. Until recently, oral Preseptal cellulitis usually has an excellent prognosis if therapy with ciprofloxacin 750 mg twice daily with or recognized early and treated aggressively. Duration of without the addition of rifampin has been advocated as Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 83 the treatment of choice.10,11 Due to increasing use of fluoroquinolones, resistance of Pseudomonas species to ciprofloxacin has been increasing with anywhere from 20% to 30% of isolates being reported as resistant.12–14 Hospital admission and IV antibiotic therapy with a third-generation cephalosporin such as ceftazidime with anti-Pseudomonas activity is indicated when there is a history of recent flu- oroquinolone use, high community rates of ciprofloxacin- resistant Pseudomonas, or when clinical severity warrants close observation. The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been advocated to improve outcomes in malignant external oti- tis, but an analysis of published studies failed to find suffi- cient evidence in controlled studies for its use.15

Course and Prognosis FIGURE 9.2: Necrotic purpuric bullae in a 5-year-old boy with Osteomyelitis of the skull base with involvement of vital meningococcemia who developed purpura fulminans. Source: DermAtlas, Johns Hopkins University; 2000–2009 (meningococ- structures is the most serious complication of malignant cemia 1 031001), Andreas Eliades, MD. otitis externa.16 Cranial nerve neuropathy, especially of the facial nerve, may occur. The earliest series in the literature reporting on elderly diabetic patients with late-stage dis- and another 10%–20% are left with severe sequelae such as ease who underwent extensive surgery as primary therapy hearing loss and limb amputation.25 Affecting primarily the had a mortality rate of approximately 50%.17 Because of the pediatric population, the highest rates of both meningitic high mortality with surgery, the use of synergistic combina- and nonmeningitic occur in infants tions of semisynthetic penicillins and aminoglycosides was younger than 1 year.26 Approximately one third of all cases introduced to control pseudomonas; subsequently, third- of sporadic meningococcal disease occur in adults, and one generation cephalosporins such as ceftazidime were shown half of these present without rash or meningitis.27 Given to have similar efficacy.18–20 Later, ciprofloxacin at a dosage the high morbidity and mortality of meningococcal infec- of 1.5 g/d used over an average of 10 weeks showed superior tions, rapid institution of antibiotic therapy and support- efficacy with a reduction of mortality from approximately ive care are advocated by most authorities. Preadmission 30% to 2%–3%; however, this result was prior to recent parenteral antibiotics (benzylpenicillin, ceftriaxone, chlo- increases in ciprofloxacin resistance.10,18 Premature termi- ramphenicol) have been suggested for patients presenting nation of treatment may result in recurrence rates of 15%– to a physician’s office with signs of invasive meningococcal 20%.21 Prolonged treatment is more likely to be associated disease. Assuredly, no physician wants to miss the diagnosis with adverse drug reactions in patients receiving ␤-lactam of meningococcemia. The diagnosis of patients presenting antibiotics than in those treated with ciprofloxacin.22 In a with typical signs of acute meningitis is often straightfor- recent study, facial nerve involvement previously cited as ward. It is the patient who does not appear ill on initial pre- a poor prognostic indicator did not adversely affect sur- sentation who represents a major diagnostic challenge.28 vival.16,23 To not miss the diagnosis, it has been suggested that, in any acutely febrile patient, it is prudent to ask, “Why is this patient seeking help now?” then “Could this patient have MENINGOCOCCEMIA meningococcemia?”28

Background Meningococcemia, with or without meningitis, is one of Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis the most serious emergencies in medicine. The causative Early clinical clues to meningococcemia include a hemor- organism, , has the ability to cause out- rhagic (petechial or purpuric) eruption; a blanching macu- breaks as well as sporadic cases of invasive meningococcal lar or maculopapular rash appearing in the first 24 hours; disease with devastating consequences often progressing true rigors; severe pain in the extremities, neck, and back; rapidly to purpura fulminans, shock, and death. Large-scale vomiting; headache; and rapid evolution of illness.28 The outbreaks occurred in the United States in the 1940s asso- lesions of acute meningococcemia are indurated, gun metal ciated with military deployments, but disease rates have gray patches of purpura that display an irregular (infarc- remained relatively stable for the past 20 years, at 1.0–1.5 tive) pattern (Figure 9.2).29 These may occur anywhere on per 100,000 population.24 Despite advances in treatment, the skin and can develop bullae and ulcerate. A transient approximately 10% of affected patients die from the disease, blanching erythematous maculopapular eruption may arise 84 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY before the appearance of purpura.29 In a study of children 74 years).39 Neurological sequelae following meningococ- and adolescents with invasive meningococcal disease, the cal disease occurred in 10%–20% of patients.40 first classical sign to emerge was rash, which at the onset A number of treatment modalities have been used to was nonspecific and only developed into a petechial (and improve the prognosis of meningococcal disease. There is then a largely hemorrhagic) eruption over several hours.30 controversy as to whether corticosteroids improve progno- In this study, fever was the first symptom noted in chil- sis, but many groups use them routinely. dren younger than 5 years. Headache was the first symp- A subgroup analysis of patients with meningococcal tom in patients older than 5 years; 94% developed fever at meningitis treated with corticosteroids showed a nonsignif- some point, and irritability was a prominent symptom in icant favorable trend in mortality.41 younger children.30 Three important features were iden- tified as signs of early meningococcal disease in children and adolescents: leg pain, cold hands and feet, and abnor- ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER mal skin color (pallor or mottling).30 Eruption, meningism, and impaired consciousness occurred later. Background RMSF is one of the most virulent human infections ever identified; 5%–10% of individuals infected die, and many Therapy others suffer sequelae such as amputation, deafness, or per- The prompt initiation of IV antibiotic therapy is essential manent learning disability.42 RMSF occurs throughout the in patients with suspected meningococcal disease. Recom- continental United States, Canada, Mexico, Central Amer- mended treatment regimens include a 5- to 7-day course ica, and parts of South America. During the period 1997– of: (1) penicillin G, 500,000 U/kg/d in six divided doses; 2002, there were 2.2 cases per 1 million per year in the (2) ceftriaxone, 100 mg/kg/d in one or two divided doses; United States, and more than one half (56%) of cases were or (3) cefotaxime, 200 mg/kg/d in three divided doses.31,32 reported from only five states: North Carolina, South Car- Recently, intermediate resistance of some meningococci olina, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.43 Although cases to penicillin has been reported from Europe. In a Por- are reported throughout the year, most occur from May tuguese study, one quarter (24.6%) of the isolates showed through January with a peak in July, August, and September moderate resistance to penicillin.33 A study from Scotland (46% of 2298 cases in 2006).44 During 2006, more than half found an absence of “high-level” resistance to penicillin of cases were reported from the South Atlantic region with among meningococci and an 8.3% prevalence of moderate 962 cases (42% of total U.S. cases) from North Carolina. resistance.34 Although there is some indication that a small Arkansas and Tennessee accounted for 13% and 11.5% of number of strains in the United States display intermediate cases, respectively. RMSF is most common in boys and resistance to penicillin, the U.S. Centers for Disease Con- men and Caucasians, and although children younger than trol and Prevention (CDC) has not recommended routine 10 years were the group at highest risk in previous studies, susceptibility testing of meningococcal isolates.35 Treat- in 2003 the highest age-specific incidence was in persons ment of meningitis in children is aimed at the most likely 40–64 years old.45 pathogen based on epidemiologic information.36 Because of the significant prevalence of penicillin-resistant S. pneu- moniae, empirical treatment of meningitis in children 1 Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis month old or older should include vancomycin plus cefo- The initial symptoms of RMSF include sudden onset of taxime or ceftriaxone.36 fever, chills, and headache, associated with malaise and myalgias. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and photosensitiv- ity are also commonly seen. Because eruption may not Course and Prognosis be evident at the time a patient first presents for evalua- In general, the mortality rate for meningococcal septicemia tion, clinicians should still maintain a high index of sus- exceeds that of meningococcal meningitis. Reported mor- picion for the diagnosis in patients with a history of out- tality from meningococcemia ranges from 18% to 53% door activities. History of a tick bite is elicited in only one whereas that of meningococcal meningitis has in the past half of patients with RMSF. Sixty to 70 percent of patients 15–20 years hovered around 10%.31,37 Among adults with with RMSF present with the classic triad of fever (94%), single episodes of community-acquired meningitis, risk fac- headache (86%), and eruption (85%) 1–2 weeks after tick tors for death included older age (≥60 years), obtunded exposure.46 However, this occurs in only 3% of cases in mental state on admission, and seizures within the first the first 3 days of illness.47 Fever usually exceeds 38.9◦C 24 hours.38 In a study of 3335 meningococcal deaths in (102◦F), and the majority of patients develop an eruption the United States, 58% of deaths occurred among persons within 3–5 days following its onset.46 Children with RMSF younger than 25 years. Mortality was increased in infants, present with fever (98%), eruption (97%), nausea and/or young adults (15–24 years old), and older adults (older than vomiting (73%), and headache (61%).48 The eruption is Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 85

gestive of RMSF in the appropriate clinical setting. The severe headache (which patients may describe as the worst they have ever experienced) may mimic meningitis with meningismus in 18% of patients.46,47,50 The headache is usually frontal and is often associated with restlessness; severe myalgias of the abdomen, back, and legs; nausea; vomiting; and abdominal pain. Patients may display amne- sia, psychiatric symptoms, and transient hearing loss. CBC and a comprehensive metabolic panel should be done when considering rickettsial disease. White cell count in RMSF is usually normal, but increased numbers of immature band forms are often seen. Thrombocytopenia, mild elevations of hepatic transaminases, and hyponatremia also can occur. Blood cultures and examination of a peripheral smear are useful in ruling out other conditions that mimic RMSF. The presence of morula in the peripheral smear in either monocytes or granulocytes suggests human monocytic (HME) or human granulocytic (HGA), respectively. Leukopenia with elevations of liver transaminases and thrombocytopenia further suggest HGA and HME. HGA is transmitted through the Ixodes scapularis FIGURE 9.3: Rocky Mountain spotted fever with red, partially tick, which does not transmit ,whereas blanching papules on the palms. Source: DermAtlas, Johns Hop- HME is transmitted to humans through the lone star kins University; 2000–2009 (rmsf 2 010907), Bernard Cohen, MD. tick or Amblyomma americanum and possibly other tick species. Blood cultures are useful in assessing bacterial maculopapular before the appearance of petechiae and may infections, particularly meningococcal infection the early be easily missed, especially in dark-skinned individuals.49 signs of which can be difficult to distinguish from RMSF. Blanching erythematous macules, 1–5 mm in diameter, ini- Cerebrospinal fluid in RMSF usually shows a pleocytosis < tially arise on the wrists and ankles and spread to the palms (usually with 100 cells per milliliter) with neutrophilic and soles (Figure 9.3).29,47 The eruption of erythematous or lymphocytic predominance. Protein is elevated, but macules on the wrists, ankles, palms, and soles is followed by glucose remains normal. Gram-negative diplococci with centripetal spread to the arms, legs, and trunk( Figure 9.4). neutrophilic predominance and low glucose clearly favor In 24–48 hours, petechiae and purpuric macules develop meningococcal infection; however, there remains consid- that may superficially resemble meningococcemia.29 erable overlap, and empiric coverage for meningococcus is Bilateral periorbital edema, suffusion of the conjunc- frequently unavoidable. Serological testing and immuno- tivae, and edema of the hands and feet are highly sug- histochemical or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of skin biopsy specimens can also confirm the diagnosis. In a study of RMSF in children by Buckingham48 lab- oratory findings were nonspecific and similar to those that might occur, for example, in viral syndromes such that “no constellation of clinical and laboratory abnormalities has adequate sensitivity for their absence to exclude the diag- nosis of RMSF in a child.”48 Because of the rapid progression of infection, empiric therapy should not be withheld awaiting laboratory confir- mation.

Treatment Doxycycline is the drug of choice for treatment of both adults and children with presumptive or proven RMSF. Even though the use of tetracyclines in young children has FIGURE 9.4: Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Diffuse petechiae, purpura, and edema. Source: DermAtlas, Johns Hopkins Univer- been discouraged because of the potential for tooth discol- sity; 2000–2009 (rmsf 5 010907), Bernard Cohen, MD. oration, this effect is dose related and does not necessarily 86 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY preclude the use of this agent.51 One course of doxycycline MEDITERRANEAN SPOTTED FEVER in young children for presumed RMSF, a potentially life- threatening disease, has not been shown to cause clinically Background significant staining of permanent teeth.52 Moreover, doxy- Mediterranean fever () has been des- cycline effectively treats ehrlichiosis, which may be con- cribed in many countries under a variety of names. It is fused with RMSF. Chloramphenicol is the preferred agent caused by and its subspecies, and the vec- for treating RMSF occurring during pregnancy.53 tor is the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Although Patients with RMSF should be admitted to the hospital usually a benign, uncomplicated disease with recovery the and observed closely and treated for altered mental status norm, it may sometimes be severe and fatal.62 The mor- or any organ dysfunction. Patients in more advanced stages tality rate is usually estimated at approximately 2.5%, but of disease warrant admission to an intensive care unit for a fatality rate of up to 5.6% has been reported in affected aggressive supportive measures. hospitalized patients in Israel, France, and Portugal.63 The disease tends to be more severe in the elderly popula- tion and in patients with cirrhosis, chronic alcoholism, and Course and Prognosis G6PD deficiency.64 In Beja, a Portuguese southern district, Appropriate treatment of patients with RMSF is often a case fatality rate of 32.3% was reported in hospitalized delayed for a number of reasons including lack of tick- patients with Mediterranean spotted fever.65 The risk of exposure history; occurrence of illness at times of year when dying was associated with diabetes, uremia, vomiting, and tick activity is not at its peak; absence or delayed appearance dehydration. A subspecies of R. conorii (israelensis), the cause of eruption; symptoms other than the classic triad of fever, of Israeli spotted fever, has been isolated from patients eruption, and headache; and lack of headache.48,54–58 Of in Sicily and Portugal and may be associated with more interest, presentation to a health care provider early in the severe disease. The disease has been reported through- course of the disease has been associated with delay in the out the Mediterranean basin, sub-Saharan Africa, India, initiation of specific antirickettsial therapy.48,58 For exam- around the Black Sea, and in the eastern part of Russia close ple, in one study by Buckingham,48 children were seen by to Japan. Diagnosis peaks in August in endemic areas of medical providers after a median of 2 days of symptoms France and Spain suggest that larvae and nymph forms are but did not receive specific antirickettsial treatment until important in disease spread. The peak activity of adult ticks after a median of 7 days of symptoms. In fact, 2 of the 3 occurs several months earlier during the spring. Reports of children who died in that study, although seen early on, Mediterranean spotted fever throughout the year and from were not given appropriate treatment. Also in that study, colder areas removed from the Mediterranean imply that more than one third of patients spent time in an intensive R. sanguineus can survive in the microclimates of homes and care unit, 16% received mechanical ventilation, and 17% kennels. received pressors. Before the introduction of effective antirickettsial agents, 13% of children with RMSF died.51 Despite the availability Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis of specific therapy and improved supportive medical care, The incubation period of Mediterranean spotted fever is the case fatality rate in children younger than 10 years is approximately 7 days. Disease onset is abrupt and typi- still 2%–3%. Several clinical and laboratory variables have cally begins with high fever, flu-like symptoms, a black been associated with fatal outcome including increased age; eschar (tache noire) at the site of the tick bite, and a mac- male sex; neurological involvement; elevated levels of crea- ulopapular eruption. The tache noir is said to be present tinine, aspartate aminotransferase, and bilirubin; decreased in approximately 74% of cases but is uncommon in the levels of serum sodium; and decreased platelet count.59 The Israeli form. Eruption is described as maculopapular but development of acute renal failure increased the odds ratio may be purpuric in 10% of cases. Laboratory studies are of dying 17-fold in one study.59 The presence of a defi- often nonspecific with thrombocytopenia, leukocyte count ciency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase abnormalities, both lymphopenia and leukocytosis, and ele- (G6PD) may portend a more fulminant course because of vated hepatic enzyme levels. the development of hemolysis.60 Early diagnosis of Mediterranean spotted fever can Even with recovery, patients may suffer ongoing neuro- be achieved using immunofluorescence or immunohisto- motor impairment at the time of discharge from the hospi- chemical studies of skin biopsy material or by PCR.66,67 tal; this impairment may persist in some patients,61 partic- Both techniques require experienced personnel and may ularly if neurologic compromise, especially coma, occurs have limited availability. during the acute phase of the illness. Persistent sequelae Serologic studies provide retrospective confirmation include dysarthria, difficulty reading, impaired memory, of the diagnosis. Antibodies to rickettsiae may not be deafness, and paresthesias. Gangrene can necessitate ampu- detectable until 7–10 days after infection is clinically man- tation of digits or entire extremities. ifest. An acute blood sample should be collected early in Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 87 the course of the disease, and a second specimen should be ANTHRAX obtained 2 weeks later. If a fourfold increase in antibody titer is not observed, collection of a third sample after 4–6 Background weeks should be considered. Specific diagnosis may not be Anthrax is primarily a disease of wild and domestic ani- made until the patient has recovered or died. mals (cattle, sheep, and goats) caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Human disease results from exposure to infected animals or tissue from infected ani- Treatment mals. This exposure occurs after cutaneous inoculation or Treatment should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis is inhalation of spores or after ingestion of infected material. suspected. Doxycycline is the drug of choice and is given B. anthracis can exist as a stable spore form for years and can for a 7-day course of therapy or until the patient is afebrile be weaponized as a bioterrorism agent. This weaponization for 3 days. Doxycycline has been shown to effectively treat occurred in the United States in 2001 when powder con- Mediterranean spotted fever with a 1-day course of ther- taining anthrax was placed in letters and disseminated via apy.68 Doxycycline is contraindicated in pregnancy and not the U.S. Postal Service. usually recommended for use in children younger than Although the cutaneous form of anthrax is usually con- 8 years with the exception of patients with RMSF. Chlo- sidered the least severe presentation, it can result in fatality ramphenicol is also an effective antibiotic agent and had if not adequately treated. A rare complication, malignant previously been used in pregnancy. Aplastic anemia occurs edema, is characterized by severe edema, induration, mul- in 10 of 40,000 patients treated with chloramphenicol, tiple bullae, and shock.72 Involvement of the face, neck, and and gray baby syndrome (comprising abdominal disten- chest may require intubation and corticosteroids to prevent sion, pallor, cyanosis, and vasomotor collapse usually lead- asphyxiation. In a series of 28 cases of cutaneous anthrax ing to death) has been described in neonates treated with reported in 2003 from Turkey, two patients (8%) died from this drug. Although there has been no report of an infant anthrax sepsis.73 A recent study from the Artibonite Val- exposed in utero having developed gray baby syndrome ley of Haiti reported 87 cases of cutaneous anthrax over or aplastic anemia, few obstetricians and pediatricians are a 4-year period.74 Seven of 87 patients (8%) died, 4 from comfortable with its prescription. In vitro studies of clar- asphyxiation after facial and neck edema compressed the ithromycin and azithromycin have suggested effectiveness trachea, causing airway obstruction. Two patients died of these antibiotics in treatment of R. conorii infection. of symptoms associated with concurrent gastrointestinal Clinical trials suggest that these agents provide a safe and anthrax. Anthrax can cause a severe, usually fatal menin- effective alternative for treatment of children younger than goencephalitis from both the cutaneous and inhalational 8 years with Mediterranean spotted fever.69,70 Fluoro- routes.72,75 quinolines also have been shown in vitro to be effective against R. conorii.71 Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis The diagnosis of anthrax is usually straightforward when Course and Prognosis it occurs in a typical occupational or environmental set- In general, Mediterranean spotted fever has a good prog- ting involving exposure to infected animals or contami- nosis if appropriately treated. Risk factors for more severe nated animal products, such as hides, wool, hair, or ivory disease include diabetes, G6PD deficiency, older age, cir- tusks.76 In the past, urban cases of anthrax were usually asso- rhosis, and alcoholism. Delay in initiation of appropriate ciated with imported products such as shaving brushes, and antibiotic coverage is also frequently cited as a risk fac- recently two cases were reported in Connecticut in a drum tor for poor prognosis; however, a retrospective study in maker and his child after exposure to contaminated goat the Beja district of southern Portugal, which experienced hides imported from Guinea.77–79 a 32.3% case fatality rate for hospitalized patients in 1997, The primary lesion of cutaneous anthrax is a painless did not bear this out. Diabetes, vomiting, volume depletion, papule that usually develops approximately 7 days (range = and uremia were significantly correlated with risk of dying. 1–12 days) after inoculation of infected material.80 It most Treatment of severe illness induced by R. conorii may commonly occurs on the head, neck, or arms and devel- require more than chemotherapeutic elimination of the eti- ops a central vesicle or bulla that becomes hemorrhagic ologic agent. The multiorgan manifestations of endothelial as the lesion enlarges. The classic black central eschar damage and increased vascular permeability may neces- is often surrounded by erythema and sometimes extreme sitate admission to an intensive care unit for monitor- edema (Figure 9.5). The presence of a primary pustular ing of central pressures and airway management. Addi- lesion should suggest another diagnosis. Multiple lesions tional antibiotic coverage may be required to cover bac- sometimes occur, and there may be tender regional lym- terial leakage from a compromised gut or from aspi- phadenopathy and systemic symptoms of fever, chills, and ration. fatigue.80 Anthrax may occur on the eyelid and be associated 88 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY


FIGURE 9.6: Facial cutaneous anthrax with massive edema. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2007; 77:806–11.

tularemia, the tache noir of rickettsial diseases, cat scratch disease, gangrenosum, orf, and staphylococcal or streptococcal ecthyma. B When dealing with a patient with suspected cuta- neous anthrax, universal precautions should be followed. The American Academy of Dermatology recommenda- tions include swabbing exudates using a dacron- or rayon- tipped swab (cotton should not be used) to obtain material for Gram stain and culture.80 Vesicular fluid is optimal for isolation of the organism. If only an eschar is present, the edge should be lifted and swabs inserted to obtain fluid. Two skin biopsies are advocated, one for histological exam- ination including special stains and immunohistochemistry and the other for culture.82 Treatment should be insti- tuted while awaiting results. Serology and PCR assay may be available through governmental agencies such as the CDC.83

C Treatment FIGURE 9.5: Cutaneous anthrax in a 7-month-old infant. Pro- gression of lesions: A. hospital day 5, B. hospital day 12, C. Uncomplicated localized cutaneous anthrax should be 2 months after discharge. Used with permission. JAMA. 2002; treated with oral ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily or doxy- 287:869–74. Copyright c (2002). American Medical Association. cycline 100 mg twice daily.84 Usual duration of treatment All rights reserved. is 7–10 days, but in the context of a bioterrorism attack, the CDC recommends a 60-day course of treatment because of with preseptal cellulitis, and severe edema resulting from a the increased likelihood of exposure to aerosolized anthrax. primary lesion on the neck (bull neck) may result in asphyx- For children, the CDC recommends oral ciprofloxacin 10– iation(Figure 9.6). 74,81 15 mg/kg every 12 hours, not to exceed 1 g/d or doxy- Cutaneous anthrax should be differentiated from insect cycline. For children up to 8 years old (or those older bites, brown recluse spider bite (almost always painful), than 8 years weighing <45 kg), the CDC recommends Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 89 a doxycycline dosage of 2.2 mg/kg every 12 hours. The carcasses ye shall not touch.”91 Transmission to humans dosage of doxycycline for children older than 8 years and occurs by several mechanisms, most commonly direct or weighing at least 45 kg is 100 mg every 12 hours. The indirect inoculation of the skin from infected animal tissues, CDC has also recommended the use of ciprofloxacin and body fluids, or pelts.92 The animals implicated in trans- doxycycline in pregnant woman although these agents tra- mission of tularemia depend on the geographic area. In ditionally have been avoided in pregnancy. the United States, jackrabbits, cottontail rabbits, beavers, Cutaneous anthrax occurring on the head and neck and muskrats, meadow voles, and sheep are usually impli- cases with systemic involvement or severe edema should be cated. The disease may also be spread by arthropod vec- treated with the IV antibiotic regimens recommended for tors such as deerflies, mosquitoes, and several varieties of inhalational anthrax. A multidrug regimen is recommended ticks. in suspected cases of bioterrorism because antibiotic resis- Interest in tularemia has been heightened in recent years tance may have been engineered into weaponized anthrax. because of its potential for use as an agent of bioterrorism. The initial treatment protocol recommended for inhala- The organism is highly virulent in susceptible hosts. A low tional bioterrorism-associated anthrax is ciprofloxacin infectious dose of 10–50 organisms can establish infection 400 mg IV every 12 hours or IV doxycycline 100 mg every in an open wound or if aerosolized and inhaled. The two 12 hours plus one or two additional agents. IV therapy can subspecies of F. tularensis commonly associated with human be switched to oral treatment when clinically warranted. disease are F. tularensis tularensis and F. tularensis holarctica. Additional agents that have activity against B. anthracis The tularensis subspecies is found only in North America include penicillin, ampicillin, imipenem, clindamycin, clar- and is the more virulent of the two. ithromycin, rifampin, chloramphenicol, and vancomycin. The type of disease that develops reflects the route of Inhalational anthrax and severe cutaneous disease in chil- infection. Ulceroglandular disease, the most common pre- dren are treated with IV ciprofloxacin 10–15 mg/kg every sentation, follows exposure of broken skin to contaminated 12 hours (not to exceed 1 g/d in children) or IV doxy- animal material and occurs on the upper extremities in cycline. Children younger than 8 years and those 8 years more than 75% of patients.93 Lesions on the lower extrem- old or older but who weigh less than 45 kg are treated ities, abdomen, back, or head usually result from exposure with IV doxycycline 2.2 mg/kg every 12 hours. Children to ticks or deerflies. older than 8 years and who weigh more than 45 kg should receive doxycycline 100 mg every 12 hours. One or two additional antibiotics are added to this regimen in this Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis protocol. Dermatologists are most likely to encounter patients with ulceroglandular, glandular, or perhaps oculoglandu- lar tularemia. A typical patient will present with the abrupt onset of fever, chills, malaise, and fatigue after an incuba- Course and Prognosis tion period of 1–10 days (average of 3 days).92 The most Prognosis of anthrax depends on the type of exposure. common presenting complaint is of enlarged, tender, local- Many sources quote a mortality rate of up to 20% in ized with overlying erythema. The initial untreated cutaneous anthrax, 25%–75% for gastrointesti- skin lesion may be present at the time of presentation or nal anthrax, and 80% or more for inhalational anthrax. shortly thereafter and is a painful, red papule that undergoes In one series, four patients (5.6% of patients) with cuta- necrosis leaving a tender ulcer with a raised border (Fig- neous anthrax developed meningoencephalitis, and three ure 9.7).94 Cutaneous ulcers range in size from 0.4 to 3.0 died.85 Less commonly cutaneous anthrax can progress to 86 cm and are usually solitary. Multiple lesions can sometimes septicemia and shock. Fulminant inhalational anthrax is occur and are usually caused by exposure to more than one usually fatal, but initiation of antibiotics or anthrax anti- animal.93 The primary lesion may evolve over the course of serum therapy during the prodromal phase can improve 87 the disease. In a recent Swedish study, primary lesions were survival. described as “encrusted” in one third of cases and “ulcer- ous” or “pustular” each in about 20% of cases. “Papular” primary lesions were noted in 13% and “macular” or “vesic- TULAREMIA ular” lesions each occurred in approximately 3%–4% of cases. Indeed, cases of tularemia have been initially misdi- Background agnosed as herpes simplex or herpes zoster infection.95 Sec- Tularemia is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution ondary skin eruptions including erythema nodosum have caused by , a fastidious, gram-negative been reported in patients with tularemia. In the previously organism.88,89 It has been speculated that tularemia was the mentioned Swedish study, almost 30% of patients displayed cause of the biblical of the Philistines.90 The Old a secondary skin eruption apart from any primary lesions or Testament warns in Leviticus 11:6 and 11:8, “And the hare erythema overlying enlarged lymph nodes. Such eruptions is unclean to you. Of their flesh ye shall not eat, and their were most commonly papular or maculopapular. Erythema 90 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

The organism can be isolated from wound drainage, lymph aspirates, sputum, and blood. Stringent precautions should be taken when handling specimens to prevent infec- tion in hospital and laboratory personnel. Francisella is a biosafety level 3 pathogen, and the laboratory should be warned if it is suspected. Relay of specimens to govern- ment health departments for processing may be the best option for both expertise in culture and availability of PCR or fluorescent antibody testing. Confirmation of infection is usually made with increasing titers of antibodies in acute and convalescent sera.


FIGURE 9.7: Tularemia–cutaneous ulcer. From Oyston PCF, Streptomycin is the preferred drug for treatment of et al. Tularaemia: bioterrorism defence renews interest in Fran- tularemia. Because it may not be readily available, gentam- cisella tularensis. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2004; 2:967–8. icin is commonly used with good results. ␤-lactam antibi- otics and macrolides are not effective and should not be nodosum occurred in 3% of patients, all girls and women. used. Fluoroquinolines provide effective coverage, as do Suppuration of involved lymph nodes may occur. In glan- tetracyclines. A study from Spain showed ciprofloxacin to dular disease, lymphadenopathy occurs in the absence of a be superior to both streptomycin and doxycycline in that it primary lesion. had the lowest percentage of primary treatment failures; Ulceroglandular tularemia must be differentiated from however, this study was nonrandomized and retrospec- other causes of ulceroglandular disease including tive. If the condition of the patient merits hospitalization, henselae (cat scratch fever), (plague), Spirillum IV therapy with streptomycin or gentamicin is indicated. minus (spirillary rat bite fever), and other bacterial adenitis. Stable patients may be treated with oral antibiotics with Other diagnostic considerations are anthrax, herpes sim- ciprofloxacin or doxycycline, with ciprofloxacin being the plex, , syphilis, and mycobacterial disease.96 preferred oral agent for confirmed tularemia. Oculoglandular disease resulting from direct or indirect exposure of the conjunctivae to infectious material presents with conjunctivitis, chemosis, lacrimation, photosensitiv- Course and Prognosis ity, lid edema, and conjunctival ulceration accompanied by Suppuration of large or flocculent lymph nodes is a com- tender lymphadenopathy in the preauricular, submandibu- mon complication. Large nodes should be aspirated to pre- lar, and cervical regions. Pharyngeal disease occurs when vent this complication. Another possible sequela to infec- the primary exposure is within the oral cavity with contam- tion with tularemia is a prolonged period of fatigue that inated foods or water. Typhoidal tularemia is distinct from may persist several weeks even following adequate antibi- the other forms in that it is not accompanied by adenopa- otic treatment. thy and the portal of entry may not be identifiable. This Prior to the introduction of streptomycin in the 1950s, form usually affects persons with some degree of immune patients often suffered from lingering symptoms and the compromise and may have a rapid and fulminant course. A case mortality for ulceroglandular disease was about 5%.97 pneumonic form also exists in which the pulmonary find- Death rates from all forms of tularemia in the antibiotic era ings are the most prominent feature. are about 4% but were as high as 33% prior to the use of Tularemia should be suspected when typical clinical streptomycin.94 findings occur in a patient with an occupational or recre- ational exposure to animals in an endemic area. Diagnosis outside of an endemic area requires a high index of sus- V. VULNIFICUS INFECTION picion.96 The incubation period is usually approximately 3–5 days, and onset of disease is often abrupt. Fever, chills, Background malaise, sore throat, and headache are frequent, and pulse– V. vulnificus is not only the most virulent food-borne temperature dissociation may occur in 42% of cases. Persis- pathogen in the United States but is a source of inva- tent fever, greater than 101◦F, is common over the course sive, potentially life-threatening wound infections.98 Most of several days. Routine laboratory testing is nonspecific. cases in the United States occur in individuals with cirrho- Leukocytosis may or may not be present. Thrombocytope- sis who eat undercooked oysters from the Gulf of Mexico, nia, elevation of transaminases and creatine kinase, and but cases of V. vulnificus have been reported from Japan, myoglobinuria may also be present. Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Germany (from the Baltic Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 91

Sea), Denmark, Spain, Israel, and Australia.99–109 A severe outbreak occurred in Israel in fish market workers from handling infected tilapia.108 V. vulnificus is present in shallow sea and estuarial waters especially during the warm summer months. The gram- negative, comma-shaped organism is found in oysters, crus- taceans, and shellfish.100 The main risk factors for developing V. vulnificus infec- tion are consumption of raw or inadequately cooked oysters or shellfish, exposure of a preexisting open wound to con- taminated sea water, injury to the skin while in contact with infected water, and handling contaminated marine species (as in fish handlers). Wound infections are most likely serious in persons with underlying chronic liver dis- ease or other predisposing factors who engage in water recreational activities. Also at risk are victims of natural disasters such as tsunamis and flooding after hurricanes. Eighteen wound-associated Vibrio cases were reported in FIGURE 9.8: Vibrio vulnificus infection with hemorrhagic cel- several states in victims of Hurricane Katrina of which 14 lulitis. Inset: Gram-negative rods seen on Gram stain. Falcon LM, (82%) were V. vulnificus and 3 were V. parahaemolyticus. et al. Hemorrhagic cellulitis after consumption of raw oysters. N Five (28%) patients with wound-associated Vibrio infec- Engl J Med. 2005; 353:1604. tions died, three from V. vulnificus and two from V. parahaemolyticus. and prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy are essential. Because early, specific antibiotic therapy, aggressive Soft-tissue infection with V. vulnificus has a propensity wound management, and supportive measures can reduce to rapidly progress to necrotizing fasciitis. Clinical find- mortality, it is incumbent on physicians to be familiar with ings may include edema, patchiness, erythema, and tender- the recognition of V. vulnificus infection. ness. Hemorrhagic bullae or compartment syndrome may already be apparent at the time of presentation.

Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis Infection with V. vulnificus should be suspected in any Treatment patient presenting with cellulitis or sepsis after exposure to Prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy and surgical brackish or salt water or with a history of recent ingestion debridement are the cornerstones in the management of of raw or undercooked seafood, mainly raw oysters. The Vibrio infections. When there is suspicion of this pathogen, presence of hemorrhagic bullae complicating cellulitis in antibiotic treatment should be started with a third- a patient with a history of liver disease or diabetes should generation cephalosporin and a tetracycline. The combi- further suggest the diagnosis (Figure 9.8).110 Asmallstudy nation of third-generation cephalosporins, commonly cef- comparing the clinical aspects of necrotizing fasciitis caused triaxone or ceftazidime, with tetracycline, minocycline, or by Vibrio with that caused by Streptococci pointed out doxycycline have shown synergy. Recent studies with flu- several significant differences. All cases of Vibrio infection oroquinones have shown these agents to be as effective as occurred during summer months in patients with underly- the cephalosporin–tetracycline combination in vitro and in ing chronic liver dysfunction and were probably caused by murine models. Because of the rarity of the infection, it raw seafood consumption.111 In this study, Streptococcus- is unlikely that a blinded clinical trial will be carried out. induced necrotizing fasciitis occurred in winter, and only Surgical consultation should be obtained and appropriate one patient had chronic liver disease. In patients with debridement of necrotic tissue done on an emergency basis. Vibrio-induced disease, edema and subcutaneous bleeding Fasciotomy may be needed, and if infection has progressed (ecchymosis and purpura) were seen early on, but cuta- amputation may be required to remove the devitalized limb neous necrosis didn’t occur. In patients with streptococcal and control systemic sepsis. disease, subcutaneous bleeding was rare and necrosis was common. Blood and wound cultures should be obtained immedi- Course and Prognosis ately in all patients with suspected Vibrio infection. Gram Prognosis is significantly better with early intervention and stain of exudative material may suggest the pathogen and timely initiation of antibiotic coverage. Patients in whom reinforce clinical suspicion. Progression of infection can the severity of infection is not immediately recognized or be rapid and fulminant, so that expediency in workup those who present later in the course of infection do not 92 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY do as well. Overall, 40% of V. vulnificus infections are fatal, infection were catalogued with 22 of 26 persons presenting with case fatality rates of approximately 50% from primary with nonlesional symptoms including eruption, malaise, septicemia and 15%–20% for wound infections.112,113 Per- fever, rigors, headache, nausea, sore throat, or earache. sons most at risk are those with chronic alcoholic liver Many authors make note of an odd fishy or sweet, sickly, disease, hepatitis B or C, hemochromatosis, renal insuf- foul odor.119,120 ficiency, or adrenal insufficiency.100

Therapy A. HYDROPHILA INFECTION A combination of surgical and medical therapy is most often required. The tendency of Aeromonas to form subcu- Background taneous abscesses may not be clinically apparent, and early Aeromonas species are gram-negative rods usually found in surgical consultation is advised.119 Incision and drainage fresh or brackish water and soil, but also have been isolated may be curative in some cases. The Aeromonas species are from chlorinated drinking water and even from hospital ␤-lactamase producers and often resistant to penicillin, water supplies.114,115 They cause disease in fish and other ampicillin, carbenicillin, first-generation cephalosporins, cold-blooded aquatic animals, mammalian species, and ticarcillin, vancomycin, and clindamycin.120 Susceptibil- humans.116 Human infection occurs through contact with ity to piperacillin, ticarcillin–clavulanate, and tetracy- contaminated fresh or brackish water and soil giving rise clines is variable. Fluoroquinolones and trimethoprim– to cellulitis within 8–48 hours. A. hydrophila is the species sulfamethoxazole are usually effective, but reports of most commonly associated with soft-tissue infection. decreasing susceptibility of strains emphasize the need to The clinical presentation is similar to that of V. vul- follow response to therapy closely and adjust antimicrobial nificus soft-tissue infection and similarly gives rise to sepsis therapy with the guidance of microbiological sensitivities. primarily in patients with underlying cirrhosis or malig- nancy.117 Course and Prognosis Aeromonas infection has a guarded prognosis. Bacteremia Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis and septicemia are more common in patients with underly- The most important clue suggesting A. hydrophila infection ing cirrhosis and malignancy and portend a worse outcome. is a history of soft-tissue injury associated with exposure to In contrast, cases of septicemia have been reported in oth- 121 fresh water or soil. Posttraumatic wound infections caused erwise healthy individuals. In a study from Taiwan, the by Aeromonas may be clinically indistinguishable from cel- crude fatality rate of monomicrobial Aeromonas bacteremia 117 lulitis due to Streptococcus pyogenes or S. aureus, so limit- was 30% within 2 weeks after the onset of infection. ing empiric therapy to these organisms will likely miss the Some patients with myonecrosis from Aeromonas infection 122 pathogen. Infection with A. hydrophila occurs in a variety require limb amputation. of settings. In recreational activities involving fresh water (such as boating, swimming, or wading), abrasions or lac- C. VIOLACEUM INFECTION erations may become infected, and in commercial situa- tions (such as in fisheries), wounds may be exposed to con- Background taminated fresh water. Infections of burns with Aeromonas C. violaceum is a gram-negative rod that occurs as a ubiq- have been reported after submersion or dousing of the uitous saprophyte of soil and water in tropical and sub- injured part with water and after rolling the victim in tropical areas.123 It is an uncommon pathogen in humans soil to extinguish flames. Motor vehicle, machinery, or (<150 cases in the literature), but has a high fatality rate. boating accidents may also expose people to wound con- Cases have been reported from Asia, Australia, Africa, the tamination with Aeromonas in a culture bed of devitalized United States, and South America.123,124 Most cases in the tissue. Although Aeromonas bacterial counts are often simi- United States are reported from Florida. Human infection lar in marine environments to those in fresh water, infection usually begins with cellulitis and skin abscesses that rapidly from sea water, for some unknown reason, usually doesn’t progress to sepsis and abscesses of internal organs. U.S. occur. Aeromonas cellulitis also may develop in skin grafts cases have been related to wading in pools of rain water or flaps in which leeches were utilized to relieve venous or muddy ditches, walking barefoot, following trauma, and congestion.118 Aeromonas species are resident flora in the swimming in fresh water.125 foregut of leeches aiding them in the digestion of heme. Initial evaluation should include Gram stain of exudates or aspirates and bacterial culture. Depending on the extent Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis of the disease, leukocytosis and fever may be present. In C. violaceum infection can be rapidly fatal. The most a study of a community outbreak of Aeromonas cellulitis crucial factor in determining survival is the recognition following a mud football tournament, 26 cases of soft-tissue that the bacterium may be present and to cover for it Chapter 9 ● Life-Threatening Bacterial Skin Infections 93

C. violaceum is generally known to be resistant to first-generation cephalosporins and penicillins. Third- generation cephalosporins, ureidopenicillins, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides have demonstrated mixed effective- ness. The organism is generally sensitive to trimetho- prim sulfamethoxazole, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and imipenem. The frequency of hepatic abscess formation has prompted some authors to advocate ultrasound examina- FIGURE 9.9: Chromobacterium violaceum infection. Multiple tion of the liver and spleen in all persons from whom C. hemorrhagic and pustular blebs. Photo courtesy of Virat Sirisan- violaceum has been cultured followed by surgical drainage thana, MD, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chaing of any abscesses visualized. Mai, Thailand. Used with permission.

Course and Prognosis empirically. The infection is found in tropical and sub- Anyone found to be infected with C. violaceum should be tropical regions and usually occurs in the summer months. evaluated for underlying immunodeficiency.129 IV antibi- There is a predilection for patients with chronic granu- otic therapy should be continued until all foci of infection lomatous disease, deficiency of polymorphonuclear leuko- have been cleared. As the organism has been known to recur cyte G6PD, and neutrophil dysfunction; however, fulmi- following apparent resolution of infection, consideration of nant disease has been reported repeatedly in patients with an extended course of oral antibiotic therapy is appropriate. no apparent immune dysfunction.126 Localized infection Survival is dependent on the early recognition of the infec- with regional lymphadenopathy occurs after contamina- tion with initiation of effective antibiotic therapy. Recog- tion of damaged skin exposed to soil or stagnant water. nition of the potential of this organism to form abscesses in Systemic infection can occur following aspiration or inges- multiple sites is important. The fatality rate of all cases with tion of contaminated material. known outcome was 65% in 1998. Improvements in antibi- The usual presentation is with fever, hepatic abscess, otics and medical management have decreased the fatality and skin lesions, although preseptal and orbital cellulitis has rate of 81% (from 1939 through 1979) to 41% (from 1980 been reported as well as osteomyelitis, meningitis, and brain through 1994).3 Under the best of circumstances, the prog- abscess. Skin lesions may consist of multiple nodules, hem- nosis with this infection remains guarded. orrhagic and pustular blebs with surrounding erythema, abscesses, cellulitis, and purpura scattered over the face, body, and extremities (Figure 9.9).127,128 The palms and CONCLUSION soles may be affected (Figure 9.10). We have described the clinical presentation and treatment 129 also has been reported. Leukocytosis with left shift may of several infections with which the dermatologist and other be the only laboratory abnormality. Liver enzymes, platelet specialists should be familiar. Most of these are relatively counts, and sedimentation rates may or may not be abnor- uncommon so physicians may not include them in their mal early in the course of infection. Culture of the organ- differential diagnoses. For that reason, knowledge of their ism confirms the diagnosis. Material from wound drainage, often dramatic clinical presentations is essential as it will blood, conjunctival exudates, and abscess drainage or aspi- allow early diagnosis and the initiation of prompt therapy, rant should immediately be sent for culture and suscepti- which may be lifesaving. bility testing.

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Geeta Patel Ryan Hawley Noah Scheinfeld

IN THE EMERGENCY department, intensive care unit, be described as primary (direct invasion of blood stream, and primary care setting, dermatological conditions rank as in intravenous [IV] drug use) or secondary (infection at as one of the most common disease presentations. It is another site complicated by microorganisms invading the often a challenge for physicians to differentiate routine skin bloodstream, as in pneumonia or soft-tissue infections).2 It ailments from more serious, life-threatening conditions can present as: that require immediate intervention. This chapter high- lights some dermatologic emergencies that plague physi- ● Transient Bacteremia – short periods (minutes to hours) cians daily and initially may present with cutaneous man- of viable bacteria in blood usually with normal flora ifestations. Septic shock and toxic shock syndrome (TSS) pathogens. Common during toothbrushing, routine den- are potentially fatal medical emergencies that manifest with tal work, and menstruation. It is usually cleared by the dermatologic signs, making a good understanding of der- reticuloendothelial system. matology a crucial step in rapid and early diagnosis of these ● two emergencies. As part of a clinical continuum, the terms Intermittent Bacteremia – recurrent episodes of viable bacteremia, sepsis, and septic shock have for many years bacteria from extravascular abscesses, spreading cellulitis, been confused due to the inaccurate usage of terminol- ogy associated with such infections. In 1991, the Ameri- TABLE 10.1: Definitions from 1992 Consensus Conference can College of Chest Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine convened a Consensus Conference to stan- Term Definition dardize terminology and provide a framework for physi- cians to accurately identify the body’s systemic response to Infection Inflammatory response to the presence of infection. These quantifiable definitions work on a clinical microorganisms or the invasion of normally continuum established by clinical and laboratory findings. sterile host tissue by those organisms Unfortunately, to date there is no single definitive census Bacteremia Presence of viable bacteria in blood for the standard of care and defined illness; the 1992 con- SIRS Systemic inflammatory response to a variety of sensus is commonly accepted and reputable for defining severe clinical insults manifested by two or more of the following conditions: disease for this topic and will be used as a guideline for this (1) temperature >38◦Cor<36◦C; (2) heart chapter (Table 10.1). rate >90 bpm; (3) respiratory rate >20 breaths per minute or PaCO <32 mm Hg; or (4) white blood cell count >12,000/cu mm, <4,000/cu BACTEREMIA, SEPSIS, SEPTIC SHOCK, AND TSS mm, or >10% immature (band) forms Sepsis SIRS and documented or suspected infection Bacteremia Severe sepsis Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, Bacteremia refers to the presence of viable bacteria in hypoperfusion, or hypotension 1 blood. To gain access to the circulation, bacteria and their Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension despite adequate fluid toxins must penetrate through protective mechanisms such resuscitation along with the presence of as anatomic barriers (skin), the nonspecific immune system, perfusion abnormalities and the specific immune system. Bacteremia can range from a benign asymptomatic course to a more continual infection Adapted from (1). that can progress to septic shock or TSS. Bacteremia can SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

page 98 Chapter 10 ● Bacteremia, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Toxic Shock Syndrome 99

TABLE 10.2: Community-Acquired and Hospital-Acquired virulence and number of pathogens in the blood, and the Bacteremia timing and nature of a therapeutic intervention. Gram-negative pathogens Normal flora of: Sepsis Sepsis can be a life-threatening infection and is charac- Community-acquired E. coli Small and large terized as a systemic response manifested by two of the bacteremia intestine following with evidence of infection:1 and K. pneumoniae Large intestine ◦ ◦ hospital-acquired P. aeruginosa Small and large ● Temperature >38 Cor<36 C; bacteremia intestine ● > Gram-positive Heart rate 90 beats per minute; or pathogens ● White blood cell count >12,000 mcL, <4,000 mcL or S. aureus Anterior nares, skin, >10% immature (band) forms. eye, upper respiratory tract, large intestine Due to the potential for rapid progression to severe sepsis S. pneumoniae Upper respiratory tract, or septic shock, sepsis is considered a true medical emer- eye, oral cavity gency, and thus rapid diagnosis is crucial to decrease mor- E. faecalis Small intestine bidity and mortality. Sepsis is the leading cause of death in critically ill patients and among the top 10 overall causes of death in patients in the United States.7 Sepsis develops in 750,000 people annually, with 435,000 cases progress- or body infections such as septic arthritis, peritonitis, or ing to septic shock and more than 215,000 cases leading an empyema. to death.8,9 There is a higher incidence in men than in 10 ● Continuous Bacteremia – usually occurring when infec- women and in nonwhite persons than in white persons. tion is intravascular, such as with infected endothelium Although the median age of patients with a sepsis-related seen in infective endocarditis or with infected hardware hospital discharge diagnosis is approximately 60 years, the > as with an indwelling catheter. incidence is high among infants ( 500 cases/100,000 pop- ulation per year), with low-birth-weight newborns experi- encing particularly high risk.11 Sepsis incidence and sepsis- There is a continuous increase in the incidence of related mortality decrease after the first year of life and bacteremia-associated mortality worldwide, mainly attri- then increase steadily with increasing age.8 Approximately buted to the increased usage of invasive devices and inva- 80% of cases of sepsis progressing to severe sepsis in adults sive procedures, increased usage of aggressive drug therapy occurred in individuals who were already hospitalized for that results in immunodeficiency, increasing population of another reason.12,13 critically ill patients due to advancements in life support, Sepsis is a clinical syndrome that can be caused by a vari- and advances in the development of highly sensitive diag- ety of microorganisms (i.e., virus, bacteria, fungus, or para- nostic tools.3 Bacteremia can be community acquired or sites), although typically gram-negative and gram-positive nosocomial in inheritance. Table 10.2 displays the most bacteria account for most cases. In 30%–50% of septic common pathogens seen in patients with documented cases, a definite microbial etiology was not found.13–15 bacteremia. It should be noted that sepsis is defined as an immune In studies documenting bacteremia, Escherichia coli response to microorganisms, and the number of organisms was the most frequently isolated pathogen among older necessary to launch such a response varies depending on patients with community-acquired bacteremia. In con- the patient’s immune response to bacterial antigens. trast, Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently isolated pathogen among younger adults with community-acquired bacteremia. S. aureus was the most common pathogen Septic Shock causing nosocomial bacteremia, regardless of age.4 The Septic shock is the clinical extension of sepsis with the most common source of bacteremia is the urinary tract, addition of hypotension and secondary hypoperfusion of with suspected cases followed by pneumonia and central tissue refractory to fluid administration, thus substantially venous catheter (femoral > subclavian) and wound infec- increasing the mortality rate.1 Sepsis is usually reversible, tion.5 Many factors determine whether bacteremia will whereas patients with septic shock often succumb despite progress to sepsis, septic shock, or TSS. Elderly patients aggressive therapy. Septic shock represents the most severe have an increased tendency to develop severe sepsis due to host response to infection. These patients do not display bacteremia compared to younger patients.4,6 Some other normal hemodynamic response to administered fluid bolus, factors that can aid in the progression to sepsis or sep- and thus have persistent perfusion abnormalities, includ- tic shock are the immunocompetence of the patient, the ing tissue and organ hypoperfusion manifesting as lactic 100 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY acidosis, oliguria, and/or acute alteration in mental status.16 tion.21,24 The disease is characterized by a fulminant onset, These findings should yield high suspicion for multiple often in previously healthy persons. The diagnosis is based organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), the most worrisome on clinical findings that include high fever (>38.9◦C), consequence of septic shock and most likely to result in headache, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgias, and an erythema- mortality if not recognized and corrected early. Septic tous eruption characterized as a sunburn. TSS often devel- shock is the major cause of death in intensive care units; ops from a site of colonization rather than infection.25–27 the mortality rate is as high as 50%–80% depending on Streptococcal TSS carries a mortality rate of 30% or the patient population.8 Septic shock and MODS are the higher, despite aggressive and timely medical therapy. most common causes of death in patients with sepsis.12 The Streptococcal TSS is epidemiologically distinct from other incidence has increased owing to an increased number of invasive infections in that younger and healthier popula- patients who are immunocompromised, the increased use tions are commonly affected.22,28 Group A ␤-hemolytic of invasive devices, and the growing elderly population. streptococcal (GAS) TSS may often originate in the skin of Septic shock is part of the continuum associated with young, healthy patients at a site of local trauma. In 5%–10% the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). of cases, there may be accompanying necrotizing fasciitis. Although any microorganism may cause septic shock, it Bacteremia has been shown to be a key component in a is most often associated with gram-negative bacteria such large majority of severe GAS infections.29 TSS can occur as as E. coli, , Pseudomonas,andSerratia. a consequence of GAS sinusitis, cellulitis, peritonitis, and Gram-positive bacteria such as S. aureus can also cause sep- tracheitis and as a complication of varicella infections.30,31 tic shock and, in past years, have led to outbreaks of TSS. TSS is separated into two distinct categories: menstrual Lower respiratory infections, abdominal infections, urinary and nonmenstrual. Both menstrual and nonmenstrual TSS tract infections, and soft-tissue infections are the nidus in, had higher incidence in white women. Although most cases respectively, 35%, 21%, 13%, and 7% percent of docu- of TSS are related to menstruation, nonmenstrual cases mented cases of septic shock.17,18 Common factors or con- have increased and now account for approximately one ditions that are associated with septic shock include diabetes third of all cases. These nonmenstrual cases have been asso- mellitus, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, cirrhosis, respiratory ciated with localized infections, surgery, or insect bites. infections, hemorrhage, cancer, and surgery.19 Patients with nonmenstrual TSS have a higher mortality rate than do those with menstrual TSS.27

Toxic Shock Syndrome TSS is a rare, often life-threatening illness that develops PATHOPHYSIOLOGY suddenly after an infection and can rapidly progress, affect- Sepsis is the endpoint of a multifaceted process that begins ing many organ systems and requiring prompt recognition with an infection. The initial host response is to mobilize and medical treatment. It was first described in 1978 in inflammatory cells, neutrophils and macrophages, to the seven children with S. aureus infections.20 After an epidemic site of infection. These inflammatory cells then release cir- in 1981, TSS has been typically associated with tampon use culating molecules that trigger a cascade of other inflamma- in healthy menstruating women. Due to physician and pub- tory mediators that result in a coordinated host response. lic awareness, the incidence of TSS has since declined in If these mediators are not appropriately regulated, sepsis this population group, with the majority of documented will occur. In the setting of ongoing toxin release, a persis- cases now reporting men, neonates, and nonmenstruating tent inflammatory response occurs with ongoing mediator women with TSS.21 A similar but more threatening TSS- activation, cellular hypoxia, tissue injury, shock, multior- like syndrome, streptococcal TSS, has emerged. It is associ- gan failure, and (potentially) death. Much of the damage ated with invasive and noninvasive Streptococcal infections inflicted on the septic host is attributable to microbial tox- and has a rapidly progressive course and a high case-fatality ins and the host’s response to them.32–34 rate. TSS is the result of infection by Streptococcus pyogenes In sepsis and septic shock, microbial antigens contain or S. aureus bacteria.22,23 These typi- pathogen-associated molecular patterns that bind to the cally comprise a small percentage of the host’s normal flora host protein’s pattern recognition receptors, called Toll- and usually do not cause severe disease. TSS occurs when like receptors (TLRs), directing the activation of antibody- these bacteria have an optimal environment for replica- mediated immunity. Mutations associated with TLRs tion and toxin production that can enter the bloodstream have been implicated in hyporesponsive antibody-mediated and cause a severe immune reaction in immunosuppressed immunity, thus increasing certain patients’ susceptibility to and/or immunocompetent persons. The host’s immune developing septic shock from gram-negative bacteria.35,36 response to bacterial toxins causes the symptoms associ- One important microbial toxin in the pathogenesis ated with TSS. of sepsis is lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS is the major Staphylococcal TSS came to prominence in 1980–1981, structural component of the outer membrane of gram- when numerous cases were associated with the introduc- negative bacteria. It is essential for cell viability for vir- tion of superabsorbent tampons for use during menstrua- tually all gram-negative bacterial pathogens.37 LPS has no Chapter 10 ● Bacteremia, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Toxic Shock Syndrome 101 intrinsic toxic properties by itself.38 The toxicity of LPS is (instead of the localized secretion that normally occurs dur- related to the host response to this antigen (such an antigen ing infection) is the major determinant for morbidity asso- is also termed a superantigen). Similar pathogen-associated ciated with staphylococcal and streptococcal TSS. molecular pattern mediators (superantigens) exist in gram- positive bacteria, lipoteichoic acid, that induce a potentially CLINICAL AND LABORATORY AIDS REQUIRED harmful host response during sepsis. FOR DIAGNOSIS LPS binds to LPS-binding protein, creating an LPS– LPS-binding protein complex. This complex binds to the To diagnose bacteremia, sepsis, septic shock, or TSS as receptor located on the CD14 molecule that is found on early as possible, it is necessary to recognize historical, clin- monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. Peptidoglycans ical, and laboratory findings that are indicative of infection of gram-positive bacteria and LPS of gram-negative bac- and organ dysfunction.17 A thorough physical examina- teria bind to TLR-2 and TLR-4, respectively. Given their tion is vital for the identification of the source of infec- central role in the recognition of microbes, TLRs are likely tion. Patients with bacteremia and often sepsis present a to have a crucial role in sepsis: TLRs are on the one diagnostic challenge to clinicians owing to nonspecific, and hand essential for the early detection of pathogens, but on sometimes nonexistent early clinical manifestations. The the other hand cause excessive inflammation after uncon- diagnosis must rely on a strong clinical suspicion supported trolled stimulation. TLR-2 and TLR-4 binding activates by the presence of several of the signs of sepsis if possible. intracellular signal transduction pathways, which increase Two populations in which a high index of suspicion for bac- transcription of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor- teremia and sepsis should remain despite lack of clinical fea- ␣ (TNF-␣), interleukin-1␤ (IL-1␤), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tures are infants/children and the elderly population.5,46,47 and interleukin-10 (IL-10).39,40 TNF-␣,IL-1␤,andIL- Criteria for establishing diagnosis are within the definitions 6 are proinflammatory cytokines that activate an immune of bacteremia, sepsis, and septic shock, thus one must con- response but also cause both direct and indirect host cellu- sider the diagnosis if a patient meets the criteria set forth lar injury such as endothelial damage and eventually capil- from the 1992 consensus.1 lary leakage. LPS and TNF-␣ probably promote intravas- cular coagulation initially by inducing blood monocytes BACTEREMIA, SEPSIS, AND SEPTIC SHOCK to express tissue factor, by initiating the release of plas- minogen activator inhibitor type 1, and by inhibiting the Symptoms that suggest the onset of sepsis are often non- expression of thrombomodulin and plasminogen activa- specific and include sweats, chills or rigors, breathlessness, tor by vascular endothelial cells. IL-10 is an antiinflam- nausea and vomiting or diarrhea, and headache.48 Fever, matory cytokine that inactivates macrophages, as well as often accompanied by shaking chills, is the most com- altering of monocyte function, decreasing antigen pre- mon clinical manifestation of bacteremia and sepsis. In a senting activity, and reducing production of proinflamma- study reported by Kreger and colleagues49 and Vincent,50 ◦ tory cytokines, and is underexpressed in the Th2-mediated fever (temperature > 37.6 C) was seen in 82% of patients. ◦ immune response.35,40,41 Hypothermia (temperature < 36.4 C) was seen in 13% of In TSS, the staphylococcal and streptococcal toxins bacteremic patients. Although the most common sign of are able to function as superantigens, which are proteins bacteremic and septic patients is fever, a significant per- that simultaneously bind nonspecifically to T-cell recep- centage of patients who present with bacteremia are also tors (TCRs) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) found to be hypothermic. Age, renal insufficiency, cor- class II molecules.42 Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST- ticosteroid or antipyretic administration, and malignancy 1), the best characterized of the toxins, binds to the MHC all increase the likelihood that a patient will not mount class II molecule.43 These toxins are known as superanti- a febrile response. Mental status changes may occur in genic because they activate CD4 T-cell populations at a patients with bacteremia or sepsis. Changes may range from level that is at least five orders of magnitude greater than mild anxiety or restlessness to profound confusional states. conventional antigens.44 Superantigens are not processed Change in mental state is an important clinical finding in by antigen-presenting cells. They bind directly to MHC elderly patients who may exhibit few other early signs of class II molecules expressed on antigen-presenting cells disease. Tachypnea and altered mental status were more and cross-link with a large number of T cells that bear common among patients older than 75 years than among common V␤ chains and their TCRs. High concentrations younger patients, whereas tachycardia and hypoxemia were of lymphokines and monokines result and induce TSS. less common among older patients. The hemodynamic Immune activation induced by superantigens potentiates instability of the young population with sepsis is of clinical the host response to other microbial mediators, including importance. This effect is due to younger patients’ ability bacterial endotoxin.45 The large numbers of effector CD4+ to regulate blood pressure via vasoconstriction, leading to T cells resulting from this nonspecific proliferation begin rapid onset of hypotension in this population.51 stimulating monocytes to secrete several cytokines, includ- A number of dermatologic manifestations have been ing TNF-␣ and IL-1. The secretion of these cytokines described in patients with bacteremia, sepsis, septic shock, 102 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 10.3: Tissue Involvement by Gram-Negative Microbial Pathogens

Name Suggestive of: Description Histologic findings

Palpable purpura56,57,58 N. meningitidis; >3 mm, elevated, nonblanching, Angiocentric inflammation with H. influenzae; R. rickettsii; erythematous to violaceous plaques endothelial cell swelling fibrinoid S. aureus or nodules; dependent areas such as necrosis and a neutrophilic cellular legs and feet are common areas; infiltrate around and within blood appears 12Ð36 h after onset of vessel walls illness Deposits of immunoglobulins and complement in blood vessel walls Petechiae56,59,60,61 Infective endocarditis <3 cm, range from erythematous to Vascular thrombosis; perivascular 2◦ to bacteremia; violaceous; commonly found on hemorrhage N. meningitidis; E. coli; lower legs but can also be found on other gram-negative the conjunctiva and palate; appears bacteria 12Ð36 h after onset of illness Ecthyma P. aureus; A. hydrophila; Painless, round, erythematous Bacterial invasion of the media and gangrenosum52,53,54,55 gram-negative bacteria; V. macules; they become indurated and adventitia of vein walls deep in the vulnificus progress to hemorrhagic bluish dermis bullae; lesions later slough to form a Sparing of the intima and lumen deep gangrenous ulcer with a grayÐblack eschar and a surrounding Minimal inflammation erythematous halo; process evolves rapidly over a period of 12Ð24 h; usually found between umbilicus and knees but may occur anywhere on the body Acrocyanosis62,63 Septic shock DIC Blueness of hands and feet with preserved pinkness in mucous membranes Hemorrhagic V. vulnificus (contact with Erythematous painful swollen limb Noninflammatory bulla, epidermal bullous64,65 seafood) (lower > upper) with bilateral necrosis, hemorrhage, and bacteria hemorrhagic plaques and bullae; in dermal vessels develops 36 h after onset Cellulitis66,67 S. aureus Not raised, and demarcation from S. pyogenes uninvolved skin is indistinct; tissue S. pneumoniae feels hard on palpation and is Gram-negative bacilli extremely painful; cellulitis extends into subcutaneous tissues

DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation. and/or TSS. Skin may be the primary site of disease man- patterns of tissue involvement by gram-negative microbial ifestation. To diagnose bacteremia, sepsis, or septic shock pathogen:52 from cutaneous lesions, one must look at the overall pic- ture in addition to the definition of the infection estab- 1. Cellulitis and thrombophlebitis are associated with lished in the 1992 consensus. Cutaneous lesions that occur intense local inflammation. Bacteria implicated in case as a result of bacterial infection can be divided into three reports include Campylobacter fetus, Vibrio species, and categories: Aeromonas hydrophila. Only a few bacteria are present in the affected tissues, however, making definitive diagno- ● direct bacterial involvement of the skin and underlying sis by Gram stain difficult as most biopsied lesions will soft tissues (e.g., cellulitis, erysipelas, and fasciitis); contain very few organisms. For this reason, much better ● lesions that occur as a consequence of sepsis, hypoten- results may be obtained from culturing. sion, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC; 2. When the inflammatory response is impaired, usually by e.g., acrocyanosis and necrosis of peripheral tissues); and neutropenia, ecthyma gangrenosum or bullous lesions ● lesions secondary to intravascular infections (e.g., may occur; is the most commonly microemboli and/or immune complex vasculitis). isolated microorganism. 3. In symmetrical peripheral gangrene associated with Recognition of certain characteristic lesions can greatly DIC, fibrin thrombi are seen in small vessels, but neither assist etiologic diagnosis. Musher distinguished three inflammatory cells nor bacteria are found. Chapter 10 ● Bacteremia, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Toxic Shock Syndrome 103

TABLE 10.4: Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis and ecthyma gangrenosum are neutropenic at the time the Septic Shock lesions develop and are associated with lesions of skin or System Clinical symptoms mucous membranes that rapidly worsen and evolve into nodular patches marked by hemorrhage, ulceration, and 52–55 CNS68,69 Confusion necrosis. Focal signs, seizures, and cranial nerve Ischemic changes (dusky or pallid color, coldness, loss palsies are rare of pulses) usually occur in the hands and feet, where they Encephalopathy (may be associated with a may follow thrombosis of small to medium-size arteries. poor prognosis) Such ischemic changes are usually seen in septic shock. Diffuse weakness Inflammation-induced coagulopathy and vasoconstriction Endocrine Hypotension both contribute to their pathogenesis( Table 10.3).62,63 Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia Table 10.4 displays other common clinical signs and Adrenal insufficiency symptoms of sepsis and septic shock. Cardiovascular Tachycardia Pulmonary Hyperventilation Renal Oliguria GI Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea Laboratory Findings Ileus Table 10.5 displays common laboratory findings seen in Upper GI bleeding from stress ulcers sepsis and septic shock. Hepatic Jaundice

CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal. TOXIC SHOCK Although often considered pathognomonic for P. aerug- History and physical examination are vital in the identi- inosa bacteremia, ecthyma gangrenosum also has been fication of a presumptive source of TSS. Whereas sep- observed in patients whose blood cultures grew Klebsiella, tic shock has hypotension and subsequent organ failure, Serratia, A. hydrophila,orE. coli. Almost all patients with toxic shock is characterized as coinciding hypotension with

TABLE 10.5: Laboratory Findings in Sepsis and Septic Shock

Laboratory study Findings Comments

White blood cell count Leukocytosis or leucopenia Stress response, increased margination of neutrophils in sepsis; toxic granulation may be seen; occasionally, bacteria may be found in the peripheral blood smear Platelet Thrombocytopenia Look for evidence of fragmentation hemolysis in the peripheral blood smear; thrombocytopenia may or may not be accompanied by disseminated intravascular coagulation Glucose Hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia Acute stress response, inhibition of gluconeogenesis Clotting factors Prolonged prothrombin time, activated partial Coagulopathy often seen with systemic thromboplastin time, low fibrinogen levels, and endotoxin release evidence of fibrinolysis Liver enzymes Elevated alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, and Ð transaminases; low albumin Blood cultures Bacteremia or fungemia The presence of positive blood culture does not make the diagnosis, and its absence does not exclude the diagnosis Plasma lactate Mild elevations (>2.2 mmol/L) Hypermetabolism, anaerobic metabolism, inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase C-reactive protein Elevated Acute-phase reactant, sensitive but not specific for sepsis

Arterial blood gas Respiratory alkalosis (early); metabolic acidosis Measurements of O2 content and mixed venous (late) O2 saturation useful in management Serum phosphate Hypophosphatemia Inversely correlated with high levels of inflammatory cytokines 104 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 10.6: Major Criteria for Diagnosis of S. Aureus TSS

1. Fever: Temperature ≥38.9◦C (102◦F) 2. Eruption: Diffuse macular erythroderma (“sunburn” eruption) 3. Hypotension: Systolic blood pressure (BP) ≤90 mm Hg (adults) or less than fifth percentile for age (children <16 years old); or orthostatic hypotension (orthostatic drop in diastolic BP by 15 mm Hg, orthostatic dizziness, or orthostatic syncope) 4. Involvement of at least three of the following organ systems: a. Gastrointestinal (vomiting or diarrhea at onset of illness) b. Muscular (severe myalgias or serum creatine phosphokinase level at least twice the upper limit of normal) c. Mucous membranes (vaginal, oropharyngeal, conjunctival hyperemia) d. Renal (blood urea nitrogen or creatinine level at least twice upper limit of normal or pyuria) e. Hepatic f. Hematologic (thrombocytopenia) g. Central nervous system 5. Desquamation: 1Ð2 weeks after onset of illness (typically palms/fingers, soles/toes) 6. Evidence against alternative diagnosis: Negative results of cultures of blood, throat, or cerebrospinal fluid (if performed); no increase in titers of antibody to the agents of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, , and rubeola (if obtained) Probable Diagnosis: • Desquamation and 3 other major criteria • All 5 major criteria in the absence of desquamation

TSS, toxic shock syndrome.

organ failure. TSS caused by S. aureus and TSS caused by Staphylococcal TSS S. pyogenes are both characterized by an acute illness with Staphylococcal TSS should be suspected in any individ- fever, sudden-onset hypotension, rapidly accelerated renal ual with a sudden onset of a fever (>38.9◦C) with chills, failure, and multisystem organ failure. Clinical definitions malaise, vomiting or diarrhea, myalgias, dizziness, syncope, of staphylococcal and streptococcal TSS are described in beefy edematous mucous membranes, and/or conjunctival Tables 10.6 and 10.7, respectively. Both types of syndrome hyperemia. also have differences that can help differentiate them on In addition to signs and symptoms, there may be a clinical appearance. Table 10.8 highlights those differences. history of superabsorbant tampon use, recent surgery, The presence of fever, vomiting, watery diarrhea, myalgias, diaphragm contraception, or indwelling foreign body. On and conjunctival hyperemia are suggestive of S. aureus TSS physical examination, the patient appears ill and has a fever whereas soft-tissue infections such as cellulitis, abscess, or >38.9◦C. There may be clinical evidence of hypotension, necrotizing fasciitis with increased pain commonly occur peripheral edema, and muscle tenderness. If an infected with streptococcal TSS. Both can form without an identi- wound is the source of TSS, the clinical presentation will fiable source of infection. be out of proportion to the wound presentation. Skin

TABLE 10.7: Major Criteria for Diagnosis of S. Pyogenes TSS

1. Isolation of group A β-hemolytic streptococci (a) from a normally sterile site (e.g., blood, cerebrospinal fluid, peritoneal fluid, tissue biopsy specimen) (b) from a nonsterile site (e.g., throat, sputum, vagina) 2. Hypotension: systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg in adults or lower than the fifth percentile for age in children 3. Two or more of the following signs: • renal impairment: creatinine level >177 ␮mol/L (≥2 mg/dL) for adults or two times or more the upper limit of normal for age • coagulopathy: platelet count < ≤100,000/mcL or disseminated intravascular coagulation • hepatic involvement: ALT, AST, or total bilirubin levels two times or more the upper limit of normal for age • adult respiratory distress syndrome • generalized erythematous macular eruption that may desquamate • soft-tissue necrosis, including necrotizing fasciitis or myositis, or gangrene An illness fulfilling criteria 1(a), 2, and 3 can be defined as a definite case. An illness fulfilling criteria 1(b), 2, and 3 can be defined as probable case if no other cause for the illness is identified.

TSS, toxic shock syndrome; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase. Chapter 10 ● Bacteremia, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Toxic Shock Syndrome 105

TABLE 10.8: Differences in Staphylococcal and Streptococcal TSS

Characteristics Staphylococcal TSS Streptococcal TSS

Predisposing factors Tampons, burns, wounds Varicella, wounds Site of infection Superficial (i.e., impetigo, burns, Deep (i.e., blunt trauma, necrotizing diaper rash, genital tract) fasciitis, myositis, septic joint) Abrupt onset of pain Rare Common Eruption Very common Less common Vomiting/Diarrhea Very common Less common Increased creatinine kinase Rare Common in fasciitis Bacteremia <5% 60% Desquamation 7Ð14 days Less common Mortality 3%Ð5% 5%Ð10%

TSS, toxic shock syndrome. examination shows that there is a flexurally accentuated gias, vomiting, and diarrhea) are present in less than 20% diffuse nonpruritic, blanching macular–papular erythro- of streptococcal cases. Most cases present with fever and a derma, described as “sunburn.” The distribution always localized soft-tissue infection that can progress to necro- involves the extremities, with erythematous palms and tizing fasciitis or myositis and require surgical debride- soles. Erythema of the mucous membranes is commonly ment or even amputation. Laboratory data on streptococ- observed as well. The eruption may be subtle and is often cal TSS cases are similar to those on staphylococcal TSS. missed in heavily pigmented patients or when the patient Symptoms of streptococcal TSS are nonspecific. Physicians is examined in a poorly illuminated room. The eruption should have clinical suspicion in children and in persons fades in approximately 3 days, but sheet-like desquamation with chronic underlying illness. Clues to suggest strepto- of the hands and feet occurs in all patients 5–12 days after coccal TSS are localized severe pain as opposed to myalgia, the eruption disappears. Some patients also may develop skin lesion, or history of trauma at site of pain. reversible alopecia and nail shedding. In menstrual TSS, edema and erythema of the inner thigh and perineum with a normal uterine and adnexal examination may be noted. THERAPY In nonmenstrual TSS, another focus of infection may be Successful management of bacteremia requires elimina- present. tion of the offending pathogen by the timely administra- Laboratory findings reflect dysfunction of several organ tion of antibiotics and removal of the source of infection. systems. Laboratory abnormalities included as criteria Bacteremia should be treated if one obtains 2–4 positive for diagnosing TSS are elevated creatinine phosphok- blood cultures; sensitivity is dependent on the volume of inase, acute renal insufficiency, sterile pyuria, elevated blood cultured, with 30–40 mL per session being recom- liver function tests, and thrombocytopenia. Some labo- mended for optimal results. One must draw at least 10 mL ratory findings that are not included in the criteria for of blood for culture by venipuncture with at least 10 mL TSS but can commonly be seen are electrolyte abnor- through each lumen of a central vascular catheter when malities (hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemia), leukocy- one is present. Empiric antimicrobial therapy of bacteremia tosis, and decreased serum albumin and total protein due and sepsis depends upon localizing the site of infection to to capillary leakage. The prothrombin, international nor- a particular organ, which determines the pathogenic flora malized ratio, and partial thromboplastin times may be in the septic process. The usual pathogens are determined elevated, with or without thrombocytopenia. Laboratory by the organ or infection site, are predictable, and are the abnormalities usually return to normal within 7–10 days basis for the selection of appropriate empiric antimicro- of disease onset. Cultures of material from the vagina or bial therapy. Coverage should be directed against the most cervix are usually positive for S. aureus. Blood cultures are common pathogens and does not need to be excessively negative in 85% of patients with TSS, but must still be broad or contain unnecessary activity against uncommon obtained. pathogens. If multiple drugs are used initially, the regimen Streptococcal TSS occurs in all age groups without a should be modified and coverage narrowed based on the predisposing factor. A hallmark feature of S. pyogenes TSS results of culture and sensitivity testing. is pain that is severe and abrupt in onset. The pain is usu- When sepsis is identified, treatment should be started ally preceded by tenderness. Symptoms that remain the immediately. To aid in uniform and consistent manage- hallmark in staphylococcal TSS (such as fever, chills, myal- ment, two sets of severe sepsis bundles were defined by 106 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 10.9: Sepsis Bundles ical. Thus, fluid resuscitation with crystalloid or colloidal solution is important in the mainstay of treatment. Tam- Sepsis resuscitation bundle pons or other packing material should be promptly 1. Serum lactate measured removed. It is often difficult to determine initially whether 2. Blood cultures obtained before antibiotics administered Streptococcus or Staphylococcus is the offending bacterium, so 3. Improve time to broad-spectrum antibiotics coverage for both is necessary. Suggested regimens include 4. In the event of hypotension or lactate >4 mmol/L (36 mg/dL): a. deliver an initial minimum of 20 mL/kg of crystalloid (or penicillin plus clindamycin, erythromycin, or ceftriax- colloid equivalent) one plus clindamycin. Patients with suspected methicillin- b. apply vasopressors for ongoing hypotension resistant staphylococcal TSS should be treated with IV 5. In the event of persistent hypotension despite fluid vancomycin 1 g every 12 hours for 10–15 days, with dose resuscitation or lactate >4 mmol/L (36 mg/dL): adjustment based on creatinine clearance. Patients with a. achieve central venous pressure of 8Ð12 mm Hg b. achieve central venous oxygen saturation of ≥70% streptococcal TSS require hospitalization for care, usually initially in an intensive care setting. Patients with strepto- Sepsis management bundle 1. Administer low-dose steroids coccal TSS should be treated with both IV penicillin G, 2. Administer drotrecogin alfa (activated) 3–4 million units every 4 hours, and IV clindamycin, 600– 3. Maintain adequate glycemic control 900 mg every 8 hours for 10–15 days, followed by oral 4. Prevent excessive inspiratory plateau pressures therapy. Double antibiotic coverage is the standard of care for streptococcal TSS because this infection is character- ized by extremely large numbers of stationary bacteria and the 2002 Surviving Sepsis Campaign: the sepsis resusci- penicillin alone is not effective in this scenario. tation bundle and the sepsis management bundle (Tab- les 10.9 and 10.10). The resuscitation bundle should be PROGNOSIS implemented within the initial 6 hours after patient admis- sion to the hospital. It is also recommended to imple- Severe sepsis and septic shock are associated with case- ment the sepsis management bundle as soon as possible fatality ratios of approximately 30% and 50%, respectively. but within the first 24 hours.70 Outcome is significantly (and most profoundly) influenced For TSS, hemodynamic stabilization and antimicro- by the patient’s underlying disease. Bacteremia with certain bial therapy are the initial goals of treatment. Immediate microbes (e.g., S. aureus) may also be independently related and aggressive management of hypovolemic shock is crit- to mortality in multivariate analyses. Of the many studied

TABLE 10.10: Suggested Initial Drug Therapy Based on Presumed Source

Source Antibiotic treatment Comment

Community-acquired Erythromycina and third-generation Gram-negative bacteria cause 10%Ð20% of pneumonia cephalosporinb community-acquired pneumonias requiring OR hospitalization; H. influenzae, K. pneumoniae, First- or second-generation cephalosporinc plus and others implicated; consider Legionella aminoglycosided species if patient is elderly or immunosuppressed Hospital-acquired Antipseudomonal ␤-lactame plus aminoglycosided Must treat for more resistant organisms including pneumonia P. aeruginosa Urinary tract infections Ampicillina plus aminoglycosided Combination also covers enterococci Intraabdominal or ␤-Lactam inhibitor f plus aminoglycoside Use against enteric gram-negative bacteria and biliary tract infections OR anaerobes Imipenem plus aminoglycoside Neutropenic patients Antipseudomonal ␤-lactame plus aminoglycosided Add vancomycin for Staphylococcus species if intravascular catheter is present Unknown source Imipenem or ␤-lactam inhibitor f plus Add vancomycin if gram-positive infection is a aminoglycosided consideration

Data from Stein JH, ed. Internal Medicine, 5th edition. St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 1998. a Others: Ampicillin 1Ð2 g every 4Ð6 h; erythromycin 0.5Ð1 g every 6 h; ticarcillin clavulanate 3.1 g every 4Ð8 h; vancomycin 1 g every 12 h. b Cefotaxime 1Ð2 g every 6Ð8 h; ceftriaxone 1Ð2 g every 24 h; ceftazidime 1Ð2 g every 8 h. c Cefazolin 1 g every 8 h; cephalothin 1Ð2 g every 4Ð6 h; cefuroxime 1 g every 8 h. d Gentamicin, tobramycin 3Ð5 mg/kg/d divided every 8 h; amikacin 15 mg/kg/d divided every 8 h. Must adjust for renal dysfunction. e Piperacillin, mezlocillin, ticarcillin 3 g every 4 h; ceftazidime 1Ð2 g every 8 h; imipenem 500 mg every 6 h. f Ticarcillin clavulanate 3.1 g every 4Ð6 h; piperacillin/tazobactam 3 g every 4Ð6 h. Chapter 10 ● Bacteremia, Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Toxic Shock Syndrome 107

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Eleonora Ruocco Adone Baroni Sonia Sangiuliano Giovanna Donnarumma Vincenzo Ruocco

STAPHYLOCOCCAL scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is childhood with most cases occurring in children younger the term used to define a potentially life-threatening, blis- than 6 years. The median age of onset is 1 year 10 months. tering skin disease caused by exfoliative toxins (ETs) of cer- There has been one case report of congenital SSSS in a tain strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The syndrome belongs neonate with sepsis, born to a mother with staphylococcal to a wide spectrum of staphylococcal infections that range chorioamnionitis.3 Occasionally, adults with chronic renal in severity from localized bullous impetigo to a generalized insufficiency or who are immunosuppressed can be affected. cutaneous involvement characterized by extensive blister- Because the toxins responsible for the lesions are excreted ing with superficial denudation and subsequent desquama- renally, infants, who have naturally immature kidneys, and tion of the skin. SSSS is so-named because of its staphy- adults with renal failure are obviously the most common lococcal etiology and its remarkable resemblance to the candidates for this disease. clinical picture of scalding. Besides decreased toxin clearance, lack of immunity to the toxins may also play a role. Outbreaks of SSSS have HISTORY often occurred in neonatal nurseries as a consequence of asymptomatic carriage of a toxigenic strain of S. aureus The original description of the syndrome dates back to by health care workers or parents. In fact, standard infec- 1878, when Ritter von Rittershain, director of an orphan- tion control measures, such as the use of chlorhexidine age in Prague, reported approximately 300 cases of der- hand washing, may not be always sufficient for prevention, matitis exfoliativa neonatorum. A relationship between the because the presence of potentially pathogenic staphylo- disease and staphylococci was perceived at the beginning cocci in the nasal cavities of a healthy adult carrier can be of the 20th century, but only in the early 1950s did the a point source for infection. link between bullous impetigo and phage group 2 staphy- Interestingly, a male-to-female predominance of SSSS lococci become evident. Lyell’s report on toxic epidermal has been documented (2:1 in sporadic cases; 4:1 in epi- necrolysis (TEN) in 1956 drew attention to the similarities demics).4 between this drug-induced condition and the appearance of extensive scalding, but also led to a period of confu- sion between nonbacterial (immune-mediated) TEN and ETIOLOGY bacterial (staphylococcal) toxin-mediated scalded skin syn- drome.1 In the early 1970s, the development of a murine The cause of SSSS is related to bacteria belonging to model of the staphylococcal disease clarified the situation.2 the genus Staphylococcus. This genus encompasses spherical Nowadays, SSSS is clearly distinguished from other dis- gram-positive bacteria, irregularly grouped in cluster-like eases of generalized epidermal necrolysis and the term formations. They are immobile and asporogenic microor- Ritter’s disease is still used to describe generalized SSSS in ganisms, and, from a metabolic perspective, are faculta- newborns. tive aerobes–anaerobes( Figure 11.1,A and B). This genus includes bacteria that are pathogens for both humans and other mammals. Traditionally, staphylococci are subdi- EPIDEMIOLOGY vided into two groups according to their ability to coag- SSSS, which may be present in epidemic form as well as ulate plasma (Figure 11.1,C and D). S. aureus,whichis sporadically, is primarily a disease of infancy and early pathogenic for humans, belongs to the coagulase-positive


the microorganism produces lipolytic enzymes that allow both the degradation of the sebum (and as a result of the lipid components with antibacterial activity) and the use of the lipids themselves as a source of metabolic energy. The pathogenic action of S. aureus depends both on a series of factors that favor multiplication in vivo and on the produc- tion of numerous toxins and isoenzymes. The strains of S. aureus responsible for the onset of SSSS A B are producers of epidermolytic or exfoliative toxin (ET) and are often penicillin resistant.5 Although most toxigenic strains of S. aureus are identified by group 2 phage (types 71 and 55), toxin producers have also been identified among phage groups 1 and 3.2 The frequency of isolation of strains C of toxin-producing S. aureus varies from place to place, but is generally less than 10%. ET is produced by the microor- ganism in two antigenically distinct forms, both capable of causing the disease (ET-A and ET-B). ET-A, a ther- D E mostable protein, is encoded by a chromosomally located FIGURE 11.1: Etiology of staphylococcal scalded skin syn- gene; ET-B, which is encoded by a gene located in the drome (SSSS). Panel A: Staphylococci grown in medium. Gram- plasmids, is a thermolabile protein.6,7 positive cocci grouped in typical clusters. Panel B: Electron microscopy of a Staphylococcus species. Panels C and D: Coag- ulase test. A suspension of Staphylococcus aureus provokes PATHOGENESIS coagulation of plasma contained in test tube (positive test, panel C). A suspension of Staphylococcus epidermidis does not pro- More than 30 years ago it was shown that the blisters in voke coagulation of plasma contained in test tube (negative test, SSSS are caused by an ET released by virulent strains of panel D). Panel E: Isolation of S. aureus in Chapman’s medium. S. aureus dwelling in distant foci of infection, such as the The high NaCl content allows the growth of Staphylococcus pharynx, nose, ear, or conjunctiva. It was surmised that species, but not other microorganisms. Only S. aureus causes the phenol red (indicator of pH) to change from red to yellow, ET, produced by staphylococci, and released into circula- through the fermenting of mannitol. (Photo courtesy of Maria tion, reached the skin and caused blistering and shedding Antonietta Tufano, Naples, Italy.) of the epidermis at sites that were distant from the infec- tion. In fact, the formation of superficial epidermal blisters group; the coagulase-negative group comprises 32 species and extensive skin exfoliation, similar to those observed that have been isolated in humans. The latter constitute in patients with SSSS, were experimentally obtained in the normal flora of the skin and mucosa, although some neonatal mice into which purified staphylococcal ET was of them can cause infections in neonates, elderly persons, injected. It was also noted that the presence of ET in the and immunodepressed subjects. S. aureus owes its name blood induced the production of protective neutralizing to the carotenoid pigment produced during multiplication antibodies and, as a consequence, lasting immunity, which that gives its colonies a yellow–orange color. To isolate could account for the fact that adolescents and adults are S. aureus in samples contaminated by a mixed flora, a selec- rarely affected by SSSS. Subsequently, it was discovered tive medium containing 7% NaCl is needed as this inhibits that two major serotypes of this toxin, ET-A and ET-B, are the multiplication of most microorganisms but not of responsible for the pathogenic changes of the syndrome.8 S. aureus. If mannitol (Chapman’s medium) is added to ET-A is the predominant ET isoform in Europe and the the NaCl medium, the sugar is fermented by S. aureus but United States, whereas ET-B is the most frequent isoform not by the other staphylococci, thus allowing differentia- in Japan. ET-B–producing S. aureus is, however, the pre- tion of the species (Figure 11.1E). S. aureus is a ubiquitous dominant strain isolated in generalized SSSS. microorganism that permanently colonizes the epidermis After the initial identification of the toxins, the mech- around the nostrils in 20% of the population, is usually anism by which ETs cause intraepidermal separation associated with transient flora, and can occasionally cause remained unknown for more than 3 decades. Early studies infections. S. aureus infections underlie several clinical pat- reported that ETs were mitogenic in human and murine terns that differ considerably according to the site of infec- lymphocytes, suggesting that the toxins act as superanti- tion and the means of transmission (direct extension or gens and stimulate certain V␤ T lymphocyte clones non- metastatic or hematogenous diffusion). S. aureus,inpar- specifically via major histocompatibility complex class II ticular, is the most frequent etiological agent in common molecules. Histopathological observations of the cutaneous skin infections, such as , furuncle, and lesions in SSSS patients, however, have generated contro- that arise in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles where versy regarding the superantigen theory of ETs because the Chapter 11 ● Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome 111

SSSS skin lesions fail to show evidence of intense T-cell TABLE 11.1: Similarities between Pemphigus Foliaceus (PF) recruitment into the epidermis, where the blisters occur. and Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome In addition, patients exhibit only a loss of cell–cell adhe- sion, but no induced keratinocyte necrosis as would be Clinical features: scaly and crusted superficial erosions expected with superantigen-stimulated T cells. Further- Skin (not mucous membranes) are involved more, because purified recombinant ET-A produced in a Site of cleavage: just below the stratum corneum non–toxin-producing strain of S. aureus was unable to stim- The crucial point where cleavage occurs is a Ca2+ binding ulate human and murine T cells, it was suggested that the domain in the extracellular region of desmoglein 1 superantigen activity of ETs was probably due to contam- Identical appearance of experimentally induced lesions in ination by other mitogenic exotoxins.7 neonatal mice injected with either PF immunoglobulin G The potency of ETs as serine proteases also has antibodies or staphylococcal exfoliative toxins been examined. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of ET-A and ET-B (they comprise 242 and 246 amino acids, respectively, and share approximately 40% the intercellular adhesion of keratinocytes and cause amino acid homology) showed that they share primary epidermal blistering. The target molecule for IgG autoan- amino acid homology with staphylococcal V8 protease, tibodies in PF is dsg 1. The extracellular region of dsg con- which belongs to a family of trypsin-like serine proteases. tains five cadherin repeats separated by putative calcium- The crystal structure analyses of ET-A and ET-B binding domains. In humans, four dsg isoforms (dsg 1, 2, revealed that their three-dimensional structures resemble 3, 4) with tissue- and differentiation-specific distribution those of known glutamate-specific serine proteases, includ- patterns have been identified. In all desmosome-bearing ing the presence of the catalytic triad, a putative active site tissuesdsg2ispresent,whereasdsg1anddsg3arefound comprising histidine, aspartic acid, and serine.7 predominantly in stratified squamous epithelia. In humans, Both ET isoforms cleave human and mouse desmoglein dsg 1 is expressed throughout the epidermis, but most 1 (dsg 1), a desmosomal intercellular adhesion molecule, intensely in superficial layers. The expression of dsg 3 is at one position after glutamic acid residue 381, between restricted to the basal and immediate suprabasal layers, extracellular domain (EC) 3 and EC 4 This cleavage site is although in human oral mucous membranes, dsg 1 and dsg located in the putative calcium-binding site of dsg 1, and 3 are expressed throughout the epithelia, with dsg 1 expres- the removal of the calcium ions blocks the cleavage of dsg 1 sion being much lower than that of dsg 3. The expression of by both ET-A and ET-B. The importance of this site was dsg 2 and dsg 4 in the human epidermis is restricted to the demonstrated by the replacement of the catalytic serine- basal layer and just below the cornified layer, respectively. 195 of ET-A with a cysteine or glycine residue, which In PF, blisters are observed exclusively in the superficial resulted in a loss of exfoliating activity after injection into epidermis, where dsg 1 is predominantly expressed with no neonatal mice.6 coexpression of other dsg isoforms.7 These findings suggest that the serine protease activities Five important clues from PF studies indicated that the of ET-A and ET-B are involved in intraepidermal blister substrate of the ETs might be dsg 1( Table 11.1). These formation in patients with SSSS.7 ET cleaves dsg 1 by the clues suggested that the ETs, such as PF IgG, might target key-in-lock mechanism that is common to many proteolytic dsg 1. If dsg 1 were cleaved specifically by the ETs, then, enzymes with limited substrate specificities. This remark- just as in PF, “desmoglein compensation” would account able mechanism efficiently targets one molecule, dsg 1, for the localization of the blisters in SSSS in the super- which allows Staphylococcus to grow below the epidermal ficial epidermis and for the absence of the blisters in the barrier but superficially enough to be contagious through mucous membrane. The dsg compensation theory rests skin contact;8 however, neither the enzymatic activities of on the following two observations: anti–dsg 1 or anti–dsg ETs nor their specific substrates were recognized at the 3 autoantibodies inactivate only the corresponding dsg, time. To determine whether ET-A cleaves dsg 1 directly, and functional dsg 1 or dsg 3 alone is usually sufficient the toxin was incubated in vitro with baculovirus recom- for cell–cell adhesion. Anti-dsg 1 IgG autoantibodies in binant ECs of human dsg 1, human dsg 3, mouse dsg 1-␣ serum from patients with PF cause superficial blisters in (one of three mouse dsg 1 isoforms), and mouse dsg 3. ET-A the skin; no blisters form in the lower epidermis or mucous was shown to cleave human and mouse dsg 1-␣ in a dose- membranes because dsg 3 maintains cell–cell adhesion in dependent fashion, but not dsg 3. ET-B also was found to those areas. In SSSS, the ETs produced by S. aureus act cleave the ECs of human and mouse dsg 1-␣ specifically as dsg 1–specific molecular scissors and cleave dsg 1 but and directly.9 A major breakthrough in understanding the not dsg 3, resulting in superficial epidermal blisters only, mechanism of ET-mediated blistering came in 2000, when because, in the upper epidermal layers, the cohesive func- similarities were noted between SSSS and an autoimmune tion of the impaired dsg 1 cannot be compensated by other blistering skin disease, pemphigus foliaceus (PF).10 In PF dsgs isoforms, as occurs elsewhere. Therefore, although patients, immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies disrupt pemphigus and SSSS are unrelated diseases, the identical 112 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Dsg1 Dsg3 Intercellular Desmocollins space

Cell Plakoglobin membrane Desmoplakin


dsg 1

Exfoliative toxins (SSSS) Subcorneal CLEAVAGE SITE blister Anti–desmoglein 1 lgG antibodies (PF)

FIGURE 11.2: Identical cleavage site in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and pemphigus foliaceus (PF). IgG, immunoglobulin G; dsg 1, desmoglein 1. histopathology of the superficial type of the IgG-mediated wrinkling of the epidermis heralds the appearance of large, disorder (PF) and lesions in neonatal mice treated with flaccid bullae. Blistering usually starts in the axillae and staphylococcal ETs clearly indicates that staphylococcal groins and on periorificial areas. Subsequently, the entire ETs act on the same autoimmune target of PF (i.e., dsg 1), body is affected. One or two days later, the bullae rup- thus provoking identical specific cleavage within the super- ture and their roofs are sloughed, leaving behind a moist, ficial layer of the epidermis(Figure 11.2). Interestingly glistening, red surface along with varnish-like crusts. At enough, about 2 centuries ago, astute clinicians realized this stage, the clinical appearance closely resembles that that staphylococcal bullous diseases were clinically similar of extensive scalding (Figure 11.3C). The patient becomes enough to pemphigus to name SSSS (along with its local- irritable, sick, and feverish, with “sad man” facies, perioral ized form, bullous impetigo) in infants “pemphigus neona- crusting, lip fissuring, and mild facial edema. Mucous mem- torum.”8 branes are usually spared by bullae and erosions, but gen- eralized mucous membrane erythema, especially intense in the conjunctiva (under which there may be hemorrhage), CLINICAL FEATURES is often observed. Days later, due to generalized shedding The onset of SSSS may either be acute with fever and of the epidermis, scaling and desquamation progressively rash or be preceded by a prodrome of malaise, irritabil- occur. The skin returns to normal in 2–3 weeks. Scarring ity, and cutaneous tenderness, often accompanied by puru- is not usually a feature. lent rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis, or otitis media. The typical An abortive form of SSSS, known as scarlatiniform vari- rash presents as a faint, orange–red, macular exanthem, ant (staphylococcal scarlet fever), also may be seen. The localized initially on the head (Figure 11.3A) and spread- early erythrodermic picture evolves into a desquamative ing within a few hours to the remainder of the body, condition with the absence of a blistering stage. This clini- with peculiar periorificial and flexural accentuation. Edema cal form is often associated with occult bone and joint infec- of the hands and feet may be observed. At this stage, tions or contaminated wounds. cutaneous tenderness is a distinctive feature as proven by the easy disruption of skin after firm rubbing or pres- sure (Nikolsky sign)( Figure 11.3B). Within 24–48 hours, PATHOLOGY the macular exanthem gradually turns into a blistering Under light microscopy SSSS is characterized by intraepi- eruption; in particular, a characteristic tissue-paper-like dermal cleavage with clefts appearing in the granular layer Chapter 11 ● Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome 113



FIGURE 11.3: Clinical features of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Panel A: Orange–red exanthema initially localized on the head. Panel B: Nikolsky sign: erosion following firm rubbing FIGURE 11.4: Histology of staphylococcal scalded skin syn- of the skin. (Photo courtesy of Carlo Gelmetti, Milan, Italy.) Panel drome: subcorneal bullous cavity (hematoxylin and eosin, × C: Extensive sloughing of the skin closely resembling that of 200). (Photo courtesy of Carlo Gelmetti, Milan, Italy.) vast scalding. (Photo courtesy of Giovanni Angelini, Bari, Italy.) The main differential diagnosis is that of TEN, which or just beneath the stratum corneum and leading to the for- usually affects adults and is uncommon in children. In mation of bullous cavities (Figure 11.4). Few or no inflam- this severe drug-induced reaction, the skin changes are matory cells are present within the blister. A few acan- widespread and severe mucosal involvement is common tholytic cells are often seen either adjoining the cleavage (erosive mucositis is part of the clinical presentation in plane or free-floating in the bulla. A scanty lymphocytic TEN), whereas SSSS extends from the face and flexures infiltrate may surround superficial blood vessels in the der- and does not affect mucosae with erosions. Histologically, mis. In fresh lesions, no bacterial organisms can be seen TEN shows subepidermal splitting, also in frozen sec- on Gram stain of the biopsy specimens, whereas older tions, with full-thickness necrosis of the epidermis, whereas lesions can become superinfected thus obscuring an SSSS SSSS is characterized by subcorneal cleavage with a viable diagnosis. appearance of the epidermis. The two conditions can be rapidly differentiated by means of exfoliative cytology. A Tzanck smear taken from a fresh bulla shows necrotic DIAGNOSIS keratinocytes with inflammatory cells in TEN and viable The diagnosis of SSSS is mainly clinical and should be acantholytic or normal keratinocytes without inflammatory taken into consideration in any child who develops a gen- cells in SSSS, but accurate interpretation requires an expe- eralized, tender erythema, most prominent on periorificial rienced observer. Other differential diagnoses comprise (in particular perinostril and periocular) areas, associated Leiner and Kawasaki diseases. Leiner disease, the erythro- with Nikolsky sign. Suspected SSSS is supported by the dermic form of seborrhoeic dermatitis in newborns, lacks confirmation of staphylococcal infection in different sites blisters or erosion, but yellowish scales are present all over (conjunctiva, nasopharynx, ear). Cultures taken from intact the body. Prolonged fever, heart involvement, and general- bullae are negative because fresh lesions do not harbor ized lymphadenopathy characterize Kawasaki disease. Slide staphylococci. In the full-blown disease, shock is a typical latex agglutination, double immunodiffusion, and enzyme- feature, whereas postural dizziness may be an important linked immunosorbent assay tests – which can identify the diagnostic clue in the early stages or mild cases. staphylococcal toxins responsible for the intraepidermal 114 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY splitting – are all useful in confirming a SSSS clinical diagnosis. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES The increasing frequency of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains raises the possibility that antibiotic- COURSE AND PROGNOSIS resistant, ET–producing staphylococci can become The disease in newborns (Ritter’s disease) is usually self- pathogens in future cases of SSSS. The development of limiting, with rapid resolution of the skin blisters and com- innovative, alternative therapies may rapidly become an plete recovery in a couple of weeks, but there is a mor- urgent necessity. Structural identification of the dsg 1 tality of 2%–3% due to progression of the staphylococcal binding site of staphylococcal ETs and the generation infection (sepsis) or exfoliation complications (serious fluid of neutralizing antibodies that efficiently inhibit the and electrolyte disturbances). In children, with appropri- reaction between enzyme and substrate will provide a 7 ate treatment, complications (cellulitis, pneumonia) are novel therapeutic option for SSSS caused by MRSA. uncommon and the prognosis is usually good, with a low mortality risk (about 5%). In adults, SSSS carries a less ACKNOWLEDGMENTS favorable prognosis because of basic medical problems such We are greatly indebted to Prof. Maria Antonietta Tufano as immunosuppression or kidney failure. Adults are much (Naples), Prof. Carlo Gelmetti (Milan), and Prof. Gio- more likely than children to develop staphylococcal sepsis, vanni Angelini (Bari) for their courtesy in providing us which brings the mortality rate to more than 50%, despite with Figures 11.1 (MAT); 11.3A, 11.3B,and11.4 (CG); appropriate antibiotic therapy. and 11.3C (GA).

