ef O o ?2SfiAESlBfe!

oar j!m-y3a- m 4-- ' aanaa, -- ftliiiiathsJ MllaTlf llISl v r'T" T y . amvaMtm ' FCBLUUED BT f - .;i:t .O i Ti jMifTirif iASo)ireSli ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. U aLt! T&tfntSiM a:vwy Wfdnr.dnj Mornlnc. ttliBtal aTlaiioFt! km unijifslsjir OwavnoarofC MCifri-fri- f i 14 1 Iti4seja9t-mjh- 24 XT FIVE mimmimm DOLLARS PER ANNUM i TwT1rir4CWi teaipS SMias9tt4 1M TJ KLB IX J D JVI.YCJ!. 9oira Mir . affile who er ata Mmm Ct wWw twmoMT4 m imhk F"le"'SkTtbr .os la Alum, m tick 1 rla4rapoatag.ipr?jl. XJW tlMiitioistii.TBTST'liliT'iiriiiiiinrtiTTi twit !t lit fojr.i MvwttnaMwt arm W ma tat -- y tw1- wttiW'iatv w Oazett Bslldlnc, 25 and 27 VOL. nlTtiM Sbot latar amirltma avrlTijUii . e Marchajt Street. XIX No. 27. HONOLULU, WEDlfESDAY, JULY 2. 1884. WHOLE No. 1016. CTsloai swy a atart y bsaa Wb(Miymti fw McvviMPr. to The HawaiianLegislature the Board of OtnealogT, that owiuc to the (Cotfts. upss of tba Secretarr and tho aJoMmro f th.0 Business Carts. Jllnljanical (Carlis. illtttxtniral Josnromt Notttts. Jnttmnut jLYctitw. iortign AtWtrtisfmrats. - GoTcrnen of liawau, the report would be some-- . WDM HPUtTFO. VT. 0. Sum. L. A. TnrneToi, ED. U. KUWt 1 Session. 1SS4-- The Order of the Day vaa neit taken np. THURSTON, Y ! Boston Board of tBttfmTiters. UNION INSURANCE OQMPANT WILUAXS, DIM03D 4 CO. Second reading of a bill to SMITH & IIosm and Slfin Painter, P.pcr H&ncv C CONFECTIONER inenrpsrate a km A OKXTS far tka.IIaw.lla. lalaaiaa. ShJpplnjc Tklrtr-nlBtkD- r, company in Honolulu. Aaaembly renolre-- EY8 LAW. TUlr mn c. CO. lad Caalss!on Wffdaian 23rd- - The garATTORN AT 5 lKlllj8ttt,IIoIl. x ly skxwib a or ias vnAacttr;o. Jan. itwlf into Commute of the Whole. So. as Mfrthim 8t- - noRoioia, n. 1. if Hen. J. 8. i I JE. 33LtIOl3SrE3r:tIXr'' an B CalUattla Wrwv. taa Fiaatla.Ij Walker in the chair. w. o. c :oi.i:jia.'. nilidtlphli Board of Undenrrittrst Sottvtrino. At 12 Fim. L.A.THCarv, Bo. 71 Fort St., ibovo Hotel St., Haadet la u chair. Prayer and o'clock the Home took a recess. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST . H. CEOSSHiS &SX&. reiduK of mm W. O. SMITH & CO, f4holnir, 'Tork, I A nr.ju far ta. Hawaii., fal.aae. IHCOBPOBATBD, ntfc of prerfou meeting. arzxzxooK. Il.m rfTls V 1SS following ItmthlnrTT, Jtt. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND iMir v.aaswaaui COJIMISSIOS HERCnAKTS, lo l"tition were then pccftcalcd The Committee reasannblM nil mnA iru. Stock and Real Estato Brokors, rlantntl.n ' conuderation ... Ins Xo.ailfremiyillooll.U.I.. 11 ya FhoponKlDgPtrfpt. BitCitl ACnote'a. fly ASottBtof tketeaCFrracbsnd CASTLE ft COOKE, AGENTS CaaBtw Tart UepmenUUTe of the Oaa Bill was cone on with, Califorala naoaraetarrd F. A. DDHAETER, 73 .. Hawaiian faleaae, Iia mnt, Sw KaniaVeU, from resides t of the following Sections brine pasted : XV. Braaaaa tae l yyr.ara.CaaOaaiCae4a.aa4XT:1aTe.air JUkawaa, CLAKESUE ASItFORS. urn D.aW.FIIaa.tarelUra, - tout a boe of uteamen be established Sections. Pipes and Mama. The; ahall j nun. AGaUTT.f Dmdca Caraaf UadfrwTturfa MStjT between San Franaaro and Kalepolepo, ha, Attornoy, ilio., Importer and Sealer In Store, Ranee, of ura Hani, and the right to lay down their main and distribut- Solicitor, FBrBlAlrffOoodo.CmekfTy.OIlMBd Area! Ylnraa Boara of redfrwrttrr. lomnnm muimi that Lb Oorenunent nmiat the asm. by a OFFICE-- IS Ku&.naai Stmt, )TfU1, Ilnape Ifaica for salt to tht trtJf.or atreUll, Glalna aubsidr. ing pipes and enpply pipe In all or any of the ChlBS lTactlrat llflaolo). D. it asalatt taa arsace Comaaaka wlUfn la Xnauraa&oas W. SEVEBAKCS, Inferred to Ooeomitt on Commerce. w IlftBota!. II. I. tf Ware. If of abota Boarda tare OoxnpAnr H. it rtt&. allera and mblte emtinri. .f ihn Pitv 1 tie ef Ua4trwtlMra.nl or laaSaWX A COIXBCKOII. BepwentatlTe bmlUi, from residenU Waila-k- tuniv AT REDUCED certlaad to by the to akftUtcai Coasal sxk! of of Honolulu, tber may deem necessary or ALFKi:i) S. IIAKTIVCLL. PRICES! abort Astat IfairalUir that fiihenss be thrown ojwn to the imtlic use. expedient, pronded, however, that they cause no J. M. OAT & CO, SAIUIAKmS, J ALSO raUa. unir laud on the UUe to be IUbllhd 1800. MERCWAMT conaideml with bill relat- unnecessary interruption to the use of each street, Lort la A. r. fooke" Ktw f EatUlae. ffrt C1GVRS COMMISSION ing W, THtBEST CRIADS OF CUOICR to Hooolnla finhrries. alleys or crounds in layinc the same, and at soch COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- of Naaaasbtrrtt. Insuranco Notico. CJariTAl...... l.latao aacattiarala SU, Uaa naacltrat Cat. UeprrtesnUtire Dole, from Quaes c.T s- . IF tnerchauta reasonable deotha an will not with th j TobeoadiatbeBarktt. ActaiaalatH aaa IaTnte4 m Roaaa S on tha lalanda proUwUnc against !ntrfm Ilaaollla; II. I. ' tn l,7JI the bill Matinc ordinary use thereof, and to restore same, OFFICE-OV- En the BASK Of BISHOP Jt CO, Sa THE 6F5T PSFIB WITFR CORDlill to fceepinc book in ngliaa and llawauan. Ile--- after laying pood FU;i of all OMrtpHoai aiada tai rP.lffL. i Itt inn I t TC soch mains and pipe, to as m BtX.t ferrcd to J OommittMt. -ft -- t i ! ja DR. JORDAN & CO. ndidarr order and condition aa theT were in befo.a. Pro-- m Honolnla. II. I. In jm au . . da' ara mni iBitrKutH ufamrn ma omi aaaa4ata4 AUXXTSfartka Saa4ka I.laaaa. PIONEER STEAK I A taal - inraace betwwa nonolnta .prtitiD of I Tided, however, that notion herein , lnnwtfTir n.; tnrilallierclJaCaaailXaa ai aaa .a o -- , --... ,, ... - - - r - - contained.... urMA-KiKKinr ..IWte1 1, ti iinna. PKonseoit tSsirtssiitS'10' ..l. - lonWM .M ;.. rtrriuKlCOBD.af rarla. Frrarlcsara r ara. .o flaaa Caa ftadlMatntd laMa. aaraa ar AaatMar. W rauaitrt ar Mlbr, OBU. 31luar.rt.,"aa rmrlm - kra. TIaib.r. Caala. t'aJlfaa.amu. Klb.ItT. Uyuaftt raaa ar aadrr repair. MA?fUCMirr. VIOIR A CO, uissAsisorTHa asci, jjm ALL W Ilavallaa lalaaaa oXA9E!i or axs. A BOOK SETT OS SXCZITT ef . Insurance Co. vr asctyrs. i

IB. ! A Deronanlre Myatery, Slj'rpptng. lal. Fisiieries faarii)ic Gi.m 1IC CDEKSIO.IED ABB rBCXAU.1t Art ioqaest wu recently held at BUck-awto- o, 2 I T: prrparewtw near Dartmouth, on the body of a Gazette SupplementJuly PiTotlO Hawaiian ftTarislt Tirsul JE-15- .young ladj named Shortlanda, who wsa found SUPPLY THE HA WAIIA5 3 Ulyswned couple daj prcTionaly in a niarariaaj a of 3Ttro Uwrrtistmtnts. HIT 11 TBI1 'porid onlicr father's estate,' standing erect in (Pcntral SUirtrtisciiirnts. (Srntral SUrotrt'tstmnits. TOTilTUlHUD WixaEruri ten feet of water. The deceased, who was Hlshest Orado of Cotton XtUagi VT.F. --WHITE HcrSftart adava 22 years of age, was the danghter of Mr. Orj 4jraral3iUfa Dimes, of Oldstono'IIonsc, near Blaclar, ton, J.T.Waterhouse, Jry ttrart ffdara axd xads nrro Vpleaaant baronial mansion, enrromidcd by a FOB tier Iraaraafaara largo park and drives. She had only been EM FM1MI1 Nets and Seines toOnis?; and as the Inter-lslandS.N.- married threo weeks to a barrister, - lAM'CCTlOX OF TUB Co BOO,OOOI ' consent, she HE tlSVITtS. Currrlas rrvr; awrara af Flah. lars, aai fauS, match was against the parents' icaaftCT. eflaa rar.lt Oraaa. bad run away with her lover, and they were TIES TO SUIT flala married at a registry cfScc. Tho husband Following Goods Just Received Cotton is lighter thaa Heap, taer StaaU family residence, TICKKTS TO T11K brought his brido back to tho TIIIIOUOII ItKTUtUr, caa sow b had U the AJEMT8 and less Sxpessm. and two days afterwards he left with the in- efflceof ths Inter li land S.N. Co. Tonrlita U&rtif ltlD" tention of going to Xew Zealand, where hie kLEWERS lTt L.ITC ARKIV.tt.Hl Honolnla pr time table of the - FLASTIR," wtU b TJalTUaaJIy aaad ia tk. ITailaat ttataav LE-Y-ECA- N landed nt FanaJna, thence by Railroad t afshaU. tUTUAL parents and friends reside, and where be was where Horace and Oatdaa will be 1b atleadaace. 1 said to bare practiced at the bar, his state BjUiti nrate.Totulftitan make the rmudtxlp 1T Amorican Net and So I no Co. neces- BUBBEK darn, tHriac 4 dara to vtilt the VoIcm. ment being that his presence there was Black Frenoh Merinos. TICKETS rck TII ItOUSD TRIP, Indadiai XOMPANY miir sary to scale up affairs, and that be would re- Uoraee. Gnlde, Doard and LodfftBff, 940. turn as soon as possible. Xolking unusual w airuicT psrucaiarv vBnirn atinn mac bi DR.J.CQLLISBRQWNFSCH10A06TK. of the husband. T Timber, Ladiea'and Ocnfa Vmbrrlla. it occurred after the departure or' West Linen Fheetlnf. , d S. N. Co., Honalnln, ntioo of eeerybody, THE OBIQIAL and OSLT CESCWE. Tho deceased was very fond of riding, and on PARLOR SETS, PIANOS Ladle ai.dGei.Ci Hrslcr II Cloth Table Corers Or la J. r. JORDAN. Vottuo Horn. in) AdTko to laraJU- .- 't ya wlA Ut obtain srartt re the day disappearance wentontas us- SCANTLING of all sizes; Embroidertd rretblattWp, of ber BEDBOOJI- - SETS, ORGANS, fiftott.mdr,Ktefftmtat4 ual. On ber return she was not seen by any aaanien. run ana aunarw ie weary aesisfi k Boards, Battens. I PoUcies I prvwasis" aaivrtiaar, miiiTU lav Knifivag one in the bouse, but was beard to call the GUITARS, Ladies' & Gent's JJndenvcar, TTTLBER'S iTTinw uw ciTTomnosr Of UO I ODD CHAIRS, 'l-u..-- Treo0 colley dog, and together they went toward tho - neoTiao rooreeir wii , n- Tor Sale by' W Rritdene1, edbyDe.J CollUS ponds, as they frequently did. She did not DINING TABLES, ACCORD-EONS- Woolen.&.Cotton.Shirts, whtcn ho aae tho m return, however, and in the evening her mo- Lowers & Cooko. Steamship Company rifer of Forfeit er la admlttod by Ut to be the m- -f wsetdftfil ther, Mrs. Dimes, went to the jtonds, and, not CENTRE TABLES, VIOLINS, aou Tiium mneoj cm siet l& LAItUC AStl WEST OP citXDRonrtiiatrMiwtiiwi. a seeing her, mado no forther search. This 6be ContnmptlMn, BronebKU. AttAau. that she thought the BANJOS, edwood, Bough and tS Ml Polity ami tie ?.. explained by staling MATTRESSES, White.'Linen Shirts andf- - Collars, rUXMXXiJX.i CnLOEODTWK arte Hha to IHankM. deceased bad joined her husband, who had CLEAR, roller la tht only epetMc In C botere, and Dytontrry. TILLOWS, FLUTES, U delajed bis journey abroad. Xext morning the , laAla.fi Ol llatWII , CIILOEODTWE eSWlulrv tut hurt Mawli t body of the young lady was found in one of ' EpUepy. Uyatet te, PaJpitatWn, and SBoassa, HARMONICAS, Of all kinds. CIILOUODT.E lotho ooiy paHtatrto the threo ponds on the estate, ber head being RUGS, Wool Drc tioodf. tlfettire alt UU(m tn SstwsmM. Ladiea Hit, trimmed and ttntrlmmeu ; ShewmatUm, Ooot, t aoevr. TooUeche, Xentnfntn, An. a few feet below the surface. Jlow she catue STRINGS, Tor Sale by Utrich rcatbera ya:L various accounts are hazard- MATTING, 'KINAU' to, or call on From Symee A i o , Pharmaronttea) Chsvmit, Xtdf into the water STEAMER . & K. ealllall. Simla, JioMryl, fen, TnJ-.T- Baeenneirt ed, but all agree tbcro coulS have been no Lowers Cooko. s Edgiug-- and Insertions, UX2IU. Hawaiian 'flaado KV "" RattorllStreot, Efaontebory. tesioo, afoul play Ku' suggestion is made that .the Ctn.VA.DKB. D.f Sir W .twbroeo ;hla ooportantry f eoofratnlaa joo upon ikt rrpotailoai Ihto newly-marri- couple were other most Honolslii Toetdar ., La wtdpfJ JoeUr Jhan ah, Ash, ATlXElilTOF Till IraTe each H P. af for eeteemedmedklB-lt XH t i trlHe Browno'y Chtorttto-- affectionate, and appears that the wife was halna.Slaalaea. ltakroa, Mahakosa Kiwalhae, Laopa itnts. bee earned Meir not only InBlBdoeUn. boiatf-ove- it heehoa and ArrtTiaj at early unwilling the husband should leave EASTERN PINE, K0A, liito, lllw Tharedar tht EaM Aaa remedy enrTa(itmir,aaf not that mom inn. Will lTa Illlo aeb Thnndair at son: qieatlon wheth rnaritfYla .tfahnkooa each at 4 P. M Kawaihao at 1 M. lmMrt4tatoiMtntTV ber for a time to make bis Xew Zealand visit. 0 SCOTCH TWEEDS, rrldar t A. tad we hil yittat ! heoro IteiWlac Mahma a A. 31.; jtaalaca Balofl sad a of Satardari at TtA.Mn mry wo mute The morning after tho occurrence letter Black Walnut, ice. and Lahafaa at 9.3U A. Mreachtac Jlonolnii each orytn.ev arenow tio tnMtvnwe of 'deceased's Saturday rr.slediotbeoettvo bmn., reached Oldstoue (the name ' aftrmoon. )odktn-- ftBi ihetr !. w- - fanerthotr eoorn Inert Y.: tST Top PAS9ENUKR TIUIX from will teae each W- lliome) from the husband, dated from Btindiai. Sal. It New Designed Prints, Milll wlH be but - conld maJtipJy 1 raneieat stare Friday at P. Jf., to connect wlththalUnaaat 4 tymitmm of the extraordinary etteacy of Com fA'passsgo in bis letter stated, "I am hurry . Lowors & Cooko. AbJ a drert Tari.tj ot both Browse i hlorodyofi tn Btanhoni and tyeestoryat. ana soon ue . The Elaaa Wl LL TOCCII at llonokala and Paaahaa p ing on at tne lastcst rale, snail ! rwl(t4, iaVootBCWPrwnrr COMP' o down trip (or Pat , If a jaal la made (rem m homo again." Tho appearance of tho body lenstt and aa a ttrnnsl laitr, ihat kavo ortnto4 939 the nhore, perMnaioheenanon derlat manyyean. In Cltoietaio; after it was taken out of the water gave no n hingles of best quality and American .Goods tar Steamer Klnan will not take hearr fretrttfof f btnrriMFB, and e. m n thi bmt lerrlUt formt of Cbo. Lanpahoehov. Light freight and packages only. All as now oeccasca ucr inc, wue-th- er las eraltaflf, mr hatr It enrprietaery contrtl clue to ido lost heaTy f port bo by Galvanized reijht for the abore will taken th leg power ttt Ceraiof CMt by accident or design. At the inquest Corrugated Llkeilke. . TOO .MJIEIIOI S TO E.TIO.. VRIGHT, oho trier than ollle Browne rrook a In "Stub jury returned a verdict that the deceasid wflliijiSi 1103 ai3 that It lo eWUri)! the bel. and alaofrom n evnoo or doty death by drowning, but bow she &illlBfiEiiifttSii HI wt owe lo Ut" ,re.Veeton and ibo HWtr. a ore f had met her RooHng KOSE). oolnlonthat the eabatltntton of any other thnnCoM water there was no evidenco to Iron Steamer tfrowno ia a o canio into the I5T" Pop 'Likelike5 Pnsacm 94 rairs Solo by I rawr or ttuiiuri Tn show. UEISIIAKT1I, t I lOyUKAKOEX. tob cnsviaT to ranoennxn abb Lowors & Cooko. TRINITY SCHOOL uii. M . tHr. fankralty yooro. Hae inoo then the mistery has been apparently AND Will leare Honolnla rcjnlarly every (en daya (of.thi acturers, MeniWnoribe rara Mneloty o) Great aVttUn,If,Bin cleared up. Nothing was stated at tho in- - following ports. Lahaina, Uaalaea, Xakcaa, Sun ExeeHeney the Vrrtny'" Cnoanett. kona. Kawalhae, Paanhan, llonokala. Kobolalele, quest which could explain how the young lady -t f PAPERS, Ookala, Laapahoehoe. llakalav. Onomca. raikaa, hts cav no.t lee- UMellcr tr W Ft Vto4 got into tho water, and it was supposed that well Selected Assort' 1534 Mission St., Papalkon, Walnako and lllto. Kdnrnlns: will tooch eutrd that Pr J Cnin Browno aa, ndonbid3y. On at Inventor I her husband bad left England for Xcw Zea- all the above porta. af blurodyae that thteiory of ledev. Received of Styles All lire Stock from Kawalhae nut be Ihlpped by the daat Frrmaii dettbvraioly natroo. oawb, bo land on Lusioess, promising to return shortly. fALL San Francisco, California. Likellke. tn tint lst?n ewom lo non "Tho Yatoa,1 FRAMES Jalyl9.ltW4, neigh- PICTURE It now appoars bo had never left tho 1884. Also. f and William Itydcr, a labor- '.SMITHS, ld tn bolt). - at d irv.!, oniaUhni a borhood, and be earn Note - . Ceiling Decorations, - .imnrnHhokttbtwtrdt er, have been arrcstod at Modhury, for being STEAMER' LEHUA' tle Drwwnr- . .inroHy- n- th Uovwnaaeot ommo. murder of hia wife. was 'uaooy Mtpp.paa.ee cnakt concerned in the It Every iDescrlixtloaa i COB I Kin; :St. botth- ! or Dados, I,OItL.ZtXt i A A3 DEB, mentioned Tat the inaocst that there was a Window Shades. Will leare nooololn racb Monday at S M., or Xaa .nli.irt B'tta- - ffMraerand tmltaliomt. brniso or blow on the forehead of P. 1. mark of a Plaster Centres. nakakal, Pnkoo, Uaelo, liana. Xakaalae, Klpahaln tad Sole M.bq'. ferr T VWXXTVrT O. deceased, but was supposed that this Nan ; and at Keaoao other week. aarwntll BlaweeasbofT 0tl the it "" Tot Sal. by at HtrH. Leodon. ilW tea by her falling against a tree, and KetornlBz will touch Lahatna, mkoo and l. was caused Lowors & Cooko. YOUNG MEN & BOYS rcachlna- Honolnla rrldar P. M. m the Eipcater. the jury returned a verdict of fonud drowned. MAJDIC TO ORDER. Hewn Bteineva It has been discovered that Shortland had btlnjt of the n,r Inft Enrland. and be was arrested to- - v rv 'i? iv gs rrrparea fur Hai.aeaa, Coiloj;e nnd Unif crtlty; large STEAMER 'MOKOLU' ''celber with the man with who n he sla) ed. It i fjonnda and handsome bnJldlnca; strea the adTastaxe neuitEuou, i i cuyinAifDEht, he visited bis wife at ber of borne with attlct dUclrllne. now transpires that In Great Variety of Ul IfatTC i.UUUillill ri(U MUBUJIJ Jat.a IWf al "! parents' bouse after the marriage, but did not 105 & 107 STREET,. M ward aide of Oahn. Will go by way of Walalaa, when-er- FORT intBclent Inducement fcn, rettrning erery live with bar. uaa eutjeu wiiu toe la- & Qualities. The RU Hey. 1) tie Patterns V. Ixeuuan Kir, D. CTioay r. m. Byder einco April 10, never to the Blthop ot California VU1 tor. fand borer fS-- For Sals knowledge of that man leaving lhebouec. lie , I7 "The Company will not b mposetble for any ng lacoKTOXsp-Xj-cr- n rerelnted for. nor for Shop, was aoeu, however, going through some fields x. & Befcrt bjr permIiIon to the IU. Iter, the Lord Bishop fretsht or Dackasea a lest ber el. Lowers Cooko. tonal baszste nnleaa pUlnlr marked. Notrtipoaeible fearly on the morning of tho day bis wife's of Honolnla. and to the Iter. Oeo. Wallace of the for money or Jewelry nnlcae placed In coarse of Ue body was found. It is aUo known that ho Cathedral. pnrer. ltjdcr's Island Orders will Ueceive Prompt and of all kinds, All pMilblo car will U Uken mt Lira Stock, bmt the wrote the letter dated Vriudisi in THE REV. E. B. SPALDING, Company will sotaMome any rtik of oecldaat, jliousafand be sent a son of Ryder's into SAM'L. U. WILDKB. Pmidentj Ccrner Beats and Usftanl Sts., that Builders' 1). riymouthtopostit. Itydcr states that after NAILS S. ROSE, Secretary. Principal. OFFICE-Cor- arr Fort and 0,neen Strtctf. A." rSAXClSCT) ' AUTOKIIA. the inquest be showed a report of it appearing HARDWARE, Honnlnln. Dec 10. 1W3. 1000 Shortland, who said be Carefuld Attention. in a local paper to " V. H. TATLOI, rin'k J0II7H XMXZ. 1,1 appeared Tor Solo by ' knew all about it and mucb distres- (1009) DF Omnlbtue. sed. Since then he bad uken little food and Lowors & Cooko. TIME TMLE STWMUS been much reserved. Pall MM Jltdpt. BUILDERS Of SHIM LAINE & CO. or the MlCIDtUT V - A feat of Telegraphy. White Lead, XKUSSES! TKirssxS! lIAVt A KnHK OfTIIF. in iu. its aiujcan, line Tnussus: Zinc, Colors, Oils, INTEE-ISLAN- D We have often heard of the wonderful Faints, this country and Teheran, the capital "7"ory SKamboat, auamshlp. Land between Turpentine, Etc., Etc. Host of Persia, a distance of 3,600 miles, but we Ia Cart. signals -- ENGINES AND scarcely realized tho fact that good by STEAM NAVIGATION CO. obc, Ac BOILERS great length or Tor Sals Hay, &.c. rt. Wtre obtainable through so a Grain, ourselves at mm niMvxi oa ctmrcm. 'wire Mtil recently, when we availed Lowers & Cooko. WHICH IS OFrEUED AT THE oriWe lerRH. an invitation from Mr. W. Andrews, the of i of managing director of the Tel- HOLLISTER & CO. Branches, rrrctn VEntu ail Uwb. Mtn,u. COTTA Lowest Market Prices Manaaf VomL turn egraph Company, to make a visitofinspection. C.aHa. 7 and 8 on Sunday evening, Pipes, Chimneys, D DELIVERED FREE TO AIT PAST OF THE CUT OKDI.XAHT E3H1IHSJ1 .W. U.U alt waa between TERRA Stmr.PLA.ISrTER aW. r.i.,.a. .ApriUS,wbcn we reached tho office In the i old Pots, &e., &c. BATEiJ, Commander. basement o! an unpretentious building in AULKTN 1'OR.TIIE rniJl tvtl'.trilCN. aWaraaMtKMjan aa shown tho Morse printer ' Kona rtract .Its r.fw.ac in ta. Trad, aa acjl daCr Broad street we were A Invoice, of Celebrated J-- Top Will Itun Itegular for and Kan Large the Sol. by Pacific Mutual Life Insuranco Company, ar a. SpM4. aa in connection with the main lino from London t. rwar tmaa. atA W ?to Teheran. The courteous clerk in charge of Lowors & Cooko. OF CAtlFOItSIA, Leaves Honolulu at4p.rn.on Fork, informed us that wo ftTEAn D4MLEB", Pameatar the wire, Mr. Blagrovc, h! "HOOVEE Frtiay...... April fTneaday.... Kay 27 tncntteti rn J. A. rarara. II. Woovwara. Agents for tho TEIEPHONE." Taeaday. tho qMiity of were through to Kmdcn, and with tho same ljiFridaj...... ,.im fry forjlnr. ia matcetol and weehmaehrn. n4 COMMISSIONER OF SEEDS Friday SToeidiy.. l? none bat work twodocod. caso with whicli one "aires from the city to raoriuxTORs or ths Tneedar May Friday j7 the Wost End," we asked a few questions ol CJEL.LULOID TRUSSES FOR CALIFORNIA. Friday' " I ecialty. ru.thfliLLiA.iD nruAauyuHinu Urn telegraphist to tho German town; .When - llfMKRr mtnV rt- tht approred. plane. Ithe CRYSTAL SODA WORKS BT- TELEPnOXE SO. 147. 1M If Kcturnlng, Touching at Haalaea itVrralalca. mt we bad finished with Emden wo spoko with AI. Abo all BoUor Into Work 'ontedetf tarrrnltA. on duty Friday April ll,Tn(aday...... m....jBR the same facility to tho gentleman at Goods Acknowledged I - WATKIt rir&nriMWMHaHlNo'aayela, Our are the Beit Tneiday ' zriFrlday H tn Odessa. This did not satisfy us, and m a few tlao Paotory. ! Friday Jlay KTneaday ...... M Sf taode ttbl arpcth. tm fooaocftns UgvCb. ta were through to the Tcrsian capi- Direct From NO C0EKS, Just Arrived Tneaday..... " H FilUay ..Jely be4 rolled, pnaebod and pnrk4 for rltrpaMnt, seconds we Friday' ITKK" (Teheran.) There were no messages about, per "Dale of Abrrcorn.fonn Mmpool, 3 b ready to bt riveted on the (rotad- - tal And eiriTinj at llonolnln. the tame day at p fit. favorable, and tho employees ef We Use i cwrarari. HTDRAtLlCBIvrTt.oU. Pa4Wff Worhn4Wtv the time was for TRUSSES. Patent Stoppers so-Xji- On the oat trip, win tonch only at the foltowlnc porta :a(af Have Especial FACILITIES Adjusting a i In Eon Halloa. Keinhon, Uookrna end Jlooptloa. tee Pfpo mado Vj tble eoUMlsdiaiool. by the various countries seemed anxious to givo We ajstx poh i, rfee4 In all our Bottlef. Fftmljci Ce no DydranHc MveUta! Mahlry. ns an opportunity of testing tho capacity of ONE MILE OF IR WORK. UuttaaWr ef oorb this wonderful line. T. II. N. (Teheran) said, betnn fer aprlor to band work. than WA-LLlS- "call Kurrackcc," and in less time it Ginger Ale but ours Stnxr n tUIF TTOBU. Ship and Means Cnaotano, W to write these words, wo gained the at- Jjiglit Portable Railway Bails, C.U1ER0X,I WHcbo. Afr and CWikiH. Pwor, ntodo Re Uo takes Cotnauadrr, IGHT. moe: epprtord plea tention of the Indian town. The signals were Co., CUILDKES CRY FOR & 19 Tuesday, 3 p. HoUister per and 2Uneh with LeaTes Honolnla every at good and our speed must bavo equalled fifteen lb, Jrd; Since a, rtnpn. Tho operator at Kurracbce, crop for HawiUwili, Eoloa, Eleela and "rVilmex, t WaUfWkaaojpo.m tn'riolU the ceKWeUd Cory words a minute. OUR SOI) AWATER cniree, laze. when he found that London was speaking to Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nuuanu St. Eacai. Eetnmlntr, LeaTes HawiUwili every A CO. Valve Motion. eBperlor w aa? other pwBrp. thought it would be a good opportunity db We dVl.TL'r oar UiMxls Free of Chsrre to ill rtirt AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGOHS Saturday Evening. Acwniao for WoHhilcaonaj Dwooon. 1 intj him, of the Cilj. tn famnnw through to Agra, and to our astonish- 7 tf to put ns Caurfvl ltn..oa pl4 to Jund Orueta: Aadrti lEET. ment the signals did not fail, and w o chatted pleasantly for a few minutes with Mr. Malcolm N.B. Thla Jtatlwar la enlubte for Animal Power. MATfET?, this tri. The' Crystal Soda Worlrs, Stmr. JAS. Kabn, the clerk on duty. To mako fifiFimiM, ALbO FOR SALE rREEICA. Commiadrr, atches g fPBBaCaaflaal I? telegraphy complete, Agra switched ?' nmph of o. cor aw 1 11. 1. 3 talk-fi- itraeaitrs r uosolulu. Straight Kalis, lbs. to the LeivesJHonolola every Thnnday, at p. m. lli.saBarnaraaBarsn1Ba to another line, and we were soou Steely li jirJ f - P tss on -- Gov- a for Kapaa & Kilanea. Eetornlnj. Xeares to a native telegraphist at tho Indian tST 0UE TELEPHONE IS NO. 298. For the worUnjt ot 31ew re. John Fowler Jt Co.' ernment Cable Station, Calcutta. At first the and locomoilree, thonnderelrncd bra; to refer t Kauai every Monday, at 4 p. m, and touch- i rcfiaon. Pmith A Co..Jfo. Ill J.D.Sprrckela.EfqofSprrcarliTlllc. wtereallaala Amrais, a BjannnnnTaBBaTaK'IWBHwlH fcdj gentleman at the other end of the wire could Fori frtrwt. will rccdTg prompt attcwtloa. 1003 ing at Walinae botn wayi-- waa really in direct com- nawani.iioprraumi. r?4 not believe that he For f arth rrparllcalara, apply aaaBBBBaBaBBl um English capital, and he ! . t. munication with tho Perfumery Perfumery Vf. L. OEEEN'. or exclaimed in Morse language, "Arc yoa really Book Bindery O. W. JIACMELAME at Co., Stmr. C. R. BISHOP, i London?" Truly this waa a great achitTC-mou- t. Perfumery ! reriumery IW7 AztgU for Joka Fowlrt Ca DATI3, Commaailrr, Metallic communication without a ALVIN H. EASEMANN Wo want th6"PublIo"t61jhdor- - a r aBavaBavaBanavaaBflBasi f I 18 Broad street, Loudon, to Leaves Honolnla ErerrTaesday, at 4 psu, pr d break from 0I" Wit be t Botlfj the public that he Rings, office Calcutta. 7,000 miles stand that tho for g, o BaaaaaaflaaaaWl fcri tho tdegraoh in KokaLhaele. Honoxia and Paaahaa. o flHVBrnrsBrJBHi.t of wirof The signals were excellent and the Has Opened a Book' Bindery arrives at Honolnla every Sanday 'i H was not less than twelve, per- & CO., Union Feed Company, speed attained Morning. HOLLISTER pre- ns stones haps fourteen words per minute. Itlraphiti. Id the GAZETTE BUILDING, and li now la Readand Wlllioz to Fantiah all the sSmaSv'''M0'im m pared to do all kinds o( OFFICE of Conpaar. foot HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, r Ue af Sllaara Slrtet A Clever Trick. Received the largest Sc, Sc Wl.r f. Have Just Book-Bindi- ng ararlaarXSH m If . An of tho navy, who resides in ...... IT MAT EEI1..--.- ... takiog a walk the . ASD the Eue Pavin in Paris, was B other day iatbo Luxembourg Gardens when Paper-Rulin- g. AT THE LOWEST RATES. OAH.HXa.Gr-- L BarBarBarBarnaT!ji suddenly we want room a Large ?.- - he saw a well drcaaed gentleman Ai to make rr A LBaaaTaBaa'BBaaf II Si signs PERFUMERY Slock on the waj. pssesbbbbbebbb to bis face and manifest OF Magazines. Catalogues, raise his bands LOT Pamphlet, fere len ea C JKmi JTf or violent pain. The old officer went up to aTAlIorderiprtrnptJ attended to. Uooit dellrered ' BBIhI we fH was th KINGDOM, COMPRISING Reports, Etc., t a ptrchneo KeptreedlBf all etker him and kindly inquired what .matter. EVER IMPORTED INTO THIS Etc., loua tBTelcPhono Ho, t73."jtZm I If Mteaa'JatHer, A of dust has FOR SALE rraynt onw (V0h,iar, bow I suffer! grain Sound to onto In ShpvCalfkln, Morocro. Leather BECAlSEviT M XOBK 'cot into my eye some way or other. Would or Iloardi. To the Proprietors of Sugar Mills. New York Phaeton taitandexaav Jou please blow into the eyo and try to remove Over Fifty Different Odors of the Celebrated Br itrirt attention tohniln. and modtnln One CeoaoaalcaJ af TmuU gcnily torned np the suffer- charree. I trait U merit a fair aliare of tha sablle AGENT FOR VUIST CIVSS it'" The captain daironajr. torn AS I Wo aMaaa.aiaJ ... rAaa Wlti Fata and SaaJUl Lmm ..ak ! ..Ju.larfa.lfl.unninaij nrHHW wir-- r LUUa U a?JaU, carefully holding bis bead in Alkllilaiaiai er's eyelid, and, - tract for traUdias Perforated Ilot Air rnrnaeee (with 3w aaa la tpcrfKt arHrr: aaltabl. for a fanllf bla.Ib.all both bands, be began to breatbo with every treat dJcpatch) accordls; to the dcalcae af thalate nr y sale br Xaaiaraf Truuimtatiaa a zephyr to a lempest, Lundborg- Manufacture. celebrtted Chemical Pm? Pecofy. formerJy lim CAHTtE t. COOIE. degree of force, from AbdereoaUB I'nlTerattr, gcntle-.ma- n SteelFOB of at the the Ralls AN& COSTS NO over the Fart affected, nnlil at last UUirow. Bs aJl partlee fron air McClTXSHET SOX MORE! .m-- s, M. W. ft eserrcrs, appeared relieved, and warmly thanked Odor-Case- PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Imalsarr Patmt Infrliffemenu or lloraltiee whkh Fail deecrtpUon and prtcct can bt eAaJnt4 by Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c. impair the aoladity of the work anddeminlah then-inl- DEALERS Df jaUnairaa IT his benefactor. An hour afterwards tho latter obtained from brsln the mejrne direct from apptteaUon to becamo aware, while sitting in a cafe on the ! therolleTfl,effetln2paramonalobJecU,Tlx: BaTlazet Leather. Hides, & Tallow i, laa at-- w. C. Railways raeu waruaw. .c. - - honofufu. Boulevard St. Michel, that be too had been uaor. tUTinc atMai. uihwt. tirlfaravtart- rowell. 15 ft, lesguut 14 lbs. to the yard niSm E.OAKLEY, Kiqaera Street. tbgly ol Ar-- UfAtiM teeaapV. relieved ef bis watch and purse! Hollister & Co., ooanoaazorv xxxxcxmwTm Jaat recetred pnDal ef Abercon," E. S. CTJNliA, AOESTSrOR 3. ' ECa-csr.alliax- fron Urerpool. IvLotnll TATino Iloynl 8onp Oomp7 SALAMANDER FELTIMB j.g;exrts Xor Donlor. il. I. Kingdom V?. ITKTON X:tt If L'Stfact. ' Cer&trofTortasdCarra&trrte.'llouolala. iWApplyt L..GBIE2T,'ot SAtOCTK. n to a Oils, Sana, Salt 59 aTmuura St, and Cor. Fort and Merchant St. O. W. X1CT1ELAXZ Cb, In tht rear of the Hawaiian CaieUettmiIdlnt. later, raiats, aai Balliiaf loos BALL rnOGILVJIifES, 40 AgtaU rcrJao.Towlr Co Street. 1 CARDS. Jtjle. t i'overis Biler$.S(eaB 1037 It Katsrials sf srsry kUd, tn 3ro.S3tertliaat ntateit tte Gurttt Ontt. 'TVAS 1 laaf.isa.javfta.aliJa. ln . jrtlaitafHap Savsa 39 percent, of r .rraCa, PSICE ESlJflB T8 17. m, er. fFerryni9 V ! rvM mij Ar'--, .

' r- J 1 5e- - H , -- ' & ' - rf JU-- iiSaJAOM&.- Jgj &WT phiwimiwxomity ju awls w

tmcrtisrmtnts. . (?cncrcl gniflalgaagtifarmmiaS etntrol aJJutrfisraimls. glbccrtisantntg. nuhil pluTJCflistmmta. or obUinrf. (Smtrd S.T. AAXAS Sncmr Eoonomie. pctrf .V.UBTSB. fe:'f"SfcmU -- - Th foJIowidffx33cnl tfUelecntho j Icootribntioau from lhc bj GO wiL0kttf"g.:P- CARTER AND COUfT economic condition of aarantrj - - ttt.XKT. S.M. IIDIA RICE U calculate the lAutiea tcit uu. . i ww- - ma PArP..' - H.HAGKFELH & tfce of -, mat, loaaimicor' tt x ett orti pert ul .erTOB ros".-- - a is J "V and Dealers in mai.rfi-noi.i- ir i,euiidmU 1 In the Ikxrboibe Agri-JSitf- j- - - - Importers Eli veil of the OFFER FOR SALE detli with the economic UxeA impoaed on the portion T o( our osrn creas .sap... Firewood Coal and Fee.' rslae Gore, says p lit Honolulu Carriage OF NEW GOODS The Barbadoa AjnaJltral tended to INVOICES v--ai Mm of the earn, !;!- - obtain n accurate fSS a. -..;.. No one cm . JEST UECHTED VSS. i'rJLjrJSriSriS.IKlur, eoimtrj-witb- j- tlirx Tftich of Uiition, tuen iiman(i t IWI otuc and aocisl condition or anr - JLU1C X , ai uauiltprxlufr. ind t tot - feSS - aaaaaaaaBn .. -- "-lll D1TH MAJS U AU roiiowK tlisf ontMfaMenBEtwoqiiMU'on,Tii, many oi vJu expemea .m.nMnt JUMdtsonHooietaftt;t.f-Cotlf. U-"a wuvtwi.on tbe portion of " KALE," AND NttW KtfuU 5 a productions, smd'lww w - to be met by axea wWch fall BARKS k..1and tk Ctlfbmfd WeUtnitw- - XIm iUttple pro-v- .. 130 Fort Stroot, iWrm 128 and --- - conntry'a prodneU that ii deilioed to Nos. Dtpanvr D7 tribtttea; in our own " the " MAZATLAN " CljCmL!. 0 J. .Kj Bm-- tiTM cannot MATERIALS! Blackmltta answered.sif Hatches, earuv t. (OppotUt the rantbcoa SUblei), BUILDING .v nay -- jr Ilia nmaieritT Ct toe U. I a gpaBJiMglMl einran, roola, mm, molmiM and aujar m. t.: :...!. HmoloU. PROM BREMEN, tad innedlate dcUvtrj saaniBtrra. baaaidtobelheeolj prodocUoM which are . - .w ;! KnnlT what has been (3 The t orTaix Kilns. j I H oTtoportance: and errn of these, the annual aaid to the caae of our own Ialand. pois CARRU6E MANUFACTORY GIVE US A CALL Tilne of the time first mentioned u not rerj TaloeoTUie annual re r aaid, bemc."" 'Asst. of Dry'Goods, Telephone Ho. 30S. mat. Thus uj cross aoou.i .. m.t- - aa we hTe already at A Lrgc ... a s .... 1. MfimitMl as Mine RECEIVED abotXl,W00. OfthM.S.t..clcnJlS WHEELWRIGHT AND seen as JUST about il,S00; and the Talneof the that a little leia man one ui. ";-- - Pf prodnctiTely within the Wand, and ttat the Denuna, Brown and Wluta CottoM, i "" "" in: jlso Kssr nt stvex - ui-irh- Bed, ?!iw?.jrjr":uuz- abont u RNEKAL BLAGKSMim Dnlla, Tickinsa, Toriey c, Tbe Twneoivr.u ram uaa. - remaininr one half or XiOO.OW, axxca. iteIbo oUlIthewjv-prodocU ecb the handt of merchant., prop- - Oertw, but co into - Hay 107, & 111 FKEMO Utn; comnued frith tbe . .Mai.( from Merinos, black and colored qualities 109 wlin netort, ana nps .,., T1I HAMIT ACTOKT COSTiISS A ARRIVALS! New Zealand ; crop and of the M LATE Cabfomia and Vou Tiloe of the ntar tbeiuAOOf ana uui w.mu Jlerp, Cobonrri, Alpacaa, Italian Cloth, and Cora, Whole and Crooned Bran, obtained Iron it! tbalof thelonnerbeinr expended bj them, not in Ibe ,..: Carriage Shop Cirley, Whole and Ground ; Wheat, 156,000. rrt Complete Feed. i:iri:Mir.i.s. AmntusTEAithO and of the latter about ------G-ooa.- 4EVI&AL j MHdlmra, and other Tin:ivi)iA ,T T E"1T 7 Kmtl Improrra XI MOfiOO, eUeirbere. -- n" fc' - - tfcrtr'rtT .. d if ttthry the aboTe mentioned ijneeuona coc- to not resident BlacksmlthlShop, j gr Order the abore throuKh f rH Hltlk fc JWtctto Tbeaeeondof anno! itnc-- T crop - renons Dross MUU U U iJ Pf HriilUBlbk- Hut Iran lu pobdr Faddy, a Jladmiuof u teen as rewXjtrwtrr.bantt.-M' otbrrjl.lll By cannotbe eoaaajdupoaedrf. Pnlnt Shorj and CARGOES UMaSr' - fr the queetion, bat teeomtioi not onlj" diminishes the URGE AND befatratatcd aa . cret Ti!. tnd rncy l'rInt,Tntntyrite Jew, Mjlw, delirerpr and ftn weight. liland'a prodncta, into whose handi do and nleaiare for resi- - Trimming Shop, and we warrant quick Reduce the Rates Hi thia 1 Orders from the other lalaada toUeitad. is enabled to largely forthe tliejor doea their money eqniralent olumatelj rnnted Satteena, rompadoara, Flaldl, jo.andbowiithiaeqtuTalrotexpendedT 'ow Carriages I Ginghams, ietoria LAwnt, Satin Btripea FREE DELIVERY HAH1 Of MHITIM Family Fancy btnped Grenadinea, , AHOIC Till AHUAHW r a glance at the tpirei prtn w -- -- AXD 11AVIMJ IT AT Till. HKX it la obrioai from CabSecara.extent, me btii tamjwfc White Silk Japanese, Twim,6errel, t thectty Bemvmber IIEAm . iLT-- f!iM We bODC Expresses, toalloartaof mai m. xa abore, not only that the principal prodoction . l. .IfAMtliar rsie. and Moire, TfinivMniru Popuns, Satin - the bat that the ancar pro-- to return to Colored Velieta, . IUfflh! King maA X gtvltnj- --T rk at IW aa Fraadaro ni Iiland it tncar. liodiatant dlte tb,ni'jec'to. Bueeies,, Black and L t82 Street. ritCTi M wyrlrl'f Iik-Ui-f lln Sa4 JtavlMCliilbrjIrMtif Wer bantaMe Rlre rwi illJli tw SralJtavlC ftam for llallinandClMDlnfi AKI) Alb' 4(1 a.a.t (jullljur man " rra.atlRe t St lifawvnltx lnMillMr Iaciar "i CONSIGNMENTS OF PADI JS1. t "Win. GEEE Tbe Chine at Horn anything. They won't pretend to be sym- rwrol Ibrrrtismunlo. Central Ctfiijrrtisniitiits. ' (Central CommiMion Mardiajit pathetic any more than they wjll powder their eriurol 2Hroatisrmiiit5 iTOrrtbcmtnts. GorU M. writei . W If RICE I laces, or let their dressmaker improve their iTronatbetittllT X. CAKTXB. ff. Ttrr of the Chioeae. figures. That's why they are ao bonog; they . T. UUSAJU not exactly what Are called & ajpTliero ut ClU are too narrow to be sympathetic and too con- WILDER CO. icoction-afsnes- W. H.HACKFELD&GO s id Ubioa. but rather H. PAGE, netMtDisten scientious to be polite. is carnertness does S. M. CARTER AND COMP'Y New'G-ood- licAda of Each of the It by !Lat dcpartmenls. it; earnestness is naturally narrowing. It is trho will Importers and Sealers in 1 latter deapatcliea Itla own coarier. earnestness, too. sets their nerves in a OFFER FOR SALE B2 Kins U Uoaelara, 1L RelslJ DeslwU ofteD, with good relay of lioraei. do 4 00 to 00 auivcr and makes them so restless. They cau never i Honolulu FEOM SAN FRANCISCO, leagues in aa waoj days. This cxiilaios tbe Carriage sit still; they are always twitching, dotCt you J INVOICES OF NEW GOODS rapidity or the overland route, which often Firewood Goal and Feed. NEW YORK i boats. r electrical effect. iVomcn in earnest have no MANUFACTORY, JCST KECEIVED rU LUMBEK We woold notify Ibe public and hoaitkef pert In par pXhe'best Minister, aaj the Chinese, is cTery-bod- y; UcaUr.taatwakevp o& haad and for ! la aa repose of manner, but a woman of the world AXIS aa Ca oTdefioiUon I hit applicable to tie wit-tie-st lltltatoanftparcluacra and at loweat rates Ja! ii feigns that, just as she feigns sympathy, be- Nos, 128 130 BARKS "KALE," AND fellow Hard and haft H ooda, cat any lenrtaa j Vaae- - are no taxes in the and Fort Stroot, hvcooL W oeotca indindaal. There cause makes her pleasant to other people. 1 yji ewtutle Loalr. Loala, Received by Cast! collected at it " MAZATLAN " and tbe Celebnrted W elltnton Mine interior of China, only dues are (Opposite the r.BthcuD Oh, there's no donbt of It; women with a pur buVlct), ! Departure Hiy Coattj alio. the treaty porta, and white Cbioa buys Eu-- Ilonot&ln. XI L BUILDING DUE pose are man women, MATERIALS Blaekfmltha Coal. ALSO, TO ARRIVE Br VESSELS TOOK 1 ropcan goodff, representing about half a frane vastly Miter other tut FROM BEEMEN, they are not nearly so nice !" Son Jose Jlcr- - and Immediate d.Urry cnarantcedV per iodiridual, she exports produce for six CoBFhtlnj; la part of aa follows. i cujy. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY or AM. Ill M.S. jj times that ratio. Among the reasons alleged I To jus 8oia JLOWJ for tbe Chinese not leaving VaterlaDd San A Lurgc Asst of Dry Goods, LA GIVE USA CALL at and Queensland will of course de- iBrnrrol rtrttscinrnts. Franciaco WHEELWRIGHT AND Telephone No. SOS. GOODS mur is the belief that tbo soul docs not qmt JUST KECE1 VED the soil where and to born, quit one natire Denims, Urown and Vblt Cottons, EX parish, is to rieV death in a atrange country GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Dnlla,Tietincii, Tarkej lied, Ac., H'' ALSO KSEP VI SHOCK Suitablefor Plantations,d and if sot brought Ld,of beiog thus depnred THE CHAMPION of eternal association with grandsircs. THE XAJtUrACTOUV CONTAISi, A Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities JBC-n-- y Families in China do not scatter; they stale aa3. Oats, X LATE ARRIVALS! Or FAJIILIKS. (Inlcrh Killed at Sliorte-- l out like growing corn; a kind of tadpole ex- Complete Carriage Shop Itepps, CobourKS, Alpacas, Italian Ooth, and California and Sew Zealand ; pansion. It is thoa one hundred families can Corn, Whole and Groaned : Bran, (ii i Barley, Whole tartlon I'iirchaM'r. Attention it trace their stretching up to the mountains of BlacksmithiShop, BKVXHAL and Ground ; Wheat, Fire Dress Ooods, UidJlincs, and other Feed. EThibet, tfu? itods of thoxlcsert, or the borders and Paint Shop bUCUAS sdftt T Order the abore through. fotTjUio this sideling conquest bas and set. JLnd URGE AND CARGOES TEIJHOXENO.aaXi, XnipKovecl JPaxds 'been efiected. not by arms, but by tbe plow. Trimming Shop, Fancj Print. Tnenty-FH- c Aevr, btjles, IIAfW I- TUC'OM. tlKMilNRTAttlb WAIlEiF ranee and JLugland would do well to nitc, aa I'nnted batteeos, 1'ompadotirB, and we warrant qnick ddiTtrpv and ft11 weight. Lqui). If not Itrlin llian m Mirl Mm Line ')otntbrM they have nomadic Arabs to deal with, that t llaida, Orders from the other Islands solicited. inwiNiIUa1arKalInwllffwCA Job. litm A C Family Carriages GaBfihams. ictorii Iiwns, Batin btripes, IImwIImvp rUnrt Jr CaDF km madrttf LttrI UiDumnlrr; China Las subdued, in the Tartars, and over Proof Expresses, raney btnped Grenadines. FREE DELIVERY U AtrandrtrtaMaUnrkB Tick. Hot- Adc Ar and Mba come ibeir repugnance lor aa agricultural lue, Burglar White Bilk Japanese, Twills, beifpi. Oallm llrltlNC if IS Ibrk brwt qtaalll l4la IlnUtrf(, llomm. Poplins, rUtin and Moire, .11 IHitlablp Itics-.- . a race of free rovers, wilder than those round m to parts of tbo ct! Uemcinber Oi lUnaa AlKl(tN'al BtaWtn A Buggies, Ulack and Colored Vclreta, j. lHpfwPti( aitdAbf4loMpm facktltt Itr-- 1 lodia Ifabhrr Mn i Berber or injBouthern Algeria. Property in 82 Klne suid rtabbfiJ.MiL LcratLT and IclnptlirdU KattHr Strain Tatkl CuioTis haloed at 2,000 milliards of francs. Fheetons, FINE SILKS, Strt. T.lko.. and hlcatltl doXacbimr; OH lard A1wiWlworrriiif China 'has noTreasury; a few functionaries . COlirHlMSO c Omnibuses, Black, Groaprain, Fancy, Colored and Slnped Vi DISSTOITS CELXBRATED SAWS AND r:. merely at tbe receipt of customs." She ltarece, Crepe, Ac, has no public't debt, no loans, no monopolies, filrirX JatkMm tndMibbl-it- Hamntvi forCarprnlrrs, Mact ALL 1J1E USUAL SIZES t.atad w.rmtstatla.llfllxpf .Iotpc and Male hL( ISaUi, Gair no savings banks, no pensions, in a sense no Drays and Trucks TAILORS' GOODS: SIOCE Special Notice civil servants, and no so no financial SAFE banls, Breaking Carts, Uaci&Uns, Diagonals, Tweeds, Cords, is Tbe Undersigned, rroprletor of tbe XracJts. Tbo Chinese lend money among them- bcrcrs, bilegias, Doeskins, CasBimere, Ac, Latest Ixaprovements in S selves, charging no intercut, if outsiders re- Wagons, SCANTLIN0. 3t!tinr.rturrill'ytlicClaclllDU ttc .ntl Plantation UnMiaw kill LOU iUt Low lUt" llnblinc). ffhlir and 1 L quire accommodation, the "hcutper(6bcnl" A Splendid Asst. of Shirts,1 TIMBEB. FLANK, BOARDS, ftUkc MapafUrlnrt-iMl-Vd.ltT.zi- and lactam Tata principal perhaps to disgust spend thrifts is Hand Carts, Etc., Etc. Barbel mirt.r.alnrrtitlinVIn' llooflafc acted on, the rate of 30 per cent; the loan is (Woolen, Mixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, Ac.) CANDY at LocL Lompinj. IDE TO ORDER OR MOST FEKCIK0 ASI. STEAM FACTORY (limited to throe years, and not repaid, the F1V0H1BLE TERMS Merino and Cotton Undershirts, lit H.t 0Ft--5- cr if only penalty is inability ever to negotiate Cir-- -- Vhite HoHom bhirts, Aeu, again And All 'Work Guaranteed! aa Socks AticI XJrlx.oi3r f I and Stockings, Handkerchiefs, STAPi.iiiand A II and I Ilteaebrd and Ualrtei t0, to lVa.au. u TUMrzA a tael. Were a Chinese discount company Tbe Foulards, OIotcs, OIV Dei res to Inform bl patron and tbe pnblle crnet- - ttrnwn and lltmlird imil Xin Mirrttnt MoqH Lacr Nrt, Mi desert attention tfrtn to REPAIR WORK Of ally UutnotwIthftanUlDrtherecrnt d.bitrom A Ha f WhUf tiaittl bo started here, such conditions would insure Ali E. P. Adams, : : : Agent, ALL KINDS. A Are. HE II VS KULCTKl) troops ot clients LAKGE INY0I0B OF OLOTIIINtJ A Host Complete Stock particularly, ought to take note, bcealnbadaeaa on the ltlanda for of GROCERIKS, Golden Gale, S France bnmbcr of rears, employini noo4 bot the moat tklllf al AS A NEW PACTOEY STAPLE since her budgets arc 10 admirable disorder, orJfecbanicf.andnalDzoDlr AI MATERIAL, 1 can It BAKESY Fine lihek Cloth On kcjId Stricuy Uaarantec all work leaUng my iUauUetorr. Frock Coats and Fants, A FINE ASSORTMENT WALL FAFER a math more extensive which la now tn fait rortto caused by 21. dc Frcycincl't ideal scheme of Thwe hare all of the otavr Jiackskin OF opeutlon, and which will be Id complete wotkln or Ulmlili ltirr Miliwoii hay AIM ilironiU Uoift Satis cood qmlltic ot GIre me Sacks Fanta and Suits, public Works, that in China bridges are built Bar a rail before rarcbailns eliewtere. Felt, Mohair, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Tants, order by an early antral of new Machinery and Tools. ualLera, , lJoys OU "We Offer THE PAXJ and highways constructed, by rich private in- Don't Torcet the Plaoa ! bhirta and Children's Jackets, lAntl la now Prepared MavnaJketmre Tor Kerosene who onlv demand as recompense for Monkey and bailor Jackets, LATLfcl SrillJt. to dividuals 133 and 1W Fort SU, (opposite Dodd e Stable), their patriotism, that their names be ergrarcd I. It. Coats and LecpinKs, Carpet Slippers. cannotbe beat for quality or Silk and I. C. Umbrellas and Farasofs, HAILS, LOCKS it on stones, indicator Such inside and1 patent W. H. Choicest Pure 'Candies one of the or slabs. Patent Iloltnork HIn?e PACE. .aiivj auu amifi'tiiijzouaWlB, n. And will alaaya on band Ml Dttlclosj VUXCATT, good oil and a a method is worthy to be added to Sberoe's 1002 ua)iwuaou j.urBisa joweis. . BUTTS. 1HN0ES,. hare three manners for handing one's name down Proprietor. White and Fancy Qailts. fUESH MAUK Felt Itacsand Brussels CaipcUng, to posterity. In China, a man on reaching the Cap over Locks and UoIU, BOLTS. SCBEV!5.1 tc Vanilla Chocolate WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEE age of three score years and ten, receives off- i- NEW and STYLISH Creams, cial honors, whether rich or poor; such will BLANKETS: Coco an ut Candles, Orpai Horse Tlie Cheapest Good I'Uno; r llmen be invited to the banquets of functionaries, islillfliiery UlankeU. White and Fancy Blankets, Rich sNufraU la bars. ADd be waited on by the latter. Ooods Fancy btnped Woolen, two sizes. 1! And to hiTe ImproTemcnta. domestic minj rainiblc " Scarlet, Orange, White Woolen, 3 and 4 points. ORV Sugar Routed Almond The real tribunals in China are the Threads, Tape, Elastic, Scarfs, RE0W000! circie, respect as a Ladies' Underwear and lc, the for ancestors. Just Silk and VeWetTIiblions, CREAM CANDIES.great variety; Frenchman, when all other modes of affirma- Solid Anglclron Covers, Front and Back. Ilattons for Shirts, Coats, I'anta, Dresses, Scantling; Flank, surface and rongh EMMELUTE tion fail, will testify by the head or the ashes CMldcns' Clothing Soft Marsh-Mallow- s, J. Ma Legal PERFUMERY", FLORIDA WATER. Boards, anrfacctfand rongh; Battens, of his never by his grandmother. x fctmr. Alameda and other Late Antral!. No. 5 KOTTANTT STREET, H tuicide is permitted in China. Political crimes Gennino Kan de Cologne, Lnbin's Extracts, rickets, Fnstic, Lattice, Clapboard. Cum Drops, and are the most severely punished, because strik Aad bear nails, tticrby tiiinff crest increase la Toilet bo,ips, Philocome, Hair Oil, Combs, Cum Fruit Bon Bona ing at the unity of the state, the common fam- Mirrors, Loo king Glasses, Pipes. atrcustb. One epccisUjlmporUBt adTantage over all Mrs.W. H. WILKINSON I. It. Balls, Harmonicas, Blank Books, OI all descriptions. All Ihos. Horn. Mad. rresk 'Supe ily. A murderer cannot be executed notil he "AL.U, l! 5T0CI1. par. Conlectlons. I sell at cents per IoaaaV ..d Agents othf I Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, a. for the I owns his crime; but he is left iu prison, not on bttti THE IASIIIONABLE ' RICH WEDDING CUE OF THE FLAVOR a bed of roses, until he confesses. For a third VIENNA FURNITURE: Pant and Vhitcwash Brushes FINEST robbery or adultery, the penalty Drcss-.IIake- repititionof Milliner & r Extension, Arm, Dining Koom and Parlor 111IITC LEAD, la all ilxea alwaya on band, and ornamented is death. There is no faitb felt in letting loose The Patent Chairs, bettees. ale In tbe moat artistic ityle. 9 the Saddles, miITtZI'sCT, q- - convicts as so many Robinson Crusocs in OP FORT STREET, Calfskins, Girths, SUrrnp Leathers. MINCE Arcuipelsgo, or mulcting damages . PIES always fresh ractnc in CRATES OF A9 ALSO shi os a cataplasm for wounded honor. Magnetic and Automatic nrzslo inform tbe Lidlri of noDoluIn and tlif otbrr ASSORTED CROCKERY f Simon conclude that individualism is tbe I. land, that .h.Biinavantlwih. t.aiirti'KT ! HFU MU&T ELEGANT Areenmcnto! tbe Lstcit Mjlet of Oontaiuinc Plates, Caps, TeapoU, Bowls, METALLIC AND OTHER FAINTS! Home - Made Mince Meat ' .r'fMa bans of Chinese social and political life, Chambers, Kico Dishes and Bakers, liiamarck, France and England must blush on Millinery, Demijohns. .1 and C galls ; Simple Bottles, For Sale at W tents per round. Vases learning there are no socialist In Chica; JS.iiik and Safe Locks, and Gliajjware.MarJIaiuidTarTodBope, ..Glass.; 'MiTe ne Cnn fh hat.nas a .. that flowers, Hemp Packing, Coal an.! fbofrdynamitcrE; no drunkards save and I. It. Baskets, machinery of the newrtt detlgni for maiafactirisr all opium, Feathers, Salt, deacrtptlona of plain Landiea. -- fwbichjJoeViduty as tobacco, chloral and alco- - s ff i naKjra Bonnets, d3 OELlco TbaaUns the pabllc for prerlona liberal patroruee t.5?f i hoi s? oo paupers; no wife beaters; no Sugar Boga Firewood. and eliciting a continuance With KeTplTlng Dolh Of all sixes of tbeiaac. . And materialists will be glad to hear, Hati, Etc., and qualities. Aery Keipectfnlly, ij.os.c---- - . , there is no religion. With the heathen Chinee, To M fooad In tble citr and veil adapted to tbe eomlnr Coal Bass, Gnnniefl. Twine, Burlaps 351. Holidara Tbeae Uoodf were Selected with Care, and woolpack iOOECDT. "Suspect religion" is a rule of life. 'nofa well lulled to tbe wants or and Twined Backing, Linen Hose, DOORS SASH' BLINDS rractlcal CoafecUoner at Paltry Cook. -- 9 Tblf Lock Is cue of Ike mott tbe Ladles ot Honolulu and VtnMmlP said the and tbe Islinds. - - TUE 1 M Gambella of clergy; so GROCERIES- ALLMIZCS, OLD ST.VSD, 71 U0TEL ST extremes meet. TELxoSSSB A 7 0t MX0-1- W Comprised in Airs. Wilkinson Stock mar be fonnd Sardines, in half and quarter boxes, ' , t Convict Mortality. LADIES' l.VDrJtKAIt. aa. tuau a . uuiajuiU, OitU la jaiH. OfEastern and California Mnko. Castor Oil bteannej R ana Simple and Reliable IMAJIH AID CII1I.DIU3B in Tins, Candles, 4, and 6 rOIl SiLK IV QCINT1T1ES TO TELEPHONE No 211 The following figures show the death rate MAicuea, vocoanni uu. uaan itin. SflT thirty-ni- ne 11 E.O. per one thousand convicts per annum in CLOTHING of all Descriptions, Uobbnck' Unseed Taint Oil, iMuto Lead, AMD AT A Hall & Son State Prisons in the United States. nmia inc aoint. The MOiea table compiled from official reports, mostly Combination Locks Hand Basa. x. is laooke.,bnt LnLbcr; LIQUOKS : ov in,xcxiama relating to tboXscaljcar 16b2: I .1.. 11..U n.a.a.1.0. i 1IA1 E roil SA1.E A3ID OX THE WAT BILLIftfGHAlYI Earringi. DeLaiRO Ills and Alabama Wetumpka SI 438 rim, Ac.ie. Bonlcllcan Brand, and VU1CI Imjportrd Ha( and BonnrU, Flow-tT- UI.UUS, Arizona lama-- 3L746 EVER. MADE. littat Style with IEnio, Hall's Steel ! Have Eocelrod a Full Line of California FoIaod . .3L034 InUim.lJbrMinir Gin, bt. Panl Deer, Ale and 1'orter. Plows twmQnoentli Alarrcaaortinent of Chlldrena Scfaool Hat, Very Port yinl. bhcrry, Ithine Wine, J. H. OAT, JR. GO., Caltforma ....1U56 Cheap, and a Tanctr of boodr, Fine Catting from & la to IS Oolorada Canon 7J3G8 mat otbrr too nomer and Tabid Clarets, Cliampacns, ta. Citr. "ii to mention, to which Ibe Inspection of the Ladlea O. II. Slomra & Co., GcinecticntUethersneld 13.133 And by bparkline Hock, Dillingiiain Breaki tbe peculiar operation of tbe market thnts ell Drj Hcidseick, Uonopole, Ch. Farre, HALL'S Georgia (various localities) 9X67 BEA7T STEEL entirely tbe are of aa iaitmincnt Moselle, Ac., do. BREAMS Illinois J ohet. ....10JW7 VKS DAVIS, wbone excellent 7.1X3 romrUmca 1 Ut aia Jlilllner.li llunoU Chester applied Ho j1cUas lk- - Tbere aercr LF?own tn Ladlce. Mill continue., to prctide in n, ll, it iota. DttXIXUIIAl Indiana JeflersonviUe- the Trlmmtnr Drpartment, German and Havana Cigars llnj -. HJ6Z2 any loft of power la tbe magnet, ta tbe Toles are which la an asiarance that Indiana-MichJ- can Citr. 14.432 Ibf Ladle will Hare thHr Trimming done In tbe latcit FlatedWare ipooas. Forks, CroeU.leaSeU, .vto A sew use or Iowa Fort Madison 37.020 by aa armature and tha power la conerrjarittly taw, au vet Auiuuavir oiyic Cops, ic Stationers andJfows Dealers, FURROW PLOWS, Iowa Anamosa. M 0X00 lnnrafciL Call Hall's Steel Rock Kansas Lousing 20X96 and See the Novelties. UAKDW'AIJF- - IlawatliMn Breakers Maine Tbomaston .XJ15 TVebiT Tecclredaimall invoice of tbe abore UaaettIIIoek.271ferebaaftU II. 13 and I. Inc.. Marjland-Baltimo- re.. n.TM SAFES, and can take orders from oor CaUlojne Fockct and Lurcncr (UiiKB, Scissors, Ilare Jst Bcceired ex 3faiipoa, a Fine Contal.ln .11 the or 4T Jtrrlte.1 MisacuujetU Concord- bhecp bhcars, Needles, Spoons, Assortment of dra.u:r. other Breaker, sal - 2U033 for any 3) , Files, n.moer oi ewImproTeme.U..llinale MichirasJacfcHnri .. llITJI rise required, to be delircred wllbln days, mx & Spurs. Galvanized Itosins, lloop Iron ijihe isrt ilKJnjn Ionia- - 7.M3 Kec IliTets, Hammers, nncAT noun rtow co. xss. Minnesota-SUUwa- tcr. 1 WlOO ellov Metal and Composition TbeM are all made from our own t Nalla.1 nlWhi palUrnt br the Uricic l84laSlppl-J- aa 77.63) At Price that Def) Competition tlabbitt McUl. bncar Coolers, asioxq JOUNULKUli the Ilanert neitern Haw H.noUctotj a aUssoun Teffersoa .13.035 Iron Tanks, ClanCcra Also, wnicii xat ufcirouNU V In world. City PHAOTIOAIi ic. otki tbe e are AfienU for tb Mauuf dor Nebraska Lincoln. OO00 Letter Taper, Nevada Carson Cut 0.000 When yon 511 a ae get a jpod onel Abnndast (oiv taper. Cultivators, Horse Hoes, & Harrows, New Hampshire Foola Cap, OonconL. J1L283 Portland Cement. - Old Pattern Holine Flows, AewwerMy rrenlon .. ala of rire Tta eaa b tm at the Ofllcw of Lejtal tap zzM tru uiacjtanma jro , t JJIH NewTork Anhurn.. . , .21.505 DRUGGISTS ioai, r tuncas. a ap. Plantation Tools, kinds ; Tiles, Empty Broad and narrow, all Xew York Sms bing 3JR3 L.r,ADAM, Barrels, Oik Boats, lc, Ac., 4o by the ream, blocked, or by Quire. Differential Pulley Blocks, New Tork Clinton. Aceat Jot the Bawallaa litanda. Mrraorandnrn Block r, Ac, dc, ic. .3821 No. I 13 & I IB FORT STREET Ordcra from the other Itlaoda caretally Buckeye Mowers, North Carolina Ralcijrh. 7UK2 attended to by HU.2TIC XIOOltMi Hydn Boand. Ohio Columbus IW42 H OIFORTIBLE t "full nlf Boand. Fodder Cutters, 6a FennsjlvanU-rhiladcip- yon j bia 21 40C Iff NrwIv Rnilt fi DEtvr iioEmchn Jt scmiEtkE-s- IXKTA.fliHt BonndtoPleaie 1'eniuTlvauiA AUcchenj City 7X33 H.HACKFELD&CO. Cankers Lare, Ciakerr Snuit, Lubricating Oils, Turpentine, Itbode Ialand Cranston. (133S II ms "' u onBE7 la fact, we bare Ink Unda for all Sooth Carolina Colombia . ...CUES Valuta, 1'aiat Oil nd Vniiiib(4ttHai3MHil:tr WAconvFire Teainewee Xashnlle llotwe ..3UkX i'ost opricE, XKrrgit scai.i;s. Fire KxUncaiaben, Farnibtnjt OooJs, Lamr, Chuul . 47X02 Largo Lot. IW .w 4wd rnUatK arr.vla tt aim Vfcp rrrrjltlBf la enroot w lndnor 12J00 Within 10 minutes walk of Post Office. CIGARS CIGARS! CASTER'S CmilardCbprlacJfcVriUn; V est irginu Moundanlle. X7C CAKTEIW WEITIXG FLUID, r ; Delaware baa no ajs ItOTAL rvTENT; 15) feet frontareou !! RICKSECKER'S .!(., State Prison. In Flenda mv. Unlaitret.aametoloansMirrt,3Ui rt.drrp, inqnana.pmta j, pints and eon A CHOICE SELECTI0 all the convicts, they many or few, are JBaL water laid on, SneRardcafoIl, thlcaly pUntrd A NEW lolet Ink, qta, pIi, ), titnti leased In lot, with fruit trees. ENTERPRISE. a and the State officials havs no JES 2ML au.tULiio nnunzrinia. AXD means A newly ballt wtthln8 mootfaDtV roomed CotUTf, T JB TJ EI of knowing the exact number of per- tundaotnely papered throo-bn- R. inqiuru.pinti.'JplntaJkeonea. rerandah back and S STAFF0KD3 In sons undergoing punishment on account of front, and out balldlnr qaart and jnnu, Lot eaa be diTidrd. and a cotU-- e ASD TUE TT - Terramed haTtngcoiiimittod death-ra-te Tte of rooal alze I J. W. HINGLEY CO., ,fyplo Ink. felony. The of pst oa the lot. with froau to young etmU 2It.CII.AGEl laoU.oU.'t btaandeonea. tbe Louisiana penitentiary is reported oi--acBS- a lobe MannXactanrs or Grades nA.TcorriluoBi.'ert" ""'" B""' Ooxa.sljBtrzi.s 11 of all convicts incarcerated. all of run RANGES Percent Ar. FOR SAXEON EASYTERMS COMMON SENSE luxi: bound and bait bound, or AXL SIZXSi , Kanasaa, like Louuiana, pnnts no report 10x14 rail bound and ball bonnd, Em."broid.er-ies- IT HALF CASH VU14, BAIANCE AIOHTOACE CIGARS pit,- - ..n.nrn. . ,. JLVSSSP1" KITCUEN AND HOl'SEl-- CTiaJSIL8-- ot A.tcmatlc Pendl.. Cerrlnff Pencils aU kinds; Cnarmiiic: Women. ArrtTTo iiir.siiiy Fine - Bottle. Havana OlXS-- Trimmings. Tidies, CIGARS DBm50pfiS,rVlSS;.(V.,'rul'-c- PAISTa ASD of J.W. LUNINC, all IlmUi MiTien it was all over, my Inend said. "Thai A SPECIALTT .oooooas.w."1" D'"1' LUBKICATlha Satchels, a woman j Houae and Land Atror BENSON, SMITH & CO EStaXOITJ,, Fat it in earnest. Do too suppose it VT bare matt t.a. " Merchant 10O! sprri it. innivRruffvn wwm.CWi.NUARDS!TO"'4rer4i,uln. KEBOSENE Koonday ucr earncaiDcss mat mase so noprepos-CSBlni- ?" rutern aad Vallfornla ai" nisuiia, s larcajletr Lostralf tier DrucclaU. Areata to rnpplr with tbe BOOKS, Connectleat Leaf Tobacco In tbe TIXE assorted, Omnmed libels SIXVEB WABE-fr-ora Barton) Ghildrn Mtrset. WS are Tirenared tn msnnr.AlaM . tSMpptn:Tr,TrarlslTa:i, IIe1 4 pcrplexitj FOR (l,i. 8ILVEl:VrAHE-(romlL0irham- Ttiatisaj rtdoccd to lia last SALE. Article at a BOLID 0o. x JUST RECEIVED much than tbe cost of imported in eqnalionr fas U herearncatnesa? Fowler's BT IlarlB" eonaldered tbla loiurnedd vm t. t. InritaUoa Paper &EnTtIopea to match. URGE WELL Hj fnend lield that it was. liave Patent Tramway, coamaalty, we hare aaperlor a(.uace from . Mil "If jon . In making oar Cljara v raanatre to Ball rresratnate Cards. Techs obs f""co -- -- .Ml Taaaels C.UIEIAGE AND BOLTS-a- erred," said ehe "women with aims are 13 pound JUll II pound Kails, " . i,iio a can. uor mini 1IACUINE U alae.) am that, COtfCHEE&AHUNG ,""'factory and'.jvvfetore Is located in aisc CAEDS. like alwajs Thej are too superior to roET condescend to mate tlicmselrcs airrcable. Be. stcxit, abote eiku. LETTEE WithPatent Steel Sleepers Lincoln Block, No. 108 King S PHESSES, LAS0E & SMALL ; Beaver Hats, aidee Uiej L aren't time. TLen Uicj nercr Hew Goods of Various Descriptions SHelf can ace imtono side oi a question the side unno oars. aTOrderii from tfat other laludi aolfclted, and each ALl5.SS.B"',',," will bare oar bent care and nasi: Ihejare on. They ar a! waja drawing ibcir tsT mi be .old ta do., a cosslaneiiL IS prompt attention ' w c IIIRTJIDIT ciBng.13 "WMBOOBS, HARDWARE Feathers ai own opinions to luc iront, aitrajs runninc foil iBPrra i co Chinese and Japanese Ware! J. W. HINCLEY & "f against one else s. That is Co,, POCKET Ii5iTCsj, Splendid tilt cTerr where THOS. -- . XIIItlJ.Tl, A Assortment. I bey diner most from women who soen a also, latxst or " Honolulu, H. I. Jn man; ouer article, too asnenns j! bare iiroamn. awi, uvrrinnaiia sttli '' t neatloa good deal of the world. It is the business of booe-bwde- XEATHEK-- Of All DeserlnHdn.. sTAnoxrs, sews aqest, s aid EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IH JEWELRY! E j a woman of the world lobe agreeable. She IXIXS. HZDG-- ar EULTE. INCLUDING HOUSE, IT-O- Goods.r. of Iks test qasli-j-; 9. spare no pains to make benelf jost aa good Xerehant M. CanpbelTa Black. Tort M. aear IIoleL 60X1 ,n Vnstt JUST RECE17 a lloBolala. Oaha. U 1. Soutb Kona, Hawaii. l&iM?i$tz frcuk,at.Iaisae. r .tllcaUrs, ., looking possible and jost as charming. OF CLAWS refrr.tr JU"' n-- Almanac TINE SETS TIGER - srECUI. Oriers tor nsbmer. .ad BIESSs to COT Jknd, she Is always tolerant. She may think Hb" ?.' tt " sad Aanoal TIIK irXBEHSIGXEIJ 1IEC8 TO Beeelnd BOOKS. ETC --kUk ,. Hs AHO.IWJ ana vaieBoar, e, Silk EaadkercUeb (hezutitched). als friends and tie pntillc la rraeral UlltOttlf, . .ill ,,.4 .., o.irwiljij, yon'a fool for roar beliefs, bat tbe doesn't tell uiiaiiu BOUSE Is last ALSO Tl,tJ'lrc"il,Tl6tor! TherortKrcetStorewni AH eolor. u.4 Qulltlsa S'ltS. .eila read t. meH. j And Now Opened For Ii joa eo brutally, or try to crush .you with an ?!r0e.LI4e.l",,""',il,WAREROOMS. " ' " aTalanchfl of She triea to look ((Utioaery. BUak IkaokajRooka. Artlata Malerlali A. FIXE ASS0KTXX5T OT Ta. lln.se Is ntnated 2 mUrs Inland front Keajaleksa HED IlUBliEIl STAMP I ronier H IVf arrnment. at raead Bar. at a. vlsTalbm or ihM t au rM. AOEXCT ElntBlreets. Ilmol.i. ..i the point Tiew: in u.aaiaa;ifeparHToyranarasey uonda i . . , most cfiannlnv rlev u.4,tiM..n.w. JM maUcr Iran ronr of abort. esta i iaWW i. aadAsrtaroeuwSmcTclOTScaaaVriUsaica. " JJ WMUIIW0W DUWlUblbU...... j UI 1. .HOlIsnrR Usmlld. Batk ax oraers rrnnipux-a- c X era.ert3 win esunllai-"res- t. mi isiana siies wmtihi with a ntnaV ih.nk It wmnt- - n Mm .1 VfL JL1." U2iJLTIj EXL-- Also, o. 1 Bice For Sale. Isuei the Druggists A. M. MEL1 CITED tie Guttle Office. Eesseetfall. ic Tobkeooadeta, tl.-'- i f . it l01j J.M.OAT.Ji'.ctCO, ""I M. If. TODD. FtniU QijttTlIJIockrnXsnluntSU !fB0"-a- ASD BITAIU j oSiiaatmt,eotrortlJres.tta. 104 FORT ?-- Kl (V. B.Store Open till 8 P. M. Sat k IX

'" "Wja. f fe,! gj. BBaTaaat .; . iisgi.iai35aLWMiaB i W &:$Zrrv nqrri? feeif53!' . m jiarj-VJii- i i RATm -- "- MWi , rpnaBtaaaradI. " "T--" SauwiiMfetfts ErrilTTP ,1 a. ttaa, 4a l In llln jiaTi'iiia rDfiUIUCO BT UUew-aM- JB rr -- f. HUan dt- - th Jajl & aVHpK , PI ROBERT GRIEVE CO. aauaaa fymM-- imi aiw m aanrf i e. y Ommeref OuftaMrt".' 9t 1 I.ra-- !Telnrdn- 3n.e w aetai'm llornlctc. ; aaejii ttm3 raj tfatfaMVama. i f ispataawa wa.w et Pit T FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM TwTktrd Oara-- B: H0nis: una' . QnaCBenan. T atftaP a PAYABLE AUTATs'CE. r)itl)al IS ty Bar Hcb w aL.lat are nmam, .03 ! Adronre, w MtKrlfcfn wM It. rlrjMrn-- Ml "Web leU4apMtacrl. mkjpaeka.ii.ait.at.eB.WeBrtltJl!tSS.'l arm. liraareaB4a.arettrrltl -.-erale,.. OIm la avw Getts BnUdlnc, 25 and 27 WEDNESDAY,' 2. 1884. WHOLE No.-- MwAfcat Street. VOL. XIX.No. 27. HONOLULU, JULY 10t.

