NEWS 2015 in This Issue College Achievement P.2 – 4 Academic Achievement P
SPRING NEWS 2015 In this issue College achievement p.2 – 4 Academic achievement p. 5 – 9 Enrichment achievement p.10 – 18 Community achievement p.19 – 20 Parent and community information p.21 – 24 Be happy, Be ambitious, Make a diff erence! SPRING N e w s 2 015 College achivement SPRING N e w s 2 015 Welcome to the spring term edition of the newsletter. There have been so many fantastic successes this term that it’s hard to pick out the highlights. We had a great time dressing up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day, which is just one of the many events you can read about to promote a love of reading across the college. We have also seen continued success in sport, at both a team and an individual level and academic success with two of our Y13 students, Oliver and Hanesh, Dyslexia Friendly School being offered places at Cambridge University. This year we have been working towards becoming an accredited Dyslexia Friendly Our work with Curve and the RSC has moved onto a new level this term as we have reached School. Congratulations to Abubakr Razzaque, 13LFD, on winning the Dyslexia Friendly out to support local schools in developing their love of Shakespeare and are involved in the school college logo design.We hope to now use this on letters and in correspondence celebrations around the internment of Richard lll; and our challenge of raising money for our around the school. Childsmile charity will reach new heights (literally!) over Easter when the Childsmile Team attempt the ambitious Three Peaks Challenge.
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