MANAGEMENT REFERENCES Patients with SSSS require hospitalization because, besides 1. Lyell A. Toxic epidermal necrolysis: an eruption resembling the appropriate systemic antibiotic therapy, intensive gen- scalding of the skin. Br J Dermatol, 1956; 68:355–61. eral supportive measures are needed. The mainstay of 2. Resnick SD, Elias PM. Staphylococcal scalded-skin syn- treatment is to eradicate staphylococci from the focus of drome. In: Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, et al., editors. Fitzpatrick’s dermatology in general medicine. 5th ed. Vol. 2. infection, which in most cases requires intravenous (IV) New York: McGraw-Hill: 1999. pp. 2207–13. antistaphylococcal antibiotics (e.g., methicillin, fluclo- 3. Loughead JL. Congenital staphylococcal scalded skin syn- xacillin). Subsequently, parenteral therapy may be replaced drome: report of a case. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1992; 11:413–14. ␤ with 1-week oral treatment with a -lactamase–resistant 4. Cribier B, Piemont Y, Grosshans E. Staphylococcal scalded antibiotic (e.g., dicloxacillin, cloxacillin, cephalexin). skin syndrome in adults: a clinical review illustrated with a Second-line therapies include IV macrolide (erythromycin new case. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1994; 30:319–24. or clarithromycin)11 or vancomycin.12 Due to the disrupted 5. Lowy FD. Staphylococcus aureus infections. N Engl J Med. cutaneous barrier function, which may lead to dehydration 1998; 339:520–32. and electrolyte imbalance, IV replacement of fluids and 6. Hanakawa Y, Schechter NM, Lin C, et al. Molecular mecha- lacking electrolytes is recommended for prompt recovery. nisms of blister formation in bullous impetigo and staphylo- In each case, oral fluid intake and careful monitoring of coccal scalded skin syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2002; 110:53–60. 7. Nishifuji K, Sugai M, Amagai M. Staphylococcal exfoliative urinary output should be encouraged. If required, anal- toxins: “Molecular scissors” of bacteria that attack the cuta- gesics should be used. The superficial nature of the erosions neous defense barrier in mammals. J Dermatol Sci. 2008; in SSSS paves the way to rapid reepithelialization follow- 49:21–31. ing appropriate topical therapy. The therapy consists of 8. Stanley JR, Amagai M. Pemphigus, bullous impetigo, and the nonirritant, nonsensitizing antiseptics (e.g., 1:1000 diluted staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2006; aqueous potassium permanganate solution) on denuded, 355:1800–10. moist areas and bland, lubricating emollients on itching, 9. Amagai M, Yamaguchi T, Hanakawa Y, et al. Staphylococcal tender, scaling areas. Newborns with SSSS should be kept exfoliative toxin B specifically cleaves desmoglein 1. J Invest in incubators to maintain body temperature. In neonatal Dermatol. 2002; 118:845–50. care units, as well as in hospital-acquired cases of SSSS, it 10. Amagai M, Matsuyoshi N, Wang ZH, et al. Toxin in bullous is of the utmost importance to identify health care work- impetigo and staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome targets desmoglein 1. Nat Med. 2000; 6:1275–7. ers who are possible carriers of toxigenic staphylococci. 11. Sturman SW, Malkinson FD. Staphylococcal scalded skin Useful prevention measures encompass strict enforcement syndrome in an adult and a child. Arch Dermatol. 1976; of chlorhexidine hand washing, oral antibiotic treatment 112:1275–9. for infected workers, and the use of intranasal mupirocin 12. Strauss G, Mogensen AM, Rasmussen A, Kirkegaard P. ointment to eradicate persistent nasal carriage of toxigenic Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in a liver transplant strains of S. aureus.2 patient. Liver Transpl Surg. 1997; 3:435–6. CHAPTER 12 Life-Threatening Cutaneous Viral Diseases

Aron J. Gewirtzman Brandon Christianson Anne Marie Tremaine Brenda L. Pellicane Stephen Tyring

VIRAL DISEASES frequently have cutaneous manifes- during childhood and is commonly asymptomatic, whereas tations, most of which are self-limited and of little con- HSV-2 infections are routinely found in postpubertal indi- sequence; however, there are occasions when a viral viduals who engage in sexual contact. Both HSV-1 and cutaneous disease may be accompanied by systemic man- HSV-2 are associated with recurrent infections in patients ifesttions that can be life threatening. In general, healthy with low immunologic status. children and adults are at little risk for these severe compli- The classic HSV presentation is indurated erythema fol- cations. Persons at highest risk for systemic involvement lowed by grouped vesicles on an erythematous base. These include patients who are immunosuppressed, as well as vesicles eventually become pustules, which rupture and neonates, extremely elderly persons, and the undernour- eventually crust. Sometimes the affected skin may become ished population. Because many viruses have some form necrotic and result in a punched-out ulcerative appearance. of cutaneous exanthem, almost any virus known to have Clinical manifestations, however, can vary and include systemic involvement can be considered a dermatological acute gingivostomatitis, herpes labialis, ocular herpes, her- emergency. This chapter focuses mainly on those viruses pes genitalis, zosteriform herpes simplex, herpetic whit- in which the cutaneous findings would be likely to prompt low, eczema herpeticum, meningitis, encephalitis, visceral dermatological investigation in an emergency situation. infections, and neonatal herpes. For mucocutaneous infec- tions, the mainstay of therapy has been the synthetic purine HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS nucleoside analogues acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir, and penciclovir. In emergency situations intravenous (IV) Presentation and Clinical Features acyclovir should be used. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is not typically associated with life-threatening or emergency situations; rather, HSV Neonatal HSV. HSV in a neonate is considered a pedi- is better known as an acute, self-limited infection that atric emergency, and antiviral therapy should be initi- may recur in certain individuals. In rare instances, fatal ated as soon as there is clinical suspicion.1 HSV is known and highly morbid complications can arise. Neonates and to infect approximately 1 in 3200 deliveries.2 Transmis- immunocompromised persons generally make up the vast sion to the neonate can occur by intrauterine (5%), intra- majority of patients with these poor outcomes, but in partum (85%), or postpartum (10%) infection.3–7 The risk extremely rare cases some immunocompetent patients suf- of neonatal herpes is greatest if a woman has a primary fer severe complications. occurrence at delivery, lower if she has a recurrent episode, HSV can be divided into two subgroups (HSV-1 and and lowest if there is a history of HSV but no lesions HSV-2) based on molecular and immunologic character- at delivery.2 Although cesarean section has proven to be istics. HSV-1 typically causes lesions in the oral mucosa effective in decreasing the chances of HSV transmission to and produces gingivostomatitis and pharyngitis in primary the neonate from a mother actively shedding virus from infections. Primary infections of HSV-2 most commonly the genital tract, the majority of transmitted infections cause genital lesions and produce acute vulvovaginitis and arise from mothers who do not have lesions at the time of progenitalis. Infection with HSV-1 is generally acquired delivery. Approximately 60%–80% of women who deliver


TABLE 12.1: Herpes Simplex Virus in Neonates

Mortality Type of neonatal without HSV infection Incidence8 treatment8,11 Presentation12 Therapy1 Onset1,13

Skin,eye,and 45% 0% Discrete vesicles and IV acyclovir 20 mg/kg 10Ð11 days mouth infections keratoconjunctivitis to spastic every 8 h for 14Ð21 days quadriplegia, microcephaly, and blindness Central nervous 35% 50% Seizures, lethargy, irritability, 60 mg/kg/d in three 16Ð19 days system tremors, poor feeding, divided doses for 21 days temperature instability, bulging is advised fontanelle, or pyramidal tract signs Disseminated 20% 80% Irritability, seizures, respiratory 60 mg/kg/d in three 9Ð11 days multiorgan distress, jaundice, bleeding divided doses for 21 days infection diatheses, shock, and vesicular is advised exanthema

HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV, intravenous. an HSV-infected infant have no evidence of genital HSV polymerase chain reaction is the most sensitive noninvasive infection at the time of delivery, no past history of genital test for early diagnosis.16 HSE manifests as an acute onset of herpes, nor a sexual partner reporting a history of genital fever and focal (temporal) neurologic symptoms.17 Patients HSV.2,8–10 typically complain of headache, nuchal rigidity, weakness, In neonates, HSV can manifest in three different types sensory abnormalities, aphasia, visual field defects, or cra- of infections (Table 12.1). nial nerve palsies.18 Neonatally disseminated HSV infection and central ner- vous system (CNS) HSV disease both have high mortal- Eczema Herpeticum. Eczema herpeticum is a potentially ity rates without treatment. In those individuals who do life-threatening dermatologic emergency that involves a survive without treatment, significant neurologic impair- herpetic superinfection of a preexisting skin disease. It is ment is common.8,11 Although skin, eye, and mouth HSV most commonly seen in individuals who have disruptive neonatal infections typically do not cause mortality, with- skin diseases (typically atopic dermatitis) or are immuno- out antiviral therapy, approximately 75% of infections will compromised (secondary to medication for the skin dis- eventually develop into CNS or disseminated disease.8 ease). It is commonly seen in children of all ages and all ethnic groups, with those in the first 2–3 years of life hav- ing the highest incidence.19 Without rapid antiviral ther- HSV in Immunocompromised Patients. Immunocompro- apy, complete dissemination can occur, leading to fulmi- mised individuals such as those with human immunodefi- nant hepatitis and possible death.20,21 ciency virus (HIV), recipients of organ transplantations, Eczema herpeticum is similar to the classic skin lesions pregnant women, or patients with any other disease/state of HSV except that there are multiple clusters of vesicles in that affects T-cell function should also be monitored for areas of previous skin disease involvement along with sys- dissemination and/or CNS involvement in HSV infections. temic symptoms (fever and malaise). Vesicles spread and These patients have been associated with higher mortality result in punched-out erosions causing significant pain. rates and worse recurrent episodes of HSV. Lesions may be discrete or confluent, and tend to occur in crops, resulting in many lesions at different stages.22 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. Herpes simplex encephali- Other signs and symptoms may include pruritus, vom- tis (HSE) is the most commonly identified cause of acute, iting, anorexia, diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, and/or sec- sporadic viral encephalitis in the United States, comprising ondary bacterial infection.23,24 10%–20% of all cases.14 It is estimated to have an incidence of approximately 1 case per 250,000 population per year.15 Visceral Infections. The most common sites of visceral Mortality in untreated patients is in excess of 70%, and infections are the esophagus, lung, and liver; the infec- only 2.5% of all patients recover full neurological function. tions usually result from viremia. Of these, lung and liver The pathology of HSE varies and may occur in a primary infections have the worse prognoses. Lung HSV infec- or recurrent infection. Not all cases have skin lesions, and tions frequently present as a focal necrotizing pneumonitis differentiation from other encephalitides can be very dif- and are more common in severely immunocompromised ficult. HSV DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid confirmed by patients. Mortality is considered to be greater than 80%. Chapter 12 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Viral Diseases 117

HSV hepatitis also has a high association with mortality is generally a self-limited disease, usually of childhood, (near 80%) and can present with fever, abdominal or right that causes outbreaks of vesicles and pustules classically upper quadrant pain, nausea and vomiting, abrupt eleva- described as “dewdrops on a rose petal.” Lesions progress tions of bilirubin and serum aminotransferase levels, and from a vesicle into a pustule that then produces an itchy leukopenia.25 HSV hepatitis has been seen in immunocom- scab. Classically, all of these stages are present simultane- petent and immunosuppressed persons. ously, as the lesions develop in successive crops. Varicella is common, as greater than 95% of adults in the United States have antibodies to the virus. In healthy children, the mor- Prevention and Treatment tality rate is quite low, estimated at two deaths per 100,000 IV acyclovir is highly recommended for all cases of neona- cases.32 In immunocompromised patients and neonates, tal HSV. Treatment of neonatal HSV with IV acyclovir however, complications such as pneumonitis, thrombocy- is described in Table 12.1. For maximum benefit, antiviral topenia, liver function impairment, and CNS involvement therapy must be administered before widespread dissemi- are more common and must be recognized and treated nation or significant replication of the virus in the CNS has promptly. occurred.13 It is also recommended that dosing intervals Neonatal varicella is mostly caused by maternal chicken- for IV acyclovir be increased in premature infants due to pox acquired during the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. Death their high creatinine clearance.26 In rare cases, IV acyclovir may occur due to complications of generalized neonatal has been associated with neutropenia and nephrotoxicity. varicella in up to 20% of neonates if the mother develops Therefore, neutrophil counts and kidney function should a rash between days 4 and 5 antepartum to day 2 postpar- be monitored in neonates when receiving IV acyclovir.1 tum.33 Whereas neonatal chickenpox occurring within the With acyclovir therapy the mortality of disseminated HSV first 4 days after birth tends to be mild, a fatal outcome has and CNS HSV is reduced to 29% and 4%, respectively.1 been reported in 23% of cases occurring between 5 and Preventing maternal primary infection is of the utmost 12 days of age.33 importance because primary infection has the highest rate Primary varicella in adults is frequently more severe than of transmission to the infant. To prevent maternal infec- in children. Fewer than 5% of cases of varicella occur in tion, condoms or suppressive oral acyclovir in late preg- adults, yet 55% of varicella-related deaths occur in this age nancy has been beneficial for persons who are in sexual group, usually due to pneumonia and consequent respira- contact with partners who have genital herpes. tory failure.32,34 Immunocompromised patients should be treated with systemic antiviral therapy such as acyclovir. For patients Herpes Zoster. Herpes zoster has a lifetime incidence who may have acyclovir-resistant HSV, foscarnet can be between 10% and 25%, with the elderly population being at used, but it is generally reserved for patients with exten- greater risk than the general population. Like varicella, her- sive mucocutaneous infections because of its high cost and pes zoster is rarely life threatening in immunocompetent toxicity.27 Cidofovir has also been proven to work as a top- people. The disease is recognized by dermatomal pain and ical medication for HSV lesions and may also be used in vesicular rash. Pain may be intense and can last for months acyclovir-resistant patients. after the rash heals (postherpetic neuralgia). Herpes zoster Prompt treatment is of the utmost importance to pre- is generally limited to a single dermatome or a few adja- vent the high mortality associated with HSE. It is recom- cent dermatomes, but may disseminate, particularly in mended that HSE patients be treated with IV acyclovir at patients with immunosuppression due to HIV, hematolog- 30 mg/kg/d divided into 3 doses for 14–21 days.28 Even ical malignancy, organ transplantation, or chemotherapy. in presumed HSE, IV acyclovir is recommended until an Disseminated zoster results from hematogenous spread of alternative diagnosis is made, and continued when the diag- the virus resulting in involvement of multiple dermatomes, nosis of HSE is confirmed.29 as well as potentially systemic involvement. Dissemination For all visceral HSV infections, IV acyclovir is recom- is life-threatening due to the potential to cause encephalitis, mended. In some cases liver transplant plus high-dose acy- hepatitis, or pneumonitis. clovir therapy has been used to treat fulminant HSV hepatic Disseminated herpes zoster may present with visceral failure.30,31 symptoms including hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, or abdominal pain. Occasionally, these complaints are seen even without skin involvement at all, or can be the pre- VARICELLA ZOSTER VIRUS senting feature before a rash develops.35,36 CNS involve- ment may be seen in the form of cranial nerve palsies or Presentation and Clinical Features encephalitis in up to one third of patients with disseminated Primary Varicella. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) presents zoster.37 as chickenpox (varicella) as a primary infection and shin- Although the incidence of shingles among recipients gles (herpes zoster) when the virus is reactivated. Varicella of solid organ transplants is approximately 9%,32 the 118 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY complications of dissemination in these patients are par- SMALLPOX (VARIOLA MAJOR) AND VACCINIA ticularly grave. A review of the literature of disseminated varicella infection in adult renal allograft recipients found Presentation and Clinical Features a mortality rate of 34%.38 Use of mycophenolate mofetil Smallpox was, historically, one of the most lethal viruses (a drug commonly used to prevent organ transplant rejec- known to man until it was eradicated in 1980 by a worldwide tion) has been associated with increased susceptibility to vaccination effort.44 The last reported case of smallpox was VZV infection.39 in 1977; therefore, a significant percentage of the world’s Of note, disseminated herpes zoster is not limited to population is susceptible to smallpox infection.32 Unfor- immunocompromised persons. Although rare, there have tunately, in the modern era, the potential use of smallpox been reported cases of disseminated cutaneous herpes as a weapon of bioterrorism makes this virus of continued zoster without any apparent immunosuppression. It has interest to dermatologists. been proposed that significant age-related depression in Smallpox is spread by the respiratory route and has a cellular immunity can contribute to dissemination of her- prodromal phase of high fever, headache, and backache. pes zoster; therefore, elderly patients should be recognized Skin lesions are classically distributed in a centrifugal pat- as a group in which dissemination risk is higher than the tern with greater involvement of the face and extremities average immunocompetent host.40 than of the trunk. Lesions begin as erythematous macules, which then evolve in synchrony (as opposed to chickenpox) into papules, pustules, and then crusts with the entirety of Prevention and Treatment the rash lasting approximately 2 weeks. The mortality rate A live, attenuated varicella zoster vaccination has been caused by smallpox averages approximately 30%.45 approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prevention of varicella in children since 1995, and a similar vaccine to prevent herpes zoster outbreaks in Prevention and Treatment 41 adults received approval in 2006. Curtis and colleagues As just stated, smallpox was eradicated due to vaccination. reported a case of disseminated zoster in an elderly woman The vaccinia virus is used to vaccinate against smallpox and with a history of recurrent breast cancer undergoing produces a localized exanthem at the site of inoculation. chemotherapy that occurred 8 days following vaccination. The virus is inoculated through multiple punctures into the This was the first known report of dissemination attributed upper dermis. Persons with severe cell-mediated immun- to zoster vaccination with the Oka strain in a chemother- odeficiency should not receive the vaccination because of apy patient. Dissemination of varicella zoster following potential complications of encephalitis, generalized vac- vaccination has been reported as the defining illness in a cinia (a self-limited eruption), progressive vaccinia, or acci- 16-month-old patient who was later diagnosed with dental infection. Vaccinia necrosum is characterized by fail- acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).42 Similarly, ure of the vaccination site to heal, followed by progres- a novel deficiency in natural killer T cells was discov- sive necrosis and ulceration that may or may not spread ered following VZV dissemination after vaccination of an to distant sites (skin, bones, and viscera).46 Untreated pro- 11-year-old girl.43 These multiple reports of disseminated gressive vaccinia can be fatal and should be treated with infection resulting from the vaccine strain in immunocom- systemic vaccinia immune globulin and sometimes thio- promised patients point to the need for careful medical semicarbazone.47 Generalized and progressive vaccinia are history-taking prior to vaccination to avoid vaccinating uncommon complications in the absence of immunosup- patients who are immunosuppressed. Disseminated zoster pression, and thus most cases occur in patients with undiag- following vaccination in a patient with no known history nosed immunodeficiency. Transmission of vaccinia follow- of immunodeficiency should prompt a thorough workup. ing vaccination is possible, although the transfer rate is low The most effective method to protect immunocompro- if the vaccination site is kept covered until it heals. Vaccina- mised persons is to ensure that their potential susceptible tion against smallpox is no longer commonplace, although contacts have been vaccinated.34 the possibility of reinstituting a vaccination program is Treatment for classic herpes zoster may be given orally, being considered due to the high susceptibility of the either with acyclovir (800 mg 5 times a day for 7 days), world’s population and potential use as biological warfare. valacyclovir (1 g 3 times a day for 7 days), or famciclovir (500 mg 3 times a day for 7 days). The treatment of choice for disseminated zoster is IV acyclovir 10 mg/kg every 8 PARVOVIRUS B19 hours for 7 days.40 Likewise, IV acyclovir should be given for primary varicella in immunocompromised populations. Presentation and Clinical Features To prevent severe neonatal chickenpox, passive immuniza- Parvovirus B19 (PVB 19), a small single-stranded DNA tion (i.e., with varicella immune globulin) is indicated.33 virus from the family Parvoviridae, is a virologic pathogen Chapter 12 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Viral Diseases 119 that often causes asymptomatic infection but may become contagious; thus no measures can be taken to avoid infect- life threatening in certain circumstances. The common der- ing others.49,54 matologic manifestations associated with PVB 19 infection include erythema infectiosum, papular purpuric “gloves- and-socks” syndrome, and nonspecific findings such as CYTOMEGALOVIRUS reticular erythema, petechiae, and/or purpura, and mac- ulopapular eruptions. Presentation and Clinical Features Erythema infectiosum, otherwise known as fifth disease, Cytomegalovirus (CMV, human CMV [HCMV], or hu- is common in the pediatric population and is characterized man herpesvirus [HHV]-5) is a large double-stranded by the classic “slapped-cheek” facial erythema and the fine virus from the herpesvirus family. Most commonly, CMV reticulated (lacy) erythema involving the trunk and extrem- mononucleosis is mild and asymptomatic, with no impact ities. Papular purpuric “gloves-and-socks” syndrome is a on the immune system. Immunocompromised individuals, disease seen in adulthood, and it presents with the hallmark such as those with HIV or a malignancy, or those who symmetric, sharply demarcated erythema and edema of the have had an organ transplant, may exhibit complications hands and feet that evolves into petechiae and purpura over with CMV infection. Blood transfusion recipients and new- time. borns are other patient populations that may have a lethal Although PVB 19 infections are often mild and self- outcome from a CMV infection. limited, patients who are immunosuppressed, have hema- CMV infections are a frequent cause of morbidity and tologic diseases, or are pregnant are at risk for serious mortality among immunocompromised patients. The virus complications. PVB 19 infects erythroid progenitor cells itself may not directly lead to the death of a patient, but it and temporarily halts red blood cell production, thereby further lowers the patient’s immune system, thus making causing a transient aplastic crisis. Individuals with hema- him or her much more susceptible to other deadly diseases. tologic conditions such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, For example, patients with HIV may die from a coinfection autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and other similar condi- with CMV and Pneumocystis carinii (now renamed Pneumo- tions are at increased risk for developing an aplastic crisis. cystis jiroveci). Prognosis depends on the extent and inter- Often the crisis is transient and self-resolving, but the risk val of immunosuppression. CMV infection may increase of a fatal complication increases in this subset of patients. the rate of organ rejection by inducing autoantibodies.55 Immunocompromised individuals lack the ability to mount Patients with postperfusion syndrome (CMV mononucle- an immune response to the virus and may have a course osis acquired via blood transfusion) exhibit fever, malaise, complicated by lingering cutaneous eruptions, persistent hepatosplenomegaly, and jaundice; these patients carry a anemia, myocarditis, pericarditis, acute heart failure, acute poor prognosis.56 liver failure, meningitis, and encephalitis.48 Newborns can acquire CMV in utero (transplacentally), Maternal parvovirus infection during pregnancy can after exposure to genital secretions in the vaginal canal, lead to vertical transmission of the virus to the unborn fetus. or through breastfeeding.57 Severe clinical manifestations The incidence of maternal PVB 19 infection during preg- of congenital CMV infection most often occur when the nancy is 1%–2%, with vertical transmission occurring in mother sustains a primary CMV infection rather than reac- 33%–51% of cases,49–51 and fetal loss occurring in approx- tivation of a recurrent infection. The disease tends to be imately 10% of all cases.52,53 Fetal infection can result in more severe if the infection is acquired earlier in gesta- miscarriage or nonimmune hydrops fetalis. The incidence tion. The dermatologic manifestations of CMV infection of fetal morbidity and mortality is inversely related to ges- include petechiae, purpura, jaundice, and “blueberry muf- tational age, thus infection during the first trimester is the fin” syndrome. Even if a newborn is born without overt most dangerous. symptoms, he or she is at risk for long-term complications such as hearing loss and/or mental retardation.

Prevention and Treatment The treatment for PVB 19 is mostly symptomatic, and Prevention and Treatment immunocompetent patients do very well. Immunocom- Immunocompromised patients should be treated con- promised patients, pregnant women, and persons with currently with antiviral therapy (ganciclovir) and passive hematologic disease must be closely monitored by their immunization with hyperimmune globulin (HIG). Little respective specialists. High-dose IV immunoglobulins have can be done in terms of prevention of CMV infection. been shown to eliminate the virus from the bone mar- Transplant centers use ganciclovir and HIG after organ row. Intrauterine transfusion can correct fetal anemia and transplant to prevent an infection. A live attenuated CMV reduce fetal death. Prevention is difficult because, when vaccine (Towne strain) appears to be prophylactic against a patient presents with a rash, he or she is no longer infection but it is not yet commercially available. 120 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

In pregnancy, prevention of CMV infection starts mortality by 60%, from an estimated 873,000 deaths world- with hygienic behavior for seronegative women. Pregnant wide in 1999 to 345,000 deaths in 2005.62,63 women with primary CMV infection can prevent transmis- sion to the fetus by using CMV HIG. The effect of HIG on newborns is unknown, but there is evidence to suggest Prevention and Treatment that it may also be effective. The efficacy of ganciclovir in The best weapon we have against measles is vaccination to pregnancy is unknown, and there is concern about possi- prevent disease. The measles vaccine is a live attenuated ble teratogenic effects on the fetus. Ganciclovir, however, vaccine that first became available in 1963. In the United can be used safely and effectively in newborns. Pregnancy States, it is generally given as part of either the measles, termination is an option if fetal infection is diagnosed via mumps, rubella (German measles) (MMR) or MMR plus ultrasonography or amniocentesis.58 varicella (MMRV) vaccines. The vaccine is given in two shots, the first at 12–15 months and the second at 4–6 MEASLES (RUBEOLA) years of age.64 After the second shot, approximately 99% of people become immune to the disease. Because it is a live Presentation and Clinical Features vaccine (like the varicella vaccine), immunocompromised The first sign of measles infection is usually high fever patients should not be vaccinated. (approaching 40◦C at its peak) beginning approximately Severe complications of measles can usually be avoided. 10–12 days after exposure and lasting 1–7 days. Other General nutritional support and the treatment of dehydra- associated symptoms include coryza, conjunctivitis, and tion with oral rehydration solution are necessary. Should cough. Approximately 2–3 days later, a cutaneous exan- eye and ear infections or pneumonia result, antibiotics may them appears, consisting of an erythematous rash com- be prescribed. In developing countries, persons diagnosed posed of macules and papules (usually beginning on the with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A supple- face and upper neck) that coalesce and spread to the trunk ments given 24 hours apart to help prevent eye damage and and eventually to the extremities, hands, and feet. Often blindness. More important, vitamin A supplementation has there is a diagnostic enanthem of bluish-gray areas on the been shown to reduce the number of deaths from measles tonsils (Herman spots) and punctate blue–white lesions sur- by 50%.65 rounded by an erythematous ring on the buccal mucosa (Koplik spots).59 The exanthem lasts for 5–6 days, then fades, whereas the enanthem occurs a few days prior to the GERMAN MEASLES (RUBELLA) exanthem and lasts 2–3 days. For most persons, measles is an unpleasant mild or mod- Presentation and Clinical Features erately severe illness. In poorly nourished young children, Rubella tends to be milder than rubeola. Often called 3-day however, especially those who do not receive sufficient measles because of the duration of its classic rash, it is rec- vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weak- ognized by mild constitutional symptoms followed by an ened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases, severe complications erythematous eruption that begins on the face and spreads including blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea (which from head to foot. Unlike measles, the rash of rubella is can cause dehydration), pneumonia, and mortality from nonconfluent and tends to have a lesser degree of erythema. such complications can result.60,61 Additionally, petechiae of the palate may be present. In gen- Encephalitis is estimated to occur in 1 of 800–1000 eral, rubella is uncomplicated, but infection during preg- cases (although death and brain damage is limited to a nancy can lead to congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), an small minority of cases), whereas pneumonia may occur important cause of severe birth defects.66 When a woman in 5%–10% of cases. More uncommon is subacute scleros- is infected with the rubella virus early in pregnancy, she has ing panencephalitis, which can develop in approximately 1 a greater than 50% chance of passing the virus on to her of 100,000 cases and cause mental and motor deterioration, fetus, which may cause fetal demise or CRS, whereas infec- seizures, coma, and death.32 tion later in pregnancy has a lower risk of CRS.67 Com- Overall, the case fatality rate in developing countries mon birth defects that may occur due to CRS are ocu- is generally in the range of 1%–5%, but may be as high lar defects, cardiovascular defects, CNS defects, deafness, as 25% in populations with high levels of malnutrition microcephaly, mental retardation, and intrauterine growth and poor access to health care. In January 2007, the retardation. World Health Organization/United Nations Children’s An uncommon but important systemic complication, Fund (WHO/UNICEF) reported that implementation of particularly in adult women, is encephalitis. Rubella en- measles mortality reduction strategies (including vaccina- cephalitis occurs in approximately 1 in 6000 cases, and is tions and early treatment strategies) had reduced measles fatal in approximately 20% of these cases.68 Chapter 12 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Viral Diseases 121

Prevention and Treatment and intralesional injections (interferon, vincristine, vinblas- The currently used rubella vaccine is a live attenuated strain tine, and actinomycin D have all been reported). For dis- that was developed in 1979 and is given as part of the MMR seminated, progressive, or symptomatic disease, systemic or MMRV vaccine. The vaccine schedule includes a first treatment options include interferon-␣ and chemotherapy shot at 12–15 months and a second at 4–6 years of age.64 As including pegylated liposomal anthracyclines and pacli- it is a live virus vaccine, immunosuppressed patients should taxel.70 Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in not be vaccinated. Treatment for rubella infection is sup- patients with AIDS has been shown both to decrease the portive. incidence of KS as well as to treat existing lesions.70,71 The fact that KS lesions tend to regress when a patient is on HAART leads to the assumption that improve- KAPOSI SARCOMA ment in immune function is responsible for the regres- sion. Therefore, removal of the iatrogenic cause in patients Presentation and Clinical Features with immunosuppression-related KS may result in KS res- Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a vascular neoplasm with several dis- olution without therapy. There are no current preventa- tinct subtypes. Classic KS is an indolent disease in middle- tive therapies for KS besides HAART in AIDS patients or aged to elderly men, generally of Southern and East- removal of iatrogenic stresses on the immune system. ern European origin. African cutaneous KS, which affects middle-aged Africans in tropical Africa, tends to be locally aggressive. African lymphadenopathic KS is an aggressive MOSQUITO-BORNE VIRUSES disease that affects young patients, usually younger than 10 years. KS is also seen in patients who are immunosup- Presentation and Clinical Features pressed, either by AIDS or by lymphoma or immunosup- Mosquitoes have been called the world’s deadliest animals pressive therapy.46 as diseases spread by these insects are responsible for more Lesions of KS are reddish, violaceous, or bluish-black deaths than all mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and macules and patches that spread and coalesce to form fishes combined. Three such life-threatening viral diseases nodules or plaques. They often appear on the toes or of concern to dermatologists include dengue, yellow fever, soles in the earliest stages. Regardless of the epidemio- and West Nile virus. logic form, the prognosis of KS depends on the severity of Dengue causes fever as well as headache, retroorbital visceral involvement. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract, par- pain, myalgia, and arthralgia that may be followed by a ticularly the small intestine, is the most frequent site of skin eruption in up to 80% of patients during the remis- internal involvement in classic KS, although it may also sion of the fever. The rash classically consists of a mild affect the lungs, heart, liver, lymph nodes, and bone. Vis- macular eruption over the nape of the neck and face last- ceral involvement in classic KS occurs in approximately ing up to 5 days. Petechiae or purpura as well as involve- 10% of patients.69 African cutaneous KS frequently has ment of the palms and soles followed by desquamation and bone involvement as well as leg swelling caused by lym- proximal spread to the arms, legs, and torso are also com- phedema. African lymphadenopathic KS, as the name sug- mon.32,66 This eruption is helpful diagnostically, as prior gests, involves the lymph nodes, which often precede the to the eruption the differential can include malaria, yellow appearance of skin lesions. In AIDS-associated KS, 25% fever, and influenza.32 Dengue is associated with two life- of patients have cutaneous involvement only, whereas 29% threatening complications: hemorrhagic fever and shock have visceral involvement only.46 If AIDS is left untreated, syndrome. Hemorrhagic fever consists of a sudden temper- more than 70% of patients with AIDS-associated KS will ature elevation lasting 2–7 days followed by bleeding from develop visceral involvement. sites of trauma as well as the GI tract and urinary tract. The Due to its indolent course, patients with classic KS usu- average case fatality is approximately 5%32 but, in severe ally die of unrelated causes, often many years after ini- cases of dengue, hemorrhagic fever mortality may reach tial diagnosis. In contrast, African cutaneous KS is aggres- 50%.66 Occasionally, shock syndrome may follow hemor- sive and has early nodal involvement; this form of KS rhagic fever. In these cases, circulatory and respiratory fail- often results in death within 1–2 years. Despite often being ure may occur, resulting in death in approximately 2% of widespread, AIDS-related KS tends not to be fatal, as most cases. patients die of intercurrent infection. Yellow fever has two disease phases. The first (acute phase) presents with fever, muscle pain (especially back- ache), headache, anorexia, and nausea and/or vomiting. Prevention and Treatment Most patients improve after 3–4 days.72 Approximately KS lesions are radiosensitive, but they can also be locally 15% of patients will enter a toxic phase consisting of fever excised and/or treated with cryotherapy, laser ablation, reappearance, jaundice, and abdominal pain. Hemorrhage 122 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY from the GI tract, mouth, nose, and eyes may occur. Liver care. Therapy should attempt to maintain effective blood and kidney failure may occur, and mortality can be as high volume and electrolyte balance that present due to hemor- as 40% in this toxic phase because of hepatorenal failure.66 rhage.74 Additionally, shock, cerebral edema, renal failure, Dermatological findings in yellow fever include icteric skin coagulopathy, and secondary bacterial infection are com- (hence the name “yellow” fever) as well as hemorrhages or monplace and must be managed appropriately. Isolation petechiae of the skin and mucous membranes. is recommended to prevent spread of the disease to addi- West Nile virus can cause fever, headaches, GI symp- tional patients. When available, patients should be placed toms, and (in up to 50% of cases) a skin eruption char- in a negative pressure room if experiencing symptoms of acterized by punctate, erythematous macules and papules cough, vomiting, diarrhea, or hemorrhage.77 most pronounced on the extremities.32,66 Common serious complications include meningitis, encephalitis, and flac- cid paralysis, although less than 1% of infections result ONCOGENIC VIRUSES in severe neurological illness. Persons at greatest risk for Several viruses have the potential to be life threatening due neurological disease are thoses older than 50 years. to their oncogenic potential. Although these viruses are unlikely to require treatment on an emergent basis, recog- nizing some of the pathologies associated with these viruses Prevention and Treatment is important. Vaccination is available for yellow fever and is recom- Human papilloma viruses (HPV; there are >100 cur- mended every 10 years for persons visiting endemic coun- rently identified) are responsible for common warts and tries.66,73 There are no currently available vaccines for condyloma acuminata, and are encountered by dermatolo- dengue or West Nile virus. The best form of prevention gists on a daily basis. Most warts are benign, but they can is to avoid mosquito bites. Using insect repellent; get- convert to malignant carcinomas, as is the case in patients ting rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing with epidermodysplasia verruciformis.78 Papilloma viruses water from flower pots, buckets, or barrels; staying indoors are also found associated with human penile, uterine, and between dusk and dawn (when mosquitoes are most active); cervical carcinomas and are likely to be their cause. Of the and using screens on windows to keep mosquitoes out are multiple types of HPV, certain strains have been identified all effective techniques. There are no antiviral treatments as having high oncogenic potential. Some of these strains, for the mosquito-borne viruses. Treatment for dengue and namely HPV 16 and 18 (along with nononcogenic types yellow fever is symptomatic, consisting of rehydration, rest, 6 and 11) have been targeted in a quadrivalent vaccine to analgesia, and antiemetics, whereas therapy for West Nile prevent cervical cancer (Gardasil).79 virus is the same as for patients with meningoencephalitis.66 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a herpes virus that is strongly associated with cancer. It infects primarily lym- phocytes and epithelial cells. EBV causes infectious MARBURG AND EBOLA VIRUSES mononucleosis, which itself is a benign self-limited disease characterized by fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, Presentation and Clinical Features and occasionally hepatosplenomegaly. A pink, measles- The filoviridae viruses, Marburg and Ebola, cause severe like rash can occur and is more likely if the patient is hemorrhagic fever in human and nonhuman primates. The given ampicillin or amoxicillin (approaching 70%–100% classic rash that may bring these infections to dermatolog- of patients who receive these medicines)80 for a throat ical attention is a nonpruritic centripetal rash composed of infection, which may prompt dermatological consultation. macules and papules with varying degrees of erythema.74 EBV is associated with multiple tumors, including Burkitt The rash occurs approximately 2 weeks after exposure and lymphoma (particularly in the tropics), nasopharyngeal tends to desquamate by day 5 or 7 of the illness. Hem- cancer (particularly in China and Southeast Asia), B-cell orrhagic manifestations include GI tract bleeding, bleed- lymphomas in immune suppressed individuals (such as in ing into the oropharynx and lungs, petechiae, hemorrhage organ transplantation or HIV), and Hodgkin lymphoma from puncture wounds, and massive gingival bleeding.74 (EBV has been detected in approximately 40% of affected Mucosal bleeding and persistent vomiting are ominous patients).81–83 symptoms in these diseases. Mortality due to Marburg and HHV-8 is widely known to be the viral cause of KS. Ebola ranges between 30% and 90%, depending on the It has also been associated with hematologic malignancies, strain of the virus.75,76 including primary effusion lymphoma, Castleman disease, and various atypical lymphoproliferative disorders.69,84 Hepatitis B may come to dermatological attention if a Prevention and Treatment patient develops Gianotti–Crosti syndrome, a cutaneous There is no virus-specific treatment for either Marburg or manifestation that is not specific to hepatitis B (it can also be Ebola virus; therefore, supportive therapy is the standard of associated with EBV among other diseases). This cutaneous Chapter 12 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Viral Diseases 123

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Marcia Ramos-e-Silva Carlos Gustavo Costanza Sueli Coelho Carneiro

CUTANEOUS FUNGAL and parasitic diseases are fre- Neutropenia, hematological neoplasias, cancers in solid quent and usually do not threaten the physical integrity of organs, transplants, and other situations of immunosupres- the patient. There are, however, some that may acquire sion are the main substrata for installation of systemic can- a severe clinical picture and may even cause death. Some didosis. Additional aggravating factors to those scenarios of the most important and/or dangerous of these life- are extensive hospital internments, prolonged use of broad- threatening cutaneous fungal (as systemic candidosis, spectrum antibiotics, hemodialysis, multiple gastrointesti- paracoccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, zygomycosis, and nal (GI) procedures, parenteral feeding, and medium- to histoplasmosis) and parasitic diseases (Chagas disease, long-term intravascular catheters.3–5 schistosomiasis amebiasis, and leishmaniasis) are discussed Systemic candidosis is a severe infection, associated with in this chapter. great mortality (approximately 40%–60%)1,3,5,6 caused mainly by difficulties in its diagnosis, leading to a delay in its recognition. The clinical manifestations are unspecific, FUNGAL INFECTIONS and tools for diagnosis are not sensitive enough. The most relevant clinical finding is persistent fever, Systemic Candidosis despite the use of appropriate antibiotics for the supposed First observed by Langenbeck in 1839, the genus Candida bacterial picture. The remaining manifestations are inher- suffered several taxonomic modifications until its present ent to the organs affected and to septic syndrome. classification. It presents about 200 species of fungi and Dermatological lesions affect approximately 10%–13% shelters the most important yeasts that infect mankind. of patients. Despite C. albicans ruling absolute as the cause Many species are opportunistic pathogens; however, the of systemic disease, C. tropicalis is isolated with greater fre- majority do not infect humans.1 quency in cases of systemic candidosis with dermatological Although the last decade has observed an increase of manifestations. It is speculated that a greater tropism by infections by the non-albicans Candida species (such as C. cutaneous tissue occurs in the latter.7,8 tropicalis, C. glabra, C. krusei, C. dubliniensis,andC. parapsilo- Newborns present more frequent dermatological alter- sis), C. albicans remains the dimorphic yeast responsible for ations when compared to adults with systemic candi- 70%–90% of all infections of this type.2,3 It is frequently dosis. found as a saprophyte of humans colonizing the mucosa of A 35.8% rate of cutaneous manifestations associated the digestive system, and by contiguity, the vaginal mucosa with systemic candidosis has been observed.7 In the present of the majority of mammals. study, 52.6% of the patients with dermatological manifesta- The term “candidiasis” or “candidosis” (more frequent tions had onset of dermatitis concurrently with fever and, in Canadian and UK literature) has a generic connotation of these, four patients (40%) presented a triad of fever, and encompasses a wide spectrum of clinical manifesta- cutaneous eruption, and myalgia. tions. The cutaneous lesions are varied and multiple: mac- Factors related to the host’s immunity, mainly the cell ules, nodules, and erythematous plaques, some purple, with immunity, and characteristics of the microorganism’s vir- a central lighter hue, affecting especially the trunk and ulence will determine the spectrum of the disease, which extremities. In some cases, numerous vesicles can mimic varies from superficial infection of the mucous membranes herpes zoster. Also worthy of mention are reports of cel- and skin, to visceral and systemic infections.1,2 lulite lesions and gangrenous ecthyma-like lesions. Some

page 126 Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 127

FIGURE 13.1: Candida albicans – culture. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) FIGURE 13.2: Candida albicans – germ tubes. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) authors blame the purple lesions on the frequent thrombo- cytopenia found in those patients.7,9,10 or resistant to commonly employed systemic antifungals Systemic candidosis is a disease of difficult diagnosis. (Table 13.1).11 Within some clinical coherence, biopsies of suspect cuta- Serological tests, using several resources (radioim- neous lesions and affected organs may suggest the diag- munoassay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA], nosis; however, the usual stains and immunofluorescence latex agglutination (LA), and reversed passive latex aggluti- methods fail in identifying the species. nation [RPLA] assay) aimed at identifying fungus antigens The dermatopathological findings can identify spores and metabolites, as well as detecting serum antibodies, are and/or hypha, mainly in the upper dermis, surrounding difficult to interpret and have low sensitivity. small vessels with varied degrees of vascular damage from New methods for biomolecular identification with dilations, thrombus, red cell extravasation, and even vas- amplification of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by poly- culitis.7 merase chain reaction (PCR) are promising. Recent pub- The gold standard is hemoculture, but cultures from lications praise the systems called “real-time” PCRs other suspect sites can help in the diagnosis (Figures 13.1 (TaqMan systemR and LightCycler systemR ), promising and 13.2). The lack of sensitivity (only 50% of the affected immediate results, with optimal sensitivity and specificity. patients) and a delay in identifying the agent (approximately Those tools still present prohibitive costs, require stan- 1 week) make the method unacceptable for a basis to begin dardization, and are not available in the majority of clinical therapy. Furthermore, the method has little capacity to laboratories.6,12,13 identify the species of Candida, crucial for an appropriate The fast and adequate institution of antifungal ther- treatment, because some species are naturally less sensitive apy is primordial for the reduction of mortality rates.

TABLE 13.1: Susceptibility of Candida Species

Candida spp. Amphotericin B Fluconazole Itraconazole Voriconazole Caspofungin

C. albicans SSSSS C. tropicalis SSSSS C. parapsilosis SSSSSa C. glabrata StoI S-DDtoR S-DDtoR StoI S C. kruzei StoI R S-DDtoR S S C. lusitaniae StoR S S S S

Note: Interpretation based on the use of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (CLSI) M27-A methodology. S, susceptible; S-DD, susceptible-dose dependent; I, intermediate; R, resistant. a MIC90 (the minimum inhibitory concentration required to inhibit the growth of 90% of organisms) is higher than in other Candida species, but clinical significance is unknown (breakpoints not yet defined). Data adapted from (3). 128 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 13.2: Empirical Therapy for Candida Bloodstream Infections

Setting First choice Alternatives

Non-neutropenic patient and no Fluconazole 800 mg IV (1st dose), then Amphotericin B deoxycholate 1 mg/kg/d IV previous exposure to azoles 400 mg/d IV Or Caspofungin 70 mg IV (1st dose), then 50 mg/d IV Or Voriconazol 6 mg/kg IV q12h on day 1, then 4 mg/kg q12h IV Non-neutropenic patient and Amphotericin B deoxycholate 1 mg/kg/d IV Liposomal Amphotericin B (AmBisome R ) previous exposure to azoles Or Caspofungin 70 mg IV (1st dose) then 3mg/kg/dIV 50 mg/d IV Neutropenic patient Amphotericin B deoxycholate 1 mg/kg/d IV Caspofungin 70 mg IV (1st dose) then 50 mg/d IVa Or Liposomal Amphotericin B (AmBisome R ) 3mg/kg/dIV Severe sepsis or septic shock Caspofungin 70 mg IV (1st dose) then Liposomal Amphotericin B (AmBisome R ) 50 mg/d IVa,b 3mg/kg/dIV Or Voriconazole 6 mg/kg IV q12h on day 1, then 4 mg/kg q12h IVa,b If no previous azole exposure

a Few clinical data are available on the use of azoles and echinocandins in neutropenic patients with documented invasive candidosis. In vitro, azoles are fungistatic; echinocandins are fungicidal. In some experimental models (e.g., Candida endocarditis, disseminated candidosis in neutropenic animals), azoles are less efficacious than amphotericin B or echinocandins. b Amphotericin B deoxycholate is not recommended in critically ill patients with severe sepsis/septic shock: risk of acute nephrotoxicity or of underdosing due to infusion-related toxicity. Caspofungin (CancidasR ) is first choice or alternative, respectively, in this setting. c According to susceptibility testing. Some experts would add voriconazole to the list of first choice agents for the treatment of C. glabrata infections. Data adapted from (3).

It is worthwhile to treat, when possible, the predispos- C. krusei and C. glabrata present respectively resistance and ing underlying factors, such as the removal of deep vein low sensitivity to fluconazole. The azolic compounds, act- accesses. ing on enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system, interact The choice of the employed agent will depend on factors with several drugs.3,14–16 such as 1) the patient’s state (hemodynamically stable, sep- Already available in intravenous (IV) formulations, itra- sis/shock, predisposing factors to renal inadequacy, etc.); conazole has variable bioavailability and low serum con- 2) use of previous antifungal medication before the current centration when compared to other tissues (liver, lungs, picture; 3) isolation of specific microorganisms with known and bones) and has a higher interaction with other medi- resistance to certain agents(Table 13.2 ). cations.14,15,17 For decades, amphotericin B deoxycholate, a polyenic The second generation of triazolic compounds (vori- antibiotic of broad-spectrum fungicide action, was used as a conazole, posaconazole, and ravuconazole) is in advanced treatment of choice for invasive candidosis. Unfortunately, study phases. These compounds present an expanded spec- that drug is ill-tolerated, presenting immediate adverse trum with smaller risks of interactions with several drugs. reactions (related to the speed of its infusion; fever, shivers, Voriconazole and posaconazole are already available in hypoxemia, and hypotension) and late effects (nephrotox- venous and oral formulations, and initial comparative stud- icity; reduction of glomerular filtration rate and depletion ies showed promising results.3,14–16,18 of potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate). The echinocandins (caspofungin, micafungin, and Lipid-based formulations were created to minimize anidulafungin), a recent class of antifungals with par- undesired effects from amphotericin B deoxycholate, enteral action, have fungicide action on different species mainly nephrotoxicity. The high cost and scarcity of effec- of Candida, including samples resistant to fluconazole and tive results in comparative studies led the lipid-based for- amphotericin B. Different from the remaining antifun- mulations to be used for second-line treatment of systemic gals, the echinocandins act on the fungal cell wall. Caspo- candidosis.3,14–16 fungin and, later, micafungin were approved by the U.S. With the emergence of triazolic compounds (flu- Food and Drug Administration with good action spec- conazole and itraconazole), fluconazole became the most trum and minimal collateral effects being reserved for employed medication in the treatment of non-neutropenic patients with severe sepsis or systemic shock and avert- and hemodynamically stable patients. It presents a ing risks of renal damage from amphotericin B deoxycho- wide action spectrum and good bioavailability; however, late.14,15,17 Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 129

Investigations encompassing combinations of antifun- TABLE 13.3: Classification of the Clinical gal agents are scarce and, in certain cases, disappointing. In Forms of Paracoccidioidomycosis vivo studies showed antagonism between the simultaneous use of amphotericin B and azoles. The classic association Paracoccidioidomycosis disease between amphotericin B deoxycholate and 5-fluorocitosin Acute/subacute form (juvenile type) did not show a clear advantage as in the cases of cryptococ- Chronic form (adult type) Unifocal cosis in immunodepressed patients. In contrast, the com- Multifocal bination of caspofungin and meropenem, an ultra–broad- Residual form or sequel spectrum antibiotic in hospital use, showed a significant 3,19 superiority to monotherapy. Data adapted from (23).

Different than other systemic mycoses, paracoccid- Paracoccidioidomycosis ioidomycosis is rarely related to immunodepressive dis- Paracoccidioidomycosis was first described in Brazil by eases. There have been reports of this mycosis in patients Adolfo Lutz, in 1908, and, later, investigated by Afonso with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), neo- Splendore and Floriano Almeida, in 1912 and 1930, respec- plasias, and (more rarely) transplants. tively, both with relevant contributions. Lutz–Splendore– The most important infection modality is through the Almeida disease and South American blastomycosis are respiratory tract, by inhalation of the spores of the fungus, less common names for paracoccidioidomycosis, a term although there is a report of the disease by direct cutaneous acknowledged by the United Nations since 1971.20–22 and mucosal inoculation. Starting from the penetration site, Paracoccidioidomycosis is a deep mycosis, the iso- the fungus can multiply and disperse into neighboring tis- lated agent of which is the dimorph fungus Paracoccidioides sues, reaching the regional lymph nodes or disseminating brasiliensis, the causative agent of the granulomatous pro- hematogenically. cess, predominantly chronic, and implicated on rare occa- Varied clinical forms can be observed in paracoccid- sions in acute and subacute diseases. It is characterized by ioidomycosis, from located benign to disseminated and polymorphism of the lesions and can affect virtually any progressive disease, often with a fatal outcome. Genetic, organ, especially the lymph nodes, lungs, nasal mucosa, and hormonal, nutritional, and immunologic factors are GI tract, besides suprarenal glands and the central nervous involved in the development of the infection and its clinical system (CNS).21 manifestations.21 The geographic distribution of the fungus is directly The classification proposed by the consensus on para- related to the climate, being found predominantly in trop- coccidioidomycosis of 2006, developed by the Brazilian ical and subtropical regions with acid soils. It is an endemic Society of Tropical Medicine and adapted at the Inter- disease in Latin America, with great incidence in South national Colloquium on Paracoccidioidomycosis (held in American countries, mainly Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, February 1986) is shown in Table 13.3.23 Ecuador, and Argentina, without reports of autochthonous After penetration of P. brasiliensis into the host, a para- cases either in Chile or in the Antilles. There are few cases coccidioidomycosis infection results that may resolve spon- of the disease in Central America, with predominance in taneously, progress to a disease, or remain latent, according Mexico. to the patient’s immunity. The main types of paracoccid- The infection happens in general in the first two decades ioidomycosis disease are the acute/subacute forms (juve- of life; however, it can remain latent for many years until nile type) and the chronic type. The acute/subacute form generating the disease. is responsible for approximately 5% of the cases of para- Incidence before age 12 is similar in both sexes, with coccidioidomycosis, prevailing in children and teenagers of greater risk for the acute and subacute forms of paracoccid- both sexes, presenting rapid evolution. We highlight occur- ioidomycosis. After age 12, there is greater predominance rence of lymph-node involvement, hepatosplenomegaly, in men (young or middle-aged men, and men who work in intraabdominal masses, jaundice, ascites, osteoarticular and rural areas [who are at greater risk of developing the disease cutaneous lesions (approximately 50% of the cases), in addi- in the chronic form]). tion to rare lung involvement (<5% of the cases). The extremely low percentage of women affected during The chronic form prevails in 90% of the cases of the childbearing age can be explained by the assumed inhibi- disease, affecting adults older than 20 years, and can be tion of ␤-estradiol by the transformation of the mycelia divided into unifocal or multifocal, according to the num- into hyphae, infecting forms of P. brasiliensis, after finding ber of organs or systems affected, in direct relation to the receivers of that hormone in the cytoplasm of the fungus. degree of cellular and humoral immunity. The greatest risk factor for infection is represented by The oral cavity involvement (Figure 13.3) is predom- activities involving handling of polluted soil. Tabagism inantly caused by contamination from lung secretions, and alcoholism are frequently associated with the disease. although a direct inoculation of the fungus can also occur. 130 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 13.3: Paracoccidioidomycosis – oral lesion. FIGURE 13.5: Paracoccidioidomycosis – lymph-node enlarge- ment. The most affected sites are lower lip, mucous membrane, and sublingual area. The lesions can extend to the phar- The residual form or sequel is observed in advanced ynx, tonsils, and larynx. The typical presentation is erythe- stages of the disease, where the chronic inflammatory pro- matous ulcerated lesions, with granulomatous bases, inter- cess generates fibrosis and functional restrictions of the mixed with hemorrhagic spots, called moriform stomatitis affected organs, with lung fibrosis being the preferred of Aguiar-Pupo (Figure 13.4). one. The characteristic cutaneous lesions are ulcers or vege- In view of a clinical and epidemiologic suspicion of para- tations, but crusted papules, erythematous plates, and nod- coccidioidomycosis, methods for isolation and identifica- ules may be present. They are located more frequently in tion of the fungus are required, in addition to serological the central face area, limbs, and trunk. Cervical lymph-node techniques that help in the diagnosis and follow-up.22 involvement (Figure 13.5) tends to suppurate, resembling The direct mycological examination of fresh or Giemsa- . stained material shows rounded cells, of double contour, Visceral commitment is varied and always present. well refringent, varying from 5 to 25 µm in diameter Lungs (Figure 13.6), adrenals, liver, spleen, GI tract, gen- (Figure 13.7). Simple or multiple gemulations can be itourinary tract, CNS, and bones can also be affected. observed, both by direct examination as in histopathology.

FIGURE 13.4: Paracoccidioidomycosis – stomatitis of Aguiar FIGURE 13.6: Paracoccidioidomycosis – x-ray showing lung Pupo. involvement. Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 131

are available from reference services. Double immunodiffu- sion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, indirect immunoflu- orescence, ELISA, and immunoblot are examples that, besides aiding in the diagnosis, present relevant roles in the segment, with important information on the prognosis and activity of the disease. The titer of specific anti-P. brasiliensis antibody is cor- related to the severity in the clinical forms, being higher in the acute/subacute forms of the disease. Cases of false- negative serologies can be justified for located forms of the disease, immunodepressed hosts, or AIDS patients. False- positive results are found in patients with histoplasmosis and aspergillosis.23 For its simplicity, acceptable cost, and good sensitivity and specificity, double immunodiffusion was considered the main technique for diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis by FIGURE 13.7: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis – direct examina- consensus of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine. tion of cutaneous biopsy in potassium hydroxide (KOH) and Other more complex tests are subject to clinical suspi- Parker ink. (Photo courtesy Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) cion or initial alterations that predict the involvement of A typical finding is multiple gemulation in the form of CNS, lung, GI, osteoarticular, or adrenal dysfunction. a rudder wheel, with multiple gemulation around the The treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis should obli- 21,24 fungus. gatorily encompass support measures for clinical compli- Cultures are made in Sabouraud or blood agar, with an cations associated with local and systemic involvement of approximate 20-day duration,24 and they are different if the ◦ ◦ the mycosis, in addition to specific antifungal therapeutics. culture is maintain at 37 Cor25 C(Figure 13.8). Most of the systemic antifungal drugs available present At histopathology, we observe a granulomatous pattern, action against P. brasiliensis, such as amphotericin B, sul- rich in giant and epithelioid cells, some containing differ- famides (sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim), ent amounts of fungi. The finding of a parasitic element terbinafine, and azolic antifungals, (ketoconazole, flucona- with double walls with simple or multiple gemulation is a zole, itraconazole, and voriconazole). positive diagnosis. P. brasiliensis can be visualized by hema- In mild-to-moderate cases, itraconazole is the option of toxylin and eosin (H&E) stain, but special colorations are choice. For its low cost and availability at the public health required for fungi; periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) and Gomori services, the association of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim methenamine–silver (GMS) stains are required when the is widely used in Brazil. Terbinafine has in vitro activity, amount of parasites is low. against P. brasiliensis, similar to itraconazole, and was used Currently, several serological techniques for identifica- successfully in the treatment of the disseminated disease, tion of antigens of P. brasiliensis, mainly gp43 and gp70, in a dosage of 500 mg/day, with a 2-year follow-up.22,25 In patients with severe forms of the disease, amphotericin B or IV sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim is used. IV fluconazole can be considered in an attack dosage (400–800 mg/day for 1 month) for cases of neuroparacoc- cidioidomycosis because of its good penetration into the CNS.21 Voriconazole, a second-generation triazolic com- pound available in oral and IV formulations, is an alterna- tive therapeutic option of great potential. Treatment is long, related to the severity of the disease as well as to the type of drug employed, and should be main- tained until reaching cure criteria based on clinical, myco- logical, radiological, and serological parameters. Clinical cure means resolution of the signs and symptoms refer- ring to the disease, healing of the tegumentary lesions, and regression of adenopathy and recovery of body weight. The demonstration of the agent’s elimination or its nonviabil- FIGURE 13.8: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis – cultures at 37 ◦C ity represents the mycological cure. The stabilization of the and 25◦C showing dimorphism. (Photo courtesy of Mycology radiological findings and regression, characteristically slow Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) of the lung images, predict radiological cure.26 Serological 132 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY cure occurs when double immunodiffusion shows negative titers or stabilization of the values less than or equal to 1:2 observed in two samples collected in a 6-month interval after the period of specific treatment.23 Every patient presents a potential risk of a late reactiva- tion; for that reason, after observing the criteria for cure, and after treatment interruption, patients should be fol- lowed half-yearly in the first year with clinical and serolog- ical tests, if necessary.21,23 Vaccines containing antigen gp43 DNA demonstrated capability to generate protective immunity against P. brasiliensis and to be a potential weapon in the prevention of future cases.27,28

Visceral and Disseminated Sporotrichosis The first case of sporotrichosis was reported in 1896 by Benjamin Schenck, who was at that time a medical stu- dent. He isolated the suspect organism and forwarded it to Erwin Smith, a mycology teacher, who concluded that it belonged to the Sporotrichum genus. Later, in 1900, Hekton and Perkins classified the pathogenic fungus as Sporothrix schenckii.29,30 Although it is found worldwide, S. schenckii is more prevalent in the tropics and in hot areas of temperate regions. This dimorph fungus is present in decaying vegeta- tion, sphagnum moss, and soil. Commonly, contamination occurs by cutaneous inoculation of the organism, preceded FIGURE 13.9: Sporotrichosis – cutaneous lesion patient with by local trauma. lymphoma. (Photo courtesy of Nurimar Fernandes, MD, PhD, and Another less common contamination modality, but Hugo Alves, MD, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.) related to more severe forms of the disease, is through inhalation of fungal conidia, generating primary lung general are most susceptible to the disseminated forms lesions (diffuse fibrosis, abscesses, and lymph-node enlarge- (Figures 13.9 and 13.10). Patients with AIDS present a 31 ment) with posterior hematogenic dissemination. special risk for developing more severe forms. The diagno- Farmers, gardeners, horticulturists, and forest workers sis of cutaneous or lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis in an are most susceptible to the infection. Sporotrichosis can AIDS patient justifies the search for disseminated lesions be transmitted by scratches and bites from digging animals that carry the microorganism in their paws and teeth.32 Recently, an epidemic of sporotrichosis in cats occurred with a consequent increase of reports of infections trans- mitted by those sick animals.33,34 Classified among the subcutaneous mycoses, most reports of sporotrichosis are restricted to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Osteoarticular, visceral, and dissem- inated lesions are uncommon and present greater morbid- ity. Osteoarticular manifestations are the most frequent among the cases of extracutaneous disease. The immune conditions of the host and the contamination route are the factors of greater relevance for the severity of the disease. Kong and colleagues35 demonstrated the possibility of virulence factors associated with different genotypes of S. schenckii being contributors to the distinct forms of presen- tation of sporotrichosis. Patients with AIDS, chronic alcoholics, and mal- FIGURE 13.10: Sporotrichosis – cutaneous lesion with multiple nourished, transplanted, or immunodepressed patients in myeloma. Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 133

FIGURE 13.11: Sporothrix schenckii –culturesat25◦C. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) FIGURE 13.12: Sporothrix schenckii – culture microscopy microculture in potato-dextrose agar (PDA) stained in blue. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ). in other organs, including the CNS. Disseminated lesions may result in arthritis, mastitis, meningitis or multiple cere- bral abscesses, orchitis, pyelonephritis, and bone infections. Cutaneous manifestations can arise in the process of dis- inadequate immune response, in addition to the incapacity ease dissemination and are characterized by painful nodules of differentiating previous exposure. Serological examina- that evolve into ulcers. Papules, pustules, and other elemen- tions did not prove useful in the diagnosis of sporotrichosis tary lesions are occasionally observed.30 and are not widely available. Due to the few reported cases and similarity of their clin- The cutaneous and cutaneolymphatic lesions are ical manifestations to other more common diseases such as responsive to the therapy using a saturated solution of tuberculosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, and potassium iodide (SSKI), triazoles (especially itraconazole), sarcoidosis, the diagnosis of visceral sporotrichosis is fre- terbinafine, and even local heat application.37 quently delayed. With the exception of osteoarticular lesions, with rea- Culture is the gold standard for diagnosis. Aspirates, sonable response to itraconazole, the remaining extra- scrapings, and biopsies of suspect lesions, cutaneous or not, cutaneous infections (visceral and disseminated) fail to can serve as substrata. Cultures of synovial liquid and/or respond to commonly used medications. Present guide- liquor can be adequately accomplished. The culture is ini- lines for management of sporotrichosis are summarized in tially white, acquiring a darker color later (Figure 13.11). In Table 13.4.31 89% of cases, isolation of S. schenckii is obtained in approx- In cases of disseminated or visceral disease, administra- imately 8 days. The growth of the fungus can occur later, tion of amphotericin B is mandatory, preferably in lipidic sometimes taking up to 4 weeks. Microscopy of the culture formulations. After a favorable response, the parenteral shows conidia in a flower head arrangement (Figure 13.12). medication can be replaced with itraconazole for a mini- Direct examination does not help due to the very small mum of 12 months. In patients with AIDS, itraconazole can amount of fungal cells, commonly present in the examined be used indefinitely, as collateral prevention, in a dosage of materials. 200 mg/dia. Surgical treatment combined with ampho- A histopathologic study can disclose an unspecific gran- tericin B can be recommended in localized visceral cases, ulomatous reaction with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperpla- mainly in pulmonary sporotrichosis. sia and intraepidermal abscesses. Rarely, in PAS or silver Among the second-generation triazoles, voriconazole stain, oval and cigar-shaped organisms are observed, with showed less antifungal activity against S. schenckii than did diameters of 3–5 mm inside the granuloma. The asteroid itraconazole and without indications in cases of sporotri- bodies are observed in 40% of the rare cases in which these chosis. Posaconazole presents activity against isolated S. microorganisms are found. They can be seen in other gran- schenckii samples, but no comparative study has been pub- ulomatous reactions, however, extracellular structures lished so far. made of spiculae of eosinophilic material involved by a cen- In a published Mexican study38 the production of ter containing yeasts (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon) melanin by Sporothrix was demonstrated. This fact might are specific of the asteroid bodies in sporotrichosis.30,31,36 positively influence the discovery of effective therapeutic The test of late reaction with sporotrichin is of little use interventions. Herbicides directed to melanin biosynthe- in cases of visceral infections or in dealing with patients with sis, such as tricyclazole, are available for agricultural use.31 134 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 13.4: Summary of Recommendations

Lymphocutaneous/ Itr 200 mg/d Itr 200 mg b.i.d.; or terbinafine 500 mg b.i.d.; or SSKI Cutaneous with increasing doses; or fluconazole 400Ð800 mg/d; or local hyperthermiaa Osteoarticular Itr 200 mg b.i.d. Lipid AmB 3Ð5 mg/kg/d; or deoxycholate AmB 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/db Pulmonary Lipid AmB 3Ð5 mg/kg/d, then Itr 200 mg b.i.d.; or Itr Deoxycholate AmB 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/d, then Itr 200 mg 200 mg b.i.d b.i.d.; surgical removalc Meningitis Lipid AmB 5 mg/kg/d, then Itr 200 mg b.i.d. Deoxycholate AmB 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/d, then 200 mg b.i.d.d Disseminated Lipid AmB 3Ð5 mg/kg/d, then Itr 200 mg b.i.d. Deoxycholate AmB 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/d, then 200 mg/ b.i.d.e Pregnant women Lipid AmB 3Ð5 mg/kg/d or deoxycholate AmB f 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/d for severe disease; local hyperthermia for cutaneous disease Children Itr 6Ð10 mg/kg/d (400 mg/d maximum) for mild SSKI with increasing doses for mild disease.g disease; deoxycholate AmB 0.7Ð1 mg/kg/d for severe disease

AmB, amphotericin B; b.i.d., twice per day; Itr, itraconazole; SSKI, saturated solution of potassium iodide. a Treat for 2Ð4 weeks after lesions resolve. b Switch to Itr after favorable response if AmB used. Treat for a total of at least 12 months. c Treat severe disease with an AmB formulation followed by Itr. Treat less severe disease with Itr. Treat for a total of at least 12 months. d Length of therapy with AmB is not established, but therapy for at least 4Ð5 weeks is recommended. Treat for a total of at least 12 months. May require long-term suppression with Itr. e Therapy with AmB should be continued until the patient shows objective evidence of improvement. Treat for a total of at least 12 months; may require long-term suppression with Itr. f It is preferable to wait until after delivery to treat nonÐlife-threatening forms of sporotrichosis. g Treat severe disease with an AmB formulation followed by Itr. Data adapted from (31).

Zygomycoses subcutaneous, painless, and chronic infections, recently a The term “zygomycosis” characterizes any disease caused change in the profile of virulence and geographic distribu- by fungi of the Zygomycetes class, and includes two groups tion of those fungi was found that can cause clinical syn- of pathogenic microorganisms of medical importance: the dromes that are indistinguishable from those caused by the order of the Mucorales and that of the Entomophthorales.39 Mucorales, making a differentiation between the two orders Several species of genera Rhizopus (Figures 13.13 and impossible, based solely on epidemiologic observation or 13.14), Mucor,andAbsidia may cause the disease. even at histopathologic examination.40 Mucorales cause an aggressive disease called mucormyco- sis, which is angioinvasive, rapidly destructive, and in most cases fatal. Although Entomophthorales, responsible for entomoph- thoromycoses, are known for causing mucocutaneous and

FIGURE 13.13: Rhizopus sp. – culture. (Photo courtesy of FIGURE 13.14: Rhizopus sp. – culture microscopy. (Photo cour- Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) tesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 135

TABLE 13.5: Factors Predisposing Patients to Zygomycosis Zygomycosis associated with deferoxamine therapy presents great mortality, approximately 80%,39 and in Diabetes mellitus immunosuppressed patients it is frequently fatal (68%– Diabetic ketoacidosis 100%). A prolonged neutropenia represents the greatest Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus risk factor of this group, approximately 15% of all cases of Chronic metabolic acidosis zygomycosis. Renal failure Chronic salicylate poisoning Pulmonary disease is the most common presentation Deferoxamine therapy in neutropenic patients, with the disseminated form more Iron overload common in individuals with greater immunosuppression. Immunosuppression Systemic steroids are another factor favoring zygomycosis, Neutropenia (due to malignances or chemotherapy) whether by action of macrophages and neutrophils or by Corticosteroid therapy Organ or hematopoietic cell transplantation steroid-induced diabetes. Patients with AIDS are known to Human immunodeficiency virus infection be at risk; however, the majority of cases of zygomycosis Skin or soft tissue breakdown in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons Burn are also associated with IV drug abuse.42 Trauma Temporary local trauma and burns can also lead to acci- Surgical wound Miscellaneous dental inoculation of fungus spores, generating cutaneous Intravenous illicit drug use disease even in immunocompetent hosts. The use of broad- Neonatal prematurity spectrum antibiotics and topical preparations with antibac- Malnourishment terial effect in burned patients seems to increase the risk Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents of cutaneous fungal infection significantly, including cuta- neous zygomycosis.43 Data adapted from (39). Other predisposing factors include abuse of illicit IV drugs, premature neonatality, malnutrition, sites of IV Despite the majority of zygomycosis cases being caused catheter insertion, and extensive therapy with broad- by Mucorales, the term zygomycosis is preferable to spectrum antimicrobials. mucormycosis, for being more encompassing and desig- Recent reports of prolonged use of voriconazole for nating disease even when the cultures are not available and prophylaxis and treatment of invasive fungal infections identification of the fungus is not made. revealed great risk for several forms of zygomycosis.39,44 Recent studies show that zygomycosis is an emerging Based on the clinical presentations and involvement non-Aspergillus mycosis of relevant significance, in part due sites, zygomycoses can be classified as rhinocerebral, pul- to the constant increase of cases of diabetes and growing use monary, cutaneous, GI, disseminated, and miscellaneous, of immunosuppressive drugs available from the progress of as involvement of CNS without alteration of the paranasal modern medicine. sinuses, endocarditis, and pyelonephritis. Inhalation, ingestion, and cutaneous exposure to Primary cutaneous commitment varies among edemas, microorganisms are the main infection sources, and the pustules, plates, bullae, nodules, ulcerations, gangrene-like predisposing factors are listed in Table 13.5.39 ecthyma lesions, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, and Diabetes mellitus with metabolic acidosis is implicated dissemination of the infection.39 Cutaneous manifestations in the most cases (36%–88%), although zygomycosis has of hematogenic dissemination frequently result in painful been observed in metabolically controlled diabetes patients. erythematous lesions, cellulite-like, with central necrosis The average survival rate in diabetic patients with and eschar, resulting from the angioinvasive action of the zygomycosis is approximately 60%. The relative treatment fungus.39 facility of acute complications, compared with the remain- There is a certain correlation between the predisposing ing immunocompromising conditions, helps to explain the factor and the clinical site or form of the disease, as can be lower mortality rate in cases of zygomycosis associated with seen in Table 13.6. diabetes mellitus. In case of a clinical suspicion, the diagnosis of zygomy- The excess of iron (by transfusion or by dyserythro- cosis can be made thru histopathologic examination of poiesis) in addition to therapy with deferoxamine for treat- the supposedly committed tissues, in which character- ment of excessive albumin and/or iron in patients in dialysis istic broad, hyaline, ribbon-like, wide-angled branching, is an important risk factor for angioinvasive zygomycoses. pauciseptate irregular fungal hyphae accompanying tissue Some recent studies show, that 78% of patients in dia- necrosis and angioinvasion of the fungi are found. The tis- lytic regime and with zygomycosis were treated with defer- sue invasion by hyphae is essential for the diagnosis. The oxamine.41 The more common presentation of the disease samples can be stained routinely by H&E, but the fungal was the disseminated (44%), followed by the rhinocerebral elements are better observed by special stains such as the form (31%). GMS, PAS, or calcofluor white stain. Perineural invasion 136 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 13.6: Relationship between Predisposing Condition and Site of Infection

Predominant site of infection Predisposing condition (in decreasing order of frequency)

Diabetic ketoacidosis Rhinocerebral and pulmonary Iron overload and deferoxamine Disseminated and rhinocerebral Neutropenia Pulmonary and disseminated Corticosteroids and immunosuppression Pulmonary, disseminated, or rhinocerebral Trauma, catheter/injection sites Cutaneous/subcutaneous Malnourishment GI Prolonged broad-spectrum azole use Pulmonary, disseminated, GI, or rhinocerebral

GI, gastrointestinal. Data adapted from (44). is seen in 90% of tissues containing such elements for sam- agent, aiming at better guiding his or her therapy, because pling. The inflammatory response can be absent, or there the differentiation of Mucorales/Entomophthorales with may be neutrophils or granulomas.39 other filamentous fungi at histopathologic examination is Large hyaline, nonseptated or irregularly septated, difficult. thick-walled hyphae (coenocytic hyphae) can be observed Contamination of clinical samples by Zygomycetes is com- directly in samples from a bronchoalveolar wash and also mon due to the small size of the sporangiospores, facilitat- from other materials prepared with potassium hydrox- ing their airborne dissemination. In any case, isolation of ide (Figure 13.15). Direct immunofluorescence can be Mucorales/Entomophthorales from sterile sites or repeatedly employed with samples prepared for maceration by potas- positive nonsterile cultures in patients with significant risk sium hydroxide and use of calcofluor white, blank fluor, or factors should be considered highly suspect. UVITEX. Different techniques of molecular serological examina- The differentiation between zygomycoses (mucormy- tions are appearing, but are not being recommended as cosis/entomophthoromycosis) can be made by some routine procedures because of lack of studies and few sat- histopathologic peculiarities: broad fungal hyphae with isfactory results. sparsely found septum surrounded by eosinophilic granular Despite the growing clinical suspicion of the cases of material (Splendore–Hoeppli phenomenon) and peripheral zygomycoses, based on the best knowledge of the predis- eosinophilia, which are not usually seen in Mucorales, favor- posing factors, more than half of the mucormycosis diag- ing the suspicion of Entomophthorales.39 noses are obtained postmortem. Hemocultures in all forms of zygomycoses are fre- The treatment of patients with zygomycosis by Muco- quently negative, even when fungal hyphae are observed rales is frustrating; therefore, an early diagnosis should at histopathologic examination, but it is important that be the objective in patients with high risk, and treat- the physician endeavors to exhaustively try to identify the ment should be initiated as soon as possible. A multifac- tor approach should be initiated as early as possible. They are appropriate antifungal therapy, surgical debridement, and correction or resolution of the predisposing factors, such as control of comorbidities and adjuvant therapies for improving the host’s immune response. Despite frequent use of amphotericin B deoxycholate (1–1.5 mg/kg/d), lipidic amphotericin B formulations rep- resent the first line of treatment because it is potentially the least toxic and it has better clinical response than do high doses. Those compounds should be used in initial doses of 5 mg/kg/d, increasing to significant doses and for an extended time, not less than 6–8 weeks.44 Among the azolic compounds, itraconazole has action in some strains of Mucorales; however, it has been impli- cated as a risk factor for zygomycosis in prolonged use. Of the second-generation imidazoles, voriconazole is not effective in vitro. It has also been frequently implicated FIGURE 13.15: Zygomycosis – direct examination – kenocytic in cases of zygomycosis with long-term use after prophy- hyphae in KOH and Parker ink. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Lab- oratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) laxis for other systemic fungal infections. Posaconazole and Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 137 ravuconazole have in vitro action against agents of mucormycosis. There are promising reports regarding the use of posaconazole as monotherapy or in combination with lipidic formulations of amphotericin B.44 Caspofungin and micafungin seem to be ineffective as monotherapy, but present a synergic effect when used with amphotericin B.44 Zygomycosis (mucormycosis) is rapidly progressive, and an antifungal therapy alone is inadequate to control the infection. The numerous agents of zygomycosis have a wide spectrum of susceptibility to drugs used, and some can be highly resistant to amphotericin B. Additionally, thrombosis and tissue necrosis resulting from angioinva- sion generate an environment with poor penetration by 39 systemic agents into the sites affected by the infection. FIGURE 13.16: Histoplasmosis – lesion on the tongue in a Even if the causative agent is susceptible and the drug patient with AIDS. does penetrate the affected site appropriately, tissue necro- progressive infection in immunocompromised individuals sis is not prevented with the death of the microorganism.39 and in persons with underlying chronic lung disease. Cer- Surgical debridement is crucial and highly recommended, tain forms of histoplasmosis cause life-threatening illnesses and should be initiated quickly and repeated several times, and result in considerable morbidity, whereas other mani- which may cause deformities. festations cause either no symptoms or minor self-limited Correction of the metabolic disturbances and rever- illnesses.46 sal of the immunosuppression are essential for the treat- In some cases of immune depression (Figures 13.16 and ment of zygomycosis. In patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, 13.17), disseminated histoplasmosis appears in the eyes, the hyperglycemia and the acidosis should be corrected as oral cavity, larynx, CNS, GI tract, and, more rarely, the soon as possible. Immunosuppressors, especially systemic nasosinusal region.47 steroids, should be discontinued, if possible, or at least have Laboratory diagnosis is made by direct examination in their doses significantly reduced. which, with special staining, small round intracellular fun- The main role of iron metabolism in the pathogenesis of gal structures may be observed (Figure 13.18). The small zygomycosis suggests the possibility of using iron chelate round forms, similar to Leishmania, can also be seen in as therapeutic adjuvant. In contrast to deferoxamine, other histopathological preparations. At 25◦C, the colonies have oral iron chelates did not allow an iron offer to the microor- a cotton aspect and are a white to beige color, whereas at ganism and did not favor the growth of the same in vitro.44 37◦C they are leveduriform (Figures 13.19 and 13.20). In Ibrahim and colleagues45 demonstrated the protecting microscopy, hyaline, septated, and branched hyphae; thick action of deferasirox in mice. and spiculated walled, round macroconidia; and oval micro- Despite cytokines not being recommended as routine, conidia are observed (Figure 13.21). granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and The treatment is indicated only in patients with chronic granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as adjuvant therapy pulmonary disease and in those with severe forms of acute have been considered in cases of conventional therapy pulmonary illnesses or in those with the disseminated form failure. of infection with mild to moderately severe manifestations. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy finds support in In patients with AIDS, the treatment may fail because the the hypothesis that the high oxygen pressure might improve absorption is variable, resulting in the inability to achieve the capacity of the macrophages to fight the infection.44 therapeutic concentrations in blood.48,49

HISTOPLASMOSIS PARASITIC DISEASES Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum infection is a com- mon infection in areas of the United States and Latin Amer- American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas Disease ica where it is endemic, but some cases have also been Trypanosomiasis is a tropical and mainly rural parasitic dis- reported from Europe. In the United States, most cases ease of blood and various organs. There are two different have occurred within the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys entities: African, caused by trypanosomes of the Try- (moderate climate, humidity, and soil characteristics). Bird panosoma brucei group (T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense), and bat excrement enhances the growth of the organism in transmitted by tsetse flies, also called sleeping sickness; and soil by accelerating sporulation. Air currents carry the coni- Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis.50 dia for miles, exposing individuals who were unaware of Chagas disease, described in 1909 by Carlos Cha- contact with the contaminated site. Histoplasmosis causes gas, occurs in rural areas, in wattle and daub houses in 138 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 13.19: Histoplasma capsulatum – culture at 25◦C. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.)

FIGURE 13.17: Histoplasmosis – disseminated lesions and her- pes infection on the left side of the lip in a patient with AIDS.

FIGURE 13.20: Histoplasma capsulatum – culture at 37◦C. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.)

FIGURE 13.18: Histoplasma capsulatum – direct examina- tion – Giemsa stain. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) FIGURE 13.21: Histoplasma capsulatum – culture microscopy. (Photo courtesy of Mycology Laboratory – HUCFF/UFRJ.) Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 139

FIGURE 13.24: Chagas disease – Romana˜ sign. (Photo cour- tesy of Joao˜ Dias, MD, and Luis Rey, MD, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, FIGURE 13.22: Trypanosoma cruzi. (Photo courtesy of Luis Brazil.) Rey, MD, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.) Two cycles of circulation of the parasite are known in tropical zones of the Americas. It is also called Trypanoso- nature: the wild and the domestic. The wild cycle occurs miasis americana and is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, a para- among marsupials, rodents, monkeys, mice, rabbits, and site of humans and domestic or wild animals. The transmis- the triatomid. The domestic cycle results from contamina- sion is through a sting by the vector animal, the triatominae tion of animals that live in the vicinity of human dwellings. (“barbeiro”). Age, sex, and race do not influence the inci- The trypomastigote form circulates in the peripheral blood dence of the disease, despite the acute phase being more of vertebrates; undergoes transformation in the organism frequent in children.51 of the vector to the epimastigote form; and multiplies, Chagas disease is produced by a hemoflagellated pro- becoming metacyclic trypomastigotes in the digestive tozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas, 1909)(Figure 13.22), system of the triatomine.51 The main species of this affecting humans and various domestic or wild mammals arthropod is Triatoma infestans (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, that act as reservoirs. It is transmitted by bloodsucking Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay), Rhodnius prolixus invertebrates of the order Hemiptera, genera Triatoma, (Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela, and Central America), Panstrongylus,andRhodnius, called reduviid, assassin, or and Panstrongylus megistus (Brazil). Transmission occurs kissing bugs and “barbeiro” in Brazil (Figure 13.23). through the feces of triatominae, which habitually defecate Transfusional and congenital infections are also possible, while feeding.52–54 although rare.50 Acute Chagas disease is more frequently seen in children and begins with inflammatory lesions at the inoculation site of the parasite in the skin or conjunctiva, called Romana˜ sign(Figure 13.24). The inoculation chagoma is a macu- lar or papulonodular lesion, erythematous-violet, hard and painless, that can ulcerate, but tends to regress in 3 weeks. Other signs of disease are satellite lymphadenitis, fever, indisposition, cephalea, myalgia, hepatosplenomegaly, and maculopapular, morbilliform, or urticariform cutaneous rashes (schizotrypanis). The following phases may present megaesophagus megacolon and affection of the heart, with myocarditis, arrhythmias, and complete blocking.50,53,55 During the acute phase, direct examination of Giemsa- stained blood smears, imprints of skin, or lymph-node biopsy can easily show the parasite.50 The search for FIGURE 13.23: Chagas disease – reduviid bug. (Photo courtesy anti-T. cruzi immunoglobulin M antibodies by indirect of Luis Rey, MD, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.) immunofluorescence and PCR and (in the chronic phase) 140 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY serological tests with indirect hemagglutination, indirect immunofluorescence, and ELISA are useful.56 They can also be demonstrated by blood culture in NNN medium or by animal inoculation.50 Xenodiagnosis of Brumpt is also helpful. For this an uninfected reduviid bug is allowed to bite and feed on the forearm of the suspect patient; 30–60 days later, the insect’s feces are examined for the infective form. During the chronic phase, the Machado–Guerreiro complement fixation test using antigens of cultured T. cruzi is most useful. ELISA, hemagglutination, indirect immunofluores- cence, and PCR can also diagnose the disease.50 The therapeutics are unsatisfactory, and treatment does not change the serological reactions or degradation of cardiac function in chronic phases, despite possibly cur- FIGURE 13.25: Schistosomiasis – vulval granuloma. Repro- ing the patient in the acute phase. The two main drugs, duced from Parish et al. (2001).60 benznidazole and nifurtimox, are active against circulat- ing and tissue forms and should be administered for 30– an immunodeficiency virus after mucosal exposure, which 90 days.51,55,57 is the predominant route of HIV transmission in humans, For patients with stable chronic disease, the treatment has been tested by Chenine and colleagues.64 They quan- includes antiarrhythmics and control of the affected sys- tified the amount of a clade C simian–human immunod- tems. Prevention of the disease requires sanitary education eficiency virus needed to infect rhesus macaques that had and use of insecticides.51,57 acute Schistosoma mansoni infections compared with control animals exposed to virus alone. The schistosome-infected Schistosomiasis monkeys also had significantly higher levels of initial virus Schistosomiasis is one of the most important helminthic replication and loss of a certain subset of memory T cells, infections because of its wide geographical distribution and both predictors of a more rapid progression to immune extensive pathological effect. It is a systemic disease, and its dysfunction. Research suggested that worm infections may causative agents are human trematodes or flukes. These increase the risk of individuals with viral exposures becom- trematodes affect approximately 200 million people world- ing infected with HIV-1 and also suggested that control wide, mainly in the tropical and subtropical latitudes; some- programs for schistosomiasis and perhaps other parasitic times entire communities are affected. Most infected per- worm infections may also be useful in helping to reduce sons experience few, if any, signs and symptoms, and only the spread of HIV/AIDS in developing countries where a small minority develop significant disease.58,59 helminths are endemic. Schistosomiasis or bilharziasis is an infection caused by Contrary to previous reports that indicated no transmis- five types of blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma. Humans sion of schistosomiasis at altitudes higher than >1400 m, are infected by the cercarial stage of the parasites released John and colleagues65 found that schistosomiasis transmis- from freshwater snails in ponds, canals, lake edges, and sion can take place at an altitude range of 1487–1682 m streams. Penetration of intact skin occurs rapidly, and the above sea level in western Uganda. schistosomes migrate into the portal system to mate and Eggs laid in bladder and pelvic and rectal venous plexuses then to a part of the venous system to lay eggs. High infec- return to the local water supply to complete the cycle tion rates persist among both the rural and urban poor. through the snail population. Cercarial penetration of the Rural living, poor housing and water supplies, and low edu- skin may produce an itch eruption, which may be followed cational level are major factors in schistosomiasis occur- by myalgia, headache, and abdominal pain. rence among agricultural populations.60 Abdominal pain, diarrhea, malabsorption, and (occa- In Brazilian urban areas, prevailing living conditions in sionally) intestinal obstruction and rectal prolapse; cir- shantytowns and labor migrations from and periodic return rhosis of the liver associated with portal hypertension, movements to rural areas were predictive of schistosomia- splenomegaly, and esophageal varices; recurrent hematuria sis. The risk of the establishment of new transmission foci and eventually bladder calcification; and obstructive uropa- exists in both rural and urban areas, conferred by and affect- thy and renal failure are late manifestations of the disease. ing poorer people.61–63 Periovular or schistosomotic granuloma may rarely occur In sub-Saharan Africa there is high prevalence of on the skin or vulva(Figure 13.25). Migration of eggs to parasitic worm infections, such as schistosomiasis. The the lungs may cause massive chronic fibrosis. hypothesis of whether a helminth infection increases the Detection of the characteristic ova in the stools, in urine, susceptibility of the host to acquire de novo infection with or on biopsy(Figure 13.26) or with an ELISA make the Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 141

Vegetative forms of amebae should be sought in fresh stools or in scrapings from bowel ulcers at sigmoidoscopy. Ultrasound, computed tomography, or aspiration diag- noses suspected liver abscess. The effective treatment is made with metronidazole.56 Patients can be rapidly cured in 7–20 days with metron- idazole, 20–40 mg/kg/day, divided in three daily doses, for up to 8 days. Tinidazole, in a single daily dosage, 2 g for adults and 50–60 mg/kg for children, for 3–5 days, also shows good and fast results. IV or intramuscular dehy- droemetine hydrochloride, the drug of choice in the past, is cardiotoxic. Diiodohydroxyquinoline, paromomycin, and diloxanide furoate can also be used. Severe dysentery asso- ciated with mucosal or cutaneous involvement requires sup- 50,66 FIGURE 13.26: Schistosomiasis – biopsy of vulval granuloma port measures. showing egg and inflammatory infiltrate. Reproduced from Parish et al. (2001).60 Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis Leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis of worldwide dis- diagnosis. Treatment of patients is made with praziquantel tribution, being considered a public health problem in given as a single dose.61–63 88 countries, distributed in four continents, in the Ameri- cas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. On the American continent there are records of cases from the extreme southern part of Amebiasis the United States to north of Argentina, with the exception Amebiasis is an intestinal parasitic disease that may some- of Chile and Uruguay.20,56,57,66,69 times affect the skin, especially perianal and genital. It is Leishmania belongs to the Trypanosomatidae family of caused by a common and worldwide intestinal unicellular protozoa. It is a mandatory intracellular parasite of the parasite, Entamoeba histolytica, the only human pathogenic mononuclear phagocyte system, with two main forms: a species of this genus. The invasive form found in the tis- flagellated or promastigote, observed in the digestive tube sues is a 20- to 40-µm elongated cell, with pseudopods on of the vector insect, and another aflagellated or amastig- its surface.50,66 ote, found in the tissues of vertebrate hosts. Currently in E. histolytica is the pathogenic ameba that can cause inva- the Americas, there are 11 known dermotropic species of sive intestinal and extraintestinal disease. The most fre- Leishmania causative of disease in humans and eight species quent manifestations of invasive amebiasis are colitis and described only in animals, all belonging to the subgenera liver abscesses. E. histolytica invades the colonic mucosa, Viannia and Leishmania. The three main species are: L.(V.) and the patient suffers from bloody diarrhea. It is one of braziliensis, L.(V.) guyanensis,andL.(L.) amazonensis.57,69 the most common parasitic infections worldwide, and the The vectors are insects called Phlebotominae, belong- possibility of amebiasis must always be considered in a ing to the order Diptera, family Psychodidae, subfamily Phle- patient who complains of bloody diarrhea and has recently botominae,genusLutzomyia, also known popularly as sand- returned from a developing country. In industrialized flies, and, depending on the geographical location in Brazil, counties where the E. histolytica endemicity is generally low, as mosquito palha, tatuquira,andbirigui, among others. The invasive disease may occur in men who have sex with men.67 reservoirs can be forest animals (such as rodents and mar- In tissues, the trophozoites – with a basophilic and supials), synanthropic and domestic (canidae, felidae, and elongated cytoplasm, single eccentric nucleus, and central equidae, considered accidental hosts of the disease).57 spherical karyosome – are difficult to observe. In cutaneous The transmission occurs through a sting by the infected and mucosal lesions, they are more easily seen in biopsies transmitter insects without distinction regarding sex, race, of the borders rather than the center of the ulcer.50 or age, without person-to-person transmission. The major- E. histolytica is a pathogenic ameba that recent studies ity of cases occur in men between 20 and 40 years old. indicate is an increased risk for invasive amebiasis among The disease incubation period in humans may vary from persons with HIV.68 The infestation by this species is a pub- 2 weeks to 2 years, with an average of 2–3 months.57,66 lic health concern because it has the potential to become Epidemiological analyses have suggested changes in the endemic and to cause severe disease, such as acute dysen- transmission pattern of the disease passing from a sylves- teric symptoms (malaise, fever, abdominal pain, and fre- tral animal zoonosis to a disease of rural zones, in practically quent loose stools containing blood and mucus); granulo- barren and periurban areas. There are three epidemiolog- matous masses in the bowel wall (amoeboma); liver abscess; ical profiles: sylvestral, in which the transmission occurs in and pleura, lung, and pericardium involvement.56 areas of primary vegetation (zoonosis of sylvestral animals); 142 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY occupational, associated with irregular forest exploration and forest slashing (anthropozoonosis); and rural or peri- urban, in areas around cities or colonized regions, where the vector undergoes an adaptation to the peridomicile (zoono- sis of residual woods and/or anthropozoonosis).57 The transmission cycles differ according to the geo- graphic variations, involving several types of parasites, vec- tors, reservoirs, and hosts. L. (L.) amazonensis is present in primary and secondary forests of the “Legal Amazonia” (Amazonas, Para,´ Rondonia,ˆ Tocantins, and Maranhao),˜ and also in the states of the Northeast Region (Bahia), Southwest (Minas Gerais and Sao˜ Paulo), Midwest (Goias),´ and South (Parana)´ of Brazil. It causes localized cutaneous ulcers and, occasionally, some individuals can develop a classical diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. L. (V.) guyanensis is found in onshore forests and is apparently restricted to the North Region of Brazil (Acre, Amapa,´ Roraima, Amazonas, and Para)´ and Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. It causes single or multiple cutaneous ulcers, with the lat- ter resulting from simultaneous stings of several infected phlebotoma or secondary lymphatic metastases. Mucous involvement is rare. In endemic areas, besides young males, a great number of children can be affected. L. (V.) brazilien- sis is a widespread species, occurring from Central America and all over Brazil to the North of Argentina. In the areas of modified environments, transmission occurs in the sur- roundings of the dwellings, affecting individuals of both genders and all age groups, with a tendency to concen- trate the cases in a single focus. The lesions that are char- acterized by cutaneous ulcer (single or multiple) or the main complication, which is the hematogenic metastasis FIGURE 13.27: Leishmaniasis – ulcer on the side of the neck to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, with tissue with a visible lymph-node enlargement. destruction, can occur in the eyelids or in areas usually cov- ered by clothes, suggesting that the transmission with great reaction of Montenegro (IDRM), and other in vitro tests frequency occurs inside human dwellings.57,69 are positive. Cutaneous leishmaniasis can be caused by all When introduced into the skin, promastigotes meet dermotropic species of Leishmania. There are clinical dif- the immune system cells, as T and B lymphocytes, ferences, however, such as those observed in lesions caused macrophages, Langerhans cells, and mastocytes. Through by L. (L.) amazonensis that present more infiltrated borders, a not entirely clarified mechanism, the parasite adheres with great amounts of parasites, whereas in those caused by to the surface of the macrophages and Langerhans cells, the subgenus Viannia, few macrophages and parasites are passing into the intracellular media and changing into the present.57,66,69 amastigote form, characteristic of parasitism in mammals. An infection is called unapparent when characterized by The leishmania develop defense mechanisms capable of positive serological and IDRM tests in apparently healthy subverting the microbicidal capacity of the macrophages, individuals, living in areas of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis surviving and multiplying until cell rupture occurs, when without previous clinical history. Lymph-node leishmania- they are freed to infect other macrophages and propa- sis is characterized by localized lymph adenopathy without gate the infection. The location of the amastigote in the tegumentary lesion. Cutaneous leishmaniasis presents as a interior of macrophages makes the control of the infec- rounded or oval painless ulcer, of few or several millimeters, tion become dependent on the immune response mediated located in exposed sites of the skin, with an erythematous by the cells. The main effecting cell is the macrophage and infiltrated base, with well-delimited and raised bor- itself, after its activation by T-helper lymphocyte cells. ders, reddish background, and coarse granulations (Fig- Even with the diversity of Leishmania species, the spec- ure 13.27). Vegetating lesions also occur, either papillo- trum of clinical manifestations of the disease depends not matous or verrucous, as well as lesions with associated only on the species involved, but also on the infected indi- bacterial infection (Figure 13.28). The lesions tend to cure vidual’s immunologic state. With cutaneous leishmania- spontaneously with atrophic, depressed scars, with hypo- sis, the cutaneous test with leishmanin, the intradermal or hyperpigmentation and fibrosis in variable periods, but Chapter 13 ● Life-Threatening Cutaneous Fungal and Parasitic Diseases 143

FIGURE 13.28: Leishmaniasis – vegetating lesion on the lip. FIGURE 13.29: Leishmaniasis – amastigote inside a macro- Reproduced from Ramos-e-Silva et al. (2002).69 phage. may remain active for several years and coexist with later expensive, and easy to execute (Figure 13.29). The proba- emergence of mucous lesions. The disseminated mucocuta- bility of finding the parasite is inversely proportional to the neous leishmaniasis form is relatively rare, being observed time of evolution of the cutaneous lesion, being rare after in up to 2% of the cases. The two species recognized as a year. The isolation in cultivation in vitro is a method causes of this syndrome are L. (V.) braziliensis and L. (L.) that allows the subsequent identification of the species amazonensis. There is emergence of multiple papular lesions of Leishmania involved. The intradermal test, IDRM, or with an acneiform aspect, on several segments of the body, leishmanin test is based in the response of retarded cellu- mainly in face and trunk, followed by hematic or lymphatic lar hypersensibility. Patients with mucous disease usually dissemination of the parasite, sometimes within 24 hours, present an exacerbated IDRM, with several centimeters of causing distant lesions from the site of the sting. Concur- hardening, vesiculation in the center of the reaction, possi- rent mucous affection has been observed in up to 30% of bly with ulceration and local necrosis. In diffuse cutaneous the patients, and systemic manifestations can also appear, forms, IDRMs are usually negative. Other methods, such as fever, general indisposition, muscle pains, weight loss, as detection of circulating antibodies and PCR, can also be and anorexia, among others. Finding the parasite in the used.56,69 disseminated form is uncommon when compared to the The drugs of first choice in the treatment of leishma- diffuse form. The titers of serous anti-Leishmania anti- niasis are the pentavalent antimonials, considered as leish- bodies are high, and the response to the IDRM is vari- manicide drugs, because they interfere in the bioenergetic able. In individuals co-infected by HIV, ulcerated lesions processes of the amastigote forms of Leishmania. In the prevail. The diffuse cutaneous form is severe, albeit rare, case of unsatisfactory response with pentavalent antimo- and occurs in patients with lack of energy and specific defi- nials, the second choice of drugs are amphotericin B and ciency in the cellular immune response to Leishmania anti- pentamidines. The cure criterion is clinical, being recom- gens. In Brazil, it is caused by L. (L.) amazonensis.The mended a regular follow-up for 12 months. Cure is defined response to the therapeutics is poor or absent, and IDRM by epithelization of the ulcerated lesions and total regres- is usually negative. It is estimated that 3%–5% of cuta- sion of the infiltration and erythema, up to 3 months after neous cases develop a painless mucous lesion, destructive the end of treatment. Recurrence is defined as reappear- of the upper respiratory tract due to hematic or lymphatic ance of the lesion in any part of the body in the period of dissemination. Patients with multiple cutaneous, extensive up to 1 year after clinical cure, discarding the possibility lesions with more than 1 year of evolution and located of reinfection. The prophylactic measures are use of insect above the waist are the group with greater risk of devel- repellents; use of fine-mesh mosquito nets, as well as the oping metastases in the mucous membrane. The etiologic screening of doors and windows; and environmental han- agent causative of mucosal lesions, in Brazil, is mainly L. dling through cleaning of backyards and land areas.56,57,66 (V.) braziliensis. IDRM is strongly positive; however, it has difficult parasitological confirmation due to the scarceness of parasites, presents difficult therapeutic response, has a REFERENCES higher complication frequency, is mainly infectious, and 1. Segal E. Candida, still number one – what do we know and 66 may result in death in 1% of the cases. where are we going from there? Mycoses. 2005; 48 Suppl The clinical–epidemilogical diagnosis is complemented 1:3–11. by positive IDRM. Direct demonstration of the parasite 2. Fidel PL Jr. Immunity to Candida. Oral Dis. 2002; 8 Suppl is the procedure of first choice because it is faster, less 2:69–75. 144 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

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Dirk M. Elston

BITES AND STINGS and specific IgE to Vespula and/or Polistes, the mean age Major causes of death related to arthropod bites and stings was higher in patients with no cutaneous symptoms and include anaphylaxis, reactions to venom, and vector-borne cardiovascular involvement was more frequent in males, disease. This chapter addresses each of these causes. but the clinical pattern was not predicted by a history of atopy.7 Vespids remain the major cause of insect-related anaphylaxis. In a retrospective review of 98 adult patients ANAPHYLAXIS with anaphylactic reactions to vespids, 18 patients (18%) suffered a reaction to wasp venom while at work. The Background rest of the reactions occurred during leisure time. Most Anaphylaxis related to insect stings is estimated to occur in (94%) of the patients with work-related anaphylaxis had a 3 of every 100 adults. personal history of atopy, whereas only 22% of those with sting-induced anaphylaxis outside of the workplace had an atopic diathesis. Previous systemic reactions had occurred Clinical and Laboratory in 17% of the patients. Gardening was the occupation Skin tests can be used to verify a history of sting allergy. most closely associated with a risk of vespid-induced Radioallergosorbent testing (RAST) is less sensitive, but anaphylaxis. Vespula IgE was detected in all patients, and does not carry a risk of anaphylaxis during the testing. It is Polistes IgE was detected in 78%.8 important to note that neither the size of a skin test reaction Among patients with bumblebee allergy, two groups nor the RAST level is a reliable predictor of the severity have been identified, patients with IgE that is highly cross- of subsequent sting reactions.1 In vitro methods of test- reactive with honeybee venom and patients, frequently ing also include western blot and in vitro basophil activa- stung only by bumblebees, who require immunotherapy tion tests that measure histamine and sulphidoleukotrien with purified bumblebee venom.9 released (Cellular Antigen Stimulation Test [CAST]) or Children with insect-induced anaphylaxis have a higher activation markers on the cell surface detected by means of incidence of honeybee allergy than adults have, but severe flow cytometric analysis (Flow CAST).2 Basophil activation systemic reactions are less common than in adults. Those tests using either CD63 or CD203c show promise in the in patients with moderate to severe systemic reactions have a vitro diagnosis of patients with bee or wasp venom allergy.3 30% chance of a similar reaction years later. Fortunately, Patients with mastocytosis who develop severe hypoten- the long-term immune tolerance induced by immunother- sion after wasp or bee stings typically do not demonstrate apy is greater in children than adults.10 specific immunoglobulin E (IgE). Similar patients have Membranous winged insects other than wasps and been described with no skin lesions to suggest mastocyto- bees can also cause anaphylaxis – most notably, the fire sis. In some patients, serum tryptase elevations suggest sub- ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri. A diverse clinical mastocytosis, and bone-marrow biopsy may reveal array of other ant species belonging to six different sub- systemic mastocytosis.4 families (Formicinae, Myrmeciinae, Ponerinae, Ectatom- Cardiac medications such as beta-blockers and minae, Myrmicinae, and Pseudomyrmecinae) have also angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may increase been associated with anaphylactic reactions.11 Although the severity of anaphylactic reactions, placing the patient hymenopterids remain the major cause of arthropod- at greater risk for a bad outcome.5 In contrast, previous induced anaphylaxis, other arthropods, such as the Euro- large local reactions to insect stings does not increase the pean pigeon tick (Argas reflexus) have also been implicated. risk of subsequent anaphylaxis.6 In a study of 115 patients This tick has demonstrated the potential for both IgE- with a history of an anaphylactic reaction to a wasp sting mediated sensitizations and anaphylactic reactions.12

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Therapy Although intramuscular injections of epinephrine remain the standard type of epinephrine therapy for vespid-related anaphylaxis, rapidly disintegrating sublingual epinephrine tablets show promise for oral treatment of anaphy- laxis.13 Biphasic reactions are common, and patients need extended observation after their initial response to ther- apy.14 Desensitization improves quality of life and is pre- ferred by patients.15 All patients with sting-related ana- phylaxis should be referred to an allergist to discuss the option of desensitization. Venom immunotherapy is thought to be 75%–98% effective in preventing future episodes of anaphylaxis. Rush regimens of hymenoptera venom immunotherapy have been shown to be safe and effective.16 FIGURE 14.1: Brown recluse spider.

Course and Prognosis bilateral cerebellar infarction.23 Prazosin reverses the auto- Risk factors for fatal anaphylactic reactions include preex- nomic storm characteristic of Indian red scorpion enveno- isting cardiovascular disease and a high mast-cell load as mation and is superior to antivenin.24 evidenced by clinical evidence of mastocytosis or an ele- Brown spiders of the genus Loxosceles include Loxosce- vated baseline serum tryptase level.17 Patients with vespid les reclusa, the brown recluse spider (Figure 14.1). All spi- allergy who also have mastocytosis are at greater risk for ders in this genus are capable of producing dermonecrotic life-threatening sting reactions, but most tolerate venom reactions and may also produce DIC. A generalized vas- immunotherapy well with few systemic symptoms.18 culitic exanthem has also been described following Loxosce- les reclusa envenomation.25 Brown recluse spiders have three sets of eyes (rather than REACTIONS TO VENOM the usual four) and a characteristic violin-shaped marking on the dorsum of the cephalothorax. Sphingomyelinase D Background is the primary dermonecrotic factor. The toxin depletes A wide variety of reactions to arthropods relate directly clotting factors VIII, IX, XI, and XII and prolongs the to the venom. Manifestations vary from disseminated activated partial thromboplastin time in a dose-dependent intravascular coagulation (DIC) to rhabdomyolysis. manner.26 The venom induces rapid coagulation and occlu- sion of small capillaries, causing subsequent tissue necro- sis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods can be Clinical and Laboratory used for the diagnosis of loxoscelism with noninvasive tissue Rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure has been described sampling.27 Both tissue swabbing and hair pluck techniques after fire ant bites.19 Life-threatening facial edema has been have been used. reported after exposure to pine caterpillars.20 Neurologic Immunologic studies have demonstrated cross- symptoms are common after centipede bites, but are usu- reactivity between L. boneti and L. reclusa venoms, and ally self-limited. Acute myocardial infarction in a previ- between anti-L. gaucho and anti-L. laeta venoms. In con- ously healthy young man has been reported after a cen- trast, the venom of the South American L. laeta shows little tipede bite.21 cross-reactivity with North American Loxosceles antiven- Death from scorpion envenomation relates to the oms. The lack of cross reaction limits the worldwide potency of the toxin, the age of the patient, and preex- distribution of spider antivenin.28 isting conditions such as heart disease. In some studies, Widow spiders are widely distributed throughout the all fatalities involved children younger than 10 years.22 In world. Genetically, widow spiders can be divided into two Bangkok, a strip of Teflon tape is wrapped around each pil- large groups. The geometricus clade includes Latrodectus ing supporting a house to prevent scorpions from climbing rhodesiensis from Africa, and the more widespread L. geo- the pilings and entering the house. It has reduced infant metricus.Themactans clade contains all other Latrodectus mortality related to scorpionism. species in Africa, the Middle East, the Iberian Peninsula, Tityus zulianus is a major cause of scorpionism in Latin Australia, New Zealand, and North and South America.29 America. Mesobuthus tamulus (the Indian red scorpion) is The venom of black widow spiders (Figure 14.2)is often associated with fatal envenomation. The toxin pro- more toxic than that of brown widow spiders, and black duces an autonomic storm and has been associated with widow spiders are found throughout the continental United 148 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

by an Australian funnel web spider required antivenin ther- apy.31 Brazilian Phoneutria “armed spiders” have a limited range, but are an important cause of life-threatening bites in Brazil. Antivenins are available for both the neurotoxic Australian funnel web spider and the Brazilian armed spi- der, but relatively few data exist regarding efficacy. Lonomia caterpillars in South America cause a hem- orrhagic diathesis. No antivenin exists. Tick paralysis in North America is typically associated with Dermacentor ticks. Tick paralysis typically occurs in children who present with rapidly progressive ascending paralysis. Symptoms resolve rapidly when the tick is removed, but Dermacentor ticks(Figure 14.3) tend to attach to the scalp where they are hidden by the hair. As a result, tick paralysis carries a FIGURE 14.2: Black widow spider. death rate of approximately 10%. Ixodes tick paralysis is a common cause of death in Australian dogs, but is less likely to affect humans. States and southern Canada. The venom contains latrotox- ins that act by depolarizing neurons, resulting in increas- ing intracellular calcium and release of neurotransmitters. Therapy Female black widow spiders can be as much as 20 times Although in vitro data and rabbit studies suggest that dap- larger than the males and have much more potent venom. sone and tetracyclines32 could be of benefit in the treatment The female can be identified by the red hourglass pattern of brown recluse spider bites, a “real life” delay in the onset on the ventral aspect of her large, shiny, roughly spher- of therapy negates any beneficial effect of dapsone therapy. ical abdomen. Alpha-latrotoxin induces release of acetyl- In a rabbit model, the only therapy that showed a trend choline, norepinephrine, dopamine, and enkephalin. The toward less thrombosis was intralesional triamcinolone.33 result is abdominal rigidity that may mimic an acute surgi- The primary treatment for black widow spider enven- cal abdomen. omation is the administration of antivenin, although anti- Widow spiders are named for their cannibalistic behav- spasmodics such as valium and calcium gluconate play some ior. The female mates, then kills. Some female spiders do role. The antivenin is horse serum, and serum sickness can not even wait until mating is complete before taking the result from subsequent use. first bite from their mates. Some male Latrodectus spiders Redback spider antivenin is effective at controlling local have developed strategies to prolong their survival long symptoms, but did not demonstrate a conclusive effect enough to maximize their chance of passing on their genes. against systemic toxicity.34 It should be noted that redback Female redback spiders (Latrodectus hasselti) have paired antivenin is routinely given intramuscularly, which may not sperm-storage organs that are inseminated during two sep- be as effective as the intravenous route.35 arate copulations. If a male can survive to copulate twice, he ensures the transmission of his genes. Males have developed a reflexive abdominal constriction during courtship that increases their chance of survival from cannibalistic injury inflicted during the first copulation.30 It is hardly roman- tic, but effective nonetheless. In a study of redback spider envenomation, the median duration of symptoms was 48 hours, with severe pain lasting more than 24 hours occur- ring in more than half of the patients. Systemic signs and symptoms occurred in more than one third of the patients. Local diaphoresis and pain are characteristic features. The Australian funnel web spider (Atrax and Hadronyche spp.) pose a significant risk in Australia. They are not related to the funnel web spiders (Tegenaria agrestis) of the Pacific Northwest. In a prospective Australian study of 750 spider bites with expert identification of the spider, clinically sig- nificant effects occurred in 44 bites (6%), including 37 of 56 redback spider bites. The major symptom was pain lasting FIGURE 14.3: Male (left) and female (right) Dermacentor ander- more than 24 hours. One severe neurotoxic envenomation soni. Chapter 14 ● Life-Threatening Stings, Bites, and Marine Envenomations 149

lifestyle common to subtropical areas of the developed world. An outbreak of dengue along the United States– Mexican border demonstrated this effect. Disease transmis- sion was greater on the Mexican side of the border, even though the vector was more abundant on the U.S. (Texas) side.36 Whereas mosquito-borne illness predominates in much of the world, tick-borne illness is more common in North America, Northern Europe, and even parts of Africa. Amblyomma ticks carry , the agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, as well as RMSF and south- ern tick–associated rash illness (southern ), as well as . Dermacentor variabilis is the major North American vector for RMSF. Dermacen- tor andersoni also carries RMSF and serves as a vector for Colorado tick fever, , and tularemia. RMSF car- ries a high mortality rate if antibiotic therapy is delayed. In endemic areas, it is best to “treat now and ask questions later” for any patient with fever and a headache, regardless of a history of tick bite. Spotless fever is particularly prone to misdiagnosis, and treatment should never be delayed because of the absence of dermatitis. Rhipicephalus ticks are common brown dog ticks in both North America and Europe. They are important vectors for RMSF as well as canine ehrlichiosis, Boutonneuse fever, babesiosis, and Congo–Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus. Ixodes ticks carry Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis (human granulocytic ehrlichiosis), and viral encephalitis. Trombiculid mites are important vectors of scrub in East Asia, and rickettsial pox is transmitted by FIGURE 14.4: Erythema migrans of Lyme disease. Liponyssoides sanguineus (the house mouse mite). Body lice are important vectors for Bartonella endocarditis among homeless persons in urban areas.37–39 are impor- VECTOR-BORNE DISEASE tant vectors of plague, , and endemic typhus. Background Arthropod-borne diseases remain a serious threat through- out most of the world. Malaria remains the single most Therapy important vector-borne disease and kills thousands every Most tick-borne diseases respond readily to tetracycline, year. Other important vector-borne diseases worldwide with viral fevers and babesiosis being notable exceptions. include viral encephalitis, viral hemorrhagic fevers, African Antibiotic prophylaxis after tick bites is controversial. and New World types of trypanosomiasis, and leishmania- Although it is not indicated after most tick attachments, an sis. In the United States, mosquitoes are more likely to carry argument can be made for prophylaxis in highly endemic West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, equine encephalitis, areas with ticks that are heavily engorged, evidence that or dengue. North American ticks are important vectors of they have been attached long enough to transmit disease. Lyme disease( Figure 14.4), Rocky Mountain spotted fever Primary prevention of vector-borne disease requires a (RMSF), ehrlichiosis, Colorado tick fever, relapsing fever, multifaceted approach including infrastructure measure for tularemia, and babesiosis. control of important vectors, use of screens and mosquito netting, and personal protection with repellents. Prompt tick removal also plays an important role in disease pre- Clinical and Laboratory vention. Secondary prevention of disease and morbidity Persons in the developing world are at particular risk for can be accomplished with malaria chemoprophylaxis, pro- transmission of arthropod-borne diseases, partly because of phylactic antibiotics after a tick bite, or early treatment of sophisticated vector-control programs in developed coun- illness. Although malaria chemoprophylaxis may be rea- tries and partly because of the indoor, air-conditioned sonable for visitors to an area, it is not feasible for the 150 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY entire indigenous population. Malaria-carrying anopheline approach is more cost effective than adding a systemic aca- mosquitoes feed mostly at night, emphasizing the impor- ricide to the deer corn.61–63 tance of screens and mosquito netting. Screening can be impregnated with pyrethroids to improve their effective- ness. Because the mosquitoes that carry dengue typically MARINE ENVENOMATIONS bite during the day, vector control, repellents, and protec- tive clothing play important roles in disease prevention.40,41 Background Infrastructure changes to control mosquito vectors Marine animals contain some of the most potent toxins include draining stagnant water, stocking water with fish known. Most minor envenomations result in severe pain. or turtles to eat larvae, spraying with insecticide, and using As the toxins tend to be heat labile, immersion in hot, but gas or electric mosquito traps. Most mosquito traps gener- not scalding, water is the preferred form of therapy. This ate carbon dioxide. Although some use chemical attrac- section focuses on the more severe life-threatening enven- tants such as octenol and butanone in areas with Aedes omations. mosquitoes, it should be noted that some Culex mosquitoes are repelled by octenol.42–44 N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) remains the Clinical Features most commonly used repellent, although picaridin is gain- Chironex fleckeri, the Pacific box jellyfish or sea wasp, is ing market share. Although DEET has a long safety record, responsible for many deaths as a result of shock and drown- rare cases of bullous dermatitis, anaphylaxis, and toxic ing. Confirmation of envenomation can be made by iden- encephalopathy have been reported.45–48 For children, tification of the jelly or by means of tape stripping nemato- the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends slow- cysts from the skin.64 Other jellies cause painful eruptions release products that require less frequent application. The but are much less likely to result in serious reactions. Impor- Academy notes that such products plateau in efficacy at tant jellies around the world include Physalia physalis (the concentrations of 30% and that there is no published evi- Portuguese Man o’ War, endemic to the southern waters dence to support the use of higher concentrations in chil- of the Atlantic), Physalia utriculus (the Pacific bluebottle jel- dren. It should be noted that many extended duration prod- lyfish), as well as Cyanea and Chrysaora sea nettles. These ucts formulated for children have concentrations of 10% or may cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals, but less and that these appear to be perfectly adequate in most generally lack the severe toxicity associated with Chironex instances. fleckeri. All jellyfish produce serpiginous patterns of stings Wherease DEET products can generally be applied to that follow the course of the tentacles attached to skin. both exposed skin and clothing, permethrin products are to Sponge dermatitis is related to calcium and silica spicules be applied to fabric. The combination of DEET repellent that become embedded in the skin and is rarely life threat- and permethrin-treated clothing is effective against a wide ening. In contrast, sponge diver’s disease is not caused by range of biting arthropods.49,50 the sponge at all, but rather by sea anemones attached to Picaridin has been used in Europe and Australia and is the base of the sponge. In addition to local symptoms sim- now available in North America. In tests, it has shown good ilar to jellyfish stings, systemic symptoms may occur, such efficacy against a range of mosquitoes. A soybean oil–based as nausea, vomiting, and headache. More severe reactions product (marketed as Bite Blocker for Kids in the United are possible in predisposed individuals. States) shows reasonable efficacy against some mosquitoes Life-threatening envenomation by mollusks may occur and may be a good choice for persons who wish to avoid with the blue-ringed octopus and with some cone shells. chemical repellents. Neem oil products perform reasonably The blue-ringed octopus is a small cephalopod (about well against various mosquitoes, whereas citronella has lim- 10 cm long) found in waters off the coast of Australia. The ited efficacy.51,52 distinctive blue rings may cause some foolish divers to get Permethrin-treated clothing offers significant protec- too close to the mollusk, but most envenomations occur tion against ticks and chiggers, with good substantivity completely by accident. Cone shells are marine gastropods through a number of wash cycles.53–55 In southwest Asia with pretty shells and highly potent venom. The mortal- and North Africa, some ticks are attracted by permethrin, ity rate from cone shell envenomation may approach 20%. but this has not been reported in other areas.56 The shells are approximately 10 cm in length and tend to be Deer fencing, border beds, insecticidal sprays, and even found in shallow water, mostly in tropical and subtropical fire ants help keep residential and recreational areas free of waters. ticks.57,58 Area sprays of insecticides are more effective if Death has been reported after penetrating chest injury leaf debris is removed. Removal of leaf debris also reduces from stingrays. The death may occur as a direct result of the tick numbers by means of dehydration.59,60 Various other injury or by means of venom-induced myocardial necro- methods have been employed, including deer-feeding sta- sis.65 Envenomation by stonefish and lionfish is becoming tions outfitted to deliver topical acaricides to the deer. This more common as these fish move from tropical waters to Chapter 14 ● Life-Threatening Stings, Bites, and Marine Envenomations 151

a much more cosmopolitan distribution. Stings commonly 8. Perez´ Pimiento A, Prieto-Lastra L, Rodrıguez-Cabreros´ M, result in pain, erythema, bulla formation, and tissue necro- et al. Work-related anaphylaxis to wasp sting. Occup Med sis. Systemic symptoms may be life threatening, but death (Lond). 2007; 57:602–4. is more likely a result of drowning related to disorientation 9. de Groot H. Allergy to bumblebees. Curr Opin Allergy Clin following the sting. Catfish spine injuries may be associated Immunol. 2006; 6:294–7. with local pain, severe bleeding, and systemic symptoms, 10. Golden DB. Insect allergy in children. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006; 6:289–93. but are rarely fatal. 11. Klotz JH, deShazo RD, Pinnas JL, et al. Adverse reactions to ants other than imported fire ants. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005; 95:418–25. Treatment 12. Kleine-Tebbe J, Heinatz A, Graser¨ I, et al. 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63. Solberg VB, Miller JA, Hadfield T, et al. Control 64. Currie BJ, Wood YK. Identification of Chironex fleckeri of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) with topical self- envenomation by nematocyst recovery from skin. Med J Aust. application of permethrin by white-tailed deer inhabiting 1995; 162:478–80. NASA, Beltsville, Maryland. J Vector Ecol. 2003; 28:117– 65. Fenner PJ, Williamson JA, Skinner RA. Fatal and non-fatal 34. stingray envenomation. Med J Aust. 1989; 151:621–5. CHAPTER 15 Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions I: Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

Ronni Wolf Batya B. Davidovici

ADVERSE CUTANEOUS drug reactions (ADRs) are fre- typical concentric “target” lesions and often recurrent.1 quent, affecting 2%–3% of all hospitalized patients. For- The terminology “EM minor” was later proposed to sepa- tunately, only approximately 2% of ADRs are severe, and rate the mild cutaneous syndrome from more severe forms few are fatal. with involvement of several mucous membranes (“EM Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal major”). SJS for years had been considered an extreme vari- necrolysis (TEN) are acute, severe, life-threatening dis- ant of EM, and TEN as being a different entity. In 1993,6 a eases with a mortality rate reaching 30%. Only prompt group of experts proposed a new classification in which they recognition, diagnosis, and referral to an intensive care unit separated SJS from the EM spectrum and added it to TEN, or burn care unit might improve the prognosis and save the thereby creating a new spectrum of drug-related severe dis- patient’s life. eases, for example, SJS/TEN. Two disease spectra were created: 1) EM consisting of EM minor and EM major, and 2) SJS/TEN. The former are often recurrent, postin- HISTORICAL BACKGROUND fectious disorders (especially herpes and ) with In his classic 1866 treatise “On Disease of the Skin,” Ferdi- low morbidity and almost no mortality. The latter are usu- nand von Hebra precisely described and gave the name to ally severe drug-induced reactions with high morbidity and erythema multiforme (EM).1 In 1922, two American physi- poor prognosis. cians, Stevens and Johnson, described two patients, boys 7 According to the new “consensus definition and classi- 6 and 8 years old, who had “an extraordinary, generalized fication,” categorization of these diseases is determined eruption with continued fever, inflamed buccal mucosa, essentially by the percentage of skin detachment and by and severe purulent conjunctivitis”2 that was later given the characteristic appearance of the typical individual “EM- the name “Stevens–Johnson syndrome.” In 1950, Thomas like” or “target” lesions. divided EM into two categories: erythema multiforme The clinical pattern of the individual skin lesion was minor (von Hebra) and erythema multiforme major, also classified into the following four types: known as SJS.3 In 1956, Alan Lyell wrote the most highly cited article ever to appear in The British Journal of Derma- 1. Typical targets – individual lesions less than 3 cm in diam- tology: He described four patients with a scalding disease, eter with a regular round shape, well-defined border, which was later given the name toxic epidermal necrolysis and at least three different zones (i.e., two concentric (TEN), or the Lyell syndrome or Lyell disease.4,5 These rings around a central disk). One ring consists of palpa- severe, acute, life-threatening ADRs were not classified ble edema, paler than the center disk. and defined according to their clinical appearance and/or 2. Raised atypical targets – round, edematous, palpable le- linked to their etiology and prognosis until around 1993.6 sions, similar to EM but with only two zones and/or a poorly defined border. 3. Flat atypical targets – round lesions characteristic of EM DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION but with only two zones and/or a poorly defined border EM was initially described as an acute self-limited skin and nonpalpable with the exception of a potential central disease, symmetrically distributed on the extremities with blister.

page 154 Chapter 15 ● Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions I 155

TABLE 15.1: Original Classification TABLE 15.2: Proposed New Classification

EM SJS/Overlap/TEN EM SJS/Overlap/TEN

Typical targets Flat atypical targets Raised typical targets Flat typical targets Raised atypical targets Macules with/without blisters Raised atypical targets Flat atypical targets Macules with/without blisters

EM, erythema multiforme; SJS, StevensÐJohnson syndrome; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis. EM, erythema multiforme; SJS, StevensÐJohnson syndrome; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