to tbe Board of Genealogy, tbat owing to the iU illtrijatiifol (Enrtu. JTcluta. JitsnraTUt Xctitw. fortian stttisjBtare. The HawaiianLegislature illnljomcol Jnsoromc -- bess of tbe Secretary and tbe abeenee nf ih IJn5incs0 (Tarts. tolls. 'i ' " Governeaa of Hawaii, the report woold be some-- DIXD3D TO. vdiii uptenu, W. o vira. L.A.TnrttTo.. ED. CROWE ! Boston Board of rmhnrTi ten. UNION INSURANCE OQMPAHT WILIXIHS. ft 1SS4-- . ne uruer was Session i oi toe uvr next taken in. SMITH & TBtmSTON. lions ana SIcn PaLnUr, Papetr 1UCN CONFECTIONARY rartfea flaMla, H Second read ing of a bill to incormrate a LOKXTS Hawlta CO. or SUpptw ud C.aalsslt. St-- rta LAW. rwiy No 107 King Street, nooolsTa f - . a its rittcuco, comrnny in Honolatu. The Assembly resolved ATTORNEYS AT aatt e b Ttlrtr-nlnl- li Dy, tine 23rd. oa: M St . HoBolalB.il I ll . BCallferBUeef J itself into Commute of tbe Whole, Hon.-T.- S. lleRhant 4!. IL COM'JiATI, 3LioiiTEJrtJJrs- niUdelphla Board or tnderwritena AsaemUy convened at lb tuna! f O PmT L.A.TtiCBTon. Ho. 71 Fort St, abore Hotel St., tv h. csossxis ioa. hoot, I'miJent At 13 o'clock the llouse took a recess. BLACKSMITH AHDMACMIMIST fkr h Hawaiian (alamla. ISCOBPOllATBD, Baodcs in tb cb&tr. Ilrayer and rsadurg of tarn TV. O. SMITH & tahAtFlna;. CMrrlaaro Torsi. f ON HAND AC3KXT3 11 COMMISSION UERCHASTS, ntfc of meetinc. Ilrt Won HI . aA. KEEPS ALWAYS pnrknt Real Brokers, CASTLE COOKE, ACENTS CBma.be T-r-nu, Tbe lolkmoff petition were then peewnted The Committee reassembled st 1 n. m and th and Estate A Cooke'l. ty Ab BfMvtment ef tke be,f Frenrk and k U inre.U 31. TO ho XrrthaBt St llocolala, II I ll rt Shop on King Street. aeitCsitle California maBifactorfd r. A. NOHAEFER. TJ r.e tn. n.we.ll.m tal.mdla. 1 cHMAC.oa.aU.T.yrra-- r. Ad read: consideration of tbe Gas Bill was gone on with. a 4 CK2fTfBrMnOarlf1I-ilerrTUr- f.l,.. ;UemaUttTe JUiitaVela. from residents of luc.PtKrwingoecuons oeing passed : CLARENCE XV. ASHTORD. JOHN KOTT. ! JL Jtreaterwrefflea voaraoT taaerwnierr, xosisuima xxxcimtz " sukawao, that a hoe of steamers be established bectKm 3. Pines and llainm. ThT ahatl vo.. Importer aad Dealer In Store. RabE Confeotlonery Aeeal of Tlenaa Board f Uaderwrltera. m bstvsen Sou Fnmawo and Maul, and the right to lay down ha Solicitor, rnraUblngOood. Crockery, Ola . TTadck Jkm oaVra for Ui the trade, or alrtUtl. r their mains and distribut OrrlCE-- U KaahBiaaBB Street, Metal ITnre nIi Glalau tplnl Iaaaranca Cnapaate Itkta Ik Xnauritnoa Oompunj-o- that l&s Government assist tae tame a scbsiflj. ing pipes ana supply pipes or any oi the Cb Ins ware rscitrairccn.ci',iipiiiMin,i f of la abotv Doarda ( UaderwrtierawUI aara a rxuxnvnan. tj in ail IIOBOlBlB. II. I tl HP1 lUwillui ur!. Ucfcmd to oa Commerce. streets, alters ana nublie emands of tbe Qlv t AT REDUCED PRICES! J " Coal BefxesenUtlTe bmlUi, from reaidcDU of VS aula-k- Tiiid. Wily of Honolulu, ru tbey may deem necessary or ALFItCl) S. HAllTHELL. M. CO. S AISO Ittabllihtd I80D. MSReMAMT that fisheries be thrown to the iUicqm ripraiem, pronueo, nowever. tnat tney cause no J. OAT COMMISSION f Eotldlaj ,. Laid en tae table to be considered with, bill relit-is- r nenccetisary interruption to the use of such streets, Loft In A. r Cook New THEBEST ER.VSDS OF CHOIfn CIG1RS Insurance CAriTAt. . JBCaHforala TraJriw,CBl, COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- W, or itnanna, eiiTfi, Notice aV S a to Iloootala fisheries. alleys or grounds in laying the same, and at inch T be kad In tk market Aceomnlated bb4 laTtated lBBd I..BT.J1 tn lteprewnuiive Dole, from Chinese aerchauU reasonable deaths as wiH not interfere with the llotolalt, IL I miiK Aa est roil tiik nn m 511 rr Islands ICE WJTER COBDHLS M. Virln. Tat.nriir CtMaltaav fUnltMlhal UATB BlCKT ca the protetinc scainst the bill Mating ordinary use thereof, and to restore tbe same. OmCE-OVE- K BASK OF BISHOP & CO. W Fla;a of all defcrlptloaa mad asJ repaired THE BEST CRUI, S0D1 . - CaBEBtlUaSD DR. JORDAN & CO. to keeping book In hagl.ah and Uavaiuui. alter laying aocb mama and pipes, to as good rectired laatnteUoaa ! Beine iba Bt- of ! TBK AUI.VT3 foe lha Saadwtc. ta'tada. Committee. . Honolaln. II. I. an aaraBea tietwikt- -, TltiBAlala am A Pert la Ibe Paelflcaad aad are aatkm laed t. laenre acalnal Ar. m ravtweu. to Jadtoarr order and condition as thev were m before. lro-- FIONEZ31 STXAM w rrriTj or pnorESoRj UewesenUUre Abolo, petition Ja prepared t ! rnlfctr at tba laweat rale. TenaK ItIcuatO.ee rarU, a that tbe samof vided, bowerer, that nothing herein contained Candy Manufactory and Baker viiaaapwoaireaaciMava vrr team a, llleke lake. Bap par, a tk. I.raade eel SM.. riet,ar $500 re- VW. A. KINNEY, It fW I. there- be appropriated for the porpoiw of building a shall be construed to be inejusistest with or TUEO. D1VIX9. Bad nrwaae.BalhtlBfa.aBil Jferekaadleeatwed lettee . in Olowalo, Alam Kingdom, a. n? HM ly icwatBrlt Foe Mar Ualled Dwalltnt nouea Tnmltar., Tlmaee, , bndce the district of XaiJ on pugnant to any of tbe laws of this the o n. if atw. 1 SaXST. D. ln.Ca,, in: aad rila. .ur.ahL m. tn. KtarxT. laua to oocaidered r a r i !. .tlat.aaa PllfT PbV ! J. LANE'S Bhlpe karboewithMwItkwatcarreMMaBder repair - table be with the Appropriation Hill. rules and regulations of tbe Fire Department, and st . ma.it la PK.llAi,- orrice.so.ia kaaiutiasc steset. . . ,Ma.a - . . . tV tA"eilUrr. w.r.wwn3r: Ucpresentatira Hitchcock, from rexidcnu of tbe authority of the Minister of the Interior over IIo..laln. II I FH ....! IHtTti BTimf .1Mnn.i rli. itAnRtTKnu- - iikkmi:: e. noiracnuxoEK co lrlSKlpISOPTnaV .KI3(. AJrtt A1Z. fCaunac, protesting lln pas lalanda agsinst the rranUnr of a tbe roads and bridges of tbe dry of Uonolala. ROSA, EHMELTTTK & CO, Aee.urMta.llawatu. Df9EASOr XX charter to any bank rscnopolie. on 4 Beoalnne Fines and Mama. Thev A. J. riEE IK3TJEANCE COMPANY. laid table bection IN THI A BOOS OS XICXTTT Of to be considered with bill on the subject. shall have tbe right during tbe continuance of this 1TT0MET IT UW HID (I0TIRT PUBLIC So I a san a Street, m Ueprseentatrre Si c?iDcnKiucn irt.Viu dees Dole, from Idhne, Kauai, a pal franchise to dig np, remove, replace or repair sucn TfnftJiamdPlnmors.SBlrs in po(Btfd.JUtfat of aftore Coapaar, are attwe New England Mutual life Insurance Co. aauiyrs. tf IJfWVr with Ctmwrnl. JLUhJanl lUlt e tba i toa on the same anbjet, referred the wuue way mams and rapes as thev mav find necessary or ex- - thr Jl:ir9 Ran.? Tla Shrrtlron and Copp-- Wat.kifa parM ia taaara ruaa ania-'- l Ira At--- aad BHat HepresenuUre Gardner, Xrom liana, peu tent, 1003 ly tafittr a bawd a fall aawrtoteiil of Tlawar, Cjt-lie- atoredtbirela.-- OHOBTO!,. MAM that tbe also, to lay connecting pipee inanyoraii u.l. Homt c cc HalHUa.t,.m4mtfe,iatJtaB i of XUKU wfi, Iron and LeaU Pipe. lndU Rabber tut be appropriated for bnUdinc a mad of said streets and grounds, for the purpose of A. ' ! rem Lalanl to Oopoola, in that district, supplying dwellings, stores, offices and any and li.O.IIAI.I. KOI, uciiPtiiTiii, isi. Fisheries Omnmittee to on loblie Lands. all buildings, public and private, and street lamps UillTED. TV, LATVRENCZ, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C Cb.m ABB MX1AL1.S ' R. . Oiktl Ftarlf 3ttnlLtf I Intranet C.IDEKMO.IID Representative Kannamano, lroiu reudents of for lighting the streets of eaid city, as may be wpostexi Ann habswaks a. 1" Xk. THE Ttaraifcna, na be platted replace sealebs is CJ O IV T 1. O O It Ikt United Statti. that act crauUnj; charter necessary or expedient, and to and repair andUe&eral Uerchandlae. Cb& prEE to baoka of issoe or any monopoly cases such rtova, ratnti,Oila Plana sod Bttlaiate FnntUbed for Work of raauaAircE coupakt, banks. To be and remove tbe same, in all restoring Corner fort and hrog HI. tawltl K 11. BiaA ftewntBl. Tarau.1 oiisftdered with the bill on the .Bank Charter. streets, alleys or grounds to the same, or as good Jy ptrnctloo OriUMBURS ralUin SUPPLY THE BAVAIUS.ISU2na hm reports from blending Committee, and condition, as they were In before, and to conform A. O. TT.T.TS. Civil Englnoorlngand Surveying EBaampl. .f 3f..r f priip. r,ai from Select Commttteee . to any change of grade made by the Minuter of JT3LitiLnici. bUscuaxdue, rciui. STREET, next to TCKEaad9lBCBla7lanre4araln,trir.mata. Kr UTX UeDresentatiTe Godfrey ltrown. from tins SfWt tbe Interior of the Hawaiian Islands, daring tbe OK S.KI.X. OrriCKonXAUWILA aia.t faneibl terma. IMJOUD A0E.J3 hiTing flLI. mY Ideman a Brltk Warchooae. 31ARBL.E WORKS, A. or Committee under consideration tbe bill to existance of this franchise. JAEEIt.Acen(tttaana.aIlaaI,luda. 1 Pwrlcp Hklient Crade Cotton Settlac 33 . p. n. Aaanal preIn cntlnnea J year, 3 dare amend bection 438 of the Code reUtins Xo Posts and Lam pa. Tbey shall Rurioi irT 13 rOHTTBBf.T, .lEAtt 11KTELHT., Killy S jLBasal Cinl bectiaaS. lamp ai xuiix .uta.n-Ja- . witue i. pre lama reatlBa. rnllej ajeare!3da,e AXD tbe redmtaon of the districts of WaiaJ Koo right lamp posts and lamps AUaSo. AttltloBM-r- T7I't 1 pee lama cwatlaae Pnller rear, dajt bUBE cm oa and have lbs to erect for ' w XVIX.T.TAM .TaTBltXIU Aaanal R 4aaloa reported that they found that the bill mold Iichting the streets, alleys and pubbo grauads of, WHXIAMAUXJ), teQaiiRPT-- . dAansalpawi ala a coatlaae PnJlep Ipeaaeadafa distnrb ftBOKSt bottDdariee,inthoot any ipod re- said city, at such places as may be designated by Watch & Clock MakotH hanUfactdhbrTf mondments S Awn Ml pee aetiaa. Pcx2. pwa IU dnja im3f AcIutowUdctneAt. Xm Con- - Practical Xuaturanoo 3oxza.x3aBiZB7 laa Nets and Seines to XSrWbti nin, therefore tbej recominend that the report said Minister of the Interior, whoever mains or AcAt io v be conti- - and Jeweler, Eiadjtones, Tombs, Or HARTTOBD. COyifEUHCUT, AjmmHHm. I MUMVHMVMiMC ApfVUatM. distribaiing pipes shall laid opposite or trmct. for Labor ao,BOO,OOOI & iC tara-- e ao- -j maT Office of Corertag ererr lta, BefreteataUre Aholo, from tbe belect Com guous thereto, said Minister of the Interior to I.tLeDUUietorKoBa.IfUndotOahi,at the Uonolala. II. (apposite Tablets, Marble Manleli, MJKKStnJMUIIIISTjm - 1UILI1UL Aiemer, off nnanB sutet-- 2; ft Klnz trret. I, fke Laaaia PI4 Ikratawk It. oflWltt40css, v mHtee tbe consideration of a bill La keep such lamps and lamp posts in repair at bis tbe Uonololn Water Workr.toot Pioneer Tactory) tate steam comrawntoation fiii own expense. iarjlai VTatsstaod Topi, aad, Take ee Pamaee by am and tin cmvinc of - rlka aalatt lea flra $40000 Coitaa is lighter tli&a Hemp, men DaniU Section CAdJDSting Meters. They shall hare pzmcx & co. tEIilandorfrwanerrfedtywlth peompca- lad Tiling ia .Black and WhiU Mirble. Balldl. Mercaaadlae. Marhlnerr aau faraltaret a. w. Good packed rartf ally for tranalU SO ramrabwtensa. A JABUKR. CA3TLB COOKE, AJiENTS and less ZxpcsstTtk for farther Umr Granted. tbe ngbt, at reasonable hours and times, to enter CEAXDUB1 4 COKVISSIOH JtEECHAKTS 1UW ceat tnt IlawaUa lalaada. r Hspruseutaliye llitcbeock drew tbe attention of all beddings using gas for tbe purpose of repair- SBIF rOKTHE 1IAW1IUE IlkAUB afltT&roB LYCAN& CO., MARBLE WORK OFEVERY DESCRIPTION ttl UiUTtr-ll- r ValtoA . In jUeeesbiy is tbe feet that a resolution d ing and adjusting gas meters and tape therein, msl U U CtUt consumed, Brand'a Gana and Bomb LaBeea. -l- i WASHINGTON by htm asking for attain data from tbe and take aoooant oi gas and lor any Terry Darla' Tain Killer. aroarsKs ad sulbks MDE TO ORDER THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Almiftsr of Interior, relative to privilege Rranttd and all purposes connected with the use of gas in General Musical Mcrolundise, Palntlacs, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY 732 0. 10 Qnctn btIloBOlaln ly American Netand Seine Cd the Oceanic bteamship Co. bad not Wn answered. sock- dwelling, or buddings. Chromos, &- -, it- - AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. . Engravings, &. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. COMPANY The Minister of the Interior said that be vuold bection 7. Price of Gas. They shall hare the to Bay Or LIFE INSURANCE n receive collect a. Mr. gikj.-- The Cbeipel plate aav to atkthe tndaleence of the AaaLmbiy until rifibt to charge, and from all an n menta mill tlenanl antl Calh. 1884. - would KINDS FURK1TURE IK H0R0LULO. n llen4.oi.e All,U January lit. IU93,J30.:4. DH.J.COLIIS BROWNE'S ""'- when be nrMit mi- - sseh price as tbey may Xrom time to time Ommiuion Merchant and Central Denier ALL OF neaet. or cAuroMiA, CHlOTrfE. , wcrs to tbe resolauons that had been referred to fix and determine, not exceeding foor dollars per FRAMES of .All kind Damage- - o UDry Goodt,roccrlef,lUrdware,St.llonery PICTURE Takea Kl.aa a:ala,t ot r aire Dectre t tall the partlcalar Hen TUX ORtuut U asd uSLt 6X3tTtUU- - bto. tbonvvnd cubic feet, and a redaction shall be made ratcat Medlrfnea, rerfomery, aad made to order. Batldlnea. 31 erehaadl.e. IaSlaeblnery and Fnrsltnr. tn ami t a reeulaUon for all gas used by tbe Government of one third faroraole term. A. JAEQES. AdHoa t taraUd. ya obeaJa, asHm ReraesesUtive Uitcboocbt that tbe Olaaa.are 10W 107 fcs lloaolnlat. Ulanda. TO Tncin 'f tbe MinUter of Finance pUoe before the Aawmbly of tbe price charged other consumers. rrt luai Agent for Hawaiian free frosi bsdacb. teltaf frass ts as4 WAILUKr. MAUI. i acbednla ahewinjE the taxes Section & bopply Pipes, etc Said gas com- THOMAS LACK, isgsteb ata asd aumars Us west? xMscs of collected in the IRON WORKS CO. MRS. ce I a Xinjrdom year 1663. the to charge consomers, or & HONOLULU Policies Bfowctod dlran. iwTiioraio tbs rrwi awdts, tor the Approred. pany shall have richt M. S. GIUNBAUM CO. The City of London Fire Tontine Investment tbo JlecrecpoUliTe Kean, UU intended consumers of gas, for making connec- retahts rtixslattac af lbs bad. ? A a reeolation, that tbe or , STEAM fcltillEtS, MILLS Ifo. 19 Fort S-t- Honolulu. Which M IadlapataU Claaee." laa aarretlaraa rn-i- tuaroats with pipes and and for scch IirOBTIU BrujaiHand Lead Cutlop Co.. TJLmlted. tnUIi th. relatins to erealum permanent tettlcment on tbe tions their mains Uollcra.CvuUrt. Iron. e 4kf Ik J CtMUBnwmiloHArf7Xp4kaa.MflLa- Mer-10- V,J ITo Rettrletlea Trarel Realdeace. TtMch wide of tbe late 1. I Kinfmaka, be taken from lengths of supply pipes as may be reasonable to MudtAsdlla and Onunitalon Evory Description IMPOR'TER and DEALER be eat ibe aaa 1 I.UUjll,lla.WBrM the table and considered with tbe Appropriation convey gas from the main or distributing pipe to (hunl Machinery of Tni fram Daiger ef rorfeltart la adatitlMt lat R)feat WHIM on 1WWI111 r Made to Order CAPITAL. : :TTT : 810,000,000 TalaaWe j But. the budding or lamp post as tbe case may be, a ehnnta. Honololn. H. I. 9W fl aad rrmHy ltepreeentatiTe rUipo presented a rcsolntion reasonable and uniform price to be fixed by said M. S. GIUNBAUM & CO, ParUwlsx sttantion paid to Ship Blacksmlthlsc IlLOftODTH K Aa tmOmt, JQD WORK 97ZJJ Sowing nnd Conulno AN a. that, as the copies of the Appropriation UiU company. af ticmJoBthakrttatlca. Machlnos, UtTAXlLiniirn AUOICT AT The Drp5lt End n men t rtllrj aatt the GtatraHt-- DroMaJUa. Aalasta. rere poorly pnnted on Section 0. Delinquent consumers. bald cas Commission Merchants, Oil HATIU for the Hawaiian lalanda. the aader cnLORODTtK aeialfao a eaam ta tHrrtta-a- - company right, If, F. BURGESS, Parts, Attachments, allied la prepared to aerrpt rlaka aialuit Art on la IB aajj trpeeiH t aottrt. aa. bed paper and In bad form, new copies on better shall have the at their discretion, Cajlfomi. San Col FBrnltare. 3(acainerrti SnttuI laTf'tmfBt rollfj. vjnxrj gas off supply No. 121 St. frantlico. the nott effiHrtaallr aJJ ( Bstperjuonld be f arniabed and bill be referred to to remove the meter and cot tbe of (Wirt oJkitrBWfrxnt iiunram, and Accessories. faTonble terms tllLOHODTXC caU aaarl ttlsaa a tbe FrinUns Committee for that purpose. gas from any consumer who shall refuse or fall to Shop on Kin btrect, rppoalte Roat'a tfiMfr Ur.Krt, raiaitatlua, aa4 faasaa. re- - :voxa. mxxx Adjmtcil and Hftf- - The zeaoloUoa broogbt up conndcrable discos pay the proper bills of said company for gas eon Dr.N.B-EMEIlSO- Ettlmate fhencu all Linda of botldlnga When Losses I'rompllr 1'ajable Tbla Isoaeaf thaitHMt reliable CwmnealraeiUat Ulkvc pal4UtN op tna latest t Aasrrr CllLORODTK ta MrtjrU. slon finally by Jiep. Aholo earned within such a lime as the said company qnlred. Ofikea and Mores fitted la Eat New Home, hat so aaperlarr, aad feweaaala. Hetties all Clatn Itseaatalla-- i. t, aavar TootsacirO, Xeatoffnt-v- s endins tnonng as an AND bUHGEOK. errry deacrlpllon done In White, t O. DtUUCll, act aoaMtir aad by a Bill may fit for the payment of the same, bntsoch cut- PIIYblCLVX Brildenco o z KbXbI era aljlei Krialrlns of prumptlj; ulrly l ameodmeat iaat the consideration of tbe be and manner, and reasonable ratet lUUily Agent for the Hawaiian lilaada. rroaa 3U-- g eonUnsed and new printed tbe ting off of the gas from such conaanier shall not the beat tniMlble al Davij, Crown, Howe, and tV Tot farther Informttfon. writs to, or call , ttraava A o faarfcaeeatkal bills in meantime. Mreet,eomerorrert wa ly ealUall, -, prevent the said company from auelng and reoov f.rOIFICEIlorKS-- tolO'ia m.lSIoSH p. IL W. LA INK. lla- Jomrjtim. TsJ T. uirnea. 'i Florence Machines, t, aa, . -- -- such unpaid bill or bills m any court having TO Telepbooe Iwl It 2003 (leaeral Afi-a-l for tba llawatlaa ttlaadi taMfi irtn, awwaiiaij. Hon; C fromtbfiCouiiaUco on erlnc ll. Tbe LohiIoh and Proviacial bearMr Wi a.hraeo UtLa aypoetSoJiy ot . jresented report tbe bill jurisdiction thereof. C. C. STRATEMEYER, lav a tfcf rrootalt-a- ttvla mV I a oa tadowinc a . PEIRCX, M. D. Howard's Machine Needles, "tw. til 4 chair f chemutry mml natural eeienee at Oaho section iu. uuzut iu juwiwiair, omu jwiv SARAH atartsedBi'Xt ria- IH J "tils Caaa.ja, W. W. may accept riUCTICAt, (Dtntrol wrtisnntnts. baa earned trr S CoDef-- recommending that the bill bo fajnrably Lucas, M. G. Elmore and Hall LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, all kinds & sizes; MMlr RJsdaft 4. Considered. Ileport approred and bill onlfred to this f ranch! and erect and maintain said works oer tbo Ka( for rftat rtWTj. so smH z 9 and to third reading on tbe 2Tth as Icdividusls. company, a private company or co- Office and Reeidence. o. a tthuol Street, WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER CorticalUSilk, ! qaiHIOti oMfi-- nttirr m lOMnn taiO ISO fOSSirs. encroannrnt SIGN lnsu Fort aad Lmnia. INSUEANCE COMPANY aid waxkall "rot R ssaMfa IteptesenUUTft Godfrey ltrown, from the Com partnership with the right to admit and receive TW aaaoe wm a. M in all colon; kratrtU. person persons they may orPlCEH0CBS-W3Wto.- tly t. nuttee on finance, reported on the bill to amend therein such other or as xI30to3r BEAR OF ST. " (XalxxiltOCia) nn tn t baaaea.aa-- in- . ID.'S! l6 "" uiim t. bectlon 53 of tbe Cml Code rtlalinj; to the duties see prooer, or may at their discrt Uon become 3 FTTELEPHONE 2Q).-f- fJ DKCeiniEFflT! ladVlns tarir ar itmry taerr aqian-- of ctutoeoia officers, and recommend that tbe bill corporated under tbe laws of tha Hawaiian Islauds CUItKS' mile e.djhiciii.m: cottos. wltl btMii niroat,tat MSttJe iaiiaaeaaits COCK, tmMmUmm ' be encroseed Jteport approred bill ordered and convey or transfer to each corporation the GEORGE L-- BAB rott Siibscribel CAPITAL 95,000,000 aui at tke ntfaMdlaarf etkaevu br. Catfca ani IMFOKIEB. HARDFACTUBEB DPH0LSI7.EEE aoent kriifttdjm- aad laoaaarr-tepa.a- t. iTLb francb.se hereby granted. (Ute of Oakliad, Cil.,) Bmwac ia UUnba to third rendicc on tbe insL AND SCALES IS Madame Drmorot'e Reliable Cat Taper Pallcr.,. t rmia,.-- Vforjgi--v laoTulagoC rmmyy At Bep. Ibis franchise tuall vest in said 11,000,000) ifco mmt Jvanlokou mored the Order of tbe Section II. 1b aad aa a iciini. U Ur baia mwd George Lacas, M. G. Fdmore and W W.Hall, their Toaolior on X'iano Porto. FUDIIITUnE OF EVERT DESCRIFTIOI, and lnbIicaIlon,. Dealer u Day, and the consideratiouof the Appropriation Addrni LyesaJt Comfort Street Ccmpaoj eatabllalietl at Uttmt maj frata, sacoesors, and assigns, tbe richt to rt yo. Shop bare bow and a Ibc terrtWa far-- toiJ m Committee of the Vbole was the propoeed associates Rertdenre.Mr DBdolt'a.BercianU Street. VO Fornltare U Fort ht. Work at 1Ub,. Fiatola. tjnnr, and Sporting Good,, acre, ana are Drrpirra w Uke Uirkaoa Prop- - arrb, " i ian liruf rpacial order for the attention of tbe Aaeeniblr. and maintain cas works in the Citv of Ho tbe old Malta ok Hotel btretL Asencr llarir a -r nai-a-es ita taooy. Skot.ra.der.Capa & Meullc Cartrldjee. riroieTerraerenpunii wupin (dps IUnda w - na.e- mmc The form in which tbe Appropriation UiliLad nolulu, for the term of twenty fire years from and the other promptly attended to. i T WATKRIIOSC. Ja., . 1h(P wtrr aar otateff ! ar nao C HUSTACE, Ordera from J1nda J in ttl. tonrwa- - e WO-- been pnnted aciln created comment from tbe after tbe passage oi this Act. provided tnai ury, (Formerly with D F. Bolles A Co ) lim ly WHITMAN & WRIGHT, tUtltbWi'l'i,ihrbwt raaaa members, and before the Assembly divMolred the their associates or assigns shall within nine months KEROSENE STOVES! talbr pirafrvalosj ajUib M feoaf 1WU. the passage thereof, commerce work Retail Crocor, to X. ItOSE). Secretary was asked if he bad the original from and after Wholesale and D. SIMPSON, In all Suea Sirftan J. ofdatna tbat ib oMbatltattoa af aay obr tbsa Coats eighteen 111 under Harmony Hall. A-- Secretary I"icrce stated that it was not in bis thereon, and complete the same within Etas btrwt, 3.0 M HOTEL STREET, a Huituta HaiM or ram 04 ts poeaesaton. months thereafter: and a failure to comply with Family, 1'UnUUon. sod Miipf oiorea agppnru n - - HfHaTlnc aecaml the arrteea of a G an raRT r tnb csaaitfT raaacaraas aas rartssr operate as a for notice. ew Good by every eieanier Order ce- TEIEFIIOSE So 3J3 aai ILtxatmUa aal Umronpti Mecbaaie, t am bow pre- auaa. w. ae. Mt faitaratrr raw, A The Minister of Finance stated that hetboogbt the provisions of this section shall ibort -- or-- its. ntlip l.limlt fillhfnllT rsrcntnl. pared t do work In tbat line, with promptneet and Carriage Manufacturers, MraWnnfiwrtMrn ript ttr aVrrtTt. Bis tbe oricinal copy of the bill was still in tbe hands feitnre of this franchise, bat no other penalty, f hm PLUMBER AND CASFITTER aollctied the Mewr? company- - 111. PI ly dlipatth Inland ordera 9P Kieelleaer tCbnaHte of the printers not havinff been returned. Thought fritnni or liabihtv on the Part of this tV TELEP1I0XE So DEALER IX there was no reason why tbe Assembly could not shall be incurred ior saia xauare. D. H. 1UTC1ICOCK. Wheelwrights lAiriO itts4.aaa,te tn V on mith tbe consideration of the Hill, as pnnted. Tbe committee rose and reported progress and Notary FnlUc, Stove and Ranees, Tin, Shoot Iron aad atefrd tbat Pt J i. ulUa o a aa, im Mbid3v. Ova Si a!k cd to sit again Thorslay. Attorney at Lav and of 1 laal tatt-J-T af IS daaa. e nxrTcd tbat one of the printed copies of the la where he will promptly Copper Ware. TiCDBNlHiHBuTDill AMI, seconded. Tbe report was adopted and me Aswmuiy Re IU)tleaedsaOXee llilo, ttant !VrMa alar.b.taty aotro Sk, - Bill be need and read. Not attend to all burlnef entrnited to him Ktty Constantly on band a Superior Amort ment of mere.!-- ! m (atl n rwors lo 'Sra iSawahf&aid journed at 3 15p.m. "" Itepreeentative tbat this wait another WW attend all the Tenna of tbe Clnstt Loort;and W5 Tin Vare, Calranlawl Iron and lead pipe ly 13 Ttlm" instance of tbe flack way in which tbe MiaUten wilt alto attend the .Local Clrcalt Courts la Kau Jj GENERAL 9sWlsbottw!. a 1.H 4 It performed their daties. If tbe bill wa read from suitYFyiNQ iy BLACKSMITHS, -- a, , - !,. -- Business ilar&g. w DOE rKoyrrLT eark Xoa-- aHaMi tbovorda Da. t C tbe pnnted form and not from Ibe oricinal manu- IU Drtrvn at nj tpetnie- na ta im0..ra--- ataeaiB, & CO- William B. McAllister script a precedent woold be established which S. J. LEVEY - I! j I Ovrrwh'' ot j jii atooT aacooiaaalaa woold, in the future, allow of a member hannc EDWARD PRESTON, CLVM-ILM- Xw. 75, 77i 70 and 81 Kln St. bottl fu lost his original copy of a bdl to present it in any Attorney and CounseUor at Xw, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, DENTIST, Atatssa i'wwi , ilOXOLUhVf II. I. - f "ar aad IsttUfloft. form be choose and eay "let ibis be It ly KaafaBmum. Street. TJonolola FOKT &TKET, llonotola II. I PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN' UOAOLLLC M.nn'.. r j r bivK.xroitT tn cmi when x. may be that, the oncin&l of this Bill is 5,ooo,ooaror tutaavvii "irfi m ci aty mity would copy. Freah Grorerlee, and rroTltlom of all Usds on handi . JAECER. Agent tbe Haw. I. fonad. it be different from tbe printed W. R-- CASTLE, resnlarly Irani toropc and American - thought it proper that the oricinal bdl should and recelted OFFILE-Cor- Hotel snd Fort birccU, Tfr 11.9. p?- Tbe bote Ino.luTtiisparrbateti frnni tbe Eircatof lie A.T Mhtelt will be told st the lowrtt market rate. e Clothln; ''tore. Entrance oa Hotel t. me be in the archiTes of the Aseembly. bappounz a ATTomrax tlcIWered all parti of the city free of charge. Trelan iae siiXK aaa er aaiar.a Attend all Court of the Uoodf lo KISO AD TOUT STREETS. LONDON GLOBE of tbo Ute AUSK, f tba case, the speaker said, it the printed copy vas ndoUry rnbllc the orders oliciied, and prompt attention - LIVERPOOL an and Jf. J eeaal.tlax shown, 1 ikinsooin, t rrIaand aame. Iw ly jiT- Partlcalar Attention paid to retoratlon and sold jftT-fcBSaoff- lost what would then be lie mored tbe will be ctTen lo 'he tiling B postponement of tbe consideration until 10 o'clock AUSTIN WHITING, INSURANCE CO, Carrlago Shop, 11 as in tbe meantime tbe original might be found. W. JAMES JI.JIOISSAIIKAT, RelyinjjoncooJTioikat rraaonable cbarH to sain HATYnvnre pnbllc HW 3nf charles Wheelwright Itcprcsentstlre Dole considered tbe motion to Attorney and Counsellor Attorney and Counsellor at Law. the eouausnee of the HAVING Assets, $31,101,000 Shop. YfnrAr--' the Bill now oat of order Tbe bill pre- Ajeut to takeAeVnowled'rrBienU oflnstremeatt for f Special attention paid to the nrcotlatlon of Loans.) Blacksmith Shop, sented was n loose arrangement, tbe title of it l JIB uusa pi una i CwaTrjancInf .and all matter appertain bj to Real V CEO. S. HARRIS, Hought fur Cash, a Large Stock Claims Paid, $88,714,000 ays " For tbe biennial period ending 1&-- tbe 971 yo. 9 KaahBBnaa StreeUHopoloin 1 yr tEaUtc J Paint Shop, and 1NM AND ay iy second beclion says, period ending 1" Tbe Notary Pnollo and Commissioner of Deeds SHIP GENERAL BLACKSMITH. or HATi: for the Hawaiian I.landa,auiliitaad tke bb Al mister of Finance knows that it is not a correct For the States of California sad .New Tort. der,lned are prepared to write rl.k, agalatt Trimming Shop, copy, would not certify to it as sneb. This ac- Dental Booms oa Foit Streit, imim.i:. 1 10 1.si: and heavy be SOffiee, S.o 23 Merchant ML, Honolnlv.n I. ir. Work, iloaldln llltta, Planln First-Cla- bow to rerelre ordera for work at mifcti-- dur- Clock. comer Dotrland Tort KH Si! Uajton hnlirrl ss OX nCILDl.GS, .1IEKC1USDISK A Ait J tion is in keeping with others of the Cabinet Orcein BrenerV ftrt ly Anchora and Anvil repalrrd. ootenFeka. Crank Atlre Harness Fillings! FIIU: apy twn vraacar- - two years. Very clear that fnnce WJ ly iioie i tr ing the past it cirm. A- and Mason Axlra mado for tbe trade on rearm able DITELLIACS as had never been compared with tbe TlIl.O. II. D.VIIIIN - Co,. printed it . ci.i:;noit."x a. Co.. terma. I, now enabted toroinafactore original copy. The Minister of Finance's report .i. Late Jixioir, Gkxex Jt Co J OnfaTorabletrnnr DnelllUERIahB.llperUlllw Corner Beale and Howard Sis., wan so fall of errors tbat the had to laroRTXtw axn rxAixa Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines Detached dwelllnc, aad eonteata lB,nred for a perioil PHavetons, Jlumtcr IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION" MEECHAMS, 33Tci.x-iiOr3- i3 pre mlame In advance. withdraw ft, and present a new one, S bo can JbloyoXaeaxacaleao. of three Tear,, for two Iw.es Gonornl Airi AdEXTa roa AND C Tlio Boat .rmlljr .ttlnatet, .nit n.enbt. here. (a, ALTCntA. to the correctness of this bill ? He mored an 10UT Ctirarr Queen snd Kashnanna Streets ly EVER TRODtCED HERE, imam niuur-c- Baulea, mnn adjournment until 1p.m. Camed. Lloyd'a and the Liverpool Undcnmtcr, la. PATY, Kriiif h and Foreign Marine Inmrance tompanr. ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS Hzpreaaea, W K. TATUI, Praau JOIIf X X0XZ. lap amxyooH JOIO And orthern Aamrance CVrnpany W7 l) GERMAN LLOYD Omnlbases. KOTAET PUBLIC and COUIUSSIOXEE of DEEDS Willi all tbclr I ltlin:i, SpctlaltJ. Cheaper than any House Assembly reconrrned at 1 p, tn. New TotL Office at B re Minwie-o- nreeenUMl tLe Pnr th shim at Cillfomi and & Ak. fliw f Finance oncinal tLe CIhop LeHonPlala. yj"-- T C. BREWER COMPANY. All Order! AUtmltil lo, ami Work IS TOWS Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. BUILDERS APDronnationBill. which, on bankof (LIMITED) Promly Or SHIM anr of the motion : Ottarantced. Trucks. MACSmi was read entirely throagh, for the first time. i.ai.-m- Ac co, General Jltrcanlllt i. ConiaiIion UXTIL n l;cnl, Erplasadc. Uthe riar of Mr Geo "DOX'T rCHCHASE. F 0 It T U N A Milk Wagons, 11 m Ai tne conclusion oi we reauisc, nmsocr vi MrnruANTS I iu uascbss. were eecmed to be intended rnRMlccinM QCKENSTnEET.HOXOIXHMI Lnci. ni motions made which And Impftert of and IHalnrs la Hay. Orals, and ln General of Berlin. PUnUtlon and, as an exhibition dip- 11 1. T0lT HATE SEEX HIS OOODS." Insurancejompany Waodsv Steamboat, to delay the Bill, of .art i....l 1Milit llnnnlala IT usT or ornccne. 8limthlp, tna lomacy, to tare the Bdl from being retarded in ABOVE ISHC11AJ.CE COnrAXtOI Uole Cavrts. Ox Cavrts. Abolo mored that tbe Assem- CLACssraicsxu WX.D.ICW15 P C. JOXES. in ITnldent and Uanar Fine Doable Ilanieftf, consideration, Bep. JOSEPH O OAKTEK. Treainrer and Secretary & Loneord and Mnle Harnfff, THE eiUblUbed a General AznT brre, aad the morning. On second CO., J. WILLIAMS GO, to Uka Cavrts. ENGINES AND BOILERS bly adjourn until the next :. IitWlA A I1E.NUV MAY. Auditor Eiprwt and rianutlon Uarnen, nndclsaed. General AeaU, are aathotiied lUnd fte Ac honorable member withdrew ni. ... thought, bowerer, tbe Commission Agents MBSCTOBa SO, 102 IOUT ISTItKET. Cridlea. Whtpf , Cnirr Comba. Ibrt Dnnajera at (fa fte At Ul bin The lbll was finally ordered for con- Sugar Factors and Itlk calal Made to order. In tbe avt worbnaa Hbakaaoer, at HIGH PRIMl RE QXQQXKttU, motion. n. EISIIOP. non II.A.r.CAItTEIL Drahef ipnr Dreitlncf, eteeU abort notice, and oa Kioti faroraMe termt sideration in Committee of the VVbole on M if onoiBia. ii. j. Uox. CIIAS. -- Beaaonable Rate, nnl on the the Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. 1 EMPIRE HOUSE. Jlj nl Mmi jnbte Tertw.. 9C8 T A. bCHAEmn CO . Oeneral Agenta BUCKSWITHIHG in all its Branches, The Attorney General care notice of Intention OLDS, r i t l t t i rroprictor. Y1GT0R FACJEKROSS, Mosdcau Saddlos. lj t tlsJIa of Wond, Itm tn C iymi'ta. to prohibit the formation of J iroBK risisiiED is TnE DEST IN THE 13L.1KDS. to introduce a bill toltM-- HTnurrfi. tMf 111 a a tudawf nl secret society's. xiiAM'AxniiotiL Watcr'Colors, Crayon, ra-- In the raa&Ber.aad at tbe PRUSSIAN NATIONAL ni'ii ii aRHIYAKT CXUI.lt.! mapailaWt atMa reading a bill to amend 7 OnljFlrt-C!- btWorknen Emplejed Second of bectious CHOICE A1ES, WINES AND LIQUORS Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, India Xolc. or OU. Lowrtt IUW Carriage TTerk, abt nd of Chapter XXXII of the I'cnM Codo relat TiiMiiriinco offence of libel. " ' Photo. Colored &c Conii'ny nttKJl ing to the punishment for tbe No. KIdc Street, nonolaln. opposite orflTETTl Honae lTork, lo ta Trad llepreeentaUTs Kauhikou was oppoeed to tbe J.n.KAWADTOI, atrsrt4 allb n1rw la. vklt Ibfy passage of the bill ; be jodged it was defeetire ; Acont to tab. AcJcnowledcmenti to Ibor J. T. Waterhonfe'a. The Only t'omplclc. Collection of lxsfs'ziiz.xsTCjaz7 xaa.j .Shin TTork, aft to be ataptoyad ftsovd. tMaarS m4 tHtl f provided fine imprisonment, the old law both and Coatrmct. TTatchca of all kind Repaired la a tatl factory C.plUl l t Ktlel,earli B.aov.ooo. proposed law did not provide for any impris- tlrtft, IUntl 1 1f ws, .Irteela. Vttll Work, this For tht Dlilrkt f Koni. Ordcn st DOIUM, Pantrolae aftraUava gltes b leaTing t of ttie Court, opposite jqllorg' Ilcmc ? T Manner and st rricrs. IiUnd Ui'UEIt3IG.'i:i) HAVING Mtttlf onment, to the option lie Frrn', bliclts, rpiIE noajllr m were tended to with rromptaei, and all ork done by n U heeo appolated aeent of the abora Compear for Or Marhlnrrj Forjlnr. tb U-- aavd wofbuaatblsy aaj was satisfied that newspapers in lionoluln . w wobtos X be, soirov to Satlafaellon. XI CnrIolllt, tbe IlawallaB Iflaod. la prepared to aeerpt rl.k, wmmm bat CraVela.. mrb aendaeed. quite different in tone from what they usod to Caaranteed give ir. SAMUEL NOTT, Pnrnltnre, . AOKTO.A'JL CO'N araln.t r!re on Manillas,. 31errBaadle. HorBe-shoein- which now appeared in print IV. g AtUAH-JfJKIX- and from the matter Cro- - C. SMITH, JVIgacloirfBto JE1IWJ Prodace.Bazar llilla.AcoB the molt fa, rable tarn,. a Specialty. NlUAkniLUAID MA seemed some newspaper editor would Store tiror ntnch rjasution. DrslT 1. ChoIe ALBERT rjrclinrcoei it likely tbat LOSSES ADJUSTED P1MSIE RUE CIIflr.Hr aaodr aft- -r tbo ptmtwtV crrlra 10a lTntionp wnmiflnwiiviK. MOIPUT I0 TTeentator af " Oonvoyftncor. Plttmbijng, ll niE.MEXscn.xr.intR, aiaebot tbrWMt abllfal Vecbaatc Atao aU Bolter b- - -i iWeevKlw Attorney-Gener- was tn favor of the bill, ALLKISD3 0FLZOL ritITIuS carefully done Qomtstic Uiodtire. aad MATKMIA1. I Al. Wk rwitti- ?, The lowly. At Wilder A Co 'a nr . the punishment provided, was deemed ample by II1CII.VIIU I". IllCKUUTO.t. Ueitber English or Hawaiian; WATKlt nrC of bWW Vt Ire, of tey t.ov him. lie thought that tbe J odiaary could be rally l. Ordrra from tbe other Ialaadfl rrepttfallj lkltfd tasd la tttabl kratb. Tm fsarct-- ift1aT. r moved passage of the bUi. ATI0BHET 111 C0CHBIL0E CUPTISO AND TKANSLATINO PLANTATION Gas Fitting, General Com'py. trusted, and be the Will the Tcrnu of Coottion tb 1ct KAUPAKUEA Insurance M.IW oaarlMd aa- - pmtm4 tm tbfsSMst. IXLh nltvi ol Land and Court Ercord icarcbed for Tltlea to Land or UYr CUJIHG IX .nil tmr B.le f " R0 Carried and ordered to third reading on the MoofT to on of Iror hows. ,i-- '''?riLjs C?atHR aUWCm IXTUtllL iiiunar- - ready to - rtpt-- d on tbe yrwosd. lid Nortrsi bolt Law vj QBantlUea lornii pnrtnaserr, vj For S.., Rlror and Zrfuid Trmitapvrt Inst. data In at 0 AF0U & Second reading of a bill, introduced by Bep. 1U03 Sm Ordera left with Mr. T. G Tbrora. 29 sod SS Mer- IWilf Tiwsmith Roofer, of DIITSDEN. Deatt Ire af aeall before ptrcba-la- or eeHilrari-lo- j IITDRAHLICBITimXtt Wart W. llrtehcock, relating to the regulating of the rale of tT 933 elaewbere Ur Mf siad by fbr rUbHaasMf. Hott--t chant wilf recelre prompt attention. ly ! IWTAIJI.I8IIKO AN f intoxicating liquors. Beferml to the Special A. CO., HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS AVIIfa flrdraarie Ktmiajt Itsr tbat tew Itll.I.lXIlA.ll H Atresee at Iloaolala for tha Hawaiian d 1. ATTENTION GIVES TO REPAIR WORK. blserr. f Committee having simdar bills in charge. iaF02TEKS ASS DEAX.EES IK HA ED WARE LYONS & LEVEY, the ndrrt'lcaed Oeaeral Aatt. are aathot lad in take far Mfrini u tk. reading of a hill to grant a franchise to ADDRESS OKDEB9 TO O BOXM- Second CBtlery. Dry Goods, paints and oils, ana ueeerai r r - WOBU. Kbi tstat SUaat TaaataML cas company in iionolrdQ. Dutwed in Com- Mercbaadire. AUCTIONEERS CErVL CONSISSIOH BERCHMTS llir lrab I RUkj mlaattJit Danger of UieSama ftt til WVscsm Air aad treatafTar v --Male after tW mittee of the bole. lion. J &ttalker in tie 100 o 37yorttrceUHenolBlB T CeaTCt Bloch, Qncen Street, Ilonolnln. GREY & CO., rs-- Moat & WEIGHT. ahiii chair. SALES OF FLEJtITUKE, STOCK, REAL ESTATE Tact and Dealers BMuonaol Ra.t. nd en tha WHmiAK 2 bill was discussed, amended and Maim ur?r ift.In of the Section - properly attended to Moat Termt. iHtf Dlrwi Aft Pasrse fas brtja.- - at CHy paw as follows i A to lake Acknowledements to Con- and General Merchandise rtJin. arproTed to cent Water Work nam rttb tketatabrat-- d Dtwf Section Gma Works. They shall bare tbe ior Aiurar. Sole Agtnts for American and Enrojtfan ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Y A &CIIACFER ft CO less truu Lclea, King strett, Iloaolala. 933 WIY1 TklsoMollos to right to erect at some place in Honolulu not OficestP 31 b. Doct EpUasde, Hoaelola, II I I0IU MEECIIANDISE. li for the IIlUn ItUodf WENNER & CO. aartat than half a mile distant from tbe Bell Tower to be Pnref Mnttosantl Goat Tallow wanted ArsU Wanh I it-i- a 9nptw IHvosst approved of by Privy Council, gas work for tbe Oollea A Co". htreet. will meet with prompt att ft cJ CO., Ion YJiXf NO. OS FORT STREET, manufacture of illuminating and the right to rANTATJO 03X HOTHXj, DlSnOP tent WILDER & CO., maintain and operate the same daring the contin- j.KniJi iiuui', ruurniiivn BANKERS, ICatInln. llawalliiM fa,afa, JeA avs ocaiaaa is nr rrtRT rnitn ?TRf f HDIQLULU. .iiaiikht. Ibe? H uation of this francuwe- - maiB irn Tt IIO.NOLII.U, i I I I IIAAIIA."VlLt.lDTl MimtoroLm.i eral ARenl) of At 4 p. m. the Committee aroee and reported The Ales. Wtaea sad JJqaorf ceertaaUy oa fcand. o progress to tbe Assembly and asked leave to ait 1bt juiTrry ctaoirw ntnrM m m. j DRAW EXCHANGE ON (Xe C.WALLER, Proprietor. Mutual Life Insurance Fine Jewelry, Watches . Comp'y o ai'o.-x;- 1K OF CaLIFOAlll. : : : : SIR Ff CISCO. King Street, Honolulu. Assembly adjourned day c BlU or At & until tbe I0JI Cholcett Meata from Plnent Herd. .icn tokic. Plated Ware, &c. atl0a.ro, cl importer, Wholenle and Betail Sealer sd ntna a errs ur Largest. Safest and Most i General Mercnindne New lork, rerUetfc Say Jane 21th, in Ooali, SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, ECONOMICAL CO Hatb Jut Eettlted ex lata Arririli, AoJChtn Goodwin the frlore,corBer KInx llonjCkonc. LIFE INS. Tine Aaortment of Tbe Assembly met at 10 aC m. After prayer by 1H .nd glBtffU T Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins Chypl"1 minotea of the previous meeting MESSRS. ROTHSCHILD I SOUS,: :LCDCH (IMM.VU ASD FOR IN THE WOELD! tbe " - S.llX were read and approred. ;r.t;ii- miun.t. The Commercial Bank! or Co. of Sydney, Loodop COXr.TlVTI.1 known I AT LAW, Cash Assots, 9vcrSQ0,00O,0OO GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Jtepreaentatlve Kaolokou asked for farther time AIT0EXEYAKDC0UKSIIXOE The Commcrelal Eaaklnz Co. ef Sidney, Sydney YV.Ime. I'.rker, Prtn'r. Si OVES, H police, T.nnerj. J. r to prepare bit minority report on prisons MTTARY It"BUC, Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, and It . H. For iBformation eonreralav Ike Cerapanp and The IIII. T.nnerx. I"r.,rlet.r. Ar a A andraounted police. Granted. -t IJiua. ior " WILIim Bracolots, Brooches, ABdABtfotKlnffAtl.BowIIMiUorlttfBmeBU Tranche In CbritcfaaKb,DaaedlD and Weill on CLE0110KS Jt C0Artnt nim.i lain..,. arr'T Arewta.U. ee Bepresentaure F.Brown introduced a resula jor ui in lj AS flent a tn. nun u... The Eank of ErltlhTonmbla, Portland, Ore-o-n. ltANGES, 1 wisbSui. Earrings, Flngor Rings, tionthat the cost of printing and translating the VU CamphcUBoelE,l(erchiBt,funoBOlilB 17 In, t pllcltlBgAceat td daring this seesioa be The Aiore and Madeira Iilaads IfO reports of the lciriatare . "IT WIT- H- placed before tbe llouse. Approved. i,u5k. Mockbotnt, uredcn. LUCAS, tn. ciias.-x- And traatact a General Baa tin c DaiBr 9X ly CEO. SOUTH BRITISH AUD HATIONAL 'i l Ums . The read for the fiiit a XJU HTiTO, Lamps, Chandeliers, Diamonds & other precious Stones mB to prevent tbe formation of unlawful ecret UOTAHV CONTRACTOR & BUILDER F1RK AXD MA1IINK IXSt'KAXCK associations in the Kingdom. Bead a second time A5eEtlUktAtklT.lKimittItOl.lhrCoilUlcU ASU ALMO- - . CWan, IH'plar ot br title and referred to Jcdmary Committee. Importers of General Merchandise COMPANIES Of NEW ZEALAND. " Bon. li A. Widemann naked for leave of ab- CENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. O sence for an indefinite period. Oftce tn NtVrc'a Block, cornet Heen and Kaahiimaai FROM Gonoral CAPITAL $20,000,000 w Dole objected to tbe leave being jionoimn "Wore. Representative 'i L'allnltrd CUM III r ef SHar-b- ffaalajr Jaiat Elatel reasons, which '" FJtAXCE, EXGLAyD, OERMA .K, AND WALKING CAKES, RICHLT HOUftTEO granted, without should be J. E. WISEMAN, Honolulu Mills, HOUSE FURNISHING pAlier D K were first given, STATES, Meant Planing Itarm; eubllhed aa Ajene at Iloaolala. far tit 15 KILUX, Hon. VTidemanc referred to tbe fact that Hon. Real Estate Broker dtEaployment Bureau UNITED Ilavrallan Iiliade, tfeeBBtlenlrnH If prrpirtd V iOU iSD P. Isenberg bad obtained leave. Iteat Koomi UUa. Ileaara, aad 1I and It No. Qveen Street, - - Iloola.ln. H. f, lionoluln, II. rtfke axataat tire oa Ivll4laxa, Mrrebatllw, that, Keal m an paru oi ise a.iDcaon. &aipij nplanadc, I. FaraltBre Macblaerr.Ac- - ea tbeaaoat larorabletena a - (rM laOo-fl- to aa EH Smith said without there tfUl vaiioaa .il fmttmtf WKf & 1$ neat romd for tboaeveeUue work la all the ! astlaatloa of nfvci-- aa--t w frvl strong reason, no meirlrc ought be aJ. IIM,V.t IIUON., Pay-ab- le were branches et btulneiaeesaetted wita theve lalaad. SlasaraCarea all kind, of IIAKDWA11E Losses Promptly Adjusted and axaared tber U1 ao kart wttboot anblasa aareaaM la SBprrredlpr all .Her Mrmaa CwVr, lowed to leave tbe House for ao indefinite time. rr-- - ? B LtMral drawa. Bllla Cc41ectd. - . . If. -- I ellma, -i -, was Ivmnrau II UH anrrwl ,w ibbj .' .- show of bsnds the retiaoner granted Hvoka and Accoonu kept, ndrraeral office work traae WHOLESALE GROCER ! oni.in,aiir.ii.jn BECil-iEXl- On a aa. .. . aa. jfanawn , Mouldings, Brackots, Here W SOJIE t.lww.iM uilUltaJ f "mi mi art,aan!,fcrf1.lt.,. j -- . SIS and 1S Callfornle Street, cvjiPBELfs new unoeir, fcaamar iit--- mtrm rmmmr Dole introCooed a resolotion Uonolala, II I H6 Window Frames, Rlaka Kgrwh.ndlaerr.Ight. lalieoar Zxtearte of Jewatrr Uepresentative Oppoalte Wilder Co MatIb. .B stock hterlr f raval. that the lreidentof tbe Board of Immigration K A C I c o . Blinds, Sashos, Doors TORT STREET And Tr antxav At Crarreat etc- relaUng G.tV A(:rA&LA3BACU, sax r H.U.. place before the House all contracts, - TCwdarork r. OB01.ru. i"-'- t WUTS-L- rs Lmm ta CzylawU. IXF0T.TE&S A5D C0XXISSI0H XESCEAnTS, alien t.oa paid to CUIns and ihlpplni And all kind, of Fl&Ik. V. U. BIWilR. A UaU. to Portuguese Immigrants daring tbe past bien- fartlcnUr Mrtt Wit Itlaadrtr arders mblf Arret fee lla.alla. t.laada. alao bees U Jleetta foe tint nial period, and einee then. Approved. BEAVER BLOCK, 1 lpvdt4 tfiaitt TnAraeffiatllira . of Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing SrtTiB. KlacdoaL. tor Z.atrf Iiepresentstive llHpo asked ir the Minister Cor Fort sod Qeeea Street. It. f a w.caniK. ATasmrwx POH TI11.TLJI1C Foreign Affairs was prepared to present & report A I.I. I(ISD! PIAXT IIETSKTOFOK'E aasam na A: or cm MTCASC 1T.A5T FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, AND COSTS NO MORS! in answer to bis resolution, relating to tbe ex Tbe GUiow aad UetaoJal Lis of rickrts. CASTM. CUUUC. THE tke TI0;r.0Btlx King's Celebxatcd Zye Preservers, lUy dc Co's Liverpool seechabts PliniDg and Siwinji ur ifAnnmo. A-- Till asd srwea s 0 sMatasal Vf pensea cf foreign missions. Job a sad Loadoa rackrU sHLrrnra aitd comassioa' OVERSHOT IRON L A Retehj daeriCJ already in The Walfcipa rUatailoa. IMPORTERS AND OF MILL, Capital ef the Cmpaap Beaerre. ark tpn an Who hart bees laatrectxl lo tbe a of bla 7ftrai tn Tbe alinistcT stated the report vu Korticiag and Teatnting. their Swleenraaee Cnjpanlea VnjBOjM lystkstvqo office, and be would present it after recess. Tb &ipeaer PlauUa. H.lo. SO feet diameter wltbOearlaj. for tertiai tbe bemaa tjtw bis Cenora! Merchandise, Tbe-- are- MMSr tbe ROWCLtV, Aloft Smith gave noliob to Ilakalaa riaautlna, lllla. Dealers In A flUe asl W. Z. Henolwlu. Hon. J. of intention -- Walaoe. Sa-- ar X ORDERS PROMPTLY TTBSDED TO Coaler. Cntrifizala. TarWa Water Waeet. Ox Total Kekb.nuia UlJBKpa of taoas IstereetH la callH I UW Sre eat- - illrrieef, Talt t Matalatry. No.80KlfStrect,nonIals.n teatlos 11 SVW Ifaak-a- s ftrtsoJa, introduce Joint resolution relating to Japanese Sheep Baaca Cofapasy. .1011 Work (.ana. rumit. karaiiar. .opert cstiaamiee Afil The ratios And Unarantvd. asd Biuluaoltka rnim.Tool AGENTS FOR mr Order, from Uie other aoflcltnl NORTH CERMAH tsrortz vn a cAtL Tbe Minister of Finance presented a statement I.CHUS. r' hlasia (a received The Kohala Saffir Co. R. HsUtesd, or WaUlaa nonolala. Jlij t, I!4. 1WI to Taeaetrfaatlaztfnaaareaaad viablax ia fat are SALAMANDER FELTi?IS if the amounts by tax collectors in each AliLL.1 IkWiu.inw.i. "" plaataUoo bla aSbrda pportaalt INSUEAHCE COMPANY, WM.WIHNER AGO.. resoloUou Tbe llitka .triad en ease.tltiti aaaaatul IlEE district for lS33in answer to a passed 1fo.Vaa.UHl. Wharf Tbe Alexaader Said- - A. II Smtth ft C-o- f datac at rerraBUlI eopt. wa Fort Street. - srrs Assembly. c tj or iiAKxtrau. br tbe tn Hoii t lalUinj jnaaUtlOB lea, EataL KNOWLES' fJC rnee ivm aaa wian cu CapilaJ of A Kekaaaaars KJmjB Bishop ....for the lime a Sailin il Luabtr aal Damak M.AIeiaader.nalkm, tteCenpaar PATENT NOTICE. Hoo. C B. Joint .. . ,... .. nn. w.n. .. A Planutlos J tattlr Camaatea 33jOj9D8 Atioister A 'a I'ovcriB Biim,&e jcjoIrtJon sothorUing the of Finance to Tbe Ultehwk Co Mail. ! TXTIICnK-l- S TVAS IS- - Queen's or ocmoovEM STEAH AND YACHOH PHHPS SAI.E A PATENT tlfts pe over toth treasurer of tbe Hospital, a.inrs PUatatioa Total Betcbniark W Vf tedUKItnbarrM JarrV, tkaWaa xra the worn Of $7,011.51 Tbe resolotiou was road a Tbe VmStrm Iaarance Company of Sam Fraadae art laaC. trr tbe Mlal-t- of laterlor, atod-- r tW tavs m to Tbe New England Life laavnate Company, of CotoB UXDERSIGXKD HAVE JCST AND TMmk r-v- second time by title, passed asmeat and TirK per Ajar fron Boatm a fnll a HOUSES LOTS vnzuiuziz.nturanAt Aurzm oftbla Kla4oai. far s Oh aad Cstx latnsfa Saves 23 par rt- reading on the 3CUi inst. KxciiT.com, Tbe Rlake Maaifactarlsf Co of Borton. Tarser. At tbat rery desirable Mod well kaowa location taa above tare compaatef tbv HawatUa raraacc, tal t all smoaf afala4 tm lafti-r- a Ctnit.af ordered to third D M Wetoa'aPateatCentrira-a- Vacaturs. ortisat"ftBne celebrated raai?a.wklcb Tiik (t eald The Minister of Inienotv in antwer lea reeoln X tET l faa. Bar er atrl. f 5 of. tn aad 13 Sanaa Arae,19 aalsataa Iataavaa. arc areaajad t taaara BaUtCa re. Farattare. est t U ftlwsc SUES. The New Tork sad Uonolala Packet Use. walk aad karbor Ac--, a commit PXICS MBICSIB Hon, xtreaented a stalexnent of privueces grsntcd TAUABI. ThcXeithaattLtae,tIonotnIsaa4lSa9 PraacUco. ramp Imported. V.CBUthaueBtlMi.f nUateripar. tna JIereaaadlivadriaee.MMbirrr, aieofaxr c Mnrca 70 t7.W ML., Steamship Co. The report was ranrp, wklck la lees cmptl aa--t Kiev XlUa, asd eertti Is U aartwr. afaiatt So Asrtrts tf tts IsitU ,, to tbe Oeeasie Dr JayaltiCfcbralit Jlrfklar. TlealBrl7ltktVacaBm daaiaxv by aaoat f o-- printed. """"laUIB. WUcax A Ulbb a , Company, aa4 rtednadraaYlc.Wtk..Mne-Tnra- V a woou r ta trnat. Trwo. h. aervtaa a ordered to be SIbtct Xaaolaetsrlae CO. WP7 or C. X. WXLU1X9. Irrn OsaolBJs.a'fbTaArj' tttle ISOs a aaiosUtodlarejrtrdtoarciolctioa relating IIO&olslBtlUwalluIalaadi. 1 C33 Wheeler Wilsons Sewtnx Xstklses ly itxo b a lUTiu if Mil Arss. i?vmn-ri?- S rrsw - "tfwf'tF :&4

rgal iirfTtisnnrnta tjE John Parker, who will draw tho sweetest tones from a com prrrrnt lost, and the eonsnmer pari the extra In taemerlam. Sfjipptng. scssor. Kuihelan and prtoe, Vmuirt export mora valoo and Import a f ' Ihj of mon fiddle, George j""'"" 3n 3ulljoritn. are supposed to under the influence leas, aou nw eaca nor miicmpa to regiuaH Ilev. B. Howell of VTaimea. Kauai, father COURT OF THE Gazette. law as wealth of tb Hon. W. . Howell, member of the Lrgi PACIFuTaUIL STHSISHIP COHPABT gaiuaiinn Spreckels through the instrumentality of Affairs ttmuit result in kna. Tb SUritEME Ia Prcbate fa the matter f The Minister of Foreign rose at of these islands U now prodnced by tabor paid latnre, died on the 15th of June, lS?t,at Koloa, Wilt ( r.SOROKrRKt.of Waalawa, Sam Parker, and lastly Kanoa,, Governor doc- mor of 125 p. m. on Saturday to makelns defence with a short nlrer mediom, and no com plaint is whither he had been taken to be under the For San Francisco. Wlalaa,Oakn,decftcd Order apprtattsr kit uonri :k Krs of Kanat as to his management of the affairs of the made, onr exports art told in foretca porta for tor care. He was born In Xew Hampshire, robate ef Will aad dirtetlaf paMicatli af tatlet f Tho rpnresentativG roto was evenly di- gold. ,)Is not that good for nst who is injarcdor January , ISIS, being in his 70th year at the WEDSESPAT. iXThX IP&C p.cxnin ABtlparr-11aff,k-(ltW'iUz.dtrat-a. of office- Kingdom, which, in his mnltipbed and time of hia death. Ilia father wm the ltev. Joseph tuk mfunsmr nded in numbers, on the lino BowcU, Cbnxregatiooal Church tn wjenfretTdcceaacd, kavtaroa ihottth Taneu capuaues, uv uo uuuuwsutvai ai Sboald il be possible to nrpty ns with a foreign pntoT of tbe I jeeawnUd t aald SMe iriiolcnllj holders and independent men. Ofrcpre X. II. age 17 Sit if JamV A. rrobat Wntx tho 3Iimtial most solo for the past two years. Ho prom cold mrrencv. will 17J0 of It raw amoatht waces Cttremont, At the of he entered rZ,rt aid a Detltloa for tks rretmte iKmaf, aa4 for Amherst College graduated U37 In 1511 !. . Wlllu-mrdi- o nnnonncwl tliAt a nppcllal jUlioato seniauves Toung jorino jiinisier, nc; ised to occupy the Honsc but a few min to those now getting $20? if not the planters must and in SSSic. AdmIal.tr.tlo-- wltMh. L. Kanlnkou, District Justice and tax loeeineaiBereno. ue way to enconrage he finished a theological course in Anduver Theo- Kapea Sorerafret, the widow, havlas been noncr. tbp Kinpfwil Home hntaarfd 6f ngnt J utes, and it may be said he redeemed his is uat logical Seminary, and was ordained the same assessor of Koolanpoko. Keau. poi con- production? ay pIkhiW po straiglit into the wastv J. promise. For just one hour and twenty Tbe United States prodacea its wealth with a year. In April ItHi, b married Malvina Cbapin CITY OF SYDNEY! ftU AcVtSiSA Ual rBIDATttaOk f PrPAKTJIKNT tnrr. Clerk of DEARBORX. W a'eleek aald day, al hiwlcTidenOjr tract at Kakaako, and hopes of paper carrencr and sells ber export for cold: who of Newport, N. IL, and soon after left with her for niniSDU. JaiVA O a.iaaf nats.ln JnitiU lt. ltajkpt, the Groat Sajxptcr minutes his Fpeech, and its interpretation. auspice of WILL LE1VE H0H0LDLU FDR SIR FRHCISCO Alllwlaat duly ewsuni-- - tbe Market; E. K. Lihkalani, grumbles? Tne great political economist Adam the Hawaiian Islands, under the the Tar toaVasrtad rsraoas fca been forpottcn for a time tlir wide intrfliffoncc oi the Mouse, Amenean Hil5riofOata.le.UdtheM - Baker, Carrtainof demanded the attention and Smith, aays Kngland never prospered nntil ahe Hoard of Commuuocers for foreign time aVweda-Ts- a twwnw.teiMt 11 ami patriotic fcolings of His Majesty on of the Queen; J. T interpretation Dr. W. Snaith and wife were On or atont Kondaj July 8 srpolated the of of thee eighty minutes the did her business with paper money and loaned her missooa. llev. J. said appticatlcn. wheaftrMsita"2t5jaypcrsoa: Kings guard; Amara, Deputy sheriff 111, navtui J necessarily took tho larger half, po that gold to surrounding nations. also passengers by the same vessel from Boston, may appear sad contest the aald W aad the m Ed lveka Waialua; Asa Kauha, Deputy eheriff of I make these re frrrncea only to prove that If we being sent by tb same Acaociation. Tbey arrived TOE SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! of tettera of adnEialstratrOB HnmakUS . K Kwuaue forty minutes todisposeoi charges of mal in Honolulu September Z2dlH2, and Mr. Howell la farther ortered. that faatlce JTOL1 p II Xaarna Koolanpoko; Aholo, Pohco. justice and prodoce oar wealth with a cheap money and sell II kttaaia.... I administration in Foreign Affairs gener- foreign waa located for a number of moot at Waialua, paWleatkm.for three aBccffslT iwtahlkinm. Th Kohftfe. .. oTHtxo ilial the Tiao halil tax assessor of AVailukit; J. Kamakele, tax in ports for a more valuable one, we are acwspapef printed andptalllntd la .J I nation ally, unnecessary and extravagant foreign Joing now aboot as well in this particular as more Oaho. In 1SI3 he was transferred to Uanalei, the .fLcininsriLiniiiir run Oaxrrra kM MaUBtaat con --Mat awho, I?ardner, xerraty wffc . .. ..f or ronlil hnve said agsint tbo recent assessor of d. powerful nations. Kauai, where he remained three vear. going to A.J III. nplf Miltil Kl..nitil H missions, the Protest etc The Board oi V 1JM6. IHIrw llowdalo, ,",BB?J.,iJS,D, Km jm dnct of pnUic afiiun. so tlwrtmculy con sheriff and tax assesMJr of Hana;l). H. 1 fear the legislation cow proposed to "regulate aimea. on tbe same island, in There be t n rth G, B. Health, including the Jndnu muddle and the currency' will rttard prodacUon and prevent be has lived ever since, never having returned to Attest - Chief JaaOcc af the Saprc at Cawrr amwyj tho Chief 3IinLtf of n htatc im Nahinu. taxasbe?sor of Kohala; Pa Clerk. NAl t the Flowerdew case. Then tho coinage t permanent restoration of a norma condition of tbe land of his birth, even for a visit, ue bad vrcnoER. conn tsin'.rt. llanav Sarra, lvpaty la sWssile ittfjirc-niau- lohau. Deputy frhenff and tax assessor oi .. . to lo m contract &cxt the Immigration expenses, exchange. Certainly the 75,000 that is proposed seven chUdern,ot whom six are still liring. and lalMWsJvwW ML .fc jwo!i Kawaihae; L," K. Konehea, District justice Zl grandchildren of whom 13 are living. In his On 13th, 1884, COURT OK THE HA fcssaskele (tovprnment, as tbat rielaxnation that at a Coun- to be taken from tb Treasury to bay foreign sil- or about July SUl'itEMK -- ef . J and the alleged illegality of Cabinet labors he remained connected with t la Prale. Ia tha natter Mahsaru .. in t emlw last, 7 and tax assessor of Molokai; J.'akaleka, ver and change It for gold, could be much better utiaMonary Foe rre'cht aad Paaaaffe. apply ALrOEUVT BL'SII, Ut of neaola. Haaa .J t4r crrtain dark irnoJ cil Appropriations and a melodramatic employed improvement, the A. B. 0. F. M. until about the yeanKa. Sinew VXn . M 1IACTKU CO .Alwt the Bataief vtoud alonfl opposed to tho (nothing as yet.) Kaunamano, tax assessor ia some prodnctire there- Intestate, deceased. At Chambers berora Chief MMiU4Lul f ix fwv' peroration were all compressed into alout by preventing the rare loss that most result from then he has been the of tbe Independent ar!lilpaneulperteamer can awm whole of Ilamakna. Waimea. few yean tiaU tat rirc-prw- and His-I- petltloni and of omit. ojiinionM and trih of the nation! tjiirty-fou- r such nnwise legislation, to say nothing of the losses Church at tor the first the ke.llorrfl, rrecol Charge, tha Vn rrsdtit; accoaltl minutes. congregation grass Mm. L P. Hath, administratrix of the of kaae that must attain by the unsettling ot values and met in a boose, but afterwards Warebanie near the Steamer Wharf. arollae nrale Rwasad .aleejM' JHH The 0 azettx has neither time, space nor The speech eo apparently frank and ex other confaaiiwia. a comfortable hooae was built, which stands to The AgvaU hare arc bow prepared to Alfred W Bash, laic of HmMtlala. deceased, wacrvts ScxkLY there is decency pnoali left in energy to a to to allowed S7.3fie.ia. aad caaires herself WMm a W ksapa planatory, was only discursive and eva- There is only one way to cuke a permanent this day a monument to his and his Tickets to San Francisco and Return, aka tha asm may kw caaaatacd .J inclination to reply to the .!rfrcrfir of the builder, valla are of a with f5.aC6J9, aad aka Ikat Ja L kaulahe MprsXIalictnudNoninanntortifmarter sive. and an acceptable home currency, and that is, for skill as architect and the and approved, and that a nasi order may be aadeaf !Sth nlL at any length. As a xnexe tissue white of formation not com T0K 8125 THE R0U.M) TKII (Aral. the tip their admlnitnition has regard to foreign affairs, the proof this prewentXrolatare tonr"tr hamkimi stone ardimentarr ill Htl ballon ef the property rtnulalar la her hinds U Kate of vulgar Abase the -- Mrrrtrr article will Vjjfti of this Government and elect a president. mon on tbcite islands. The heavy timbers neces- persons thereto entitled, and dlscnarxla- - ar and ...J Uatl .'O one wii" 4u-ii-i u a i pnrttnt the responsibility aa ad . J T Paul pijwy not draw forth any retaliation. There are, thatrio mistake had arisen with tho French Tire president and bank attorney to take charge sary for the beams aud rafters were all obtained her anretla from all further sots eipn Affairs to show the faintot tinp of of ahonld from tbe forest in tbe mountains back ot Wai- FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK miatstratr.n however, two points to bo noticed; one is Government in consequence tho sudden o! it; and into their hands be committed, orders, 1st day of Aacaat, A. .W It Pahaae hazae oMtion may occupy under the lawa of tbe Kingdom, with proper bond, mea, where tbey were cnt, hewn and brought ll la that rTIlDAT.tta at any - withdrawal of Mr. Carter's diplomatic UoalksMl this our assailant says that the opposition com- auwn oy natives unoer oi personal supervision. Dl,airxloela.BUir(riatMiavainuc. . . ..B IIH Etctj whito man in the Houe with the was received civil the entire responsibility of anpplyiBC the at Chambers la the Coart lloaac. Uoaelsla. be sad k are not entitled to called news powers, that we still merce and industry of the Kingdom with an ad- At that time many dilacnltiea had to bo over- hereby Is appointed at Ike time- sad J Ml M KATK5V. exceUonof S Walker andIacfnxlanc Iapers le the tame J tapers. In answer to this it is only neces- communications from the Foreign Minis- equate and acceptable currency. Tbey ahonld come, which are not known now. bat Mr. Howell alwt for heartne aald ratiuoa sad accoaaU,aad uav SilaMft f FVnanee. han rrcorde his lack of confidence in the have power to coin money, iasne and redeem bills spared neither phraioal nor mental labor in his all peraoaa IntereatedT stay tbea aaa tarrc appear: aaa to the Gazette ter in France and that our representative wo If aa whv akoaM Twenty-on- Independent men sary to invite comparison of credit ( bank notes) receive deposit and Issue enon to ocua ap tne cnarcn. lie an arueai iun nua tav bv tha mbs Ministry had been decorated. TheiUwirraffairwas scholar, and kept op his familiarity with the CUNARD IiINE be rrantcd, and may present crMeav aa to who ara LOAN! twenty-ton- of tho last or any other week, and tho con certificates for the same, etc Their duties ahonld order, oovnuoicrT them, and to. had not suspended, Greek Ilebrnw laccuafie rears. He tatuird to the said properly. And that Uls la jHErArmKT opie temporaneom issue of the -- WerrtVr. The not alluded Francd be dearly defined by law. The material used by and till late bo patlished la the w finance npport them Step out gracefnlly. gen- was one few Hawaiian miastonaric Established 1840. the EarlUh lanjaase, IiaanaK Any. . 11 latter consists of a column of coarse abuse. or threatened to suspend diplomatic rein Tnem as the agents cf the GoTcrnmant to exprcM of the of the Qasstte. newspaper printed sad pab'lahed la lloao- M'U tlemen it is time the power of money, ahonld be gold, tulver and who acquired Uiuorongbly Ue idioms and pronun- lala. for tare aaccesslv weeks prcvioas laths tlm ii- - - Iwce k1 tions, so tnai was ail ngnu sita a column and a half of a dog story clipped paper, each to be a fall rontf tt4tr with one stan- ciation of tbe Hawaiian language. His loss is Two Sailings Every Week thvreia appointed for aald heart a r W UK iWVItSSEXT UlAN apt. from two clippings, Kapena's mission oninnatod with homo dard of value for and should be t)rtmtt fell decDlv bv the native of his district, and his Dated at lloaolala. II. L, this Mtn day Jan. AJ. 1884 aia. W nri-tr- at - T !!T Um of another paper, other all, that JUDD. wra that r. n.ta.ana arlll m nnfortnnate nothing to Gov- widow ind children sufftras onlythone can ap- run Liri;Ki'ooii a. ranwr--t an " It Japanese gentlemen, and had U fl JtlUr Sa&e disputes the right cf tbe rat( mtpftfatrainM m-- a quarter of a column of original matter wlw known Attest Chief Jaatles ef tha Ssprcma Coart. pssab. oanvBa.l..ttdtend the ttoods aw cacsnpi fraw the lloanl of GenealocT cbould le too do with the coronation, the mission referred ernment to do this and retain the profits, elae bow preciate have a similar kw. ii?y JWw IVar erery U'etltetiLiy, Depnty Clerk. 10U3t .nl on the then forthcoming ball at the Hotel, MtfffWjrttN. From Hivar ami. t lases aawapi r to Ite able to present thoialnable to immigration. Cot Iaukea's mis can they delegate this power to a corporation? I From Boston very Satanity, jwai x .. thimei the departure of men-o- f war, and a letter solely of able and t kin which an public is enti could refer roa to the opinions eminent or Captain Thomas Spencer, COURT OF THE Mtotrin Iteitul eipcctnnt. Mr Gibson. The next page makes sion was eminently buccessf ul in the East American statesmen that it is as much the doty of Death SUPKE3IE a. In Pmeale. In to Matter of nnfortnnate that the from KsUU of ntOKATONE, of lloaolala, deceased. tied to It it alo two projected because ho had been so well received in the Government to attend to this bosinraa direct Fot more than thirty years CapL Tom Spencer's RATES OF PASSAGES Licenses Expiring in July. 1S64. r is uoaUn to np columns of legislature, as for tntm to run office department, Intestate. Before Chief Justice Jadd. Sfcrrtxxj to the Board coorU-ue- West The various embassies of this Min- ft is the pot Dortlv nenra and stentorian TutiM have been famil Oa readiaz sad the petltloa cf Joteplt Dymaa tarn) concert and Boyal and some tbe war department or any other department of Cafclw ...... , aaiil SIo .M lllne NtTTAtL-011- 1 . reiort Unfortunate too(ror that istry .had not cost eo much as was reputed iar to U people of these ialands. Like so many and John Kabwllo both of lloaolala, aUesia Uaaaald communications. the government, and not farm it out aa has always of bis contemporaries, Capu Spencer came ber lecotdlac Accommodation. Fraak Aatoaa or Ilonolalo, died IntesUle at lloaerola another member of the to havo been spent from first to last aa been done in the United States to the great injury on Ike Uaywf Janaary. V. V pnmiiy Ha Tho -- Uterfiafr may chango ostensible in nrst in tne wnannc uusinta. ana esuoitsneuLiim KETCH: TICKETS OX TAVORABLE TERMS. 14. Ifinu I HamasilWw.QnaarfWt Board i Um mnch taken by "his duties of tbe country. . of sdrycoodlllorlaprlltionert, hands aad prajisf i 41 ! . , kaafcowtaa ctre ni quiring tho Iteiprodty Treaty. self in Honolulu in a ship chinulery store on the urrctiey t allow proprietors and ostensible editors as often If there were not big profits and advantages in Mccraa-c- that an admlalslrstor of aald estate be appoiatsdta UitlnTliki enaau in the chain panT to him to attend The IVotest had not been made a laugh lot recently vacated by A. W. lVrce 1 Co. For tiotnlccuaaaivdalloMacaaalwava ta aeenred on ap. receive the proceeds of tal of tks pmda bcloartRC to Maa A 1 , Lrt Jr-v- as wilL bnt tho trail of tho senent is outside parties would not ask for these rights; kto to tho i lalmnons details of hunting it ac- it, many years he did a Urge bostness, aud made a bllcatia W 1LL1AMS D1M0NU A CO . aid rslate,aad for theappolataaealaf armardlaaof t, kaa- - sr-- ing stock, on the contrary it had been as uteae ngnta, powers ana ueiong to I t.a le, t o er it still " A whole page of official di ami privileges great deal of mouv which be invested in a sugar ' Ma rvanelaco, tha prraoaa aad property of the minor chUdrea Of said M V X - " tip unwritten. record rectory, which doubtless goes far to knowledged with due diplomatic phrase- to tbe people, let the people retain them and profit plantation at Htk). 'ItUs turned out unfortunately JAS.ALEXAMiKK. dreeaaed. kurnCanitt''Sid? HaWnirt Bat is an ill wind that blow nobody thereby, aa it will be safer, more reliable and more iriMaieMrret, Bo ion, It Isordrrea t&at TUESDAY, tho tad day of Jaly. A. ear A Street la " it - ology, though no farther rosponso had and latterly Capt. Spencer was is occasional diff- ll Ju Dls rwocaibal lamai fur the 518.000 and odd of- public permanent to it In the hands of a cor BROWN A . D. 11, at n a. m.. b aad hereby la appotated for n -. 1 k Hotel atr-- rt pwd;behind all this mitfortunebrijrhtens received except Holland, and than trust iculties. An enthusiastic American, bis sympathies VERMIN II. t0 wttr- money received while that page has been been from poratwo. however and reapumuble thev may 1 Bowlins Uieea, Nw heariar mid petltloa before aald Chief Jaatlce, la the 11 aiuWi Saaiat ending1 of thi honest were world wide anJ his hospitality unbounded. lurk which PanaHrawat-Ue- the probability of the the Secretary of State in Washington, the be, language Wendell when Lout Room of this Coart. at lloaolala. at time 11 fcLertj in type, ana a lew advertisements, oi and in the of Itillips, For some Tew vears post his health had been break and place ail persona coaeeraed may appaar aani ahow i imixfe-ttion- The public will bo oot tiling upon one doubts that ll JahaCae ., 5atiiaiTr -- Hon. Mr. Frelinghuyscn had written that this subject, "If anj ing and tho end caine on Saturday morning at 10 Notice Io froai A a trail. New Zealand eaaao If any aald straw them old and manr' of them out of date. tar; iuis,.aj iiuimwbu : ( - ilm Um Maaaoaca A HeleJ while tlie iedipvcbuildin lbs tpverunKht 1' hooest enough to be trusted o'clock. aud llnawlntafasrThe Canard Uneaaordamorethaiiaaaal be mated, aad that tnla ordvr ba . irlierrxlf 11 the Protest ought to have been calledan 1' Us 7 mt Itaatifa a4 hia( MiH go to up a sheet which talks of other, with such power, I answer it is as honest a the faculties to threseli paen-e- r from EnzlUhaodllatxallaa laonaces for three t access Its at a Isw. istjaolaaesw.i onr jrentJe and earnest mentor, New Caot. bad room enoucu. and warmtn poeat, " aDneaL nnd that with reirard to who now wield these power. W e porta, frcunenry of it sailing preclndiait all weeks the ana aewt-- k.a-- a we aad Viae - not being rtrpapers. national banks enough to a genuine the la luwimn varra akozm Nons the wilt ini th4r hare- of the from de- iu his heart entertain lore for Ntw Yotk, papert In Ilonolnla. U raj Har! ttfvrt .lfrerfer. The second and only other jioint to be Guinea and other groups remote mutt trust such powers somewhere. He can his adopted conntry, Hawaii, as well a for hi bllitrof dlay la McmkI U tect and Dunuu and orcvent mudoincs mora quick rff"Oood sccoumilailoaa alwaja reaerved. Dated Honotnla, II. I, Jaa IWh. A.D. I Mar iiafTaac iirrf plunder,, Beginning there was neither an American .or dearly loved native land, and tus alerting qualities ERNON II DUOW S CO . A yUANCIH JUDD. IL H II Hrw " noticed is tills with some hence: ly In the government than we can in money cor l t( Pat Hawaiian question alive, while tho Colo- acre iaur appreciated ut several luocraiire juon-- Uu; j 4 Bowling ureen, New Tork. Chler Jaatlca ( tha Saprcata Coart. I 1 c as ati. The Bank Charter Bill was defeated last thing about honesty, decency, just, earnest poration auieldrd by pnvaey. ' arebs of this Kingdom, His present Majesty and Attest ) I)hic HfaU otarn nies of Great Britian were nearer inter- I are reuortrd that the Minister of Finance amu Depafy 'IQtt La.K fcMolaaaaa purpose, whicli cannot out w respecteo, it Queen Kapiolani laat bat not least. llanav Clrtk. fllk Thurdayt a rot of Ki tS 2 TSething Tripp's expedition was more has given notice of intention to introduce a biU to HZtm MwA,K. XC Jr the --tdrerfiart proceeds to inve pecimens ested. Capt iue innerai loot place ounuay aiiernoon irom tircrtiscmtnta. HA- - .j V nmiau-r- rt 9d fUnk in the nostril? of the com regulate a 2tttonal Hanking ttystcm This has Hotel, when A. COUItT OK THE Hit ! had of its own ideas of thes qualities. Open expensive than was anticipated, for who bogus national Ue Hawaiian the ltev. J. Croun waliaa Ilada. In PrabalA-l- lk aiallrv aT Ik aa Aa 1aw tmi the right sound, but whether it tea officiated. A large company had assembled to honor (.EUKUK EXMKb. of dcacaac liaala t raunit, that cnonihe present brozenfore could forsee the wreck of the vessel Uni wnere k.tteof J lloaolala. Iia A bBaatr llatr(ir.,-- ing out with the decent, just, honest re- uankim? avstem. as m tne iniicu ciaies ii dead, were iudirMicsue9Uier.mg Before Chief Jattlca Jadd t tW MinUtry. how much they mighl na- tbe foremost MARSHAL'SSALJEr tntesute. irtkiH mlrt mail headd ever mark that the Unflrfi and Gazette are forms and flags not referred to. means uulj corporate monopoly, or a genuine anJ Queen, Governor Domini and Hon. A, S. Oa reading aad alloc the petltloa of Mrs. A. II. Kl.TAII. 1. dan-- system government con- Kll favor the measure, not, in tho face mass The coinage contract w as tho lcas-- t ex- tional banking where the CIrcborn, Hi Majesty's Ministers, Hi Ex. tbe V. Emmes, widow of said deceaaed. slleslax that Oeorn - ""receptacles of a of falsehood, mis often benefit of the died intestate lloaotaia, kaaaMMltl kaM of imbbc opinion, connlenancn this iniq bcheme, illegality not referred to. trols and it for the pcoplas S. Minuter ltesident. Consul MeKJnley, Chief Jos-ti- AK KXKCLTTICIX J. Lmmra of Ilonolnla at tald ! a Ivpreentatlonand6Currhty., This writer tensive the post office and other government departments vnrrui: or in ISth day of Jan. A. D, 1M4. laavta property la tfRf Kh o Jndd and Associate Ik McCuIlr with manv of iyXJ from lh Sapreme Conrt Kaavkoa. nitou moasure, poor thing it died a Findinc tho Portuimesn immiCTation are used, we are prepared to say, and will wait ltirtl aalnl I have lloaolala arceaaary to be adaaleistered apoe.aaw pray. KirrAii.-ttA- M proceeds to illustrate its ""earnest purpose' net the leading American residents, and of the Coosa- - la favor of Anablaa for the torn of JTSJl. letters of admlalstrstloa Utao to ffamsel C. death Our reader stand-stil- developments. Jko. 31. HotxrJL fur pale st public auction Ins that n BUM MTV by braco of elpinr and in brought to a l for lack of funds, farther ourps. letled epon.inrt aball eipose Allen and Joseph O. Cirter. it. Kifa K calhnc us a ur Hai Kalenav Kmb Aka KaN will rememlier the old fable of ui-- f preceded - U ordered FRIDAY, tho 1'Jtk day of Jaae Knki, thePhamx decent newspape,,, who "pde faith with lcnas necessary io pick up wjiaii'itT OaJan College. Tbe Kovsl Hawaiian lund the nrooea- On. Wednesday, the 16th Day of July, It that T.i Iac, kAU what a f manner tho decrepit Annirenaxy Exercise nt siou in an omnibus and awated it at tbe gates of A D 11. at U o'clock a. m bo aad hereby. Is a X Ariar MakapaK kUln a&l in etire exaggerated lies." whatever that may crcd as possibly available. appointed for hearloxsmldpeiltlon before tba said Calf .k. The AnnlTersarT Exercises of the Panabon lrc- - the cemetery, a long line of carriAgea followed tbe At U the premlaes. all IherizhL. lit f Wait. Ka4altia. kaa ohl bird had a knack of risng from its M As to appropriations by Cabinet Kcsa Moa now J nsllce, la tie Coart Koom of Ikla Loort, at lloaotyla, t.ikMo MfaM,Kak4,kaa mean. "Infamous sheets" journalistic paratory School and Oaim College hare pAMcd off, hearse. A brief but imprrssiv service was held la and Io the Uae time and ptaca all peraoaa conceraad may ap. asiiv. Attorney-Genera- at which K i LaUa A t NaMMkn, kaaiaaa Tho Bank Charter Act is dead lutions,tho l might an at tbe grave, conducted by tbe Iter. J. A. Cruzan. atsadlns oa the land now owned by Anahtwz at hapa cause. If aay they why th same !l bastard:' this is the taught by according to the programme published last week, Oahn pear and show hare, H rare enough, but we are reo much mis- swer that The same wth the Madra pleaaanUr and satifactonly. A large attend, CapL Spencer having been American Consular UmakaT,Kona, Island of sboald not b ersntrd, ana that this order be pnbjiakrtt ka X Acan& Katoftal. X kaada our Censor Moruin. Terr Agent flags H. C. PARKE, Marshal. Bankinir Law will not and sat patienUy through at Hllo, tho Consular throughout the ZUL, la tha English lanzoazs for three tnccetilTt weeks la i II tnan taken if the General Airtr14tr. nil chanirps. muddle. ance of parent friend Ilonolalo, Jna . I" XUrttlLKalUU Tlie with its is of Preparatory School, city were kept at half mast throughout Saturday the Hawaiian OazsTTS, a newspaper printed la lloao- t embody Mime of fhn mo?t objectionable mess, the Minister the recitation the runahon lala. - If the .Uerfww- stilL It is impossible fo In tho Flowerdew Friday morning and their Khetoncal Eierases in and Sunday. Loka k kaaaU one 01 Dated Ilonolalo. II. I., Jane tb, A. T. IM4. HtwCliN kaaan. N h,ajali feature it is current reiwrt mat lurtiier Lecause, as tno pages oi tlio was happy to read to the House tho latest the afternoon. Tho school is eo well patronized A..JtbD. wJli XUK Mil the interested parties ay8 that tho Gen- ?inote never to vi communication from the BritUh Govern tbat thoM who wish to send their children must MAESHAL'S SALE Attest Chief Jastlce of tha Sapreme Coart. I aaaf Tal S, XlaHt Ktwla will condescend "nasty early as possible iXttu Ctttnfrlistmtuts. a Depnty Cletk. lWA3t Y eral Banking Act certainly pa.s, and nient through its Representative here, make application, the vacancies llavat inn. r iWat. Rllo tuperation, an oversight of a compositor are even now almost filled. Ine new catalogue VIUTUKOFAX EXKCLTION Hal kaWaa a Hawaii. aialaa, kaa sueti Atiaix that will uock any one to know that police - in it or a proof reader xnnrht make it appear to that they would be satisfied shows mat mere nave been no connected wun ue BYlisned bv IL F. Bicker ton, Esi Jnstlco of courrr or kaa Maa, Kataatat. kaa'a eke but the Siuvckels monopoly from ready to Principal. Honotnla npo'a a Judgment acalnit LtK CIIUU, de- SuruuME Ia Probate, la thethe matter of f t fwaaa lllla strangers that this phraseology was our tho Hawaiian Government were school the nat vear. The new Ills ot I of HENRY B. deceased . t At, X thviuM-lv- fendant la cxecntioa for tbe ram JIM damare th Estate BTA.1, of Ilonolnla, raUKalaaflil kphai availing of iU pronsion will have to do exceedingly well to do a It own uur regular readers Know better. invite the Hawaiian tax payers to pay for Einma Halt JULY 4th, 1884 and Slt.33coU, I have Uvled upon the followlns Intestate. Before Mr Jnatlc Aostla. Mt.rtl.- -i tt . lehoe the members of the House and ' any loss incurred by a British subject by better than has been done br the present corps of aad shall czpoae for sale to the hlbcat bidder, on On readins and Bang the petition ef Henrietta Kyaa, Vale --Irfmtiaw. may your columns of teachers. Mrs. Ashford and Misses CastrovLwis. wLInw of Bald drreaaMl. 11v1b that llcarv R. Itvaa. i It thrkn, bUmakapa4n the tax fi ers and pnnerty holders of the Maaa ofiicial Directory never bo and your tho action of tho Hawaiian Government and Hopper, The school hall bad been most taste- - or Ilonolalo, died i ate tale at aald lloaolala, oa tft kar W. lc, . - 3 Aka kahaaaha. MalJaal country to Kan ckfeely the jrovisioii of Health the uy toe pupus wiui 25th DAY OF JULY, 1884 wasiBy,.i too, icstid)- propony in uoaoiaja "honesty and decency" just what they arc-S- As president of the Board of lOlljanaproiuseiyuecoraieu aecetiirywb be admlnlitercd npon, that Maa Act. aAV tt maile wreaths, beautiful and fragrant tad priyinz maTaa.alla,a the iiroiwt-e- trtdttr, Itwn.1 multitudinous Minister quoted certain im ferns and At Auction, at the Inction Room of Lyons X Lerry, leUers of Administration Ufie toUm. r. Williams. ka "! Ii. kaaalai flowers, and was a attractive ana Home-lik-e as IT Aktaa Walteka Hawaiian? had better bochary before they provements made under his irgtuu The Unera fclreet,at Warn, vizs also tbat temporary lettera Istncto bin la tha mtaa- - the long and bitter campaign loving hands could make it. The examinations 1 I AlfrH SKfc, credenco to dark horve, com Coffee Mill wMJa. Hiiiir pYP full tho arrival of the Sisters was referred to with nad been iietu two oay s previous, ana uese written M lamp Chlmneya iwtaonierrd that HOMAT, the 14th r or Jaly. a. against the Ministry terminated on Satur D. I kalaawfcaUaJ kaaaala, ing under the name of the General Bank not unjustifiable gratification. Of course test of ficbuiar&QiD lor proaaencv ana promotion 10 Chambers 11. at o'clock a. au, b snd hereby la appointed Akiwr. Mkl of 1 tfaK Mf, fLaaa ingLaw day in the defeat the opposition"I That were very satisfactory proofs of the thoroaghcess frncirltoal Si RaMr ) naska Jrfrtrfiarr; it was not the President's cue to refer to uom SI Table Lamp the Coart Room of this Conrt, at Ilonolsla, at which aa is the opinion of the it is not and carciumrM oi pupus anu leacner. place persons may rra tho maintenance in office of such men as At College there was a large 3 Tea Pota lima and all concerned appear sad T"5 llETcsTAnYx Dolt made a moat tell the opiniQn of any one eke True, a great Uaha attendance of 4 Pk-- a Crackers ahow canse. If any tbey hare, why said petition ahonld a 1(1 1 and Van G and the consequences and friends. Now that the fences have Excursion & Picnic al.ll. ing against the belt styled Premier battlo has been fought and on the minis- Fitch eisen 2 Tlaa Cracker do uviiaHu,uii iui iBiiararr wpaoiiaava ia in Ttt Vil t n.ttatlaka or their rule. n removed, the grounds fbowed to creat advan 36 pair Ladles Hose English, lancoaea for threw aoccessiva weeks la tha . AdnM N kaaakt and lntI'rvsodent of the Board of IIklIUi terial tide of the battle-fiel-d are scattered tage the pos&ibihtetf of lovlioeas that only await tbe 5 Milrti llznaiux Uazrrra newspaper la lloaolala. t kia- -. JCaalaka mm Finally the Minister reminded us of our USDEU THE AOFU'Eb Or 1 Lot Empty Bottles And It la fnrther ordered ihat aald Wm. K. Will Lam a ! when he analyzed the Keiort of Dr Fitch ministerial reputations torn and bemired. tonch of cultivated taste to charm al! efw with the It finaBaTla,rarMaaaakraaa4 Hr Boman Custom, by which, when varied ot new avenae 21 Handkerchief la the meaatlme be appoints! temporary admlnlitrator II Hari-- . Ilil Below will be their bare life being by an army of ancient beauties the location. Tbe uiHm the leper tettlement saed an old servant was impeached he of approach sboald be supplemented bj a winding I. G. Towela nH'n niiiiK wau iui miiJV ta Ak koaf Qaa atrrrt found the extracts which he read: mercenaries. public grounds. Algaroba Lodge 0. T. Pair btockloza Dated Honolulu, If. L. Jane 5lh. A D. ISM. U aa Maa. Vataaca, Kaaai bared his breast and showed his wounds road through tbe The Itecitation Hall 10 Boxes Paper vollara BEN J. II. ACSTIN. l W On tho opposite hide, the mdewndent was crowded with visiters. C , Snpteme Conrt. Faatrr. tatataasa nrm JVh niontbi aco that noble minded CtimlUn his coat and ?carf Allot Jsitlct kataaftl Waiaaa lUawkaa num. Fatber lUnneaakeJttc to c a be or opKMtion army, though numerically hero tho Minister threw open The recitations of the various classes, and es- 2m 11 Doz Lamp Wkks Iltanr Sarra. Depnty Clerk. 101S ill bad bccDiuecuciiiaant vf. Takinc roc to a Utile showed his waistcoat creating not a little pecially those in algebra, grammar, and physics, 3 S S 1 Box Stale Pencils StLJti. inferior, marched off the field with all the were examples methods In a Boxes Bark totaba - . Mrt Pba MaUtA vlndowrm uat. aamc a x id len, lotma a laughter. admirable of the of COUBT OF THE HA I aatr... honors of war, their banner inscribed "for rystem, neatness, promptness and 0 rbo Brashes wallan Islands In tha Tenafi wan in tbe Imt nt tbe Ilia struction. The 1 Blacklns Probate la maltareMbo irriu tci die. Referring onco more to tho Board of accuracy exhibited by the xhoUrs showed a mot Ios EsUteof EDWIN O. 11ALL late of naaolala. da. aait of riotbes comuftted of a pair o bloc denim the good of the country, flying unsoiled, To Ford's Point 4 Pkri Fire Crackers (small) ceased, tntatc At Chambers, before Chief Justice overall which, orcr tbc front vf ku tbib, were and their men ready and able to renew the Health, recognizing tho old Roman saying commendable martery of the stadies tbey had pur- fi Boxes niacin Jndd. miiK m ii Mi. wtth from aorea: Hies su- sued. The composition written by Sirs, ilemtt's :Et-re:- r. It; Epanu bait it utarateil ro rnnnine the fight as was $een on Monday when the that tho "Health of the people is tho On readme aad alios the petition and acconnts of t Ak Jl Uaar. Kaaa) bad eot at htm, and nacMa a ere awansinc orcr law, said to tho water supply, class, suggested by a picture shown them for the 1. Candles MaryD IlalL snrvlvtn: Execntrixof Un wlltof E. O. Akta Jt AteaM. krtulMl, Rlla premo he as showed great Pearl 4 W'asbln; Board Half, la I' ilinisterwas hindered effectually time that morning, readiness to wey nejore oeats eoeja meao lam intra uv Foreign first PkjrsCorn of Ilonolnla. Uahn. dMCdL wbarrla aha m i:k. rtr Tbl yvons man had all he had had ho not sunk a pump in a spring on and versatility in the development and expression PROGRAMME OF EVENTS It SUrth aka to be allowed $IOVK 47, and Charcta herself with mi aaffrnnaa. circa from playing Barnum all over with Ha 14Tnmblers 47, and may l original thought. -s $10933 asks that the tamo be examined II Mklfaaaa, HIW to another lc per to take catcof him nntil he died waii Com- the, beach at Kalawao and erected a house of IS Pk- Black Tea and may i ftMrfeWk A Mll nei for Ms Tom Thumb, and a great change of O GoM approved, snd tbat a final order be made ot. OavJaaaaaa. and tbc car be received waa aim ply to pttt his over had ho not written a book teaching The in the alministration dm ALL MATCH, fur UcUI. S Box Japanese Tea ibatloii the nronertv remaining he hanrfa missioner at Congress College was way OH ef la tn nt.TAit.ftrf fmid, m iwect pwUtoe and meat, and some thoialnternational it most plainly evident in the in Tin Kerosene the pertont ihercto eatltled, snd her and nir. tho science of sanitation toHawaiiansT which usual noon Innch was erred. spa- 1 Empty Tin Dllb Pancet diachtrrtnc - t. M KHaj X Naaaaa Hk Haaalahi water to drink on tbe floor him. and leave for settling a universal Prime Meridian as tbe Tbe Nr4knx Of dining-roo- 5 Uecantera him to life (ale. and moreover ho hod visited Kalawao, and cious the elegant viands, tbe appur- STEP Jt JUMP 1st prize, his sacred white elephant HOP. J a PltrhfM f soldered, nii.tuiAnnv while waa y tenances of the table, the prompt yet unobtrusive It that FRIDAY. Ihe 2th dav Jul v. a. w Inllarrh. I at th io stayed there three days at least he had Hit; 2d prize, Mlk carf 1 Soap Plates LaaatM w 1 Our morning contemporary, with unpar guests, called many D.I4,at 10 o'clock a. m before the aaldChlef Jaa- J AlaH. Wallata hh lra. Mallard nitd ArniDj, made a post serving of the forth express I'rUe. a T o( slept there ono night and stayed parts of delight lilcklnnon l'cn. 1'iatea tlce. st Chambers In the Conrt IIotimi at ftrninlnta b J A HaMkn. Maatakca raartnn cxaiBinatioa of the bihly a jonnefnrt. alleled audacity and indifference to fact, ions of and admiration. Ihe friends of 11 Mncers IHiMar two days; true, was previous to taking college evidence FOOT RAVE lat prUe. Sllrer Tencll Case -- snd tbe same hereby la appointed aa the time aad In tbe oonrae of tbe work t oancbt bold uf her states that the opposition "failed to show it tbe had the bcrt possible that the M prize, Sinm I Bowl puce ror aald petition wit.u was wants of the poptls are earef ally Attended Cops aearins and sceoanta. and that arm and. tnreiac it over, I fonnd my Cnert in an yir. office as President of tho Board, but it physical 2d all persons Interested may thet and there appear aad M Haatala that Gibson and his colleagues had development higher wisely FOOT RACE. prize, Brooch; prize, 1 Broom canse, f4b apen nkcr crawhaa: with tnajavu, bki Father sufficient to enable him to grasp intelli- to, and. the of tastes frenp liook; 3d price, doz llandkrrchiefs. show if any they have, why the asms should act aatd day violated the Constitution, or been wasteful and lovingly regarded m the provision made for '( 1 Piece Rope be named, and mar oment evidence as to who ara - ri inuw llatnicn be ivd aerii aotnc tbe 1 Bottle Bicarbonate 1 ha gently the necessities of the patients, and bodily comfort and welfare. FOOT RACE.4.1 years and over Prize, iod entitled to the aaid property. And that this order, la Hialu death of the patient. in their handling of public moneys. As their Watch. 1 ' Tomato Ketcbnp UtMKo sua, living by himself, to formulate the best scheme of adminis- Ine rheturicalexerciseaintheafternoon showed WIver theEnHih lanraase, be pnbllsbrd In the Havanas ltI.VMLI Nnne aabite the ministry only shirked and evaded tho SIIOOTTXG MATCH. 3 I PWMIUII UAzrrrc a newspaper printed and published lloao- Uld for fortr-cur- boors without rtiher ftaid or high ideal and thorough drill. Prizes of fire, jard a Corner Lamps la tilWmaaj BraK ta Hurt charges, tration for tho future. rorroaDjmeii 13 to 21 Tears of age. 1ft prize. Gold lala, for three anceesslveweess prevlons to the time AT1I A drink in bia oaltn, a victim of one of the sodden more and only partially four and threw dollars had been offered for the rlnttl. Ma.broo therein appointed for aald bearing. THaa Ca. kirtaaima rtta On these statements ho was willing to 31edal; 2d prise. Diploma. V) jrftX tlakH. r PWI aat H altaa lerrrs w Btrn arc a jairt ! tbtlUMmuie. o one answered, or tried lamely to explain away best foor recitation or declamations. t Box and pkes Ms Da'cdatl!oaoula,ILI.Utsl'ad2yJaneA.D.S8L Tt.H Way N. Fa- - w rest his claim as a just, able and impartial Mr, 9 MARRIED LADIES' FOOT RACE. M prize, i bad rimd tim aooner. the rest, they may bo held to lie convicted Iter. Crux.in.for the Committee of Award, l'lated Water 2d prize. Plated rraraeihiern Z. 4LUU, A Vaakm, " Slav lauL I went to the wetUenmfl. aeoam adjadged the first to Miss Uessie Dickson, silver Tltcher; Silver STIn rreserved rrolta atWa "" In -- Marr-fitcr administrator. , the Hutter Vittx 17 Tomatoea a leperv; was of iirecisely those crimes which the fiecond to Miss May Atberton, the third llssaT Surra. Depnty Clerk, tititii.iiu wbtibc utraraer lid of on board a And this is tho whisk which is to brush toMbs R.CE prize. 1 dot Handkerchief; 2d :i - urera vera ni: woman, says were not proved. They art May IhUuigham, tne fourth finally awarded lit 4 Roast Ct.Ieken tea "lam nkvloukinc native not a lecr, whowa wai prize, 1 Box Cigars over with tie IS year when away tho charges contained in the grave to Horace Chamberlain, though at first Nellie 3 lornedlleef UPREME COURT OF THE IIA- - coinc old danfhter; roved if a Ileport of a Committee of the 11 TCQ-O- WAR. 10 married men sod 10 men , pAztiac and exnLcit statements of tho Finance Waterboose Horace Hall received suff- Injle (Jars Table bait s watian island in ProbateIn the matter afbrnor tlLaCAk tbc ateamer left there to retain, tbe of louse and tho comments thereon, unan- and equal prize, 1 Manila I'ljrarj. SS3Jaa.kaattaa tbat yonnc nntbrr, 2) ycani old, and ber leper Xoblo Wide rage as equally worthy of tbe prize. Eox(") 4 Tin Jams of the will of UGORUE BICKNELL, late of raaalafct swered and unanswerable, bo Committee, in the speeches of rrlze, 1 Set Qsoit. 11 Tin Oren Peaa I aland, deceased. Order sppclaMat; time for rebate dasskUr. left there to eerve tbe perpone of Ood may held to ltev. X. lleckwitli's anniversary addres-- in Fort will pabllcatlon mann, Itepreprescntativc uoio and others RACE, for ladiea- - Iftpnze, 13 yd Mat- - itottira inKiemau; of and dlrectlns; of notice of tha same. Haacaanc. know how many was aomcthinc prove anything. Indeed, their own apolo- Street Church, Monday evening, wis on Culture 1 A doeomc&t pnrportln; to bo last will aad SAla la l.iatbmenke O. IEu; 2d prize, Hook, 'Mother Home In lleareo. Tla llonej tha 1 pray to locrctf at God 1 may never haie to gists de- in tho House, and of J. Carter, Isenberg and Life. It was an inspiring and eloquent pre 1 Hind Scale Oeorye Blrknell. deceased, bavin j; on the ISth IJDtnMi 1 kstc only strengthen the Jiroofs. The 13 Ouim Utrlj nrrfnd Uat witneaa nsain. and others outside. sentationof gtand truths and sentiments. Ibe LAD1PS FOOT RACE, over yean. 1 Box Envelopes day of Jane, A. D. 1L been presented to tsld Probate fense by tho Attorner General of the I'rUe, Set Jewelry. 1 Counting Conrt, snd s petition for probate yta uuml of the artwua ig HcitMit. theM fact tho speech was no answer, no speaker was sure that there wa no finer country Chinese Board tbe thereof, and for Trn What do things mean They Cabinet Besolution only went to fortify In for the developement of a perfect physical man- for ladlea oalj. rrlze. Toilet Set. I Bt- - Kloot M s) Ike Issuance of letters testamentary to James TW lint tEBfrraakja n vl r akUDf at ft 11 Table poona Blcknetl and tf. Walker, been by Wm. mean either that the condition of things justification, no explanation, nothing but hood these beautiful and salubrious islandi. for children 13 year sod under. Prize, Tla J. barlar lied R. H-- tho imiiression that the Minister of Fi than ;i - spoons Castle. m cntlftcaita-- at trac Ektwb tboroah. fulfilment a custom of a upon audience ap- Toilet lea at the leper a.ylnm i o frightful that nance had misled his colleagues awrfunctory of Us urged his that tbey should !rt 17 Manila Cigars It It hereby otdered.thatWEDNESDAY,thezad day rxJutMtl tli mattera attd in the greatness a or A.D. 10 in rrxfrti. la one to think of them, and that Cabinet to the Ministerial answer to charges ma Je. Stair preciate tbe of the opportunities before B teamera will Irave lhi tilv on lhti!tfnr 8!imaUroxesCI-ar- Jaly, lxl, st o'clock a.m. ot tald day. at tkt tbrtr lraMtic ArmtifpiitraL Oar HmuiI vt as whereabouts of a trifle this people, and devote their increasing wealth to the above point. 9 Apr mint llnoka conrt room of said conrt. at Alllolanl Hale, la ilonolB this of things has gone on with the was there in all constitutional history a la, be, and the same la hereby appointed EdanitWi wvuM W TTfitfJ bT a rarvtiil atujy of of$3G0,000. providing tbe highest possible culture for their i annrr tanicniara in uaiiy papera luia U Bix Lonj ritt? Smokln Tobacco theUmcfor full knowledge of the person in charge, or - reply so hollow and worthless, to charges children. He showed Ue f and the fallacr t neKinr looacco oiivevaraau viviihk hiu wm (du uruisf rata application, wnea tiM dvt(irt. Tbr tinioait- I he wnolesalo transfers from onode- akitr I Tobacco aad where any person Interested may appear aadcea-te- cmtHj mtr of freod-- objections arainst the highest educa 1VAXTCD ! Chew Id; ba iattrtMl tit ancac faria hteti ft prnwata, and the the thing is an exaggeration put for partment to another are proved to have so grave ana wen xaiown. " Snoklne Tobacco the said will, snd the granting of lettrrs testa--. ana eanpartacma vote was tion, lie rejoiced that a beginning had been - mrniarj. ii aasT". ward by Dr Fitch and published by the When tho taken, tho weight of right was DV A YOUNG HADV, A l'O&I- HaBStoac aa totatitl rnntalntiic S3 made in the direction. It the want of I I tlon la Family one of tbe other 2a Pkn Loni Cat bmokls Tobacco It le farther ortlered, that notice thereof berliVby Minister to gain a little extra sympathy ity tho four Ministers, ono and ideals and high made bad govern toSeworTrarh pabllcatlon, for three taccetslve weeks, wrfl-- cJJ to tbf UritHh povfranwnit in The iKKition of the iiinistrr is abso noble aims tbat If land preferred. iWAddreai A, B. C, in lhjdnwai. 1M3 ltpntUiKilBlkVtlviislin'V In the first cae the Minister deserves not lutely worse than when tho Auditor General all involved in the nient poKible. A wealth of elegant Oiostrations I fl4 wilt inv uj ,.t- - laxOaixm, a newspaper printed snd poWshcd la itrdonU thy began their and many happv humorous hits added to the S !mzll Tins Oyster Honotnla. pranmt timat4t) ithXi of tfaear f alaatla. merely censnre but execration. the Anditor-Genera- same evil doings together with tho loss of Dated I 161b. tb If defense. Neither the l or of high thoughts, elegant language and iv iinaonarnsea jwiik Ilonolnla. II. , Jane A. V. 1994. Aboatl ijDOO "CarafvatBtfniwhI Xoble, chasm LOM L. McCfLLY, Airio rtwj l condition of affairs is as the reiort states any one on tho vote of one unavoidably absent, graceful forcible delivery, which delighted Tint ter cwactnl aa rnnnntt ib emit bmm his behalf has challenged the Kc&olution and all I faltnon Jaitlce of thenprrme Coart. - it is an outrage on humanity, a has and two pensioners, foiled the who had privilege of bearing the address. At Received! !S H CSrttw (M crime tbe Just " tl ornlati- tbcxv tO.GS arr Sardines Attxst: but by such a margin that any tbe suggestion of Judge Judd the audience by a 8 Lamp era IIzkkt SiUTit. Depnty Clerk. 1011 t"Jj JMO prii asr K jiHirm of ac. and nf leen committed and tho inhuman criminal states that instances of his violation of of censure, Ex Bark SPICA, from Bremen, Bon Jt TAB f admrar-- foreheads ril8 vote unanimously requested the Trustees to tbem, under or M i n is the Minister If the report is an cxng 16 Ministry not provided with of I Chinese Candy Dish in W achouta with trartMra, section of the Auditors Act could bo secure it for publication. It would be well if it THE PROBATE COURT OF nt Ot lb outrage urxm ana maes ot nare 7 femall Bottles Castor Oil Judicial On- - llaoclt-o- c acnoota S4 Oiirw-a- ? geration, it is an the public multiplied tnjmilttmt, and that sufHcient brass rhinoceros wouia could be ficaUrred broadcast through the commu- IX t'oartb Circuit of Hswsllan lalanda.' civr a Mlumtioa of t 2 COTTAGE PIANOS, II Mallard matter of Estate - chmK 1b He that stuff should be printed and cir- to at onco reported to His Majesty that they nity. It would for ever stand forth as a la tbe the oMVlLUAM IIODQE, Joaih ColbfT. tbv jvid. has been proved convince tho House 3 PI pea Uteef Watnlha, Kanal, deeea-e- Order to show !Nirta--wa-. confidence of the mark of the grand possibilities Providence 9 casta 11 acbcnl fat tbc reihhrj, aritbtmtk. culated under tbe stamp of government that the prolongation of the present oc- no longer retained the "7 Bars on application of Administrator for order ef Sale or has put before this community in Ue line of that S Pair pndr Real Estate. cnnniar Ewcfat biator atMttwi arvlbe approval Tho Minister h on the horns cupant office Legislature, and that therefore they prayed earthly a symmetrical Octavos, lupalr bclsrots atadwa Uacfat, and tbear in tJitisK only In the in the of Auditor General grandest of attainment, FE03I THE CELEEH.VTED FACT0RV OT ' On rradlns and lllnz the petltloo of Jama X. arhnul of a dilemma: he is welcome to which ever to bo released from functions they were and elevated Christian such as only 4 Tablet Administrator or the Estate of William vtbar to rrlnctpat th Hoogkatic lnW would be detrimental to the bent interests 81 hairs llodef, kbenl. aall lb trovrrnro- - nt CvbtraJ Scbrad, Ia he may choose. no longer able to discharge with any ucn inmuan education presents ana oeveiopca. late of Walniha, Island of ha sal, deceased prsytnr of the country, and yet the official in Ed. Westermayer, Berlin. I Saar BowU for an order of tale or certain real estata beloniinc afalea tb ttndiem named tbc purthi efit to the State or satisfaction to them II ?a i.eera to m question was one of the ragged regiment petition signed by 1.CT3 people dis- said deceased, altnat at'aaaa rfm.ntiila a laacbt and The qne-ti- of the right of Ministers Tbe of the FOR SALE BY 9Teapoons sl aWr1. selves as honorable public servants. of Honolulu was presented on Saturday to aetllnj forth certain reasons why snth realn.csUte la th Central Scbnil Ibe jrl arre :n this country voting to pare, their ofiicial who helped to ave the sorely latterod trict 3 Cops sboald b cold. ncrdanl la Chlnea eocntuslttrm. letter writinc. ministerial forces. Now says the Arfrrrf Vr, His Majesty. The Kins received the committee SMIlkPflchers Itlsherabyordered.lhatthenextofklaor the aald raaa atkl rrwoJy tranalatwaia lives is on which, in Fpite of the able Sank Charter. Currency and Banks. anatiiy ana promistM to return an answer m inree fi Knives decedent, snd nil persona interested In the tald arttinc frmn let set E.HOFFSCHLAEGER&CO 1 estate, Cbine-a- r so ns down patiently fo another two or four days. Water Pitcher appear before this Court oq WEDNESDAY, Acnaa to and Chutew to Enphah. Sit terelr wit forwanl bv Fresi Lot B the Ida r years V Ecrroa Giirrrx: We haTe linked with some 1013 Sole A;enls for Weatennayer's Planoe I tn aorar day of Jaly A. D. 141. 10 o'clock a. m lropran nut-- are IVetrid of Gibson, Hayselden Co.; no 1 at st th Cewrt is tbt dent llholes, is still debatcable. The po toffee Maker Room of lhlaCosrt,tn Koloa, then and MctMol, "K3 11 concern on the conflict Rome on between the peo- 1 tharo to akow btTtm; br arnmevd ia of more fawning by caators and newspapers; 3prttal To tiers. Lot Cakes caase why an order shoald not be lor tale 1 rwr prnt rU. Ntioa an Hawaiian Minister is not anal loffee Grinder mated the tbeaa.Sletffl raiiJ ogous let tho lion of waste, unlawful and extraTa ple and the parties asking of oar lawmakers a l of sack estate. no qnMttooa l tb to that of a Cabinet Minister in charter for banking and other bntiness. I think 3 Baakela And It It farther ordered, that a copy of order b rcrrrd Inrctir gant expenditure out- 1 H this IW erdaate found mr4ejiiK'nt in lb Great Britain. The members, of the lie down in peace used ocaintt tbe cranting of the ZT7RNISHX7J ROOMS t and eoaily For ood Stove published at least three t access Ira weeks berora fnTaL Brit lamb-lik- tbearcoments I Pair Peales the (Manlal tn tbc Chine Irarariiil Csatooia. side the taxpayer. pertinent will nlahed Room a eaa b "had bvaa earlr application at aald day of heariar. tn tha Uawaiu Uaxkttb, a week- fvnw. Cabinet who are in the Commons, are charter are aa far a? thev co. bet S Cake Tins ly newspaper and "1tb ttepeantri A ih nrocDOstications tbe-- printed and published la If enalala. rariou vd atd flrnn. It may be. probably is true, that not a nrove abort in their of evil if (rI) N0.4UARDEN L1XE. 1 Roller nonm, OcTf rnBtrat N'ormal there not because they are Jlinistersof the 3 Large vmtt lunai, u. ltn, hchi4 rond for tbe train- vote was changed by oratorical efforts. cnaner u mr rraoieu. Tins JACOB llABDY.11 ing tan vbo RiT booda tbat tbcT UI Crown, but because they are the elected am mue CARP. 3 Haichrta m., tf rrK votes twenty-on- locuum toat tnecnaneramers irom A ClrcnltJadgcFoorth Jadlelal DfauleL rvaaatB tn tb arbrot for Lbrc rrara and rrr at of the people. Any mem The of the were based on the Unild States National lUnk Act. ahonld hflTc 4 Forks - reittnentatives noxoLCir, Feby. 2Jlh, KH. ! 1 Bread Knife. traeben for fit aftc crrtdaaUnc. Tb -- principle independent of oratory and no weirht in its favor, bnt the contrary, it ahonld NOTICE Jlortgajee's Aotlco of Foreclosnre of ler of the House of Commons crr4 tboo judgment k Sale a'Kaldd Ooranuacat choH. tarbinf Chi. of the twenty five by reasons more weichtr dc rejecteu lor uat canse aione, as mere is no one Slixca. II. Ilacaratzt X Co HoteLCxc, ACCOUNT TjUB MK 3IU&T Cnlesa taid and my expensea of sale sre Trr ACCOROAXCE iwt of raafff mrt frrn f GerrrniNfaf An tv with no Dcaa hereby to flncere prevloaaly paU. V,' C PARKE, iriTif a iniv. sontblr 1 thin? in the United Stales fransbt bias:! br trader ny ALL PAID oner beforeJULYIst,aa I am a boat L er of sal conulnd In a certain anortfare mad by There rrtttr t At ? and tangible than any that oratory could people a jiarsbai iv tar iNmrni art alo 4i tintMqrfr If he mace enl to the Gorernment and the Uu&ki for the Immediate liberal aettlemeot ot Ike lot? o leave this Klutwowt. All bills mewlllbc lloaolala. Jane l$tb, 5t Nabalama Pol a to WllUam Dao Uusfntad lo A J Lo- tMiaantutrf achmdA wbirh rrorlTC In Near- paid oa preaeotattoa. 11. JI5 pez) dated Cth day ovemVr, crantit xails Iw mar election elsewhere, bnt supply monopoly known a the "Rational Hanks." 1 1 attained taroin, the dcatrnctioo by tre of my place the of 1L recorded la fradtttooed tbc d eek . UT Attention to the above by all those Indebted to liber 11, pae 4."J- - otlce Is hereby m tk w ly erery argument that has been used against tbe f bovine In KohaU dating 17th xlvea that aald Tbc lBtpretor-Unti- of tbc his aeceitance of office loses him his teat the nlehtot the Istt. me will treallr obWia L. B. KERR, mortcasee lateads furlna aald -- -. Tka tacrcviurj OcB.ooniemporary tho bprrckcl proposed bank charter, applies with 13W. 1VI3 ti tbc Cbin-- - nntil his own or some Morning Timwr, f coDflder ll my dsty to recommend the iDtaraace lloaolala, Jane Via. ditloa broken, aad npon said foreelotnre, will sell at afirH of aduwl mutterkand ttwir other constituency equal force against tne United btatea National aactlon or nt ruu, proposes a nacea more Lompsny for which yoa sre the Agents to all partlea public at the salesroom K T Ada ma In idc ujit attcntuncc Uor endorse him lnr Such n case for the mess in immi- Hanks, and tnoeh could in troth be orged. MUDAY,the1Ithdayof M. 2Uaailan deaircat of protecting theii property by July, IsftL at tfacbr !brnat4rra from wboitl, occurred no further back than 1SS0. Sir gration matters. Tho proiiosal of thepro-foun-d They now constitnte the nwt rowrrf nl monopoly Isfarance. of tald day, tbe premltet deKribnl la said monrs or drwtra tbctr dvnr tirtm anta one of tbc known on earth, and they are not knr to profit by f am, Dear&lre, Rerpectfally Tonr, aabalow specified, rsrtbcr partlenUrs can b had of Wm. Vernon Uarcourt ha.1 thinker on the that there W acbofera tby abov In alt tbu a foodncM for rrprrbcnted the 7rtixris tbeirdelecated rower. TJi 2d (SfgnedJ GEO SANDECMAN'. R Csaile, Attorney A. J. LOPEZ, actnab earc tatber tbin for prU and rrofit Cbt- - aty of Oxford from the year lbCS. Ho was should bo a Board of Immigration with They control both of the great political parties. tn Prem'aet to be sold are situated fa amooTKaatania' ctrjs arrar at acboot bovt clotbf a, baTinc Home Secretary May 18S0-h- the Minister President, assisted That u neither party is allowed to say or do any- NOTICE. BaaWaniTPti'fMKTLkhuiapinc appointed in BANKHiG aaf, alalaa, Oabn.and consist of 35 acre of aae pas- donned so tbclr bv three Commissioners, thing against tbe crest monopoly, under renal It The anderttgned have formed a aerSlp ture Uad. beis wa; to aciionl. IUmiUn Ctrl do aprvar pought and was defeated. one of whom the samcaatrtonlilafJrsatlE&le uut ia of defeat. Hence as yon may hare observed, their firm aaaac of tot KealohL deeded to K. Pol a rbool after tTclTffcrt of ac bavins tbvsciuir Fortunately for him his party influence should have a salary, and do all the work. platforms are a unit on finance matters affecting endrr the Sprockets A CO., loll foandent tbat iber can captrmtc and was Evidently the writer is a new hand, for tbe natknal banks. Tbey role with a firm hand the parpoe of carrjiag oa a Ueneral Baaklog and FOR THE COMPLEXION I strong enough to bring him in mem and jaortff e 5ollce or Korr elosnre of Sailr via tbctr money H not tbeir affection. - turning to the four and all tbe crest financial, measures ot the nation. BaMaea at lloaolala sach ether places la VALUABLE TRUTHS. k Ikt for.Dcrln- a half columns of may deemed advisable, ACCORDANCE Nttera table cw fall information mtaiU which Tbey caTe lamed tbe gorcrnaient into one of tne the Hawaiian Klasdmn at be rpiHS ElaEGANT PREPARATION "WiTH Rmnbrr at aebOMit in arl icbool, Xow our 3Iinisters are not m this jKfci directory occupy part of the fourth Urgest money srRECKELS, "ll jon are anlf?rln; from poor health a, la Ihe MOST PERFECT BEA1.TIF1ER KXOVV V. of eale contained In a certain mortcan made by tbc annual loaning institotioos in tbe world, flgaedl CL.lt or Iznzaishiaz en a bed ot afeksers the dailr attenfUnr. tb IutmI tion. On the floor of our Houso ther rep page of the Tnmnter, we find that there i and have borrowed from it orcr $ 4AWuXQ,mbicn U M.U.IRWIN, Ilia Pare and Harmless Delizhtfal la lit ADDllcatlow 5?UtIf,l!,.Vi kI?k" 'red J LowrrylaTruau F. LOW. Make cheer, for and wooderfal la It while the closest acrntlay dated the ICtkday of December, 1WI. recorded In liber and tbc amaHest ettrndanra, tbe naubar of day resent no coatituency. a Board of Immigration, with the Minis-- with tbe credit they ncraire by their big mending F 7u,paraM Notice Is a are rejM)nsible to lloaolala. Janaarv 1 1th. a it a arc nr hereby ctren that ssld morta-r- e ftwj mrmm was aa miinw vuurairauTC name, "National lUnks and tbe other backing 14. Hop ivutKU iu i (rnrni Intend, to foraclo-- e c ter of Interior as with Hitlers will cure U BOWMAN, Chemist, talr mortjtat. f ceadltla 3) rears, tb rctatt-r- rank of tbc aeboola u tvu.'uiuiuvj Vfauiirk niliis President they receiTe from government in redemp- t brokra, snd npon ft a. members, two the the Referring to the abort we beg to Inform the vtnea "If yooaretlinply alllny. If yoa feel - FOR SALE BY OakUad, tal tsld fnrecloanre wlU aell at nubile raacd teitboM aerrral cradea, tb amoQut of ters vote as elected members it is their hreo of whom are Cabinet tion of tbctr notes, ct& make item ctoul pigeons aactlon at the salesrooms of E P Adams fa lloaolala. niklic that we are prepared to Lnans. Dlf count 'weak and dispirited, without clearly ob MONDAY, 1Mb day MS aid to each, tbe reaatta of cxamtnatfawi irjm-iiui- ig m aroond which people gather deposit nuke HOLLISTER & Co. tbc of July,ll,nt HX.o7 nj;uu os a cmain focura oi vun.3 uuu mV uuw iu.auuge the, to their 'knowlaf why. lltMf tald day, Ihe premise, abown by of ytitnaailncach wtndy.aad ' money gives Apprwed Notes sad Parchaae Exchange at Ihe beat described la tald itfntac the people It seenis to us therefore that An Inspector of Immigrants at a salaryof for safe keeptnc whch practically hetow specified. Farther mortnrt tt iiecna. aronoi uayi u um nam. iocmb oanss 01 me money; so rotten Cnrreat Katea. Oar arrangements far Setlla- - Ex- will ICvvirc parflealaraeas be had nt W oukt mcnt ' n Protector of South Sealm-i- n toe control au Ilo llfiteri joit, Notice to Creditors I K Castle Attorney st Law, FRIED. LOWKEY, ber repnrted, which woold iaavc oolr or weeks to take what British Cabinet Ministers do $30 y"" a so that thev. not Cunzress. fix the valoe of moner. change on the principal potata la the Tatted J. ' also Mat, If yoa area MInratrr, sad have fdrTacaiiotta. Th4I ntaaiaary mkwIi with an tho matter of noting, is Jiardly a proper migrants and a Socretiry, at a salary, If these monopoly schemers had cot forced tbe Esrope, Chtaa, Japan, and AsetnlU sre btln made yesrseif with yosr pastoral UNBEnSlGXED GIVE Prentlaea (o tv sold arc altnsted la Palaiaa, lalaad "of ftrarac aiicndaaoa of TT rstptU each, receive hi precedent 'with opportunities of hack government to born the greenback and iftsne the wun care THEthat thev hats been appointed Administrator Oahn, and consist of 4 seres of good kaloerrtc land for the Hawaiian Chamber Onr lunches fare. and when perfected dac notice wlU be gives. We the llapala-ka- all aiSOX TbeCentral Scbool, C maatcrm, XJ otc- national bank note in its stead, the United States ot Estate of Catherine a. Maker, late ft bow ander ealllvatloa. bclne the same prrmttws Cabinet Ministers oprasc-roas- Ialand of Ma at, persona cnolara, rort fRVn&A lDe Normal befaoul may be anvthing, they - cc wookl practiciuy nave been oat akall alao be prepared to receive Drpoallf on deceased; all having say ta Royal Paleai tt to1amIa,(llt of Xsanala. oi debt lltflcrw wilt Itcplorc claims arainst aald estate sou they HOT?) wtib V rorua remienl on the yt,t- bo Italian adventurers, like Moreno. The present machinery is therefore just and tbe people not bordencd by monopoly nuke Colleetloae. aad coadact a (Jenrrsl III jon. at led that meat rremlemi tbu "If yoa a wan at Lwsfne. er present thefamedaIrreriBX.Bd with piwocrvewch-rr- s 13. Oer own fiare do not awjler by coropanson. or aliens, pitch poled into their j.OMtion at what the proposes. It is the men yoke. All the erili goffered by the government STB ECKELS A CO ail if any exist, whether secared by mortzaro or other- Tnmr IWX) 'labonrrr wrakrned by the xrala of Hortgagee.Hotic ofroreclc-rar- e Sale, aa aoown ra vm repnrc tot inc tear, and people of tbe United btates, thxocgh their nar or a wise, to the undersigned, within tix months from date, &of 70 him the whim of a foreign monopolist like filling the posts who really make the 'your everyilay dstle, man of or tbey cainare rauala. cost fSW the trouble; oil wont tional bank system, will come down npon this little toilin; over yoar mtdnlht work. will be forever barm); all persons Indebted lo ACCOBDaVNCE WITH A POTT-- ICetom rtcbawl at falama. M bora, co--i STJav Neumann. Such men surely cannot be mix with water; and Kingdom and people a foor-fo- pressor, tald estate are reqaeatcd to auk Immediate parmeaf. PS ia a will with if STtm fcctrtisrnitnts. Iloaolulu. "i '.! eertala asortrsrc "ad Fort SjUcet hccmol XO pttpits H teaebcea. ent judged as standing in analogous position honorable men not work with snch a this asked for charter eboold be granted broar Hop lUffer will Mrencllienyon, Jane 17th, 1L KaRmakuhl and Cat,'dMar to EH Uordoa. dated fh tOti - wben axe P X MAKEE. day of May, 12, recorded laUbern. pajo 53. Xotlca KiliAasaamfVtkwU3a rpil.tlS.aU with men who are endorsed by a majority man as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, lawmakers; and oar necks once in tbe " If yoa sre anserine; from overeartsc, WM U IttWIX v llwwWa rvrenae of the Itoncktmi: CWocy U yoke will easy work get from 1911 v. imm aKA of voters ves who occupies a place on the Board 2for it be no to under. Mortgagees' Notice of Intention to Foreclose or drlnklaa. sar Indiatrerioa or 4t Adm rs. EaL of Catfcrrinr y Makec. cioac aiia frmmenxsse, for condition broken, snd a 4.1 . biw appropnaiau io independent as fit representati A eenons rerolotion is anticipated tn United arc yoo yoon ssd rrowisjC too mi iw aiiarin figure-hea- d the laid foreclosure will sell st public snttloa at ihfi Mlet The Hawaha rceenao to look after their public inter- can the Kapena, or the windy IS HEREBY GIVEN" aa fa the case. arrools r fv2 for and local btates when the people attempt to free themselves NOTICE to a power of sale eoatalaed fa a 'fast, often Executors Notice ! room of EPAdams la I wa X0.1DAY. Ue appropriated for cdnoaticaial Cabi- Kaulukou do much to carrying; their yoke. And some tSfatfUrXl ests. The present members of tho assist in from national bank deed dated the 3tab djy of Mar A. D Utt, EXECC-TRI- "laaayor jaiy.i4 atllM af said day. tbe premt. claim will aa notion Hop Hitler will Relieve yon. UXDEItSIGNED, X sau, a dcmfw fJuaawatytVCa net hive some on the business of the Board. individuals that it cost mnch usd by Chlax Alan of Paaoa, Island of Oaks taQtoos and Exeeator of hwiu4it ta r.ia iejs apecnwtu rar crant to nc endorsers eight tax as ye ars In tbe workshop, on tha will f Benjamla r. tfter part lea tars ran ba bad of W K Castle, AUeraey at-- Ja Gorervwettt audb haUe a good blood and treasure to get nd of it, as it cost to get of record latheoOce "If Ihe Bolles or Ilonolnla, deceased, aotlfy all persons hsrlny LW tb anmont credited to earn achoul srwors a few district judges, and the small It was a thing, theoretically, when alsTery. people CoavryacreslB liberM on 'farm, st the dek. anywhere, and feel ELI GfJKDUX. Uortn.. front rid of Let this take warning and ofReslstrtref claims aralsrt the ssldcsuto toprocnt the same, daly Jremles to b-- sold arc ait sated done. If aba laafector-Gancra- l report How an Inspector of Immigrants was ; monopolies aad e7, and for breach of the eoadltloaa In aald aaort- - 'that voar avstem neria eleaaste tnn. authenticated, with, 1nIlonolalB,aad for army of government dependents. then appointed stand from under all of like character. nt the proper voachert, whether te con 1 of s valuable toss- - lot ss'Fhoasa; taachinc keeping caffeceeo eoaiaiBca. inat an ine propeny increia turgor tntoxlcat cared it in or sear detects ia arcuwaodalwaia. of can they be on the same plane as British but during two years he has made but one CCXU3ECT aad deaeribed wlU the time Itmited law br mortxaz r otherwise, to the asdertlracd Pallkra, Ilonolnla. near residence ef Rev X, fmltb; cnopl reiater, orjraaiiatMio, ditciplme. bouks, after ty wliala tx aaoeta from th dale thereof octhsywUl He la Ministers ?- - tour of the group: wo considerably doubt Oar currency ccrspbeations or prom- be aokl at pablie aaetloa. be forever barred: notice Is hereby eataJaaalHMlthofaasci.deacrlhdraltoTal vc apparataa. One--f oorth of the crant coca to the an eerwtn property said deacribrd bcln HopIXIllerw yon need. alao jirea that we PatentltoKain,Apansl(rxcrptlaxa small utefe wbfilwtr bn baa nnv ise soon to Le so: not on aecoant the The la mortcsre rlr have this daydrpsifzed Mr.B. Fraak Bollea to sold to ttavbrribrrrUy. bnt if be fa dnanaaaad foe caase, T1nnae w?fvl of tttch rates All the household laterestef tbe said La yo are oH and yonr blood tbla collect him loja fhrht legislature j TnacAt r of exchange, bat account of enrreney thljAi3 "If all tMoeya doe to Ue above estate, at his he fjrteita alo the pjovcruincot aid. Slndics The in the is over. Bv rtlantalmn twir if bit ? fW a tinkers the Und leased to klmbr D. KaohlaL a'so the !u and tmpare. palse feeble, yoar aerrei Kasmaaa Street. (Iron Wsrehousc) afflun laapee-t- trying krtorce dawn cichange by artificial legal hold Interest of Akas the land leased by aawat be in bjrU approved by tb thetr own four votes, the Ministers have For this perfunctory inspection the'eoun in fcuoaao tsitnd. sad yosr faculties wining. ELIZABfrm BOLLEH. ia ncoardanca with thecrad of each acboot scans, uu isjonng mereoj un wnoie proaoong (k) to ALaa. aad aUo,2herKa.allthekoaaea,atraC' t Administrator's Notice. escaped a vote of want of confidence- - Of try has been charged S&b753. Wo know lore of these Island, confoauig oar badness tnrea fsrwltar. laoU. Injpleateata. aad all jrrwlar Hop Illtten will cheyon new CIIAELES IICSTACE, and fvacr huwri achool work daily is required, crpa on said and mea Life EsecatnxslEaeebtoeorWIUoaB Y Boea.acC VIEllSIOXKU lIA't'I3fO the nobles, George Macfarlane and John w&ktnuDOwrrcnutedtoa rbort aurcr tardiom, el tare crawl n; pctwris, timed 101 1 Till. JCacfc pass U rated at a nanoej valae. varyinr from that in consequence of the Inspector doing mort-a- e :intl Tltjoor. lloaolaln.JanaUth.l4 4t mZI la said deed. a twerea dotlara. i alao a capitation S. Walker were the only white men their work, ind all can pay their help with it and boy and I Hw Than in his either br letter or by deputy, or dueoont, Dated Jaly ltt, W. "HOP BITTERN i sa elesant. beal-tk- to oo dollar for adb achoUr by i witboat paying bat sboald cither of the yUOSQ 1ICXO TOXO, Morfnr--- Notice Creditors. crant, rated the 11 ut viuuiiuut-uu- nwcu iue TerV. irfQUentlT ISO all- that tho 1'ortn- - btUs now Lrgklatcre aad rtfreaslajt flivoris; tar atteodanoe Tbm cirt reorrre from one iuc iKe at before tbe to "regnlalethe J ltri.tu. Altaraey far Mortragvc. lyisat reader UXHERSIOXEH avttaci former has received from his dealings with gucse per- earrency become law, the people will commence Uteaa THEbeea) HAVING faa tww dollars, aorordinc to qatlity of work ct Commissioner has had to pay tn karaalcaa. aad pwevualai X appot<ed Admlalatrator of tha Estata of to dance cpoa tcme-tint- aad hibitrd. HaOdiiMi jraat are limited to onedulf this Ministry, as well as his business sonal visits himself, to look into attendance the broker's ihop, NOTICE ! asoatb cleastiaf the rtonaca. eorce X. llarboule. late of Kohala, Island of Hawaii, grievances arU legal Uaws-IM- CLnt or to aometiaaa to bnj tender, bo as deceased, by order of tbe Siprtme ef Ue a S2J.ViSi!7"Ji',Sm r will of nctval oLcrectioo, alteration. relations with Spreckels are his excuse. which should be attended toby the In- MEETING KIL.VIT- - Islands, hereby Ccn " kmf u. t. G XI. co pay tneir nui as ue law curccu as weiiasto ATA OF THE cfvea notice to all persons havfaz Una. and also explain the course of his brother, spector own EA SUGAR C . held la lloawlala cai U Jaae. Cleanse, Porify and Enrich claims stalest said esUe ts present the fame tn arm to inm-ali- lt in the first instance; and we are protect their interests. - the mnimut uk firmtist u ikt mf Jkawialn, Jan sard, l?cL the-- C This mwddla to hava been bronght ism, ue roilowiar Mncera were elected- within Biz atoatat from UepnMleatloa of this node RCITll A. LtMA, J. proprietor Walker's course informed that this condition of affairs is mtin about mliJ. JUm-l- . becanae exchange is against importers, pleaanre RAMadeSe.ofSeotUad... .PteaMeai Blood with n istj win ac lurerrT surra, ana an ptf sana.owi ng TPO"!T BoM. t. Kttlkt j.ifctlaVwi, UattdttrM, ftcrextoa raUlry; in irnorinc' the plain reauirements of the not satisfactory to the Portuguese Gov- RAMacleJr said estate arc herehyreaneated tomakalaamedlat ....V tilut sccktra, etc I don't think that a soffiocnt exenae AEIlBwifl Hop Illtlcra, io mm ia uoaoiaiB or io i. nets of mm amUrW. ltabooidUpotutrdootlhattbaratrint Auditor's bill, under which he held office, ernment An Inspector of Immigrants law makers to attempt a care by n.SeaTtarysrafeaa iraniAm bktae Dtfcovery, .t tojostifjonr 9amTM Damoa ....Treasurer AndyoawiahaveBaaickaesiormicrlar rerrlman Adminhtratnr'fi Sntirr faJUUxtJwoccKoOlatpoithJnbcbarUafti was such a thorough abandoning of pnn should be constantly on the move. In legal means. Anrthincthat can be dooobrlav Carter.. editor or tfoctora Kohala. WAVID niTTnv Fiji enconrage JO ...A UIEa to pay AdmV ltWMndTieL bnt m tim la Hoooloro dplo to meet tbe wishes of the Cabinet to prodnctioo'and thereby increase oar Whicli waa aedered Ve dary - EtatCeorX.Uatbottlc. deceased. rpiIE OTJEKSiaXED, IIAVJXG tpena the visits are numerous and unexpected. exports as ta advtfd- HOP BrTTEEs nawolala. JancJta. taet at artwxftng to Uv bnaiEfaa. eTneceTer wamats wocld be jasttSable, that U the only a. x. u. swirr, iwa EH ta that bis voting in their favor was Practic Our contemporary instead of discovering- exchange - la aa cfesaat. rieaaat and itetrethlar ruvewrtaz for C.JO J LbU.t W.il.liL IiU.uk! awottMnr bwdaeas haa to be transacted Sa Koolan, Tay that can bo satisfactorily and per- Witt Seyjetary are Ism. tmpsrc xsi.lcuvo ally the same as Toting for tumsclf, nanenUy arranged. driaks aad water, rrndVriaz them TO ! n,KttlpcTM.l.drt uM XMm f. nuk. Xk woaOd b knocn fresh machinery, should devote itself to tanales. swwteatat the SENT AT PTJNAHOTJ pv BaaAlMoanllar ondc JKO A.HASTNGER, bhvib, tad clecasmz th - I5".'d','11 tk.M..rtriTt,it.ik,i rrra to ate iwoper stdaafniatratMci of jaatiea It. Xhe fire native nobles who voted with secirg that the present rnachinery be run Tnis Jungdom tt none toe less priwuerooa be- - stoauca. A N37U- clslm oTntl"nit nuu ou.l k, i cawe a few to pay baary axchanga, as cx- Atamgwlrdpaarafa ts Can j?3 1IOU8E, 8UITAULE rnmlri km "SaaeaWS were to resSd In tHdffltrirt,wdrTota the Ministry, were Bosh, whoso reasons are bava the - Acat t tala for a larzeTamily, and five CwwxneiL ah lgnoranna caanx gn chine bd ono para tt I travcts Zaa XavHv. s For Sale by Kjj - afaaics walk from . VX.A.KISSET, nwarsHtaWnitontetorAlfcdntlaa. Ha mfgM - iiaftfb-i- ; atfam "f- sefcod baWlae. Term t well known, Kzae, newly appointed as- a tune cut of while ifsan J p another. mark np hi coodftoJ IatcrUrOfflee, Barara-- ly W7J1 0LLI5TZH at CO, Oeaolals. Mil if atodral. h llrtntkaharteafastaUawtArj. aOn?, Tttharater r ttrAdira Box 123 post OCc.