4. Macules with or without blisters – nonpalpable, erythema- tous, or purpuric macules with an irregular shape and We have noticed that patients of the SJS/TEN group size and often confluent. Blisters often occur on all or occasionally have typical targets that are flat and are miss- part of the macule. ing the palpable ring around the center. We therefore sug- gested adding an additional type of lesion to the nomencla- The involved body surface area (BSA) should measure the ture, namely, a flat typical target, and calling the original extent of detached and detachable epidermis (which is often typical target a raised typical target. The new classifica- much less than the area of erythema) at the worst stage of tion will thus contain five types of lesions, instead of four the disease. (Tables 15.1 and 15.2). These authors then proposed the following consensus As to the questions “Why a new classification?” and classification (five categories): “Why an additional type of lesion that, at first glance, seems only to complicate the existing classification and make it 1. EM – detachment <10% of BSA, localized typical tar- more cumbersome?” we contend that our proposed mod- gets or raised atypical targets. ification gives the classification better leeway, incorporat- 2. SJS – detachment <10% of BSA, widespread erythema- ing all the variations characteristic of these lesions. We also tous or purpuric macules or flat atypical targets. believe that the new addition makes the classification more compact, easier to understand, and (not less important) eas- 3. Overlap SJS/TEN – detachment between 10% and 30% ier to remember. How can extending a classification make of BSA, widespread purpuric macules or flat atypical tar- it more compact? In our proposed modified classification, gets. all the lesions that are found in the EM group are raised, 4. TEN with spots – detachment >30% of BSA, widespread whereas all lesions that characterize the SJS/TEN group purpuric macules or flat atypical targets. are flat, which makes the classification easy to remember 5. TEN without spots – detachment >10% of BSA, large and to use. Accordingly, if a patient is found to have raised epidermal sheets and no purpuric macules. lesions (raised typical or raised atypical targets), we are directed toward a diagnosis of postinfectious EM. In con- trast, if a patient has flat lesions (flat typical targets, flat They went on to suggest a practical algorithm in the defini- atypical targets, or macules with or without blisters), we tion and categorization of these diseases based on their clas- should immediately consider the diagnosis of drug-induced sification. The first question that the clinician needs to ask SJS/TEN. is: “What is the percentage of detachment?” The second question is: “What is the nature of the discrete lesions?” They also suggested that their purely descriptive clinical classification might indicate a causative agent, namely, that CLINICAL PATTERN SJS, TEN, and overlap are drug induced, whereas the dis- The initial symptoms of TEN (i.e., before the appear- eases in the EM group are caused by infectious agents. ance of frank mucocutaneous sloughing) include fever (all Because the involved area of detachment is defined as cases) as well as conjunctivitis (32% of cases), pharyngitis such at the worst stage of the disease, it cannot always be (25% of cases), and pruritus (28% of cases). These signs delineated when the clinician first sees the patient. Conse- usually last 2–3 days and can resemble an upper respira- quently, the most – and often the only – reliable means of tory infection. There is speculation that the fever is caused classifying the cases is through observing the pattern of the by drugs, release of pyrogens from epidermal necrosis, or individual lesions. both, but that it is not due to infection. Mucous mem- We recently proposed a small modification of the cur- branes (in increasing order of frequency: oropharynx, eyes, rent classification to enable the clinician to pinpoint quickly genitalia, anus) are commonly affected 1–3 days before the and precisely the type of lesion to implement the appropri- skin lesions appear.8 The cutaneous lesions begin with a ate treatment without delay.7 burning and painful eruption initially not typical. This 156 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY


FIGURE 15.1: A, B, and C. 78-year-old man with toxic epi- dermal necrolysis (TEN) that appeared 5 days after he had been treated with cefuroxime for an upper respiratory infec- tion. (Photos courtesy of S. Halevy, MD, Soroka University Medical Center, Ben Gurion and University of the Negev, Beer- Sheva, Israel.) C

eruption extends symmetrically from the face and upper tress, respectively, and causing high morbidity.9,10 Prerenal part of the body to the entire body, predominantly on the azotemia is common. Fluid losses are massive and accom- trunk and proximal limbs. The initial lesions are poorly panied by electrolyte imbalance. During the first days, skin defined macules with darker centers. Maximal extension lesions are usually colonized by Staphylococcus aureus; they of lesions usually occurs in 2 or 3 days, but can be man- are later invaded by gram-negative rods. Thermoregula- ifest in a few hours. There is a sheet-like loss of epider- tion is impaired, and energy expenditure is increased.11,12 mis and the appearance of flaccid blisters that spread with Alteration of immunologic functions increases the risk of pressure. The Nikolsky sign is positive over large areas sepsis. involved by confluent erythema. Traumatized sites leave Reepidermization begins after a few days, and most of a dark red oozing dermis. The entire skin surface may the skin surface is reepithelialized in 3 weeks. Pressure areas be involved, with up to 100% of epidermal sloughing. and mucosal lesions often remain eroded and crusted for Widespread painful mucosal erosions result in impaired an additional 2 weeks. Scarring may occur in areas of pres- alimentation, photophobia, and painful micturition. (See sure or infection. Disturbances in pigmentation are char- Figures 15.1A–15.1C.) Keratitis and corneal erosions are acteristically present and lead to a patchwork of pigmented less frequent, but they are known to occur. Asthenia, skin and hypopigmented areas. Ocular sequelae are frequent pain, and anxiety are extreme. Gastrointestinal or tra- and severe, affecting approximately 40% of survivors.13,14 cheobronchial epithelium can be involved via a process of Abnormal nail regrowth, phimosis, and vaginal synechiae necrosis resulting in profuse diarrhea or respiratory dis- may be present as well.14 Chapter 15 ● Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions I 157

proximal tubule involvement and secondary effects of DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS glomerular structure.21 The preceding classification is intended to help physicians to differentiate EM from SJS/TEN; however, there are sev- CAUSATIVE DRUGS eral other dermatoses that must be differentiated from these diseases. Drugs are clearly the leading causative factor and are asso- Although the clinical presentation and patient history ciated with nearly 90% of TEN cases and more than 50% make the diagnosis of the classical form of SJS (with its tar- of SJS cases.22 get lesions and mucosal involvement) and of TEN obvious, Recent studies suggested a strong association between other conditions should be considered in the differential human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and susceptibility diagnosis, particularly in the early stages of disease when to drug hypersensitivity.23 The genetic associations can be ∗ the full-blown picture may not be fully apparent. These drug specific, such as HLA-B 1502 being associated with ∗ simulators include staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome carbamazepine-induced SJS/TEN, HLA-B 5701 with aba- ∗ (SSSS); linear immunoglobulin A (IgA) bullous dermatosis; cavir hypersensitivity, and HLA-B 5801 with allopurinol- paraneoplastic pemphigus and acute graft versus host dis- induced severe cutaneous adverse reactions. A genetic asso- ∗ ease (GVHD); drug-induced pemphigus and pemphigoid, ciation can also be phenotype specific (e.g., B 1502 is urticarial vasculitis, or lupus erythematosus; Sweet syn- associated solely with carbamazepine–SJS/TEN, and not drome, particularly the recently described variant of neu- with either maculopapular eruption of hypersensitivity trophilic dermatosis of the dorsal hands. Linear IgA bullous syndrome).24 Furthermore, a genetic association can also dermatosis, SSSS, and drug-induced pemphigus usually do be ethnicity specific; carbamazepine–SJS/TEN associated ∗ not show mucosal membrane involvement. All other dis- with B 1502 is seen in Southeast Asians, but not in whites, eases – except SSSS, Sweet syndrome, and acute GVHD – which may be explained by the different allele frequen- are not accompanied by fever. cies.25 In any event, two biopsy specimens are recommended: More than 100 drugs have been associated with the one for routine, formalin-fixed hematoxylin and eosin pro- development of SJS/TEN in single case reports or ret- cessing, and the other for immediate frozen sections. Epi- rospective studies. In 1995, results of the first prospec- dermis must be present to make the diagnosis, as epi- tive case–control study to assess the relative risk for dif- dermal necrosis is the pathognomonic finding in this ferent drugs for being associated with SJS/TEN were entity. published.26 In this study, sulfonamides were the most strongly associated with TEN (crude relative risk, 172; 95% confidence interval, 75 to 396) followed by antibiotic LABORATORY CHANGES drugs (in descending order of frequency: cephalosporins, Blood abnormalities are also almost always present. Ane- quinolones, aminopenicillins, tetracyclines, macrolides), mia and lymphopenia are found in virtually all patients, imidazole antifungals, anticonvulsants (phenobarbital, neutropenia in 30% of patients (indicating a poor prog- phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine), nosis), and thrombocytopenia in 15% of patients.15 The then nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (especially oxi- peculiarity of the anemia lies in its regenerative character, cam), allopurinol, and others. with concomitant medullary erythroblastopenia and blood reticulocytopenia. It does not appear to be secondary to the inflammatory process, because the regenerative capac- TREATMENT ity returns before the peak of the inflammatory phase. Lym- Both SJS and TEN are life-threatening diseases, so the phopenia is also commonly present (90% of patients) due management of patients must be prompt. Early diagnosis to depletion of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes.16,17 Dissem- with the early recognition and withdrawal of all potential inated intravascular coagulation (DIC) has been reported, causative drugs is essential to a favorable outcome. Mor- and some authors advocate prophylactic treatment with bidity and mortality decrease if the culprit drug is with- heparin.18 drawn no later than the day when blisters or erosions first Approximately 30% of patients have elevated transam- occurred.27 inase enzymes19 and elevated levels of amylase and lipase The patient must be transferred to an intensive care unit without other evidence of pancreatic involvement.20 or a burn center. Prompt referral reduces risk of infection, Proteinuria is present in more than one half of patients, mortality rate, and length of hospitalization.28–30 but usually at a level less than 1 g per 24 hours. The main types of symptomatic treatment are the same Renal tubular enzyme secretion and microalbuminuria as for burns, and the experience of burn units is help- are increased in all patients, but the glomerular filtration ful for the treatment of TEN: environmental temperature rate remains normal. This profile is suggestive of both control, careful and aseptic handling, sterile field creation, 158 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY avoidance of any adhesive material, and maintenance of CORTICOSTEROIDS AND OTHER venous peripheral access distant from affected areas. “DISEASE-MODIFYING” DRUGS Intravenous (IV) fluid replacement must be initiated immediately on admission and use macromolecules or For years, corticosteroids have been the mainstay therapy saline solutions. The rate and amount of fluid and elec- for TEN and SJS in most32,35–42 (although not all43,44) trolyte administration must be adjusted daily. The early dermatological centers, including ours, in the belief that fluid requirement of TEN patients is two thirds to three they suppress the intensity of reaction, control the exten- fourths of that of patients with burns covering the same sion of the necrolytic process, decrease the involved area, area.31 reduce fever and discomfort, and prevent damage to inter- Like most other authors, we do not advocate the use nal organs when given at an early stage and in a sufficiently of prophylactic antibiotics. Catheters should be changed high dosage. There are no randomized clinical trials on and cultured regularly, and bacterial sampling of the skin the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of these life- lesions must be performed at least every 48 hours. threatening diseases. Early initiation of massive oral nutrition by nasogas- The early approach to treatment was followed by a tric tube to minimize protein losses promotes healing complete turnabout at the beginning of the 1980s when and decreases the risk of stress ulcer. The environmen- the management of SJS/TEN shifted to specialized burn tal temperature should be increased to 30◦C, and heat centers and was taken over by nondermatologists, mostly shields, infrared lamps, and an air-fluidized bed should be surgeons, who rejected the use of steroids almost out provided. of hand. They regarded them as being hazardous and a Thromboembolism and DIC are important causes of potential iatrogenic source of decreased host resistance, morbidity and death: Effective anticoagulation with hep- increased morbidity and complications (e.g., sepsis, leuko- arin is recommended for the duration of hospitalization.27 penia, thromboembolism, gastrointestinal ulcerations), Like patients with major burns, TEN patients suffer prolonged recovery, worse and deteriorated prognosis, severe pain as well as emotional instability and extreme reduced survival and, for all intents and purposes, a con- anxiety, which should be treated appropriately.32 traindicated mode of therapy.45–50 Pulmonary care includes aerosols, bronchial aspiration, In the absence of well-controlled trials, many dermatol- and physical therapy. Intubation and mechanical ventila- ogy departments adopted the concept of large burn units to tion are nearly always necessary if the trachea and bronchi avoid the use of steroids, in our opinion more as a matter are involved. of practicing “defensive medicine” and being on the safe The SJS/TEN disease spectrum remains an impor- (rather than on the effective) side. tant cause of severe visual loss in a significant number of The simple fact is that burns and TEN are two sepa- patients. Therefore, daily examination by an ophthalmol- rate disease entities, and, although there is an “acute skin ogist and vigorous treatment are mandatory. Antiseptic or failure” in both conditions, they differ in terms of etiol- antibiotic eyedrops and eye ointments, with or without cor- ogy and pathomechanism. Specifically, burns are a one- ticosteroids, should be instilled every 2 hours. Lid–globe time, acute event that affects the skin from the outside, adhesions should be cautiously removed with a glass rod whereas TEN is a more complex, probably immune (T twice daily to avoid occlusion of the fornices, taking care lymphocyte)-mediated process that reaches the skin from not to strip pseudomembranes which may lead to bleeding within. Above all, unlike thermal burns, in TEN, the disease and increased conjunctival scarring.33 continues to progress and becomes more intensified over a There is no consensus about topical care. Topical anti- period of several days after its first appearance; therefore, septics (0.5% silver nitrate or 0.05% chlorhexidine) are it would make good sense to turn to aggressive disease- usually used to paint, bathe, or dress the patients. Silver modifying drugs that are capable of halting disease pro- sulfadiazine, which is popular in burn units, should be gression, reduce the extent of skin detachment, decrease avoided because sulfonamides are frequently implicated in the inflammatory cytokines and, consequently, the symp- the etiology of TEN and can cause hemolysis in glucose- toms, discomfort, organ damage (less relevant for burns), 6-phosphate dehydrogenase–deficient patients. Although and perhaps mortality. The important role of burn units in most surgeons in burn units advocate large operative the treatment of these patients notwithstanding, we think debridement of nonviable epidermis followed by immedi- it has been a mistake to ignore our collective clinical expe- ate wound cover with biologic dressings such as BiobraneR rience and own good judgment and be swayed by the stand or xenograft,34 dermatologists are more conservative, leav- taken by plastic surgeons who view TEN and thermal burns ing in place the epidermis that has not yet peeled off. as similar entities. Dressings may be gauzes with petrolatum, silver nitrate, or It is our hope that, with the introduction of new polyvidone iodine; hydrogels; Hydrone; Vigilon (semiper- immunomodulating drugs, the pendulum will swing again meable dressings); SoftSorb; and others, which can also be in the opposite direction (i.e., toward advocating disease- impregnated with silver nitrate. modifying agents). The first step in this long journey Chapter 15 ● Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions I 159 has already been taken with the introduction in 1998 of TABLE 15.3: Mortality and IV immunoglobulins (IVIG) in the treatment of TEN Severity-of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) patients. Following the observation that antibodies present in SCORTEN Mortality IVIG block Fas-mediated keratinocyte apoptosis in vitro, and in light of the fact that the Fas–Fas ligand path- 0Ð1 3.2% way of apoptosis is considered the first or pivotal step in 2 12.1% the pathogenesis of TEN,51 Viard and colleagues52 tried 3 35.3% this treatment in their patients. In their initial article, all 4 58.3% ≥5 90.0% 10 patients benefited from this therapy, an observation that was confirmed in several additional studies,53–59 but con- tradicted by at least one prospective noncomparative study SCORTEN, Severity-of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. based on 34 patients from a single referral center.60 In a recent study from a plastic surgery and burn cen- 61 ter from Italy, the experience using IVIG together with The scoring system that was developed with a French the local conservative approach (the change to conservative patient cohort has been validated in a U.S.-based patient approach by plastic surgeons is noteworthy) was related cohort65 and is proving to be a valuable tool for predicting to previous treatments, which consisted of an aggressive patient outcome. approach with a wide debridement. The group treated with IVIG and conservative local approach showed a reduction in mortality rate from 75% to 26%. CONCLUDING REMARKS The recommended approach today is early treatment “Any substance that is capable of producing a therapeu- at a total dose of 3 g/kg over 3 consecutive days (1 g/ tic effect can also produce unwanted or adverse effects.”66 61,62 kg/d for 3 days). It is of note that there are signifi- ADR had occurred since the beginning of ancient medicine. cant batch-to-batch variations concerning Fas-inhibitory To our great fortune, the most severe ADRs described here activity of IVIG, which might also explain some of the in SJS/TEN are rare. Despite their low incidence they are variability in the response-rate of TEN patients to this still frequent enough that primary care physicians and der- therapy. matologists will probably be involved with the management We hope that, with the meteoric advances being made of at least one affected individual during their practice, but in biologic therapy and the continuing development of tar- they are too infrequent to acquire any real degree of famil- get monoclonal antibodies against cytokines and receptors, iarity with them. new therapies will emerge that will more selectively and Because there is no specific and definitely effective treat- specifically target the underlying processes, thus avoiding ment for SJS/TEN, prompt recognition and diagnosis and treatment-related side effects. Until these new therapies early identification and withdrawal of all potential causative are available for clinical use, we advocate treating TEN drugs and prompt referral to a burn unit are generally patients with what we have here and now, namely, IVIG agreed-upon steps and, for the time being, the best we can and corticosteroids. do for our patients to most significantly influence outcome and prognosis. Beyond that, however, considerable contro- PROGNOSIS versy exists. Evidence both pro and con exists for the use of IVIG, systemic corticosteroids, and other measures. In 2000, a mathematical tool called SCORTEN (Severity- In this chapter, we present practical and comprehensive of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) was devel- information on the two most severe acute cutaneous drug 63 oped to asses severity of illness and predict mortality. . eruptions – SJS and TEN – concentrating on their defini- SCORTEN should be computed within the first 24 hours tion, classification, clinical appearance, management, and 64 after admission and again on Day 3. The score is the prognosis. It is intentionally clinically oriented and cov- > sum of 7 easily measured clinical variables: 1) age ( 40); 2) ers what is most relevant to the clinicians in their practice, > tachycardia ( 120 bpm) ; 3) the presence of malignancy; omitting the theoretical aspects of the pathogenesis of the > 4) initial surface of epidermal detachment ( 10%); 5) diseases, unless they are relevant to diagnosis or treatment. serum urea (>10 mmol/L); 6) serum glucose (>14 mmol/L; >252 mg/dL); and 7) bicarbonate (<20 mmol/L [mEq/L]). One point is given for each variable if positive and zero if REFERENCES negative. Computing the sum of the scores for each param- 1. Fabbri P, Panconesi E. Erythema multiforme (“minus” and eter results in a SCORTEN ranging from 0 to 7, with “maius”) and drug intake. Clin Dermatol. 1993; 11:479–89. the mortality increasing sharply with each additional point 2. Stevens A, Johnson F. A new eruptive fever associated with (Table 15.3). stomatitis and ophthalmia. 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Ronni Wolf Batya B. Davidovici

DRUG RASH WITH EOSINOPHILIA Epidemiology and Causative Drugs AND SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS The true incidence of DRESS syndrome is unknown because its variable presentation confounds uniform diag- Background nosis. It is estimated to occur in between 1 in 1000 and Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms 1 in 10,000 exposures with drugs such as anticonvulsants (DRESS) syndrome, formerly termed “drug hypersensitiv- and sulfonamides.9 In a record linkage study, the risk for ity syndrome” (HSS), is a severe, potentially fatal adverse developing DRESS syndrome within 60 days of the first or drug reaction characterized by skin rash, fever, lymph-node second prescription in new adult users of phenytoin or car- enlargement, and single- or multiple-organ involvement, bamazepine was estimated to be 2.3–4.5 per 10,000 expo- characteristically occurring in a delayed fashion between 3 sures, respectively.10 and 8 weeks after starting treatment with the culpable drug The aromatic anticonvulsants (phenylhydantoin, phe- for the first time. nobarbital, carbamazepine)9,11–14 and sulfonamides15 are Phenytoin HSS was first described in 1939,1 1 year after the most common causes of DRESS syndrome, but a large phenytoin had been introduced in the treatment of convul- variety of other drugs have been associated with it, notably sive disorders. Similar reactions were reported during the among them lamotrigine16,17 (see Figure 16.1), allopu- following years, initially to various anticonvulsant drugs2,3 rinol,18,19 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, captopril, and later to many other drugs.4–6 Consequently, the name antibiotics, tuberculostatic drugs, calcium channel block- of this reaction was changed to the more widely inclu- ers, mood stabilizers, neuroleptics, dapsone, terbinafine, sive HSS, instead of anticonvulsant-, sulfone-, or dapsone- methyldopa, minocycline, and antiretroviral drugs.20,21 hypersensitivity syndrome. The word “hypersensitivity” itself, however, is ambiguous and uninformative insofar as TABLE 16.1: Comparison between DRESS Syndrome and it may apply to any idiosyncratic reaction that fits one phase SS/SSLR of the classic Gell and Coombs classification. Therefore, a more informative, precise, and clinically relevant term was DRESS Symptom syndrome SS/SSLR proposed, “drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symp- toms” or DRESS.7 The suitability of the term DRESS has Rash Exanthematous Urticarial (mostly) recently been questioned because eosinophilia need not (mostly) necessarily be present in this syndrome, and a return to Onset of symptoms 1Ð8 weeks >2 weeks “drug-induced HSS” has been suggested.8 Fever Present Present DRESS is characteristically defined by a triad of symp- toms consisting of fever, skin eruption, and internal organ Internal organ Present Absent involvement involvement. In this context, it should be mentioned that Arthralgia Absent Present serum sickness (SS) or serum sickness-like reaction (SSLR), which have many features in common with DRESS syn- Lymphadenopathy Present Present drome, are distinct diseases that have another pathogenesis and, as such, should be distinguished from DRESS syn- DRESS, drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms; SS/SSLR, drome (Table 16.1). serum sickness/serum sickness-like reaction.

page 162 Chapter 16 ● Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions II 163

of severe drug eruptions, such as Stevens–Johnson syn- drome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). As for internal organ involvement, again there is a large degree of variability among patients with regard to both the target organs involved and the severity of the involvement. It is important to emphasize, however, that the severity of cutaneous changes does not necessarily reflect the sever- ity of internal organ involvement. Therefore, meticulous assessment is necessary for patients suspected of DRESS syndrome and internal organ involvement. It is also impor- tant to bear in mind that internal organ involvement may not develop for 1–2 weeks into the reaction, and even not until 1 month later. The liver is the most frequently involved internal organ, with tender hepatomegaly and sometimes with splenomegaly. Liver involvement can range from mild ele- vations in serum transaminase levels24 to granulomatous hepatitis or fulminant hepatic necrosis.25–28 The degree of hepatitis is related to the interval between the onset of the syndrome and the discontinuation of the drug.29 Prompt recognition of the syndrome and withdrawal of the drug are therefore of utmost importance to the prognosis. The kidney is another organ frequently involved, and the nephrotic condition can range from mild hematuria, to nephritis, to acute renal failure, usually following acute granulomatous interstitial nephritis, even despite discon- tinuation of the offending drug.30,31 FIGURE 16.1: A 43-year-old man with lamotrigine-induced drug Rarer manifestations of DRESS syndrome are colitis, rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS). Note pneumonitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, encephalitis, arthri- the typical periorbital edema. tis, and myositis.8,32 Thyroiditis with autoantibodies has also been reported. Its acute hyperthyroid phase may be missed by the clinician because of fever, tachycardia, and Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis malaise, which are part of DRESS syndrome, and may DRESS syndrome occurs most frequently on first exposure thus be identified only several months later when hypothy- to the drug, with initial symptoms starting between 1 and 8 roidism develops.33 weeks afterward.22 The syndrome may occur within 1 day Lymphadenopathy is perhaps the most frequent finding upon rechallenge in previously sensitized individuals. associated with DRESS syndrome. In the early stages of The syndrome commonly begins with a fever shortly the disease, lymph-node histology shows benign hyperpla- followed by a maculopapular rash and varying degrees of sia, but histological changes may progress to reveal atypi- lymphadenopathy. Body temperature ranges from 38◦Cto cal lymphoid cells. In rare cases, pseudolymphoma or lym- 40◦C, with spikes that usually generate the concern of an phoma may develop if the drug is not discontinued.34 underlying infection. The spiking fever often persists for Notably, no single symptom, including fever or periph- as long as weeks despite discontinuation of the offending eral eosinophilia, is necessarily present in all cases of drug.23 DRESS, and cutaneous lesions apparently are, in fact, the An eruption occurs in approximately 70%–100% of most often reported signs. The clinical pattern of skin patients.8 In most cases, the cutaneous eruption starts as changes is, however, quite variable, ranging, according to a macular erythema that often evolves into a red, symmet- the present definition, from a faint generalized exanthe- rical, pruritic, confluent, and papular rash. Pustules, either matous eruption to SJS or TEN. The same is true for the follicular or nonfollicular, may also be present. The upper other associated symptoms, organ dysfunction, and labora- trunk and face are initially affected, with later involvement tory abnormalities.8,32,35 of the lower extremities. Facial and periorbital edema is a In 2006, a Japanese consensus group proposed a set of frequent occurrence, and can lead to such gross distortion criteria for diagnosis of DRESS (or, as suggested by them, of the patients’ features that they can become unrecogniz- drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome, DIHS).21 That able. Notably, there is usually no mucosal involvement, a group established 6 diagnostic criteria for DIHS/DRESS feature that helps to distinguish DRESS from other forms to which they subsequently added a 7th:36 1) maculopapular 164 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY rash developing more than 3 weeks after starting therapy; Skin care may include the use of topical steroids to allevi- 2) prolonged clinical symptoms 2 weeks after discontinu- ate symptoms. The main principles of therapy for extensive ation of the causative drug; 3) fever higher than 38◦C; 4) rash or erythroderma are the same as those for major burns: at least one leukocyte abnormality (i.e., leukocytosis >11 warming of the environment, correction of electrolyte dis- × 108/L), atypical lymphocytosis >5%, or eosinophilia turbances, high caloric intake, and prevention of sepsis. >1.5 × 108/L); 5) liver abnormalities (alanine aminotrans- As for the controversy about the use of systemic corti- ferase >100U/L), which can be replaced with other organ costeroids, unlike their position on the administration of involvement, such as the kidney; 6) lymphadenopathy; and these medications to patients with SJS/TEN, most authors 7) human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) reactivation. The diag- do not regard them as either hazardous or contraindi- nosis is confirmed by the presence of all seven of these cated and suggest their use “when internal organ involve- criteria (typical DIHS) or of the first five (atypical DIHS). ment exists.”40,41 Because internal organ involvement is a The most novel and innovative of the proposed criteria is prerequisite for this syndrome (remember, the requisite undoubtedly HHV-6 reactivation. The authors state that triad of fever, rash, and internal organ involvement!), how- their series of more than 60 patients diagnosed by clinical ever, systemic steroids should be considered in most cases findings had consistently shown that HHV-6 reactivation of DRESS syndrome, particularly in patients with severe can be detected in the vast majority of patients who sat- organ damage. Furthermore, corticosteroids are known for isfy the other six criteria and show clinical manifestations their beneficial effects in diseases with blood eosinophilia consistent with the classical triad, but not in patients with (e.g., hypereosinophilic syndrome), where eosinophils are other types of drug eruption, such as papulomacular rash, responsible for organ damage, and thus might be expected SJS, and TEN. Moreover, HHV-6 was rarely detected in to be of benefit in DRESS, insofar as eosinophil accumu- patients with a tendency toward milder disease. Without lation is also thought to account for the internal organ entering into any debate about the appropriateness of this involvement in this disease. criterion, the fact that it usually appears 2–3 weeks after the onset of rash means that it can be used for studies and late analyses, but not when we first see our patient and have to SERUM SICKNESS AND SERUM SICKNESS-LIKE make urgent decisions. The same holds true, of course, for REACTION their second criterion. We especially espouse two features of this newly sug- Background gested classification: 1) it narrows the wide definition of SS, first described in humans by von Pirquet and Schick in cutaneous rash, in particular by excluding cases with cuta- 1905, is a type III hypersensitivity reaction (of the classic neous manifestations of SJS and TEN, a characteristic that Gell and Coombs classification) resulting from the admin- we had emphasized long ago,20,35 and 2) it provides cutoff istration of foreign protein or of heterologous serum, usu- points for delineating hematological and other laboratory ally equine, serving as an antitoxin.42 abnormalities. The syndrome includes fever, cutaneous eruptions Although most authors agree that the existence of (mostly urticaria), edema, arthralgias, and lymphadenopa- DRESS as a clinically distinctive and unique entity is unar- thy. Although fatalities from this reaction are rare, it has guable,8,37 its diagnosis is complicated because, in addi- been traditionally included in the group of severe adverse tion to its highly variable presentation, it is a diagnosis by cutaneous reactions to drugs43 because it requires hospital- exclusion. Its main features, such as rash, fever, and organ ization (and, often, intensive care) and might cause exten- involvement, can also be attributed to a wide range of other sive organ damage. causes, most notably infections (with which it is also often During the first 4 decades of the 19th century, it was associated). The similarity between DRESS and infection not uncommon for up to 50% of patients to develop this diseases is of particular importance considering our efforts reaction after treatment with horse serum as an antiserum to avoid prescribing for patients with DRESS additional to diphtheria, tetanus, rabies, or other organisms. It has drugs because they can cross-react with other drugs or ini- almost disappeared in these settings with the advent of tiate drug neosensitization38 during DRESS, whereas we effective immunization procedures, antimicrobial therapy, usually use drugs such as analgesics/antipyretics and antibi- and the development of specific human immune serum otics in the case of infections. globulins. More recently, SS has made a comeback with the introduction of targeted immune modulators – commonly referred to as biological response modifiers or simply “bio- Treatment logics.” It is also commonly seen with the use of antivenom DRESS is potentially life threatening. The mortality therapy used to treat envenomations by snakes, spiders, rate is estimated at nearly 10%, although complete scorpions, and so forth. The SSLR that is similar to clas- recovery can be achieved.39 DRESS syndrome must be sic SS may result from the administration of a num- promptly recognized and all potential culprit drugs with- ber of nonprotein drugs, such as antibiotics (particularly drawn. cefaclor and minocycline), psychiatric drugs, analgesic/ Chapter 16 ● Severe, Acute Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions II 165 antiinflammatory drugs, antineoplastic drugs, and many depending on the severity of the disease and its activity. others. Typically, there is a noticeable improvement in the fevers and arthralgias within the first 48 hours of treatment, and resolution of symptoms is seen over approximately 8–10 Clinical and Laboratory Aids Required for Diagnosis days 50 Some groups consider plasmapheresis the first- Early recognition and accurate diagnosis are the keys to line therapy for SS.51,52 Like others,44 however, we think the management of SS because treatment is highly effec- that plasmapheresis should be reserved for steroid-resistant tive in reversing all symptoms. Recognition and diagnosis, cases. however, are made more difficult by a lack of diagnostic and laboratory criteria and by the protean manifestations Vasculitis of this reaction. An attempt was recently made to gather signs and Vasculitis is inflammation of vessel walls. It has many symptoms and produce diagnostic criteria for SS.44 Four causes, although they result in only a few histologic pat- major criteria were established: 1) more than 7 days since terns of vascular inflammation. Vessels of any type in any initial drug (thymoglobulin) administration, 2) persistent organ can be affected; this fact results in a wide variety high fevers (>101◦F), 3) persistent arthritis/arthralgias, of signs and symptoms. These manifold clinical manifesta- and 4) positive heterologous antibodies on enzyme-linked tions, combined with the etiologic nonspecificity of the his- immunosorbent assay. Rash was considered a minor cri- tologic lesions, complicate the diagnosis of specific forms of terion. These criteria are, however, in disagreement with vasculitis. The difficulty in diagnosis is problematic because earlier studies, in which cutaneous rash appeared in more different vasculitides with indistinguishable clinical presen- than 90% of patients.45–48 The clinical manifestations of tations have different etiologies, associations with specific SS begin at 4–21 days (usual range 7–10 days) after ini- diseases, involvement in certain organs, prognoses, and tial exposure to the causative antigen. Symptoms usually treatments. To make things even more complicated, there include fever, a cutaneous eruption (morbilliform, urticaria, are many classifications and no agreed-upon diagnostic cri- or the combination of these two reaction patterns) in more teria for the various categories of vasculitis, particularly the than 90% of patients, arthralgias in up to 50%, lympha- small-vessel vasculitides. denopathy, and myalgias. Headache and gastrointestinal Drugs cause approximately 10% of vasculitic skin lesions complaints may occasionally occur as well. Less common and should be considered in any patient with small-vessel manifestations include arthritis, nephritis, neuropathy, and vasculitis.53–55 Withdrawal of the offending agent alone is other organ involvement. often sufficient to induce prompt resolution of clinical man- The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical findings ifestations, obviating the need for systemic corticosteroids because there are no pathognomonic laboratory tests spe- or more powerful forms of immunosuppression. cific for the diagnosis of SS or SSLRs in the acute set- For more details on this topic, readers are directed to ting. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is noncontribu- Chapter 23 in this book, which is devoted entirely to pur- tory because it may be elevated, normal, or low. Leukope- pura and vasculitis of any kind. nia or leukocytosis may be present, and SS is one of the few illnesses in which plasmocytosis may be detected in the REFERENCES peripheral blood smear. The urine analysis may show pro- teinuria, hematuria, or hemoglobinuria. Serum creatinine 1. Merrit H, Putnam T. Sodium diphenylhydantoinate in treat- and transaminases may be transiently elevated. Circulat- ment of convulsive disorders: toxic symptoms and their pre- vention. Arch Neurol Psych. 1939; 42:1053–8. ing immune complexes may rise and fall before symptoms 2. Shear NH, Spielberg SP. Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity and signs appear. Serum concentrations of C3, C4, and syndrome. In vitro assessment of risk. J Clin Invest. 1988; total complement are depressed because of the formation of 82:1826–32. immune complexes, but they tend to rapidly return to nor- 3. Haruda F. Phenytoin hypersensitivity: 38 cases. 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Ronni Wolf Jasna Lipozenciˇ c´ Batya B. Davidovici

ALTHOUGH PHYSICIANS from other specialties, like patients and usually during or within 2 hours after infu- the population at large, still consider cutaneous maladies as sion.2 They can, in most cases, be easily managed. being mainly aesthetic, skin deep, and insignificant, they are Clinical manifestations of acute infusion reaction generally aware that treating these diseases often requires include fever, chest pain and/or discomfort (e.g., tight- a variety of potent systemic drugs and not only topical ening pressure), hypotension or hypertension, palpita- treatments. These powerful medications may cause many tions, urticaria, and hyperemia. Although such a reaction adverse reactions, some of them severe, acute, or even life might very well be a harrowing experience to the unin- threatening. formed, most of the symptoms improve substantially or “There are no really ‘safe’ biologically active drugs. There resolve completely after stopping the infusion or slow- are only ‘safe’ physicians.”1 A “safe” physician must, first and ing its rate. The Division of Clinical Immunology Infu- foremost, be well informed about adverse reactions at the sion Center at Mount Sinai Medical Center has devel- time of prescribing a drug, during the follow-up period, oped a protocol for the treatment of initial severe acute and especially when one of these rare catastrophes suddenly reactions3,4 that recommends stopping the infusion and occurs. Because the diversity of severe adverse reactions to starting an infusion of normal saline. The airway must dermatologic therapies is almost endless, we focus on new be maintained, and oxygen is given. Epinephrine (0.1– drugs and the less known adverse effects. 0.5 mL, 1:1000) is administered subcutaneously and can be repeated every 5 minutes for three doses. Intravenous (IV) hydrocortisone (100 mg) or IV methylprednisolone TARGETED IMMUNE MODULATORS/BIOLOGICS (20–24 mg) is also given, followed by IV diphenhydramine Targeted immune modulators (TIMs) – commonly refer- (25–50 mg) and oral acetaminophen (650 mg). It should be red to as biological response modifiers or simply “biolog- noted that epinephrine and diphenhydramine have a rapid ics” – are a relatively new category of medications used in onset of action and, in cases of severe reactions, should the treatment of certain types of immunologic and inflam- be given before steroids, which have a slower onset of matory diseases, including dermatologic diseases, most action. notably psoriasis. Although those authors3,4 recommend restarting TIM Overall, TIMs appear to have a good tolerability pro- infusion at a slower rate after resolution of the symp- file, although some rare but acute serious adverse events, toms, and that a “prophylaxis protocol” be followed for such as infections, hematologic events, neurologic events, retreatment of patients who experienced severe reactions, infusion reactions, congestive heart failure, nephrotic syn- we believe that there is no logical justification to do so, drome, and others, are of concern. The following sections especially in view of the facts that we are treating a benign describe adverse events associated with TIMs. disease and that there are many other alternative medica- tions from which to choose. Infusion Reactions As is the case with any foreign protein–derived agent, infusion with chimeric antibodies that contain murine Infections antibodies, such as infliximab (containing 25% murine pro- Following U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) teins), can lead to either acute or delayed infusion reac- approval and the more widespread use of TIMs (particu- tions. Overall, these reactions occur in up to 10%–20% of larly, anti–tumor necrosis factor-␣ [TNF-␣] for rheumatic

page 168 Chapter 17 ● Severe, Acute Complications of Dermatologic Therapies 169 disease and inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]), postmar- of the unusual clinical manifestations of the disease, of the keting surveillance data from the FDA MedWatch database high mortality rates in this group (12%),7 and its some- revealed a disturbing number of reports of serious infec- times fulminant course. Both infliximab and adalimumab tions in patients treated with these agents.5 The FDA has have black box warnings on their product labels citing this issued black box warnings about an increased risk of infec- risk, and discussion with the FDA is ongoing regarding an tions for all TNF-␣ inhibitors, stating that “Serious infec- update to the package labeling for etanercept.8 The Centers tions, including sepsis and pneumonia, have been reported for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends in patients receiving TNF-␣–blocking agents. Some of TB screening with tuberculin skin test for all patients being these infections have been fatal.” treated with any TNF-␣ inhibitor. Although other biologic The true incidence of infections and the effect of TNF- medications that are not anti-TNFs (such as alefacept or ␣–blocking agents on these numbers cannot be ascertained efalizumab) have not been reported to cause reactivation with accuracy, particularly in view of the fact that rheuma- of LTBI, they are immunosuppressive, and the majority of tologic patients have a higher risk for infection than do advisors from the medical board of the National Psoriasis nonrheumatologic patients, and that they are also usually Foundation perform baseline TB testing before initiating receiving other disease-modifying drugs that are associated therapy with either agent.8 Physicians should also bear in with considerable risk of infections. We will discuss several mind that a negative skin purified protein derivative (PPD) of the most significant infections reported so far, without skin test and negative chest x-ray are not always reliable in entering into the issue of the quantitative effect of anti- patients with concomitant immunosuppression.9 Indeed, TNFs to their incidence. anergy to PPD testing has been reported to be as high as 50% in rheumatic arthritis patients, compared with 7% in Tuberculosis. At the forefront of interest concerning seri- controls.10 When active TB is suspected, treatment with ous infections and the use of TNF-␣ inhibitors are TIMs should be immediately stopped until the diagnosis mycobacterial infections, particularly Mycobacterium tuber- has been ruled out or the infection has been treated with culosis. anti-TB agents. In contrast, TB following therapy with An estimated one third of the world’s population (out- anti-TNFs may be initially refractory to treatment because side the United States, where the disease is uncommon) has of lingering TNF-␣ blockers in the system.11 latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), which can potentially progress to disease and further spread of the epidemic. In Other Bacterial Infections. There are no reliable post- LTBI, the person has a small number of “latent” M. tuber- licensure data on the rates of serious bacterial infections culosis bacilli that are contained in granulomas in their bod- in patients treated with TNF-␣ inhibitors because infec- ies. These organisms are viable and are possibly in a slow tions with commonly acquired organisms are less likely to state of replication. These bacilli will never cause disease be reported to the authorities. Nonetheless, the clinician is in most infected persons, but the ones who do reactivate certain to encounter serious bacterial infections, including disease suffer considerable morbidity and mortality and are those requiring a critical care setting, in individuals exposed also the major source of transmission of the disease, fuel- to TNF-␣ antagonists. There are no specific guidelines ing the continued epidemic. Even though TB is usually for the recognition or treatment of suspected infections in not rapidly fatal, the disease may show a fulminant course these patients, but a heightened awareness and suspicion in immunocompromised patients, and may also have an on the part of the clinician for these infections and rapid atypical pattern and presentation. In a review of 70 TB evaluation and treatment cannot be emphasized enough. cases associated with infliximab therapy reported to the FDA,6 more than half of the patients had extrapulmonary TB (lymph-node disease, peritoneal disease, pleural dis- Histoplasmosis and Other Fungal Infections ease, meningeal disease, etc.), and approximately one quar- Host responses to pulmonary inoculation with the fungus ter had disseminated TB. In contrast, among cases of TB Histoplasma capsulatum are similar to pulmonary mycobac- in immunocompetent patients, approximately 18% were terial infection. Histoplasmosis is the most prevalent manifested as extrapulmonary disease, and disseminated endemic mycosis in the United States, and approximately disease accounted for less than 2%. TNFs have a central 250,000 individuals are infected per year. As with TB, 90%– role in the host defense against M. tuberculosis. The human 95% of exposed immunocompetent hosts will develop immune response is highly effective in controlling primary latent asymptomatic disease, but reactivation and dissem- infection resulting from exposure to M. tuberculosis. TNF- ination, which can be severe and fatal, may occur in the ␣ is involved in the killing of mycobacteria by activating context of therapy with immunosuppressants.12 macrophages and preventing the dissemination of infection There were no cases of histoplasmosis in clinical tri- by stimulating granuloma formation. Physicians should be als with etanercept and infliximab, but two cases were aware of the increased risk of reactivation of TB among documented in phase I trials with adalimumab. By May patients who are receiving anti-TNFs and, in particular, 2002, 22 cases of histoplasmosis were reported to the FDA 170 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

MedWatch database. Of these 22, 19 were associated with indicated a strong trend toward an increase in the percent- infliximab and three with etanercept. Five of the 22 resulted age of patients with worsening clinical status with increas- in death. All 22 cases occurred in the United States, and ing infliximab dose, largely due to an increase in deaths or most resided in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. hospitalization for CHF at weeks 14 (primary endpoint) The majority of the cases presented with disseminated dis- and 28.17 ease. Typical presenting symptoms included fever, dys- In an examination of case reports18 of all patients who pnea, malaise, weight loss, and intestinal pneumonitis.12 developed new or worsening CHF while receiving TNF- Cases of histoplasmosis are uncommon outside the United ␣ antagonist therapy, investigators obtained a total of 47 States. Currently no reliable serologic or skin testing is reported cases from the FDA’s MedWatch system. After available for screening for latent histoplasmosis infection. receiving TNF-␣ antagonist therapy, 38 patients developed Due to this lack of a diagnostic tool, and because manifes- new-onset CHF and 9 patients experienced CHF exacer- tations of infection can mimic any other infection, a high bation. Of the 38 patients with new-onset CHF, 19 (50%) index of suspicion, particularly of physicians in endemic had no identifiable risk factor, and 10 patients were younger areas, is crucial for early diagnosis. than 50 years. After TNF-␣ antagonist therapy was dis- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP; now renamed continued and heart failure therapy was started in these Pneumocystis jiroveci) is a common opportunistic infection 10 patients, 3 had complete resolution of heart failure, 6 in immunocompromised persons. As of June 2002, there improved, and 1 died, an outcome that supports a causal have been 44 cases of PCP in the United States follow- relationship between TNF-␣ therapy and CHF. ing the use of infliximab, and five cases of PCP following There are currently no concrete guidelines for the eval- etanercept, with six fatal cases among them.13 uation and treatment of patients with suspected CHF. It Case reports and case series of other severe fungal infec- is generally agreed upon that infliximab (>5 mg/kg) is tions have also been reported in association with the use contraindicated in patients with severe CHF. Likewise, of TNF-␣ inhibitors. These include disseminated crypto- patients who develop new-onset CHF while on anti-TNF coccal infections, disseminated sporotrichosis, invasive pul- therapy should immediately stop medication, undergo a monary aspergillosis, systemic candidiosis, and others.12,14 prompt evaluation, and receive appropriate treatment. We In summary, disseminated fungal infections should be currently advise against the reinstitution of anti-TNF ther- carefully considered in the differential diagnosis of patients apy in such patients with dermatological diseases. As for who present to the emergency room or intensive care set- patients with well-compensated mild CHF, each patient’s ting with a serious febrile illness in the setting of anti-TNF risk versus benefit should be considered before therapy is therapy, especially in areas of high disease prevalence. begun.

Congestive Heart Failure Serious Neurological Events Worsening or exacerbation of congestive heart failure Seizure Disorder. Seizure disorder following anti-TNF (CHF) is inarguably a serious, life-threatening, and fright- therapy is rare, having been reported in 29/170,000 patients ening adverse effect. The question is, to what extent, if at who had been exposed to infliximab, in 26/104,000 exposed all, are TNF-␣ antagonists involved in this event? to etanercept, and in none exposed to adalimumab.13,19 In It is known that worsening CHF has been associated view of these data, it was suggested that preexisting seizure with elevated serum levels of TNF-␣. Indeed, initial data disorder does not seem to be a contraindication to anti- from animal models and from preclinical and pilot stud- TNF therapy for rheumatic patients.13,19 We, however, ies were encouraging, showing some anecdotal efficacy of think that dermatologic patients should nevertheless have TNF-␣ antagonist therapy in the treatment of CHF.15,16 an alternative therapy. Two larger, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (i.e., RECOVER [Research into Etanercept Cytokine Antagonism in Ventricular Dysfunction] and Demyelination RENAISSANCE [Randomized Etanercept North Amer- As is the case for TNF-␣ antagonists and CHF, the fact that ican Strategy to Study Antagonism of Cytokines]) failed patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) show elevated TNF- to show any significant difference in composite clinical ␣ levels in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) prompted function score for anti–TNF-␣ therapy versus placebo. researchers to try this form of therapy for patients with MS. Both studies were terminated early because interim analy- To this end, a TNF-␣ blocker named lenercept, which was sis did not show any benefit of etanercept on morbidity or developed and studied specifically for patients with MS, mortality. For the RENAISSANCE study, the key finding resulted in an increase in MS exacerbations and a short- was a trend toward higher mortality in etanercept-treated ened time to flare.20 An open-label, phase I safety study of subjects, a concern heightened by the apparent dose– infliximab carried out on two patients with MS showed a response relationship.15,16 A phase II trial with infliximab worsening of the disease.21 Chapter 17 ● Severe, Acute Complications of Dermatologic Therapies 171

Demyelinating disorders have been described in post- Miscellaneous marketing surveillance and in published case reports for all Vasculitis. Rare cases of vasculitis associated with anti- three TNF-␣ blockers.13,14,19 The incidence of demyeli- TNF therapy have been reported, some of them severe. nating disease, however, does not appear to be increased in The causal relationship between the drug and the vasculi- patients on anti-TNF therapy compared with the back- tis remains uncertain, however, because the possibility of 13,14,19 ground rate in the general population. Nonethe- rheumatoid vasculitis cannot be excluded.25,26 less, it has been recommended that, for the sake of safety, these agents should be avoided in patients with preexist- Hepatotoxicity. Although TNF-␣ inhibitors have no con- ing demyelinating conditions until more data are available firmed liver toxicity, rare cases of serious liver disease sus- ␣ on the relationship between TNF- blocker and demyeli- pected of having been induced by these drugs have been 13,14,19 nation. In this context, it is important that physi- reported.27,28 cians are aware of the signs and symptoms of demyelinat- ing diseases, such as weakness, paresthesias, visual distur- Autoantibodies and Drug-Induced Lupus. TNF-␣ inhi- bances, confusion, and gait disturbances. Obviously, ther- bitors can lead to the formation and increased titers of apy with TNF-␣ inhibitors should be immediately stopped autoantibodies and antinuclear antibodies. The formation if a patient develops any suspicious neurological signs, and of these antibodies is not associated with any specific clinical the patient should be sent for evaluation. syndrome. In contrast, a clinical syndrome of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) occurs rarely (approximately 0.2%) ␣ Serious Hematological Events and seems to be associated with TNF- inhibitors. The outcome of the disease has been favorable, with the dis- Although extremely rare, serious and acute hematologi- ease being reversible on cessation of the drug. No patient cal dyscrasias, such as aplastic anemia and pancytopenia, thus far has reportedly developed neurological or renal dis- have been described in association with the use of TNF- ease.13,14 ␣ inhibitors. There are no current recommendations for Recently, the manufacturer of efalizumab (Raptiva) has regular monitoring of blood counts, but physicians should voluntarily withdrawn the drug from the market because be aware of the possibility of hematological adverse events. of the association of efalizumab with an increased risk of If one occurs, TNF blockers should be stopped and the progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). patient should be checked for evidence of other underly- Since the approval of Raptiva (efalizumab) in October ing disease or other causative medications before ascrib- 2003, the FDA has received reports of three confirmed ing the event as potentially related to the TNF bloc- cases and one possible case of PML in patients 47 to 73 kade.13,19,22 years of age who were using Raptiva for the treatment of Efalizumab, an immunosuppressive recombinant moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Two of the patients humanized immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) ␬ isotype mono- with confirmed PML and one patient with possible PML clonal antibody that binds to human CD11a, is another died. All four patients were treated with Raptiva contin- biological therapy utilized in the treatment of psoriasis. uously for more than three years. None of the patients Four cases of hemolytic anemia have been reported with were receiving other treatments that suppress the immune efalizumab. Two cases that were reported during clini- system while taking Raptiva. cal trials required discontinuation of therapy and blood transfusions. There is no descriptive information about the other two cases. A precaution regarding immune- mediated hemolytic anemia was added to the package METHOTREXATE insert for efalizumab.23,24 Eight cases of thrombocytope- Since the mid-1950s, methotrexate (MTX) has become the nia (0.3%) were reported in a combined safety database of gold standard by which other systemic psoriasis medica- 2762 patients who received it, all eight being consistent tions are measured.29 MTX has been safely prescribed to with an immune-mediated process. Three individuals were thousands of patients with psoriatic and rheumatoid con- asymptomatic and three required hospitalization, including ditions with great therapeutic benefit. Indeed, the fact that one with heavy uterine bleeding. Five of the eight patients 58% of surveyed dermatologists used MTX to treat patients were treated with systemic steroids. Postmarketing cases with severe psoriasis in 198730 indicates that dermatolo- of thrombocytopenia have also been reported. Prescrib- gists feel comfortable with this form of therapy. A signifi- ing information for efalizumab advocates monitoring for cant number of dermatologists are, however, still unwilling signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia along with base- to treat psoriasis with MTX, reflecting a persistent bias line and periodic assessments of platelet counts.23,24 The against it. The good benefit/toxicity ratio, low cost, reporting of one case of efalizumab-induced autoimmune extensive experience over decades, and relatively good tol- pancytopenia resulted in the recommendation of close erability of MTX notwithstanding, it is, like the majority monitoring of all blood cell counts.23 of cancer medications, a toxin and an antimetabolite and, 172 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY as such, it can cause acute toxicity. In this section we focus be needed, it is suggested to start empirical antimicrobial on some acute, serious adverse reactions of MTX. treatment and, in some cases, IV corticosteroids until there is evidence of clinical and radiological improvement.

Pancytopenia Bone-marrow toxicity (specifically, pancytopenia) is cer- CYCLOSPORINE A tainly the most serious, acute, and, therefore, frighten- Cyclosporine A (CsA) has a range of side effects that is the ing side effect of MTX, with an estimated incidence of subject of much concern. It may seem surprising that this 1.4%.31 MTX-induced bone-marrow suppression devel- drug is generally well tolerated and, ironically, the good ops suddenly, rapidly, and without warning signs. It seems tolerability itself can represent a hazard, because patients unlikely, therefore, that a more frequent monitoring sched- are not likely to be aware of any signs of its chronic toxicity. ule would substantially avoid its occurrence. Although it usually occurs late into treatment,32 there are several reports on early occurrence, even after one or two doses Nephrotoxicity and Hypertension of MTX.31,33 The outcome is grave, with a reported mor- The major safety concerns of CsA are nephrotoxic- tality rate ranging from 17%31 to as high as 44%,33 most ity, hypertension, and the potential risk of malignancy. commonly resulting from infections and bleeding disor- There are three different forms of CsA nephrotoxicity: 1) ders. reversible acute renal dysfunction, 2) hemolytic-uremic– Physicians need to be alerted to this potentially life- like syndrome, and 3) irreversible chronic nephrotoxicity. threatening complication, if not to avoid it, then at least CsA-induced acute nephrotoxicity is a hemodynami- to recognize it as early as possible and promptly take the cally mediated phenomenon characterized by the absence appropriate measures. of permanent structural changes and by reversibility with decrease or discontinuation of the drug. It is a dose-related, clinically asymptomatic increase in serum creatinine, which Pulmonary Complications can occur even when drug blood levels are in the therapeu- Although the major safety concern of MTX is its hepa- tic range. In these patients, renal histology is usually normal totoxicity, it is less known that pulmonary toxicity is only or shows only nonspecific changes, such as vacuolization or slightly less common and not less serious: It is the rea- the presence of giant mitochondria in tubular cells.37 son for withdrawal of MTX in 1 in 108 patient-years Recurrent or de novo hemolytic-uremic syndrome is compared with 1 in 35 patient-years for hepatotoxicity. rare, generally multifactorial, and seldom related exclu- The prevalence of MTX-induced pneumonitis is reported sively to CsA.37,38 It occurs mainly in bone-marrow to be 0.3%–7.5%,34 and more than 120 cases have been and solid-organ–transplanted patients and has not been reported in the English language literature since its first reported in patients on CsA therapy for dermatological dis- description in 1969.34 Pneumonitis following MTX is a eases.39 serious, potentially fatal hypersensitivity reaction and is far Chronic CsA nephrotoxicity is an insidious condition less predictable than hepatic and hematological toxicity. associated with an irreversible and progressive renal inter- A review of 123 published cases of MTX-induced pneu- stitial fibrosis, followed by decrease in renal function.37 It monitis showed a mortality rate of 13%.34 Although most is a clinicopathologic entity related to long-term exposure patients with MTX pneumonitis have the subacute type to CsA, and is never acute. with progression over several weeks, a life-threatening, acute type with rapid progression over only a few days has also been reported.34,35 Differentiation between MTX Neurotoxicity pneumonitis and acute respiratory infection is not always Observations of acute neurotoxicity in conjunction with easy, despite the accepted diagnostic criteria.36 A suggested high concentrations of CsA in blood were reported soon management approach34,35 for a patient with suspected after CsA’s introduction into clinical practice in 1979.40 MTX-related lung pathology consists of MTX discontin- Subsequently, severe neurotoxicity resulting from CsA uation, supportive therapy, and (most important) a com- treatment was frequently reported in bone-marrow and prehensive diagnostic procedure to exclude infection. It solid organ recipients, but also in patients with derma- should consist of extensive cultures of sputum, blood, and tological41 or autoimmune diseases.42 Neurotoxicity had bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and serological testing been less well known, but with growing experience, cen- for common respiratory viruses, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, and tral nervous system side effects are now reported in up to Legionella. Microscopic examination of BAL fluid is rec- 40% of patients treated with CsA.43–45 The most com- ommended to exclude P. jiroveci, fungi, and mycobacteria. monly noted neurologic finding is tremor, appearing in Because excluding infection might sometimes be difficult 20%–40% of patients treated with the drug.43,44 This side and time consuming in cases where rapid treatment might effect is not particularly distressing for most patients and Chapter 17 ● Severe, Acute Complications of Dermatologic Therapies 173 tends to diminish with time. Visual hallucinations are less necessary.”47 This warning notwithstanding, the issue is frequently reported, and cortical blindness is extremely rare still not entirely clear. Although studies (mostly sponsored) and reversible in most (although not all) patients.44 A mild conclude that the existing reports do not meet the required encephalopathy due to CsA was reported in up to 30% of criteria for establishing causality between the ingestion of patients, and cessation or reduction in dose is usually fol- isotretinoin and suicide or major depression, and further- lowed by relief of symptoms.43,44 Severe encephalopathy, more claim that the risk of depressed mood is no greater altered level of consciousness, psychosis, and coma have all during isotretinoin therapy than during other therapy of an been reported as well.43,44 age-matched acne group, the link between psychiatric dis- Seizures were reported to occur in 1.5%–6% of CsA- orders and isotretinoin remains a controversial issue.47–50 treated patients. Most patients suffer a single seizure, with- out recurrence after dose reduction, although rare cases with status epilepticus have been reported.43 Intracranial Hypertension In summary, CsA induces neurological side effects in Severe headache is the most frequently reported adverse up to 40% of patients. The symptoms can be mild (e.g., effect of isotretinoin.51,52 About one fourth of the cases are tremor, headache, and neuralgia), moderate (e.g., visual dis- caused by pseudotumor cerebri. Although this side effect is turbances and cortical blindness), or severe (affecting up to almost always reversible and leaves no sequelae, it can have 5% of patients; e.g., altered level of consciousness, con- a devastating outcome (there are cases of irreversible blind- fusion, seizures, and coma). These side effects are almost ness), if not recognized early enough and treated appropri- always reversible on reduction or cessation of treatment; ately. however, permanent changes have also been reported. Physicians should be aware of these acute side effects of the drug. Ocular Side Effects These are common although rarely serious. Fraunfelder and colleagues53 described a number of cases of optic neu- RETINOIDS (ISOTRETINOIN) ritis, cortical blindness, corneal ulcers, and glaucoma that Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) is a synthetic oral retinoid were possibly associated with isotretinoin. that has high efficacy against severe, recalcitrant, and nodu- locystic acne. Isotretinoin, a vitamin A derivative, interacts with many Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Side Effects of the biologic systems of the body and, as such, has a Gastrointestinal together with hepatobiliary side effects are diverse pattern of adverse effects, not unlike that seen in the second most commonly reported adverse reactions after hypervitaminosis A. The side effects involve the mucocu- psychiatric disorders.46 taneous, musculoskeletal, metabolic, gastrointestinal, hep- Although IBD is described as a possible ADR in the atobiliary, ophthalmic, and central nervous systems, as well product information of isotretinoin, this association has as headaches. Most of the adverse effects are mild and tem- been given little attention in the literature. There are many porary and resolve after the drug is discontinued: Some rare cases of IBD reported to the FDA and World Health Orga- complications persist; these will be discussed here. nization (101 reports on isotretinoin and ulcerative colitis, In a recent retrospective analysis of 1193 suspected pedi- and 35 reports on isotretinoin and Crohn disease), and cases atric adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported to Health of IBD are significantly more often reported in association Canada (1998–2002),46 41 reports included a fatal outcome with isotretinoin than with other drugs, thus supporting an of which isotretinoin was responsible for two, making it association between the drug and the condition.54 second (together with six other drugs) to olanzapine, with Derangements of lipid metabolism leading to increased 3 fatal cases. Of 14 cases that were defined as “recovered triglyceride and cholesterol levels are well-known side with sequelae,” isotretinoin with three cases was alone in effects of retinoid therapy and are usually harmless, first place. although the rare cases of marked hyperlipidemia associ- ated with pancreatitis are always serious and of major con- cern.50,55,56 Psychiatric Disorders Grave side effects attributed to isotretinoin are depres- IV IMMUNOGLOBULIN sion, psychosis, suicide, and suicide attempts. On Febru- ary 25, 1998, the FDA mandated a change in the label IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a blood product consisting warning to include, “Psychiatric disorders: Accutane may primarily of intact IgG molecules, which are derived from cause depression, psychosis and rarely, suicide ideation, pooled normal human plasma of between 1000 and 15,000 suicide attempt and suicide. Discontinuation of Accutane donors per batch. Its dermatological uses are Kawasaki therapy may be insufficient; further evaluation may be disease, therapy-resistant dermatomyositis, toxic epidermal 174 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY necrolysis, and the blistering diseases, particularly pemphi- should be monitored during the infusion. Periodic moni- gus. Examples of conditions for which the evidence consists toring of the serum creatinine level is indicated in high-risk mainly of case series or reports include atopic dermatitis, patients. The infusion should be discontinued if deteriora- chronic immune urticaria, scleromyxedema, erythema mul- tion in renal function is detected. The need for dialysis tiforme, and others. therapy is determined on an individual basis. Several serious, acute, and potentially fatal adverse effects are known to be associated with IVIG therapy. For- tunately, these side effects are rare. Stroke Stroke is a rare but potentially fatal side effect of IVIG ther- apy. One review of a series of 16 cases61 and an additional 13 Acute Renal Failure case reports59 provided the clinical features of this unusual One of the most significant concerns of IVIG therapy is its occurrence. Most patients had received an IVIG dose of association with acute renal failure. Interestingly, it is not 2 g/kg/cycle. All of them had received IVIG at the recom- the immunoglobulins that mostly cause renal insufficiency, mended infusion rate or slower. Most patients developed but the sugar that is added to some of the products to stabi- stroke within 24 hours of completing an infusion, indi- lize the solution and minimize aggregate formation. Up to cating a direct temporal relationship to the administration 90% of the IVIG-associated renal adverse events have been of IVIG. Slightly more than one half of the patients were linked to sucrose-containing preparations.57,58 The path- receiving their first cycle of IVIG, suggesting that factors omechanism is osmotic nephrosis. Sucrose is a disaccha- intrinsic to certain patients may have put them at higher ride that is enzymatically cleaved into glucose and fructose risk for stroke than others. Common risk factors for stroke when it is ingested orally; however, the cleaving enzyme is were present in most of the patients. not present in the blood or kidney, so, when given IV, the Currently, there is no clear understanding of the perti- sucrose molecule remains intact and is excreted through nent pathophysiology of this serious and sometimes fatal the kidney. During this process, the sucrose is taken up side effect, so there are no recommendations for prophy- (pinocytosed) into the proximal tubular cells, causing an laxis and treatment. The only suggestion we can offer is osmotic gradient and leading to the entrance of fluid into that all patients who are being evaluated for potential IVIG the cells and to cell damage (“osmotic nephrosis”). therapy need to be questioned about known risk factors for An extensive review of the literature58 comparing a stroke. The risk-to-benefit ratio of using IVIG in these group of patients with IVIG nephrotoxic effects published patients needs to be discussed with patients and family as case reports (Group A) with patients whose data were col- members.59 lected by the FDA (Group B) provides a useful picture of the demographic and clinical data of this side effect. In Group A, 45% of the patients had preexisting renal disease. Most Arterial and Venous Thrombotic Complications (90%) of the patients in Group B and 72% of the patients Including Myocardial Infarction in Group A received sucrose-containing IVIG products One series and review of literature analyzing this compli- (a difference that might stem from the tendency to report cation was recently published in a dermatologic journal.62 unusual cases). Acute renal failure onset was between 1 and This series demonstrates that IVIG-related thrombotic 10 days following IVIG administration. A high percentage arteriovenous complications are not uncommon in patients of patients required hemodialysis (i.e., 31% in the published with autoimmune disorders (6 [13%] of 46 patients devel- cases and 40% in the FDA report). The duration of the oped IVIG-related thrombotic complications). Throm- renal failure ranged from 3 to 45 days and was reversible in botic complications frequently occurred during IVIG infu- about 85% of the cases, with return of serum creatinine lev- sion (50%), although they were also observed within 1–8 els to baseline. Death occurred in 10%–15% of all patients days following IVIG infusion in other patients. Three of six in both groups despite treatment. All deaths involved patients developed deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary patients with severe underlying medical conditions (pneu- embolism, two developed myocardial infarction, and one monia, cardiac disease, and SLE): The extent to which renal suffered a stroke. Although the outcome of the throm- failure contributed to their deaths was undetermined. botic complications was favorable in all their patients, the General guidelines have been established to minimize authors’ literature review indicates a serious outcome with the incidence of acute renal failure from IVIG.59,60 Patients a mortality rate of 20%–30%,62 with 15% of the patients should be adequately hydrated prior to any infusion. If their dying of IVIG-associated thrombosis. clinical condition permits, they can skip the morning dose In another large series of 279 IVIG-treated patients,63 of a diuretic on the days of infusion. The recommended 5 (1.8%) developed acute myocardial infarction during or dose of IVIG should not be exceeded, and recommended shortly after (3–5 hours) infusion. These cases occurred infusion rates should be strictly followed. Urine output with the use of only one brand (Polygam). Chapter 17 ● Severe, Acute Complications of Dermatologic Therapies 175

As with other complications of this therapy, there are no serious dermatological diseases, this chapter deals with the specific recommendations except for reweighing the risk- other side of the coin – namely, the adverse effects, conse- to-benefit ratio, close monitoring, infusion at a slow rate, quences, and risks of our treatments. and (if possible) administering not-too-high doses after This chapter identified five major drugs or drug groups good hydration in patients with underlying predisposing (biologics, MTX, CSA, retinoids, and IVIG) used in derma- factors. No consensus has been reached on the use of pro- tology that are associated with an element of risk in causing phylactic antiplatelets or anticoagulants. serious and sometimes fatal adverse reactions. Basic princi- ples of diagnosing, monitoring, and treating these adverse effects were presented. Aseptic Meningitis Aseptic meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges that clinically presents with headache, nausea, vomiting, fever, REFERENCES photophobia, painful eye movements, and nuchal rigidity. Drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAS) is usually benign, 1. Kaminetzky HA. A drug on the market. Obstet Gynecol. the clinical course is short lived, and there is spontaneous 1963; 21:512–13. 2. Kapetanovic MC, Larsson L, Truedsson L, et al. Predictors resolution of the symptoms without sequelae within hours of infusion reactions during infliximab treatment in patients to days after discontinuation of therapy. No deaths were with arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2006; 8:R131. 64,65 reported in association with this syndrome. 3. Cheifetz A, Smedley M, Martin S, et al. The incidence and The main challenge for the clinician is, however, the management of infusion reactions to infliximab: a large cen- diagnosis. The differential diagnosis of DIAS is broad and ter experience. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003; 98:1315–24. includes infectious causes. Bacterial meningitis has symp- 4. Cheifetz A, Mayer L. Monoclonal antibodies, immuno- toms that are similar, if not identical, to those of DIAS, genicity, and associated infusion reactions. Mt Sinai J Med. and these two entities cannot be distinguished on clinical 2005; 72:250–6. grounds. Bacterial culture of the CSF may help in the diag- 5. US Food and Drug Administration Arthritis Advisory Com- nosis. Treatment with third-generation cephalosporins has mittee. Briefing information from the March 4, 2003 been suggested in cases where the presence of bacterial meeting of Arthritis Advisory Committee. 3 April 2007. Available from: meningitis is a possibility.64 Viral aseptic meningitis is briefing/3930b1.htm. another important consideration in terms of frequency, 6. Keane J, Gershon S, Wise RP, et al. Tuberculosis associated although less critical in terms of prognosis and manage- with infliximab, a tumor necrosis factor alpha-neutralizing ment. Finally, other noninfectious causes of aseptic menin- agent. N Engl J Med. 2001; 345:1098–104. gitis should be considered, such as SLE aseptic meningitis, 7. Gomez-Reino JJ, Carmona L, Valverde VR, et al. Treatment as well as other drugs that can cause the syndrome. Intracra- of rheumatoid arthritis with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors nial bleeding, especially in patients with idiopathic throm- may predispose to significant increase in tuberculosis risk: bocytopenic purpura and bleeding disorders, must also be a multicenter active-surveillance report. Arthritis Rheum. considered. Computed tomographic scans can be used to 2003; 48:2122–7. rule out hemorrhage. 8. Doherty SD, Van VA, Lebwohl MG, et al. National Psoria- sis Foundation consensus statement on screening for latent tuberculosis infection in patients with psoriasis treated with CONCLUSIONS systemic and biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008; 59:209–17. Dermatologists have the good fortune to work on the most 9. Stas P, D’Hoore A, Van AG, et al. fol- accessible organ of the body. This gives them numerous lowing infliximab therapy for Crohn disease: a case report advantages and greatly facilitates not only the diagnosis and review of the literature. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2006; but also the treatment of the skin disease, because many 69:217–20. inflammatory and neoplastic conditions can be effectively 10. Paimela L, Johansson-Stephansson EA, Koskimies S, managed using a wide range of externally applied modal- Leirisalo-Repo M. Depressed cutaneous cell-mediated ities. All this notwithstanding, many serious, widespread, immunity in early rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Exp Rheuma- and life-threatening dermatoses often need to be treated tol. 1990; 8:433–7. 11. Taylor JC, Orkin R, Lanham J. Tuberculosis following ther- with potent systemic therapies. Because systemic drugs are apy with infliximab may be refractory to antibiotic therapy. increasingly available, and are often essential and indispens- Rheumatology (Oxford). 2003; 42:901–2. able for the treatment of dermatological diseases, drug tox- 12. Giles JT, Bathon JM. Serious infections associated with anti- icity and adverse events are a significant problem. In view cytokine therapies in the rheumatic diseases. J Intensive Care of the continuing development of new and effective ther- Med. 2004; 19:320–34. apies, it is expected that their incidence will not decrease. 13. Khanna D, McMahon M, Furst DE. Safety of tumour necro- Whereas this book is mostly devoted to the treatment of sis factor-alpha antagonists. Drug Saf. 2004; 27:307–24. 176 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

14. Scheinfeld N. A comprehensive review and evaluation of 31. Gutierrez-Urena S, Molina JF, Garcia CO, et al. Pancy- the side effects of the tumor necrosis factor alpha blockers topenia secondary to methotrexate therapy in rheumatoid etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab. J Dermatolog Treat. arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1996; 39:272–6. 2004; 15:280–94. 32. Lim AY, Gaffney K, Scott DG. Methotrexate-induced pan- 15. Behnam SM, Behnam SE, Koo JY. TNF-alpha inhibitors cytopenia: serious and under-reported? Our experience of and congestive heart failure. Skinmed. 2005; 4:363–8. 25 cases in 5 years. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2005; 44: 16. Mousa SA, Goncharuk O, Miller D. Recent advances of 1051–5. TNF-alpha antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis and chronic 33. Kuitunen T, Malmstrom J, Palva E, Pettersson T. Pancy- heart failure. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2007; 7:617–25. topenia induced by low-dose methotrexate. A study of the 17. Chung ES, Packer M, Lo KH, et al. Randomized, double- cases reported to the Finnish Adverse Drug Reaction Reg- blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial of infliximab, a chimeric ister from 1991 to 1999. Scand J Rheumatol. 2005; 34:238– monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor-alpha, in 41. patients with moderate-to-severe heart failure: results of 34. Imokawa S, Colby TV, Leslie KO, Helmers RA. Methotrex- the anti-TNF Therapy Against Congestive Heart Failure ate pneumonitis: review of the literature and histopatholog- (ATTACH) trial. Circulation. 2003; 107:3133–40. ical findings in nine patients. Eur Respir J. 2000; 15:373–81. 18. Kwon HJ, Cote TR, Cuffe MS, et al. Case reports of heart 35. Barrera P, Laan RF, van Riel PL, et al. Methotrexate- failure after therapy with a tumor necrosis factor antagonist. related pulmonary complications in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Intern Med. 2003; 138:807–11. Ann Rheum Dis. 1994; 53:434–9. 19. Desai SB, Furst. DE Problems encountered during anti- 36. Searles G, McKendry RJ. Methotrexate pneumonitis in tumour necrosis factor therapy. Best Pract Res Clin rheumatoid arthritis: potential risk factors. Four case reports Rheumatol. 2006; 20:757–90. and a review of the literature. J Rheumatol. 1987; 14:1164– 20. TNF neutralization in MS: results of a randomized, placebo- 71. controlled multicenter study. The Lenercept Multiple Scle- 37. Cattaneo D, Perico N, Gaspari F, Remuzzi G. Nephrotoxic rosis Study Group and The University of British Columbia aspects of cyclosporine. Transplant Proc. 2004; 36:234S– MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology. 1999; 53:457– 239S. 65. 38. Jumani A, Hala K, Tahir S, et al. Causes of acute thrombotic 21. van Oosten BW, Barkhof F, Truyen L, et al. Increased microangiopathy in patients receiving kidney transplanta- MRI activity and immune activation in two multiple sclero- tion. Exp Clin Transplant. 2004; 2:268–72. sis patients treated with the monoclonal anti-tumor necrosis 39. Vercauteren SB, Bosmans JL, Elseviers MM, et al. A meta- factor antibody cA2. Neurology. 1996; 47:1531–4. analysis and morphological review of cyclosporine-induced 22. Furst DE, Breedveld FC, Kalden JR, et al. Updated con- nephrotoxicity in auto-immune diseases. Kidney Int. 1998; sensus statement on biological agents, specifically tumour 54:536–45. necrosis factor {alpha} (TNF{alpha}) blocking agents and 40. Calne RY, Rolles K, White DJ, et al. Cyclosporin A initially interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), for the treatment as the only immunosuppressant in 34 recipients of cadaveric of rheumatic diseases, 2005. Ann Rheum Dis. 2005; 64 Suppl organs: 32 kidneys, 2 pancreases, and 2 livers. Lancet. 1979; 4:iv2–14. 2:1033–6. 23. Tom WL, Miller MD, Hurley MY, et al. Efalizumab- 41. Humphreys TR, Leyden JJ. Acute reversible central nervous induced autoimmune pancytopenia. Br J Dermatol. 2006; system toxicity associated with low-dose oral cyclosporine 155:1045–7. therapy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993; 29:490–2. 24. Scheinfeld N. Efalizumab: a review of events reported during 42. Porges Y, Blumen S, Fireman Z, et al. Cyclosporine- clinical trials and side effects. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2006; induced optic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, and nystagmus 5:197–209. in a patient with Crohn disease. Am J Ophthalmol. 1998; 25. Mohan N, Edwards ET, Cupps TR, et al. Leukocytoclastic 126:607–9. vasculitis associated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha block- 43. Gijtenbeek JM, Van Den Bent MJ, Vecht CJ. Cyclosporine ing agents. J Rheumatol. 2004; 31:1955–8. neurotoxicity: a review. J Neurol. 1999; 246:339–46. 26. Saint MB, De Bandt M. Vasculitides induced by TNF- 44. Bechstein WO. Neurotoxicity of calcineurin inhibitors: alpha antagonists: a study in 39 patients in France. Joint impact and clinical management. Transpl Int. 2000; 13:313– Bone Spine. 2006; 73:710–3. 26. 27. Tobon GJ, Canas C, Jaller JJ, et al. Serious liver disease 45. Serkova NJ, Christians U, Benet LZ. Biochemical mecha- induced by infliximab. Clin Rheumatol. 2007; 26:578–81. nisms of cyclosporine neurotoxicity. Mol Interv. 2004; 4:97– 28. Wahie S, Alexandroff A, Reynolds NJ. Hepatitis: a rare, but 107. important, complication of infliximab therapy for psoriasis. 46. Carleton BC, Smith MA, Gelin MN, Heathcote SC. Pae- Clin Exp Dermatol. 2006; 31:460–1. diatric adverse drug reaction reporting: understanding and 29. Roenigk HH, Jr., Auerbach R, Maibach H, et al. Methotrex- future directions. Can J Clin Pharmacol. 2007; 14:e45–e57. ate in psoriasis: consensus conference. J Am Acad Dermatol. 47. Strahan JE, Raimer S. Isotretinoin and the controversy of 1998; 38:478–85. psychiatric adverse effects. Int J Dermatol. 2006; 45:789–99. 30. Peckham PE, Weinstein GD, McCullough JL. The treat- 48. Strauss JS, Krowchuk DP, Leyden JJ, et al. Guidelines of ment of severe psoriasis. A national survey. Arch Dermatol. care for acne vulgaris management. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1987; 123:1303–7. 2007; 56:651–63. 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49. Goldsmith LA, Bolognia JL, Callen JP, et al. American 58. Orbach H, Tishler M, Shoenfeld Y. Intravenous Academy of Dermatology Consensus Conference on the safe immunoglobulin and the kidney – a two-edged sword. and optimal use of isotretinoin: summary and recommenda- Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2004; 34:593–601. tions. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004; 50:900–6. 59. Hamrock DJ. Adverse events associated with intravenous 50. Orion E, Matz H, Wolf R. The life-threatening compli- immunoglobulin therapy. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006; cations of dermatologic therapies. Clin Dermatol. 2005; 6:535–42. 23:182–92. 60. Epstein JS, Zoon KC. Important drug warning: immune 51. Friedman DI. Medication-induced intracranial hyperten- globulin intravenous (human) (IGIV) products. Neonatal sion in dermatology. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2005; 6:29–37. Netw. 2000; 19:60–2. 52. Bigby M, Stern RS. Adverse reactions to isotretinoin. A 61. Caress JB, Cartwright MS, Donofrio PD, Peacock JE, Jr. report from the Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System. The clinical features of 16 cases of stroke associated with J Am Acad Dermatol. 1988; 18:543–52. administration of IVIg. Neurology. 2003; 60:1822–4. 53. Fraunfelder FT, Fraunfelder FW, Edwards R. Ocular side 62. Marie I, Maurey G, Herve F, Hellot MF, Levesque H. effects possibly associated with isotretinoin usage. Am J Oph- Intravenous immunoglobulin-associated arterial and venous thalmol. 2001; 132:299–305. thrombosis; report of a series and review of the literature. Br 54. Passier JL, Srivastava N, van Puijenbroek EP. Isotretinoin- J Dermatol. 2006; 155:714–21. induced inflammatory bowel disease. Neth J Med. 2006; 63. Vo AA, Cam V, Toyoda M, et al. Safety and adverse events 64:52–4. profiles of intravenous gammaglobulin products used for 55. Greene JP. An adolescent with abdominal pain taking immunomodulation: a single-center experience. Clin J Am isotretinoin for severe acne. South Med J. 2006; 99:992–4. Soc Nephrol. 2006; 1:844–52. 56. Jamshidi M, Obermeyer RJ, Govindaraj S, et al. Acute pan- 64. Moris G, Garcia-Monco JC. The challenge of drug-induced creatitis secondary to isotretinoin-induced hyperlipidemia. aseptic meningitis. Arch Intern Med. 1999; 159:1185–94. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2002; 95:79–80. 65. Sekul EA, Cupler EJ, Dalakas MC. Aseptic meningitis asso- 57. Gelfand EW. Differences between IGIV products: impact ciated with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy: on clinical outcome. Int Immunopharmacol. 2006; 6: frequency and risk factors. Ann Intern Med. 1994; 121:259– 592–9. 62. CHAPTER 18 Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions I: Urticaria, Angioedema, Mastocytosis, and Anaphylaxis

Samuel H. Allen

BACKGROUND urticarias (Table 18.1). The trigger may not always be Local wheals (synonyms: “nettle rash,” hives) and erythema identified, even when such reactions are recurrent. This that resemble the effect of the common stinging nettle can be a frustration to the patient and the dermatologist (Urtica dioica) on the skin is known as urticaria. The edema alike. Urticaria may accompany, or even be the first symp- involves superficial skin to the mid-dermis. Pruritus is com- tom of, severe viral infection including hepatitis, infectious mon. mononucleosis, and rubella. Similar lesions may precede, Angioedema (synonyms: angioneurotic edema, Quinke’s or be associated with, vasculitis (urticarial vasculitis), pem- edema) produces a similar eruption but with larger ede- phigoid, or dermatitis herpetiformis. matous areas that affect both the dermal and subcutaneous Dermatographism is a wheal-and-flare reaction seen and/or submucosal tissues. Angioedema is usually painful after scratching or stroking the skin firmly with a hard rather than itchy and is less well defined or normal in object, and is caused by an exaggerated release of histamine. color. Both types of reaction can be triggered by drug aller- Pressure urticaria is caused by sustained pressure from tight gies, insect stings or bites, desensitisation injections, cold clothing, hard seats, and stiff footwear and may present as temperature, other physical stimuli, or ingestion of certain an immediate or late (4–6 hours, occasionally 24 hours) foods, particularly eggs, shellfish, nuts, or fruits. reaction to the pressure stimulus. Cold urticaria varies in Mastocytosis is caused by an abnormal conglomeration severity and is induced by cold wind or bathing in cold of mast cells at a particular site. Degranulation, through water. Bronchospasm and histamine-mediated shock occur rubbing or contact, triggers release of excessive histamine, in extreme cases and may result in drowning. In its rare resulting in localized swelling. familial form it appears in infancy. Abnormal serum pro- Anaphylaxis represents an extreme form of acute aller- teins may be found. gic reactions that is mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE). Warm environments often exacerbate the physical Anaphylaxis is an example of a type I hypersensitivity reac- urticarias, but pure heat urticaria is rare. Solar urticaria tion (see Chapter 19). Although erythema, urticaria, and is likewise a rare condition in which ultraviolet rays from angioedema may all occur, it is the systemic hypotension sunlight cause an urticarial eruption. Aquagenic urticaria and shock that determine the outcome. It is a clinical emer- is independent of temperature and occurs on skin contact gency characterized by profound shock that may rapidly with water. Cholinergic urticaria appears to be caused by lead to cardiorespiratory arrest. A similar picture from non- an unusual sensitivity to acetylcholine and is characterized allergic causes is called an “anaphylactoid reaction.” by small, highly pruritic, discrete wheals surrounded by a large penumbra of erythema that occur after exertion, stress, or heat exposure. A skin challenge test using metha- choline 1:5000 may reproduce the lesions in about one third URTICARIA Urticaria (see Figure 18.1) may result from different stim- uli on an immunologic or nonimmunologic basis. The TABLE 18.1: Physical Urticarias most common immunologic mechanisms are hypersensi- Pressure e.g., dermatographism tivity mediated by IgE and activation of the complement Cold cascade. Heat The physical urticarias, which account for approxi- Solar mately 25% of cases, include dermatographism and the Cholinergic pressure, cold, heat, solar, cholinergic, and aquagenic Aquagenic

page 178 Chapter 18 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions I 179




Simple or retarded OF GENETIC NO dermographism ORIGIN? rub with a blunt tip YES Solar urticaria photosensitivity test Cholinergic urticaria YES OF SYSTEMIC NO small papules ORIGIN? induced by heat, Contact urticaria Lesions persisting for physical effort, stress rapid result patch test, prick test, or scratch test more than 24h, not very Cold urticaria itchy, accompanied by test with ice cube joint pains, myalgias; sheathed in plastic Hereditary histopathological MEDICAMENTOUS NO angioneurotic edema appearance that of OR FOOD ALLERGY Heat urticaria investigate for vasculitis test with test tube of deficiency of C1 hot water esterase inhibitor Aquagenic urticaria YES INFECTIOUS immersion test: hand in ORIGIN water at ambient YES temperature Delayed pressure urticaria test pressure with a Painstaking history YES weight strapped on to with regard to: the body Investigate for: drugs Vibratory angioedema SLE (especially Hepatitis A, B, or C occupational Still disease acetylsalicyclic acid) Infectious mononucleosis e.g., pneumatic Macroglobulinemia food Parasitosis hammer-drill Blood disease (especially Focus of bacterial infection Hyperthyroidism preservatives and Focus of mycotic infection Urticarial vasculitis colorings) provocation tests

FIGURE 18.1: Algorithmic approach to urticaria. Adapted from Lachapelle JM, Tennstedt D, Marot L. In Atlas of Dermatology. SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.

of cases. A more reliable diagnostic method is to induce TABLE 18.2: Nonphysical Urticarias the urticarial reaction through exercising the subject with Food allergens Fish, shellfish (lobster, shrimp, crab), eggs, occlusive dressing to promote sweating. dairy products, chocolate, nuts (especially Chronic urticaria and angioedema with symptoms last- peanuts), strawberries, pork, tomatoes, ing more than 6 weeks are more difficult to explain; apples, oranges, bananas, celery, beans only rarely can a specific cause be found.1 Some patients Food additives Tartazine, food dyes, sodium benzoate, with chronic urticaria demonstrate autoantibodies directed MSG against mast-cell epitopes with histamine-releasing activ- Salicylates Aspirin, mesalazine, sulfsalazine, NSAIDs ity, but these are the exception. Occasionally, chronic Other drugs Penicillins, cephalosporins, blood products, ingestion of an unsuspected drug or chemical is respon- vaccines, insulin sible (e.g., from antibiotics used in animal husbandry Infection Bacterial, viral, protozoal, helminthic that may be present in small quantities in meat for Systemic disorders Autoimmune and collagen-vascular human consumption, from the use of nonprescription diseases, reticuloses, SLE drugs, or from preservatives, dyes, or other food additives) Contact urticaria Meat, fish, vegetables, plants (common (Table 18.2). stinging nettle, poison ivy, giant hogweed, sumac), animals, insects, caterpillars Despite anecdotal reports of urticaria occurring with Papular urticaria Site of insect bites, bee sting lymphoma and systemic malignancy, no association was Inhalants House dust mite, animal dander, feathers, found in a large epidemiological study by Lindelof¨ and grass, pollen colleagues.2 In contrast, a higher frequency of autoim- mune disease is found among patients with ordinary urti- MSG, monosodium glutamate; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory caria.3 drugs; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. 180 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

ANGIOEDEMA body organs and tissues. Mastocytosis occurs in three A familial form of urticaria was described by Milton and forms: 1) mastocytoma (a benign cutaneous tumor), 2) termed hereditary angioedema in 1876.4 It is transmitted urticaria pigmentosa that is characterized by multiple col- as an autosomal dominant trait and thus affects successive ored or brown macules or papules that urticate when stro- generations. The term of angioneurotic edema was intro- ked and may become vesicular or even bullous, and 3) sys- duced a few years later, as it was believed that mental stress temic mastocytosis in which there are mast-cell infiltrates could precipitate attacks.5 Hereditary angioedema is now in the skin, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, GI tract, and bones. known to be associated with a deficiency in serum inhibitor Patients with mastocytosis suffer from arthralgias, bone of the activated first component of complement.6 pain, and anaphylactoid reactions. Other symptoms result The genetic defect has been mapped to chromosome from overstimulation of H2 histamine receptors, leading to 11. More than 100 different mutations of the C1-inhibitor and chronic diarrhea. gene have been described. In 85% of cases, the deficiency is due to lack of C1 esterase inhibitor; in the remainder, ANAPHYLAXIS a malfunction to C1 inhibitor is the cause. A spontaneous mutation is found in up to 25% of cases.7 Anaphylaxis is an acute systemic reaction that occurs in Worldwide, the incidence of hereditary angioedema a previously sensitized person who is reexposed to the varies between 1:10,000 and 1:150,000. Seventy-five per- sensitizing antigen. The most common antigens are for- cent of patients present before the age of 15 years. eign serum, parenteral enzymes, blood products, ␤-lactam In contrast to urticaria, angioedema affects both the antibiotics, other drugs, and wasp and bee stings. Ana- reticular dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Recent data sug- phylaxis may be aggravated or even induced by exercise. gest that histamine-releasing immunoglobulin G (IgG) It is an IgE-mediated reaction that occurs when antigen antibody directed against ε region of the constant frag- (foreign protein, polysaccharide or hapten coupled with a ment (Fc), or anti-Fcε antibodies are the cause of the dis- carrier protein) reaches the circulation. Leukotrienes, his- ease, removal or suppression by immunomodulation being tamine, and other mediators are generated or released when followed by remission.8 the antigen reacts with IgE on sensitized mast cells and Most patients with hereditary angioedema have a per- basophils. These mediators cause smooth muscle contrac- sonal or family history of recurrent attacks of angioedema tion responsible for wheeze and GI symptoms as well as or abdominal pain. An important exception to this is vascular dilatation that leads to circulatory collapse. Capil- where a spontaneous mutation has occurred. Attacks are lary leakage into the tissues causes urticaria and angioedema often precipitated by trauma including surgical procedures, and results in a further decrease in the plasma volume lead- pregnancy, viral illness, emotional stress, and drugs such ing to shock. Fluid may leak into the alveoli and produce as estrogen and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) pulmonary edema. Obstructive angioedema of the upper inhibitors. The combination of ACE inhibitors and estro- airway may also occur. Finally, profound hypotension may gens is contraindicated. result in arrhythmia and cardiogenic shock. Cutaneous angioedema of the extremities is the first Typically the patient feels uneasy for approximately 1– presenting sign in 75% of patients. The edema tends to 15 minutes after exposure to the allergen. The patient be recurrent, is nonpitting in nature, and demonstrates then becomes more agitated and flushed. He or she may a rapidly expanding unifocal, indurated swelling that is experience palpitations, paresthesias, pruritus, throbbing painful rather than pruritic. Urticaria is not part of the syn- in the ears, coughing, sneezing, and difficulty in breathing drome. The areas usually affected are the extremities, gen- due to laryngeal edema or bronchospasm. Urticaria and italia, and face. Twenty-five percent of patients also suffer angioedema may be evident. Nausea, vomiting, and abdom- from gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms including abdominal inal pain and diarrhea are less common. Shock develops cramps, nausea, vomiting, colic, and (occasionally) signs of within another 1–2 minutes, and the patient may become obstruction. incontinent, convulse, and lose consciousness. Cutaneous signs of angioedema usually develop gradu- ally over 12–36 hours and may last up to 5 days whereas the GI symptoms usually subside with 24 hours. Conversely, CLINICAL AND LABORATORY AIDS REQUIRED upper airway obstruction may develop rapidly within 20 FOR DIAGNOSIS minutes of onset resulting in an acute respiratory syndrome Urticaria that may prove fatal. Up to 40% of all undiagnosed patients die as a result of upper airway obstruction. Urticaria is a clinical diagnosis. In urticaria, pruritus (gener- ally the first symptom) is followed shortly by the appearance of wheals that may remain small (1–5 mm) or may enlarge. MASTOCYTOSIS The larger ones tend to clear in the center and may be Mastocytosis is a condition of unknown etiology character- noticed first as large rings (>20 cm across) of erythema and ized by an excessive accumulation of mast cells in various edema. Ordinarily, crops of hives come and go; a lesion may Chapter 18 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions I 181 appear in one site for several hours, then disappear only to concentration. In systemic mastocytosis, urinary excretion reemerge at another site later. The changing morphology of histamine and its metabolites are high. Plasma histamine of lesions that may evolve over minutes to hours may lead and prostaglandin D2 may also be elevated. to geographic or bizarre patterns. The cause of acute urticaria is usually self-evident. Even when it is not so obvious, a diagnostic investigation is sel- Anaphylaxis dom required because of the self-limiting nature of the The diagnosis of anaphylaxis is usually self-evident when eruption. there has been exposure to a known allergen. In the case of In cases of chronic urticaria, a careful history, examina- unknown exposure, increased IgE and serum tryptase lev- tion, and screening tests should be carried out to eliminate els will strongly support the diagnosis. It is worth remem- possible underlying systemic lupus erythematosus, poly- bering, however, that anaphylaxis may be immediate or cythemia rubra vera, vasculitis syndrome, or infection. A delayed. Even in the case of a bee sting, anaphylaxis may few patients with intractable urticaria are hyperthyroid. A be delayed for up to 20 minutes due to the rate of absorp- serum-sickness–like prodrome with urticaria may be associ- tion of the toxin from the embedded sting sac. Acute life- ated with acute hepatitis B. Quantitative immunoglobulins, threatening edema of the airway can occur more immedi- cryoglobulins, cryofibrinogens, and antinuclear antibodies ately when there is local swelling following a bee or wasp are often sought in cold urticaria but rarely found. Although sting to the pharynx, which may occur when the insect has often suspected, controllable psychogenic factors are rarely inadvertently fallen into a beer can or glass and is unknow- identified. ingly drunk by the unsuspecting partygoer. The histological changes may be very slight but usu- ally there is edema, vascular and lymphatic dilatation, and a variable perivascular cellular infiltrate of lymphocytes, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS monocytes, polymorphs, and histiocytes. On electron- Differential diagnosis for urticaria and angioedema microscopy, dermal mast cells show signs of degranulation. includes persistent papular eruptions from insect bites such Various vasoactive substances are thought to be involved as flea or gnat bites. These eruptions can usually be distin- including histamine, kinins, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, guished from the urticarias by their central punctum. and complement. Contact urticaria may be caused by a host of substances Urticarial lesions lasting more than 24 hours raise the varying from chemicals to foods to medications, but it is possibility of this being a vasculitic disorder. Urticarial usually limited to areas exposed to the contactant. Streaked lesions of vasculitic etiology are more fixed than in classical urticarial lesions may be seen in acute allergic plant der- urticaria. They last for 2–3 days and are frequently accom- matitis (e.g., poison ivy, oak, or sumac). Phytophotoder- panied by joint pains and fever. Reduced serum comple- matitis is caused by the exposure of skin to plant extracts ment levels with raised inflammatory markers are observed. and sun and is common in hot climates (e.g., where lime A skin biopsy is most useful in these circumstances as juice is used in cocktails). The possibility of protopor- urticarial vasculitis is an uncommon entity. phyria should be considered in any sun-related pruritic reaction. Angioedema The differential diagnosis for anaphylaxis includes all Angioedema represents a more diffuse swelling affecting causes of shock (e.g., acute internal hemorrhage, sep- the loose subcutaneous and/or submucosal tissues. The sis syndrome, cardiogenic shock) and the Waterhouse– dorsum of the hands or feet, eyelids, lips, and genitalia are Friderichsen syndrome. the usual sites affected. Involvement of the mucous mem- branes may present as wheeze or stridor that may be mis- THERAPY taken for asthma. Edema of the upper airway is potentially life-threatening. Urticaria The diagnosis of hereditary angioedema is made by Acute urticaria is a self-limited condition that generally measuring complement C4 levels, which remain low, even subsides in 1–7 days. Treatment is chiefly palliative. If the between attacks. This test carries 100% sensitivity and etiological trigger is known, it should be avoided. A specific 100% negative predictive value in an untreated patient. A exclusion diet (e.g., salicylate and tartrazine-free diet) may low C1 inhibitor level will confirm the diagnosis. If the C1 be helpful. If the cause is not apparent, all nonessential inhibitor is unexpectedly normal, a C1 functional assay can drugs should be discontinued until the reaction has sub- be performed. sided. If treatment is indicated, the initial management will in- Mastocytosis clude H1 antihistamines. Doses should be increased weekly In localized mastocytosis, the histamine content in tissue to tolerance. Antihistamines from different classes may is usually high, commensurate with the elevated mast cell be systematically tried if initial choice is ineffective or 182 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY intolerable. Combinations of different antihistamines are Hereditary Angioedema often effective. Hereditary angioedema may present as a medical emer- Most symptoms can usually be relieved with diphen- gency that requires rapid therapeutic intervention. The hydramine 50–100 mg every 4 hours, hydroxyzine 25– edema progresses until the complement components have 100 twice a day, or cyproheptadine 4–8 mg every 4 been consumed. Iatrogenic cases are not uncommon. hours. Hydroxyzine is the preferred drug for cholinergic Acute attacks that threaten to produce airway obstruc- urticaria; anticholinergic drugs are ineffective at tolerable tion should be treated promptly by establishing an airway. doses. Aminocaproic acid 8 g every 4 hours may succeed in ter- Terfenadine (60 mg b.i.d.) is a nonsedating antihis- minating the attack. Epinephrine, an antihistamine, and a tamine that has been reported to be effective in chronic glucocorticoid should be administered even though the evi- idiopathic urticaria. Concomitant use with erythromycin dence base is unproven. Parenteral pain relief, antiemetics, (and related macrolide antibiotics) or ketoconazole (and and intravenous fluid replacement are recommended for related imidazole) leads to increases in the plasma levels abdominal attacks. that may cause cardiac arrhythmias. It is not recommended Replacement therapy using C1 inhibitor is the only ther- in lactating or pregnant women. Another nonsedating anti- apy that has been successfully used in a prospective double- histamine, astemizole, has been reported to be effective blind, placebo-controlled trial.12 Although not available in in the majority of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis the United States, it has been the treatment of choice in and chronic idiopathic urticaria.9,10 The long half-life of Europe for more than 20 years. astemizole is a major disadvantage if skin-prick testing is A partially purified C1 inhibitor fraction of pooled needed or if the patient becomes pregnant while on ther- plasma has been shown to be safe and effective for pro- apy. Another less sedating antihistamine approved for use phylaxis (e.g., prior to a dental procedure or endoscopy).13 is loratadine in a dosage of 10 mg daily. It has a shorter Alternatively, 2 units of fresh frozen plasma can be given. half-life than astemizole and is similar to the other antihis- Although a complement substrate in the plasma might pro- tamines in its effectiveness. It appears not to interact with voke an attack, this has not been observed in symptom-free imidazole antifungals or macrolide antibiotics. patients. Oral antihistamines with tranquilizing properties are Long-term management will have to take into account usually beneficial (e.g., hydroxyzine 25–50 mg b.i.d. or both the frequency and severity of attacks as well as spe- cyproheptadine 4–8 mg q 4–8 h for adults; for children, cial circumstances such as pregnancy, surgical procedures, hydroxyzine 2 mg/kg/day divided q 6 h, and cyprohepta- and children. For long-term prophylaxis of hereditary dine 0.25–0.5 mg/kg/day divided q 6–8 h). angioedema, androgens are effective. One of the impeded Doxepin (a tricyclic antidepressant) 25–50 mg twice androgens should be used. Treatment is commenced with daily, or more commonly 25–75 mg at bedtime, may be the stanozolol 2 mg times a day or danazol 200 mg three times most effective agent for some adult patients. It should be a day. When control is achieved, the dosage should be used with caution because of its anticholinergic side effects reduced as much as possible to minimize masculinizing side and promotion of cardiac arrhythmias. effects in women and reduce the cost. These drugs are not Prednisone in a dose of 40 mg daily may be necessary in only effective but also have been shown to raise the low C1 more severe cases of urticaria and in cases of angioedema.11 inhibitor and C4 toward normal. It will usually suppress both acute and chronic forms of urticaria; however, the use of systemic glucocorticoids is rarely indicated because properly selected combinations of Mastocytosis agents with less toxicity are usually effective. Furthermore, Cutaneous mastocytosis usually develops in childhood. after steroids are withdrawn, the urticaria virtually always The solitary mastocytoma will usually involute sponta- returns if it had been chronic. neously. Urticaria pigmentosa either clears completely or Other agents with some promise as adjuvant therapy is substantially improved by adolescence. These condi- include calcium channel blockers (used for at least 4 weeks), tions rarely, if ever, progress to systemic mastocytosis. terbutaline 1.25–2.5 mg three times a day, and colchicine Treatment with an H1 antihistamine is usually all that is 0.6 mg twice a day. needed. Local treatment is rarely of benefit. Starch baths twice If systemic mastocytosis ensues, the symptoms should daily or Aveeno baths, prepared by adding one cupful of be treated with an H1 or H2 antihistamine. Aspirin therapy finely refined cornstarch or a packet of Aveeno to a comfort- may be tried, but with caution as this may enhance produc- ably warm bath, may alleviate symptoms in some patients. tion of leukotrienes. For GI symptom control, oral cro- Alternatively, one may use a lotion containing 0.5% cam- molyn sodium 200 mg four times a day (100 mg four times phor, 0.5% menthol, and 0.5% phenol topically or in addi- a day for children 2–12 years old) should be given. There tion to the bathing. Topical glucocorticoids should not be is no effective treatment available to reduce the number of used. tissue mast cells. Chapter 18 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions I 183

Anaphylaxis emergencies. Any person with a history of allergy should Severe reactions with generalized swelling, urticaria, angio- wear a MedicAlert bracelet at all times bearing the details edema, dizziness, sweating, pounding headache, stomach of this allergy. cramps, chest tightness, and a sensation of choking or impending doom may signify an impending anaphylaxis. In cases of acute pharyngeal or laryngeal angioedema, REFERENCES epinephrine 1:1000, 0.5 mL by subcutaneous injection should be given immediately. Nebulized epinephrine 1:100 1. Greaves MW. Chronic urticaria. N Engl J Med. 1995; dilution and intravenous antihistamine (e.g., diphenhy- 332:1767. 2. Lindelof¨ B, Sigurgeirsson B, Wahlgren CF, Eklund G. dramine 50–100 mg) will usually prevent airway obstruc- Chronic urticaria and cancer: an epidemiological study of tion. Urgent intubation or emergency tracheostomy may 1155 patients. Br J Dermatol. 1990; 123:453–6. be required, followed by 100% O2 therapy and resuscita- 3. O’Donnell BF, Swana GT, Kobza Black A. Organ and non- tion. (See Chapter 19. Allergy to bee sting as an example organ specific autoimmunity in chronic urticaria. Br J Der- of a type I allergic hypersensitivity [anaphylaxis] reaction.) matol. 1995; 153 Suppl 45:42A. Confirmation that an allergic reaction has taken place 4. Milton JL. On giant urticaria. Edinb Med J. 1876; 22:513–26. can be made by measuring the serum tryptase. Most deaths 5. Quinke H. Uber akutes umschriebenes Hautodem. Monat- will occur because of delays in accessing emergency treat- shefte Prakt Dermatol. 1882; 1:129–31. ment. 6. Donaldson VH, Evans RR. A biochemical abnormality in hereditary angioneurotic edema; absence of serum inhibitor of C’1-esterase. Am J Med. 1963; 35:37–44. COURSE AND PROGNOSIS 7. Tosi M. Molecular genetics of C-inhibitor. Immunobiology. 1998; 199:358–65. Most episodes of acute urticaria and angioedema are acute 8. Kaplan AP, Greaves MW. Angioedema. J Am Acad Dermatol. and self-limited and resolve spontaneously over a period 2005; 53:373–88. of 1–2 weeks. In about half the cases of chronic urticaria, 9. Breneman D, Bronsky EA, Bruce S, Kalivas JT, et al. Ceti- spontaneous remissions occur within 2 years. Control of rizine and astemizole therapy for chronic idiopathic urticaria: stress often helps to reduce the frequency and severity of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, comparative trial. J Acad episodes. Alcohol, coffee, and tobacco should be avoided as Dermatol. 1995; 33:192–8. these may aggravate the symptoms. Certain drugs, such as 10. Krausse HF. Therapeutic advances in the management of aspirin, may also exacerbate symptoms. When urticaria is allergic rhinitis and urticaria. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. produced by aspirin, sensitivity to other nonsteroidal anti- 1994; 111:364. inflammatory drugs and to foods or drugs containing the 11. Pollack CV Jr., Romano TJ. Outpatient management of acute urticaria: the role of prednisone. Ann Emerg Med. 1995; additive tartazine should be investigated. 26:547. Patients with chronic mastocytosis generally have a good 12. Longhurst HJ. Emergency treatment of acute attacks in prognosis. The course of an anaphylactic reaction is unpre- hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiency: what dictable and is largely determined by the speed with which is the evidence? Int J Clin Pract. 2005; 59:594–9. the patient can access appropriate emergency services. 13. Gompels MM, Lock RJ, Abinun M, Bethune CA, et al. All patients with a history of anaphylaxis should carry C1 inhibitor deficiency: consensus document. Clin Exp a preloaded epinephrine syringe (EpiPen; 300 ␮g) for Immunol. 2005; 139:379–94. CHAPTER 19 Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II: Other Hypersensitivities and Immune Defects, Including HIV

Samuel H. Allen

symptoms may vary from mild irritation to anaphylactic HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS shock, which is the result of an acute systemic reaction and A hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) is an uncommon, usu- can be fatal. ally immune-mediated response to a drug or other sub- Examples of type I reactions and their triggers include stance. It is estimated that HSRs account for approxi- allergic asthma (house dust mite), hay fever (grass pollen), mately 5%–10% of all drug-related adverse events. allergic rhinitis (animal dander), and nut and drug allergies. Although severe drug hypersensitivity is rare, it is of con- Because it takes some time to produce IgE antibodies, type cern because it can cause serious illness or death. There I HSRs usually begin at least several days after starting a are four basic types of immune-mediated hypersensitivity new drug. If a person stops the drug and restarts it later, (Table 19.1). the reaction can be immediate, because the immune system is already primed to respond to it. Occasionally, HSRs can occur for the first time several months (and sometime years) Type I – Immediate (Atopic or Anaphylactic) after starting a drug. Type I hypersensitivity is an allergic reaction provoked by Skin eruptions occur in approximately 90% of type I exposure to a specific type of antigen known as an aller- HSRs. The most common manifestation is an itchy red gen. Exposure may be by ingestion, inhalation, injection, measles-like eruption that typically develops 1–4 weeks or direct contact. Type I reactions are characterized by after starting a new drug. A rash often appears first on the an exaggerated release of immunoglobulin E (IgE), which trunk and then spreads outward. The mucous membranes binds to mast cells and basophils. Later exposure to the may be involved. same allergen results in cross-linking of bound IgE on the In Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and erythema mul- sensitized cells. This cross-linking causes degranulation tiforme major, patients develop blisters on the skin and and secretion of pharmacological mediators (such as his- mucous membranes. Other manifestations may include tamine, leukotriene, and prostaglandin) that act on the sur- fever, aphthous ulcers, and injection of the eyes. Exten- rounding tissues, causing vasodilatation and smooth mus- sive skin loss may occur in toxic epidermal necrolysis. Sec- cle contraction. The reaction may be local or systemic, and tions of the skin may die and peel off, leaving raw areas

TABLE 19.1: Types of Hypersensitivity Reaction

Type Alternative name Associated disorders Mediator(s)

I Allergic Atopy, anaphylaxis, asthma IgE II Cytotoxic, antibody Erythroblastosis fetalis, IgM or IgG (complement) dependant Goodpasture syndrome, autoimmune hemolytic anemia III Immune complex Serum sickness, Arthus IgG (complement) disease reaction, SLE IV Cell mediated Contact dermatitis, Cell mediated tuberculosis, chronic transplant rejection

page 184 Chapter 19 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II 185

ALLERGY TO BEE STING AS AN EXAMPLE OF TREATMENT OF WASP OR BEE STING A TYPE I ALLERGIC HYPERSENSITIVITY ALLERGIC REACTION (ANAPHYLAXIS) REACTION A double dose of oral antihistamine such as chlorpheni- ramine 8 mg should be administered in adults and older Insects of the order Hymenoptera include wasps and bees. children. In the case of a generalized reaction, one should Stinging is a defense mechanism designed to incapacitate administer immediate intramuscular chlorpheniramine other insects. Bees differ from wasps in that their stinging 10 mg, oral corticosteroid (prednisone 30 mg) and give a apparatus is inserted into the victim on stinging. Sting venom ␤-agonist inhaler or nebulizer. comprises proteolytic enzymes, phospholipases, metallopro- In the case of shock or respiratory difficulties, 0.5 mL teinases, and toxins. Antigen 5 (or Ves g V) from yellow jacket of intramuscular epinephrine (1:1000) plus intramuscular wasps (Vespula germanica) and phospholipase (Api m II) chlorpheniramine 10 mg and hydrocortisone 200 ␮g should from honeybees (Apis millifera) are the major allergy- be administered and arrangements made to transport the provoking venom components. Sensitization to insect venom patient to a suitable treatment facility. can occur after a single sting. Although cross-reaction allergy All patients with a history of allergy should carry a can occur, most people remain allergic to either wasp or bee, preloaded epinephrine syringe (EpiPen 300 ␮g) for emer- but not both. gencies. Repeat injections should be administered every Pain, redness, and swelling normally occur at the site of 5 minutes until a satisfactory response is achieved. For a sting. This is not an allergy, but rather a local toxic reac- children younger than 5 years, 0.1Ð0.3 mL of epinephrine tion to the venom. This reaction evolves over a period of a (1:1000) should be administered according to size and age, few hours and settles within 1Ð2 days without any adverse and arrangements made to transport the child to an emer- consequences. A more immediate and severe reaction can gency department for further monitoring. Confirmation that occur, however, in an individual who has been sensitized by a an allergic reaction has taken place can be made by measur- previous wasp or bee sting. If allergic, he or she may develop ing the serum tryptase. a reaction that can vary from mild localized swelling to life- A person known to be wasp or bee allergic should have a threatening anaphylaxis. Typically there is localized redness MedicAlert bracelet carrying details of this allergy. and swelling spanning two joints, intense itching, and pain. More severe reactions cause generalized swelling, urticaria, DESENSITIZATION angioedema, dizziness, sweating, pounding headache, stomach cramps, chest tightness, and a sensation of choking Venom desensitization immunotherapy is a useful means of and/or impending doom. Symptoms may develop up to 20 treatment for patients with severe generalized venom allergy minutes after the sting. This represents the time between the and is particularly useful for beekeepers, horticulturists, and release of the sting and the effect of the venom components gardeners. Weekly injections are given during the initial treat- on the victim following the insect attack. ment phase and then monthly for another 3 years. At the end ␮ If stung by a bee, the sting sac will continue to actively of the therapy the patient should be able to tolerate 100 gof pump venom if left in situ. Therefore, if the stinging appara- venom Ð equivalent to two bee stings Ð with no adverse reac- tus is visible, it should be carefully extricated from the flesh tion. This therapy should be carried out only in specialist clin- of the victim to prevent further toxin release. The sac should ics where resuscitation facilities are available because there be removed without squeezing. The honeybee (Apis spp.) is a small risk of inducing an allergic reaction. Anti-wasp and is unique in that it possesses a barbed stinging organ. The anti-bee venom vaccines are available, but these are wasp female honeybee, however, carries the stinger and dies and bee species-specific. shortly after discharging a sting.

that resemble burns. These reactions are not true aller- The most severe type of drug-induced allergic reaction gic reactions but appear to involve the release of inflam- is anaphylaxis, which can occur within seconds or minutes matory cytokines in response to a superantigen such as in after restarting a drug to which the person has previously toxic shock syndrome (toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 and/or been exposed. Symptoms include hives, swelling, constric- exfoliatin A or B). tion of the upper airway, falling blood pressure, rapid heart- Fever is a common feature of drug-induced hypersen- beat, shock, and cardiovascular collapse. sitivity. Other manifestations include soft-tissue swelling, Treatment depends on the severity of the reaction. Anti- enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, cough, difficulty breath- histamines and corticosteroids are usually indicated. In the ing, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, dizziness, muscle and case of anaphylaxis, immediate epinephrine to maintain joint pain, blood cell abnormalities, blood vessel inflamma- blood pressure should be administered. In all situations, tion, and liver or kidney dysfunction. the provocative agent should be avoided. 186 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Type II – Antibody-Dependent TABLE 19.2: Congenital and Acquired Immunodeficiencies

In type II hypersensitivity, the antibodies produced by the Congenital Acquired immune response bind to antigens on the patient’s own cell surfaces. The antigens recognized in this way may be Neutophil deficiency either intrinsic (self) or extrinsic (foreign) antigens. These Congenital neutropenia Drug-induced cells are recognized by macrophages and dendritic cells that myelosuppression act as antigen-presenting cells, causing B cells to respond Cyclical neutropenia Hypersplenism by producing antibodies against the foreign protein. Exam- Leukocyte adhesion defects Autoimmune neutropenia ples of this type of reaction include autoimmune hemolytic Hyper IgE syndrome Corticosteroid therapy anemia, transfusion reactions, transplant rejection, Good- Shwachman syndrome Diabetes mellitus Chronic granulomatous disease Hypophosphatemia pasture syndrome, pemphigus, Graves’ disease, myasthenia Storage diseases Myeloid leukaemia gravis, and rheumatic fever. Because the reaction is anti- ChediakÐHigashi syndrome Influenza body mediated, the reaction will evolve over a period of Complement deficiency 1–3 days. C3, C1q, I, H deficiency C5, 6, 7, 8, 9 deficiencies Mannan-binding lectin deficiency Type III – Immune Complex Type II hypersensitivity occurs when antigens and anti- Antibody deficiency (B-cell defects) X-linked Myeloma bodies are present in roughly equal measure, causing exten- hypogammaglobulinemia sive cross-linking. Large immune complexes that cannot be Common variable Lymphoma cleared are deposited in tissue to induce an inflammatory immunodeficiency response. The reaction develops over days to weeks. Exam- Specific IgA deficiency Splenectomy ples of this type of reaction include rheumatoid arthri- Specific antibody deficiency Congenital rubella tis, serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), T-cell deficiencies Arthus reaction, farmer’s lung, and polyarteritis nodosa. DiGeorge anomaly Measles IL-2 deficiency Corticosteroids Signal transduction defect Calcineurin inhibitors Type IV – Cell-Mediated (Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity) (e.g., cyclosporine) Type IV hypersensitivity is often called delayed type as the Combined T- and B-cell deficiencies reaction takes 2–3 days to develop. Unlike other types, it Severe combined ProteinÐcalorie is not antibody mediated but rather represents a type of immunodeficiency malnutrition cell-mediated response. WiskottÐAldrich syndrome Immunodeficiency of Cytotoxic (CD8+) and helper (CD4+) T cells recognize prematurity antigens in a complex with the major histocompatibility Ataxia telangiectasia HIV/AIDS complex molecules class I or II, respectively. The antigen- Hyper IgM syndrome presenting cells are macrophages or dendritic cells that Duncan syndrome secrete interleukin-12 (IL-12). This secretion stimulates further CD4+ T-cell proliferation. These T cells secrete IL-2 and interferon-␥, inducing type I cytokines. Activated CD8+ cells destroy target cells, and activated macrophages immune defect, the patient is often systemically unwell and transform into multinucleated giant cells. This type of reac- the dermopathy may constitute an emergency. tion is seen in contact dermatitis (e.g., poison ivy), atopic Immunodeficiency may be congenital or acquired dermatitis, , and tuberculosis. The Mantoux reac- (Table 19.2). Dysfunction may occur in either the quanti- tion is an example of a delayed-type HSR. tative (number of cells) or the qualitative (function of cells) aspect. These aspects include deficiencies of

● neutrophils (and monocytes/macrophages), IMMUNE DEFECTS ● complement pathway, Deficiencies of the immune system may result in recur- ● rent infections, autoimmunity, and susceptibility to malig- B-cell defects (causing antibody deficiency), nancy. Although intrinsic congenital immunodeficiencies ● T-cell defects (causing impaired cell-mediated immu- are rare, the widespread use of corticosteroid and immuno- nity), or suppressive therapies (as well as the spread of the human ● combinations of any of the preceding aspects. immunodeficiency virus [HIV] pandemic) means that the dermatologist is increasingly being called to assess prob- More than 100 different congenital immunodeficiencies lems relating to immunosuppression. In the context of an due to specific genetic defects have been described; most Chapter 19 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II 187

TABLE 19.3: Immune Defects and Associated Opportunistic Defects in Neutrophils Infections Defects of neutrophils result in a predisposition to bac- Neutrophil deficiency terial infections that results in extracellular infection. Staphylococcus aureus Coagulase-negative The risk of infection rises steeply once the neutrophil staphylococcus count falls below 0.5 × 109/L. The gut is normally col- Escherichia coli Klebsiella pneumoniae onized with potentially pathogenic bacteria that can read- Pseudomonas aeruginosa Serratia marcescens ily lead to septicemia following immunosuppression from Bacteroides spp. Aspergillus fumigatus Candida spp. (systemic) Mucor spp. whatever cause. The duration of neutropenia can be Absidia spp. reduced by use of granulocyte colony-stimulating fac- tor or granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor. B-cell (antibody) deficiency Campylobacter spp. Echovirus Prompt antiinfective therapy for febrile episodes during Mycoplasma spp. Ureaplasma spp. neutropenia is essential. Often, preemptive prophylaxis Complement deficiency is prescribed to commence approximately 1 week after (lytic pathway C5–C9) chemotherapy – the time to clinically significant neu- Meningococcus Gonococcus (disseminated) tropenia following immunosuppressive therapy. A partic- T-cell–mediated immunodeficiency ular and typically benign variant of neutropenia is cyclical Listeria monocytogenes neutropenia, which produces cycles of neutropenia every Salmonella spp. (nontyphi) Nocardia spp. 3–5 weeks. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Atypical mycobacteria spp. Defects of neutrophil function include autosomal reces- Candida spp. (mucocutaneous) Toxoplasma gondii sive congenital leukocyte adhesion defect, hyper-IgE syn- Cryptococcus neoformans Histoplasma capsulatum Pneumocystis jiroveci Herpes simplex drome, and Shwachman syndrome that may resemble cystic Herpes zoster Measles virus fibrosis. Hyper-IgE syndrome produces recurrent frequent Cytomegalovirus EpsteinÐBarr virus staphylococcal and furuncles – hence its synonym, Job syndrome – and is associated with elevated levels of IgE. Unusual eczema-like skin eruptions and severe lung infec- tions resulting in pneumatoceles may occur. Many patients with autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome fail to lose are rare. They usually present in childhood, but some types their baby teeth and have two sets simultaneously. and the less severe forms may not become apparent until Chronic granulomatous disease usually presents in early adulthood. Much more common are acquired immunodefi- or late childhood. Patients present with chronic suppurative ciencies, which can result from malnutrition, splenectomy, granulomas or abscesses affecting the skin, lymph nodes, immunosuppressive therapy, drug side effects, and/or and sometimes the lung and liver, as well as osteomyeli- infection. The most common infective cause is HIV, which tis. Because macrophages are also affected, cell-mediated leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). opportunistic infections may also be seen, such as atypi- Opportunistic infections occur when there is weakness cal mycobacteria, Nocardia, and salmonellae. Diagnosis is of host defense mechanisms regardless of the cause. The established by the nitroblue tetrazolium test. nature of the infection may sometimes indicate the specific type of immune defect (Table 19.3). Opportunistic infec- tions usually present insidiously. An underlying immune Complement Deficiency defect should be suspected in patients presenting with Complement deficiencies are rare. They can be associated recurrent infections, particularly with unusual organisms with increased susceptibility to infection with Haemophilus or at unusual sites( Table 19.4). and pneumococcal infection, especially in early childhood prior to development of a sufficiently wide specific antibody repertoire. TABLE 19.4: Warning Signs of Immune Deficiency There are two major patterns of infection associated with complement deficiency: Deficiency of C3, C1q, or • 8 respiratory tract infections/year in a child, or factors I or H give rise to an increased susceptibility to cap- • >4 respiratory tract infections/year in an adult sulated bacteria, such as Haemophilus influenza, pneumo- • > 1 infection requiring hospital admission or intravenous coccus, meningococcus, and Group B streptococcus. These antibiotics • Infections with unusual organisms patients may also develop SLE-like immune complex disor- • Infections at unusual sites ders. Conversely, deficiency of the lytic complement path- • Chronic infection unresponsive to usual treatment way, C5–9, causes susceptibility to disseminated neisse- • Early end-organ damage (e.g., bronchiectasis) rial infections, meningococcemia, and . C1 • Positive family history esterase inhibitor deficiency is not associated with infec- tion but with hereditary angioedema (see Chapter 18). 188 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

B-Cell Defects (Antibody Deficiency) Combined B- and T-Cell Defects In X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, B cells and plasma The most severe immunodeficiencies are those that affect cells are reduced resulting in a profound reduction in all both B- and T-cell responses. These immunodeficiencies the immunoglobulin classes. T cells are normal. The spe- can stem from a variety of defective mechanisms but tend to cific gene defect is found on the X chromosome. X-linked have rather similar clinical features, combining the oppor- hypogammaglobulinemia typically presents with infections tunistic infections of cell-mediated immunodeficiency with such as meningitis and mycoplasmal infection after the first those of antibody deficiency. 3–6 months of life, when passively transferred maternal Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) syndrome antibody has largely been lost. Intravenous immunoglob- usually presents in the first weeks of life. Failure to thrive, ulin (IVIg) replacement therapy is successful, and most absent lymphoid tissue, lymphopenia, and hypogamma- patients are able to treat themselves at home. globulinemia with multiple severe infections are typical. Common variable immunodeficiency is a late-onset Immunoglobulin therapy is effective for the antibody defi- antibody deficiency that may present in childhood or adult ciency, but the cell-mediated opportunistic infections are life. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels are especially low. It is the main determinants of outcome. Bone-marrow trans- similar to X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, but a partic- plantation is the definitive approach and has had signifi- ular feature is lymph-node hyperplasia that may express cant success, especially if carried out early in the disease itself as nodular lymphadenopathy and lymphoreticular course. More recently, gene therapy and attempts to cor- malignancy. The findings of reduced immunoglobulin lev- rect adenosine deaminase deficiency associated with SCID els with normal B-cell numbers indicate the diagnosis. have had some success. Regular immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IVIg) with Failure of class switching from immunoglobulin M antimicrobials for opportunistic infection is the mainstay (IgM) to other classes of antibody leads to normal or high of management. levels of IgM associated with low IgG and IgA. T-cell func- Specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency is extremely tion is impaired, leading to opportunistic infection with P. common, affecting 1 in 600 of the UK population. Most jirovecii, Cryptosporidium (including sclerosing cholangitis), cases are asymptomatic, but some patients have an associ- herpes virus infections, candidosis, and cryptococcosis. ated celiac disease or other autoimmune disorder. Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome is an X-linked, mainly cell- Hypogammaglobulinemia is seen in the immune pare- mediated defect associated with falling immunoglobulins. sis of patients with myeloma and chronic leukemia or Clinical features may include eczema, thrombocytopenia, lymphoma. Splenectomy causes impaired defense against autoimmune defects, and lymphoreticular malignancies. capsulated bacteria, particularly pneumococcus. Hypo- Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-associated immunodeficiency splenism associated with severe sickle cell disease is respon- (Duncan syndrome) results in polyclonal EBV-driven lym- sible for the increased risk of infection in such patients. phoproliferation, combined immunodeficiency, aplastic Pneumococcal, meningococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae anemia, and lymphoid malignancy. type B (Hib) vaccination before elective splenectomy and the use of penicillin prophylaxis can largely eliminate the HIV AND AIDS risk of serious infection. Hypogammaglobulinemia can also occur in congenital rubella. AIDS was first recognized in 1981.1 It is caused by human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1). HIV-2 causes a similar illness to HIV-1 but is less aggressive and restricted mainly T-Cell Defects to western Africa. DiGeorge syndrome (22q11 deletion syndrome) occurs In 2007, the World Health Organization estimated that in 1 in 4000 live births. It is a defect of branchial arch there were 33.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS.2 development leading to abnormal thymic growth. Asso- The cumulative death toll since the pandemic began is more ciated features include dysmorphic facies, hypoparathy- than 20 million. The vast majority of deaths have been in roidism, and cardiac defects. Patients present with features sub-Saharan Africa, but Asia, which currently bears about of impaired T cells including mucocutaneous candidosis one fifth of the burden of disease, could surpass this. and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now renamed Pneu- Combination therapy, composed of three active drugs mocystis jiroveci) (PcP), often with chronic diarrhea due to (“triple cocktail”) from two or more different drug classes, a variety of pathogens. The absent thymus can be docu- constitutes highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). mented radiologically. CD3+ and CD4+ T-cell subsets are As of 2008, there were more than 25 different antiretroviral reduced, and T-cell–proliferative responses are impaired. drugs from 7 different drug classes( Table 19.5), offering Immunoglobulin production is usually normal. Manage- the HIV-infected patient the potential for lifelong suppres- ment entails prompt treatment of opportunistic infections. sion of viral replication, even if the prospect of achieving Thymic transplant and bone-marrow transplant have had eradication of the virus, either through a vaccine or potent some success. combination therapy, remains illusive. Although HAART Chapter 19 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II 189

TABLE 19.5: Antiretroviral Drug Classes CD4 count ~1000 Viral load CD4 count Drug class Drug (abbreviation) HIV Emergence of strong viral load Nucleoside reverse transcriptase Zalcitabine (ddC) CD8 T-cell responses inhibitors (NRTI) Didanosine (ddI) Below a CD4 count of 200 prophylaxis Lamivudine (3TC) against opportunist infection becomes essential Decline of CD8 Zidovudine (AZT) T-cell responses

Stavudine (d4T) load/CD4 count Viral Continuous rapid Abacavir viral turnover in lymphoid tissue Darunavir CD4 count Emitricitabine (FTC) ‘Set point’ Nucleotide reverse transcriptase Tenofovir (TDF) 0 6 months Years inhibitor (NtRTI) Time Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase Nevirapine FIGURE 19.1: Natural history of human immunodeficiency inhibitors (NNRTI) Delaviridinea virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Efavirenz Etravirine (TMC-125) reaction in the presence of a negative or equivocal HIV b Protease inhibitors (PI) Indinavir antibody test following recent exposure to HIV. Ritonavir Nelfinavir The principal dermatological manifestation, occurring Lopinavirc in up to 75% of cases of acute seroconversion, is a non- Atazanavirb specific rash. This usually appears as a maculopapular ery- Fosamprenavirb thematous exanthem, notably of the face, palms, and soles b Saquinavir (Figure 19.2). Painful oral ulceration, genital ulceration, Amprenavira,b Tipranavira,b Fusion inhibitors Enfuvirtide (T-20) Integrase inhibitors Raltegravir CCR5 co-receptor inhibitors Maraviroc a Restricted use. b Coformulated with low-dose ritonavir. c Usually given with boosting low-dose ritonavir. has resulted in great benefit to patients, novel side effects to these drugs have emerged, many of which affect the skin.