Jt v ,jjmutt&r.Ms && 5r- - w $ r; . v 33581 c-

otlnlea-tte- a weight thai oan produced bad been pretty well vautUateJ be tbotutht that The MlnWUr of Interior sv notice add to the of evidsnee l nrtion Salts, 3ottbn Gale. COffiMERCUL. ISLAND LOCALS. r in aiiawwcav p nothtnt would be gained by rmawr debate so he The Hawaiian Legislature to Introduce a Joint rolation nathyriiing toao(Broraca(; question. H to thepaTtaentof TMJOOto hU dfpartmtnt fotthe plausNt nxmdmetttvas Iot li aSOCT TOWW. postal IlepreeentaliT W. O. Smith followed Repretn-Uti- v Tbe Attorney General SPeatlOff tn ddfrnc of Br Lxyrr, rurptw of tilioa certain United State tyaomci Tk ceallaalty of daltsess wkkk ku bee reported The Mutual Telephone Company has eommeneed . Dot and aald Tbi resolution I a otrrau tbeauntotry aidtia iirnce iota ,.1 arcoont. Representative the Reeolations appropriating eerUtn aura of the fromtlaf ttlBltn4tctR)ndnrlr: the put tr tinc up pole for iu cable. 1SS4-- Consideration of tbs business contained on the charge preferred bv th of :Uk Session anu peopl against Tb main charge is Ijoan Fund to certain usee that Section LA and taMtas still coaUiat asA at fa for f cf D was teen eontinoed with, tbe Mulster. H Regular" Cash Sale ttf Knnt T. i . t ...... Order tte their ftrr. They hay InsUtatcd revo- 5 of tha Loan Art warranted the action. Regular Cash Sak .larterly acrvaeU U mw noUtafcl-- a Tva ixrf brongni rorty-nr- st Say. June 25th, 1681. to amend Clupter XIV Session U of iiryri f km ticrt h in the bill lutionary method in tbe administration of public that It was Uwful sections and 5 being ta a part ennndrace la the ministry. relating to holdiag an addiUonal term of th A (Kmilit etre Ike tke team) convened isfi! ; Council ha usurped the pre- tbemselvr an approprialloa Act and Section pakltc t draw Bne-strta-c A a caate-i.e- a Anwrnbly at usual hour. lrjer and was read for the third lime affairs the Cabinet tk lacwkee bavin-be- en Third Judicial Circoit, adding strength, by provisvon "fund be bsu.aeea aadatill. avtvrt U The Swedish atronpeaers have pitched their reading of minutes of previous meeting rogative ot this House; under the authority of iu that lamror. Una and pissed. CoancU, public fund have rumbursed wben the Loan beeame felly placed On 5th U WiB aaoltdav vrvk Ta c.lj Hapen . nn-- se cooctadrd, the rule were suspended to allow came op fjr lU second reading the mm" Resolutions of that the Saturday, July On 4ialt vwi iiiaia ami iniid upinrir Then been ta defiance ot law i govern- Ac. Itetating to the ifvra. he w of optaioa Thursday, July iivm iiriiiporu Drive istl or visa ureal, tsstraxatftts. the presentation of the following petitions: monopoly menstroty knowu as the Bank Char- appropriated the Z0 frtoa UrrrraaZ placed in the that tb Board of Health mad a mistake ia not UOl. B..ttlnBo.a.w)ll with pgml werresadWu:k Repreweutative Kalua from residents of tbe ter, which bad been introduced by HrrrnUtlTe ment neJixaUons bar not been t.HMllUM. Tat arrival lot tat vitk of Ike Cls I and ray coUcagu was the raodest way ot any Treasury a expressly commended bylaw; and Uling steret lo cronJlAcate m Tt- -J oa th aeUoo urmac aa etvlt tot. in of lAbaica, again the establish went Cecil Brown. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FURNITURE ltn.'tlo'kim,MsltK., mat kJtrfmoL, lMra iron jreatca. salt. U. - -- v, arose cu banks ot and In favor of a gold coin stand- those runt have not bcr& disbursed according to ether Captain in making, his false futement to 1. X.ctrvu Vetta. frsea Caltas. the cabinet 4uii.i iwivauwiiwni iMe. Oa motion of Rep. Kalua, the blUwasreada tbe piloC th owner of tbe Madras any. Tk far at tk brisraa. last Satnrday. ard. Relemd to rnarice Committee, second by title, law. It artiH' tke ceail time Their defease to the charge road is tbe thing from the Hawaiian Government in thetr ajtd cjKjcxxrr Cleii'ivasj, IlBM Don Sad W II Dt.BOt.ti nUk kllalaaa l4 U RepreoruuUre Smith from the reaulenUof bis Reprrsrntame Doldsuled that Mr. John Not! only daniageX Dry Goods, ouuo-in- g done no. wer suit for be would congratatat tbem for tot aa vm "wivuiwiutiwiviiBTiKw xorary district on the same sobject, referred to the same of reaolutions woplcd asacrtioa that others bare It thai Manila Cigars, 0mt,s-4.U- - inaitr auaru. ui rraacifc now The had just handed him a set No court, iL During alsruwdoo of U Report of tb rM7 vrsdaeet barktatrse J(et Lefeaas and bark Aty is rtfogrresing. pUlarsot the entrance mmtnl t ti- in Honolulu and which, Mfl true It would be no defense whatever. ue Taraer, artlb fall lift (.Cklaesct for at a paUio meeting accepted such But it is Flnaxto Committee lath Assembly, lb speaker Barrel! Salmon,' i bk lpresenUUve Kanealii from residents ot aiiacneu, nearly a tuior,, " - no tribunal ever detente. Hacks?. the location for the uwnini true. Laws of tbe last session repealed pro- went on to say that it wa soticeabt that mm No. I and 2 Sugar The rehearsal the Musical Wailukube made against thelUlL (I'nnied P ! of Amateur ivoety boiding rnd judicial circuit court. thepaarof language were dis- visions which authorized any such transfers or ill temper crept Into the debate. He regretted that ' FRESH GROCERIES wUl on Thursday of terms of the of the rcsolotions in both , suffered disease a AMD DOUM.X sport or tale rlsce instead of Friday KeprcscnUtive Hiichcock. from residents of expenditures, and passed a new-- mandatory and b from th much a anybody. MXall W Honolulu. hday teing holiday. tributed.) .. know disesfoa House Sacks !C I Xkc, Irr, -- . etetanc I a Hilo, bank charter. considera- explicit italot la the Andit Act, which absolutely He did not what u ofu icw, C. ! in opposition to the RepiMentative Kalua moved laat the would subject now personally ArrirvxL. Also by the same memtr, instructions from tee indefinitely postponed, the forbids the exercise of such luwer. These solemn be on before them, One of the prisaoers employed on the excava- tion of th Bill be passed by it affreted him but little, bat It th action of HARNESS ic.raDiin.isa'kn J aae tlRav t Xhra. Laad. fro Tres 31 arte conMitaeatsof Itepreswutative Kaunamanoof question, that Ayes and Nay b taken, and plain and explicit measure wet the .lbs BUGaT tfr bk tions of the new polios station refused work yes- Assembly signed Hi Majesty. These law Assembly was such that be had to ragn he desir- Lisa Unit. Wll, trB lpresenutive to vote against the that the s beinstrncted to bring and 17- Celt xtspe, s Ltae a rcfTtUc.VftUa-nul- . titaseppeUtnHlav terday and left the place in company; of the rubce- - haw been disregarded anddeOed, therefor the ed an opportorotv to set himself right before to sd bank charier urn. In al members in tb lobbies . Urn Postponed to Tuesday, jDiy8.19f Tmltttaa. trass trail Dole, petition Irom the resi- iBtTodaced eta fifth Mlnitr are revolutionary. Applause. Assembly when that come. ReprrsenUUre a i. ..t...nuiiiiMwn,tii followed a Lihae, Kauai, in opposition to the bank been already said The present Ministers entered Into otaiceand Representative Kaulukoa ia Sailed. Three hundred and Mon- dent of this bill, and from what has GROCERIES! ten Chinamen left on Tabled for consideration with tbe bill. amongst business puwrr m iuv ua v. oration ot over an bourl ia favor otth FRESH Mortgagee's llaw Don, Tne day by the A- -v Tmrntr, charter. about It lathe newspapers and mhibn ti iw beta Laad. rrac"C and one hundred and Tbe Minister ot Foreign Affaira in answer to a I say any more to any tn the annals of thl country: tbeciwih.Assembly Ministry which had a wondarful effect placing tn M HMfUaf eighty by Jwe-- men, I do not feel that can Assembly, seek LTOSS A LKTKT. Aacttsweera. 35JAHbltcXlX4aea.3eta. the IfJua, tome of tbfe are had been pawed by the Assembly, already been aaid. DM was in Pcssioa and was o constituted that tbe empte seats in the th members ai bklae W U lHBMd. HmmII.!. 1st i F expected to resolution tht favor of it than what has were log rtfrg Uaw Esiskaaa, rttam. to the expenses of Foreign Missions, re- soma ot th clause measure rtmrmed bv the Ministry easily in tb balL UB kk JlUWr. for rtaa relative not draw the bill.if I bad were RepresentaUv Dole making final argu ! Notice Sal coming Ireasury la op of revenues to the j Asa k Abt Tarser, Arwf II, for MsJor J. H. Wodehouia, Oommiasioner ported as follows: now in it would not nav been mere, i ua carried: th PrcliniRitry Annoenccfflcnt l- -3 laaaac British a National ment, I wish to speak on the quest von simply Jaly Ataaseda. Her, re fraarlvw $ r,4 the greatest ever known in our history; m i hii and paid an oOcial visit t 11. S. J M.Kapeaa.av7a.taJaMa was regard Glad all who wish By order r ATTDIO 3 tOfCZ. tk M. reaeWM Wednesday 1. W. MacIartaacCom'rrto fortaral to stated that a vet be Loan exceeding any ever before providtd. its ment. that to, - aosT.wronAST - oo last and received the 17.S30TT In Preatdeut then "J measure or In- speak have had an opportunity to do so. IAsteosd aatswd la a esrUla ladamtaraaf laaettr "tatod last VewJ. In Port, C P Jaiiea.Ambaaad4eaad Cower.... by Aye and Nay on th indefinite autbonxed for the furtherance ot Mad ay IL atr--a assd t ewtemary salate. Esvpy Commllooer- -. taken th every opportunity was af- to the explanation of tbe Minister of Foreign Af- tttk daraf Aaat, rX a. sivau X W Tripp, sad postponement of the Bill. ternal Improvements; Xaklkiaklavrtf. Kalallaamva. Jailaai Ur-a- a ad Trisatr.VaBadi, LajerWrr. A great interest in the way House is cuing to M Is there no forded they went into office in the character fairs and Attorney General. Tte charge are BY AUCTION : Aaal Uadsalv kl artfa. ta sM JUtsnlasT. tdfk - the S ,csr TbeMinister of Foreign Relations, SALE HUM etlor rtaaat. GlaaepfK- Car fmlaaaW vet on the subsidy to the Oceanic 8. S. Co. is ot reformers,to: but uhat is tbo result? This larger and mor cxtrnJed than in discussion last sad 1st a torachaf lksd1tltad at!4 atavcT.L, other motion r . illegal S a--. , 'MSBcaaxra. betug manifested tn certain quarters. The tem- Iport referred to the Finance Committee. w colleague stand before week. The Minister hav mad the) es I aat trrrseisd sell ol aa Am bk Hep, lYafcallew Atoll joint regulation administra- and say they ar rigL'. Bo or per of a lirge portion of the House is " no sub- Hon. J. Stutlh introduced a The Minister, No motion to lay on th table r the country as a miserable failure: tbe penditore alt hlUef Aab.AuUBU,Ua.i tor so of the samot f.Vl.aQ tor tbe despised at bora and distrusted abroad; indemnity introduced. What doe the indetunitr sidy. the rifling The President, "No- - tion is Ha scfcr Kalvmi, Lwveli purpose of taking tbe lniatory steps in tbe matter the moUon our national bonds hire been hawked in foreign column in the Minister ot Financ' n prt rasaaf 100 Cs. Elegant Furniture TUESDAY, JULY 8H1 S S CklT at rarla, Lwatad The elretkja In Th vote Uinc taken, resulted ta That they hare spent money in d tUnce Amh . tckvaaa of fur th ennitc trm of Japanese Immigration. tbe two jote markets, and oar credit impaired; our currency is of th ler No.orS. U-- al Brown to know beingcatriedbyacoontof3itoi; uav report or AH k ktar W Ward M U4m Uarcmy Lodce L O. F, resulted as f lpreettt alive Godfrey desired bill were given by the tntrodocer confused, our financial market thrown into dis- igtsuiur. beard comtsutee of Mats Uters'Mlrror, Itedrsewa 5els, a cssar a sty ro aawasaasa adlt, VT. S-- XL presented by intro- in sapfort of the charge tn by .i is aos. h aaniviaii Br k CUa Oraat, WlUoa low: U. Urown. Cannavan. V.tl, IU if tbe resolution had been tb 11. order, and values disturbed; tbeexpenditure of the Finance, and substance admitted tbe rnHavnae ptm w taad. D. bcere-tar- and lion. Kobilani. regard financial tnanagrment; fmi t Mossarrat, Treasurer, J. 11 Wtscraan, ducer ou bis own account or on account of the Keaa moved a reconsideration. public funds for current ezpeae bas been Ministers in to tbey He drew to the fact RerteecnUUve national hat disregarded the Audit Act, Coinage Act, the lTkt eevlala Blsca ft Bsrvsl sf lasd slrasts aslTtS PASSENGERS. Government. attention tint tilllt exceeds the meane; the " tr ksv received lavtractleaf (te srrasr foe Htk. Viim. Istaad f Osiaa: tk 4 Bill of the kind. whll Loan AcL Article IA ot the Constitution. Section 4 ctvew) te aeM Uak. ac- - the Appropmtioa had no item Tiwmttfir roovsJ that th bill be Uld debt ha been largely augmented internal early date t wktek da srtk will be ertkH ta cUyal The JatMweecot awav vesterdav with her Th Lima an- Bill: every law fitesi X.lsrkKaals rramKaaaf.prrlwalaal. Jaaa-C- Z t- haitM-l.t:- Hon, S. G. Wilder would like to btar from the with the Bvnktng improvements have been neglected; principle ot the Appropriation that they rrsad by sacllee f Blecut wkkh eUl W l rostotsed punctuality. A luge cathenng of peo votiog... Nothing onthetabloto be coaaidered been found In way threw aside snd piece. be divplayed ta w rrltrCaasVll's ttratk, t:. elalBlt ' Wtkak.UaLtJMTtae, j Laarw.J B gwwroy Government before which illaistry w muwuw, tagonistic to const itutional government have tbeir broke to falty tere. 11 lJtkc, V ple assumoiea on ine wnari to say io uteir BUI. Would know tbe propod lull tbe utenu openly honored ser- Admit that some expenditure were for necessary rort Street. Tksu rrtala slsMwartadaMstala a atassaa fa Fcefttr. - like advocated; counsellor and LTQ59 Apana Ifrf Hsytl gs.Kal-asi- a f needs. The Boyal Uawaiiin band vas in attend- How - objects, but that do not palliate; tb law say A LXTET. AMtloaeer. rard.Wiac rates! rramVaaUBdMaWl.L'bBA1Ja;Sr-- A policy in rrgtrd to Immigration. far the m. f a bill tn attolUh tbe Inter- vants of the Government bare been dismissed from Het tra, aa sees W I LC4 acrsa. U T Clark. aaoe. was Mr. Uoffnung for !.',. would have developed ritk (vmttKt Cseer't, Much Interested ta rsuialaa road. Government committed to mediary Court of the Island of Oabu. Passed to office; loyal men who and rat r- pledgrd. legal opinion Attorrey General aja am Kakalal, - KlUaa Haa. Jaa Ha Jaa H Twenlv-fiv- thousand dollars for Foreicn MU- - IVrtugueee Immigrants and the amount v built up tho country have been denounced as its the of the on th VALUABLE XM 1 am intra rrauing on me i hit. saal aWetiso Martla. tf- aad Iaaty. U II Riif, r Bajrvt. H stons struck out of the Appropriation ltdl on After tbe bill had pasted its second reading th Section I worst enemies; fawning, criojiing sycophants have Loan AcL Sorry bdrd notgivitlastwek;tooks aid.eTc tka la yalrak KranDaffT.CnTrlpp.UBaM1a.U AJaCkaaa Second reading of a bill to 11 M. aad mrm M ! ate-- a. Til Monday.in The Uou thinks we ought to have Minister of Foreign Affair stated that thsliov. M ..f Hi iVnal r.wl reilreLtuu to the proclaimed themselves th only fnend of th as though atodieU up In hours. Admit that the cataialaa l aad 2rklUrrJ,J Bcr Katobaa. W Ca- A nh4 Kos. J ae men eminent was i ledged to Messrs. Hoff nung Co. for pro- throw and of the nation. These are the toon, the Loan Act is confusing and open to such interpre- BUSINESS FOR SALE Tbsi atsia-a- t Csrad at Walaraa. aTsss aSae Mr. W fcUJaa. 511 A KaMkll Uotse missions first, and noise able to legal constructiou of the btatote. This bill Wrrr. ilr, J s one which, the tation, especially as they nted to spend money mhL be.Br. t k aaav nsse Sarlknlarry deserlksd D XaHla. A O U Eraad aad carry them out. two of immigrants, of vide legal cototructloa shall be that Ministers who ar now en trial. J Jaa. would that tbe Min- very badly. I believe ihe Attorney la Bsysl fateat I lesa)iaralag s ars ar rt - 3tti M Akona, Vy 1'ttrm, bad arrived, and the other be which may promulgated by th Saprem Cocrt. Representatives of the people charge these thai General The Rev. Geo. Wallace and XUv. G. S. Mead re- soon doe, be described the truth, whatever objection 1 may hav to AT AUCTION. Peru, r Kiea. Jau r Km. . Uruereu to engrossment ana u imru isters not with common crime in tb tells (vataal. A'iMtf a to Mott matter iwu'i hi official 1 Is Las-- 31 Xi N ai1 I ml V ;krr, ite, aad turn! tT the frara trio Kilauee. lion. J. Smith, thought that tbe statute book, but with tbe high crime of being acta. doubt that there another b;XK. i. A. VUSTIXO. 1. 3 THal svrtala aim i sdlaa a ass report were de- discussion. Nov was high offi- lawyer In Honolulu would interpret law W.bk.l.itnM! r,b!1. tarty d tsa U XlitekcwL, T Haa J Utltllaa. L a. They the lakes to be active. They might come up Istcr for the reading of an Act to amend Section of recreant to public trusts; they have held that that .lip... hr A..1I.., .t Ik. rm.1.. astac lae mm .irtltta asiinai-- midnight bv the wedge. Bad policy Third a! ofQces In in tie same way. It tbey believed that money ruKT STHIIT. IIUXULI'LV. UX ItsvyaJ PaSsac mt. aa area ar M . tained in the crater until near accepted Unte for entering the the Card Code rulaluig to the places of holding ces, the highest next to the throne. tbe sratitae Kaakkr, F M Itatirr, :o U allac litUA Vrad. extinction of their beacon light, which caused the If you want water, to torn buckets opsido down administration of the affairs of tbe State, Tbe waa appropriated by this Act then why call Cabinet -- 4 alt KakaUSIkM elections, lull passed. Taal La4 tOCaaa frs Z rlam.r r UaaUar. Wtlrrti, ili guide to lose way. when - have been placed upon Council? And her is another thing, why have Jc, his it nuns. Hon. C. IL Buhop introdaced a joint resolation most solemn responsibilities aald. Wis tk sssss svssf partttalarfy liaflM MTaanpam,TK'ukatiaBd.KJ Alk. llepresentstive Smith moved that the resolution oAtb Almighty they pat those sum in their Indemnity column! MONDAY, JULY 14th, Risval il II Cammtmca. vile aadcktld, Drt'E Carpvatrr Jt aad. that the Minister ot Finance be autbonxed to pay tbem. They have taken before la 1W. aalrsaa Her S7U.i 1LR.IL Prince (Near. Commandtr Klintberr, be pUced on the table. Us was in favor of immi 0,oeena Hospital lb God to support tbe Constitution and Liws, nd Tbeir very acts show that those acta were iUegaL Tor M.al sad Hawaii, per riaaw,aBK-HK- H tbe propriety of placing any OTtr to tbe Treasurer of tha duty of Some very funny mistake about OiW,000 supposed At to o'clock a m. all tk ?twk sad fixities and Lieatenact N. Sandstrom left by the I'timttr gration, but doubted sum Ordered to second reading. faithf ally and impartUlly to discnarr the ppertalntny t ? TtMRt eertala pieeea of laa4 aHaats ai Kaaaaa. rrtac Ovcar.Capt H Kliataerc. Ltrt frnadatram, moneys of the present Ministry of 17.1110. law, law which i tobot.nhaad but really it was drawn. alrvtria Vmt CarOt a. W Urn:. A T Caaack W Daaa. on Friday evening, June rtth, to visit the volcano. more in the bands idoUoo, th Assembl y at this boor (3.35) their office. To support the the Jhsir Walaase, l.laad nf Uaka atWsaaJst. ksva taa r Inkf r record. way money been On every person finance ar mixed np; th Committee Fi- at rVnarr, W k,ockrr The party were accompanied by CoL Cartis Isukea after their aX The has 10 a. ro. On the morrow. our security 1 the security of that is still of saaie atore sariiealarly devcrlWd ta ksyat ftr-- past two years was until prevents nance recommend expert work op Inter- ass area roe Amy Tararr Jaa MUa A who would see that all arrangements for their tquandered daring tbe with governed; the law which is the guard that that the m KaleaaatlWassirsataJatas aft nkaac. Pt were oat a parallel in the history cf the country. It the governors from becoming tjrants and the governed ior Department, tbey could not do so in tb time Photographic Gallery, NrwrlL, L Urakta. A . atd m Chiao' comfort properly earned out. Forty-Thi- Ji tirt had been consistent they would have Day, June 21th. 18S4. becoming rebels. Ihey have degraded tbe they had. KalaLaoa, J aae 3U J Haarr Cabinet from -- Tka reftaia sseee f Pitoaf-a- ffiwilllv!. roraftrnsKOpr The concert riven bv the Malihin! Glee Club at parsed a Cabinet resolution on this matter and high offices which they have held, they hare treated Ibere was enough confusion in the account of ISCLUDI5U Ld o Ukt-ii- Ju- Asaeiubly met nt 10 a.m. Prayer by chaplain waiawt. aaa.al rvautaias . Far Xaai aad BaaU.prr Jan - K W Kawainao was at- Legislature all. souls; this Kingdom to take two years to unravel; A U Church on Saturday last well not come to the at of niiuuft by secretary. their oaths with contempt andperjured their tome ad seres. Fataam. lWar. Ua Jaclta tended notwithstanding eoonter attraction MinisUrvf Foreign Affairs Aaid that the reading despised Constitution and trodden it never can be, but wer lost. They were informed Lenses, Camera Boies 1 Stands, Tvr per tbe Tbe lteprcftcntclive from the Committee on they' hare th Wis fc aTat Eakatat, Kltaara Haa Jtat P Joan, offered XX would been placed in the Appropria- Iiwell law that the Minister had not stolen. Its was glad of ALSO AllialrrlcU sad laletest ta UoHraav, V at the Theatre. Tbe concert netted amount have petition relative to the under foot; they have broken the and scattered Back Ground!, Chemicals. KapsallitasMM Xaa ajaaw J 4 T 4 Lowri. A Una no could be ob- Commerce reported on a defied people iL '1 bey had the same old excure, Former Min- Curtains, Ala at alnajt lor tne cenent oi toe luna. the same tion Bill, but definite information of eirlosivcs, rccommen- - it to the wind; they have the and assd Caltls eaae less, seaaded fiC. sad rsaatsa a Mtniatry time. 1 crriila (Applause isters had done these things." A chickra dab gite another concert on Saturday neiL tained by the at the bought it .Tinit itliM eiMiMdcred with a bill on the subject. scorned their power. thief Large rnd Small Printing Frames Msssst afseeMld sis Trkjs Use. aa4 CattJa MARR1XD. would injudicious defer th matter now. bo conclusion which tbe bouse might plead the same excuse. Their excuse of atdeesv . Wssded sktt be to on a petition that telerinarr surgeons be al-- Whatever the St si Aistantl il The list of voters, ares and not-s- on the vote of Represenuuve Dole was in favor of the resolu- Alo shall come aL ubatever be the vote, tbe Ministry having precedent dor not apply, because the law AStl A80CT sms, BMres sod es.raafvjsI rrAav41UctM, XXWSETT-JU- Ha- - X At Kahaka aMk kaa. wnt of confidence in the Ministry was miprepr-seatf- d as understood that the planters bad res- condemned before formerly permitted transfer la the same depart-men- L twaadedt't si swvd 3faaM. alW. rafSsvk CarVta tion, be of a bill on stand this will '.Z nrnaidmccoi tac Midst par Monday. Hon. Noble engaged lLVOot etprct Uid on the table until th introduction and now it forbid iL They hav not obeyed Ya aad festaa. sad ft!, a rrtais Lssaa avaia in the AinriUtr on ponded and had about the - amending 1119 and 1120 tbeyhave defied; they stand condemned before SOOORegisteredHegatives SIsmm KasU. alMsrswv rcta.rtfceKv.ratxrHu)t.Jail Dowsctt the subject.- Also on bills Audit Act. Were going bv la racl rr Kath aHa4sat. J . voted S bat was omitted, while rd immigrants. He was, however, afraid of the la- His Majesty whose throne they have dishonored; the tbey to continue such kt ft. Hi dated Jalr I ta sim- cf tbe Civil Code relating to arrest of parties office, waltzinj Incladlaf rorttalts of Celebrstrd frrtoaafr f la Jsa its. 11. a4 rfrd4 lion. Farkcra name appeanat; on both sues Ministers and considered the resolution too be In- they stand condemned before tb people, whose Minister tn that have been down LlWt St m pare 0 sad boring under contract; recommended they period Klncdtai aad Landscape and s rery rare roJrectUm ef J. brought tbe respective numbers to tbe correct ple; tbe Ministers would be apt to ue tbe money trust they have betrayed; they stand condemned th biennial rolling up expenses, and wbo nV A a 11 definitely postponed. Approved. Island View. bux saooriaieat lraais fa as. a A- -eJ Jaa.. -Ai ta of A. totals. for anything they pleased. did not care to resolu- before the eternal laws of justice which they have may go on the same way the next two years? If A eemplet saldonr tor faetefrapk parpeses, AC r. tvtju, rratdscr TbeMinister ot Interior introduced a expressed esut t Speacrr, qn 2M, by have a of the accounts being kept on Such. Mr. President, are the charges they their confidence, tbey endorsed Awwraey UUa. t!awiL,tj Jao Ecr.. Br the .tfaweds several KAmaainas drrart for repetition tion tbal the Minister of Finance be autbonxed to violated. Aad St M a'clock anna, the OvSat'KCILBKUrW. fa MwtaarV"J 1L Datit, IdscKUT D. Macim ta CisTaia NtSa. unattainable vouchers. The presence of the pre- ot Interior the which the people bring against these Ministers. Ihem. He would say gu on; "keep it up aa long Krtm distant shores. Mr. James Campbell and family pay on the draft of the Minuter U last long." TOttastcaafktcraT Cafi. Boertt sent Mimslrv was an obstacle to a continuation of of the Post Office, Representative Palatum said, one reason for this as lasts it wan't by leave zor a tour rouna tne wona, wnicn wui th sum or CXi0 to settle accounts neglect Board been Lease of the Premises tk city. JaaSlk. ihtjwn month or two Mr. confidence in the acts of the Government. If to postal service, with the Loited resolution is that the Minister of Foreign Affairs The of tbe of Health ha Mortgagees' Rrv. J.A.CreaaarSta.Jvax J to Mi A ocmdt public was lncreaaeu maujuu more tiering relating the foreign shamef uL Waa sufficient to show that there had Having S years to o( 3. Roberts of Kohala goes a fewTr.months to debt Post Office San Francirfo. haepeat a large amount for missions taa. L. Tmiuu, both ibi cltj. 1. for the biennial reriod, bow long would tbe btate it which not In any public good. Also, been mismaaageiuent of tha Leper Settlement; viit his lumie In Canada, and Dr. Thatcher in- cumins Oa motion the resolution was referred to the bad resulted LtOM st LEVET, AclUnivs. Waiittks ataat. Jaae credit of the country remain unshaken; it was cause it is stated that n great deal of money has mere was no uisapunr, no raies, anu toe mortal- U-- f to Vermont. Attorney-Gener- ta draw and present In the form U U.atlk Eactiak Ckanb.bv Krr.C C Umff.Jli. tends vtait severely shaken now. Mr. Irwin the Consul Gen- expended id and feathers. The spetker ity was excessive. There was never a doctor tbem Notice of Sale rwara, . been fus 'irb. X. of Uaklaad, CI XlM aaM K Japan that the immigrants from Ministers were to blame only some two day in the month, Presi- r.XUwS,r alkapa, Xaai The work uo Itichard street vrocresses verv eral tor baaaetters of1"At 10X5 tbe Assembly convened as Committee did not consider that the lb Ntto Ltrtrtiaenifnts. Japan may landed here at a cost of about expending money, Legislature dent of the Board ot Health ha left this poor . t CT a FraatiK aad Uatlaad. Cal . pajwn D)(e slowly; be : W and for tbe bat th that J amrilClTT. Attssrr.tsi the roadway is broken up as far as the l ...i .... .i .11 I. of the bole, Hon. J. 3. Walker in the Chair, purpose. rwff(sMRYJBdlrU.rf ta ta wpy- - gate as Pal- vjo ier UNU. cumuuNiuuB uu w. it..iuv of the items in had appropmtcd it for such a All of the suucridK wiuiucqiui uamiumj iomt wnuoai Ottovrs. vasetraa mania Hotel and macadamized far as bow money for this scheme was proceeded with tbe consideration which were d;emed the assistance ot a physician. They bad been eertala tadsaiare at dased now offers move should state the lltU, passed the following: sums used for purposes not set, J9Ut.ta.ad ace lane. An apportuntty to tbe how spent receipts the Appropriation and good appropri- playing with th South Sea Foreign En asd also ta ta addtUasaai rkarees tketst. aisd hf D1TD pust la to be obtained and and that all provocative of tha public but been Island. MaiyH. 1 lamp at the corner of Richard and Bert tan immediately Treasury. JCMCIAKT MFAKTSEW. Assembly (InW) voys, Coronations, while poor people JUST TEC EIVED MrKraneaadJaaa MKfr tvf should be paid into the ated by a legally constituted and and these I Mary J Bewa, 1 ijeeesy sea4 ? streets, as at present only one person at a time can sM ata dfret4 sll a( brNtE-l- a tkU city, oa Jim 2&. Tnaa Hon C IL Blfcbop, had always favored appro- SaUryof Police Jettlee, Iltlo 3S"!!!! the Minister could not be blamed for only carry- were forgotten ; and these are tbeir Inend and Pabtle Asell.tfi f XIllo.UvaiLad7Sjea. squeeze between it and the fence. believed more la- - m I.ahatna 2.SO UI brothers, years be harped upon priations for immigration; that u ing out tbo (Laughter. and relative. For JIB country. " Lanitoa, dae and Finn. A. would peopl how b would A Oueen borers is one of the great wants of the In 81 Kl If. ls.Widemann said he ask first this matter, and told Ihe cTandball in aid of Kaniolania fund always been BBpaltl ON SATURDAY, JULY 2S Report os Police Jid Prison. relief of lepers was given at the Hotel on faronng thee appropriation it has - JatlceWaUBk.Jf 3.KUUI a simple question; unose property is toe ruau ixxr iook oat tor meir neaitn. ", for the thehopethat money would boused In a always considered or Since the Minister became President of the with the it ths property the Fnday large dining hall was prettily " TDUlrlet Judge, North nilo autu He bad M ollowiiig report vt of Ttlr-tae- n evening. The PHI 00 Board t It . at in sair.itMna. la OsasJrala, all taat Tbv f the Cotanutte decorated, and Bergsrs quadrille band provided businesslike manner. Tbcee expectations have Puna district whence it comes. Formerly the road sup- of Health, he care no more for the health "Amy Turner" ; un- - - will be of mtcrtst to Km Qseen resulted m disappointment sometimes (rota Kaa uw ervisors held and expended it, but lately it was paid of tb peopl than fur th niggers of Africa. He the music. Their Majesties the and Kona j.im ui stepping-pUc- e Certain Piece L&fid - 6HXJUTFB. avidable reasons; importing lVrtaguese immi- North Treasury and expended by the Ministers. used it as a to reach the posstion, KUOil BOSTO.V, U. S. A.: or Parcel of TSK 't""- a5B the Prwces!es Lydia and Likehke. Prince Odcar - teatfa Kons IMIOI into the grants for the past two years has been "sadly 11. innke.1 rtnnn it as a trust f and in tho Treasury. and having reached it, ho kicked the ladder over. !Mlaai at lb ! Ilossl aad Kkkaed Mmia, A cbanpe is neodeJ in tb mann-J.- tba er(artB and suite, and a large party of ladies and gentle- Pelke Jafttec North Kobsla. ... S,J0(W rtun The accounts have been so badly kept (Uftl By tbe report of the Minister of Finance, n. SI. be I not only represent Lihae and Koloa, but also setae taa aaaM ttreailses avsr jtartttVury aneeot tbedatjof tbe Marshal Ukd the DfMitj men enjoyed a pleasaai eTfning and tbe land District Jadje !onlh KobaU Mn eiii that it is not known really how much money has H HI road unexpended was f37.73.03. represent every man, woman and child In Kala- talaWysl Pateat tail sad cwautitsr aa area Manhal. benefitted considerably. llamakaa l.M foand that the tai - Al.0-.t- been certainly been M (M) W on 01 wao. cannot support a Ministry hav CS.VYINSLOVYS'CORN 3RHUursa scrs- n that who 11 two oW spent. It has moreeipensive lloDBaaia nsed, fJKCra, leaving a balance nana I that Tbc cectlemtn these offip are have been. present Presi- - " JIM DJ same p. 2, ho mem anu mem. xoose tajrranw vmI are esteemed for Mr. Jas. CamDbell with Ms wife and family in than it ought to The Makao fJ.WiOeU. By the report found that leu uvserieu sunering ol the Uorcrsment. dent of the Board of Immigration u not respon- Hans Lantw was balance of only in the Treas- people are thirsty I was glad he had Cases XiCiTu' Sofrar Van, Certain Piece or Parcel bf Xasd intrcnty penooaJ worth, bat they tends to make a somewhat prolonged tour in the . m GC0( there a JttttO their aad hair what predecessor iid. But he a Ijb1 Where gone to? Farther in done some good ; he had engaged In aa enterprise llsjial fallen into certain routine performance of their Cmted states and Europe. The party sailed by sible for his is " Molokal 1.30 W ury. had tbe f.'au Cases Leirit' Tomatoes, Hltaal oa Wresl sfoera4 asMwlaUC UM ' Mr. was bufiness man, an accountant, and it IS a matter Jat-- vestigition led him lo beliere that there was, ac- which resulted ia a monument being erected. U Ises descrtasd aad amre yarmalarry dMsrrtal dnUe which tends to impair the value of thetr the UfeMtoV yesterday. Campbell one of ac- (TrstettazespasMSlHvUiet Lenu' Fork A Bant, sv one who money when sugar of surprue be has not tried to straighten out tfesvMstokat) T 50 01 cording to the Minister' own showing, an amount had also written a Health Book which be believed Cun ta ftteyal falsa t Xa IT emcia. Instead of deroUss tbeirenersies to the the fortunate made proper- people-- foe farlher apfly personal inspection was at a selling price, and he has made good use of counts nd while la office have them kept Dfetmt Jisttec (UJIU of 30,twI-$- short; be would like to know where it to be of use to th But tb voice waa tb C.ie Clam Choirder, ttT ssrtkaisr M actire mtperruioa and of the ly. been seeking tor sach emigration as UaUoeaEi tUlft) skill shown getting op voice Jacob ; the hand, tbe band ot Kingdom, tune in his as handsome croup of business We have U. He admired the in tbe of Esau. He, Cues Cxl Fun Balls, Ca r. AatAJia. AmrXrl Pulioe lepartxoait of the their fortune the apanee some years; now seems to be an op- - Walalda turn of Finince. It be bad got- wa elected by a large majority. spent petty details of reapvcttTe nrvtnw CamDbell Bluck testifies to J for - 00 report of the Minuter larceljr in the their Lnovnu portunity to do something. If we are to hare some " Koolaakoa All he should bang his head far Yes; by assurance he had never fulfilled. 11 Caws SauMgs Meat, Or Ii II. BBoWY Aiwrsey fa office work might A and safe to the clan ten it np himself, ' office. The moat of thu detail all pfeasuit tour return year, they should come " Koolaapoko llOCO We were by sav baa done the best he could. God us tl Xtt be pertormad bj ckrks; afid competent derke can Campbell. of the immigrants this " Itanalei I.IUJCU shame. (Applause.) told Ministers he helo Cases Lobsters, season. A delay one or two 1,1111 we to trust two years. the fuadinowat ihedaspobalol the grinding of Kawalaaa Ul thtt tbey bad a perfect right to make Cabinet if bsve to that for tb next Ca. Sonpn, be eecmrdwith A is of considerable importance to planters. 1J3M tO Do not say they hare, The Ministers have no policy except to bold their Parker House Xtvo li?frtitmtnU. the Department verv remarkable fracas occurred outside the months Pflee Jsftlc Libee Council appropriations. government building on the adjournment ot the I am uWatisfied with the management of the re- lHstrict Koto 1.UU0Q but will admit the point; then the question Is, had offices. ExpeditioQ sent to the South Seas to teach The Marshal ahoold cxercue a larser personal Believing ot Wsine l.iio ou own of Gov- now Alar-- legislature on Saturday evening. Mr. Gibaon, it venues of the country. the interests tbey the nght to make it according to their principles Government; the stile of this influence than he does, and the lepoty used will by object, Clrik Secoed Judicial Clrcait.... naeu newspapers is only fit Seaa OX SOUP seems, accoed Mr. Waterboue of having the country be farthered this I - - 1.110 ftl showing. Saw by on of tbe that tbe ernment for the South and if CASES TAIL SAlFi snal snoohl derote the Greater part of h tune to Third. " ..- mode 3AV Majesty will be reduced GREAT AUCTION of force. one-tr- in insuencing votes ot tne reprreiuauves. tbe resolution. - Foarth " ' MmUterof Finance bad a mistake ot eontinoed. Hi to th level the personal cperrvaon and direction the a was Loan Sea Chief. MNobIes Repre- - which, of course, was trenching on las own par- i ne Assemoiy tarn aajoarncu anui p.m. Expente of Saprene Coart OX), that is, he aiid there fOtl.OUUof the of a Sooth Island and Cs Mock Turtle Soup, Property- interests, and the proportion of the for sentative, I do not believe yon see population, have crown rapadly in the past ticular province. Mr. Waterhouse, annoyed at the Eipesie cf witarfves to criminal rases Knmi aeiianie.wnsn inroaiiiv liowcu lusi want ta the Cs Tomato eicn false imriuiatian. laid his hand on Gibson's shoul irntiMS. allowed by rreaWicg Jadg erroneous statement the Cat ine t appropri Government conducted for the next two years the Soup, fewyaars.aod a style of administration adapted Assembly, pi) On this accidentally, or otherwise, threw him After the of the a short athU dixrellOB IJVlf money, ana 11 too. 1 ne utu-era- l same aa daring the past two years. Where lath Cs Lewis' Gherkins, 1 gal. ; to the wants of ten years a&ro. u not adequate to der, and, io ated spent duorncv jar down. debate was indulged in relative to tb resolution EspeBeStfennd JadkisIClrcstt Ci gave the advice, and the Minuter noted upon man, not in office, wbo has said a word ia favor of gat Live Stock, the state of affaire which now exist Third Jadtelal Clrcait Ca Gherkins, jars ; introduced by Hon. J. Mott Smith, being finally Eipcaacs 30 that advice. Every member of that Cabinershoold the Government? Their own acts condemn tbem 3 We would reiterate, that the blame for the lack Mr. M. S. Sachs recent! v DUrchased from A. by by ExpcaesFcartbJadicll Circuit - vote Casks Boston Dairy Salt, f has ended the moving of the previoas question frvokf Sill PJ hvM known, if be did not. that there was not $3C- andit we pass a of a want of confidence, we of discipline and efncieney of the l"olice M. Melhs stock of goods and good will holo. (AppUttM.) Can Kingdom sJaodd be charged his entire Representative MaUeeerrssd InefdeouUnf allCoert.. JiOtM 000 of the Loan fund available. shall hear from tho whole group.; Cka New Eng Cider Vinegar, Wagons, of the not to the of tbe store en Fort street, and ncrDOsea carrying The to Iav on the table was lost. 71 to 13 Kalua clasa employed: motion Pitntisz VoL IV lUwaliaa UcporU In the rnriea si iniiirvwnicn tn axe tucnmisiasesr Representative moved that the ayes and yatem or the of constable bat to same on his own account. Mr. Sachs was passed engrossment and ordered Ia9iraa;- - n ) Bis llostoa Crush Sugar, , officers posbeseed on the is and the bill to Hawaiian They corns before ns with newspaper article nays be called. the lack of eopemsinj; of the wvll and favorably known to a great many of our for third reading on the 20th inst. Traavtstiag lalo Hawsiiaa and Priattng Representative Dole 43d Plo-ws- hi qaalifications. Jotke detBAod that we t,ty oo aked If under the rule 4c0 reqmaite citizens, and will no doubt secure a fair share of At I--V iterresectauve &.ean movcu me urucr oi aadDlBdlBZlkevivti loa Oar doings are House, if tbo would allowed to some of the Depnty Clerk Folic Uoaolala.... 2.OI"l ighest tribunal la the land. of the Ministers be Cs. Ast. Extracts abooM here rrmatk, that line. Mr. haebs intends holding a Day, nod of Appropria- Pay of Justice. i.Zl-.- Iab-s-. by Burnett's officers; business in his the the consideration the Chine latefpreter A TraaUtor 3,l 00 in hv Our liberties are cranted vote. hhenfis now holdinj offices are admirable soon, to make room for new Bill was up, ot the whole, Payof given Mln- large clearance sale tion taken in committee "ay - the Constitution. Tbe rights are to lb President Rhodes care a decision that the - AT KILAUEA, KAUAI bat are incompetent. good bargains l oi JtesernETra oi HuiKiaij w von man? goods now on the way, at which Hon. J. S. Walker in the chair. meat - 5,w Ministers bv law, and tbey should obey tbe law isters had a vote and quoted authorities to support s?r sale nr THi ne cxpecteu. rtow ume same changes. UieiolkuW- - 1 Thi- - a frsaa raisoss. may is tne ,ior ine lauics After little debate and At ISX Committee rose and reported prog- and set a good example. could speak for two his statemenL ud.iilLn"l rrtve4 figures: the s Cs . U St pftklld s The objects of imprisonment of aiaiinals u to look in and secure bargains. ine items were passed at the subjoined Assembly leave to honrs and give examples, where if tbey have not At &I0 Ihe question to indefinitely postpone was Iks kilas cai u ress to tbe and aked sit again. ' Co. pobbc rerenoe. nor for the TindicUre ponah-o- f usr. 1:10 Assembly the law they Lave avoided 1L It you have put with th following result: HENRY MAY & not a afloat aboat the PortUCUete ant l!MiiMt famed and at tbe ad broken ofleod-- Thr u rnteoar Ills Miieatv ' A Rcjsl State.. :o.iuiou 10 morrow. confidence in this Ministry, vote for IL I have Gibson, Gulick, Kapena, Neumann, Par According sapplivd to Ttirr Parte journed until a.m. oa tbe Ail. ' ' It is for the protectMa of eoarty. and the re-- f contracts. to information Her Majesty theyaeea k.iuj tu none. (Applause.! ker, Kniheiani, Busb, Kaae, Kanoa. Walker, Mae- - ON WEDNESDAY, Jmm the U axztte the present contracts uuier maxenaiiy is,uou lion. ormatjoo of the criminal II. K.II tkeUeirrretamrUve rorty-Fonr- th Day 2b th. lnreHeniAtive Kaunaaani folloaed the farlanc, Kanlakou,Kiian,Lilikalani,lsker,Araara from the terms under which tbe planters agreed to II Ukellke jtJo t Jane interest, le, - The prison system of the Kingdom ha many R.II. rriseed s.noou Jlr. Widemana in a speech of bat little Kaolia, Aholo, Hamate Gardner, Nabiou, Kaa- is susceptible of mcea take the Portuguese. The main differences, as 11. Kit KataUat Assembly convened at 10 a.ru President Rhodes only alleging tint he was entirely nnbiased and namano, Palobaa, Kupibea, Xakrleka. Total 2X ' JUST RECEIVED excellent feature, bat : Uajefty'a CbamberUln and ScereU.y. T.IID lO h reported, are as follows That the hours of labor lilt U) Prayer by chaplain and reading of would vote as bis conscience dictated: during his aon,-uisu- op, uuoer, d. jioh omilu, 4 a trt from, leave their Hoeehe4d Expeafe 3tiJl in the chair. add, 100 Head Working Cattk One of the benefits of Oaho rnson. U. that a mant the time the laborers minutes of previous meeting by tbe secretary. speech be said, great stress has been t liced on tbe Widemann, Martin, J, Dowsett C. Browo, Kaloa, Hoard of Impcctori be appointed to make treqoent quarters; that a portion of the men are to have ReprescuUtive Kalua under suspension of tbe fact this Ministry made nnaatborized expenditures. Richardson, KanealiL W. O. Smith, Nawabi, of toe prison and its workings; to nail pay aunng sicxness, wuue suuvuet ymivju riaaasiST SXTTUHIT. ml nrrscnted a petition from residents of tbe here tne law mat 11 iuvjubuht Hitchcock, Kauwila,Raubane, Pilipo, G. Brown, examinations pay are sick. If this n u taaisiaie render stated reports to the iluuater of Interior are to have full when they Her MijestyQseen Dowager Emm $ ls.nn do d.itnct of IJ ana, Maoi, prayinj that the sum of mUinnmnriite raonev. thev shall be run is bed? Dole, RowslI, F. Brown. Total LU. ttata-aen- tern out to be true, the planters would be t 301U X a 3To.tlxro 3kXxXo0, fmf to pobliah or oftener, should 111 Excelknty P. Kaaoa. iM f 1200 be appropriated for the purpnseof establish- He knew of none. If this resolution pisses, the Adjourned until tbe nit. Stmr Alameda only of the number, sex and nationalities of the in an unpleasant, dilemma, and it will be ing an English school at Puhuiki. Referred to cause will be on account of the fee lit g that the added to government mismanage- end) wrong, also because ' Forty-Fift- pnaonera, together with such other infwnnatioa another instance MaoaKtM SiWW) tne uommitiee on luiocamju. Ministry have done something h Day, Jons 30th 1884 FROM TUB UNITED STATES : npoa ssb-je- ment. HK.a.NafcsfrrH of feeling agiinst them. Even if Half-bree- may tend to enncbun the paUie the Rrpreentative'akalekafromresiJent5 of some personal 15 d Native Horses & Hares u workings, Molokal, petitions, (I) a Le appropriated and used moneys, Tbe House met at 10 a. m. and after prayer tb of the pnsoa and interest them in its H Italian Maiestv'a Corvette tit lot Ptetfve ar 22,in) at presented for t Ministers bare report to the mail Lafaaina and Lanai; (3 for bo long as was in aid or tbe public good, then he minute of the previoas meeting were read and and to make a biennial LecwUiure port on anday, days from Caltao. She Vt raiVT ODC3CIL. carrier betwen it Casks Hams and as rived tn II LIUsLSTTBI f n English school on Lanai. thought they could not be charged with doing approved. The following petition wre presented. Whiitaker's S.ar with such recommendations sussetions is a comparatively old type of vessel, budt of wood, of $ tbe establishment that deem proper. Espeace of Lcfktlr Comraittee on Miscellaneous Subjects. wrong, even 11 me iiwj um. Representative Kamakele from Makawao, relat- they may of L3X) measurement, 300 horse power, 14 guns rretarT of friwCeaaCtl !! 3DU Referred to iw nxuiu ami TEN UNKNOWN COLTS, We would that the Board of Inspectors IU0O1 Representative Nabina petitions that 10U) be AinuhmN thn law sats a tierson is wronsfornot ing to tb payment of the nations! dcbL Refer- Cases Paragon IJacon, eccct and 25 men. luefdraul of Privy Coancti.... B.- -I consist of the Police Joslice of Uonottda as appropriated to? improving a particular road in doing an act. It that had been the cae with tbe red to Finance Committee. Cases Cala Cheese, Jt Kites. If4m,m tisesuppe I'aiemoo. ) school He had Representative Hitchcock from resident of llilo Chairman, and two other membtrs to be ILufcero Casictu. Enrico Ferra, V0 Lis district (S. Kona;tbat a free EnclUIi Ministry then he would not defend tbem. Bullock Plows. npon iMtmmt a ponnd be esub-Iihe- N'ebtoa. rememberedtb.it relating to Government lands leased by foreigners. Cases Limburg Cheese, 3 Urge appointed by the ilinister of the Interior Gartano Csierchia, Cesare Slarcacci, Gialso jCMcuxr vsrsaratxT. be esUblUked, and ab that read tbe titory cf and the Domination of the Attorney-Genera- l, 'lite baUryef Clerk of Soprene Cosrt $ s,o IA) in the difttnet. Inferred to Committee on in inai uisiory, ue rncuuuj uin m nutuKiir Referred to Judiciary Committee. Cases Boneless Cod Fish, 3 Gang Plows. 2 quite new; Francisco Pozzoni 4U'I u signalled com back, did not obey, Representative Kauwila from resident of Puna two members of the Board, thss appointed, to be uuppo xwcoian. iepaij vreit Miscellaneous Sobject. ment, when to Edge Butter, of rlonoloia, who arse r auione. Aniomo " !endIXptrCkrfc being no leports from coiainittecs nor any hut nn and won a creat victorv: so with this against the passage of an Act to Indemnify the Kegs Gilt 3 Subsoil Plows. 2 S hotel Plows, selected from amonc otixens fpmymtM CcJarri. There wnt office lerFranciMo Inerpreter sprcme aad Peltce be procedure was bad at they may not have obeyed the law, bat Ministry for any moneys they may have spent Cases Richardson & Itobbius botd do other Government position to hotd DuppaldL 4fl m m resolutions to prewnUd, Ministry, 1 e Wagon. Carlo CoarU tho order the day, that Leing to tbe contrary miy bare been pro- without proper authorization. Laid ou tho Uble. for two years and ierre wimoutpay. vJ-- Eflberto 1'audolffni. Riccardo l'er- - Clrcait Jadge. 31 sal 4.11 to once to of their aetions Boned Ham, Chicken,Torker 1 ne recomisenaauoas oi uie vi expense.... aiiuo "want ot confidence vocative of great public good. If these Ministers Itepresentati Kaubanefrom resident of th 2 Buggies and Bri&s. ieoli, Faok) Pare ntf, Ucsberto Cagui. tills travrilae dU.OUO And Cured Fowl, 0m ira. whu-- thev mar make betweenbjthe fceionsuiw " ctreail J are. iiiio ana run 3.W HI introduced by Representative Dole. bad put tbe money in tbelr fwekets, would vote district of Kaa for an appropriation of for of TaWjegialatore, to be adopted by the Minister k Kobsla. Kmi, Ac. ! a) Tbe Attorney General drew the attention of the aglinsi mem, anu in isvoc 01 ua icbuiu.mu. improving the road In toal dutncL Referred to . I'ases Salmon Bellie., Allthestxie irr .trftttgly MM sad Hiwin. " Kaaal 4JSOISI subject being my conscience me. but if no Committee on Public Lands etc. ot tne interior ana jaarsnu, so tax im- Assembly to the probability of tbe "bhall vote a tells srs affrred IW ess. uj T,m Ctacdina" went to Hitch renceJasUceHoooIal would prolonged discussion, so shown, support tbe reso- Representative Hitchcock that the Jad and Tke lis t k at tsb la practicable. fmrai one that excite a more reasons are cannot of lesm Tarkle aarraa yteedd accomplikhcd A landing at Papaikou on Monday. Assembly adjoam-- until 10 permission V to have action e at Lanpaboeho be repaired and the msvk etsf We beliere that much may be for cock Co. The then d ajn. he desired that oven lution." . KEGS FAMILY BEEF! by aalatal - vr tt thr Ki'aaa naaUtta. of the prisoners and the public good. June 23rd, to load sugar for tan Francisco. taken on tbe bill to appropriate 23X to settle the At tbe conclusion of tbe Representative re- salaries of the shenff and jailer be increased. Re- the benefit i; as- aWyv Iraaw way of prisoner, and of accounts between the United btate and marks, tbe Minuter of Foreign Affair took the ferred ta Committee oa Miscellaneous subject. TkU U aa -i wtU la the of classification ld- - .if aad fraas and better Infioecce. which k MnnnrniiwM was arr!ed on Satordav and d Day, June 26th, 1SS. avaiL floor and moved an adjournment untill20p.nl. Representative Nahito from tbe resident of Kegs Familjr Pork, llfcs aUI improred recslations Monday Hon r&Mr!thUlaatln sa avail ihvav-rvs- -f Hr. Wa And eleTabs them. brought before the police court. Ililo. on was accordingly ttken up, read a third Carried, praying that the Government purchase a Cs Lunch Tongue, trnm i ww tend to improve Akjumlilennveiid usual hour and tbe Tte bill Libbj's waSta ms1 lit i ii a 'as arrival ivmrnwi r to deabt the aisdom of June charged with gambling. They got off at the time and parsed. iriEusoox. landing at Hookena for a free delivery of freigbL a nnd ltv- - M There is creat caiue Srd btteinesa was gone through with. Cs Ham Sausages, ' aad svlltteatk Nllesaa ftdls Vshf compellmf; classes and or prisoners to with a fine ve dollars each and one day's usual preliminary Attention was now given to tbe discussion on Laid on the table. 4 all cradea l C. from tbe Committee on Eda At 130 ILe Assembly reconvened, tbe subject be mv TEaU9 CAiH vfc work span the pabbc works exposed to the Hon. It. Buhop the resolution, Representative Dole being tbe first -- By the asms member from citizen of Napoopoo Cs Vienna Sanssge, alike reported on the following petitions: 1. ing Still the resolution OI warn 01 confluence. a Undtng at place. to jfM5 I K ltKBltX. AaeUaa. poblw We would urge that an earneat and .duvmtp Swift, cleared cttion speaker, as IolUwst floor for public that Referred Cs Dr Collis Browne's caxe. Tiu "KMina." Cant. Tbe Minister of Foreign Affairs took the and Committee ou Public Lands etc. lotelliKent eflort be made to proride employment rm TeMulav. Fran Some of tbe members bare expressed a wish to tiiirt JnnsSttb. far ban In t h uhml tax- - recommended lo lav on the table. was poke as follows; Representative Godfrey Brown from the Finance Essence Jaimaca Ginger, lot the pnaonera within the prison wan. The Kahalui. She took W tons of sugar from hesr the grounds on which tbe resolution ns briefly as poestble tbe alleg- ' of work chops for all of the pri-- cisco via 2. From Waikapc, asking tor the esUblishment brought forward. Tb report of tbe Corbmittee He would review Committee reported recommending the refunding Bags Buck Wheat, Crack testablattment aianiauou auu n school district; recommended broocbt forward and charged against the CoV23 Bk"Spica? - nainasia wi. an English that ations twice collected Ex may entail too larse an expense to be at- i. of in of Finance has been pretty welt discussed so I rel- jjt taxe and that the Oatmeal, sonert Hh bpreckelsTiHe eagu. to refer to Hoard of Education. 3. A bill exempt Department Ministry. There bad been a sUtenwnt made amount b included in tbe Appropriation BilL Wheat, tlomioj, "WTUto Cement; tempted at once; bat an experiment of some kind shall refer to other matters. The of feeling with France. He 500 Bbls. Broi ing Hawaiian parents, Having or more cmiaren Affairs, from which we have a fell report, ative lo unfriendly Approved. Also, upon a bill to more defining tha Rre Flour and Meal, should be made in this direction. TK Tltlo Foreign School closed lU summer committee considered Foreign say was no misunderstanding be- and pnsun re- living, Irom taxation: the of the most important character, and to there payment of montys into the Treasury. Recom- Powder, Pres- 500 Bis. Wrapping Paper, The subject of prison discipline .. Jena ?lth. The exsrcises through are opposed ba business tween Government and France. Aa error in Cases 1'ojal Baking Case. opens cp such a wide that we can bare- i nu.1. that tbe provisions of tbe bill we find several matters have been roost improperly this mending that thtt bill indefinitely postponed as form e, out were unusually interesting. Examination of and therefor rccominended that it be nego- a matter of nacvs respecting lb term of a mission Audit Act already provided anch ton Merrills Yeast Powder. 100 Cases Pickles, ly spon Bel we feel sangefoe that each dealt with. During tbe last biennial period been the for matters. t touch it. studies in the morning ana an enieruuomcni in laid on the table. . A petitiou that J. It. Kanicu ot a certain gentleman that had accredited Approved. a Board of Inspectors, as herrtn sagscsted, would singing, tiations vera going on for a treaty between France No official controversy Leg- the evening of dialogue, recitations, compile a dictionary of tbe Hawaiian language, of A. Car- by this country to France. At 10: Kl consideration oi the Appropriation Bill nr to render valuable assistance to the was hung and this country by the aid Hon. H. P. France, Rood and tar for sale 500 Cs.Blue Mottled Soap be able pantocaine, Ac Tbe schoolroom with was thought by tbe committee to be unnecessary; was had In relation tu iL for Committee Iloa-J.- and the Government in scbmiUirj: plans ter. In consequence of made dmposed ia of the Whole. Walker Sardines, islature wreaths, the pupils were tastefully dressed and an engagement had been entered into with Mr. li- Affaits sufficient reasons, was not to continue th 100 Cues . for the BDprovemect of the condition of tha pri- were pleasant sight. by the Minister of Foreign to the French upon. with in the chair. HENBY MAY & Co. their bright young faces a lt. Hitchcock with a like object in view and he bad Lere, such were sent from arrangement entered Relations the Semijohas, 1 soners, aad the regulation of the prisons. bad charge of the school w now Commiaaiocer letters in thi country were txraTzsT or raazioa arenas. 300 Emptj &1; inat-- ; Miss Cora Hitchcock taa ptogres! so far with his work that it in negotiations were suddenly broken Representative of France The btate baa creat RsponstbTUUes in the an has bad marked success here that these cordial. Col. laukea the Hawaiian Salary of Mlntvter I tVowi 30 Tons Fence Wire, Hoc 4. J, 8; the past three years, J ICC OUU) UI UJVW 1U1 n.w.- expenses which bad already been in- now the most , ,IMI ter of the care of Hi prisoners, which are not goes now a two years' Ut' U Pe- off. Tbe received with Ihe cordiality at Secretary tn as a teacher, bhe out for mended that petition be laid on .i....the table. 5, probable benefits which might hare Envoy was gritwt L'ader Secretary, sirack eat AN INVOICE OF 10 Cases Fliia OalTialml Win, bnuted merely to the fartuhiic them with quxr enter the Conservatory of Kona, curred and the an order conferred upon mm. il work: absence, fTitfni"p to titions from resident of South that come from the treaty have been lost. Pari, and bad Cepylsl WW meters, food, clotbinc, medical attendance and Music at Oberluw Ohio, giving her tune mainly ti- bows Le esUblisbed in all of the Touching Mr. Kapena's visit to Jar n, tbe speaker summon best thought During tbe period Mr. Eapena was seot to Japan negotia-tLi- Adjournment was had lsOT p. 10 Cs. Sheet Zinc, 20 Cs. C. C. Iraa and it cesds to to its aid the the study of music bhe carries vitb her the tffcinds; recommended to refer to Board of Educa read a number of document to show that her anlil inland advice of intelhgenl and rulanthroptc citi- love for immigration purposes, but really to invite some immigration on reassembling tb following Items were passed 1 and kmdest wishes ot all about her and the warm tion. All the ircxKamenuAiions commuiee No bad entered into for the European 30 Cases Tla FUtta. who will interest themseltes in the subject, missed our otne Japanese oUlcuf to attend the coronation. discussion - OfflctExpBMsef treats iflnim zens, of her pumli. She will be greatly in were approved. immigrations fcr immigration of Japanese. After full of thesab- roreir. Saddles, 3K& the Government in solnnc; the weighty Com- negotiations fur lBCMietU r rorrlga OSc. t,lJ w 23 Cam and assist little community ana we saau giatuj 11 ItepresenUtive PUipo from the Printing transpired that expedition bat a few j4CX,tcs dzpanrse iroiciuuicu vit iwiumu v problem, report of Committee on have from matter oa account ot tbeir treaty rela- ExpeaaesFureiraitiavtea struck set rim bi : oxnx return. mittee presented the the irb officials were Induced to attend the coronation. defer tbe Envoy Kxtraordlasiy and 11 lo It ter PleaU r "it i rcsoet. and Police. Becetved and distributed. tion with otber powers. CoL Iankeu trip was VMeattaryatWavktaxtoa t Groceries Prisons This tnp cost the country $7,413 M. CoL Iaokea immigration 1140 dto The Committee visited the Oaha I'tiioa, and A Scene. rtw Minister of Foraiim Affairs, in answer ton to attend the coro- made also in the interest of this and Expenses Incidental to Lcatlou stWaib- KCticiiXoia. oo. was afterwards sent to Russia examined its ror.rirti"n and arraneemeota. As a resoicttoa passed by the Assembly on the 17th inst represent should the Japanese immigration which opens np UglM Just Receired per CITY OF PARIS. a Ron. Dust. nation, of tbe Czar, and then to this out, no one will Cclief sod of Ilawsllea VW of the many matters which attracted our Mmarxx Gisnas xisxs is thx ana cuns&is earned Ileum ladigeat Copy-Bigh- t. result relative to the lees emoiamenu oi country round th? world. Uis business in Japan 1 oil Notico of attention we would state that we were ranch im- Tj..t KaHrrrfa. as and spectators abroad, submitted a report that the largest amount consider his trip an injudicious or uanecesury fremAbrosd Jill impro- Lnialora was I believ beneficial, but the whole trip coat Salary of KeMeagrr tfiMW pressed with the pressing need of certain hooped out of Aniolani Hale, after the vote of pn-irt.-l was thai of the consul at Boeton. amount much a cost His measure, liciame to ma eiiwuiuon, IT KK3IKJIWKUKDTJIATON was 174MO which is nearly as it station ot Hawaiian Toath In Foreign UjsrSnk dav vements. of confidence In the Ministry, there ing to $312 for tbe ver 15KJ. The Consul Ger.tral f he said that letter from various chief had been Cewatrara HENRY MAY & Co. .f Mar P Ml 3t.OtT.Ja vast Majesty to get round the world! AvtnttoJspan i -- I II I . are infafficieaMhr crowd- spon the result. As the Minister salary ot per year. There received by Hit Majesty, renoesliug hiw to lend held ever i3U nsawtsaia la secaedaae i The accommodations tench comment at London gets a fXO might nav made ander This pic- KtszsOsanl . nt a t et,tasarasx lays U nce-iar- y Mr. Waterhouse, Un &01 who would infttroct and advise Cawd. . vi Ksrsiazfs ed condition of the pnsoa taakxnc of Foreign Affairs passed J. T. was no report irom tne consul at oa x rancuco, tbe world, the ex- tbem Flsrs d Sslstes held over. .. by SKartB Ue - tad lUrfa m nicking excursion round uith was deemed 5.IHIU) Klgv l Cart " often to place three prisoners in a ceil. There fcr the batter said; "Gibson, you are a scoundrel. ithnnoh h i the M. of F. A.) bad heard that tec very them in tbeir affairs. It proper to .N.tiulllnBm e ,. t t Astfcoe aa4 srf s k -- ception of Japan, was expensive, resulted ia appeal. A Hook . . v titmt. ios, ffBviava Me place for the occupants to take their as a wiukjuik 1003 received on one cargo. rnataeonrteonsreDlrto their vessel Porcbaae ot for Uort. Library. W liwtll. tk- - f A. MM, fcaa tts. no suit str receiving repiy a v, a high a i had been absolutely nothing. The I'olrnesitn excursion of Government Llbrailaa Carstoe A. aetrvetl a Ui lsaraa P. an open abed, reenforcing bis re- u--e going way a favorable opportunity and le tbe t. - wt k. meals, there being noUunbct that is what you naean.rand Keport receivea ana iaia on now. CapL Tnpp, ehien no one ha yet been able to thit Useean W UI r.Wf.iiH :ooki:. s4tel ta ikU ta tlUa bis size, without a floor, and having no by repeating air, vou are a 1 Minister of the Interior presented a supple- and Captain Tripp aenL Expense was not SKCCMTt I. Ll'tU A in mark again Tea be to itucoitt the necessity for, cost $203.13. It been, AH ourned. tic.... HAWAIIAN PHRA3E BOOS tables of any kind; the water-clos- arrangement scoundrel sir. At this moment, Mr, mentary statement to the report relative to the disgrace. expected to be one half vf what it bad but DEALERS LUMBE11 And with'n7 ended in disaster and vessel otber causes had IMfOETEBS 4 IS 5a Uasolels w as ".lkikkBM k asets Iter arc inadequate and in a finny conditiuOt Waterhouse came up and passed a nod the allowed by tbe Government to the O. S. Foreign tbe wreck ot tbe and made ll- rtrmlece Then comes the famous lrotet from the H'OKIC KXKCUTKII !! klsd. f B.lUl.j Vorl.1.. -l (y II M. Wkllsey, Bw such proximity to the eating place as latter then turned to him and to print. it so. pott .OH IK i.J (tUlMkkla i . PaWwa-- v located in Minister. The S. Co. Ordered Oince which baa been tbe laughing stock of the L' !,!- -. c.n htm iy kvka. J X OAT, ia A f. sad me objectionable; the bailing fadbtaas K, II. Walernon : I twaioa rexu protest issued by 1b Hawaiian w .ami ti oazErrr omci. rMtsiri. ahtefc b4lstMasy-iara- 4 tobe l Ui" Uepreteniauve iur uie ant uuwi world. No one can prevent this liltl government Relative to a . ' and scanty, and other defect ..?. Toting for yourself ,. tn tke distnbution of Government Dol was an most primitive don't consider I have, joa -- isttn issuing protest, a cat mar look at a KIdr; but Government which Itepresentaiiv said similar indicate decided orma-- - a second time and lsitvroNT - S are of a nature that ref does: not make you win.' Gibson: Toutelost Jsnd in mill bcJJing. Read while the administration ha spent so much money the jackhing stock of tbe world, I assure him he il viiunr W4 is necessary. money you've your cause; tout beyond ad ea i ! aa si iar tton vour and lot - oniereu it jiu. and feathera, it has neglected mistaken: the laughter bat not extended a Mftavt-k- t had not been supplied, Waterhouse- "Ton Dol a in tbe matter of fuss k aUse Iftl tmwtsaj? t That some of the wants bribery 1 you no gooiT IL Representauve read for the first time bill tbe Internal affairs ot tte country. In lb Board certain few dissatisfied person in theae Island. remedied, aeems inexcusable, for these Ltk read a moetre-spectf- Tl! and evils he if you say I ed nopy-J01- " ? to ftcUitale the acquiring of bomteals; ot Health and Finance Report, we find matters This document baa bean received in the ll i T HI UrtL accompbshed with but trifling hold the lappcl of Gib- and ordered to print. powe-- s. SACHS, r. might have been bayinsr this he caught of second time by title disgraceful state. At the last manner by nearly all of the great N. S. iSRT' SUMefrf accommoda- A resolution at KaUwaoareina outlay, while toe matter of Iarc celt son's coat, and the latter slipped down. little Representative Nakaleka intredseed a 10XO was appropriated for tbe supply of ltephes b had received from Amenca and Holland was to attend more session f tions require an appropriation. knot was then formed ana mere macu that in Secretary be instructed water tor these suffering people at Kalawao, the ere read by th speaker and which be thought of Copy-Bigh- t. We cannot pass unnoticed the fact that since talking, but the beUigerenU separated and thoroughly to his datiea and cot neglect the plac- neglected. Do sufficient to show that tbe pretest had not Notio ' day attention to which has been utterly were the Stb day of January hut, there has bees no went their several way. Mr. H. Waterhous ing; of Hawaiian vtmons of the order ot the find of tb Board of Health been laughed L Next reference l made to the. IT ItKSIKJIMKItKU THAT OK "rrsponaibld of the Prwoa charge. rtthvm wms to nave fall apcroved. not that the President BB Governor o ...kAMy..t.,irr tn position. Not Tinted tbe settlement even once. W find neglect of th President ot th Burd of Health. II I m prisoners confided and of a by- - read for the first tune has Kalawao, lll.il.N l.lw. rf u.). t. With the large number of en TolunUrily or else tipped over the feet Iteprrecntalive Kaulukoa report that the settlement is not provided One of them is that I had not visited I S -- M .wlw. involved, this condition of of riff- from tbe StlM M H l i. 'JJ". the responsibtlltiea atiUreUtingtothasufprtaaon lottne, with a doctor. Find that there are other disease did go and spent three days there, but that, of V .---l. U- - Ifm i. , second reading ImSi irkuijJB-- affairs as dangerona. - les, or other came of chance. To besidea leprosy which are killing the people off. course was not daring my term of office. I was oW amim t i ... Garden Party for the Benefit or the Lepers- 34C. t. rimMif traw TBmII in regular order. unfortunate people in their laat mo- the mover of a motion to get a resident physician A.. iMellls' .mm. m lb. t i t. ... 40 Reception &nL to Prince Oscar. Dole crrsented the following Find that the to 1frm. rnder the auspices of Qaeen KapwUni, the ReprtsenUUve ments have been neglected and unattended being there; several bars bean appointed but tbey have iSiccessor X-- of H. K. H. Prince of want of confidence, viz: ..Resolved that at a before death finally ended not staid. I regret there baa not been a better A Rceptioo and ball in honor grounds of the Faiace were opened for a garden Ministers ia office left for days time THE HAWAIIAN GUIDE ItOOS the Consul for cweden and grounds the cortiTiU of the Cabinet suffering?. Find that these people are taken system of nursing. With this object in view, Wltf mt IW UawtrfM Uacar was iven VJ party and fancy fair last Thursday. The mayen-io- y thetr OaMIM . 4ftifAtmm era-- arti-de- Is an obstacle to such adaiiniatration as Molokal and left to was entered into with the Catholic Korvay ana jits. dcbduci,iim wwwchuj were dotted with tents, a large one for fancy LeexslatiTo .lasemtly. and damped on the shores of ( hMV.r 2rlr.Nwsi menu. fU.U. MeGrew. Mrs-C.- the caufideacef the themselves treated a if they wer brute beasts. Ittaboo for the ournoae of obtaining the service .Itawl. m4 presided over by Airs. order of tb day for &at- - and ISlM. wlin. vr.M. yj..1... r.m bad been spared to make the affair a Bergerand a bevy of pretty damsels were Jcconded and made the And these are friend and acquaintances of ours, of btaUrs of Chanty, and after little delay, and aucces crowned the efforts of was la some of tbi Assembly. Ia on of ainer ijconorv waa codwumwicm i .kk. Uh. MM..! - pfrt brilliant cae, Mrs. P. a Joced a joint rrsola-Uo- n t Mnijeij I and hostess. Tha cjrounds was liberally pat- Ice' Attorney General pmntcd report (in th report ci the Pre, of the B. and dispatched to Franoe. aad finally brought - - - - fiimnni ....ui. hf s.. the raunaafanc boat charge of the ice cream, which bond a certain party these Honolulu 1.4 elowt (k lmtttM4W U' UrW p.. ', of Tbey ax now St., seem-- askmg the bail which seven Charily. vera bla of colored lantems. every tree ronized. A cool tent, where lemonade and claret that of ILr th doctor making it refers to a case with him Sisters of 104 Fort Mrtacnt t., tkt t&iH. (W sla tfsr 9 A . who been arrested for seUlcg liquor without a Board Branch HospttaJ In thja city, (toll in-- to bear the mtflow tinted fruit. larce cup were diipenaed was in charge of Mrs. llayley; had forfeited, he calls murder. Vet the of Health had assisting at the Ma. A U tmL on the Waikifa sais of the R-- MacfaHase. license, and which had become be eaoufih. to carry out these matters at tbe Tbe speaker continuing umched npuo the Ma- I IU- - T (.LUIt haJ been ctructed ihe refreshmecU fell to Mrs. H. 200. Referred to uds fssds to betnff froia the -- . Mrs.Biekrtaahada3centteiii,anda fine luau on the pajment of settlement properly. There is the Madras case, dras question, tbe Flowerdew case aad the siVsn bouse, entrance it question abowiag Thiformedthe baU room, the waBs ad roof of was taken care of by Hon J. A-- Cummins. Be- cxaxr CotamiUee. when through tbe unorance of a man tbexractins on the latter that . - peo- Assembly then adjourned usfil I For- tb coin to the Government wa 3L Hotics of Toreddtart SaJt i emaan were a mass o tag.TM, - - ta! these there were numerous tent where a Attorney General the present Minister of she cost of Uortgigse's f ple could sit and chat, lot of chairs to lounge in, eign Affairs; tLe cintry lost fSCHX The Eng-lts-n H had done some service, it was usual la ancient WITH were sapacted wrocar, do- r.V ACCOIUIAXITJ AlOTSr-- Sormsun and then there was tbe Palace to see. Future 1 o'clock, first business Govrrnmecl ns made a clilm against this days when Ministers of tmmttm4 . rtutm sm4 tnpbiei ot StoIiA " On at the own. impeached ooe L.rfMk t. WfUrJ. k. while two tiaiwM among: tbe crowd and in great demand was the -- 1 Joint tea-- Government, making the Teaser claim it ing, for the to Larstbvirbravuu w C kUr A tUU. cmIm4 Skffra liif tbm tkea itatund ... t mftKbralion of the be Jmmw t. Tiw Bowers. J As for- - own court deeixxed tbe action of the and show their wound. For ht however, Uri wwoti tmiwetc lena"" same gypsy that attended the Library Fair. &)SXQ tot the immediate Our LOOK OUT FOR - diKot to rroride THi - oloUon mX h evenmg came on we raiace was lumnmatra aus Board of Health, en ILts connection uxiaslbotized. had no wound to show. Leajitr. He and MSMr'.ninlilMmm f l'" "S- otvnmt u" ox uBisijtAMW " lalalMTMaiUnJcno!" while wanting apaaew illegal Coinage 1X00X00. which Mr. colleague bad done tb best they could. colored lamps, making a very pretty sight, After a shon debate the bill was pacsed on it The cf from his Ttw nwri-- KU m tlw main bouse, where light w ere distributed aiacsig the trees. The affair SpreckaU pocketa profit, amounting to 130,000. IteprssenUtrr PQipo, saaj that be bad had the trnkn. im. vm Sdj n third reading. of acquainted with hi Excellency f Jtff many of our pnncipI aUirn were fcrstnted to was a trrtrri success. From tha Treasurer. Mr. the order of the day was taken up In carrying net tins matter tbe Minister Finance honor ot bem? rsswi' f On motion gold this of sesrioos. He bad not forgot I tb Priace. who was most aff abk, engagiac m W. W. Hall, we leant that y?.7KA3 were received. Assembly itself into CommiUc attempts to issue bond payable in for daring a member da, tava arei la artsf very smag. and the reoirrd money was prevented by tne rating of word need by tbe Minister vben be 4flvSrf irtfcer r with a namber of those istrodaced. Thetipen5e wfll be Whole. Hon. S. Waller in tb chair; and debased but tea certain larlaw f yftljff o'clock of the J. Court. In the Minister answer to was Representative. Tb Minister ta l7d AlWriKTSt-ts- JlC The ban openad about half past nine proceeded with the considers lion of the Gas the Sarreeoe a Lsf, retur MmH9SMA. with the Coral Quadrille this was danced as f The Gleriewa Tewrtk. nature of the fran- the xnandamus case, he says I was about to do thought that something unaual should be done, .Mir... .f Majesty The section relating to tbe week he a nesd ot mm story - h. ad .r. izwmt4 t. Kmai tmt His and Mrs. Scanudt. H. R. H. gToundi go the part of th Hawaiian so; in th In junction caw a later ha state told tne and f th cf i. and Process labuvAalanL His Tbetpreparaiiocs Sa the Hotel for the chise, a a contract "did intend lo do so. The Minister Cromwell and likened the opportunities for some prfac Oscar the Glorious rapidly Government" was struck out ia iu entirety, M slot ha cot" m A a. ta Ulklml KXmvwt .W DomtsM V odeboose; celebration of the Fourth are matter of ta as Cromwell ma ana oepose tee l Ex. Gonmor and Hi. lion. capa- relilinn; to the transfer and Mi may say that the aasvr vere only Hawaiiaa aa IUWI, n WH1WWW towards compktiots. A large stand also th section to, can- King. that he desired to a Sale! k. ..l'n CSegbjors and UadaascTcet: e. revrn and both Clearing llajor form, yet they both Hsssidtott A,&. aecosumoda-ir- nfty or more ta of the property at the expiration of tena of f vui Iv Stupendous ihFtincassLakfLle Cocaioiore ble of c FT was passed not be tme. Even after aS this, what next doe nan far bis to be Utuml at. The .!(. S"faMTW.Wfr.yfffcaf .f Feer oppostte the main entrance of the Uotet Section 14 in the riginal draft of these rvntt aad Hbs Peabodv. Hoc. and Mrs. erected Section J3. a follows: be do? II wait until after the dose of the Governxaest tn the bands Ministers ha and Mia, Austin. and archway to t cnered with red, whrtaand as tsacc (15X0)0 Hawaiian conducted an improp-- r manaer. rto ypnrw; fmail Schmidt decora- - Section Ek Qnaldr cf The gas furn- of been la XOTICBI exclusion of the Qaadn.le danexac was biae. with shields a&d other emblematic G. ijonda. for that sdvex! (fires the bonds to i felt in them or their 'eta. Ttls Mln- - " Qatba mr.J emrrm arril SOfh calewlT CO ished by said cGuipany for tbe purpose ot lighting txrr ia rood aarneat and the toot was acoa UI Lilr. Iyjwe. a of SptickeU The Govern ixtry ta incurred a deM of neary XWXf) all KjUJ W ffffjjrr Hotol A modltoacalese-tentho- f actual the said city of Honolulu, shall be of standard miner r.1.1 ia. Exm. .t BESSt9a,Iw with twinaJlac feet, T'rdatwlra supper street. seas powex. ment bas borr led money x cnarie x uauca, owing to one person ia CaUforzua. Tht7 hav not wait Vkrwtmi aim warn aaaple W dunenaion of Cunkcx H2. mocaaent k ready lor cuaiay oi not mn xuicen cantue dMitln. atMWlr fnwi totM aervad. and done isstioa by aid paasage another new section, tha present Mucater of Interior, when be was not earneaouxine aou;s acx, 1 m ojoubsw WtrrlfWr. .ttkl. MX .W.t ttWM ttft UM m s and kept up erection. Tbe orators of the day wCI be aide to After tha ef ll. 13 per cent aome Icagth a sign nu attackismvupon the many Of aad rase. DaatxnC m aaditott, aad reUtisg ta toe law ukisjr effset 1mmedjately, , a Minister and paid Interest fotthe at in three "dock. Gauland address Urge crowds of sealed Ifrrrn. soo most praa-iae- and njaoxorrt of th Uiatttrr. artta amx sxirit tul Ja tbe committee rose, irrjortrt their action t9 the These charges art of tha unlawful acta TO AHH OTHrOISD SHORTLY ! wV't nnatbe cypriicvated for the avery way the various Cosnaittced tn oct axd are only thus brwfly itrodui trpoa At !UIprMertairreNawaU having ottaicod IE . lufltn .1 !. . Pt55--. Aauemtly. the same lexcg approved, and tall (bsuHis. m. wm. , ynx irmawr tu vbisav they cslcrtaixed their loxwara vtaz Tanou - so as b? give cypoitsxity fcr other rseabers ta tb toor said that tea KaVject taid dscuaooo Pitil iw tf doubt the ceiebratico will be worthy of tb event. ta third reading on tha znd inst. u ships wrald cease U toach hers, crprcdaets admission to citaraUraUcn will be for the good -- rnrral 31wrtismrnt, CHZctic. woeU fail ta find a market abrcad and thtae of tbe eeeatry. tSrwrel 3tatisrmrnts. imoaiiait fair Ulaada wooM become- a rcit ttoctv to n That the htr is rtliUrat. censidenog that this Kingdom deairta ppulaUon, and iavllee (4 arotdtd by the wbcls ciriliMd world. WEDNESDAY. JCLY S. ISSI. Signed J JUxiLLaccts Jrru, act! encourages immigration, Is manifest Bat I.ine H a tntSeient answer to that it U tbe Pioneer" taUaaV Lawrnxxcx JIcCtllt ia sty Sianu Own at ttjJUwalUa M Hfiw, U, Arsiut. law-- of this country at present, mills llonolala, May 30th. 1851. This leads as to the discaiaioaof tbe sec- india whether it is lawful to arw rice ond resolution TV f W Hw. Jwwy; Th. Jaitic. ot Uw Sprtm Cvnrt f ' LtimH pckit an alico, apon when Letters Patent f i. u Sim On tbe 13th Mar, the Secretary ef the bcnixalieo have been conferred, to aa office of kt rtcfittJ Irea Lrjuuut aihooij Assembly transmitted the of nJatko srua whkb tkrir wiiwi iraa ra. Legislatiro ta profit or etnolnmcttt ander the Government olralad and now traiuuait threajU ,M tdeir JeJges of lh Sapretn CVart, for their opin- this Kirgdora, without taking the oath of ' - a. - Sr jonoryi SgjjfP . ta aaat la) ion thereon, copies of two Resolatioets, passed altegianc. fLf rrlvnto Ilfcui cj H i. il. ... a. follows; fcVB cnT Braarn TO lowt; by joar body. They are as Section 43a. of the Civil CVOe is tbe entire jr "'""'ijlLV ut Writs xi 1. there are emrJajed as Sec sutbority for the cfeniag of Letters Patent o "TTBHlWf, M w wwu U lK retary tbe tort-tg- uace ana ttoaru ot iVcEutwu It rreds as follows; coaaUmi i mod ia cf 0 vwn M ttnWrra imuwo Hcaltn two fiecreianea, xr. vteuoeiM Jir. lt shall be competent for His Majeety to Kkka icr mvivs Vb ifjioiT,waui Farker, who have taken tbe oath el epea alien abroad, er 10 t.T.a- - vA is iof confer shy rkltt tact of pcrott iltA aUteiance. and who are drawing pay from temporarily irsideot ia this Kipgdow, letters or ccMtiUtkm; iVtrr-it - criajc KMlcr tb Uvt tbe rablie Treasury: Therefore be it patent vf druixitioo, coaforring upon. such fitrta rw it MJCcsorrif the the Sopre me alien, without abjuration of alleciance, all FROM LIVERPOOL. SfKiTfl, ihw LjSUtir that Jasticet of Tbt Urat4 Conrt be reoacsted to stste their ordaira the right, privilege, and iota.nitis of a AurmUr nnvMt U Jodrt of lJe Sprmo renuer swS!5,VahltoaM.arav caaa. aaaaUj.w ad ;.f .. . - 1 i : ADCtner ine apivianeiu sou n v native. Said letters patent siiau ids SiiSiStl 10 BUie..alOWT ICM PfHWWi vn iwi iltin ni TI1E0.II.II11BIC0, iVUf pay by tbe two perseos namea is ta acconiance .Uniit-- in all tespects accountable ta the laws lawutr otMuOBsr witb laws aa they now exist." Kingdom, and imjKo upon bim the erirw I mfflicei wiitx leproer tbe of this It it t the 11 lt recede at Kalawao anj xb1. "ifesoiW that the Jastice ef like lealty 10 tire rung, as uo aau irea OFFER FOR SALE that tbce x cooeI Coort be requeeted to express tbeir nafnralitnl at herein before nrovidcd. STREET Kakuio? on tbe following qaettioc: will t seen that a demttn is by tbe 107, 109 111 FREMONT coa&atcKBt coctrary to opiaioa It ! fad. It not loch tht MIs for aa to whom letters endowed with it lawfal aliso, Letters Patent eiprtssly "all aial aaj i 3?rnnoiBoo. From the Cargoes Oxwtitbor patent of defuzatioa have been cottfrrJ.tO tbe richU, prsTileces and immunities cf a J3r . T UB'a Aa. EarW. aa BSIggg son - SnL la oot the cxittws Uw wtatiog to ltp-- practicai. kxpkiu- Mufire'sud this is precisely tbo language used alSl a- ) v ss ykakof o- -. T.!'a-"- . TMir ivmi kick Vila., vitki: coatraxj to IocUUUoq: JaSSSaij -- riMT tie the Oovercxaeat of this Kingdom, wilt-c- at to effect Letters of y.a l.i n - " - . .. .. - ander as the of uiloraliliUwu UIHl a.1 a? v. i i aillcaiUcU U lep- lllwllMWM7ia.mWITWll. to tarta aaaa BsraaatMSa eta-- - " mii m4 the tint avMliea wbtlhtr '" 'v. " '.- .i7 .. .i TtaW nnmri taking and subscribing tbe oatb of allegi- denixatioa have always been considered to l.la.ail?..ll.rmrtfl,C . 1 ". vaUHi' i:UIIl,IJr!lkiri' MAXLSGATE" tins r -- St rtW ! chJWrB imjtwwi'- BARK roaj, cante for which the Pc(40 prescribed by ggg MtnXuK W ance In manner and form Seo be a substitute for the oath cf allegiance bj El?cS!i5a.a.lrt. 9r trm Mololtai, is a The prtatablo .VcTaaa.an.MaTliciaareaxaa3rray. Iftlrwa J-- - -- y f' rrrt Uln4 at eric. tloes 130 and 131 of the Civil CedsT which as a special favor the privileges of J PaMy. tb TtidBtico that Upn?jr is act a the Rates for tfee KaHing Cleaning of ta ccod The qaestico raised by tha first Kesoloticn Hawaiian ciUteusbip are granted with- TuwzmiWJiosauimxixvs 0 Is enabled to largely Retae i erimcL aad crruinlr it ia noL It it a dtaeue. BS3Blr " is whether an alien can legally fill the pceilico out preiudice ta tbe status of tbe denizen StViaMUTacCTtal.aUraiiiIUhaatliairaaS;ISSS Other recent Vessels be iaataocta whr aperaoa hatinc wa . Then mj of Secretary ta the Ministsr of Foreign Affairs as a citixen or subjeVt of a foreign stats. If S wn oimirm. ta. u. mH. g g leproar. wjuiauj coaujainatca M w,ancwM ia. a. amB.awdrMawataa m .a tboieftel or of SecreUrr t the Board of Uealtn. ibey do not nave this cHecf, and iiiereiore dis- a3ywUMta-llly- k . r MSg eihtn or tnaamiu it t h ofbrnor cr.lctac aliens were not necessity ot taking tbe oath of r in- Coder tbe statute of let pense with tbe aTT Baaa aaa i - - f from hiaxaell to -f . s. a s.a raarwv -- se rt it, rcll ta'vr to any civil military oSce thia mocuu 10 see wnrmey snoum M .., ilnt'T ,, n.mm trw aur " DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING a&l thrae be called or eligible er ta allegiance ills ? ctxi, mar wtooj the Vol. 1, Laws for or accepted. theae acta are Kingdom, created by laws. be asked i .,ii criminal arts, Vat calcaa As we have above seen, one of these rirbt Frists U fut cclcn ; law tbfj-- are not effcects or paiw ef lsl,p,Tfi. s SertKsiaH" ' Hint ltas4 " ttk. ; tj This Act was repealed on the passage of tbe or privileges is fhat of appointment to public Mad i N Ikaiau, ITKit Crakn uhaN as aaca lav. lSrra Mae. DriUi tj Civil Cede ia 1559 and, aatil 1S7, aliens were oftce w tinout tbo necessity 01 rating tne oam w LiKaiti UHruitaT.oOMTa a.r,cu 4 itl HstkI'i Lnc Cliir-- LIms The acvoil ati thiri qaMtieas oaj be Ui except the ..; cC Tf-r- eligible to in this Kingdom la cf slleriance. Vit&cpnttTwtcis, U k if the taw an VH TotKi, coftaB4wvredtcthenf particalar cases where tbe taw limited tbe We arc of the opinion that Letters Patent of I. fe TowtU. Uoltn, Ho. the rtatraiQi the Itpera tn t m. Glut Tibto tbcriiiof of le appointment ta citizens, aa for instance, Min Denization lroni tuo ivirg, conicrnng upon "' SOLICITED. .fil, of the Cooatitatioo, then the rtttraiot OF PADDY isters to u rung, or iwrereors, wiw most ?y on alien, without objuration of allegiance, CONSIGNMENTS ia itaclf illcal. Sectioa 30 of the Civil Cods be either "sabjecU all the rights, privileges and immunities of DRESS GOODS. WHITE XCOLORD SILKS Tt that aiace the etuclmettt of the law hi "Win. GEBEJJSWOOD. fci nr alnixii9- - a native, place the receipicnt in tbe status of M. the If Ders. aome DiBttren veart 13 er rriiAcr - AaAct was passed ia U7I, (Chap, cf a sai'jeci.. auu 11 11 .uricivto uu aa tb S.UM, CWUj, txtutiUliotiahtj- not tested - iciui.tv TOBACCO Caa.nl &pimUl M.rrWat C4nnJ Gnu ap?t ita hot GUT Prritr toe SessioQ taws ot t&at year,) coutieo, ao that be take tbe oath of allegiance as a con- CROSS LXDIA RICE MILLS. Saa rrajciCT. CL ArtiteMl l"Vrn ud Frum. applicatioa for a writ of Ual-ea- CoCMK tv aa provide for the taking of the oath of dition tif bis holding an cfik-- vf profit or em- HuAndirfs. Silk tHaJLcretutf I. aa a Rtoeral Act to TmM CWM sUwu Jt Oipt allegiance by perseos in the employ of tbe Ha olument under this Government. Such wss ottb Cors. the coram anity the wieJeo Fiacr. Uulsr. ltt aad (limy FUaacU, ac2ueceDce bj ia ugTrrooKiiu tbe view ol tbe authorities of this Kingdom YKtorct Lmws. bevuks Spuoi Ojtsoci, of law. ccch accaraebad been Ukto, waiian the If Tbe preamble is aa follows: from early times. For the honored AT. L. Lee, HFew Goods by L.ate Arrivals Lw Ouuistf. Um um! vtMc: the Sopreoe Coort wcaU thea Surehaitae Chrtk LuUJdA Dm "Whexjus, it Is expedient that all penoos the first Chief Jestice of this Court, was a & Knnnaru7 buru. Gd.Wool Sliuu, adrutage vl arcumeni irom coaasei who nay be appointed to places of prof or denizen. His Letters Patent dated 1st of W. Dukes Son, 'uct ItuJi. theQBcatioo and the deciswa FSOM SAN FEANCISCO, U luw kimI Cbluntl Cdcsoa hlZt9L onbothaUesof eoolament ander the Hawaiian Government December, IS 16, are ia tbo archives of the beea much more aa-t- j uj then oude woM hare shoald take the oath of allegiance: Be it Court, Kespectluliy sdimiitcd. i & ENGLAND, tfactBrr. enacted by the King aad the Legislative (Signed.) A, Pn.ocis Jrrp. NEW YORE Htm't kitt, Brewa d CUond Bill Hom, U prcasmed bjr that the proriaiostof Hom. MJ. OuUisc It iu Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in tbe Lavskccje McCtllt. Lkl' !! UJj Ute roorer ec wj-lati- oa CIGARETTES Mc' Bt aJ Cray llow BUbXu, Ccoautauoa w&ku ue iae Kingdom Assembled; " BlUSJ FOR PIPES AND 5 1 Us be Tiolateil by the Lepreejr Legislatare of the ILAxtstdt Wooka KuXjrts. all cukn. nxr Jt vnctU; coeceiTes tr Sxctio From and after tbe passage & Act are Artidea 6, 9. It. IS, aad 11. Tier I. Received by Castle Cooke of this Act every penon who may be appointed read fotlowt : Vehet Carpets, Velvet Kuc, TeUet aa to any c2.ee profit or emolument nader the AJCD peraoa ahatt be abject to ef B V YESSTLS DUE THOU ABOVE PORTS. Article . No Kingdom shall, before en- ALSO. TO ARRIVE anil Tapotry Door MiIn except co due and Government of this poaUhiaent for aaj offecae, upon the datiea of hU oOcetUke and ia a court tering lecal ccoTJcticn tberrof, bavins labscriba the oath of allegiance in manner and C. CO. BEST IN THE MARKET of the caae. BREWER KATES form prescribed by Sections 130 aad 131 of ft To Soi,i XT IiOWEST ! "Article 9. Xo peraoa ebaU be cocspelled ia bb tae ova SADDLERY any crimiiul case, to be a witaesa axaioat w. prescribes that on the GOODS tibertj or prop Tbe second Section HAVE A Gut failure of an cfiice holder to take tbe oatb Fill Awxtsnt ot CcU'. IaIm.' precrss ot ulKm'StUH erty without dat law. within three months after the passage of this HYMAN BROS., 11. IaTolBttUrr ervitode. except ! A ( addlcs, Ankle Act he shall be deemed to have resigned sod EECEIVED Plantations.Country Stores j.cktSJdW Skitu. fureTer prohibited this Kioj-do- ct; JUST Suitable for ldks. Cktihs. Ciaou for crime, ta ia ivtSce vacant. Uawaiiaa his shall become wbeocTfraaUre thill enttr This Act applied to all holders, native rut AncsucJtrv Su:ar 15.VUS, 20i3C; Coal BAUis, be be free. oce Noti ami with SitK-- t Territory thall born citizens as welt as aliens, and this may OrKAXILlBs nifr mini at SkorttM IS. peraoo haa the to be Kan Article Ererj riht given the opinion, which we un- Agents. all axeaaooble aearchca aad have rise to Sole act ion duration i Called to Our aecsre from derstand is entertained by seme, that the oath U l'mrcliwrs. oX faia his his paper aeizam pence, heue, office Ceylon -- of aUigiasce here required, ia an oath of Bark Filter Press Bags, and effect; aad co wuraats shall uaae. bat "nA-Vf- i a &r I affirm-ti- c, and not of natsnutauca. so caaae, ported oath or roLLom.Mi X"S"S I1 3C en probable aa? bj Section iZ9 of the Civil Code authorised tbe Tin: 30 Improved 22 86. aad describia? the place to be aearched, Paris application PLOW. Minister Interior, on the of an I v.aa-k- cf aj rvJ?Jtv v..?. . Demand aad the persocs or thio to be seized. TflroMttKUMItrti- - Soniethia'ewaudin(ireat on tbe existence of certain re- : K:i m fc. U1".l"w mlxrw ata.ai.ra.t. Aa..rBL-.- Each of society ha alien foreigner MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE SALE Article It. ineaber quisites to administer the oath of allegiance to GRAND A U.1LI BLM 15U. rrotected by the eanysteat l'l IIS rirbt ta be it, ia him. of his life, liberty or prorty, accordirs to wiU be Sold " TtM Ab? u mA to Ftt ita hmflt am4 Section 13t3xcads as folio s: The oath of Wblch at BETOBE TAKING STOCK AT law." allegiance to be ad ministered as aforesaid of the Act to the shall ! The preaable prereot be as follows: LOW RATES spread of Uprcsy, is folkwr. RICE BAGS AXO TWINE. -- Thm S2alaraiaRatL a native J". "TuiiiiJ, the disease of leprtuy has spread of...... being SISSTOITS OiraKATED SAWS ASS riLES. ALL SIZES: people, lately rvtsiinfiUi " C. to a coosidenble exteot amoo the Oil" FISHEL'S GALVANIZED dole ivors eroa his osih. declares tbat tie will Electric aad the spread thereof has excited well ssrrort tbe Cucstttatioa sail Lavs ot tne llawai- - WATER WU1TC ATi"T S0..I. C.a, "f.t.-- -- .t 13.: r V i. VUrU ... Ua. f. ' House Uta. Millinery (roaaded alarms; axd vkcreas further socte IAS jTlyj VU alV)t.U4w.r.w,.v UH Leading COEEUGATED E00FHJG doubts have beea expressed recardiiu the jesty ..the KxtT vom and sabeenbod ta, etc. LARD, in 5 it 10 lb. PAILS Improvements in Shelf Hardware power of the Board cf Health ia tbe preau Cor. Fort and Hotel Streets, iatest ises, aotwithataadiBg the 363ad Sectioa of Section 131 merelr rrescribes that the oath arAerrtu tbe subscribed by the naCimtU EXTRA PRIME U tWa rum CHK1Mia GU.VAMZED K1DGLVG. tbe Civil Code; awf in opioictt shall be Tnoo wludKirat Im hm cf this AsseaUy, tbe iSZud bectioa u prop- ued, and s worn to in tha form most obliratory fflMillll',l,ll'2.liffl Fim er! t srcKcable to the treatoeot oTpersoas upon his conscience aad the jurat thereof is to C3- - 3D ftj3icted with the leprosy; yet for the greater be subscribed by the Minister of Interior or X G1t tub GJmi BofUcnsffi LAJEID OH UXUSrAL BARGAINS IX EVERY DEI'AJITMEXT n."T O O S Bubl 01t certaiaty aad lor tae more sure protection his Chief Clerk. IX nillKELI AXO CASES STAPLE 13- ! Tiasetf kva Stscmas, tfl ue; of the people, be U enacted; etc. The latter clause of the next Section, -, EVERY ARTICLE MARKED D0WX TK4ftcKcl'p-- a HflLCAJSii, Tbe Section MZal of the Civil Code referred sTs that "every foreigner so lufsrafurif shall (a. ia 14 follows: be entitled to alt the rights, privileges and its. Tar and Pitcli, STAPLE GROCERltS, GoWea Gate, Star SuperfiHe Flour PAYISO BR1CKS.UABUEN TILES lThea any person shall be iafected with m unities ef a Hawaiian sabject. IMMENSE BARGAINS IN MILLINERY the smalt-po- x, or other sichaee daaroos to It is therefore evideat tbat the above recited . i t.t. .. t :. COAL Gtzilea Kulbxs. Laws Seats aibl Cliairs, ue pouiaC neaiiui, uie pniuwucuwi.m..i.L vtiu oath cannot be considered as an oath efefice, Coibrvlli. tMaads. Xrua Scracvra. areoCBurforthe scty of the iahabitants. but it U the oath of allegiance, the taking of In Casks for Family Use. Immense Bargains in Embroidery, laces, Silk Hosiery, LAW X OU "We THE PALACE, and Gnarante Hu Hob vol Baib. TESMS bETS. sach sick or infected person to a sep- whkh natural lies the alien and admits htm to JaECOSD-lIAS- Top Kerosene Offer KuAMs, BUA.U, remoTe Ladies' Underwear; &o, &c, &c THE UatAn Kana Wart Bistea arate tottf aad provide for hiai with aanes Hawaiian citizenahip. it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, and'other aeeestfaries, which shall be at tbe It is too clear to admit of discussion thit a IFtOIST SjaJF'ElS Crockery native-bo- rn citixen is net required te take an and Glassware, cLargecf the persoa hitsself, hi parents or IWUBItD MIIS I Reductions in French Kid Shoes VUIAN, a gjood. oil and above test: maeter, it acie, eLBcrwise at ute citars ei ine oath of allegiance. The Legislature cf 1ST Great FacyGUsi FV7cSt3iuiivFcnLBftirtsctv Tsverameat." by Cbap. VIII of the Arts or that year, prob- laa. Sliooei. ably the defect ia tbe Act of 1571, CUMBERLAND COAL Xo ilxo Ovorstooltoct WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS la a case uecsiea in iei vy uie capren.e to cure PORTLAND CEMENT & FIRE BRICKS Coartcfthe United States, (reported ia 16 amended the law, so thai it now reads: "From MATCHES 600 Pairs of Ladies' 4, 6, 8 and 10 Button Kid Gloves WfttUce 36) FjcVi sye of tbe law the and after tbe passage of this Aer, ery perso CARD Co. Parlor Oran Jedfc Tke Cheapt Oowl l'imo: V lUiea Orca Fir. CUt. WiiUM, dulA. rtOr Ochn, Coart were then considering which coacerced effuniifli birth who may be.appoiated to say Fairbanks Platform Scales, Sli"litly damaged, your choice for 1.00 a pair the very hest the slaaghter hocses of yewOriei&i, that its office of profit or emolument under the Govern brand or GLOVES in this market. ecactmeat was ccosldered as the legitimate meet cf this Kingdom, shall, before entering AVtuBTED MIESS aa4 RooUng exercise cf what is termed the Poke powr upon the duties of his tce, take and be a-- A tUil ta nr Star., aa.1 aa rxalalao af r Stock lll si Itdln a trttti ;Mn af la. Jrirja claiK. lirctTuul ami lockSlatesSalx, theSafr. rrbat power ttncoaciedly extecus the oath of allegiance in maaasr and nt Um1. .1M.IA.4 ta.. .a caaMmttoa .f Ptfc la lal iptu. CHAS. J. FISHEL. OO. . & 130 131 ASH 18 Kr"lr?'J,"J:.liSr.'.. noxoicxr oAnr aV EUISMELUTH to all regaiatwcs aaecur tae fteaiio, 500a form prescribed by Section and of tbe OAKS, 16,17, ft Cara X.aaaa .V. Wholesala Ratall. J. ZCi'CS. PACSTS AXD BOIXTD OILS order, mora!, peace aad safety aad is exer Civil Code. This taw is now in force. Cararr Ulra aad Jl.io Strtru J WAILCKr ,""MACt lira HOKOLXTLn, So. 5 NTTUAJm STKEET. Worcester Saacc and Grocczi'. cised on a great rariety cf 1 objects aad ia It wilt be seen tbat the Act does cot say Axe Handles, almcst aambertess wyi . ah sorts ci reunc-tk- ts hat iso atUi shall be appaimitd to any eCce ot EnsINh, American & Hawaiian Flacs and bcrdeca are impoeed nader it; aad profit under the Government, or that aliens are Pick Handles, Agents for tile 'Superior' Stove whea these are net ta coailict with anj ineligible to cfiee, bat it commands, as aroo-diti- Cotton Waste, 3, 5, tail 7 jtx&A princi- es DIALMS IX leastiid. provisions or precedent to his entering upon the Salt. Plaster, ples, they cannot be saccesafally assailed in a of any c&ce of profit er eewlament nader r naaEaSfaaaaeSBHalaV klH tbe eame case, Jodge take ce RANGES TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS radicial tribanal- -' Is the GoTenoent that he the oath cf Choice Selection of STOVES MD MBter says: Thia power is aad mast be from which, as we have seen above, means A Aiaiirattj Tert tact: .,S ami 744; its Terv aatare iacaraHe of any very exact that be be naturalized. I definititt or Iisutohtfn. Cpo it depends the It it not to be presumed that a person would CHAIRS SHEET METAL WSRE' ON HAND Powell LufiTjn Steam Coal social order, Athft ami amAA nftkttituwns, be allowed to draw tbe pay of an cfice anTess of an cxisteocein a thickly pop- undertook to perform its .. the comfort he duties. Snooks XABE TO CUUL Barrel I STATIOSEltl. IBOS BHteTEADS, ulated commonity, the enjoyment of private We have no doubt tint tlie law requires all aad social life aad the beneficial use cf prop cf foreira birth, ia order to enable EXCELSIOR, ENGLISH I,KtTHr-- EELTTSG.3 to C; Dersocs nfc"2Hlb45-r- !ISIlIi.ri,BmElIiS erty" them tohotdcCces of profit or emolument un- s . - ; '.s The Seureme Ccnrt of VenncaL is 27er. der the Hawaiian Goveramenr, to be nataral- - Ctii-t- jf4 JwSMEMBmBE ret JPiccfoii fB?nlaE5a3BPC".aa e3feh ' ' r i" Reports 119, says: "The police power ef tbe ixed. except in the instances hereinafter men FLOOR OILCLOTHS State extends to the protection of the rive. tioned. - null?..-.- : HANDY PHETONS, ?icvir. wntnrirti rn liitle, health, comfort aad qaiet of alt perseos It may be nrged tbat tbe Law is not manda- aad the protection of alt property within tbe tary bat merely directory. New Styles of Carriages, STEEL State, and cersoe. and property are sthtected This Court has had occasion ta consider BAILS, to all kinds restratsta aad hardens ia order a similar question en the application cf Jfr. w IT Montague Ranee. WlLragtlu of A FEW tMa.aaift ptTul to secure the general comfort, health and pros-per-trr Aahford ta be admitted to practice law. ( 1 AiX ttXZS tSTCCK. Fish Plates, Bolts and Nuts, cf the State. Of the perfect right of Haw.Bep- p,ll.) The taw aathorixed the J cuciiji? in Him si imirinen the LsjM.atare ta do this, no qaestion ever Loort to admit as pneuacners, sucn persons, .Express Wagons rPHoatr x. i . a KAtUtutD .trihE, TO JUTCH was, or apon acsaowieufea general priscipici, jirntou sufyeds, cf good moral char- ttt ii ever can be made so far as natsral perscna are acter,jtfas the Court may find qualified for that Ladies' Phaetons, OST coDcerneu. purpose. TTe held that the law was imper- At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, In2 Seat's CommeaUries, 319, the aathor ative and mandatory to admit to practice none CIDER VINEGAR, BILLIHGHAM & Co., PORTABLE ENGINE sava: "Uawhcleecae trades, slaazhter booses, but Hawaiian subjects- - The provisions cf a HAND CARTS, eperatione elfensire to the senses, the deposit statute are to be regarded as directory merely Have Kecelved a Pull T.ine of the Favorite ALSO. OSE THKEE HOESCPO WXS of powder, the application ef steam power ta when they are considered as giving directions TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WOBKER propel can, the building- with combastible which oegbt to be followed, bet not as limit EASTERN MADE OXCARTS VERTICAL ENCINE aaXenais ana tae canal 01 tae aea, may au iejr the power tn respect to which tbe direc- - DiHingham Breaking Plows be interdicted br law, in the mhlst of dense tioos are given, sa that they cannot be effectu SUGAR BAGS, the general aad otserrmg taem. St &c' 4-- maeees and pcpalatien ea ally exercised witnont PLUMBING, ic rational principle that every person cabt ta Coolly Court Limitations, p. 7 1. in all its branches; TH5U K.DATIISACO his People ( aiLLiaviiAX DiLUsenAX to ose private property as not to iajuxe Ia the case cf the vs. Schennexboni, C. BREWER COMPANY 2ua sefshbors. and tbat private interests mast 19 Barb, 55$, it was held that "statutory sizes; ! be made ssbeervient to the general interest of are deemed directory only when they i Artesian "Well Pipe, all reovr plows. RICE PLOWS Irish Damask the commonity. relate Jo some immaterial matter.wbere a com- Jodrt Shaw, in a case reported in 7Cush pliance ia a matter of cenTeoienee ratber than TO THE LADIES ! rnc.S3, laji: The pofee power is xiwrr of substance T Arl- - 3 m I S LMk. vested in the LegiaUtore by the Coostiiatien, To illustrate what a directory statats is; "It STOVES AND RANCHES s te Biit. ordain and estaoiisa, all manner ol has teen held that where a statute specifies We Have Eeceived wholesome and reasonable laws, statates aad the time within which a public cficer is ta rnels Sam, Medallion. Richmond. Tip Top, Palace, Flora. May. Crmtsst, Grand Friae. Just Nsv lUrai. Opt r, Deiby. VTrvn. Uollr. G QnecA, Faasey . . Army itasccs. Charter, Beea FLOWS ordinances, etlber with penalties or wit heat, perfarai an act reprdisg the rights and duties BAN jxy, ltzn TWw art daaViniiwmpltemb; til. HtuumlsfMXJyE FLIW WOBSS ICHI Srjperwr, Jlajnet. Oseeota, AIemkJj Eclipse, Charter Oak, N imbU. lovood aad Laandrr fitorsa, cecsidered as directory A ron Atsoarrmyr or not rectmaat ta the coostitalion. as ther shall of ethers, it will be Gamaiated Iraa asd Copper Boilers tor usages, Granite Iron Wars. N'ictel Plated and Plain i Wprt.tol4.wiU. WtmlgnMifactti. Vianfiwy. IfcvvMlbCTlM mi judge tat the good and welfare of the ccmaon-- merely, salens the Batsxe cf the act to be per- We k te laiVim oar trud End MtmTf tktt aa hm appatasctt tOLX AGKXT far Coltivxtors, Horse Hoes, wealta, ami ot tse saojects ct tne same. formed, or the language of the statute shews tats ana. tartar aachr Watex Pipe, sizes. on &Harrows, a4 r mt Galvanizeti Iron all and laid at - The like authority is conferred so the Lee- that the designation cf tbe time was intended Stewart is iatdnx lapeuan Old Pattern Moline Plows. tsnnl sf Irish Double Damask. isLatare by the Hawxaia CoestHataos a Art- as a limitation cf power. Pec pie vs. Allen, Isie aa4 Mttavst Tools, - Fiaatatioii all kinds ; icle IS. "Tbe Legislatare has foil authority 6 Wendell 157 Jacksca ts. Tcnng- S Cowan Lowest Hates; Oast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, Siflerential Pulley Blocks. from rime t tirm to maxeaB manner ef whole- Buckeye Movers. Hvdranlie Jacks. some laws set repojnant U the. proritiecs Lord Mansfield's rale is that whether the JAPANESE GOODS , fodder CBlters, .Garden & Cacal Barrows, the CocatJtarwc. statute ta rnacdatcry or not, depended open Furnishing-Goods- ail kinds; TABLE LINEN It has been traly said that ehethcr the thing; directed ta be done was the lift InjMeteil CietpnstBgtser'otfewisx House Lubricating Oils, Turpentine, Oils ie the nt Law cf autore. This is equally tne tne of the thinz rsnuired. Burrows. 1 17. Kerosene RCBBEH HOSE-A-LL GRADES: Iex.r Tbe law eow nader discaseics plainly re- SIZES ASD Oil TaraJMiW WignM. Tfoyrjot Salw and Sam, rem eta state. "Solos pepnli ssprenu est HLmC rtiat, rkiat mi SttrilaFr aiuct ia our opinion, that tha appointee ta Embroidered Silk Screens Aft aad Forca Fonpa. Cbtera Panpa. Oarvantzad Iron, Copper.&bMt Lead. rig gumcTOfcaw. H.W Fzataag Gcwla, Laag. Otafiifrptfta, 1 iTrtrroa, Ac fa. The state baa tbe aiUerify iaherent in itself quires, Laad ripe, Tu PUte, Wjai OnaU, 1UiU SUba ami BorU, Eauntkd WubSUndr, I V- - aa coce at pru&t trsuer tais saau tX" S.V m4 ..a. ,i Krt nc aim awl nnlue ta Mr ilwc u4 M K Um Pnn. "a to enact Laws to tecax? the health, welfare aad irtvenuaeot Of Us mawt Eessiifsi Cte ss4 tt JUtesiug nat vilAAsaiUAX ca rv uw. safety of the cadrvidBaL and we have seen net be an alien. Baataaai ftaiaa. r-- BELFAST, IRELAND aboTe thai this authority expressly ceo-- Whether aar rrren emntoTmcnt enderGov- - (erred by tne Leoatitatioo, smmest is er is act aa cCce ef profit or Bedspreads & Table Covers Claandeliers, Lamps, la Pwarris en Statatee tbe police power of emotsmeat, would depend upon circum- Lanterns BrnvrovAXi. jS.LLCAETEE&Co., ri.jrstsTnre or Board KotbrstilsiW is SUk hf Jipssete ta state is eanen tae law ec juaas-sir- y. stances- The cfiice cf Secretary cf the oeemsi? a Larx Tarletr 5 state cseJd exist withoet it. If is ef Health is created br law. See Chapter f did act exist ia this JCmcda ear pcpnlarjeo XI of the Laws cf 1S7, where the Board of T3ao OaUloimla by Health: u utherxxed ta em flay a secretary, Beaver Saloon ' TABLE CLOTHS, wonid be liable ta be swerit sway any and Vases! Vases! PRODUCE & & LEGAL TENDER QUARRY every ccntasiona disease tbat might come te medical practitweers and agvctSf who shall PROVISION CO. ear shores and ao measures f qaaraatae er receive such coo cessation for their services Of ta. Ftantt Pqmula. rauxftaw. f.r taHaa restrictfeo ccul be taken against it. aa shall be appraved by a majority of the fe.rKif.ll .mf? ia. raUKIValtaWra OPTICUS, JEWELER and. Board a regularly coaresed bestnesa meet-- ia H. NC1.TE, : : : : Proprietor. EAUlutw t The LegmlaUre, by the Act cf I&60, in the at Porcelain Figures, Japar.tsefTta Set, J. lkdn at exercise cf its erestitatiaul aaAerity to oak thereof, sail compeasaOsn lobe paid set - legis-laii- Dishes, ec tae m ef any- fasds araSable ta the Board by ve Sets, Hotter Furnish Stone wtmtesccie laws, were opinion tnat Sera 73 Hotel street, Honolulu, watchkaeee, apcTcpriatton. JUh Silk M raaaaaaa a. U. fiama. aa4 taa order to oecare the health and welfare ef ihe Rectiien, Lanterns pakac . Beafcr is Bksical tsstrsmests. r"- K- ffitlitXapkinstoMatcIi ccrcmuaitT, all kpracs persoca who shall be We csnsider the poairioa of Secretary to the hraml aut .f ta. HnlM. accapM Vj ted Board of Health to be aa efikeef pr&fitor deemed fay coopeteat aatherity. to be capable TbaI b. bos opened tbe above Saloon BHESOVICH, GKAT r shooid he emotanient under the Government and came Silk Embroidered Kimonos tt CO, JSKE-srairSS- LCTESS cf spreading the disease, firaVclaaa Building Pnmoses, Tina ar. tl Eiar and secfaded. udtl w?thia the rarriew ef the AeXeflaTsy Chapter wbcre BeXreabaaeaU Xaw. caa a. aTOCKa Iatpartnt tAia lUm Easels, Caned Wcoden Cabinets, I.d. coxrLCTI t Kukri al ww ImrtU It wiS be seen, fram a perusal ef the whole TUX rs kcoks. ra ute aremncis. regards the Secretary to the Hrhister win wr. 4 fMk laa-t- n M aar Friauia ta sir tka aa Tmyaillaa act ccsccrBisc leprosy that tbe Legisuiare As of Hand Screens, Trap. I. a a, aa4ar Oa Afiairs w a fail to find aav statute crs- Produce and Groceries regarded this disesee as ccctajwa er ca pa Fereira - Wail laux&au ianWa af a CavtHrat CjfU Miw rJfice aay Pockets, Parasals, Fans, ste ec Denrg eawnmnnacaaM ta etner Bssua atmg: t&e orrelemcc to ilia auaner. TBI FIRST 6EABZS or which antt, cc ou at ! BALLAST for SHIPS heincm. From the best ur&rsxatwa the Ceert Saturn ieataraTcmTotaJcasairr torsoca Paper Mats, Ffatographs, FESnE GOODS G.W.Macfarlane&Go crjosHerrd as can. obtain, this Sa characteristic oc this dis an ccer baa sach an official eee- - - for r s a OF SCENERT, Cglored & Tobaccos, .r Lowest Market Bates CASS! - essrr, and haa recognized it aa aa Meoce. HPMESE Plain. ease. Cdco this Tiew- of tie dtseaae. Laws TMrwMxe i r.o.xojiw. segregating; lepers hare bees enacted in nearly We hare no doubt that this cce also it cam cf Cigars, Pipe and j.hi. pranx under the Hasrausa Got- a uxse (xtzenos or au QHrntnet r tae woru. er emolument Ja kaUnnatJS k ami Chap. TUT of the Acta ef Smoker's BEACH AND SAND TlxelgJalataxacfHawui acted apoa this enment, that Sundries t--c Z. K. MTERS. ' HACK ft Japanese Bronze Jewelry Manag.r. nrf enacted asore caenaaed, arpties- to tae acpocate COLD & SILVER WATCHES aT-g- police power cf the state when it ail It tothiectScc. coMurroe o '4 the hesith laws of this Kjngdco and these bctoln. la. tx aatataee. a aiS IK Mri U toai RAMSAY & LANS: have existed since the faandaricn ef the Got- - Botit cut be said that the Act of I6S2 SJeere Botfans, Cbains, Scarf Pins, Etc SUSP CARTS FOR SALE ! emmest 133 Instriimejats, tChatXTnname&diiii'SecrJswtlaaad Ora af Enarafek A .&.'. Mssical has - ALSO- -A A.af aa aaW m m araVr. at art aatlra aa at The Saprnse Ceert m the Chinese Laaarfrj ef the Crril Cede, so tnlarjrd the requisites nrirly raauMa far Biw GonoralAMDGrooora Ttaara ax OMraM j: One New York case, Haw. Eep. decided an Act aa to aaau Phseton 31S. that tor Batarauxaccn tatarauxarjoa ta Celebrated Tables (0CSZB5 DT naLZSS VASTEST "Sa WKi PaU aal SkaJtar Sarbtddh the carrying etv ef the cemnesa cf many cases OTposaiHe, This Act requires ef Billiard dtaniasaaafaMlbfaOKBrTCKimt. aa TTcr aaa la rbrt arftr nltaala Ur a UmSj Uandry ksescsg; or washing; fee hire within the person wishing to be mataxalrxed, (t, the 6. W. Macfarlane & Co. ProvisionDealers aat toBaaaal..ind. will certain Icniti ta HsQciaisv was an exzrrisecf sfpraral of the hang (2,) that he shall have U caaact Vk ta aruaafcaai, wfcCT kw. ao.cjlloTcr.ar. t iioiolclo. ihi imixt w a concr. pciice power the stats, wws regard ta resided within the Asogiaa kre years or more atncaaaasanlerasa. Gooda DeliTered to Ctutoaer'a Seal. inma lis cf Eietntor' Notice ! TBEWESTESJt IIWUIJI the comfort, safety end welfare of society and next lis artrGcarior. (3. 1 that he a. I ?. trecer SOTICB. rlescea. Tree of Cbarxc 88 was ee'isfrtatftfiTttl own taxable real estate within that JOsgdem, CXDERSICXKD. irAVTVr:. TjnfxsxKCKx cojtPAinr, present advised we tbe fiarra encambraacty (4,) not Tl alva3iMiau4.&i.ta t.mv,.. lit cEirrrrr tilvx w r at ars sf epoun free that he be ef Effaar wt utsmzr rnetc, laxa af Eraakac Eaa. to XJartAalf WtWaTi theHA. ? 3Q5.-- aif Tallo-- It a. ,. Tins Gardes Seeds & Freak i.iatrgjtp. leather, Hides, '& that the lav aathcrmag; the atgrrj-iSa- aad in moral character. (5.) that he be act a ref-a- mattn a.Mf nolo aanaaa l.Mlir Greceri. tBKrf far r Start Feradsi nsafariar cf lcxwrs.s set wheeescme Law gee front the jnatixe cf sane ether caantry, aUfcaa ga iai tma- -t la no.1 (tonaMi. txm sssw sf a S tin ci ts Ois jt- - f ju (keo ILnef li3 JOUAT ITATESSOnE. etJr a IAc3aaWnitrsa4at Kal.Ax.Aaa. BaaaU. vlaUa rfx tramil csssnac aim scvesus SiICaaafa nr nisa mri mmtun. - H fUH 11.1 AZB SZaXZZ IX sad cosaSaitatioBai but that withoat such a Ue (.O that h he not deserting; sailer, marine, wwm. wc.iwrnjHHnwMna AJI ss4asaiftgwsiapsSr sai sii 4eM as ta Szas ailJJlt Aszarxroc the wnald CTentaaltr that moch soiiiex or cfikzc ami. IT. that, the Minister 4a.inhta.aiM.aaaw...cta.qa.,.iairv aTSCTTI JUX. raslt he cf el Irj1 - CtoittlW. C.JtfJXA. lloyal Soap eaz Sasefal wc&Id these isXiadi the InXeriiT te ntTsSed that the applicant's J a!ja- 9t fjnas State SaaaOJa. CJ. T n J.tJ4ci5t.. aniala,H.LComp.tr rsnlaton kTe SiUrr Hurt, Era.graiaoattvaM. sswkI U6ds,JssfDri,rJS. mi ft. CAEJ)S.BAI.I.l'I!OGHAJrE,i;C rv (

iP j S' Jli- - - - .. i i ' t ' iTHF!Srrr?r?rtnwin.iwiTrx mnm ., ifirannaia r ft -- ttii t rdtxri. rVRlMIUVfit M wk lu aWftiXx.)a. I.,.''- -- . . 1 . tna 1 JlSW -- r ...- - .! wmw t ll t l.J .& . ! NW3LJ.J k& nxntilaa lb. " . ff -- ill ..m .. I ILllkHr1t. 1 . ... uiiim iM. T.mV hi. T"-- k ...VsJCa. ... "Mf t-- 'ffcKxri.w iT ... w.wiiM itok. '. I .u i fg""TJl"- "'".i .ry.jAaatt lflwti "" miM

J JL Srasbi Strearjp. SIjJFpmg. ax 'was racwtSj as efc-- 9. na? la Imnirli aat taw kar if a. Hawaiian Gazette Supplement July 2 3iTotloo I jsbbxt fair xaar4 Skatfeaax. ra tnal Sural i. tvaaaV af ataf, aarrawEssv at x pMtT'gr tiaWV waai. iniaiinc at &aswi ictfesaEafe. i?oErci 3hrtrfenKtats, 5Tro iwrtistamita. 5Wtfrtt TTXHT TW fatWMlrf. fW --WHITE nmcHM Aeo, tfttiimwtiwM. aw Kacfcxarts. i. J.f.Waterhouse. ifttoatVmaJ nwn MiiiiiaaVit ay x FOB HOUSES. -- S XV T.i?1 tats past isn. in a oT MM 5.50 ? im. x tan: IRISIII "'-- tare ar mb iiniirn. at Inter-lslandS.N.- rnxfajfc ifiaw At amiii' cncM&w si X Pnvttcs i.wrrcTio'v or tub Co poc uk rsz aawet. ky i TO &v vi WmrMiiii 0U1STITIES SUIT sesa2 at x tajcascy taant- - TW V fsaaStr FoIIowiua Goods Just Received lemgat an feat hmdt. m ska miact, THKOUGH TICKETS TO THE Ck!mctniAimHiWMini tja t KETTK. lUmHIUUUa s.-- ac U. Itttltku4 TMritu teafaat if rtas 5r ZmiSvtf lain W KX UTC ACKt.UNtJ iNU iMttir iBMM Y putsn. reaaVv LE-- K! u4ai ml rtsxl.x. tj Kxltl la ratal, sxStB&srt ltastewc utb tat. las icaar Cur A N mint Un xr UtMttcvtli Vt U xutilxl t. sea, keaag aaaS aat itiwww taar,. UBBB Black FrenobrMerinos, Urstrtir44irtlonItU.TMrxvSrtxtentt.TnntxasUu tu:s! lT asaa u "TIVSKW THK ROCSD aga&aaagiatawtair-ac- llcrwx. rcll TJr. UttWUt xmb. xs yuugiJiit. wraaaa: laaimil ryG.K, Smi xi Loirtxr. . - ar rxnxct rrUnUrt n U el f wjraavgrf xaVtc aW fcam-ja- afaV kaufcaini Lb-u- t nilrt t PA2EOSSHIS, IT or West Timljer, Ka- Caknttu. TfetaWexwvx feat f taaac, 1 InUHshnd S. N. Co., Hanateln, tlti tay-r- W dmft'W n. iwttak tb-- eiI S2AXTLINGofaUa3es; SsMttnl Ott TaVtt CtTrn Or t. J r. jokdax. Txcx Boctm Kit Or iac nCan. j4 w act xa 5 t WHL.aacww tou U eaE bW Boards, Battens. tnaat smt awvaataV OQDCEJJS. 65FEAKS, i Ladies' & Gent sJJndenrear, ntt5 4c, tatrtr dj mat ; WIMHEK'S 7t!.UBTfMt;Tai ktaat iCGCBEOSS, "Woolea'&jbotton Rln.amnoainlk I'majag. Sutan--. Lowers & Cooke. Shirts, zVn 3fa-- Pimu, we &t Mancf GESXHS TiiMS, 1& TH)UXS, Steamship Company ii tar Imc. ant a rr!atc two.?. IW 3 ukuc .lvui Ht.r or tjftiati I liiig d siat a At 8 edwood, EougL. and feeeuei kwif wawl tar kwfeaoji. vfev fcii f " WMteLinen .Shirts andf Collars, BlIIiIMITUD Mbfdi kaf jsasany aaeaai. Xac anenag: Ait t FKiOSTS, at aw fi'CLZAB. 4it-iTX- 5ftt'IX5j.; M.rt.,K7m i f KAKlHXSiGAS, Muds. fet Btw liiii jk AtMaaat. acr aiai (? sll VoiPn Goai. tell iHai m Bjw ifctwBK I xjA , inrteiai t -- BiKSI tt n4Hnnf. aie bV tuk tm.im aooMast an I inf rsusr (Miata rtilltM. STEAMER vt, Wat iS kim a cm kvnt Vc aa Lewers & Cooke. 'KINAU' jndkjfbj. Xr KSwtM m aaaA afeU.jB Edgings Insertions, HE. and - kuu, ronauDER, ie6 wear ahcr4us awtftj it- rjcarirf &r TW tea, aa is ? c lac'icaV ak, Ash, Airi.vctur or UmhU rat TnxUr t P. Jt, f ilSMic. icu Xxxlwx. Hxtnu. XiaakMx xtmurTUtM-ck- a MCaaf4bai; uutsk BnAaai saMlnm! EASTERX RXE. KOA, sad Uikx jlmrtx; at Ufa rartj Tlxndu Vk far fc aufcefas Zaajtai ncrxlxxi- - Wiu K Ulfa Mtx Tkxndtr l ; lira nut. SCOTCH TWEEDS, . Xfe BMaaur afcir aW oSxlxnxij.xxxxnirrurur KirauttA.x. h CE-OM-P' Black Walnut, fcc. MxtruatJLX. XxxIansltia9A.il-x- xi Wwtim ;a nai cf weakMr Y.5 Lxxxtxa at a A. JL. rwxUf 1Im12x: taca rASJfcCUSK TRAIN MmW jtjraaaagafa afc jlawtV laij-- New Designed Prints, rra !H Irm sx aitau t Lowers & rtvUr at tP.X,tacaaatUUKUsaslMxl-kaxx- . saBVauaeft dux. tad. aVadtaMas Cooke. AW x Ortrt Virtrtj T . VTIU rn tj tk Tic Qua TOCCn st IImmxxU ant rxisVt ftaez .' tte iM.m-'in- ftsc v- vinnlTV t rxnrettM.lt a xinit u aud tan jfer at y tabna ax f caW waccr y"nf w ' liingles of best quality tlXOTf m tntvwsjt-a- English aud American .Goods Ut aratj frtirtt dat m W ta :t awt hit LaapxaKkor - axt pttaxres amfr. AHlt - Uri frrtjit k- niaauir tr aHgs A: tur au$mc Corrugated Galvanised ;ty trga Kk Ik iWn rrtUlblUtilt. W&jmf inan nf i. wfct Vat 4 too sratHois TO atXTIOX. nJ tftniMtttfifis, 1MB ia SMt ar aatsa. ej .fri tas brv At , :FLo C3S0 aaftt kt iaa.aa rfcaiM W oflng osi m aifafi Iron- aVr tk "IVrSxlskj- Steamer ikelike' i&isss aacs aW aasaaqr i Lewers & Cooke. TRINITY SCHOOL wivii.timt. i toaaASDCB. Bif a? 2ietaao vu jsatni dc av aitd WiU inn Hanlala rcraUrtr mrj In axra tft, rtt M"l pcrts. Ixxxlsx. Uuticx. Hxtrxx, Sia. 4aAKlatarraNiWK:kit xaatx. Kinlxit. rxuasa. HflMkxlx, (iteUMr, aaat sVe raOK. tim a B ESBS B R AII. PAPERS, Oaxatx. t n a Mffmcit ga A Assarts-- 1534: TfTissJon St., Lasaxatar HiUux Vmso. rtaUa. : Lirge zsi nsS SUd Ppuxa. VTxmxta xa4 Hifcx Bnanlax w to at a la pmtx ' toJaaktaaaeM. aataem Aaany. )i B aV B a7 B. eat Jrst Rtcthsd of Srjfes lim riniSi I Son Francises, California. "" from Eawxixac ant Ve Mffti by li, JfMir ijf ijct a itw hat ate sagfe-- l frames! be JSS4. Ala. , fetrr Kwc usMaat at aiaanj . ar teaag Ceiling Decorations, imaiat at aV amti f kat inSc It w Of JETsreiry Descrlptloii STEAMER 'LEHUA' x Dados, II .iiiiMiiin iir a jajnaK taai lu ns Window Shades. loruuly, i i conaAsnxB, naifr VrtaK tc to. ta &ockaii Kii-Tti- f lrv f TS- WtnieinHoaoIaiarxckVntarUtP.lL, for tit 1. 1. taoiCfesBaati kat Ji laaawi, nrf ka ckoj Plaster Centres. Fxtoo. Uwkv Hmx.ViHilif.aUpaaata aa4 ace Lb vcwaut x larf j, Stx, muKnajttTtrjxhrwttk ruowrfkj Inc. fctxnla- - 1H tex at Lxxilxa. ratoo sail xnu aWjatr tjjii'ii x i iwihr at fcnaii i avf Lewers & Cooke. YOUNG WEN & BOYS xxtxi.rracxuiTUwstaiartiiiTr X. Bk Soj keax iawmwacii saat "aiiiii i f iai! XJDE TO ORDER. agtc ttft Xiigjiiinf, aa &e i" aensaci S- -j at -re v4fc aVt aaat mat t4s b i rRfdmhctaansCriiKtiMlCMnnilr. Uri STEAMER 'lMOKOLH' ia(n.a Hrt.ntuou, i , cxiHltiSDta; "" W BMau ate i naaani kat. wait km In. Great tMftikkiaMlM. yggn' kaaait aater aat laanawi kaaaVaKtl Variety of Wffl ksn Uocolxla XwiUj F. 31, for Ltd wild-wa- f 105 & rr 107 wVra-v- Bx kui t&c fc-- FORT STEEETJ iki of Ojax Willthr br J r Wxlxltx, n t va. 1 iaJacvsacat - nak. Patterns & Qualities. TW Bx BtT. Ko-- . D fxSttrat r. Ktaranf- rTrrr hies Sr4er If, acrat S 8 It Ihxxixx D miij P. M n ijo J7 (iMak-TM- C N MIL WK HUM . S-FrS- Btrtayt hc jaTTYSKT 'I. SC02C-OXjTjTXTT- W iE 3-- se--cl xoanr Beaii CoapLar mil aot bt mpctriHs fir xaj 33 itrm; ltoc. Hat Lewers & for, a,fe f the a Cooke. BlImkrHratataatt.a.Sn tlL(rtBUVp frtitlt tr Txtxxrr. aaln imfpti metSvrva 'esjr aasB$ r lr" T Mexl basxt aaksa ptalalr aurtnL SrpolW M fc Hlatiiih. Brr 6ol ffim .f u r mc jrrclrj plxtni ia rxxrra of U kruxat- - It biunrz sia Island Orders wilL Receive and of aiklk Parr aala vs3tt43 keaer iuit Koaafeii at Sjiuc't Prompt AIIS all Mads. JJlpKubiecsrcviabetxtTaafa? Lin Stock, bit la, Vcic!a$xiiSbiitM!atxe.Lr nWt star THE REV. E. B. SPALDING. Caaioajvy: oixsxaxarrlik of accMeaU &it oaVr Builders SAXX. O WILDIR. rmMeat; flrsetk.tx. 5yaritM . B. BOSK. SccmxTT. f) A; ssfiestke f K iafiaKr: Principal. OFTIC E . jntr ran xa Cms ilmu. sWi xrfo HAEDWABJS. gaaotala. P I ISO. f itxiecaj jujr K giacrtiarf. rta sorf fe Carefuli Attention. 100 'I S fcacy it aauiat xaai iffmwif. Mi &S&M-- d. "Tor Sole by . . aes tkes fee sad asaa aBatatotE asi Lewers & Cooke. Tl TABLE OF STEMIIS ' Oaxo ani rsMrrot r JlaTXMrC HI ts LAINE & CO. A Fast Te.7i.J'-- ! ! ! aints. White Lead. or toe ( ;&d iimiJiMr.r Biii (Tbusses TEUSSES TrtjssiS Jl UKtESTOCK or THE .f ( TOte Ccbrs, Ofls. FCMnnmMw. Sac INTEE-ISLAK- D TiB?esfis, Etc Etc Very ost II. .BilaxiMf t wrC S&m nf KTa4 T TSIkj- - Hay, Grain, tfe.c. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Lewers & Cooke. ef Titxtaai Btaet Xt V Aa&wSy tut' WHICH ii OFTEExS AT THE u 1st-- sostgxBS aBKCBKt of tk ( 2t nrL iaJ5rafaa. HOLLISTER CO. ERRA COTTA Lowest Market Prices tTnan ,Stw3dtPws. Tad? aaaVf Drzio Pipe?. Oiiianeys, m carra3 is t pjit cf cm Arci Hi wfesi t rKaarf fcr a&ne. fa. T mi he Stmr.PLAJSTTEEr jesicajstafaa manctasawi kadioac at cki flower Pots, &e., kc. BATES. Ccsmaadcr. Brest grf hk wk ifcrro tte Sang i iiaMt A xctvrs rocTUK Large Invoice of the Celebrated - Will Ban Regular Tor Kona Kan raMTiB.Biuii tan frcezlaadas nrrEj ij- PaciSc Sotsal Zoic lasnsasce Co apiny. and Bfina- - aKsareiBKi acSaassaf K1& Lewers & OF CiUTOSSli, LeaTes Honolnln As fcf Sr Skajti- aaSesBs ci cast at Cooke. at 1p.m. on at inas fcr "HOOTEE. T2LEPH0SZ." AprUtTaerfjj .... .Xay C fewer! iSnm. S.Tsmsx. l5t5 tie Taix.. - LVFtUsT OOMMISSIOSES OF DEEDS PxMir. - 3TJJ...... Um.l!; &. TTm SbA." Ai x Srr TRUSSES TlTil.. xr- rriirj.. . tt t 0""iT to.SslCEIiLUIiOIDSte 70S CJLiro&SLx. w slS!fccSiafc w sawc-vae:- - n sac MBjael 'Baa uaas CRYSTAL SODA WORKS 13- TSLZPBOXE SO 47. BM tl Eetnrnin.ToncIiing at Haalaea S&e case SxeiST tike o(9obs aniatjtej - PriiiT- .. c OBtr Oir Geoii are ! -. iprUinmoiaj Gsao. Xter a !. xrfatiftr- Direct Prom tlxo Factory. itkssrslidtA lis EsS ! iTriT In)-- an HO C02SS, Just Xix JjTaeniij. ... lt Arrived Tanosr rnasr. HH4aij txT fTtSisxi. I iMisTHtUBe&aaaiaaK . . - - ixTjnfct. and Ikiju- yg"Pxtf Aartn "l!3Uiu;.l, rneir &BKTO tte tuf -i ; "We TJse Aa4 XTTtrtar at naaaialx. tae uae Aat ats b n- - laraajn Bare &pecbl FACHJTiES fer Adjusting TRUSSES. Patent Stoppers tsstraRS oeew gTe Aj?ff3D AT.-- Koss, KxlHx, nuitnEar ' k(.aucac tte csaus? FOH. U Krxxkm. Uootrxs sad Haxlss--, Sg rauiiitxSBt aag. l.t.vuaKafiaa, ONE MILE OF "ol aai at aas- feff akos it f jGringer U) txas wstiat sbga tmrnkr " jbm tte xt-- Ale but ours Portable Stmr IWATjATSTI tctes9 Light Railway Rails, fanaaat rfaVf efiu ar. Ha asab . CEIL0223 T TOS.- - CAXEK07 Csxaoadc. rtcif aar tfgrf xxat faniBrf jateg l Hollister & Oo, ari an 29 Ifcr. fair fui, i tal giage Ttti LexTct Eczolsla every Tsetdajr, ii 5 p.m., a& s?eaa;:i( "" Nxmaixu OURSODAWATER isx Jiwiiiwui, txoisa, xueeie soa nusiea, vtestesisatet lan Cor. Port 3Serc3aant Sts & 59 St. Eacai. LeaTes FatriLhsiU CTtry aas, ateootiiaaaKae Jiai ajji ii'lmfj f g"f V Trs c x3 coztt WAGONS Bctsrsis?. ,s tomaaBa8dfcteAi-aBligrMBBaa- inrjr air &rf rf Cxcrr AMD 10 UBHT SUGAR CAflE iet" TTrTWWT x 3ieafaaaiaaccava4 x&atatix, fat Isz3i Orcn Xrc U.' H H pfeajixiaV fag xSry atiaaaaa yasx 3Er 3aoottB) POIt "Atrf, aaate X.B. Tab Jbarnj it r Axiaxi Iik liff e&ex si ie 1 dat si--' Crystal Soda Worls, nfuak Pmr Stmr. JAS. IffAKEK, T-t- f BBOWtf oaBBMRt, izn nBcte iMtfiiiv, ALSOroZSAUC rBZEXA Csaaxtdrr. csaiei fcas. w imsmwz f ? (r BOX 17 H050CCTX.H.I. xi cftj xt atrzirht i;tBxilj, II ItJ. ( Ibe jaji. Iea.TeiiHse!sIa eTerr Thartdiy, at 3 p- - sl S3" OvE XZIEPH053 15 233. "SS Iot haraa Hilanea. Jietarninr. xVerrex Cxiecoit,raitasa. A: fcsttx 5a TarfWvwxttrsf'XraoT Jksrf1cr.Ca.a rxO- - a XT XXi XioSESACtTtA ! ate gel j3-ci-- tl X3XfrBXSd VX T t ereiy Xcsiar, 4 p. el, aad toedf piitCT at .fknr cf ta irzcomai l snai J.O.SfrKkHi.E.rSfrxtjtrrDV. &rtaaaeU Eaai it t rmn t d.xm aaTtxfallayi'ilm.. eg at w 2ixs2t octa wayj. I Perfoniery :! !. rrfart4rr7xrcxUrx.iyj)ju SSS-SSem- j , tr t. C2XEX. r Book Bindery O ar 3AC7AKLAXB A Co, C. jjumiaex v - 1' Agi T Perfiiniery tag Stmr. B. BISHOP, t miUv1 irrxulirJcix rrlcxC DAVIS, Caaxa4eT. K ALVnr H. SASEHAKF Ve want tiie'Pubrrc" to under- STfcaLi-a-fie tasrxaa; fies at Pifium W mcaa LeaTes Eaaorola Btot TaettiaT, at 4 r""'--j Bcadb a aceCiinc xm. tte G-OkHa- stand that tho fgr Trat-iiTis- TTmnrs a A V?irhw 2e sf k Ite s tpzei -- m- ru set ksw tiaac wdhi, ;r-- & OrrBBlndery Union. Peed Company, tsrsiz;, arriTts at Heiuisla ererT Buz&ij a- -.- HOLLISTER jxCZSSl?. aa; gem ? y ! iaufcAnKXiBcnjM56.xtHMjt "" r. liKorxxiaiaa-iarcslxax- a tbe Trici-- )Oi b 4s xC ACmr Hare Just Receired the largest HAT, OATS, BARIET, BRAH, gc of tfccCBST frntarKJUsraXtrrrt lBoolBixxdixxfjr &.. rXSSWAxtf r7lfa fittEatPirtratPxafc, was txSaag x Trjft Sse t rricAT jaXX S DC'DtT PaperrB-ulins- , AT THE LOWEST RATES. C?ATLTAC3-3- tITa aaaat "V a MkTPV A we wxxl b sxxc far a lorr sa5.i2iia5te ia fees asi cscafea Hat ""rT iHjczrist. Pzrapllets, Catalnes, 9tx as toeriwf. I Go-- x--g wfext wxt tig 5Bag. t i itSmtti T. BAt apiirf EYES 13LP0ETED IST0 THIS EISGDOJU C03PHISI5G Beports Etc., Etc., J566 Ho. l7B.sjTai FOR SALE 1 fKtM-K'jrrr- TceCten c . t.- - " -tseX. --k. Mail miataa t T I";JLT J - (.'4? JmI Ai 1 a W 1 A. rM fiw. J -- -- To PrefrietGrs of Sngsr Mills. s J.i - .sr vratir ariii.y tnTTipur.IIIUHiillV flJtLUXa ija wmb. ' rex;uxil)tnx s MU9R tfZSiH. UtetfiM raC t2 One New York Phseton j p a. -s SK1 ISttea5CiaiSJaTte",i!?r '''" ac-- I esi i i- & jjir ibn c ti.pxse FOE CXASjj iaaafag kea t i xttgjaT. AS ACE5T FIRST Witit Fala attd SoaiUr r eysK. aai, cejfc?- i at a. A37ISATX-- ii rrxarc4 1 C hdSk istaSii. eecaz S ScBxiiE wist rrssj , tact UxvsUixsrwziaaUi Aiz Itzuta fdta ? axi la perft erfr saKaWe fxBktr ie xcoa-Sx- r x Sirxe,faBii a afeyr a. aqngc, Xaindfoopg' Manufacture. cru Sns&; lo or fofsta txctec SV Tt SaJe tj &IH rf -, 3CX.XTH iWtf irs9rr fKiili s? Wl CAJfTXE COOXE. Sa xSitcteJ; aaai as Us ate Btafe- : Sf&ex.TaTa BLaUs tenor af CasMtt7 as txc Axicnesixa rxtrtrilr. P Fratias ai sarSS Ina szt .. .vans ascecsi uSrre4,a3iaTsTS5iiJ OdoiHUases, &re.i portable permamewt ur, TKmxU.tz&i9txU ar EorxXtrt aaica af.w.KcCHEsarr&EOH -.- or ""' tT-J- ia&rarsfeExrxtSalisar Fancy Boxes, Bottles, xnti! txs wasr? ar axrxazseez3!xklan-rsK- a DEAiEESIS iicccae xtcc lmt tigTug n. x afe cs a; s aeatxe tpsaft Vi?xt ax nrcrulnesraai s Sai Sees iiiwsL-y- 4rfirfS.3taf rsaMcxtxcla.Tla: EarUraf Leather, Hides, & Tallow ; 'ttaa&fszi Sc iiai ia TKXNGCIlaHM,U3TXirJBZlBX 1 irt, iv XSD "" arxS. ami jaoef 15 14 lbs. to tike 7HJS b. i.1 IC30X EUJII. a ;ijjcrrf ifta Hollister Sd Go. U4ii; jard UU J. acztztcxxu!a-v- Jltftfatf!fg.T'rrrty-tflV--- COK3CISSIOV - f n - Ii S. CXTJTHA, ACESTirOE ' . , W1LDEB it Ce, Agep.teforlTa.-xTvral-tfl-- C3E023Xf ' fcxalinrrMl. Hotoll- WJno Soalera HoyalT7 y.Qxait-Mwa)l.B.-Soap Ooznj'?.' ,y gga. - Cox. grrl 175x09 SALOOK, l I. saiEr, Tia, taSt xii 59 5"i',xa:;iUSt,aad rort yrrfrTrr St. -E- irmiaGtzttU-tiOSiz. Sit. ix ar nar 113 In A11DS. BALI. FROGBAM3CES, &C ya.a Yttiti fcrtet. J J (St B tti stxltrt fiffe.it t CtutU OSct.

zr Qt

, T1 .jwtTfflr. i ; --:- i bs car os, j- -. - So,i3iouw.H-"-'-'e- - Uteres OJ- s - Striped Qrrnadiae. iAltJVJUi liUU .. . j ... r.is cfcrrocs tress, tfsace .- tbt he stoW, Vol tats u lance ? ti P3 lgst, t3 caot bcj Tnit Silk Japanese. Twills, SRn, 1VB to all jsirls of th dtj firowatx? ieTt,rtcjT ttit tie paaoful proJocSieo TVe Uaj ai&stgxr the cue. Me SVplias, Satin sad Moire, -- rftieWtDiMicssr.tet-JiaXtieissxrpre-ljj- t J, to rtmra ta Oe Eect,to "Buggies, Kick sad Colored YclTtts, ill, t 81 RUe Stmt. sudTd?aaM 1ST-K&o-v ' t

Tia CbliM mt Best- - aaytiirs. They wcot pretead to be tyn-- (SmmJ Iktrfcrmmls. (rtntrol 3lirTitiscntmts. (Drarral CliotAtsrmaife (Stiitral ilrrrtistrntnls. palaetic aay cxre teas they will pewir their i tr I 3J. Siste, xi Gscjili: Fei, Trite let their dressmaker ieproYe rices, cr tieir s. x. aasmit. S. T. SJUSUX. TerjsTapiJkcticaliTsjI taKC&Etse. Ejcres. That's why tbey are so bcriBj: they called &K- - fc mmkat. areset cucllr rial art are tco aarrow to be syspatieUc aad too ceo--1 page,:h.HACKFELD&GO WILDER CO. 13 Geasi, let ruber frrrtitc- - M. CARTER AND COMFY fxt!Xiasitrs Kuzticcstoberclite. It is caroertaess dees , w.h. S. afsSStBrfaesis of deforcasats. Etch cf the r. :. . 11 r T. :. ' will OFFEK FOh SALE Importers and Dealers in 125. sltsjoJclxsa iii csrnecaaricr. nee too, sets in a Hv.eall I .BitaH Dnle'tU I 4 SO earaeistaess, their cerres qcirtr tKh.. e&ee, willi scol ressT of terse, do W So Tbey ea Honolulu Sg yV Vs- - Use sad Tsakes theaa so restless. oeTer CarriaS6 kasca is as days. Tcis saH; always doa,'t yoa INVOICES OF NEW GOODS bcteverissd sit liey are tiri'Hc, Firewood Coal and Feed. rsj5:j" cf tic rw'.t, kaow? That's earaestaess. It has a btii of bolts. JCST JiLCXlTED TEii LUMBER.. A - ' We wwM Mtifr IW MMte asJ hMMkrtKr la ar electrical e5ect. TTcoea ia earaest hTe ao i 1 - the Cfciaesc, eTrry-h-r; MANDTACTORY, AMI) tklr, mmi we kH mi aed for nl 'Tbejbesi Sistar, ssj- is tpu m i & i ,71 nt lV UtlM at as it-ti- r nr. ti rW 9 nit pvrcT a4 Iwtt is f(iS&H6 U the "KALE," fttltww- - W Wood, aa ratrarl aMeac till as synratly, be- -j NOS. 128. 130 StfOOt, BARKS AND Hard i tft tai Irnttamlair iafiridajl Iterc are no trrts i Use feiss tiajest sieftisas and Fort t l.tfeftt. Hj w, Ne,uCoAlrfcAOoai, berpleauat to other people.) " " mm nra istcrier cf Qua, oelr sre collected caaseitsakes (Orrwht Uc rtaiaws ubt MAZATLAN vfNttwa neuwxio at dst it Oh. there's aodscbtcf wooca with a per- - BUILDING 2rTfc"V..VT.Tir tie t-a-ir pint, ec! wnile Ceins. bars Ee-- it Uccvtalx. U L MATERIALS! ofHumrui mm. pose are Tastly better than other wcaiea, bot ER0M BBEMEN, can Ve eWeml lli ios or e4eniUe ""rejeaa gsotU, rerressas-aesi- i iraae they are aearly so tr- WlaaiMfUK j 1 act ake!" Sat Jts - KlMltxil 11 per iaimicaJ, tie expxts rciicce for six cxrr. CARRIAGE MAXUFACTORY or ALL ito tass nt. JLaeef tie msacs silence 'let tie Cfefcsese act teiTiseVsiedxad Saa A Largo Asst. of Dry Goods, GIVE US A CALbl Trcsdsco aad Qsot1 'nU of coarse dc- - Snurol Ufpcrfeanrnts. WHEELWRIGHT AND JUST RECEIVED Telephone Kb, 309. est is tbe belief tali tie sccl cjsit tie e3 vbere aal to qdtceiicae s siutc Deairas. Brawn sad 1ule Cottons, bn, GENERAL sx trj,-- pirisi,is torisi deotbis 1. linre cjctrr, BLACKSMITH. Drill, Ttesincs, Totkex KeJ. sci, jw xsur is skocs aad iT&Sbro:rfctlaci,cfbdEsticj ceprjreJ THE CHAMPION cf cttul xxutke wiii gnalsirw. THK JIASCTACTOttr contaiss a Merinos.blackantl colored, 4 qualities ECay .ajCLci Osdts, F43id tn Cfccidc net scatter: tixy ' Ule' LATE ARRIVALS! - ' Krpps, CobociKS Alpdcu, IlAlisn Cloth, and Callfarats. anl Nev Ztslaixl i cct liir petEff oe kiad cf uipcie ci- Complete Carriage Shop Gam. Whole aad Gronneil : Utah. paiikc. It is tfass ooe Lsaired ft itics caa Barley. Whole and Ground AT heat. trace ticir strenHs cp W tie aesrti?ta cf BlacksmithiShop, skvkiul AlhMltnss. and other FeetL , Groods. Dress r-- Fire " Order th pte tig toad? cf cr tiebKderi aad Paint Shop and is CCII AS alwro throaRh. IdfltSe K4. Aoi tiis aielk ceoqustfcu ISRGEAND WELL-SEUCT- CARGOES TELETHOKE NO. 300, 'beea eScctec, bj-- bst br tie pJow. Trimming Shop, Fancj Print;, Tirentj-Fit- c .Vw, Stjlw, tt its', and warrant Fnsce i&i Ecluci vodd do veil to sat, xs IMnteJ Satteens, va qmck deliTtrrs and fill wtishl- - ! loraloars. Finds, irwu a otaer istsnus souctuu. k tir iire aociidjc Arab! to eal xilt, tiat Family Garriages GinKcAms, Victons Lawns, Satia SlnpM, uniers Ctfsa ku ssbica, ts lie Tartars, as! crer-co- oe Proof Expresses, Vaccy StripM Grens Jinw, FREE DETER Y xirrtpegzaaoe f aa ;rie?I;ral life, Burglar Vfhito Silk Jaraaew. TwIUs, ScrRet, wm Fophss, . a race cf free rrrtrs, wilder tiaa tbije rssd Buggies, Satin and Moire, to id tts oftbo citj. Kemcraber - Black and Colored VclrcU, Al-er- k. l, 1ST-9S5- Berber cr m e&stiera Prepertj- ic 82 KlncStxMt. sad TalsphonaNo-- a Talced at 2,W oHards cf fraao. Phffitons, FDTE SILKS. CSis . txmrmsiso C C&sa'ias ao Treaserr; a lev fsscticeaHes Omnibuses, Black, Gmscrain, Fancy, Colared and Striped Btreb- "sit at tbe receipt of cutccs." She llarcfie, Crepe, it, his aa pcblk debt, ao Uazs, do isoaclies, TAILORS' ALL 111E USUAL SI OCX. SIZES Special Notice ".00 axict raaV, bo peKsicss, is a uat co Drays and Trucks GOODS: aad SAFES! cxt9 serrastf , 09 bnii, m so acia! I3sckskin.s OiAgoaals. Tweeds, Cords, ta Ta sxienaeaed. rropristor of lies-selr- Breaking Carts, l th. &aAr. Tie Ctusese lesd ssceej sracc et, Series, Siliwiis, Doeskins, dssimeres, Jtc SCATJTLINO: "', ciarpsg so uterest: if catii-ier- rc-- Plantation "Wagons, per qcire acceeaaisboc, tie "keat siest" " A Splendid Asst. of Shirts TIalBBB.'PI.AllK, B0 ASUS, to is r Hand Carts, Etc, Etc prieapal periapt diicit sfoitirifts iWroVcn. Mixed, Calico, Beata, Ac) acted ee, at tbe rate cf 3 per ceat; tie toaa is llKkorr. FEKCIK0 AK1". STEAM CANDY FACTORY IDE TO ORDER OX MOST F1Y0R1BLE TERBS Merino and Cotton I'n JtrshirtJ, HOlli .Heated to tiree jears, aad if act repaid, tie 1 - White Bosom Shirts, Jtc, Vtis-- XIrvli.oiry ceJj- pealtji! iBvbflitr ereratia to oesiate tar And All "Work Gturaateed! Socks and Stockings, Handkerchiefs, a tael. Were a Ciunee discocat cespasr to " Detre to laform hl palreas and the pabHeeeact TW Ua.t altratiaB jm ta REPAIK WORK OF Foulards, G lores, ally Uat aotwitastaadlaf tae recent dtlastxtms be started iere, co&iitiocs vceld icscre art- - sch : : : ALL KINDS. A HE HAM KntCTKD cf cbeaU. E. F. Adams, Agent, LARGE IXYOI0E OF CJ.OTHINU A. Most Complete, Stocltof tn; CsHviclalftfelnrff go the ItliaiU frs Fraace paKJcelarlr, osjit to take aote, bsafetf of Ttarf, eptojtas sn bst th e mcl saint tl AS A NEW TACT0RY & BAKERT since are 10 Msairable disorder, cf Jlfeiaic.xidti:roatT AI MATERIAL. I cm ber bsdfcts - Fine Black Oat a atoca wore kjIo nhfch Ii In full Mncxiy iiruice ail wtk mjtibc mj- juasixcwfy. doth Frock Coats and rants, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER eatm.Tt bow casod bjM.de Frtvcitci's ideal scbeoeof TinM&ifrf aireiBf tit 4 tuKtin f 'car Haekskin Sacks, rants and Sails, feiatloa. aad wates will be la psbfic n'eiti. that is Cbua briiges are bsilt bc a ctfl before rcrchuinr clfhcre."W Felt, Mohair, Drill. Flannel Sacks and rants, mtr by aa earij antral of new Macalntrj and Tool. Boys' Shirts and Children's and Kgiwajs cocstrscted, br rich priTate ia. sibn, TJoaH Porcet the Flacs ! Jackets, L.VTLST ST1 LIJ. lAnd JU now Prepared to Mnnict ax srbo deaaad as recespezse fcr Monkey and Sailor Jackets. digjdcals calr IS ad ID Fort SL, (cjpoHe DoM Subitf), 1. It. Coats and Lessinjrs Carpet Slippers. , tieir pitxiXiim, that tieir nases be esgriTcd HAILS, LOCKS Choicest 'Candies co tbe staees. cr iadkater slabs. Ssci Patent inside Boltwork aad 'patent ill in W. H. PACE, Fancy and Pure caecf TraTelins Shawls, And Kill alwass ba on hand hlf Bxlieloas 'a oeticd is vortir to be added to Sierae's iwk Proprietor. Cotton and Turkish Towels, . BUTTS, HlUGESji VUESIt MADS three oee's Bane dowa Whita and Fancy Qoilts, carsers forbindiag Felt Itegsand limssels Caipetine, to posterirr. Ic Chic, a Ban on rcictics tie Cap Lock; and BOLTS. SOBERS. Ite Vanilla Chocolate Creams, cS- - oier Bolt. NEW and STYLISH ae cftiree score year aad tee, receJTes : Cocoanut Candles. 'caal bobcrs, wbetber ridi or poax; sneb ill BLANKETS belsrtted to tbe baoqsets of faactioaaries, Uorso BlankeU. White and Fancy Blankets, Rich Ifutrat, In ban; - illilliiiei'y Ooods Fancy Striped Woolen, two aid be waited bj- the sites. co latter. Asa29LxTeS2xaTTt)Libtc iaffTMatf. Scarlet, OranRr, White Woolen,3and t points. ORY REDWOOD Sugar Roasted Almond Tbe real tribusals is Cbisa are tbe decestie Threads, Tape, Hastic, Scarfs, d(, cirdt, tbe respect for ancestor. Jttst as a Ladies' Underwear and Silk and VelyerlUbbons, CREAM CANDIES, great variety; Esodes Srci-tio- Buttons for Shirts, Coats, Scantling; FlanV, surface aod.ronjh Frescos:, wbea all ctber of a Solid Arde-Iro- n Corers. Froat and- - Back. Vants. Dresses, fail, testify bT tie bead or tbe ashes Ghildens' Clothing Soft Marsh-Mallow- s, viil PERFUMERY, FLORIDA YATER, Boanls, surfaced and roogh Battens, of iis Mai KTer bj hss graodiaotber. leal Ex &tc AUacd hJ tier Late AniTilf , Cum Drops, i5aci3f It persiUei ic CoIbx. Political crimes Gencme Eau de Cologne, Lnhins Extracts, Pickets, Fustic, Lattice, Clapboard. and areTie'oostMTerelr pojiisbed, because strik-ic- g Toilet Soaps, Philocorae, Hair Oil, Combs, Cum Fruit Bon Sons faa-il- Mirrors, Looking Glasses. Pipes. at the of the sute, the cocaoa j. Of all iseKriMloaa. All ikose Heme-Vad- caitr IYIrs.W. K. Balls, Books, , . fresh aad H.WILKINSON I. Harmonicas, Blank "ALSO. IN.Vj-0CK- i para A asrderer cassot be executed cotH be Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, Csraleettous, I soil at 30 cents per Found. otfeer xSt U TUE cvxs bis criae; bet be is left ic prisoc, cot oa lASniOXABLE ' RICH WEDDING CUE OF THE FINEST FUrOK a bed cf roses, catil be coafesscs. For a third VIENNA FURNITURE: Pant and Whitewash Brushes la all ilaea alnaja oa baad, repiUtion of robbery or adalteiy, the penalty Dress-Make- r Extension, Arm, Dining Boom and Patlor nUITE LEAD, and oraameited SI UiUiiicr Ib tbe taoflt artlttk Hjle- - is death. There is ao faith felt ia Iettic; loose The Patent k Chairs, Settees, ic. UIIITKII.MT. the Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, SUrrnp "cccricts as so masy Bobicsss Crcsoes ia OF FORT STREET, Leathers, 1ATUIL. MINCE PIES always fresh PadSc ArdupcUro, or askusj in diniges CRATES OF ASSORTED AS ALSO SH! a catapUsai for wosaded boaor. Bfcs ta lafera the Ladlet of necolalB and tbe other CROCKERY' u , Magnetic and Automatic Itlasdj that ehe ba bqw oa Tiew the LAHGEST aad Sirxa cosclsdes that iadiTsdntlus is tea XUsTELEGACTAfsermealof the Latcit iijn cf Containing Plates, Cops, Teapots, Bowls, METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS I Home - Made Mince Meat basis of CbXaese sooal and political life. Chambers, Kice Dishes and Bakers, ; Demvjohnsv 3 S For Sale at enls per Pound. BUnircV, Fraace Millinery, . and calls ; Sample Bottles, - t sad Eaglaad ccst blcsh ca Vases and Glassware.Manila there are socialists ic Chira; Bank and Safe Locks, nowers, and Tarred Bore, .Cla?s. VIV rrcalTe per CoataeJo tbe balance ot w aew Ill JearciS that do Hemp and I. It. Packing, Coal Baskets, BueMnerj'ot tbe newest drslgas msoofictarfnr all fiaydjTiar.ilert; ao draakards saTe cpioai, Feathers, Salt, deserlptloaa or pis la Candles. fr Jla", rjBChoes'dcty as tobacco, chloral aad alco- - Bonnets, c&2 Taaaklnz the pablie for prcriooa liberal patmara 3iblsJo?piBpers; wife beaters; ao Sugar Hlco Bags Firewood. aad sotielliBs; a coatlnaaaea ot tae same. WA do With KeTohin:: Bolts. Of all sues and qualities. Veri Kespeclfallj, Aad oaterialists will be to hear, Hats, Etc., tfii To be faad ia this eirr aad veil adapted to the ceaiax Coal Bags, GunnieswTwiaf.Bnilarw 4 there is ao rdoon. Witi the beathes Cicee, IletViiT!. H- -- TttM Good, were Selected with Care, aad Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose, DOORS BLINDS ITacllcaJ Confectioner Pastry "Ssspectre)iio3"ii a role of life, noil eB Waited to the nau of the Ladle! of Uosslala aad SAS- Cook. - Tkli Lock ii cat et the opt the Islladf. - TUE OLD STASD, Tt M Foaesdf saxl GasbeUa of the clergy; ud so GROCERIES- ALL SIZES, r IIOTEL ST. extremes z&eeC TSLEPnOXE .Vo It. P.O.BOXXO.'tS Cocspriied la Jfr. WilUcsci'i Stock cut be foasd Sardines, in half and quarter boxes, Of ft ' Ccmrict McrUllty. . LADIES USDEBTTEAn, H. and P. Biscuits, Salt in jars, Eastern and California Make. CISC Castor Od in 1, Simple and Reliable iFAjrrs AD CniLDRESS Tins, Stearine Candles, 5 and 6 FOR SLE IS QUAST1T1ES TO SCTT The followiir rcrts show the death rate Matches, Cocoonnt Oil, Wash Bine. E. & per oae thoasaad cconcts per aasoia ta CLOTHING of Hubbuck's Linseed Paint OiL H White Lead. AND AT ft t , O.Hall Son all Descriptions, White Zinc Paint. HM - ia the Ceiled States. The Ladle1 Haad Bars, txxaxxrrax3.i reports, mostly Combination Locks LIQUORS X.O'W PRIOBI9 table is coapilcd fron cSdal Pocket Books. best Leather; : IIAYCroR SALE A.1D O.I THE WAT to the fiscal 53: Ladies Guld BraceieU. rdatias Tear J rial, Earriajj, ic De Laage ls and BonUUean Brandy, and 'tjsbatsa-TTetcc-pta. 57.13S ic o -- other brands, Iesrorted nau aad Boaaets, latest Stjlts rtth Flow-er- Hall's ! $ EVER HADE. AnTrai Ynrri ...... --...... 51.71- 1 eathcrs. Klbboas. Ac. to Batch. Hum, Gin, SL Paul Beer, Ale and Porter. Steel Plows Cthtoraia FoUoa StJBI ChiMreaa' bchool Port Wine, Sherry, Bhine Wine, J. H. OAT, JR. SCO., Calgorsia VLSX Alirrtassortneatof niU.Verj Coltlnn '""a S in to 13 baaQeesti: Cheaa. aad a creat variety of other Goods, too acaicr-oa- s Fine and Table Clarets, Champagns, ia. Catoradi Caaoa Qty. 2S& to ocatloa. to which the iaspecUoa of the Ladies G. II. Jlcmra Jt Co., Sparkling Hock, Cosaectscst Wethertaeld 15.133 JLcd fr; tae pccsHir ctcaUoa ot Ue macct tkvt c2 U cordially Isnad. Dry Heidseick, Monopole, Ch. Farre, HALL'S BEA7Y STEEL BRBiMS Georisa (rarkicslocabUest .....3X57 exllrrfj of Xieroacser, a Moselle, dx, mexu-jo- bet iom; lae " lutraatct ic le MRS. DAVIS. whose esrelieat Uste JIUltner.ls I J, Vtanau-Gxs- aa " II. Hand If Inch. Uz 7.13 rccrtiaa ppBrd? picili; kxki. Tnett If xmr well kaowc to the Ladire. still coatiaaes to preside la German and Havan a " T. Icijaca JLSS the Trimaiia- - Depanxaeat. which Is aa assarasce that Cigars .i aa7losof pomristaeuaetttj ticPoIes art eoa-- Ladies will Spoons. xzvr USE OP Trdiiia Midugaa CSt- r- the Bare their Tnosiiar: doae ia the latest PlaledWare Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets, and-New- Iowa Fort Uadisoa SJOM.; cccudlraaanaalcRaadlae porer it coaseqsntlx aad nail fuhioaable Mjle. Cups, Jtc. Stationers 'Dealers, Iowa Asanxsa . OJ00O laereaied. Hall's Steel Bock z- WJBS6 Call and See the Novelties. - Breakers Kaasas Tarr-- HARDWARE- II nail a Uaxetie IIloek.27 Iferrhnnt HU IS M " aUice Taozastaa J6J15 We a&Tr nctiTcd a ain isvoios of tie abore cclc- - II. and iaek, Pocket and Butoccr BniTts, Scissors, . II axe Just BeceireU ex. Jfarlpota. Fine CoaUiaiaz all tbe aiarjlaad Baloaore-- 1L7W bmrtSXFZS, cxa tile txitrt bca sor buloe Aaeortment of adraatazra of oUet Breakers sad MtvartTTwtts Ooccori 2UE3 ul Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files, Bomber of new Improrf meats, rcr aiy rite irjslrrt, to be iefaTtnd within 30 dart. Spurs. all made j tbe MjcJuirn-Jaits- on HJ02 ALMM, Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron. plow co. JUciijaa losia- - J Keg Utrets, Hammers, ""cu house Jliaaesota 736JD00 i Yellow Metal and Composition Nails, 1 STATIONERY, Sdllwater. At Priee Defy Competition F Babbitt MeUL Sugar Coolers, - Jack. .77X20 that TF-- A Amoxg wnicn mat ufcjronsD- IGsscrar Jtitrsoa CSty liE3 T. Iron Tanks, Clanfiere 4c Also, Xebrasla OXTJ0 Letter Paper. (Xote Taper. Serada Cuaoa CSrr. O000 WaearnUaSife-:ta?odcs- e! - ibnniict TeU- Cement. 1'ooU Cap, he Haapstoe Coaeori. .i.SLS3 of Portland - Lffjal Cap, nociiti Fire Tests can be ra it the OSjx of j wlSi3lmWU.TMfSmmnSi if iewiersey Titaloa Fire Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Firo Bricks. , , , $ J Bill Cap, M XewTork Acbsra 2L506S6i DRUGGISTS . ADAMS, Tiles, Empty Barrels, Broad aad narrow; by rean; blocked, brQaire. Xew Toxk r. Oak Boats, Ac, ic., io la or isias See 9JB the llivaiiaa IfUad. Memoraadaai Blocks, 4c, te, XewTori ATI Arct lor ic. Cliatoa. .3 10JXK I 13 & I 15 Orders from the other lslaads carefally s Carobaa-Ealei- No. FORT STREET BL.V3IK BOOKN Jwrth zfa. TLBS! attended to by "yoll.Rjind, UalfyBooad. Ohio Coinmb!U IXltS OHFORT'BLE ' Peaatjituua Philaddptix .n.iOS DEnT FOR BOERICKE A SCHRELKE'SJ ismnsMr "ri,e PeaosrHasia AUtcheBT C1t 7S3o W m G H.HACKFELD&CO. XUakeri Lar BialeriSmanT Bbode Island Craattoa OXS mi OmDE ? in Jt wo UTQ lOUUBfll loraii Soclh.CaroIca-rolsrr- bia .SUE3 POST! OEFIQEPl Teaaessee Kashnlle SLSS Xiot, KTUSC.VIiES, 7X02 Laxge MICK, i K Texas Hssanlle - Veraoot Windsor 11500 Within 10 minutes walk of Post Office. IIUTI CIGARS! CIGARS! - CABTEirs sCn: Copflaic Writios West ajiaia llocadsnae. 1X76 CARTE11S WBITIXO IXniD, ' . SOTAL PATENT; 1) fest ruaUrr on Cere. quarts, V, c Delaware has co State Prisoo. Ia Flarida t RICKSECKER'S la plats, plats aad cua.. Violet Ink, qts. pU, plats coaes. COOJEL 'tie they Jl- en, garden MtU. li STOVES all coancts, be macy or few, are -i UtrUi lae itlctlT pUstea A " NEW ENTERPRISE. Iadeli ole Ink, assorted. leased ia a lot, aad the State cSdits hart co wiib rnft tree. means a nevij Dun (viuiid ,a - P'sl. plan eonea. of knowiac the exact cniaber of ncr-- STAITORDy In qaartaVf-aad Pints, 'i J soscadergoing pnnishmeat oa accoant of IracUAiid EjTptUa rerfuned lak. TZt Lot cu be diTidcti, ssd a. cti-i- of zlze - ASD THE - J. W. HINGLEY death-rate- : CO., qts, of HCC1XAGE: la aad haricr nvrrnitifrl felony. The ; w cul pu.'ipts . tones, arki Ma i4t a(wi7 k& jwati tirrti. a'erfee-- ataclUee Bottle, uelVoBitlana peaiteauary is reported to be WaTmfactioTTS of all Grades of HASXss COPTBuaES I H per ceat cf all coaTictt incarcerated. FORSALEOH" EASY TERMS COMMON SENSE 10x13 fall botrad and naif borad, OF AT.T. EIZXSi like Louiiiiaa, prints so reports Ittlll fall bonad aad nail bmrnd, CASH. BALANCE JtOKTOAGE -- EI , KITCHEN AKD nOUSEarD CTENSllS-- oi - P noLDEHS LT&SSf Pencils, Copti off Pencils. aU kinds; AFFLT TO CThnming 'Woxaen. iTirsiii- Bottle. Fine Havana CIGARS DHATVI5C paiall?,Ma,'o,iedf,,-e- - FaIKID AND OILS-- of alt kinds; LUHIHC. J.W. X SPECIALTT. WJWa..ortd1la,UDtul,P"tr- - LUBUICATISa OILS-b- est Whea it iris all otct, ay Iriead said, "That House and Land Aeer BENSON, SMITH & CO. ESTtXora. stock in titenuukst,' is a woman ia earnest. Do too suppose it is ' M erchan TTchiTC mxiie SPECIAL JUUUSGEXKiTS witk PLAYrsoCARDS: roaadcorner J:tIaln KEEOSEKE ur's, Noondsj & Lnstrsl; her earnestness that makes ber so caprepos-sessias-?" Eitmr ftnd Cxli fornix tonpnlsj with the 1 tsU BOOKS, (jammed Flaett IITna ssd Coanecticnt Leaf TgUatco la the TIME snorted; Labels 8ILVZB HLATED 'WARE-ir- om Bced 4 Esrtonl Xirfcet. We are prepared to maosfactare a Genuine Bhlpplas Tegs, Tourist tfars. "That is my perplexity reduced to its bst FOR SALE!. Article at much lest tHaa the cost of Imported Clcirt . BOUD SILTEIiWAUE IromthaOcrhamCo. '' JUST RECEIVED IlaTiar coasldered d Papex & Enyelopes eqeatioer --Was it ber earnestness? -- BT- this wast la the to at PO WDEUS-t- Ul Works . Fowler's Patent commas! tr, we bare ts perl or aaiUtaace from kinds, trom Cala. ftnrder My friend held that was. yoa Tramway, Saa ened -- it "If hive Kraaciico in oiUa our CI ax. We raaraatee to Ball Projaaaip Cards, Feacili aad Tassels, CABBUGEANDlUCUUfEBOLTS-sllfiie- si observed," said she, "women with airas are 1! pass JUU-- . aaUifj ererTone who rill giTensacall. Oat mans-facto-ir " " II poudBlll,, C01NTCHEE & AHUNG aad Store la located In ME5U CAEDS, always like that, Tbey are too superior to rOBT STKEET, ABOVE KISO, condescend to makehesselres asreable. Be- WithPatent Steel Sleepers Lincoln Block, No. 108 King S LETT2K PEESSES, LAEGE, & SMALL ; SlaellT sides tbey bxTcn't time. Tbea they aeTer New Goods of Various Descriptions , .$!.berBsndj1I,,1"; can see bet cae side of a qaestioa the side Oano Oars. eaOrder from the otter l.laada aolfdted, and neb a-- TVUl will bare oat beat care and pronpt they are on. Tier art always drajsiag their be nM ts ctotw s cocdBest. attestloa. HABDWARE C. SREtTER Jt CO. rwa opinions to tbe frsai, always Tuaaicj; full Chinese and Japanese Ware! J. W. HINCLEY & Co., TOCUET KSIVtS, A Splendid Assortment! tilt igaintt rrery one else's. That is where ,0M" , TH08. . TnKL'S, ALSO. LATEST BTTLZ Honolulu, H. I. And raanT other anll Im, - , tbey diSer most from wemea who baTe soea a izroKnxe ash justttactcxixo Or kh..- All good deal the world. the XEATUEB 0f Descriptteas; of It is basiaess of SZ1XMSZZ,XEVS AGEET, E LSD EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ! E VCBCMO'1TX02re'riTtf forauTPore!n, a wemaa cf the world to be agreeable. She PAPER EDXER, EIDG-- HOUSE, tbo best qaalllj; are bnjtt IKCLCDnrG 80XZ pares no paist to make herself jast as good Verchsst St Cunpbcirs Slock, Fort Et. aesi Holt!. South. Kona, Hawaii.' for easl ; are ala j ae. For parllcslari, we refer at r looking as possible aad jest as charming. Iloaolils. Oslra. U. I. FINE SETS OF TIGEB CLAWS aasVa.fi,,Sr7Jl"J,1','?U, eastoaen aadlIBSDS to 0U8 Kaf DOCJIlTTIlE JLcd always tolerant. She may think AIm. FsbtUher cf the nival Ua jin..Bf aj Aaaut TUB TXJTDEnSTGXED JJEGS TO aiAvt&.vraeriueeelTctl for BOOK?, ETC UTAUCUE. "Hdi ""I send ta anr oa nsca aooH sbeis vmcurj saa afrrntr, Silfc'HaatliercKe& (heEiiUtched), hit friBif nA ffiintUf f il.s can yci?a focl-for yonr beliefs, but she doesn't uk lunuu c bis is , ALSO--RED titloa. or aad txamlae oar (plendld Stock of Goods tell T 2(crcEutf1xettSUre TheFortitrtetEtoreBlD All colors qcaliUes. I10U8E reaar to reeeiss rroce sad slsitors. aia AT OUR WAREROOMS. coraerof yen so bmtiUy, or try to crcsh with aa .l be ts Gczcnl.esbrace Flae . larfiSl'. too bUDcuerr. ASSOBTXiTBT Tae lloase Is nrtiated 2 oiles Inlicd Iron Eealakefau RUBBElVSTAatT ! aTalinfhe of argcoeat. 'She tries to look at Kadoeerr, EUjt Bock. Bookj. ArtliU Xalerla&! A FINE 07 AGEXCT jdj4 4 . Sewn aad EIndiajt DeptrHToji aa FaacT Gcodj. Baj.st aa eleratJoa of aboat l.sau feet sad oTers a j the matter from, yonr point of Tiewj ia short, most cianaini tietr ia addttlonto theerer Dare sad andAjreBtsrorth&ZncTCIopedlsBdtaaaica. saiOLilSTZK 4; CO. Japanese Lacquered Ware tt,Atrt both teirlVt -- she feigcs a sympathy she has it'not. Toa'r - FbaXJsStJiMa' "" aid IB-- AH Island orders tried ProVptlr Sr if TUB FMSTJlSG ZfEA.TISS- EXE- - Also, 5o. 1 Bice For Sale. coaaected Willi theestaWlili- - as ioofti vcaea. with a purpose thick it wrong to feign CCTXD "- - i '. .eiDeciiBiir. x n jfc m.. at the Csztite OEce. NTOJy ltWIy v at 3. WltOr.rffATn snin. ' II. H. TOSB. 191tf Qiirttx BIock,' ilertiunt 5U 8ayasatmt,4eorrortAX5SfcaatSM. S

I, '. asPH-t- fcaf.5 J ffiA - a, at - ' A, ". it U WlflfaSfesefca & Ji&tfmffltef&&'' PUBLISHED CT ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. KTrrj- WlirilaT Moraine. TFITE DOLLARS TER iSSFSI