Natural History of HIV and AIDS Without treatment, a person with HIV may develop one or more opportunistic infections and/or cancers. Death results from these illnesses, which the HIV has made the body more vulnerable to, and not directly from the HIV virus itself (Figure 19.1).

HIV Seroconversion HIV seroconversion illness develops in approximately 75% of persons following acute infection with HIV. It occurs 2– 6 weeks after exposure and lasts a few days to several months but usually less than a fortnight. The symptoms are nonspe- cific but may mimic a flu-like illness with headache. It can be mistaken for infectious mononucleosis with lassitude, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, and lymphadenopathy. Weight loss, nausea, and diarrhea are common. Rarely, presentation may be neurological (aseptic meningitis, Bell palsy, encephalitis, myelitis, polyneuritis, or Guillain–Barre´ syndrome).3 Diag- nosis is confirmed by a positive HIV polymerase chain FIGURE 19.2: Rash of seroconversion illness. 190 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 19.6: Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV Infection

Neoplasia Kaposi sarcoma B-cell lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Squamous cell carcinoma Anal carcinoma Infections Herpes simplex (genital/oral/labial) Herpes zoster (multidermatomal and disseminated) Candidiasis (oral/vulvovaginal) Tinea cruris/pedis Scabies Tinea versicolor/rosea Bacillary angiomatosis Chancroid Molluscum contagiosum Oral hairy leukoplakia Syphilis Cryptococcosis Histoplasmosis Warts (oral/genital) Mycobacterial infections Other eruptions Dry skin and scalp Onychomycosis Ichthyosis, xeroderma Aphthous ulcers Seborrheic dermatitis Acne HIV-associated gingivitis Psoriasis Papular pruritic eruption (Ofuji disease) Fixed drug reactions Hypersensitivity reactions Black nail discoloration (zidovudine) In-growing toenails (indinavir) Hair changes Hyperpigmentation Fat redistribution syndrome

erythema multiforme, and SJS may occur. There is often Seborrheic Dermatitis an associated hepatitis with transient derangement of liver This condition is probably the most common skin manifes- transaminases and mild anemia. Skin biopsy is nonspecific. tation of HIV, occurring in up to 80% of all patients (Fig- An acute decrease in the CD4+ count at seroconver- ure 19.3). It may be widespread and severe, and is often sion coincides with a surge in plasma HIV RNA levels to worse in late-stage HIV disease. Red scaly patches typ- more than 1 million copies/mL. The decrease in the CD4+ ically affect the hair-bearing areas of the skin such as the count may be sufficient to allow opportunistic infections to nasolabial folds, scalp, and flexures. Treatment is that of the occur. Because of the exceedingly high HIV viral load at underlying condition using HAART. Topical Oilatum R this time, the patient is highly infectious should he or she (Steiffel, Miami, FL) and topical or systemic imidazoles engage in sexual activity. It is estimated that one quarter can be helpful. of HIV transmission occurs during this time. Attempts to eradicate HIV from the blood at this early stage to reduce the risk of transmission as a public health problem have Oral–Esophageal Candidiosis (Thrush) been unsuccessful. Oral candidosis is a frequent manifestation that, in the The severity of the seroconversion illness is related to absence of prior antibiotics, steroids, or immunosuppres- the subsequent speed of development of AIDS. Without sive therapy, should immediately alert the clinician to the treatment, the median time to develop AIDS is approx- possibility of HIV infection. Severe disease may involve imately 8 years. This asymptomatic phase is called the the posterior pharynx and esophagus, leading to dysphagia “latent period.” Many patients will be unaware of their HIV status during this time and may unwittingly pass on their infection.

SPECIFIC SKIN CONDITIONS IN HIV INFECTION Virtually all dermatological conditions are more common and more severe in HIV infection. Unusually florid skin infections, neoplasias, drug reactions, and other unusual eruptions form the bulk of dermatological manifestations (Table 19.6). Early HIV-associated diseases include xerosis with pruritus, seborrheic dermatitis, and an itchy folliculitic dermatitis that may be fungal (Malassezia furfur), staphylo- coccal, or eosinophilic in etiology. FIGURE 19.3: Seborrheic dermatitis. Chapter 19 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II 191 and further weight loss. Less commonly, the patient may affect multiple dermatomes and is often florid. Persistent, present with erythematous candidosis, which appears as a recurrent, or disseminated varicella zoster disease may also sore red smooth shiny tongue. occur. Candida albicans is normally sensitive to fluconazole Diagnosis is confirmed by viral culture, biopsy for char- (50 mg daily). In cases of nonresponse, antifungal drug acteristic inclusion bodies, or electron microscopy. Treat- sensitivity to imidazoles, caspofungin, and amphotericin ment is with high-dose (10 mg/kg tds) IV acyclovir. Special- should be requested from the microbiology reference lab. ist help should be sought in the management of ophthalmic Endoscopy with biopsy should be performed to confirm shingles because of the risk of permanent loss of sight. The the diagnosis and exclude the main differential diagnosis response to treatment and the risks of postherpetic neu- of cytomegalovirus (CMV) ulceration. Multiple copatholo- ralgia appear to be similar to those in the HIV-negative gies with different types of pathogens are not uncommon population. in late-stage HIV and AIDS.

Human Papillomavirus Oral Hairy Leukoplakia Human papillomavirus infection is frequent among HIV- Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen as adherent white plaques on positive gay men. The disease may be extensive and diffi- the lateral margin of the tongue and is virtually pathog- cult to manage. Lesions on the hands and feet (especially nomonic of HIV infection. It is associated with EBV infec- periungual) are also common and may attain considerable tion of the oral mucosa. It may be treated with acyclovir, size, requiring surgery. Lesions usually improve on com- although this is rarely indicated. Oral hairy leukoplakia and mencement of HAART. Human papillomavirus vaccina- oral candidiosis in untreated patients predict progression tion reduces the risk of infection and oncogenic transfor- to profound immune deficiency and development of AIDS mation.4 within 1–2 years.

Cryptococcosis Molluscum Contagiosum Cutaneous cryptococcosis is caused by Cryptococcus neofor- Molluscum contagiosum is an epidermal poxvirus infec- mans (the etiological agent of cryptococcal meningitis) and tion that occurs in late-stage HIV disease. It is found in occurs in very-late-stage disease (CD4+ <50 cells/mm3). approximately 10% of AIDS patients. The lesions are usu- It looks similar to molluscum. Serum cryptococcal antigen ally 2- to 5-mm-diameter papules with a central umbilicus test is useful in the diagnosis. Treatment is with flucona- and tend to develop on the face, neck, and genitalia. The zole. lesions usually disappear with treatment of the underlying HIV. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, topical retinoids, and cautery may be tried in cases of unsightly giant mollusca. Crusted Scabies The main differential diagnosis is disseminated cryptococ- A severe variant of Sarcoptes scabiei infection producing cosis. a hyperkeratotic eruption (crusted scabies) may occur in advanced HIV. The infestation is often heavy, and patients are highly infectious. Uniquely in HIV infection, the face Herpes Simplex Virus Infections and neck can be affected. Paradoxically, the patient may Herpes simplex virus infection should be considered in any not complain of severe itch. Treatment is with permethrin ulcerated or eroded lesion. These lesions can be painful, lotion. Ivermectin may also be of benefit, but the side effects especially around the mouth and genitals. Recurrent, exten- should be weighed. sive, and troublesome herpes infections may occur in late- stage disease. Treatment is with high-dose acyclovir. Acy- clovir resistance may develop, in which case cidofovir or Psoriasis foscarnet could be used as alternatives. An important differ- Psoriasis is associated with severe flares in HIV infection, ential is syphilis, which is more common in HIV. Syphilitic leading some to speculate on an infective etiology of this gumma produces painless lesions. inflammatory condition. Treatment is with standard thera- pies. Treatment of the HIV will often improve the psoriasis.

Varicella Zoster Virus Shingles in an otherwise healthy person should act as an Bacillary Angiomatosis indicator for inquiry about risk factors for HIV infection. Bacillary angiomatosis is more common in HIV-infected It can occur at any stage of the HIV natural history but individuals than are other bacterial infections such as is more frequent with failing immunity. In patients with syphilis and infections due to Staphylococcus aureus (folli- a low CD4+ count (<100 cells/mm3), the eruption may culitis, cellulitis, and abscesses). 192 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Bacillary angiomatosis is due to the cat-scratch bacillus since the introduction of HLA compatibility testing prior . Lesions range from solitary superficial to initiation of abacavir. red–purple lesions resembling Kaposi sarcoma to multiple subcutaneous nodules or hyperpigmented plaques. Lesions are painful and bleed readily. Disseminated infection leads Abacavir Hypersensitivity Reaction to fevers, lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. Abacavir (Ziagen) is a nucleoside analogue reverse tran- Diagnosis is with Warthin–Starry silver staining for aggre- scriptase inhibitor licensed for the treatment of HIV. It gates of intracellular bacilli. is frequently used as a first-line drug because of its once- daily formulation and favorable lipid (fat redistribution syn- drome) profile. It is an active component of coformulations Eosinophilic Folliculitis Kivexa (with lamivudine) and TRIZIVIR (with lamivu- Eosinophilic folliculitis, also known as pustular pruritic dine plus zidovudine). Abacavir HSR occurs in 5%–8% eruption or Ofuji disease, is more common in persons of of patients during the 6 weeks of therapy, with a median dark skin types and increases in frequency with advance- onset of 11 days.6,7 It usually presents with fever (80%) ment of immunosuppression. It is associated with a raised and rash (70%). Less common symptoms include nausea, IgE and eosinophilia. The cause is not known. Itchy follic- vomiting, pruritus, malaise, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and ular papules and pustules affect the face, chest, and back. fatigue. Numbness of the skin; puffiness of the throat, face, Treatments are often unsatisfactory but include topical and neck; swollen glands; conjunctivitis; mouth ulcers; and steroids, phototherapy, and antihistamines. low blood pressure may also occur. Symptoms of the HSR to abacavir are nonspecific and may mimic influenza, the key difference being the presence Kaposi Sarcoma of GI symptoms with abacavir. Symptoms worsen with con- Kaposi sarcoma is caused by human herpesvirus 8 (HHV- tinued use of the drug. Rapid reversal of symptoms occurs 8), which is transmitted primarily through saliva. It is more on discontinuation of abacavir. common in men who have sex with men. The disease may An abacavir HSR may be life threatening; therefore, all be indolent or fulminant. Rapid clinical deterioration usu- patients prescribed this should be made familiar with the ally ensues with visceral involvement. It usually presents symptoms and should know to notify their doctor immedi- as painless purple macules, papules, nodules, and plaques ately if they develop any of these. More severe and even fatal affecting the limbs, face, and oral mucosa (especially the reactions have been reported in patients rechallenged with hard palate). The differential diagnosis includes bacillary abacavir after stopping the drug. Subsequent rechallenge angiomatosis and pyogenic granuloma. Prognosis depends with abacavir is therefore absolutely contraindicated. on the CD4+ count. There is a wide range of therapies Abacavir hypersensitivity is strongly associated with an depending on the extent of the disease. The widespread HLA-B∗5701 allele. Testing for the HLA B∗5701 hap- use of HAART has resulted in a decline in the incidence of lotype reduced the incidence of HSRs to zero in a ran- the disease. Combination therapy itself can result in regres- domized trial of nearly 2000 patients.8 All patients should sion of mucocutaneous lesions and even visceral disease and therefore be screened for this allele prior to commencing so is an important cornerstone of management. therapy. The HLA B∗5701 allele appears to be more common in white Caucasians and least common in black Africans infected with HIV (and in whom dermititis is often more ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS difficult to distinguish). It is recommended that genetic Adverse drug reactions are common in HIV and include testing should be routine for people of all ethnicities to both acute (e.g., abacavir HSR) and chronic (e.g., fat reduce the instances of misdiagnosis of hypersensitivity in redistribution syndrome) reactions. Predictable reactions which abacavir is inappropriately withdrawn from patients include drug side effects that occur in most patients who who could have benefited from it. take a drug or combination of drugs. These are drug and dose dependent and not dependent on host factors. Other drug reactions previously thought to be idiosyncratic are Immune Restoration Inflammatory Syndrome now known to be genetically determined. Immune restoration inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is Nevirapine rash is a common side effect that begins an adverse consequence of the restoration of pathogen- within 2–4 weeks of starting this treatment. If severe, it specific immune responses in HIV-infected patients during may result in SJS. Recently, the human leukocyte antigen the initial months of HAART. The inflammatory syndrome HLA-DRB1∗01 has been found to be linked to rash asso- reflects the restoration of a previously impotent immune ciated with this class of drug.5 Pharmacogenetic screening system as it mounts an excessive response against organ- is now part of routine clinical practice in HIV medicine isms that were already present, but dormant, in the body. Chapter 19 ● Severe, Acute Allergic and Immunological Reactions II 193

therapy is generally avoided. There have been anecdotal reports of successful management of reactions using pen- toxifylline, thalidomide, and the asthma medication mon- telukast, but in most cases reactions resolve on their own without any additional treatment.

REFERENCES 1. Gottlieb MS, Schroff R, Schanker HM, et al. Pneumocys- tis carinii pneumonia and mucosal candidiasis in previously healthy homosexual men: evidence of a new acquired cellular immunodeficiency. N Engl J Med. 1981; 305:1425–31. FIGURE 19.4: Suppurative mycobacterial adenopathy as an 2. UNAIDS AIDS epidemic update, December 2007 [cited immune restoration inflammatory syndrome reaction following March 2008]. Available from: commencement of highly active antiretroviral therapy. 3. Bunker CB, Staughton RCD. HIV-associated disease: der- matology. In: Gazzard BG, editor. AIDS Care Handbook. The immune restoration can have various manifesta- London: Mediscript, 2002. tions, including lymph-node inflammation associated with 4. Koutsky LA, Ault KA, Wheeler, CM, et al. A controlled trial Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex(Figure 19.4); of a human papillomavirus type 16 vaccine. N Engl J Med eye inflammation (uveitis or vitritis) associated with CMV; 2002; 347:1645–1. 5. Vitezica ZG, Milpied B, Lonjou C, et al. HLA-DRB1∗01 asso- worsening of tuberculosis, cryptococcosis, or toxoplasmo- ciated with cutaneous hypersensitivity induced by nevirapine sis symptoms; and elevated liver enzymes associated with and efavirenz. AIDS 2008; 22:540–1. hepatitis B or C co-infection. 6. Hetherigton S, McGuirk S, Powell G, et al. Hypersensitivity The incidence of IRIS is greatest in patients with reactions during therapy with nucleoside reverse transcriptase advanced immune suppression (CD4+ count <100 cells/ inhibitor abacavir. Clin Ther 2001; 23:1603–14. mm3) at the start of therapy. Immune restoration reactions 7. Hermandez JE, Cutrell A, Edwards M, et al. Clinical risk fac- are associated with larger viral load reductions (2.5 log or tors for hypersensitivity reactions to abacavir: restrospective greater) or CD4+ cell increases after starting HAART. analysis of over 8,000 subjects receiving abacavir in 34 clini- Starting an anti-HIV treatment with a combination that cal trials. In: Program and abstracts of the 43rd Interscience included a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor was also Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, associated with an increased risk of IRIS.9 Chicago, September 14–17, 2003. Washington DC: Amer- ican Society for Microbiology, 2003:339. Abstract. Because flare-ups indicate improvement of immune ∗ 8. Mallal S, Phillips E, Carosi G, et al. HLA-B 5701 screeening function following antiretroviral therapy, antiretroviral for hypersensitivity to abacavir. N Engl J Med 2008; 358:568– therapy is continued in all but the most serious cases. 79. Even then it is usually only stopped temporarily until the 9. Manabe YC, Campbell JD, Sydnor E, Moore RD. Immune patient’s condition has stabilized. Antiinflammatory med- reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: risk factors and treat- ications may help decrease symptoms during the intense ment implications. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007; inflammatory phase, but routine use of corticosteroid 46:456–62. CHAPTER 20 Graft Versus Host Disease

Jasna Lipozenciˇ c´ Ronni Wolf

THE SKIN is a major target organ for both acute and GVHD is in direct correlation with HLA incompatibil- chronic graft versus host disease (GVHD) after stem cell ity between donor and recipient.9 Even in HLA-identical transplantation (SCT). Although SCT is a life-saving mea- related SCT without prophylactic immunosuppression, sure and the treatment of choice for many patients with GVHD occurs in 30%–50% of cases and has a severe course various hematologic malignancies, a high incidence of com- in 10%–20% of cases because of so-called HLA minor anti- plications and a transplantation-associated mortality of gens.10 HLA incompatibility between donors and patients approximately 30% are to be expected. GVHD is the major increases the incidence of GVHD. The age of patients as cause of morbidity and mortality at any time following well as difference in sex between donor and recipient are SCT. The acute form occurs during the first 100 days after also risk factors, such as when there are two different HLA transplantation in up to 50% of graft recipients, whereas antigens and Y-chromosome–associated minor antigens.4 chronic GVHD develops in approximately 30%–50%, usu- In HLA-identical SCT, the incidence of GVHD is less than ally within 100–500 days following allogenic SCT. Target 25% in patients younger than 30 years with acute GVHD, organs in GVHD can be all of those with lymphoid cells but this number rises to 80% in patients older than 50 as well as epithelial structures, especially the skin, liver, years.11,12 The incidence of chronic GVHD is also higher gastrointestinal (GI) tract, lung, eyes, and neuromuscular in adults than in children.4 system. Early diagnosis of GVHD can be difficult because HLA incompatibility, age, and gender are not the only drug reactions, viral infections, and cutaneous reactions to factors responsible for GVHD.13–15 A three-phase model radiation therapy may have similar clinical and histologi- may explain the pathophysiology of GVHD. Phase I is cal similarities. Histological findings of GVHD correlate “toxic” and lasts for approximately 60 days, whereas phase II poorly with clinical severity of the disease and have a lim- begins with “lichenoid” symptoms before the 30th day and ited role in predicting disease stage and progression.1–4 The lasts until approximately the 100th day. Phase III starts near skin manifestations, histopathologic features, prophylaxis, the 80th day and is characterized by “sclerodermiform” and therapy of acute and chronic GVHD are presented in symptoms and cell infiltrate. There is interaction between this chapter. different cell populations in both donor and recipient as well as between mediators of inflammation, and the result is cell death (apoptosis) in target organs of GVHD. Chronic PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF GVHD GVHD often develops from acute GVHD through cos- GVHD is the result of a complex interaction of associa- timulation of cytokine production, and end-cell apopto- tive inflammation, endotoxicity, and activation of alloreac- sis through endotoxins is intensified. In this phase, there tive cells. Cytotoxic donor T lymphocytes are mediators is hypersensitivity of macrophages through Th1-cytokine and effectors in GVHD. Proinflammatory cytokines in the (INF-γ) stimulation. In acute GVHD, there is activation cells of the donor and the recipient play an important role of Th1 cytokines with the production of proinflammatory in the pathogenesis of GVHD. In acute GVHD, there are mediators (TNF-α, IL-1), accompanied by organ-specific increased serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α destruction and Th1 activation. (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin 1 (IL-1), IL- Risk factors for GVHD are genetic polymorphism in 2, and IL-6, but they are not specific for GVHD because the promoter region of inflammatory (TNF-α) and anti- bacterial infections show similar findings. The only corre- inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines. In chronic GVHD, there lation has been found between elevated IL-2 receptor (IL- is the added risk factor of a former acute GVHD and the 2R) and severe GVHD.5–7 Prophylactic administration of subsequent activation of Th2 cells and cytokine production. monoclonal anti–TNF-α antibodies in a patient with his- The chronicity of GVHD is due to alloreactive T cells tocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-identical SCT in having increased the production of IL-4 or IFN-γ,which twins significantly alleviated acute GVHD.8 induces collagen synthesis through fibroblasts.4

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ACUTE GVHD Acute GVHD begins 2–6 weeks after transplantation (median 3 weeks). In one study, GVHD took place after allogenic SCT in 35% of patients with HLA-identical donors, and the disease course was severe in 10%–20% of these cases (erythroderma, toxic epidermolysis). Acute GVHD is manifested on skin, liver, and the GI tract, as well as the lymphatic system, bone marrow, and the mucosa of the mouth and respiratory system. Development of “hyper- acute” GVHD has been described as occurring 7–14 days after SCT.11,12

Skin Manifestations of Acute GVHD The skin is the target organ of acute GVHD in more than 90% of cases. Early manifestations of acute GVHD include generalized pruritus, dysesthesia, painful palms of the hands and soles of the feet, or edema and erythema of the ears.13 A maculopapular eruption first appears on the face, palms, and soles, followed by presentation on the shoulders and abdomen and then the whole body. These eruptions cannot be distinguished from a drug eruption or viral exanthema, either clinically or histologically. Exan- themas are variable and can be purpuric, follicular, morbil- liform, or scarlatiniform. Perifollicular papular reactions indicate progression in a severe course, being characteris- ticofGVHD.4 Erythema on the palms, soles, and ears is typical in GVHD (Figure 20.1). Exanthemas with progression to erythroderma and blisters with a positive Nikolsky phe- nomenon are signs of a severe course. The most severe cases are those with bullous GVHD that include toxic epidermal skin and mucosal necrolysis and septicemia. Toxic epider- mal necrolysis (TEN) has been reported in 6% of patients with a very high mortality. In this phase of GVHD, it is not easy to distinguish the epidermal necrolysis of SCT FIGURE 20.1: Graft versus host disease, acute stage. There is from that of drug-induced TEN. Hyperacute GVHD with erythema on the face and palms. (Photo courtesy of Ivan Dobric,´ MD, PhD, Zagreb, Croatia.) TEN has been reported to begin 8 days after bone-marrow 14 transplant. vomiting, anorexia, malabsorption, abdominal pain, ileus, Mucosal reactions present as xerostomia, symptomatic and colon hematuria, all of which are signs of a severe of salivary gland dysfunction and pain upon eating as well course. Liver disorders (bilirubin, alcal phosphatase, γ- as mucosal hypersensitivity. Mucosal reactions found in the glytamyltranspeptidase) with hepatomegaly are the second mouth in acute GVHD can be fine papular white lesions, most prevalent manifestations after those of the skin, and whitish lichenoid-reticular signs, or desquamative erosions. are found in 40%–60% of cases.15 In the progressive stage of acute GVHD, there are fin- gernail changes with periungual erythemas, hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, pigmentations, and hemorrhagia of the nail Clinical Stages of Acute GVHD plates. Acute GVHD severity has been graded by the pattern of organ involvement and clinical performance status, using a system introduced more than 30 years ago:16 clinical Extracutaneous Manifestations stage and percentage of skin lesions, GI disorders, vol- The liver and the GI tract can be target organs after ume of diarrhea (mL/day), and value of bilirubin.4,6,16 For allogenic SCT. GI manifestations are present in 30%– example, stage I is characterized by a maculopapular exan- 50% of cases of acute GVHD.15 They appear early or thema (<25% body size), bilirubin 2–3 mg/dL, and diar- shortly after the skin manifestations and include diarrhea, rhea of 500–100 mL/day, whereas stage IV is characterized 196 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY by bullous manifestations with TEN in the skin, bilirubin >15 mL/dL, and pain or ileus.4,6,16,17 In acute GVHD, the “grade” survival is correlated with GVHD severity in grade (specifically, >90% survival in grade I, ∼60% in grades II and III, and 0% in grade IV). The International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry has adopted a new severity index for grading acute GVHD, based on objective parameters of target organs.17 It has been proposed that the Severity Index enhances design and interpretation of clinical trials in the current era of allo- geneic blood and bone-marrow transplantation.17

Histological Changes of Acute GVHD Prophylaxis depends upon the degree of severity of acute GVHD and on histomorphologic changes resulting from GVHD. The dynamism of GVHD makes the histologic picture unstable, and it characteristically changes during the course of illness due to its being influenced by many other factors. Histological findings of the skin in early acute GVHD show focal basal cell degeneration of the epider- mis and sometimes sparse perivascular lymphocytic infiltra- tion in the upper dermis. In the late acute phase, there is a hypersensitivity reaction and activation of endothelial cells as well as penetration of T cells into the papillary dermis. The clinical signs include cytotoxic folliculitis and “satellite necrosis” because of the presence of T cells in the papillary dermis, lymphocytes in the epidermis, and hair follicles as well as necrosis of keratinocytes/apoptosis or necrosis.4 Histopathologic changes in acute GVHD have been described as grade I (vacuolization of basal cells of inflamed FIGURE 20.2: Graft versus host disease, acute stage, stage II. lymphocyte infiltrate in the upper dermis or epidermis), Histological feature: rare subepidermal infiltrate of lymphocytes grade II (dyskeratosis of some keratinocytes, exocytosis of (with rare lymphocytes in lower epidermis), hydrops degener- lymphocytes around necrotic keratinocytes in the epider- ation of basal layer of epidermis, and “satellite” cell necrosis. mis [“satellite phenomenon”]), grade III (the beginning of Hematoxylin and eosin, ×240. (Photo courtesy of Ivan Dobric,´ late signs in the basal membrane zone with sparse necro- MD, PhD, Zagreb, Croatia.) sis in the epidermis), and grade IV (complete depletion of repeated, that biopsies are taken, and that microbiological necrotic epidermis) (Figure 20.2).4 findings are available. Increased values of liver enzymes or These histopathologic changes are not specific to GI disorders can appear concomitantly with acute GVHD. GVHD, and similar ones can be found in viral exanthems, Another cause for consideration are the side effects of in drug eruptions, and post-chemotherapy. This is the rea- immunosuppressive therapy. son for the need for optimal timing for skin biopsies: 24–48 Physicians need to recognize atypical early skin involve- hours after exanthema, before administering GVHD ther- ment in acute GVHD in patients after SCT so that they can apy, repeated biopsies in the early phase of acute GVHD, promptly initiate appropriate treatment.18 There is a sug- with paraffin block serial slices for focal GVHD with mostly gestion of an association between acquired ichthyosis with follicular involvement.15 GVHD.19 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis in the setting of GVHD after SCT has also been described.20 Differential Diagnosis The clinical manifestations of viral exanthema and drug Prognosis of Acute GVHD eruption are similar to dermal manifestations in the ini- The morbidity and mortality rates that determine prog- tial phase of GVHD. Bullous changes take place after total nosis in progressive acute GVHD are high after SCT. beam radiotherapy, accompanied by palmoplantar pain and Whereas prognosis is good in cases of isolated skin GVHD stomatitis, some weeks later. Thus, it is imperative that or GVHD grade II when response to the first course of the diagnosis is clear-cut, that clinical examinations are therapy is positive, it is grave in patients with refractory Chapter 20 ● Graft Versus Host Disease 197 or severe GVHD. Even patients with GVHD grades II–IV have a low mortality rate if they react to initial therapy with complete remission. Fewer than 50% of patients with acute grades II–IV GVHD have long-term survival, so early diag- nosis and therapy are essential. The most prevalent causes of death are infections, bleeding, and suppression of liver function.

CHRONIC GVHD Chronic GVHD (100–500 days after SCT) is a multisystem disease, and between 30% and 50% of allogeneic transplan- tation patients develop it. The major risk factor for chronic GVHD is acute GVHD. Chronic GVHD can be either subclinical or clinical and either limited or extensive. Skin changes are local in 20% of cases and generalized in 80%. They can be progressive (32%) following acute GVHD as well as “de novo” (30%). Chronic GVHD can appear after ultraviolet radiation, trauma, or herpes zoster.4

Skin Manifestation of Chronic GVHD Skin is the most frequently targeted organ in chronic GVHD.4,13,15 The initial changes that take place, together with other early manifestations of chronic GVHD, include persistent face erythema with marked pigmentation, mouth dryness, and sensitivity to spicy food that can be associated with oral pain. Because skin changes can appear rapidly after sun exposure, sunscreens are vital for these patients. One fifth of them have a localized skin form of GVHD and rarely exhibit liver symptoms. The dermal expression is mostly lichen ruber planus (LRP), lichen sclerosus et FIGURE 20.3: Graft versus host disease, chronic stage, atrophicus, or skin lesions linear to or along Blaschko lines; lichenoid form. Papulous exanthema on the trunk. (Photo cour- circumscript scleroderma is rare (3%). Generalized forms tesy of Ivan Dobric,´ MD, PhD, Zagreb, Croatia.) seen in disseminated GVHD are erythema, desquamation, telangiectasia, and pigmentation disorder. There are two cicatricial alopecia, poikiloderma with alopecia in sclero- chronic disseminated GVHD forms: lichenoid and sclero- dermiform form, as well as vitiligo. dermiform. The former is similar to LRP and characterized Sclerodermiform GVHD is a severe sequela of chronic by livid-brown papules on the extremities (Figure 20.3). GVHD that often occurs before LRP GVHD (Fig- They are often present periorbitally, on the ears, hands, and ure 20.4). It is a type of sclerosis of the dermis with localized soles, and lichenoid papular lesions are sometimes localized morphea and generalized skin lesions that include contrac- at the hair follicles. Generalized skin lesions and erythro- tures and ulcers with possible superinfections. This form derma are rare. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation may is associated with HLA-A1-B1 and B2. Fasciitis is rare in appear after regression of the lesions, whereas hypopig- chronic GVHD, as are eosinophilic fasciitis and cellulitis.4 mentation is uncommon. Pityriasis rosacea-like lesions Extracutaneous manifestations in chronic GVHD rep- in GVHD with rapid regression have been described as resent severe multisystem disease with involvement of the well.4 liver (30%), GI tract (diarrhea ∼30%), lung (dyspnea, In addition to LRP, mucosal mouth lesions in chronic bronchitis), eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis), and the neu- GVHD include Wickham striae, erosions, ulcerations or romuscular system. Glomerulonephritis and arthritis are leukoplakia, painful erosions, and xerophthalmia similar to uncommon. that found in sicca syndrome. Nail disturbances are seen in approximately 40% of patients, and they range from ony- cholysis, pterygium, and atrophy to total nail loss. Clinical Stages of Chronic GVHD Sweat glands often show a disturbance of function until Chronic GVHD can start subclinically (∼30%) or display dehydration. Other changes include pigment loss in hair, clinical symptoms (70%) that are either localized (20%) 198 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 20.4: Graft versus host disease, chronic stage, scle- roderma form. Induration and hyperpigmentation of the skin. FIGURE 20.5: Graft versus host disease, chronic stage (Photo courtesy of Ivan Dobric,´ MD, PhD, Zagreb, Croatia.) lichenoid form. Histological feature: hypergranulosis and rare subepidermal bordered infiltrate of lymphocytes. Hematoxylin 4 or generalized (80%). The traditional clinical grading and eosin, ×200. (Photo courtesy of Ivan Dobric,´ MD, PhD, system11,12 is divided into three categories: subclinical Zagreb, Croatia.) grade I without evidence of GVHD but with positive his- tological findings; clinical grade II with limited disorders histologic parameters to differentiate between acute and and localized skin lesion and liver dysfunction; and clinical chronic GVHD. grade III with extensive skin lesions, liver dysfunction, and hair loss accompanied by histological evidence of aggres- sive hepatitis, necrotic lesions, and cirrhosis in addition to Differential Diagnosis other organ involvement, such as the eyes, oral mucosa, Differential diagnosis of chronic GVHD includes circum- colon, and lung.4,11,12 scribed and systemic scleroderma, lichenoid drug eruption, lupus erythematosus, pityriasis rosea, eosinophil fasciitis, Histological Changes in Chronic GVHD Sjogren¨ syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and primary bil- iary cirrhosis. As in acute GVHD, there are four histological forms:4 1) acanthosis, parakeratosis, hyperkeratosis, and hypergranu- losis of the epidermis; 2) lichenoid GVHD with lichenoid Prognosis of Chronic GVHD infiltrate and melanophages, eosinophils, and plasma cells Prognosis is more favorable, if the disease is limited to skin in the papillary dermis (Figure 20.5); 3) sclerodermiform or liver involvement. In cases of more extensive disease in GVHD with homogenous and swollen bundles of collagen which multiple organs are affected and there is inadequate and loss of appendages (Figure 20.6); and 4) atrophy of the response to therapy, 80% of the patients will die. The prog- epidermis (late phase). The lupus band test is positive in nosis of sclerodermiform GVHD is grave. Morbidity and 86% of biopsies in chronic GVHD. There are no specific mortality are highest in patients whose disease process had Chapter 20 ● Graft Versus Host Disease 199

antilymphocyte or antithymocyte serum, as in vivo T-cell reducers, is used as well. Basic prophylaxis can decrease the incidence of acute GVHD but not of chronic GVHD. The therapeutic regimen for corticosteroid-resistant cases con- sists of cyclophosphamide, antithymocyte globulin, anti- lymphocyte globulin, pentostatin or monoclonal antibody against T lymphocytes or against immunosystem media- tors (IL-2R, TNF-α).4 The addition of other immunosup- pressive therapeutic agents in GVHD comprises a risk for infections (fungal, viral) as well as associated Epstein–Barr virus lymphomas. Supportive therapy is fundamental for acute and chronic GVHD infections.4

Chronic GVHD Skin lesions are the first manifestations in 90% of GVHD cases, but all target organs must be evaluated before ther- apy is administered. CSA and corticosteroids comprise the initial therapy. When an alternative therapy is needed due to resistance, mycophenolate mofetil with tacrolimus is one option, having shown a good effect in 50% of patients with drug-resistant chronic GVHD. In isolated skin GVHD, photochemotherapy with 8-methoxypsoralen is effective as is D-penicillamine and azathioprine as well as high- dose thalidomide. Acitretin and clofazimine can be given for sclerodermiform GVHD resistant to etretinate. Extra- corporal photopheresis is also effective and has fewer side effects. Ultraviolet B phototherapy is considered adjuvant therapy in chronic GVHD.4 Causal therapy is not yet available. Known side effects of therapy associated with immunosuppression involve the kidney and lead to liver and bone-marrow impairment as well as to tumors. The FIGURE 20.6: Graft versus host disease, chronic stage, sclero- use of sunscreens is an important supplement to medica- derma form. Histological feature: acellular dermis with swollen tion. Therapy for GVHD patients should be in the hands bundles of collagen and loss of structure in the interfascicular of hematologists and dermatologists. space and subepidermal melanophages. (Photo courtesy of Ivan Dobric,´ MD, PhD, Zagreb, Croatia.) begun with acute GVHD and lowest in patients who had MANAGEMENT OF GVHD not undergone acute GVHD previously. The most preva- The influence of nonmyeloablative and ablative con- lent causes of death are bacterial and viral infections. ditioning regimens on the occurrence of acute and chronic GVHD was recently evaluated in 137 patients.21 PROPHYLAXIS AND THERAPY FOR GVHD Myeloablative regimens included intravenous bisulfan/ cyclophosphamide (n = 45) and fludarabine/melphalan The most important factor in primary prophylaxis is choice (n = 29). The nonmyeloablative group (n = 63) received of donors and histocompatibility. Drug prophylaxis is also fludarabine/idarubicin/cytarabine, cisplatin/fludarabine/ essential. idarubicin, and fludarabine/cyclophosphamide. The actu- arial rate of grades II–IV acute GVHD was significantly Acute GVHD higher in patients receiving ablative regimens (36%) Basic prophylaxis begins on the day of transplantation. compared with the nonmyeloablative group (12%). The It is initially intravenous and is followed by 6 months of cumulative incidence of chronic GVHD was higher in the oral cyclosporine A (CSA) in combination with methotrex- ablative group (40%) compared with the nonmyeloablative ate (MTX) or systemic corticosteroids instead of MTX. group (14%).21 The time of onset of GVHD and survival Tacrolimus is currently preferred over cyclosporine and rate were analyzed in 395 patients with hematologic some studies favor mycophenolate mofetil over MTX.4 In malignancies who underwent a nonmyeloablative reg- vitro physical separation of immunocompetent T cells or imen of 2 Gy total-body irradiation with or without 200 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

fludarabine followed by postgrafting immunosuppression provided the original figures of GVHD from his private with mycophenolate mofetil and CSA. The cumulative collection. incidences of grades II–IV acute GVHD and extensive chronic GVHD were 45% and 47%, respectively. High- dose corticosteroid treatment for acute or chronic GVHD REFERENCES was started at a median of 79 days and 30 days after trans- 1. Kohler S, Hendrickson MR, Chao NJ, Smoller BR. Value of 22 plantation, respectively. When the donors were related, skin biopsies in assessing prognosis and progression of acute the cumulative incidence of nonrelapse mortality among graft-versus-host disease. Am J Surg Pathol. 1997; 21:988–96. patients with GVHD was 55% at 4 years when prednisone 2. Zhou Y, Barnett MJ, Rivers JK. Clinical significance of skin was started before day 50. The authors concluded that biopsies in the diagnosis and management of graft-vs-host patients with early-onset GVHD after nonmyeloablative disease in early postallogeneic bone marrow transplantation. SCT from HLA-identical related donors might benefit Arch Dermatol. 2000; 136:717–21. from intensified primary immunosuppressive treatment.22 3. Vargas-Dıez´ E, Fernandez-Herrera´ J, Marin A, et al. Anal- The decision to treat immediately for GVHD without per- ysis of risk factors for acute cutaneous graft-versus-host dis- forming a skin biopsy provided the best patient outcomes.23 ease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Br J Dermatol. 2003; 148:1129–34. When the prevalence of GVHD was 50% or higher (typical 4. Karrer S. Cutaneous graft-versus-host disease. Hautarzt. for allogeneic SCT), the best outcomes were obtained with 2003; 54:465–80; quiz 481–2. treatment for GVHD and no skin biopsy. In populations 5. Ferrara JL, Deeg HJ. Graft-versus-host disease. N Engl J with a prevalence of GVHD of 30% or less, obtaining a Med. 1991; 324:667–74. skin biopsy specimen to guide treatment was predicted 6. Thomas ED, Storb R, Clift RA, et al. Bone-marrow trans- to provide the best patient outcome.23 The findings of a plantation. N Engl J Med. 1975; 292:895–902. recent report showed that a better therapeutic approach 7. Grimm J, Zeller W, Zander AR. Soluble interleukin-2 recep- would be to reduce the extent of immunosuppression and tor serum levels after allogeneic bone marrow transplanta- allow the patient’s immune system the opportunity to reject tions as a marker for GvHD. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998; the allograft donor T cells. The patients who responded 21:29–32. to withdrawal of immunosuppression had a later onset of 8. Holler E, Kolb HJ, Eissner G, Wilmanns W. Cytokines in GvH and GvL. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998; 22:S3–S6. symptoms and a lower level of donor CD3+ T cells at the 24 9. Klingebiel T, Schlegel PG. GVHD: overview on pathophys- start of treatment. Other investigators suggested that iology, incidence, clinical and biological features. Bone Mar- the patients with “composite” skin GVHD may benefit row Transplant. 1998; 21:S45–S49. from an earlier, more aggressive immunosuppressive 10. Goulmy E, Schipper R, Pool J, et al. Mismatches of minor interventional strategy.25 Imatinib showed a major impact histocompatibility antigens between HLA-identical donors on chronic myeloid leukemia treatment strategies. Indeed, and recipients and the development of graft-versus-host dis- GVHD involving the skin, liver, and digestive tract has ease after bone marrow transplantation. N Engl J Med. 1996; been described in the syngeneic transplant setting, either 334:281–5. with or without administration of prophylactic CSA: 11. Sullivan KM. Graft-versus-host disease. In: Thomas ED, Complete remission was achieved with imatinib.26 Blume KG, Jorman SJ, editors. 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18. Kuskonmaz B, Guc¨ ¸er S, Boztepe G, et al. Atypical skin graft- 23. Firoz BF, Lee SJ, Nghiem P, Qureshi AA. Role of skin vs-host disease following bone marrow transplantation in an biopsy to confirm suspected acute graft-vs-host disease: infant. Pediatr Transplant. 2007; 11:214–16. results of decision analysis. Arch Dermatol. 2006; 142:175– 19. Huang J, Pol-Rodriguez M, Silvers D, Garzon MC. Acquired 82. ichthyosis as a manifestation of acute cutaneous graft-versus- 24. Chinnakotla S, Smith DM, Domiati-Saad R, et al. Acute graft- host disease. Pediatr Dermatol. 2007; 24:49–52. versus-host disease after liver transplantation: role of with- 20. Kunishige JH, Hymes SR, Madkan V, et al. Epidermodyspla- drawal of immunosuppression in therapeutic management. sia verruciformis in the setting of graft-versus-host disease. J Liver Transpl. 2007; 13:157–61. Am Acad Dermatol. 2007; 57:S78–S80. 25. Bridge AT, Nelson RP, Schwartz JE, et al. Histological eval- 21. Couriel DR, Saliba RM, Giralt S, et al. Acute and chronic uation of acute mucocutaneous graft-versus-host disease in graft-versus-host disease after ablative and nonmyeloabla- nonmyeloablative hematologic stem cell transplants with an tive conditioning for allogeneic hematopoietic transplanta- observation predicting an increased risk of progression to tion. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2004; 10:178–85. chronic graft-versus-host disease. Am J Dermatopathol. 2007; 22. Mielcarek M, Burroughs L, Leisenring W, et al. Prognostic 29:1–6. relevance of ‘early-onset’ graft-versus-host disease following 26. Pelosini M, Galimberti S, Benedetti E, et al. Skin and stomach non-myeloablative haematopoietic cell transplantation. Br J graft versus host disease after syngeneic BMT in CML: a case Haematol. 2005; 129:381–91. report. Leuk Res. 2007; 31:1603–4. CHAPTER 21 Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis

Virendra N. Sehgal Govind Srivastava

AN EXTREME STATE of skin irritation resulting in surveys from India and The Netherlands, the annual inci- extensive erythema and/or scaling of the body in several dence was recorded as variable at 35–0.9 per 100,000 skin skin disorders may ultimately culminate in erythroderma/ patients.1,13 A study based on an analysis of 138 consecu- exfoliative dermatitis. Largely, it is a secondary process; tive erythroderma patients from South Africa found that therefore, determining its cause is needed to facilitate pre- 75% were black, 22.5% Indian, and 2.5% white.6 A large cise management.1 Its clinical pattern is fascinating and number of patients were HIV positive, where a drug reac- has been the subject of detailed studies: Its changing sce- tion was the most common cause, and men were affected 2– nario in various age groups,2–4 its presentation postoper- 3 times more frequently. atively, and its occurrence in human immunodeficiency The incidence as a function of age is usually variable, and virus (HIV)-positive individuals are vivid indicators. Sev- any age group may be affected; however, affected (exclud- eral factors may be responsible for the causation of this ing hereditary disorders/atopic dermatitis) patients are usu- extensive skin disorder. A detailed outline of a patient’s ally older than 45 years,1 with an average age of onset of history to elicit possible triggering events, namely, infec- 55 years. Erythroderma is a rather uncommon situation in tion, drug ingestion, topical application of medicaments, the pediatric age group. A sample of 80 patients with ery- and sun/ultraviolet light exposure, among other factors. It is throderma contained only 7 of the pediatric age group, of also challenging to manage the condition, because the intri- which only 3 belonged to 0–3 years and the other 4 to 4– cate process puts an extensive strain on an already compro- 13 years, equating to an incidence of 8.8%.1,14,15 Male-to- mised body system.1,2,5,6 In addition, the original dermato- female ratio was approximately equal, whereas age at onset sis may be masked by extensive erythema/scaling, thus mak- varied according to its etiology. In a significant study com- ing it difficult to obtain a clear-cut diagnosis. Its intriguing prising neonatal and infantile (up to 1 year) erythroderma, clinical expression in neonates/infants and children poses the composition was 30% in an immunodeficiency state, a serious emergent challenge for its life-threatening over- 24% in ichthyosis, 18% in Netherton syndrome, 20% had ture.7,8 papulosquamous/eczematous dermatoses, and a further 8% were idiopathic.16 DEFINITION Erythroderma and exfoliative dermatitis are largely ETIOLOGY synonymous; however, erythroderma is the preferred Erythroderma/generalized exfoliative dermatitis possesses term1,9,10 and is currently in vogue. The former is char- a wide spectrum of etiology, in both the pediatric and adult acterized by extensive and pronounced erythema, coupled population(Tables 21.1 and 21.2a, b). with perceptible scaling, whereas the latter is conspicuous Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis may embrace or by the presence of widespread erythema and marked scal- be caused by certain preexisting dermatosis, drug-induced ing. Accordingly, 90% or more skin-surface involvement is malignancy, and miscellaneous/idiopathic disorders.1,12 considered as a salient prerequisite to make a clinical diag- nosis of exfoliative dermatitis.1,11 Some disorders in infants may initially be localized and then eventually develop into Preexisting Dermatoses extensive erythema.12 Several dermatologic disorders or their therapy can result in exfoliative dermatitis( Tables 21.1 and 21.2a). This is the single most common cause of adult/pediatric exfolia- INCIDENCE tive dermatitis in the majority of studies.1,4,13,17–20 Psoriasis It is hard to obtain a precise incidence for erythro- is the most common cause of exfoliative dermatitis among derma/exfoliative dermatitis, as most reports are retrospec- adults.1,13 The causative disorders can be masked due tive and do not address the issue of overall incidence. In to generalized erythema and/or scaling and have to be

page 202 Chapter 21 ● Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis 203

TABLE 21.1: Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis in Children – TABLE 21.2a: Dermatoses Frequently Resulting in Exfoliative Etiology Dermatitis in Adults

Cause(s) Disease(s)/Syndrome(s) Common Uncommon

Immunologic Omenn syndrome Psoriasis Candidiosis disorders Graft versus host disease Airborne contact dermatitis Dermatophytosis Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Seborrheic dermatitis Mastocytosis Hypogammaglobulinemia Atopic dermatitis Lichen planus DiGeorge syndrome Staphylococcal scalded Reiter syndrome Metabolic/nutrition Kwashiorkor skin syndrome Toxic epidermal necrolysis disorders Renal failure Phytophotodermatitis Diffuse/erythrodermic mastocytosis Acrodermatitis enteropathica Photosensitive dermatitis Sarcoidosis Cystic fibrosis dermatitis Pityriasis rubra pilaris Pemphigoid Leiner disease Pemphigus foliaceus Lupus erythematosus Stasis dermatitis Crusted (Norwegian) scabies Infections Amino acid disorders Ichthyosiform erythroderma Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Scarlet fever Neonatal candidiasis Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/ Toxic shock syndrome exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. Toxicities/drug Boric acid toxicity reactions Drug-induced erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis sitivity may often mimic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in Part component Netherton syndrome terms of both clinical features and histopathology. Fortu- of various SjogrenÐLarsson¬ syndrome nately, it resolves after withdrawal of the offending drug(s) syndrome(s) KeratitisÐichthyosisÐdeafness syndrome and the administration of supportive therapy. Ectodermal dysplasias Neutral lipid storage disease with ichthyosis ConradiÐHunermann¬ syndrome Trichothiodystrophy Malignancies Cutaneous Atopic dermatitis One of the clinical expressions of reticuloendothe- disorders Psoriasis vulgaris lial neoplasms and internal blood vessel malignancies IchthyosisÐharlequin, lamellar, bullous may be erythroderma. The latter invariably affect older Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis individuals, and erythema/exfoliative dermatitis is con- Toxic epidermal necrolysis sidered to be a salient cutaneous marker of internal Pityriasis rubra pilaris Seborrheic dermatitis malignancy. Lymphomas in general and T-cell lymphoma Crusted scabies (comprising mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome

Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/ TABLE 21.2b: Common Drugs Causing Exfoliative Dermatitis exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. in Adults carefully looked.21,22 In young children, the dermatoses Acetaminophen Minocycline form the main cause of erythroderma. Actinomycin-D Nitrofurantoin Allopurinol Omeprazole Arsenic Para-amino salicylic acid Drugs Barbiturates Penicillin Topical and systemic medications are notorious for pre- Captopril Phenothiazine cipitating erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis. An appar- Chloroquine diphosphate Phenytoin Chlorpromazine Quinidine ent increase in the drug-induced instances may be directly Cimetidine Rifampicin 1,14,23–27 proportional to the introduction of new drugs. Dapsone Streptomycin Apart from the well-known allopathic medicines, home- Gold Sulfadiazine opathic, Unani, Ayurvedic, herbal, and common home Hydantoin sodium Sulfonylurea remedies have been incriminated.1,15 Many drug erup- Interferon Tetracycline Isoniazid/isonicotinic hydrazide Thalidomide tions that commonly present as morbilliform, lichenoid, Isotretinoin Tolbutamide or urticarial forms may often progress to extensive ery- Lithium Vancomycin thema and exfoliation. The inventory of drugs causing Mercurials erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis is increasing; however, the most common are shown in Table 21.2b. Drug-induced Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/ erythroderma due to dapsone/antileprosy drug hypersen- exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. 204 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

[its leukemia variant, in particular]) are often reported to tive erythroderma showed a T-helper-1 cytokine profile, present as exfoliative dermatitis. In adults they constitute indicating that, although clinically similar, they have dif- more than 25%–40% of cases of malignancy-related ery- ferent underlying pathogenic mechanisms. In addition to throdermas.4,13,14,28–31 Exfoliative dermatitis may precede, these basic alterations, all earlier mentioned disorders have accompany, or follow T-cell lymphomas, and its appear- their own specific pathogenesis. ance may be identical to that of benign erythroderma. An immunophenotypic study with the use of advanced anti- CLINICAL PRESENTATION/CONNOTATION body panels may be required to distinguish it from the benign form.32 Reticular cell sarcoma, acute and chronic Exfoliative dermatitis starts as patch(es) of erythema leukemia, and malignant histiocytosis are a few other impli- accompanied by pruritus. The patch(es) enlarge and coa- cated conditions. Carcinoma of the colon, lung, prostate, lesce to form extensive areas of erythema, which eventually thyroid, fallopian tubes, larynx, and esophagus have also spread to cover all or most of the skin surface. Exfolia- been alleged to cause the condition. An insidious, debil- tive dermatitis is also associated with profuse scaling, which itating, progressive course, absence of a history of a pre- has its onset 2–6 days after erythema with individual varia- vious skin disorder, and recalcitrant nature may warrant tions. The acute form is heralded by the formation of large an exploration of the possibility of an underlying malig- scales, whereas the chronic form is recognized by small nancy.1,15,33–35 scales. The skin is conspicuously bright red, dry, scaly, hot, and indurated. Mild to severe pruritus is usually present. In addition, the nails become thick, lusterless, dry, brittle, and Miscellaneous/Idiopathic Disorders show ridging of the nail plate. Periorbital skin inflammation Hepatitis, irradiation, acquired immune deficiency syn- and edema cause ectropion and epiphora. Lymphadenopa- drome (AIDS), graft versus host disease (GVHD), Ofuji thy, hepatosplenomegaly, edema of the feet/ankles, and papuloerythroderma, Omenn syndrome, and several cuta- gynecomastia may also be observed. The basal metabolic neous disorders can also cause the condition from infancy rate is increased, and a catabolic state causes significant to old age.1,15,36–38 Other cutaneous disorders causing weight loss over time. At times, patients can slip into erythroderma are discussed in the “Clinical Features/ an irreversible hypothermia or hyperthermia. The former Connotation” section. Despite the best endeavors, a small may result in ventricular bradycardia and hypotension. An proportion of patients remain in whom no clear-cut etiol- increased peripheral blood flow may result in high-output ogy can be defined; their disorders are classified as idio- cardiac failure. All body systems may be affected by these pathic. A sustained effort during the course of follow-up manifestations. The general picture is modified according 1,15 may lead to the precise definition of the etiology.1,15 to the nature of the underlying disorder.

PATHOGENESIS Cutaneous Disorder Atopic Dermatitis. This condition is a well-conceived clin- The pathogenesis of the erythroderma/exfoliative dermati- ical cutaneous expression of atopy. It is a pruritic, eczema- tis appears complex. It is surmised that the condition tous dermatosis, the clinical manifestations of which chron- develops secondary to an intricate interaction of cytokines ically fluctuate with remissions and relapses. (Figure 21.1) and cellular adhesion molecules; interleukin 1, 2, and 8; intercellular adhesion molecule 1; and the tumor necrotic factor.39 These interactions result in a dramatic increase in the epidermal turnover rate, accelerated mitotic rate, and an increased absolute number of the germinative skin cells. The time required for cells to mature and travel through the epidermis is decreased and is manifested as an increased loss of epidermal material, together with a sig- nificant loss of protein and folate.40 In contrast, the exfo- liation of normal epidermis is much less and contains very little important viable material, such as nucleic acids, solu- ble proteins, or amino acids. Abel and colleagues41 studied the immunophenotypic characteristics of benign (psoriasis, dermatitis, drug induced) and malignant (Sezary syndrome, mycosis fungoides) forms of erythroderma, and found them to be similar. In immunohistochemical studies,42 the dermal infiltrate in patients with Sezary syndrome mainly showed a T-helper-2 cytokine profile, whereas benign reac- FIGURE 21.1: Atopic dermatitis. Chapter 21 ● Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis 205

harlequin ichthyosis are born with generalized thick hyper- keratotic covering, which may prove fatal following acute respiratory distress. Bullous (epidermolytic hyperkerato- sis) ichthyosis initially may present with widespread areas of denuded skin. Gradually, blistering diminishes and is replaced with ichthyosiform erythroderma with overt clin- ical features.8,46

Diffuse Cutaneous Mastocytosis. This condition is a well- appreciated rare entity in which the entire skin is heavily infiltrated with mast cells. Trivial injury, trauma, and pres- sure may cause extensive urtication and bullae formation. Unlike the adult-onset variety, cutaneous mastocytosis of infancy and childhood may regress spontaneously.47 FIGURE 21.2: Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis: psoriatic erythroderma. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. This is a fascinating clinical expression wherein there is widespread blistering of the skin and/or mucous membrane. There is an extensive sloughing Most individuals with atopic dermatitis have an atopic of the epidermis and dermis, and underneath the slough is diathesis identified through personal or family history of “naked” and is attended by enormous exudation. There is asthma, allergic rhinitis, and/or conjunctivitis and atopic a considerable loss of proteins and electrolytes. There is im- dermatitis and/or predisposition to overproduction of paired thermoregulation and altered immunologic func- immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Infants and chil- tion; hence, patients are infection prone. This reaction pat- dren are most commonly affected. Erythema, exudation, tern is mediated through the breakdown products or toxins papules, vesiculopapules, scales, and crust are its salient of the microorganism, antibiotic medication administered acute lesions. It may transform itself into erythroderma. to treat infective disorders, and/ or polysorbate toxicity. Despite being widespread, the child is apparently well and The condition is most frequently encountered in adults, thriving. Sparing of axilla and groins distinguishes it clini- but occasionally has been reported in infants.48–50 cally from seborrheic dermatitis in typical cases.1,15,43,44 Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris. Erythroderma following pityr- Psoriasis. Psoriasis is the most common underlying disor- iasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is fairly diagnostic, as it usually der, and its features may be present until the whole body starts in childhood or adulthood51,52 and the lesions occupy develops exfoliative dermatitis. In a few cases, generalized the hair follicle in the form of papules and/or plaques pustular psoriasis may also be present. There may be a with “islands of sparing.” Reddish follicular papules and/or history of preceding plaque(s); treatment with tar, potent plaques with thick, dry scales comprise its cardinal clin- steroids, or psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) therapy; intermit- ical expression (Figure 21.3). Invariably, it has an acute tent infections; or emotional stress.1,15 onset and is usually accompanied by pruritus. It is inher- Congenital erythrodermic psoriasis is extremely uncom- ited as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expres- mon, which is also true in infancy; however, its incidence sion and reduced penetrance. The familial form of PRP is directly proportional to the increase in age. The clin- typically begins in early childhood with a gradual onset, ical features of psoriasis are similar to those observed in and most of the familial cases are of type V (atypical juve- adults with psoriatic erythroderma (Figure 21.2).1,45 The nile type). The remainder of the familial cases belong to prognosis of the condition is poor in infants and young either type III (classic juvenile) or type IV (circumscribed children.8,16 juvenile).49–54

Ichthyosis. Several syndromes with ichthyosis as an impor- Seborrheic Dermatitis. This condition is a fairly common tant component may be responsible for erythroderma in cause of erythroderma in children, less so in adults, and infants and children. Harlequin fetus, bullous ichthyosis, presents as erythematous moist, scaly lesions that occupy lamellar ichthyosis, and congenital ichthyosiform ery- the seborrheic sites, namely scalp, axilla, neck, napkin, throderma (CIE) are its other clinical variants and are retroauricular area, and front and back of the chest. The required to be taken cognizance of. A collodian membrane scales are large, greasy, and yellow. It is amenable to vari- encasement is an essential part of both CIE and lamellar ous treatments.4,12 ichthyosis. In CIE, it is replaced with exfoliative erythro- derma, whereas in lamellar ichthyosis it is followed by Crusted Scabies. Crusted or hyperkeratotic scabies is usu- generalized ichthyosis with plate-like scales. Infants with ally nonpruritic owing to impairment of the sensory nerves. 206 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

confirmation by western blot is mandatory to establish the diagnosis of HIV. The condition is amenable to specific topical and oral treatment.38,55

Immunologic Disorders Omenn Syndrome/Familial Reticuloendotheliosis. This condition has infrequently been diagnosed in the recent past; nonetheless, the demonstration of abnormal histi- ocytic appearing cells in the skin, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver are significant. Erythroderma, failure to thrive, pronounced lymphadenopathy, and recurrent infections are the salient clinical features. Marked leukocyto- sis, eosinophilia, anemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and depressed T-cell immunity are its other supplements. T lymphocytes CD4 5RO+ may be demonstrated at the molecular level,16 and a skin biopsy may confirm the diag- nosis16,18 and help in differentiating it from Netherton syn- drome and GVHD although it is mostly fatal. Cyclosporin and bone-marrow transplantation can be effective thera- pies.12,56–58

HypoGammaglobulinemia. An infant who is apparently normal at birth but who subsequently develops fever, diar- rhea, and rapidly progressive generalized exfoliative der- matitis (erythroderma) may have hypogammaglobuline- mia. Monthly replenishment by intravenous infusion of gamma globulin alleviates fever and erythema.59

GVHD. This condition is known to occur in infants who, unknowingly, are transfused with nonirradiated blood or have received small amount of maternal blood by placenta in utero. Usually these infants have primary immunode- ficiency. Its clinical presentation is a nonspecific morbilli- form eruption, which gradually progresses to erythroderma with epidermal sloughing.12,60

Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma. Cutaneous T-cell lym- phoma (CTCL) is a rare entity in children and is likely to be overlooked; however, in particular cases its features FIGURE 21.3: Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis: developing in (juvenile) pityriasis rubra pilaris. are lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and lymphocytosis. Sezary-like notched cells can be identified in the periph- eral blood smear. In contrast to Omenn syndrome, the immunoglobulin G levels are elevated. Its histopathology It is characterized by sand-like, thick, tan crusts that flake is pathognomonic.12,60 off revealing underlining normal skin. The lesions are usu- ally generalized. Fissures may be a constant source of fatal septic events. Crusted lesions are frequently encountered DiGeorge Syndrome. This condition is an uncommon in immunocompromised HIV/AIDS and are a potential cause of erythroderma and is characterized by maculopapu- source of perpetuating the disease in the form of epidemics. lar/eczematous lesions that may progress to cover the whole The diagnosis is confirmed through the demonstration of the skin surface. In severe combined immunodeficiency, of Sarcoptes scabiei. A first- and second-generation screen- the affected child often develops localized/widespread ing test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) followed by eczematous or seborrheic dermatitis.61 Chapter 21 ● Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis 207

Metabolic/Nutritional Disorders is generalized rapidly and progresses to sloughing and Kwashiorkor Cryoglobulins. This is a common form erosions. Histopathology examination often will distin- of routine malnutrition in both underdeveloped and guish it from toxic epidermal necrolysis. Occasionally, developing countries. It may present with generalized ery- widespread staphylococcal pustulation resembling gener- thema, edema, and increased skin fragility. Excessive pro- alized candidiasis may develop in a healthy child; however, tein loss may result in renal and/or hepatic failure in older culture is usually positive for Staphylococcus. Accordingly, children.12 response to a relevant antimicrobial is ensured.12,66

Acrodermatitis Enteropathica. This condition is a well- Scarlet Fever. This condition forms an important differ- recognized clinical entity in infants and children. The ini- ential diagnosis of rubella, toxic shock syndrome, severe tial lesions are vesiculobullous, crusted, or psoriasiform in staphylococcal infection, drug eruptions, mononucleosis, mostly perioral and perianal locations. It is usually accom- and exanthem subitum. The erythroderma is transient panied by diarrhea, photophobia, and irritability. In addi- and successfully resolves following administration of peni- tion to low serum zinc levels, serum alkaline phosphatase cillin/erythromycin. levels are also reduced, as this enzyme is zinc dependent. A similar condition may be observed in children with Congenital Neonatal Candidosis. The initial lesions are in AIDS.12,62 the form of a maculopapular eruption. Congenital candi- dosis gradually supervenes with the appearance of classi- Cystic Fibrosis Dermatitis. Initial presentation of this dis- cal pustules, especially over the palms and soles. It spreads ease is quite different and is characterized by the devel- rapidly and often involves the umbilicus. The diagnosis is opment of severe, rapidly progressive, and unresponsive easy: either through the demonstration of mycelia/conidia psoriasiform lesions. Pulmonary and gastrointestinal com- in 10% potassium hydroxide mount or on Gram stain fol- ponents complicate the condition later. The skin lesions lowed by positive culture of Candida spp. Sometimes sys- may resolve following administration of pancreatic temic antifungals cause rapid resolution of the disease, and enzymes and nutritional supplements.63 in the neonatal form of generalized cutaneous candidiasis the lesions start in the oral cavity or napkins area.12,67 Leiner Disease. This condition is composed of a group of disorders with similar presentations characterized by ery- Toxic Shock Syndrome. The clinical features of this con- throderma, diarrhea, and failure to thrive. Ever since its first dition include fever, hypertension, and diffuse macular description, several innovations have been made, including blanching erythroderma, followed by desquamation of the that by Glover and colleagues,59 who proved that some of palms and soles. Dysfunction of various organs or systems the affected individuals with Leiner phenotype may have an may be life threatening. Surgical wound infection of the associated immunodeficiency. Where the infant is appar- skin, subcutaneous and/or soft tissue, and also of bone may 12,49 ently normal at birth and dermatitis and diarrhea make an be predisposing factor(s). early appearance, then the latter is severe and chronic. The dermatitis is associated with progressive erythema and ero- TOXICITY AND DRUG REACTIONS sions, which may ultimately become generalized. The con- dition does not respond to topical/oral medication. Ade- Boric Acid Toxicity quate nutritional support along with hyperalimentation and Maculopapular lesions progressing to erythema, edema, 12,59,64 individualized treatment may be helpful. and desquamation are the salient clinical features of this condition, and the Nikolsky sign may be positive. Other Amino-Acid Disorders. Several reports have demonstrated features include alopecia, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and the deficiency of various amino acids and their association irritability caused by inadvertent absorption of boric acid with erythroderma. Maple syrup urine disease is an inter- powder from the diaper area, where boric acid has been esting example. Its treatment includes restriction of essen- used as a dusting powder.68 tial amino acids; otherwise, the severity of the dermatitis worsens with increased control on amino-acid intake.65 Drug Induced Drug-induced erythroderma in children is commonly Infections observed with sulfonamide, isoniazid, streptomycin, non- Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome. Unlike other ery- steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, and antiepileptic drugs; throdermas in children, staphylococcal scalded skin syn- however, cases have also been recorded with Ayurvedic, drome (SSSS) onset is acute and accompanied by fever, sys- Unani, homeopathic, and indigenous medications (Table temic toxicity, and a positive Nikolsky sign. The erythema 21.2b). A history of drugs for certain dermatoses/systemic 208 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY disorders may be elicited prior to the onset of exfoliative Neutral Lipid Storage Disease with Ichthyosis dermatitis. Erythema is acute in onset and progresses to (Dorfman–Chanarin Syndrome) generalized exfoliation, which may resolve over the course This condition resembles CIE. Demonstration of lipid vac- of 2–6 weeks.1 Topical preparations have caused general- uoles in the skin and elsewhere in the body supports its diag- ization of the existing dermatoses in a proportion of cases. nosis. It may also have features such as cataract, myopathy, If the incriminating drug(s) is withdrawn and symptomatic sensory-neural deafness, and growth retardation.12,72 treatment instituted, the prognosis is excellent.49

Conradi–H ¨unermannSyndrome VARIOUS SYNDROMES This condition affects infants and is characterized by the presence of bands of ichthyosiform erythroderma along the Trichothiodystrophy (Tay Syndrome) lines of Blaschko. The bands resolve in due course, leav- The affected newborn may have collodion membrane and ing behind follicular atrophoderma. Radiography shows an erythroderma with other features, including brittle, sparse asymptomatic, focal, enchondral calcific strippling.12,73 hair, variable ichthyosis, and central nervous system mani- festations. Erythroderma resolves itself during infancy.12,69 HEMODYNAMIC/METABOLIC DISTURBANCES The disease may cause an enormous aberration of body Netherton Syndrome metabolism. The increased skin blood flow may cause Infants and children affected with this disorder show a gen- hypothermia and profound heat loss. Compensatory hyper- eralized exfoliative erythroderma. Trichorrhexis invaginata metabolism and an increased basal metabolic rate with- (bamboo hair) and atopy are its other features. The dis- out any primary increase in thyroid activity may ensue. ease may be confused with generalized atopic dermatitis. A Excessive protein loss through scaling and leaking through genetic linkage has been established to the SPINK-5 gene skin, hemodilution due to the increased plasma column, locus on chromosome 5q32 encoding the serum protease and hypermetabolism may contribute to hyperalbumine- inhibitor LEKTI. This information may be useful in pre- mia and severe edema. High-output cardiac failure may natal testing in any subsequent pregnancy of the mother of occur at any time.1,2,74 the affected child.70 HISTOPATHOLOGY

Sjogren–Larsson¨ Syndrome The histopathology of exfoliative dermatitis often reveals a nonspecific picture, consisting of orthokeratosis (hyperker- Coincident with erythroderma occurring during infancy, atosis, parakeratosis), acanthosis, and a chronic perivascular the affected child has scaling, spasticity, and mental retar- inflammatory infiltrate with or without eosinophilia. The dation. The diagnosis is made on the basis of enzyme clinicopathologic correlation in erythroderma is difficult, assays on leukocytes, fibroblasts, or skin biopsy, which may because the specific features of the dermatosis are masked reveal a deficiency of enzyme fatty alcohol oxidoreduc- by the nonspecific features of erythroderma.10 In a study tase.69 on Sezary syndrome, the diagnosis was established by the clonal population of T cells in the blood, despite a lack of diagnostic features on biopsy.75 Others clinicians76 advo- Keratitis–Ichthyosis–Deafness cated that the submission of multiple simultaneous biop- Keratitis–ichthyosis–deafness syndrome is a rare disorder sies from the affected skin enhanced the accuracy of the in which the infant usually has diffusely thickened erythe- histopathologic diagnosis, and the cause could be identi- matous skin, which peels off in the course of the first week fied in up to one half of cases. The stage of the disease of life. Subsequently, atypical prominent follicular keratosis can modify the histopathologic picture; in the acute stage, is identified over the head and extremities. In the following spongiosis and parakeratosis are prominent, whereas in the years or decades, keratoconjunctivitis with noticeable vas- chronic stage acanthosis and elongated rete ridges are seen. cularization (pannus), along with neurosensory deafness, Despite the uniformity of the clinical expression of erythro- 71 occurs. derma, diagnostic histopathologic features of the underly- ing disease are retained in the majority of patients.77 Skin biopsies from characteristic clinical lesions may often con- Ectodermal Dysplasias firm the diagnosis of psoriasis, PRP, ichthyosiform ery- Erythroderma is rather an uncommon feature of the dis- throderma, or pemphigus foliaceus.1,48,78 Drug-induced ease, and other pathognomonic features help in the diag- exfoliative dermatitis may often reveal a lichenoid inter- nosis of this disorder.12 face dermatosis histopathology.79 In erythroderma due to Chapter 21 ● Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis 209

TABLE 21.3: Histological Clues to the Diagnosis of Erythroderma

Disease Histologic clues

Psoriasis Parakeratosis, Munro microabscess, suprapapillary plate thinning, squirting papillae, regular acanthosis Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Exocytosis of mononuclear cells, epidermotropism, Pautrier microabscesses (CTCL)/Sezary Drug reaction Vascular change, necrotic keratinocytes Actinic reticuloid Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, superficial and deep mixed dermal infiltrate with some atypical mononuclear cells Pityriasis rubra pilaris Alternating orthokeratosis and parakeratosis (vertically and horizontally) with or without keratotic plugging Sarcoidosis Dermal noncasketing epithelioid “naked” cell granulomas; occasional, giant cells surrounded by sparse lymphocytes Contact dermatitis Spongiosis, eosinophils within dermal infiltrate Lymphoproliferative diseases Interstitial pattern of atypical cells between collagen bundles Scabies Perivascular and interstitial infiltrates with eosinophils, scabetic mite/scybala/fecal pellets in stratum corneum Dermatophytosis Focal parakeratosis, hyphae in stratum corneum Pemphigus Supra basal intraepidermal cleavage, acantholytic keratinocytes, (acantholytic cells), direct immunofluorescence depicting IgG-bound cell surface, circulating antibodies Pemphigoid Subepidermal bulla with eosinophils Acute graft versus host disease Vacuolar change, satellite cell necrosis Atopic dermatitis Spongiosis, eosinophils within dermal infiltrate Seborrheic dermatitis Parakeratosis with neutrophils at lips of follicular ostia Dermatomyositis/Subcutaneous Vacuolar change, colloid bodies increased dermal mucin lupus erythematosis Idiopathic subacute Parakeratosis, spongiosis, epidermal hyperplasia, papillary dermal edema, superficial perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate Idiopathic chronic Compact hyperkeratosis, psoriasiform hyperplasia, little spongiosis, papillary dermal thickening

Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. lymphoma, the infiltrate may gradually become polymor- count was observed in patients with erythroderma in the phic until it acquires specific diagnostic features. This absence of HIV disease, as a consequence of sequestration makes repeated skin biopsies, additional investigations of of the lymphocytes in the skin.81 Circulating Sezary cells lymphocytes in peripheral blood, and sustained follow- at greater than 20% are indicative of Sezary syndrome, up in dubious situations mandatory to permit the correct but at less than 10% are nonspecific findings in erythro- diagnosis.76 Microscopic clues to the diagnosis of erythro- derma. Immunophenotyping, flow cytometry, and, in par- derma, if reviewed systematically, can reveal the underlying ticular, B-cell and T-cell gene rearrangement analysis may diagnosis (Table 21.3). be helpful in confirming the diagnosis of lymphoma when Additional tests to increase the diagnostic speci- it is strongly suspected.3 Actinic retinoid is differentiated ficity include immunophenotyping and direct immuno- from Sezary syndrome by the increased CD8+ T cells in fluorescence.75 the latter and the nuclear contour index of peripheral blood lymphocytes.75 A detailed guide to investigations is given in Table 21.4. INVESTIGATIONS/DIAGNOSIS A detailed history of the sequence of events leading Mild anemia, leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedi- to the development of erythroderma/exfoliative dermati- mentation rate, hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, and tis is a prerequisite in all patients. Often the clues obtained hyperuricemia are frequent findings.4,10,14,75 Increased IgE may help in the diagnosis and appropriate management. A may be observed in erythroderma when caused by atopic thorough clinical examination is required to diagnose the dermatitis and drug reactions, although it has also been etiology of exfoliative dermatitis and to allow appropriate reported in other settings.75 A decreased CD4+ T-cell urgent symptomatic treatment. An astute practitioner will 210 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 21.4: Investigations/Laboratory Tests – Basic Investigations MANAGEMENT All cases should be considered as a dermatologic emergency • Weight, temperature, pulse, respiratory rate charting and should preferably be hospitalized for treatment. Seri- • Fluid intake/output charting ous general medical problems may occur in due course if • Complete hemogram, total and differential leukocyte counts, absolute platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation not appropriately treated. The initial management of all rate types of erythroderma is the same regardless of the etiol- • Liver and kidney function tests, including serum electrolytes ogy. The principle of management is to maintain skin mois- • Histopathology ture, avoid scratching, avoid precipitating factors, apply • Schedule urine macroscopy and microscopy topical steroids, and treat the underlying cause and com- • Electrocardiogram (ECG) and chest radiograph plications.1,15,49,75 The patient requires a regulated envi- Disease-specific investigations: ronmental temperature, avoiding cooling and overheating. • Skin scrapings/KOH (Norwegian scabies/Extensive tinea Together with general management, all unnecessary med- corporis) • Patch test (after recovery, for suspected allergic contact ication should be avoided. Cutaneous applications should dermatitis, photoallergic contact dermatitis, airborne contact be soothing and mild due to the already inflamed skin. dermatitis) Mild topical steroids/emollients after lukewarm washing • Serum immunoglobulin E (atopic dermatitis) can act as an antipruritic. Antihistamines (H1 receptor) can • Serum and urine protein electrophoresis (multiple be administered to enhance the effect. myeloma) • Angiotensin-converting enzyme levels, serum calcium After the acute irritated state of the skin has improved, (sarcoidosis) further treatment can be undertaken according to the eti- • Cultures may show bacterial overgrowth or the herpes ology. Antimicrobials can be added to control secondary simplex virus infections. Any hemodynamic or metabolic aberrations • + + CD4 T-cell count/CD8 T cells must be addressed appropriately. Each case requires regular • Human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2 testing, including western blot test, to exclude acquired immunodeficiency monitoring of protein, electrolyte balance, circulatory sta- syndrome tus, and body temperature. Blood urea, serum electrolyte, • Immunology-antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, and fluid balance should be monitored. anti-DNA Erythroderma commonly resists therapy until the • Fine-needle aspiration cytology lymph nodes, bone-marrow underlying disease is treated (e.g., phototherapy, systemic examination (lymphoma/leukemia) • Direct immunofluorescence (Pemphigus foliaceous, medications in psoriasis). The outcome is unpredictable lichen planus, lupus erythematosus, graft versus host in idiopathic erythroderma, and the course is marked by disease) multiple exacerbations; prolonged glucocorticoid therapy • Immunophenotyping, flow cytometry, and particularly, B-cell is often needed. Appropriate inpatient/outpatient medica- and T-cell gene rearrangement analysis Ð if lymphoma is tions are influenced by the underlying etiology of erythro- strongly suspected • Workup for occult malignancy, if suspected: chest radiograph, derma. For example, prednisone may be contraindicated computed tomography scan and ECG, ultrasonography in exfoliative dermatitis secondary to psoriasis, whereas abdomen, stool for occult blood, mammography, retinoids are an excellent choice for this disease. Systemic sigmoidoscopy, prostate examination, cervical smear, as steroids may be helpful in some cases, but should be avoided indicated in suspected cases of psoriasis and SSSS.84 Low-dose methotrexate or cyclosporin can be safely administered in Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/ erythrodermic psoriasis.1,49 Carbamazepine is effective in exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. the treatment of psoriatic erythroderma;85 however, the same drug has caused exfoliative dermatitis/erythroderma in a few studies.86 Similarly, methotrexate therapy for pso- be able to identify the nature of the underlying dermatosis riasis has been reported to cause exfoliative dermatitis.87 and proceed to confirm his or her suspicions. Histopathol- The ideal treatment for erythrodermic cutaneous lym- ogy is paramount and is rewarding in more than 50% of phoma is still elusive. Various modalities, such as systemic cases if a diligent effort is made. Fine needle aspiration steroids, PUVA, total-body electron-beam irradiation, top- cytology may be vital to distinguish between dermatopathic ical nitrogen mustard, systemic chemotherapy, and extra- and malignant lymphadenopathy. In a recent development. corporeal plasmapheresis, have been tried with variable re- Heteroduplex analysis of T-cell receptor gamma gene rear- sults.88 A proposed plan of treatment is given in Table 21.5. rangement can be used as an important diagnostic tool in Evaluation of infants and children suffering from ery- skin biopsies to classify the underlying etiology of erythro- throderma/exfoliative dermatitis is paramount. It not only derma.82 T-cell clonality analysis may be useful for the assists in forming the precise treatment strategy, but also diagnoses of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in patients with alleviates the anxiety of the child’s carer who will be con- erythroderma.83 fronted with a dilemma. It is, therefore, imperative to arrive Chapter 21 ● Erythroderma/Exfoliative Dermatitis 211

TABLE 21.5: Treatment of Erythroderma

General Specific (topical) Specific (systemic) Disease specific

-Inpatient care required -Topical steroids (Triamcinolone -Sedative antihistamine H1 Psoriasis Ð Methotrexate, -Adequate bed rest and acetonide cream 0.025%Ð receptor (Hydroxyzine retinoids, phototherapy sedation 1.0%) under wet dressing hydrochloride 25Ð50 mg orally Atopic dermatitis Ð Systemic every 4Ð6 h)/any other steroids, antibiotics, antivirals -Monitor fluid intake/electrolyte balance/temperature regulation -Apply tap water wet dressings -Institute systemic antibiotics Pityriasis rubra pilaris Ð 2Ð3 hourly; gradually reduce (to cover secondary infection by Retinoids, methotrexate, -High protein diet/nutritional frequency, followed by Staphylococcus aureus) systemic steroids support emollients application Toxic epidermal necrolysis Ð -Discontinue all unnecessary Intravenous immunoglobulins medications -Daily tepid bath may be -Systemic steroids (used with Lymphoma Ð Extracorporeal soothing. caution) Ð atopic dermatitis, phototherapy, PUVA, seborrheic dermatitis; avoid in alkylating-agents psoriasis and infections; taper Scabies Ð Permethrin 5%, down Ivermectin 200 µg/kg

PUVA, psoralen plus UVA. Data adapted from Sehgal VN, Srivastava G, Sardana K. Erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis Ð a synopsis. Int J Dermatol. 2004; 43:39Ð47. at a probable diagnosis based on the salient clinical features exfoliative dermatitis recover completely if initial medi- vide supra and relevant investigations. The differential diag- cal management is promptly undertaken.75 Despite skilled nosis of erythroderma/exfoliative dermatitis in infants and efforts, exfoliative dermatitis can sometimes prove fatal, children is intricate, bizarre, and extensive. Common causes especially in elderly patients. Secondary infection, dehy- of the disease should be considered in the first instance, dration, electrolyte imbalance, temperature dysregulation, and it is worthwhile to recapitulate atopic dermatitis, seb- and high-output cardiac failure are potential complications orrheic dermatitis, toxicity/drug reactions, and infections in all cases. as the most common causes of erythroderma.1,2,49,75 Postinflammatory hypopigmentation or hyperpigmen- The basic management of erythroderma is supportive tation may occur, especially in individuals with dark skin. therapy and correction of the hematologic, biochemical, Generalized vitiligo or pyogenic granuloma has also been and metabolic imbalances. A regulated environmental tem- recorded after exfoliative dermatitis.88,92 Nevi and keloid perature gives symptomatic relief to the affected patient. formation are rare benign sequelae, as are alopecia and nail Liberal uses of emollients are useful in soothing the irri- dystrophies.8 In initial documented studies, the recorded tated skin. Low-potency topical corticosteroids are use- death rate varied from 18% to 64%;1,14,49,75 however, the ful in only a few patients and may be ineffective or even mortality has been reduced due to advances in more rapid harmful in other patients. The authors and other skeptics diagnosis and improved therapeutic regimens. do have severe reservations.1,49 The unfolding of underly- ing pathology may prove useful in defining an appropriate treatment.74 Thus, a judicious individualized approach is REFERENCES required when treating erythroderma/exfoliative dermati- 1. Sehgal VN, Srivastava G. Exfoliative dermatitis – a prospec- tis in the pediatric age group. tive study of 80 patients. Dermatologica. 1986; 173:278– Newer drugs such as rituximab,89 tacrolimus,90 in- 84. fliximab,91 and so forth can be tried after weighing the pros 2. Weismann K, Graham RM. Systemic disease and the skin. In: and cons and individual merits. Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, et al, editors. Textbook of dermatology, Vol. 3, 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998. pp. 2703–58. COMPLICATIONS AND PROGNOSIS 3. Sigurdsson V, Toonstra J, Hazemans-Boer M, et al. Erythro- Exfoliative dermatitis is a complex disorder involving many derma – a clinical and follow-up study of 102 patients with spe- cial emphasis on survival. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1996; 35:53–7. factors, but the net outcome depends on the underly- 4. Hasan T, Jansen CT. Erythroderma: a follow-up of fifty cases. ing disease. The disease course is rapid, if it results from J Am Acad Dermatol. 1983; 8:836–40. drug allergy, lymphoma, leukemia, contact allergens, or 5. Hisatomi K, Isomura T, Hirano A, et al. Post operative ery- 1,3,75 SSSS. The disease course is gradual if it results from throderma after cardiac operation – possible role of depressed the generalized spread of a primary skin disease (e.g., cell-mediated immunity. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1992; psoriasis or atopic dermatitis).49,84 Drug-induced cases of 104:648–53. 212 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

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Snejina Vassileva

A VARIETY OF SKIN diseases may present with the thick, “tense” roof and can remain intact even when firmly appearance of blisters (Table 22.1). The skin reacts with the compressed. formation of vesicles or larger bullae to a number of external Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are often misdiag- physical, chemical, and biological insults. Adverse reactions nosed, and sometimes the delay in their diagnosis and to systemic or topically applied drugs occupy an important institution of appropriate treatment can result in death.1 place in the differential diagnosis of blistering eruptions. Usually, in routine dermatologic practice, a careful clinical Bullous lesions can also occur as a manifestation of sys- evaluation is sufficient to differentiate the transitory blis- temic diseases, as is the case of the bullae seen in diabetic ters of bacterial, viral, or parasitic origin, or those seen patients. Atypical blistering forms of several inflammatory in the dermatitis/eczema group, or to orient the clinical dermatoses exist, such as bullous lichen planus, bullous diagnosis toward a possible immunobullous disease. Sev- morphea, or bullous mycosis fungoides. In all these cases, eral clinical features, such as age of onset, family history, blistering lesions are infrequent and temporary, in con- history of exposure to hazardous factors, known underly- trast to a group of chronic cutaneous disorders referred to ing systemic or other dermatologic diseases may provide as “bullous dermatoses,” where vesiculobullous lesions are clues as to the etiology of a blistering eruption.2 A further the main and characteristic clinical feature. Some bullous step in the clinical recognition of bullous diseases takes into dermatoses are due to genetically determined loss of basic consideration the lesion morphology, distribution, evolu- structural elements in the skin that maintain the cohesion tion, and presence of characteristic clinical signs, such as the between the keratinocytes in the epidermis, or between the Nikolsky sign (i.e., lateral pressure in the vicinity of a blis- epidermal layer and the dermis within the basement mem- tering lesion produces detachment of the epidermis). The brane zone (BMZ). The majority of bullous dermatoses, diagnosis of autoimmune bullous diseases, however, strictly however, are acquired organ-specific autoimmune diseases relies on histological and immunologic criteria, the latter in which the autoantibodies target structural proteins in the being provided by the results of the application of special- skin. These disorders constitute one of the major sources ized immunohistology techniques.3,4 Histological exami- of morbidity and mortality in dermatology. nation of a biopsy specimen from an early intact vesicle Acquired autoimmune bullous dermatoses are a hetero- would discriminate among intraepidermal and subepider- geneous group of uncommon but often debilitating diseases mal blister formation and the underlying histopathology including pemphigus, bullous, and cicatricial pemphigoid patterns, but the direct and indirect immunofluorescence (CP) and related entities, linear immunoglobulin A (IgA) (DIF and IIF, respectively) techniques are essential in the disease (LAD), epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA), and diagnosis of immunobullous diseases. DIF reveals the type dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). Their histological classifi- and location of the immunoreactants (immunoglobulins, cation is based on the level of the skin at which the cleft complement components, fibrin, properdin) deposited in occurs and the mechanisms of blistering process. Intraepi- vivo in a patient’s skin.5 It is performed on biopsy spec- dermal acantholytic blisters, characteristic of pemphigus, imens from normal-appearing skin immediately adjacent result from autoantibody binding to desmosomal proteins to a bullous lesion (perilesional skin). DIF on the patient’s leading to functionally impaired desmosomes and acan- skin that has been separated through lamina lucida through tholysis. In the pemphigoid group of diseases, the autoan- incubation in a 1.0 M solution of NaCl allows further dis- tibodies are directed against different components of the crimination between the various subepidermal blistering dermal–epidermal junction, which results in subepidermal diseases characterized by immune deposits in the lamina blistering. Several diagnostically relevant clinical signs and lucida or in the deeper layers of the BMZ. IIF is used symptoms can be derived from the level of the cleft for- for detecting circulating autoantibodies in the body fluids mation. Intraepidermal blisters, for instance, tend to be (blood, serum, blister fluid). Immunoelectron microscopy more flaccid and fragile and therefore rupture easily due to is a method combining the advantages of immunohisto- their thinner roof. In contrast, subepidermal blisters have a chemistry techniques and the resolution power of electron


TABLE 22.1: Causes of Blistering microscopy that is used to identify the different ultrastruc- tural binding sites of immunoglobulins and complement Physical/Chemical within the dermal–epidermal junction in the subepidermal Friction blistering diseases.6 Immunoblotting and immunoprecip- Pressure ulcers (decubitus ulcers) itation are used to identify the antigen or antigens pre- Suction (vacuum) blisters Thermal injury (burn, freezing) cipitated by the autoantibodies circulating in a patient’s 7 Ultraviolet light irradiation serum. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is Carbon monoxide poisoning used as a sensitive method for the detection of autoantibod- Fracture blisters ies to the immunodominant epitopes in pemphigoid and Infectious pemphigus. Impetigo contagiosa For several decades, a variety of both local and systemic Bullous impetigo/Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome therapies has become available that can be used to treat Bullous erysipelas Syphilis (pemphigus neonatorum) these diseases. Although the mortality from autoimmune Herpes simplex bullous diseases has decreased significantly during the past Varicella-Zoster several decades, they still represent one cause of morbidity Coxsackie (HandÐfootÐmouth disease) in dermatology, and the common causes of death are often Dyshidrosiform tinea/Pompholyx due to the complications of the therapeutic agents used. Parasitic Suppression of autoantibody production and tissue bind- Scabies Insect bites ing is a main route in treating patients with autoimmune bullous dermatoses. Allergic/Immunologic Contact dermatitis Dyshidrosiform eczema/Pompholyx Fixed drug eruption PEMPHIGUS Erythema exsudativum multiforme Pemphigus is a group of rare, life-threatening autoimmune Blistering drug eruptions blistering diseases characterized by widespread blistering StevensÐJohnson syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis Coma-induced blisters and erosions of the skin and mucous membranes. It is medi- Bullous amyloidosis ated by pathogenic autoantibodies against desmosomal Bullous lichen planus cadherins desmoglein 1 and desmoglein 3.8 Because desmo- Bullous morphea somes constitute the main adhesion structure of the epi- Bullous allergic vasculitis dermis, binding of autoantibodies to their target antigens Bullous mastocytosis Bullous gangrenosum leads to loss of cell–cell adhesion between keratinocytes Bullous mycosis fungoides and intraepithelial blister formation, called acantholysis. Leukemic bullae Three major variants of pemphigus are currently recog- Grover disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis) nized: pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceus, and para- Metabolic diseases neoplastic pemphigus (PNP). These variants differ con- Porphyria (cutanea tarda, erythropoietic) siderably in their clinical, histological, and immunological Pseudoporphyria (can be also drug induced) Chronic renal failure (hemodialysis) features and prognosis. Pemphigus vulgaris, also known Bullosis diabeticorum as “deep” pemphigus, is characterized by blister formation Pellagra above the basal-cell layer and is associated with antibodies Autoimmune against desmoglein 3, which is located in the lower portions Pemphigus of the epidermis and is found in both the skin and mucous Pemphigoid membranes. In contrast, pemphigus foliaceus or “superfi- Linear immunoglobulin A disease cial” pemphigus is characterized by subcorneal acantholysis Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus and antibodies against desmoglein 1, which is expressed in Dermatitis herpetiformis the upper epidermal layers and is found only in the skin. Genetic/Hereditary Pemphigus vulgaris affects both the skin and mucous mem- HaileyÐHailey disease branes, mainly the oral mucosa, whereas in pemphigus foli- Darier disease aceus the lesions are confined to the skin. Several subtypes Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria of both forms of pemphigus exist. Congenital bullous erythroderma Kindler syndrome Before the advent of corticosteroids in the 1950s, pem- Incontinentia pigmenti phigus had been a deadly disease with mortality rates up Hydroa vacciniforme to 90%–100% of affected patients within 2 years of onset.9 The introduction of corticosteroids and immunosuppres- sive drugs has dramatically transformed what was almost invariably a fatal illness into one the mortality of which is Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 217

FIGURE 22.1: Painful erosions on the lip mucosa in a patient FIGURE 22.2: Erosive lesions of lid margins and conjunctiva in with pemphigus vulgaris. a patient with mucocutaneous pemphigus vulgaris. now less than 10%.10 Despite the advances in management with appearance of new bullous lesions and involvement of and improved prognosis, pemphigus is still regarded as a larger areas of skin. Individuals younger than 18 years can chronic debilitating condition in which the patient’s life is be rarely affected (pemphigus juvenilis, childhood pemphi- mainly endangered by the complications and side effects of gus, adolescent pemphigus).13 In the pediatric population, the long-term treatment and not by the disease itself. the disease has a similar course to that in adults. Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common and one of Histopathologically, pemphigus vulgaris is character- the most severe forms of pemphigus that still carries a ized by acantholytic intraepidermal blister formation above grave prognosis. Although people from all races can be the basal layer of keratinocytes( Figure 22.4). The immuno- affected, pemphigus vulgaris is more prevalent in some logic hallmark of pemphigus vulgaris is the demonstration ethnic groups (Ashkenazi Jewish, Japanese), and in some of in vivo bound and circulating immunoglobulin G (IgG) regions such as the Mediterranean and Balkan countries.11 autoantibodies against the cell surface of keratinocytes. Individuals with certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DIF reveals deposits of IgG on the epithelial cell sur- allotypes are predisposed to the disease, although the sus- face throughout the epidermis, a diagnostic staining pat- ceptibility gene differs depending on ethnic origin;12 thus, tern found in practically all patients with active disease HLA-DRB1∗0402 is associated with the disease in Ashke- (Figure 22.5). The deposits are found in the perilesional nazi Jews and DRB1∗1401/04 and DQB1∗0503 in non- and clinically normal skin and mucosa, but the best results Jewish patients of European or Asian descent. Pemphigus are obtained from biopsy specimens from perilesional skin. vulgaris most often affects middle-aged adults, the mean age of onset being between the age of 40 and 60 years. In the majority of cases, the disease starts from the oral mucosa and nasopharynx and in 50%–60% of patients may remain localized to these sites for months. Flaccid blisters that easily rupture by leaving painful erosions are char- acteristic of the mucosal variant of pemphigus vulgaris (Figure 22.1). The erosions show little or no tendency to heal, which results in decreased food intake and progressive loss of weight. There is usually a characteristic foetor ex ore. Other mucous membranes such as the conjunctiva (Fig- ure 22.2), esophagus, and genital and anal mucosa may be involved. Within various periods of time, cutaneous involvement develops in addition to the mucosal disease. The skin lesions are characterized by flaccid, peripherally extend- ing bullae, arising on unchanged skin. The flexural areas, trunk, face, and scalp are most often affected (Figure 22.3). FIGURE 22.3: Pemphigus vulgaris: few flaccid blisters on nor- If left untreated, the disease shows a progressive course mal skin and large peripherally extending erosions. 218 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 22.6: Indirect immunofluorescence with pemphigus serum on human esophagus substrate: binding of immunoglob- ulin G antibodies on the epithelial cell surface (network epider- mal fluorescence).

FIGURE 22.4: Acantholysis with suprabasilar clefts in pemphi- protein (desmoglein 3), whereas patients with mucocu- gus vulgaris. Few acantholytic cells floating in the blister cavity. taneous involvement have autoantibodies that react with desmoglein 3 but also with desmoglein 1 (160 kd protein) The presence of circulating autoantibodies can be detected (Figure 22.7). Patients with dominant skin disease have and measured using various serologic assays including IIF, higher desmoglein 1 antibody titers than those with oral- immunoblotting, and ELISA. IIF reveals serum IgG anti- dominant pemphigus vulgaris.16 Therefore, the presence of bodies, which produce the characteristic epithelial cell sur- desmoglein 1 antibodies in pemphigus vulgaris is predic- face fluorescence pattern on monkey esophagus (or human tive of a potentially more severe phenotype with extensive esophagus) as a substrate (Figure 22.6). Their titers corre- skin involvement.17 A standardized ELISA is commercially late with the activity of the disease. Immunoblot analysis available to measure autoantibody titers to both desmoglein can detect autoantibody profiles that have been defined to 1and3. be specific for each clinical phenotype of pemphigus.14,15 Pemphigus vegetans is a rare clinical form of pemphigus Patients with mucosal involvement, with no or limited vulgaris (1%–2% of patients) affecting the intertriginous skin blisters (mucosal dominant phenotype of pemphigus areas, where hypertrophic, papillomatous, or verrucous vulgaris) demonstrate autoantibody binding to a 130 kd vegetating lesions are present. Two types of pemphigus vegetans are distinguished: 1) the Neumann type, in which long-lasting (refractory) erosions in the folds are trans- formed into vegetating lesions( Figure 22.8); and 2) the Hallopeau type, characterized by the appearance of pus- tules, rapidly followed by formation of verrucous vegetating plaques with peripheral pustules resembling Figure 22.9.18 Pemphigus foliaceus is a rare variant of pemphigus char- acterized by subcorneal epidermal blisters and pathogenic IgG anti-desmoglein 1 autoantibodies.19 Clinically, pem- phigus foliaceus manifests with transient cutaneous superfi- cial blisters that are fragile to the point that often only scaly, crusted erosions with erythema are found on physical exam- ination(Figure 22.10). Lesions are typically in a seborrheic distribution – the central face, head, neck, and upper torso. Most often the disease remains localized for several years, but may progress to erythroderma (Figure 22.11). The fact FIGURE 22.5: Direct immunofluorescence on perilesional skin that the mucous membranes are not affected is an impor- in pemphigus: intercellular fluorescence pattern with immuno- tant clinical feature that differentiates pemphigus foliaceus globulin G throughout the epidermis. from pemphigus vulgaris. The absence of mucosal lesions in Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 219

123 456

FIGURE 22.7: Immunoblot analysis of pemphigus sera on epi- FIGURE 22.8: Neumann type of pemphigus vegetans: vegeta- dermal extracts. Lanes 1 and 2: control sera from patients tions arise at the places of persisting erosions. with pemphigus foliaceus and pemphigus vulgaris, respectively. Lanes 5 and 6: the antibodies bind to both the 160 kd and 130 kd antigens. Pemphigus erythematosus, also referred to as pemphi- gus seborrhoicus, or Senear–Usher syndrome, is a rare subtype of pemphigus foliaceus that combines clinical and pemphigus foliaceus is explained by the compensatory pres- immunopathologic features of pemphigus and cutaneous ence of desmoglein 3 in the squamous mucosal epithelia.20 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (Figure 22.12). Usu- DIF is similar to that in pemphigus vulgaris, but a stronger ally the scalp, face, upper portions of the chest, and back staining has been described in the upper epidermal por- are involved. The lesions of the face may show the typical tion. Circulating antiepithelial cell surface IgG antibodies butterfly distribution characteristic of SLE. In addition to are best detected by IIF using guinea pig lip substrate. By the intercellular epidermal staining pattern, DIF in pem- immunoblotting and ELISA, the antibodies in pemphigus phigus erythematosus shows a band of immunoreactants at foliaceus specifically bind to desmoglein 1. the dermal–epidermal junction. An endemic subtype of pemphigus foliaceus, known as PNP is the most severe variant of the disease, occurring fogo selvagem (from the Portuguese “wild fire”), exists in association with malignancies, mainly of B-cell lympho- in certain regions of Brazil and other countries of South proliferative origin. It was defined in 1990 on clinical, his- America.21 Endemic pemphigus foliaceus differs from the tological, and immunologic criteria.25 The autoantibody nonendemic form of the disease in its geographic distribu- response in PNP is directed against an antigen complex tion, high familial incidence, and younger age of onset;22 composed of desmogleins 1 and 3, as well as to desmoso- a higher incidence of severe generalized exfoliative forms mal proteins of the plakin family, including desmoplakins is related to a greater morbidity and mortality in fogo sel- I and II, envoplakin, periplakin, the 230 kd antigen of bul- vagem. An endemic form of pemphigus foliaceus has also lous pemphigoid (BP), and a yet not fully identified 170- been recently described in Colombia23 and Tunisia.24 The kda antigen.26,27,28 Clinical symptoms of PNP combine endemic nature of the condition is thought to be precip- features of pemphigus, erythema multiforme, or Stevens– itated by an immune response to an environmental anti- Johnson syndrome, BP, and lichen planus. Severe involve- gen(s), currently not yet identified. ment of multiple mucous membranes is a major clinical 220 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 22.11: Pemphigus foliaceus: exfoliative erythroderma.

FIGURE 22.9: Hallopeau type of pemphigus vegetans: a soli- tary vegetating plaque resembling pyoderma vegetans.

FIGURE 22.10: Nonendemic pemphigus foliaceus: scaly, ery- thematous plaques with few crusted erosions at the periphery, located in the seborrheic zones.