PrtRrn 8rr1T-- SS.05 1st Advance. TUtk swtwttaieats,tilia rN tkssaaesvs) I tltPtf", R.aiirevHi"vi!iiw.,p.as sswet jnll ttsssa,fttM?ntswfatsaetSMoftlhafsiisistialiiBtataas" ! stv"w ft. OBcst 1b wr Garette. Building. 25 and tOL. XIX.-- N0. 27.! WEDJfiSSDAY, 2. ftsntasM SsV 8slei saiiiiaia.aiiMSlas:na Merchant Street. HONOLULU, JULY 188. WHOLE No 101 tstsawy k ntaiN .! ( tavsnuupM. ltatlt to tbe Ktardof GeaealocT.thatowinclothrffl "TcS The HawaiianLegislature ness of tbe Secretary and tbe absence of the Bnsintss tfariis. illrtljdniral tfarts. JiIttiKiniml tfftrJs. Jnaurantt JCotitta. JltRiitUVt KOtltfSV jvcraK T9rCHiHKffti Goreroess of Hawaii, the report would be some- what del red. W. O. Swra. I A. . Tarwrot. ED, a ROUTE Bosiaa Board or BIXOMB & COL 1SS4-- The Order of the Day was next takes up. SMITH aTfltTCsi SlVTw PaxlniaVTVpArtfrP HVxttTwA ! CBrwriltrs. UNION INSURANCE WII.UAXS, Session Trading of bill incoivuiate & THURSTON. Irlll L CONFECTIONKR1T a OfiiPT boond a ta a m fe fee t tn Honolulu. Tbe Assembly ATTORN EYS LAW. TV SteKSarSmrtwItpnoliH. annWJly . C. BREWaBiits,A CO. or costhet reaclreil AT It i e uii sASfnanciifo. Thirtynlntli Day, June 23rd. - : as Xere&izt St.. Tloaotata. I. If " A itself into Committe- of the Whole, HocJ.S. S. tl -- -- CaMfonla , I vi J. COI.KJIAS. 3Swa:oIrE.Llr-!- B tef M K.'h alter in the chair. w. L. s. PMUdflphla Board of Underwriters. 2oCrVrl3AO. J' ft., Amnahiy esmtened at the saal feeer, lTesstterit tx yirrra. At IS House AND MACHINIST So. 71 Fort St., aoote Hotel St., - - o'clock tbe took a recess. BLACKSMITH W- H. 0S068X&X MA, liberies is the criair- lrytr aad reiossw; of ssai "W. O. SMITH & CO- Kheetng. Torfet, 9 A BKJTS rar tbe Hawaiian Itloodt, ISCOHPOaATSD, 1885 - I1re Cnrrtage U. UKE1VSKAVU etc of rctrioci rceetm;: inrnror, Mnehlnery-- . e. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A. VT OOMMISSIOK H1CHI!IU foDowiz- i- were Stock and Real Estate Brokers, PlantAtlort The petitions thee peesested The Comrlittte reassembled at in.ru-an- d the ,' Aft Ftratfc t CASTLE & COOKE, S36 Xei as Xetelaat ft Hoaelala. 11. 1 It ya 'Shop ea Klax Street, aeat Caitle & CeckeV ly MWVtntftl of U Wt AGENTS tl ciMunwor .ttrt-e-t. Xew TtHflqi acdreadr consideratiea of the Gas Bdl vaagoaeoa with. F. A. MOIX1KFER. SO jrortlie nawallam . 1 XeyretMUIrre Kamakrla. from ressdeat of pusseu ffytrtac Casts A CeidtSt . T Wi:r;U utc icuowmg cecuons oeing : CLARENCE W. ASHTORD. JOHN KOTT. x nar4f CaHet wtU'r. ltalt. J Kitano, that a hoe of ntian be mattrhrTr1 SeetioaSw Pipes and Mains. They shall hare Importer aad Dealer in Rmasra, Antl.tTrnrtmen ofCnderwtiler. sons sunsB; Airs MHCAxms (Xna Saa Fnacuco and rXaSerulepo, Mnei, the right to lay down their mains and distribut- Attoraoy, Solicitor, efcc. Stor, Oonreotioilery Ajent ef Tirana Board of undmrrlter. ud Ornri-1- 3 Street, Jlelah. llnaee rmreIWerl5S.Cn,cketT,Glan Wa!da a onrri tot sale U tae tride.or atrttall. Olalsu that Utt GorrnimeEt assist me sua by a sadssadj. ing pipes and supply pipes tn all or any of tbe Kiiimui Calm Ware. rratUeal ateetaates. Ileutfata, Tl. li aralatt lanraare Ceenpanles wltxln the litilt. Znaurianoo Oomptvriy SSVEXA3T0E Bdczml Gocanuttee oa Cast&erce. streets, neaehila.il. I. tt dlctlea of Ue above Boards ot Underwriters til save H.W. to alleys ana public grounds of the City WBly , to he or trsss!f amd ciiiwncnuir. Xtezresexitatrre berth, 1root resideni ut VT ails, of Honolulu, as they may necessary AT REDUCED PRICES! ceruaed to hy the above A2nttonatsital HawalUirCowSfilasra ... deem or ALFRED S. HARTiVKLL, CO, valid. tarty kn. berM be throws open to Ibe pabfac use-Ii- M. OAT & that d expedient, provided, bowerer, that they cause no J. i- Katabllihsd 1809. MrP?clk oa the tabl to be ctBtssaered trust tail rrJit-in- r taneceasary laierruptioa to the use of sach streets, Lett la A. F. Ceolee Sew Flre-lYe- BaiMlag. - TlUT BEST CR.VXDS OK C1I0KK CIGARS COMMISSION to Hoootsln ficbertes. alleys or grounds in taring the same, and at such COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- W, of Naaaaw MreeU Insurance Notice. capital .. -- js meosooo lteprrsasilatrre Dole, tract Oases merchants reasonable depths as win not interfere with the To be bid la t a nukeL Aeeaaalalei aad lavnted Fasd.. Mt tau s J. a. I on Tloccltla. II I rort l.oari the Islands sotesUncaLCUsat the bail ivtattss ordinary cse thereof, aad to restore the same. OniCE-OT- IK BASK OT BlSBOr CO, THE. SODS WATER S CORDULS Tim nniTisn fceerass S TUzt ef at: deecripucas atace aaa repaired.. BEST ICE CRE1H, Tne iohiMarine lasaranee Cempanv Usilted1 has HATS IIEK.X la books is. and Havauac, after laying such taarns and pipes, to as good revested Instructions KaU-ea- i raDKnluaU & E. TO HoMlala. TI. I. Xar -- la nerfnee Iho aBlfttsJ AUKXT9 ft tha HSBdatea t.lSMj. DR. JORDAN CO.! fcrred to Joduurr Ootnxcittee. order and condition as ther were befo.e. CAa.t. .txn TBT betieten llonolala 1 la PIOXIXRSTTLAM Tnnt.n ! and rwt the rartacaad and are aattwtte to tarar aralast at rarotnfcl UpreCTitatiTe Aholo, a petition that the ssmof bowerer, that nothing herein contained ixatcn it new prepared tn ! rllel- - at the lowest rates, TYW. A KXNKET. Candy Manufactory Bakery lerssa. rtoprleiara- - I && be ai,niyuated Xortbe lnnusc of bEU&Bg a shall bs ooostraed to be incjesisteat with or re- and vtt& a special redsctlea o fsetcht per .tewoer. ECT- ftiska tahsa la say part af the Islands ent Stone niroatn.ef rarls riradge in tae district o! Okrcaln,.SIaei Laid on pugnant to aar of the laws of this Kingdom, tae Ja.M? J 3E. THEU. It DAVIES, aad trn4ra BatMlatt, and Xerehasdls stored sseal or Aaateasy. Caa Xmrt j norusr- ty AcentTtriL Limited tht CStea 81 1 table to be considered trua tbe Aparopnatson BtU. rules and rrgalarjoas of the Fire Department, and ATTOnSEr STREET, Pneticjil Cuaiectioctx, rxtrj- Cnk aai Bilir, J. D. LANE'S rr Use las. Co.. la; Dwaltrar noase sadr nrattare, Timor, lte. 1 OFFICE,- Xo. IS KAAIttTtAXr Ships ta haroc real. t sllSA.bt. M.iaIBtst..'tIsstattKTsrrt II lleprcscntatite Hnrhcrck, tram reetdenu uf the authority of the Minister of the I&Senor orer k noMhiK. n. t. tr with stisltaeat csrroesoraadet repair. XAttHtxHr. isJIartAa Waianae. protestisc against bridges of the Gty of Honolulu. iivVMBfKfJH. imr.MKrt . iiorrwnUKiiit a co. ttrifTIlA!, the irrsritxBc of a the roads and ROSA, CO UtB.W!iowtS sSfS J It chaner to axy banc racnopoiie. laid oa table Section 4 Bepainng Pipe aad Mams. Tbej A. J. EHilXLTJTH & XyaUBAHCE COMPANY. M Aetata k U Itawaltaa Isltads DI8SASKS OT MX to be cxicsidettd with biU os the ssbmS. shall hare the right daring the contmaance of this 1TT0RHE7 T UW HID HOUR. PUBLIC, JCa. & Ktftaaft Slrtrt, USE THa book Keprasestatrte Dole, from lahse, Kami, a pcii-tio- a franchise to dig cp, remore, replace or repair sach 1b iBExixiusi:i ii.vVijtu ss"fOsaiciirr til Cf&er wtrt fW Ctmml. lt Tlnuxltlrs andFliuaer.Tlcn StTM una ais ua the came tabject, referred the same war. mains and pipes as they may and necessary or ex Allfrm aMni 1hii-- Iron Slid War- - CT et Me store Company, are pre New Eirglanii Mutual life Insurance Co. e TIb. Sfcrrl Cott lci The , llepreaematite Gardner, lrom Hans, that "the pedient. also, to lay conr.ertrgg rapes in any or all 10CXJ JJVmJ... IT. ly hTn) full ftsanmsMia nfTlmanr. GsWTftawa- - MredtdlaserarisaaaralisstKreomlltanvaad Brlek I rm ; ' am of $J0W be arfwvngiated for said streets and grannds, for the purpose - UCU Kabbcr Ilot-- r. t& Cf nalletJsisa; and Xeeehanttle stored thereli.oa OrSOSTOM.aUS ' riadiDi;arrad of of Utd lira ud Ixui rir- f H from Colas! to Oopoola, He-- sapplrmg dwellings, stores, oSors and any SOS, i thearastiatesastnnB. reeparuemiar apply at the is teat dastruc f and j otaceof sally r JUSCnAKfERACO. ISCOaPOSaTEB, 1833. erred to Oenmiitee on rsblic Lands. all buildings, public and private, and street lamps WtlTED. LAWRENCE, Fisheries sUl lierceserjlariTe lighting streets of said aa may W. R. . HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C EitausuM from resident of for the city, be IXro&TEXS AM) SZALESS EAKUWAEX it-j- OUtttFvrtty Mutual ImmrmKt CVm OPKB.1IO.WKD Aalat aHTXCaASJ . "HamaVra, no be parsed necessary or expedient, and to replace and repair IS sr a. tx? lit Lift that act crasti&c charter Ottt aad Ccltnliltrttiidlie, a o if c o i. At Unitexl Sales. THE tDba&haof usmotut sxonopoiy bank. To be and remove the same, ia all cases restoring sach rim. rlf, Ftist tsa Bttlciaic Fsraisked for Weeks ot Cod USE INStTRANCE cacsderrd the bill on the Back Charter. streets, alleys or rrocndi to the same, or as good ty CeeaerFort and Kmr Ml. C021TAlTr itb trocUea. xo- - NUtUt ia nt tarmUt Ttrmal Jm reports from iMandmc Gotnrartiees, and condition, as they were ia before, and to conform A. G.ELLIS, itAHBuna. lsr4 a STJPPLTTES HAWAOAK lettASril trora Select Committees to any change of grade made by the Minister of Civil Engineering and Surveying MEfiriiAXT)UE, mun. Exaaaple arSa.iarfelttir ftaa Kepreaentatire Godfrey Brora, iron: the Seied tbe Interior of the Hawaiian Islands, during the ,EI-t- OFFICE cm KArWlLA STBEET. aext to TCRXand)lacaIntyUtnredaralnstllnoiithe StooltOB Broltor!- TSABH-OltO- IN QxBxaitlre bSTisc nnder cacsideratiaa the fall to exKlanc of this franchise. VVILI. Dtri' PUCtTATIUX Widemane Brick Wartaense. niasrravoetsle terms. I5SUaZD AOK.JS AKT LITE T Bends, aad other alarkmkte ecariUei . MARBLE WORKS, Section of Code Lamps. Mod..- . A. JAEOER.Aceaf ftjctht lliirallsn Islands. rLAlt: aaead theCml retinae to SecttosS. Lamp Posts and They shall V.tl.- Vitse tub. I)PTK1-IT- E 1 sxt BOX 101. lr 1 Aaaaal prrmltm contlaaet Mlcy S ytart Idayt lllshest Urade of Cottos Set.h.l Koo-Jaal- il fr JIEAUIIOTELST., stilly tits redrciaoa of the districts of iTeialsa and hare the right to erect lamp posts aad lamps for AS.OU. AartKaeer. IX H T3rOBTTBKtrr. S presalnms 4 years 13 day " ;- RTILLI AM. TURNER, Aaaaal eeattane rnlley reported that thef foend that the faaU voald fcgbting the streets. aUevsand pebbe grounds of. - t Aainal pmalani a eaatlane rUey years 37 day AKD VABB IKTO WTLLIAMAULD, XSaaRIKiriV C petaalaaas t drssrb aocsent boCEadaries,'vixhoct asy food said city, at sach places as may be designated by Practical Watch & Clock MakbrJ MAHOFACTTIRBa OF MONUMENTS Swatsal temttnae ratley Syearaasdajs therefore thej xtntrrmmA that the report said Minister of the Interior, whenever mains or Aceattotake Acknowledgments ta Con- Xaaturnnoo Company J Aamsl praaiaaia cvattaie roftej "rmlt days Nets to be Said ob the table. Aproned. distributing pipes shall be laid opposite or conti- tracts for Labor and Jowolor, Headstones, Tents, OF CONKECTICtTr. and Seines Com-nutt- HARTTORD. jssaso'ta. Eeprasestatire Abolo, from the Select guous thereto, said Minister of the Interior to Koaa, Iilacdof Oaka.at OCceef i; t lO lalteDutrictef Ut Street, II. Tablets, Marble-J&atel- 910,000,0001 Cotetlwt of htrrw rsssn.. bating ball keep posts Water TTctki.foet of Suaaaa Street. :.". Si King llonolala. I, (spposite the Tlta. a4 ' the constderatiaa of a to facili- such lamps and lamp ia repair at bis tbe lleactala .Carriage Factory ) cish usm mvm ist.hu . . .u11.ts4.11. Lisiii thrwatclt Tteaalalst Arrester, oftStrMltoOctaa. tate steam esMiir.mnicwtson and tb cazmns of own expense. 3 If 1'iooea and, i 1I4 WucAtandTops, Take risks aralnst Loss or Damare y Tire maQs beteeea baa Fraaaxo and Hawaii Section . Adjusting Meters. TheT shall hate T- -, eu $40.000 attd A. W. PETRCE & CO. CS- Island order attended r wlta pronrprae and Tiling in Black and White Marble. Balldin- ilerchsadlse. Machinery and faraltare Cotton it lighter than Heap, Stnb for farther thar. Granted. the right, at reasonable boars aad tunes, to eater Good packed earetany tor transit. t me. favorable terms. JAEUER, sen SHIP CHAXBLESS & COKaUSSIOS HXECHAKTS A. CASTt-- E epreacctatrre Hilehoock drew the attention of ail buildings using gas for the purpose of repair-in- g It COOKE, and less StptialTe. A6K5TS roa W Acent for HairaUaB Islands. R '' . Hat JLssesbli to the iact that arteolction intro- - and adjasting gas meters and pipes therein. LICAK & CO., MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 10M THK 11 AWAI1A n ISttAXDSt dacsd by kam gas consumed, any Brand" Gnal aad Borah Lance. - aaktn: for mun data from the and take account of and lor Killer, raroCTXKS asi uuuai l WASHINGTON TJnrrertally used ta U&itatt St- Mianitrr of interior, rtiatire to prmleses granted aad all purposes connected with the nse of gas in retry DstW Tala MADE TO ORDER THE PACIFIC MUTUAL tit JCe- - General Musical Merchandise. Paintings, AND MARINE INSURANCE the Oceaxte Stwmaf.ln d not been answered. sach dwelling or buildings. .m - 9 Qatea bu, noualala- If FIRE COMPANY A a sa . CCo, cCCm AT LOWEST POSSIBLE MsaalskHto llss sS.T - The aUauter of the Interior said that he uvoid Section 7. Price of Gas. They shall have the Engravings. Chxomos, &c THE RATES. MIIIUUI.UU I1ULUIIU OQIIIO l hare to aurths indalcence of the Aa&jnblr nntil right to charge, receive and collect from all con J. "V. GlUVI.t. The Cheapest place to Bey OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSL1TS. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY lonorrow nwrmnr vhea be wonid orraeiit nn. sumers, sucn price as tcey may lrom time to time Cbomitji'ea and Caiaral DtaUr ILL XIKDS OF FURHITURE IK H0X0LULO. Hanttmenlt and llrridtloue Clenneel antl CaihAnsti January lit. 183s. . . U9J,Ji0.31. to the leaotatKma that had beta referred to ax and determine, not exceeding four dollars per Jlax&at Reset. Or CAUFOIMIA. De.J.COlllSBROWSCHLOfiGDnill net la Dry Guois. firocrtiee Jltrdware.Sulloaery rlCTCT.E FKAXES ot all kinds TaVes Klshs btm. thousand cubic feet, and a redaction shall be made' cm cry, made to order Orders from the other Inlands promptly attended to, aralnst Loss or Damare tiy Flra on liepreaeatatiTe bT Patcat Xeuictae. rert asd Balldlnr. Merchandise. Mschlnery and Farsltere on Desire to tall tke partlcalar attention of eterybody, TUB ORIUUNAU aad ONLT Hitrhmch, a reeolcuoa that the for all cas used the Government of one third GUseware-- - b.SCIC the. Minuter of Finance place charged other consumers. 10CC- X.. 1ST fort M.. Itanolnla. ln rarorable terms. A. JAEQEK, before the .etublT of tbe price sa MAUI. ly for Hawaiian Islands. TO Tnctn a sdcedsla ahowtas the taxes collected in tee section e. supply fipes, etc said gas com- TAILrKt. Arent fTih!Bffrt). frMfromtirJchr.rtHi.ryTrj J j Junjpkantalbe jeal 153. pany shall have tbe right to charge consumers, or M. s. grinbaum: & co, HONOLULU IRON W0EKS CO. MRS. THOMAS LACK, aazab, to catm a4 iuoi( tis weatr ci JJctrmmtitiTe Keararwoiaucc that the bill intended consumers of gas, for making connec- Tbe City of London Fire In- Tontine Investment Policies I piviinctfa dlmra, tavlitmu tq nrrro!Mrull wla4inx creating permanent rapes and - rxroaTKKs or STEAM K.llil.VKS. SCRAR MILLS No. 79 Fort St. Honolnln. oi ta aktkiv tv. ww to settiemeat on the tions with their mains and for seen sfFrt.JLIJ? aad Lead Which contain " piT.id wliH titai mamr) E.wMtnl vidww of the late D. I Kiazmaka, be taken from lengths of supply ripea as may be reasonable to UelIcr,C(r,Iren, Brau CMtinrs surance Co., Limited. tat ladltpatable Claise." rTttnir trtMj Gwxieral aXercaaxidise and Commisaion Mer Mo BestrHilea en Tratel or Residence, edbf ur. ( VMiiaiuvafUiaAt9ivaidicsi? the table and considered witi the Appropnation convey gas from the main or distributing pipe to Machlnory of Evory Description IMPORTER and DEALER whfth tt ib leatVHLQ oUtt I IM -- -- fare tail Bffl. the building or lamp post as the case mav be. chants. Honolnln.H. I. Jf ilJeto Order SJ CAPITAL, 310,000,000 Tn from Dsorer of Forfcltare la iilmHteU by tae pro n t ta $,,awl vrctttfCa I Bepreseatatire IMipo presented a resolution reasonableand uniform pnee to be fixed by said S. GRINBATJM & CO, to Ship' Blackiaithlas; :::::: lad TJiubr rvmeur avtrt ttlacormfL M. Farucslaratteatioa raid ALSO thaU as the copies of the Appropriation BUI dia. company, aJ0RTr0EKetecaledniae,a1elwtlce. 97:1J Sowing Machines, and Genuino CIUORODTSUthbntntJraawt,l-itC- - Na tnhcted tn the AsaemblT were poorlj beetioa 9. Delmouent coasamers. Said gas EXTATtLISllIKD AX AUE.VCT AT ConnaaiptlAQ, i3nmcalila, AitaEuw panted on Commission Merchants, HAVISU foe th llswstian Island. th nndse. The Deposit Endowment roller and the i bad paper and in bad form, cew copies oa better compaay shall have the right, at their discretion, N.F.BITRGESS, Parts, Attachments, Oil cnumODTXK aeialUo ataUraalB Diirrtfi No. 121 California S-t- San FrancUco.Cal slrneU it prepared to accept risks aralnst Are on Dalld. raperahocld b fBraiabed and bill be referred to to remove the gas meter aad cut off the supply of - v T Tnln-Tit- i rt Bit, Inct.AIeichandlse, Farnltare. Machinery, on the most anttul Inifstmtnt Follrj. l tae only ffprcttte In thortraarnt DjttMrl? - the ErinUnc Obnualttee I r that parpose. gas from any consumer who shall refuse or tall to (7y Shop oa Km; street, cnoslte Rose's. and Accessories. farorable terms. CltZJURODTatS ctTetaallT cula sImi-- alt attacUa ail company gas con- aact TaeesoZstiaa broscht op oon&iderable discus- pay the proper bills of eaid for Dr.N.B, EMERSON. Estimates ritea ou all kind of balldlnr. Wken re- - agemt Tiria Losses t'romptlv Adjusted and Parable Here. KpUepj, lliitrria. Palpitation, Ssaim. I sion naUy eodias bj Jiep. Ahoio monag as aa sumed within sach a time as the said company qalred. OCces sturr Sited op In the latest East iron This It one or tht most reliable Companies eitsnt: rmlypallUHT. .VXD SURGEOX. and "VrTiite, Hew Home, no saperlar. and lew rqaala. CiaORODTK lUt la ir;,H,l amendment xbal the coasderatioa of the Bill be may fix for tbe payment of the same, butsnch cut- PirrsiCI-YS-f ern stjle Kepalrics ef every description done ta C. U. BEItUER. hts Settles all Claim EltMiautijiQ, Qoflt, aacvr, AftA Socms and BecldenceSo.S Kakat promptly; sets honestly and fairly by a.L i OlfltttJ, XrHaBS.... cbobaaed sad new bills printed in the meantime. ting off of the gas from such consumer shall cot s tivet, rora er of Feet. tbe beet possible manner, and at reasonable rates. Daria, Crown, Howe, and laaiy Arent lor the IlawaiUn Islands. Carried. prevent the said company from, snemg and recov- p. K ly t3T For farther Information, writs to, or call oa Fram Srma JtCox. Phaiatva4eatrisaiUtLtMH:l C, Sisbop, Gonus) Eda-cati- ering unpaid bill or bills arty court having m. 1P1I ly It. W. UMXE. Una. S. from the lice on such in TekrtoceXo.ua. Florence Machine;, K- -, as, -- presented a report oa the bill undowinc a jurisdiction thereof. G. C. STRATEMEYER, Tke LoHilon and Provincial IW3 Utaeral Ajeal for the Hawaiian Islands Orwt Rw.Hl Mirti, IHiwar(irT U incorporate. George E. M. Howard's Dear Sir, Wr vtnbrat tht epportanitr of taafr chair ! cbsnustrr and eoence at Oahs Section 10. Bight to Said SARAH PETRCE, D. Machine Needles, lint Ton open taawhivpira4 rvpataiioa tti'a Tanfyj GoOece, recommeaduac; itni M. tv. V. PltACTICAL that the bill be favrablj Locas, G. Elmore and Hall may accept LfiOIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, eitcvneel medic lai. Dr J Coltfa Braws Cuamte.! ooassdered. Beport approred and biil ord&ed to this franchise and erect and maintain said works all kinds & sizes; (Central bstrtiociutnts. aa earnnl fur ItMlf noKooly litBtBtiMab. Ikaka:!! eccrceament aad to thud reading on the as individuals, company, a private company or co- Ofice and Rcstdence, 5 School Strett, be- QTtrr the Bail A a rrfntUr for rranat atlllns I nth inst. o SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER CorticaliiSUk, whether a better ImrHVrtnf ifts Uepnseatasrre Godfrej Brown, from Cotn-tnttt- partnership with the right to admit and receive tween Fort aud Emma. ! qattloo itiiniSsrsmrr I the INSTJEANCE COMPANY watftail txjiatttc aearor ttafitrtS. oa Finance, reported oa omer person or persons as tney may OrFlCEUOCBS-18:toll:S- A. 1:30 w aai acuKSUI the bill to amend therein such , tolr. c- - in all colors; tvvry tvonm. Tha Mhet Oode proper, may in- a - BtiB OF ID.'S mis ST. m .laflclatJUii bfi6lf Section KS of the Crnl relating to the duties 6ee or at their discretion become 3 261.-- 3 (TllTTaltOCat) trrtnMT native Miaiff,aa:l of castoms of&cera, and recommend that the bill corporated under the laws of the Hawaiian Islands '. CLARKS' MILE EM), MACHINE C0TT0X. jadxlar iroaa uifir tir. wr luvriiieir W mniBf beeagroawd Beport approred and bill ordered and convey or transfer to such corporation the GEORGE L. BAB COCK, K. VII.I.IA.IIX. wmtwB. Yaaeactat. W ton Id maltjulr ! AREXT Siibscribetl CAPITAL 5,000,000 to third reacongon the ?7tb inst. franchise berebv granted. (Ute ot Oaklaad, CiL.) IXF0BTEB. 5fAHDFACIDBEB 0PHOLSTKEEB for ad infinitum of tbe eitraonUaarr fOeatrof lr CT..a:l Urowae t. alormlyae l Dlartava aatl rTteat-t- r. At 11SS Bep. Kanlnkoa moved the Order of the Section 11. This franchise shall vest in said ASD DEALEE IK Madame Dcmorclt's ReUahle Cnt Taper ralternl. SiamkiramB, Dsr, and the consideration of the Appropriation George Lucas, M. G. FJmoreand V. V. Hall, their Tonclior on T'oxrto. EVERT DESCRIPTION, al,000,000J rarlaia.iaVBlUBzorrTeaacv' Addict f LrcaPinnoA Co, Fort Street. FURHITURE OF and Inblicatlins. Dealer In aa J aa a general tedailvv. that harv neesie4 anrftr-wj- i rliJ in Committee of the hole was the propoeed snecesors, associates and assigns, the right to con- (. EeWence.3ir Dadoll'. Bereiaala Street. xn Funitsre Wre-Koo- No- - St. Work Shop at earThe alrate Company hare now established an slS p;rQai ootrrrai inn aariBX muij jrara, ia aoirtaM,: Fiucial order for the attenUoa of the Assembly. struct and maintain gas works la the Citv of Ho- the old staaU ou Hotel"t Street. Rifles, riltols, Gnns, and Sportin? Goods, Aienc. here, and are prepared to taae ltlsas on Prop. Di amber a, aad evtg in (D more icnliJa torn cf CaT Tbe form in which the Appropriation Bill Lad nolulu, for tbe term of twenty-fiv- e years from and Shot, Powder, Caps. X Metallc Cartrldces. eitv of every description wiinin these isisncs. traltM.', webavewttaeaecaiu arprlMatT tt?9.i been printed again created commeat from after the pissage of this Act. provided that they, C HTJSTACE. Order from the other Islands promptly attended to. J T WATEIUIOSE, J a, Arent. lo Dower We bav BTri aed aa ferai ef &t. the iFonaerly with B. F Bollc Co.1 ly 'ulM t ttr members, and before the Assembly duwolred the their associates or assigns shall within nine months i leu WHITMAN & WRIGHT, mediclBe than llrowae a from atom twitcUcst rjecretary was sated had BiQ. and after the passage thereof, commence work STOVES! that It la dWery Ua beat, aatl alrafrom Bte ef ttatv if he the orinal from Wholesale and Retail Crocor, D. KEROSENE vboire toUe yrofeeeloB and iha pvblle. aanearaar Secretary Fierce stated that it was not in his thereon, and complete the same within eighteen Ut Elag Street, under nannony Baa SIMPSON, In all Imxci (SnctWMirs to a. J. KOSE). optBaonthat the labstHntton ofaarothet possession. months thereafter: and a failure to comply with SO. SS HOTEL STREET, llrowne'a t a Paaj. op thatt.f Family. Plantation, and Ship' Store supplied at -- renred the of a Gaa otuaiaiTa. rain ca-- -- 3S3 tVItiTio;; t srrices IlrttCUis t The Minister of Finance stated that Letboeght the provisions of this section shall operate as a sbort notice. fw Good by every steamer. Urder TELEPnOXE V. r ad Lockrmtitt and thoronrh Mechanic. 1 am now tmkt or tub naiT Tt raaacataaa ai JMmiaa tbe original copyof the tall was still in tne hands of this franchise, but no other penalty, for :roa the other islands fxtthtally caecnted. PLUMBER AND CASFITTER woit In tnitllne. nith promptnrs and AUit. He are. Sir, falthfatlj voora. Hvvea t-- of tlMpnnters not having been retained. Tnonght feiture or liability on the part of this company- - Eg- - TELEPI10SE .Ve. 11. m ly dlt patch. Iflandofdcra tolitllcd. 9f3 Carriage Manufactiirers, Mrmbvraof the Fbarn. totkty of Great fcritlan Ilia was no reason why Assembly saw DEALER IX Kieetleacy tbe Viceroy Chenm there the cocld not shall be incuned lor lauure. H. HITCHCOCK. go on with the consideratKra of the Bill, as printed, The committee rose and reported progress and S. Stores and Ranges. Tin, Sbeet Iron and Wheelwrights CAT; 9ir W Pts Veod i iie xnored that one of the printed copiee of the asked to sit again Thursday. Attorney at Law and rfotary Fnolic Copper Wore. Mated ibai Dr J Coin Browne waa, oodobtnl!r l Bill be ased and read. Not seconded. The report was adopted and the Assembly u lias opened an OSce tn lli!o,rlicre he trill promptly ...... lftrrBtor of Lhlorodyne, that the story of (boaeteit n BepreaentaUreKawahisaid that this was another med at p. m. attend to all bnslness entrusted to him Kee? Constantly on hand a Superior Asssonment of TiBIIiBSTOlfi An lUnt freeman wae deHntale1e nnttae nSf-- b, ha Will attend all tie Terms of tie Cirail Court; tnd RH Tin'Ware . Iron pipe. regretted to ay. had been awortt lo. e instance of the slack way in which the Minxtrs trill also attend the Local Clrccit Conn in Kan. Galtanlird and lead ly Ta Txa, performed their duties. If the bill was read from JuIylMWI. tr SCBTETIXO DOSE rEOMPTLT ly INSURANCE COMPAMV" . the printed form and not from the original raano-scri- pt JJtisinrss fort)s. y"l GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, Sold la bottlea at t.tyl-- aM.. KfcU and tta woold William B. " each. Sofliffmainfl without J CaaJ a precedent be established 'which S. LEVEY & CO- - McAllister oaLPHaa iCtBtANa'l S lUBrowne'aL'blonMlyBe on Ihatite.GoTer.tmBtr tfaaip. woqkL in the otcre, allow of a EDWARD PRESTON, J. f member hanng ,1 Nos. OrerwhelmlBft tbedtcal tratlatoBy aceonpas:ea eitck lost bis ongtnal copy of a bdl to present in any Attorney ConnseUor CaJL'X'AlfLXl 75, 77, 70 anil 81 King St. bottle. it and at Lav, Wholesale and Retail Crocers, DENTIST, i iTTvttasai form he choose and say let this be ced."1 It KZ ii Cant Ion - Beware of Piracy and may when ly t Kaaauaa&c Street. Bouolula. rORT STKEET. Honolnla. II. I. TERMASEXTLT LOCATED IS I1OS0LUL17. iIOOJVl.r, 11. I. la.t.a..oa. be that, tbe anginal of Bill is Sol- - MaanfaHnre-- T St, would Fresh Groceries, and Frotislons all kinds on hand, s,ooo,ooo. J DATIPORT Great foand, it be different from the printed'' copr. "W-- CASTLE, ot 3 foe Ulreett Dloonnbtary liCO tat and receited from Eorope American A. JAECER. Agent the Haw'n Is lUe taadeo. Bethought it proper that the ongmal bill should rrrnlarlr asd OITICE-Cor- ner Hotel and Fort Streets, jv.TTX?oi-iffu'a- r which trill be sold ike low t market rates. ter U.S. be in the arcfaires of the Assembly. Sspposmg a at Trsian's Clothing Store. Entrance on Ilotel SI. The abote firm, hatlnparehasedrrom the Eaecator, at Goods delivered to all part of the city free of charre. I case, the speaker said, if the printed copy was PabUe- - Attend all the Coatu et the K1S0"aW'ASD FOOT the Stock and of the basinets asdoury (7-is.a- STREETS. order solicited, and prompt attention LIVERPOOL and WdDN GLOBE of the 31. eonil.lln- - lost what would then be shown. He moreU the 9 Kicrdom. It tall be citen to the same. V$ ly C Tarticnlar Attention paid to restoration android and bis t. nosK, of the ro5tpoDemeat of the consideration until 10 uckick fjlln. as in the meantime the original might be focad. W. AUSTIN rTnXING, JAMES INSURANCE Carriago Shop, At-La- Rdyins on good work at reasonable charges to sain CHARLES HAJSIMI1R CO. BeprcsenUtire Dole considered the motion to Attorney' and ConnseUor the conaatnee of the public. IW3 3nT now Attorney and Counsellor at Law. I1AV1S0 Wheelwright 8hop, consider the Bill out of order. The bill pre- Arret to take Aeksowledrenient of IcstrEmenU for Special attention paid lo the nerotlation of Loans,') Assets, $31,161,000 was a loose arrangement, Oahu. f C" sented the title of it Ue IfUnd cf i Conteyandnr. and all matters appcttainins to Real Blacksmith Shop, nVftV , aBhrn nf M says "For the biennial period ending laoV the TT yo. 9 KaahttBiacn Street, nonolola. 1 yr (.EsUte. J CEO. S. HARRIS, llouglit for Cash, a Large Stock Claims Paid, $88,714,000 .aiB second Section says, period ending IsS! !" Tbe Paint Shop, and knows 31. 31. ., . I) S. Kotary Public and Commissioner of TJeeds SHIP AND GENERAL BLAGKSMiTH. TTAVE AN ACTJtCT IX lliaisterof Finance that it is not a correct J. WI11TAKV. Foe the States ot California and Xetr Tork. or JaJL llonolaln, for the Hawaiian Islands, and the nn copy, be would not certify to as such. This ac- Dental Beona o& Ton Strett, Trimming Shop, it CeOCce, "o 3 Merchant SU, Ilonolnln, II. I. i ii mtiiH.i:, iuLsr. axi iieaty dersigned are prepared to write risks against tion is in keeping with others of the Cabinet dar- Oafce in BrtwcrV. Block, comer llotelasd Fort itrtete Si Waon Work. Mo aid In? litu, Plinln- - Knirtf,' First-Cla- Very icsly Oooscnrckj. ss Harness FIRK ON DUILDLVGS, MERCHANDISE & Ale now prepared loreeetre orders for work or material ing the past two years. clear that since it Kte ly Entrance, Hotel frtreet. Anchor. asd Anvils rrpairrd. CnnV Azlrt Fittings! lo any of Ibe abote brsnehes. was printed it had nerer been comnared with the U.VVZKS At and Waoa Axles made for the trade on reasonable A. CLEUIIOICi" & Co.. XlIi:o. II. Co.. terms. DWELLINGS origins! copy. The Minuter of Finance's report !. (Lavr Jaxiox. Gsxaic Co. Is now enabled lo manafactnre Family was so fall of errors the ixroETxas asn oriiva 15 Od faTorabletennf. Uwelllnjfnisk-iBSpecIalUj- r Carriages, that Hinmer had to UfPOBIEBS ASD C0K1IISS10H Wagons dwelling In Comer withdraw it, and present a new one. AVbo can tes- UEKCHASTS, Heavy for Traction Engines Detached and contents tared for a period Beale and Hawaii Sis., GoxxorolIVIorcIiaxicIlso, OJla jEaCtamcss ot three Teari, for two premlami In advance. Ioa.e9 Phaetons, tify to the correctness of this bill? HemoTedan lac Corner Qaeen and Kaahnmann Streets. ly axn aftasT roa ANT) Boat nrompilr nifjnt4 anil pnTnl hre. adjournment until 1 p. m. Carr.ed. Uord's and the Liverpool Cndertrnters, EVER TRODUCED IIEIIE, Wiim DISHOrJbCO. Baggies, 9as ra.'ciscp rAiirciwiA U. PATV, cnusn ana orelrn Jlanne insnrance company. arzTssoox. JUin l ve--ij ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS Expresses. W. H. TATMB, PissX JOMEfK S0IAKT PUBLIC and COKHISSIOBES cf DEEDS And Northern Asscranee Company. a05SS,aj Assembly reconTeaed at I p. m. With all their Fittings, a Specialty. Cheaper GERMAN LLOYD Omnibuses, The Minister of Finance presented For the Mate of California and w York. Office at than any Honse tie original the ot Bishop Co.. Honolnln. ly C. BlEWEE & COMPANY. Breaks, copy of the Appropriation Bill, whieh, on motion rank m All Onltrs PromfMy Attended to, and Work IS TOWN. Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. "Vwaa (UattTED) BUILDERS Or STEAM M113IKSE? read entirely through, for the rsl time. At co.. - Uuaranteeil. Trucks, "VAt iti.ii: General Mercantile A- Comuiission Agents, the conclusion of the reading, a number of E2r"Shop on the Esplanade. In the rear ot Mr. Geo "DOX'T PURCHASE, UNTIL were made which seemed COMMISSION MERCHANTS QCEEX STREET, nOSOLCLU. II. I. FORTTUTA Milk Wagons. au. rrs tnottea to be intended Grain, and Locas I'laaing 31111 WO 3m is BBAsrflis, delay the BilLand,as an exhitxiioa dip- And Importers of and Dealeare U llay. to of ItnC General ITodcce. llonolaln. 11.1. ly YOU HATE SEEN HIS GOODS." General Insurancejompany of Berlin. lomacy, to saTe the BUI from being retarded in nsr or cmciEs. Plantation Wagons, Steamboat, Steamship. Land consideration, Bep. AholsooTed that the Assem- cues srticxn. wh.s.ietcs. P C.JOXES.JB President andManarer Fine Single andDooblc IIarness. AIIOTE IXSUItASt'E COltrAwlE" Mule Carta, Oz Carts. bly adjourn until the neat morning. On second W31. At CO., JOSEPH O.CABTEh. Treasnrer aad Secretary WILLIAMS & GO, Concord and Kale Harness, THE established a General Agency here, aad the thooghu boweeer. the honorable C. IUVI UESRVMAT. . Auditor J. Express ENGINES AND BOILERS member withdrew Commission and Plantation Harness, nndcreirned. General Aeents, are anthotlaed to take Band Carts, ftc &c his motion. The Bill was nnallv ordered for con- Sugar Factors and Agents rraxcrons. so, los rouT .sTrtEirr. Cridles. Whips, Carry Combs, (be tilths atralnstlheDanseno! Keaaat the Made to order, ia the most workman-lik- e sideration in Committee of the Whole on Wednes- UonolnU. U.l. Wi Hos. CIIAS. E. BISHOP. Ho. II. A. P. CAItTER. Brnshes. fpnrs. Dressings, etc. etc. yiost manner, at mffu pnEssvne ob eoarct'Ttn. day, the th inst. Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. Eeaaonable Rates, anil on tbe short notice, and en the most farorable terms. EMPIRE HOUSE. U 1 Attorney-Gener- gare IaXo-jg- lTot 1'Atrornble Terms The notice of intention OLDS, : : : ; Proprietor. to introdace a bill to prohibit the formation of J. i VICTOR FAGEHR0SS, W0EK FIN'IsUED IS enn Saddles, 9CS ly r. A. SCIIAEFEr. A COGeneral Agents. BIAGKSH1TH1HG in all lis Branches, rr.ni vr.vtEMof snundfcaiueomffc: :ia unlawful secret society's. COItSEH SCCAMJAXDIIOTEX. STBEETSs. TT1E HEST IS TIIE ISLANDS. 11 alls ef Wood, Inn or ompcsHe, Second reading of a bill to amend Sections 7 WatcrColors, Crayon, 17 Repairing done In the best manner, and at the PRUSSIAN NATIONAL W HT lllT.H H era. OltDI.XAltT E.1UI.117I eon scolded when adtls and 8 of Chapter XXXII of the Code relat- CHOICE ALES. WINES AND LIQUORS Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Xowest ItaUs. Only Firsl-Cla- s Workmen Employed renal Ktly India Ink, or Oil. 10 Carriage able. ing to the punishment for the offence of libel. IiaS.ur.ia.ttoe Work, Bepresentatrrs Karjakoa was opposed U.KAWAIKTJI, NoSKiEStiTtL, Ilunclnla, opposite Photo. Colored etc Coiuj'jay STEAJt UtL'.XClICH. DsrretsirdStfaaTtjs ta to the J. or NTETT1X. House Work, passage of the bill; hejudged it was defectire ; Ardent to taste Acamotrledrnents to Lahor tT,T.vrt.terfaoBtec The Only Complete Collection of slrncted with reference the Trade la wklcS llry the old law prorided both fine and imprisonment, Contracts IBSTAllIjiaHJllD 1DM.1 Ship tTork, are to be empleyed. Speed, lonaaz aaA dral! sf 11 Impaired lo a bill; factory this proposed law did not pronete for any impris- For the District of Eon. OBce Merchsnt Street, Wichc of Xinds Island Views, rapllnl t s atelebsntarkt O.uoo.ooo. water guaranteed. onment, leanag it to tbe option of tbe Court, lie eppoue sailors' none. ?g ly lU&ncr ut. at Beuoiuible Price. Iiltnd Ordeis at- Artesian TTell ITork, newspapers were Ferns, Shells, TEAM nolLEU-H- . Ptitlealar atteatloa (lteia to was satisfied that in Honolulu sr. . tended to with rroraptnesfTasdxIl work donebjoj la IDtDEKSIGXlUD IIAY1XG be. c socros. a. xocrox TUB appointed arent of tho abore Company for Or Machinery Forging. the Qsallty ut tae material and wotsataacalp, sid quite different in tone from what they nsod to Guaranteed to five tails faction. c 951 Cariosities, Ac, Hawaiian Islands O. .V, AOUTO.V At CO'S EL the la prepared to accept risks none bni ftst-ela- s prodseed. and from the matter which cow appeared in print NOTT, azalnst on work seemed some newspaper would Store. Crave Ranch Plantation, Dealers In Choice Gro- aiodornto-glii- fire Rulldlnzs, Fnrnttare, llerehandlte, Horse-shoein- g it likely that editor ALBERT C. SMITH, w I'rodoce.Sorir JIllls, the molt rable terms. SCUAIcyilLUl HCUAB-UHlw- u get shot. ceries and Provisions and General Merchandise. DTClinrEcs Acon fat a Specialty. AvO JtA. ?: iy LOSSES ADJUSTED AID PAI1SLE HERE-II- . CH1XCRY made artcr the most approred plsas The Attorney-Gener- was in faror of the bill, ALL K1XDSOonvoyanoor.OF LEGAL WHITINGS carefully Pltjmbiivg, We employ none the Mechanics, the punishment prorided, deemed done (Jomistic Qtoduce. ItlE.MESSCIINEIDER, bt rnw skllfsl Also alt Colles Iron Work eosaceted taerewitai was ample by WKljo At Wilder A aad JtATetttlAa, is him. He thought Judiciary be II1CUAUD F. BICKEKTOA. in either English or Hawaiian; also, to. 's air At. or that the could fully ATI0B5ET ASD C0DHSEL0E AT LAV WATEn PirE. Boiler of Sheet Iran, of any tlae, trusted, and he morcd the passage of the bilL COPT1SG ASD TKASSLATISG. KATJPAKTJEA Gas FiTTiiYG, Orders from the other Itlaads respectfully solicited. made ht sartsble leoaths for conneetJn; together or Carried and ordered to third reading on the XOi trill attend the Terms of Conrtc on the other Islands PLANTATION General Insurance Com'py. Money lo lend on Mortraretof Freeholds. rOFPICE Land and Conrt Eccords searcherl for Titles to Land or fiCtiAn XOIV COUiya IS anil for saleln Sheets rolled, peached and packed for thlsitat,, inst. Dr. - laWOM 110 wUMJinEED ' Second No. S Merchant Su - door from SUnrnirald'i. data In Salts at Law S3 etnantltiet tosnlt purchasers, by For Sea, Hirer and Land Transport aXTUUl ready to be riteted on th crosad. reading of a bill, introduced by Bep. lOBSm SOS ly t! AF0S0. & Hitchcock, relating to CUT Orders left with Jlr. T.O. Thrum, W and ts Mer- Tinsmith Roofer, or BoHer Work and Wa- the regulating of the sale of DRESDEN. Please site at a call before parchaeinx or contract-In- s IITDHAt'IJCBtVETI.IC. intoxicating chant Street. tdlT receive prompt attention. 933 ly honors. Bcferrrd to the Special DII.I.I.AUIIAI At CO.. HAWAIIAN SOAP WOEKS ! ESTABLISHED AN elsewhere. ter Pipe made by this eaUMisameat, riteted by Committee bating similar bills in charge. HAVING Ilydraslle It! reading IltrOSTEES A5D DEALERS IK HA ED WARE Uonolnla for the Hawaiian Islands, ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. retina Machinery, that (JtalltT of wotk Second of a hill to grant a franchise to Genera) LYONS & 1EVET. the nndcrsirned General Asrrts. treiathoilird totake snperlor cms company Honolulu. Com- Cntterr, Dry Goods, paints and Oils, and belnz far to hand work. a in Discussed in - ADDRX88 OBOEBS TO P. O. BOX of the Whole. Merchandise. XUCT10HEERS t fiER'L C0BB1SSI0H RERCHaNTS 0. Ship, and Steam Capstans. Steam mittee Hon. .S. Walker in tie KUi 2?o- - 3T Fort Street, llonolaln. ly Rlalca against Danger tlllr tTOUK. chair. Bearer Block, Qncen Street, llonolaln. GREY & CO., tae ofthe Ssas at the Winches, Air and Ctrenlatlor Pmpe, made after the Section 2 of the bill was discussed, amended and S.M. CARTER, SALES OF FUTCITCRE. STOCK, REAL ESTATE Mannfacturrs and Dealers In Most Rassonaole Rates, and on the WH1TMAH & WEIGHT. mnstapproted plans. approred to pass as follows . Con- Agent to take Acknowledgments to and General Merchandise properlj attended to. Most 31 Section 2. Gas Works. They Tarorable Terms. umio VI' PS. Direct Acting Pomps, far irrlgaueaer CHy shall hare the tracts for Labor. Sole A rents Tor American and Enropean ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, right to erect some place in Honolulu , " V A. SCIIAEFER A CO. Water Works parposes. bnlltwlta thecelsbratedDaty at not less Office at P. M. S. Dock. Esplanade, Ilonc-lnlc- II. I Kln llonolaln than half a mile distant from the Bell Tower to be 194 XEECIIA"DISE. leleo, Street for the WIY1 VslteMollon, taperlortoanyotherpwmp. SOUly Beef. Mutton tunl Goat Taltow wiatrd. Orden left a raij" Hawaiian Islands. WENNER & CO. approTedot by Frrry Uouacil, gas works for the - tToriblnjrSan'Sf Tlaiiiex Asrasss cfe Dotlef Jb Col, (jwf n Mreet. will meet with prompt ait AffenU lor manaf acture of illuminating gas, and the right to PA.WTHEON- ECOTEL, 33TBTTOF CO.. tention. 931 1? m I'amp.. tt maintain and operate the same during tbe coutia-aatio- n jauks sudd, rnopuiirroit, BANKERS, WILDER & CO NO. 92 FORT STREET, of this franchise. CCMIR GF FORT AID H01U STRtiTS. HOaOHILU. mi;troim)mt. jiAnuirr. Honolnlu, llavTalif.. lalitntlB.OetV 4 IlOOLrLC, HA1VA11A3 ISLANDS xocrAcTvaiu uuu ix At p.m.tbe Committee arose and reported The tKst Ale. Wine add LIqnors consuatly on band. i rnl stKenln or tbe ad progress to the Assembly and asked leaTe to sit fct Livrry subles amehed lo the Hotel ly DRAW EXCHANGE ON C.WALLER. Proprietor. again. Mutual Life Insurance Comp'y Fine Jewelry, Watches At iiS Assembly adjourned until the next day C Al'O.G. IHBAXK0F CftUFGRXM, : : : : Ski FR1CISC0. King Street, Honolnln. at 10 a.m. Importer, Wholesale and Betail Dealer asd THita aexsra a Choicest MeaU from Finert Httdf. orsin TOUIC. Plated Ware, &c. Say, 24 General Merchandiie York, Largest. Safest and Most Fortieth Juno th. in 3tw SOLE & SADDLE LEATHEK, In Fue-pio- corner Kinr, DDltOtt. Hare BecciTed Late ArriTalf, a TbeAsaemUymotatlOaCm. After prayer be And China Goods. the Store, llonirkoas;. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO Jut 972 and Xnnann streets. ly Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins of PT4 the Chaplain, the minutes of the prerioaa meeting KLS5RS.M BL ROTHSCHILD I SOaS,::LCllDCH fine Atwrtneat astaHaatBBStasl ir were read and approred. flOlhTAXTMIlXIU-V- B AJIDronSAIX INTHETVOELD! ci'.ciii xtitotvn. Tbe Coram crclal BanVini; Co. of Sfdnex, Locdor BepresentaiiTeEaulukou asked for fuither time ATTOBfiXT ASD C0DKSELL0E AT LAW, --J from the well known Co. Sjdney, Cash Assets, pverS9O,O0O,0OO I GOLD & to prepare his minority report oa police, prisons SOT ART rrBUC, The CoraincrcJal Banlin; Walenen Tannery. J. I. Parker, I'rop'r. Si OYES, SILVER WATCHES. and mounted police. Granted. The Bank cf 3cir Zealand, Auckland, and Ite And Aent forclns Acknotrledmexts of Inetrmmcnls Illlo Tannery, r. S. Lyman. Proprietor. asFor Information concerning tbe Compaay, and BepresentatiTe F.Brown introduced a resolu- lor the Island of Uahn. Braache in CnrisUhiuxli.Dflnedin and Wellington. lUQly A S. CLEGI10KS A C0 Agents. tvr nates u. inionsrc, PP'J to n 11.1J&11 A CO., Bracelets, Brooches, tion that the cost of printing and tran&Utinc the BriUtbXol&xnbia, Tortland, sTXa1 n am during W Campbell Block, Merckant, SU Honolnln. ly Tbe Bask of Orcon. RANGES, J E.WI8EMAW,' Rings, recocts of the Legislature this session be The Azore and Madeira Iclanda. Earrings, Finger placed House. ApproTed. Irftl im twllclUng Asent, before the frtaackholm. Swedes. BEAVTlrt'ttT SJhT WITII The Attorney General read for the first time a ciiAS. x. mji.icu. And Iran sici a Ueseral Daattnc Bnnuttf. MS ly CEO. LUCAS. bill to prerent the formation of unlawful secret a. hi. ai U HTiTC, Lamps, Chandeliers, SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL Kingdom. AgeatUOTto take to Labor Contracts Diamonds & other precious Stones associations in the Bead a second time AckaevIedcraeBU IIVJIAA UltO.S.. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER AXD title and referred to Judiciary Committee. ASD uVSTi- - FIRE HAKIMS INSURANCE b- br 1UO- - .ta Ele-s- nt Dl.plsj ol C3 MWssssatssaBaaaat)ia -f "Boa. H. A. VTidemaan asked for leare of ab- Importers of General Merchandise COMPANIES OrWEW ZEAUIITD. indefinite period. GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. sence for an Ofice In Makee's Block, corner Qoeen and Kaahsmann FKOH C3rOXLOrt3.1 Bepreseatatire Dole objected to the leare being frireet. Uonololn. nTUly Wlfl CAPITAL - $20,000,000 reasons, which granted, without should be FKAXCE, ESGLASD, GER3IA JVK, AND Unlimited Liability ofdusreholders. Iisnlnr Joint were first giien. JT. E. WISEMAN, Honolulu sMeam Mills, HOUSE FURNISHING Policy. WALKING CAHES, RICHLY MOUNTED Hoa. Vfidemann referred to the fact that Hon. Real Estate Broker & Emplorxaant Boreaa VyiTED STATES, Planing Ilatin-- t established an A;enc) at llonolala, for tbe leaTe. llonse- IX OOlaD AJtI SlLtCB. P. Istsberg had obtained ltent Rooms. Cottare. - aad sll and leases M Qneen - - lTonoIaln, II. I, Hawaiian Islands, tbe undersigned 1, prepared to ac- Bepreseatatrre Smith said that, without there ttcal Estate ia aU part ot the Klnrdom. Employ- - So. Street. Esplanade, Honolnln, 11. 1. cept risks against tire on Uolldlnsa, llerehandise, "! sastlasatsBsf 1 Wri were strong reasons, no member ought tg be meni loena lor uoe seesana trorK tn an me vanons Fornunre, UachInerr.Ac-.O- B the most fatorable terms. to an branches of basinesi Islands. ! A callU larittd .'romloteadiaj porthtr tx House for aa indefinite time. cenaetted tnlh these BKOS.. of or ottmi-nlflc- HtOCK and we tttl to leare the N- - Docnmcnu Hanalactsrc all kinds HARDWAllE Losses aataatlon 1 EtT drana. Bill Collected. Promptly Adjusted and Pay- will not War makJas partluaa Snpereedlny all oiler Xtvm!PallzTt On a show of bands the petitioner was granted trorktrans-acie- aiari4 the; wltont a ooks and Actonnt kept, and rcncraloCce WHOLESALE GROOEItS, frtna iratn the mtoj tflcrUnsartlelea amjfl belort leaTe. Patronare solicited. Commissions moderate. Mouldings, Brackets, able Here ! UtlruiiraUfctdYUlon. , BECACSHIT IS SORE BepresentatiTe Dole introduced a resolution Uoaolala.11.1. IOCS StandSS CaUlornia Street, CAJlPBEIilVS NEW UEOCIf, IadleaarepaiikttbrIrIaTltMlounat4exaan Board of Immigration Window Frames, Tbe that the Presideotof the STKEET, Opposite Wilder Co. Marine Risks on MerfTianrllso, FrolehU laotarxteiulT8t(ekor5iiprtorJeirali7. of Tnel, place before the House all contracts, etc. relating G. W. MACFAKatJXK tt. CO.. sax rmicisco. Blinds, Sashes, Doors rOET t and Treaanxe, Current Rates. Economical lOtn-I- at to Fortagoese immigrants during the past biea. IXPOr.TEES AXD COKaflESIOS MEECHA5TE, tS7-- attention paid to Allies aad shipplnx And all ticdt of Woodwork Finish. t.0Boi.SW. " LlaUs) to rarllcnlar V. O. BEkflER. VJKHHZX. CO-ha- re Xaa Exjo4a. xdal period, aad einee then. Approred. BEAVEB BLOCK. Is land orders. IUI0 ly Wt Agent for Hawaiian Island. VnSf BepreeeatatiTe FHipo asked if the Minister of Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! appointed SeWAjTMiU for the Hawaii Easier sf Traasawrtatloa Cor Fort and Queen Streets, : Horolaln, II. I. US-A- aloben ' ' Foreign Affairs was prepared to present a report s.x.caTLx. . a. anuxrox I'OH. SATiTI. TK A A STIC aa Klasdom, for - answer to - asaxrs roa ALL III5DS OF PIiANT IIETJKTOEOnE I ia his resolution, relating to the ei- The Glasgow and llosolnla Line of Packets. ClSTI.r. Jc GOOUE, tUXTASU FIRE INSURANCE AN& COSTS NO WORE , TIIE on the PXAST sTIOXeonilitlnj COMPANY. rjeascsol foreign mUxA & Co's Liverpool SHxTFIEQ AKO COJtatlSSIOH 1!EECHa5TS Sawing-- Eye Preservers, - John lUr and London Packets Planing and or 1IABDCCU. Zing's Celebrated WATER-WHEE- and he ebtaisid I ;.- 'The Minister stated the report was already ia Tae Walkapa Plantation. OF OVERSHOT IRON L ear fall dVtulpUoa pnetaca niPOHTEBS ASD Blorticiag and Tenanting. MILL, Caplulol the Company A system . ii, his oSce, and be would present it after recess. The Spencer Plantation. THlo. " Who hats beea Imtraeted la tae ne oftit sssllcatioa to. Hon. J, MotlSmithgare to HakalaB Plantation, llilo. In SO fret dUmettrr. with Gearing; their Bolesoraace Companies 1013luD notice of intention Dealers General Merchandise, are leavcrredly popatar. aad ai-- I HOrtOlufu '' joint Mlrriees.Talt Walton, Snjar Machinery. 85 U. TO tVitir-Whee- . Theacs Glatiea Us W. E. ROWELL, introdace a rewilntria relating to Japanese No. King Street, Honolulu, I. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Coolrrf. CrstiifoIf. Torblse Ox Total Beichsmarl-- maiflu) UcalJedtathelpTe-tnil- - I The Psaloa Sheep touch Company. .1011 f" tetitkm of thtwe lateretted Sole jctatasswallaa vt!a - .. immigration. Ami sVorfc tinarnnleret.. Csrt?. riowt. unto;, Carpratcn. Cooptn aentasalitlet. B1, junisterot rinancs presented statement x.r. Xs?xxsaox. AGE5TS FOE atjI Cbdualtlu Tool- - IB a 1 V Orders from the other Islands colietterl. NORTH GERMAN GIVE V A CALL. ofabeamoants received by tax collectors ia each AIXE.-- & KOBMSOJ Tbe Eohala Sugar Co. K. Balstead, or Walalsa nonolals, Hay Z,liU. 10)1 tm To one ptaatlo: da iIlut and wiiblo: la talon ta &r FELT18R dSetrict for lB33,in to a resolution passed ThellalhnSBgarCo. ' riantatloo. ffriodhU own caac,liiicASxiU AavaunAl oppctlaBily WM.WENHER at CO., SAUMINDER tnnrr At Eohlnsoa'a Whxrt, - n INSTJBAHCE COMPANY, by tbe AsME'jly. The Alexander C EaM- A. IT. Smith C-o- I o doUs at nul! cort- - IlEE . all Plantations. loa, Easal. tot or BAHBllnU. ion Port Street. KfaV - jaon. vi. xw aMiou kui iw kuc uih ume a joint Sealers ia Leaser asd Idsis of Etildicg KNOWLES' ChT Price Trry low and lerma ttij. acthfirinngtbe Minister ' Katarials. Paints, Oils, Sails, UAt--, llamafcna riantallon. J. 31. Alexaader.Ilalks, CitJtalofUieConpanrfineierTe..Eekhimatkt?J rasejgtian of Finance to ts The mtchcock & Cc.'s w Companies 33111,000 PATEHT KOTICE. CaYer llaal. SAT-K- their " ia arfUlfStetat over to Lbs treasurer of the Qaeens liospital, aczara jor schoowkxi rianutloa STEAM AND VACDOH PUMPS AlaSOFOR I IS-V- Y Fif m HALEAKALA, TXTjlEnEAS A PATENT WAS &c sum of f7.011.K5. Tbe resolationaas road a The Union Israrsnee Company ef Saa Francises. Total .... HelchnnaikttDDO sued t Klotmry X. Jsrtl. on the WaJaatt eecoadtuseliy title. passed to essrossmeat and KCLAaUSU TheSetrEnglandLlfelns&rance Conipaay,ofltoton UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST ary last, by the Jflal.ter ef the Interfe. nadet the laws 35tb TIIE HOUSES AND LOTS stdered to Uard reading on tbe inst. UEEACLC0I1I, The Elate aUasfactaringCo. of Boston. per Amy Tomer, froai Boston, a fall anil l7SBEKlCSED.CEWtBAl.AaE.TTa eflhl KicrJom, for aOas sad Can Trait, CdtxatalafT a vtHi aa pram. of rur TJuJalriisleriifinicziortla answer to a resole, D.JC. Weston's Patent Centrlragal ilschine. tttete eelebtated Pnmpsvwhlca At that Tery.desirable locatioa, THKthe abate three eonnsnlea fee the Hawaiian rnrnace. thu I to warn all tons azatast ast X4ET ELLES. and Uonolnla Fadzet Line. thaa any other style of Sot. 193 and TO Xanana Atenne, 10 mlantef Island, are eeettared to Insara Baildtntwanli,sn, lf statement of raivikcescraatcd TheNev Tork Fost-eae- e lion, pewested a TACAUI. 31 pnmp Impcrted. walk from and harbor. rnwAw. so tke Oesaalc SttSua&p Co. Tbe report was The erccaats Line. Llosolnla and San Fraaclece. Wecalltheattratlonof planterrrar i afeTthandlseaadrrodnee,afachlneTy. Ae also Sagas wilivrwliftiiTws. V1LAMA. Dr. Jayaer Sea's Celebrated atedldaes. ttcnlarlytothe Vacanm Pnmp, which Is less cotniill TXT Terms easy t forpartlcalars apply to- ssiucauu,KH) tctstisui ssn aarnor.asaia9tie s isfthiastl to be tsasMati. t cstedaadraorescrticsblethattOtherpainFe. 1 or sy ,o PerW. O.Camsa. Kec'r.AifwraMerts)ev' reUting La.ui. WUcaz A Ulbb's. SIsrer ilancfactnring Company, and j. a. iit nainace; are tae saof t latosaoie lerms. rTft.leWH.,li.a,l JalottastiiBrilloarSoteiio3 es Uocollln.rilwallijililasdj. ly 1H3 Wheeler 4 wri0fSewii2 Machine- s- ly JOBSIm C BKEWZKA CO. 1097 tf or O.E, rntUAHS. 913 ly H. UACKTaXD & CO, Bc4l.rnaryl Mat. vn fl i aa?, Sc-- e- - . scssor, Enihclani and John Parker, who will draw tho sweetest tones from a com prevent loss, and the consumer pays the extra In nfexuoriiuxu Srjrpptng. fa! 35)mt.Kmcft-s- , 'XJn autijorilu to bo tho of mon fiddle. price. VYomust export mare value and import t arc supposed under influence less, and not expect nor attemnt to reeulate ex Iter. Georce B. Kowell of Waimea. Kauai, father through tho instrumentality of ' Sprockets The Minister of Affairs change by law as it must result In loss. Thewealth of the Hon. W. E. Kowell, member of the LrcisJ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY S" UPRESn: COURT OF TOT HA- - Sam Parker, and lastly Kanoa, Governor Foreicn rose at of these islands is now produced by labor paid latnre, died on the 13th ot June, ISSLat Koloa, walfan Island. In Frsba. Tb the nutiUr vt 1.35 p. on Saturday to makehis defence be doc- rroofor the Wilt of V SOROS rRBt, oMVsAIawa. xst MOBrs is nr.Btia. Kauai ei. with a short surer medium, and no complaint is whither he had been taken to under the UmjV of exports tor's care. was New Hampshire, For San Francisco. Walaiea, Oahn. deceed. Order (tppolatlrw fer di- as to his management of the affairs of the made, if) our ars sold la foreign ports for He born in Probate of Will and dlrectlas paWicat.an , WEDKESDAY, JCLY 2516S4, Tho representative vote was evenly gold. Is not that good for us? who is injured or January H, 1813, being in his 70th year at the tif office- Kingdom, which, in his multiplied and Till. UTtUJISlIIP the same vided in numbers, on the line of COUipMUUSI time of his death. His father was the Kev. Joseph A document, nrportlnff to be tW last WIU varied capacities, he has administered al , nl terts. Vites tho llinistcnnl EMe insolently holders and independent men. Of repre- baould it be possible to supply us with a foreign Kowell, pastor of tho in ment or T. Sorsenrret, deceased, lUTlnm tU n most solo for tho past two years. Cold currency. Will wan-- a Claremont, N. U. A- - U been to sentatives voting for tho Ministers, were: Ho prom tl7Jn of it rov ararmtha At tbe age of 17 be entered rtflj of J lint. .0U pretested to said rrobat nnnonnccd that a respcctlul rtctition iscd to occupy the House but a few min to those now getung 20? if not the plinters must Amherst College and graduated in 1837. In 1MI Court, aad a petition for th Probata thereof; ad rr NOTICE. with some Lun3mls'6 signa It Kanlnlon, District Justice and tax mc way he anished a theological course in Andover Theo- luance of letter of dmlnf straiten with ta Will the King, J ntcs, and may bo ho iocs uuierenoe. as mat tno to encourage Soixenfret, tho widow, a. wasto-basLc- con- it raid redeemed his production? logical nexed tn Kanea hixla; been TREAbCnT DEPAirrJlEXT. shonld go straight into tho assessor of Koolaupoko; J. Keau, poi Seminary, and was ordained the same tIImI S I fwli Ittmrn tnres promise. For just ono hour and twenty The United year. In April 1812, CITY OF SYDNEY! aiL, 11. ( evidenUj-forgotte- tract at Kakaako, and hopes of Clerk of States produces its wealth with a he married Malvina Chapin FMDAT.tas s Jrxe the Great Snggcstcr had paper currency sells Newport, ncAiuoitv. coitn.iwnnn. UUherebrordertd that ,lta T ,f following pemma have been duly eonmils minutes his speech, and its interpretation, and her exports for gold; who of N.IL, and soon after left with ner for July. A D at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said dar, The for a time the wide intelligence tho Market, E. K. Lilikalani, grumbles? The great LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SIR FBI It CISCO al s I demanded the attention of the House, and political economist Adam ins Hawaiian isianus. under tno auspices oi the WILL ine court itoomll. o ram vvuiua. aitioiis sloeedasTav. Aiwt forthl Jar.lt-- and patriotic feelings of His Majesty on of the Queen; J T. Baker, Captain of smith, says England never prospered until she American Board of Commissioners for foreign llonolnlu. Island of Oafca, be. and thsaama tr ltt.nhrrtbr s of these eighty minutes the interpretation On. Monday 8 nun til which he enlarged to tho(lJegiIatnre on King's gnard; Amara, Deputy sheriff of did her business with paper money and loaned her caissons. Iter. Dr. J. W. Smith and wife were or about July appointed Ihe tlmft forprorlaff said Wilt and bearinr llllo Fd Kckoa J necessarily took tho larger half, jo that gold to surrounding nations. also passengers by the same vessel from Boston, said application, when and when anrperton Interested Haraalua kannstnano Satnrday Waialna; Asa Kaulia. Deputy sheriff of make mar appear and conteat the said Will, and the jaat.ne JK toaisposeo-- t I these references only to prove that if we being sent by the same Aesociatkn. They arrived SYDIrTSY AUCKLAND! North Knbaia n II NiMH Koolaupoko; L Aholo, Police. justice and lorty minutes charges of mal produce FOR VIA or letters of administration " our wealth with cheap money and sell in Honolulu September and Mr. llowell ordered, notice thereof oUlh Kohala J Jaloolno XoTirrso opposition TiaTO said administration in Foreicn Affairs cener foreign was :.Mll It la farther that be Klvf v by North JIIIIosplll tlial tho tax assessor of ailukn; J.Kamakelc. tax in porta for a moro valuable one, we are located for a number ofmonttss at Waialna, pa W Ion, Tor three loeteislTe kona unnecessary and 1313 kit werkMlnihaliawa South kooa I) MaUIni! Makawao, Gardner, Depnty ally, extravagant foreign Jomg now about as well in this particular as more Oahu. In be was transferred to Hanalei, si'LCXDiDftrcinsiiir Qasitt a newspaper printed andpahlUhed ltv or conld haro said agrdnst the recent con assessor of J. powerful the iut Kau. JnoSkupthi. thoroughly con sheriff and tax assessor of H. missions, tho Protest, etc The Board of nations. Kauai, where he remained three years, going to Anil Ihe ffplemllil jtleamalilp llonolnla Pant lntTSahliie duct of pnblic affairs, so Hana;D. I fear the legislation now proposed to "regulate Waimea, on the same island, in 1SIG. There he Dated llonolnla. U I . Jane 34tb, ISM. 1 Health, including tho Madrnt muddle and -- demned-th- Chief SBniste: ofra State pro- Xahinu. taxasscssor of Kohala; G. B. the corrency" will retard he has lived ever since, never having returned to A. T TCDBr MAIL production and prevent A. Attest- - Chief .lattice or the Saprema Oonrf T tho Flowerdew case. Then tho coinage permanent the land of his birth, even for a Ho 1 Ubilna ,Miile fessing to lie pevssessed of Representative Deputy sheriff and tax assessor of i restoration of a normal condition of visit. had ZEALANDIWEIinEIt. COJlJIA.MlKIt. IlattT Iepnty Cleric. 10a at Wallnku ., I' !" Kawaihae; District justice contract, next the Immigration expenses, exchange. Certainly the f.3,000 that is proposed seven childem, of whom six are still living, and SrT: ... kmnukrtc Government, as that exclamation that at a L. KKupchea, to be taken 21 grandchildren whom 13 Ullnru - i and tho allejjed illegality of Cabinet Coun- from the Treasury to buy foreign sil- of are living. In his On or about July 13th, 1884, OUPJIEMB COURT OF TIIE ItA- - llsoa .J eianln.r certain dark period in Stptembcr last, "eye and tax assessor of Molokai; J. .Xakaleka, ver -- melo-dramat- and change it for gold, could be much belter missionary libors he remained connected with waUan Islands Id Probate. In the matter Motakal and Lasial .. . k hupibca cil Appropriations, and a For FiVcbt nd itpplrto O or of et Hex mcW stood alone, opposed to tho (nothing as yet.) Knnnamano, tax assessor "mployeal in some productive improvement, there- the A. B. C. F. M until about tbe yearl6s Sinee KM3 )C Pus,II HACKTELD ACO .AsiL-- . the Estate ALFKKDW BL'SU. lain of nenotaV. Aiir. whole Hamakna. peroration were all compressed into abont by preventing the sure loss that mnst result from then he has been the pastor of the Independent tnttttatt deceased. At Chambers before Chief Set V Hayerlden opinions and wishes of the nationl of OotHl lor Mhlpmeut prSlrraer rnu now tie Jndd Honolulu . II yurty-lou- r such unwise legislation, to say Church at Waimea. For the first few yeans rire-tro- ol minutes. nothing of the losses the Freest Ctinr:eln Ihe readln- - and fllla- - the petition and FwaandTtalanac .. Joule., kaae that must attain by the unsettling values congregation met a grass house, bnt afterwards bS(ri!, On t actoaaU f Waialna K Maboe Tnx Gazxrrr. has neither time, space nor The sneech so nnnarentlv frank nnd pi of and in .Tnretionic nenr the Steamer Wharf Mr CsroltneP Bash administratrix of the estate ef - Sceelt there is decency pnongh left in other confusions. a comfortable house was built, which stands to prepared Honolola, koolaoloa M Ivaapu e. The Aston htre are now to lfredW Hnsh late of deteaed. wherein Jn. inclination to reply to the Adttrtitcr of planatory, was only discursive and era-siv- There one way this day kodsapotn I, kaulukou Messrs Gnlickruidlsqnmanntoresignafter the is only to make a permanent a monument to his energy and to his c she ash to be allowed JTW5.13, and chre heraelf Jo an as $nc Tickets to San Francisco and It turn, 0G&17. KATJAI. showing np their administration has 25th nit at any length. As a mens tissue and acceptable home currency, and that is, for skill architect and builder. The walls are of a with tS and aska that the fame DiTtMnimfrvtst the this rrewnt Legislature to eryoa i a bnilim; white stone of sedimentary formation not com YOU $123 THE ItOCSD TKIP. and approved, and that a flnal order may be made of J Kala of vulgar abuse the --Wrcrtocr articlo will "With regard to foreign affairs, tho proof Mhoe had. Xo one exiiocts the Mfnistcrof For of this Government and elect a president, mon on theie islands. The heavy timbers neces- distribution of the property remalnlns In her hands In Vrnnl thepersonsthereto-entltleu- . kola ... J Affairs not draw forth any retaliation. There are, thatrio mistako had arisen with the French vice preident and bank attorney sary for the beams nnd were aad dlsenarslnj her aad Kawalhau. " ...... SNuuo eign to show tho faintest tingo of to tike charge niters all obtained Kuretlee all irspODfllhlllly ad- Government in consequence of tho sudden Wai- her from farther la loch Hanalei ...... n I'slobau shame at any position .fit may ocenpy however, two points to be noticed; ono is of it; and into their hinds should bo committed, from the forests in the mountains back of FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK ministratrix. .ITalaiea - i..Uml Kanal this: our assailantsays that the opposition withdrawal of Mr. Carter's diplomatic under the laws of the Kingdom, with proper bonds, mea, where they were cut, hewn and brought It Is ordered that FHIU Y thelttdayof Aantt, A. Mlhau . . ItkHoll Every white man in tho Honse with the the entire responsibility com- down by papers are not entitled to lie called news powers, was that we still received civil of supplying the natives under his personal supervision. jo m kArnt.v. exception of J. S 'Walker and Macfarlanc merce and industry of the Kingdom with an At that time many difficulties had to bo over- at Chambers In the Court Iloase Iloaolaln. be, aad communications from tho Foreign Minis- mw ISIS Minister of Finance. has recorded his lack of confidence in tho papers. In answer to this it is only neces- and acceptable currency. They should come, which are not known now, but Mr. Bowel! av fBiatv uinuj is aiipuiniru iae ixmo ana ter in Franco and that our representative bare power to com money, issue and redeem spared physical nor mental his, nlaee for hearts? said catiuot. and aefmints. and -t Ministry Twenty-on- e Independent men sary to invite comparison to the Gazette bills neither labor in all persona Interested may then and of credit (bank notes) receive deposits and issue effort to build up the church. He was an ardent there appear aad GOVERNMENT LOAN! andtwenty-bneofficc-holder- or any week, con- had been decorated. Thoinmrraffairwas eaofJfO,Be( oppose them, s of the last other and tho certificates for the same, Their duties should scholar, and kept up his familiarity CUNAJRD LINE laviTCiyrvii snj Larjunwoj ui itat IlEFAlrTMENT OK FINANCE. etc with the be sranted, and may present ctideace a to who are temporaneous issue of the Adtcrtitrr. The not alluded to. Franco had not suspended, be clearly denned Greek and Hebrew lingnages llnvH.ru. Aug 23th, support them Step out gracefully, gen by law. The material used by till lite years. He en th ltd to tbe said property And that thla order, la 1J. latter consists of column of coarse abuse, or threatened to suspend diplomatic rela them as the agents cf the Goremmsnt to express was one of the few of the Hiwalian the Ensile-- Isnana-- e. be published In lb Notlrr is hereby given that application, for any tlemen: it is time. a missionaries Established IB40. IlawaniX a column and a half of a dog story clipped tions, so that was all right. the power of money, should be gold, sUver and who acquired thouroughly the idioms and pronun- Gaiittm newnpaper piloted and pabflshed In Hone pwtlon f Ihr NEW (.OVEKNXENT I.O np to paper, each to be a full Irml lender with one stan- ciation of the Hawaiian language. His loss is Inla. for three neceslre wreke prerloaa to the tlmV will now he Trea-nr- y. from another two Kapena's mission onsinated with some. therein appointed for said hearing sUM.nen received at Ibe the It is unfortunate that tho President of paper, other clippings, dard of value for all, and that should be lOOttHtt felt deeply by the natives of his district, and his Two Sailings Every Week rate r latere, t It Bird at Mt per cml rer innin qnarter of Japanese gentlemen, and hadnothing to to tlie widow uaieaai i.?aotaia.ii .u.iBia sun aar jnne .J7. 1334 parable and the Ilond. are rirmpt from the Board of Genealogy should be too in- a a column of original matter dollar' None disputes the right of tho Gov. and children suffer as only those can ap- run i.ivKitiooi.x A. V JUDD, do with tho the mission referred ernment to do this profits, else bow preciate who have known a Attest- - alil.oTminriilTaXf'.'stiatMM'Vrr bo ablo to present on the then forthcoming ball at tho Hotel, coronation, and retain the similar km. iii J York every Vnalnetday, Chief Justice of ihe Saprerae Court. M kii'ENA, disposed to the valuable Col. can they delegate this power to a corporation? I i, From Jfea HtxaT tth. Depnty Clerk 1015 3t JM the departure of men-of-wa- and a letter solely to immigration. Iaukea's mis 1010 Minister fit Finance. .Report which an expectant pnblic is enti sion was eminently successful in the Bast could refer you to the opinions of able and eminent From Boston ersry Salurdiy tied to It is also unfortunate that the from Mr Gibson. The next page makes American statesmen that it is as much the dnty of Death of Captain Thomas Spencer. SUPJIE3IE COURT OF TIIE License! xpinng in July, 1SE4. up two columns of Legislature, projected because ho had been so well received in the Government to attend to this business direct Probate In the Matter eC Secretary to the samo Board is nnablo to them For moro than thirty years CipL Tom Spencer's RATES OF PASSAGE: K'Utt of FRAMC ANTONE.or llonalnJn rf- -. concert and Royal courtesies, and some West Tho various embassies of this Min as it is for to run the post office department, figure Intestate. Before Chief Justice Jndd ttrrAii . report Unfortunate too, (for him) that the war department or any other department of portly and stentorian voice have been famil- unit communications. istry had not cost so much as was reputed iar to the people of these so rnuin.. .930, mill Sioo (.old On readlns and filing the petition ef Joseph Ilyaiaa 1 Kwong Wo Chong A Co. katirohr, knutaupolo another distinguished member of the the government, and not farm it out as has always islands. Like many and John Kibello both of Ilouolala.aUextoy Uttitttd 1 -- to havo been spent from first to of his coniemponnes, Cipt. Spencer came according Us Accommodation. llrmsn Bros. Hu.i turret llnnolnln Board is too xnnch Liken np by "his dnties Tho Urerfiarr may chango ostensible last in ac been done in the United States to the great injury here Frank Antone of Ilonoluln, died Intestate an Honelmra 1 T si Havies 4 Co, kaabamana street of the country. first In the whaling business, and established him- KKTU1U TICKETS ON rAVOKADLE TEIWs on the -- day of January. V I? property Ijtn Nuuanu-ire- rt proprietors and ostensible editors as often quiring mo iteiproary ATeary. !!, leannx I WnTal h(f in the chain gang to allow him to attend self in Honolulu in a ship chandlery store on the ...... ga of a dry goods store In petitioners hands aad pnytae 3 Man Kim Luag Jt Co, Lelr. Tho Protest had not been made a laugh If there were not big profits and advantages in lleerngc- - Currency to Ji--s as it will, 'but tho trail of tho serpent is it, outside would lot recently vacated by A. W. Pierce Co. For that an administrator of said estate be ippefnted to I I baa; k.eu Lee. Ultha .treet - thoo laborious details of hunting ac- parties not ask for these rights; years (ool cconiDioilatlons can always be secarcd on recelre the proceeds of aale of the VC still " official ing stock, on tho contrary it had been many he did n lirge business, and made a Ktoda oekmstte to M SleChtsney J. Son tBcvn stre.4 up unwritten records over it A whole page of and as these rights, powers and privileges belong WILLI VMS III.MON'D A CO . said estate, and for the appointment . phraso-olorr- great deal of money which ho invested sugar ef aruardlanef 10 Kin t en Cbong 4. llotrl attrrt which doubtless goes far to ac- knowledged with duo diplomatic to the people, let the reople retain them and profit in a sau rranetsco. the persons and property the minor children aald 11 O Xlls A " Bnt it is an ill wind that blows nobody plantation at Iiilo. out oi et J cor I'uachbow lerManla slrvele the 18,000 thourrh no farther rosixmso had thereby, as it will be safer, more reliable and more ihu turned unfortunately JAS ALESANDKR. dreeased 11 lluon? 1 irk Cbors. Hotel ctrrct good all this count for and odd of. public and IattAly Capt. Spencer was occasional diff- wnalrSlreet, Boston, Is M U ;behind misfortnno brightens permanent than to trust it in the hands or a cor in It ordered that TUESDAT, the day of Jaly. A. 11 Inc On ft. aunn ttrrrt ' money received whilo that page has been been received except from Holland, and Duration, however iculties. An enthusiastic American, his sympathies VERSOS II. DROWN CO . D IWLat Ida. m . ht. and hfmhv l .nrwifn(4 f 13 KnLtoa;. ranebbowt tttcrt the probability of tho ending of this pre- honest and responsible ther may were sold in type, and a few advertisements, most of the becretary ol state in W asnmgton, tue be, and in the language of Wendell Fhilbps, when world wide and his hospitality unbounded. t Bowling Green, New sort hearlnr petition before raid Chief Justice. In the II John Chrc Ion. aaanatnTt posterous imposition. Tho public will bo For some lew past hi3 health been ConrtHoom or this Court, at Uonolnln, at which time 14 nn Uqlj; I a rorMaanaLca JL many1 Hon. Mr. Frelinghnysen had written that writing upon tins subject, "If any one doubts that jeirs had break place persons llolltTTflr while pedigrew-buildin- g them old and of them out of date, ing 1(1 and all concerned may appear aad show JE Looloj.rir Slannakcaand klnzMrcrtp . relieved, the car the government is honest enough to and tho end caino on Saturday morning at Vollce to Passenger- from Australia, New Zealand cause It any they why said petition go to fill np a sheet which talks of 'others the Protest ought to havo been called an be trusted Banal hair, should not 15 Nr U Derrunla tliwt rf pentersand onr genfle and earnest mentor, with such power, I answer as honest as the o'clock. autl Honololn TheCnnaru Line aflords more than dc Cranmi anu mai mis ornvr do pnoilshed 16 Kara cw with to Cow it is Spencer room enough, passengers from Trans-racio-c lathe San Nnaana and Kins rural not being iwwpapers. anneal, and that regard national banks who now wield these powers. Wo Capt. had and warmth facilities to thronrh Enctlsh and Hawaiian lencuagea for three sticc.es I ve IS atrort M tho Adrntutr, will miss their shares of the enough porta, the frcqneney of its sailings precluding all posst. snrroicb,llrajA.Co,lltnl The second and only other point to be Guinea and other groups remote from must trust such powers somewhere. We can de in his heart to entertain a gennine love for weeks In the lUwatux Uaxxttb and AVotetr lt Marn l buns Tone 'Saoannrtrrtt plunder- his adopted country, Hawaii, as well MlityordelaylnNtwTorl;. In Honolulu 19 11 - hence, there neither American tect and punish and prevent misdoings more quick- as for his Cry reserved horiftml noticed this: Beginning with some- was an or dearly-love- d Good acconiimUtions alwava Dated llonolnla. II I Jane 19th. A TJ. ISSt, lliitto. M is native land, 19 1cBlbop; kln;atrre. ly in the government than we can money cor- and his sterling qualities ii n co , A thing about honesty, decency, just, earnest Hawaiian question alive, while tho Colo- in were fully appreciated by several Mon ver:o: brow FK.VNCI8 JL'DD, 19 Qacmr Ian Lanz, r.crrUnta atrrrt Titr. Bank Charter Bill was defeated last porations shielded by privacy." successive IIWTIt t Bowling Ureen. New York. t hlef Justice ef the Supreme Court. 71 L K Akana. Laic. Knolanloa purpose, which cannot but bo respected, nies of Great Britian were nearer inter I see it reported that the Minister of Finance archs of this Kingdom, His present Majesty and Attest SI Com Krr Kinc -- Thursday, Ivy a vote of a"i t52. ThVthing Queen Kapiolani Irr trrrt -- Tripp's expedition more has given to a last but not least. Haxar Surra. Depnty Clerk. "WIS 21 Mop u the hfrrrfiarr proceeds to give specimens ested. Capt was notice of intention introduce bill to loo llotrl had so stank in the nostrils of tho com- regulate a "National Hanking System." This has Tbe funeral took place Snuday afternoon from Tcto Jl&ticrtistmtnts. a Ab Tone ItrrrUnla lrrrt i of its own ideas of these qualities. Open- expensive than was anticipated, for who the Hawaiian Hotel, when ICev. A. COURT OF ItA-wall- an at llia JL lonralTr--. atrert munity, that exonihe present brazen fore the right sound, but whether it be a bogus national the J. Cruzan THE llotrl out with the re- could lorsee tho wreck of tuo vessel Urn officiated. A largo company had assembled to honor Islands In Probate. In the matter ef the (too Kim, cor ort and Hotel rtravt ing decent, just, honest banking system, as in the United btates where it (1 OH UK M d headed Ministry, however much they mighT flairs the dead. Foremost were their Majesties the King Estate of 1 J Ell Ka. of llonolnla. iti.rAit.-Kt- i mark that tho Bulletin and Gazette are forms and not referred to. means only corporate monopoly, or a genuine na- intestate. Before Chief Justice .I... i. fnvor the measure, dared not, in tho face and Queen, Governor Dominis and Hon. A. S. MARSHAL'S" SALE." Jndd. H KaamDalil, Koloa "receptacles of a mass of falsehood, mis- The coinage contract was the least ex- tional banking system where the government con- On reading and HI! np the petition of Jlre, X U. of pubbc opinion, conntenanco this iniq trols and uses for the benefit of the people, as Cleghorn, His Majesty's Ministers, His Ex. the U. Emmes. widow of said deceased, allezlnv that lit 1'bonz a, Koloa and pensive scheme, illegality not referred to. it S. Minister Consul (1t nitons measure, so poor thing it died a representation scurrility." This writer tho post office and other government departments ltesident. McKinley, Chief Jus- VIItTUK OF AN KXECUTION J Emmes of llonolnla died Intestate at said Honolulu, ll proceeds to illustrate its "earnest purpose" Finding the Portuguese immigration are used, we are net prepared to say, and will wait tice Judd and Associate L. McCully with many of l"r.ed from the bnprrme Court Kanekoa, on u j -- m umj ui sjnne. a u itrf jeafinp property ia ICW ca.Waiobln. Kan en ignominious death Our readers the leading American residents, and of tho Consu- In of for the torn of I have Honnlnln necessary to be administered open. aad pray S by calling in- brought to a stand still for lack of funds, further developments. J50. M. UosNziu faror .nahlna $7T3, Hal Kalcju konx .ka Kranltoo. X Kfma will remember the old fable of us a brace of yelping and lar corps. teTtrd opoo, and tball expose for rate at public auction Ins that letters of administration Isiao to tfamaet C. Lon- - ,N thel'hcenix ana wiosepn Tal MaLapala. kobala decent newspapers," who pilo filth with it was necessary to pick up whatever ot The ltoyal Hawaiian Band preceded proces- Alien u i irter. S cbap A Aelanr. Jlakapala. N kohala and in what a festive manner tho decrepit Anniversary Exercises at Oahn College-- the On. Wednesday, the 16th Day of July. It is ordered that Fill DAT. the loth nf .!... IS Cbaa nillama, Kabulhaelr. Ivan exaggerated lies." whatever that may tered as possibly available. sion in an omnibus and awated it at tbe gates of A D l- - at U o'clock a. m be and hereby. Is old bird had a knack of n-i- from its Pre- cemetery, long li Moo Mian. NailHio, kaa moan. "Infamous As to appropriations by Cabinet Reso The Anniversary Exercises of the 1'uuahou the a line of carnages followed the At 11 tbe nremiscs.all the e and In appolnteit for hearing said petition before the said Chief S A sheets," "journalistic College A iUon rlbL tit In Kobm II Ilrf Lablaa o. llonoaiaVaa, N huliata ashes. Tho Bank Charter Act is dead Attorney-Gener- paratory School and Oahn have passed off, hearse. brief but impressive service was held terest of the Mid Kanekoa in and the Hpum1 now Justice. tieConrt of this Court, at Ifacnintn. II bastard;" tins the decency lutions, tho might an- to II T Hamlin;, kllra kona sure enough, but we are very much mis is taught by according 10 me programme puunsneu last week, bi me grave, conuuciea uy the Her. J. A. Cruzan. tlanding on the land now owned by nahlwaat Kapa at which lime and place ail persons concerned may ap-- 13 AVum Acbanz kaloplbt. N Koiiala our "Censor Morum " swer that The same vrith the JAiiinu very pleasantly satifactorily. A Capt- - Spencer having been American lama kai, Kona, of Uahu auu iuuw uii--r, ., nr turj way same 1 X and large attend, Consular Iiland (tj bitt, ia II Urrrnwell. Kalnkaln. Vena taken if the General Banking Law will not Agent . v. t hould not bo granted, and that this order be published - It T Knrkabl. Ilamakna Tho Mtcrtner, with all its changes, is muddle. ance of parents and fnrnds sat Datientlr thronrh at llllo, tho Consular nags throughout the r.iiiEa, Aiarnnii In the EDsIlsh for embody some of its rnot objectionable of Preparatory city were kept half Honolulu, June Sid. 1S3I. 1013 4t lanzuae three snccesslre weeka In 1" Ln John N Kohala the In the Flowerdew mess, tho Minister the recitation tho Funabon School , at mast throughout Saturday the II twaiiat Oaxxttk, a newspaper printed In llono- Kaplan, features current report still. It is impossible to Friday and their Bhetoncal and Sunday. ISltooChnn Kohala It is that one of quote was happy to read to tho House tho latest morning Exercises in lnla 91 JIIMIII. Illlo tho interested nartics savs that tho Gen further because, as tho pages of tho the afternoon. The school is so well patronized Dated Honolulu, II I., JuneSWh, A D. ISM. fhnnc Fat Krr, N Kntiala communication from tho British Govern who wish JLDD. it M. eral Banking will Gazette never condescend to '"nasty vi that thoso to send their children must MARSHAL'S SALE A.S H Alona. llllo Act certainly pass, and ment through its Representative here, make early application, as the possible vacancies iX"cru Huntr.isciiicii.s. Attest Chief Justice of the 8 aprtrnw Canrt. rft Hal Kalrpa o Uavrall, alohlon. Kan tuperation," an oversight of a compositor Uimr Smitii. Depnty Clerk. lOT34t Kaa Tack in sucn suapc mat it will uloct any ono are even now almost filled, 'the new catalogue S Jlan, kalopUil. . Kiba'a or a proof reader might make it appear to that they would be satisfied to know that 118 VIltTUK OF AX KXKCUTIOX T1 T Alona 1'nnahm. Illlo else bnt tho Snreckels monoixilv from shows that there hare been connected with the BYtoned by R. F Bicker ton, Eq I'olice Justice of COURT OF THE strangers that this phraseology was tho Hawaiian Government were read y to school the vear. The new Mt.a de- SUrRESIE X),real, Kaloplbl KobaW avciling themselves of its provisions It our nat Pnnn.il Honolulu upon a Judgment against LOO CIIOISU, In Prahafi. Tn i m.ft- nf iti:rMi.-- 'i t i. own Our regular readers know better. invite the Hawaiian tax payers to pay for Emma Hall, will have to do exceedingly well to do JULY 4th, 1884 fendant in execution for tbe inm of S12UU1 damage the Estate or HENRT 11 TlYA.t.of Honolultt, deceased Denotes tuo members 01 tno House and by and $11.33 costs, I barn levied upon the following art! C ! better than has been done the present corps of 1 II Dlclrr. Hamakaapoko Yale Jrfrfrrtaer; may your columns of any loss incurred by a British subject by clei and shall expose for sale to the highest bidder on l Mta.lt,!. anJ M.l. ,W. . ,. ...- - .. - Kon Wo, the tax payers and property holders of the teachers, Mrs. Aehford and Misses CastrorLewis. w ,..Ua .ww .n.n .,11uv.uioa i iivnrioii. Bras, liana official Directory never bo less, and your tho action of the Hawaiian Government anu uopper. nan widow of said deceased,lballeging that Henry B. Byas. 3 Akn. Kaloaaha. Moljkal country to scan closely tlie provisions of inescnooi tiau been most taste- of Honolulu, diet! Man Mallakn honesty and decency" As president of the Board of Health the fully and profusely decorated by the pupils Intestate at ssld Honolulu, es the t MnTon: the proposed Act "JCjuo cndiU, just what they are. with 25th DAY OF JULY, 1884 iMUMJuy,,! u ihh, leaving properly In Honolulu I laa prcckrif , Kahalul t Itvcn." multitudinous im- ferns and made wreaths, beautiful and fragrant necessary wb 17 Minister quoted certain be administered upon, and praying thai Aklna. lallaka Hawaiians had better becharj before the flowers, and was as attractive and home-lik- e C At Auction, at the nclion Room of Lvone Levey. of Administration .no. Is as letters I. Inhm wntl.M. IP Allrrd Malta. Makanao So. " the long and bitter campaign provements made under his regime Tho (cHeea Street, lu VIZ! give full credence loving hands could make it. The examinaUons at am, also that temporary letter! Issne to him mean-whil-e. Lin Hal Kipahaln to the dark horse, com 1 la the II krr. Ministry arrival of the Sisters was referred to with had been held two days previous, and Coffee Mill If rwalanokaUnl & Kraweolo, Kanialo,Mflokal arrainst the terminated on Satnr these written CS-ra,ia- a. HI mg under tho name of tho General Bank Lamp Cblmneja Iwis ordered that MONDAY, Uth day of A. AJ Vaonr I.an Hop, Haoa .an. not unjustifiablo gratification. Of course tests of scholarship for proficiency and promotion 10 the July. ing Law day in the defeatof the opposition"! That Chambers D 1H8I, at 10 o'clock a. m., e and hereby Is appointed Itaonr 1 orn. Haiku were very satisfactory proofs thoroughness n- S opinion it was not tho President's cue to refer to of the I Mnar Rewl for liearl- said petition berore the aald 36 Tonr I'cu Kainapall is the of the Adrtrtiten it is not ahd carcfnlnes? of both pupils SI Justice, Is tho maintenance in office of such men as and teachers. Table Lamps the Court Itoom of this Court, at Honolulu, at which Mi ri immi, Dole niado a most tell the opinion of any one else. True, a great At Oahn College there was a large attendance of S Tea Pots tint and place all persona concerned may appear and '. Tinr. Mn A I o, attakn ing point against tho self styled Premier oaiuo nas been lougut, ana on the minis Fitch and Van G eisen and the consequences parents and friends. Now that the fences have Excursion & Picnic t Pass C'raelers show eanse, if any they have, why aald petition should U Acbonr N KobaU been removed, the grounds showed to great advan- 3 Tins Crackers not be panted, and that Ibis order be published la Ihe and President of the Board of Health terial side of the battle-fiel- d are of their rule. 9i Ladles' Hose 1: Mow kian. Naalrbn Kaa scattered tage the possibihteb of lovliness that only await the l'alr hogtlih language for three aucceasire weeks tnthe II Kan: Hans Maanakra when he analyzed tho Report of Dr ministerial reputations Finally the Minister reminded us of our LNDER THE 5 shirt. Hawarux newspaper In Honolulu. Fa.cor and Uriel rUrrta Pitch torn and bemired. touch of cultivated taste to charm all e with the Al'PKES OF 1 Umni Ka --eT. Jea Lot Empty Dottles And It Is farther ordered that said Wm. II llllo upon mo settlement, bo their bare life being ancient Koman Uustom, by which, when varied beauties of the location. 1 ue new avenue Handkerchiefs f. Williams 1 Ah Kon- - Onecn rtrrrt leper isclow will saved by an army of :i In the meantime be appointed temporary administrator IS hha Mao found tlie extracts which he an old public servant was impeached he of approach should bo supplemented by a winding Towels npon mine; a bond for SI,3JU. Ualmea. Kaoal read: mercenaries Lodge I. G. 11 17 W Jtrretanta road through the grounds. The llecitation Hall Algaroba 0. T. Pair Slocklnzs Dated Honolulu, II 1". June SOth. A D 1981. Fotrr. rlrrrt bome On tho bared his breast and showed his wounds, 10 ) It A Kaikabl. alplo Hanalna months nro that noblfrminded Christian opposite side, the independent was crowded with visitdrs. Dozes Paper Collars ,, BK.NJ 11 ACST1.N man. Father Dimicn roe to see case hero tho Minister threw his coat G Scarfs . asked a he or opposition army, though numerically open and 'ihe recitations of the various classes, and es- ' Justice Supreme Ceurt. Numi.. bad becomc,conixanl of. Taking me to a little SLl 2L. It Doi Lamp Wicks HrsBT Surra. Depaly Cleric. inferior, showed his waistcoat, creating not a little pecially tLose in algebra, grammar, and physics, 2 S 1 luti t fct Met. andlear, Fhh Market. Hoaolahi windowlras hut, pome x 10 wo marched off the field with all the Rox Slate Pencils feet, found a laughter. were admirable examples of the in- 8 (THIN man m tho last stages disease. honors of war, their banner inscribed "for methods of Dozes Back Combs At joune of the His struction. The system, neatness, promptness and 6 11rnahcs SUPIIEME COUIIT OF TIIE Mnndon, Koloa suit of clothes consisted of n pair of blue denim the good of the country," flying Referring onco moro to tho Board of 1 Blacking In Probate. In th. natter of the la Itro unsoiled, accuracy exhibited by the scholars showed a most Dos Estate O overalls which, over the front of his thiolis. wrro Health, recognizing the old Roman saying To Ford's 4 Pk?f Fire Crackirs (small) of EDU IN HALL, late or Honolulu, commendable Point iMiitii and their men ready and able to martery of the studies they pur- niiTint.it. saturated with pus from running sores; renew tho had 6 Doses testate U Humbert, beore Chief Justice la the files that tho "Health of tho people is the sued, 'the compositions written by Mrs. ilerritf g Mucin; Jndd AbJIm. Llhur. Kanal had got at htm, and maggots Here swarming over fight as was seen on Monday when the 1, ' Epsom Salt I? Akin A knna katiil.nl. Illlo class, suggested by n picture shown them for the 1", - Candles On readlnu and lllng tbe petition and aceonla of tueir prey oeiore deatn could release him from his Foreign Minister was hindered effectually law," he said as to the water supply, MarylJ Hall, surviving Itlltltr.lt, susenngs. This young first time that morning, showed great readiness 4 Washing Boards Executrix of the will of B. O. man had given all he had from playing Barnum naa no not sunt a pump in a spring on 11 Hall, late of Honolulu, Oahn, deceased, wherein she ISW leper all over with Ha and versatility in the development and expression PROGRAMME OF Pigs Corn Starch " llsbtrciali.IllfO to another to take carerof him ontil he died tho beach at Kalawao and erected a houso original thought. EVENTS 19 Tumblers !,.k.! t..b.."07td VM& Chargca herself with li IlitrbcoLV i. Co, I'apakoa, llllo waiinci for his Tom Thumb, and a Com- of JW-V- 4T, and asks "i and the care he received was simply to put his The great change the alministration (J IS Pk;s Mack Tea tbat the tamo may be examined food, some sweet potatoes missioner at over it, had ho not written a book teaching in of ihn l- -B VbEDAIX MATCH, for Gold Medal Box Japanese and approved, and that a anal order may be made of ntrrAii. and meat, and some thoilnternational Congress College was most plainly way S Tea Nordprrr, evident in tho in 1 Kerosene distribution of the property remaining In her hasda to $ r IX cor Kins A Nnnana r(a, Honolala water to drink on the floor beside him, and leave for settling a universal Primo Meridian as tho science of sanitation to Hawaiians t which noon SHOOTING MATCH (JJO yardsL Prlie, Tin Oil the persons him to his fate. tho usual lunch was 6erred. The spi. Irold Medal 1 Empty Tin with Faucet thereto ettTtlcd, and discharging her and itll.l.lAriDS. his sacred white elephant. and moreover he had visited Kalawao, and cious dining-roo- the elegant viands, the appur- 3 Uecanlers her sureties from all further responsibility la inch 1 Eaplitda. In'Alarch. whilo I was at the in coto-lan- y HOP.aTEI" JIMP 1st prize. J3 Core Labaina Our - stayed there three days, at least he had tenances of the table, the prompt yet unobtrusive 3 Plubers 1 with Drs. btallard and Arning, morning contemporary, with unpar- Hat; 24 prize, hllkbcarf ' - A IT Klnli.Wallnkn I made a post rtllplivl serving of the guests, called forth many express- 31 rioup Plates .1 "i"I- "il' F1UDAY Ihe Sth day July. 7 J A llallidaj, llonokea, Ilamakna mortem examination of tlie bod of a young girl; mirlnrit.V nrtfl nrlifTnro,w, tr fnol slept there ono night and stayed parts of Prize, 1 Mehlnnon Pen. 3 Plates V 181, at 10 o clock a m .before the said Chief Jus. the course work ions of delight and admiration. The friends of tlce.atlhambera in the Court House MII.U. in of tho I caught hold of her states that the opposition "failed to show two dajs; true, it was previous to taking the college had the best possible evidence FOOT ItCE let prize. Sliver 1'encilOase: tl saucers at Honolulu. In arm and, turning over, my fingers that the 21 31 Bowls and the tame hereby Is appointed as the time and :l i'ekdo. Honolola it I found in an office as President of tho Board, but was physical wants of the pupils are carefully prize, Sinn Hal. place for hearing saltl openuleer crawling with maggots, which Father tuui.jxr uiuson ana ins colleagues naa it nttended 5 Cups netllloa and tcconnts, and thai to to, and, the development of higher tastes wisely FOOT RACE. 1st prize. Brooch: Sd prize, Broom all persons Interested may lieu and there appear and l'l.lllll.lM. Daniien said he had seen some davs before the violated the Constitution, or been wasteful sufficient enable him to grasp intelli- temp Book: 3d prize, , doz t show 3 Ch.. Hlntu and lovingly legarded in tho provision made for Handkerchiefs. 1 Piece Rope cause. If any Ihey have, why the same should sot death of the patient. in their handling of public moneys." As gently tho necessities of tho patients, and bodily JOOT years I Bottle Bicarbonate Soda be granted, and may present evidence at to who are ago white man, living their comfort and welfare. mcE,a and over Prize, entitled to the tritol.V.ll.l. Nme time a by himself, tho ministry only to formulate the best scheme of adminis The Watch 3 ' Tomato Ketchup said property And that Ibis order. Is forty-eig- shirked and evaded tho rhetorical exercises in the afternoon shoved the English language, be published ljlrmaa Ilro. Oaeen rtreet Hid for hours without either food or SHOOTING 3 - Sweet Oil Is the Hawaiian 1 llaTlraJtCo, Kaabamana a more serious charges, tration for tho future. high ideals and thorough drill. Prizes of five, MATCH, "3 yard. S JiaKTTs. a newspaper printed and published Hono- Til trrrt dnnk in his cabin, a victim of one of the sudden and only partially for young men 13 to 21 years of a;e. 1st prize, Gold Corner Lamps In ll'lirl. cor Foil and Hotel fevers which part On these statements ho was willing to fourand three dollars had been offered for the SJI'ottle Ma'hroom Catsup ' lulu, for three snccesslre weekt previous to the Una t i ltttf. arc a of this disease. No one answered, or tried lamely to explain away Medal, ii prize. Diploma. thereto appointed for II Mar A Co, rott rtrret bad missed him sooner. as a ana best four recitations or declamations. I Box and III pkss Niier Head Tobaceo said hearing S3iXwerr A Cooke, tort atteet tho rest they may bo held to be convicted rest nis claim just, able impartial Kev. Mr, Cruzan, for the Committee of Award, LADIES' 100T RACE. 1st prize. 1 Frame Lautern llaledatlIonolulu.il I this tttb. day June A D.1S8I. In May last, I went to the settlement, acoom Silver Mated V, ater of precisely flVr-fiter administrator. adjudged the first to Miss Hessie Dickson, ritcber; 2d prize, silver l'laied 5 Tin Preserved Fruits J A. r JUDD t'tiiK ri.mii.iM. panying a steamer load of lepers; on board was a those crimes which the -l- the Batter Dish .... Chief Itnn And this is tho whisk to second to Miss May Atherton. the third to 17 Tomatoes Justice Supreme Court. lam nice looking native woman, not a leper, who was says were not which is brush Mis 1 31 "Is llavBT Deputy Clerk II Lei Cbrr proved. They are May Dillingham, tno fourth was finally R ICE 1st prize, doz Handkerchiefs: Al " Ureen Corn Ssrru. Jt going over wilh her 13 year away charges awarded 1 4 - Roast 1 Lrorr Ak old daughter; when proved if n Report of a Committee of tho tho contained in the gravo prize, Box Cigars Chicken to Horace Chamberlain, though at nrsM Nellie 3 " UA-wall- the steamer left there to return, the parting of 11 10 10 Corned Beef COUKT OP an a Jua Kaaibaa House and tho comments unan- and explicit statements of the Financo Waterhouse and Horace Hall received equal suff- TCO married men and single men , THE that young mother, 21 years old, and her leper thereon, pilzc, 1 Box (Wi) Manila Cigars. Jars Table bait Islands lu Probate In the matter of nroof daughter, left there to serve the purposes swered nnd nnnrtsrnmlil ,..- - I l.Ai;i ! Committee, in the speeches of Nbblo "Wide rage as equally worthy of the prize. 4 Tin Jams of the will of OEOHOE BICKNELL, late of of God N. BeckwitlTs Prize, 1 Bel Qnolts II Tin Green Teas ' IsUnd.deceased. Slioola In Honckoni;. knows how many loathsome rakes, wis something prove anything. - niann, Beprepresentative Dole and others ltev. anniversary address in Fort Order appelating time for prob.l. Indeed, their own apolo- Street Church, Monday evening, was on Culture RACE, for ladles. 1st prize, 13 yds Mns-- 8 Bottles Ink (small) of will and directing publication of notice of same. 1 I pray to a merciful God I ma) never have to in tho House, and of O. Isenberg , Sd 1 Hones A th. Errron Gaxrms lute latclj- rro-tm- l last feisto wijij ouuijycuuii luu proois. auc J. Carter, and Life. It was an inspiring and eloquent Iin prize, Pool, 'Mother Home in Heaven." Tin document purporting to be the last will and witness again. 1 Hand Scale George Bieknell. deceased, JMtV nnnnal of the Klraols by the and others outside. gtaud truths and sentiments, LDIFb' FOOT RACE, over 13 years. havlngon the 19th rriiort in Honrkon". AVhat Attorney General of tho ice I Box Envelopes day of June. A. D. 1881. been presented to said Probate do these things mean? They - speaker was sure that there was no finer country Prize, Set Jewelry. 1 Conntlaglluard The Cnt impreaaluD roaiJe bj nt itj omi- - Cabinet Resolntion rnlr- rronf in In fact tho speech was no answer, no Chinese Court, and a petition for Ihe probate thereof, and for atl.iucc mean either for the developement of a perfect physical man- for ladles oaly Toilet IS Bjjs Floni (3) Dal Unti M at that the condition of things the impression justification, no explanation, nothing but Prize. Set. SK't "f.,,nc.e. of testamentary to Jamea crUScitim the true English thorough, that tho Minister of Fi hood than these beautiful and salubrious IS- 11 Tin Table Spoons IlleknellandJ 8 Walker,'"" nt the leper asylum is so frightful that of islands. - CROQUET for children 13 years and under. Prize. having been aledbyWin. H. ttrna rilubiUil in the lunltcra npurted, and nance naa misled his colleagues m a perfunctory fulfilment a custom of a Ha urged upon his audience that they should ap- Toilet Set 31 Tea poons Castle in ono shudders to think of them, and the 47 Manila Cigars II Is hereby oidered.that their ntalt-rwiti- arntncciuenL Our ltuanl that Cabinet as to the whereabouts Ministerial answer to charges made. Ncvlr preciate the greatness of the opportunities before WEDNESDAT.theJnd day of this of of a trifle will leave this cily on tbat date for 8 Small Boxes Cigara of July, A.D. 1331, at 10 o'clock a.m. of aald day, the state things lias gone on with the this people, and devote their increasing wealth to V at Education woold be profited by a carefnl rtndv of of S3G0.00O. was there in all constitutional history a tbe above point Account Books toort room of said court, at Alllol.nl Hale, In Honolu- frill knowledge of providing the highest possible culture for their Fnrlber particulars in daily papers 1010 Is Box Long lu, th tlucorornt. The community cent-rall- tic person in charge, or An. reply to PinTSmotlnz Tobacco be, and the samo Is hereby appointed the time for niay Tho Wholesnlrt imnfnrc fWrni so hollow and worthless, charges children. He showed the falsity and the fallacy " Chewing Tobacco be intcrettcd in some fActa vhich it present, and tho the thing is an exaggeration put for- well ', sliver Brand proving said will and hearing (slit application, when partmentto another are proved to havo so gravo and known. of frequent objections against the highest educa- WANTED ! !t Chewing Tobacco , and where any person interested may appear and cos- pwb coapiiriiions vhich it auccets, ward by Dr Fitch and " Smoking Tobacco the Honckonc, an published by tho been made, and - "When tho vote was taken, tho weight of tion. He rejoiced that a beginning had been !s .. iest said will, and the granting ot letters testa- Wand comaioine sqnare Minister need no proof of illcgal- made right A YOUSG XjADY, A i, mentary. ceded to the Hnttsn a to gain a little extra sympathy ltV. ThO THVsitinn "VTinIelrv-- ; tho four Ministers, ono in the direction. It was the want of EY S) Long f milra,as coycrnroent m nf ihr nlicn. and noble ideals and high govern to Sew or Teach In Family, one of tbe other Pkss Cat Smoking Tobaceo ',?,',' ',1.,l".oru'n, ! notice thereof be given S Ita In the first case Auditor-Gener- aims that made bad Island preferred B3-- 10'SPkga 1S. pollution in wnslOUO!; ordouble the Minister deserves not tho all involved in tho Address A, B, Matches publication, for three successive weeks, Ihe lllwii-- u lutely worse than when they began ment poisible. A wealth of elegant illustrations - C. in the present estimated population of these Island. merely censure but execration their lI- Im Honolulu I Box Large Tins Oysters ' ' - Oairm, a newspaper printed and pabMaaed la If the VH.H-U5- samo evil doings, together with the loss of and many happy humorous bits added to 35 Oysters About KJOO European and Americans raav be condition me .uionor-uencra- i or the Small Tins Honolulu. counted a permanent of affairs is as the rexwrt slates, any ono tho vote of one Noble, unavoidably absent, chasm of high thoughts, elegant language and 10 Tins Condensed Milk Dated llonolnlu. II I Jnne Uth. A.D ISSt. reitidenU: the Kreat masn on his behalf has challenged the A Tins Lobsters L T ia rur-- it is an ontrago on humanity, a graceful and forcible delivery, which delighted all JleCULLY, the population Oiincsr. Of ? DtfiS! ure crime has report of the Financo and two pensioners, foiled tho Resolution who privilege 51 " Salmon iSV) 1 Committee, which had the of hearing the address. At Just Received! Justice ot thetapreme dourt. boj, pria nnder jeara of ace, and of been committed and the inhuman criminal states insfjiniws l,?c of by such margin any judge IS " Sardines ATTSST theae. j.S.'fi are under Ere. .MS2 that nf rTnlQln r censure, but a that the suggestion of Jndd the audienoe by a Ex 8 Lamp Barn acholars are en- is the Minister If the report is an cxag vote unanimously requested Bark SPICA, from Bremen, era IUxht Smth. Deputy Clerk. lOIIJt rolled in V0 schools with 314 teacher. Of the Section 1G of the Auditor's Act could bo Ministry not provided with foreheads of ning the Trustees to 8 - - UonKkonc ichooU Ct e a Chinese geration. it is an outrage upon the public brass and hides of rhinoceros would have tecum it for publication. It would be well if it I Chinese Candy Dish ci tOocaiion of multiplied f infinitum, and that sufficient could be scattered through commu- 7 Small Bottles Castor Oil TIIE rilOBATE COURT OF a low Rrado. In SUJoecpu'aCollece, thopnnci-pa- that such stuff should be printed and cir- broadcast the XP'the fourth Judicial Circuit ' l has been proved to at onco reported to His Majesty that they nity. would ever stand high-wat- 2 COTTAGE PIANOS, II " Mustard otlhellawallan Islands. achool for the l'ortucuee, readme, culated convinco tho Houso It fof forth as a In the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM I10DOE. nrithtaettc, under the stamp of government illn !, , . no tuo tno mark of the grand possibilities Providence 3 Pipes late of Vtalnlha, crammar, Keosraphjr, tustorj, composition are the that nmlnntrntmrt tf longer retained conhdencc oi 0 Bars Soap Kanal, deceased Orderto show cause tndiea Uucfat, approval. Tho Minister is on the horns his put before this community in the line of that 7 on application of Administrator for order of Sal of and thexe in EncUsu only. In the cnpnnt in tho oflicoof Auditor-Gener- Legislature, and that therefore they prayed Octavos, 5 Hair Suspenders Ileal of a dilemma: grandest of earthly attainments, a symmetrical 1 Estate. other two principal ncboolit, the llongkonc l'ublic he is welcome to which ever to released from FROM TIIE CELEBRATED r ALTORY OF Pair Scissors On reading would bo detriinent-- to the best interests do functions they were and elevated Christian 4 aad lilng Ihe petition of James M.GIa-so- rwhooLand the UoTcmment Central he mav choose character, such as only Tables Administrator bchool, of the no longer able to oischarge with any ben Christian education presents and uevelopes. 8 of the Estate of William Hodge, the atadiea named above, the puptla were country," and yet tho official in Chairs late of Walnlha. Island of Kauai, deceased, nnpstinn 41m Ed. Westermayer, 1 Sugar Bowls praitnz taucht algebra, ceometrr, and men- The - -- - win: nnn nf v. iir.rA A:.nnA efit to the State or satisfaction to them Berlin. for an order or sale of certain real esute belonging question of the right of Ministers, ii;iu:iiu The petition signed by 1,563 people dis- 11 Saucera to suration. In the Central bchool the pnpila were i0i,ra selves as honorable public servants. of the SALE BY said deceased, situate atTawu. Hotiolaln, Oahn, aad in this country voting to save official who helped to sao the sorely battered 01 was lOR 9 Tea Spoons setting forth legal eurcMed inChinea composition, letter their trict Honolulu presented on Satnrday to Z ' Cops certain reasons why inch real estate writinc ministerial committee-affabl-y shonld be sold eaear wntinc, and prosodj, translaUons lives is one which, in spite of the able ar- forces Xoir says the Adartiter, His Majesty. The King received the 8 Milk Pitchers from Bank Charters, Currency and Banks. and promised to return an It la hertby ordered, that the next ot kin of the aald EnRliah to Chinese, and Chinee to Enrfiali. bix guments so tersely put forward .mi. us set uown pauenuy to another two answer in three E.HOFFSCHLAEGER&CO 5 Knives decedent, and all persona bv Presi or four days. 1 Vt interested In the said .state, European rnaatera are employed thw vpars nf fiilsnn TTnvcnlIoT, r. rr. - "We looked ater Pitcher appear before thla Court on WEDNESDAY, in Central dent Rhodes, is still debateable. The po- Eduok Giuttc have with some 1 8 th. lull, School, haiinc 3G3 boja nrracrcd 11 KK3 fcolc Agenta for Wtstenaayer Piano Lot fts Sugar day of July, A D 1881. at 10 o clock a. m., in daase. Of sition of an more fawning by oiators and newspapers; concern on the conflict going on between the peo I Coffee Maker at the Court these, IQlorSl.lS per cent, paosed a ex- Hawaiian Minister is not anal- ltoomof this Court. In Koloa, then and there to show aatisfactorr ple and the Special 3"otitrs. I Lot Cakes cause why an order should not he granted amination on questions prepared bj the Ineprctor-CJenera- l. ogous to that of a Cabinet Minister in tuu iiuuoi wasic, uniawiui ana extrava- parties asking of our lawmakers a 1 Coffee Grinder lor the tale 30 crraduatee gant expenditure charter for banking and other business. I think of toch estate. found emploxnient in th Great Britiin. The members of tho Brit- lie down in peace out-- 3 Baskets And It la further ordered, that a copy of Colonial Semce, in the Chinese Imperial the arguments used against the granting of the FURNISHED ROOMS et audcoelly For 1 Wood Slove this order be Customs, ish Cabinet who are Commons, s.iuu uie jamu-iiK- taxpayer. published at least tare, successive weeks before the and with Tanous lecal and mercantile firms. A in the arc charter are certinent as far as ther co. but will nithed Rooms can be had bran early application at ll'slr Scales said day of hearing. In the It may be, probably prove the- - 8 Cake Tins ll.w.mi Uairrrs. s week- Government Normal bcbool prondes there not because they aroMinisters.of tho is true, that not a short in their prognostications of evil if VK) -- 0.- OAKDEN ly newspaper printed aad published In for the train- USE. 1 Roller llonolnla. ing of ten pupils, who cure bonds that they will Crown, because vof was rhnnfnvl liv nralAnH.1 .frn.j cnarter is ever granted. Daledat Koloa, Kauai, 11. 1, June Uth. but they are the elected differs 3 Large Tins tat. remain in the nrhool for three years sefre Tho votes twenty-on- e To claim that the charter bnt little from CARD. and as representatives of tho people. Any mem of the were based on A 2 Hatchets loiur Circuit Judge Konrth teachers for five roars after Tinncinlpinripiionrlortt the Uuifd States .itional Bank Act, should have 4 Forks Judicial District. enduatincr. There ber of the House nf nnini--. A weight Fcby. IsS.. are S aided Government schools, teaclunc Chi- of Commons 7 icyrf n 1.a no in its favor, but the contrary, it should 5th, NOTICE ! I Bread Knife Mortgagee's Xotlcn or of the twenty-fiv-e rejected .4e-- il II Foreclosure k of Sale nese only, the Government making fixed monthly pott of rieHMfH fnw He GorerntHCRt Aim to by reasons more weighty be for that cause alone, as there is no one Hj.a.rEU.tCo.,ItoxoLn.r, Unless said judgment and my expenses of sale are thing y, Tali Tiin: mi: TN payments to the teachers. There are also 41 rrtam to Jut coiitlttvthcy and tangible than any that oratorv could in the United States fraught with so IJeaii Sins: I hereby beg to tender my eloccre BE accounts must previously paid VT c PARKE. ACCORDANCE WITH A 1'OTV. schools, If he much evil to the Government and people as A PAID on or before lUlTv 1st. as I ant shout "ntalned In a certain mortgage by which receive crants In aid fr the Uitnti for the Immediate liberal ecttlemeat of the lo-- o leave tbls Kingdom. All hills against me will be Msrshal ,5'.'ama"If nude fails ho may seek election elsewhere, but supply monopoly known as the "National Near- Honolulu June 16lb, lSel 1013 st :,aha ;Pola to William Dtan llasalgned o A conditioned on the work done. Banks." f nta!oed through the destruction by fire of ray place paid on presentallou. dated the tlh day or SovemVr, fast, t The lnxpcctor-Gener- bis acceptance of office ly every argument tbat has been used st EST" recorded li speaks of the mercenary loses him his seat the of bnatneaa Kohala dating Attention to Ihe above by all those Indebted to tl, page 1 Sotlce Is hereby spirit ra the school masters, until his rvnn snmo ntltm On: contemporary tho Morning TriinMrr.. 3preceis proposeu Dana, cuaner, applies lu tae Blalof the 19th last. me will greatly oblige . L. B. KERR mortgagee glKnbUtald Chine und their nr mnciiltinnAi. wiiu I consider It my dnty to Intends to foreclose said mortgago, for con- falsification of the daily attendance equal force against the United btates National recommend the Inenrance Honololn, Jonelli,l!&!. ion dition broken, and upon laid foreclosure will roll. Our endorse him by Such n proposes a panacea for tho mess immi-frmti- sell at Hawaiian teachers absent themselves from school, case in Banks, and mnch more could in truth be urged. Company for which yon are the Agent to all parties F'.b"!L?,lS?,M !?f "Iroom of E P Adam, la or devolve their duties upon some evecurred no further back than 1SS0. Sir mnlfprc Tim rnrw-n1 r l. Thev now constitute the most rvra-prf- rmirtnnnlr deciresi of protecting theii property by loenrsnce on MOSpAY, tbe 1 lib day of July, MM, 13 X. one of the or said day, the premises t scholars: but they show in all this n fondness for "VYm. Vernon Harcourt had represented tho found thinker on tho Trimmer is there known on earth, and they are not slow to profit by lam, Dear Sirs, lEnpectlally Tonrs, described In said mortgage elfish care ru; that their delegated power. V. fe!0" Ple4 further particulars can bo had of rather than for nelf and nmfit city of Oxford from the year 1SGS. Ho was should bo a Board of Immigration with KB Jm (.Slmed.) GEO. SANDEIUIAN WKLastle, Attorney A.J LOPEZ, ijese oris appear at school in hots" clothes, havinc i They control both of the great political parties. Jlertgae. male appointed Home Secretarv in May 1SS0: tho Minister President, assisted ia anoweo. say UO donned attire to enpe ViOnap pine on their iu&b ueiuier party is to or any. BANKING NOTICE. Premises to be sold are situated In Ketnoo, Karnama-nu- l. sought and thing against the rrrcat alalua. Oahu. and 33 wj io kuuw. mvuun Kiria uo not appear in he was defeated. uj uuu vAomnissioners, ono 01 whom mononolr. nndrrnrnnltv The nnder-lgn- have formed a l consist of acres of Ono pa school twelve of defeat. Hence as yon may have observed, be'11?. ! letrorth la Grant after years of ace, bavins thus early Fortunately for him his party should have a salary, do ail their nndrx the firm name of '?", '"j !" IIS io found out that they can influence and tho work. piauorms are a unit on nnance milters anecttng Sprockets it. Co., for Kealohl to M. Polo 1011 captivate Chinamen, and Was Stromr Otinncll in lirintr him mnm Evidently tho writpr , n i,tw1 r the pnrpo-- c of carrying on a Ex- win their money if not their affection. in the national banks. Thev rule with n firm hnnrl General Hanking and FOR THE COMPLEXION I bcr to tho great change Balneea at Honolulu and inch other places In Mortsasee's Police or Foreclosure or bittern tables Rive full information .ts to the lor.Derbv turnins: four and a half enlnmns nf all the financial measures of the nation. VALUABLE TRUTHS. Sale. number of scholars in each school, the annual ow onr Ministers are not posi directory which occupy part of tho iney nave turned the government into one of the the Hamailan Kingdom at may be deemed adrlrable. l'ltEPAItATIOy ACCORDANCE in this fourth largest money arc e JvLYEGAT the arexace daily attendance, the larcest tion. On flip flnnr rtt nnr TTrtnco !,,- - page of theXnBOT,ste find loaning institutions in the world, (Staled) OL US smECKELS, "Il jon offering from poor health THIS MOST PERFECT EEAUTIFI ER KSOWS 1l0!.flle e2"!?,,'": '" rtl raortgate made by tuid the smallest attendance, that there is and have borrowed from it over $400,000,000, which M.O. IIIWI2C. or laDznlstiinz en 1ml of Eickocu It Is Pure and Harmless. Delightful In Us Application l"eI la Trust, the numbsr of days resent no a Board of Imnil"mlinn Trltrt rl,o 'XnJc- - 'take cheer for f'W'fefflPith day or'"? every soboul was in nession, comparative statistics constituency, are responsible to with the credit they acquire by their big sounding F F LOW. and wonderful In II Effects, while the closest scrutiny December. 1491, recorded la llbrt for 30 years, the relative no constituency Cabinet ter of Interior as name, "National Banks1' and tho other backing Honolulu January Ilia, 181. falls to detect Its use. Prepared by 7a. page 3W Notice is hereby given that said mortga- rank of the schools British Minis President with Hop Kilter trill cure you, H BOWMAN, Chemist ge Intends to lorrclose laid mortgage for eondltion in those several erodes, tne ters vote three they receive from the government in the redemp- broken, upon amount of as elected members, it is their members, two of whom are Cabinet Keferring to the above we brg to Inform the Iinttneaa yoaare Impljr ailiDj. If yoa feel ear FOR SALE BY Oakland, Lai and said foreclosure will sell al public fpjTernmeot aid toech,theresultsof tion of their notes, etc, make them stool pigeons "It M'esroomi E Adams In examination right, as representing a certain section of officers and the other a District which people nnhlic that we are prepared to make Lnani. Dlecoant 'weak and dijplrnrd. without clear) "".'?5...1 "!e of P Honolala. shown by lrcentaBe of procreas in each study, and Judge around the. gather to deposit their why, " HOLLISTER & Co. the people. seefns An Inspector of money for safe keeping, which Approved Notes and Purchase Exchange at the heat 'knowing llllilf said day. premise, other items. 357 echoed days is the hicbest num-be- r It to ns therefore that Immigrants at a salary of practically gives tb; described In said mortgage a i reported, which hucmj pan tue money; so Cnrrcat Bates. Oar arrangements below specified, further psrtlcalsra can be had pf J4 would leave only 6 or 8 weeks to tako what British Cabinet Ministers do $3000 a year, a Protector of South Sea Im- control oi ail lue much for Selling Ex- Hop HIttcrj .rill Ithrive you ! It for vacations. The 41 missionary schools SO that thev. not Comrresa. fir lhrvalnrnf mnrr change on the principal points In Notice to Creditors - ...rr.H.j .ruw. fMbUi. with an in the matter of voting, is hardly migrants and a Secretary, the United yoa area Minister, aud hare d MinaAlf a proper also at a salary, if these monopoly schemers had not forced the Stat, "If TJjVDEKSIGoVED p, .. , ... Mortgagee, JiJffriri10?? PP1 each, receive in precedent for tho Hawaiian with opportunities government Europe, China, Japan, and Aaatnlia are beie; made yonrfelf with your pastoral CITE . ,.wn.l... ,v iw. .v,u..,j .,. ,ituKi4 io ijiama, all tXiOO. The Central Ssehool, C masters, Chamber Our of lunches, hack fare, to burn the greenback and issue the dnties, or a Mother, worn out with care TUB that ther hate been appointed Administrators Oahn andcoaalstor2i(acrHorgoodkaloeirKeisiaaaoi S3 national bank note stead, United and when perfected due notice will be given. We of the Estate land scholars, cost flOOiSi. llie Normal hciool vttuaict uiiiiswAs uiu anvming, uiey , i:m, ew, etc in its the btales 'and work. of Catherine H Makee, late of Llopala-kn- Mr nnit. .nl,l..ltA. V.I.. k ... ik would shall also he prepared to receive Deposits on open ac- Island of Maul, .. .i wtta 8 pnptls reaadent on the premises cost bo ThG nrPSPllt mnMlSnniV IB 41,nrarrtm Jr,p- practically have been out of debt deceased; all persona Laving any rorlh in Boyal Patent SMS tollalula. (Ill $338.-- may Italian adventurers, like Moreno, i Hup HUtcri IScMtorc claims agalxisl notified ol Saaula. , IS, Oarown ficures do not and the people not burdened by this monopoly count, make Collections, and conduct a Genera Hank- will joii. satd estate air that they mast 1 1013) eufltr by eoropanson, or pitcn-pole- d what Trimmer present the same duly verified, proper as abenrn in the report aliens, into their position at the proposes. It is tho men yoke. All the evils suffered by the government ing and Exchange Business. SPBECKEU, CO. If yoa aie a man of hntlnetf, or eed with vouch- for tbesameyear. La- - 11:.... 4i. j v ,, , , 'labourer weakened by ers U any exist, whether secured y mortgageor other -- haiaalcna Seminary, to pnp,ia, the whim of a foreign monopolist, like "iK pusis wno majke tno and people of the United States, through their na. (IOB) the itraln of wise, to Mortgagee's Hotice of FoTeclotore & Sale. f. costfSOO. the """S reaiiy your erery-da- do tier, or a man the undersigned, within six months from date of - - tional bank system, will come down upon this of Itefcrca behool at 1'alami.iO boys, cost T;B- Xenmann. Such men surely cannot bo troublo: oil won't mix with water; and little toil In;: oTer your midnight work. orthey will be forever barred, all persons Indebted to ACCORDANCE WITH Kingdom and people with a four-fol- d pressure, said estate are requested to PS .Fort Seet School, 2M rajpUs U teachers, eort judged as standing in analogous position honorable men will not work with 6uch if 3Trnj vluDrriistmtitls. make Immediate payment ,? " ?!" la s certain mortgage made by lo,CXXl. a this asked for charter should be granted by Honolulu, Jane 17lh, lest. Kallauktihi and aotS UTOtMl Comuon School. 32 pupU,. Tll 4? tTIATl TPrin ntv. 1 Tl our Hop Ifillcrit trill lStrcntlien you. ?'ldCat sing to Ell Gordon. daicd the niimnj it man as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, lawmakers; and when our necks are once P N MAKEE. day of May. 19H2. ITrewtols revenue of the Hongkonc Colony is iau uilu nui cuwiiuuiwu uj majority in the If yon are tnfferlDS'from reconled in liber nagosa. Xe41ce a who yoae will re no easy work: get hereby given to fore- $UltiSS$. Tlie whole amount of independent Tutors as fit representatives occupies a place on the Board. Nor it to from under. Mortgagees' Hotice of Intention to Foreclose drinking ordlrti-'patio- IJ that said tnortgac. la lends to A senons 'or anr lodUcretion toll It Adm rs. Bit. of Catherine 71 Make. close laid mortgage, for broken, aad soon sehooU The Hawaiian fil Innlr nffnr tiinif rmH 1unl can figure-hea- d revolution is anticipated in the United condition - wPVB, revenue for .nin the Kancna. or tho windy when IS GIVEN areyonyoanzand growing loo laid fercclonre win tell at public auction at ibe sales- I 1882 was i(B42S; appropriated for edueaUonal States the ceonle altemDt to free thmwin. NOTICE IIEnEBY 'fait, aa it often the case. EierMifnrs' N'ntirA I room csts. The present members of tho Cabi Kaulukou do much to assist in carrying; from their national bank yoke. And to a power of rale contained In a of EP Atlanta In Honolulu, on XOSDAY, the psrposea, i3,SGCl some san deed SOth 1SS3, day or day. the prtml-te- on tho business of guine mortgaie dated the day of May A. D Hop HcIIctc Ilia July, i! atlill or said t T Government crant in aid is liable to a de-- net nave no cnaorsers, some eight tax as tho Board. waiviauais claim tnai it will cost as much made by Chlnz Alan or Finos, Island of Oahn to Quoog Jliucr trill joa. THE trXDERSIGNED, EXECU- - described In said mortgage as beknrspeclsed. fur- Jt blood and treasure to get nd of it, as it cost to get Uung Toug of Honolulu, Oahu. of record yon In Executor of IheWllfof Benjamin F. particulars W It Castle. Altoraeyat. ialuetion from the amount credited to each achool sessors, a few district judges, and tho small It was a good thing, theoretically, when ialhecOce "IT an tbe workshop, on the Bollea of Honolula.deceajed.sotlfy ther can be hador " 'work done, the Inspector-Gener- rid of slavery. Let this people take warning and or Registrar of Coaveyis'es lu liber 84 on pages SS, 66 'farm, at tbe desk, anywhere, and feel all persona baring ELI GOBDOS. Mortgagee. for if reports army of government dependents. How then anInspector of Immigrants was appointed claims against tbe .sideline Ur In defects in teaching, accommodations, keepuu; ; stand from under all monopolies of like character. and c7, and for breach of Ihe conditions In said mort- 'that your system needs cleautln;, uprncnt the same derr fremlees to be sold are situated Ooaolula, aad of can they be on the same piano as British bnt dnrinrr tvcri vpnrc ln line gage deed contained. Ibal all the property therein men- itlmulatin. without Intoxlcat ujautaico, wim us proper vcmcliers, whether consist or s valuable nous- - lot aaifkooserln wnesr school register, orcaauatwn, discipline, books, m,lml CCBITSCT. tioned and described K othTuise. to ihe undersigned residence of Kit I. Smith; the Ministers - tour of will after the time limited bj law 'inj. Wilkin ""'iff' Pallkea, Honolulu. Bear or appaxatus. of the crant rocs to the tho group, wo considerably doubt Our currenex ccranlieationa am eptkim nr mnn. be sold at pubbc auction. six mortis from the dale thereof or ther lot conulns about TJtht of tn acre dacrlbcd In Jfoyal Hop be forever barred- - 1. i "" (eieepUng small patch teacher directly, but if he is dismissed lot cause, niieuiur no uas personally nsitea any ise soon to be so, not on account of the h4h rates The property In said mortgage described being viz Hitler istirliat jounced. nntll.lu Patent ll to Kalll. Apaaa t fas forfeits also the coremment aid. studies pur- The fight in tho legislature is over. By Imitation twice: ho of eichanra, but on account of currency All the household interest of the said ChlsgAlaa in "If you art old and your blood thin M '""kKlIe. to collect sold to him. lW if has it is very few. tinkers the land leased to him by D. Kaohial, also ibe lease-bol- d puUe sued must be in subjects approved by the Inspec- their own four votes, the Ministers have ? trying tolorce dewn exchange by artificial legal and impure, feeble, your Bcrre Ka.m.n7i.r,cU?rm.eW.rthr.utl,,tt't "" a"m accordance with the school, 'or this perfunctory inspection the conn interest of Akin in tbe land leased by Knaobao nnitcadj. ana your facnlties waning. a ri tor ia cradr of each escaped vote means, and injuring thereby the whole producing (k) to Alan, and also, 2 horses, all the houses, struc- ELIZABETH C inlnlstrator'a 3Sotif - and four boors school work daily is required. a of want of confidence. Of try has been charged $S87.33. "Wo know force of BOLLES. . . tho nobles, George Macfarlane and these Islands, confusing our businesa tures furniture, tools. loplemeilU, and all growing Hop Bitter Trill glrc you neir Lire CHARLES HCSTACE, ...r...... JSacb pass is rated at a roonej value, Taryxnc from John that in consequence of the Inspector doing which is now regulated to a short silver medium crops of tiro growing on said premises, and mention ed Eietutrixi Executor oi Will oB If Belles, an n. been sppylaled Temporary Admlnltlralor two dollars. There is also a capitation S. "Walker were the only white uu la slid mortage deed. and Vljjour. Honolulu. June rat. 1384 J0II p at tkt men in their Jns work, either by letter or by depnty, w w nj uieir neip wun it ana ouy and sell Kstat. orfobert Kniiahl laleol Kakaliaele, 1U-- J Crant, one dollar for each scholar, rated by the or without DlledJuIrIsl.il!. "HOP BITTERS ! an elezanL deceased, favor. Tho largo emoluments which paying discount; but should either of the e. , I'"" "'rail. nrorder ef Ion. the veryfrequenUy qUOSG IICNOTOJfO.JIortm-e- refreshing ifeL-roo- ff averefo wttmaance. The cuts receive from one not at all, that the Portu- tolls now berore the Legislature to "regulate the flaTotin for Notice to Creditors. "- ...,. iK. former has received from his dealings with J Itcsstxt. Attorney for Mortglgee. 1U1631' drfn Impure water, glvea -- otleo aaira.nateuimstrlct. to two dollars, accordinc to quviityof work guese (mmissioncr has had to pay per-son- al CUrrencr" become law. thf lynnln mil OTmnMH... tj. etc, render UAVEN'G ll"r.berjlr to all personj havlsg claims , and UKDERSIGNKD agalast Uo Roberfp one-ha- lf this Ministry, well lnj item hanalei aweetenln tbe THE EsUteol Kulkaht deeVased. Bcildmi; crants jue limited to as as his business visits, himself, to look into to dance attendance npoa the broker's shop, some- - 'moots', and appointed Administrator of He Estate of the same duly - WtlntlCVns KnvvT-nl-c grievances S0TICE ! cleanilnslhe rtomach. ueorge X Uarbottle. late of Island of Hawaii, anth rattested4o the aadersigaecl of Actual cu of.ercction, alteration. with nm li.e ..,,;... which " wj uuj icgai tender, go as Kohala. within six rnoatht rrom date witl should be attended to oy tho In- "" " KII.AU-SASIUA- deceased, by order of the Supreme Court of the Hawa- the hereof or hi Cil. Hide. to pay their bills as the law directs as well as to A MEETING OF TIIE I: forever tarred, tad al) perse,. lilT ZSSi. and also explain tho course of his brother, spector in tho first instance; protect own iian Islands, hereby gives notice to all persons having Indebted Hmcdulii. Jens SStO, and we are their interests. Co. keld In Honolulu on 10th Jnne. Cleanse, Purify and Enrich claims jaM to present Ihe earn to sua VJL'ln,''2.,te,, w """"lUte t" ruu tho P C. A. proprietor. "Walker's course informed This muddle seems to lSS!,the fallowing oficers were elected - the aeiloat estate denlgaed. """ j that this condition of affairs is hare been brought about within six months frcoa the publication, or this notice KCn,8 A. TtMAS. jjltKailuioa, is on because It persons-owln- g t? ' the patriot, crest raisins in ignoring the plain retjuirements of tho not satisfactory to the Portuguese Gov- exchange u against importers, pleasure A Micfie Sr, of Scotland President Blood with or they will be forever barred; and all . aJoortryAdm'r.ZstateJlobr,P. KatkahL ajJarira. It should be pointed oat that tfct Patriot Auditor's bill, under which ho held office, seeker, etc I don't think that a sufficient excuse It I Maefie Jr.- - .....Tlce-Preside- said estate are hereby requested to make Immediate lfamakns. HawaU.May 83.1891. leu So ernment An Inspector of immigrants to lustily our law makers to attempt a cure by AEIISwlrt ecretajTjroM Hop Hitters, Payment to him In Uonotam or to CT Phelps of ssld TTI3 CHrn n innTrinrHi iYsriAsrit Sam'1 11 Damon ...... Treasurer bktne Discovery, Perrlmas .lilnitntuSwM4nS V-- ll Vi4.igfeloctiti5ofKcoliBpo):o,thheisaeldoa ' should bo constantly on tho move. In Fiji legal means. Anything that can be done by law And yon will hire no icLnef n- in o time JO Carter. Jlaallor orMfferl- or doctors' Kohala. DAVID DATTOS, nuts ami iVOHtc. rftya his'dtetrict, but spentU las la Honolulu dplo to meet tho rishes of the Cabinet, tho visits are numerous and nnexpected. to ezicourarprounctiorraiid thereby increase our bills to pay George Uarbottle, ' to his law business. Whenever waxraats exports would Which was ordered to be daly advertised. , Adm'r E'tate Jf. deceased. MATING .! nttetxlinc that his voting favor practic be justifiable, as that is tho only UUJT 188L VL Koolau, in their Tras Our ointemporaryinstead of discovering &.. II snij-r- 1HTTEES Ilonoruln. Jnne 3th. luint Ef croteer business has to be transacted in way that exchange can be Jatts.acte.rily 1011 n- auYuio same as Chnnlil and Jt Secretary- pro tan. .let rrfVint. ZTri FJaTonri- for , 3s hm tribe Beat lor; It wonld.be more condc- - voungior mmseii. lrPSn- ... - , UUWUAM HrvcrxlnlcrAt in. arranged U '.Tin fira Tintir-- nrKliMw irKn J UHIUW4WI.UW TO KENT PUNAH0TT ! flKSS.1"',t",,Xd- - HSlke , Br to Ifee proper ndmirjstralioa of justice if present This Kuicdora is none the less xirosTjeraca JKO .A. HASSTJtGEB, -- .., AT analSt. I 433A seeing that the machinery bo run h. Stomach. cicaasrazu 17i.tr"" inaVs Mvn! thai w "TlTi TSiTT- TTTTItic'!i vnicrnnr? Ann cause ew hare to pay heavy exchange, tO taJu) n .... K4H(vtaaila rf tMfJV 1k7VU 14 3, by good a I as the Agtmt ArVnintrJ;rn.fT Con- - A KKV HOUSE, haf m . m3m ! men. An ignoramus cannot get SU1TAMK within mrtnt ihs..- -..( it a- UL Zji :triUeUon to hi vb& duties. MiW "well kaown,ij Ksae, as-- Mftfeitrocr-f- , but one citxzexi pars it tracts for Labor. Tor Sale for a larje Tamil, and Are mlontea wait from ai aewly appointed a tunc out of a Craana, while ITaatra Theimforlerrj-arkgu- W iy M the school bniMlnei . Itsssililt saiaariaBisawaaiietaassBfy, a to another. p his goods to 97 Interior OsUe, nunolalu. iy as II HOLLISTEK Tenai moderate CO., Honolulu. ?2&f tt IV Addreti Box 133 Pcit Offlct, f ' 'W k J jK ip

inten- evidence produced well , COmmEKCIAJj. ISI.AIaDLOCAI.S. The Miniitar of Interior Rare nobes ot add to the weight of that can be bad been pretty ventilated ha thought that The Hawaiian Legislature tion to introduce a joint resolution anthoriiing to show the wrong doj3pf Inp .Ministers (Ap nothjng would be gained by longer debate so be 3ntticm Saks. afe65r BL hoxolvlv jultxv&i ADOUT TOWN. tbepaimentof S2,E00to bis department for tbe clause.') moved the previous question. Lost 21 to 13. continuity reported The Mctual Telephone Company pnrposo of Mtthoc. certun United States postal Representative W. O. Smith followed Represen The Attorney-Gener- speaking in defence of ByIsTOTIStIj;Vii, The of dullness which bas lccn has commenced . a ihe Ministry said with In past few setting op poles for its cables. 1884-- acconnts. tative uolo and said 'ibis resolution ts solemn reference loth Cabinet - from time to time trade circles dnrin; tut Session Consideration of the business contained on tbe charge preferred by the Representatives of the Resolutions appropriating certain sums ot the lfULd; months ftill continues and the time Tor payment of " Order of the Day " was then continned mtb, and people against the Ministers. The main cbargo is Loan Fund to certain uses that Sections and eon Last Thursday Representative Dolo bronchi in Forty-fir- st Day. UJ, quarterly account Is &ow here tlicrc is notieablca vote Juno 25th. 1884. tbe bill to amend Chipter XIV Session Laws of their ditrtjard ef late. They bare instituted revo- Sot the Loan Act warranted tha action, lie con- Regular Cash Sale general a of want of confidence in the ministry. Regular CasLD tUntlf Incmtlng desire on the part of the Assembly convened at usual hour. Prayer 1SS3 relating to holding an additional term cf tbe lutionary methods in the administration of public sidered that it was lawful sections 3 and 3 being in to porse-etrin- together As a contc and pre- I public draw the The Swedish Third Judicial Circuit, was reid for tbe third time affairs ; the Cabinet Council has usurped the themselves an appropriation Act and Section 5 qaencc therefore, easiness Is at a standstill notwlth astronomers have pitched their reading of minutes of previous meeting having tcntcloe to Oahn Prison been concluded, the were and passed. rogatives of this House ; under the authority of adding strength, by its provision that "land be vusdln tt bclns a hoIidiT ireel- - The only Imports and have set op their rules suspended to allow pecond Council, of ihebsrV. Clan Grant instruments. tbe presentation of the following petitions Then came op for its reading; the famous Resolutions ot that tbe public funds have rumbursed when the Loan became fully placed On from foiein porta belns that monopoly knowu as Bank Char- been appropriated defiance of the taw ; govern- Relating to the itadrru. he was ot opinion Saturday, July 5th from Liverpool with mcrceaodlM Representative Kalua dts-tn- ct monstrosity tbe in 4c" On central I and from residents of the ment placed the that the Board Health mado Thursday, The arrivals for the week consist f the barks tlan iny colleagues' was the modest wiy in of Lahaica, against the establishment of any ter, vbich hid been introduced bj ltepresentatite realizations bare not been in of a mistake in not st 10 a. ra. st Salts Boora. will be told at auction, M Grant from Liverpool, nd Iora from Mexico, also II which the 3hniter of Foreign Relations spoke Cecil Brown. Treasury as expressly commended bylaw: and taking steps to confiscate the vessel on the action of banks of issues, and in favor of a gold com stand- k I. M.corrette bettor from Callao the cabinet Iftst Sitnrday. On motion of Rep. Kalna, the bill tras read a those sums have not been disbursed according to et her Captain in making, his false statement to DRY GOODS, At a m, Satesnwa. brlgin-tine- s ard. Keferred to Finance Committee. CLOTHING, FURNITURE at The dpartnrn for the week consist of the second time bj title. law. the pilot It the owners of tha Madras get any- and II Dlmond, bark Kalakana and the Bcpresentative bmith from tbe residents of his T1-- - Dora wlthjlomcsilc Aork on the interior of the new Library build- ItepresentatiTe Dolo stated that Mr. John Kott Their only defense to the charges made is tho thing from the Hawaiian Government in their A3DCHOCKXRT .J II steamer Alameda, all for ban Francltco now district on the same subject, referred to tho same go. were Tlw. barkentlne 31onnt Lebanon and bark Amy ing is progressing. The pillars of theentrance bad just handed him a pet of resolutions adopted assertion that others bare done If thia suit for damages, bs would congratulate them for WWW, ar'- ?rodoce, porch have to be placed. committee. which, nad true would defense No court, it. During discussion Manlla Cigars, J WO'u both with fall passenccr li?ts (Chinese) for jet Wai-luk- at a public meeting m Uonoluln and it be no whatever. the of the Report of the Representative Eanealn from residents of no Fanej Goods, aadvrar-- s Ilonfkonr that W ailuku attached, nearly a thousand names, protesting tribunal ever accepted such defense. But it is Finance Committee inthe Assembly, the speaker Barrels Salman,' The rehearsal of the Amateur Musical Society be made the location for the copies not true. repealed pro- went on to say, was holding of terms of the 2nd judicial asainst thopassaftbot the Bill. (Printed Laws of tbe last session that it noticeable that soma Ho. 1 U PORT OF HONOLULU. will take place on Thursday Instead of Friday circuit court. of the resolutions in both tankages were dis- visions which authorized any such transfers or ill temper crept into the debate. He regretted that and 2 Sugar FnrPI! nnnnrm' evening, Fndiy being a holiday. Representative Hitchcock, from residents of expenditures, passed new, mandatory he suffered Hilo, m to tributed.) and n and from the disease as much as mybody. SISOLK ASD DOUBLE mcon opposition the bank charter. Representative Kalua moved toat the considera- explicit statute in the Audit ct, which absolutely He did not know what the discsion of the House unuutitL Also same ,1 Arrived. One of the by the member, instructions from tho indefinitely Dostponcd, pre- forbids exercise of rower. These solemn would bo on subject now SacSs So. Sajtar He Xi E.i I St Haw bk Lttnd from Trr iUrlea prisoners employed on the excava- constituents of Iteprescntati ve Kaunamano. Ha tion of the Bill be tho tbe such before them, personally Jnnc tions of tho new police yes- of and plain measures were passed by the affreted him but tittle, 27 HrbkClan Urant AMlson, from LlrerpwO station refused work makua, to that Representative to vote against the vious question, that Ayes and Mrs tn taken, and explicit it bnt if the action or. tha BUGGY HAENESS K.r.Ast.jtn terday and left the place berceant-at-Arm- s These laws Assembly was such 23 HUM eorrette, ettor Tisani Oinseppe Car in company of the police- bank charter bill. that the be instructed to bring assembly and signed by His Majesty. that be had to resign he desir- ralambo, from Callao man. in all members the lobbies. have been disregarded and defied, therefore the ed an opportunity to set himself right before Coll Rop, aX Line of Representative Dole, a petition from tho resi- in the KeprrscnUtive Cecil Brown said, " I introduced acts of the Ministers are revolutionary. Applause. Assembly when that time comes. Postponed Io Tuesday, July 0,1 Three hundred Mon- dents of Lihue, Kauai, m opposition to the bank present Sailed. and ten Chinamen left on charter. this bill, and from what has been already said Tbe Ministers entered into office and Representative Kaulukou followed in a June's Haw btne Dora, Lnnd for ban rrinrftco day by the Am Turner, and one hundred and Tabled for consideration with the bill. about it newspapers and amongst business assumed power at a period the most prosperous of oration (of over an hour) in favor of an The Minister of Foreign Affairs answer to a in the the FRESH GROCERIES! Am bktne?ItL(bsnon. kelson, for Hongkong eighty by tho Motmt Lebanon, some of those are in men, 1 ao not tnat can say any more in any in the annals of this country, tbe Assembly Ministry which had a Wonderful effect placing in Mortgagee's 9UAq H Dlmond, Uondlflt, for fcP resolution that had been passed by tbe Assembly, teel I bktne expected to return. favor ot it than what has alreidy been Mid. Did was in session and was so constituted that the empte seats in the Assembly, the members seek- LTOX3 LKVKT Auctioneers 30 Haw bk Kalakana, Miller, for ban Fran relative to the expenses of Foreign Missions, re- some measures proposed by tho Ministry wero easily refrge in 3 Am bk AmyTorner, Jewell far Hongkong Major ported as follows not draw tbe bill, if I bad of tbo clauses ing the ball. J. H. Wodehouss, British Commissioner now would not there. is all carried, the revenues coming to the Treasury were Representative Dole in making final argu- VWL K3U.JI July --1 OSb Alameda Morse for ban traneftco and Consul in it hare been Tint up ! AWUAVsO General paid an official visit to IL b. J M Hipena. Eurny Ex toJiian $ T415N) I hive to say. (Applanso). the greatest ever known in our history; a National ment, I wish to speak on the question simply as Prcliwifmry AsRoiHceMeHt M. Vanadtt on Wednesday last and received the ",ji.miiiLi,vv.uiiiu ,wj w would axcceding ever was regards Vessels in Fort. C" V Jiafcea, Ambaiad&raiid lunula.Comer . . 17,93)77 Tbe President then stated that a vote be Loan any before providtd, its menf. Glad that all who wish to order customary sMnte. by measures in- speak JtOST.UtrORTAST Br of ASTtWIO J LOFIZ, tS K A. Tripp, hnyojr and CommlerloDer .. 3,tW IU taken the Ayes and Naya on tbe indefinite authorized for tho fnrtherance of or have had aa opportunity to do so. Listened' named ts a certain tndeitanof mjcumrttitm postponement of ternal improvements; every opportunity wasaf to the Af- IMAilM 11 Swrdlsh frlratf anadis, Laerben; great interest in the way the House is going to the Bill. exnlsnatioi of the Minuter of Foreign ltH llaTOf Attt. Wtt. fcvJnfcn Itl HUM torfrtte ettor 1 ltanl, oiasej lc Cfl l'alam1o vote on the subsidy to the Oceanic b. b. Co. Tbe .Minister of Foreign Kel.Uions, " Is there no forded them: ther went into office in the character fairs and Attorney General. TCo charges are Sakllaa his wit., Ealalla Sllva Ja'ian (smtaa'vl is This self- - larger BY : Aaale saW beiug manifested in certain quarters. The tem- Report referred to the Finance Committee. other motion r " of reformers, but what is tbo result? and more extended than in discussion last SALE AUCTION Oootatvn kit wife to Jsia'si I Hope sty led colleagues week. The ex- aod Iw a breach ot th condition! ot MUpill Am bk Tcnhallow per of a large portion of the House no sub- Hon. J. Moll bmith introduced a joint resolution President Khode, Jione." "l'remier and bis stand before Ministers have made these illegal . AmbkAtalanu, Hall is The II mister, " No motion to lay on the table J" tbe country as a miserable failure, tho administra- penditures and say tbey are all rigL no uiuiTCicuMiBatrirsBircn(9 on Kalana, sidy." for tbe supplying of the sum of $.0 000 for tho bill of Haw chr LvtcII purpose of t iking tho lmatory steps in the matter The President, "No." tion is despised at home and distrusted abroad: indemnity introduced. What does th indemnity Br 2J 3 City cf Paris. Lochcad The officers motion our bonds foreign column Am tern Eva Wlckman election of for the ensuing term in of Japanese Immigration, The Tote being taken, resulted in tbe national have been hawked in in the Minister of Finance's n port mean? 100 Cs. Harmony No. 3, fol- two currency That have Elegant Furniture TUESDAY, JULY I Am Iktne W illard 31 udsttt, bUple Lodco 1. 0 O. F., resulted as Represeutatn e Godfrey Brown desired to know being carried by a count of 35 to 2 ; tbe rotes msrseis. and our credit impaired; our is they spent money in defiance of the lows Brown, M. support bill were by introducer contused, our financial dis- Legislature. report Br bk Clan Grant. V ilron G.W. NG Cannavan, V.O, M. if the resolution bad been presented by the intra in of the given tbe market thrown into Have heard of Committee of Plate Olais Mirrors. Bedroom Sets, beere-tar-y. 11. order, values Finance, At D. Monsarrat, Treasurer, J. E. Wiseman, ducer on his own account or on account the and lion. Knbilani. and disturbed, the expenditure of tbe and charges in substance admitted by Parlor and Dining-Boo- n o'clock noon, at my Sainr&om to &nol of public Seta. me PASSENGERS. Government. He drew attention to tho fact tint Representative Keiu moved a reconsideration. funds for current expenses has been in- Ministers in regard to financial management, they Card Tables, Brackets, Kte, Etc ioiiowir; pieces w parcels ox laad Bill Lost. creased till it exceeds the revenue, tho national have disregarded the Audit Vet, Coinage Act, the 1 That tain nisei as IheJIamtJa got away yesterday with her ac- tbo Appropriation had no item of the kind. er Te have rscetvrd Instractions (to arrange for an eel Arf.aWa' til KromHanal per ol 7, is bpanjd M Tbo same member moved that the bill bo laid debt has been largely augmented wbila internal Loan Act, Article 15 of tbo Constitution, Section 1 Xanon, - Iwilanl, June customed punctuality. Alarge gathering peo- Hon. b G. ildcr would like to hear from the early date of which dne notice will be vtven) a We, Island nlof Oahavbelm- tho aanl Wilcox, Geo Dole, J bmythe, Laurie, II of on the tiblo to be considered with tho Bunking improvements have been neglected, principles an- of tho Appropriation Bill, every law toao!d scribed tn Kojal "So, J J ple assembled on the wharf say Government before voting Nothing in the Ap- that they sale by auction of Klecant Farnlmrc wblch will ratenl STUXKeaul U bmythe, O cbtuze to goodby to their ft Bill which tbe Ministry intend to introduce, tagonistic to constitutional government have been fonnd intheirwaythrew aside and broke pieces. .itv.cvawHiuganarcao' iuu or an acre. friends. The Koyal Hawaiian band was attend- propriation Bill. 'Would like lo know tbe proposed to tally displayed In new stores. Campbell's Block, From per ? A in (Laughter). openly advocated, honored counsellors ser- Admit soma I Maul andMolokal, Lcbna, Jouc Un ance. liolicy in regard to immigration. How far the and that expenditures were for necessary Fort Street. 3 That certain oleeo of Lnri airaf t Vf mm na,' O Pond, T K Clirk. Government was committed to Mr. HoUnung for Second reading of a bill to abolish the Inter- vants of tbe Government have been dismissed from objects, but that does not palliate; the law says LTOSS Jt LEVKT Aictloufcrs said. Patent Knl From Kaholtti, pr KUaoea Hun Jute 24 Hon Jas II Iwenty five thousand dollars for Foreign Mis- Portuguese Immigrants and tho amount pledged. mediary Court of the Island ut Oahu. Passed to office; loyal men who would have developed and KitH content of Vnry Conttctl. Much interested in lleln 175S, nnUIatDg an area of I STtfSO acre I K Martin, wife and family, Win H IAiley I Lavol II third reading on the 1st July. built up tbo country have been denoanced as its the legal opinion of Attorney was struck out of the Appropriation Bill on After the bill passed second reading the General on the . 11 sions bad its the VALUABLE S That certain ttHd ifn v'. It Tarmalee, II Tripp, Baldwin O A Jaekm T II Monday Second reading of a bill to repeal Section 1 worst enemies, fawning, cringing sycophants have Loan Act. Sorry he did not give it last week , looks nle.at Ka- - Tbe House thinks we ought to have Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the Gov- aald betni; tho Karajrl tishel and 2 cbildrrd,J Iter J KaW.l.o, U Chapter C Code relating to the proclaimed themselves only as though up 21 iaiS described In 31 1"W some Ilome missions first, and some able men to ernment was i ledged to Messrs. Hoflnung & Co. of tbo Penal the friends of the studied in hours. Admit that the r. ..Hu WW jVwalnnl. r berry, Mrs J Kilua, SUM A Kixli for legal pro- Mia ia man area 91 jtii.jj acre I ttTuanapi D Marlln A G Jonec U Broad carry tbcm out. two ship-loa- of immigrants, one of which, the construction of tbe Statutes. This bill throne and of the nation. These are tbe men, the Loan Act is confusing and open to such interpre- BUSINESS SALE J and wife, FOR Th certain plecevf I Un 1 TtMdwir. lt M ALoni City of Parte, had arrived, and the other would be vides that tbe legal construction shall be that Ministers who are now on trial. tation, especially as tbey tt nted to spend money find at Wallele Jfanoi r .,T Wallace re- which bo Supreme Court-Order- Representatives people Min- very sanLoeloe Ihfamm0rnrt!ffiitsr1-il- I From Windward Port; 2$ "Mr TheBev.Gco and Hev.G.S Mead soon due. may promulgated by the cf tbe charge these badly. I believo that i' e Attorney General ier KInia Jnnc Hcc. by In Rojat Patent HVconulniax an area of ll MirBQnker.MJMbMcnJ! 1 red M wife, and turned the Ktnart from n trip to Kilauea. Hon J. Mott bmith, thought that the matter to engrossment and to third reading on isters not with common crime described in the tells the truth, whatever objection I may have to AT AUCTION. Man They report the lakes to be active. They were de- tho 3d July. statute books, but with the high of being bis official acts. I 2errant,G Hitchcock, T J UilGllan bLAnoiin might come up later for discussion. Now- was the crime doubt that there la another Wo have been Instructed by MR A. A JIOSTAtO, to i"sajaTio,Mis uaTie,u ji Jioweii n .eoer, jJireu tained tn the crater until near midnight, by tho accepted for the wedge. Bad policy Third reading of an Act to amend Section 332 of recreant to publiclrcsts; they have held high offi- lawyer in Honolulu that would interpret that law dispose of by aThat certain plee land altnaMatalanM cfset If.ahln 1e ftf IEeilf tl.v U .11... IM n I. XI...! time entering IMblle Auction at tb Premises, U10 earn mora nartlenlart-- .. extinction of their beacon light, which caused the if yon want water, to turn buckets upsido down tbe Civil Code relating to tbe places of holding ces, the highest offices next to tbe throne, in the in the same way. If they behaved that money KOUT STREET, 11U3ULILU OX betas 7 Kalai.Miss Grimes, F V Hastlnr, tt IflUrell, Mies guide to lose his way elections. Bill passed. administration of the affairs of tbe State. was Itojal Patent 882, coatalalojr, aa are tth. . a hen it rains. Tbe appropriated by this Act then why call Cabinet sisti MTh3tnpsontTVOakslioUandon HJ Allen, Jr. lion. C. IE. Bttbop introduced joint most solemn responsibilities have been placed upon Council? And here That 11 Commincs, wife and child. DrFL Carpenter JL and Representative Smith moved that the resolution a resolution is another thing, why have itaaie ae3fM that tho Minister authorized to pay them. They hare taken oath before Almighty 111 saM. beloi the same novo parttcalarti deacr 11 H. It H. Pnnce Oscar, Commander Klintberg, be placed on tho table. He was favor of immi- of finance be vcj vub iuvw ouiua weir indemnity columni MONDAY, JULY 14th, For Mini and Hawaii, per I'lanter, JoneCT H II in QucenTs the God support Laws, very show in vujai .aw, ton -, I and Lieutenant X. bundstrnm left by tbe Planter gration, but doubted the propriety of placing any over to tbe Treasurer of the Hospital to the Constitution and and Their acts that those acta were illegal. F.aieasxilnv.1, Prince Oscar capt II Kltntbcr- irut bondttrom, Some very Inrtn are of 1 3Mt aer ColCnitisriankra,WFLovc,AF Cnsack W Dunn, on Tnday evening, Juno 27th, to visit tho volcano. mora moneys m the hands of the present Ministry sum of $7,111.33. Ordered to second reading. faitbtullv and impartially to discharge tbe duty of funny mistake about $3OG,0OO supposed U lOo clock a m, all the stock and Flxtniet F Cramer, M Kocker The party were accompanied by CoL Curtis Iankea after tbeir past record. The way money has been On motion, the Assembly at this hour (3.35) ad- their offices. To support tho law, tbe law which is to bo en hand but really it was drawn. Ihoir appertaining t a s 7 These certain pieces of Land "irEito at Kinis 10 security ; every finances Walanae 1W Mips V who would see arrangements daring two years journed until a ro. on tho morrow. our the security of person that is are still mixed up, tha Committeo ot l.lan.I of Uaha aroretaM. letiul For Ilonkon:, per Amy Tarncr June L that all for their squandered the past wab with- aamenorepartlcntarlvdescr ewcII,JnoL Graham, A Hesc,aEd3U3 Chinese comfort were properly earned out. out a parallel the history of tbe country. If the governed; tbo law which is the guard that prevents recommend that experts work up the Inter- in governors becoming tyrants tho governed VUI KnlMBllalnMLrmil.l.l. . .. 1 or ban 1 randeco, per Kalakaua, 3D J Haoey Cabinet had been consistent they would have Forty-Thir- d Day, Juno 27th. 1884. from and ior Department, tbey could not do so in tbe time Photographic Jnnc from becoming rebels, lbey have degraded they had. Gallery, acres chains 30-- . rheconcertgivenbytho Malihinl Glee Clubat passed a Cabinet resolution on this matter and the For Maul and Hawaii jhtt Likelike Jnnc 11 As&embI high offices which have Putnam, A Barnes, Geo II Jackson Kawaibao Churoh on baturdaylast was well at not come to tbe Legislature at nil. met at 10 a m. Prayer by chaplain they held, they have treated There was enongh confusion in the accounts of ISCLCDINU ' S That certain piece of Land situate. at Xamd 1 tended residing miuifTes by Fecretary. their oaths vtlh contempt andperjared this Kingdom to two na. aroresna, nf per A notwithstanding the counter attractions Ihe Minister ufloreign Affairs .said that the of tbeir souls; take years to unravel; some naiaiai.ua etmuinia,rie,rta i Kahnloi, KHanea non June") I' Jones, trojlden w T Holloway, U J Lowrie, A ilson offered at the Theatre Hie concert netted $300 amount would have been placed the Appropria- Representative Rouill from tbe Committee on they have despised theConstitutionand it never con be, bnt ere lost. They were informed Lenses, Camera Boxes & Stands, J in broken law for tho benefit of the Church fund. Tho same tion Bill, but no definite information could be ob- Commerce reported on n petition relative to tbe under foot: they bare the nnd scattered that the Ministers bad not stolen. He was glad of ALSO All their rlcht title and (nte-e- it In thn, g Back Grounds, club give another concert on baturday next. tained by the Ministry at tbe time. 'J bought it nou importation of certain explosives, reoommen-din- it to the winds, tLey have defied the people and it. They had the same old excuse, " Former Min- Curtains, Chemicals, Alnan kanalllaahlnf. at Vbm afnrm(.l .m MARRIES. would be injudicious to defer the matter now. it bo conidercd Willi nbill on tbe subject. scorned their power. (Applause.) isters had done these things." A chicken thief Large rnd Small bead Cattle more or less branded Pxl and raaalvi The list of voters, a) es and noes, on tho vote of Also on a petition that veterinary surgeons be al- Whatever bo the conclusion which the honse might plead the same excuse. Their excuse Printing Frames Manoa aforesaid S pain WorklasOzea. Wheat! ta DOWfiETT-JONES- -At Representative Dole was in favor of the resolu- of - Kahnko Ijuch Kau. Ha wont of confidence Ministry was lowed recommended; be shall come at, whatever be the vote, tbo having precedent does not mora or leas branded Ef rnnnlaa- at said. Daman all,on Jane at lbe residence of the bridge par in the misrepre- tion, as he understood that the planters had res- to practice that petition Ministry apply, because the law ASD ABOCT Ilorses maree colts, lt, sented in the Adterheer on Monday. Hon. .oblc laid on the. table until tbo introduction of a bill on stand condemned before this Assembly, whose will formerly permitted transfers the same depart- aid branded Fit tadJHai entStbythr Itev Haalt Jakes1! 1)owsett,J(, ponded and bad engaged about 1,000 of the expect- in branded l f at ("hi Maooa also a Balloefc Cart ejacat son or lion dames Dowsctt or tblscltv, to Jas. Dowsctt oted 2o but was omitted, while ed immigrants. He was, however, afraid of the the subject. Also on bills amending 1119 and 1120 they have defied; they stand condemned before ment, and now it forbids it. They haye not obeyed Token and 13 I halns. and also, a eertala Leas m 31 Hon. Parker's on to la- Majesty whose throne they have Audit Vet. Were 5000RegisteredNegatives is Hi&mrT L Jors, eldest danshtcrof G v C. name appearing both sides Ministers nnd considered the resolution too sim- of tbo Civil Code relating arrests of parties His dishonored; the they going to continue such br 'imon Kaal, attorney In fact far Until Keel; tell Jones, Ee brought the respective numbers to the correct ple, the Ministers would be apt to nse tbe money boring under contract; recommended they be in- they stand condemned before tbe people, whose Ministers in office, that have been waltzing down jncinma; ronrmui or wieDniM rcrtootTtrs of tne 1 'hn It. sllva, dated Jaij is;j and rrcortea bPENCEK the residence of A totals definitely postponed Approved. trust they have betrayed, they stand condemned the biennial period rolling up expenses, and who Mnstfom ind Lmlcp4.s anil wry nn collection of on par's as aou se IIR01NAt for anything they pleased. He did not care to IiUndTlfwr.s UrceaMortmentof wi bpencrr. EsqHUea Hawaii, i in Jane 2d,by Rev b have n repetition of tbe accounts being kept on lbo Minister of Interior introduced a resolu- before tbe eternal laws of justice which tbey havo may go on the same way tho next two years? If lr met Jt Fhntm, II Davh, 1) to By tho Alameda several Kamaainas depart for Such, A complete outdoor on tit for Photograph purpose, Ac E. P.aSAJafVAsssCsl Lfxci'U brrscrn Ctntuia IA unattainable vouchers. 'Ihe presence of the pre- tion that the Minister of Finance be authorized to violated. Mr. President, aro tbe charges they expressed their confidence, they endorsed jonnstdan-btero- f CajC Hobcrt Lronn distant shores. Mr James Campbell and family pay which bring wonld say And At 13 o clock noon, tbe Or to CEC IL BROW V, Altororj foe Mottta-- e leave sent Ministry was an obstacle to a continuation of on tbe draft of the Minister ot Interior the the people against these Ministers. them. He "go on;" "keep it up as long this city, Jnne.'tth by for a lour round the world, which will pro- sum of $2,500 to settle accounts of the Post Office, Representative Palgbau said, one reason for this as it lasts it wan't last long " Rev. J.A.Craxau,3In, Jon J (anocv to bably occup eighteen months or two years Mr. confidence in the acts of the Government. If the MisAsna public debt was increased $800000 more during relating to the postal service, with the United resolution is that the Minister of Foreign Affairs The neglect of the Board of Health has been Lease of the Premises L, WiKiUACO, both or this city J V Itoberts of Kohala goes for a few months to spent large amount foreign Was sufficient show the coming biennial period, how long would the States Post Office nt San Francisco. has a for missions shameful. to thatthn h 3 to Mortgagees' -In Wailuku Maui, on Jtiuc visit his home in Canada, and Dr Thatcher in- On was to which bad not resulted in any pnblio good. Also, been mismanagement Leper IUtlns jfurs ran C credit of the country remain unshaken; was motion the resolution reierrcd the of the Settlement ; Sth.at the English Clinrch, by iCev L Grocr,Mn tend to visit Vermont, it because is stated that a great deal money LYOXa JUctlonetrf Krn UakUnd.CaU to Miss h. severely shaken now Mr. Irwin tbe Consul Gen- Attorney General io draw and present in the form it of has buc.e HiHuuuisuiiiiuiuuiuies, aim tee mortal- rXTEY. M.FiiEn,of fciiuii been expended in f s and was r.DAwsux.of Aalkapu, Maul Tho eral for Japan hasietters that the immigrants from of a bill. feathers. The speaker ity excessive. There was never a doctor there Notice work on Richard street progresses very consider that were only some two of Salt EKT ban Iranchco and Oakland Cat pipers please slowly, Japan may be landed here at a cost of about At 10.Ktbo Asscmblj convened as Committee did not the Minister to blame days in the month. The Presi- ICcru copy. the roadway is broken up as far as the Whole, Hon. S. Walter in the Chair, nnd for expending the money, but the Lcgislxtnre that dent of the Board ot becrtistmtnts. gate Jo5 per bead, commissions and all. Ihe law of the J. Health has left this poor Bv mauka Hotel and macadamized as far as Pal proceeded with tbo consideration of tbe items in had appropriated it for such n purpose. AH of the suffering settlement of humanity to rot direction of t J i BTW3.0nT Attoran nee lane. An apportunit) now offers to more the should state how the money for this scheme was without facfrorJItrtrj BROWN tho DIED to be obtained nnd how spent and that nil receipts the Appropriation Bill, nnd passed the- following : sums used for purposes which wero not dsemed the assistanco of a physician. They had been marine lamp post at the corner of Bichard and Beretama provocative public good with should be immediately paid into the Treasury. JCXMClinT IiErjlKTHENT. of the bad been appropri- playing tbe Soath Sea Islands. Foreign En- ami alia In tho rkaeu ...... !.. X M'ENCi:U In this city, on June streets, as at present only one person at a time can ated by a legally constituted Assembly (1882) voys, a!ilitiii 3th Tnoaia Hon C. R. Bishop, had nlwajs favored appro- Salary of Tolice Hilo a.rjuinj and and Coronations, while theso poor people JUST RECEIVED MryII MeKjiftatandJulifc 2teKf fcaitai ")rrscER,of Ulio. Hawaii, ardT? years between it and the fence. Justice, the Ministers could not bo blamed tor only carry- were forgotten ; nnd urown br priations for immigration, believed that more la Lalialna these aro their f nends and pkii Tt w "'""I Mtw w mi borers one of great wants country. " Lahalna, due and ;llll ing out tbo laws. (Laughter.! brothers, and relatives. For years he harped upon nviiv 4amiUII( A grand ball aid of Queen Kapiolam's fund is the of the In A Report in m. 81 (JO H. A. idemann said ho would on Police and Prisons. for the relief of lepers was favoring these appropriations it has always been unpaid Hon. ask first this matter, and told the people bow he would giren at tho Hotel on " - Jnetlcc ft ailuku 3.6U0 DO a simple question whoso property look out Friday large dining was with tho hope that tbe money would be used in a is the road lax? for tbeir health. ON SATURDAY, The following report of tho Committeo of Ihir-tee-n evening. The hall prettily ' DIlrlrtJud-,orthnil- .... 8U0 U) He bad always considered tho property ot Since tho JULY 2 decorated, and BergeVs quadrille bai.d provided business liko manner Ibeso expectations have eouco it tbe Minuter became President of the will be of interest to our .readers district whence it comes. Formerly the road sup- Board of Health, he cares no mora tho music. Their Majesties the Kin,- - and Queen resulted in disappointment sometimes from " Kan 1 JCU 03 for the hsilth "Amy MUM at my Salesroom, InUonolala. all thai THE UAttSILU. A2.D ervisors held am1 expended it, but lately was paid of the people Turner" SUERITl'S. it than for niggers tho Princesses Lydia and Likelike, Prince Oscar reasons, importing Portuguese immi- North Kona .. 1 OH 01 the of Africa. He mi) 00 into the Treasury and expended by the Ministers. used as n stepping place to A change is needed in the minni-ftj- the perform and suite, and a large party of ladies and gentle- grants for the past two years has been 'sadly mis- " houlh Kona ... . it reach tho posstion, FROM BOSTON, U. S. A--. Certain Picco or Parcel of LaaJ Police Justice North Kobala 2,400 00 Ho looked upon it as a trust fund in tho Treasury. and having reached it, ho kicked unco of the duty of tho Marshal and tho DLpntjr men enjoyed pleasani cremug managed Ihe accounts have been so badly kept tho ladder over. matt . I a and the fund Distilct Judjc boulli KoUala ... 800 00 By tbe report of the Minister of Finance, p. 21, bo I not only represent 3 It nil e At tha ronif nf ITrtl ba.1 HI h Marshal. considerably that it is not known roallj how much money has Lihno and Koloa, but also belnz Drtrttilafni benefitted " - llamakna . .. 1,RU0U) that roau tax unexpended was $37.7&U 03, every tils Minn nors nartiu'rlVt44s'il.l "The gentlemen who fill these two ullicp nre old been spent. It certainly has been more expensive found tbe represent man, woman and child in Kala- talHeytl No Honuania . . 800 m nsed, $32,303.23, leaving on t'ltfnt lid ami cooUIo.ib ui arrtnl servants the Government, and aro Mr than ought to have been. Presi- a balance hand of wao. I cannot sopport n Ministry that have CS.WINSLOWS'CORN ah of esteemed for Jas. Campbell with his wife and family in- it Iho present " " Makawao 2.0U0 00 3,I."0.W. By same p 2, lib jx.wu, " rr ai.ov-- tnat dent of tho Board Immigration respon- 1,3)0 00 tho report found that left them and deserted them. Those suffering their integrity and personal vortlr, but they have tends to make a somewhat prolonged tour n the of is not " liana only 10 fallen into certain routine performance of their United Europe party sible for what his predecessor did. But he is a Ijnai GCOUl there was a balanco of $2,J20 in tbe Treas- people are thirsty I was glad he had Cases Lewis' Sugar Peas, Certain Fleco or Parcel Laarl btates and The sailed bj ury. Where had the $5000 gono to? in- done some good ; bf duties which lends to impair the value of their Alametta yesterday was business man, an accountant, and it is a matter " Molokal I.JJ0U) Further ha had engaged in on enterprise the Mr Campbell one of Cases Lewis' Tomatoes, SltHatta Oil Italol MlFMt rnvao(.t rllA.ln.lt.. - devoting of he has not tried to straighten out ac- (Traveling expenses District Jos- - vestigation led him to believe that thero was, ac- which resulted in a monument being oreoted. He -- ouj'asa siag pacta services. Instead of their energies to the tho fortunate ones who made money when sugar surprise MoloUl) M 00 showing, lies ahor described and mon partlcalsrlv Active nnd personal was counts, nnd while office have them kept proper- tlcc T cording to tbe Minister's own an amount had also written a Health Rook which he believed Cases Lovfis Fork & Beans, ""'"wia describe' I supervision inspection of the at a selling price, and he has made good nse of in DMnct Justice Fwa 800(O $30,bul.o7 short; ho would to know where Police Deportment of tho kingdom, their Ins ly We have been seeking for such emigration as of like it to be of use to the peopir. Bnt tbe voico was the Cases Clam Chowder, Kor farther lime is fortune as the handsome group of business ftaianea 800 00 is. He ndmired tho skill shown in getting up ot ; tfh partlcnlara ppi to largely spent the petty details of respective Japanese for some years, now seems to be an op- ' BOO 00 the voice Jacob the baud, tbe band ot Esau. He in their premises known as Campbell's Block testifies to Vtalalua got- Cases Cod Fish offices. The most of this detad office work might all A pleasant portunity to do Eomethmg. If we are to have some ' ' " Koolankoa 800 00 report of the Minister of Finance. If he had was elected by a large majority. Balls, K. V. ADAH. Anetr tour and safe return to the clan ten it up himself, ho should hang his head for Yes; by assurances be performed by clerks, and compeLcnt clerks can Campbell of tbo immigrants this year, they should come be- " " ' Koolaupoko .. IO0O0O he had never fulfilled. He Cases Saasago Meat, OrtolECIL DROWN, Attorney for Morlir." now disposal fore grinding season. A delay one or two " " '' llanalcl l.ono 01 shame. (Applause.) Wo wero told by Ministers says be has done the best be could. God help ns be secured with the funds at the of tbe of COO Cases Lobsters, A ory remarkable ' Kanalaaa I 00 that tbey bad a perfect right to make Cabinet if we have to trust to that for tbe next two years. the Department fracas occurred outside the months is of considerable importance to planters. Police t Inue 1.3)0 10 n government building on the adjournment of the I am dissatisfied management re- Justice Council appropriations. Do not say tbey bavo, The Ministers haye no poliey except to hold tbeir Cs. Parker Houso Sonps, Jutu Ittwtrtiamicnto. The Marshal should exercise larger personal with the of the District Koloa 1 000 00 will influence now does, Mar- legislature on baturday evening Mr Gibbon, venues of country. Believing but admit tho point; then tho question is, had offices. Expedition sent to tbe South Seas to teach than he and tbo Deputy it the the interests of " ftaimea 1,00000 make devote greater seems, accused Mr Watcrhouse of having used the will be sup- Clcik 000 00 tbey the right to it according to tbeir own principles of Government; tbe style ot this Gov- shal should the part of his timo to countrj furthered bj this object, I Second Judicial Circuit.... newspapers the personal sopervibion nnd direction of the force. bnberj in influcnciug votes of tho representatives, port the resolution " Third. " " 00 showing. Saw by one of tho that the ernment is only fit for the South beas and if CASES OX TAIL SOUP .1000BOO 00 of Finance had mado a $300,-00- Property interests, and the proportion of the for- which, of course, was trenching on his own par- 'Ihe Assembly then adjourned until 1pm. lourlli " .... Minister mistake of continued, His Majesty will be reduced to the level GREAT AUCTION SALE! Fxpenecaof Conrt 00 is, be said thero was $30G,000 or Loan eign population, have crown rapidly in tho past ticular province. Mr. U aterhouse, annoyed at tho bupreme 5,'W that the of a South Sea Island Chief. "Nobles and Repre- Cs Turtle- AFTERNOON. Expenses cf witnesses In criminal rases Fund ayailable,wben in reality it owed that sum. sentative, I do not believe on Slock Soap, few years, and a style of administration adiptetl iniso imputation, taiu nis nana on uiuson's suoui allowed by presiding Judge j want to Bee the to the wantB of ten years ago, not adequate to der, and, accidentally, or otherwise, threw him After the of the Assembly, a short On this erroneous statement tbo Cabinet appropri- Government conducted for the next two years the Cs Tomato Soap, is at his discretion IJfilfl) ated money, and spent it too. The Attorney Gen- iuo BiAie oi luiairs wiuca now exist. down debate was indulged in relative to tbe resolution Expenses beeond Judicial Circuit 2.HU (II same as danng; the past two years. Where is the Cs Lowis Gherkins, 1 gal. jar , e would reiterate, that tho Mime for the lack introduced by Hon. J. Mott bmith, being finally J xpenses Third Judicial Circuit 3,00 00 eral gave the advice, and the Miuisters acted upon man, not in otbee, who has said a word in favor of Mr M b bichs has recently purchased from A. I 1 00 advice. Every member of CnbinetBhouid Us UbcrEins, ; Live Stock, of discipline and efficiency of the Police Dejjart-me- ended by the moving of the previous question by xpcnscalrcurlh Judicial Circuit 600 that that tbe Government? Tbeir own aots condemn them j gal jars Kingdom be M.Mellis his entire stock of goods and good vill Representative Aholo. I'urcliaseof Dooks .. Old 00 havo known, if he did not, that there was not $300,-00- 0 and it we pass a vote of a want of confidence, we Casks Boston Dairy of the should not charged to the Matloneryand . 2.000 TO Salt, system or the class of constable employed, to of the store on Fort street, and purposes carrying 'Iho motion to lay on the table was lost, 21 to 13 Incidentals of all Courts of tbe Loan fund available. (Applause ) Can shall hear from tho whole group," but on the same on his own account. Mr. bachs Tiinttoz Not lVHauallan lleports in the yon forgive a Ministry which makes such mistakes? Cks Now Eng Cider Vinegar, Wagons, officers o&6esed is and the bill was passed tocngrOssmentand ordered e Representative Kalua moved that the ayes the lack of supervising of the well favorably Hawaiian LiAigua-- S.0U0 00 n and requisite qualihcations. Justice demauds that we and known to a creat manv of our for third reading on the 2Gth inst. Translating into Hawaiian and Printing Iheycome before ns with newspaper article nays be called. Bxs Boston Crnsh Sugar, should hero remark, that some of tho Deputy citizens, and will no doubt secure a fair share of At 1.20 Representative Kean moved the Order of and Binding the Civil Code .1OO00 pleading that mistake in tbeir favor. This is the Representative Dole asked if under tho 4il ml. & now holding offices ndmirablo Imsmess in bis line Mr. bachs intends holding a the D iv, and the consideration of tho Appropm Pay or Clerk Police Jpstice, Honolulu ... IWIHl Inchest tribunal in tho land. Our doings are of the House, if tbe Ministers would be allowed Plows, hhenfls are officers, large soon, or to Cs. but many are incom Detent, clearance sale to make room for new tion Bill was taken up, in committee of the whole, Pay Chlnee Interpreter A Translator 3,000 00 hedged in by laws. Our liberties aro grantod by vote. Burnett's Ast. Extracts goods now on the way, at which good bargains Hon. Pay of Slesenccra or Judiciary Depart- the Constitution. The rights aro given to Ihe President Rhodes gave a decision Min THE riUSONS. J. b nlker in the chair. ment 2,000 00 that the AT KILAUEA, KAUAI may lie expected Aowistne timc;tor tne ladies After some littlo debate and changes, the follow- Ministers by law, and tbey sbonld obey the law isters nau a vote and quoted authorities to support ZW FOR. SALE BY" f look secure At Committeo roso prog good example. 1 could The objects imprisonment of criminals is to in and bargains. ing items were passed at the subjoined figures tbe and reported and set a speak for two his statement. (attnclToni not public revenue, nor for the vindictive punish ress to the Assembly and leave to and give examples, where they have The ani.rrijjtii! bi Itthl front CIT1L LTfT aked sit again. hours if not At U0 the question to indefinitely postpona was tt of offenders. There is a rumour afloat about the Portuguese Request granted and at 1 10 tbe Assembly ad- broken the law they have avoided it-- It you have put with the following His 5Iaieiy a Privy Pone Jt Kcjol Mate. $ iottW W result. HENRY MAY & Co. It is for the protection of society, and the re- contracts According to information supplied to journed until 10 a m. on the morrow. confidence in this Ministry, vote for it. I have Aits. Gibson, Guiick, Kapena, Neumann, Par- present materially ller.Mijcfty tlieyuccn 16UM0U ) formation of the criminal tbe Gazette tbe contracts diner 11 none. (Applanse ker, Bush, c, - II. It. the Heir iCttUU) Kuihelani, Kaae, Kanoa, Walker, OH WEDNESDAY, JULY Forty-Four- 9 unde- th The priKn system of tho Kingdom has miuy from the terms winch tho planters agreed to II R.II I rinccss Likelike I30U0U) Day, Juno 28th. Representative Kaunamano fallowed tho Hon. Kanlnkou, Kean, Lilikalani, Baker, Araara excellent features, but is suscepti bio of much mi take tue I'oriuguese. ine main uinerences, as 11 It II haloUnl SUKKM Mr. Widennnn in a speech of but littlo interest, Kaulia, Aholo, Kamakeie, Gardner, Nahiou, Kau- Assembly convened at 10 a.m , President Rhodes IHoL At to it lock a n provemenL reported, are as follows That the hours of labor Ills .Majesty' Chamberlain and feccretair. T.ouo u) be ouly alleging tint bo was entirely unbiased and namano, Palohau, hnpihea, Nakeleka. Total 23. JUST RECEIVED One of the benefits of Uahu Prison, is, are to count from the time the laborers leave their Household Expcnccs SUU0UU0 in the chair. Prayer by cbiplain and reading of would vote as bis conscience dictated, during his Nora, that a a Bishop, Wilder, J. Mott Smith, Judd, minntid nf nm Inn mailinn wKu, Itia uwLt.t. . r. Cattt-- ' Uoard of Inspectors be appointed to make frequent quarters, that a portion of tho men are to hare U.1UW.L.? V. .lll.UUn tltu Ol... v.... . speech he said, great stress has been laced on the Wideniann, Martin, J. Dowsett C. Brown, Kalua, 100 Head Working workings, pay during wuile portion S Representative kalua under suspension of the PER examinations of the prison and its to halt sickness, another rEIUIANEKT SETTLEMENTS ractinisaiinistrymauennauiuorizcu expenditures. Richardson, Kanaalii, W O. Smith, Nawabi, render stated reports to tbe Minister of Interior are to have fnil pay when they aro Bick. If this rules presented n petition from residents of tbe Where is the law that slates that it theMinistrv Kauwila, i II broken and In (.kmI condition Her Majesty Queen Dowager Emma IGOuOOO Hitchcock, Kauhane, Pilipo, G Brown. and to publish semi aunuually, or oftener, state- should turn out to be true, the planters would be dAtrictof ijana, Maui, praying that the sum of misappropriate money, they shall be punished? Dole, Rowell, F. Brown. Total 21. unpleasant, dilemma, only HW Excellency I hanoa 2 410 tti $1200 be for tbe puriioseof establish- ments of the number, se and nationalities of tbe in an and it will bo Hon Knlhelanl 2 4tW UJ appropriated He knew of none. If this resolution pisses, the Adjourned until the 39th nit. added government ing an English school at inihaiki. Referred to causo will feeling Stmr prisoners., together another instance to CO0U) account Alameda with such other information mismanage Mlioa lilni .. be on of tbe that the us may tend to enlighten the public upon the sub- ment. Mrs. P. abaulclua GOUUO the Committee on Education. Ministry Iiave done something wrong, al&u because llanly Ttmnj; and Healthy ject of the prison and interest them in its workings, Representative Nakaleka from residents of La-n- of&omo personal feeling them. Even if 1884 FROM THE UNITED STATES : Majc&ty's Vtttot I'teane ar- Half-bree- and to make n biennial report to tho Legislature His Italian Corvette and Molokai, presented petitions, (1) for a I no aimisters uavo and used moneys, Ibe House met at 10 a. m. and 15 d & 41 Callao. bho appropriated after prayer tho Native Horses Marts with such recommendations nnd suggestions as rived in port on bunday, days from LEGISLATLRB ANU mi T COC5C1L. mail carrier between Lahama and Lanai; (2) for so long ns it was in aid or tbe public good, thon he minutes of the previous meeting were a comparatively old type of vessel, built of wood, English school read and they may deem proper. is Kipcnsc; or Legislature el 1S3I S W"u tbo establishment of an on Lnnai. thought that they could not be charged with doing approved. The following petitions were presented. Casks Whittakcr's Star Hams Rrokco tn 8a4tl1e, We would suggest that the Board of Inspectors of l,f"00 measurement, J00 horse power, 14 guns rcrctary of Council aiOU) Referred to Committee on MiscellaucousSubjects. wrong, even if the iw forbids what they did. Representative Kamakeie Makawao. and 2s men. l'rlrr from relat consist of tho Police Justice or Honolulu as Incidentals of I'rlvr Council 11DM Representative .Kaliinu petitions that "Sluou be Sometimes tbe law says a iierson is wrong for not ing to the payment of the national debt. Refer- TEN UNKNOWN COLTS. Caj tam Gucsieppe Falambo. appropriated for improving a pirtioular road Cases Paragon Bacon, Chairman, and two other members to be w in doing an act. If that had been tbo case with tbe red to rinance Committee. IltrJ at Kllanca " appointed bv tbe Minister of the Interior upon lieutenants ltuggero CamgUa, Enrico Perra, S 40.TW his district (S. Kona), that a frco English school Ministry then he would not defend them. Ho had Representative Hitchcock from residents of Udo Cases Cain Cheese, General, Gartano Chiercbia, Cesare Marcacci, Giuho i, JCDIClAri DErARTXENT be established, and also that a pound bo estab- Listory Nelson, nnd relating the nomination of tho Attorney ihe GUM 00 read the of remembered that to Government lands leased by foreigners. Cases Litnbarg Cheese, 3 Large Bullock Plows, two members of the Hoard, thus appointed, to bo Francisco Pozzoni Salary of Clerk of Supreme Court .$ lished in the district. Referred to Committee on in that history, lie ('Nelson) whilo in an engage Referred to Judiciary Committee. &uv""Fill)ppo Milone. Antonio Bocolan ' Deputy Clerk jtijuiu Miscellaneous Subjects. Cases Boneless Cod Fish, selected from among citizens of Honolulu, who ' "rcond Deputy Cltrl. A19J W ment, when signalled to como bacK, did not obey, Representative Kauwila from residents of Pnna 3 Gang Plows, 2 quite new, hold no other Gorernmcnt position to hold office Pay muster I ttmasco Chiazzi. Interpreter prcme There being no reports from touimittecsnur any but went on and won a great victory: so with this ngainstthe passage an Act Kegs Cilt Edge Batter, Carlo antl Police procedure of to indemnify the 3 Subsoil Plows, 2 Shovel Plows, w for two years and serve without iay. Ch iff Engineer Duppaldi Courts 4 (now resolutions to be presented, was bad at Ministry, tbey may not have obeyed the law, but Ministry for any moneys they may have spent MnUhtpme ii Koberfo Paudolfim, Kiccardo Peri- Cases Richardson & Bobbius xnereoommenuauons ot tne or inspec-- Circuit J juuuuo once to tbo order of the dry, tint Icing the dis ty - without proper 1 Four-Hor- uoiru aw w lueir iicuuus lu luu tajutiaij lu iittu utujuu- authorization. Laid ou tho . Wagon, which they mar make between tho sessions colic Paulo Parnuti, Umberto Cagni. (Ills traveling expenses cussion on tne resolution ot "want ot confidence" vocative of great public good If theso Ministers Representative Kaubano from residents of tha Boned Ham, Chicken,TarV.e to adopted by Circuit Jndrc, llllo and ho .M'MU) introduced by Representative Dole. put the money tbeir iockct8. would vote district Kan 2 Buggies and Brake. ofttoijegislaturc, be the Minister Kohala. Kona, Ac. - 4UJ U) bad in of for an appropriation of $15,000 for And Cared Fowl, 0e of the Interior nnd Marshal, bo far as may be IUwah. Iho Attorney General drew the attention of the against them, and in favor of tbo resolution. improving tho roads in Kauai 4UIM to ILc that district. Referred to Cases Salmon Bclli'ex, practicaoie. 'Iho schooner " Emma Claudma"' went to Hitch- Police Jotlco Honolulu SM1W Assembly probability of the subject being "Shall vote as my conscience tells mo. but if no Committee on Public Lands etc Ml ib abuse are troa;ljr ball I and In good order Ve believe that much ma be accomplished L one that would excite a prolonged discussion, so more reasons nre euown, support mo reso- Representative for cock Cos landing at Papaikou on Monday, The Assembly then adjourned until 10 a m. cannot Hitchcock that tbe Jail and Tbe liae stock and plows are offered for sa la the benefit of tho prisoners and tho public good, June Jrd, to load sugar for ban I rancisco. he desired that permission be given to have action lution." Court house at Laupahoehoe be repaired and the of xteaai Tackle haslo aaperceUsd akiwlsf in the way of classification of prisoners, and of taken on tbe bill to appropriate $200u to settle tho At tbe conclusion of the Representative's re- salanes of tbe sheriff and jailer bs increased. Re- KEGS FAMILY BEEF! by animal power on the Kllaaea rtanlatloa improved postal accounts between tbe United States and Foreign Affairs took Committee regulations and better influence, which A gang of Chinese was arretted on baturday and Forty-Seco- Day, Juno 2Gth, 1SS4. marks, the Minister of tbe ferred to on Miscellaneous bubjects. Tale le aa eoDortaaltr rarely met with Oarers (raws will tend to improve and elevao them brought before the police court, Hilo, on Monday Hawaii. floor and mocd an adjournment nntillOp nl. Representative Nahi&n from the Kegs Ofitri altla tram lIoanlaliuettLaa was accordingly up, residents of Famil.rotk, tlie of Kauai and There is groat cause to tho iiJoin of Juno 23rd charged with gambling They got off Assembly convened tbo TLo bill taken read a third Carried. Kon praying that tbe Government A tTfrer Islands can asatl thrmselres or Mr Mice's Sti: at tbo usual hour and passed. purchase Ci Libbr's Lanch Tongue, compelling all classes and grades of prisoners to with a fine of five dollars each and one day's im- Usual preliminary business was gono through with. time and inzajoov. landing at llookem for a free detiyery of freight. which lease aiiwnt on amral or Attention was now given to the discussion on Cs will reach Klleaaa nood tfme fonthe tniSals work alike upon the public works exposed to the prisonment C. 1L Bishop from on IZdu bo-i- Laid on the table. Ham Saasages, aad la Hon. the Committee Dolo At 150 the Assembly reconvened, the subject n public gaze. W e would urge that an earnest and cation reported on the following petitions. 1. the resolution, Representative being the first By Ue Baine member from citizens of Napoopoo cr TEBJtS CASH The schooner "Ilosano," Capt. bwift, cleared speaker, as follows! still the resolution of "want of coniidcnce." Cs Vienna bansago, intelligent effort be made to provide employment Irom residents of Makawao relative to a reduction Affairs floor forapablio landing at that place. Referred to 1015 ft' E II UKTBR1LL. inctloarrr. walls, from Hilo on Tuesday, June 24th, for ban Fran- Some of the members have expressed a wish to Tho Minister of Foreign took the nnd Committee Cs Dr Collis lirowno'o for tbe prisoners within tho pnon ihe in the school tax; recommended to lay on the table. spoke as follows, on Public Lands etc workshops tho cisco via Kahalui. bhe took 0 tons of sugar from hear the grounds on which tbo resolution was Representative Godfrey establishment of for all of pri- will fill 1'. irom aikapu, asking for tbe istablisbment He would review ns brieilyas possible the alleg- Brown from the Finance Essence Jairaaca Ginger, soners may entail too large an expense bo at- ainaka Plantation and up at Kahalui brought forward The report of the Corurmltee Committee reported recommendlntr rpfnmlinrr to bpreckelsville engar. of an English school in that district, recommended ations brought forward nnd charged ngainstthe thn Bags Back Wheat, Crack tempted at once, but an experiment of some kind with to refer to Board of Education. 3. A bill exempt- of Finance bas been pretty well discussed so I Hi $03.25 twice collected taxes and that the Ex Ministry, statement mide rel- Bk"Spical' C shall refer to other matters. The Department of lberebadbeena Wheat, Oatmeal.llominy,' should be made in this direction. ing Hawaiian parents, baying or more children to unfriendly feeling with I ranee. He de- amount be included In tbs Appropriation Bill. Corneal subject of discipline and re- Tho Hilo Foreign bchool closed lU summer Foreign Affairs, from which wc have a full report, ative Approved. Also, upon to 500 Bbls. Whito Bros The prison prison through- living, from taxation: the committee considered sired to say there was no misunderstanding be- a bill mora defining the Jtye Flonr and ileal, form opens op such a wide field, that we can bare- terra luesday, June IMth. Tbe exercises provisions bill are opposed has business of tbo most important character, and payment of moneys into tbe Treasury. Recom- wero unusually interesting. that the of the we find matters improperly tween this Government and F rancc. An error in Cases Cases Pres- 500 Bis. "Wrapping Paper, ly touch Upon it. But v.e feel sanguine that such out Examination of nnd therefore recommended that it bo several have beenmost mending that the bUI indefinitely postponed as Itojal Baking i'owder. studies in the morning and an entertainment in dealt wtlb. Drruig the last biennial period nego- a matter of nwvs respecting tbo term of a mission a Board of Inspectors, as herein suggested, would laid on the table. 4 A petition that J. H. Kanipu a gentleman that had been accredited the Audit Act already provided for such matters. ton it Merrills Yeast Powder. 100 Cases Pickles, to to the Leg- tho evening of dialogues, recitations, singing, compile tiations wero going on for a treaty between France of certain Approved. be able render valuable assistance Ac. schoolroom was a dictionary of tbo Hawaiian language, by this country to France No official controversy islature and the Government tn submitting plans pontorame, The hung with was by unnecessary; and this country by the aid of Hon. H. A. P. Car- At 10 10 consideration BY were thought tbe committee to be consequeuco was had in relation to it Trance, for good and of tbe Appropriation Bill V3T FOIt SALE Cs.BIue Mottled Soap improvement of the condition of tho pri- wreaths, the pupils tastefully dressed and been U ter. In of made in Committeo Whole, 500 for the vtcre an engagement had entered into with Mr. sufficient reasons, was not disposed to continue the of the Uon.J.S. Walker soners, and the regulation of the their bright young faces a pleasant sight. R. Hitchcock with a like object view andbehad by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to tbo French in the chair. Cases Sardines, prisons. Miss Hitchcock has had charge of tho school in Commissioner were arrangements entered upon. Relations with the MAY & Co. 100 The State has great responsibilities in tho mat- Cora progressed so far with his work that it w?s now in here, such letters sent from HENEY 3 and had success were suddenly Representative of France m tins country were PEracTvcxT or ronElox arraias Demijohns, 1 gal; ter of tbo care of its prisoners, which arc not tho past three ears, has marked the hands of Rev. L. Lyons for revision. Recom- hero that these negotiations broken 500 Empty goes out now a two off. expenses which in- now the most cordial. Col. Iaukea tho Hawaiian Salary of Minister J I.'.OUU 00 limited merelv to the furnishing them with as a teacher, bhe for years' mended laid on tbe table. G, Pe- Tbe bad already been Tons Fence Wire, Koa. 4, 9, 6; outr enter Conservatory that petition be probable benefits which Envoy was received with lbs greatest cordiality at . . ,., 0,1X10 00 50 un, food, clothing, medical absence, intending to the of Kona, board-m- g curred and tbe might hare attendance and work; giving titions from residents of South that treaty Paris, and had an order conferred upon him. Under secretary, sirnck out AN INVOICE OF 10 Cases Plain Galvanteed needs summon Musio at Oberlin, Ohio, her time mainly to schools boys be tho come from the have been lost. " Copjiit 2 0(100 Win, and it to to its aid the best thought for established in all of period Mr. Touching Mr. Kapena's visit to Japan, Ihe speaker and advice of intelligent and philanthropic citi- - tho study of music, bbe carries with her the recommended to to Board Educa- During tho Kapena was sent to Japan wishes islands, refer of really read a number of documents to show that negotia- Adjournment was here had until 1.30 p. m- - and 10 Cs. Sheet Zinc, Cs. C. C. Inm zcus, wno win interest tucrusencs in tne subject, kindest of all about her and tho warm lore tion. All the recommendations oLtho committee for immigration purposes, but to invite some 20 of her pupils. She will be greatly missed in our Japancso official to attend tho coronation, ho tions bad been entered into for the immigration on reassembling the following items were passed : and assist the Government in solving the weight were approved. sub- European Cases of Japanese. After a fall discussion of the Ofac Expanses of 30 Tin Plates. problem. little community and we shall gladly welcome her from Com- negotiations for immigrations for immigration Forelrn Areata ..J 4,000 to Representative J'llipo the Printing ject, tbe Japanese Government were inclined to Incidentals of Korelcn (juice...... 3,000 00 rmsov. return. mittee presented the report of tbo Committee on have transpired from that expedition but a few 25 Cases Saddles, St;. oahu sub officials were induced to attend tho defer tho matter on account of their treaty rela- Lxpcnsearoreizn Missions strues out .. - run n bv and Police. Received and distributed. coronation. Lnvoy xtraordinaiy and 1 lenl-- n- b The Committee visited the Oahu Prison, and Scene. Pnon9 cost country $7,112 SO. Col. tions with otber powers. Col. Iaukea's trip was ofinlsttr A Ibe Minister of Foreign Affairs, answer to a This trip tbo Iaukea potentlary at Washington ... . li,(JUJ 00 Groceries examined its condition and arrangements. As in mode of this immigration a was afterwards sent to Russia to attend tbe coro- also in the interests and Expenses Incidental to Legation V, cfcj result of the many matters vliich attracted our Gibson a Roll, Dcst. regulation passed by the Assembly on the 17th last should the Japanese immigration which opens up at aib (WIS It) oo. tjlkts IngtOD BCcici3ria. Mimstix is the to fees of nation of tbo Czar, and then to represent this vuuto Just Receired per CITY OF PARIS. attention wo would state that we were much im- relative the and emoluments consuls so well, be successfully earned out, no one will Relief and Return Iadlgent Last Saturday, as "Legislators and spectators abroad, submitted n report that the largest nniount country round the, world. Ills business in Japan of Hawallons pressed with the pressing need of certain impro- hooped out of Alnolani Hale, after tho vote of was I believe beneficial, but tbo whole trip cot consider his trip an injudicious or unnecessary from Abroad .. . .. 00 Notice of Copy-Bigh- t. vements. reported was that of tbe consul at Button, amount measure. Relative to tho Polynesian expedition, salary of Mexenzcr . 1ltfouo uo want ot connaenco in tue aiinisiry, mere was Consul $17,910 which is nearly as much as it cost His Education ISKMKM11K1.KD The accommodations arc insufficieut,the crowd- ingtof312forlheyearlSS3. Iho General I said from chiefs been ot Hawaiian Youth In Foreign IT THAT OS uiccli opon As the Minister Majesty to go round iho world A visit to Japan he that letters various had A 1911 comment the result. at London gets a salary of $S00 per vejr. There Majesty, Conntrie . Z&1 00 HENRY MAY & Co. Bh Sflh da; of Har B J X.UAT.Jsur ed condition of the prison miking it necessary $.VXX). received by His requesting bin! io tend 1 of Toroigu Affairs passed Mr. J. T. Watcrhouse, was no report from tbe consul at San Francisco, might have been made under This Kit's Guard held over .... Uonoluln or Ualn II la accortlaaca wWt often to place three prisoners in a cell. hero is them messengers who would instruct and advise 1 Act to jJMi I Sr., the latter said. ' Gibson, you arc a scoundrel, although M. A.) excursion round tho world, with tbe ex band, Flars and Salutes held over (101J Section of aa encoarac tcarala. no suitable place for the occupants to tako their bo (the of F. had heard that fees them their affairs. It was deemed proper to Kingdom secntlae Ute ardea of Charts nan sir!" receiving as a reply "A withering "Oh, received one. ception of Japan, was very expensive, resulted in in ationalJ4nsum.... . sjiii ui br m9lc meals, there being nothing as high as $1003 had been on cargo. A CO ROBT C COOKS', aa Iut an open shed, in- that is what ou mean, and rcenforciug bis re- absolutely nothing. Tho Polynesian excursion of make n courteous reply to their appeal vessel Purchase of books for Oovt Library . 5.I1U LKWZEa lo the Aatnora and Proprtetora of each Copies" sufficient in size, without a floor, nnd Laving no Report received and laid on the table. coing that way offered a favorable opportunity Government Llbraiiaa and Curator to tbe prOTcd on the list or December 1 D. list, has de- mark by again repeating sir, you are a tho Capt, lnpp, which no one has yet been able to st Dtmk tables of any kind; the water-clos- arrangements "ics The Minister of Interior presented a supple- and Captain Tripp was sent. Expense was aiasenm. . 2,000 00 LinvcitH cooKi:, posited In this oOce tho tills ot hla scoundrel str.r' At this moment, Mr. Henry mentary statement to the report to to discover the necessity for, cost $2,0U319. It not Successors to Lxwzas X Dlcxsox, are inadequate and in a filth condition, and relative the ended disgrace. expected to be ono half o what it had been, but Alj ourned. such aterhouse came up and pasucd a nod with the privileges allowed by tbo Government io tbe O. S. in disaster and HAWAIIAN PHRASE BOOK located m proximity to tho eating place as comes tbe Foreign tbe wreck of the vessel and other causes had mado IHP0BTEB8& DEALERS IH LUMBEH a me aa kaalcksBer to be objectionable; Minister. Tho latter then turned to him and S. Co. Ordered to print. Then the famous Protest from Ka llnaolelo nlekHtllraeaia raot tbe bathing facilities on have lost," H. V aterhouse : Office which has been the laughing stock of the it so 170K job ironic EXECUTED IX And all kinds of Bolldln: Materials. Ualaamokaoleln Hawaii, U; II M Whtlnrr time are most and ; said. "So "I Representative Kalua read for tbe first tnao a VaUuhere LtaUoa primitive scant and other defects don't consider I have, yon voting for yourself world. No one can prevent this little government Relative to a protest issued by the Hawaiian tne neatest stjrle call at OAZETTE OFT1CE. Fort Street. IOU ll lloaolafa. lain. 1 at OVr.Ja. to aad of a similar nature indicate that decided reforma- bill relating to tbe distribution of Government f err 1R' " rlfhle at which ns,.siifu, owSer aad does not make you win." Gibson: "You've lost holdings. Read second timo issuing protests, a cat may look at a King; but Government which Representative Dole said was tion is necessary. Jand in small a and money proprietor . jour money and you've lost your cause; vour to pnnt. wliilo tho administration has spent so much the laughing stock of tho world, I ossnra bim he is wncacor t nereaato set asf ha That some of the wants had not been supplied, -- ordered neglected laughter beyond ItTlsnaoat hae evils remedied, seems unucry urn yon no good." 11. natcrnouso: iou Representative Dole read for the first time a bill in the matter of fuss and feathers, it has mistaken; tbe nas not extended a and caased the Seal of th latrriorJJe' and inexcusable, for these internal affairs of the country. In the Board few dissatisfied persons to sfflsrji Hils day r might have been accomplished lie if you say I used money you take that back.' to facilitate the acquiring of homesteads, read a the certain in these Islands. (Seal) pertinent ta U with but trilling eanpht l&nrjcl Health and Finance Riports, wo find matters received re- Mat UriM. outlay, while the matter large this he bold of tho of Gib m rand time by title and ordered to print. of This document bas been in the most of cell accommoda- son's coat, and tbe latter slipped down. A littlo at Kalawao are in a disgraceful state. At the last spectful manner by nearly all of tha groat powers. S. iSlwed, CHVS T III tHil! finkuieiui a N. Vlrj Minister of an appropriation. Iicprcscuiauve uiuuuuceu resolution SACHS 3m latettor. tions require was was con- $10,000 was appropriated for ihe supply of Replies received from America Me cannot pass unnoticed the fact that knot men xormed ana mere mucn that the isccreiary ue instructeu to attenu more session be had and Holland since fused talking, but the belligerents separated and thnmneblv to bis duties and not tbe plac water for these suffering people at Kalawao, the were read by the speaker and which he thought the 27th day of January list, there has been no nclcct attention to which bas been ntterly neglected. Do were sufficient to show that tbe protest Notica of Copy-Bigh- t. Governor went their several ways. Mr. H. Waterhouse of Hawaiian versions of the order of the day had not responsible of the Prison in charge, blow Mr. seems to have fall- ing not find that tho President of tbe Board of Health been laughed at. Next reference ItEMK&BEUKI) AAith tbe large number of confided 6truck no nnd Gib3on in position. Not approved. is made to tha IT THAT ttt prisoners and en else over of a by bas visited tbe settlement even once. We find neglects ot tbe- Hoard . M.OVT. the responsibilities involved, this condition of voluntarily or tipped the feet Representative, haulukou read for the first time of tbe President of Health. thetthdVr Mar " .la, of stander. raf- from the report that the settlement is not provided One of them is that I had not visited Kalawao. I Honolulu. Island ot Oaho II I la ecofdance' wt affairs dangerous. a bill relating to the suppression of loltrnes, 1 is with a doctor. Find that there are other diseases did go and spent three days there, but that, of Section S of an Act, to encvaraM lfaroJ la fles, games of chance. To second readmg Iwta-lw- Garden Forty for the Benefit of the Lepers or other besides leprosy which are killing people off. was my office. Kingdom 01 teeoriog tie eoplea af I d r Reception and Ball to Prince Oscar. orocr. tbe course not during term of I was rroprleior' of sacs Oaoiee." in regular Find that the unfortunate people in tbeir last mo- the mover of a motion to get a resident physician tothoAntfifs aad Indcr tbo auspices of Queen Kapiolam, the ItfiiresentatiTo Dole presented the following res (Successor A.TVT. iskolilsT on tbe 31.1 nt lleeemher U. Wl, ha daja A reception and ball 1L K. II. ments have been neglected and unattended being several have appointed to in honor of Trine. grounds were garden olution of want of confidence, viz: RcsoIvcd that there; been but tbey have posited la this office Uw title of Oscar waa given by the Consul for bweden and of the Palace opened for a left for days at a time before death finally ended not staid. I regret there has not been a better party and fanoy fair last Thursday. The grounds the continuation of the Cabinet Ministers in office BOOK Norway and Mrs. Schmidt, last Wednesday administration as may en their sufferings. Find that these people are taken system of nursmg. With this object in view, cor- THE HAWAIIAN GUIDE wero dotted with tents, a large one for fancy arti is an obstado to such Molokai to was uWrlplkns of tha Hawaiian presided joy tne Liegisiatiye Assemciy." and damped on tbo shores of and left respondence entered into with tbe Catholic Cootalnlnt a ttrUf Ko spared to cles, over by Mrs. McGrew. Mrs. C. O. the conndeace4oi themselves and treatedasif they were brute beasts. Bishop purpose obtaining lands, their harbors azrlcaltnral reeome.ee. planta- pains had been make the affur a Bergcr bevv pretty were ensconc beconded and made tbo order of tbe dayforSat- - for tbe of the services one, and success crowned tbe efforts and a of damsels And these are friends and acquaintances of ours, of Sisters of Chanty, and after a littlo delay, tions, scrnerr. volcanoes eJJsute poaataUow Mel brilliant of nnlav. HK-I- M WlliTMSV the painstaking host and hostess. grouuds ed in a bower ot Iiowers. airs. P. C J ones was in some ex of Assembly. In one Lconore was commissioned by commerce. Dr the The cbargo of the which was pat- The Attorney General presented a joint resolu- members this of Father His Majesty which he claims owner ana naMrietar riilr every seem- ice cream, liberally reports the report the Pres. of tho B. France, and finally wen one Diaze ot coioreu lanterns, tree ronized. A cool tent, where asking that the bail bond ot a certain party these (in of and dispatched to brought I Tirrratar wnMMr I bare hereaata set Mr hsw mellow A large lemonade and claret tion H.) making to case which seven Chanty. aAA.I M.1 fman- Isiunrsf ing to bear the tinted fruit. laua, cup were was Mrs. who been arrested for selling liquor without a of the doctor it refers a with him Sisters of They are now 104 St., Honolulu and laa of diipensed in charge of Hayley; had Fort fife aw had constructed on the aikikisidettf tbe he calls rnurder. ct tlio Board of Health had assisting at the Branch Hospital this city, (Seal) nartsient to tha anlird. tale been xue . license, which become bo can in . tBMf being rcircsnmenta ten to airs. it. aiacranane. and had torieitea. cnongn carry tneso upon Ma- aa: r. house, entrance to it from the veranda. Mrs. Bickerton had fine celled the payment of SM0. Referred to Judi tunas to out matters at tne The speaker continuing touched the (.HAS formed the walls and aSScent tent, and a loan on properly. There the Madras case, Flowerdew case r l;nrd) T OCLICK This the bail room, roof of was taken care by . A. Cummins. Be- Committee. settlement u dras qnestion, the and the coin- I'j, Minuter of were flags, overhead national Hags, of Hon ciary where through the ignorance of a man therracting age the question showing lonsw iptwn, ohieh a mass of sides these were where peo- Assembly men run. question, on latter that flags. At were Ihere numerous tents aajournea unin i as Attorney General (the present of Eor-eig- n corn to the around the sides signal each end ple could sit and chat, lots of chairs to lounge Minister she cost of the Government was 91. &ctfhs9Jl trophies Swedish, Norwegian and Hawaiian in, Arxzxsoox. Affairs) tLe country lost $3L20O. Tho Eng- Ue had done some service, it was Mortcae'Hotko of Foredeara of and then there was the Palace to see. Flitting oaal in ancient --- flags while handsome 1 o'clock, business lish Government bos made claim against this were snspected wrong do- above them glittered two among the crowd and in great demand was tbe On at the first a days when Ministers of .'riinnAvm: with .tfmr.nj&M stars rsadewof sword bayonets, flowers, ferns and same gypsy that transacted was tbe consideration of the joint rcs- - Government, making tbo vessel's claim its own. ing, for the impeached ones to bare their breasts ot sal contained in a certain hwrtra, palm leaves dec- attended the Library Fair. As own have declared of the show wounds. For hint Lt W" added grace and lightnc3 to the evening came on the Palace was illuminated with olution to provide $0,000 for the immediate for Our courU the action and their however, bo orations. lamps, very warding 01 J apancse immigration. Board of Health, m this connection, unauthorized. had no wounds to show. (Laughter.) Ha and LOOK OUT FOR' THE TT V..'U fa k.e.h wtlffl ldll MM colored making a pretty sight, while illegal $1,000,000. from which Mr. The reception was held mtbem&in bouse, where lights wero distributed among the trees. The affair After a short debate the bdl was passed on its The coinage of his colleagues bad done the best they could. manyof our principal citizens were presented to success. third reading. Spreckels pockets profits, amounting to $150,000. Representative Fillpo, said that he bad had the tar.--. nrt HTXHl 11 14 fOTf)'UO will M I was a financial From the Treasurer, Mr. AA the Prince, who was roost affable, con AY. the order of the day was token up In carrying out this matter ihe Minister of Finance honor of being acquainted with his Excellency XV engaging in V. Hall, we learn that $223183 were received. On motion aet.OttJUfftl'nwofSh.tnWelawnf creation with a number of those introdncsd. very and the Assembly resolved itself into Committee attempts to issue bonds payable in gold for this danng a member of sessions. He had not forgot ..asiTiiiv J.1t. Tbe expenses will be small. " J": i"Ki."ttUn,.a;C- .- - The ball opened about half past nine o'clock of the Whole, Hon. 3. S. Walker in the chair, and debased money but was prevented by the ruling of ten certain words nsed by tbe Minister when he faaHl fUTalDV BfCIallBT"rtherportlcarfrtcaatlaamaaw- vnth tbo Koyal Quadrille Gas BilL the Supreme Court-- In the Minister's answer to was 1873 below epecUei this was danced as fol The Glorious Fourth. proceeded with the consideration of the a Representative. Tbe Minister in B.Castfc.Attoruer-at-U- J e,P. lows: His Majesty and Mrs. Schmidt. H. 1. H. The section relating to tbe nature ot the fran- the mandamus case, he says "I was about' to do thought that something unusual should be dace, Avriltrw w jm -- , --"Prince Oscar and the Princess Ialinokalani. His Thelpreparatioos in the Hotel grounds for the chise, "as a contract on tho part of the Hawaiian so; in tho injunction case a reek later he states be told me and a fnend of mine the story of p,.mt... to be sold ar slanted Is WUmmt. Ex. Governor Dommis and Mrs. odehouse, Hon. celebration of the Glorious Fourth are rapidly ad- Government" was struck out in its entirety, as that he "did not" intend to do so. Tbe Minister Cromwell and likened the oppottanitlcs for some IlJeM. Island o Knsn) iadBH,?M of m ajaaaa.4 Aodo-bous- say onto? awjnWrtat A.S. aechom nnd MadameTcer, Major e vancing towards completion. A large stand capa- also the section relating to the transfer and sale may tba( tbe answers were only a matter of Hawaiian to act as Cromwell did and depose tbe abontwra IkaMnalMfr. can- a - ri,j, .mm. and the Princess Likelike. Commodore Lag ble ot accommodating fifty or more people is of tho property at the expiration of term of fran- form, j et they were both sworn to, and both King. Ho said to us that ho desired to leave a ha.Kaati.cO -- . Sale! wwwl lriaiaacxcv -- w - ' ' Clearing land, rzi as Miss bo does Stupendous erberg and Peabody, Mons. Fccr and .Mrs. erected opposite the main entrance of the Hotel, chise. Section 11 in the original draft was passed not true. Even a tier all this, what next name for his grind children to be proud of. Tho wltaafaa'toeTtrAjiwIafeweayahvr Neumann; Consnl Schmidt and Mis. Austin. and archways to be covered with red, white and as Section 13, as follows. he do? He waits until after the dose of the bien- Government in the hands of these Ministers bas eosered ffljj On the conclusion of the Quadrille dancing was blue, with shialus and other emblematic decora "Section 13. Quality of Gas. The gas furn- nial period and then issues $1SO,000 of Hawaiian been conducted in an improper manner. No con- : - commenced in good earnest and the floor was soon tions, greenery and flowers span each gateway on ished by said company for the purpose of bghting bonds, for that vcrr silver! Gives Ihe bonds to fidence is felt in them or their nets. This Min- nantjs alive with twinkling feeU Towards twelve supper Hotel street. A model to scale h of actual the said city of Honolulu, shall be ot standard --Mr. Lowe, a partner of Spreckels. The Govern istry bas incurred a debt of neary il,Xf)fltX) all was served, and was done ample jusUce to by old dimensions of Bunker Hill monument is ready for quality of not less than fifteen candle power." ment nas borrowed money oi unanes i.buucx, owing to one person in California, ftcy have not and young- - Sahang was renewed and kept up erection. The orators of the day will be able to After the passage of another new section, (It) the present Minister of Interior, when ha was not earned put the Andit Act, Tha speaker continued Minister and paid 12 per cent Interest for the with great spirit till three o'clock. Consul and address large crowds of seated auditors, and in relating to the law taking effsot "'immediately,', a at some lecgth in a vigorous- attack upon the many wnjiwwreTri Mrs. Schmidt ranst be oonirjlimcnted for the bnl every way the yanous Committees are pushing the committee rose, reported their action to the loan. These charges aro some of tha most prom- unlawful acts and measures of the Ministrr. JUtS CATrMSTTg TlWBO liant snanner in which they entertained their forward their yanous nreparations. and without Assembly, the same beinaapproata. and bill or-- inent ones and are only thus briefly touched upon At 3.15 Representative Hawaii having oitained TO BE AlTtf OTnrCED SHORT!?. - I fwm. j doubt the celebration will be worth of the event. dered to third reading on the 2nd inst. so as to giva opportunity for other meaberj to the floor said that as the subject under discussion w Meat SwuolaJa IuP4,lh !.-- , iftJ si rwwi--i,JM- mmmm ? f tmm- - . , m. "p.-- '. . rS -, iKSCsattfewKSB WffinffnrrT1 ""flffWf ll''1'!T'MflaH!TT.ffliililWafflaa inhit -