FIGURE 22.12: Pemphigus erythematosus: superficial crusted erosions with erythema and scaling on sun-exposed skin. Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 221

FIGURE 22.14: Palmoplantar blistering and targetoid lesions are suggestive of paraneoplastic pemphigus.

of patients.34 Recently, the term “paraneoplastic autoim- mune multiorgan syndrome” was introduced to encom- pass the aggregate of signs and symptoms associated with the distinct morbid process affecting the skin, mucosa, and lungs in a heterogeneous group of patients with PNP.35 Drug-induced pemphigus, first recognized half a cen- tury ago, is attributed mainly to molecules that contain a thiol (–SH) group, such as D-penicillamine, captopril, and thiopronine, or a disulfide bond that readily releases SH groups, such as penicillin and cephalosporins.36 It FIGURE 22.13: Paraneoplastic pemphigus: prominent involve- has been demonstrated that these drugs possess power- ment of the ocular, nasal, and oral mucosa, extending on the ful acantholytic qualities in vitro.37 Other drugs known to lips. induce pemphigus contain an active amide group in their molecule.38 In some cases, the disease disappears when the feature (Figure 22.13). Cutaneous lesions are polymorphic drug is withdrawn (drug-induced pemphigus), but it usually and may consist of flaccid but also tense blisters, mor- continues even after removal of the initiating agent (drug- billiform exanthema, lichenoid or psoriasiform changes, triggered pemphigus). Some cases of pemphigus have been as well as palmoplantar target lesions (Figure 22.14).29 described after occupational contact with pesticides, which DIF reveals deposits of immunoreactants in the intercel- led to the description of “contact pemphigus” as a variant of lular (pemphigus-like) and/or linear BMZ (pemphigoid- environmentally induced disease.39,40 Besides, pemphigus like) pattern. By IIF, PNP antibodies react with the simple, has been reported in association with several other autoim- columnar, and transitional epithelial tissue substrates (rat mune diseases, including SLE, myasthenia gravis, rheuma- bladder substrate) in addition to the stratified squamous toid arthritis, and BP. epithelium.30 Systemic corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment Approximately 80% of reported cases with PNP are for pemphigus. Several corticosteroid regimens have been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, CLL, and Castle- proposed in the literature, and there has been a debate on man disease, and less commonly Waldenstrom¨ macroglob- whether rapid institution of treatment and higher initial ulinemia, T-cell lymphoma, thymoma, Hodgkin’s disease, steroid dose are related to more favorable outcome. Usu- retroperitoneal sarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, round- ally prednisolone is administered at a dose of 40–60 mg cell liposarcoma, and inflammatory fibrosarcoma have been daily in mild disease, and 60–100 mg daily in more severe described.31,32 Isolated reports on association with solid cases, with or without other immunosuppressive agents, cancers exist.33 The mortality rate in PNP is estimated and is continued until there is cessation of appearance of to be more than 90%. Death is usually secondary to sep- new blistering lesions and healing of the majority of ero- sis, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, multiple organ failure, sions.41 The dosage is then reduced by one half until all of or respiratory failure. Respiratory failure with features the lesions have cleared, followed by tapering to a minimum of bronchiolitis obliterans occurs in approximately 30% effective maintenance dosage. Because the disease has a 222 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY chronic course, patients receiving long-term corticosteroid PEMPHIGOID GROUP therapy frequently have serious side effects. Alternative or adjuvant therapies for patients who do not respond to or The pemphigoid group of autoimmune bullous dermatoses who experience complications from corticosteroids include is characterized by the production of autoantibodies tar- immunosuppressive agents such as cyclophosphamide, aza- geting adhesion molecules that are part of the hemidesmo- thioprine, cyclosporine, methotrexate, and mycopheno- somes at the dermal–epidermal junction. Their immuno- late mofetil, and immunomodulatory drugs and proce- histological hallmark is the formation of subepidermal dures such as dapsone, gold salts, and plasmapheresis.42 blister and deposits of immunoreactants, usually IgG and Administration of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins complement, along the BMZ. The pemphigoid group (2 g/kg/month) has been successfully employed in cases of of bullous dermatoses comprises BP, mucous mem- pemphigus unresponsive to conventional immunosuppres- brane (cicatricial) pemphigoid, pemphigoid gestationis, sive treatment.43 Recently, a single cycle of rituximab, a and lichen planus pemphigoides. Other recently identified monoclonal antibody directed against the CD20 antigen of rare forms of pemphigoid include p200 pemphigoid, p105 B lymphocytes, has been demonstrated to effectively con- pemphigoid, and antilaminin 5 pemphigoid. trol severe pemphigus, but the potential long-term risks of this treatment need to be further assessed.44 Even with the use of corticosteroids and other immuno- BP suppressive agents, there is still significant morbidity and BP is a subepidermal autoimmune bullous disease typically mortality associated with pemphigus. A common cause of affecting elderly individuals older than 60 years. In 1953,47 death is infection secondary to the immunosuppression BP was first described as a separate disease from pemphigus required to treat the disease. Most deaths occur within the vulgaris, and later studies in 196748 revealed the presence first few years of the disease. Unfortunately, many of the of in vivo bound and circulating autoantibodies directed drugs used to treat this disease have serious side effects, against the BMZ of stratified epithelia. Two hemidesmo- and patients must be monitored closely for infection, renal somal proteins, the BP antigen 230 (BP230), also termed and liver function abnormalities, electrolyte disturbances, BP antigen 1 (BPAG1) and the BP antigen 180 (BP180), hypertension, diabetes, anemia, and GI bleeding.45 also termed BP antigen 2 (BPAG2) or type XVII collagen, have been identified as the targets of the autoantibodies in BP.49,50 A passive-transfer mouse model of BP strongly AUTOIMMUNE SUBEPIDERMAL BULLOUS suggests that antibodies directed against the BP180 protein DERMATOSES are of primary pathogenic importance in the development Autoimmune subepidermal blistering dermatoses include of the disease (Liu et al, 1993). the pemphigoid group of diseases, LAD, EBA, and DH. BP is believed to be the most common autoimmune With the exception of DH, all these disorders are char- blistering disease in Western European countries, with an acterized by circulating and tissue-bound autoantibod- estimated incidence of 6–7 cases per 1 million population ies against various components of the dermo-epidermal per year in France51 and Germany52 and even higher in anchoring complex.46 Anchoring complexes are special- the United Kingdom.53 The disease appears to be rarer in ized focal attachment sites within the cutaneous BMZ that the Far East.54 Historically, BP has been thought to be of play a crucial role in dermo-epidermal adhesion. Antibody better prognosis than pemphigus.55 Over the past decade, binding to various proteins within this complex results however, several large European studies demonstrated that, in dermo-epidermal separation and tense blister forma- even with treatment, patients with BP have a prognosis as tion. The dermo-epidermal anchoring complex consists grim as a diagnosis of end-stage heart disease, with more of hemidesmosomes of the basal keratinocytes, anchor- than 40% of patients dying within 12 months.56–58 Much ing filaments of the basement membrane, and anchoring of the mortality may be related to the age and the general fibrils of the papillary dermis. Structural proteins within condition of patients. In a retrospective study from Scot- this complex, described as autoantigens in various autoim- land, 48% of patients with BP died within 2 years of diag- mune bullous dermatoses, include BP antigen 180 (BP, nosis, particularly from respiratory diseases.59 Treatment pemphigoid gestationis, mucous membrane pemphigoid, with corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents LAD), BP230 (BP), ␣6␤4 integrin (mucous membrane may also play a role. It has been suggested that patients pemphigoid), laminin 5 and 6 (mucous membrane pem- with circulating antibodies to BPAG2 tend to have a poorer phigoid), and type VII collagen (EBA and bullous SLE). prognosis due to a more severe disease requiring higher Recent advances in the molecular characterization of BMZ doses of systemic steroids.60,61 components have led to a better understanding of the inter- Clinically, BP is characterized by a polymorphic erup- action between these molecules as well as the autoimmune tion consisting of large, tense blisters on erythematous or response against these proteins. normal-appearing skin, urticaria-like patches and plaques, Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 223

FIGURE 22.15: Bullous pemphigoid in an elderly man: tense blisters on inflammatory background, involving the flexural sur- faces and lateral trunk. and eczematous plaques. Usually, the eruption is intensely pruritic. There might be a prodromal period of gener- alized pruritus that lasts for months without any skin manifestations.62 The eruption is usually widespread, with a predilection for the flexural surfaces of the arms and legs, lower abdomen, and the lateral aspects of the trunk (Figure 22.15). Localized forms also occur. In rare occa- sions, BP may affect mucosal surfaces such as the mouth, but scarring is not observed. Rarely, BP may occur in children.63 BP has been described in association with carcinoma FIGURE 22.16: Bullous pemphigoid: direct immunofluores- at various sites, as well as with sarcoma, melanoma, and cence on perilesional skin showing linear C3 at the basement lymphoproliferative disorders; however, case–control stud- membrane zone. ies did not confirm the significance of this association, which seems to be most likely related to the old age of Treatment of BP consists of corticosteroids, admin- the patients.64 Thus, unless abnormalities are found on istered at lower doses (0.5–0.75 mg/kg/day) than those physical examination, exhaustive investigations to rule out used to treat pemphigus, alone or in combination with malignant disease are not recommended. Association of steroid-sparing agents such as azathioprine, mycopheno- BP with a variety of other autoimmune disorders (such late mofetil, or tetracycline. These drugs are usually started as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, dermato- simultaneously, followed by a gradual tapering of the pred- myositis, SLE, and autoimmune thrombocytopenia) was, nisone and continuation of the steroid-sparing agent until but evidence for such an increased incidence was not, clinical remission is achieved. Methotrexate may be used revealed by large controlled studies regarding such a rela- in patients with severe disease who are unable to tolerate tionship.65 In some cases BP has been thought to be induced prednisone. Plasma exchange therapy may be considered by physical injury (burn, radiotherapy, ultraviolet irradia- in refractory cases. Because most morbidity and mortal- tion)66 or by systemic or topical medications.67 ity are secondary to treatment, there is now a tendency to The diagnosis of BP relies on the histology findings of treat patients with less aggressive regimens. In mild cases, subepidermal blistering accompanied by eosinophilic infil- potent topical corticosteroids may be sufficient. The dis- tration in the superficial dermis, and on the results of IF ease is self-limited, and approximately one half of treated testing. Linear IgG and C3 deposition at the BMZ are cases will remit within 6 years.68 observed on DIF of perilesional skin (Figure 22.16). IIF reveals circulating IgG anti-BMZ antibodies in patients’ serum that react with the epidermal side of 1.0 M NaCl split Mucous Membrane (Cicatricial) Pemphigoid skin as a substrate (Figure 22.17). Autoantibodies against Mucous membrane pemphigoid, previously known as the NC16A domain of BP180 are identified by ELISA. CP, is a rare but well-defined variant of pemphigoid, 224 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 22.17: Bullous pemphigoid: indirect immunofluores- FIGURE 22.19: Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid: conjunctival ero- cence on salt-split skin substrate reveals binding of antibodies sions on the lower lid with multiple synechiae. to the roof of the blister.

hoarseness, and possible loss of speech. Supraglottic steno- characterized by erosive, scarring subepidermal blistering sis secondary to erosions, scarring, and edema may necessi- lesions of mucosal surfaces, particularly of the oral mucosa tate a tracheostomy as the airway is further compromised. and ocular membranes, and less often, the skin. Depend- Esophageal erosions and scarring can lead to the formation ing on the mucosal surface that is mainly affected, patients of strictures, with dysphagia, odynophagia, and weight loss. with mucous membrane pemphigoid may first present to Ocular CP is characterized by progressive subconjunctival the ophthalmologist, dermatologist, dentist, gastroenterol- cicatrization that leads to decreased vision, photosensitiv- ogist, gynecologist, otolaryngologist, or to the primary ity, scarring, and fibrosis that can eventually cause blindness care physician. The oral mucosa is almost always affected, (Figure 22.19). The course of the disease is usually slow but followed by other mucosae (eye, nose, pharynx, larynx, progressive and may be punctuated by periods of explosive esophagus, genitalia, anus) and rarely the skin. Desqua- inflammatory activity. There is a 2:1 preponderance for mative gingivitis is the most common oral manifestation women; the average age of onset of CP is reported to be 65 (Figure 22.18), but nonhealing ulcers on buccal mucosa and years, but this does not take into account the observation soft and hard palates are not rare. Bullae quickly rupture, that most cases of CP are relatively advanced at the time of leaving slowly healing erosions, followed by scarring and diagnosis.69 adhesions between the various structures of the oral cavity A less frequently encountered variant of CP, referred to involved. Laryngeal involvement may lead to a sore throat, as Brunsting–Perry benign pemphigoid, is characterized by vesiculobullous lesions and scarring confined to the head and neck areas.70

Pemphigoid Gestationis Pemphigoid gestationis, previously known as “herpes ges- tationis,” is a pregnancy-specific autoimmune subepider- mal blistering dermatosis that usually develops in the sec- ond or third trimester and clinically presents with severely pruritic urticarial lesions that progress to large tense bul- lae (Figure 22.20). The estimated incidence of the disease ranges between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 50,000 pregnancies,71 with only 14% of the cases developing postpartum.72 Pemphigoid gestationis is characterized by linear depo- sition of C3 along the BMZ on DIF and by the presence of circulating IgG autoantibodies directed toward the trans- membrane 180 kd protein BPAG2. Epitope mapping of FIGURE 22.18: Bleeding erosions on the gingival and lip the antigen showed that pemphigoid gestationis and BP mucosa in cicatricial pemphigoid. autoantibodies bind to a common antigenic site within Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 225

LAD antigens identified by immunoblot analysis in der- mal and/or epidermal tissue extract include BP180 (and its breakdown products, the 97 kd and 120 kd antigens) and BP230, a 285 kd antigen, and collagen VII.76–79 LAD can occur at any age, but there are two peaks of onset: in adults between 40 and 60 years old, and in children of preschool age. Although the childhood variant has been formerly considered as a distinct entity termed “chronic bullous disease of childhood,” both forms of LAD have identical immunopathologic features and are currently regarded as one and the same disease process. The esti- mated incidence of LAD in studies from Western Europe varies from 0.22 to 0.5 per million.80–82 It has been reported to be more common in women than in men.83 Although in the majority cases LAD is “idiopathic,” there have been a number of triggering factors reported, including trauma, ultraviolet exposure, infections, and a wide range of drugs, such as vancomycin, penicillin, antiepileptics, captopril, diclofenac, and sulfonamides.84 Drug-induced LAD tends to resolve after discontinu- ation of the offending drug and is associated with a lower morbidity;85 however, some more severe cases mim- icking erythema multiforme, Stevens–Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis have been described.86–88 Other important systemic associations of LAD include autoimmune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, SLE, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, and acquired hemophilia. Besides, a relationship between LAD and lym- FIGURE 22.20: Tense blisters with clear fluid over the inner aspect of the forearms in a patient with pemphigoid gestationis. phoid but also nonlymphoid malignant diseases has been reported, including Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin’s lym- phoma, chronic lymphatic leukemia, multiple myeloma, the noncollagenous domain (NC16A) of BPAG2.73 The and plasmocytoma, but also visceral malignant tumors such exact pathogenesis of pemphigoid gestationis is still largely as bladder, breast, esophageal, uterine, ovarian, thyroid, unknown, but it has been postulated that the disease is pri- and renal cell carcinoma.89 marily related to an allogeneic reaction against the feto- The clinical features of LAD can be heterogeneous. The placental unit, triggered by an aberrant expression of major cutaneous eruption is characterized by large, tense bullae, histocompatibility complex class II molecules in the pla- which may arise on normal skin or on erythematous bases, centa. The result is an autoimmune response directed and urticarial plaques. Arciform or annular blister arrange- against the chorioamniotic cells but cross-reacting with ment at the periphery of the lesions that show a tendency BPAG2 in the skin. Hormonal factors have also been impli- to heal in the center is a characteristic feature of LAD, cated in the pathogenesis of the disease as flares have been described as the “cluster of jewels” sign( Figure 22.21). reported with menses or use of oral contraceptives. Lesions are usually generalized, with some tendency to grouping but, in contrast to DH, no symmetry is present. Common areas of involvement include the lower trunk LAD and limbs, especially the inner thighs and pelvic regions; LAD is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease the latter distribution is more typical for childhood LAD. defined by the presence of linear deposits of IgA at the Pruritus may be severe or entirely absent. Mucous mem- dermal–epidermal junction. It was first recognized as a brane involvement is frequent, reported in 60%–80% of separate entity from DH in 1979,74 based on the finding patients;90 rarely mucosal involvement can be the sole clin- of in vivo bound IgA anti-BMZ antibodies and the lack ical manifestation. of an associated gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Currently, The diagnosis of LAD is based on the histology, which there is compelling evidence that the IgA autoantibodies invariably shows a subepidermal blister with a superficial in LAD are directed against heterogeneous antigen tar- dermal infiltrate of neutrophils, and on the DIF finding of gets in the BMZ and ultrastructurally localize to the lamina linear IgA along the BMZ. The IIF of patient’s serum can lucida, anchoring fibrils, or the lamina densa.75 The major be either negative or detect low levels of IgA anti-BMZ 226 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 22.21: Adult linear immunoglobulin A dermatoses: FIGURE 22.22: Classical epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: atro- annular lesions with tense blisters at the periphery (“cluster of phy and milia are observed at the sites of healing mechanobul- jewels” sign). lous lesions. antibodies that would react with the epidermal, dermal, or tary dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa and characterized by both sides of the blister when tested on saline-separated spontaneous or trauma-induced blisters that heal with scars skin as a substrate. and milia. In addition to this “classical” mechanobullous The aim of treatment in LAD is to suppress disease activ- form, however, several inflammatory subtypes of EBA were ity with the minimum treatment possible. In the majority described that can be clinically indistinguishable from BP of cases there is spontaneous remission between 3 and 6 or CP,97–100 and LAD, and can, therefore, remain under- years after disease onset; therefore, it is important not to diagnosed. EBA is a chronic disease that is difficult to treat overtreat the disease. Dapsone is the empiric therapy of and for which there is no cure.101 It is associated with sig- choice in managing LAD; occasionally, low-dose oral cor- nificant morbidity resulting from involvement of various ticosteroids are needed as an adjuvant. There are reports skin and mucosal surfaces. of successful treatment of LAD with macrolide antibi- The exact incidence and prevalence of EBA is unknown, otics.91 Immunosuppressive agents such as mycophenolate but it seems to be a rare disease. The results from few avail- mofetil and cyclosporine have been used with a variable able studies showed an incidence of 0.22 cases per million success. Successful use of IVIG therapy has been reported people per year in Germany,102 0.26 per million per year in in patients with progressive LAD that was unresponsive France, 0.23 per million per year in Kuwait,103 to a slightly to dapsone, systemic corticosteroids, and systemic antibi- higher incidence of 0.5 per million per year in Singapore.104 otics.92 It appears that EBA is slightly more common in women and in blacks.105 The mean age of onset is in persons in their 40s; the disease occurs infrequently in elderly persons and EBA even less often in children. EBA is an acquired autoimmune bullous dermatosis char- The clinical features of EBA are heterogeneous. The acterized by subepidermal blisters, and tissue-bound and “classical” form presents as a noninflammatory mechanob- circulating antibodies directed against sublamina densa of ullous disease with acral distribution. Due to the extreme the epithelial basement membranes.93 The patient’s anti- mechanical fragility of the skin, blisters occur under minor bodies recognize type VII collagen, which is the major trauma over the back of the hands, knuckles, elbows, knees, component of anchoring fibrils, the structures that con- sacral area, and feet. Healing occurs with scarring and milia nect lamina densa of the BMZ to the papillary dermis.94 formation( Figure 22.22). It was first described by Elliott95 more than 100 years ago Approximately one half of patients with EBA present as an acquired form of epidermolysis bullosa, with clinical with widespread inflammatory vesiculobullous eruption features highly reminiscent of the inherited forms of dys- mimicking BP. There is often prominent involvement of trophic epidermolysis bullosa, in which a hereditary defect the trunk and flexural skin (Figure 22.23). In contrast to in the gene encoding for type VII collagen results in paucity classical EBA, skin fragility is not prominent and scarring of anchoring fibrils and skin fragility. In 1971, Roenick and milia formation may be minimal or absent. In some and colleagues96 established the first diagnostic criteria for cases, overlapping between both the classical and the BP- EBA as an adult-onset disease closely resembling heredi- like forms may exist, or can be seen in evolution. Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 227

FIGURE 22.23: Inflammatory epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: FIGURE 22.24: Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: indirect widespread blistering eruption involving the trunk. immunofluorescence on salt-split skin substrate reveals binding of antibodies to the floor of the blister.

Another group of patients with EBA may have pre- Treatment for EBA is challenging and is often unsatis- dominant involvement of the mucous membranes that factory. Mild cases follow a chronic time course, whereas can result in irreversible complications similar to those aggressive disease is often difficult to control and is asso- seen in CP, including blindness and esophageal strictures. ciated with a significant mortality rate. Systemic corti- Tracheal involvement and upper airway obstruction requir- costeroids, used as standard treatment for EBA, often ing tracheotomy have been described.106 EBA has been in combination with cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, or reported in association with a number of other systemic methotrexate, may be ineffective in some cases. Some ther- diseases, including SLE, inflammatory bowel disease, apeutic success has been reported with colchicine, dap- amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, autoimmune thyroidi- sone, photopheresis, infliximab, or high-dose intravenous tis, diabetes mellitus, acquired hemophilia, and multiple immunoglobulin.113 endocrinopathy syndromes.107 The most frequent associ- ation is with inflammatory bowel disease. A recent study showed that sera from patients with Crohn disease reacted DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMIS by immunoblot analysis with type VII collagen, which exists Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), also known as Duhring in both the skin and the gut.108 In addition, paraneoplas- disease, is an uncommon subepidermal blistering disease tic cases of EBA in association with lymphoproliferative characterized by an intensely pruritic cutaneous eruption, malignancies have been reported.109 typical IF findings, and association with a gluten-sensitive DIF of perilesional skin reveals linear deposits of IgG enteropathy. Since its initial description in 1884 by Louis and more rarely, C3 at the BMZ. On IIF, in the serum Duhring,114 DH has been confounded for decades with of 10%–30% of patients, circulating IgG anti-BMZ anti- BP under the term Duhring–Brocq disease. Through the bodies are present that bind to the dermal side of a salt- 1960s to 1970s, however, several clinical and IF features, split skin substrate (Figure 22.24). In patients who lack typical for DH and not found in other immunobullous dis- serum anti-BMZ antibodies, DIF on salt-split skin sections eases, were identified that led to the current concept of DH is helpful to discriminate EBA from BP by demonstrat- as a distinct immunobullous disorder, strongly related to ing deposits of immunoreactants at the dermal side of the celiac disease (CD) in the spectrum of the gluten-sensitive blister.110 Using direct immunoelectron microscopy, the disorders.115–117 DH and CD have a common immuno- IgG and/or C3 deposits were found to localize to the sub- genetic background, sharing a strong association with cer- lamina densa region of dermal–epidermal junction.111 By tain major histocompatibility complex antigens, such as immunoblotting (or immunoprecipitation), EBA autoan- HLA-B8, HLA-DR3, and HLA-DQw2. First-degree rela- tibodies bind to 290 kd and 145 kd proteins, which rep- tives of patients with DH frequently develop CD. Immuno- resents the full-length ␣ chain of type VII collagen or histologically, DH is characterized by granular deposits its amino-terminal globular NC1 domain, respectively.94 of IgA and complement C3 in the papillary dermis of A sensitive ELISA for the detection of autoantibodies uninvolved skin.118 Recently, it has been found that epi- to type VII collagen using recombinant protein is also dermal and tissue transglutaminases, cytosolic enzymes available.112 involved in cell envelope formation during keratinocyte 228 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

accepted to be present in practically all patients with DH, despite the fact that most of them may have only subclin- ical GI disease. Symptoms related to the gluten-sensitive enteropathy are milder than those seen in patients with CD without skin findings but may include malnutrition, weight loss, abdominal pain, dyspepsia (they can even mimic pep- tic ulcer disease), and perforation. Deficiency states (such as folate deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and B12 defi- ciency), neurologic disturbances, bone disease, infertility, chronic fatigue, and premature dental loss may all be seen. Patients with DH, similarly to those with CD, have a higher incidence of associated autoimmune disorders, including thyroid disorders, atrophic gastritis, type I dia- betes, pernicious anemia, Addison disease, vitiligo, and var- ious connective tissue disorders.4 Besides, patients with DH, like patients with CD, are at an increased risk for de- FIGURE 22.25: Dermatitis herpetiformis: symmetric pruritic veloping GI lymphoma of T-cell lineage, usually described polymorph eruption on the buttocks. as enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphomas.4,123 There- fore, when DH is diagnosed, examinations for possible differentiation, are the major autoantigens recognized in signs and symptoms of such associations is necessary.124 the skin lesions of DH and targeted by the circulating The diagnosis of DH is based on clinical, histologic, IgA antibodies to endomysium (intermyofibril substance and IF criteria. Histologic examination of an early vesicle of smooth muscle) found in the serum of patients with DH and CD.119,120 Clinically, DH presents with an intensely itchy cuta- neous eruption involving symmetrically the extensor sur- faces, including elbows, knees, shoulders, sacrum, and buttocks. The eruption is polymorphic and consists of urticarial plaques, erythematous papules, and vesicles, often grouped in a herpetiform pattern (Figure 22.25). As the vesicles are heavily excoriated, only small erosions, crust- ing, and postinflammatory pigment changes can be seen in evolution. The scalp and face are often affected. Mucosal surfaces are usually spared, although oral lesions have been frequently described earlier, probably due to confusion of the disease with pemphigoid or LAD. The onset of DH is usually in the second or third decade, but may occur at any age. A diet overloaded with gluten or iodides (seafood) can often precipitate a flare of the eruption. The eruption runs a chronic course, with flares and remissions, especially if unrecognized or left untreated. Patients from both gen- ders may be affected, but there seems to be a slightly higher male preponderance. DH and CD show an uneven geographic distribution, with higher incidence rates in Europe or in populations with European descent. In Sweden and Finland, the inci- dence is between 0.86 and 1.45 in 100,000 per year. In Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian populations, the prevalence is between 10 and 39 per 100,000.121 In contrast, DH is extremely rare in Orientals and is uncommon in Asians and Afro-Caribbeans.122 Morbidity in DH is mainly related to the intense pruritus, scratching, discomfort, and insom- FIGURE 22.26: Dermatitis herpetiformis: direct immunofluores- nia, as well as to the risk of superimposed bacterial or viral cence on perilesional skin showing granular immunoglobulin A infections. Systemic complications include complications deposits at the dermal–epidermal junction, more intense in the of the associated gluten-sensitive enteropathy, which is now tips of the dermal papillae. Chapter 22 ● Acute, Severe Bullous Dermatoses 229

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Lucio Andreassi Roberta Bilenchi

PURPURIC LESIONS are the clinical expression of the integral part of the dermatologist’s training. The aim of passage of erythrocytes from the vascular compartment to this chapter is to call attention to purpuras and vasculitides the extravascular one, generally following damage related that can present as or evolve into emergency situations and to permeabilization of the walls of small vessels. At times, to the procedures for managing these patients. they are the only clinical feature, at other times the sign of a more complex morbid process and the expression of a CLINICAL PRESENTATION serious condition, as in the systemic vasculitides. AND PATHOGENESIS The clinical spectra of vasculitides are broad, with a vari- ety of conditions ranging from mainly cutaneous involve- HSP is an immunoglobulin A (IgA)-mediated leukocyto- ment with a relatively benign course, such as leukocy- clastic vasculitis characterized by antiseptic lesions with toclastic vasculitis, to situations in which the cutaneous perivascular infiltrates, fibrinoid necrosis, and vascular involvement is less evident but an integral part of a pro- occlusion caused by platelet thrombi. The disease occurs cess that could progress to a critical situation requiring mainly in children, sometimes following an upper respira- emergency treatment. Acute pulmonary insufficiency or tory tract infection, and has an acute onset distinguished renal blockage, as an expression of a systemic vasculitis, by cutaneous manifestations on the buttocks and extensor is relatively frequent in intensive care units.1,2 Central surfaces of the extremities and by general symptoms such as and peripheral nervous system involvement, cardiac failure, discomfort, headache, fever, polyarthralgia, and abdominal and intestinal ischemia, as complications or first presenting TABLE 23.1: Purpuras and Vasculitides Potentially Evolving signs of systemic vasculitides, are clinical conditions com- into Emergency Situations monly encountered in current practice.3–5 Purpura fulmi- nans (PF), often associated with disseminated intravascu- Possible conditions requiring lar coagulation (DIC), is a dramatic condition that must Disease emergency treatment be identified correctly and differentiated from purpura simplex.6 HenochÐSchonlein¬ Abdominal and renal Purpuras and vasculitides are medical emergencies that purpura complications require rapid diagnosis, identification of the causal fac- Wegener granulomatosis Pulmonary and renal involvement tors, and initiation of a treatment, which is often aggres- ChurgÐStrauss syndrome Hemoptysis and respiratory sive but must be carried out as early as possible.7 Par- failure, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, renal failure ticularly important in this regard are some situations Polyarteritis nodosa Renal insufficiency, occurring in Henoch–Schonlein¨ purpura (HSP), Wegener cardiomyopathy, gastrointestinal granulomatosis (WG), Churg–Strauss syndrome (CSS), bleeding, bowel perforation polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), microscopic polyangiitis Microscopic polyangiitis Deterioration of renal function and (MPA), Kawasaki disease (KD), and PF( Table 23.1). respiratory failure Dermatologists may encounter situations involving the Kawasaki disease Cardiac involvement in the acute evolution or complications of pathologies with initial cuta- stage; development of coronary neous involvement or be called to assist with the diag- artery aneurysms later in the nosis and management of emergency patients; therefore, course knowledge of the disease entities included in the group Purpura fulminans Disseminated intravascular of purpuras and vasculitides, particularly of the conditions coagulation that could progress to emergency situations, must be an

page 233 234 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY pain. In most cases, HSP resolves without leaving any neg- esized on the basis of the good results of sulfamethoxazole- ative traces, but in some cases kidney involvement can trimethoprim treatment of early signs of the disease.17 The progress to renal insufficiency.8 histopathological features seen in recent lesions confirm the The cutaneous involvement begins with a symmetric hypothesis of an immune-mediated pathogenesis because macular erythematous rash on the lower extremity, which they document an involvement of neutrophils and endothe- rapidly evolves into purpura. Initially, the eruption may lial cells as possible targets and promoters of the inflamma- be limited to the malleolar skin but usually extends to the tion. Indeed, we know that endothelial damage and neu- dorsal surface of the legs, buttocks, and ulnar side of the trophil activation can produce mediators of inflammation upper extremities. Within 12–24 hours, the macules turn that lead to the recruitment of monocytes and T cells able into palpable dark red purpuric lesions, sometimes merging to increase the endothelial damage. into vast ecchymosis-like patches. In children younger than Clinically, the disease begins with the classic triad of res- 2 years, the cutaneous involvement may be dominated by piratory tract involvement, systemic vasculitis of the small marked edema on the scalp, periorbital region, hands, and vessels, and focal glomerulonephritis, although the clini- feet. The intensity of the edema, attributed to the intestinal cal pattern is not always complete. Upper respiratory tract loss of proteins, is related to the severity of the vasculitis. involvement occurs in more than 70% of patients, with Palpable purpura occurs in all cases of HSP and is almost manifestations in the nasal mucosa, which is affected by always the first presenting sign, whereas articular involve- an inflammatory process with hemorrhage, necrosis, and ment and possible renal and abdominal involvement appear ulceration that can even lead to destruction of the septal later.9 cartilage and deformation of the nasal profile. Lower res- In the criteria recently proposed by the European piratory tract involvement occurs in approximately 50% League against Rheumatism (EULAR) for the classifica- of cases, with pulmonary, nodular, and cavity lesions, a tion of childhood vasculitides, a prerequisite for the diag- frequent cause of hemoptysis. Nephropathy in the initial nosis of HPS is palpable purpura associated with another phases occurs in approximately 20% of patients, with a clinicopathological feature, such as diffuse abdominal pain, rapid increase later in the course. The joints, eye, and tissue deposits of IgA, arthritis or arthralgia, renal involve- nervous system can be compromised to variable degrees ment shown by hematuria, or proteinuria.10 The cutaneous according to the progression of the disease. manifestations are crucial for an early preliminary diagno- The clinical picture is rarely dominated by cutaneous sis, which must then be confirmed. lesions, the initial frequency of which is relatively low WG is a multisystemic disease characterized by necro- but can rise to more than 50% in the advanced phases tizing granulomas of the respiratory apparatus, dissemi- of the disease. The first and most typical signs are papu- nated vasculitis, and glomerulonephritis. Both sexes can be lonecrotic lesions located mainly on the elbows, knees, and affected, usually in middle age, although there are occa- buttocks, sometimes preceded by an erythematous, edema- sional cases of children and people older than 70 years. tous, or vesicular inflammatory phase. Subcutaneous nod- The etiology is unknown, although numerous studies sup- ules and ulcerative lesions with the appearance of pyoderma port an autoimmune origin.11,12 gangrenosum can be found at the onset and in the later An autoimmune etiology of WG is suggested by the phases. Purpuric manifestations involving extensive skin almost constant presence of granular pattern antineutrophil areas, associated or not with erythematous and vesicular cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA), the levels of which are lesions, are observed more frequently in the late phases correlated with the severity of the disease and are predictive of WG but can sometimes be present at onset and are an of relapses. The frequent finding of IgA and IgE, the possi- important sign for diagnostic purposes.18 ble association with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) HLA- The diagnosis of WG generally follows histopatholog- B8 and HLA-DR2, and the efficacy of immunosuppres- ical examination of a tissue fragment taken from the nasal sive therapy are further elements supporting an autoim- mucosa and is generally based on the demonstration of mune origin.13 Protease 3 (PR-3), an enzyme stored in granulomatosis and vasculitis. The detection of ANCA and the azurophilic granules of neutrophils and monocytes, the identification of their pattern (i.e., cytoplasmic or per- seems to be the main target of c-ANCA. Another enzyme, inuclear) are useful diagnostic complements and can con- a myeloperoxidase (MPO) contained in the azurophilic tribute to a more complete classification, which naturally granules, could play a role because it is activated by per- requires instrumental and functional examinations of the inuclear pattern antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p- respiratory apparatus and kidneys. ANCA), found in a small number of patients.14 In vitro CSS is a severe necrotizing vasculitis of the small ves- studies have shown that ANCA are able to activate leuko- sels usually associated with asthma and eosinophilia, which cyte degranulation and the release of toxic radicals and lyso- is why it is also called allergic granuloma.19 The onset somal enzymes responsible for a cytokine-mediated inflam- of the syndrome is often ambiguous, with the appear- matory process.15 In vivo studies have not provided direct ance of mainly asthmatic or rhinitic respiratory symptoms evidence of the responsibility of ANCA in the pathogenesis that can precede the visceral, neurological, and cutaneous of WG.16 The role of an infectious agent has been hypoth- involvement by some years. Classically, there are three Chapter 23 ● Emergency Management of Purpura and Vasculitis, Including Purpura Fulminans 235 phases: the initial one characterized by allergic rhinitis, can develop after a phase characterized by aspecific symp- nasal polyposis, sinusitis, and asthma; the intermediate one toms, such as discomfort, fever, weight loss, and muscular with recurrent episodes of pneumonia and and/or articular pain. Cutaneous involvement is frequent associated with circulating eosinophilia; and the final one in with purpuric lesions, livedo reticularis, nodules, ulcers, which respiratory involvement prevails. In the final phase, and gangrene. there may also be digestive apparatus involvement with the The most frequent cutaneous signs are painful nodules appearance of hematic diarrhea, urinary apparatus involve- of variable size and number, located mainly on the lower ment with hematuria, articular involvement with arthralgia, extremities, particularly the legs. The nodules are usually and heart and peripheral nervous system involvement. The the first cutaneous sign; they appear after a more or less latency between the appearance of the first symptoms and long benign course and develop with multiple flares leav- the advanced phase is 3 years on average. Death is generally ing a pigmentary or livedoid residue with characteristic due to a granulomatous infiltration of the heart or vasculitis reticular pattern. The livedo reticularis is more evident of the coronary arteries.20 in some areas, such as the legs, feet, buttocks, and shoul- Cutaneous involvement in CSS occurs in approximately der blades, and can persist as the only evidence of vascular 70% of cases and is often late and polymorphic, with pur- damage.28 puric maculopapular lesions on the extremities, mainly the The pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the vascular acral parts. More rarely, there are cutaneous and subcuta- damage are probably heterogeneous and involve the inter- neous nodules on the head and extremities. The cutaneous vention of immune complexes, ANCA, adhesion molecules, lesions do not differ from those found in other forms of cytokines, and antibodies against endothelial cells. The vasculitis and are characterized by purpuric manifestations, immune complexes are the result of previous infections nodules, and polymorphic-like erythematous patches, with and act via the activation of complement able to attract possible progression to necrosis.21,22 neutrophils. ANCA play an important role in inducing Histologically, there is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis in endothelial damage but are not always present in PAN. Var- the initial phase, followed by the formation of a palisading ious adhesion molecules (lymphocyte function-associated granuloma around the foci of collagen degeneration, with antigen 1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, endothelial the presence of nuclear dust.23 The granuloma presents cell leukocyte adhesion molecule 1) are able to favor con- basophilic or eosinophilic staining, according to the pre- tact between neutrophils and endothelial cells and to initi- dominance of neutrophils or eosinophils in the infiltrate. ate the cascade of events leading to vasculitis. The process can involve both small vessels of the dermis In approximately 10% of subjects with PAN, there and larger vessels of the subcutis, although the finding of is a contemporaneous hepatitis B virus (HBV) infec- vasculitis is not constant. At times, it is possible to observe tion. In these patients, circulating immune complexes, deposits of C3 and fibrin in the vessel wall.24 formed by HBV antigens and relative antibodies, could CSS falls into the group of ANCA-vasculitides includ- play an important role in the pathogenesis of the vasculitic ing WG and microscopic angiitis, often with poorly defined lesions.29,30 borders between the different entities.25,26 ANCA, circu- MPA is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis frequently asso- lating antibodies directed against antigenic constituents of ciated with glomerulonephritis and pulmonary involve- the cytoplasm of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, seem to ment. Considered the microscopic form of PAN, it play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. acquired clinical autonomy in 1994 after the consensus con- In vitro studies have shown that various types of anti- ference aimed at redefining the classification of small-vessel genic stimuli (such as drugs, viruses, and bacteria) increase vasculitides.31 Involvement of the small vessels, including the serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣)and arterioles, capillaries, and venules, is absent in PAN but is interleukin-1, with activation of polymorphonuclear neu- typical of MPA. In pathogenetic terms, MPA, along with trophils and transfer of PR-3 from the intracytoplasmic WG and CSS, belongs to the group of small-vessel vas- azurophilic granules to the cell membrane. The interac- culitides linked to the role of ANCA. Anti-MPO p-ANCA tion of PR-3 with circulating ANCA causes the subsequent antibodies, present in MPA and absent in PAN, help to dif- degranulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and tis- ferentiate the two disease entities.32 The absence of gran- sue damage. Recent studies suggest that ANCA are more ulomas and the lack of upper respiratory tract involvement involved in the vasculitic manifestations, such as glomeru- help to distinguish MPA from WG, although the distinc- lonephritis, whereas the eosinophilic infiltration and the tion is not always easy.33 associated cytotoxicity could be responsible for the car- MPA generally has a rapid and progressive course, and a diomyopathy. If confirmed, these results would support timely diagnosis can be important for effective treatment. In an individual stratification in accordance with the clinical this regard, the finding of cutaneous signs may be useful for pattern.27 the purposes of the histological examination. They present PAN is a multisystemic vasculopathy of medium and as erythematous or purpuric macules, mainly located on the small arteries (and sometimes arterioles), mainly involving extremities and are observed in more than 50% of cases.34 the skin, kidneys, nerves, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It The cutaneous histopathology of MPA is characterized 236 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

eral hyperemic conjunctivitis without secretion, redness of the lips and oral cavity, fissuration of the lips, strawberry tongue, and hyperemia of the pharynx and oral cavity. A usually unilateral laterocervical lymphadenopathy is also frequently observed.39 Cardiovascular symptoms may be evident as early as the acute phase of KD, and they are the main cause of long-term morbidity and mortality. In this phase, the pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, valves, and coronary arteries can be involved. Cardiac function shows anomalies such as tachycardia and myocardial contractile deficit, a cause of insufficiency and shock.40 Coronary artery aneurysms develop in 15%–25% of untreated persons and can lead to myocardial infarction, sudden death, or ischemic cardiac disease.41,42 Various point systems are available to identify children at high risk FIGURE 23.1: Purpura fulminans and disseminated intravascu- of coronary arteriopathy.43 lar coagulation in a 71-year-old man suffering from leg ulcers PF, a disease generally associated with sepsis, is found and diabetes. Note the multiple hemorrhagic bullae. most frequently in children. The clinical pattern is often dominated by shock with hypotension and hypovolemia, by a necrotizing vasculitis with a moderate neutrophilic clinically distinguished by a weak and frequent pulse, anxi- infiltrate affecting the papillary and middle dermis and ety, pallor, cold sweating, and cyanotic lips. The cutaneous the subcutaneous tissue. The detection and titration of lesions consist of purpuric patches that rapidly evolve into ANCA could be useful for diagnostic and prognostic peripheral hemorrhagic necrosis, sometimes preceded by purposes.35 bulla formation. PF is almost always associated with or pro- KD, a vasculitic syndrome of unknown origin described gresses to DIC, an expression of thrombocytopenia with in 1967, is characterized by an eruption associated with increased production of thrombin and fibrinolysis (Fig- fever of relatively brief duration. Initially thought to be a ures 23.1 and 23.2). benign self-resolving process, it was later related to a series The lesions in PF are generally considered the result of deaths from myocardial infarction due to thrombotic of a Schwartzman-like reaction. The Schwartzman phe- occlusion of aneurismatic coronary arteries. Exceptional in nomenon occurs when a dose of endotoxin is intravenously adolescents and adults, KD is typically a childhood disease (IV) injected into animals previously inoculated subcuta- with a higher incidence in Asian populations, particularly neously with a small dose of the same endotoxin. The in Japan and China.36 reaction occurs within a few hours at the site of the first The etiology of KD is unknown, although the idea of an inoculation and is characterized by an inflammatory event infectious origin is attractive. This origin is suggested by the self-resolving course, lack of relapses, fever, exanthema, and adenopathy, all typical of an infectious disease. Direct attempts to isolate an infectious agent have proven negative. It is possible that KD is the result of an immune response induced by different microbial agents. This hypothesis is supported by the frequent isolation of infectious microor- ganisms in individual cases and the similarities to other syn- dromes caused by multiple agents, such as aseptic menin- gitis.37 The inflammatory infiltrate found in KD, character- istic of a vasculitis, can involve blood vessels throughout the organism. In autopsies, aneurysms have been found in arteries in many regions (e.g., the celiac, mesenteric, femoral, iliac, and renal arteries).38 The diagnosis is based on fever persisting for at least 5 days and alterations of the extremities, characterized in FIGURE 23.2: Cellulitis with signs simulating purpura fulmi- the acute phase by palmoplantar edema and in the suba- nans in a 56-year-old woman. The clinical presentation was dom- cute phase by desquamation of the fingertips, hands, and inated by the appearance of purpuric patches, hemorrhagic bul- feet. Other typical signs are polymorphic exanthema, bilat- lae, and fever. Chapter 23 ● Emergency Management of Purpura and Vasculitis, Including Purpura Fulminans 237 that rapidly progresses to necrosis. The Schwartzman phe- TABLE 23.2: Drugs and Procedures Used in the Treatment of nomenon cannot be explained by an immune mechanism Emergencies Related to Purpuras and Vasculitides and is probably due to a toxic effect. In PF (at least in the Drugs and forms associated with sepsis), the vascular lesions are con- procedures Indications sidered the result of a necrotizing inflammatory process caused by infectious agents. Meningococcus is the most Plasmapheresis ANCA-associated systemic vasculitides frequent cause of PF, but other infectious agents have been Corticosteroids All vasculitides; first-line treatment in recorded, such as Pneumococcus and Staphylococcus.44,45 A WG, CSS, PAN malignant tumor, a possible triggering factor in PF, has Cyclophosphamide Associated with corticosteroids in WG, been found in a significant number of cases.46 CSS, PAN In PF lesions, there is extensive coagulation in the small Azathioprine and Used as maintenance therapy in patients vessels, with fibrin thrombi and a modest inflammatory methotrexate withWG,CSS,PAN component. This feature differentiates PF from other vas- Intravenous First-line treatment in Kawasaki disease; culitides such as HSP, characterized by an accentuated immunoglobulins potential alternative treatment for inflammatory component.47 ANCA-associated systemic vasculitides PF is associated with marked hematic alterations, par- Infliximab Able to induce clinical remission in acute ticularly low concentrations of fibrinogen, coagulation fac- or active ANCA-associated vasculitides tors, and platelets, due to consumption of platelets and Rituximab Active in refractory or relapsed ANCA-associated WG extended prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times. Fibrinogen-degradation products tend to increase, and the concentrations of proteins C and S and antithrombin III ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; WG, Wegener granulomatosis; CSS, ChurgÐStrauss syndrome; PAN, polyarteritis (AT III) tend to decrease. DIC often develops under these nodosa. conditions; it is the consequence of anomalous thrombin activation leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, in the less severe forms but are usually combined with as well as of the activation and consumption of platelets. cyclophosphamide in the severe forms. Other immuno- These coagulation alterations are believed to be related suppressors, such as azathioprine and methotrexate, are to systemic anomalies, particularly activation of protein used as maintenance therapy in the remission phases of the C, which are congenital or induced by pathological con- disease.51 ditions.48 The appearance of IV immunoglobulins (IVIg) has fur- ther expanded the therapeutic arsenal for systemic vasculi- tides. At high doses, IVIg can interfere with the immune MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT system at various levels, being indicated in various patholo- The treatment of patients affected by purpuras and vas- gies based on inflammation–immune mechanisms. IVIg culitides, in critical or emergency conditions, is based on have proven particularly useful for KD, but their use (alone general reanimation techniques and case-specific measures. or associated with corticosteroids or other immunosup- Useful general procedures are those aimed at improv- pressor) has also proven successful in the ANCA-associated ing the hemodynamic and hydroelectrolytic imbalance and vasculitides.52 correcting eventual coagulation anomalies, which could New prospects in the treatment of systemic vasculitides require specific drugs in addition to substantial plasma have recently been provided by the introduction of biolog- and/or whole-blood infusions. ical drugs, particularly infliximab, etanercept, and ritux- Systemic vasculitides associated with circulating ANCA imab. In association with conventional therapy, infliximab, are characterized by frequent renal parenchyma involve- an anti-TNF chimeric monoclonal antibody, has been able ment, represented by a necrotizing glomerulonephritis, to induce clinical remission in various systemic vasculi- which translates into acute renal insufficiency. The pres- tides,53 whereas the efficacy of etanercept has been modest. ence in the blood of autoantibodies with an important role Rituximab, a genetically chimeric murine–human CD20 in the pathogenesis of the lesions has prompted the use of antigen expressed on the surface of B lymphocytes, is more plasmapheresis, on the assumption that rapid removal of promising as it has proven effective against refractory or the autoantibodies and, at the same time, coagulation fac- relapsed ANCA-associated WG.54 tors and mediators of inflammation could strongly affect the progression of the disease(Table 23.2 ).49,50 Corticosteroids are the most important category of HSP immunosuppressor drugs used in the treatment of systemic The management and therapy of HSP patients must take vasculitides. They can be useful in all forms of vasculi- into account various factors such as age, possible renal tides but are the first-line agents in several forms, such as involvement, and the presence of complications such as WG, CSS, and PAN. Corticosteroids can be used alone nervous system involvement. HSP is generally a benign 238 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY disease with a good prognosis, characterized in more than Etanercept, a soluble TNF receptor fusion protein, is not 80% of patients by a single episode lasting a few weeks, very effective, inducing long-lasting remissions in only with relapses in 10%–20% of cases and chronic forms, a minority of the treated patients,63 whereas infliximab, particularly renal insufficiency, in 5% of cases. For this a chimeric monoclonal antibody against TNF, seems to reason, the usefulness of always adopting a systemic ther- merit further investigation.64 The results obtained with rit- apy has been placed in doubt, particularly treatment with uximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody against CD20, are steroids, because placebo-controlled prospective studies more interesting because it causes depletion of B cells in the have shown their limited efficacy.55 Prophylactic steroid blood within 6–12 months. By this mechanism, rituximab therapy is unable to prevent renal and gastrointestinal (GI) seems to recreate the tolerance to ANCA antigens, at least complications but is indicated in the treatment of abdomi- in some WG patients.65 nal pain, subcutaneous edema, and nephritis.56 Prednisone, WG can also be treated with other drugs, including at 1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by a lower dose for leflunomide, mycophenolate mofetil, and deoxyspergualin. another 2 weeks, has been shown to improve the GI and Leflunomide inhibits de novo synthesis of pyrimidine, nec- articular involvement and to reduce the severity of renal essary for the function of activated T lymphocytes. Its use involvement. Other immunosuppressors (e.g., azathio- in WG can control relapses in a high number of sub- prine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporin, and mycophenolate jects.66 Mycophenolate mofetil is an inhibitor of inosine mofetil) can be combined with steroids, although their use monophosphate dehydrogenase, an essential enzyme for is controversial in view of the low efficacy recorded in purine synthesis and thus for the proliferation and func- clinical trials.57 Similar conclusions have been made about tion of lymphocytes. Its use in the maintenance of remis- other drugs, such as IVIg, vitamin E, and other antioxi- sion in subjects treated with corticosteroids and cyclophos- dants.58 Plasmapheresis deserves separate mention because phamide has not proven very effective, and it requires it has proven effective in delaying the progression of renal further evaluation.67 Deoxyspergualin, of unclear mech- damage.59 anism of action, has proven effective in WG patients unre- sponsive to conventional therapies.68

WG The use of conventional immunosuppressors has led to sig- CSS nificant improvement of the course and prognosis of WG, Corticosteroids are the first-line agents in the treatment of although there are still serious limitations due to possible CSS. They can be used according to the standard proce- cytotoxic side effects and frequent relapses after the sus- dures, but some authors suggest high IV doses, especially pension of treatment. Many doubts remain about the use of in emergency situations. The response is usually dramatic: biological therapies, whereas there is great hope concern- The eosinophilia is normalized, the asthma regresses, and ing the possible development of drugs that will interfere the muscle enzyme levels return to normal. After the result with specific targets with an important role in maintaining has been obtained, the steroids can be gradually tapered to the autoimmune response (e.g., ANCA).60,61 a minimal dose able to control the disease. If the corticos- The standard treatment of WG involves the combina- teroids are not sufficient to control the disease, it may be tion of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids until remis- necessary to combine cyclophosphamide (the use of which sion and then maintenance therapy with azathioprine or is always advisable) and steroids in life-threatening cases. methotrexate. Complete remission or marked improve- Methotrexate could also be helpful to control CSS and can ment compatible with a normal social life is recorded in be associated with steroids.69 90% of cases, although relapses are frequent (50%) and the In severe cases, particularly when steroids and drugs have high toxicity. Replacing cyclophosphamide with cyclophosphamide do not induce remission, anti-TNF methotrexate after remission is achieved may be advanta- agents such as infliximab and etanercept can be used, geous in view of its low toxicity, and it could be used as although they could increase the risk of infections. In the first-line agent in association with corticosteroids.62 All this regard, prophylactic treatment with sulfamethoxazole– the previously mentioned drugs induce immunosuppres- trimethoprim may be appropriate. An alternative could sion with the consequent risk of opportunistic infection, be the use of recombinant interferon-␣ (IFN-␣).70 More above all Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, although this recently, encouraging results have been obtained with rit- can be prevented by sulfamethoxazole–trimethoprim treat- uximab, but the data must be confirmed by larger trials.71,72 ment, especially during remission. This drug has also been IV gammaglobulins could be a valid alternative in used satisfactorily to reduce relapses, above all in patients patients unresponsive to conventional treatment, especially with limited, not very aggressive forms. those presenting with myocardiopathy and neuropathy. WG has also been the subject of trials to assess the The mechanism of action of this therapy is still unclear and efficacy of biological drugs, especially by means of anti- requires further investigation, but this does not diminish TNF-␣ agents, likely involved in the pathogenesis of WG. the practical efficacy of the treatment.73 Chapter 23 ● Emergency Management of Purpura and Vasculitis, Including Purpura Fulminans 239

tis carinii and Pneumocystis jiroveci infections are prevented PAN by sulfamethoxazole–trimethoprim administered 3 times a First, the systemic forms must be distinguished from the week. limited forms and the idiopathic forms from the HBV- related forms. That said, the treatment of PAN depends on the severity of the clinical features, quantified by the degree KD of involvement of the affected organs. In particular, it is nec- The treatment of acute KD is aimed at reducing inflam- essary to assess the extent of proteinuria and creatininemia, mation in the walls of the coronary arteries and preventing the severity of eventual cardiomyopathy and GI signs, and thrombosis, whereas long-term therapy in individuals with the nervous system involvement. In general, corticosteroids coronary aneurysms is aimed at preventing ischemia and associated with cyclophosphamide represent the standard myocardial infarction. The acute phase procedures, often treatment of PAN, whereas antiviral agents and plasma- carried out in emergency conditions, are based on the ear- pheresis are necessary in HBV-related cases.74,75 liest possible administration of aspirin and IVIg.81 In patients with a relatively benign prognosis, corti- Although aspirin is an important antiinflammatory and costeroids alone may be sufficient. Prednisone, commonly has antiplatelet aggregation activity, its use alone does not used in the treatment of PAN, must be administered until seem to reduce the frequency of coronary alterations. Dur- regression of the symptoms, generally after approximately ing the acute phase of KD, it is administered at 80–100 1 month. The dose can then be tapered to a level able to mg/kg/day in association with IVIg, which potentiates the control the disease, after which the minimal dose must be antiinflammatory effect. Aspirin is administered at high maintained for 9–12 months. doses until fever subsides, generally after 2–3 days, and is Cyclophosphamide is generally associated when the dis- then used at 3–5 mg/kg/day for antiplatelet aggregation ease is refractory to treatment with steroids alone, during until the patient is free of the risk of coronary alterations.82 relapses, and generally in all severe cases. Pulsed IV admin- The mechanism of action of IVIg is still unknown, but istration is the most common procedure, but oral admin- administration leads to rapid lowering of the fever and res- istration can be used when it is unsuccessful. The associ- olution of the clinical signs of KD in most patients. The ation of cyclophosphamide with steroids for more than 1 prevalence of coronary disease drops from 20%–25% in year should be avoided. children treated with aspirin alone to 2%–4% in those In HBV-related cases, plasmapheresis is considered the treated with IVIg and aspirin in the first 10 days of the treatment of choice, because it can remove the viral com- disease. IVIg treatment is also indicated in patients diag- ponents, including circulating immune complexes. Antivi- nosed after the 10th day of the disease if the fever per- ral agents, such as IFN-␣2b and lamivudine, are obviously sists, because the antiinflammatory effect could be help- important in such cases, possibly in combination. Natu- ful.83 Occasionally, some patients may not respond to the rally, corticosteroids are always indicated in PAN.76,77 On initial IVIg infusion or show only a partial response. These exceptional occasions, HBV-related PAN may show a ful- subjects are usually treated with an additional IVIg infu- minant onset, requiring treatment with prednisone com- sion, but its efficacy must still be demonstrated.84 bined with pulsed IV cyclophosphamide and lamivudine.78 The use of corticosteroids in acute KD is controversial and still under investigation. According to recent studies, IV administration of methylprednisolone as an adjuvant MPA of conventional therapy with IVIg and aspirin seems to As in other forms of vasculitis, the initial treatment of improve the prognosis.85 Another drug used in the acute MPA consists of the induction of remission with prednisone phase of KD is pentoxifylline, which is well tolerated, prac- and cyclophosphamide. The initial dose of prednisone is tically without toxicity, and perhaps able to further reduce 1 mg/kg/day for 1 month or at least until significant the risk of coronary aneurysms.86 Other drugs have been improvement is observed. This dose is followed by a weekly used along with corticosteroids in patients unresponsive to decrease to the maintenance dose, which can be contin- conventional treatment, including cytotoxic agents such as ued for long periods, possibly on alternate days. The ini- cyclophosphamide and anti-TNF-␣ monoclonal antibod- tial cyclophosphamide dose is 1.5–2 mg/kg/day, but higher ies. Among these, infliximab is particularly promising, but doses may be required (possibly IV) in emergency situa- its use requires additional evaluation.87 tions (e.g., in capillaritis with pulmonary hemorrhage).79 After remission, it is necessary to establish a maintenance regimen, continuing the prednisone and replacing the PF cyclophosphamide with azathioprine or methotrexate, both PF patients often present in a critical condition and must at relatively low doses. Alternative drugs to be combined be treated in an intensive care unit, where appropriate pro- with prednisone in the maintenance phase are methotrex- cedures to deal with shock can be carried out. Such proce- ate, cyclosporin, and mycophenolate mofetil.80 Pneumocys- dures, particularly treatment of hypovolemia by infusions 240 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 23.3: Anticoagulant Substances Used in the Treatment but there are reports of relapses due to too early suspen- of PF sion.92 The introduction of low-molecular-weight heparins Drugs Indications is interesting in this regard, but further investigation is required.93 Heparin Mainly as a bolus followed by an Protein C, an important physiological anticoagulant fac- infusion; low-molecular-weight heparins tor, is a vitamin K–dependent protease activated by throm- in the prophylaxis of relapse bin. Its activated form, along with protein S (which acts as Protein C First line in PF due to protein C a cofactor), degrades factor Va to factor VIIIa.94 Its blood deficiency; adjuvant hemostatic support level is a useful reference to determine the quantity and in PF-associated meningococcemia timing of administration.95 The clinical course is the most Antithrombin III May be reduced in PF, and its important parameter for the establishment of when protein replacement has been shown to C infusion will be useful and if it can be suspended. Protein normalize levels and reverse disseminated intravascular coagulation C is the first-line agent in cases of neonatal PF associated with homozygote protein C deficiency.96 It is administered Tissue plasminogen To be used for PF unresponsive to activator conventional treatment by continuous or intermittent IV infusion until normaliza- 97 Epoprostenol Has been used to treat PF from sepsis tion and stabilization of the coagulation parameters. in infants and neonates AT III is a glycoprotein produced by the liver with Dextran May be used in PF patients who fail to a powerful inhibitory effect on the cascade of reactions respond to plasma and heparin therapy involved in coagulation. Although its name indicates activ- ity against thrombin, it interferes with virtually all the enzymes of coagulation and is particularly active when PF, purpura fulminans. administered with heparin, with which it forms an anti- coagulation complex. It is indicated for the prevention and of plasma and physiological solution, correction of the acid– treatment of thromboembolic processes due to AT III defi- base imbalance, and assisted ventilation, combined with ciency, of which two forms are known: those due to an appropriate antibiotic therapy, have considerably reduced absolute lack of the factor (type I) and those due to an the mortality due to PF. The efficacy of the treatment, both inadequately functioning AT III (type II).98 quoad vitam and to prevent or limit the possible necrotic Absolute or functional AT III deficiencies, such as those evolution of acral lesions, largely depends on the precocity occurring during a surgical intervention, pregnancy, child- of treatment. The role of dermatologists can be decisive in birth, sepsis, polytrauma, and/or other pathological condi- this regard because they can identify PF and its possible tions associated with acute consumption coagulopathy and infectious origin on the basis of the first presenting symp- which can lead to DIC, are elective conditions for the use of toms. The problem is to distinguish a PF from a vasculitis AT III, although the efficacy of this treatment has recently with cutaneous involvement, and this is not always easy to been placed in serious doubt.99 AT III can be diminished do. Acral involvement, hemorrhagic bullae, a tendency to during PF, and the restoration of normal levels by infusion necrosis, and hypovolemic shock are all suggestive of PF.88 could help to improve the clinical course.100 Some laboratory tests can be helpful for diagnostic and Plasminogen activators, essential to convert plasmino- therapeutic purposes. The blood levels of prothrombin gen to plasmin and to initiate fibrinolysis, include uroki- fragments 1 and 2, the D-dimer test, the AT III level, fibrin- nase, streptokinase, and various substances of tissue and and fibrinogen-degradation products, the platelet count, vascular origin, particularly tissue plasminogen activator the prothrombin time, and the levels of other coagulation (t-PA), a human enzyme now obtained with the recom- factors can all provide useful indications.89 binant DNA technique (rt-PA). rt-PA, currently used in The availability of tests to investigate more thoroughly the treatment of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke, the coagulation system has led to the isolation and synthesis has recently been applied successfully in the treatment of of new drugs that affect the coagulation process at various peripheral thromboses caused by physical agents101 and in levels. These drugs have been added to the traditional ther- the treatment of PF.102 rt-PA is able to activate fibrinol- apeutic arsenal and deserve a brief discussion regarding PF ysis without unpleasant hemodynamic consequences. It is treatment(Table 23.3 ). administered by infusion at 0.25–0.5 mg/kg/h, and treat- Although one of the oldest anticoagulant drugs, hep- ment can be prolonged if necessary.103 The possible risk arin can still play a role in the treatment of PF.90 It must of bleeding has raised some doubts about the use of rt-PA be administered as early as possible, even though there are in PF, and it has been suggested that it be adopted only in some reservations, because it can cause thrombocytopenia forms unresponsive to conventional treatment.104 and bleeding and there are no validated dosage schedules Epoprostenol is generally used to inhibit platelet aggre- to use in all cases. Administration as a bolus followed by gation during renal dialysis, especially when there is a high slow infusion seems to be the most reliable procedure,91 risk of hemorrhagic problems following heparin use. It is Chapter 23 ● Emergency Management of Purpura and Vasculitis, Including Purpura Fulminans 241 also used to treat primary pulmonary hypertension refrac- respiratory failure in MPA; and cardiac involvement in tory to other treatments, generally together with other the acute phase and subsequent development of coronary anticoagulants. Because its half-life is only approximately 3 aneurysms in KD. The emergency situation can be partic- minutes, it must be administered by continuous IV infusion. ularly serious in PF, a disease that frequently evolves into Because it is a potent vasodilator, its side effects include hot DIC, a dramatic condition often culminating in death. flashes, headache, and hypotension. In PF from sepsis, it When present, dermatological signs can be decisive in has been used in children and neonates at 5–20 ng/kg/min arriving at the correct diagnosis and treatment. Purpuric without significant collateral effects.105,106 lesions mainly situated on the lower extremities, associated Dextrans are glucose polymers of variable molecular with polyarthralgia and abdominal pains, are almost always weight used as plasma substitutes and as antithrombotics sufficient for a diagnosis of HSP. Acral inflammatory because they are able to reduce platelet aggregation. The manifestations, sometimes associated with polymorphic rheological effect produced by these molecules is due to exanthema and laterocervical lymphadenopathy in a child their ability to adhere to the endothelial surface (reduc- with persistent high fever, reliably indicate a diagnosis of ing the reactivity between the cell and vessel surfaces), KD; however, it can be more difficult to interpret cutaneous to hemodilution, to reduction of cell aggregation, and to lesions in conditions suspected to be WG, CSS, PAN, or increased platelet rigidity with consequent reduced adhe- MPA. The histological examination and other hemato- sive ability and aggregation. These activities are translated chemical data can provide other useful information for a into improved flow in the microcirculation and increased diagnosis. PF deserves special consideration because it can oxygen transport. Dextran with a molecular weight of 40 assume different clinical signs as a result of a meningococ- has been used in PF as an adjuvant of other treatments, cal infection, especially in children, or as the evolution of a particularly heparin therapy.107 vascular pathology in adults. In both situations, necrotizing The management of PF patients must be based on gen- purpuric lesions are decisive for an accurate diagnosis. eral reanimation procedures and identification of the causal The management and treatment of emergencies caused factor, particularly recognition of an infectious agent and by systemic vasculitides must be carried out in an intensive administration of an appropriate antibiotic. In meningo- care unit, where the patient can benefit from procedures coccal sepsis, the most frequent event (especially in chil- aimed at improving the pulmonary ventilation and cardio- dren), the first-line antibiotic is penicillin; however, in circulatory conditions and normalizing the hemodynamic cases in which the nature of the sepsis is unclear, a third- and hydroelectrolytic imbalance. In this context, infusions generation cephalosporin, such as cefotaxime, can be used of plasma (or its substitutes) and of whole blood may be from the beginning. Subsequent strategies are aimed at cor- useful. Regarding the use of specific drugs, corticosteroids recting and restoring the altered coagulation mechanisms. are the first-line agents in WG, CSS, and PAN, diseases In this context, the use of the drugs reported in Table 23.3 in which the association of cyclophosphamide can com- must be weighed and based on the clinical and laboratory plete the emergency procedure. IVIg are fundamental in findings in the individual cases. KD, where they can drastically reduce the onset of cardio- logical complications. Other drugs, such as azathioprine, methotrexate, and the most recent biological drugs, are CONCLUSIONS more suitable for the prevention of relapses. The correc- Systemic vasculitides can frequently evolve into emer- tion of coagulation alterations, fundamental in PF, requires gency conditions and sometimes present a critical situation much attention because it must be carried out with drugs from their onset. The latter occurs most frequently in PF, such as heparin, protein C, AT III, and plasminogen acti- whereas progress to a critical situation is observed in HSP, vators, the use of which demands accurate monitoring of WG, CSS, PAN, MPA, and KD. The management of such laboratory parameters and, above all, proven clinical expe- patients may require the dermatologist because the correct rience. interpretation of cutaneous lesions, an integral part of the clinical pattern, can provide substantial help in identifying the nature and phase of the disease. Dermatological assis- REFERENCES tance may be essential in the treatment of lesions largely involving the skin. 1. Cruz BA, Ramanoelina J, Mahr A, et al. Prognosis and out- come of 26 patients with systemic necrotizing vasculitis admit- The clinical features in an emergency situation requiring ted to the intensive care unit. Rheumatology. 2003; 42:1183– treatment in an intensive care unit mainly include abdom- 8. inal and renal complications in HSP; pulmonary and renal 2. Semple D, Keogh J, Forni L, Venn R. Clinical review: vas- involvement in WG; hemoptysis, respiratory and renal culitis on the intensive care unit-part 1: diagnosis. 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Kristen Biggers Noah Scheinfeld

COLLAGEN VASCULAR diseases are complex multi- SLE, oxidized lipid levels (such as oxidized low-density organ states of pathologic dysfunction. The collagen vas- lipoprotein and proinflammatory high-density lipopro- cular diseases that most commonly result in emergency tein) are increased, adhesion molecules are upregulated, situations include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and cytokines (such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1, dermatomyositis (DM), and scleroderma. This chapter will tumor necrosis factor-␣, interferon-␥, interleukin-1, and review emergency management of connective tissue disor- interleukin-12) are upregulated. These oxidized lipids de- ders and their complications. In particular, the clinical and posit in the walls of coronary vessels. Autoantibodies bind laboratory aids required for diagnosis, therapy, and prog- to the oxidized lipids, forming immune complexes, which nosis will be reviewed. Because we assume that the reader provide a basis for the development of atherosclerosis. has a basic understanding of the diseases, the chapter does The most common cardiac pathology in SLE patients not review them. is pericarditis with a reported prevalence of 60%. Valvu- lar, myocardial, and coronary vessel lesions can also be manifested in SLE patients.4 Atherosclerotic cardiovascu- SLE lar disease is common and is related to increased antiphos- SLE is a complex state of systemic dysregulation that can pholipid antibodies.4 Patients with lupus nephritis are at affect any organ system (see Figure 24.1). The noted writer an increased risk for developing hypertension.4 Antiphos- Flannery O’Connor died at the age of 39, after surgery led pholipid syndrome can result in ventricular dysfunction, to a reactivation and intensification of lupus that resulted intracardiac thrombi, myxomas, and pulmonary hyperten- in fatal kidney failure. As lupus can be a systemic disease, sion. The coronary arteries are not immune from the effects the most serious emergency management pertaining to it of vasculitis associated with lupus. includes cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, neuro- logical, renal, and gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunctions.1 The prevalence of SLE for 15- to 44-year-old white women has Diagnosis been estimated to be between 18.3 and 40 cases per 100,000 Laboratory testing and imaging studies are utilized in the and twice that for 15- to 44-year-old black women.2 The diagnosis of lupus-related cardiac disease, as in other car- American College of Rheumatology has established a stan- diac diseases. Elevated lipid or C-reactive protein levels dard for the diagnosis of SLE, based on the patient having 4 can be seen in patients with cardiac abnormalities asso- of 11 criteria, including positive titers for various antibodies ciated with SLE. Mild pericarditis, valvular lesions, and (Table 24.1).3 TABLE 24.1: Antibodies Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CARDIOVASCULAR DYSFUNCTION AND SLE Antinuclear antibody (ANA) Background Anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) There are manifold intersections of cardiovascular dysfunc- Anti-Smith (anti-Sm) antibody Anti-anionic phospholipids antibodies tion and SLE. In patients with long-standing lupus, the Mostly anti-cardiolipin (aCL) most common causes of death are due to cardiovascular Anti-␤2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies events. Anti-C1Q antibodies The basis for cardiovascular disease in patients with Anti-Ro (SSa) antibody lupus is complex and seems to involve a combination of Anti-La (SSb) antibody inflammatory and immune mechanisms. In patients with


processes can occur in one area of the respiratory system or in multiple places simultaneously. Pulmonary symptoms can wax and wane, further increasing the morbidity and mortality associated with lupus. In SLE, the most common respiratory complaints are attributed to pleural disease, a pathology that affects up to 35% of patients.5,6 As in cardiovascular disease, lupus autoantibodies form immune complexes that are deposited in the pleura, resulting in injury. Other pulmonary disor- ders associated with SLE patients include acute lupus pneu- monitis, alveolar hemorrhage pleural disease, pneumonia, diffusion impairments, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, acute lupus pneumonitis, thrombosis, and pulmonary hyper- tension.4,7 Sudden-onset dyspnea and fever are charac- teristic of acute lupus pneumonitis and alveolar hem- orrhage, which also results in hypoxemia and a chest x-ray demonstrating patchy alveolar infiltrates.7,8 Patients affected by diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (1%–5% of patients with SLE)9,10 have a 50%–90% risk of death attributed to the acute decrease in hemoglobin levels.4,7,11,12 SLE therapy, including glucocorticoids or immunomodula- tory agents, increases a patient’s risk for developing pneumonia.13,14 Pulmonary physiology is adversely affected in patients with SLE.15 In a study comparing the lung function of 70 nonsmoking, non-lupus patients with 70 age-matched, FIGURE 24.1: Classic malar and facial erythema of systemic nonsmoking SLE patients showed normal lung function lupus erythematosus. in 83% of subjects in the control group and only 33% in SLE patients.15 Diffusion capacity of carbon monox- myocardial dysfunctions can be detected with echocardio- ide in the lung (DLCO) is the most common adversely graphy, a technique that is both sensitive and specific. affected pulmonary function test and can be decreased even in the absence of a concomitant restrictive lung disease.15,16 As in vessels throughout the body, antiphospholipid anti- Therapy bodies can be deposited in the pulmonary vessels, causing Patients with SLE and cardiovascular disease are app- thrombosis17,18 that results in fatal pulmonary hyperten- roached similarly as non-SLE patients with heart disease. sion, unresponsive to therapy. Lifestyle changes are recommended, including dietary and exercise counseling. Risk factors, such as increased lipid lev- els, are targeted for reduction. Because patients with SLE Diagnosis are predisposed to clotting, it has been suggested that they Imaging studies, including computed tomography (CT) should be placed on more aggressive anticoagulant therapy. and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are useful in devel- All patients with SLE should take aspirin prophylactically, oping a diagnosis of lung disease in patients with SLE.19,20 and more potent anticoagulants should be added to the Additional diagnostic information can be gained from pul- treatment regimen as needed. monary function tests and lung biopsy.

Course and Prognosis Therapy Cardiovascular events in patients with SLE are less severe Corticosteroids are the mainstays of treatment for SLE due to advances in therapy. patients with pulmonary disease. Cyclophosphamide (500– 1000 mg/m2 intravenously [IV] every 4 weeks) can be used PULMONARY DYSFUNCTION AND SLE in resistant cases. This therapy has been reported to be especially effective in treating interstitial lung disease.21,22 Background Steroid-sparing agents such as azathioprine and methotrex- SLE is associated with respiratory pathology in all anatomic ate are useful in some situations.3 Extremely resistant cases locations, including the pleura, pulmonary parenchyma, may benefit from plasmapheresis or IV immunoglobulin airways, vessels, and respiratory muscles. These disease (IVIg). Recently, rituximab has been shown to increase the Chapter 24 ● Emergency Management of Connective Tissue Disorders and Their Complications 247 effectiveness of traditional therapy when used as an adjunct phenomenon and livedo reticularis are associated with in patients who are unresponsive to traditional therapy an increased risk of neuropsychiatric manifestations in alone. patients with SLE.27

Course and Prognosis Diagnosis The course of SLE associated with neuropsychiatric condi- In patients with SLE-associated neuropsychiatric disor- tions can be extended and complex. The prognosis of SLE ders, a spinal tap can be performed and may show increased associated with neuropsychiatric conditions is not good and cell counts, increased protein levels, and increased is a negative prognostic indicator for the morbidity and immunoglobulins in the cerebrospinal fluid.28 Less inva- mortality associated with SLE. sive diagnostic techniques can be utilized to detect cra- nial bleeds, thrombosis, vasculitis, and inflammation, and include CT, MRI, and transcranial Doppler monitoring.28 HEMATOLOGIC DYSFUNCTION AND SLE

Background Therapy Vasculitis and thrombosis are common manifestations of In patients with SLE, neuropsychiatric complications are SLE. In addition to making antiphospholipid antibodies, controlled by treating the underlying pathology, as in patients with lupus can make antiplatelet antibodies that the other organ systems mentioned previously.4 IVIg and precipitate thrombocytopenia.4 plasmapheresis are often used sooner in neuropsychiatric conditions associated with SLE than when other organ systems are affected due to the severe complications that Diagnosis can result if insufficiently treated.4 The antiphospholipids produced in patients with SLE include anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulants, Course and Prognosis and anti-␤2 glycoprotein-1–specific antibodies.23,24 Lupus anticoagulant levels can be assessed via blood titers.23,24 If a Patients with SLE associated with neuropsychiatric con- patient is suspected of having a thrombus, imaging studies ditions resistant to IVIg and/or plasmapheresis therapy can be performed to confirm. can be emergently administered pulsed high dose intra- venous methylprednisolone to bring the disease rapidly under control.29,30 Therapy Hematologic dysfunction in lupus is treated symptomati- cally with immunosuppressives for vasculitis and anticoag- RENAL DYSFUNCTION AND SLE ulants for thrombosis. Nonsteroidal therapy includes aza- Background thioprine and methotrexate.3 Thrombocytopenia caused by anti-deoxyribonucleic acid (anti-DNA) antibodies can The most common systemic complication of SLE is 1,31–33 be treated with IVIg.25 renal disease, the manifestations of which include focal proliferative, diffuse proliferative, or membranous glomerulonephritis.34 Anti-DNA antibodies form com- Course and Prognosis plexes with double-stranded DNA polynucleotide antigens Increased risk of thrombotic events is especially dangerous that deposit in the small vessels of the kidney, which is the in pregnant women and can be fatal for both the mother major cause of lupus nephritis. Type III sensitivity reac- and the fetus. tions, during which antibodies bind with fixed antigens to form a complex, may also play a role in lupus nephritis. It has also been hypothesized that sensitized T cells may NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTION AND SLE contribute to renal pathology in lupus patients. Background Rarely, SLE is associated with neuropsychiatric conditions Diagnosis including organic brain syndrome, seizures, cerebrovas- The presence of proteinuria (>0.5 g/d) or cellular casts is cular accidents, strokes, psychosis, peripheral neuropathy, required to diagnose renal involvement in patients with and achorea.4 Even less common neuropsychiatric man- SLE, as defined by the American College of Rheuma- ifestations are aseptic meningitis, pseudotumor cerebri, tology.34 Lupus nephritis and renal dysfunction can be Guillain–Barre´ syndrome, athetosis, and cerebral venous further complicated by the presence of antiphospholipid sinus thrombosis.4 Many neurologic disorders in SLE antibodies, low complement (C3) levels, thrombocytope- are related to the deposition of antiphospholipid and nia, anemia, or hypertension, and death may result.35 anti-ribonucleoprotein (anti-RNP) antibodies.26 Raynaud Immune complexes composed of DNA double-stranded 248 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY polynucleotide antigens and anti-DNA antibodies may be TABLE 24.2: Maternal Antibodies found in patients with lupus nephritis and may be elevated. In addition to serum testing, a renal biopsy may be per- Anti-Ro(SS-A) formed to diagnose focal proliferative, diffuse proliferative, Anti-La(SS-B) or membranous glomerulonephritis.34 U1-RNP

Therapy GI perforations. In cases of perforation or bowel ischemia, As in most patients with lupus, corticosteroids are the main- the affected area should be surgically resected as the first stay of treatment for patients with lupus nephritis with step in treatment. the addition of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and aza- thioprine to the therapeutic regimen.36–38 IV cyclophos- phamide (0.5 g/m2) may be necessary for refractory renal Course and Prognosis disease or in patients with diffuse proliferative lupus nephri- Lupus patients with acute GI symptoms can rapidly tis. When this treatment is selected, cyclophosphamide progress to life threatening status without immediate inter- is infused monthly for 6 months, and then every several vention. months for a full year following remission.39

NEONATAL LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Course and Prognosis In patients who meet the criteria for SLE-associated renal Background disease, their survival is largely determined by their crea- Women with lupus have several autoantibodies (Table tinine levels.1,31–33 Patients with SLE-associated renal dis- 24.2) that are capable of crossing the placenta. A pregnant ease may suffer from end-stage renal disease and require woman with lupus can pass these antibodies on to her fetus, dialysis. resulting in neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE). After delivery, the infant can present with dermatologic signs similar to those in adults with SLE. Pathology specific GI DYSFUNCTION AND SLE to infants with NLE include characteristic dermatologic 21 Background manifestations (raccoon eyes) and congenital heart block. GI dysfunction is common in patients with SLE, and over a lifetime affects 60%–70% of those patients. The liver is Diagnosis particularly susceptible in patients with lupus and antiphos- M-mode fetal echocardiograms and Doppler ultrasounds pholipid syndrome. Portal hypertension, cirrhosis, biliary performed between 18 and 24 weeks gestation can be use- cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, Budd–Chiari syndrome, ful in detecting atrioventricular (AV) heart block or atrial hepatic infarct, and hepatic-veno-occlusive disease are all arrhythmia in a fetus with NLE. If a heart block is detected, possible associated conditions. Other GI manifestations these studies can also determine the degree of the block (1st, include vasculitis throughout the GI tract, oral ulcers, dys- 2nd, or 3rd) as well as any valvular (especially tricuspid) phagia, intestinal infarction or bleeding, splenic infarction, regurgitation or other congenital anatomic cardiac anoma- and acute pancreatitis. Corticosteroids used to treat SLE lies. can have adverse effects on the GI tract by causing sponta- Pregnant women with lupus should receive fetal neous hemorrhage. echocardiograms throughout their pregnancies to facilitate the early identification of heart block.

Diagnosis Lupus patients can present with abdominal pain, anorexia, Therapy hemorrhage, nausea, and vomiting. Clinical testing may When a first- or second-degree AV block has been iden- yield little as far as symptom etiology. tified in a fetus with NLE, corticosteroids can be admin- istered to the mother in an attempt to eliminate the heart block. The reversal of third-degree heart block with corti- Therapy costeroids is highly unlikely. Patients with chronic symptoms can be treated with corti- costeroids or anticoagulants. Those with an acute presenta- tion should be assessed quickly, as emergent surgery is usu- Course and Prognosis ally the treatment of choice. Exploratory surgery is often Unfortunately, completely unremarkable echocardiograms required in patients with suspected peritoneal collections or can change in 1 week to an echocardiogram demonstrating Chapter 24 ● Emergency Management of Connective Tissue Disorders and Their Complications 249

TABLE 24.3: Dermatomyositis Antibodies43

Antibodies associated Antibodies overlapping with other with dermatomyositis collagen vascular diseases

Antisynthetase Anti-Ku AntiÐMi-2 AntiÐPM-Scl Anti-SRP AntiÐU1 RNP Anti-Ro

Data adapted from (43).


Background FIGURE 24.2: Gottron sign of dermatomyositis: reddish plaques on the joints and on the fingers. DM can affect much of the GI tract, especially the esoph- agus and intestines. Esophageal disease is common in patients with DM (15%–50%) and most often stems from problems associated with weakness of the cricopharyngeal cardiomyopathy or third-degree AV block without warn- striated muscles or dysfunction of the lower esophagus.46 ing. Only 80% of infants with NLE-related first-degree Of all patients with DM, approximately 30% of them will heart block survive the first year. Of those children who do die from complications associated with aspiration pneumo- survive, the majority of them will need a pacemaker. nia.46 Less frequently (and especially in young patients with DM), ulceration, perforation, or hemorrhage may occur in the GI tract as a result of vasculopathy in that area.47 DM

DM is an inflammatory myopathy, the nature of which is Diagnosis idiopathic. The manifestations of this disease include pro- DM can cause inflammation in the GI tract, leading to gressive symmetrical proximal muscle weakness and der- patients presenting with reflux esophagitis, abdominal pain, matologic manifestations (e.g., Gottron papules, heliotrope 48 40 and cycles of constipation alternating with diarrhea. A eruption) (see Figure 24.2). Additional organ systems traditional GI workup, including CT, MRI, colonoscopy, affected in systemic DM are the GI tract, lungs, and blood 41,42 and barium studies are used, as in other GI diseases, to vessels. The systemic manifestations are responsible assess the severity of disease.49 for emergent situations in patients with DM.42 Ricky Bell, a football player, who was a standout running back for the University of Southern California Trojans, and played Treatment for Tampa Bay and San Diego in the National Football Surgical intervention and immunosuppressives are the League, died from heart failure caused by DM. standard of care for treating GI disease in DM. IVIg may To be diagnosed with DM, a person must present be successful in treating resistant esophageal disease that with at least 3 of the following clinical criteria: 1) muscle might otherwise be life threatening.50–52 weakness; 2) muscle biopsy pathology; 3) elevated creatine kinase, aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate amino- Course and Prognosis transferase, or alanine aminotransferase, all of which point The pharyngeal muscle weakness in patients with DM to muscle involvement; 4) a triad of electromyographic 43 causes loss of control of foods and can result in aspiration. abnormalities; or 5) skin eruption. In all manifestations Due to the aspiration risk, these patients may be placed on of the disease, creatine kinase levels may be used to track 53 43 a feeding tube. Patients with esophageal muscle weakness the progression of or the response to treatment of DM. do not respond well to therapy; therefore, they have a poor Specific serum antibody levels can be drawn to aid in the prognosis.46,53 diagnosis of DM (Table 24.3). Muscle involvement may be tracked using electromyo- graphy, ultrasonography, or MRI.44 Additionally, a mus- PULMONARY SYSTEM AND DM cle biopsy can be performed to assess muscle involvement and will show immune-mediated necrosis and regenerating Background fibers. On skin biopsy, mucin in the background of interface Pulmonary disease is a fairly common occurrence in dermatitis is commonly seen histologically.45 patients with DM (15%–30%), and in 50% of these patients 250 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 24.4: Antisynthetase hand.56 Additionally, patients with pulmonary fibrosis may Antibodies express the myositis antibody, anti-Se.43

Anti-Jo AntiÐPl-7 Therapy AntiÐPl-12 Anti-O As in patients with other forms of DM, corticosteroids Anti-EJ remain the treatment of choice for patients suffering from Anti-KS pulmonary disease.57 High-dose IV corticosteroids can be administered in severe cases with acute onset. If corti- costeroids fail to alleviate symptoms, methotrexate can be added to the regimen or administered alone as a second- it is the first presenting sign of the disease.49 The majority line agent.58 Azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambu- of DM patients presenting with respiratory disease (60%) cil, cyclosporine, MMF, or chlorambucil can be used as have an insidious onset. Others (25% of patients) have an third-line treatments.58 Interstitial pulmonary disease in acute onset of signs, and 15% of patients have an infraclin- DM responds well to cyclosporin A therapy.59–61 IVIg and ical onset that presents as an incidental finding on exam. rituximab may be used in resistant cases.50–52 Patients with amyopathic DM can have fatal pulmonary Pulmonary function tests and CT scans should be diseases or pulmonary complications.54 repeated regularly to assess treatment effectiveness and pro- Pulmonary inflammation is the leading pathology in gression of disease. lung diseases in patients with DM.49 Respiratory muscle weakness leads to hypoventilation and esophageal muscle weakness leads to aspiration, both of which result in inflam- Course and Prognosis matory processes.49 Additionally, the treatment for DM Unfortunately, for patients with pulmonary symptoms in itself, usually immunosuppressive therapies, can leave the the context of DM, their prognosis is poor.49 Pulmonary patient susceptible to opportunistic infections or hypersen- fibrosis results in interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sitivity pneumonitis.49 hypertension, both of which are often fatal. The chronic Pulmonary diseases associated with DM include pul- respiratory insufficiency resulting from interstitial lung dis- monary hypertension,48 pneumothorax, pneumomediasti- ease is fatal in 30%–66% of patients.48 num, interstitial lung disease, and subcutaneous emphy- sema.55 Diffuse alveolar damage, respiratory bronchiolitis, bron- CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE AND DM chiolitis obliterans, and pneumonia (desquamative inter- Background stitial and nonspecific interstitial) are all interstitial pulmonary diseases caused by fibrosing alveolitis in Although cardiac disease is rarely a complication of DM, 48 DM.54 when it presents, it is usually fatal. Inflammatory myositis can result in cardiac dysfunction as can vasoconstriction from vasculitis.62 Diagnosis Patients with DM and associated pulmonary disease may present with the symptoms of exertional dyspnea and non- Diagnosis productive cough, as well as the clinical sign of bibasilar When a patient with DM presents with cardiac symp- fine crackling rales.54 Because pulmonary physiology can toms, the same tests should be performed as would be on be affected, further studies should include pulmonary func- any patient presenting with cardiac symptoms. These stan- tion testing, which demonstrate decreased DLCO and a dard cardiac tests should reveal the location and degree restrictive pattern.54 A high-resolution CT scan should be of involvement of heart muscle. Cardiac disease is more performed with the pulmonary function tests as part of the common in patients who produce the antibody to signal 43 initial workup. recognition particle (anti-SRP antibody). Additional test- Antisynthetase antibodies( Table 24.4) can be seen in ing could include blood-vessel biopsies. A biopsy of a vessel DM patients with pulmonary disease.43 Patients with an affected by DM should demonstrate scarring in the vessel acute onset of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and dramatic wall, with or without associated fibrosis. polymyositis that is resistant to therapy should be consid- ered for antisynthetase syndrome.55,56 This often fatal syn- drome can be seen in patients with DM and antisynthetase Treatment and Prognosis antibodies who also suffer from fever, interstitial pulmonary For those patients who suffer from DM-associated car- fibrosis, Raynaud phenomenon, arthritis, and mechanic’s diac disease, few treatment options are available, and those Chapter 24 ● Emergency Management of Connective Tissue Disorders and Their Complications 251


Background Pulmonary fibrosis, a normal manifestation of scleroderma, results in interstitial fibrosis of the lungs. Vasculidities resultant from SS and interstitial fibrosis can both lead to the development of pulmonary hypertension, as seen in 5%–50% of patients with scleroderma.65,66

Diagnosis Patients present with dyspnea on exertion as their initial manifestation of pulmonary hypertension. Clinically, pul- monary hypertension is tested, while the patient is exercis- ing and is defined as an increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure to greater than 25 mm Hg.65

Therapy Early stages of scleroderma-related pulmonary hyper- tension are treated as is hypertension in most disease states, with vasodilators. While the vascular damage is still reversible, calcium channel blockers and prostanoids (prostaglandin E1 and iloprost) are the treatments of choice and have been shown to be effective early in the dis- ease process.66–68 With progression of pulmonary hyper- tension, patients with scleroderma may benefit from IV epoprostenol, a prostanoid analog.69 A newer, more stable compound, treprostinil, is administered subcutaneously65 and is more effective than epoprostenol at relieving pulmonary symptoms and decreasing arterial pressure 70 FIGURE 24.3: Scleroderma of the hand demonstrating sclero- and vascular resistance. Bosentan, an oral endothelin dactyly. antagonist, and sildenafil, an oral cyclic guanosine 3 , 5-monophosphate phosphodiesterase type five (cGMP PDE5) inhibitor, have been effective in relieving the symp- that are available are usually unable to alleviate disease. toms of pulmonary hypertension in patients with sclero- Having pulmonary and cardiac symptoms simultaneously derma.71,72 A significant relief of symptoms and adverse greatly increases a patient’s risk of fatality.48 Neurolog- effects associated with pulmonary hypertension has been ical symptoms can appear in children with DM due to observed when a combination therapy including bosen- inflammatory changes in the blood vessels.47 These tan, iloprost, and sildenafil is administered to scleroderma vasculitis-associated conditions include stroke, hemipare- patients. sis, seizures, and pseudoseizures.47 For pulmonary fibrosis, immunosuppressives are the treatment of choice. In cases of severe pulmonary fibrosis, 100 mg/d doses of cyclophosphamide have been shown to SCLERODERMA (SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS) improve both forced vital capacity and overall survival.73–75 Scleroderma, by definition, is a systemic disease and can Some investigators believe, however, that corticosteroids have adverse affects on the GI, renal, and pulmonary sys- have no positive effect on lung function.74 tems. The respiratory system is most commonly the loca- tion for pathology that can be emergently life threatening in patients with systemic sclerosis (SS).63,64 In fact, Paul Course and Prognosis Klee (the noted Swiss artist who had scleroderma) died of In patients with scleroderma-related pulmonary disease, scleroderma-related pulmonary fibrosis that led to respi- their initial symptom of dyspnea on exertion increases ratory failure. It can affect the skin and lead to hardening in severity. Such patients usually end up suffering of the skin, nail fold changes, calcinosis, and sclerodactyly from right-sided heart failure, which further increases (Figure 24.3). symptoms.65 252 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

RENAL DISEASE AND SCLERODERMA some patients may require dialysis. In general, renal cri- sis is viewed as an indicator of poor prognosis in patients Background with SS. The most common systemic manifestation in sclero- derma, occurring in 25% of patients, involves the renal system.42 Renal crisis is more prevalent in scleroderma MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE patients whose symptoms include the presence of anti- Background ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase III antibody in the serum, rapidly progressive skin thickening,76 pericardial Patients with symptoms that overlap those of SLE, SS, and effusion, arrhythmias, and anemia.77 Additionally, the DM are classified as having a mixed connective tissue dis- treatment for SS, corticosteroids, especially cyclosporine, ease. can precipitate renal crisis.77 Renal crisis presents within the first 4 years of diagnosis of scleroderma in the major- Diagnosis ity of patients (75%), rarely occurring in patients suffering from SS for many years.78 The presence of anti-uridine-rich RNA-small nuclear Patients with SS develop narrowed arteries and arteri- ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) antibodies is required to diag- oles.77 This phenomenon greatly impacts upon the kidneys nose a patient with mixed connective tissue disease. As and can result in renal crisis.77 A positive-feedback loop would be expected, pulmonary disorders in patients with occurs that significantly restricts the blood flow to the kid- mixed connective tissue disease resemble those seen in neys. Initially, collagen deposits in arteriole walls, decreas- patients with lupus, DM, and scleroderma. These disorders ing their diameter and limiting blood flow to the kidneys. include interstitial fibrosis (20%–65%), pleural effusion The juxtaglomerular apparatus recognizes the post- (50%), pulmonary hypertension (10%–45%), and pleurisy glomerular decrease in blood pressure and releases renin.77 (20%). Other less common pulmonary features of MCTD This release of renin activates the renin–angiotensin sys- include pulmonary vasculitis, thromboembolism, aspira- tem, resulting in increased secretion of angiotensin II. tion pneumonia, miscellaneous infections, hemorrhage, Angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction of the afferent and obstructive airway disease, respiratory failure (hypoventi- efferent arterioles in the kidney. This vasoconstriction fur- latory), and diaphragm muscle weakness. ther limits blood flow, leading to ischemia and renal crisis.77 Treatment

Diagnosis As in patients with DM, corticosteroids are the gold stan- dard for treatment of pulmonary symptoms in patients with There are recognized diagnostic criteria for renal cri- mixed connective tissue disease. sis in patients with scleroderma. Patients usually present with a dramatic spike in arterial blood pressure with con- comitant symptoms of headaches, visual disturbances, and Course and Prognosis seizures, and signs of thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic The prognosis for patients with pulmonary hypertension in hemolytic anemia, accelerated oliguric renal failure, peri- the setting of mixed connective tissue disease is similar to cardial effusion, and congestive heart failure.76 The diag- those with pulmonary hypertension associated with other nostic criteria for hypertensive scleroderma renal crisis are collagen vascular disorders: grim. Despite aggressive treat- elevated serum creatinine, proteinuria, hematuria, throm- ment, usually symptomatic relief is briefly attained before bocytopenia, and hemolysis.76 The majority of patients the disease contributes to the patient’s mortality. (90%) present with hypertension,76 and nearly all of them have elevated renin plasma levels.77 CONCLUSIONS Because collagen vascular diseases are widely systemic, Therapy effecting many organ systems, their successful treatment The only effective treatment for people in renal crisis is is as complex as the diseases themselves. Most important an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor to help to treatment success is early recognition and proper diag- dampen the effects of the increased plasma renin levels.78 nosis. Early therapy may prevent possible life-threatening emergencies in the future. Because many patients may initially present with dermatologic manifestations, it is Course and Prognosis important for the physician to look beyond the patient’s Although ACE inhibitors have been shown to decrease primary complaint to the possible outcomes of systemic mortality and morbidity associated with renal crisis,79 manifestations. Chapter 24 ● Emergency Management of Connective Tissue Disorders and Their Complications 253

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Jana Kazandjieva Georgeta Bocheva Nikolai Tsankov

MANY SYSTEMIC infections have cutaneous presenta- B. pseudomallei is distributed in soil and surface water; tions that sometimes are unspecific. These cutaneous signs thus, infection can be spread via inoculation though cuta- and symptoms may be helpful in making the proper diag- neous abrasions. Inhalation or ingestion of contaminated nosis, prescribing the appropriate therapy, and assisting in bacilli materials is less frequent. is strongly prevention. Some clinical manifestations of systemic infec- associated with diabetes mellitus (50% of Asian patients), tions highlight the possible infectious etiology for unusual and is 4 times more common in men than in women. cutaneous lesions. Bacterial systemic infections may be more common in remote areas of the world; these same bacterial diseases Clinical Features also may be seen, however, in travelers or immigrants Clinical manifestations develop after an incubation period, from these areas. Some of these infections, such as plague which varies from a few days to several months or years. and melioidosis, are potential biological weapons used for Patients develop high fever and rigors, as well as occasional bioterrorism. confusion, stupor, jaundice, and diarrhea. The clinical spec- trum includes five possible forms of presentations: acute fulminant septicemia (fatal within days); subclinical form;7 MELIOIDOSIS subacute and chronic presentations (more likely associated Melioidosis is a highly invasive and resistant infection with skin involvement); and relapsing–remitting course of caused by the gram-negative bacterium Burkholderia pseu- the disease (requiring prolonged antibiotic treatment).8 domallei, which is synonymous with the old nomenclature The disease can be localized or disseminated with multi- Pseudomonas pseudomallei. organ involvement. Any organ can be involved in melioido- The first reported cases of P. pseudomallei were initially sis with rapid development of small abscesses, which tend known as Whitmore disease. In 1911, a British pathologist, to coalesce to form larger abscesses, especially in lungs Captain Alfred Whitmore, described a case of pneumonia (50% of the cases), skin and subcutaneous tissues, bones in a young boy in Burma, where P. pseudomallei was iso- and joints, liver, spleen, kidney, and brain. lated as the causative agent.1 The term “melioidosis” was Most commonly, melioidosis presents as an acute pul- subsequently used in 1921. It is derived from the Greek monary infection, causing fulminant necrotizing pneumo- word “melis” meaning “a distemper of donkeys,” because nia, septicemia, and death, or as an indolent cavitary disease, it resembles , which causes mainly pulmonary dis- and mild bronchitis.2 Severe melioidosis is usually seen in ease in asses.2 This infection is endemic in Southeast Asia immunocompromised patients (with diabetes mellitus or and North and Central Australia, and peaks during the renal failure).5 Metastatic infection can remain latent for monsoon seasons.3 The disease in those regions often years. Common laboratory findings include anemia, neu- causes septicemia and death. Melioidosis also occurs spo- trophil leukocytosis, coagulopathy, and renal and hepatic radically in temperate countries and is mostly imported by abnormalities.9 travelers.4 Melioidosis contributes from 20% to 40% of deaths due to community-acquired septicemia in Northeast Thai- Cutaneous Manifestations land, especially in rice farmers.5 In Singapore, the disease Very rarely, melioidosis can be demonstrated as a suba- is uncommon, even though a significant percentage of the cute form with cutaneous manifestations only.10–12 Skin population has been exposed to B. pseudomallei.6 The overall involvement, seen in 10%–20% of the patients with mortality rate remains near 45%, despite antibiotic therapy. melioidosis, varies greatly. Patients often receive pustules Before the antibiotic era, 95% of patients died.2 and cutaneous abscesses, associated with ,

page 256 Chapter 25 ● Skin Signs of Systemic Infections 257 cellulitis, or regional lymphadenitis.9,13,14 Draining sinuses belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The infec- from lymph nodes or bone may develop. Abscesses may tion occurs most often during traveling to endemic regions ulcerate15 and sometimes can form ecthyma gangrenosum– (with 18 times greater risk compared with the other) such like lesions, or even progress to necrotizing fasciitis.9,16 as: the Indian subcontinent, Southeast and Far-East Asia, The most common cutaneous manifestation in children the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South America.28 is acute suppurative parotitis. Severe urticaria has been Small endemics can occur sporadically as the result of food described in one case of pulmonary melioidosis.17 There handlers who are carriers of S. typhi. Worldwide typhoid are also some case reports of melioidosis, associated fever remains a health threat. Reported cases now are with cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa and porphyria cutanea fewer than 500 per year.29 The case-fatality rate is reduced tarda.18,19 In acute septicemia, patients may develop non- to 2% by using the appropriate antibiotics and improve- specific flushing, cyanosis, and a pustular eruption.20 ments in supporative care; nevertheless, in some developing countries, the case-fatality rate is higher – approximately 30%.30 Differential Diagnosis S. typhi affects only humans during ingestion of food or Because of the variety of skin presentations many infectious water contaminated with the feces of patients with active diseases must be considered: fungal infections, tuberculosis, diseases, or people who are asymptomatic carriers. The and atypical mycobacterial infections. Cat scratch disease, incubation period ranges from 5 to 21 days.31 The severity tularemia, and lymphogranuloma venereum have similar of disease is in parallel with the amount of bacteria ingested. clinical and histological presentations. Staphylococcal and The illness is usually characterized by nonspecific manifes- streptococcal infections should be also considered. tations.

Treatment Clinical Features The treatment of melioidosis includes intensive care, drain- classically presents with prolonged fever, ing of abscesses, and antibiotic therapy. Usually B. pseu- headache, paradoxical bradycardia, and gastrointestinal domallei antibiogram shows resistance to aminoglycosides, symptoms, including abdominal pain,32 and a rose- polymyxins, fluoroquinolones, and many ␤-lactams (the colored eruption. Many extraintestinal manifestations of older generation penicillins and cephalosporins); never- S. typhi infection, such as osteomyelitis, intraabdominal theless, the bacillus is highly susceptible to amoxicillin/ abscess, urinary tract infection, and meningitis, have been clavulanic acid, tetracyclines, and chloramphenicol. The described.33 Fever, which is seen in 98%–100% of patients, treatment of melioidosis requires multiple antibiotics com- is the most common finding. The classic relative bradycar- bination. Resistance to a single antibiotic may occur during dia (Faget sign) and the presence of rose spots34 are the the treatment. A course of antibiotics is recommended for clues to the diagnosis. Laboratory findings in this infec- at least 2 months, but may require prolonged antibiotic tion are also nonspecific – thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, therapy to prevent complications, including osteomyelitis, elevated transaminases, and relative leukopenia.35 sepsis, and (rarely) rupture of mycotic aneurysm.21 Initially, patients present with diarrhea and abdominal The localized cutaneous form of melioidosis can be pain. Other associated signs, less commonly found, are successfully treated with combinations of amoxicillin/ a nonproductive cough, constipation, meningismus, deaf- clavulanic acid (60 mg/kg/day orally three times daily) ness, confusion, and weight loss. Asymptomatic hepatitis and tetracycline (40 mg/kg/day orally three times daily) is common. Severe kidney and liver failure with marked or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Systemic involvement jaundice has also been described. Pancreatitis can occur in requires an extra use of intravenous (IV) ceftazidime (120 typhoid fever, ranging from enzyme abnormalities to pan- mg/kg/day twice daily) for 2–4 weeks, plus the oral combi- creatic abscesses requiring surgery.36 nation described above for the subclinical forms of melioi- Early diagnosis and treatment of typhoid fever allows dosis.15 prevention of the complications and spread of the infec- tion. Complications may occur involving any organ and system. Splenic abscess represents nearly 30% of compli- TYPHOID FEVER cated Salmonella abdominal infection of untreated typhoid Salmonella infections in humans include gastroenteritis, fever.32,37 Other complications are intestinal hemorrhage typhoid fever, bacteremia, and localized infection. Local- and perforation. Perforation classically occurs in Peyer ized infection is a complication commonly affecting bones patches of the terminal ileum. Other less common com- and joints, although subcutaneous, splenic,22 breast, and plications include toxic myocarditis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, intraperitoneal abscesses23–27 have been described. polymyositis, mild bronchitis, and toxic confusional state.35 Typhoid fever is a systemic febrile disease caused Typhoid fever may affect the kidneys, leading to nephrotic by Salmonella typhi, a flagellated, gram-negative bacillus syndrome.29,36 258 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

A chronic carrier state may occur in up to 3% of treated third-generation cephalosporins (e.g., IV ceftriaxone 2 g/d patients. Patients with cholelithiasis are at greater risk for for 5 days, especially for patients with cholelithiasis) are persistence of S. typhi. also effective for treatment of typhoid fever.

Cutaneous Manifestations LEPTOSPIROSIS In 30%–50% of patients,35 so-called rose spots are Leptospirosis is a spirochetal infection caused by described as a cutaneous classical manifestation. The spots pathogenic Leptospira species. The spirochetes have hooked are caused by bacterial embolization, and bacterial cultures ends, and because of that Stimson named them Spirochaeta taken from the rose spots may be positive. Lesions are char- interrogans for their resemblance to a question mark.41 acterized as pink blanching papules, 2–4 mm in diame- Within the species of Leptospira interrogans, 200 serovars ter, localized mainly on the mid-trunk, developing often are recognized. between the 7th and 12th day of infection. Leptospirosis is presumed to be the most widespread Subcutaneous abscesses may rarely occur as a localized zoonosis in the world,42 with many wild and domestic ani- skin and soft-tissue complication due to S. typhi bacteremia. mal reservoirs. Leptospirosis causes clinical illness in both Salmonella bacteremia increases among the patients with humans and animals. Human infection is typically due to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), in whom exposure to infected animal urine, by direct contact or indi- these abscesses are found.38 Abscess formation in most rect exposure through water or soil.43 The usual portal described cases are secondary and usually do not ulcerate. of entry is damaged skin or the conjunctiva. Inhalation of Most reported cases of subcutaneous abscesses were due to water or aerosols may result in infection of the respiratory Salmonella species other than S. typhi.37,38 A unique case of tract.44 Rarely, infection may follow animal bites.45,46 cutaneous ulceration occurred as a clinical manifestation The incidence of infection is significantly higher in of S. typhi infection in a nonimmunocompromised patient tropical countries because of warm and humid conditions, with complete absence of systemic signs.39 allowing the much longer survival of leptospires.47,48 The Another possible skin presentation is pustular dermati- disease is seasonal, with peaks (in the summer) in temper- tis. Purpura or skin petechiae are rare, and are described ate regions and (in rainy seasons) in areas with warm cli- mainly in the setting of Salmonella endocarditis.33 Apatient mates. Cases of leptospirosis also follow floods and hurri- with cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis associated with canes.49,50 Within the United States, the highest incidence abdominal lesions developed during typhoid fever but with- was found in Hawaii.51 Leptospirosis is highly endemic in out endocarditis was reported.37 Malaysia52,53 and Nicaragua.54–57 Some occupational groups have a significant risk for lep- tospirosis. The infection was recognized early on in sewer Differential Diagnosis workers (first reported in the 1930s),58–61 then in fish work- The differential diagnosis of typhoid fever includes other ers (86% of all cases in northeast Scotland) and coal min- systemic febrile illnesses: , tularemia, leptospiro- ers.62 More recently, fish farmers have been shown to be at sis, tuberculosis, rickettsial disease, viral hepatitis, mononu- higher risk,63 particularly for infection with L. icterohaem- cleosis, AIDS, and cytomegalovirus infection.35 Additional orrhagiae,64 because of the high mortality rate associated infections to consider include malaria, dengue fever, and with the L. icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup. schistosomiasis. Noninfectious etiologies, such as lym- phoma, leukemia, or adverse drug reaction, can also cause prolonged fever. Clinical Features The spectrum of human leptospirosis is extremely wide, ranging from subclinical infection to a severe multiorgan Treatment infection with high mortality rate. Leptospirosis mainly Antimicrobial therapy is necessary. Worldwide, chloram- affects liver and kidney. The classical syndrome of Weil phenicol was the most commonly used antibiotic for disease represents only the most severe presentation. This typhoid fever. Unfortunately, resistance to chlorampheni- syndrome, demonstrated by icteric leptospirosis with renal col is increasing, especially in Southeast Asia. Amoxicillin failure, was first reported by Adolf Weil in Heidelberg.65 and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole are also efficacious in In humans, severe leptospirosis is frequently caused by the treatment of acute infection and the carrier state, but a serovars of the L. icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup. Thus, in high incidence of resistance is reported, too. Europe, serovars L. icterohaemorrhagiae and L. copenhageni, Fluoroquinolones (e.g., oral ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice carried by rats, are usually responsible for leptospiral infec- daily for 10 days) are currently the drugs of choice for tion. typhoid fever.40 They have the lowest incidence of both The clinical manifestation of leptospirosis is biphasic, relapse and development of a chronic carrier state. The with an acute or septicemic phase lasting about a week, Chapter 25 ● Skin Signs of Systemic Infections 259 followed by the immune phase, characterized by antibody Recently, a case of anicteric leptospirosis, presenting production and excretion of leptospires in the urine.66,67 with respiratory insufficiency and acquired ichthyosis, was Most of the complications of leptospirosis are associated described.91 The sudden appearance of ichthyosis, espe- with tissue invasion of leptospires during the immune phase cially in adults, has been considered a marker of systemic of the infection. disease. Acquired ichthyosis may be associated with malig- The majority of cases are subclinical and mild. A smaller nant disease and autoimmune disorders, as well as sys- proportion of anicteric leptospirosis is presented as a febrile temic infections (like the association of leptospirosis and illness, with chills, severe headache (with retro-orbital pain ichthyosis mentioned earlier in this chapter). and photophobia), myalgia, abdominal pain, conjunctival suffusion, and (rarely) a skin eruption. In addition, aseptic meningitis may be found in 25% of all cases. Some anicteric Differential Diagnosis form of the disease challenged this view and demonstrated The multiorgan involvement of leptospirosis may be con- severe anicteric leptospirosis.68 The mortality is almost nil fused with other tropical infections – malaria, dengue, in anicteric form, but 2.4% of the anicteric patients in a enteric fever, typhoid fever, and melioidosis. Influenza Chinese outbreak received massive pulmonary hemorrhage should be considered in mild anicteric cases. and death.69 The icteric form of the disease affects between 5% and 10% of all patients with leptospirosis.70 Icteric lep- Treatment tospirosis is more severe, often rapidly progressive, with Treatment of leptospirosis varies depending on the dura- a high mortality rate, and ranges between 5% and 15%. tion and severity of the symptoms. Patients with mild, The jaundice occurring in leptospirosis is not associated flu-like symptoms are treated only symptomatically. The with hepatocellular necrosis. Serum bilirubin, transami- management of icteric leptospirosis requires admission and nase, and alkaline phosphatase level elevations are usually treatment of the patients in an intensive care unit. Patients minor. with ARF need dialysis. Cardiac monitoring is also neces- Leptospirosis is a common cause of acute renal fail- sary during the first few days. ure (ARF), which occurs in 16%–40% of cases.71–73 Serum Recently, the antimicrobial susceptibility of 13 Lep- amylase level is often significantly increased in association tospira isolates (from Egypt, Thailand, Nicaragua, and with ARF,74,75 but clinical signs of pancreatitis are rare. Hawaii) to 13 antimicrobial agents has been studied. Lep- Thrombocytopenia occurs in more than 50% of cases, is tospires were susceptible to penicillin G, cefotaxime, ceftri- usually associated with multiorgan involvement, and is a axone, and fluoroquinolones (moxifloxacin, ciprofloxacin, predictor for ARF development.76,77 Thrombocytopenia and levofloxacin). Tetracyclines had the highest MIC90s in leptospirosis is transient and does not result from dis- (minimum inhibitory concentration required to inhibit the seminated intravascular coagulation.78,79 growth of 90% of organisms). 92 Leptospiral infection can Pulmonary involvement can be the major manifestation be successfully treated by penicillin G or doxycycline. IV of leptospirosis in some cases.80–82 The severity of respi- penicillin should be given at a dosage of 8 million units/day ratory disease is unrelated to the presence of jaundice.83 for7–10days.93,94 A treatment regimen of oral doxycy- Pulmonary signs and symptoms may present with cough, cline is 100 mg twice daily; for short-term prophylaxis – dyspnea, hemoptysis (from mild to severe), and adult res- doxycycline 200 mg once weekly.95 piratory distress syndrome. Intraalveolar hemorrhage may be found, even in the absence of pulmonary symptoms, and may be severe, causing death.84–86 Radiographic abnormal- PLAGUE ities are most commonly noted in the first week of the dis- The plague is a synonym of an old and forgotten infec- ease, presented by alveolar infiltrates. tion, often used today with a totally different meaning – as a curse, trouble, harassment, and so forth. Globally, the World Health Organization reports 1000–3000 cases of Cutaneous and Mucosal Manifestations plague naturally occurring worldwide every year. In 2006, a The skin eruption in the anicteric form of leptospirosis total of 13 human plague cases were reported in the United is often transient, lasting less than 24 hours. Petechial, States. This is the largest number of cases reported in a sin- ecchymotic, or purpuric skin lesions may occur in lep- gle year in the United States since 1994.96 tospirosis. Conjunctival suffusion is seen in the majority The discovery of Yersinia pestis is fascinating. The of patients and in the presence of scleral icterus is thought microbe causing the disease was invisible and unknown to be pathognomonic for Weil disease.87 Bacterial causes of until 1894, when Alexandre Yersin described it. Yersin was erythema nodosum, in particular leptospirosis, also should sent to Hong Kong to conduct research on a be considered.88 A rare complication of leptospirosis may epidemic that was sweeping through China. Yersin arrived be Kawasaki syndrome.89,90 in Hong Kong on June 15, 1894. Seven days later, while 260 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Rodents or human drinks rodent’s Y. pestis multiply in carry Y. pestis blood. flea’s gut. in their blood.

Flea regurgitates Human or rodent blood into the bitten Flea bites is infected. area. human or rodent.

FIGURE 25.1: Usual path of plague transmission. working in a small bacteriological research laboratory set plague pandemic began in Canton and Hong Kong in 1894. up for him, he isolated the plague bacillus. It was carried by rats aboard the swifter steamships and The Japanese bacteriologist Shibasaburo Kitasato spread rapidly throughout the world. Plague entered 77 (1852–1931) had arrived a shortly before Yersin in Hong ports on five continents. The last great outbreak of plague Kong. Within a few days, he also found a bacillus and occurred in the early 1900s in India, killing more than 20 announced it to the world via telegraph. Kitasato published million people. his findings in Japanese and English at the same time that There is a well-known classification of the clinical pre- Yersin published his discovery in French. People in various sentation of plague. Three types of plague are differenti- parts of the world credited one or the other with the dis- ated: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. covery, depending on which journals they had read. Yersin named the organism Pasteurella pestis after his teacher Pasteur, but since 1970, the bacillus has been known as Bubonic Plague Yersinia pestis. The classic form of infection is the bubonic plague (Greek Plague is an infectious disease of animals and humans boubon = groin). It is transmitted only by a flea bite and is caused by the bacterium Y. pestis. Y. pestis is a non–spore- not spread from person to person. The incubation period forming, gram-negative coccobacillus measuring 1.5 × varies from 1 to 8 days. 0.75 µm.ThegenomeofY. pestis has been sequenced, including the three virulence plasmids, pPst, pLcr, and Clinical Features. The illness begins with fever, chills, and pFra.97 Y. pestis belongs to the group of bacilli with low pain in the area of the lymph nodes. resistance to environmental factors. Sunlight, high temper- atures, and desiccation have a destructive effect, and ordi- Cutaneous Manifestations. The characteristic sign is the nary disinfectants such as LysolR and preparations con- painful, swollen, and warm to the touch lymph node – a taining chlorine kill it in 1–10 minutes. Y. pestis circulates “bubo” – which occurs in the groin, axilla, and/or cervical particularly in rodents in the natural foci of infection found region. Bubo location is primarily a function of the region on all continents except Australia. Plague is spread from of the body in which an infected flea inoculates the plague one rodent to another by flea ectoparasites and to humans bacillus. Buboes are usually 1–10 cm in diameter and may either by the bite of infected fleas or when handling infected suppurate and rupture. Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea hosts(Figure 25.1). At least 30 types of fleas and more are common as systemic manifestations of the infection. than 200 species of mammals in 73 genera serve as re- This form may progress to secondary pneumonic plague servoirs.98 or secondary septicemic plague. Bubonic plague has a The plague has had three pandemic waves.99 The first 1%–15% death rate in treated cases and a 40%–60% death certain plague pandemic, known as Justinian’s plague, was rate if left untreated. recorded in the 6th century CE. The epidemic spread over Asia, Africa, and Europe and claimed nearly 100,000,000 Differential Diagnosis. A wide differential diagnosis could victims. be made with cat scratch disease, ulceroglandular tularemia, The second plague pandemic is the well-known “Black staphylococcal or streptococcal adenitis, mycobacterial Death” of the 14th century. It caused 50 million deaths, half infection, lymphogranuloma venereum, chancroid, pri- of them in Asia and Africa and the other half in Europe, mary genital herpes, and even a strangulated inguinal where a quarter of the population succumbed. The third hernia. Chapter 25 ● Skin Signs of Systemic Infections 261

Pneumonic Plague There are no widely available, rapid diagnostic tests Pneumonic plague is the deadliest form. It is caused by for plague. Blood, bubo aspirates, and sputum should be inhaling the bacteria and transmitting it. The transmission stained with Giemsa stain. Smears typically show the bacil- requires close contact with an infected person. The incu- lus to have a bipolar or “safety pin” appearance. Y. pestis is bation period is up to 6 days. slow growing in cultures of blood, bubo aspirate, sputum, and skin lesions. Direct fluorescent antibody testing for Y. Clinical Features. The pneumonic plague begins with ful- pestis capsular (F1) antigen may be helpful. Several serologic minant fever, malaise, myalgias, headache, and gastroin- tests are also available (passive hemagglutination, enzyme- testinal symptoms. The death rate for pneumonic plague is linked immunosorbent assay). A single titer of more than 100% if not treated within the first 24 hours of infection. 1:10 is positive for plague if the patient has not been vac- cinated previously. With paired sera 4–6 weeks apart, a Cutaneous Manifestations. Patients in the terminal stages fourfold increase in titer is considered confirmatory. often develop large ecchymoses on the back – “the Black Death.” Treatment for Plague The patients have to be isolated. The preferred treatment is Differential Diagnosis. The differential diagnosis is made streptomycin (1 g intramuscularly [IM], 12 h) or gentamicin with any case of severe gram-negative pneumonia, (5 mg/kg IM or IV once daily, or 2 mg/kg loading dose community-acquired pneumonia (bacterial, Mycoplasma, followed by 1.7 mg/kg IM or IV). Alternative therapeutic Legionella, ), viral pneumonia (influenza, res- regimens are courses with doxycycline (100 mg every 12 piratory syncytial virus, cytomegalovirus, hantavirus), Q h or 200 mg once per day), ciprofloxacin (400 mg every fever, inhalational anthrax, tularemia, or ricin poisoning. 12 h), or chloramphenicol (25 mg/kg every 6 h, max 4 g/d). Recently, an outbreak of pneumonic plague in a remote dia- The treatment’s duration is 10 days. In pregnant women, mond mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has gentamicin is the preferred choice. been registered. The multidisciplinary team of epidemi- As prevention, close physical contact is restricted to ologists, physicians, and logisticians from Medecins´ Sans proximity of no less than 2 m to a person who is symp- Frontieres` confirmed 136 cases of pneumonic plague, 57 tomatic with plague. All health care personnel must take of them fatal.100 precautions – wear goggles, gloves, gowns, and possibly masks. In endemic areas, personal protective measures Septicemic Plague such as use of insecticides and insect repellents are rec- ommended for reducing the incidence of infection.103 Septicemic plague is caused by flea bites or is a result of Commercial plague vaccine dates back to 1896. At that bubonic or pneumonic plague. It is not spread from person time killed bacteria were first used by Greer Laboratories to person, and occurs when plague bacteria multiply in the in its production. Nowadays, no vaccines are currently in blood. In this form, lymph nodes usually do not enlarge. It production. is not contagious and has a 40% death rate in treated cases Plague may be rare today, but doctors should be edu- and 100% in untreated cases. cated about the characteristic clinical signs of this infec- tion. First because the bacillus is easily aerosolized and Clinical Features. The clinical picture includes acute second because the symptoms are not likely to arouse fever, chills, prostration, abdominal pain, nausea, vomit- suspicion until an epidemic is evident. Its potential usage ing, and internal bleeding. as a bioweapon should not be overlooked.104 Cutaneous Manifestations. Purpuric skin lesions and gan- grene of the distal digits (acral necrosis) are common. Rose- REFERENCES colored purpuric lesions give rise to the nursery rhyme “Ring around the rosy.”101 1. Whitmore A, Kriswhnaswami CS. An account of the dis- In all forms, skin lesions may occur at the site of flea covery of a hitherto undescribed infective disease occuring bite (papules, vesicles, pustules), and petechiae and ecchy- among the population of Rangoon. Indian Med Gaz. 1912; 47: moses may occur during hematogenous spread. Ecthyma 262–7. gangrenosum has been reported in several patients as a rare 2. Ip M, Osterberg LG, Chau PY, et al. Pulmonary melioidosis. Chest. 1995; 108:1420–4. skin sign.102 3. Dance DAB. Melioidosis: the tip of the iceberg? Clin Micro- biol Rev. 1991; 5:52–60. Differential Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis should be 4. Dance DAB, Smith MD, Aucken HM, et al. Imported made with gram-negative sepsis, meningococcemia, rick- melioidosis in England and Wales. Lancet. 1999; 353:208– ettsiosis, malaria, and appendicitis. 12. 262 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

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Kyrill Pramatarov

THE SKIN MAY reflect many visceral diseases, malig- Metastases to skin are more specific signs of internal cancer. nancies included. Sometimes, the skin may even give a Sister Mary Joseph nodule (Figure 26.1) may be considered clue to the underlying neoplasm. The French dermatol- more as metastases from an intraabdominal malignancy. ogist Delacretaz´ has definded the term “paraneoplasia:” Clinically, Sister Mary Joseph nodule is an indurate nodule or plaque. The surface of the nodule is sometimes ulcerated Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes are non- with exudation of purulent or mucosal discharge. Occasion- metastatic manifestations on the skin as a result ally, the lesions form a tumor. Sister Mary Joseph nodules of the existence of a malignant visceral tumor are signs of an advanced intraabdominal malignancy. They and/or disease of the lymphoma group, espe- appear as a sign of previously diagnosed neoplasia. The cially leukaemias. The close relation between the primary malignancy is localized in the gastrointestinal or dermatosis and tumor is confirmed by the phe- genital tract, mainly as gastric adenocarcinoma, but also nomenon of disappearance or not at all influ- adenocarcinoma of the ovary, colon, pancreas, prostate, or enced skin disease, if the malignant tumor is liver.5 eliminated by operation, irradiation or cytostat- ics. The recurrence of the skin changes (der- matosis) indicates a relapse of the tumor or DERMATOSES HIGHLY ASSOCIATED WITH metastases.1 MALIGNANCY

The paraneoplastic signs or syndromes may precede, Acanthosis Nigricans Maligna appear parallel to, or follow the appearance of the inter- Besides malignant acanthosis nigricans, there is a be- nal malignancy. There are many classifications of the para- nign form that may develop under various circumstances – neoplastic signs and syndromes, utilizing a variety of cri- endocrinopathy and drug-induced forms. It may also be teria: Some of them are based on the morphology of skin clinical presentation of congenital conditions. changes, others are based on the frequency of the associa- tion of dermatosis/visceral malignancy. The paraneoplastic signs and syndromes may be divided into two groups: indi- rect associations and direct associations with parallel evolu- tions corresponding to the paraneoplastic syndrome.2 The pathogenesis of the development of paraneoplasias include:

● peptides, mediators, and hormones released from the tumor; ● immunological defense reactions induced by the tumor antigens and appearing after cross-reaction with the structures of the skin; ● deposits of immunocomplexes of tumor antigens and antibodies;3 and 4 ● various cytokines and possibly growth factors. FIGURE 26.1: Sister Mary Joseph nodule.


FIGURE 26.2: Bazex syndrome (Photo courtesy of V. Benea, FIGURE 26.3: Erythema gyratum repens. MD). and (in severe cases) an erythroderma may be present. The In the malignant form, some epidermal growth fac- skin changes may even become hyperkeratotic on the skin tors produced by the tumor cells are responsible for the of the hands and feet.8,9 clinical appearance. Clinically, malignant acanthosis nigri- cans is characterized by brown verrucous plaques. They are located symmetrically on the back of the neck, groin, Erythema Gyratum Repens and axillae. Similar lesions, but mostly darkly pigmented Erythema gyratum repens is a paraneoplastic syndrome of papules, appear on the lips, eyelids, nipples, and the unknown etiology. The lesions of this syndrome consist of anogenital area. erythematous concentric rings that form the classic wood- There is an extreme form that is always a clinical sign grain appearance(Figure 26.3). They may be flat or raised. of an internal malignancy. Brown thickening of the skin The skin changes are localized on the trunk, arms, and over the dorsa of fingers or the palms may occur also. Oral thighs and proximal aspects of the extremities. The feet, lesions may be present, as well. Malignant acanthosis nigri- hands, and face are usually not affected. The rings spread cans is associated with adenocarcinoma of the gastrointesti- outward in a serpiginous pattern. The lesions are itchy, and nal tract, cancer of the lung, gynecological tumors, and the pruritus may be severe.10 lymphomas.6,7 The pathogenesis is still obscure. Immunological patho- genesis of erythema gyratum repens is possible because granular deposits of immunoglobulin G and C3 have Bazex Syndrome been detected at the basement membrane zone of both Bazex syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica) is usu- involved and uninvolved skin.11 In 82% of erythema gyra- ally associated with carcinoma of the upper digestive tum repens patients, there is internal malignancy of the tract, including neoplasms of the lower lip, tongue, lung, breast, stomach, and/or esophagus. Regression of the tonsils, esophagus, and pharyngolaryngeal region (Fig- skin legions usually occurs with treatment of the underlying ure 26.2).The upper part of the respiratory tract (the cancer. Other diseases such as tuberculosis, CREST (calci- upper third of the lung, especially) also may be involved nosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, scle- with malignancy in this syndrome. Other tumors have rodactyly, and telangiectasia) syndrome, and sclerodactyly been reported also: cancer of the prostate, bladder, and also have been reported in association with erythema gyra- lower part of the leg, and some hematologic malignancies. tum repens.12 The skin lesions appear in several phases. Initially, they may resemble dermatitis, psoriasis, or lupus erythemato- sus. They begin with erythema and scaling and appear on Muir–Torre Syndrome the fingers and toes. Rarely vesicles, bullae, and crusts are Muir–Torre syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disor- present. The lesions are not itchy or painful. The nails are der. The skin lesions of Muir–Torre syndrome consist of hypertrophic with onycholysis. Sometimes, paronychia is sebaceous epithelioma, adenoma, or carcinoma and multi- present. Similar changes appear on the nose and conchae ple keratoacanthomas. The skin changes may precede the of the ears. In the later stages of the disease, the skin of appearance of the internal malignancies, but more often the body is also involved. Pityriasiform scaling appears on they occur later. The internal malignancies are multiple. the surfaces of the hands and feet. This scaling and a livid They are less aggressive, and metastases rarely occur. The erythema appear on the skin of the arms, legs, and trunk, tumors are mostly colorectal cancers. In 50% of patients, Chapter 26 ● Skin Signs of Systemic Neoplastic Diseases and Paraneoplastic Cutaneous Syndromes 267 tumors of the genitourinary tract, breast, and/or upper gas- include acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin disease, non- trointestinal tract are detected.13,14 Hodgkin lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, myelo- proliferative disease, and chronic myelogenous leukemia.18 The idiopathic form presents with tender plaques or The Sign of Leser–Trelat nodules located on the face, hands, and/or upper extrem- The sign of Leser–Trelat presents with numerous seb- ities. The skin is erythematous and livid. The diameter of orrheic keratoses, known as seborrheic warts or verrucae the lesions varies. Fever accompanies the skin changes, and senilis. They are common in elderly people, but the sign of neutrophilia is detected. The condition responds promptly Leser–Trelat must be considered as a paraneoplastic sign, if to corticosteroids. There is a difference in the skin signs there is a sudden increase in the number or size of previous between the idiopathic form and malignancy-related ones. existing keratoses and if their appearance is associated with The latter are more severe, vesicular, bullous, or ulcer- 15 an internal malignancy. The lesions are itchy. Associa- ative. Other dermatoses can appear in the malignancy- tion of the sign of Leser–Trelat with malignant acanthosis related variant, such as pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nigricans is quite possible, and this association supports the nodosum, or erythema multiforme. In the paraneoplas- hypothesis of the paraneoplastic nature of the sign. There tic form, the mucous membranes can be affected as well. are no histological differences between common seborrheic The extracutaneous involvement is more frequent: muscu- keratosis and those with malignancy. loskeletal signs and symptoms, involvement of the eyes, and The pathogenesis of the sign is unclear. Probably, a glomerulonephritis. In the paraneoplastic variant, there is tumor-secreted growth factor plays a role in its appear- absence of neutrophilia, which is common in the idiopathic ance. In most patients with the sign of Leser–Trelat, ade- form.19 nocarcinoma of the stomach is detected. The reported cases with the sign of Leser–Trelat had malignancy of the breast, colon, and/or rectum; less frequently, they had cancer of Other Genodermatoses the duodenum, esophagus, pancreas, ovary, uterus, cervix, Besides Muir-Torre syndrome, there are several autoso- prostate, and/or gallbladder. The associated malignant dis- mal dominant tumor-associated genodermatoses. These eases have an aggressive course; thus, the sign of Leser– include Gardner syndrome, Peutz–Jeghers syndrome, and Trelat is a poor prognostic sign. Association of the sign Cowden syndrome. In Gardner syndrome, multiple epi- of Leser–Trelat has been reported with many hematologic dermoid cysts, fibromas, and primary osteoma of the skin disorders, such as mycosis fungoides, lymphoma, leukemia, (which are associated with cancer of the colon) are present. and melanoma.16 In Peutz–Jeghers syndrome, multiple perioral and mucosal lentigines are observed. The skin changes are present beginning in early childhood, but later the patients develop Necrolytic Migratory Erythema (Glucagonoma tumor of the testis, ovaries, pancreas, and/or gastrointesti- Syndrome) nal tract. In Cowden syndrome, multiple trichilemmo- Necrolytic migratory erythema (glucagonoma syndrome) mas, trichoepitheliomas, hemangiomas, and oral and acral is strongly associated with the glucagon-secreting pancre- papules appear in association with breast and thyroid cancer atic islet cell tumor. Skin changes are erythematous, scaly, or tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.3 and then crusted. Blisters can appear after pustular evolu- tion due to bacterial or mycotic superinfection. The lesions are often confluent and painful. The skin changes are local- Paraneoplastic Pemphigus ized on sites of friction and pressure, such as feet and legs, Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a mucocutaneous blistering but also on buttocks, groins, and the pubic area. Addi- disease associated with malignancy and caused by Hodgkin tionally, mucocutaneous lesions such as atrophic glossitis, disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic cheilitis, stomatitis, balanoposthitis, or vulvovaginitis can leukemia, and/or Castleman disease, as well as Walden- appear. Because the condition is associated with pancreatic strom macroglobulinemia, T-cell lymphoma, thymoma, tumors, high blood sugar levels are expected. The erythro- retroperitoneal sarcoma, and/or reticulum cell sarcoma. cyte sedimentation rate is high. The amounts of free amino Reports on association with solid cancers are isolated.20,21 acids and of free fatty acids are low.17

DERMATOLOGY DISORDERS THAT MAY BE Sweet Syndrome ASSOCIATED WITH MALIGNANCY Sweet syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) can occur without other pathologic processes, but most com- Pyoderma Gangrenosum monly it might be associated with malignancy. In 85% of Pyoderma gangrenosum begins as a papule or pustule that cases, malignancy-associated Sweet syndrome is a marker later develops into an erythematous nodule. These nodules of hematologic neoplasm. The hematologic malignancies form an ulcer with irregular borders. The lesions have a 268 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 26.1: Dermatologic Diseases and Disorders in Associations of Malignancy

Skin disorder Related malignancy References

Porphyria cutanea tarda Hepatocellular carcinoma Federman et al.30 Amyloidosis Multiple myeloma Zappasodi et al.19 Ichthyosis acquisita Multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin disease Zappasodi et al.19 Granuloma annulare Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, solid tumors Cohen31 Sarcoidosis Solid tumors of cervix, liver, lung, uterus, testicles, melanoma; Cohen31 leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji T-cell lymphomas, hepatocellular carcinoma Schepers et al.32 Nishijima33 Bullous pemphigoid Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Zappasodi et al.19 Relapsing polychondritis Adenocarcinoma of bladder, breast, bronchus, colon, lung, Cohen31 pancreas, prostate, rectum, vocal cords; leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma Systemic lupus erythematosus Solid tumors of breast, cervix, ovary, brain, colon, biliary tract, Cohen31 kidney, pancreas, stomach, rectum, thymus, urinary bladder; leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma, nonmelanoma skin cancer Erythromelalgia Myeloproliferative disease Zappasodi et al.19 Subcorneal pustular dermatosis Multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma Zappasodi et al.19 Dermatitis herpetiformis Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Zappasodi et al.19 Linear immunoglobulin A dermatosis Multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma Zappasodi et al.19 Erythroderma and exfoliative dermatitis Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma Zappasodi et al.19 Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta Mycosis fungoides Kempf et al.34 Eosinophilic fasciitis T-cell malignant neoplasm Chan et al.35 Scleroderma Ovarian cancer Vottery et al.36 Pityriasis lichenoides chronica Oncocytoma renis Lazarov et al.37

necrotic base, and hemorrhagic exudates may be present. Clubbing The lesions are painful and have a predilection for lower Digital clubbing is associated with a disabling lung dis- extremity involvement. The sign of pathergy is present, and ease, mostly pulmonary emphysema, but also with chronic 19 lesions develop after minor trauma. bronchitis, hepatic cirrhosis, and inflammatory intestinal Pyoderma gangrenosum is associated in approximately diseases. It is characterized by an increase in the diameter 50% of patients with such systemic diseases as ulcera- of the distal phalanges and alterations to the fingernails. tive colitis, Crohn disease, and inflammatory arthritis.22 The disorder is classified into five phases. It begins with In 7% of cases, hematologic malignancies, most commonly an increase and fluctuation of the ungual bed and, in the leukemias and multiple myeloma, are detected.19 When the last phase, increase of the extremity with thickening of the condition is associated with hematologic disorders, bullae distal phalange and longitudinal striations are observed.26 23 may also be seen on the face. Digital clubbing is associated with bronchogenic cancer, and in this paraneoplastic form the bones are not usually changed.27 Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory myopathy with char- acteristic skin manifestations. The diagnostic criteria of Tripe Palms dermatomyositis include symmetrical proximal muscle Tripe palms present with brown thickening of the skin of weakness, inflammatory myopathy, elevation of serum lev- the palms, resembling pig intestine; hence, the name. The els of muscle enzymes, electromyographic evidence of epidermal ridges are broadened, and the sulci are deep. myopathy, and typical cutaneous findings of dermato- These changes are associated with internal malignancy and myositis. The prevalence of malignancy in dermatomyosi- usually appear with acanthosis nigricans.28 tis ranges from 3% to 60%.24 Dermatomyositis may precede, occur concurrently with, or develop after the malignancy. The most expected tumors associated with Hypertrichosis Lanuginose dermatomyositis are cancers of the ovary, stomach, lung, This paraneoplastic sign occurs in women, mostly. The and/or breast.25 face is affected mainly. Less frequently, hypertrichosis is Chapter 26 ● Skin Signs of Systemic Neoplastic Diseases and Paraneoplastic Cutaneous Syndromes 269

observed on the neck, trunk, arms, and legs. It must be dif- 13. Lynch MT, Linch PM, Pester J, et al. The cancer family ferentiated from hirsutism and hypertrichosis, which occur syndrome: rare cutaneous phenotypic linkage of Torre’s syn- because of androgens produced by some endocrinologic drome. Arch Intern Med. 1981; 141:607–11. disorders. Hypertrichosis lanuginose appears with cancer 14. Suspiro A, Fidalgo P, Crovo M, et al. The Muir-Torre syn- of the lung and/or colon.3 drome: a rare variant of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal The vasculitides, which are a heterogenous group of dis- cancer associated with hMSH2 mutation. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998; 93:1572–4. eases, are associated with cancer in approximately 5% of 15. Rampen HJ, Schwengle LE. The sign of Leser – Trelat: does the patients. Most commonly, patients with paraneoplas- it exist. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1989; 21:50–5. tic vasculitis have such hematologic malignancies as hairy 16. Schwartz RA. The sign of Leser – Trelat. J Am Acad Derma- cell leukemia and lymphomas. Vasculitis reported in asso- tol. 1996; 35:88–95. ciation with hematologic malignancies includes leukocyto- 17. Santacroce L, Gagliardi Abraham M. Clucagonoma e Medi- clastic vasculitis and polyarteritis nodosa.19,29 cine. Endocrinology 2007 Feb 9 18. Cohen PR, Talpaz M, Kurzrock R. Malignancy-associated Sweet’s syndrome: review of the world literature. J Clin OTHER DERMATOLOGIC DISEASES ASSOCIATED Oncol. 1988; 6:1887–97. WITH MALIGNANCIES 19. Zappasodi P, Del Forno C, Corso A, et al. Mucocutaneous Numerous additional dermatologic diseases and disor- paraneoplastic syndromes in hematologic malignancies. Int J Dermatol. 2006; 45:14–20. ders have been reported in associations of malignancy 20. Anhalt GJ. Paraneoplastic pemphigus: the role of tumors and (Table 26.1). drugs. Br J Dermatol. 2001; 144:1101–4. Additionally, dermographism and pruritus must be con- 21. Vassileva S, Drenovska K, Serafimova D, et al. Paraneoplas- sidered as common paraneoplastic signs without any par- tic pemphigus: report of two cases associated with chronic ticular associations with malignancies. lymphocytic leukemia. Bull CEEDVA. 2004; 6:17–22. 22. Callen JP, Woo TY. Vesiculopustular eruption in a patient with ulcerative colitis. Arch Dermatol. 1985; 121:399– REFERENCES 403. 1. Delacretaz J. Nouveaux syndromes paraneoplasiques cutanes. 23. Kurzrock R, Cohen PR. Mucocutaneous paraneoplastic man- Med Hyg Geneve. 1967; 25:1005–6. ifestations in hematologic malignancy. Am J Med. 1995; 2. Vlckova-Laskovska MT, Balabanova-Stefanova MG, Caca- 92:207–16. Biljanovska NG. Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes. Bull 24. Maoz CR, Langevitz P, Livneh A, et al. High inci- CEEDVA. 2004; 6:13–16. dence of malignancies in patients with dermatomyositis and 3. Balo-Banga JM, Vajda A. Paraneoplastic disorders and syn- polymyositis: an 11-year analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. dromes of the skin. Bull CEEDVA. 2004; 6:4–12. 1998; 27:319–24. 4. Thomas I, Schwartz R. Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes: 25. Bernard P, Bonnetblanc JM. Dermatomyositis and malig- uncommon presentations. Clin Dermatol. 2005; 23:593– nancy. J Invest Dermatol. 1993; 100:128–32. 600. 26. Sridhar KS, Lobo CF, Altman RD. Digital clubbing and lung 5. Powell F, Cooper A, Massa M, et al. Sister Mary Joseph’s cancer. Chest. 1998; 114:1535–7. nodule: a clinical and histologic study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 27. Macedo AG, Fusari VC, Paes del Almeida JR, et al. Digital 1984; 10:610–15. clubbing as the initial diagnosis of bronchogenic cancer. Anais 6. Andreev V, Boyanov L, Tsankov N. Generalized acanthosis Brasil Dermatol. 2004; 79:457–62. nigricans. Dermatologica. 1981; 163:19–24. 28. Breathnach SM, Wells GC. Acantosis nigricans: tripe palms. 7. Balo-Banga JM, Racz I, Szalay F, et al. Ein mit Castleman-to- Clin Exp Dermatol. 1980; 5:181–9. Rhino Hamarton einhergehende paraneoplastischer Symp- 29. 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33. Nishijima S. Papuloerythroderma associated with hepa- 35. Chan LS, Hanson CA, Cooper KD. Eosinophilic fasciitis as a tocellular carcinoma. Br J Dermatol. 1998; 139:1115– paraneoplastic syndrome. Arch Dermatol. 1991; 127:862–5. 16. 36. Vottery R, Biswas G, Deshmukh C, et al. Scleroderma and 34. Kempf W, Kutzner H, Kettelhack N, et al. Paraneoplastic dermographism in a case of carcinoma ovary. Indian J Der- pityriasis lichenoides in cutaneous lymphoma: case report and matol Venereol Leprol. 2005; 71:429–30. review of the literature on paraneoplastic reactions of the skin 37. Lazarov A, Lalkin A, Cordoba M, et al. Paraneoplastic pityr- in lymphoma and leukemia. Br J Dermatol. 2005; 152:1327– iasis lichenoides chronica. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 31. 1999; 12:189–90. CHAPTER 27 Burn Injury

Samuel H. Allen

ACUTE INJURY caused by burns produces some of the local inflammatory changes. Large injury is associated most horrendous and harrowing deformities encountered with systemic shock and organ hypoperfusion that is com- by persons working in the emergency and health care ser- pounded by the pathological fluid loss. After resuscita- vices. These injuries have a high mortality and, should tion, the patient attains a hypermetabolic state associated the patients survive, they will carry with them the lifelong with gluconeogenesis, insulin resistance, and increased pro- scars – physical, psychological, and emotional. tein catabolism. Late complications can arise from tissue Worldwide, injury caused by fire is a major cause of mor- edema and swelling, which in turn may lead to compart- bidity, especially in sub-Saharan Africa where open fires are ment syndrome, superimposed infection, and contractures. used to heat food and water. Sadly, most of these injuries Wound infection is often associated with multidrug- occur in toddlers. resistant organisms as a result of prior use of broad- In the developed world, house fires and industrial acci- spectrum antibiotics. Psychological sequelae are common dents are the major culprits causing burn injury. In the and include posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and United States alone, more than 500,000 people are seen body image disorder. in emergency departments each year as a result of burn injury; more than 50,000 are admitted to hospital, and more than 5000 deaths per year are attributed to the burn CLINICAL AND LABORATORY AIDS REQUIRED injury. FOR DIAGNOSIS Approximately 50% of household and domestic burn In most cases of burn injury the diagnosis and etiology injuries result from hot-water scalding and fires that occur are self-evident. Even so, it is important to try to establish in the kitchen. Most are managed outside hospital practice. the time of the injury as this will have implications in the Highest rates of burn-related injury and death are observed management and anticipation of complications. What may in children younger than 5 years and elderly persons older be less clear is the extent – and depth – of the injury. than 75 years.1 Since the introduction of gas-fired central heating and the tightening of health and safety laws, the incidence of these events has become less commonplace. Extent of Burn Heat energy is transmitted through radiation, conduc- A rapid and usefully accurate estimate of the body surface tion, and convection. Thermal injury usually occurs as a area of the injury can be calculated using the Rule of Nines result of fire, but chemicals, electricity, and radiation can (Figure 27.1).2 also cause burn injury. It is the direct effect of the flames’ Calculation of body surface area differs in children. For heat that causes the greatest harm. When the skin’s integu- children younger than 1 year, the head surface area repre- ment is destroyed the essential function of the skin is lost, sents approximately 18% of total surface area and the legs leading to profound fluid loss as well as inflammation and 14%. Therefore, for children older than 1 year, one should pain. To compound the injury, the burn is often asso- add 0.5% to the leg area and subtract 1% from the head ciated with other injuries arising from the accident such surface area for each additional year until adult values are as shock, smoke and debris inhalation, and blunt trauma. attained. Alternatively, the Lund and Browder3 chart can Superheated air may cause direct thermal injury leading be used to estimate body surface area in children. For a to upper airway edema and obstruction of the respiratory wide age range, the area of the palm plus palmer aspect of tract. More than 50% of fire-related deaths are the result the digits represents 1% of the total body area. of smoke inhalation.

Depth of Burn PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Accurate assessment of the burn depth is important in mak- A burn is caused by the coagulative destruction of the ing decisions about dressings and timing of surgery. The skin and mucous membranes, leading to blistering and depth may not always be clear from the initial assessment.


Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns. These burns affect the superficial dermis (papillary layer) and epidermis. The lesion has a red or mottled appearance with associated swelling and blister formation. Scalding typically causes this type of lesion. The skin often has a weeping or wet appearance and may be hypersensitive, even to air. Expo- sure of the superficial nerves makes these injuries extremely painful. Healing is usually complete within 2 weeks depend- ing on the density of skin adnexae. Thin hairless skin (e.g., inner arm and eyelids) will heal more slowly than thick or hairy skin (e.g., scalp or face) because it contains fewer hair follicles or sweat glands that contain the regenerating ker- atinocytes.

Deep Partial-Thickness Burns. Damage to the deep der- mis, which is the reticular layer containing the superficial parts of the hair follicles and sweat and sebaceous glands, is often the most difficult to assess and treat. Initial lesions may appear superficial, even with blanching on pressure, but on reexamination 48 hours later show fixed capillary staining. Fewer skin adnexae – hence islands of regenera- tion – are present at this depth, so healing is slower. The exposed dermis is pale white–yellow and insensate because FIGURE 27.1: Rule of Nines.2 sensory nerves in the dermis are destroyed. Blistering is common, and there is no capillary refill. Lesions heal with scarring. If injuries are extensive or in functional or cos- Depth of burn was previously classified as first-, second-, metically sensitive areas they are better excised to a viable or third-degree burn but is now more accurately described depth and then skin-grafted for best functional recovery. as an epidermal, superficial, or deep partial-thickness or Healing takes between 3 and 8 weeks. full-thickness burn (Figure 27.2).

Epidermal Burns. By definition, these burns affect only the Full-Thickness Burns. In full-thickness burns, all regen- epidermis. The lesion is typified by sunburn. Erythema and erative tissues are destroyed such that healing may only pain are present. Blistering is unusual in this type of injury. naturally occur from the edges of the wound. Conse- The skin adnexae that contain regenerating keratinocytes quently, healing usually results in considerable contraction. within the sweat glands and hair follicles are preserved, so The skin may vary in appearance between appearing dark, the lesion normally heals within a week without scarring. charred, and leathery to appearing translucent, mottled, or Supportive therapy is all that is required. Regular analgesia waxy white. Occasionally, the injury may be missed, being mistaken for unburnt skin. All full-thickness burn injuries and intravenous fluids may be required if there is extensive < injury and/or signs of heat stroke. should be excised and grafted unless they are small ( 1cm in diameter) or in an area that would not compromise func- tion. Analgesia to pinprick signifies a deep dermal or full- thickness injury. The clinical features of epidermal, partial-, and full- Full Deep thickness thickness burns are shown in Table 27.1. A so-called fourth- Superficial partial burn degree burn exhibits destruction of the subcutaneous fat, partial thickness thickness muscle, and sometimes bone. Such injury requires major reconstruction and often amputation.

THERAPY The chances of surviving a complex major burn injury are better now than ever before. Patients should be managed FIGURE 27.2: Classification of injury according to depth of on a specialized burn unit or center with experience in burn. managing these types of injury. This management usually Chapter 27 ● Burn Injury 273

TABLE 27.1: Clinical Features of Epidermal, Partial-, and Full-Thickness Burns

Depth Color Blisters Capillary refill Sensation

Epidermal Pink or red No Present Sore Superficial partial thickness Pink or red +/− Present Painful Deep partial thickness Red or pale +/− no +/− Full thickness White No no No

involves a multidisciplinary effort involving the surgical in the first 24 hours, mandating that patients be observed team, specialist nursing, microbiology, dieticians, physio- and have blood gases monitored for at least 24 hours prior therapy, and psychology. It is important that the wound is to discharge. reviewed regularly until healing is ensured. Factors such as Acute inhalation injury requires transfer to a specialist the local or systemic inflammatory response, wound infec- unit for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventila- tion, dehydration, cooling, and nutritional support will tion. influence the outcome.

Management on the Burn Unit Immediate Management: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Fluid Replacement. A flow sheet outlining the patient’s management should be commenced and kept with the Initial management of the burned patient requires an patient on arrival on the burn unit. Baseline determina- urgent assessment of the airway, breathing, and circula- tion for the major burn patient is shown in Table 27.2. tion (ABC) of the injured person, an assessment of his or Ideally, the patient should be weighed on admission to her level of consciousness, and rapid fluid replacement. the unit, and a full survey of the extent of other injuries All clothing should be removed unless adherent to the should be taken. This will often involve a radiological burn victim’s flesh (in which case it should be cooled and survey. soaked with water for formal debridement later). Jewelry The burn represents a large fistula leaking water, elec- such as rings and wristwatches should be removed to pre- trolytes, and protein. The rate of daily water loss through vent later complications arising from edema of the extrem- the breached skin averages 0.30 mL/cm2 burned area. If ities. Recent burn injury should be actively cooled with not done already, large-caliber intravenous lines must be copious amounts of tepid water for up to 20 minutes. Extra established. Any adult with more than 20% burns (i.e., caution should be taken in children as their greater surface two whole upper limbs or one whole leg) or a child with area-to-weight ratio may lead to hypothermia. The patient more than 10% burns (i.e., one whole upper limb, exclud- should be nursed in a bed with warm, dry, clean linens ing erythema) will require circulatory volume support. A to prevent hypothermia. Any blisters should be left intact. burn patient will require 2–4 mL of Ringer’s lactate or col- Antiseptic creams should not be applied.4 loid solution per kilogram body weight per percent partial- Inhalation injury should be suspected if there is burn or full-thickness body surface burns in the first 24 hours. In to the face, neck, and/or lips; hoarseness; or evidence of children, plasma equal to the child’s plasma volume should carbon particles (produced by combustion) at the mouth or be given for every 15% of skin burned. The intravenous in the sputum. Inhalation injury is more likely if the victim fluid rate is adjusted to give one half of the estimated fluid is found in an enclosed space or if the injury occurred as a result of an explosion. Smoke inhalation usually consists of carbon monox- TABLE 27.2: Baseline Determination for the Major Burn Patient ide (CO) and/or cyanide poisoning combined with a severe chemical pneumonitis. Modern building construc- • Blood: complete blood count, blood type and cross-match, tion materials yield significant amounts of cyanide. A car- carboxyhemoglobin, serum glucose, electrolytes boxyhemoglobin level greater than 10% in a burn victim • Pregnancy test in women of child-bearing age would be indicative of inhalation smoke injury. • Arterial blood gases • Anoxia is the first complication to consider. Causes X-ray: chest x-ray, other x-rays as indicated by injuries • Time of injury are laryngeal obstruction, pulmonary edema, contracted • Patient’s weight burned skin encircling the chest, carboxyhemoglobin, ane- • Estimate of burn injury: extent (% body surface area) and mia, and shock. The airway above the glottis is particu- depth of injury larly susceptible to obstruction from heat-induced edema. • Comorbidities and medication Inhalation injury may be subtle and often does not appear 274 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY volume replacement within the first 8 hours after the burn Elevation of the head and chest by 20–30 degrees injury and the remainder in the subsequent 16 hours. Fluid reduces neck and chest wall edema. Chest wall escharo- requirement calculations for infusion rates are based on tomy (burn incised into subcutaneous fat) may be required time from injury, not from the time fluid resuscitation is in the case of a full-thickness burn of the torso, leading to initiated. The amount of fluid given should be adjusted restriction of the chest wall motion. Local anesthesia is not according to the individual patient’s response to maintain a required because the skin is rendered insensate. urinary output of 0.5–1 mL/kg/h (adult) or 1–1.5 mL/kg/h (in children). The goal is to maintain vital organ function Nutritional Support. The average sodium loss is 0.03 while avoiding the complications of inadequate or excessive mmol/cm2, and the protein loss is similar to dilute plasma, fluid infusion that can lead to increased tissue edema. about 30 g/L. Extensively burned patients will require Blood pressure may be difficult to obtain and may approximately one-and-a-half times the calories and 2–3 be unreliable. Arterial line blood-pressure monitoring is times the protein needed in health. Feeding may be com- therefore preferable in the intensive care or burn unit set- menced via the nasogastric tube within 24 hours after the ting with cardiac monitoring for signs of dysrhythmia. burn injury. If oral feeding is not possible, potassium should Electrolyte, acid–base, and fluid balance will need to be be administered by mouth or intravenously to prevent meticulously monitored with hourly urine output for which ileus. the patient will require urinary catheterization. If there are signs of nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distension, or if burn involves more than 20% of the total body surface area, Wound Management nasogastric tube insertion will be required. Blood transfu- Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns. A moist, infection- sion is rarely needed. free environment facilitates the process of reepithelializa- tion. In the case of a superficial partial-thickness injury, CO Poisoning. The diagnosis of CO poisoning should be an antimicrobial cream plus an occlusive dressing should assumed in any injured person found in a smoke-filled envi- be applied. Hypafix applied directly to superficial wounds ronment. Patients with CO levels less than 20% usually can be useful to preserve mobility and allow washing of the have no physical symptoms. Higher CO levels can cause affected part with the dressing intact. It should be soaked headache, nausea, confusion, coma, and/or death. in oil (such as olive oil) for an hour before removal and CO dissociates very slowly from hemoglobin, but this changed at least twice weekly until the wound has healed. can be increased by breathing high-flow oxygen via a non- Alternatively, tulle gras or a silicone dressing such as Mepi- rebreathing mask. Arterial blood gas determinations should tel can be applied, with or without a silver sulfadiazine 5 be obtained at baseline, but arterial pO2 does not reliably cream or Acticoat and gauze. predict CO poisoning. Therefore, 100% oxygen should be The wound should be cleaned, dressed, and reviewed administered after baseline carboxyhemoglobin levels have on alternate days to optimize healing. Antimicrobial cream been taken. should be applied using the aseptic method with sterile Severely burned patients may be agitated or anxious gloves to avoid inoculation of potentially pathogenic organ- from hypoxemia or hypovolemia rather than from pain. isms into the wound. Facial burns heal well and may be The patient may then respond better to oxygen or increased left exposed. Any burn that has not healed within 2 weeks fluid administration rather than to narcotic analgesics or should be referred for reassessment. sedatives that may mask other signs of hypoxemia or hypo- volemia. Narcotics, analgesics, and sedatives should be Deep Partial-Thickness Burns. These injuries are the administered in small, frequent doses by the intravenous most difficult to treat and assess. Some deep partial- route only. thickness injuries will heal if the wound environment is Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used in the treat- optimized to encourage endogenous healing. Other injuries ment of major burn injury. To be effective, hyperbaric will require excision and grafting. oxygen therapy must be started within 24 hours of the Delay in reepithelialization beyond 3 weeks is associ- burn (and preferably sooner). It is particularly useful in ated with hypertrophic scarring. Therefore, all injuries that cases of concomitant smoke inhalation and CO or cyanide show no sign of healing by 10 days should be referred to poisoning. a specialist burn unit for consideration of grafting. Either the depth has been assessed incorrectly or the wound envi- Airway Management. Stridor is an indication for imme- ronment has become compromised. diate endotracheal intubation. Circumferential burn to the A number of bioengineered skin substitutes have been neck can lead to swelling of the tissues around the airway designed to promote healing. TransCyte, for example, con- and will usually require intubation. If oxygen and humidifi- tains nonviable allogenic fibroblasts that produce cytokines cation are not adequate, positive-pressure ventilation may that have been shown to improve healing in vitro. In a sys- be needed. tematic review, such agents were at least as safe as biological Chapter 27 ● Burn Injury 275 skin replacements or topical agents.6 Bioengineered skin TABLE 27.3: Criteria for Referral to a Burns Center substitutes, however, tend to be expensive and need to be applied by trained staff in theatre. • Deep burns involving: • 10% or more of the total body surface area in adults, or • 5% or more of the total body surface area in children • Surgery Burns to the face, eyes, ears, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, inner joint surfaces With major burns, the goal of therapy is geared toward • Inhalation injury preservation of life and limb. Wounds that are obviously • Significant chemical and electrical burns, including lightning deep at presentation must be referred early before tissue injury • necrosis triggers multiple organ failure or leads to sepsis. Burn injury with any of the following: • Major preexisting illness such as diabetes that could In such cases, more superficial burns may be treated with complicate management and recovery dressings until healing occurs or fresh donor sites become • Suspected child abuse and neglect available. • Concomitant injury The best time for surgery is within 5 days of injury to minimize blood loss. The burn eschar is shaved tangentially or excised to deep fascia. The aim is to remove the nonviable burnt skin while leaving a bed of viable tissue to allow for Wounds should be swabbed regularly for bacterial regranulation. growth and culture sensitivities. The choice of antimi- The ideal covering is split-skin autograft from unburnt crobials, if indicated, should be based on these results, areas. Thickness is usually tailored to the depth of the along with the results of screening swabs, for example, for excision for good cosmesis. Donor sites are often har- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). vested adjacent to the injury to optimize the color match. Tetanus toxoid should be administered. Human antite- Unmeshed sheet graft is preferred for the best cosmetic tanus immunoglobulin should be considered if treatment result and is used for the hands and face. has been delayed or the wound is heavily contaminated with Where donor sites are sparse, or the wound bed is likely soil or feces. to bleed profusely, the graft is perforated with a mesher to allow expansion. Although this improves graft “take” where COURSE AND PROGNOSIS the wound is bleeding after tangential excision, the mesh pattern is permanent and unsightly. A rough calculation of the survival probability can be made Rotation of the donor site may be used where unburnt using the formula: split-skin donor sites are in short supply, or else the excised 100 – (age in years + area of burn, as a percentage) wound is covered with a temporary cover until donor For example, a 25-year-old man with a 30% burn can sites have regenerated for reharvest. Examples of tempo- expect a 45% [100 – (25 + 30)] survival. rary cover include cadaveric allograft from an unrelated Optimum treatment of the wound reduces morbidity donor, xenograft (pigskin is most commonly used), cultured and reduces mortality. It also shortens the time to healing epithelial autograft, or a number of synthetic products. and return to normal function and thus reduces the need Cultured epithelial autografts permit greater use of for plastic surgery. available donor sites. Cultured cells can be applied as sheets (available after 3 weeks) or in suspension (available within 1 week). The development of synthetic products (such as CRITERIA FOR REFERRAL TO A BURN UNIT Integra dermal regeneration template) has enabled sur- Although not all the patients in the categories in Table 27.3 geons to shave extremely large burns and still achieve phys- will require transfer to a specialized burn unit, consultation iological closure with potentially lower mortality than was with the appropriate center should take place at presenta- previously possible. These products can be used in com- tion to plan further management and anticipate possible bination with mesh graft to improve the final cosmetic complications. result. Full-thickness injuries have no regenerative elements left. Unless they are very small, they will take weeks to heal and undergo severe contraction. They should be referred Role of Antimicrobials for surgery as early as possible. Unless soiled at the time of injury, an acute burn injury is usually sterile because the heat from the initial burn is COMPLICATIONS sufficient to kill most skin bacteria. Antibiotics, therefore, should not be routinely commenced following a burn injury The number and complexity of complications will depend but should be reserved for the treatment of secondary infec- on the premorbid state of the patient as well as the extent tion. and type(s) of injury. 276 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Compartment Syndrome surgical patient with a target international normalized ratio Raised intracompartmental pressure due to progressive of 2.5, range 2–3. tissue damage and inflammation can impede compart- mental blood flow leading to ischemia and anoxic necro- sis. Fasciotomy and nerve decompression (requiring clin- OTHER TYPES OF BURN INJURY ical vigilance and close liaison with the surgical team) Chemical Burns should be undertaken prior to the onset of irreversible damage. Chemical burns may result from exposure to acids, alkalis, and petroleum products. Alkali burns tend to be deeper and more serious than acid burns. Management involves washing the burn with copious Infection amounts of running water for at least 20–30 minutes (longer Unless there is debris in the wound, the thermal energy for alkali burns). Certain chemicals will produce toxic prod- from the burn will kill the commensal flora of the skin. The ucts with only a small amount of water, so it is important routine use of broad-spectrum antibiotics on admission is to use a copious amount of water to dilute the effects of therefore not recommended, unless the wound involves the chemical. If the toxic chemical is in powder form then areas with a high bacterial load, such as the perineum or the powder should be brushed away before irrigation with feet, or where the wound has been soiled. water. Exposed devitalized flesh provides a warm, moist cul- Ocular chemical injury requires continuous irrigation ture medium, and a sterile wound can quickly become col- for at least 8 hours in the case of alkali burns. onized when the skin has lost its integument. Even so, it will normally take approximately 5 days for an infection or sig- nificant colonization to become established in a previously Electrical Burns sterile site. Electrical burns account for approximately 3% of burn If a wound infection is suspected or the patient develops patients attending specialized centers. These burns are any signs of sepsis (raised temperature, raised C-reactive arbitrarily classified as high- or low-tension injuries protein, raised white cell or neutrophil count), then wound depending on the voltage, with high-tension burns result- swabs and blood cultures should be taken before embark- ing from shocks of greater than 1000 volts. Most electri- ing on “blind” antimicrobial therapy. The choice of antibi- cal burns, however, are the result of low-tension domes- otics will depend on the unit guidelines based on the tic appliances. Other sources of current are overhead local endemic resistance pattern and cost. Close liaison high-voltage power lines and rail electrification, includ- with the microbiologist is essential to avoid inappropriate ing the “third rail.” These overhead power lines pose a prescribing. threat not only to workers but also to sports enthusiasts The emergence of multiresistant organisms (including involved in pursuits such as fly-fishing, kite-flying, hang- resistant Pseudomonas spp., , MRSA, gliding, and parachuting.7,8 Removal of bodies from over- and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) within burn units head cables will require electrical isolation at the point of has become an increasing problem. The overall attributable recovery. mortality rate for these organisms is high, and once estab- Electric shock will cause reflex muscle contraction. lished, eradication from the burn unit can be difficult Thus, when navigating his or her way out of a smoke-filled because of their ubiquitous nature and ability to survive room, a firefighter will have been trained to feel the way for prolonged periods on inanimate surfaces. with the back of a hand rather than the palm, so that if an exposed live wire is encountered the shock will produce a repulsion of the limb rather than a grasp reflex. Thromboembolic Disease The severity of electrical burn injury is related to the Burn injury, coupled with fluid loss and a prolonged period voltage, duration of contact, and thickness and wetness of of rest in a warm environment, will increase plasma fluid the skin. viscosity. Prophylaxis with a low-molecular-weight hep- Electrical burns are often more serious than they appear arin is recommended but can be delayed until after initial on the surface. Any organ between the entry and exit point debridement and shave excision procedures. The clinical can be injured. High-voltage contact results in significant team should be mindful of late thromboembolic complica- rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria and subsequent risk of tions such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus. renal failure. Death may occur as a result of cardiac stun- D-dimers will be of limited use in the context of a recu- ning. perating burn patient, and diagnosis will rely on Doppler The histology of a skin injury shows a distinctive verti- ultrasound or venogram. Treatment will be as for a general cal elongation of the nuclei of the cells of the basal layer. Chapter 27 ● Burn Injury 277

The superficial epidermal cells may show similar changes. REFERENCES Dermal–epidermal separation may be present with elon- 1. Rajpura A. The epidemiology of burns and smoke inhalation gated degenerated cytoplasmic processes from the basal in secondary care: a population-based study covering Lan- cells protruding into this space. cashire and South Cumbria. Burns. 2002; 28:121–30. 2. Wallace AB. The exposure treatment of burns. Lancet. 1951; i:501–4. Lightning Strike 3. Lund CC, Browder NC. The estimation of the areas of burns. Approximately 100 deaths occur every year from a lightning Surg Gynaecol Obst. 1944; 79:352–8. strike in the United States. Millions of volts are conducted 4. Hettiaratchy S, Papini R. Initial management of a major burn: through a channel of approximately 1-cm diameter in less I – overview. BMJ. 2004; 328:1555–7. than a few milliseconds. Although 90% of victims survive 5. Papini R. Management of burn injuries of various depths. the lightning strike, up to 70% will suffer late organic or BMJ. 2004; 329:158–60. psychological effects. 6. Pham C, Greenwood J, Cleland H, et al. Bioengineered skin The classical dermatological injury is an arborescent or substitutes for the management of burns: a systematic review. feather-like lesion known as a Lichtenberg figure (Figure Burns. 2007; 33:946–57. 7. Chi L, Ning YD, Jun QF, et al. Electrical injuries from 27.2). Small burns at the site of metal objects held in the 9 graphite fishing rods. Burns. 1996; 22:638–40. hands or pockets may also be evident. 8. Campbell DC, Nano T, Pegg SP. Pattern of burn injury on Therapy is directed toward management of the extracu- hang-glider pilots. Burns 1996; 22:328–40. taneous complications that include respiratory arrest, gas- 9. Cherington M, McDonough G, Olson S, et al. Lichtenberg tric dilatation, ileus, cerebral edema, rupture of the tym- figures and lightning: case reports and review of the literature. panic membrane, and fractures. Cutis. 2007; 80:141–3. CHAPTER 28 Emergency Dermatoses of the Anorectal Regions

Yalc¸in Tuz¨ un¨ Sadiye Keskin

ALTHOUGH THERE ARE some dermatological disor- Examination of the anus shows marked, sharply demarcated ders that may affect the quality of life, the life-threatening erythema and causes discomfort. Rarely, proctocolitis may dermatoses of the anorectal region are infrequently seen. be seen. Generally, systemic penicillin or topical mupirocin When observed, bacterial infections would be the most is used in the treatment of this disease. If the disease is clin- serious, often being life threatening. For this reason, mak- ically less acute, erythromycin may be selected, depending ing the correct diagnosis and providing appropriate care on resistance patterns.1 is significant. Some of these disorders may be treated only with surgical treatment. Emergency dermatoses in the anorectal region are listed PERIANAL ABSCESS in Table 28.1. Perianal and anorectal abscesses usually are seen with painful swelling and suppuration. They are commonly complicated by anal fistula. The usual cause of a peri- STAPHYLOCOCCAL CELLULITIS anal abscess is infection of the anal glands, but some- The anorectal region can be susceptible to infection with times trauma or chronic illnesses (such as diabetes mel- Staphylococcus aureus. The high temperature, pressure, fric- litus, Crohn disease, hidradenitis suppurativa, and rectal tion, and humidity of this area encourage colonization by carcinoma) predispose to its development.1 staphylococci. Severe involvement with furunculosis and abscesses suggests an overlap with hidradenitis suppura- tiva. Cellulitis and abscess formation can complicate cysts, ECTHYMA GANGRENOSUM sinuses, and fistulas.1 Ecthyma gangrenosum is a cutaneous manifestation of Anorectal infections in patients with malignant disease Pseudomonas aeruginosa in immunocompromised patients, are serious and potentially life threatening. Although some such as those with leukemia, severe burns, pancytopenia cases of anorectal cellulitis may respond to antimicrobials or neutropenia, functional neutrophilic defect, terminal alone, necrotizing fasciitis and have a carcinoma, or some other severe chronic disease. Healthy high risk. Swelling and fluctuation signifying abscess for- infants may develop lesions in the perineal area after antibi- mation may develop. It is difficult to decide on the timing of otic therapy in conjunction with maceration of the diaper surgery. Perianal infiltration, ulceration, or abscess occurs area. Ecthyma gangrenosum usually develops because of in 5% of hematological malignancies and may rarely be the P. aeruginosa in the presence of bacteremia. presenting feature.1 The clinical features are tender vesicles or pustules sur- rounded by narrow pink to violaceous halos. The lesions become hemorrhagic and violaceous and rupture to become STREPTOCOCCAL DERMATITIS/PERIANAL round ulcers with necrotic black centers. The affected sites CELLULITIS are usually the buttocks and extremities, but sometimes This syndrome is mostly seen in children between the ages lesions can be seen in the anorectal region. The diagnosis of 1 and 8. Boys are affected more frequently than girls. is usually made by the presence of the classic vesicle. The Group A ␤ hemolytic streptococci is the main cause (rarely contents of the vesicles will show gram-negative bacilli on S. aureus).2 An association with acute guttate psoriasis has Gram stain, and cultures will be positive for P. aeruginosa. also been reported.2 Treatment is the immediate institution of intravenous The child presents with pruritus, painful defecation, anal anti-Pseudomonas medications. Prognosis is poor if there is soreness and redness, and satellite pustules of the buttocks. a delay in diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapy

page 278 Chapter 28 ● Emergency Dermatoses of the Anorectal Regions 279

TABLE 28.1: Urgent Dermatoses in the Anorectal Region

Staphylococcal cellulitis Streptococcal dermatitis/ Perianal abscess Ecthyma gangrenosum Necrotizing infections

and if the neutropenia has not been resolved by the end of the course of antibiotics.3

NECROTIZING INFECTIONS (GANGRENOUS CELLULITIS, INFECTIOUS GANGRENE, CREPITANT SOFT-TISSUE WOUNDS) These infections are characteristically rapidly developing, progressive, and accompanied by such constitutional symp- toms as severe pain and tenderness, with changes in the skin that progress to bulla formation and frank necrosis. The process can be found in the superficial or deep fascia with FIGURE 28.1: Scar tissue after necrotizing fasciitis (Photo secondary changes in the overlying soft tissues. Palpation courtesy of Lawrence Charles Parish, MD, Philadelphia, PA). of the lesions may reveal tenderness or gas in the area of involvement.4 mix of facultative and anaerobic microbes, often found in There are a number of overlapping severe gangrenous the subcutaneous tissues following surgery, bowel perfo- and necrotizing diseases that may affect the anorectal ration secondary to neoplasm or diverticulitis, trauma, or and perineal region. They can be recognized and treated parenteral drug abuse. It often occurs in patients with dia- with appropriate therapy immediately as they are life- betes mellitus or malnutrition.4 threatening diseases. Classification of necrotizing infec- Type 1 necrotizing fasciitis most commonly occurs on tions is shown in Table 28.2. an extremity, abdominal wall, and (rarely) perineum. Clin- ically, it is difficult to distinguish from streptococcal gan- NECROTIZING FASCIITIS grene, but the initial pace of the illness may be slower than that of type 2 necrotizing fasciitis. The involved area Necrotizing fasciitis is a life-threatening infection that is may be painful at first and then evolve with objective find- characterized by necrosis of subcutaneous tissue and fascia. ings, such as swelling, erythema, warmth, and tenderness. Necrotizing fasciitis can be divided into two groups: type Within several days, the skin color becomes purple, bul- 1 necrotizing fasciitis and type 2 necrotizing fasciitis. lae develop, and frank cutaneous gangrene is seen. At this Type 1 necrotizing fasciitis is more common in the stage the involved area is no longer tender due to destruc- anorectal region. This infection is generally caused by a tion of superficial nerves in the subcutaneous tissues (Fig- ure 28.1). Crepitation is often present, especially in patients TABLE 28.2: Classification of Necrotizing Infections with diabetes mellitus or if there are gas-forming anaerobes present.4 1. Necrotizing fasciitis Type 2 necrotizing fasciitis or streptococcal gangrene • Streptococcal gangrene (Type 2 necrotizing fasciitis) is more common in the other regions of the body com- • Type 1 necrotizing fasciitis • Synergistic necrotizing cellulitis pared to the anorectal region. In this infection, group • Fournier gangrene A ␤ hemolytic streptococci alone are isolated in approxi- 2. Clostridial soft-tissue infections mately 20% of patients. In perineal cases, there are almost • Anaerobic cellulitis always mixed infections. The major mechanisms of tis- • Anaerobic myonecrosis sue destruction include deformation of erythrocytes and • Spontaneous, nontraumatic anaerobic myonecrosis 3. Meleney progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene endothelial cell damage leading to thrombus formation, 4. Gangrenous cellulitis in the immunosuppressed patient hemorrhage, and tissue necrosis. The combination of kinin 5. Localized areas of skin necrosis complicating conventional activation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis leads to a dissem- cellulitis inated intravascular coagulation–like picture. The many streptococcal enzymes such as hyaluronidase, streptolysins, Data adapted from (4). and streptokinases also play a major role.5 280 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

The infection usually develops after minor trauma or surgery. Initially, a small region of cellulitis is present, but it expands rapidly, becoming dusky with bulla and a necrotic scar. Crepitation may be present, especially in mixed infections. The patient is ill with fever and exten- sive pain. There may be possible changes in mental status. The pain decreases as the disease progresses because the neurons are destroyed.5 In the histopathologic examination of necrotizing fasci- itis, there is massive destruction of the soft tissue and fascia with thromboses and liquefaction. The muscle may be sec- ondarily damaged. The most important therapeutic approach is extensive surgical debridement. A complete removal of necrotic tis- sue is required; incision and drainage only or local debride- ment is not effective. For systemic therapy, penicillin G, 30 million units daily for at least 10–14 days, is combined with clindamycin 600 mg three times daily for 1–2 days because of anaerobe infections. Intravenous immunoglobulin is also recommended, as well as organ-specific supportive mea- sures.5 FIGURE 28.2: Fournier gangrene (Photo courtesy of Lawrence Charles Parish, MD, Philadelphia, PA). Fournier Gangrene Fournier gangrene is a localized variant of necrotizing fasci- initial “red flag,” progresses to frank gangrene. The infec- itis that is seen in the genitalia and perineum. Necrotiz- tion tends to be superficial, limited to skin and subcuta- ing gangrene of the genitalia and perineum is a fulminate, neous tissue and extending to the base of scrotum, but it life-threatening infection. In 1883, Fournier described this may spread to the penis, perineum, and abdominal wall condition in five patients. Since then, approximately 500 along fascial planes (Figure 28.2).2,6 cases have been published. Infections may be idiopathic Histologically, Fournier gangrene is characterized by or secondary to local trauma or surgery and are usu- obliterative endarteritis and thrombosis of the subcuta- ally polymicrobial. The organisms isolated include gram- neous vessels, fascial necrosis, and leukocyte infiltration. negative bacilli, gram-positive cocci, and anaerobes.6 Although necrotizing gangrene of the genitalia and per- Fournier gangrene is 2 or 3 times more frequent in ineum is a clinical diagnosis, a biopsy showing necrosis, men than in women, and the average age of patients is abscess formation, and vascular thrombosis is useful to con- 38–44 years. It is rare in children; cases after neonatal cir- firm the disease and to obtain culture samples. Ultrasound cumcision, however, have been observed. In men, infec- imaging may reveal gas or testicular involvement and may tion typically affects the scrotum, occasionally invades the help to identify Clostridium as the causal organism.6 penis, and less frequently spreads to the perineum and Mortality rates of 25%–75% have been reported. Lower abdomen. The muscles and testes are usually spared. In mortality rates of 0%–40% have been reported by others, women, infection tends to involve both the vulva and the possibly because of modern supportive measures.6 perineum.6 The true incidence of the infection is uncertain, although it seems to be higher in Asia and Africa. It is also SYNERGISTIC NECROTIZING CELLULITIS more common in immunocompromised hosts, with dia- (NECROTIZING CUTANEOUS MYOSITIS, betes mellitus, cancer, vascular disease, or neutropenia, as SYNERGISTIC NONCLOSTRIDIAL ANAEROBIC well as in human immunodeficiency virus–positive patients, MYONECROSIS) alcoholics, and transplant recipients. In several series, 20%– This variant of necrotizing fasciitis is unique in that all 40% of patients were diabetic and 35% were alcoholics.6 soft-tissue structures, including muscle, can be involved in The onset of Fournier gangrene can be insidious, with a a painful, progressive, and polymicrobial infection that is discrete area of edema, erythema, and necrosis on the scro- highly lethal. This infection generally occurs in patients tum, progressing to advancing skin necrosis rapidly over 1– who are elderly, obese, or wasted, and have chronic ill- 2 days. Pain, swelling, and crepitation in the scrotum, per- nesses, such as diabetes mellitus or various renal or cardiac ineum, or suprapubic region may be marked. Foul-smelling diseases. The disease begins with a slow pain. Individu- drainage occurs, indicating a contribution from anaerobes. als are often afebrile or have only a low-grade fever, lack- Purplish discoloration of the scrotum and perineum, an ing systemic toxicity in the early stages. The initial skin Chapter 28 ● Emergency Dermatoses of the Anorectal Regions 281

ological studies confirm that this infection is usually associ- ated with a microaerophilic Streptococcus or anaerobic Strep- tococcus at the advancing margin and S. aureus in the central, ulcerated area.2 This infection typically is seen in a drain site following an abdominal operation, in an incision in the chest wall following abdominal or thoracic infection, at the exit site of a fistulous tract, or in a chronic ulcer. Rarely, it may be seen in the perineum.2 The process usually begins with local redness, tender- ness, and swelling that develops into a painful, superfi- cial enlarging shaggy ulcer. Three zones of involvement become apparent: a central area of necrosis; a surrounding zone of violaceous, tender, edematous tissue with necrotic margins; and an outer zone of bright erythema and edema (Figure 28.3). Fever and systemic toxicity are minimal or absent. The process progressively enlarges if it is not treated with appropriate therapy as soon as possible. Treatment includes excision of the shaggy ulcer and necrotic margins and appropriate antimicrobials, guided by Gram stains and cultures.2 FIGURE 28.3: Synergistic gangrene, following drainage of peri- anal abscess. (Photo courtesy of Hasan Kalafat, MD, Istanbul, Turkey.) REFERENCES lesion is a small area of necrosis or a reddish-brown blis- ter with extreme local tenderness. Then a foul-smelling 1. Bunker CB, Neill SM. The genital, perianal and umbilical draining ulcer that rapidly expands is seen. Gram stain of regions. In: Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, Griffiths C, edi- the drainage reveals both gram-positive and gram-negative tors. Rook’s textbook of dermatology. Vol. 4, 7th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 2004. pp. 68.1–68.104. organisms and rare or absent neutrophils. Extensive gan- 2. Odom RB, James WD, Berger TG, editors. Andrews’ diseases grene of the superficial tissues and fat can be visualized by of the skin clinical dermatology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; direct inspection through open areas or with skin incisions. 2000. pp. 307–57. Gas can be palpated in the tissues in approximately one 3. Matz H, Orion E, Wolf R. Bacterial infections: uncommon quarter of patients. Organisms frequently isolated include presentations. Clin Dermatol. 2005; 23:503–8. anaerobes and facultative bacteria.2,5,7 4. Weinberg AN, Swartz MN, Tsao H, Johnson RS. Soft- The most common site of involvement is the per- tissue infections: erysipelas, cellulitis, gangrenous cellulitis, ineum. The major predisposing factors are perirectal and and myonecrosis. In: Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, ischiorectal abscesses. Treatment is similar to that for Austen KF, Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, editors. Fitzpatrick’s der- group A ␤ hemolytic streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis, matology in general medicine. 6th ed. New York: McGraw- except that the antibiotic regimen must be adjusted to the Hill; 2003. pp. 1883–95. 5. Braun-Falco O, Plewig G, Wolff HH, Burgdorf WHC, edi- culture results.2,5,7 tors. Dermatology. 2nd ed. Munich: Springer; 2000. pp. 128– 244. PROGRESSIVE BACTERIAL SYNERGISTIC 6. Cabrera H, Skoczdopole L, Marini M, et al. Necrotizing gan- GANGRENE (MELENEY GANGRENE) grene of the genitalia and perineum. Int J Dermatol. 2002; 41:847–51. The name, synergistic gangrene, was coined by Meleney in 7. Bostancı S. Acil cerrahi tedavi gerektiren dermatozlar. Turk¨ the 1930s, based on studies done in vivo in rabbits. Microbi- Klin J Surg Med Sci. 2006; 2:74–80. CHAPTER 29 Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders

Michael Waugh

THIS CHAPTER is based on practical clinical experi- the service, which must have well-publicized easy access- ence of the author in the management of sexually trans- ibility.1 mitted diseases since 1969 in the United Kingdom (UK). In the UK, genitourinary medicine (sexually transmitted infections [STI] covers human immunodeficiency virus/ NON-STD CONDITIONS acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) as well Conditions that are not STDs but that may present to as does sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is a sepa- venereologists and must never be missed include the fol- rate specialty and requires very considerable postgraduate lowing items. study in all aspects of sexual health. Although emergen- cies in the acute internal or medical sense are rare, rapid and astute clinical management of many of the conditions Torsion of the Testicle encountered is necessary. Torsion of the testis is not a common condition. The author Patients are usually concerned when they think that has only seen one case presenting in almost 50 years in they might have contracted an STD. Accurate diagnosis is practice. It occurs with equal frequency in incompletely needed so that necessary medication (whether it be antimi- and fully descended testes. Taking into consideration that crobial, antifungal, or antiviral) may be given. Fast diag- incomplete descent is present in less than 1% of men, it nosis is needed to abort infection, wherever possible, and is obvious that torsion of an incompletely descended testis to prevent immediate and long-term consequences to the occurs relatively more frequently than that of a completely patient. When an STI has been contracted, it is imperative descended testis. The highest incidence is in men between that an easily understood explanation and education also 15 and 25 years old, and the second most common incidence be given to the patient with the reasons given why contact is in infants. tracing (partner notification) must be pursued for sexual The symptoms vary with the degree of torsion present. contacts. Follow-up is necessary not only to make sure that Most commonly the patient experiences sudden and ago- any immediate infection or infections are cured, but also to nizing pain in the groin and lower abdomen and vomits. make sure that adequate care is taken to test for infections In about one quarter of patients, the first symptom is a such as syphilis and HIV, which may well require testing dull ache in the loin or hypogastrium. It is insufficiently not only on immediate presentation but also 1 month and appreciated that true testicular pain is situated in the lower 3 months after initial presentation. It is essential under any abdomen at the level of the internal inguinal ring. It might public health and legal system to maintain confidentiality be considered that the diagnosis is simple. It can be impos- of the patient and to explain, if necessary, to the patient sible to distinguish torsion of an imperfectly descended what that means. testicle from a strangulated inguinal hernia until the parts Many patients will nowadays use resources on the Inter- have been displayed by operation. Torsion of a completely net to gain information. This method is frequent, and the descended testicle is a less difficult problem; sometimes, good physician will work with that system and help the the actual twists in the cord can be felt thus establishing patient to enhance his or her knowledge rather than decry- the diagnosis. ing Internet information. In the UK, the Department of Torsion of the testicle may stimulate an acute Health has recognized the importance of early access to epididymo-orchitis; after approximately 6 hours the skin of STD services and has set a goal that any patient should the scrotum becomes reddened and the temperature may be offered an appointment within 48 hours of contracting be raised 37.2◦C. Elevation of the scrotum usually relieves

page 282 Chapter 29 ● Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders 283 the pain in epididymitis but increases it in torsion.2 Scrotal the swollen parts in ice water for the same amount of time ultrasound is not a satisfactory way to make a diagnosis of and giving the patient 5 mg of diazepam while lying down torsion of the testicle, and if mumps and an acute infec- usually allows the doctor to reduce the paraphimosis by tious epididymo-orchitis are excluded surgical exploration bilateral gentle pressure of the thumbs on the glans while should not be delayed by diagnostic imaging.3 holding firmly but not painfully the prepuce proximal to the paraphimosis. The paraphimosis disappears. If that is impossible, or if the paraphimosis has been there too long or Ectopic Pregnancy the patient will not relax, a urologist needs to be consulted Various degrees of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), for reduction under anesthetia and later circumcision. caused mainly by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gon- orrhoeae, but also by Mycoplasma hominis and anaerobes, are frequently seen, but a condition in which there should be a SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE PENIS high index of suspicion is ectopic pregnancy.4 Although rare, this is a condition that must not be missed; By definition, ectopic pregnancy refers to any nonin- it is a serious cancer with a high mortality. In STD clinics trauterine pregnancy. Although ectopic pregnancies may for men, one or two cases will turn up annually, usually be ovarian, cervical, or intraabdominal, the vast majority in older men, often having noticed something wrong for are tubal, having an incidence of 1:200–400 pregnancies. some length of time but for one reason or another not hav- There may be a history of a previous ectopic pregnancy, ing sought help from a doctor. Risk factors include being previous surgery, pelvic infection, endometriosis, or in vitro uncircumcised, smoking, and having contact with carcino- fertilization, but approximately half occur with no predis- gens such as oil, tar, and/or arsenic. There is a link with the posing cause. human papillomavirus, and the condition may be found after phototherapy for psoriasis. I have seen it in three Clinical Features. Clinical features range from no symp- patients followed up for more than 20 years for lichen scle- toms at all; to right, left, or bilateral lower abdominal pain; rosus et atrophicus (LSA). It accounts for approximately bleeding per vagina; intraabdominal hemorrhage (periton- 0.5% male malignancies in western countries. ism and shoulder tip pain); and collapse. Pelvic examination Symptoms often have been present for many years. should be gentle to avoid tubal rupture. An ultrasound Patients complain of itching, bleeding, irritation, and fore- investigation is often useful. It should be noted that a ges- skin problems such as tethering and phimosis. Tumors may tational sac may be confused with a pseudosac (due to fluid involve the glans penis in approximately 50% and prepuce in the thickened endometrium), which is seen in 20% of in 20%, and in some patients both glans and prepuce are ectopic pregnancies and which lacks the echogenic ring of affected. There may be small nodules, nonhealing areas, a gestational sac. A true sac is usually smooth with a double and ulceration as well as phimosis and LSA. Palpable lymph rim, is eccentrically placed, and may contain a yolk sac. nodes may be the first place for metastases. Referral to a urologist and specialist treatment center is needed. Diagno- Management. Immediate referral for acute emergency sis is by biopsy. Treatment is resection followed by radio- gynecological assessment is essential. The management of therapy and chemotherapy. Prognosis is poor.5 shock and the setting up of two intravenous (IV) lines is urgent as is the setting up and patient cross-matching for 6 units of red cell concentrate. STDS Although only a few complications of STDs could be con- sidered to be emergencies, symptoms and signs sugges- PARAPHIMOSIS tive of an STD should always be taken seriously. Accurate Although this condition has none of the serious conse- history taking and diagnosis or multiple diagnoses are nec- quences of the previous two conditions, it is not infre- essary both for the purposes of effective therapy and appro- quently seen turning up in young men attending STD priate partner notification (contact tracing), with follow-up clinics, especially in countries where men are uncircum- to make sure the patient has been adequately cured. As cised. The tight prepuce has been retracted but cannot be the condition is infective, there is all the more reason why returned, and it is constricting the glans, which is engorged good diagnosis and treatment as a public health measure and edematous. The patient is usually frightened. The diag- are imperatives. In many localities, there are also civil reg- nosis is apparent at a glance. ulations that differ from country to country on treatment The surgical textbooks recommend injection of nor- of STDs, aspects concerning confidentiality, their notifica- mal saline containing 150 turbidity units of hyalurodinase tion to public health authorities, and their situation within injected into each lateral aspect of the swollen ring of the the legal framework of that country. prepuce. Usually, within 15 minutes the swelling is much Here concise guidelines are given for management reduced; this is, however, not always available. Soaking of , genital tract infection with C. trachomatis, 284 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 29.1: Urethral gonorrhea. herpes genitalis, and syphilis, which may all have emer- gency elements in their presentations. These guidelines will generally follow those of the Clinical Effectiveness Group of British Association for Sexual Health.

Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is an STD resulting from infection with N. gon- orrhoeae, a gram-negative diplococcus. The primary sites of infection are the mucous membranes of the urethra (Fig- ure 29.1), endocervix (Figure 29.2), rectum (Figure 29.3), pharynx (Figure 29.4), and conjunctiva. Transmission is by direct inoculation of infected secretions from one mucous membrane to another.6 In men, 80% have a mucopurulent urethral discharge and approximately 50% have dysuria if the urethra is FIGURE 29.3: Anorectal gonorrhea. infected. Most specialists will be only too aware of the man with acute gonorrhea entering the consulting room with In women, up to 50% with infection of the endocervix a yellowish catarrhal urethral discharge. In a few, asymp- have no symptoms. Up to 50% may also have an increased tomatic infection may occur. Pharyngeal infection is usually vaginal discharge. If there is a degree of PID, lower abdomi- asymptomatic. Rectal infection in men who have sex with nal pain may be found in up to 25%. Gonorrhea is also a rare men (MSM) may be asymptomatic, but approximately 20% cause of intermenstrual bleeding or menorrhagia. Twelve have anal discharge or perianal pain or discomfort. percent of women complain of dysuria but not frequency.

FIGURE 29.2: Purulent cervicitis in gonorrhea. FIGURE 29.4: Pharyngeal gonorrhea after fellatio. Chapter 29 ● Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders 285

Rectal infection may occur after anal sexual intercourse or vaginal swabs. Although probably adequate for pharyn- by spread from genital secretions. As with men, pharyngeal geal and rectal specimens, long-term reliability still needs infection is usually asymptomatic. to be completely proven. Confirmation, especially in It is important to realize that N. gonorrhoeae may coex- medical–legal cases, still requires adequate culture sam- ist with C. trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Candida pling. NAATs also do not show sensitivity patterns for albicans. If signs are present at all, up to 50% may have antimicrobials. Screening for coincident STDs should an endocervical discharge, but there may be few positive always be performed in patients with gonorrhea. signs, the patient either presenting as a sexual partner of a man infected or presenting for a genital diagnostic check. Treatment. For 60 years since penicillin was first used, N. Complications are transluminal spread of N. gonorrhoeae gonorrhoeae has shown capacity to develop reduced sensi- from the urethra to involve the epididymis and prostate in tivity and resistance to many antimicrobials. For instance, men (≤1%) and endometrium and pelvic organs (PID) in resistance to penicillin, tetracyclines, and ciprofloxacin is women, probably less than 10%. Hematogenous dissemi- common.9 Therapy should eliminate at least 95% of those nation may also occur from infected mucous membranes presenting in the local community.10 (it is worth considering infection of the pharynx when Generally, the following treatments will work unless this occurs), resulting in skin lesions, arthralgia, arthri- resistance has developed: tis, and tenosynovitis. Disseminated gonococcal infection ● is uncommon, but in the 1960s outbreaks of gonococcal Ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscularly in or after (IM), dermatitis arthritis syndrome were seen.7 ● Cefixime 400 mg orally with or after (PO), ● Spectinomycin 2 g IM. Gonococcal Infection of the Eye. In adults, this infection is rare. It may occur from fomites but more likely as the Azithromycin is not recommended for the treatment result of sex play. The conjunctiva is swollen, red, edema- of gonorrhea due to reports of developing resistance tous, and painful, and pus is pouring out. The possibility to it.11 should always be considered that it was caught as a strain of penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae and adequate cul- Co-Infection with C. trachomatis. Between 20% and tures taken. It responds rapidly to appropriate antibiotics, 40% of men and women with gonorrhea will also be and an ophthalmologic opinion should always be requested infected with C. trachomatis, so often combined therapy for to exclude corneal ulceration. both N. gonorrhoea and C. trachomatis is given at the same In children, this infection is usually caught in places with time. Thus, for the latter, azithromycin 1 g PO or doxycy- poor hygiene, such as crowded tenements and refugee and cline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days is recommended. When nomad camps, but of course it may be after sexual interfer- prescribing antibiotics, care should always be taken in preg- ence with that child. Its appearance will be similar to that nant women, patients with known antibiotic sensitivities or found in an adult. allergies, patients who are taking other medications, and Ophthalmia neonatorum in the UK is defined as a puru- (in the case of doxycycline) patients exposed to sunlight. lent discharge from the eyes of an infant within 21 days of birth. It is now much more common in babies infected with Sexual Partners. Partner notification is needed. It is a skill C. trachomatis than in those infected with N. gonorrhoea. that requires diplomacy, and the patient will often be helped Diagnosis is made by identification of N. gonorrhoeae by a professional health adviser. Sexual partners should be from an infected site. Microscopy with visualization of treated for gonorrhea, preferably after evaluation as for gram-negative diplococci is obviously the fastest way of STI. making a presumptive diagnosis in men with symptomatic urethral gonorrhea, but in women microscopy from endo- cervical smears even with skilled technicians will pick up Genital Tract Infection with C. trachomatis only approximately half the cases. Thus, cultures are also This is the most common nonviral STD found in indus- needed. Here again, specimens need to be adequately col- trialized countries. It is thought that 5%–10% of sexu- lected and selective culture medium containing antimicro- ally active women younger than 24 years and men in their bials are recommended to reduce contamination.8 Culture late teens and early twenties may be currently infected.12 tests help very much in diagnosis of gonorrhea from the Risk factors are being a young adult, having a new sex- pharynx, cervix, and anorectal canal as well as the urethra, ual partner in the last year, and lack of consistent use of and are the only way to monitor sensitivity and resistance condoms. There has been a pattern of serial monogamy. patterns to antimicrobials in gonorrhea. Although it usually causes a mild urethral discharge in men Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and nucleic with variable dysuria(Figure 29.5), there may be few ade- acid hybridization tests are more sensitive than cultures quate symptoms in some men, and it is frequently asymp- and can be used for screening urine samples and self-taken tomatic in women. In women, when there are symptoms, 286 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

be a proctitis with anal discharge and anorectal discomfort. It is the complications that will cause the patient to seek help as an emergency.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) PID results when infections ascend from the cervix or vagina into the upper genital tract.13 It includes endometri- tis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscesses, and pelvic peritoni- tis. The main causes are C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae, but M. hominis and anaerobes are also found. Even after laparoscopy, no bacterial cause may still be found. Lower abdominal pain is the most common symptom, with increased vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding, deep dyspareunia, and dysuria also present in some women. The cervix may have a mucopurulent discharge with contact bleeding, indicative of a cervicitis. Adnexal and cervical motion tenderness on bimanual examination is the most common sign, but pyrexia and a palpable adnexal mass may also be present.

Diagnosis. Laparoscopy with microbiological specimens from the upper and lower genital tracts is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, but this is not always available. If laparoscopy is not available, the presence of lower abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, cervi- cal motion, and adnexal tenderness on bimanual exami- nation, together with confirmatory subsequent diagnosis from swabs taken from the lower genital tract, will give a diagnosis but only with a specificity of approximately 70%.

Treatment of PID. Prompt diagnosis and early treatment FIGURE 29.5: Chlamydial urethritis with molluscum conta- should reduce the risk of tubal damage and should be started giosum. before microbiology results are known. Regimens should cover all bacterial causes and may need to be given IV for they are variable and may include postcoital or intermen- the first few days. strual bleeding, lower abdominal pain, purulent vaginal dis- A suitable regimen would be ceftriaxone 2 g IM plus charge, mucopurulent cervicitis, and dysuria. Babies may be doxycycline 100 mg twice daily or ofloxacin 400 mg twice infected from mothers via the birth process (Figure 29.6). daily plus metronidazole 400 mg twice daily for 14 days. In men and women, after anal sexual intercourse there may Appropriate analgesia should be given. Partner notification is essential to prevent reinfection. Other complications of genital C. trachomatis infection include Fitz–Hugh–Curtis syndrome (perihepatitis), trans- mission to the neonate (neonatal conjunctivitis, pneumo- nia), epididymo-orchitis, adult conjunctivitis, and sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA)/Reiter syndrome (more common in men). Of the complications mentioned, both epididymo-orchitis and SARA may present as emergencies and are discussed here.

Epididymo-Orchitis. An acute epididymitis may occur in older men (generally at least 35 years old) due to uri- nary tract infection usually caused by coliform organisms, although age does not preclude sexual activity and sexu- FIGURE 29.6: Chlamydial ophthalmia in an infant. ally transmitted causes of epididymitis should always be Chapter 29 ● Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders 287 considered if there is an active sex life. In younger men under age 35, more frequently C. trachomatis and less fre- quently N. gonorrhoeae are the cause, although urinary tract infection, especially if there are underlying genital tract anomalies, should be considered. Rarer causes, but those still found in developing countries, are tuberculosis and leprosy. Mumps, especially where there are many young- sters living closely together, also should be considered. The differential diagnosis from torsion of the testicle has already been described. There does need to be a planned approach in centers where the symptomatic patient may well get to a venereal disease clinic but the asymptomatic patient gets to an urologist. Treatment includes excluding a urinary tract infection, giving necessary analgesics and scrotal support, and administering appropriate antibiotic therapy for either N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis (in the latter case doxycy- cline 100 mg twice daily for 14 days). Partner notification for STD causes of epididymo-orchitis is a requisite. If any group of young men presenting with epididymo- orchitis is analyzed, annually, there will be one or two who do not have an epididymo-orchitis but have, in fact, a malignant tumor of the testicle. The skilled clinician usu- ally develops a sixth sense, and a high index of suspicion is needed for these cases when not presenting to an urolo- gist. In my practice malignant tumors of the testicle are also more common in men with HIV infection. The usual signs of testicular cancer include a lump in the testicle, painless swelling, or altered consistency of the testis; any of these may be found on a medical examination. Ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance help in the diagnosis, and the patient needs to be seen rapidly by the appropriate team in a center that has specialist knowledge of testicular tumor management. FIGURE 29.7: Circinate balanitis.

SARA/Reiter Syndrome. SARA/Reiter syndrome has atoderma blenorrrhagica, onycholysis, and eye complica- been included as an emergency, as it may well have an tions (such as an anterior uveitis) are all known but are not insidious onset that can present to a variety of clinicians. part of emergency presentation. The condition is far from It is often missed in its early stages; in practice, less would common in women, but a vulvitis may occasionally present. be seen if more often the early diagnosis of C. trachomatis When considering the consequences and the differential (often asymptomatic in young men) was considered and diagnosis of C. trachomatis genital infection, it is necessary appropriate therapy (best given as azithromycin 1 g PO) to consider the much more common and very frequently was instituted. Missing SARA may have disastrous effects seen uncomplicated C. trachomatis genital infection. in sportsmen with active sex lives when damages to the hip, knee, ankle, and small joints of the foot, as well as Diagnosis and Treatment of C. trachomatis Genital tenosynovitis, are short- and long-term side effects. Infection. Diagnostic tests are changing rapidly for C. tra- Circinate balanitis (Figure 29.7) may well occur a few chomatis.13 The tests for standard of care are NAATs. These weeks before other major symptoms and should act as a trig- are more sensitive and specific than enzyme immunoassays ger for the dermatologist to screen for STDs (especially C. (EIAs). Suboptimal EIAs are no longer appropriate. No trachomatis) and to give appropriate antibiotic therapy with test, be it NAAT or EIA, is 100% sensitive or specific. The doxycycline or azithromycin. As any mucosa may well be field of diagnosis changes so rapidly that ongoing specialist affected, there is a need to look further than the genitals. advice should be considered by those whose main specialty Conjunctivitis occurs in approximately 30% of cases in the is not STDs. early stages as well as usually mild oral and buccal lesions It should be noted that, as yet, NAATs have not had in early SARA. In chronic SARA obviously the well-known U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for speci- classical signs of chronic arthritis, serious skin lesions, ker- mens from rectal, pharyngeal, and conjunctival specimens 288 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

hepatitis B and C – all of which should be investigated in this group of patients.

Treatment of Uncomplicated Genital C. Trachomatis Infection. Recommended treatment includes doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days, ofloxacin 200 mg twice a day for 7 days, or azithromycin 1 g PO, the latter being rec- ommended by the World Health Organisation for preg- nant women but not completely passed as being safe by all national health agencies, although it probably is. In my own clinical practice, I have found azithromycin, although more expensive than doxycycline, much more acceptable for young adults. It needs to be taken only once, and, provided the partner is treated at the same time, a sex life will be started faster and safer without the risk of recurrent infection in one or the other (as may happen with doxycycline, where a week seems an incredibly long time for the eager young man to avoid sex).

Herpes Genitalis As this condition is so often not only painful but comes as a most unpleasant shock to self-esteem in a world where young people are so media aware, it is the STD that most often gets the venereologist called outside his normal work- ing day (Figures 29.8 and 29.9). Over the years it is often the parent of young persons who has realized that they are suffering from genital herpes who calls so often at weekends and public holidays.

Etiology. The two forms are herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), the usual cause of orolabial herpes and herpes FIGURE 29.8: Painful ulcer on penis, syphilis excluded, but her- simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). pes simplex virus type 2 isolated. Natural History: What Do We Know about Herpes in men or women; in the absence of culture tests, however, Genitalis? Infection may be primary or nonprimary. Dis- NAATs are usually taken from these sites. In Europe, in ease episodes may be initial or recurrent and symptomatic the last 5 years rectal lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) or asymptomatic. Prior infection with HSV-1 modifies the has been seen not infrequently in MSM, and British guide- clinical manifestations of first infection by HSV-2. After lines recommend that when a rectal NAAT is found to be positive, it is sent for further testing for LGV typing to the appropriate laboratory. Rectal LGV was in recent years first seen in The Netherlands occurring in MSM who had passive anal sex without the use of a condom for protec- tion against STIs. Since then, it has been found in MSM throughout Western Europe. The most common sign is a proctitis that may be not only purulent but bloody. There may be considerable alteration of bowel habits, perhaps being mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn disease. There may be a fever, a general feeling of malaise, and inguinal regional lymphadenopa- thy. In contrast, there may be few symptoms. As would be expected, it may be found with other STIs in this region – namely, syphilis, rectal gonorrhea, anorectal herpetic infection, anal condyloma acuminata, HIV infection, and FIGURE 29.9: Acute herpes genitalis in a woman. Chapter 29 ● Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders 289 childhood, symptomatic primary infection with HSV-1 The clinical utility of these tests has not been fully is equally likely to be acquired in the genital or oral assessed. Virus detection remains the method of choice, areas. but the tests may be useful for the following conditions: Following primary infection, the virus becomes latent ● in local sensory ganglia, periodically reactivating to cause Recurrent genital ulceration of unknown cause; symptomatic lesions or asymptomatic (but infectious) viral ● Counselling patients with initial episodes of disease; shedding. ● Investigating asymptomatic partners of patients with New diagnoses of genital herpes are equally likely to genital herpes; and be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2; the median recurrence ● Evaluating genital herpes in pregnancy. rate, after a symptomatic first episode, however, is 0.34 recurrences per month for HSV-2 and 0.08 recurrences per The Management of Genital Herpes and 14 month for HSV-1. Recurrence rates decline over time in Its Complications most individuals, although the pattern is variable. First Episode of Genital Herpes. The faster oral anti- The majority of individuals found to have asymp- viral drugs are given preferably within hours of lesions for- tomatic HSV-2 infections subsequently develop symp- ming. Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famcyclovir all reduce tomatic lesions. Asymptomatic perianal HSV shedding in the severity and duration of episodes. The availability of HIV-negative HSV-2–seropositive MSM is common.15 these drugs depends on local conditions. Manufacturers’ In HIV HSV-2–seropositive men, both symptomatic and recommendations regarding dosage should be followed. asymptomatic shedding are increased, especially in men Antiviral therapy does not alter the natural history of the with low CD4 counts and in men who are also seropos- disease. Topical agents are less effective than oral ones. IV itive for HSV-1.16 therapy is only indicated when the patient cannot swallow As most modern information is available on the Internet, or tolerate oral medication because of vomiting. In addi- no wonder patients, their families, and friends get upset, tion, local bathing with normal saline solution and anal- when herpes genitalis is considered. So what are the clin- gesia helps. Some clinicians recommend topical anesthetic ical features, including ones that could be considered an agents, but then there is the danger of potential sensitiza- emergency? In both sexes, there is painful genital ulceration tion. often with local dysuria and urethral or vaginal discharge. Regimens recommended for adults (all for 5 days) are There may be fever and myalgia. Unpleasant symptoms acyclovir 200 mg five times a day; famciclovir 250 mg three are more common in primary infection. Some patients are times a day, or valacyclovir 500 mg twice daily. asymptomatic. Genital ulceration begins with an itchy vesi- cle that breaks down to form a shallow superficial painful Management of Complications. Hospitalization may ulcer, often in groups, on the genitals or cervix or in the be needed for urinary retention, meningism, and severe anorectal canal (often very painful indeed). Complications constitutional symptoms. If catheterization is needed, include autonomic neuropathy resulting in retention of suprapubic catheterization is preferred because it prevents urine and aseptic meningitis. the risk of ascending infection and allows normal mic- turition to be restored without multiple removals and Confirmation of Diagnosis. It is necessary but often diffi- recatheterizations. Always, however, try sitting the patient cult to isolate HSV from genital lesions. Successful diagno- in a warm bath and allowing him or her to try to pass urine sis depends on using swabs taken directly from the base of in it before catheterization is attempted. It often works. the lesion, maintaining the cold chain (4◦C), rapidly trans- porting specimens to the laboratory, and avoiding freeze– HIV-Positive Patients. In the early days of HIV, thaw cycles. especially when dealing with gay men before the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), when Serology. Most commercial tests for HSV antibodies are often enormous painful and distressing perianal herpes was not type specific and are of no value in the management found, resistance of HSV to antivirals was found. With of genital herpes. Type-specific EIAs based on glycopro- HAART, however, this condition is far less frequently seen. tein G (gG1, gG2) or western blot assays are becom- ing available. Type-specific immune responses can take Recurrent Genital Herpes. Although causing much 8–12 weeks to develop following primary infection. It is personal distress to some patients, genital herpes cannot now becoming possible for serological evaluation of gen- really be considered as an emergency. Most recurrences are ital herpes, but that needs access to both HSV-1 and self-limiting, but a good doctor–patient relationship can be HSV-2 type-specific assays. Caution is needed in inter- supportive for the patient. Strategies for treatment include preting results because even highly sensitive and spe- general support, treatment with antivirals episodically, and cific assays have poor predictive values in low-prevalence suppressive therapy. All of these management techniques populations. need working out for each individual patient. 290 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Management of Genital Herpes in Pregnancy. Guidelines for genital herpes in pregnancy are categorized into management of first episodes and recurrent episodes. Accurate clinical classification is difficult. Viral isolation and typing and the testing of paired sera (if a booking spec- imen is available) may be helpful. There are guidelines for management depending on when genital herpes was first acquired and in what trimester.17 Basically, all guidelines suggest continuous acyclovir in the last 4 weeks of preg- nancy and an elective Caesarean section despite lack of evi- dence for its effectiveness. The risks of vaginal delivery for the fetus are small and must be set against the risks to the mother of Caesarean section.18

Syphilis In this section, some of the pitfalls (mistakes) in making a diagnosis and some of the side effects that may occur in treatment are discussed. There are several good descrip- tions of syphilis in many dermatology and venereology text- books that can be used for reference. It was once said, “Always consider syphilis” (Sir William Osler, 1909). That may well be almost as true now, but also add on HIV infection. There are three main reasons why syphilis is missed: 1) The patient does not know about it or fails to ask for medical advice; 2) the clinician (and this is far more serious) does not con- sider it in his differential diagnosis; and 3) public health authorities do not stress its importance. For the last 20 years the focus has been on HIV disease as the number one STI to consider. FIGURE 29.10: Anal . Like much of medicine, a good history will consider syphilis. Always take a sexual history in a quiet place out of and always consider syphilis in the differential diagnosis the earshot of others. Let the patient know that you will of eruptions. Remember that most dermatology textbooks keep confidences and be discreet. Do not show any sur- in industrialized countries have used as photographs white prise at what you are told; all things human are within the skins; presentation in brown, yellow, or black skins may knowledge of a good clinician. Be candid and ask if the look different. The eruption may last for weeks but may be patient is not forthcoming about his or her sexual prac- fleeting and disappear before the patient has had a chance tices. Start with simple questions, such as “Was a con- to see a physician if the appointment is delayed. Remember dom used?” If the patient is a man, find out if he had sex that the patient with secondary syphilis may feel unwell, be with another man, a woman, or both sexes (if that has not running a fever, or even be jaundiced. Secondary syphilis already been proffered). There has been a rise in homosexu- (Figure 29.11 and 29.12) may present with many differ- ally (Figure 29.10) contracted early primary and secondary ent signs, some of them rare: meningism, uveitis, deafness, syphilis in MSM in Europe, North America, and parts of arthralgia, periostitis, as well as skin signs easily missed such East Asia recently, often with HIV infection and pharyn- as alopecia, snail track ulcers (buccal mucosal patches), and geal and rectal gonorrhea. Early syphilis remains common condyloma lata around the mouth, axillae, inguinal regions, in Eastern Europe in heterosexuals and has been seen in and anus and toe webs. Generally, unless the patient is pockets all over Western Europe, often in groups related severely immunocompromised standard serological tests to street drugs and/or prostitution (where sex workers are for syphilis will be reactive in secondary syphilis. brought in from Eastern Europe). Syphilis is no respecter of social position, and perhaps the more money a person The Diagnosis of Primary Syphilis. The ulcer (chancre) has the easier it is to travel and meet others for sexual pur- is said to be painless with rolled indurated edges but, poses. Always consider any genital sore to be syphilis until like many classical descriptions, this is not always so. If proven otherwise (herpes genitalis is much more common), the patient has applied antiseptic lotion or cream or has Chapter 29 ● Emergency Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Other Genitourethral Disorders 291

way of making a fast diagnosis, but it requires skill and much practice and is time consuming. Serological tests for syphilis need to be performed. If there is any doubt about syphilis, they need to be repeated at 1 month and 3 months. The initial test is likely to be an EIA; if reactive, the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test or rapid plasma regain test, T. pallidum hemagglutination test, and fluorescent tre- ponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test should be performed. It has to be remembered that, in the early stages of syphilis, there may be only T. pallidum seen on dark-field microscopy. One of the first blood tests to become reactive is FTA-ABS at about 2 weeks. Remember that it may be difficult to tell if the patient has had either syphilis or a nonvenereal treponematosis (such as or ) treated in the past, whether or not serological tests refer to the present or past infection. If in doubt, it is best to treat again.

Treatment. In parts of the world where there are good public health facilities staffed by specialists for the treat- ment of STDs, syphilis is best treated in such facilities; in other parts of the world, however, the dermatovenereolo- gist will be responsible for treatment. For early syphilis that is primary, secondary, or early latent, the following treatment is recommended: either benzathine benzylpenicillin 2.4 million units IM or pro- caine penicillin 0.6 million units IM daily for 10 days. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 14 days is recommended. The patient should be seen after a week to make sure that he or she is taking prescribed medication. T. pallidum is highly susceptible to penicillin – not requiring a high level, but rather a pro- FIGURE 29.11: Secondary syphilis. longed level of penicillin in tissues for it to be bactericidal, as penicillin only acts on dividing cells. Studies on doxy- cycline, tetracycline, erythromycin, azithromycin, and cef- taken an antibiotic such as penicillin, tetracycline, or ery- triaxone all show efficacy in syphilis, but often the trials thromycin prior to being seen, dark-field examination for have been in the past and not conducted to modern criteria. Treponema pallidum is a waste of time as it will not be found. There have also been reports of resistance to azithromycin, Dark-field examination for T. pallidum by a skilled observer so it can not be recommended. when the chancre has not been modified is still an effective


Acute Anaphylaxis after Treatment with Penicillin This side effect is rare, and no patient should be given peni- cillin if there is any history of allergy to it. Desensitization takes time and is inappropriate in a busy clinic. Staff should be trained in resuscitation, and there should be the drugs and equipment present to give emergency treatment for acute anaphylaxis as well as the ability to summon imme- diate aid from resuscitation emergency services.

Jarisch–Herxheimer Reaction This reaction occurs in more than half of patients when FIGURE 29.12: Secondary syphilis, palms penicillin is given for early treatment of syphilis. Within 292 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

8 hours of an injection, the patient notices a febrile illness 4. Drife J, Magowan BA. Clinical obstetrics and gynaecology. with malaise, headache, chills, and rigors. It clears quickly, Edinburgh: W.B. Saunders Ltd.; 2004. pp. 171–3. but the patient should be told about it beforehand that it is 5. Shah M, De Silva A. The male genitalia: a clinician’s guide not an allergic reaction. It is thought to be due to release to skin problems and sexually transmitted infections. Oxford: of lymphokines including tumor necrosis factor and inter- Radcliffe Publishing; 2008. pp. 60–2. leukins. In late syphilis, although rare, it may be potentially 6. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. National guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhoea in life threatening, so steroid cover is given for 3 days before adults 2005 [cited 2008 April 26]. Available from: http:// treatment. 7. Ackerman AB, Miller RC, Shapiro L. Gonococcemia and its cutaneous manifestations. Arch Dermatol. 1965; 91:227–32. Procaine Reaction 8. Jephcott AE. Microbiological diagnosis of gonorrhoea. Gen- This reaction will become rarer the more often benzathine itourin Med. 1997; 73:245–52. benzylpenicillin is used instead of procaine penicillin. It is 9. Health Protection Agency (HPA). GRASP (The Gono- more common in men and is a sort of anaphylactoid reac- coccal Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance Pro- tion. The patient experiences auditory symptoms, a fear of gramme) – Annual Report 2004. London: Health Protection impending death, seizures, and a violent behavioral reac- Agency, August 2005 [cited 2008 April 26]. Available from: tion. It is thought to be due to inadvertent IV administra- az/hiv and ati/sti- gonorrhoea/publications/ GRASP 2004 Annual Report.pdf tion. It is much less common than it was 40 years ago when 10. FitzGerald M, Bedford C. National standards for the man- procaine penicillin was the treatment for gonorrhea. Most agement of gonorrhoea. Int J STD AIDS. 1996; 7:298– of the patients recovered without any therapy, although it 300. usually needed all the clinic staff to hold the patients down 11. Tapsall JW, Schultz TR, Limnios EA, et al. Failure of in their struggles. azithromycin therapy in gonorrhoea and discorrelation with laboratory parameters. Sex Trans Dis. 1998; 25:505–8. 12. Fenton KA, Korovessis C, Johnson AM, et al. Sexual Stevens–Johnson Syndrome behaviour in Britain: reported sexually transmitted infec- Again, this has become infrequent in the treatment of tions and prevalent genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection. STDs, because the use of sulfonamides (especially the long- Lancet. 2001; 358:1851–4. acting ones) and cotrimoxazole has declined in the day-to- 13. Drife J, Magowan BA. Clinical obstetrics and gynaecology. Edinburgh: W.B. Saunders Ltd.; 2004. pp. 198–200. day treatment of conditions presenting in clinics. It is still 14. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. 2006 UK seen, however, in the treatment of HIV disease after the national guideline for the management of genital tract infec- use of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors such tion with chlamydia trachomatis [cited 2008 April 26]. Avail- as nevirapine. able from: 15. Krone MR, Wald A, Tabet SR, et al. Herpes simplex virus type 2 shedding in human immunodeficiency virus-negative men REFERENCES who have sex with men; frequency, patterns and risk factors. 1. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV: Depart- Clin Infect Dis. 2000; 30:261–7. ment of Health. Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics and the 48 16. Schaker T, Zeh J, Hu HL, et al. Frequency of symptomatic hour Access Target. London: Department of Health, 2007. and asymptomatic herpes simplex virus type 2 reactivations Gateway ref: 8930 [cited 2008 April 26]. Available from: among human immunodeficiency virus-infected men. J Infect Dis. 1998; 121:847–54. 2. Bailey H. The testes and scrotum. In: Bailey H, Love McNeill, 17. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. 2001 National editors. A short practice of surgery. 12th ed. London: H.K. guidelines for the management of genital herpes [cited 2008 Lewis; 1962. pp. 1266–96. April 26]. Available from: 3. Robertson DHH, McMillan A, Young H. Clinical practice in 18. Mindel A, Taylor J, Tideman RL, et al. Neonatal herpes pre- sexually transmitted diseases, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill vention: a minor public health problem in some communities. Livingstone; 1989. pp. 244–53. Sex Transm Infect. 2000; 76:287–91. CHAPTER 30 Emergency Management of Environmental Skin Disorders: Heat, Cold, Ultraviolet Light Injuries

Larry E. Millikan

ENVIRONMENTAL SKIN disorders usually are asso- can reach a potentially fatal level. Immediate care may ciated with ambient changes (heat, humidity, intensity of be life saving. Simple measures – rehydration, cool water ultraviolet [UV] solar rays) and new environments (ski immersion, ice packs, and limiting of activities – are essen- slopes, beaches, jungles/rainforests, and areas with exotic tial. Newer approaches (electrolyte replacement fluids and animals unfamiliar to patients). Many of these new sur- some drugs) reported in Olympic and world class sports roundings cause unique dermatologic reactions familiar to may be the prevention as well as treatment in the future.2 natives who understand the need for avoidance but unfa- As these conditions are largely in primitive/remote areas, miliar to others who must seek dermatologic care. where access to professional assistance is limited if available at all, anticipation of heat stress is the primary step to avoid the serious sequelae (coagulopathy, etc.).3 Obviously, these PROPER AND EARLY MANAGEMENT scenarios are not the domain of the dermatologist, but one Proper and early management of skin disorders due to envi- should be aware of risk to encourage the patient to be alert ronmental factors might avert the ruin of a long anticipated to the symptoms and seek care, should they appear. trip or vacation. In some instances, the environmental expo- sure occurs at home before departure and then is mani- fested during travel to – or at – the destination. Such envi- UV LIGHT ronmental exposures from contact allergens, toxins, and Here again, the key is environmental change. Essentials infections or infestations can be delayed. As a result, clin- to anticipate include the enhanced UV exposure closer ical manifestations are delayed and may not appear until to the tropics and the effect of altitude on intensity of several days after the return home. Likewise, the neces- UV, especially with a pale, light-skinned traveler seeking sary therapy may be required in that wide window – the respite from winter. The temptation of the sun during the so-called incubation period. The challenge of many of the long dark days is often too great, and careful planning and environmentally associated emergencies is to initiate ther- prevention are ignored or forgotten. Lower latitudes and apy early, to achieve the best possible outcome, and, in some higher altitudes are key to risk in the environment, as each infectious complications, to be able to institute the now- enhances the intensity. The higher altitudes have thinner delayed therapy to avoid great increases in morbidity and air filtering and less of the incoming sunlight, whereas the mortality. nearer the equator, the greater the direct effect of the rays. An essential key is education in the use of sunscreens prior to departure and gradual increase of exposure to HEAT EMERGENCIES induce melanin formation. In addition, the late Harry These emergencies are largely associated with ecotourism Arnold who practiced for years in Hawaii was a propo- where the traveler is truly out in the environment – a nent of planned/controlled tanning in his office prior to marked departure from the usual life in “civilization” with exposure to avoid the chance of burning (personal commu- its air-conditioned environment, dehumidification, and nication). Others (including myself) use this approach in general protection from extremes.1 These exposures, cou- certain selected cases (types 1 and 2 skin in particular). pled with the “holiday” conditions of food and beverage Additionally, the present world of polypharmacy has excess (i.e., alcohol), impair the body’s ability to maintain greatly expanded the list of photosensitizing drugs, partic- homeostasis, and, in extremes, regulation of body core tem- ularly for hypertensive and/or diabetic patients. The pro- perature is lost. The resultant elevation of core temperature totype in the past has been the group of furocoumarins and


major cause/factor in the carcinogenesis. The acute prob- lems are less associated with the risk for carcinogenesis; the immediate discomfort is the primary reason for the need for suncreens. The early agents were effective protection but not aes- thetically desirable and hence not well accepted. These agents included Red Vet Pet (red veterinary petrolatum), which had very good sunscreening properties and hence was standard in water survival kits when I was a flight sur- geon in the U.S. Navy. Sudden loss of your ship put you on the open ocean in a life raft (if you were lucky) but often exposed to intense sunlight and sunburn. In this scenario, it could be life saving, and the greasy aspects of petrolatum were not a great concern – much different than applying it FIGURE 30.1: Phototoxic reaction to a topical antibiotic. while on the sandy beach or by the pool. The total block- ers such as titanium and zinc oxide have many, if the same, the sulfa-related drugs (Figure 30.1). Whereas the former problems and hence are used primarily in medical condi- group were used therapeutically, the latter are omnipresent tions of very severe photosensitivity. in the treatment of infections, diabetes, and hypertension The first chemicals other than physical sunscreens (diuretics) (Figure 30.2). The traveler should be aware of such as para-aminobenzoic acid were primarily protective any drugs taken with such potential and use extra care. The against UVB (and the sunburn sequelae) as that was the personal physician and the pharmacist should be the best easiest to measure with SPF testing. Furthermore, it rep- source for this information and obtain it before the patient resented our best knowledge of the situation at the time. travels. It should be noted that many busy general practi- Of course, important prevention from UVB sunburn is the tioners may not have the most recent information, whereas acute concern and would be key to avoid acute problems for the pharmacist will have this information, usually on a com- the traveler. Much of the literature on sunscreens to date puter program.4 has dealt with UVB protection preventing sunburn, but it Modern sunscreens are the real answer.5 New guidelines now is appreciated that the deeper penetration of the UVA for protection (sun protection factor [SPF]) are imminent rays into the dermis greatly enhances risk for carcinogene- and long overdue, as a consensus on UVA protection is sis but poses a lesser risk for sunburn. essential for the informed and concerned consumer. The Newer agents such as avobenzone (Parsol 1789), one of significance of UVA grows as data accumulate in its role in the first with UVA screening, are now preferred because of carcinogenesis, a far more insidious and significant “thief broader spectrum A/B effect. They have greater acceptance in the night” because of its much less obvious impact with- but, in all instances, need to be used expectantly to prevent out the “sunburn” that inspires caution with UVB.6 The future acute episodes. This field is rapidly changing with significance of UVA relates to its greater penetration into the newer agents HelioplexR ,Tinosorb MR , and Mexoryl the dermis (whereas UVB only penetrates superficially) and XLR , which are just a few examples of this growing field. the immunosuppression it can cause. This problem is not Even and repeat application is essential for protection, and emergent/acute but it is the cumulative exposure that is the the effectiveness is seen in Figure 30.3. The irregular tan- ning attests to protection potential. Total disregard for usual “sun sense” can produce an emergency situation, especially when the results are near- second-degree burns, enhanced risk for infection, and sig- nificant morbidity. Acute treatment is instituted to prevent usual burn complications, fluid loss, infection, and systemic sequelae. Steroids may be of assistance in the first few hours, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs may be helpful in stopping the progression. These are primarily administered orally, but some newer preparations and concentrations of diclofenac gel are showing promise.7

CONTACT DERMATITIS There are several groups of plants causing type 4 reactions FIGURE 30.2: Sulfonamide-associated photoreaction. that can be encountered, and most are widespread, if not Chapter 30 ● Emergency Management of Environmental Skin Disorders: Heat, Cold, Ultraviolet Light Injuries 295

FIGURE 30.4: Classical presentation of Rhus dermatitis.

allergen also can result in the most dramatic vesicular and vesiculobullous reactions that can be widespread and are a frequent site for impetiginization. This secondary infec- tion is the most frequent reason for emergency care as it FIGURE 30.3: Irregular pigmentation after uneven application progresses erysipelas and with certain nephritogenic strep- of a sunscreen. tococci symptomatic renal disease. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, exposure to contact dermatitis can be ini- worldwide, in distribution. The compositae group of plants tiated even before departure or while on the trip. Either are the most widespread, but fortunately only few persons way, the morbidity can be such that it can nearly ruin the have allergic potential, and these are ones with extensive vacation/trip. exposure, usually occupational, floriculture, and/or agricul- Alstroemeria is a newer problem largely due to the pop- ture. The hallmark of the group is the daisy-like composite ularity of the plants in the flower and greenhouse industry. flower; the group also includes some popular herbal sources Although previously limited in range, the artificial nature such as Echinacea. Even the common dandelion is in the of growth in the trade has greatly increased the exposure for same group. It is a vast group found everywhere, so they are persons in the business of floriculture. Previous sensitiza- difficult to avoid. The sesquiterpene lactones are the com- tion and subsequent reexposure usually in the wild (primar- mon antigens, and it has been recently documented with a ily southern hemisphere) can give the same scenario as in higher incidence in children (4.2%) and adolescents (2.6%), the preceding paragraph in the seriously allergic individual. primarily in those who are atopic.8 This allergy further Primula sensitivity seems to be largely limited to the increases the risk, as atopic children are those with greatest United Kingdom, in gardeners, floriculturists, and so forth. morbidity in tropical dermatology from impetiginization The limited range of this group of plant species in cooler and secondarily infected miliaria, seeming to double the climes lessens the exposure to primulin and, furthermore, risk for such children in the tropics. the cool environment usually results in clothing that lim- The Rhus/Toxicodendron group has a much higher its the amount of bare skin exposure. Similar complications incidence of allergy but fortunately has a smaller range of seen with other allergic contact dermatitis reactions are still distribution. Norman Goldstein wrote a classical article in possible. The usual clinical presentation with all of the pre- Cutis documenting related plants that result in worldwide viously mentioned allergens is so similar that often careful exposure – the very sensitive subject commences extensive history taking and even patch testing may be necessary to travel, arrives in the tropics, and gets a perioral contact discern the source of the contact dermatitis. Identification dermatitis from eating mango. Then on to the Orient, is essential to both educate the patient and prevent future where dermatitis on the buttocks results from toilet seats exposure. Although some new barrier creams seem to have finished with lacquer (the related Japanese lacquer tree as promise, there are none universally in use at present. the source). In India, a dermatitis on the neck from laundry ink in the collar (the Indian marking nut tree). The different species have definite and limited range, but the oleoresin BEACH AND REEF: AQUATIC EXPOSURES cross-reacts, and sensitivity then can even be widespread. There are a few significant aquatic exposures that one can Even cashews are related, but fortunately the usual process- encounter; fortunately, most of the areas involved are well ing inactivates the allergen.9 Although frequently present- equipped to handle the problems as the shore, surf, and the ing as simple vesicles in a linear display( Figure 30.4), this coral reefs are primarily developed as resort facilities with 296 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 30.5: Local reaction from toxins in spines of a scorpi- FIGURE 30.6: Linear reaction to nematocysts. onfish. all the amenities, medical included. The reefs are associated The beaches in Australia (Queensland) have jugs of alco- with many fish having toxic spine, such as the scorpionfish hol or vinegar strategically placed to provide emergency (Figure 30.5). neutralization of the nematocysts – a potentially life-saving The “aquatourists” also are usually well educated in risk, maneuver. Alternatively, experienced swimmers carry meat emergency care, and first aid – all part of the basic exposure tenderizer as another approach to minimize morbidity. to water safety, scuba diving, surfboarding safety, and, in These creatures, colloquially sea nettles and sea wasps, are some areas, the swimming education program. Perhaps, the appropriately named. primary impetus is the periodic headline on shark attacks The other headliner in this environment is the “deadly” and the previously mentioned death of Steve Irwin. He was cone shell. Here again, it has an estimated 15%–20% fatal- an individual well versed in proper safety in such hostile ity rate that should be diminished by education. These environments. One can never be too prepared! attractive shells are sought by collectors in Australia, Although these large animals get the headlines, the California, and Florida, often by occasional collectors smaller creatures – seeming innocents such as jellyfish – unaware of the risk. With education on precautions (gloves, are the real cause of most problems. etc.), emergency symptoms from the neurotoxin can be Among coelenterates, two have the greatest impact. In avoided. Definitive treatment is still not standardized. The the Western hemisphere, the Portuguese Man o’ War unusual nature of the venom is sparking interest to uti- (Physalia physalis) is a cause of reported deaths. The long lize it therapeutically and to approach better therapeutic tentacles of this creature can break off, and the unsuspecting avenues.10 swimmer suffers the consequences of the contact and subse- Many other dermatoses have been described, from coral quent reaction from the multiple nematocyst toxicity. This dermatitis to sea bathers eruption, which are acute, usually usually happens to swimmers with lack of knowledge of the minor, and rarely prompt a visit to the emergency room. problem; they get extensive stings and improper care (by Alexander Fisher added a useful small atlas to the dermato- fresh water exposure, massage, and other amateur first aid logic literature,11 which, when used along with the classic remedies), which results in continued “firing” of the nema- reference by Halstead,12 one can easily master the derma- tocysts deposited in the characteristic linear arrays (Fig- tologic significance of these clinical challenges. ure 30.6). The resort staff are usually available to assist. When managing these patients, it is also important to real- REFERENCES ize that broken tentacles can maintain toxicity for months, allowing for exposure over a broader window of time. Also, 1. Laws J. We’re hot and unbothered. Occup Health Saf. 2008; the nematocysts in the patient’s dermis can fire off for vari- 77:68–70. 2. von Duvillard SP, Arciero PJ, Tietjen-Smith T, Alford K. able periods of time after emergent care has been com- Sports drinks, exercise training, and competition. Curr Sports pleted, a cause for morbidity in some patients. Med Rep. 2008; 7:202–8. In Southeast Asia, a much more serious threat is 3. Levi M. Burning issues surrounding inflammation and coag- Chironex fleckeri (also occasionally reported in the ulation in heatstroke. Crit Care Med. 2008; 36:2455–6. Caribbean, but most of the publicity is from Australia). It 4. Stein KR, Scheinfeld NS. Drug-induced photoallergic and is estimated that the fatality rate is between 15% and 20%. phototoxic reactions. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2007; 6:431–4. Chapter 30 ● Emergency Management of Environmental Skin Disorders: Heat, Cold, Ultraviolet Light Injuries 297

5. Lautenschlager S, Wulf H, Pittelkow M. Photoprotection. 9. Goldstein N, The ubiquitous urushiols, contact dermatitis Lancet. 2007; 370:528–37. from mango, poison ivy, and other “poison” plants. Hawaii 6. Antoniou C, Kosmadaki M, Stratigos A, Katsambas A. Sun- Med J. 2004; 63:231–5. screens – what’s important to know. J Eur Acad Dermatol 10. Lewis RJ. Ion channel toxins and therapeutics: from cone snail Venereol. 2008; 22(9):1110–18. venoms to ciguatera. Ther Drug Monit. 2000; 22:61–4. 7. New treatments for actinic keratoses. Med Lett Drugs Ther. 11. Fisher AA. Atlas of aquatic dermatology. New York: Grune 2002; 44:57. & Stratton; 1978. 8. Paulsen E, Otkjaer A, Andersen K. Sesquiterpene lactone der- 12. Halstead BW. Poisonous and venomous marine animals of matitis in the young: is atopy a risk factor? Contact Derm. the world. Vol 1. Invertebrates. Washington, DC: US Gov- 2008; 59:1–6. ernment Printing Office; 1965. CHAPTER 31 Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology

Margaret T. Ryan Vincent Savarese Serge A. Jabbour

ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISEASES, besides Clinical Features affecting other organs, can result in changes in cutaneous The hallmark dermatologic feature of Addison disease is function and morphology and can lead to a complex symp- a darkening of the skin, particularly in sun-exposed areas. tomatology. Dermatologists may see some of these skin The hyperpigmentation of Addison disease is due to the lesions first, either before the endocrinologist, or even after melanocyte-stimulating activity of the high plasma levels the internist or specialist has missed the right diagnosis. of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).2 This skin dark- Because some skin lesions might reflect a life-threatening ening may be homogeneous or blotchy and is observed endocrine or metabolic disorder, identifying the underlying in all racial groups, although it can be more difficult to disorder is important, so that patients can receive corrective see in darker-skinned individuals. Also seen is significant rather than symptomatic treatment. increased pigmentation in the palmar creases, the ver- In this section, we review a few endocrine and metabolic million border of the lips, flexural areas, in recent scars, disorders in which patients may present to the dermatolo- and in areas of friction such as pant waistlines. Mucous gist with various skin lesions and in which the diagnosis of membranes such as the buccal, periodontal, and vaginal the underlying condition must be made in a timely fashion mucosa may show patchy areas of increased pigmentation. before the patient ends up with complications that could Women may have diminished axillary and pubic hair as be fatal. their androgen production occurs primarily in the adrenal glands.3,4 Patients with autoimmune Addison disease may also present with vitiligo or alopecia areata, from a similar HYPERPIGMENTATION AND ADDISON DISEASE autoimmune destruction of melanocytes and hair follicles, Addison disease, or primary adrenal insufficiency, can respectively. be caused by either infiltrative disorders that invade the adrenal cortex or by destructive disorders that attack the adrenal cells. In either etiology, the adrenal cortex is unable Diagnosis to produce and secrete adequate amounts of glucocorticoid Diagnosis should be based on clinical presentation con- and mineralocorticoid hormones. The most common eti- firmed by laboratory testing. The presentation of a patient ology of Addison disease used to be tuberculous granulo- with chronic primary adrenal insufficiency is that of long- matous disease, but with declining infection rates in the standing vague symptoms such as malaise, anorexia, joint developed world, the most common cause of Addison dis- aches, nausea, and fatigue, in addition the skin findings ease today is autoimmune destruction of the adrenal glands. mentioned earlier. Patients may also report craving high- Other less common causes of Addison include other gran- salt foods.1 The acute presentation of adrenal insufficiency ulomatous fungal infections (histoplasmosis, coccidiomy- is that of orthostatic hypotension, confusion, circulatory cosis), metastatic carcinoma infiltration of the adrenals, or collapse, and abdominal pain. This acute presentation is bilateral adrenal hemorrhage.1 Rarely, autoimmune Addi- frequently precipitated by an acute infection. son disease can be seen in association with certain inherited Biochemical testing to confirm the diagnosis is done autoimmune polyglandular syndromes. with a cosyntropin (synthetic ACTH) stimulation test. In

page 298 Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 299 this test, serum cortisol is measured immediately prior to and 60 minutes following injection of 250 ␮gofcosyn- tropin. A cortisol level at 60 minutes of 18–20 ␮g/dL or greater is considered a normal adrenal response. If the serum cortisol at 60 minutes is less than 18–20 ␮g/dL, the patient is diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency; however, this may be primary or secondary (pituitary/hypothalamic mediated).5 Plasma ACTH should then be measured. In Addison disease (primary adrenal insufficiency), the ACTH will be elevated (>100 pg/mL) whereas in sec- ondary adrenal insufficiency, the ACTH will be normal to low.5 Other biochemical findings supporting a diag- nosis of Addison disease include hyperkalemia, elevated renin activity, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, and hyper- chloremic metabolic acidosis. Measurement of a morning plasma cortisol is sometimes done instead of a cosyntropin stimulation test, as a morning serum cortisol greater than FIGURE 31.1: Necrolytic migratory erythema on the foot, show- ing indurated areas with blistering, crusting, and scaling. 18–20 ␮g/dL rules out the diagnosis of adrenal insuffi- ciency and a value of less than 3 ␮g/dL makes it very likely. In many patients, serum cortisol falls within the NECROLYTIC MIGRATORY ERYTHEMA intermediate range and further testing is required, making IN GLUCAGONOMA cosyntropin stimulation the preferred testing method for Glucagonoma is a pancreatic tumor arising from the α cells diagnosis.5 of the pancreatic islets and causing increased secretion of the pancreatic hormone glucagon. The clinical syndrome Treatment classically associated with glucagonoma includes necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), cheilitis, diabetes mellitus, Treatment of Addison disease includes replacing both glu- anemia, weight loss, venous thrombosis, and neuropsychi- cocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Typical dosing of glu- atric symptoms. Weight loss and NME are the most preva- cocorticoids is prednisone 5–7.5 mg daily or hydrocor- lent symptoms, occurring in approximately 65%–70% of tisone 15–20 mg in the morning and 5–10 mg in the evening. For mineralocorticoid replacement, fludrocorti- patients by the time of diagnosis. The dermatitis may occa- sionally appear, prior to the onset of systemic symptoms, sone is given at a dose of 0.05–0.3 mg/day.4 The fludro- but most patients with rash usually have weight loss, diar- cortisone dose can be adjusted to normalize renin plasma rhea, sore mouth, weakness, mental status changes, or dia- activity, and the required dose is typically slightly lower betes mellitus as well as hypoaminoacidemia and zinc defi- in patients on hydrocortisone as opposed to prednisone, ciency on laboratory analysis.8 as hydrocortisone has some mineralocorticoid activity itself.6 There is no easy way to assess the appropriate- ness of the glucocorticoid replacement dose as ACTH levels, although they do decline with appropriate treat- Clinical Features ment, generally do not normalize. Recurrent symptoms NME is considered the hallmark feature of the gluca- of adrenal insufficiency may suggest underreplacement gonoma syndrome8,9 and is the clinical feature that leads whereas development of Cushingoid features may suggest to the diagnosis of glucagonoma syndrome in the majority overreplacement. Patients are typically advised to increase of cases. NME is characterized by a painful and pruritic their dose of glucocorticoids during stressful events such polymorphous rash. It begins as an erythematous macu- as illnesses or surgery. The hyperpigmentation seen in lar and papular skin eruption that later develops into well- untreated Addison disease should resolve with appropriate demarcated plaques with variable scaling and finally pro- treatment. gresses to centrally forming vesicles and bullae that rupture Patients with Addison disease are also dehydroepi- leaving a crusted and eroded surface8,9 (see Figure 31.1). androsterone (DHEA) deficient, and some studies show NME has a relapsing remitting course. Individual lesions symptomatic improvement in women who are given typically evolve over a period of time lasting 1–2 weeks, DHEA replacement as well.7 These findings, however, and patients will have multiple lesions in various stages of have not been consistently shown, and there is as of yet the cycle. These lesions are usually seen first in the groin, no consensus on whether DHEA replacement is appro- later progressing to the perineum, the buttocks, and the priate.1 extremities. 300 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

NME is frequently complicated by secondary skin infec- the liver with liver transplant in addition to resection of tions with Candida albicans or Staphylococcus aureus and, in the primary tumor. The role of liver transplantation in fact, some patients are diagnosed incorrectly with chronic patients with metastatic glucagonoma is, however, not yet candidosis years before eventually being diagnosed with clear.17 Other treatments that have been tried with mixed NME.9 results include intravenous amino acid and aggressive zinc supplementation.18

Diagnosis The differential diagnosis for NME is large and includes THYROID DYSFUNCTION acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE), pemphigus foliaceus, Thyroid disorders are common in the general popula- psoriasis, and chronic mucocutaneous candidosis,10,11 and tion and can have varied dermatologic presentations based should be differentiated on the basis of the larger clini- on the type and the severity of the thyroid dysfunction. cal picture, histologic analysis, and laboratory findings. In Hyperthyroidism may be due to a transient thyroiditis, patients in whom NME is suspected, one should check a toxic nodules (either single or multiple), or, most com- glucagon level, and, if elevated, imaging should be done to monly, Graves autoimmune thyroid disease. Hypothy- look for a neuroendocrine tumor. Glucagon levels may be roidism may be autoimmune Hashimoto, iodine-deficiency elevated in several conditions besides glucagonoma, includ- related, radiation induced, or postsurgical. ing liver or kidney disease, prolonged starvation, or acute myocardial infarction, but a level greater than 1000 pg/mL 9 is highly suggestive of glucagonoma. Given the often long Clinical Features delay in diagnosis from initial presentation of NME, some Patients with hyperthyroidism have warm, moist, erythe- authors argue that glucagon levels should be checked in matous skin. Many patients develop onycholysis, and a sig- all patients with diabetes mellitus and a chronic cutaneous nificant percentage of them complain of scalp hair loss. eruption.9 Alopecia areata and loss of body hair may also be noted, but Skin biopsy specimens should be taken from the inner are less common.4,19 In addition, patients with Graves dis- edge of an advancing lesion. The characteristic finding is ease may show evidence of Graves ophthalmopathy, pretib- necrosis of the upper layers of the stratum spinosum with ial myxedema, or acropachy. Pretibial myxedema can occur separation from the underlying epidermis, which is less anywhere on the body but most commonly affects the ante- affected.8 rior tibia and the dorsum of the feet. It is characterized by NME occasionally has been reported in patients without a nonpitting thickening and induration of the skin, and any evidence of glucagonoma. These patients, however, is present in 0.5%–4% of patients with Graves disease.19 typically have hyperglucagonemia or amino acid deficiency Acropachy is even less common, occurring in just 0.1%– of some other etiology and are often referred to as having 1% of patients with Graves, and consists of a triad of dig- pseudoglucagonoma syndrome.12 ital clubbing, soft tissue swelling of hands and feet, and periosteal new bone formation.19 Both pretibial myxedema and acropachy are seen almost exclusively in patients with Treatment Graves ophthalmopathy, and these two dermatologic man- The treatment of choice for NME is complete surgical ifestations are considered indicators of more severe autoim- removal of the α-cell tumor and is the only chance for mune disease.20 Vitiligo, a marker of autoimmune disease, a cure of the disease. After surgical resection, there is nor- is also frequently seen in Graves disease.21 malization of glucagon levels. The rash typically resolves Patients with hypothyroidism, by contrast, have pale rapidly, often within days, after removal of the tumor.13 cold skin that is typically dry, rough, scaly, and hyper- Unfortunately, the majority of glucagonomas are either keratotic.19 The skin may appear to have a yellowish dis- too large for curative surgery or already metastatic at the coloration, particularly in the palms, soles, and nasolabial time of diagnosis. Due to the slow growth of these tumors, folds, due to carotene deposition, and approximately 50% even in metastatic disease, debulking surgery may achieve have a malar flush.4,19 Myxedema, caused by mucopolysac- a prolonged resolution of symptoms although there is no caride deposition in the dermis, is most pronounced in the evidence of prolonged survival.14 If full surgical resec- periorbital regions, leading to nonpitting swelling around tion is not possible due to the size of tumor or distant the eyes. Loss of sympathetic tone may lead to a droop- metastases, chemotherapy is added to decrease tumor bulk ing of the upper eyelid. Patients may lose hair on the and a long-acting somatostatin analog (a glucagon antag- outer third of their eyebrows, and scalp hair loss has onist) such as octreotide is used to relieve symptoms of been reported in about half of all hypothyroid patients. NME.15,16 There have been case reports of successful sur- Hair becomes dry and brittle and nails are thin and gical treatment of glucagonomas that are metastatic to grooved.19 Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 301

Diagnosis Clinical Features Serum TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) is the initial Episodic cutaneous flushing is the hallmark of the carci- diagnostic test for either hyperthyroidism or hypothy- noid syndrome and is seen in 85% of patients.25 The flush- roidism. In most cases of hyperthyroidism, the TSH will ing of carcinoid is typically confined to the face, neck, and be suppressed, whereas in hypothyroidism the TSH will be upper trunk. Carcinoid tumors originating in the midgut elevated.22 Thyroid peroxidase antibody may be checked in (appendix, ileum, jejunum) produce what is known as the hypothyroid patients to evaluate for Hashimoto (autoim- classical carcinoid flush, which is a rapid-onset cyanotic mune) thyroiditis. After a laboratory diagnosis of hyper- flush lasting approximately 30 seconds and associated with a thyroidism is made, patients should be sent for a 24-hour mild burning sensation. Foregut carcinoids (stomach, lung, radioactive iodine uptake and scan to determine etiology, as pancreas, biliary tract) produce a brighter pinkish-red flush an uptake and scan can differentiate between Graves, toxic that may be pruritic and can be more difficult to differen- nodules, and thyroiditis. tiate from physiological flushing. Flushing episodes may occur spontaneously or may be provoked by certain trig- gers, similar to the triggers of physiologic flushing (alco- 26,27 Treatment hol, cheese, coffee, exercise, or emotional stressors). Treatment of hypothyroidism is with levothyroxine Carcinoid flushing often is associated with diarrhea and weight-based dosing, typically 1.6 ␮g/kg/d, titrated to breathlessness or wheeze, and these associated symptoms 4 are a method of differentiating the flushing of carcinoid achieve a euthyroid state with TSH in the normal range. 28 Any symptomatic patient with hyperthyroidism may be from physiologic flushing. Features of rosacea or vascular given a beta blocker if there is no contraindication. Defini- telangiectasias may develop after years of flushing. Severe tive treatment of hyperthyroidism varies depending on flushing can be associated with a drop in blood pressure the etiology of the disorder. Thyroiditis typically resolves and tachycardia. A phenomenon known as carcinoid crisis without treatment. In Graves disease or toxic nodules, can be precipitated by anesthesia or an interventional pro- radioactive iodine treatment is effective but frequently cedure and is characterized by a profound and prolonged leads to hypothyroidism requiring levothyroxine therapy. hypotension with tachycardia. In patients with Graves disease, antithyroid agents such Other clinical features of the carcinoid syndrome as methimazole and propylthiouracil are other options; include niacin deficiency and hypoproteinemia from diver- the remission rates after 18 months of medical treat- sion of tryptophan for the synthesis of serotonin. Pellagra ment, however, are only 30%–40%, and these medi- (glossitis, scaly skin, angular stomatitis, and confusion) as cations do come with the risk of allergic reactions or well as dependent edema may develop secondary to these agranulocytosis.23 deficiencies but are usually a later presentation of the carci- noid syndrome.24,25,28 Scleroderma, without Raynaud phe- nomenon, also has been described in association with the carcinoid syndrome and is considered a poor prognostic FLUSHING AND CARCINOID SYNDROME indicator.28 Carcinoids are slow-growing tumors arising from the ente- rochromaffin or Kulchitsky cells and in most cases originate in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or the lungs. Carcinoid Diagnosis tumors can secrete any number of bioactive substances, Symptoms of flushing, diarrhea, and bronchospasm, typi- and their presentation is dependent on both the type of cally paroxysmal, may raise the suspicion for the carcinoid substances secreted as well as the location of the original syndrome. Additional less specific symptoms may include tumor and any metastases. Carcinoid tumors typically pro- GI discomfort, a palpable abdominal mass, GI bleeding, duce large amounts of serotonin. In addition, they may also or heart failure. The symptoms of carcinoid are protean secrete histamine, corticotropin, dopamine, substance P, as they vary depending on the type of bioactive substances neurotensin, prostaglandins, kallikrein, and tachykinins.24 secreted and the location of the tumor. As such, patients are Carcinoid syndrome is the term used to describe a constel- often initially misdiagnosed with other conditions, such as lation of symptoms caused by the secreted bioactive sub- irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, or anxiety, and accurate stances and is present in less than 10% of patients with diagnosis and treatment are delayed. carcinoid tumors. The bioactive products produced by car- Although carcinoid may be suspected from the clinical cinoid tumors are inactivated in the liver, so patients with presentation, the diagnosis must be confirmed with bio- GI carcinoids develop the carcinoid syndrome only if they chemical tests. The most specific test is a measurement have hepatic metastases leading to secretion of the sub- of 24-hour urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid stances into the hepatic veins, whereas patients with carci- (5-HIAA), a degradation product of serotonin. The test noid of the lung can develop the carcinoid syndrome in the for urinary 5-HIAA has a sensitivity of 75% and a speci- absence of metastatic disease. ficity of 88%,24 but there are some drawbacks. Certain 302 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY serotonin-rich foods such as bananas, avocados, and toma- symptomatic relief, leading to resolution of flushing and toes, can increase urinary 5-HIAA and lead to false-positive diarrhea in 70%–80% of patients. In addition, urinary results. Serum chromogranin A (CgA) is another biochem- 5-HIAA levels were halved in 72% of patients.33 Intra- ical test commonly used for the diagnosis of carcinoid. CgA venous octreotide infusion has been used to successfully is a constitutive secretory product of most neuroendocrine treat carcinoid crisis. The somatostatin analogs do not, tumors, and plasma CgA levels have a sensitivity of up to however, appear to have any effect on tumor size or growth 99% in diagnosing carcinoid. Plasma CgA is thus a sensi- rate.24,26 Other medical treatments commonly employed in tive, but not specific, marker for carcinoid tumors as it may metastatic carcinoid include interferon-α and chemother- be elevated in several other neuroendocrine tumors as well apy agents. Lifestyle modifications to avoid the triggers of as in cases of renal impairment, liver failure, and inflam- flushing episodes, such as alcohol, exercise, and spicy food, matory bowel disease24 or in patients on proton pump are also encouraged, and diet supplementation with nicoti- inhibitors.29 A single recent study of the efficacy of plasma namide may prevent the symptoms of niacin deficiency. 5-HIAA in detecting carcinoid tumors demonstrated a sen- sitivity of 89% and a specificity of 97%,30 but this test is not yet part of the standard armamentarium. URTICARIA PIGMENTOSA AND MASTOCYTOSIS After carcinoid is confirmed by biochemical testing, Mastocytosis is a group of rare disorders affecting adults localization of the primary tumor as well as any metastasis and children and is distinguished by a pathologic increase must be done; there are several different imaging modali- in mast cells.25 This increase in mast cells may be seen in a ties from which to choose. Octreotide scintigraphy, using variety of tissues including the skin, bone marrow, GI tract, In-111, is the initial modality of choice if it is available. spleen, liver, and lymph nodes. The symptoms of masto- Octreotide scintigraphy has an overall sensitivity of 80%– cytosis are heterogeneous25 and tend to be related to the 90% based on various studies.31 In addition to the high sen- level of mast cell burden and the tissue type involved. Symp- sitivity, octreotide scintigraphy allows imaging of the entire toms are typically related to mast cell mediator release. The body in one session, thereby detecting primary tumors as mediators found within mast cells are legion, including well as metastasis (which may be missed with conventional histamine, prostaglandin D2, leukotrienes, interleukin-6, imaging). Bone scintigraphy is used to detect bone metas- and many more. Patients with mastocytosis tend to experi- tases if they are suspected and 123I-MIBG scintigraphy also ence symptoms in discrete attacks when mast cell mediators can be used to localize carcinoid, although it appears to are released. Symptoms typically include pruritus, wheal- be less sensitive than octreotide scintigraphy, especially in ing, flushing, palpitations, and tachycardia. Bone marrow detecting metastases.31 Computed tomography and mag- involvement, common in adult cases of mastocytosis, can netic resonance imaging scans are frequently used for ini- lead to anemia and low bone density. If there is GI involve- tial localization with a sensitivity for both of approximately ment, patients may experience diarrhea and abdominal 80%. Radiographic findings include mass lesions with calci- pain. Strong stimuli of mast cell release can lead to ana- fication and stranding fibrosis. Other modalities frequently phylactoid reactions with severe, prolonged hypotension. used for localization include positron emission tomography Mastocytosis can also present as idiopathic anaphylaxis in scan (sometimes in combination with octreotide scintigra- previously undiagnosed patients. phy), endoscopic ultrasound, and endoscopy.

Clinical Features Treatment The characteristic feature of mastocytosis is a rash known Surgery is the only curative treatment for carcinoid tumors. as urticaria pigmentosa (UP). UP is the presenting fea- Unfortunately, curative surgery is possible only with non- ture in the majority of patients with systemic mastocytosis metastatic disease or in resectable nodal or hepatic metas- but can also be present as a cutaneous mastocytosis, with- tases, and most patients have significant metastatic disease out any extracutaneous involvement. The classical lesion34 at the time of presentation. Even in patients who have is a hyperpigmented reddish-brown macule or papule (see metastic disease, surgery has a role for relief of mechanical Figure 31.2). Another feature seen in UP is the local wheal- obstructions and, in cases of carcinoid syndrome, debulk- ing and development of edema around the lesions when ing causes significant relief of symptoms. Similarly, reduc- rubbed or scratched. This is known as the Darier sign. In tion of hepatic metastases, via surgical resection or hepatic typical UP in adults, the lesions measure 3–4 mm individu- artery occlusion (ligation, embolization, or chemoembo- ally and are symmetrically and randomly distributed, with lization), has been shown to give symptomatic relief from the highest density of lesions seen on the trunk and thighs the carcinoid syndrome, and some studies have shown sur- and with relative sparing of the palms, soles, and face. In vival benefits of up to 2 years.32 extensive cutaneous disease, the lesions may become con- Medical treatment with somatostatin analogs (octreo- fluent. Children tend to present with larger lesions (5–15 tide and lanreotide) has proven extremely efficacious for mm), and their lesions are most prominent on the trunk.34 Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 303

TABLE 31.1: Diagnostic Criteria for Systemic Mastocytosis

Major criteria: Multifocal infiltrates of mast cells in bone-marrow biopsy or in other extracutaneous organs Minor criteria: >25% of mast cells in bone-marrow biopsy or tissue specimens are spindle shaped or atypical Detection of a codon 816 c-kit point mutation in blood, bone marrow, or lesional tissue Mast cells in blood, bone marrow, or lesional tissue expressing CD25 or CD2 Baseline total tryptase level >20 ng/mL

FIGURE 31.2: Urticaria pigmentosa on the back with hyperpig- mented reddish-brown macules and papules. only cutaneous mastocytosis tend to have levels less than 14 ng/mL.40 Histamine metabolites in a 24-hour urine Pruritus is typically associated with UP. Less common collection also tend to be increased in systemic mastocy- presentations of UP include telangiectatic, nonpigmented, tosis.41 This test, however, is neither more sensitive nor nodular or plaque-like variations of the rash.34 In rare cases, more specific than the serum tryptase level.42 Bone-marrow mastocytosis can present as a single large mastocytoma involvement is seen in the vast majority of patients with instead of the diffuse rash. adult-onset mastocytosis. Thus, a bone-marrow biopsy is recommended in the evaluation of all patients with adult- onset disease, whereas in children with cutaneous disease Diagnosis bone-marrow biopsy is recommended only in the presence The diagnosis of UP is based on clinical suspicion from of other abnormal findings suggesting systemic involve- the maculopapular lesions and a Darier sign, and is con- ment such as an abnormal complete blood count or an firmed by histopathologic examination of a tissue speci- enlarged spleen or liver. men. Skin biopsy of a UP lesion typically shows aggregates of mast cells within the papillary dermis and extending into the reticular dermis,35 particularly around blood vessels. Treatment Mast cells within skin biopsies show a characteristic spindle Most patients, be they children or adults, have an indolent shape with metachromatic granules. Another characteristic course and a good prognosis; however, there is no definitive of UP on skin biopsy is the absence of any inflammatory treatment for mastocytosis. Treatment instead is directed cells other than mast cells in the dermal infiltrate.36 The toward the amelioration of symptoms related to the release most specific stain for mast cells in any tissue is immuno- of mast cell mediators and must be tailored to each patient’s histochemical staining with tryptase.37 The diagnosis of specific symptoms and organ involvement. All patients may mastocytosis is occasionally made in patients lacking the be counseled in the avoidance of triggers such as exer- typical rash, by bone marrow biopsy, typically done after cise, rapid temperature changes, skin rubbing, or certain unexplained anaphylaxis or flushing or for peripheral blood drugs including anesthesia medications. Histamine recep- abnormalities. tor blockers (H1 and H2) along with cromolyn are effec- When the diagnosis of UP is made, it is important to tive for pruritus and for episodes of flushing, diarrhea, or determine whether the patient has cutaneous mastocytosis abdominal pain.35 Topical glucocorticoids can be used for alone or whether there is systemic involvement. A set of symptomatic skin lesions. Ultraviolet light irradiation (pso- major and minor diagnostic criteria exist to diagnose sys- ralen plus ultraviolet A) is used in the treatment of UP temic mastocytosis (see Table 31.1). A diagnosis of systemic to decrease pruritus, whealing, and flare reactions.43 Bone mastocytosis requires the fulfilment of either one major disease from marrow involvement can be treated similarly criterion with one minor criterion or three minor crite- to osteoporosis of other etiologies, with calcium, vitamin ria.38,39 More extensive cutaneous disease tends to corre- D, and bisphosphonates. Patients with anaphylactic reac- late with increased risk for systemic mastocytosis. Elevated tions are treated with epinephrine and should be given levels of mast cell mediators such as tryptase and histamine an epinephrine emergency pen to carry with them. For also can be used to support the diagnosis of systemic mas- patients with more aggressive systemic disease, other treat- tocytosis. Serum tryptase levels greater than 20 ng/mL are ments (such as chemotherapy, interferon-α, and splenec- suggestive of systemic mastocytosis, whereas patients with tomy) have been tried with mixed results. 304 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Diagnosis DIABETES MELLITUS The diagnosis of diabetes can be made one of three ways. Diabetes mellitus is a group of disorders characterized by The preferred method is the use of a fasting plasma glucose hyperglycemia due either to a deficiency of insulin secre- of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) after a fast of at least 8 hours. tion (type 1 diabetes), a resistance to insulin, or both (type Other acceptable criteria for diagnosing diabetes include 2 diabetes). Classic symptoms of diabetes include polyuria, symptoms of hyperglycemia (polyuria, polydipsia, weight polydipsia, and weight loss, but diabetes can be associated loss) along with a random plasma glucose greater than or with several skin disorders both infectious and noninfec- equal to 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or an oral glucose tol- tious in etiology. erance test using a 75-g glucose load with a 2-hour plasma glucose level greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL.46 The use of hemoglobin A1c for the diagnosis of diabetes is not Clinical Features currently recommended. Common noninfectious skin findings in diabetics include On histopathologic examination, acanthosis nigricans acanthosis nigricans (AN), skin tags, vitiligo, necrobiosis lesions appear hyperkeratotic with papillomatosis. The lipoidica, and diabetic dermopathy. AN presents as hyper- dark color of the lesions is due to the thickness of the super- trophic, hyperpigmented velvety plaques seen in the body ficial epithelium, but there is no change in melanocyte num- folds, most commonly in the axillae and the posterior neck. ber or melanin content.47 The lesions of diabetic dermopa- AN is generally asymptomatic and is more common in thy show basement membrane thickening, whereas NL is patients with type 2 diabetes, but it can be seen in other dis- characterized by a degeneration of collagen with granulo- eases that cause insulin resistance, such as acromegaly and matous inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues and blood Cushing disease. Skin tags, or acrochordons, are another vessels.48,49 The yellow central area of the necrobiot lesions skin manifestation of insulin resistance and 66%–75% of is believed to be due to the thinning of the dermis, making 44 patients with skin tags have diabetes. The skin tags are subcutaneous fat more visible.50 found most frequently on the eyelids, neck, and axilla. Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and, due to similar eti- ologies, is seen more frequently in type 1 (autoimmune) Treatment diabetes. Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a rare but specific The treatment of diabetes focuses on normalization of skin manifestation of diabetes. It occurs in only 0.3% of blood glucose levels as well as aggressive management of all diabetic patients, most of whom are insulin dependent known complications of diabetes, such as cardiovascular at the time of presentation, and is more common in men.4 disease. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medi- NL consists of distinctive oval or irregularly shaped plaques cations (e.g., secretagogues, biguanides, and thiazolidine- with red or violaceous borders, central atrophy, and yellow diones), with injectable drugs (e.g., exenatide, insulin, or pigmentation, typically occurring on the anterior shins. Up pramlintide), or with a combination of both. Type 1 dia- to 35% of these lesions result in ulceration.4 Diabetic der- betes, however, must be treated with insulin; sometimes mopathy, or shin spots, is seen in 40% of diabetic patients pramlintide is added. Improved glycemic control decreases and is more common in men and in patients with evi- the incidence of skin infections and delays progression to dence of other end-organ damage such as retinopathy, neu- microvascular disease complications such as retinopathy ropathy, or nephropathy. The lesions of diabetic dermopa- and nephropathy. thy begin as groups of red macules on the anterior shins Most of the noninfectious skin manifestations of dia- that over time become shallow or depressed and hyperpig- betes are asymptomatic and do not require treatment. mented. Acanthosis nigricans, diabetic dermopathy, and skin tags Skin infections are also common in diabetics, occurring are generally asymptomatic and require no treatment. If in 20%–50% of all diabetic patients, more commonly in desired, however, skin tags can be removed with laser or patients with type 2 diabetes and in patients with poor shave biopsy, and acanthosis may be ameliorated by weight glycemic control, and can vary in severity from a simple loss. Necrobiosis lipoidica has no standardized treatment; superficial cellulitis to a necrotizing fasciitis.44 Patients with however, most treatments use some form of glucocorticoid poor diabetic control have both higher rates of colonization in topical, intralesional, or systemic form.50 and higher rates of skin infection with C. albicans, Staphylo- coccus species, and Streptococcus species. Women with hyper- glycemia and glycosuria frequently complain of recur- PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA rent vaginal yeast infections. Elderly diabetics can develop Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the most common of the malignant external otitis, an invasive infection of the exter- porphyrias and is caused by a disruption of heme biosynthe- nal auditory canal that typically occurs in immunocompro- sis due to decreased activity of the enzyme uroporphyrino- mised patients, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the causative gen decarboxylase (UROD), the fifth enzyme in the heme organism in more than 95% of cases.45 biosynthetic pathway. PCT may be sporadic, inherited, or Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 305

increase in urinary uroporphyrins. An analysis of urinary porphyrins showing greater amounts of uroporphyrin ver- sus coproporphyrin is consistent with PCT.59

Treatment General measures in the management of PCT include avoidance of precipitating factors such as alcohol, estro- gens, iron, and strong sunlight. If these measures are not sufficient, then phlebotomy is the treatment of choice for PCT. The goal of phlebotomy is to deplete body iron stores and produce a mild iron deficiency. Clinical improvement is typically seen starting 2–3 months after initiation of phle- botomy. If phlebotomy is contraindicated or unsuccessful, FIGURE 31.3: Porphyria cutanea tarda with hand lesions pre- then chloroquine is an alternative treatment.60 senting as vesicles, bullae, blisters, and sores. toxic in origin. Sporadic PCT makes up 80% of cases and is CONGENITAL ICHTHYOSIS AND TYPE II caused by an acquired deficiency of UROD activity in the GAUCHER DISEASE liver, but not in any other tissues.51 Twenty percent of cases Gaucher disease is the inherited autosomal recessive defi- are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with low pene- ciency of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase. There is significant trance, and there are reports of PCT developing after expo- clinical heterogeneity within Gaucher disease related to the sure to certain chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, and severity of the mutations affecting the glucocerebrosidase polyhalogenated hydrocarbons.52–54 Most cases of PCT gene located at 1q21.61 The disease is divided into three are associated with some sort of precipitant. Precipitants different types based on phenotypic presentation, including for PCT in susceptible individuals include alcohol, estro- progression to neurologic manifestations. Type I is known gens, viral infections (specifically, hepatitis C and human as nonneuronopathic Gaucher disease. It is by far the most immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), and iron overload.55 In common type, and patients may remain asymptomatic or addition, an association has been found between PCT and may present with cytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, or bone the hemochromatosis gene mutation C28Y.56 involvement. Type II, acute neuronopathic Gaucher dis- ease, is uniformly fatal with death typically occurring by Clinical Features early childhood; it is within this type that one can see pre- PCT is characterized by photosensitive cutaneous lesions sentations of congenital ichthyosis, or collodion baby syn- with increased skin fragility manifesting as vesicles, bullae, drome. Type III, chronic neuronopathic Gaucher disease, blisters, and sores (see Figure 31.3). The bullae rupture eas- presents with variable degrees of systemic involvement plus ily, crust over, and frequently become secondarily infected. one or more neurologic manifestations. Lesions are seen most commonly on the hands and fore- arms but can be found on any sun-exposed area and may Clinical Features heal with areas of hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation or sclerodermatous changes.57 Milia are frequently seen on Type II Gaucher disease is the rarest and most severe form the hands and fingers. Increased facial hair is common and of the disease, and it is within this type that one can see is more noticeable in women. presentations of congenital ichthyosis, or collodion baby syndrome. Congenital ichthyosis presents in neonates with red, dry, tight, hyperkeratotic, scaling skin throughout the Diagnosis body, often associated with joint abnormalities and con- The characteristic finding of PCT on histopathologic tractures as well as other systemic signs of Gaucher such examination is subepidermal bullae with minimal inflam- as hepatosplenomegaly and neurologic changes.62 There mation. The dermal papillae have an undulating base have been case reports of patients presenting with congeni- and are referred to as “festooned.”57 Liver biopsy find- tal ichthyosis prior to neurologic deterioration that develop ings include red autofluorescence under a Wood lamp as in subsequent months.63 well as mild steatosis, siderosis, and focal lobular necrosis with pigment-laden macrophages. Birefringent needle-like cytoplasmic inclusions may be present in hepatocytes and Diagnosis are specific for PCT.58 Serum iron levels are elevated in The skin changes in type II Gaucher disease are related most patients with PCT. Urine studies will show a marked to the loss of glucocerebrosidase leading to an increased 306 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY ratio of glucosylceramide to ceramide in the lipid makeup Clinical Features 64 of epidermal cells. Ceramides are major components of The characteristic dermatologic manifestation of Fabry the lipid bilayer in the normal epidermis, necessary for per- disease is angiokeratoma. These lesions can occur at any meability barrier homeostasis. A paucity of ceramides leads time but typically first appear between 5 and 13 years of to an inability to form a competent epidermal barrier, and, age.67,68 The initial lesion is dark red, telangiectatic, and up as a result, the lipid bilayer has a serrated, abnormal appear- to 4 mm across and does not blanch with pressure. Overly- ance.64,65 Epidermal hyperplasia and hyperproliferation are ing hyperkeratosis may or may not be present. Lesions typ- also seen and have been hypothesized to be due to stimula- ically occur in symmetrical clusters and are seen most com- tion of cellular proliferation by the accumulated glucosyl- monly in the areas between the umbilicus and the knees. In ceramide.66 men, the first lesions are frequently seen on the scrotum. Histologic examination of skin from patients with con- The number of lesions increases with age in the majority genital ichthyosis shows dense hyperkeratosis, epidermal of patients, and the extent of cutaneous involvement cor- hyperplasia, and inflammation. Ultrastructural examina- relates with the severity of the systemic manifestations of tion reveals disruptions in the normal lamellar bilayer in the disease.69 the stratum corneum as well as a reversal of the normal Other cutaneous findings in Fabry disease include ratio of sphingolipids in the stratum corneum, with much telangiectasias, disorders of sweating, decreased body hair, higher levels of glucosylceramide to ceramide in the type and edema. Telangiectasias are characteristic of Fabry dis- II Gaucher patients.62,64 Significantly, these ultrastructural ease but are not specific as they can be seen in several other skin changes can be seen in all patients with type II Gaucher conditions. The most commonly reported sweating disor- disease, whether or not they show skin changes clinically. ders are hypohidrosis or anhydrosis, associated with heat In addition, these changes are seen only in type II Gaucher and exercise intolerance; hyperhidrosis has been reported disease and are not present in type I or type III. These skin as well. findings, thus, represent a method for early discrimination In addition to cutaneous manifestations, several sys- of type II from the other, milder types of Gaucher disease. temic effects are frequently seen, including multiple car- Early differentiation of type II disease can aid in appropri- diac and cardiovascular manifestations such as hyperten- ate management and counseling, as neither enzyme activity sion, cardiomegaly and stroke, renal failure, neuropathic nor genotypic analysis is able to determine the specific type pain attacks, cataracts, and corneal dystrophy. of Gaucher disease.64

Diagnosis Treatment In men, the diagnosis can be made based on the presence of cutaneous angiokeratomas in the setting of a positive family There is, unfortunately, no treatment to halt or reverse the history, specifically of early deaths due to kidney or heart effects of type II Gaucher disease. Placental human glu- disease. Under light microscopy, angiokeratoma lesions are cocerebrosidase and recombinant glucocerebrosidase have composed of a thin epidermis, below which the upper der- been used as enzyme replacement therapy in type I and mis is filled with dilated blood-filled vessels.70 Ahyperker- type III disease and have been effective at treating the atotic stratum corneum may or may not be present. Fur- visceral and hematologic manifestations, but these treat- ther testing will reveal a deficiency of α−gal A in several ments have shown disappointing results in type II dis- tissues including serum, tears, and tissue specimens. Lipid ease and do not appear to alter the course of neurologic inclusions with birefringent “Maltese crosses” as well as deterioration.62 fat-laden epithelial cells may be seen in the urine. In female heterozygotes, symptoms are seen only in a minority of affected patients and tend to be milder. FABRY DISEASE The variability of presentations in female heterozygotes is Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disease.67 believed to be due to variations in selective X-chromosome Patients with Fabry disease are deficient in the enzyme inactivation. Affected women may have α−gal A levels α-galactosidase A (α-gal A), which leads to the buildup within the normal range, so genetic analysis is recom- of neutral glycosphingolipids in a range of tissues within mended.67 the body. The clinical manifestations of Fabry disease are seen primarily in affected hemizygous men and to some extent in heterozygous women. The disease is slowly pro- Treatment gressive; affected men have a shortened life expectancy of Treatment of Fabry disease has been focused mainly on approximately 50 years, and heterozygous women have a symptomatic relief up to this point; there is now, how- life expectancy of 70 years with the main causes of death ever, growing evidence of the effectiveness of enzyme being renal failure, heart disease, or stroke. replacement therapy. The mainstay of treatment for Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 307 angiokeratomas has been the application of various types of Diagnosis laser systems. Recent trials of enzyme replacement therapy Histopathologic examination of skin biopsy specimens is with two different preparations of bioengineered enzyme nonspecific and, again, indistinguishable from other vita- have shown beneficial effects on signs and symptoms such min deficiency dermatoses and glucagonoma. The most as pain, renal and cardiac complications, and overall quality common findings are parakeratosis and necrolysis, the cyto- 71 of life. In addition, enzyme replacement therapy has been plasmic pallor, vacuolization, and ballooning degeneration shown to clear the deposits of neutral glycosphingolipids also seen in the NME of glucagonoma.73 Diagnosis instead from the kidneys, hearts, and skin of patients with Fabry must be based on clinical suspicion and confirmed by lab- disease.72 oratory testing. Plasma zinc level is the most commonly used test, although because only 0.1% of the body’s total zinc stores is manifested in plasma zinc, it is an imper- ZINC DEFICIENCY fect measure of total body zinc. A fasting morning plasma Zinc is an essential mineral for humans. It is present in more zinc level less than 50 ␮g/dL is suggestive of zinc defi- than 100 metalloenzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase and ciency. Other laboratory tests to support the diagnosis carbonic anhydrase, and appears to play an important role include a low level of serum alkaline phosphatase, a zinc- in protein and carbohydrate metabolism as well as cell pro- dependent metalloenzyme, and a low level of urinary zinc liferation, healing and tissue repair, and growth and devel- excretion.77–79 opment. Zinc is absorbed from the proximal small intestine and is excreted through intestinal and pancreatic secretions. It is also present in human breast milk. Treatment Zinc deficiency can be either acquired or inherited. Treatment of zinc deficiency is with zinc supplementation. The inherited congenital form is known as acrodermatitis It is important to distinguish acquired zinc deficiencies enteropathica (AE) and is a rare autosomal recessive par- from AE because acquired deficiencies require only lim- tial defect in zinc absorption occurring in approximately 1 ited treatment durations, whereas inherited AE requires in 500,000 children.73 In AE, patients present in infancy, lifelong treatment. In AE, the recommended initial dos- within days if the infant is bottle fed and at the time of ing starts at 3–10 mg/kg/d and maintenance dosing of 1–2 weaning if breast fed. Most acquired forms of zinc defi- mg/kg/d, whereas the recommended dose for dietary defi- ciency, however, do not present until later in develop- ciency is lower, at approximately 0.5–1 mg/kg/d.73,80 Zinc ment. Acquired zinc deficiency can be caused by inadequate can be administered in many preparations, but zinc sulfate dietary intake of zinc or from malabsorption of zinc, usually appears to be the best tolerated.75 Clinical improvement is due to diseases such as celiac sprue, Crohn disease, cystic typically seen within days to weeks of initiating zinc replace- fibrosis, or short gut syndrome. Dietary zinc deficiency is ment therapy,81 often long before a change in the plasma common in certain parts of Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan zinc levels can be seen. The most common side effect of zinc Africa, but it is rare in the developed world. There are cer- supplementation is GI irritation with resultant symptoms tain subpopulations, however, that are at increased risk; of nausea, vomiting, and gastric hemorrhage. Zinc has also these include vegetarians, alcoholics, premature infants, been implicated in impaired copper absorption, so copper and malnourished persons.74 serum levels must be monitored as well in these patients.

Clinical Features VITAMIN DEFICIENCY The dermatitis seen in zinc deficiency is similar in both the acquired and inherited forms and is also largely indistin- Vitamin A guishable from the rash seen in glucagonoma, vitamin B3 Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin found in meats, dairy (niacin) deficiency, and in other vitamin deficiencies. The products, and certain vegetables (e.g., carrots, spinach, kale, dermatitis is characterized by eczematous, erythematous peas, cantaloupe). Because of the abundance of vitamin A scaly plaques over the acral and periorificial areas. These in the food supply, deficiency of vitamin A is quite rare plaques may become vesicular, bullous, or desquamative. in Western countries, but is common in developing coun- The skin can become secondarily infected, typically with tries where malnutrition is prevalent. It also can be seen C. albicans. Other commonly seen features include angular in patients with anorexia nervosa; in those with fat malab- cheilitis, stomatitis, and nail changes such as onychodystro- sorption syndromes, such as Crohn disease, celiac disease, phy, onycholysis, and paronychia.75 If left untreated, these pancreatic insufficiency, biliary disease, and cystic fibrosis; patients will go on to develop generalized alopecia as well as and in persons who have had GI surgery.82–84 diarrhea.76 Other possible findings are photophobia, irri- tability, loss of appetite, poor wound healing, growth retar- Clinical Features. Deficiency of vitamin A typically dation, and hypogonadism. presents with ocular findings, such as conjunctival xerosis, 308 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY white patches on the sclera (known as Bitot spots), and the body from dietary tryptophan in the setting of vitamins 83 night blindness, but it also can present with cognitive B1 and B6. In developed countries, niacin deficiency is disturbances or growth failure.82 Cutaneous manifesta- typically seen in malabsorption syndromes, such as Crohn tions of vitamin A deficiency may overlap with features of disease, anorexia nervosa, HIV, carcinoid syndrome, Hart- other nutritional deficiencies. The most common finding nup syndrome, malnutrition secondary to alcoholism, and is phrynoderma, a form of follicular hyperkeratosis charac- with use of medications such as isoniazid, 5-fluorouracil, terized by hyperkeratotic papules on the extensor surfaces and 6-mercaptopurine.82,83 of the limbs, shoulders, and buttocks. These papules tend to coalesce to form plaques, and, in severe phrynoderma, they Clinical Features. The clinical manifestation of niacin can cover the entire body.83 Phrynoderma was previously deficiency is pellagra. This is classically described in terms thought to result exclusively from vitamin A deficiency, but of the “three Ds”: dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. The studies in recent years have associated the disease with defi- rash of pellagra is typically symmetric and in areas of sun ciencies in B vitamins, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and exposure or friction. It tends to be erythematous and then general malnutrition.83–86 hyperpigmented and scaly. A classic finding is Casal neck- lace – a scaling, hyperpigmented rash around the neck and Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis of vitamin A defi- chest. Bullous and depigmenting lesions also have been ciency is typically made by identification of typical ocu- described,83 as well as glossitis, stomatitis, and a facial rash lar findings and confirmed by laboratory testing of serum with a butterfly distribution.82 vitamin A levels. Symptoms of deficiency typically resolve with vitamin A replacement. Phrynoderma traditionally has Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis of niacin deficiency been treated with cod liver oil (which contains vitamin A),83 is typically made after rapid improvement in clinical fea- and more recently treatment with safflower oil, vitamin B tures with niacin supplementation, recommended at 50– complex, and vitamin E have been associated with improve- 100 mg/d. ment in phrynoderma as well as visual symptoms.86

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Vitamin B , or pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin found Riboflavin deficiency is rare in developed countries, due to 6 in meats, bananass, and vegetables such as beans and pota- the abundance of this water-soluble vitamin in the food toes. Deficiency in Western countries is typically seen in supply. Riboflavin is found in meats, fish, green leafy malnourished patients, chronic alcoholics, and patients tak- vegetables, dairy products, and fortified cereals. Riboflavin ing isoniazid, penicillamine, or hydralazine.82 deficiency is typically seen in malnutrition states, and in Western countries it can be seen in liver disease and Clinical Features. Pyridoxine deficiency manifests as peri- in infants treated with phototherapy for neonatal jaun- oral and perianal skin changes similar to those seen in vita- dice.82,84 min B2 or zinc deficiency, and may resemble seborrheic dermatitis, stomatitis, or glossitis. GI symptoms and neuro- Clinical Features. Typical cutaneous features of riboflavin logic symptoms (such as weakness, confusion, or peripheral deficiency involve the mucous membranes and frequently neuropathy) may be seen as well.82,84 Blepharoconjunctivi- overlap with signs and symptoms of other vitamin defi- tis and atrophic tongue also have been described.88 ciencies. Cutaneous manifestations of chronic deficiency include scaling of the lips, angular stomatitis, glossitis, Diagnosis and Treatment. Similar to that of other water- monilial intertrigo, and scrotal dermatitis.82,84,87 soluble vitamins, diagnosis can be made by serum levels, Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis can be made with but may be made more commonly by prompt resolution of plasma riboflavin concentration or erythrocyte glutathione symptoms after treatment. reductase activity.82,84 As other nutritional deficiencies may coexist, however, the diagnosis of riboflavin deficiency is Vitamin C commonly made based on clinical suspicion and confirmed by rapid improvement in symptoms and signs after reple- Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin tion of riboflavin stores. Replacement of riboflavin is given found in many citrus fruits, vegetables, and organ meats. It as 1 mg/d in infants and 3 mg/d in children.82 is obtained exclusively in the diet, as humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C. Like the deficiencies of other water- soluble vitamins, vitamin C deficiency is rare in developed Niacin (Vitamin B3) countries, and is found in conditions of general malnutri- Similar to riboflavin, niacin is found in meats, dairy prod- tion, such as in patients with alcoholism and/or drug addic- ucts, fortified cereals, and legumes, and is synthesized in tion and in rare socially isolated elderly patients. Chapter 31 ● Endocrinologic Emergencies in Dermatology 309

TABLE 31.2: Toxicity of Commonly Used Vitamins

Vitamin Clinical features of vitamin toxicity Minimum daily dose associated with adverse effect93

Vitamin A Liver toxicity, cirrhosis, birth defects, benign intracranial Cirrhosis: 25,000 IU 93,94 hypertension Birth defects: 10,000 IU

Niacin (B3) Flushing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, liver toxicity, Flushing/gastrointestinal side effects: 10 mg 93 fulminant hepatic failure (at least one case report) Hepatotoxicity reported with 500 mg/d, but generally seen in doses >1000 mg/d

Vitamin B6 Sensory neuropathy, photoallergic drug rash, acneiform 300 mg rash, contact dermatitis93,95Ð97 Vitamin C Nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea; reports of 1000 mg increased incidence of oxalate kidney stones have not been substantiated93,98,99

Clinical Features. Deficiency of vitamin C causes the clini- Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis is made with the cal entity of scurvy, with several classic cutaneous findings: appropriate history and clinical findings, along with pro- follicular hyperkeratosis, perifollicular hemorrhages, and longed prothrombin time. The coagulopathy of vitamin corkscrew-like, coiled hairs embedded in the hyperkera- K deficiency can be corrected with oral or subcutaneous totic follicular material. Also seen are petechiae and ecchy- supplementation. Cases with severe bleeding may require moses in dependent and friction-prone areas and swollen, parenteral vitamin K supplementation and possibly trans- inflamed gums (hemorrhagic hyperplastic gingivitis). Also fusion of fresh frozen plasma. seen in chronic vitamin C deficiency is a woody edema of the legs.89–91 VITAMIN TOXICITY Diagnosis and Treatment. Serum levels of ascorbic acid Potentially toxic levels of vitamins can be achieved easily in fall to almost zero rapidly after failing to meet sufficient people who take very high potency vitamins. Water-soluble dietary requirements, limiting the diagnostic value of serum vitamins have an extraordinarily broad therapeutic ratio, testing. Diagnosis is typically made on clinical grounds, with toxicity occurring only at doses thousands of times the such as with a patient having signs of scurvy, or with daily value. Fat-soluble vitamins are generally more toxic improvement of symptoms with supplementation of vita- than water-soluble vitamins. Table 31.2 summarizes some min C. In addition to its role in treatment of clinical defi- important points related to some vitamin toxicities. ciency, vitamin C, along with zinc and arginine, has been associated with improvement in the treatment of pressure ulcers.92 REFERENCES 1. Nieman LK, Turner MLC. Addison’s disease. Clin Dermatol. Vitamin K 2006; 24:276–80. 2. Dunlop D. Eighty-six cases of Addison’s disease. BMJ. 1963; Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin found in green leafy veg- 5362:887–91. etables and legumes. It is also synthesized by bacteria in the 3. Kim SS, Brody KH. Dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in digestive tract. Deficiency is seen in malabsorptive states, Addison’s disease. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2001; such as Crohn disease, pancreatic insufficiency, and with 97:96–7. medications such as antibiotics, anticonvulsants, isoniazid, 4. Jabbour SA. Cutaneous manifestations of endocrine disor- rifampin, and cholestyramine.89 It is also seen in patients ders: a guide for dermatologists. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2003; with liver disease and in patients with poor diet. 4(5):315–31. 5. Grinspoon SK, Biller BM. Laboratory assessment of adrenal insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1994; 79:923–31. Clinical Features. Deficiency of vitamin K is manifested by 6. Oelkers W, L’age M. Control of mineralocorticoid substitu- coagulopathy caused by deficiency of vitamin K–dependent tion in Addison’s disease by plasma renin measurement. Klin clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X. As a result, patients Wochenschr.1976; 54:607–12. with deficiency in vitamin K present with coagulopathy, 7. Libe` R, Barbetta L, Dall’Asta C, et al. Effects of dehy- with easy bruising, ecchymoses, or bleeding from the GI or droepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on hormonal, genitourinary tract, or with excessive bleeding after injury, metabolic and behavioral status in patients with hypoadrenal- trauma, or surgery. ism. J Endocrinol Invest. 2004; 27:736–41. 310 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

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Daniel H. Parish Hirak B. Routh Kazal R. Bhowmik Kishore Kumar

TORTURE WRIT broadly is the intentional infliction of and devastating to the victim, are expressly designed to physical or psychological pain.1 The term includes a wide leave no visible mark on the skin whatsoever, in large part variety of conduct ranging from that instigated by author- to allow the torturer to deny the torture. Without in any ities to gain confessions or information to that caused by way diminishing the severity, horror, and tragedy of the private actors in the course of domestic abuse or in the latter, this chapter focuses on the former in the context of intimidation of neighbors or disliked ethnic or religious addressing such injuries in an emergency situation. minorities. Most legal definitions of torture, however, restrict its definition by requiring an element of state action. Thus, for example, the United Nations Convention against CLINICAL AND LABORATORY AIDS REQUIRED Torture defines it as: FOR DIAGNOSIS any act by which severe pain or suffering, In most cases that will fall under the rubric of torture, whether physical or mental, is intentionally in- an especially detailed dermatologic history should be per- flicted on a person for such purposes as obtain- formed, as the exact location and description of wounds and ing from him or a third person information or a scars can prove significant both for treatment and further confession, punishing him for an act he or a third legal proceedings. Any history of skin disease and lesions person has committed or is suspected of having that predate the described torture should be noted. Lesions committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a more consistent with torture will include those that are third person, or for any reason based on discrim- asymmetric, irregular linear lesions and those with well- ination of any kind, when such pain or suffering demarcated borders.3 All of this should be directed, in addi- is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the tion to providing treatment, to determining whether the consent or acquiescence of a public official or physical findings on examination are consistent with a his- other person acting in an official capacity. It does tory of torture as presented.4 A thorough examination of not include pain or suffering arising only from, all skin areas should be conducted to the extent permitted, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.2 as a patient may have passed out during an episode of tor- ture and not even know all affected portions of his or her Similarly, the damage done by torture and the evidence body. It should be noted that torture, from the point of of the same range widely. On the one hand, some per- view of skin damage, will tend to be most extensive when sons torturing others seek to injure their victims in a way the torturer did not expect that the patient would be leaving that is highly visible and consequently damaging to the vic- custody any time soon, if ever, and less so if a known court tim’s psyche (and serve as a threat to anyone who sees the date or its equivalent had to be kept in the near future.5 victim). Cases in which perpetrators burn women chem- The exception, of course, lies in those cases where the visi- ically or thermally for failing to accept proposals or in ble damage is meant to frighten others or permanently scar defense of a family’s “honor” will fall into this category. the victim. Additionally, although one might suspect that Such injuries can also lead to secondary complications such a person in the position of potential asylum seeker or vic- as skin infection and scar-related contractures. On the other tim seeking redress might seek to overattribute every scar to hand, other forms of torture, although extremely painful torture, at least one physician who treats asylum candidates

page 313 314 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY has noticed the exact opposite and that such victims tend to carry out, is exquisitely painful, and generally produces lit- minimize rather than exaggerate.5 Patients who have been tle visible injury; nonetheless, above and beyond the pain brutalized and shamed may also be reluctant to permit full of walking due to trauma to the soles, cases of atraumatic examinations, and although the wishes of the patient must necrosis of the toes and necrotic ulcers on the feet also have ultimately be respected, the limitations of such an exami- been reported. The necrosis is, in part, a consequence of nation need to be noted. the damage to the subcutaneous tissue pads of the feet that The type of torture inflicted is also likely dependent can no longer cushion them while a patient is walking or upon the country or circumstances in which the torture standing.4,9 took place. Although no fully accurate statistics of torture Moving along on the realm of blunt trauma, torturers methods exist, one study found, for example, that elec- will also often crush or remove nails, both because of the trical burns were extremely common in Bangladesh but terrible pain such damage inflicts and because of the rela- not present in Iran, whereas foot beatings were the rule tively minimal damage to the rest of the body. The conse- in Bangladesh and Syria but largely absent in Peru and quence of such damage, after it heals, is a damaged nail bed Uganda.6 A study of Sri Lankan victims showed that tor- that produces distorted nail growth, although such changes turers beat nearly all victims with blunt weapons and burned are not easy to distinguish from general nail trauma.5 A dif- 57% with cigarettes, whereas chemical and electrical burns, ferential of such damage may include, for example, psoriatic for example, were far less frequent.7 The point is, however, nail disease. that the examiner may detect patterns and injury based on The various forms of burning – be they thermal, chem- the country or location in which the torture occurred. ical, or electrical – are the most likely types of torture to Probably the most common form of injury in torture is produce skin damage and changes. Direct application of that from blunt trauma, be it from stick, club, rod, or fist. heat with a metal rod will tend to cause a brand, resulting Danielsen and Rasmussen3 provide an excellent review of in a full-thickness burn that demonstrates the shape of the the consequences and manifestations of this form of torture. object that caused the damage, with a scar forming in that From the dermatologic perspective, such beatings may shape. result in lacerations, abrasions, ecchymoses, and edema, Cigarette burns are likely the most common source of although it may be rare for a torture victim to present with skin damage from burning. They follow the damage pat- the immediate aftereffects of such trauma. Consequently, terns of burns on any scale, ranging from superficial burns unless a wound reaches full thickness, there may well be akin to moderate sun damage to full-thickness burns of little evidence of the trauma at the time the patient is the dermis and epidermis, albeit in circular patterns of 5– brought to medical attention.8 As is the case with suspected 20 mm in diameter.10 The damage caused will generally domestic abuse, it may be necessary to evaluate and doc- depend on the length of time the cigarette is applied to ument the trauma to the extent necessary to distinguish the skin, and may or may not be accompanied by a blister. trauma from an accidental fall or other injury from more The time needed to achieve the damage of a full-thickness wanton and intentional violence (e.g., the custodial claim burn is longer than the reflex time for withdrawal, indicat- that the victim “simply fell” on his way out of the police car ing that such burns should be accompanied by a story of or “tripped” on his way into the interrogation room and hit the affected body part being held in place while the burn his head on the table). Scars produced here will often appear was inflicted. Such injuries will generally heal in weeks to nonspecific, although linearly patterned, hyperpigmented months, depending on the depth of injury, but are at risk for scars, such as from trauma from whippings or beatings with secondary infection. Cigarette burns inflicted in the course rods, may point strongly toward torture. Similarly, the tight of torture are more likely to be on surfaces of the body binding of a victim around his or her arms or legs may visible to the victim, as no small portion of the pain and produce characteristic linear scarring around the arms and trauma from such burns comes from witnessing the event. ankles. In evaluating damage from possible blunt force with Torturers also often burn victims this way in tight pat- respect to scars, it must be kept in mind that a huge variety terns as opposed to haphazard and irregular burns.5,10 A of causes can produce scarring throughout the body, from differential diagnosis, depending on the case, may include accidents at home and work and on playing fields to acne to impetigo, abscess formation, and pyoderma gangrenosum. earlier infections to stretch marks to vaccinations to prior Chemical burns are an invidious form of torture, fre- surgery to ritual wounds, and although many of these scars quently associated with attempted disfigurement of a are easily distinguished, it is not always the case; it is hard to woman for refusal to marry or for some supposed disgrace tell if a kick to the legs came from torture or a soccer tackle. visited on her family.11 Such torture has been reported in The practice of bastinado (also known as falaka or India, Bangladesh (Figures 32.1–32.8), and Uganda, where falanga), the systematic beating of the feet, qualifies as a sulfuric acid is the most common agent. In most cases, the subset of blunt trauma and is another common torture face is involved, as the goal of the torture is, in no small part, with occasional dermatologic implications.6 The practice to render the victim permanently disfigured, in order both is common among torturers, probably because it is easy to to render her socially unacceptable and to let the victim Chapter 32 ● Emergency Management of Skin Torture and Self-Inflicted Dermatoses 315

FIGURE 32.1: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due FIGURE 32.4: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim.

FIGURE 32.2: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due FIGURE 32.5: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim.

FIGURE 32.3: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due FIGURE 32.6: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. 316 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

small erythematous ring. A differential diagnosis of such lesions may include contact dermatitis.4 Biopsy and histo- logical examination may have a role to play in the investi- gation of electrical torture. In the case of electrical burns, recently inflicted damage may show deposits of calcium salts on cellular structures that accords with the flow of an electric current, while perhaps also showing signs of burn damage due to the heat produced by the current.3 One case series involving histologic examination of 11 patients seen after burns from defibrillation, however, showed no such evidence, implying that such evidence may be present less frequently.12 Another study of 11 patients who suf- fered electrical fatalities (also not torture related) showed deposition of copper and iron on the skin in a significant number of histologic specimens from these patients, sug- gesting that staining for these metals might help to support FIGURE 32.7: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due a case of electrical torture.13 to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. Torture can also potentially, as a result of stress induced, make a patient susceptible to flares of skin diseases from serve as a warning to others. When the burn is extensive, which he or she already suffers. Psoriasis and other dis- cosmetic surgery may have a role to play in ameliorating eases induced by various sorts of skin trauma may arise the damage, albeit not typically in the emergency context. in response to torture via the Koebner phenomenon, Electrical burns can occur when a torturer attaches elec- while the psychological stress of the same may either pro- trodes to various parts of a person’s body and runs current voke urticaria or the uncontrolled repetitive self-rubbing through the circuit, although such burns are usually inci- that can exacerbate or introduce disease.3 Patients with dental to the torture intended rather than its aim. These other underlying diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and burn marks are usually small circular lesions that leave fine peripheral arterial disease, may also be more suscepti- scars, although the wound will depend on the type of cur- ble to ongoing effects from trauma to limbs and reduced rent and attachment used. Danielsen and Rasmussen3 again healing. Patients who tend toward hypertrophic healing provide an excellent overview of these differences. Broad- may develop keloids as a consequence of torture wounds. ening the foci of charge entry and emergence through the Finally, evidence of severe damage to the skin through tor- use of gels will render these marks even harder to find, ture may well indicate more internal damage that could if they exist at all.4 A particular form of electrical tor- result in rhabdomyolysis and consequently could warrant a ture common in Peru and other parts of South America check of renal function for signs of failure.14 (“picana,” involving a wand that delivers a high-voltage but low-current shock) leaves clusters of tiny lesions cov- ered with brown crusts and sometimes surrounded by a THERAPY Patients with extensive skin damage due to chemical or physical burns should be referred to a burn unit and ulti- mately for appropriate surgical intervention, if necessary. Care is otherwise commensurate with the damages and nor- mal wound care. Depending on the age of the skin damage and how it was inflicted, it is also important to look for signs of infection and to treat the same if discovered. In almost every situation in which a patient was the possible victim of torture, thorough documentation of the history and examination becomes extremely impor- tant, whether for asylum claims or conceivable future legal actions against a perpetrator. In some cases and coun- tries, for example, it is essential for a physician to identify the victim through specific means for any possible legal redress to follow. One U.S. study has found that individ- uals who received medical evaluations from Physicians for Human Rights have obtained asylum at statistically signif- FIGURE 32.8: Domestic violence manifested by acid burns due icant higher rates than have those without similar docu- to 50% sulfuric acid being thrown on the victim. mentation.15 Chapter 32 ● Emergency Management of Skin Torture and Self-Inflicted Dermatoses 317

It is also important to ensure that social workers and psy- the purposes of an asylum claim likely may well lie beyond chiatrists or psychologists are involved in treatment when- the purview and time constraints of the physician deliver- torture is suspected.9 Similarly, a physician dealing with a ing emergency care, and arrangements for a more extensive patient who is suspected of suffering or claiming to be the examination by someone more familiar with medical (and victim of torture should be treated with great care. No mat- legal) aspects of such claims is likely in order.17 ter how much the physician wishes to help, a person who has just been utterly mistreated by an authority figure and has suffered under questioning may be reflexively suspi- REFERENCES cious of answering the questions of a new authority figure. Women (and men) who may have been sexually brutalized 1. Peel M. History of torture. In Payne-James J, Byard R, Corey may be ashamed to tell their whole story. Various forms of T, Henderson C, editors. Encyclopedia of forensic and legal medicine. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2005. pp. 520–4. torture may also lead to impaired memory of the event. In 2. United Nations Convention against Torture and Other any case, it may be necessary for additional visits for an ade- Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, quate documentation of what has happened to the patient. Art. 1. Although these visits obviously should not take place in the 3. Danielsen L, Rasmussen OV. Dermatological findings after emergency department setting, such a course of aftercare alleged torture. Torture. 2006; 16:108–27. should be established to the extent possible. 4. Pounder DJ. Torture: physical findings. In Payne-James J, Byard R, Corey T, Henderson C, editors. Encyclopedia of forensic and legal medicine. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; COURSE AND PROGNOSIS 2005. pp. 297–302. In cases of intentional mutilation, whether through chem- 5. Forest DM. Examination for the late physical after effects of ical, electrical, thermal, or mechanical destruction of the torture. J Clin Forensic Med. 1999; 6:4–13. 6. Moisander PA, Edston E, Torture and its sequel – a com- skin, the patient’s course and prognosis depend heavily parison between victims from six countries. Forensic Sci Int. on the extent of damage inflicted. Unless the patient was 2003; 137:133–40. severely and significantly burned, most scars will follow 7. Perera P. Physical methods of torture and their sequelae: a Sri a normal course of healing absent secondary infection or Lankan perspective. J Forensic Leg Med. 2007; 14:146–50. other complication. For the purposes of documenting tor- 8. Forrest D. The physical after-effects of torture. Forensic Sci ture, damage to the skin should be evaluated as near in time Int. 1995; 76:77–84. to the event as possible. 9. Richey SL. Assessment and management of survivors of tor- Of course, the goal of torture is ultimately not the inflic- ture in the emergency department. J Emerg Nurs. 2007; tion of the pain or disfigurement, per se, but the psycho- 33:484–7. logical repression of the victim. As such, much treatment 10. Faller-Marquardt M, Pollak S, Schmidt U. Cigarette burns in will lie beyond the expert purview of the dermatologist and forensic medicine. Forensic Sci Int. 2008; 176:200–8. 11. Routh HB, Parish LC, Sen SL, Bhowmik B. Skin torture. Clin depend on ongoing social and psychological assistance. It is Dermatol. 2005; 23:307–9. essential, therefore, that the patient does not simply shuttle 12. Danielsen L, Gniadecka M, Thomsen HK, et al. Skin changes through for evaluation of his or her . following defibrillation: the effect of high voltage direct cur- The evaluation, depending on the situation, as noted rent. Forensic Sci Int. 2003; 134:134–41. previously, may be important for a patient’s possible need 13. Jacobsen H. Electrically induced deposition of metal on the or desire to seek asylum. All relevant symptoms should human skin. Forensic Sci Int. 1997; 90:85–92. be documented, of course, and if there is no examination 14. Naqvi R, Ahmed E, Akhtar F, et al. Acute renal failure due to beyond the dermatologic that should be noted, lest evi- traumatic rhabdomyolysis. Ren Fail. 1996; 18:677–9. dence of the absence of such complaints be used against 15. Lustig SL, Kureshi S, Delucchi KL, et al. Asylum grant rates the patient. Even when treatment is being offered in situ- following medical evaluations of maltreatment among polit- ations where some limitations may be present in how far ical asylum applicants in the United States. J Immigr Minor Health. 2008; 10:7–15. the patient may explain the torture (e.g., a prisoner brought 16. Perera C. Review of initiatives adopted for effective docu- in by his captors/torturers to seek medical treatment after mentation of torture in a developing country. J Clin Forensic a session of interrogation has gone too far) or the physi- Med. 2006; 13:288–92. cian may express his or her opinions, documentation to the 17. Forrest D, Knight B, Hinshelwood G, et al. A guide to writing fullest extent, as well as an acknowledgment of any limita- medical reports on survivors of torture. Forensic Sci Int. 1995; tions, should be included.16 Similarly, a full examination for 76:69–75. CHAPTER 33 Skin Signs of Poisoning

Batya B. Davidovici Ronni Wolf

CUTANEOUS POISONING syndromes produce a myr- to drinking arsenic-contaminated water is a major envi- iad of signs and symptoms. Poisoning may be acquired ronmental health hazard. Many aquifers in various parts either accidentally or deliberately through inhalation, of the world are contaminated with arsenic. Of these, the ingestion, or percutaneous contact of the toxic substances. most noteworthy occurrences are in large areas of India, It can affect all age groups, but children have an increased Bangladesh, Taiwan, and Northern China.2 Although risk for adverse effects of these toxic agents. arsenic poisoning has been rarely reported in the pediatric Early diagnosis and therapeutic support may not always population, a recent work analyzing the acute effects of be achieved due to poor recognition of signs and symp- arsenic poisoning showed that children as young as 1 year toms. This realization emphasizes the importance of rec- old may be affected.3 ognizing the signs of cutaneous poisoning syndromes and Arsenic can cause a persistent folliculitis, in addition to initiating adequate systemic therapy when indicated. The systemic poisoning. An increased incidence of skin can- initial approach to poisoning entails a thorough clinical his- cer was also reported following ingestion of seafood and tory, detailed physical examination, and institution of basic drinking water containing more than 0.6 mg of arsenic per supportive measures. Primary and secondary prevention by liter.4 There is additional evidence from human studies that way of public education and vigilant observation are essen- chronic ingestion of inorganic arsenic causes skin, bladder, tial. and lung cancer in adults.5 Skin abnormalities, such as pig- One of the challenges in managing these patients is to mentation changes and keratosis, have long been known identify the “needle in the haystack,” the small percent- to be hallmark signs of chronic arsenic exposure in adults. age that may develop potentially serious clinical effects and These lesions are the most common health effects found require specific management without subjecting them to in populations exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking unnecessary procedures. water. The focus of this review is on four major cuta- neous poisoning syndromes, namely metallic poisoning (arsenic, mercury); excessive ␤-carotene (carotenoderma), Clinical Manifestations which may present with diagnostic and therapeutic dif- Arsenic poisoning may be classified as either acute ficulties; carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning; and dioxin or chronic. In a study on acute arsenic poisoning in poisoning. Wakayama, Japan,3 cutaneous manifestations from arsenic exposure in both children and adults appeared as soon as 3 months after exposure. Cutaneous findings, although rarely ARSENIC POISONING documented after acute arsenic poisoning, include facial Arsenic is a well-recognized poisonous metal due to its inex- edema and a mildly pruritic maculopapular eruption in the pensive cost, lack of odor, and tasteless quality. Arsenic intertriginous areas, as well as acral hyperkeratosis with can be contacted during the smelting of copper, gold, lead, lamellar peeling. Transverse 1- to 2-mm-wide whitish fin- and other metals. In smelting operations and in the man- gernail bands, called Mees lines, become apparent after ufacture of pesticides and herbicides, considerable con- a 2-month incubation period and tend to be broader in tamination of the environment can be present, requir- children. Other cutaneous lesions such as urticaria, ery- ing extensive preventive measures. In the semiconductor thema multiforme lesions, a morbilliform eruption, peri- industry, exposure to arsenic can occur during maintenance ungual pigmentation, acral desquamation, and postinflam- activities and especially during the handling of raw mate- matory hyperpigmentation have also been reported.6 With rials. chronic low-level arsenic exposure, clinical signs and symp- In children, the most common arsenic sources are toms are subtle and difficult to detect initially but later medicinal and environmental.1 Chronic arsenic toxicity due can manifest as systemic signs and symptoms, including

page 318 Chapter 33 ● Skin Signs of Poisoning 319 benign skin changes, skin cancer, or internal malignancy. internal malignancies as well as decrease the induction of Cutaneous signs from chronic arsenicism may present as multiple BCC formation. facial and eyelid edema and blushing. Cutaneous melanosis with hyperpigmented patches has also been reported in the nipples, axillae, groin, and other pressure points.7. A 2003 MERCURY POISONING study of an Argentinian population1 showed that chronic Poisoning with mercury is now fortunately rare although arsenic exposure from contaminated well water ingestion it is still the second most common cause of heavy metal presented with the principal skin manifestations of dis- poisoning.10 For more than 3000 years, mercury and its tinctive pigmentation and keratoses. The hyperpigmenta- derivatives have been used in a variety of systemic medi- tion is marked by raindrop-shaped discolored spots, diffuse cations, dermatologic creams, dental amalgams, and medi- dark brown spots, or diffuse darkening of the skin on the cations.11,12 In addition, compounds of mercury have been limbs and trunk. Simple keratosis usually appears as bilat- widely used as fungicides, bactericides, and catalysts and in eral thickening of the palms and soles, whereas in nodular electrical parts, antifouling paints, and pulp and paper man- keratosis, small protrusions appear in the hands, feet, or ufacturing. It is also found in a variety of household items, legs. Spotty depigmentation (leucomelanosis) also occurs such as thermometers, light bulbs, batteries, and seafood in arsenicosis. In contrast to cancer, which takes decades products.13 The reports highlighting the toxicity of mer- to develop, these skin lesions are generally observed 5– cury ranged from contaminated fish (Minamata disease– 10 years after exposure commences. The cutaneous malig- Japan, 1960)14,15 to infected grains (Iraq, 1971).16 nancies reported were Bowen disease, basal cell carcinoma Clinical manifestations may vary, depending on the (BCC), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with BCC dose, type of mercury, method of administration, duration being more common than SCC.1 of exposure, and individual sensitivity.17 Mercury toxicity Although limited epidemiological data exist, other can also cause a variety of cutaneous signs and manifesta- reported clinical manifestations resulting from ingestion tions. The effect of mercury on the skin depends on the of arsenic-contaminated drinking water in adults include mode of poisoning and extent of involvement. Mercury is weakness, conjunctival congestion, hepatomegaly, portal also a moderate sensitizer and leads to contact sensitivity. hypertension, lung disease, polyneuropathy, solid edema of limbs, and anemia.5 Occurrence of chronic lung disease including pul- Elemental Mercury monary interstitial fibrosis was described in arsenic- Elemental mercury is commonly found in thermome- exposed children in Chile. Influence on intellectual func- ters, mercury-laden latex paint, and dental amalgams. It tion is also reported from Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. is rapidly oxidized to mercuric ions and has a half-life of 60 days.17 In pediatric patients, exposure to accidental break- age of thermometers is one of the common routes of mer- Diagnosis cury toxicity. Children are at a higher risk for elemental Several diagnostic aids are available in detecting the pres- mercury poisoning because they attain much higher body ence of arsenic. Urine arsenic levels may be useful for acute concentrations of the element compared with adults for the poisoning due to rapid clearance of arsenic from the blood. same amount of exposure.10 Clinical signs and symptoms Deposition of arsenic in hair and nails begins within 2 weeks are minimal after ingestion of elemental mercury because of exposure and remains in the tissues for the next 1–2 years gastrointestinal absorption is negligible. Up to 80% of ele- of life.8 A few strands of hair, preferably from the pubic area, mental mercury that is inhaled, however, is absorbed and are necessary to reduce the likelihood of environmental diffuses rapidly across membranes, including the blood– contamination. Ancillary tests should also be done to rule brain barrier and placenta.10 Acute toxicity results in three out systemic involvement. symptomatic stages.18 Initially, a flu-like syndrome with fever, myalgia, and dryness of the mouth and throat occurs. After 2 weeks, the second stage ensues, mainly affecting the Management gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Symptoms include Environmental control of arsenic exposure remains the a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting. Ful- major preventive measure against arsenic poisoning or minant interstitial pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, and morbidity. Seasonal variation, specifically dry periods, even pulmonary failure may occur. Nephrotic syndrome enhances toxicity. Chelation therapy with dimercaprol may has also been reported.10 Chronic exposure to mercury enhance excretion of arsenic from the system. When car- produces a classic triad of intentional tremors, erethism cinogenic effects of arsenic are evident, arsenic levels are (increased excitability), and gingivitis. Cutaneous mani- minimal and chelation may prove to be inadequate treat- festations include an erythematous papular eruption and ment.9 Oral retinoids have been used to reduce the risk of bluish discoloration of the gingiva. 320 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

described as patients with “puffy, pink, painful, paresthetic, Organic Mercury perspiring, and peeling hands.”18 Occasionally, excruciat- Organic mercury, in the form of methylmercury, is the ing pain of the digits leads to sleep deprivation, whereas most toxic form of mercury and is commonly found in persistent pruritus leads to lichenification and less often, processed wood, plastics and paper, insecticides, and vac- trichotillomania. The skin is cool and moist due to hyper- cines containing thimerosal. It may also be found in hidrosis. Patients also develop alopecia, photophobia, mus- seafoods that are exposed to mercury-contaminated water. cle weakness, excessive salivation with gum swelling, and Clinically, it causes irreversible damage to the central ner- diffuse hypotonia. vous system due to its lipid solubility allowing passage Mercury poisoning should be included in the differen- through the blood–brain barrier.19 Demyelination, auto- tial diagnosis of atypical Kawasaki disease, although high nomic dysfunction, mental retardation, ataxia, and cerebral fever pathognomonic for Kawasaki disease is the major dif- palsy have all been reported in methylmercury toxicity.10 ferentiating factor. The natural course of acrodynia is prolonged, although the prognosis is often good. A delayed presentation appears Inorganic Mercury to be a good prognostic sign. Mortality approximates Inorganic mercury is found in topical medications, such as 10%.11 Elevated urinary mercury level confirms the diag- antiseptic face creams and bleaching creams. Percutaneous nosis. Treatment mainly involves removal of mercury from absorption of lethal doses is possible. Women of child- the patient’s circulation and avoiding mercury exposure bearing age who use mercury-based skin whiteners may from the environment. cause toxic effects on their unborn fetus.20 Application of a mercury-containing cream to the face over many years can produce slate-gray pigmentation, especially on the eye- Mercury Poisoning from Fish Ingestion lids, nasolabial folds, and neck folds (exogenous ochrono- Aside from neurotoxic effects associated with ingestion of sis),21–23 and mercury granules lie free in the dermis or mercury-containing food products, a recent report of a within macrophages.24 new cutaneous sign of mercury poisoning has been docu- Inorganic mercury exposure sometimes causes a bluish mented. Dantzig25 described the appearance of nonpruritic linear pigmentation on the gums and tongue, which should or mildly pruritic, discreet, small (1–2 mm), flesh-colored be considered a marker for systemic poisoning. or slightly erythematous papules and papulovesicles that correlated with blood mercury levels and responded well to lowering of the blood mercury levels. Children are Acrodynia 2–3 times more prone to mercury poisoning from seafood As early as the 1890s, a disease entity called “pink dis- ingestion because of a higher food intake per kilogram of ease” was recognized in Australia, characterized by dif- body weight.19 Lesions are mostly found on the palms, fuse painful, occasionally itchy, redness of the hands, feet, soles, arms, and trunk. Lowering of blood mercury levels and trunk.11 Acrodynia or pink disease is a hypersensi- with a seafood-free diet in all patients and chelation therapy tivity condition of infancy and early childhood, which in seven patients resulted in clearing of the lesions. presents with both systemic and cutaneous symptoms due to chronic mercury exposure.18 Acrodynia has been reported in some patients who were chronically exposed Other Cutaneous Manifestations to calomel-containing teething and diaper powders, dia- In 2004, two distinct clinical patterns were reported in two per rinses, termite-protected wood (mercury bichloride), pediatric patients in the form of acute generalized exanthe- batteries, cathartics, antihelminthics, ammoniated mer- matous pustulosis (AGEP) and symmetric flexural exan- cury ointments, wart treatment pills, antisyphilitic agents, thema “baboon syndrome.”26 and/or mercurial preservatives.11 Acrodynia was also seen AGEP is characterized by an acute eruption of in a patient after inhalation of an accidental spillage of mer- widespread, nonfollicular pustules with underlying edema- ◦ cury onto the carpet where the child played frequently. In tous erythema associated with fever (>38 C) and leuko- the more recent years, stricter industrial and commercial cytosis.27 It is most frequently seen in association with manufacturing measures have eliminated mercury in the drugs such as penicillins and macrolides. Although cases production of many of these items, leading to a significant of mercury-related eruption have been reported, there is decline in the prevalence of acrodynia. no definite conclusion regarding the existence of a cause– Clinical presentations may vary with children initially effect relationship. The baboon syndrome is a diffuse, sym- presenting with irritability, lethargy, and anorexia, as well metric, erythematous, maculopapular eruption of the flex- as painful swelling of the hands and feet. Tips of the fingers ural areas with a V-shaped pattern on the medial thighs and toes acquire a pink color and later become dusky, hence, and diffuse erythema of the buttocks. The syndrome occurs the name “pink disease.” Acrodynia is pathognomonically within a few days of exposure to mercury with no systemic Chapter 33 ● Skin Signs of Poisoning 321 symptoms.28 Mercury exposure from topical disinfec- the source of exposure alone may be sufficient to amelio- tants, ophthalmologic preparations, and antiparasitic pow- rate or reverse the symptoms.36 Chelation is recommended ders was also reported to produce systemic reactions.13,29 for symptomatic patients and those with toxic mercury Patients recover with extensive exfoliation, particularly of levels in the blood or urine. Dimercaprol, which was the palmoplantar surfaces, after 2 weeks. Positive patch previously the agent of choice, has now been found to tests for delayed-type hypersensitivity were seen in 80% exacerbate neurotoxicity and deemed unsuitable.18 DMSA of cases, but serum mercury levels and cutaneous disease (2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid), a water-soluble analog of failed to show a correlation.13,29 dimercaprol, and/or D-penicillamine increase mercury excretion and are employed for aggressive elimination of serum mercury compounds. DMSA is, however, the only Vaccine-Related Mercury Exposure chelating agent approved by the FDA for use in the pedi- Neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as language delay, atric population.36 There is a growing concern among attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and especially some clinicians with regard to the use of chelation ther- autism spectrum disorder30,31 have been reported in vac- apy in the treatment of mercury poisoning because of the cines containing thimerosal, a vaccine preservative. lack of guidelines available to physicians and the paucity Thimerosal is 49.6% ethylmercury,20 which may be found of controlled studies that show a clinical beneficial long- in diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, and term outcome among patients.36 The teratogenic effects of some Hemophilus influenzae type B vaccines.32–34 It has these agents also limit the use among pregnant women. emerged as a major source of mercury in children in their Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and plasma exchange first 2 years of life.17 Reports that idiopathic autism may have been shown to have beneficial effects in previous be induced by early mercury exposure from vaccines that reports.37 Most patients improve after treatment, but long- exceed the safety guidelines of thimerosal determined by term morbidity and death have been reported.11 Treatment the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the should be individualized, depending on severity and pre- American Academy of Pediatrics34 prompted studies val- sentation. idating this hypothesis. To date, there is no causal rela- tionship between the timing of mercury administration CAROTENODERMA via vaccines and the onset of autistic symptoms.32 In July 1999, however, based on the rationale that cumulative doses Carotenoderma is a phenomenon, characterized by orange of ethylmercury from multiple vaccinations may poten- pigmentation of the skin, resulting from carotene deposi- tially exceed the recommended safety levels of mercury, tion mainly in the stratum corneum. It is associated with a the Environment Protection Agency responded by request- high blood ␤-carotene value and is regarded as a significant ing manufacturers to remove thimerosal from vaccines. physical finding, but a harmless condition. Although thimerosal has been recently removed from most Von Noorden38 described carotenemia in 1907. While children’s vaccines, it is still present in flu vaccines given to investigating diabetes mellitus and its treatment, he pregnant women, elderly persons, and to children in devel- noticed a carroty pigmentation in patients whose treat- oping countries.31 ment involved special diets. A year later, Moro39 noted the condition in infants. In 1919, Hess and Meyers40 gave the term “carotenemia” to the condition consisting of Diagnosis increased carotene blood levels and yellow skin pigmenta- An environmental history should be obtained when there tion. is a high index of suspicion. Mercury intoxication can be During the last century, epidemics of carotenemia have identified with mercury-level assays from both blood and occurred, usually as a result of carotene-rich diets. Food hair. Hair mercury analysis is a reliable and more acceptable rationing during the Second World War forced the public means of detecting tissue mercury levels in children with to consume large quantities of carrots, which were nutri- chronic exposure because it reflects tissue accumulation tious and inexpensive. It was found to be transferred to of mercury for the past 2–3 months, whereas blood levels infants by breast-feeding.41 During the 1970s, caroteno- reflect a more recent exposure to mercury.35 Histopathol- derma was observed in many Japanese infants and in chil- ogy is nonspecific. Urinary levels of vanillylmandelic and dren who consumed high amounts of tangerines or tan- homovanillic acid are increased in acrodynia due to inhibi- gerine juice.42 Carotenemia is endemic in West Africa as tion of catechol methyltransferase. a result of frequent use of red palm oil, which is rich in carotenoids.43 On histology, the stratum corneum has a high lipid Management content that has an affinity for carotene, so the carotene Management mainly involves identifying and eliminating pigment is concentrated in the stratum corneum. On the source of mercury exposure. Removing the patient from direct immunofluorescence it can autofluoresce in a 322 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY pemphigus-like intercellular pattern, and thus be mistaken to cause hypervitaminosis A. High blood levels of carotene for pemphigus vulgaris.44 are never high enough to cause hypervitaminosis A because Carotenoids are found in a complex with proteins or in conversion of carotene to vitamin A is slow.47 crystalline carotenoid complexes in vegetables and fruits.45 The linear relationship between ␤-lipoprotein and ␤-carotene is not synthesized in the human body. Its source ␤-carotene may cause carotenemia in hyperlipidemia- is food. It gives some fruits and vegetables their orange– associated disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, nephrotic yellow hue. In green vegetables, the yellow pigment is syndrome, and hypothyroidism.61,62 Carotenemia in masked by chlorophyll. In a study done in a Brazilian pop- anorexia nervosa is chiefly related to a diet that is rich in ␤- ulation in 2005,46 the authors showed that green vegeta- carotene sources. Some consider the cause to be an acquired bles, such as lettuce, contain a considerable amount of defect in the metabolism or utilization of vitamin A. It may carotenoids. also be related to abnormalities of lipid metabolism, such as About one third of ingested ␤-carotene is absorbed.47 the decreased catabolism of ␤-lipoprotein63 and hypothy- Absorbance is affected by the fiber content of food and roidism, which are observed in this disease.64 by food processing. Mashing, cooking, and pureeing of Liver disease may cause carotenemia due to impaired fruits and vegetables cause rupture of cells and enhance conversion of ␤-carotene into vitamin A. In these cases the availability of ␤-carotene.47 In the presence of bile carotenoderma may be masked by jaundice.54 acids it becomes incorporated into mixed micelles, from Kidney diseases, particularly nephrotic syndrome and which it is absorbed by passive diffusion into the ente- chronic glomerulonephritis, may be associated with ele- rocytes in the small intestine mucosa. In the enterocyte, vated serum levels of ␤-carotene. In nephrotic syndrome most of the ␤-carotene is converted into retinal by the it is attributed to hyperlipidemia. An interesting finding is enzyme 15,15-dioxygenase.48 Retinal reductase converts the absence of carotenoderma in patients who suffer from retinal to retinol49 (vitamin A), which is then complexed renal disease despite elevated serum ␤-carotene.54 with long-chain fatty acids to be transported to the liver as Metabolic (idiopathic) carotenemia is thought to chylomicrons.50 It is not clear how much intact ␤-carotene result from a relative or absolute deficiency of 15,15- is absorbed. In the literature, estimates vary between 10% dioxygenase, which leads to accumulation of ␤-carotene and 80%. The amount of intact ␤-carotene absorbed and to low to normal vitamin A levels. This enzyme defect is affected by ␤-carotene intake and vitamin A stores. may be familial.59 High ␤-carotene levels in Alzheimer dis- ␤-carotene that is directly absorbed, however, is trans- ease are also suggested to arise from an abnormality in the ported to the liver via the portal circulation.51,52 Although conversion of ␤-carotene to vitamin A.65 ␤-carotene is fat soluble, eating it with as little as 3–5 g Hypopituitarism and male castrates are conditions that of fat per meal can still increase its plasma levels.53 Absorp- have also been reported to be associated with carotene- tion is also enhanced by pancreatic lipase, bile acids, and mia.47 There is an anecdotal report of carotenemia and probably by the thyroid hormone. Disturbance of fat Simmonds disease.54 absorption, infection, and intestinal disease may all impair ␤-carotene absorption.54 High gastric pH levels interfere with absorption, probably by inhibiting passive diffusion Clinical Manifestations into the enterocyte.55 Certain constituents of food, such The yellow pigmentation of ␤-carotene appears when its as sulfides and acids,56 can destroy ␤-carotene. Pectin concentrations in serum exceed 250 ␮g/dL. It is deposited interrupts micelle formation and hence interferes with mainly in the stratum corneum, in sweat, and in sebum, ␤-carotene absorption.57 Lutein and canthaxanthin inhibit and hence pigmentation is noted in areas where sweating the conversion of ␤-carotene to retinal.58 is marked, such as the nasolabial folds, palms, and soles. It ␤-carotene is stored in the liver and adipose tissues, and can extend to the entire body. The sclerae are not affected, can also be found in high concentrations in the testes and and this helps to distinguish carotenoderma from jaun- in the adrenal glands. In healthy persons, there is a lin- dice. Another typical sign of carotenoderma is its enhanced ear relationship between serum ␤-lipoprotein and serum appearance under artificial light.66 ␤-carotene levels.59 Excretion of ␤-carotene occurs mainly through the colon and epidermis through sebaceous glands. A small Complications amount is excreted through the urine.60 There is a debate as to whether carotenemia is a harm- A number of mechanisms are presumed to be responsible less condition. Some authors report that long-standing for carotenemia. The most common is excessive dietary carotenemia has been associated with weakness, weight consumption of ␤-carotene. Carotenemia may be observed loss, hepatomegaly, hypotension, neutropenia,67 and 4–7 weeks after initiation of a diet rich in carotenoids.42 amenorrhea.68 Others report no abnormality with high In these cases of carotenemia, serum levels of vitamin A serum ␤-carotene.69 There is, however, an agreement that may be normal or elevated, although never high enough carotenemia is not associated with vitamin A toxicity. Chapter 33 ● Skin Signs of Poisoning 323

Treatment a normal by-product of numerous manufacturing processes Treatment begins with reassurance that this is a benign and waste incineration. condition. Dietary carotenemia is easily manageable within Small amounts of TCDD (15–45 U/g body fat) are seen weeks to months on a low-␤-carotene diet.48 Carotenemia normally in humans because of its use in many common associated with hyper-␤-lipoproteinemia is reversible by industries. It is tasteless but highly toxic. treatment of the underlying cause or with a lipid-lowering More than 95% of human exposure to dioxin is through diet. There is not yet a satisfactory treatment for metabolic the diet. Air emissions of pollutants, including dioxin, set- carotenemia.50 tle on vegetation that is fed to livestock. Dioxin then accu- mulates in animal fatty tissue and is conveyed to humans through meat and dairy products. Fish and other aquatic CO POISONING organisms ingest dioxin that is washed into bodies of water CO poisoning causes organ damage as a result of cellu- from land, providing another potential pathway into the lar hypoxia. The toxic effects of tissue hypoxia were first food chain. The average dietary intakes of dioxins have described by Bernard in 185770; then, in 1895, Haldane71 declined dramatically over the past 20 years in the United described the underlying mechanism of CO toxicity. CO States and Western Europe due to better environmental poisoning affects nearly all organs, including the central and regulations. As a result of this dramatic improvement in peripheral nervous system, heart, kidney, skeletal, muscle, dioxin contamination, the average person born today in the and skin. The clinical manifestations are diverse, and vari- Western world will receive his or her highest exposure to ous complications and sequelae may develop following CO dioxins as a developing fetus and as a nursing infant. Much poisoning. Cardiac arrhythmias, such as ventricular fibril- of that exposure comes from breast milk as the mother lations, however, constitute the major threats to life during mobilizes fatty acids, where dioxin is sequestered, to form acute exposure.72–75 breast milk. Symptoms and signs become increasingly apparent as Acute dioxin poisoning is rare. Most of the experience circulating levels of carboxyhemoglobin rise. Severe CO with acute dioxin poisoning resulted from industrial acci- poisoning can also produce several types of lesions of the dents. In 1976, a large number of people in Seveso, Italy, skin.76–80 The lesions vary in degree from erythema and were exposed to high levels of dioxins through contami- edema to marked vesicle and bulla formation. Vivid erythe- nated cooking oil. matous or edematous plaques appear, especially at pressure There is also the “Ranch Hand” study that examined sites, within hours after CO poisoning.81 Vesicles and bul- the health of more than 1200 U.S. Air Force personnel lae may develop, often in a geographical pattern.82,83 The who worked with Agent Orange. Dioxin was an ingredi- scalp lesion of edema and erythema may evolve into areas ent in Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam of alopecia.77 War. These servicemen have been followed for many years The lesions simulate those seen in burns, trauma, or by the Department of Veterans Affairs and are still being barbiturate poisoning or after cerebral vascular accident or monitored today. Many of them, particularly the ground drug-induced coma. Histologically, the bullae show epider- technicians who loaded spray planes with Agent Orange, mal necrosis, intraepidermal vesiculation, and necrosis of developed chloracne. Other episodes of dioxin poisoning the secreting portions of the sweat glands.81 Pressure and occurred several years ago at places such as Love Canal, hypoxia are probably the main factors in the pathogenesis.79 where hundreds of families needed to abandon their homes Spontaneous resolution occurs in persons who survive, due to dioxin contamination, and Times Beach, Missouri, in about 15 days.81,84 a town that was abandoned as a result of dioxin. Dioxin, however, made worldwide headlines in Septem- ber 2004, when Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko DIOXIN POISONING (CHLORACNE) had been poisoned. His blood samples contained an abnor- Chloracne is a rare, follicular, acneiform eruption that is mally high level of dioxin, 1000 times the accepted level. a characteristic symptom of dioxin poisoning. Dioxins are One year later, Yushchenko’s face, with its strong jaw and polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons that can be found movie-star features, remained badly pockmarked. in herbicides and wood preservatives.85 Dioxins are a group of chemicals, which include 75 different chlorinated molecules of dibenzo-p-dioxin Clinical Findings and 135 chlorinated dibenzofurans. Some polychlorinated Dioxin taken in through the human diet dissolves in the biphenyls are referred to as dioxin-like compounds. Of the fatty components of blood, eventually accumulating in fatty chloracnegenic compounds, 2,3-tetrachlorodibenzo-para- tissue. The human body eliminates dioxin slowly; at any dioxin (TCDD), or dioxin, is regarded to be the most harm- given time, the dioxin concentration in the fatty tissue ful, associated with many harmful health effects, possessing of a human body is a function of the competing rates of potentially carcinogenic and teratogenic properties.86 It is accumulation and elimination. Half a dose of dioxin gets 324 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY eliminated every few years but never completely rids itself. may continue for decades. Persistent cases may be treated Dioxin is eliminated also through sebaceous glands; as a similarly to acne with topical retinoids, oral antimicrobials, result, the skin grows oily or pimply, resulting in chloracne. or oral isotretinoin. A nondigestible, lipophilic dietary fat Chloracne is considered to be the hallmark of dioxin poi- substitute called olestra has shown promise in reducing sys- soning and represents a symptom of systemic poisoning by temic dioxin levels by eightfold to tenfold and reducing the chemical chloracnegens and not just a cutaneous disorder.87 half-life from 7 to 1–2 years.90 The most important means, It has been found to be 4 times more frequent in persons however, is preventing contamination of the environment with plasma dioxin levels greater than 10 ppt.88 Chloracne by strict legislation. clinically presents a few months after ingestion, inhalation, or manipulation of the toxic agent. Cutaneous findings of REFERENCES chloracne include open and closed comedones and nonin- flammatory nodules and cysts, mostly on the malar cres- 1. Cabrera HN, Gomez ML. Skin cancer induced by arsenic in cent and in postauricular, axillary, and inguinal areas. With the water. 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72. Ehrich WE, Bellet S, Lewey FH. Cardiac changes from CO 82. Long PI. Dermal changes associated with carbon monoxide poisoning. Am J Med Sci. 1944; 208:1–23. poisoning. JAMA. 1968; 205:120. 73. Corya BC, Black MJ, McHenry PL. Echocardiographic find- 83. Leavell UW, Farley CH, McIntyre JS. Cutaneous changes in ings after acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Br Heart J. 1976; a patient with carbon monoxide poisoning. Arch Dermatol. 38:712–17. 1969; 99:429–33. 74. Shafer N, Smilay MG, MacMillan FP. Primary myocardial 84. Mandy S, Ackerman AB. Characteristic traumatic skin lesions disease in man resulting from acute carbon monoxide poison- in drug-induced coma. JAMA. 1970; 213:253–6. ing. Am J Med. 1965; 38:316–20. 85. Sterling JB, Hanke CW. Dioxin toxicity and chloracne in the 75. Penny DG, Stryker AE, Baylerian MS. Persistent car- Ukraine. J Drugs Dermatol. 2005; 4:148–50. diomegaly induced by carbon monoxide and associated tachy- 86. Yamamoto O, Tokura Y. Photocontact dermatitis and chlor- cardia. J Appl Physiol. 1984; 56:1045–52. acne: two major occupational and environmental skin dis- 76. Choi SA, Choi IS. Clinical manifestations and complications eases induced by different actions of halogenated chemicals. in carbon monoxide intoxication. J Korean Neurol Assoc. J Dermatol Sci. 2003; 32:85–94. 1998; 16:500–5. 87. Pastor MA, Carrasco L, Izquierdo MJ, et al. Chloracne: 77. Long PI. Dermal changes associated with carbon monoxide histopathologic findings in one case. J Cutan Pathol. 2002; intoxication. JAMA. 1968; 205:50–1. 29:193–9. 78. Leavell UW, Farley CH, McIntyre JS. Cutaneous changes in 88. Baccarelli A, Pesatori AC, Consonni D, et al. Health status a patient with carbon monoxide poisoning. Arch Dermatol. and plasma dioxin levels in chloracne cases 20 years after 1969; 99:429–33. the Seveso, Italy accident. Br J Dermatol. 2005; 152:459– 79. Nagy R, Greer KE, Harman LE Jr. Cutaneous manifestations 65. of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Cutis. 1979; 24:381–3. 89. Mocarelli P, Marocchi A, Brambilla P, et al. Clinical labora- 80. Lee JB, Chang KH, Choi IS. Cutaneous manifestations of car- tory manifestations of exposure to dioxin in children. A six- bon monoxide poisoning. Korean J Dermatol. 1983; 21:279– year study of the effects of an environmental disaster near 83. Seveso, Italy. JAMA. 1986; 256:2687–95. 81. Achten G, Ledoux-Corbusier M, Thys JP. Intoxication 90. Geusau A, Tschachler E, Meixner M, et al. Olestra a l’oxyde de carbone et lesions cutanees.´ Ann Dermatol increases fecal excretion of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Syphiligr. 1971; 98:421–8. dioxin. Lancet. 1999; 354:1266–7. CHAPTER 34 Disaster Planning: Mass Casualty Management

Lion Poles

DISASTERS AND OTHER emergencies can strain and (member). An advisory committee comprising the MOH even damage – at least transiently – a health care system. senior executive officials, EMS, the Home Front Com- The increased awareness of natural and manmade disasters mand (HFC) medical officer, and other organizations is has created a relatively new need for health care providers: consulted if necessary. The HFC medical department acts preparedness and response for medical emergencies. To as an operational arm of the SHA. Main budgets of medical remain both robust and flexible, the medical systems must preparedness for MCIs originate from the MOH: Specific establish protocols, perform exercises, and learn from the facilities such as decontamination sites, equipment (e.g., experience of others. Facing threats since it was born 62 physical protection, respirators), pharmaceuticals, and new years ago, the Israeli medical system has conducted a com- infrastructure are funded by the MOH. prehensive preparedness activity that has been tested in large-scale exercises and in large- and small-scale violent conflicts. EVOLUTION OF OPERABILITY OF THE HOSPITAL SYSTEM The general hospitals have always been an integral part of AN OVERVIEW OF THE ISRAELI MEDICAL SYSTEM Israel’s national emergency response system. Most hospi- Israel has 24 public acute care hospitals in addition to its tals have participated in the management of injured soldiers geriatric, psychiatric, and private hospitals. The hospital and civilians during and between wars. Historically, lessons system serves both the civilian and the military population. learned during wartime and through isolated conventional Six are trauma centers (level 1) located in densely populated MCIs were gathered, but no comprehensive doctrine was urban areas; 14 others are acute care medical centers with- established. In the 1980s, as lessons emerged from the war out cardiosurgery or neurosurgery services (level 2), and the of 1973 and the perceived threat of chemical warfare (CW) rest are relatively remote community hospitals (level 3) that increased, the heads of the medical system decided that a can offer triage and limited surgical and surge capacity. All fundamental change was needed in the way hospitals pre- Israeli hospitals maintain continuous alert for mass casualty pare for crises. incidents (MCIs) in line with a unified national doctrine. Under the auspices of the SHA, a trilateral system was Thus, we regard the hospitals as part of the first-responders founded. The Emergency Division of the MOH was given system. In the extrahospital arena, there is a highly devel- overall responsibility and funding for infrastructure and oped network of outpatient clinics, part of the four health procurement; and the IDF medical corps – acting on behalf maintenance organizations’ (HMOs’) network of primary of the MOH through a newly established Hospital Con- care clinics. tingency Branch (HCB) and the Nuclear, Biological, and As for other first-responders systems, Israel has a sin- Chemical Medical Branch – led the development of doc- gle national emergency medical service (EMS), a national trine and the implementation of new procedures. Rep- police system, and a regionally based firefighting system. resentatives of the public general hospitals participated The national search-and-rescue unit and air evacuation in planning and implementation through several steering systems are operated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). committees. These committees were headed by hospital The leader of the medical system, which sets priorities executives and were composed of subject-matter experts in peacetime, during major disasters, and during wars, and representatives of the trilateral preparedness organi- is the Supreme Health Authority (SHA); it is headed by zation. Nominated specific committees included a contin- the Director General of the Ministry of Health (MOH), gency committee for conventional MCIs, a similar com- the Surgeon General (member, IDF Medical corps) and mittee for CW hospital preparedness, and committees for the chief executive officer (CEO) of the largest HMO human resources and for procurement. End products were

page 327 328 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY presented and approved by the SHA, becoming official poli- sufficient for the first 8–24 hours of treatment (to be sup- cies and backed up by the necessary budgets. plemented from national stockpiles). After Israel was attacked by Iraqi missiles during Opera- All prehospital and interhospital activities in times of tion Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf (1991), the HCB was large-scale emergencies are supervised and coordinated by designated as the leader for CW preparedness. Thereafter, the chief medical officer of the HFC (on behalf of the new steering committees developed new directions, such MOH) through a command and control center. Within as preparing for an accident at a nuclear reactor (1994) and the hospital, all emergency contingency activity is coordi- preparing for a mass toxicological incident (1997, follow- nated and supervised generally by a senior physician and ing the release of the nerve gas sarin by terrorists in Japan nurse. Because emergency preparedness is principally a in 1994–1995). The principles of preparedness and the nonprofit activity funded by the hospital, in many places interrelationships of groups involved have remained since. this physician is one of the hospital’s deputy general man- Concomitantly, operational missions were transferred to agers. He or she heads an advisory committee – an emer- the medical department of the HFC (established in 1994), gency contingency committee – with representatives from which incorporated HCB in 1999. The emerging threat nursing, logistics, security, and administration. Subcom- of biological warfare (BW) and a new crisis alert regard- mittees are often established for specific scenarios (e.g., a ing Iraq in 1998 led to the development of an entirely new bioevent committee comprising the infectious disease unit, preparedness initiative – the “unusual biological incident.” the director of the microbiological laboratory, a security The evolving threats of BW, bioterrorism, and emerging officer, and logistics and nursing executives). These sub- infectious diseases necessitated different kinds of response committees define and help to execute annual and ad hoc and new partners, including the public health system, labo- plans, updated according to MOH directives. As these offi- ratory network, surveillance system, and ambulatory med- cials are not primarily assigned to emergency prepared- ical services. In the biological threat scenario, hospitals ness, their activities usually reach a peak before planned changed their role; rather than being the key factor, as or anticipated exercises or inspections of the regulatory in previous threats, they became just one component of bodies. Their most difficult task is maintaining continuous a national interrelated response system that was developed readiness among the staff, through intermittent individual within the MOH. or institutional training and small-scale drills. In Israel, the public, the media, and the MOH expect hospitals to be able to handle any emergency, and hospital COMPONENTS OF PLANNING FOR EMERGENCY managers perform accordingly perhaps as a matter of self- RESPONSE IN THE ACUTE CARE HOSPITAL esteem. Only recently has systematic analysis been done Israeli hospitals are regarded as part of the first-responder for the most likely wartime scenarios with which hospi- system because most of the medical management of vic- tals should prepare to cope. There is still no official spe- tims and nearly all decontamination procedures are planned cific analysis of hospitals’ missions during terrorist events and actually have taken place within hospitals. In addi- and natural disasters, and no procedures have been estab- tion, the last decade’s experience of the EMS has shown lished for assessing hospitals’ individual vulnerabilities to that, for most urban incidents, evacuation of all victims can internal hazards. With respect to MCIs, all Israeli hospi- last up to 90 minutes after the incident. Because natural tals are expected to provide medical assessment, treatment, and man-made MCIs can occur after hours, all hospital and continuing care for large numbers of patients and to contingency plans base initial response on the emergency identify and manage contaminated patients and patients department, which is reinforced by any in-house staff avail- who have been exposed to an unusual biological agent (this able during those hours. Hospitals have developed redun- management includes protecting the hospital staff, patients, dant telecommunications and staff notification capabili- and others within the hospital). In general, such response ties. The hospital standard operating procedure (SOP) plan and mitigation activities should not interfere with everyday is to provide effective triage, decontamination, and treat- emergency care. ment in the first hour with these resources, until additional According to lessons learned in Israel from mass casu- staff arrive and are incorporated into the crisis manage- alty event MCIs, following a terrorist incident three waves ment activities. Specific means provided to hospitals by the of casualties arrive at emergency rooms: the most severely MOH include decontamination infrastructure (e.g., com- injured arrive by EMS ambulances or by private cars within munication, decontamination sites, and negative–positive 45 minutes in an urban location. Moderately or mildly pressure environments); power-driven level 3 respiratory injured victims arrive within 2 hours. The third wave con- protection sets with universal canisters (ABEK P3 type); sists of patients mildly injured and those experiencing acute mission-oriented protective posture 4 (MOPP4) protective stress reaction, all who arrive within 24 hours. Three sys- garments or, alternatively, standard kits to protect against tems of resources are involved in managing these patients: airborne biological agents; and specific sets of antidotes operational, medical, and informational. Hospitals need Chapter 34 ● Disaster Planning: Mass Casualty Management 329 to assemble, evaluate, implement, and disseminate infor- the latter (in toto) and critical steps in the response plan mation quickly and accurately and deliver it to various to the former. Hospital-specific hazards – both external internal and external customers, including local and state and internal – should be analyzed, and emergency missions agencies. should be tailored accordingly and supported by appropri- To be efficient in response during a crisis, the hospital ate resources. must be a part of a coordinated collaborative effort. Other Emergency scenarios can be classified as “rapid” or members include other first responders, the media, local “slow” types. Rapid scenarios involve conventional events communities, the National Institute for Forensic Medicine, (e.g., mass trauma from explosives or airplane crashes), other hospitals, the MOH, and the HFC. Ideally, there chemicals (including toxins), and quickly identifiable radi- should be one risk communication system for the pub- ological exposure. These scenarios tend to be clearly lic, for both informative and directive purposes. Practi- bounded in time and place, with distinct victims or exposed cally, the media provide a medium for conveying infor- individuals. Most of the rapid scenarios are easily perceived mation and sometimes directions to the public by senior by human senses or simple monitoring equipment. Victims officials in the hospital system or the MOH. As the hospi- are managed mainly within the hospital system. The initial tals’ CEOs may be forced to address the media and share response phase is expected to be limited to 24 hours. Com- information with the public, providing updates on the situ- mon problems in rapid scenarios include surge capacity, ation, it is beneficial to train them in “risk communication” triage, decontamination, identification of hazards, treat- skills. ment protocols, control and communication, public rela- Target allocation and evacuation from the disaster or tions, intensive care, and personnel recruitment and man- mass emergency area is done by the HFC’s medical and the agement. The main principles of response planning for EMS control centers. They are also responsible for alerting rapid scenarios are to apply the experience gained from the hospitals of casualties that are on the way. This notification terror campaign of the last 15 years and to apply the con- leads to activation of the hospitals’ SOP. ventional MCI model (modified as necessary for victims of Throughout the emergency, every hospital is planning contamination). It is pertinent that hospitals will maintain to host a designated EMS liaison officer in its control readiness for these type of emergencies, among others, by center. His or her duty is to coordinate the activities of maintaining “just in case” annual training programs. ambulances in the hospital both primarily from the scene Slow scenarios include biological outbreaks and uniden- and later for secondary allocation of victims. Another liai- tified radiological exposure. These scenarios are not clearly son is an officer from the HFC medical department who bounded in space or time nor are the victims or exposed works with the hospital’s incident command system to individuals distinct. Slow scenarios are not perceptible by assist the hospital’s needs – disseminate information within human senses; thus relatively advanced or sophisticated the hospital, the MOH, and the EMS networks; coordi- diagnostic procedures are necessary. The response to a slow nate the air evacuation missions; and communicate about scenario is beyond the scope of the hospital system, and resources and support needed from other authorities and the response phase will last for several days or weeks. The agencies. main problems are similar to those in rapid scenarios: surge The Israeli media plays a role in medical response in capacity, triage, contaminated victims, and so forth. Spe- times of emergency, serving as a “first responder” for infor- cial consideration should be given, however, to detecting mation. Hospital emergency plans incorporate designated the event, to notification, to diagnostic procedures, and to areas for the media. relationships with external entities such as public health and ambulatory medical services. Specific criteria for a hospi- tal’s preparedness should be established. Local planning, CURRENT POLICIES staff training, and maintenance of emergency equipment Current policies – including policies for hospital emer- are not funded by the MOH (preparedness activities tend to gency preparedness – are dictated by economic pressures add expense but not to produce revenue); still, any new stan- and tight budgets, especially in the medical system. More- dards should be accompanied by appropriate resources or over, there is a huge array of possible manmade and natural budget allocations. Finally, emergency contingency units disasters. Consequently, there is a clear need for a cost- should be founded and funded within the general hos- effective approach that can find a common denominator pital, ambulatory, and public health systems to ensure among many threats, so as to concentrate on generic solu- real commitment and productivity on the part of non- tions. Such denominators might include decontamination; emergency medical organizations. For the slow scenarios, surge capacity; multifaceted, multilevel triage; communi- it is reasonable to maintain limited readiness – for the initial cation regarding risks and crises; and public relations. It response only – and to prepare resources such as materials is vital to consent on low- versus high-probability scenar- (manuals, presentations, etc.) for providing “just-in-time” ios, so that preferences and resources can be allotted to training. 330 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

Poles L. Contingency of the national hospitalization sys- CONCLUSIONS tem for peacetime emergencies. Harefuah. 2001; 130:817–20. Some of these principles are already implemented or (Hebrew) are expected to be implemented in the strategy of the Shalala DE. Bioterrorism: how prepared are we? Emerg Infect Dis. 1999; 5:492–3. MOH. Torok TJ, Tauxe RV, Wise RP, et al. A large cummunity out- break of salmonellosis caused by intentional contamination of restaurant salad bars. JAMA. 1997; 278:389–95. FURTHER READING WuDunn S, Miller J, Broad WJ. How Japan germ terror alerted Hughes JM. The emerging threat of bioterrorism. Emerg infect world. New York Times, 26 May 1998; Sect A: 1 (col 1), Dis. 1999; 5:494–5. A: 10 (col 1–5). CHAPTER 35 Catastrophes in Cosmetic Procedures

Marina Landau Ronni Wolf

DERMATOLOGISTS HAVE performed surgery and formation of such scars include race (skin of color and cosmetic invasive procedures on the skin since the 19th Asian), heredity, excessive wound tension, excessively deep century. They are responsible for developments in chem- dermal injury, wound infection, and foreign body reaction. ical peels, hair transplantation, dermabrasion, sclerother- The concomitant or recent use of oral vitamin A derivatives apy, laser surgery, and liposuction. As with any medical has been traditionally considered as a risk factor for bad treatment, those procedures carry inherent risk for possi- scarring.1,2 This opinion has been recently challenged.3,4 ble complications. Despite the high prevalence of keloids in the general “If you’ve been thinking of having your face or body population, they remain one of the more challenging der- rejuvenated, but have been scared off by the thought of matologic conditions to manage. Because patients with major surgery, then maybe it’s time to think again. A wealth a previous personal or family history of keloids are at of new techniques and technologies have transformed the increased risk for developing abnormal scars, they should field of cosmetic treatment. The common feature of all avoid elective cosmetic procedures with a risk for scarring. these new treatments is ‘minimally invasive’ – that is, less If such a procedure is performed, wounds should be closed cutting, less open surgery, less risk and less downtime. with minimal tension and the immediate use of silicone gel Not only that – the cost is often far lower,” says one sheets should be started. (of many) Web sites (see A wide range of therapies exists for keloids, with the Article1103965.phtml accessed March 10, 2010). For indi- most commonly used modalities being intralesional steroid viduals who choose a minimally invasive cosmetic proce- injection, surgical excision, cryotherapy, laser therapy, dure aimed at improving appearance, fighting the signs of radiation therapy, and the application of silicon gel sheets. aging, and restoring their youthful looks (as opposed to Other treatments that have been used with variable suc- treating a “real” disease), any visual side effect is consid- cess rates include imiquimod, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, ered a “catastrophe.” Therefore, we include in this chapter, retinoids, calcium channel blockers, mitomycin C, and aside from “true emergencies/catastrophes,” what we call interferon-␣ 2b. A recent meta-analysis of 39 studies, rep- “aesthetic catastrophes.” resenting 27 different treatments, reported a 70% chance of clinical improvement with any type of treatment.5

SCARRING A significant number of procedures in dermatology carry INFECTIONS a risk of scarring. In some procedure scarring is inevitable, Because dermatologic procedures disrupt skin integrity, such as in surgical rhytidectomies and hair transplantations, they alter the body’s protective barrier and predispose whereas in others scarring is considered a complication, theoretically to cutaneous infections. Surprisingly, post- such as in chemical peels or laser surgery. The ultimate goal operative wound infections seldom complicate dermato- of a physician performing these interventions is to create a logic procedures, ranging from 1% to 3%;6 however, they superior cosmetic outcome by avoiding or minimizing the have been rarely reported to complicate simple procedures scar. such as excisions, biopsies, skin grafts, chemical peels, der- Unfortunately, some cases result in hypertrophic scar- mabrasion, laser resurfacing, liposuction, blepharoplasty, ring or keloids instead of a minimal scar. Those abnor- and filler injections. mally thickened scars are often painful or pruritic. The Antimicrobials continue to be widely used in the set- common locations for keloids and hypertrophic scars are ting of dermatologic surgery for the prevention of surgi- on the upper trunk, neck, and upper extremities and over cal wound infection, endocarditis, and late prosthetic joint bony prominences of the face. Factors predisposing to the infections. Debate regarding routine use of topical and

page 331 332 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY systemic antibiotics is still ongoing. The literature sug- PROCEDURE-SPECIFIC COMPLICATIONS gests that, for most routine skin procedures, antibiotic use is probably not warranted. During prolonged Mohs Dermal Fillers procedures, delayed repairs, grafts, or any procedure that In 1899, Robert Gersuny, a Viennese surgeon , introduced breaches a mucosal surface, decisions should be made on mineral oil (VaselineR ) for correction of soft-tissue defects. a case-by-case basis. Systemic prophylactic antibiotics for The principle of the technique consisted in the injection of laser resurfacing and liposuction are also not routinely a product that becomes semiliquid by heating but solidifies necessary.7 For the prevention of surgical site infections, when cooled. Later, VaselineR was replaced with paraffin. antimicrobials may be indicated for procedures on the Although serious complications were reported, it remained lower extremities or groin, for wedge excisions of the lip popular for the first 20 years of the 20th century. Unfor- and ear, skin flaps on the nose, skin grafts, and for patients tunately, even with initial good results, secondary or late with extensive inflammatory skin disease.8 severe complications appeared due to the dispersion of Pooled data from four studies on the risk of bacteremia paraffin. There was formation of nodules, the paraffinomas during dermatologic surgery including scalpel excision, that were very difficult to remove. The sequelae of paraffin electrodesiccation and curettage, Mohs surgery, hair trans- injections were observed for several years.17 plantation, and flaps and grafts on clinically noninfected Since that time, soft-tissue augmentation using autolo- skin revealed a risk of bacteremia at 1.9%.9–12 Despite gous or synthetic products has become the cornerstone of a strong shift away from administration of prophylactic facial beautification and of antiaging treatment. The choice antibiotics in many dermatologic surgery settings, it is still of commercially available dermal fillers is growing con- needed for patients with high-risk cardiac conditions and stantly.18,19 for a defined group of patients with prosthetic joints at high In the European Union, injectable fillers are certified as risk for hematogenous total joint infection.8 medical devices. Depending on the potential risk of each substance, a controlled clinical trial may be performed dur- ing the certification process; nevertheless, the process is BLEEDING completely different from that applied for U.S. Food and Although the overall incidence is low, bleeding complica- Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Not infrequently, tions in dermatologic surgery can occur and be the source the safety and efficacy of many CE-certified injectables are of patient morbidity. It is particularly important because assessed only in the postmarketing process. the use of blood thinners has increased dramatically in No matter what the origin of the fillers is, they are recent years among the general, and especially among the usually classified into resorbable and permanent groups. elderly, population. In addition, many patients are taking Resorbable materials, such as collagens and hyaluronic dietary supplements that may alter coagulation.13 When acids, are removed from the tissue by phagocytosis. Per- these patients need to undergo cutaneous surgery, the manent fillers, such as silicone and ArteFillR , cannot be surgeon might encounter a problem of increased bleed- removed efficiently. Large microspheres of nonresorbable ing tendency. Discontinuation of these medications may fillers are encapsulated with fibrous tissue and escape increase the risk of cerebral and cardiovascular compli- phagocytosis. cations; therefore, a question of safe continuation or dis- In 2004, a new classification of dermal fillers, taking continuation of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications into account the long-term safety and reversibility of the before surgery might be a major issue in dermatologic side effects, was proposed.20 According to this classifi- surgery. cation, dermal fillers are nonpermanent and biodegrad- Meta-analysis of controlled studies reporting bleed- able (e.g., collagens and hyaluronic acids), semipermanent ing and other complications among patients undergoing and biodegradable (e.g., polylactic acid), permanent and cutaneous surgery who were taking anticoagulant med- reversible (e.g., expanded poly tetrafluoroethylene), or per- ications suggests that although low, the risk of bleed- manent and nonreversible (e.g., liquid injectable silicone, ing among anticoagulated patients may be higher than polymethylmethacrylate). baseline.14 Until recently, discontinuation of anticoag- Complications and adverse reactions can occur with ulation and antiplatelet therapy before surgery was a all fillers and all filler procedures. The most common rule. side effects include hematomas, ecchymoses, swelling, ery- In recent years, dermasurgeons have been more likely to thema, discoloration, visibility, or palpability of the filler. continue medically necessary aspirin and warfarin, but to Hypersensitivity and tissue necrosis are rare and most dis- discontinue prophylactic aspirin, nonsteroidal antiinflam- tressing. Filler migration, granuloma formation, infection, matory drugs (NSAIDs), and vitamin E.15,16 There are no and delayed inflammatory reactions do not usually occur studies in the literature that examined the effects of combi- with nonpermanent biodegradable fillers. nation anticoagulant therapy or the effect of herbal agents Hematoma and ecchymosis are due to extravasation of on postoperative risk of bleeding. blood cells into the tissue due to needle injury of blood Chapter 35 ● Catastrophes in Cosmetic Procedures 333 vessels. Alcohol consumption, blood thinners, NSAIDs, Necrosis of the overlying tissues after dermal filler aspirin, vitamin E, omega 3, and probably other herbal implantation is elicited by vascular embolism, vascular agents facilitate the occurrence of hematoma. If these drugs injury, or compression. The overall estimate for necro- are used prophylactically, proper discontinuation of their sis with bovine collagen is 0.09% of treated individuals. intake prior to the procedure, and refraining from alcohol Most of the cases were seen after injection of ZyplastR consumption, may prevent some of the bleeding events. in the glabellar area.25,26 The manifestations of intravas- Firm pressure immediately after the injection and ice-pack cular injection are immediate blanching and pain. Com- application may minimize the bleeding, if it occurs. In gen- pletely identical symptoms and outcome are observed with eral, collagen-based fillers (Zyderm, Evolence) are associ- hyaluronic acid.27,28 When injecting into glabellar, perior- ated with less bleeding due to induction of platelet aggre- bital, or nasal regions with any filler, caution is necessary gation. to avoid intravascular injection. Aspiration when injected in Transient swelling and redness occur immediately after these areas might be helpful. Different treatment modali- a filler injection and usually last a few hours to a few days. ties have been suggested to treat imminent necrosis, such as These phenomena are probably secondary to the inflam- massaging, warm compresses, nitroglycerin paste, and sys- mation induced by the product itself, injection trauma, and temic steroids, but their efficacy is not well established.29 tissue manipulation by massaging or molding. Some prod- Local wound care, after necrosis settles in, is of paramount ucts are more prone to induce tissue swelling due to their importance to reduce the extent of scar formation. hygroscopic properties (e.g., hyaluronic acid–based prod- Hypersensitivity reactions and granuloma formation ucts). Certain facial areas, such as the lips, are specifically are the most distressing adverse effects occurring with sensitive to injections and inevitably swell after the pro- soft-tissue augmentation. Every single filler material can cedure. Prolonged icing of the area without direct contact cause this complication, but the risk rate differs among between the ice cube and the skin can assist to diminish this products. There are also patient-related factors that affect phenomenon. the incidence of the hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions to More prolonged swelling can signal overcorrection. bovine collagen are well known (Figure 35.1). The col- Tear trough depression is especially sensitive to overcor- lagen component of ArteFillR may evoke the same type rections. Permanent or periodic (usually in the mornings) of reactions in sensitive individuals. Since introduction of swelling in this area may require dissolving the filler by a double skin pretesting, the incidence of localized hyper- enzyme hyaluronidase.21 sensitivity at the test sites is 3%, and in treated patients, the Discoloration in the injection site is either induced by numbers dropped to 1%–2%. These reactions resolve with hemosiderin deposits following postprocedural hematoma time as the implant material is resorbed by the host. Circu- or due to superficial implantation of the filler in a way lating antibodies to bovine collagen can be demonstrated that the original color of the product or its interaction in the sera of a majority of patients (90%–100%) with local with the tissue shows. A bluish tint in the areas where hypersensitivity. These antibodies are specific for bovine hyaluronic acid was implanted too superficially is known as collagen and do not cross-react with human type I, II, or the Tyndall effect.22 This can be also successfully treated III collagen.30 by hyaluronidase. The hypersensitivity reaction rate seems to be signif- Visibility and palpability of the filler are also related to icantly lower with the recently developed cross-linked, a bad injection technique. porcine collagen implant, EvolenceR . Because this implant Palpable nodularities after ArteFillR injection are has a low potential for hypersensitivity, intradermal skin observed as a result of uneven delivery of material due testing before its use appears unnecessary.31 to clumping of the polymethylacrylate microspheres. This The rate of hypersensitivity reaction with most of the finding has nothing to do with granuloma formation.23 hyaluronic acid –based fillers is less than 1%. So far, approx- Superficial implantation of RadiesseR may also create a visi- imately 40 cases of hypersensitivity to RestylaneR were ble whitish cord along the implantation route. To avoid this reported, and the global risk of sensitivity is estimated as happening, an adequate practitioner’s training is needed 0.8%. Since 2000, the amount of protein in the raw product prior to the clinical work with the fillers. A physician has to has decreased, and the incidence of hypersensitivity reac- adopt a proper technique of even delivery of the product to tions has decreased to approximately 0.6%. Fifty percent of the mid-dermis or subdermally. In most cases, immediate these reactions are immediate and resolved within less than postprocedural vigorous molding of the tissue will diminish 3 weeks. The risk of strong but transient, delayed reaction filler palpability. is approximately 0.3%.32–35 When a relationship between dermal filler injection Whereas hypersensitivity reactions are self-limited with methods and the incidence of the local adverse events nonpermanent fillers, a completely different course is was assessed, a higher rate of side effects was found with expected when such a reaction develops with permanent more tissue-traumatizing techniques, such as fanning, rapid and nonreversible products (Figure 35.2). The liquid form injection rate, and higher volumes of the product.24 of silicone, called dimethicone (dimethylpolysiloxane), has 334 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

FIGURE 35.3: Bio-Alkamid R -induced delayed inflammation.

injections of liquid silicone is probably related to its illegal or semilegal use in most countries.36 When using silicone FIGURE 35.1: Zyderm R -induced granulomatous reaction. in a microdroplet technique for lip enhancement, the inci- been used extensively in some countries. Although con- dence of granuloma formation is estimated to be approxi- 37 sidered biologically inert, this material has been reported mately 2%. R as potentially inducing a granulomatous inflammatory Nonreabsorbable gel polymers (Bio-Alkamid , Aqua- R response of variable severity. A remarkable paucity of mid ) are approved for use in Europe, but have not reports about the development of complications after been released by the FDA. Those products may induce severe inflammatory/infectious granulomatous reactions at any point from the implantation time. In some cases, treatment of these adverse effects is extremely difficult (Figure 35.3).38–41

Botulinum Toxin A Botulinum toxin A (BTXA) has become a widely used drug in cosmetic dermatology to treat hyperkinetic facial and neck lines and focal hyperhidrosis. The spectrum of possi- ble adverse effects of BTXA is broad, but the effects are generally mild and transient. The major tools for pre- venting adverse effects from BTXA are knowledge and skill. Knowledge of the facial and extrafacial muscles allows physicians to select the optimal dose, time, and technique. The most common adverse effects of BTXA injections are pain, hematoma, flu-like syndrome, headaches, focal facial FIGURE 35.2: ArteFill R -induced granuloma in the lip. paralysis, and muscle weakness.42,43 Severe side effects with Chapter 35 ● Catastrophes in Cosmetic Procedures 335


FIGURE 35.4: Brow ptosis due to inadequate injection of botulinum toxin A to forehead before injection (panel A) and after injection (panel B). cosmetic use of BTXA are rare and related to extreme over- additional injection of the less deactivated muscle will dosing or illegal use of an unapproved toxin.44–46 correct it. The majority of BTXA-associated adverse reactions In the periorbital region, partial lip ptosis resulting from remain to be local and transient. In the glabellar area, the weakening of the zygomaticus major muscle is the most most important potential side effects used to be blepharop- devastating complication, because it affects smile symmetry tosis and diplopia reaching approximately 5% in the early (Figure 35.5).49 period of BTXA use. With better understanding of glabel- lar complex muscle function and a more precise dosing, this adverse effect had become extremely rare recently.47 If it occurs, IOPIDINER ophthalmic solution 0.5% is useful until the ptosis resolves. While treating the forehead wrinkles, eyebrow ptosis and asymmetry are the major potential side effects.48 A thorough analysis of the face animation is crucial to avoid injecting patients whose forehead wrinkles are related to the use of frontalis muscle to keep visual acuity (Figure 35.4). In most cases, co-injection of the forehead depres- sors (glabella complex) minimizes the risk of brow ptosis. Careful planning of injection doses and sites will decrease FIGURE 35.5: Lip ptosis due to paresis of left zygomaticus the risk of eyebrow position asymmetry. If it happens, muscle by periorbital botulinum toxin Ainjection. 336 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY


FIGURE 35.6: Reactive hyperpigmentation after deep chemical peel in dark-skin patient before (panel A), 3 weeks after the peel (panel B), and 4 weeks after introduction of topical bleaching preparation (panel C).

To avoid this happening, no toxin should be injected chemodenervation using botulinum toxin has emerged as behind the zygomatic bone. BTXA can be used in the a safe and effective treatment for both primary palmar and lower eyelid to improve wrinkles and widen the eye. In axillary hyperhidrosis in several clinical trials. This treat- these cases, minute doses of the toxin are recommended ment is highly effective with a paucity of side effects. Fine because higher doses induce lower eyelid edema and incom- motor impairment after palmar injection of BTXA has been plete sphincter function of the eyelids.50 Although BTXA rarely reported.54 for lateral canthal rhytids usually does not suppress tear production, dry eye is a possible complication of this procedure. Treatment of dry eye and exposure keratitis is Chemical Peels symptomatic and includes lubrication.51 Another rare com- Chemical peeling is a procedure used for cosmetic improve- plication reported recently after BTXA injection in the lat- ment of skin or for treatment of some skin disorders. eral canthal area is proptosis associated with thyroid disease. A chemical exfoliating agent is applied to the skin to Although proptosis represents progression of the patient’s destroy portions of epidermis and/or dermis with subse- preexisting thyroid eye disease, cosmetic use of BTXA quent regeneration and rejuvenation of the tissues. Chem- unmasks it.52 ical peels are divided into three categories, depending on Procedures for the lower third of the face require a the depth of the wound created by the peel. Superficial peels higher level of expertise because all the muscles there have penetrate the epidermis only, medium depth peels damage specific functions. Different muscles in this zone interdigi- the entire epidermis and papillary dermis, and deep peels tate with others and, in some cases, act as antagonists. Thus, create a wound to the level of midreticular dermis. this region requires a rigorous evaluation by the physician, The list of potential complications of chemical peels with precise diagnosis and technique of BTXA application. includes pigmentary changes, infections, milia, acneiform Platysmal bands can be temporarily improved by BTXA eruption, scarring, and cardiotoxicity. with redundant skin being a limiting factor of this treat- Reactive hyperpigmentation can occur after any depth ment success. Dysphagia and airway obstruction are the of chemical peels(Figure 35.6). Usually lighter complected potential side effects related to the toxin dosing and patients have a lower risk for hyperpigmentation, but diffusion.53 genetic factors play an important role, and sometimes light Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive and uncontrollable patients with “dark genes” hyperpigment unexpectedly. sweating beyond that required to return body temperature Skin priming using a combination of hydroquinone and to normal. Although a broad spectrum of treatment modal- tretinoin cream (Kligman’s formula) before the superficial ities are available, including topical and systemic therapies, and medium depth peels and early introduction of this Chapter 35 ● Catastrophes in Cosmetic Procedures 337

FIGURE 35.7: Disseminated herpes simplex infection in patient after chemical peel. preparation after deep peels reduces the rate of this compli- cation. Demarcation lines can be avoided if the boundaries of the peeling area are hidden under the mandibular line and feathered gradually to the normal skin. Hypopigmen- tation after phenol peels is proportional to the depth of the peel, amount of the solution used, number of drops of croton oil in the solution, inherent skin color, and postpeel sun-related behavior. Intradermal nevi can hyperpigment after deep peels. Bacterial and fungal complications in chemical peels are rare. Patients with a positive history of herpes simplex infec- FIGURE 35.8: Postpeel milia. tion are treated prophylactically with acyclovir or valacy- clovir during medium and deep peels until full reepithe- to the myocardium. Studies in rats have shown a decrease in lialization is achieved (Figure 35.7). Toxic shock syndrome myocardial contraction and in electrical activity following 55 has been reported after chemical peels. systemic exposure to phenol.56 Because fatal doses ranged Milia or epidermal cysts appear in up to 20% of patients widely in these studies, it seems that individual sensitivity after chemical peels, usually 8–16 weeks after the procedure of the myocardium to this chemical exists. In humans, sex, (Figure 35.8). Electrosurgery is simple and effective to treat age, previous cardiac history, and blood phenol levels are this postpeel complication. not accurate predictors for cardiac arrhythmia susceptibil- Acneiform eruption after chemical peels is not rare and ity.57 Cardiac arrhythmias in less than 30 minutes have been usually appears immediately after reepithelialization. Its recorded in up to 23% of patients, when full face peel was etiology is multifactorial and is either related to exacer- performed.58 Adequate patient management reduces this bation of previously existing acne or is due to overgreas- complication to less than 7%.59 No hepatorenal or central ing of newly formed skin. Short-term systemic antibiotics nervous system toxicities have been reported in the litera- together with discontinuation of any oily preparations will ture with properly performed chemical peels. usually provide satisfactory results. Scarring remains the most dreadful complication of chemical peels. The contributing factors are not well CONCLUSIONS understood. The most common location of such scars is in Each one of the procedures in dermatology carries a risk of the lower part of the face, probably due to more aggressive potential complications. They can be mild and reversible treatment in this area or to the greater tissue movement, or severe and permanent. Most of them are avoidable and because of eating and speaking, during the healing pro- treatable. cess. Delayed healing and persistent redness are important alarming signs for forthcoming scarring. Topical antibi- otics and potent steroid preparations should be introduced REFERENCES as soon as this diagnosis is made. 1. Zachariae H. Delayed wound healing and keloid forma- The most important potential complication exclusive to tion following argon laser treatment or dermabrasion during phenol-based peels is cardiotoxicity. Phenol is directly toxic isotretinoin treatment. Br J Dermatol. 1988; 118:703–6. 338 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

2. Katz BE, MacFarlane DF. Atypical facial scarring after Part II: Clinical investigations. Plast Recostr Surg. 1995; isotretinoin therapy in a patient with previous dermabrasion. 96:627–34. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1994; 30:852–3. 24. Glogau RG, Kane MAC. Effect of injection techniques on 3. Tan SR, Tope WD. Effect of acitretin on wound healing in the rate of local adverse events in patients implanted with organ transplant recipients. Dermatol Surg. 2004; 30:667– nonanimal hyaluronic acid gel dermal fillers. Dermatol Surg. 73. 2008; 34:S105. 4. Khatri KA. Diode laser hair removal in patients undergoing 25. Hanke CW, Higley HR, Jolivette DM, et al. Abscess forma- isotretinoin therapy. Dermatol Surg. 2004; 30:1205–7. tion and local necrosis following treatment with Zyderm and 5. Leventhal D, Furr M, Reiter D. Treatment of keloids and Zyplast collagen implant. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1991; 25:319– hypertrophic scars: a meta-analysis and review of the litera- 26. ture. 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Larry E. Millikan

SEVERE SKIN reactions/conditions are of particular there is minimal ascites. To obtain more information, concern when the traveler is away from home and the patient’s wallet is examined, and of interest are the medical care is unfamiliar or of uncertain caliber. Per- addresses of the two premier oyster houses in the New haps the most significant of these conditions is Stevens– Orleans French Quarter. With this information and little Johnson syndrome, which may occur after the use of else of medical history – plus signs of hypotension, fever, antimalarials such as FansidarR as prophylaxis while and sepsis – the dermatological consultants suggest the like- traveling in Africa. Travel remains a rapidly growing enter- lihood of infection from Vibrio vulnificus due to oysters. prise with more remote destinations appearing on the radar Intravenous ciprofloxacin is started approximately 3 hours screen each year, making the previous review a basis for this after arrival at the hospital, when all of the preliminary update.1 data and consultations had been collated. Six hours later, More commonly, a serious dermatosis begins before the after an up- and-down course during the night, the patient trip, progresses, and becomes significant while the traveler expires without ever regaining consciousness. On autopsy, is away from usual medical care, not following his or her V. vulnificus is confirmed with a septic vasculitis and usual dietary and health habits, and often has a difficult advanced liver and kidney disease, as well as advanced coro- time finding and/or communicating with medical person- nary disease – all typical for the usual patient with life- nel. Older patients (often the usual travelers with both time threatening and usually fatal Vibrio sepsis.2 More recently, and means) have particular challenges – daunting lists of Hurricane Katrina prompted other travel on the part of drugs and potential interactions, as well as the possibility rebuilders of the Gulf Coast and at the same time resulted of new drugs (and side effects) beginning around the time in a resurgence of the Vibrio problem.3,4 of the travel. The pediatric population is part of this new These types of events may have different outcomes if trend, and the smaller patients have higher risk in both medical histories are made available when patients present toxic (venoms) and drug reactions.1 The occasional trav- to a major hospital in North America or Europe. Much eler rarely keeps important medical documents with him or more tenuous events can transpire in remote sites for eco- her, but they are necessary during an acute/life-threatening tourism and in marginal medical facilities in so many devel- event, as the following example demonstrates. oping countries.

CASE REPORT A male tourist in his 50s is brought to the emergency room from the French Quarter in New Orleans, having been found confused, weak, tremulous, and unable to walk with a steady gait. He is placed in an emergency cubicle, where he is found to be hypertensive with a temperature of 38.5◦C. As history taking commences, he becomes incoherent and lapses into a coma. Examination reveals moderate obesity, hypertension, and spreading waxy urticarial plaques (Fig- ure 36.1) over most of his trunk. He responds to pain and pressure with withdrawal, but otherwise he is unresponsive to verbal commands and questions. Preliminary laboratory studies reveal glycosuria, hyperglycemia, polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, and ele- vated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive pro- tein. The exam of the protuberant abdomen shows slight organomegaly of the liver and possibly the spleen, but FIGURE 36.1: Enlarging waxy plaques of Vibrio vulnificus.

page 340 Chapter 36 ● Life-Threatening Dermatoses in Travelers 341

FIGURE 36.2: Severe bullous erythema multiforme.

Infectious Dermatoses Infectious dermatoses are the first and most serious risk for the traveler, especially for one partaking of the exotic “out of the way” trips becoming in vogue as well as the popular FIGURE 36.3: Petechial lesions of drug vasculitis. ecotourism ventures, which as a routine are far from the fringes of civilization. tions such as vasculitis (Figure 36.3) and mechanobullous eruptions. These results are usually indicative of multior- Food-Borne Infections gan involvement and potential organ failure and death. The case report underscores serious dermatologic condi- and typhoid fever are always risks to travelers, tions from food-borne infectious agents. Although it is whether in the “first world” or “third world” because global more common to have the famous gastrointestinal (GI) sources of foods compromise the safety of the food chain, sequelae – Montezuma’s revenge, Tut’s curse, and Delhi even in Europe and the Americas. An “ecotourist” may take Belly are common descriptors – the primary challenge with all the right precautions in the country, only to become these food-borne GI reactions is to restore fluid balance, seriously ill on the way home!!! which is difficult to do in some patients without hospi- talization. Very young or infirm patients can be at mor- tal risk unless proper support is available. Of greater con- ENVIRONMENTAL SOURCES cern is the increase of contamination of the food chain in Traveling away from cities and civilization exposes one to modern countries with various pathogenic agents, such as many native infections and infestations that can be serious Escherichia coli, with widespread exposure in various fast to those who are not natives and lack acquired immunity. food chains, where the usual assumption is safety and there- Particularly susceptible are older patients, persons with fore caution is at a lower level. These same persons are immune deficiencies from pharmacotherapy (transplants, ordinarily more careful while traveling, but as this evolves, certain chemotherapy, etc.), and persons with infectious concern that such adulteration of foodstuffs (as seen in ani- immunodeficiencies. The cutaneous presentations of these mal foods in which potential toxic “expanders” were result- include petechiae (Rickettsia, Meningococcus, and some gram ing in many pet deaths from renal failure) perhaps equals negatives – palpable purpura, ecthyma gangrenosum, and infection is a major concern. ulcers such as those seen in Mycobacterium ulcerans infec- It is reminiscent of the “porphyria Turcica”5 from the tions) (Table 36.1).1 ingestion of seed grains containing toxic antifungal pow- This caveat is important: In an abnormal host, classi- ders – marked “not for ingestion” (in English), unintel- cal presentations seldom occur and diagnosis in atypical ligible to the rural people who desperately needed food presentations requires a high index of suspicion and com- and assumed that the grains were safe for cooking.2 In pulsive use of all diagnostic tests to provide confirmation of the treatment phase, cutaneous sequelae may be an addi- diagnosis. Many of these conditions require early aggressive tional reason for the hospitalization – a result of reaction to treatment to ensure survival. Rickettsioses, as an example, the drugs prescribed (erythematous [EM] vide infra; Fig- respond best with early systemic therapy; late therapy is ure 36.2), sudden systemic collapse and sepsis complica- associated with a much lower survival rate.3 342 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY

TABLE 36.1: Petechial/Purpuric Presentations dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) use. Cutaneous sequelae are less frequent. Usually, the patient in good Rickettsia health will usually survive and clear with appropriate treat- Meningococcemia ment. Much more of a risk are the potential reactions to HenochÐSchonlein¬ purpura antimalarial prophylaxis. These have been documented – Morbilliform Rubella erythema multiforme, agranulocytosis with subsequent Morbilla sepsis, and the dapsone syndrome. All of these outcomes Other viruses have become serious if not treated early, intensively, Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and usually with hospitalization. The seriousness is com- 1−9 Many of the herpes viruses pounded by the fact that the patient on malaria prophylaxis Drug eruptions is usually far from medical care. The most serious of infections are those of the filovirus group. They present with impressive cutaneous hemor- rhagic findings, associated with a high mortality from, for CASE REPORT example, the Marburg and Ebola viruses.3 Fortunately, The patient is a 24-year-old former Peace Corps worker these infections are in remote areas and occur rarely in seen because of recurring problems in the amputee stump. areas that are common tourist destinations. Hospitaliza- He was working in Africa in the 60s during a time of tion, isolation, and intensive care with precautions for the increased greenery due to a wet phase in the weather. It health care team (due to the high mortality and infectiv- was assumed that the initial event was trauma to the left ity potential) are needed. Therapy is still on a case-by-case leg from the sharp margins of the local grasses. The infec- basis due to the lack of definitive antiviral therapy. Support tion proceeded to an ulcer unresponsive to therapy: Thus therapy is the only usual approach, maintaining essential began a scenario of repeated debridement, grafting, and organ function until the patient recovers. recurrence – then ultimately amputation, below the knee, The usual bacterial and rickettsial infections also need to then above the knee, then at the hip. On examination, he be considered for patients ill with petechial and/or morbil- appeared normal for his age except for his left lower quarter, liform exanthems. The differential diagnoses need always where there were several EM and granulomatous arcuate to be reviewed to be sure that the diagnosis is not missed lesions surrounding the scar from the last hip procedure. (Table 36.1). It is critical to establish the diagnosis and treat Biopsy of these granulomatous areas revealed heavy cellu- expectantly to be certain that the patient survives. Many lar infiltrate that was nearly magenta on the acid-fast stain, of these infections respond only with early therapy. Early being loaded with organisms. Further surgery and trials of aggressive diagnosis and therapy are key!!8 new antimicrobials were started. Many of the atypical acid-fast organisms also are found on vegetation where they come in contact with animals. Allergic/Immunologic Reactions Many infections remain a challenge for chemotherapy. Immediate/Immunoglobulin-Mediated Type I Although the effectiveness of clarithromycin has been doc- Anaphylactic/Immunoglobulin E. Anaphylaxis is the most umented, it usually needs some surgical assistance for the significant of disorders affecting travelers and may result best results. This concerns life-threatening conditions; the in death in a very short span of time. It may also be so prolonged course is debilitating to the patient – the only sudden that more sophisticated medical facilities are not respite being the cryophilic nature of M. ulcerans,which close enough to be able to offer their life-saving expertise. does limit its spread to the body’s core while the host Patients who know of their risk are often prepared for emer- remains in good health. Much later it has become appar- gencies with injectables, such as epinephrine carried with ent, concerning the extensive deforming spread of Mycobac- the person. This type of reaction (usually immunoglobulin terium cheloniae and Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, that E [IgE] mediated) can result from reexposure to antigens it begins to impinge on vital structures – thus a threat to such as insect venom, drugs, or even contact antigens (usu- life in addition to limb! ally environmental but can be due to personal care products So the traveler can acquire infectious organisms that including creams, sunscreens, and lotions). Initial presen- slowly destroy life as well as have much more acute episodes tation may be that of angioedema.2,9,10 with infectious vasculitis, sepsis, and a stay in the intensive When anaphylaxis occurs, the events are too rapid care unit (ICU)! Some of these organisms are from vegeta- in sequence for dermatitis to appear, but the usual pre- tion and others are from arthropods – Plasmodia, Rickettsia, vious antigenic exposure is either urticarial or EM in and many others.3 nature. The patient’s physician should alert the future Malaria remains a risk in much of the developing world, traveler to reexposure risk and recommend prophylaxis although the newer insecticidal curtains have been help- such as antihistamines or epinephrine/antihistamine injec- ful in limiting the spread after the great increase without tion kits. Whereas the patient may be aware of the agent Chapter 36 ● Life-Threatening Dermatoses in Travelers 343

FIGURE 36.4: Multiple pustules – Solenopsis/fire ant. FIGURE 36.5: Giant clam at the Great Barrier Reef.

(arthropod, etc.) in the home environment, there may be kidney) and a picture not unlike infectious sepsis. These are related causes/agents encountered while traveling that are rare and, in extreme cases, result in ICU stays. unfamiliar. It is important that the physician make an effort to educate the patient to these new threats (in other words, Delayed/Cell Mediated. Delayed reactions can be just as the different species of Vespa, Apis, Latrodectus, Solenopsis, serious as immediate reactions under the proper circum- etc. [Figure 36.4], the botflies, and other groups). This stances. Whereas atopic dermatitis is generally considered education can be life saving in the case of bee/hornet/wasp to be related to IgE, atopic patients seem to develop type allergies. Avoidance is often far better than the prevention 4 reactions to plants in increasing amounts as they age. 11,12 of anaphylaxis after exposure. The timing may be the significant factor. Many travelers Whereas airborne arthropods are the main cause for have a vacation ruined by widespread rhus contact dermati- these venom reactions, there are others found at the sea- tis (Figure 36.6); the patient, even under the best of care, side that vary from minor localized reactions to widespread cannot enjoy the destination city and its charms. Without skin involvement, predisposing to serious (and occasion- proper care, and in certain climates, the heat and humid- ally life-threatening) skin infections. Coelenterates are per- ity can lead to secondary infection and the end result can haps the most significant in this category and they can be approach the morbidity of a second-degree burn or worse. ubiquitous and a serious health problem on the shores of There are well-documented cases of nephrogenic strepto- Australia, where emergency care is available at the beach coccus, resulting in acute renal complications, hospitaliza- to neutralize the toxins and to avoid a trip to the hospi- tion, and rarely dialysis. tal. Far more dramatic are the larger animals – sea snakes, When the exposure takes place during the trip, the rapid- giant clams( Figure 36.5), moray eels, barracuda, sharks, ity of the reaction often relates to the degree of sensitivity and various rays (such as the one that killed the zoologist Steve Irwin) – but it should be emphasized that these are extremely rare, and the morbidity is from trauma or venoms (not anaphylactic in nature). Most exposures at the beach – sea bathers eruption, swimmers itch, creeping eruption, and so forth – are sources of minimal morbidity unless large areas of skin are involved or an unusual allergic reaction occurs.

Type 2 or 3. Type 2 (vasculitis and the immuno-/ mechanobullous dermatoses) and 3 (immune complex reac- tions) are rare in environmental exposure but hypothet- ically can occur after hypersensitivity to various venoms such as solenopsis4 and subsequent exposure with possible intravascular dissemination of the venom with extensive immune complex formation and cascades of inflammatory FIGURE 36.6: Typical vesicular and linear lesions of rhus der- mediators. These types can cause acute organ failure (liver, matitis. 344 EMERGENCY DERMATOLOGY and the breadth of exposure. In many cases, the source medications need to have documentation of it as well as an is a related species unfamiliar to the traveler. The possi- understanding of potential risks such as photosensitivity. bilities are immense. The main plant groups are Primula Most major medical institutions now have travel medicine (mostly the in United Kingdom), Compositae (worldwide), units that should be the first stop after the trip is finalized. Alstroemeria (largely acquired in the floral trades), Rhus This consultation educates the traveler as to risks and the (United States), Allium, and certain legumes that can be a necessary preparations, vaccinations, prophylactic drugs, as source of allergy, largely manifested by food allergy, but well as preparing him or her for environmental exposures. occasionally cause type 1 and type 4 reactions. With a high degree of sensitivity, widespread vesiculobullous lesions increase the risk of infection and sepsis requiring hospital- REFERENCES ization. The treatment varies with the infecting organism, 1. Millikan L. Life-threatening dermatoses in travelers. Clin but parenteral antibiotics are the main indication for hospi- Dermatol. 2005; 23:249–53. talization and are the most rapid means for quick recovery. 2. Millikan L, Feldman M. Pediatric drug allergy. Clin Derma- tol. 2002; 20:29–35. 3. Bross MH, Soch K, Morales R, Mitchell RB. Vibrio vulnificus CONCLUSIONS infection: diagnosis and treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2007; The current most significant trend in travel is “eco- 76:539–44. tourism,” which places the traveler directly in the envi- 4. Rhoads J. Post-Hurricane Katrina challenge: Vibrio vulnifi- ronment and often in remote areas that make rapid cus. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2006; 18:318–24. 5. Cripps DJ, Peters HA, Gocmen A, Dogramici I. Porphyria response to severe and potentially life-threatening reac- turcica due to hexachlorobenzene: a 20 to 30 year follow-up tions a big challenge. Furthermore, travel is now more study on 204 patients. Br J Dermatol. 1984; 111:413–22. accessible to patients with significant morbidities such as 6. Streit M, Bregenzer T, Heinzer I. Cutaneous infections due diabetes, immunosuppression in transplant patients, and to atypical mycobacteria. Hautarzt. 2008; 59:59–71. even advanced malignancies under chemotherapy. Minor 7. Wansbrough-Jones M, Phillips R. : emerging environmental dermatoses and infections easily addressed from obscurity. Lancet. 2006; 367:1849–58. at home can drastically evolve to threaten life when one is 8. Walker DH. Rickettsiae and rickettsial infections: the current away from the usual medical support system. Evacuation state of knowledge. Clin Infect Dis. 2007; 4:S39–44. and inherent delays in transfer can allow a minor and local 9. Carneiro SC, Cestari T, Allen SH, Ramos-e-Silva M. Viral condition to spread, impetiginize, and possibly secondar- exanthems in the tropics. Clin Dermatol. 2007; 25:212–20. ily involve internal organs mandating hospitalization. Der- 10. Dai YS. Allergens in atopic dermatitis. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2007; 33:157–66. matoses that respond to simple local measures normally 11. Petitpierre S, Bart PA, Spertini F, Leimgruber A. The multi- become life threatening when care is delayed or compli- ple aetiologies of angioedema. Rev Med Suisse. 2008; 4:1030– cated by measures in evacuation. The prepared traveler 4, 1036–8. should have significant medical information available, espe- 12. Knight D, Bangs MJ. Cutaneous allergic vasculitis due to cially when morbidities such as diabetes or other metabolic Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) envenoma- conditions predispose the traveler to greater risk and com- tion in Indonesia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. plicate usual recovery. Similarly, patients with a long list of 2007; 38:808–13. Index

Note: The page numbers with “f ” indicate the references to Figures, and the page numbers with “t” indicate the references to Tables.

abacavir hypersensitivity reaction, HIV patients, 192 adenosine, 54 ABC algorithm advanced cardiopulmonary life support (ACLS), 50–51 burn patients, 273 adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions (ADRs), 154–159, 162–165 carbon monoxide poisoning, 274 drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome, overview of, 51 162–164 ablative regimens, graft versus host disease, 199–200 overview of, 154, 159 acanthosis nigricans serum sickness/serum sickness-like reaction, 164–165 diabetes and, 304 Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis, malignant form, 265–266, 268 154–159 ACD. See autophagic cell death (ACD) vasculitis, 165 acetylcholine sensitivity, 178–179 AE. See acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) acid burns, 314, 315f, 316 Aeromonas hydrophila infection, 92 acne diagnosis, 92 chemical peels, 337 overview of, 92 treatment complications, 173 prognosis, 92 acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). See AIDS treatment, 92 acrochordons, 304 Agent Orange, 323 acrocyanosis, 102t AGEP. See acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) AIDS, 188–193 erythroderma and, 207 fungal infections, 137f, 138f zinc deficiency and, 307 Kaposi sarcoma, 121 acrodynia, 320 malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82 acrokeratosis paraneoplastica, 266 overview of, 188–189, 189f acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), 320 AIF. See apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) acute graft versus host disease. See graft versus host disease airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC) (GVHD) burn patients, 273 acute skin failure, 62–64.See also life-threatening bacterial carbon monoxide poisoning, 274 infections; neonatal cutaneous emergencies overview of, 51 complications, 63, 63t, 64 alcohol, 13 defined, 62 alcohol-based hand rubs, 14 etiology, 62, 62t, 63 allergic granuloma, 234–235 management, 63, 63t, 64, 64t allergic reactions, 178–183.See also anaphylaxis; urticaria; overview of, 62, 64 venomous exposures pharmacology, 63t angioedema, 178, 180–182 risk factors, 63 contact dermatitis, 294–295, 295f, 343, 343f, 344 types of, 62 as cosmetic procedure complication, 333–334 acyclovir, herpes simplex and, 117 hypersensitivity, 184–186, 333–334 Addison disease, 298–299 mastocytosis, 178, 180–183, 302–303

page 345 346 INDEX

allergic reactions (cont.) quinupristin/dalfopristin, 20, 21f, 22 overview of, 178 retapamulin, 25, 25f, 27 travel-related, 342–344 selection of, 15–16 Alstroemeria species, 295 tigecycline, 24, 24f, 25 amebiasis, 141 toxic epidermal necrolysis risk, 157 American trypanosomiasis. See Chagas disease antibody deficiency, 188 amino-acid disorders, erythroderma and, 207 antibody-dependent hypersensitivity, 186 amiodarone, 53–54 anticoagulant drugs analgesics, 60 cosmetic procedures, 332 anaphylaxis in purpura fulminans, 240–241 clinical features, 178, 180, 184–185 in purpura fulminans treatment, 240t diagnosis, 181 antifungals, 29, 29t, 31, 128 penicillin, 291–292 anidulafungin, 30, 30f, 31 prognosis, 183 posaconazole, 29–30, 30f travel-related, 342–343 voriconazole, 29, 29f, 30 treatment, 183 antihistamines, in urticaria treatment, 181–182 venomous exposures, 146–147 antimicrobials. See antibiotics anemia antiretroviral therapy in adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions, 157 drug classes, 189t hemolytic, efalizumab association, 171 overview of, 188–189 angioedema antiseptic detergents, 14 described, 178, 180 antiseptics, 13–14 diagnosis, 181 antisynthetase antibodies, 250, 250t hereditary, 180–182 antithrombin III (AT III), purpura fulminans, 240 with hypereosinophilia, 35t, 43 antivirals, 31, 31t treatment, 182 aplasia cutis, 74 angiokeratoma, in Fabry disease, 306 apoptosis. See also necrosis; programmed cell death angioneurotic edema, 180.See also angioedema (PCD) anidulafungin, 29t, 30, 30f, 31 vs. autophagic cell death, 6–7 anorectal regions, dermatoses of, 278–281.See also sexually bcl-2 protein family, role of, 5–6 transmitted diseases (STDs) cancer and, 8 ecthyma gangrenosum, 278–279 caspases, role of, 4–5 necrotizing infections, 278–279, 279f, 279t, 280f, 281f characteristics of, 6t overview of, 278, 279t extrinsic cell death pathway, 4, 5f perianal abscess, 278 intrinsic cell death pathway, 4–5, 5f staphylococcal cellulitis, 278 model overview, 6t streptococcal dermatitis, 278 morphology of, 3, 3f, 4, 4f anoxia, 273 vs. necrosis, 1–2, 7–8 anthrax, 87, 88f, 89 overview of, 2–6 diagnosis, 87–88 vs. paraptosis, 7 overview of, 87 term, origins of, 2 prognosis, 89 apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), 4–5 treatment, 88–89 apoptotic bodies, 3, 3f antibiotics, 18, 19t, 31.See also specific drug names and aquagenic urticaria, 178 groups aquatic venomous exposures, 150–151, 178, 295–296, 296f, 343, resistance, malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 343f 82–83 arrhythmias, 52–53 acute skin failure, 63t arsenic poisoning, 318–319 antifungals, 29, 29f, 29t, 30f, 31 arterial blood gases, 60 antivirals, 31, 31t aseptic meningitis, drug-induced, 175 burn injuries and, 275 aseptic technique, 12–16 cellulitis, periorbital and orbital, 82 antibiotic selection, 15–16 cosmetic procedures and, 331–332 overview of, 12, 16 daptomycin, 22, 22f, 24 preoperative skin antisepsis, 13–15 in development, 26f, 27–28 risk factors, environmental, 13 fluoroquinolones, new indications for, 28, 28f, 29, 82–83 risk factors, patient, 13 Gram-positive drug resistance, 18 skin preparation, 14 linezolid, 18, 19f, 20 surgical equipment, 13 necrotizing soft-tissue infection, 77–79 surgical site infections, 12–13 overview of, 18 wound classification, 15 Index 347

Aspergillus fumigatus. See antifungals blood pressure, 59–60 asystole, 52 blunt trauma, from torture, 314 AT III. See antithrombin III (AT III) body surface area (BSA) atopic allergic reactions. See anaphylaxis in adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions, 155 atopic dermatitis calculation of, in burn injuries, 271 erythroderma and, 204–205, 206f bone marrow toxicity. See pancytopenia travel-related, 343–344 boric acid toxicity, erythroderma and, 207 atrioventricular (AV) block, 52–53 botulinum toxin A (BTXA), complications, 334, 335f, 336 atropine, 53–54 Boutonneuse fever, 86–87 autism spectrum disorder, 321 diagnosis, 86–87 autoantibodies overview of, 86 in chronic urticaria, 179 prognosis, 87 targeted immune modulators and, 171 treatment, 87 autoimmune bullous diseases, 69 bovine collagen injections, reactions to, 333, 334f autoimmune disorders, cell death and, 9 BP. See bullous pemphigoid (BP) autophagic cell death (ACD), 6, 6t, 7 bradyarrhythmia, 52–53 autophagy, 6–7 brands, from torture, 314 brow ptosis, botulinum toxin, 335, 335f baboon syndrome. See symmetric flexural exanthema brown recluse spider bites, 147, 147f, 148 bacillary angiomatosis, HIV and, 191–192 BSA. See body surface area (BSA) Bacillus anthracis, 87, 88f, 89 BTXA. See botulinum toxin A (BTXA) diagnosis, 87–88 bubonic plague, 260 overview of, 87 “budding phenomenon.” See apoptotic bodies prognosis, 89 bullous dermatoses, 215–229.See also pemphigus treatment, 88–89 autoimmune subepidermal, 222–229 bacteremia, 15 blistering, causes of, 216t background, 98 dermatitis herpetiformis, 227, 228f, 229 diagnosis, 101, 102t epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, 226, 226f, 227, 227f overview of, 98–99 histopathology, 215–216, 218f, 219f pathogens, 99t linear IgA disease, 225–226, 226f pathophysiology, 100–101 overview of, 215–216, 222 prognosis, 106–107 pemphigoid group, 222, 223f, 224f, 225 symptoms, 101–103 bullous impetigo, 66–67 terminology, 98t bullous pemphigoid (BP), 222–223, 223f, 224f treatment, 105 biological agents for, 35t bacterial infection. See infection; life-threatening bacterial etanercept, 37 infections; specific bacterium and infection names intravenous immunoglobulin, 41 basic life support (BLS), 50–51 Burkholderia pseudomallei, 256.See also melioidosis Bazex syndrome, 266, 266f burn injuries, 271–277 B-cell defects, 188 baseline determination regarding, 273, 273t, 274 bcl-2 protein family, 5–6 chemicals, 276, 314, 315f, 316 Beclin 1, 7 cigarettes, 314 bee and wasp stings, 185, 342–343 clinical features, 271–272, 272f, 273t ß-adrenergic blockers, 54 complications, 275–276 ß-carotene toxicity, 321–323 depth of, 271–272, 272f, 273t bilharziasis. See schistosomiasis electrical, 276–277, 316 biological agents, 34, 35t, 43 extent, 271 etanercept, 37–38 and fungal infection risk, 135 infliximab, 34–37 from lightning strikes, 277 intravenous immunoglobulin, 39–43 from metal (brands), 314 overview of, 34, 35t non-thermal, 276–277 rituximab, 38–39 overview of, 271 biologics. See targeted immune modulators (TIMs), pathophysiology of, 271 complications of prognosis, 275 bioterrorism Rule of Nines, 271, 272f anthrax, 87, 88f, 89 surgery and, 275 tularemia, 89–90 torture, 314 black widow spider bites, 147–148, 148f from torture, 314–316 bleaching. See topical lighteners and bleaches vs. toxic epidermal necrolysis, 158 blistering, causes of, 216t treatment, 272, 273t, 275, 275t 348 INDEX

burn units treatment, 82 in adverse (cutaneous) drug reaction treatment, 157–158 centipede bites, 147 management, 273–274 central nervous system procedures, 59 referral to, 275, 275t central venous catheterization (CV), 57 cephalosporins calcium channel blockers, 54 malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82–83 calpains, 6 surgical prophylaxis, 16 cancer Vibrio vulnificus, 91 anorectal infections, 278 ceramides, 305–306 autophagy and, 7 Chagas disease, 137, 139f, 140 cell death and, 8–9 chelation therapy, mercury toxicity, 321 dermatoses associated with, 265–267, 268t, 269 chemical burns, 276, 314, 315f, 316 dioxin association, 323 chemical peels, complications of, 336, 336f, 337, 337f erythroderma association, 203–204 CHF. See congestive heart failure (CHF) morphological changes, 3f CHG. See chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) paraneoplastic cutaneous syndrome association chickenpox. See primary varicella skin metastases, 265 chimeric antibodies, 168 ultraviolet exposure, 293–294 Chlamydia trachomatis infections, 285–288 viral disease associations, 122–123 complications of, 286–287, 287f Candida species, 126, 127t.See also antifungals; oral-esophageal diagnosis, 287–288 candidiasis; systemic candidiasis gonorrhea, co-infection with, 285 C. albicans, 70, 70f overview of, 285–286, 286f candidosis, 126.See also systemic candidosis treatment, 288 carbon monoxide poisoning, 274, 323 chlamydial ophthalmia, 286, 286f carcinoid syndrome, 301–302 chloracne, 323–324 cardiac arrest, 51–52 chloramphenicol, Mediterranean spotted fever, 87 drug administration, 52 chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), 14 survival, 51 cholera, exposure risks, 341 cardiac arrhythmias, 52–53 cholinergic urticaria, 178–179 cardiogenic shock, 57 Chromobacterium violaceum infection, 92–93, 93f cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 50–51 diagnosis, 92–93 cardiac arrest and, 51–52 prognosis, 93 endotracheal intubation, 57 treatment, 93 pulse monitoring, 60 chronic graft versus host disease. See graft versus host disease pulseless electrical activity, 52 (GVHD) cardiotoxicity, as cosmetic procedure complication, 337 chronic skin failure, 62 cardiovascular dysfunction Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS), 233t, 234–235, 238 intravenous immunoglobulin complication, 174–175 cicatricial pemphigoid (CP), 223–224 system procedures, 59 biological agents for, 35t systemic lupus erythematosus, 245–246 etanercept, 37 targeted immune modulator complication, 170 infliximab, 35 carotenoderma, 321–323 intravenous immunoglobulin, 41 Casal’s necklace, 308 cigarette burns, 314 caspase-activated DNAse (CAD), 3 ciprofloxacin caspases, 1, 4–5, 5f anthrax, 88–89 caterpillars, venomous exposures, 147–148 tularemia, 90 celiac disease (CD), 227–229.See also dermatitis herpetiformis ciprofloxacin, malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82–83 (DH) circinate balanitis, 287, 287f cell death. See programmed cell death (PCD) clean technique. See aseptic technique cell injury, 1–6.See also programmed cell death (PCD) clean wounds (class I), 15 apoptosis and, 2–6 clean-contaminated wounds (class II), 15 exposure time, 2 cleaning, surgical equipment, 13 overview of, 1 Clostridium infection, 77 responses to, 1–2, 2f clubbing, digital, 268 severity, 2 CMV. See cytomegalovirus (CMV) types, 2 Cockayne-Touraine type (dominant dystrophic epidermolysis cell-mediated hypersensitivity, 186 bullosa), 68 cellulitis, periorbital and orbital, 81, 81f, 82 collagen injections, reactions to, 333, 334f diagnosis, 81–82, 102t collagen vascular diseases. See connective tissue disorders prognosis, 82 collodion baby syndrome, 71, 72f, 305–306 Index 349

combination therapy. See highly active antiretroviral therapy central nervous system procedures, 59 (HAART) central venous catheterization, 57 common variable immunodeficiency (CVI), 188 complications, 59 community-acquired bacteremia, 99t endotracheal intubation, 57 community-acquired pneumonia, 106t foreign body airway obstruction, 55 community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus glucose control, 58 (CA-MRSA), 77–78 hypertensive crisis, 56–57 compartment syndrome, 276 induced hypothermia, 58 complement deficiency, 187 medications for, 53–55 complicated infection, 18 myocardial infarction, 55–56 cone shells, venomous exposures, 150, 296 organ-specific support, 58 congenital ichthyosis, 305–306 overview of, 50–51 congenital infection patient monitoring, 59–60 candidosis, 70, 70f post-resuscitation support, 57–58 candidosis, cutaneous, 70, 70f prognosis, 59 candidosis, neonatal, 207 pulmonary edema, 55 erythropoietic porphyria, 69 pulmonary embolism, 55 hemangioma, 73f respiratory dysfunction, 58–59 melanoma, 73–74 shock, 57 syphilis, 69 stroke, 56 varicella, 70 tachyarrhythmia, 52–53 congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), 120 CRS. See congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) congestive heart failure (CHF), as targeted immune modulator crusted scabies complication, 170 erythroderma, 205–206 connective tissue disorders, 245–252 HIV patients, 191 dermatomyositis, 246f, 249, 249t, 251 cryptococcosis, HIV patients, 191 mixed connective tissue disease, 252 CsA. See cyclosporine A (CsA) neonatal lupus erythematosus, 248, 248t, 249 CSS. See Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) overview of, 245, 252 CTCL. See cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) scleroderma, 251, 251f, 252, 301 cultured epithelial autografts, 275 systemic lupus erythematosus, 219, 245, 245t, 249, 249f cutaneous anthrax, 87–88, 88f Conradi-Hunermann¨ syndrome, 208 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), erythroderma, 206 contact dermatitis, from plants, 294–295, 295f, 343, 343f, 344.See cutaneous tumors, in neonates, 72–74 also urticaria hamartomas, 72 contaminated wounds (class III), 15–16 hemangiomas, 72, 73f continuous bacteremia, 99 mastocytosis, 72–73, 73f corticosteroid treatment neoplastic diseases, 73, 73f, 74 adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions, 158–159 CVI. See common variable immunodeficiency (CVI) drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome, cyclosporine A (CsA), 172–173 164 cystic fibrosis dermatitis, erythroderma, 207 graft versus host disease management, 200 cytochrome c, 4–5 pemphigus treatment, 221–222 cytomegalovirus (CMV), 71f, 119–120 cosmetic procedure complications, 331–337 bleeding, 332 dalbavancin, 19t, 26f, 28 botulinum toxin A, 334–336 dalfopristin (quinupristin/dalfopristin), 19t, 20, 21f, 22 chemical peels, 336, 336f, 337, 337f cellular mechanism, 20 dermal fillers, 332–334, 334f contraindications, 22 infections, 331–332 dosage, 22 overview of, 331, 337 indications, 21–22 scarring, 331 pharmacokinetics, 20 cosmetic procedures, burn injury, 275 in vitro activity, 20 cosyntropin stimulation test, 298–299 daptomycin, 19t, 22, 22f, 24 Cowden syndrome, 267 cellular mechanism, 23 cranial nerve neuropathy, 83 contraindications, 23 critical care, 50–60 dosage, 23 asystole and pulseless electrical care, 52 indications, 23 basic life support, 51 pharmacokinetics, 23 bradyarrhythmia, 52–53 in vitro activity, 23 cardiac arrest, 51–52 Darier sign, 302–303 cardiovascular system procedures, 59 death inducing signaling complex (DISC), 4 350 INDEX

death receptors (DRs), 4 dominant dystrophic EB (Cockayne-Touraine type), 68 death stimuli, 1–2, 2f Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome, erythroderma and, 208 debridement. See necrotizing fasciitis, treatment Dowling-Meara variant, epidermolysis bullosa, 67–68 decoy receptors (DcRs), 4 doxycycline deep partial-thickness burns, 272 anthrax, 88–89 DEET. See N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) Lyme disease, 149, 149f deferoxamine, zygomycosis infections and, 135 Mediterranean spotted fever, 87 demyelination, as targeted immune modulator complication, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 85–86 170–171 DRESS. See drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms dengue fever, 121 (DRESS) syndrome dermal fillers, complications of, 332–334, 334f DRs. See death receptors (DRs) dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 227, 228f, 229 drug hypersensitivity syndrome, 162.See also drug rash with dermatologic therapy complications, 168–175 eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome cyclosporine A reactions, 172–173 drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) intravenous immunoglobulin reactions, 173–175 syndrome, 162–164 isotretinoin reactions, 173 causative drugs, 162 methotrexate reactions, 171–172 diagnosis, 163, 163f, 164 overview of, 168, 175 overview of, 162 targeted immune modulator reactions, 168–171 vs. serum sickness, 162, 162t dermatomyositis (DM), 249–251 vs. Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis, 163 cardiovascular dysfunction and, 250–251 treatment, 164 gastrointestinal dysfunction and, 249 drug reactions malignancy association, 268 adverse cutaneous reactions, 154–159, 162–165 overview of, 246f, 249, 249t anaphylaxis, 184–185 pulmonary dysfunction and, 249–250, 250t as dermatologic therapy complication, 168–175 desensitization, 185 erythroderma, 203, 203t detergents, 14 in HIV patients, 192–193 dextran, purpura fulminans, 241 phototoxic, 293–294, 294f DH. See dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) in sexually transmitted disease treatments, 291–292 diabetes mellitus, 135, 137, 304 travel-related, 341, 341f, 342 diabetic dermopathy, 304 drug resistance, 18, 276.See also methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus DIAS. See drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAS) aureus (MRSA) N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET), 150 drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAS), 175 DIF. See direct immunofluorescence (DIF) drug-induced disorders diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis, 72–73, 73f, 205 aseptic meningitis, 175 DiGeorge syndrome, 188, 206 erythroderma, 207–208 digital clubbing, 268 linear IgA disease, 225 diltiazem, 54 pemphigus, 221 dimethicone fillers, reactions to, 333–334 Duhring-Brocq disease. See dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) dioxin poisoning, 323–324 Duncan syndrome, 188 direct immunofluorescence (DIF) dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, 68 bullous pemphigoid, 223f Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association dermatitis herpetiformis, 228f (DEBRA), 67 described, 215 pemphigus, 217–218, 218f EBA. See epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) dirty wounds (class IV), 15–16 EBV. See Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) disaster planning. See mass casualty management ecchymosis, cosmetic procedures and, 332–333 DISC. See death inducing signaling complex (DISC) echinocandins, fungal infection, 128 discoloration. See pigmentation, changes in ecthyma gangrenosum, 102t, 278–279 disinfection, surgical equipment, 13 ectodermal dysplasias, erythroderma and, 208 disinfection procedure. See aseptic technique eczema herpeticum, 116 disseminated herpes, 69 efalizumab, 171 DM. See dermatomyositis (DM) electrical burns, 276–277, 316 DNA laddering, 3, 4f electrolyte replacement, acute skin failure, 64t documentation elemental mercury, 319 allergy-related, 183 emergency preparedness. See mass casualty management torture cases, suspected, 316–317 encephalitis travel-related, 341, 344 herpes simplex, 69, 116 domestic violence, 314, 315f, 316 rubella, 120 Index 351

endocarditis, 15 drug reactions, 203t, 207–208 endocrine disorders, 298–306, 309.See also mastocytosis etiology, 202, 203t, 204 Addison disease, 298–299 hemodynamic/metabolic disturbances, 208 carcinoid syndrome, 301–302 histopathology, 209, 209t diabetes mellitus, 304 immunologic disorders, 206 Fabry disease, 306–307 infections and, 207 glucagonoma, 299–300 management, 210–211, 211t overview of, 298 metabolic/nutritional disorders and, 207 porphyria cutanea tarda, 304–305 in neonates, 71, 72f thyroid dysfunction, 300–301 overview of, 202 vitamin deficiencies, 307–309 pathogenesis, 204 vitamin toxicity, 309, 309t pediatric considerations, 203t, 210–211 zinc deficiency, 307 from pemphigus, 218, 220f endoplasmic reticulum, cell death pathway, 6 prognosis, 211 endotracheal intubation, 57 syndromes associated with, 208 end-stage skin failure, 62 ET. See exfoliative toxin (ET) end-tidal CO2 monitoring, 60 etanercept, 35t, 37–38 Entamoeba histolytica, 141.See also amebiasis bullous pemphigoid, 37 entomophthoromycosis, 134 cicatricial pemphigoid, 37 environmental risk factors, 13 dosage, 37 environmental skin disorders, 293–296.See also travel-related graft versus host disease, acute and chronic, 37–38 dermatoses; venomous exposures indications, 37 contact dermatitis, 294–295, 295f side-effects, 37 heat emergencies, 293 exfoliative dermatitis. See erythroderma management, 293 exfoliative toxin (ET) overview of, 293, 296 staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and, 110–112 ultraviolet exposure, 293–294, 294f, 295f, 298 extrinsic cell death pathway, 4, 5f eosinophilic folliculitis, HIV patients and, 192 eye infections. See also ocular difficulties epidermal burns, 272 chlamydial ophthalmia, 286, 286f epidermal cysts gonococcal, 285 as cosmetic procedure complication, 337f ophthalmia neonatorum, 285 epidermal cysts, cosmetic procedures and, 337 epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA), 226, 226f, 227, 227f Fabry disease, 306–307 epidermolysis bullosa (EB), 68f famciclovir, 31, 31t description of, 67 familial reticuloendotheliosis, erythroderma and, 206 management principles, 68 fibrinolytic therapy, 56 in neonates, 67 filovirus exposure risk, 342 subtypes of, 67–68, 68f fire ant stings, 146–147, 342–343, 343f epidermolysis bullosa simplex, 67–68 fish epididymo-orchitis, 286–287 mercury poisoning, 320 epinephrine, 53.See also anaphylaxis venomous exposures, 150–151, 296, 296f oral, 147 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) test, 301–302 syringes, pre-loaded, 183 “5t’s”, 52 epoprostenol, purpura fulminans, 240–241 fleas, as disease vectors, 149 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 188 fluconazole, 128 oncogenic potential, 122 fluid electrolyte replacement, acute skin failure, 64t erythema gyratum repens, 266, 266f fluid replacement, burns and, 273–274 erythema infectiosum, 119, 122 fluoroquinolones erythema migrans, Lyme disease, 149f malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82–83 erythema multiforme (EM) new indications for, 28, 28f, 29 classification, 154–155, 155t tularemia, 90 clinical features, 341f Vibrio vulnificus, 91 hypersensitivity reaction, 184–185 flushing, cutaneous, 301 overview of, 154 fogo selvagem, 219 erythroderma, 62t, 72f, 202–211 food allergens, 179t clinical features, 204–207 food-borne infections, 340f, 341 complications, 211 foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO), 51, 55 cutaneous disorders and, 204, 204f, 205f, 206, 206f Fournier gangrene, 280, 280f diagnosis, 209–210, 210t Francisella tularensis infection, 89–90, 90f 352 INDEX

full-thickness burns, 272 management, 199–200 fungal infections, 126–137 overview of, 194, 200 histoplasmosis, 137 pathophysiology of, 194–195 overview of, 126 prognosis, 196–199 paracoccidioidomycosis, 128 prophylaxis and therapy, 199 sporotrichosis, 132–133 rituximab, 39 systemic candidosis, 126–129 sclerodermiform, 197–198, 198f, 199, 199f as targeted immune modulator complication, grafts, burn injuries and, 275 169–170 Gram-positive drug resistance, 18 zygomycosis, 134–137 daptomycin, 23 linezolid, 19–20 Gardner syndrome, 267 quinupristin/dalfopristin, 20 gastrointestinal dysfunction retapamulin, 25 dermatomyositis, 249 tigecycline, 24 isotretinoin complication, 173 granuloma formation, cosmetic procedures and, 333 systemic lupus erythematosus, 248 granulomatous disease, chronic, 187 gatifloxacin, 19t, 28, 28f, 29 group A streptococcus (GAS), 75, 77, 100 Gaucher disease, 305–306 Gunther’s¨ disease, 69 gel polymer fillers, reactions to, 334 genetic associations, adverse drug reactions, 157 HAART. See highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) genital herpes, 288–290. See herpes simplex virus (HSV) hair removal, 14 genitourethral disorders, 282–283.See also sexually transmitted Hallopeau-Siemens type (recessive dystrophic epidermolysis diseases (STDs) bullosa), 68 ectopic pregnancy, 283 hamartomas, 72 paraphimosis, 283 hand washing, 14 penis, squamous cell carcinoma of, 283 agents used for, 14 schistosomiasis infections, 140, 140f, 141, 141f scrubbing and, 14–15 testicles, torsion of, 282–283 HCC. See hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) genodermatoses, associated with malignancies, heat emergencies, 293 267 hemangiomas, 72, 73f German measles. See rubella hematological dysfunction Gianotti-Crosti disease, 122–123 in systemic lupus erythematosus, 247 glucagonoma as targeted immune modulator complication, 171 clinical features, 299f hematomas, cosmetic procedures and, 332–333 necrolytic migratory erythema in, 267, 299–300 hemodynamic disturbances, erythroderma and, 208 glucose control, 58 hemodynamic instability, 59 glycylglycine. See tigecycline hemolytic anemia, efalizumab and, 171 gonorrhea, 284–285 hemorrhagic bullous, 102t Chlamydia trachomatis, co-infection with, 285 hemorrhagic fever, 121 clinical features, 284, 284f, 285 Henoch-Schonlein¨ purpura, 233, 233t, 234, 237–238 diagnosis, 285 hepatitis B, oncogenic potential, 122–123 eye, infection of, 285 hepatobiliary side effects, isotretinoin and, 173 treatment, 285 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), hepatitis B association, Gottron sign, 246f 123 graft versus host disease (GVHD), 29–30, 194–200 hepatotoxicity, as targeted immune modulator complication, acute, 194–195, 195f, 196f, 197, 199 171 biological agents for, 35t Herlitz type, epidermolysis bullosa, 68, 68f chronic, 194, 197, 197f, 198f, 199, 199f herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), 116 clinical features, 195–198 herpes simplex virus (HSV), 69, 115–117 cutaneous manifestations, 195, 195f, 196f, 197 chemical peel complications and, 337, 337f diagnosis, 196, 198 clinical features, 115–117 erythroderma and, 206 genital herpes, 288–290 etanercept, for acute, 37 diagnosis, 289 etanercept, for chronic, 37–38 in HIV patients, 289 extracutaneous manifestations, 195, 197 overview of, 288, 288f, 289 histological changes, 196, 198 pregnancy, 117, 290 infliximab, for acute, 35–36 treatment and management, 289–290 infliximab, for chronic, 36 eczema herpeticum, 116 lichenoid form, 197, 197f, 198, 198f encephalitis and, 116 Index 353

immunocompromised patients and, 116, 191 hypertension neonatal, 69f, 115–116, 116t as cyclosporine A complication, 172 treatment, 31t, 117 hypertensive crisis, 56–57 visceral infections, 116–117 intracranial, as isotretinoin complication, 173 herpes zoster, 117–118 hyperthyroidism. See thyroid dysfunction HHV-5. See cytomegalovirus (CMV) hypertrichosis lanuginose, 268–269 highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) hypogammaglobulinemia in Kaposi’s sarcoma treatment, 121 antibody deficiency and, 188 overview of, 188–189 erythroderma and, 206 histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) hypoglycemia, 58 graft versus host disease and, 194 hypopigmentation, 336–337 histoplasmosis, 137 hypothermia, induced, 58 clinical features, 137f, 138f hypothyroidism. See thyroid dysfunction diagnosis, 138f hypoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, 323 as targeted immune modulator complication, 169–170 HIV, 188–193 IBD. See inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) anti-retroviral therapy, 188–189, 189t ichthyosis cutaneous manifestations of, 189f, 190, 190f, 190t, 192, congenital, 305–306 193f erythroderma and, 205, 208 drug reactions, 192–193 IgA. See immunoglobulin A (IgA) fungal infections and, 135 IgE. See immunoglobulin E (IgE) herpes infections and, 289 IIF. See indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) overview of, 188–189, 189f immune complex hypersensitivity, 186 schistosomiasis infections and, 140 immune deficiencies, 186–193 seroconversion illness, 189–190 acquired, 186t, 188–193 hives. See urticaria B-cell defects, 188 HLA. See histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) combined B- and T-cell defects, 188 hospital preparedness, in mass casualty management, complement deficiency, 187 327–329 congenital, 186, 186t, 188 hospital-acquired infection. See aseptic technique; nosocomial ecthyma gangrenosum, 278–279 infections fungal infections, 126, 132–133 hospital-acquired bacteremia, 99t histoplasmosis, 137 HPV. See human papilloma virus (HPV) HIV and AIDS, 188–193 HSR. See hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) neutrophils, defects in, 187 HSV. See herpes simplex virus (HSV) opportunistic infection association, 187t human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). See cytomegalovirus (CMV) T-cell defects, 188 human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA), 84–85 warning signs of, 187t human herpesvirus 5 (HHV-5). See cytomegalovirus (CMV) immune restoration inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), 192–193, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). See HIV 193f human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME), 84–85 immunoblot analysis, 218, 219f human papilloma virus (HPV) immunocompromised patients in HIV patients, 191 crusted scabies oncogenic potential, 122 ecthyma gangrenosum, 278–279 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) test, 301–302 Fournier’s gangrene, 280 hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 78, 82–83 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, 170 hypereosinophilia, intravenous immunoglobulin and, 35t, 43 surgical site infections, 13 hyperglycemia, 58 viral infections, 116, 118–120 hyperhidrosis, botulinum toxin A and, 336 immunoglobulin A (IgA), 188.See also linear IgA disease hyper-IgE syndrome, 187 immunoglobulin E (IgE). See anaphylaxis; hyper-IgE hyperpigmentation syndrome in Addison disease, 298–299 immunomodulators, 34–43.See also biological agents reactive, as chemical peel complication, 336, 336f, 337 incontinentia pigmenti, 70 hypersensitivity reaction (HSR), 184–186.See also anaphylaxis; indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) venomous exposures of bullous pemphigoid, 224f to abacavir, 192 described, 215 as complication of cosmetic procedures, 333–334 of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, 227f drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome, pemphigus, 217–218, 218f 162–164 induced hypothermia, 58 types of, 184, 184t, 186 infantile myofibromatosis, 72 354 INDEX

infection, 18.See also life-threatening bacterial infections Italy, dioxin poisoning incident, 323–324 in burn injuries, 276 IVIG. See intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) classification of, 15 as cosmetic procedure complication, 331–332 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, 291–292 diabetes, 304 jellyfish stings, 150, 296, 296f, 343 HIV, 190–192 Job syndrome. See hyper-IgE syndrome opportunistic, in immune deficiencies, 187, 187t, 188 junctional epidermolysis bullosa, 68, 68f systemic, 256–261 as targeted immune modulator complication, 168–170 Kaposi sarcoma, 121, 192 infection control. See aseptic technique Kawasaki disease (KD) Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), on necrotizing vs. mercury poisoning, 320 soft-tissue infection treatment, 77–78 purpura, 233t, 236 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), isotretinoin complication, 173 vs. staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, 113–114 infliximab, 34, 35t, 37 treatment, 239 cicatricial pemphigoid, 35 keloids, cosmetic procedures and, 331 contraindications, 36 keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome, erythroderma and, dosage, 34 208 graft versus host disease, acute and chronic, 35–36 KID syndrome. See keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome indications, 34 Kindler syndrome, 68–69 pemphigus vulgaris, 34 Klebsiella spp. infection, 78 side-effects, 34 Koebner type, epidermolysis bullosa, 67–68 Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 36–37 kwashiorkor cryoglobulins, erythroderma and, 207 toxic epidermal necrolysis, 36–37 infusion reactions, 168 LAD. See linear IgA disease (LAD) inhalation anthrax. See anthrax Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), 73–74 inhalation injuries, 273 latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), 169 inorganic mercury, 320 Leiner disease insect and arachnid venom exposures, 147–148.See also erythroderma and, 207 vector-borne diseases vs. staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, 113 anaphylaxis and, 146–147, 343 leishmaniasis. See mucocutaneous leishmaniasis bee and wasp stings, 185, 342–343 Leptospira interrogans, 258.See also leptospirosis clinical features, 147–148 leptospirosis, 258–259 fire ant stings, 146–147, 342–343, 343f leukemia, 73–74 overview of, 147, 147f, 148f leukoplakia, oral hairy. See oral hairy leukoplakia treatment, 148 lice, as disease vectors, 149 intermittent bacteremia, 98–99 Lichtenberg figures, 277 intracranial hypertension, isotretinoin complication, 173 lidocaine, 53–54 intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), 35t, 39–43 life-threatening bacterial infections, 81–93.See also bacteremia; angioedema with hypereosinophilia, 43 sepsis; septic shock; toxic shock syndrome (TSS) bullous pemphigoid, 41 Aeromonas hydrophila infection, 92 cicatricial pemphigoid, 41 anthrax, 87, 88f, 89 complications, 173–175 cellulitis, periorbital and orbital, 81, 81f, 82 dosage, 40 Chromobacterium violaceum infection, 92–93, 93f indications, 40 malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82–83 mechanism, 39 Mediterranean spotted fever, 86–87 necrotizing soft-tissue infection, 78 meningococcemia, 83, 83f, 84 pemphigus foliaceus, 41 overview of, 81 pemphigus vulgaris, 40–41 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 84, 85f, 86 side-effects, 40 tularemia, 89–90, 90f Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, 42 Vibrio vulnificus infection, 78–79, 90, 91f, 92 in toxic epidermal necrolysis, 159 lightning strike injuries, 277 intrinsic cell death pathway, 4–5, 5f linear IgA disease (LAD), 225–226, 226f intubation, 57 linezolid, 18, 19f, 19t, 20 invasive fungal dermatitis, 70, 70f cellular mechanism, 18 invasive fungal infection (IFI) treatment, 29, 29t contraindications, 20 iodophors, 14 dosage, 20 IRIS. See immune restoration inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) indications, 19–20 isotretinoin, complications, 173 pharmacokinetics, 18–19 Israel, mass casualty management in, 327–330 in vitro activity, 19 Index 355

lip ptosis, as botulinum toxin A complication, 335, 335f types of/exposure risks, 319–321 lipid metabolism, isotretinoin complications in, 173 metabolic disturbances, erythroderma and, 208.See also endocrine lipopolysaccharide, sepsis and, 100–101 disorders Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis), 69 metastases, 265 local wheals, 178.See also urticaria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 114.See also LTBI. See latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) antibiotics; Staphylococcus aureus lupus erythematosus, in neonates, 71.See also systemic lupus cellulitis, periorbital and orbital, 82 erythematosus (SLE) daptomycin, 23 Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease. See paracoccidioidomycosis linezolid, 20 Lyell disease. See toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) necrotizing soft-tissue infection, 77–78 Lyme disease, 149, 149f oritavancin, 27–28 lymphopenia, in adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions, 157 quinupristin/dalfopristin, 20 tigecycline, 24 macrolides, surgical prophylaxis, 16 methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), 23 macular/papular eruption, in neonates, 70 retapamulin, 25 magnesium, 54 tigecycline, 24 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, 101 methotrexate (MTX), complications, 171–172 malaria exposure risk, 149–150, 342 methylmercury, 320 malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82–83 microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), 233t, 235–236, 239 diagnosis, 82 milia, cosmetic procedures and, 337, 337f prognosis, 83 mites, as disease vectors, 149 treatment, 82–83 mitochondrial-mediated intrinsic cell death pathway, 4–6 Marburg virus, 122 mixed connective tissue disease, 252 marine venomous exposures. See aquatic venomous exposures molluscum contagiosum, in HIV patients, 191 mass casualty management, 327–330 mononucleosis hospital preparedness, 327–329 cytomegalovirus, 119–120 media role, 329 Epstein-Barr infections, 122 overview of, 327 mosquito-borne diseases, 121–122, 149–150 policy considerations, 329 moxifloxacin, 19t, 28, 28f, 29 rapid vs. slow scenarios, 329 MPA. See microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) mastocytosis, 72–73, 73f, 302–303 MS. See multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical features, 181, 302–303, 303f MTX. See methotrexate (MTX) diagnosis, 303, 303t mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, 141–143 diffuse cutaneous, erythroderma and, 205 clinical features, 142 and insect venom exposures, 146 diagnosis, 142, 142f, 143, 143f overview of, 178, 180, 302 overview of, 141–142 prognosis, 183 treatment, 143 treatment, 182, 303 mucormycosis, 134 measles, 120 mucous membrane pemphigoid, 223–224, 224f.See also cicatricial media role, in mass casualty management, 329 pemphigoid (CP) Mediterranean spotted fever, 86–87 Muir-Torre syndrome, 266–267 diagnosis, 86–87 multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), 99–100 overview of, 86 multiple sclerosis (MS), targeted immune modulators and, 170 prognosis, 87 multi-resistant organisms, 276 treatment, 87 mycobacterial adenopathy, suppurative, 192–193, 193f Mees lines, 318 myeloablative regimens, graft versus host disease, 199–200 melanoma, 8–9, 73–74 myocardial infarction (MI), 55–56, 174 Meleney gangrene, 281 myonecrosis, 75 melioidosis, 256–257 meningococcemia, 83, 83f, 84 nails, removal of, in torture, 314 diagnosis, 83–84 necrobiosis lipoidica, 304 overview of, 83 necrolysis, toxic epidermal, erythroderma and, 205 prognosis, 84 necrolytic migratory erythema, glucagonoma and, 267, 299, 299f, treatment, 84 300 menstrual toxic shock syndrome. See toxic shock syndrome (TSS) necrosis. See also apoptosis; programmed cell death (PCD) mercury poisoning, 319–321 vs. apoptosis, 1–2 diagnosis, 321 atraumatic management, 321 cosmetic procedure complication, 333 overview of, 319 model overview, 6t, 7–8 356 INDEX

necrosis (cont.) scabies, 70 vs. oncosis, 8 sepsis, 69 programmed, 6t syphilis, 69 term, meaning and origin, 7–8 TORCH syndrome, 71, 71f necrotizing cutaneous myositis, 280–281 varicella, 70 necrotizing external otitis, 82–83 neonatal herpes simplex virus, 115–116, 116t diagnosis, 82 neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE), 71, 248, 248t, 249 prognosis, 83 neonatal varicella, 117 treatment, 82–83 neoplastic diseases, neonatal, 73–74 necrotizing fasciitis (NF). See also necrosis nephrotoxicity, cyclosporine A complication, 172 anorectal region, 279, 279f, 280 Netherton syndrome, 71, 72f, 208 antibiotic selection, 77–79 neuroblastoma, 73, 73f, 74 classification, 75 neurological events clinical presentation, 76, 76t, 77, 79 cyclosporine A complication, 173 diagnosis, 77 targeted immune modulator complication, 170–171 misdiagnosis of, 76 neurotoxicity, cyclosporine A complication, 172–173 prognosis, 78 neutral lipid storage disease, erythroderma and, 208 treatment, 77 neutrophils, defects in, 187 Vibrio vulnificus, 78–79, 90, 91f, 92 nevirapine rash, in HIV patients, 192 necrotizing infections, 279–281 niacin deficiency, 308 Fournier gangrene, 280, 280f Nikolsky sign, 112, 113f necrotizing fasciitis, 279, 279f, 280 nodular eruptions, in neonates, 71 overview of, 279, 279t nodularities, palpable. See palpable nodularities progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene, 281, 281f nonmenstrual toxic shock syndrome. See toxic shock syndrome synergistic necrotizing cellulitis, 280–281 (TSS) necrotizing soft-tissue infection (NSTI), 75–79 nonmyeloablative regimens, graft versus host disease, 199–200 antibiotic selection, 77–79 nonreabsorbable gel polymer fillers, reactions to, 334 classification, 75 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) clinical presentation, 76, 76t, 77, 79 acute skin failure, 63t, 64 diagnosis, 77 toxic epidermal necrolysis risk, 157 incidence, 75 nosocomial infections. See also aseptic technique overview of, 75 hospital-acquired bacteremia, 99t prognosis, 78 pneumonia and sepsis, 106t term, meaning of, 75 surgical site infections, 12–13 treatment, 77 NSAIDs. See nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Vibrio vulnificus, 78–79, 90, 91f, 92 NSTI. See necrotizing soft-tissue infection (NSTI) , 284.See also gonorrhea nutrition, acute skin failure, 64t Neisseria meningitidis. See meningococcemia nematocysts, 296, 296f octopuses, venomous exposure to, 150 neonatal cutaneous emergencies, 66–74 ocular difficulties. See also eye infections aplasia cutis, 74 in adverse (cutaneous) drug reactions, 158 Candida infection, 70, 70f as isotretinoin complication, 173 epidermolysis bullosa, 67 oculoglandular disease, 90 erythroderma, 71, 72f Ofuji disease. See eosinophilic folliculitis hamartomas, 72 Omenn syndrome, erythroderma and, 206 hemangiomas, 72, 73f oncogenic viruses, 122–123 herpes, 69, 69f oncosis, 8 incontinentia pigmenti, 70 ophthalmia neonatorum, 285 listeriosis, 69 oral hairy leukoplakia, in HIV patients, 191 lupus erythematosus, 71 oral-esophageal candidiasis, 70, 190–191 macular/papular eruption, 70 orbital cellulitis, 81–82 management principles, 68 diagnosis, 102t mastocytosis, 72–73, 73f vs. periorbital, 81, 81f, 82 neoplastic diseases, 73, 73f, 74 prognosis, 82 nodular eruptions, 71 treatment, 82 overview of, 66 organ transplantation, herpes zoster infections and, 117–118 prematurity, 74 organic mercury, 320 purpura, 70–71 oritavancin, 19t, 26f, 27–28 S. aureus, 66–67, 67f osteomyelitis, 83 Index 357

otitis,malignantexternal,82–83 mucousmembrane,223–224,224f diagnosis,82 pemphigoidgestationis,224–225,225f prognosis,83 pemphigus,216–222 treatment,82–83 drug-induced,221 outpatientsurgery,12.Seealsoaseptictechnique erythematosusform,219,220f oxazolidinones.Seelinezolid foliaceusform,218–219,220f oximetry,60 histopathology,217–218,218f,219f overviewof,216 p53tumorsuppressorgene,5–6 paraneoplastic,219–221,221f,267 palpablenodularities,cosmeticsurgeryand,333 prognosis,216–217 palpablepurpura,102t treatment,221–222 PAN.Seepolyarteritisnodosa(PAN) vegetansform,218,219f,220f pancytopenia,methotrexateand,172 vulgarisform,217,217f,218,218f pandemics,ofplague,260 pemphigusfoliaceus(PF) papularpurpuricsyndrome,119 biologicalagentsfor,35t Paracoccidioidesbrasiliensis,129.Seealsoparacoccidioidomycosis intravenousimmunoglobulin,41 paracoccidioidomycosis,129–132 vs.staphylococcalscaldedskinsyndrome,111,111t,112, clinicalfeatures,129,129t,130,130f 112f diagnosis,130–131,131f pemphigus vulgaris (PV), 9 overviewof,129 biological agents for, 35t treatment,131–132 infliximab, 34 paraffin,asdermalfiller,332 intravenous immunoglobulin, 40–41 paraneoplasticautoimmunemultiorgansyndrome,221 in neonates, 69 paraneoplasticcutaneoussyndromes,malignancyassociation, rituximab, 38–39 265–269 penicillins highlyassociated,265,266f,267 anaphylaxis, 291–292 overviewof,265,265f,268t meningococcemia, 84 possiblyassociated,267–269 surgical prophylaxis, 16 paraneoplasticpemphigus(PNP),35t,39,219–221,267 penis paraphimosis,283 herpes and, 288f paraptosis,6t,7 squamous cell carcinoma of, 283 parasiticdiseases,137–143 perianal abscess, 278 amebiasis,141 perianal cellulitis, 278 Chagasdisease,137–140 perinatal varicella, 70 mucocutaneousleishmaniasis,141–143 periorbital cellulitis, 81, 81f, 82 overviewof,126 diagnosis, 102t schistosomiasis,140–141 vs. orbital, 81–82 PARP.Seepolyadenosinediphosphate-ribosepolymerase prognosis, 82 (PARP) treatment, 82 parvovirusB19(PVB19),118–119 permeability transition (PT) pore, 4 PCD.Seeprogrammedcelldeath(PCD) permethrin insect repellant, 150 PCP.SeePneumocystiscariniipneumonia(PCP) petechiae, 102t PCT.Seeporphyriacutaneatarda(PCT) Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 267 pediatricconsiderations.Seealsopregnancy PF. See pemphigus foliaceus (PF); purpura fulminans (PF) burninjuries,271 PG. See pemphigoid gestationis (PG) Chagasdisease,139 phagocytosis, initiation of, 3 dioxinpoisoning,323 pharmacokinetics erythroderma,203t,210–211 of daptomycin, 23 eyeinfections,285–286,286f of linezolid, 18–19 insectrepellantuse,150 of quinupristin/dalfopristin, 20 insectvenomexposures,146 of retapamulin, 25 mercurytoxicity,319–320 of tigecycline, 24 staphylococcalscaldedskinsyndrome,109–114 phenol-based chemical peels, cardiotoxicity, 337 streptococcaldermatitis,278 phosphatidylserine receptor (PS-R), 3 pellagra,301,308 phototoxic reactions, 293–294, 294f pelvicinflammatorydisease(PID),283,286 phrynoderma, 308 pemphigoidgestationis(PG),224,224f,225 phytophotodermatitis, 181 pemphigoidgroup,ofautoimmunebullousdermatoses,222–225 picaridin insect repellent, 150 bullous,222–223,223f,224f PID. See pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 358 INDEX

pigmentation, changes in autoimmune disorders and, 9 Addison disease and, 298 autophagic cell death, 6–7 carotenoderma, 321–323 cancer and, 8–9 as cosmetic procedure complication, 333, 336–337 cell injury and, 1–6 pink disease, See acrodynia vs. necrosis, 7–8 pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP), erythroderma and, 205, 205f overview of, 6t, 9 plague, 259–261 paraptosis, 7 bubonic, 260 pathways of, 1–2, 2f, 6t overview of, 259–260, 260f purpose of, 1 pneumonic, 261 programmed necrosis, 6t septicemic, 261 progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene, 281, 281f treatment, 261 prophylactic antibiotics, 15–16 plasminogen activators, purpura fulminans, 240 proptosis, as botulinum toxin A complication, 336 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), as targeted immune protein C, purpura fulminans and, 240 modulator complication, 170 PRP. See pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) Pneumocystis jiroveci. See Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 82, 278–279.See also ecthyma (PCP) gangrenosum pneumonic plague, 261 Pseudomonas pseudomallei, 256.See also melioidosis pneumonitis, methotrexate-induced, 172 psoriasis PNP. See paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) erythroderma and, 205 poisoning, cutaneous signs of, 318–324 in HIV patients, 191 arsenic, 318–319 methotrexate complications, 171–172 carbon monoxide, 274, 323 psoriatic erythroderma, 204f, 205 carotenoderma, 321–323 psychiatric disorders, isotretinoin and, 173 dioxin, 323–324 psychological considerations, torture cases and, 316–317 food-borne, 341 ptosis, botulinum toxin A, 335, 335f mercury, 319–321 pulmonary dysfunction overview of, 318 dermatomyositis and, 249–250 poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase (PARP), 4 leptospirosis and, 259 polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), 233t, 235, 239 methotrexate and, 172 porcine collagen injections, reactions to, 333 scleroderma and, 251 porphyria, 69 in systemic lupus erythematosus, 246–247 porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), 304–305, 305f pulmonary edema, 55 posaconazole, 29, 29t, 30, 30f pulmonary embolism (PE), 55 post-resuscitation support, 57–58 pulse oximetry, 60 PPE. See pustular pruritic eruption (PPE) pulseless electrical activity (PEA), 52 pregnancy pulses, 60 cytomegalovirus infections, 119–120 purpura, 70–71, 233–241 ectopic, 283 etiology, 233–237 herpes infections, 115–117, 290 overview of, 233, 233t, 241 neonatal lupus erythematosus, 248, 248t, 249 treatment and management, 237, 237t, 241 parvovirus infections, 119 purpura fulminans (PF) pemphigoid gestationis, 224–225 etiology, 233, 233t, 236, 236f, 237 rubella infections, 120 treatment and management, 239, 240t, 241 varicella zoster infections, 117 pustular pruritic eruption (PPE). See eosinophilic folliculitis prematurity, in neonates, 74 PVB 19. See parvovirus B19 (PVB 19) preoperative skin antisepsis, 13–15 pyoderma gangrenosum, 267–268 scrubbing, 14–15 pyridoxine deficiency, 308 septics, 13–14 skin preparation, 14 QRS complex, 53 preseptal cellulitis, 81, 81f, 82, 102t Quinke edema. See angioedema vs. orbital, 81–82 quinolones, new indications for, 28, 28f, 29 prognosis, 82 quinupristin/dalfopristin, 19t, 20, 21f, 22 treatment, 82 cellular mechanism, 20 primary varicella, 117 contraindications, 22 primula sensitivity, 295 dosage, 22 procainamide, 54–55 indications, 21–22 procaine reaction, 292 pharmacokinetics, 20 programmed cell death (PCD). See also apoptosis in vitro activity, 20 Index 359

reactive hyperpigmentation, 336, 336f, 337 erythroderma and, 207 recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens type), 68 staphylococcal, 112 Reiter’s syndrome. See sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA) scarring, cosmetic procedures and, 331, 337 renal dysfunction/insufficiency schistosomiasis, 140, 140f, 141, 141f acute, as intravenous immunoglobulin complication, 174 Schwartzman phenomenon, 236–237 leptospirosis and, 259 SCID. See severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome scleroderma and, 252 (SCID) staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and, 109 scleroderma in systemic lupus erythematosus, 247–248 carcinoid syndrome, 301 resistant organisms. See drug resistance overview of, 251, 251f respiratory dysfunction, 58–59 pulmonary dysfunction, 251 resuscitation, 50–51 renal dysfunction, 252 retapamulin, 19t, 25, 25f, 27 systemic lupus erythematosus, 251–252 cellular mechanism, 25 scorpion stings, 147 contraindications, 26–27 scorpion fish, venomous exposures, 296, 296f dosage, 26 SCORTEN. See severity-of-illness score for toxic epidermal indications, 25 necrolysis (SCORTEN) pharmacokinetics, 25 scrubbing, 14–15 in vitro activity, 25 SCT. See stem cell transplantation (SCT) retinoids, complications, 173 scurvy, 309 return of spontaneous rhythm circulation (ROSC), 58–59 seborrheic dermatitis rhabdomyosarcoma, 73–74 erythroderma, 205 rhus dermatitis, 295, 295f, 343, 343f, 344 in HIV patients, 190, 190f riboflavin deficiency, 308 sedatives, 60 Rickettsia conorii, 86–87 seizures Rickettsia rickettsii, 84, 85f, 86 cyclosporine A complication, 173 risk factors targeted immune modulator complication, 170 environmental, 13 Senear-Usher syndrome, 219 surgical site infections, 13 sepsis travel-related, 340–341, 344 background, 98 for viral infection, 123 diagnosis, 101, 102t Ritter’s disease, 114.See also staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome laboratory findings, 103, 103t (SSSS) neonatal, 69 rituximab, 35t, 38–39 overview of, 99 dosage, 38 pathophysiology, 100–101 graft versus host disease, chronic, 39 prognosis, 106–107 indications, 38 symptoms, 101–103, 103t pemphigus vulgaris, 38–39 terminology, 98t side-effects, 38 treatment, 105–106, 106t RMSF. See Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) septic shock Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 84, 85f, 86, 149 background, 98 diagnosis, 84–85 diagnosis, 101, 102t prognosis, 86 laboratory findings, 103, 103t treatment, 85–86 overview of, 99–100 Romana˜ sign, 139, 139f pathophysiology, 100–101 rose spots, 258 prognosis, 106–107 rubella, 120–121 symptoms, 101–103, 103t rubeola. See measles terminology, 98t Rule of Nines, 271 septicemic plague, 261 seroconversion illness, HIV, 189, 189f, 190 Salmonella typhi, 257.See also typhoid fever Serratia marcescens, 14 “Samurai law of biology”, 26f serum chromogranin A (CgA) test, 302 SARA. See sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA) serumsickness(SS),162, 162t, 164–165 scabies, crusted serum sickness-like reaction (SSLR), 164–165 erythroderma and, 205–206 severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID), 188 in HIV patients, 191 severity-of-illness score for toxic epidermal necrolysis scabies, in neonates, 70 (SCORTEN), 63t, 64, 159 scalding. See burn injuries Seveso, Italy, dioxin poisoning incident, 323–324 scarlet fever sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA), 287, 287f 360 INDEX

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 282–292.See also clinical features, 112, 113f genitourethral disorders diagnosis, 113–114 Chlamydia trachomatis infections, 285–288 epidemiology, 109 drug reactions and side effects, 291–292 vs. erythroderma, 71, 72f genital herpes, 288–290 erythroderma and, 207 gonorrhea, 284–285 etiology, 109–110, 110f overview of, 282–284 management, 114 partner notification, 283, 285 in neonates, 71 syphilis, 290–291 overview of, 109, 114 shaving, 14 pathogenesis, 110–112 Shibasaburo Kitasato, 259–260 pathology, 112–113, 113f shin spots, 304 vs. pemphigus foliaceus, 111, 111t, 112, 112f shingles. See herpes zoster prognosis, 114 shock, 57 Staphylococcus aureus side effects. See drug reactions; specific drug names bacteremia, 99 sign of Leser-Trelat, 267 cellulitis, periorbital and orbital, 82 silicone fillers, reactions to, 333–334 malignant (necrotizing) external otitis, 82 Sister Mary Joseph nodule, 265, 265f necrotizing soft-tissue infection, 77 “6 H’s”, 52 in neonates, 66–67 Sjogren¨ syndrome, erythroderma and, 208 staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and, 109–110 SJS. See Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) surgical site infections, 12.See also methicillin-resistant skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), 19, 19t, 20, 23 Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin failure, acute, 62–64.See also life-threatening bacterial toxic shock syndrome, 100, 104, 104t, 105, 105t infections; neonatal cutaneous emergencies STDs. See sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) complications, 63, 63t, 64 stem cell transplantation (SCT), 194.See also graft versus host defined, 62 disease (GVHD) etiology, 62, 62t, 63 sterile technique. See aseptic technique management, 63, 63t, 64, 64t sterilization, surgical equipment, 13 overview of, 62, 64 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), 36–37, 154–159 pharmacology, 63t acute skin failure, 62t, 63t, 64 risk factors, 63 biological agents for, 35t types of, 62 causative drugs, 157 skin frailty syndrome, 68–69 classification, 154–155, 155t skin preparation, 14 clinical features, 155–156 skin tags, 304 corticosteroids, 158–159 skin torture. See torture diagnosis, 157 SLE. See systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) vs. drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Smac DIABLO, 4–5 syndrome, 163 smallpox, 118 hypersensitivity reactions, 184–185 smoke inhalation, 273–274 intravenous immunoglobulin, 42 soap, 14 overview of, 154, 159 solar urticaria, 178 prognosis, 159 Solenopsis species. See fire ant stings sexually transmitted diseases and, 292 soles, of feet, blunt trama to, treatment, 157–159 South American blastomycosis. See paracoccidioidomycosis stratum corneum, 63, 64t spider bites, 147, 147f, 148, 148f streptococcal dermatitis, of anorectal region, 278 sponge dermatitis and sponge diver’s disease, 150 streptococcal gangrene, 279–280 sporotrichosis, 132–133 Streptococcal pyogenes, toxic shock syndrome, 104t, 105, 105t clinical features, 132, 132f, 133 streptomycin, tularemia and, 90 diagnosis, 133, 133f stroke, 56, 174 overview of, 132 sucrose, intravenous immunoglobulin and, 174 treatment, 133, 134t sulfonamides, toxic epidermal necrolysis risk, 157 squamous cell carcinoma, of penis, 283 sun exposure. See ultraviolet (UV) exposure SS. See systemic sclerosis (SS) sunscreens, 294, 295f SSI. See surgical site infections (SSIs) superficial herpes simplex, 69 SSSS. See staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) superficial partial-thickness burns, 272 staphylococcal cellulitis, of anorectal region, 278 surgery. See also cosmetic procedures staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), 66–67, 67f, surgical equipment, 13 109–114 surgical site infections (SSIs), 12–13, 15–16 Index 361

antibiotic prophylaxis, 15–16 thermal injuries. See burn injuries overview of, 12 thimerosal, 321 preoperative skin antisepsis, 13–15 thrombocytopenia, efalizumab and, 171 risk factors, environmental, 13 thromboembolic disease, 276 risk factors, patient, 13 thrombotic complications, of intravenous immunoglobulin, skin preparation, 14 174–175 surgical technique. See aseptic technique thrush, 70, 190–191 surgical wound infection. See aseptic technique thyroid dysfunction, 300–301 symmetric flexural exanthema, 320–321 ticks. See also Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) synergistic necrotizing cellulitis, 280–281 as disease vectors, 148f, 149, 149f synergistic nonclostridial anaerobic myonecrosis, 280–281 Lyme disease, 149, 149f syphilis, 290–291 Mediterranean spotted fever, 86–87 diagnosis, 290–291 tularemia, 89–90 in neonates, 69 venomous exposures, 146, 148 overview of, 290, 290f, 291f tigecycline, 19t, 24, 24f, 25 treatment, 291 cellular mechanism, 24 systemic candidosis, 126–129 contraindications, 24–25 clinical features, 126–127, 127f dosage, 24 diagnosis, 127 indications, 24 overview of, 126 pharmacokinetics, 24 treatment, 127, 127t, 128t, 129 in vitro activity, 24 systemic infections, 256–261 TIMs. See targeted immune modulators (TIMs), complications of leptospirosis, 258–259 tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), 56 melioidosis, 256–257 TNF-a. See tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) overview of, 256 TNF-R. See tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R) plague, 259, 260f, 261 toll-like receptors (TLRs), 100 typhoid fever, 257–258 topical lighteners and bleaches systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), 98t, 99–100 hyperpigmentation and, 336f systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 245–249 mercury toxicity and, 320 cardiovascular dysfunction, 245–246 TORCH syndrome, 71, 71f drug-induced, 171 torture, 313–317 gastrointestinal dysfunction, 248 clinical features, 313, 315f, 316 hematological dysfunction, 247 defined, 313 neurological dysfunction, 247 prognosis, 317 overview of, 245, 245t, 249f therapy, 316–317 pemphigus and, 219 toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), 36–37, 154–159 pulmonary dysfunction, 246–247 acute skin failure, 62t, 63t, 64 renal dysfunction, 247–248 biological agents for, 35t systemic neoplastic diseases. See paraneoplastic cutaneous causative drugs, 157 syndromes, malignancy association classification, 154–155, 155t systemic sclerosis (SS), 252.See also scleroderma clinical features, 155–156, 156f corticosteroids and, 158–159 tachyarrhythmia, 52–53 diagnosis, 157 tanning, controlled, 293 vs. drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms targeted immune modulators (TIMs), complications of, 168–171 syndrome, 163 congestive heart failure, 170 erythroderma and, 205 hepatotoxicity, 171 intravenous immunoglobulin, 42 histoplasmosis, 169–170 overview of, 154, 159 infections, 168–170 prognosis, 159, 159t infusion reactions, 168 vs. staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, 113 neurological events, 170–171 treatment, 157–159 vasculitis, 171 toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Tay’s syndrome. See trichothiodystrophy background, 98 T-cell defects, 188 chemical peels, 337 T-cell receptors (TCRs), 101 diagnosis, 101 TEN. See toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) erythroderma and, 207 testicles overview of, 100 torsion of, 282–283 pathophysiology, 100–101 tumor of, 287 prognosis, 106–107 362 INDEX

toxic shock syndrome (cont.) vasculitis and, 181 staphylococcal, 104, 104t, 105, 105t urticaria pigmentosa, 72–73 streptococcal, 104t, 105, 105t urticaria pigmentosa (UP), 302–303, 303f.See also mastocytosis symptoms, 103–105 UV. See ultraviolet (UV) exposure terminology, 98t toxin 1 (TSST-1), 101 vaccinations treatment, 106 measles, 120 transient bacteremia, 98 mosquito-borne diseases, 122 travel-related dermatoses, 340–344.See also environmental skin rubella, 121 disorders smallpox, 118 allergic reactions, 342, 343f, 344 varicella zoster virus, 118 case reports, 340, 342 vaccine-related mercury exposure, 321 drug reactions, 341, 341f vaccinia, 118 infections, 340f, 341–342 valacyclovir, 31, 31t medical history documents, importance of, 341, 344 vancomycin, 77–78 overview of, 340–341, 342t, 344 vancomycin-resistance, 18, 21–22 from viral infections, 123 vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), 19–20 treatment. See specific drug names and groups vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF) infections, 18 Treponema pallidum. See syphilis quinupristin/dalfopristin, 20–22 trichothiodystrophy, erythroderma and, 208 tigecycline, 24 tripe palms, 268 varicella zoster virus (VZV), 70, 117–118 Trypanosoma cruzi, 139, 139f.See also Chagas disease clinical features, 117–118 trypanosomiasis, 137.See also Chagas disease herpes zoster, 117–118 TSS. See toxic shock syndrome; toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in HIV patients, 191 tuberculosis, as targeted immune modulator complication, 169 primary varicella, 117 tularemia, 89–90, 90f treatment, 118 diagnosis, 89–90 variola, 136–137 prognosis, 90 variola major. See smallpox treatment, 90 vasculitis, 233–241 tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R), 4 from drug reactions, 165, 341f tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), 100–101, 168–170.See also etiology, 233–237 targeted immune modulators (TIMs), complications of malignancy association, 269 tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) overview of, 233, 233t, 241 etanercept, 37 targeted immune modulator complication, 171 graft versus host disease, 35 treatment and management, 237, 237t, 241 infliximab, 34 urticaria, 181 Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, 36 vasopressin, 53 Tyndall effect, 333 vector-borne diseases, 149–150.See also insect and arachnid type I cell death. See apoptosis venom exposures type I hypersensitivity. See anaphylaxis Chagas disease, 137, 139f, 140 type II cell death. See autophagic cell death (ACD) clinical features, 149 typhoid fever, 257–258, 341 Lyme disease, 148f, 149f mosquito-borne, 121–122 ulceroglandular disease, 90.See also tularemia mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, 141, 142f, 143, 143f ultraviolet (UV) exposure overview of, 149 Addison disease, 298 venom desensitization immunotherapy, 185 overview of, 293–294 venomous exposures, 146–151 phototoxic reactions, 294f anaphylaxis and, 146–147 sunscreens, 295f aquatic, 150–151, 178, 295–296, 296f, 343, 343f uncomplicated infection, 18 from insects and arachnids, 147–148, 185, 342–343, 343f UP. See urticaria pigmentosa (UP) overview of, 150 urticaria travel-related, 342–343, 343f acute/physical, 178, 178t, 179, 181, 183 treatment, 147–148, 151 aquagenic, 178 ventricular fibrillation (VF), 51–52 chronic/non-physical, 179, 179t, 181–183 verapamil, 54 described, 178–179, 179f vesicular/pustular eruptions, neonatal, 69–70 diagnosis, 180–181 Candida infection, 70, 70f prognosis, 183 herpes, 69 treatment, 181–182 incontinentia pigmenti, 70 Index 363

listeriosis, 69 vitamin C, 308–309 scabies, 70 vitamin K, 309 sepsis, 69 vitamin toxicity, 309, 309t, 321–323 varicella, 70 vitiligo, 304 Vibrio vulnificus infection, 90, 91f, 92, 340, 340f voriconazole, 29, 29f, 29t, 30 background, 90–91 VREF. See vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF) clinical presentation, 79 infections diagnosis, 91 epidemiology of, 79 wasps. See bee and wasp stings necrotizing soft-tissue infection, 78–79 water contaminants, arsenic, 318 prognosis, 91–92 Wegener granulomatosis (WG), 233t, 234, 238 treatment, 91 West Nile virus, 122 viral diseases, 115–123 WG. See Wegener granulomatosis (WG) cytomegalovirus, 119–120 wheals, local, 178.See also urticaria herpes simplex virus (HSV), 115–117 Whitmore disease, 256 Kaposi sarcoma, 121 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 188 Marburg/Ebola, 122 wound classification, 15.See also antibiotic selection measles, 120 wound management, burns, 274–275 mosquito-borne, 121–122 oncogenic, 122–123 xenodiagnosis of Brumpt, 140 overview of, 115, 123 X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, 188 parvovirus B19, 118–119 rubella, 120–121 yellow fever, 121–122 smallpox, 118 Yersin, Alexandre, 259–260 varicella zoster virus, 117–118 Yersinia pestis, 259–260.See also plague visual loss. See ocular difficulties Yushchenko, Viktor, 323 vitamin A. See also isotretinoin conversion of, in carotenoderma, 322 zinc deficiency, 307 deficiency, 307–308 zygomycosis, 134–137 in measles treatment, 120 clinical features, 135, 136t vitamin deficiencies, 307–309 diagnosis, 134f, 135–136, 136f B vitamins, 308 overview of, 134–135, 135t vitamin A, 307–308 treatment, 136–137