4rW f Gtntral tocrtistmruts. General Sltrotrtisrmtnts. hips would. cease to touch here, our products admission to naturalization will be for the good aural fttrrttrftsrnunts. iMUHUMt would fail to find a market abroad and these oi tno country. fair islands wonld become a pest home to be That tbe law is illiberal, considering that avoided by the whole WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. 1881. civilized world. this Kingdom desires population, and invites "Pioneer" Line Signed A. Fbaxcis Jcdd. and encourages immigration, is manifest. Bat BIILIiS Islands- - " Lawbksck McCcxlt. it is a efficient answer to say that is the .INDIA' RICE Snprtme Court of the Hawaiian t it v " Be!. H. ArsTin. law of this country at present. ate To Oit Honorable President Vie Legislative of Honolulu, Mav 20lh, 1884. This leads us to the discussion of the sec- Atstmbly: ond resolution whether it lawful to ap- H To lite lion. FrttHtnt of Ihi ArtrmMy: is 0 .iS"asKSsss& Sin: The Justices of tlia Supremo Court Ltfulolire point an alien, upon whom Letters Patent of -- ' ID have received from the Lecislatire Assembly Sin: On the 15th Mar. lheecrctarv of the 10,' 'SSlv. Denization havo been conferred; to an office of '1'i -rn! a resolution upon which their opinion was re Legislative Assembly transmitted to the profit or emolument under the navemmrnt of and now transmit through you Judges of the Supreme for opin- mSW- quested their Court, their this Kingdom, without taking the oath DR. LXEBI& of answer to the same, lac resolution is as fol ion thereon, copies of two Resolutions, passed body. uucgiaucn. rxivuto JDlsponsaryi lows: by your They are as follows: Section 433. of the Civil Code is the entire 400 Gust Smirr, Our Fiusrasco. cax. "WnrrtEAS, there is a larfro number of men, 1st. wheheas, there are employed as Sec- authority for the conferring of Letters f Cau&at&tA bj QaaSfletl Fhrddass acd Soreoi-&- u. retary in the Foreign Office Patent WSSSSm women and children confined at Kalawao and and Board of of Denization It reads as follows: Wi3Ti, (TllslsKsKft nsMlaIlftla In thit TTMfMt RfliM 1 Health two Secretaries, Mr. Webb raaiFLnM rfw motfmt sum) 1 Kalcaako for having the leprosy, and as the and Jtr. "It shall be competent for His Majesty to WrTtrmmmtAicine.lnatmeiTmrtAiidtrrbtdxa tTvimurE. ruxxxmrmnLKant iact of a person bavins said diseaao is not a Parker, who have nor taken the oath of confer npon any alien resident abroad, or AWf!i irtwf.f?liraniaiVf Nemo TMm sw jk fTwtinm of allegiance, and who are drawing pay from fthM RIBSMl. RKUk MlHBFTIa UlaHMMV. KJPBUOtM 1 crime under tbe laws or constitution; there- temporarily resident in Ibis Kingdom, letters I IIIim.niJ llarM. SwtMlior UM sUfiknria. JUMW 1 tho Public Treasury; Bennamntl--f cured and 1 fore be it Therefore be it patent of denization, conferring upon such FlfsMifh.Ttanial. DtitM Iml m. FROM LIVERPOOL. "Jlesohed the eranxawsju trw tuv ivjkui sw Jlcsolretl, That this Honorable Legislative that Justices of the Supremo nlien, without abjuration of allecisnce. all Oebtatr ImpotiRcy Smfaai Lttset, Scraf Deay Assembly request the Judges of the Snprerao Court be requested to state their opinion therigbts, privilcgcn, and immunities of a lCTOUSSta attul OilfiBfliati I m sediments ta Mir fol- whether the appointment and the drawing of HZ:IyatJtt, II. DAVIES CO. Court to state their legal opinion on the native. Said letters patent shall render the fnm mumm WjotrtMal faiUibor aaj cuso Spd3y,l lowing questions: pay by the two persons named is in accordance denizen in all respects accountable to the laws Til. with tho laws as they now exist." PTnut niJinwA tro4 and Old men. and all who need medS- - i 1st Is it a crime to be afflicted with leprosy of this Kingdom, and impose upon him tho atr ltrkftrt th old KorODHn PbTklrsa sTitiFlsiLKrmntl "Resolved Su- that these people are confined at Kalawao and 2nd. that the Justices of the liKOIealiy lo the lung, as if ho bad been atone. HtaeptrUoiicaBtiiioUilnx.anJmayMTefQOirtiniserTana & OFFER FOR SALE preme be requested express ftama ttf hm lnrtMiwnlnmt tnthit triwfttT foftrpat3asgiindirtneB 107, 109 111 FREMONT STREET Kakaako? Court to their naturalized as herein before provided." caabesrattTerTWiMrebrexprenfirreriroin osfcaer-rmil-- opinion on tho following question: b mat a poyclaa who tires hts wholv attention to a ! 2nd. Is not snch confinement contrary to the It will bo seen that a denizen is by the etsaaofdtaeaaea tuuirsifcIlIaadpbrtic4wtsttrwiBlot San Francisco. From the Cargoes Constitution? "Is it lawful for an alien, to whom letters Letters Patent expressly endowed with" "all LHCTTnrtrjT.irninnfiaajrraaciiUT raxnninena uiuou.raw kxpkiu-nrn- t, of denization have been Kwa ran men mjxls. 22 jiacticatj 3rd. Is not the existing law relating to lep- patent conferred.to be the rights, previlegcs and immunities" lMuiaBfmailmD7WlEirTm'BnfJwncsed. Tho Doctor and sudco Ills ikbia C parity aiterIry teaks cmof r arc t to perfection of a edrjs Ac Expcrlenco nd with their Orratlj EdarcnS Krcent Imprnt cut, now the nrarcf or THE appointed to an office of profit or emolument - - - -- . . I'erfertion -- land nr.rW.dlM Th-- yield at rosy contrary to tho Conititution?" native and this is precisely the lanmaire used .. i offtnrllieellUlftltifiwti. VorTiioroozlineend of Uorklbej thee under the Government Kingdom, with- ' " Mint J 68 10TI pound of Merchantable JEle Inira wu poonde of Paddy, according to quality of the I'addy, which The first question submitted is whether y, of this as to the effect of naturalization. of and sMsCTHy confidential. Cases wuiea bars failed In oft J Letters aweaaga snp I li atSierceiii.rreateTthanihatr any other MiIJ. Kj thew late chances and ImproTementa the 1'roprictot BARK BIALISGATE" de- out taking and subscribing the oath of allegi- wBiiutraiu voBwiiirttepeaait7aoiiaiea. rontw tbe cause for which these peoplo are denization have always been considered to cessiuirirMiea. tb fleeter wmazrefitofomilV.lOOOfor J ASD tained at Jlolokai, is a crime. The preamble ance in mariner and form prescribed by Sec- be a substitute for the oith of allegiance by I noionwL vauorwrne. iioctb imhj, irora i Reduce for Hulling & Cleaning of Paddy. tions 430 and 431 of the Civil Code!" """r w a cTPiiop; wroainJWwl'WuT oexd j Is enabled to Largely the Rates the to the reeolntion concedes that leprosy is not a which as a special favor tbe privileges of aw " i crime, and certainly it is not. It is a disease. Tho question raised by the first Resolution Hawaiian citizenship are granted with- - PA RAX TllASCIStO DR. DESK'S YtUHDERFUl CESMAM DTflCOWTOR AMO(J TIIIJ MANY APVAKTAflrM OF MIUTIM- JDI TO Other recent Vessels There may be instances where a person baring is whether an alien can legally fill the position out prejudico to tho status of the denizen AM JIAVIX4 IT n,EASr.D AT THE SIX ritAMIIM O BIUA. I Permanently prereata Lerors I the disease of leprosy, willfully contaminates of Secretary to tbe Minister of Foreign Affairs aa a citizen or enbjCct of all rtmatnrat rromtbnmfera tiii; roLMntiMJ tiat hi: aamtd: TIIE TOLLOWISO a foreign state. If iwns sro uthis, itrcuKburns M nurin, rnvcu WB I others or transmits it to bis offspring or, being or of Secretary to the Board of Health. they do not have this effect, and dis- wwjwj, uTianin uwwnon BTitein ana reswnss IM i - at the FrancUco Ctli to therefore aflUrfjrf in llasUUi autd TtrrBlnm-- I iitperlorltj- of Work Sn I.lnMllIr Under the atatnto 1816 aliens were not jstsbsmsm mmmmmm-- J( fromUrII.Mil p Smell, to freo from it. recklessly exposes bimscll to in- of pense with the necessity ol taking the oath of istnaMitisi asasiBaai fMH Mills. Till lUitlrr I'reedinn DRY GOODS -r- - f mmltmhm mttmd J MerchanUble KIce often complained bf In clenncfl Rice AND CLOTHING eligible to any civil or military office this mSTJTOJttWLi- SmcI ftaTlnrlu IhrylrMof fection, and these may be called wrong or in unciuui.-- ibis uuucuiK iu sco wuymey should il saskaia Bananas- msrsamsL j.sk Z lr , . 'XOJT-TOfJ- of to per cent. flowed with nijar carjo. Kingdom, created by the laws. Vol. 1, Laws be nf j,. pmi,t tmM j Cleaning AM) it lway com criminal acts, but unless these acts are pro- asked for or accepted. I tx m. wn-- WOW 1 3rd ha Tine in ltteforIUllln;jand 4tli The Ileltrr Knte Prints of latest styles, fast colors ; of 1816, p. 7G. ef jrtf TmrmrwtmM st? j 4th f'rrahnm nncl ErMinc in Quality of manda orer Inland Cleaned, pirttcnlarlj In hibited by law they are not offenses or pun- As we have above seen, ono of these rii-l- it Hiinnwrivn (vassal sa SKWrv(1!, Kice. Blue Denims, Whito Crodon Sheeting This repealed ishable as such by law. Activas on thepassagoof the or privileges is that of appointment public Sam rl i la tisi nWi 6 a tnma. TsFmiiiw Packagef to af tw ItmmomMiwm. A iiBttta Hth t!nirrmIljHncl CIenllnriof Horroclc'a Long Cloths,Brown Linen Drills Civil Codo in 1859 nffif-- n .- -: rw The second and third questions may be tak- and, until IS76, aliens were .. ll.n iiah...!i. f il .1. tVaat. CswataJtots tW sum! iJJiaia Watcrj.roof Ilu..it Hiu iiiMa.i.j ui iam lug villll smtt. Cfl Tweeds, Towels & Towelinjs, en and answered together; for if tbe law au- eligible to office in this Kingdom except in the of allegiance. Glass Towels, Table Clolbs", KapldnB, Print Eatnac - fjat do. thorizing tho restraint of tbe lepers be in vio- particular cases where tho law limited tho We are of tho opinion that Letters Patent of n. to&QitMKmwXwTatmmtkna&ttmutsntw OF Pnro Linens, Slnwls' Grenadines, appointment Min- s iy CONSIGNMENTS PADDY SOLICITED. lation of the Constitution, then tho restraint to citizens, as for instance, ucnizauon irom mo Airg, conferring upon li is itself illegal. isters to the King, or Governors, who must by on alien, without obturation of allerHance. Section 30 "Wm. M. GHEBJN"W:OOD, DRESS GOODS, WHITE & COLORD SILKS The fact that since the enactment of the law of the Civil Code be either "subjects all the rights, privileges and immunities of or denizens." General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of the segregating the lepers, somo nineteen years a native, place the rcccipicnt in tbo status of Colored Satins, Grass Cloths, ago, its constitutionality lias not been An Act was passed in 1874, (Chap. 42 of a INDIA RICE MILLS, San Franclxco, CaL Artificial Flowers and Feathers, tested subject, and it is therefore not requisite Cor- tnc session Laws ot that year,) entitled, "An Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, by an application for a writ of Habeas that he take the oath of allegiance as a con- GROSS CUT TOBACCO Act to provide for the of Woolen Table Covers, Col'd Sattecns &. Crapet pus, or otherwise, may be taken as a general taking tho oath of dition of bis holding an office uf profit or em- af allegiance Ha- Fancy. Mixture, Dice and Gray Flannels, acquiescence by the community in the wisdom by persons in the employ of tho olument under this Government. Such was Spool waiian Government," New by !Late Victoria Lawns, Brooks' Cotton, ol tho law. If such a coarse had been taken, tbo view ol tho authorities of this Kingdom Goods Arrivals Luce Curtains, bine and white; Tbe 1 the Supremo Court would then have bad tho preamble is as follows: from early limes. For the honored W. L. Lee, Check Lisladds, Fancy Dress Goods, is expedient Fancy Plaids, Hegatta bhirts, Wool advantage of argument from learned counsel "Whereas, it that all persons tho first Chief Justice of this Court, was a FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Shirts, who may be White and Colored Cotton Shirts, on both sides of tho question and the decision , appointed to places of profit or denizen. His Letters Patent dated 1st of W. & Son, 'aa Capes emolument under Dukes Pilot Jlecfers, India ltnbber Coats, and then inado would have been much more sat- the Hawaiian Government December, 1816, aro in tho Leecinpi, archives of the NEW YORK & ENGLAND, isfactory. should take the oath of allegiance: Be it Lour:. Itcepcctlully submitted. w Men's White, Brown and Colored Half Hose, enacted by tbe King and the Legislative Ladies' Hose, Men's Beady Made Clothing, It is presumed by ns that the provisions of (Signed.) A. Fhancis Jcdd. Men's Hats, Bine and Gray Horse Blankets, tue uonsmution wnicu the mover ot the reso- Assembly of tho Hawaiian Islands, in the " Lawhexce McCcllt. Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes & weights; lution conceives to' be violated by the Leprosy Legislature of tho Kingdom Assembled; " Benj ILACSTDT FOR by Castle & Cooke "Section 1. From and after tbe passage PIPES AND CIGARETTES Received Act are Articles 6,0, 11, 12, and 14. They Yelvet Carpets, Velvet Hugs, Velvet road as follows: of this Act every person who may be appointed cncrctl 2ttipcrtisrmciits. ALSO, TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE FROM ABOVE PORTS, AND to any office of profit or emolnment under the ami "Article G. No person shall bo subject to Tapestry Door 3Ia(s, punishment for any offense, except on duo and Government of this Kingdom shall, before en- legal conviction thereof, in a court having jur- tering npon the duties of his office, take and Vojke ATliOWEST KATES isdiction of the case. subscribe the oath of allegiance in manner and Sou form G. & CO. BEST IN prescribed by Sections 430 aud 131 BREWEii THE MARKET ! "Article 9. Ko person shall be compelled in of G-OOX-S him-so- the Civil Code." SABBLEE7 any criminal case, to be a witness against lf; The second Section prescribes that on tho A Foil Assortment of Gents', Ladies,' Girls' nor be deprived of life, liberty or prop- HAVE and Boys' Saddle, erty without due process of law. failure of an office bolder to take the oath Suitable for Plantations,Country Stores A few JOCKEY SADDLES, "Article 11. Involuntary servitude, except within three months after the passage of this Bridles, Saddle Cloths, Chamois Skins, for crime, is forever prohibited in this King- Act be shall be deemed to have resigned and JUST RECEIVED ! HYMAN BROS.. dom; whenever a slave shall enter Hawaiian his uffico shall become vacant. Satis-iactio- Sugar HAGS, G; Coal . Or FAMILIES. Orders Filled at Shortot Notice and with n 20x3 HAGS, Territory ho shall be free. This Act applied to all office holders, native I'EK AJIUltlCA.-- Ki37: Article 12. Every person has the right to be born citizens as well as aliens, and this may to i'urcliasers. Attention is Called to Our secure frora all unreasonable searches and have civen rise to the opinion, which wo un- derstand is Sole Agents. Filter Press Bags, seizures of his person, his house, his papers entertained by some, that the oath and effects; and no warrants shall issue, but of alligiance here required, in an oath of office Bark Ceylon " J2C on probablo canse, supported by oath or affirm- and not of naturalization. ssr T2j&S7SET& 1 Improved Paris W 252 TIIK 10M.OVHXJJ 1DrSrT& ! TI1E ONLY UKMTINE l'AKIb I'LOW. MADE OF WLISUED CAbTPLObTEEL, 36. ation, and describing the place to be searched, Section 429 of the Civil Code authorized the SO SO and Guaiantcid Kqnal, If nut Deitrr,tlin any Mccl lircakinrl'low In tlieilarkit. AUcotLcrwaUsot SometliinNew and in Great Demand and tho persons or things to be seized. Minister of Intorior, on the application of an I'low on Hand of Molinc l'low Co.. John Deere fc Co., Ac. Ooc l'iovrii, alien foreigner llurrcllor l'lanet Jr. Uanc or to onr order "Article H. Each member of society has a on the existence of certain re- hnUc, nude bcsttlcel rianteralluea,u, .Sand 3, Srj.li A MERCHANDISE hnalhat Axe and Jick Mattock. Pick, Hoc, Adze Ajc and other handle; Baldwin Vtvd Cotter. Fi: UM.Y I10IAI..0, right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment quisites to administer the oath of allegiance to GRAND CLEARANCE SALE Leather HelUhz,3tol3lLch,licPtquaUty; India linMHrllor-c- , . U oLci Mm. l.l4.1bandSinch,Ox ' e- - of his life, liberty or property, tu nowa, Axlee, for hone and intilr carte: Portable render. Eagle Amll,CaLallairowii, Tliesc BAOb arc made to Fit Otlo lTrcrcf, and according to - jVsLk-M- Section 130 .reads oi.pton- and Miam Packinr, ltot Flat India ICabbcr bteam PacMop. , t J Inch; are of Uic law. as follows: "The oath of Wbicli will be Sold at . riht frlie and proper tcxtorc. hahbet MeUl, Lace Leather and Lacing, India ftubbcr bteara Tacking, round and pqna-- all etece The preamble of the to prevent the allegiancetobe administered as aforesaid shall BEFOBE TAKING STOCK AT Atbcetof Uolle t'oterinj and btcam Pipe do.. Machinery Oil lard, cattor and c Under, Neat. Oil, Act Foot RICE BAGS AND TWINE, spread of leprosy, is as follows: be as follows: JLOW KATES ! DISSTOITS CELEBRATED SAWS AND FILES, ALL SIZES; "Whereas, the disease of leprosy has spread "The undersigned, a native of Snear A- Hamrorrp for Carnentera. MarhlnNU. CALVANIZED to a considerable extent among tbe people, laicij rroiuing m being JacVonVand btnltif FJlr. BUrtamltl.. J iTnrii.u. duly sworn upon will " C..,J. Cot and Nalle, all llnrse and his oath, declares that be Oil" ronsht elect: Mnlc bhoc Na11e,Galv alla. Cot bplkef. Ilorre JbJInlcfcho f and the spread thereof has excited well support Electric FISHEL'8 the Constitution and Laws of the Hawai- I30S WATEIt WHITE; I'ATEST Nonlc Cans. COKRUGATED ROOFING grounded alarms; andxthtrtasfurllier some ian Islands, and bear trne allegiance to His Ma- donbts havo been expressed regarding the jesty thsKmg." Leading Millinery House n Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardware "Sworn and subscribed to, etc. In 6, T, 8, A 9 fr. length. (:i Kuazc), screws Washer powers of tho Board of Health in thonrem LARD, in 5 & 10 lb. PAILS llnbboctV BL011,at Very Ix)w I ; late HubbaclV While and lied Ladf. Zinc, bmall Talnta In Oil i iscs, notwithstanding tho 302nd Section of Section 131 merely prescribes the oath Cor. Fort and Hotel Streets, Male Manufacturing C Mram rcd, lrrlatln; and Vacuum Funipp. U eatoa'a I'atint CcntrifDaU that llarbed Wire. Plain tcnclnc Ire. GahanUcd Hoofing, GALVANIZED ItlDGlNG. tho Uivu uoue; aim whereas in the opinion shall be subscribed by tho person so natural- EXTRA PRIME of this Assembly, tbe 302nd Section is prop- Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. C, C, ized, and sworn to in tho form moot obligatory 4, 7, and Staples, erly applicable to tho treatment COMMENClNli MONDAY MO 12, LASTING 30 DAYS j& IE X.. E3 X ttT5T G-- 3D 5 Galv Iron Backets, all sizes; ofnersona upon his conscicnco and the jurat thereof is to S T O O Galv Wash Basins, Galr Garden afflicted with tho leprosy; yet for tho greater bo subscribed by the Minister of Dcnlm , P and V vz; Ticking. A A, II and D HI cached and Unbleached Cottonc. Hart-l- Diaper, Borderinss Interior or Xirownand DIeached Linenf Miceilng. Lace ct, certainty ana lor tno more sure protection his Chief Clerk. OIL UNUSUAL ! Drill, Illoe and Scarlet LARD BARGAINS EVERY DEPARTMENT Mouito Flannel. IN A Fine Aeportmtnt of Lite Flanele Alw, Tinned Iron Sancepans, all sizes; of tho people, bo it enacted;" etc. Tho claugo I.V RAItltEIs AND CASES Tea Kettles, Ileal Japan Blackinc, latter of the next Section, 432, Tho Section 302nd of tho Civil Cede referred says that "every foreigner so naturalized shall EVERY ARTICLE MARKED DOWN ! STAPLE GROGERIKS, Golden Gate, Star fc Flour to, is as' folio wb: be entitled to all the rights, privileges and im- Superfine PAYING BRICKS, GABDEX "When any person bo Tar and Pitch, TILES shall infected with munities of a Hawaiian subject." the small-po- x, or other Colombia Kiter balmon, llayo IUst AIot California Lime Tortland and Hydranllc Cement, sickness dangerous to It is thercforo evident that tho above recited ocxra-i-j IMMENSE BARGAINS IN MILLINERY Garden Boilers, Lawn Scats and Chairs, tho public health, tho Board of Health or its I Umbrella Stands, Iron oath canuot bo considered as an oath of office, "We Scrapers. agent, may for the safety of the inhabitants, is tbo For Kerosene Oil Offer THE PALACE, and Guarante Hat Hooks and Bails, LAWN TENNIS SETS, but it oath of allegiance, tho taking of In Casks for Family Use. Immense Bargains Clothes remove such sick or infected person to a sep which naturalizes in Embroidery, Laces, Silk Hosiery, Baskets, Hand Baskets, Work Baskets the alien and admits him to SF.C(IM-IIA- itcannotbebeatfor quality or price; also, TBiE arate uousc, ana proYiae lor mm witu nurses Hawaiian citizenship. Ladies' Underwear; &e., &c., &c. Crockery and and'othcr necessaries, which shall be at tho It is too clear to admit of discussion that a VULCAN, Glassware, charge of the person native-bor- a good oil and above test: himself, his parents or n citizen is not required to take an IRON SftFES master, u aoie, oiucrwiso at mc charge .I&MMITCU NIZF.S; Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc of the oath of allegiance. The Logislalure of 1870 Great Reductions in French Kid Shoes WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS government. by Chap. VIII of tho Acts of that year, prob- m a case Headed in 1872 by the Supremo ably to cure the defect in the 1871, CUMBERLAND COAL PORTLAND CEMENT Act of "Wo Aro Ovoratooltod EOiooa, & FIRE BRICKS Court of tho United States, (reoorted in 1G amended the law, no that it now reads: "From In The Cheapest Good l'inno; New Haven Oman Co.'s l'arlor Organ. Wallace 3G) Judge Field says of the law the and after tho passage of this person CARD MATCHES 600 10 Fire Clay, Whiting, Act, evert Pairs of Ladies' 4, 6, 8 and Button Kid Gloves Chalk, Yellow Ochre, Court wcro then considering, which concerned of foreign birth who may be.appointed to any tbe slaughter honscs of New Orleans, that its office of profit or emolument under the Govern- FairbamVs Platform Scales, Slightly damaged, your choice for 1.00 a pair the very best enactment was considered as tbo legitimate ment of this Kingdom, shall, before entering Roofing ASSOItTr.I) brand of GLOVE in this market. Slates exercise of what is termed tho Police poieer of upon tbo duties of his office, take aud sub- 5.IZE.S: Liverpool and Kock -- Salt, me mate, j.nat power or A liiil to mjr Store and aa examination of mr Stock a better Idea of the Price, and J. ESIMELUTH & GO., undoubtedly extends scribe tho oath of allegiance in manner and nillzire Mln clailea ZINCS, to all regulations atlcctmg tho good 1 I nMa. " U PAINTS AND BOILED OILS health, form prescribed by Section 430 and 431 of the ASH Corner lort and Hotel Street, . rianci., NTJ-rjAN- OARS, 16, 17, 18 ft - ' l OAIll No. 5 STREET, HONOLULU, order, morals, peace and salety and is exer Civil Code." This law is now in force. Corner Nonann and Merchant Street- l"""" WholosoloARBt.il. Worcester Sauce and Groceries. cised on a great variety of subjects Corner llljh and Mala Street, J VILl'Kr MAI I tufa and in It wilt be seen that the Act does not say Axe English, almost numberless ways. All sorts of restric- lhat no alien shall be appointed to any office Handles, American ic Hawaiian Flags tions and imposed ol Agents for the 'Superior' Stove burdens aro under it: and profit under the Government, or that aliens are Pick Handles, when these are not in conflict with any con- incHgiblo 3, 5, and 7 yards lengths. to office, but it commands, as aoon-diti- on DEALEIlb IK stitutional provisions or princi- Cotton Waste, fundamental precedent to his entering upon the du- Uiey cannot be ples, successfully assailed in a ties of any office of profit or emolument under Salt, Plaster, STOVES AND RANGES TOPSAIL SHEET ,n1iitf tritkitntl Tii itin onmn n T..J.. CHAINS " the Government he tako the oath of alle- says: power tint Admiralty Test-siz- es: Miller "This is and must bo from giance A Choice Selection m ;2?fiii2? Al-- Eerx Dct crlptlon of H, H, H and which, as we have seen above, means of $SaaaaMHaaav s -- -- , -s ' its very nature incapable of any very exact that lie be naturalized. ssrr, definition I sP-s-c,-t; ware on hand or limitation. Upon it depends the It is not to bo presumed that a person would CHAIRS i ;:: sheet metal Powell Duffryn Hit anil Ike Steam Coal social order. life health of alums, bo allowed to draw the pay of an office unless OBltADr.TOOKOEIl. the comfort of an existenco in a thickly pop- STATIOXEBY. ho undertook to perform its duties. IltON BEDSTEADS, ulated community, the enjoyment of private Wo Barrel Snooks "- havo no doubt that the law requires - "2 lli.'vn aud social life and the beneficial use all gbjr v ENGLISH LEATUEK BELTING, 3 to 12; of prop persons of foreign birth, in order to enable EXCELSIOR, aaaaaaaalsaaaaaaaaaaaa aaW wmmMm. erty." them to hold offices of profit or emolument un- Supreme The Court of Vermont, in 27 Ver. der tho Hawaiian Government, to be natural- HtSMlWlS l - Kcporis 110, says: "Tho polico power of tho Vlimtoti mni- o rirrtim. FLOOR OILCLOTHS ized, except in the instaneds hereinafter men- urts sTic?" - HHicnrirt&rnunus.iuiiM State extends to tho protection of tho lives, tioned. jiilifL,BKioi-i- - tiv"a - limbs, health, comfort and quiet of all persons HAIMDY if 5S It may bo urged that tho law is not manda- PHETONS, and the protection of all property within the tory but merely directory. State, and persons and property - Montague STEEL RAILS, are snbiccted This Court has hai occasion to consider Styles of Carriages, Range, IStI Lcncth!, 1611). and lblu. to all kinds of restraints and burdens in order a similar question fa pet Yard. on tho application of Mr. ALL tIZES IS STOCK. to securo the general comfort, health and pros Ashford to bo admitted to practice law. (4 A FEW Fish Plates, pcrityofthe State. Of the perfect right of Haw. Rep p. 614.) The CIRCUURS PRICES ON APPLICATION Bolts and law authorized the s no Nuts, the to do tins, no question ever TVag-on- TELEPHONE No- - legislature Lourt to admit as practitioners, snch persons, Express I 211. . iJ RAILROAD TO MATCH was, or upon acknowledged general principles, "being Hawaiian subjects, of good moral char- ever can be made ONE SIX'HORSE-POWE- so far as natural persons aro acter, as the Court may find qnalificd for that Ladies' Phsetons, concerned." purpose." We held that the law was imper- In--2 At Old No. 8 Kent's Commentaries, 310, the author ative and mandatory to admit to practioo CIDER VINEGAR, the Stand, Kaalminanu Street, DILLINGHAM & Co., says: none PORTABLE "Unwholesomo trades, slaughterhouses, but Hawaiian subjects. "Tho provisions ENGINE operations of a Have Received a offensive to the senses, tho deposit statute aro to be regarded as directory morely HAND CARTS, Full Line of ALSO, ONE THltEE HOItSE-POWE- ine Favorite oi powaer, mo application ol steam power to when they aro considered as giving directions propel COPPER car6, tbo building with combustible which ought to be followed, but not as limit- EASTERN MADE OXCARTS TIN, & SHEET IRON WORKER Dillingham VERTICAL materials and the burial of the dead, may all ing the power in respect to which the direc- Breaking ENGINE bo Plows interdicted by law, the midst of in dense tions aro given, so that they cannot bo effectu- &c- - BAGS, &cl &c. &c. masses and population, on tbe general and ally exercised withont observing them." SUGAR 10" rational principle every MlXIMillAJt TIIEO. II. DAVIES CO that person onght to Cuoley Court Limitations, p. 71. 22X3G Jt so PLUMBING, in all its branches; iu.i.i.(inA.u nsehis privato property as not to injure In tho case of the People vs. Scbermerhom, his neighbors, and private that interests mnnt 19 Barb., 558, it was held re- C. BREWER & COMPANY be that "statutory FURROW PLOWS, Irisli ! made subservient to the general interests of quisitions are deemed directory only when thoy RICE PLOWS Damask (HHfl Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; tue community." rclateto some immaterial com- - mattcr,whera a 'St.- Shaw, caso reported Cusli-in- g, -- Jndse in a in 7 pliance is a matter of convenience (To Arrive.) Str S2iKri'iS'W ratber than TO 1 gt..'- r.mvy.KS'.a rSbHE? 3 to 13 inch. 85, says: polico power is a power of substance." THE LADIES - cciuu in me legislature oy too constitution, To lllustrato what a directory statute is: Sf - SSB to make, ordain and establish "It STOVES AND all manner of has been held RANGES We Have lhat where a statute specifies Just Received wbolcsomo and reasonablo laws, statutes and tho timo within which a public officer is to Undo Sam, Medallion, Itichmontl, Tip Top, lltlaoc, Flora, 3Iaj, Contest, Oram Prize, ordinances, either with penalties or without, perform an act regarding tho rights Work. In the world. Wo and duties ICHI ro BAN ARcnts A not for this JUnntwlorj. Approd St,It fof VEItY riXE AfcbOltTMKNT OK - repugnant to the constitution, as they shall of others, it will bo considered as directory judge for the good and welfare of tho common- Cultivators, Horse Hoes, &Harrows. merely, unless the nature of the act to bo per- We bc to Inform onr friends and customers thit wealth, and of tbe subjects of the same." formed, or the language of the statute shows we bare been appointed hOLE AGENTS for Old Pattern Moline Plows, litis firm and haTlnjj The like authority is conferred on tbo Leg- that tho designation of the time was intended ranch Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, sizes,; ana Plantation Tools, ; Ii'ish Double islature pleasure la Jnritlnc Inapcctlon of oar all laid on at all kinds Damask. by the Hawaiian Constitution in Art- as a limitation of power." People vs. Allen, Ure and varied Assortment of Diflerential Pulley icle 48. "Tho Legislature has full G Blocks, authority WendclL487j Jackson vs. Young 5 Cowan Lowest Rates; Buckeye Mowers, Hydraulic from timo to timoto maEcall manner of wbolc- 269. Oast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, Jacks, somo laws Fodder Cutters, Garden & Canal Barrows, not rcpuguant to the, provisions of Lord Mansfield's rule is that whether the JAPANESE GOODS B tho Constitution." statute is mandatory or not. denended unnn LINEN It has been truly said that whether tho all kinds; thing - Lubricating Oils, Turpentine, Kerosene directed to be done was tho Jait Imported, Comprising the Following- House Furnishing Goods, Oils isUie first law of nature. This is equally truo essence ol mc thing required. fe.SiaV,l?iBh?,'i?lnabcrrWlcou8'Fito-Proo- f and Boies, cmECT rnoji Burrows, 447. Sm ofastato. "Salus populi snprema est The law row under discussion plainly IIUBBKU UOSE-A- LL .cw FnrnihinK Goods. Lamps, Cbandehcrs, Lantern, Ac! lex." re SIZES AND GltADEB) 137-J- ""UooJ. -. it, Embroidered Silk arrirln- -- Tho state has tho authority quires, in our opinion, Wr .lm to kp nciTthlr.:lno1.rlincallt Lowt ITIct inherent in itself that the appointee to Screens Lilt and Forco Fnmps, Cistern I'nmps. Oalranized Iron, Sheet Lead W to enact laws to secure an Lead Pipe, Tin Plate, Water Closets, miAI.-VtillA- A-- Co.. Mrtvrt. tbe health, welfare and ouico oi prom unaer tnis tiovernment shall Marble Slabs and Bol, EnamefeS Wash SUndf , fori saiety tuo not bo an alien. Ot tbe most Beautiful Color,, nil ot Aslonlshinz BELFAST, oi individual, and wc have socn Beiutj nd FlnUU. IRELAND buutu mat iuis autiionty is expressly con- Whether any given employment under Gov- S.M. CARTER & Co., ferred by tho Constitution. ernment is or is not an "office of profit or Bedspreads & Table Covecs COXMfcTIXO OF In Dwairis on Statutes the polico power of cuioiuidcui, wonia aepena Upon circum- Chandeliers, Lamps, -- iiaiim: no i iuo siaio is caiica me law ot overruling nece- stances. Tho office of Secretary of tho Board Embroidered In SUk by Japanese. ion Lanterns cut tiii: , ,, a A ssity." No state could exist without it. If it or Health is created by law. See Chapter A Larje Variety of , KRAFT, TABLE did not exist in this Kincdom our population XI of tho Laws of 1876, where the Board of SElao LEGAL TENDER QUARRY SLOTHS. wonld be liable to be swept away by any and ueaitu is authorized to employ a Secretary, Beaver Oaiiiornia" every contagious disease that might come to medical practitioners and agents, who shall Vases! Vases! Saloon ARE I'KU'AKEU our shores and no measures reccivo such PRODUCE SPROViSIOrifo. OPTICIAN, JEWELER and TO of quarantine or compensation for their services or the Pinct Porcelain, remarkable for unique. Of il.-e- aHUe lot ultall j at Dlnln-TiW- restriction could-b- taken against it. as shall be approved by a majority of the 1HI in color and inape ALSO Beipectrnll Tbo Legislature, by the Act of 1863, in the Board at a regularly convened business moot- nolifj the Public that thej ha-r- Porcelain H. J. NOI.TE, Proprietor. E,ubll,bed WATCHMAKER, exercise oi us constitutional authority to mako ing thereof, said compensation to be paid out Figures, JapanesefTea Sets, thBul,es at Furnish Stone Tete-a-Te- wholesome laws, were of tho opinion that in of any funds availablo to tbo Board by legis- Sets, Butter Dishes, in With order to secure tbe health and welfare of lative appropriation." Hotel M Dealer Musical Instruments. row Napkins to the Ash Receivers, Silk Lanterns Dej to anaonnce to h! Mend, and tho 73 Street, Honolulu, Match community, all leprous persons who shall be Wo consider tbo position of Secretary to UaviBj:1cnjovril the pablle Id general la pert of to tnort commodlon aojirlprf deemed by competent authority, to bo capablo Board of Health to be an office the Bfemkea occnpled bf Ctmpbrll't Kc Block. Xrrthtnt bUtrt, of profit or These t of spreading tho emolument That he has opened Building Puruoses, LINENS are lia TINT-s- disease, should be isolated under tbe Government and comes Silk Embroidered Kimonos the aboro Saloon SRESOVICH, GRAY & CO, JtECSVED. PER t and secluded. within tho purview of the Act of first-clas- liS UTE IIRPORTATIDNS, Imported to this Market, and 1870, Chapter where s Refreshments AMI It will bo seen from a perusal of the whole Easels, Carved Wooden Cabinets, Where can he foeads COUPLETS STOOXtf Lrp Addition! to li! former Mock our inenoi to give tiem as InspectionI.. aci concerning leprosy that tbe Legislature As regards the Secretary to tho Minister of Hand Screens, Trays, will be .erred from S a.m. till 10 p.m., wider the regarded this disease as contagious or capa- foreign Attain we fail to End any statute cre- ! Wall Immediate inpmUIon of a Competent Produce and Groceries JBJSTE GrOODS BALLAST for SHIPS blo of being communicated to other human ating tbe offico or referring to J t in any manner. Pockets, Parasols, Fans, Otufie OUttm sren as G.W.Macfarlane&Co beings. From tbe best information tho Court But the Legislature in Totingasalary forsuch Paper Hats, THE FISEST GRADES OT WHICH Will BE SOLD AT Ss Photographs, tlOOSIf) can obtain, this a characteristic of this ilia- - an officer has considered such an official nec- case. Upon this view of the disease, laws essary, and has recoc-aized.-it as an "ofFim,." OF JAPANESE SCENERY, Colored & Plain. Tobaccos, 4 lowest Market Eatea for CASK! . GOLD, SILTER, G-JE- H-ISLC- segregatinc lepers have been We have no doubt office ; r,f . IS 4c i. S. enacted in nearly that this aim om ES A LARGE TKLKPBOSBSt'Stl. r.o.Boxuaz mii ujuuuih ui iuo woria. pront or emolument under the Hawaiian Gov- SELECTION OP Cigars, Pipes and c I BEACH AND BLACK,SAND An onten sad communication, to b addltjted COLD SILVER WATCHES The Legislature of Hawaii acted upon this ernment, and that Chap. YMof the Acta of Smoker's XV police power of tht state when it enacted all 1876 above discussed, applies to the appointee Jap'anese Bronze Jewelry Sundries loaa, z. K. MTEH3. fjf UteDcrt make and nlti. A Lare A ft. of the health Managar.S; laws of this Kingdom and these to this office. coxsiSTn?o op DUMP have existed since the foundation Gov- InstrumeBLts, CARTS FOR SALE ! of the But it may be said that the Act of 1882 ifc.!..ti2tI2 JR wK!HSt RAMSAY & Jfiutcal ernment. (Chap. Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Scarf Pins, Etc. llmetotini: LANE Bf From ooet CeleVnitrd Altntje on hand to fill ordrr at ehort notice and at XVIII) amendingSections 428 and 429 ....,..iu.. the Xannfactcrer. Itcatonible Tho Supreme Court in the Chinese Laundry of the Civil Ratc. One New York Code, has so enlarged the requisites T,rirtT ,B,'UUe One of Crnnawick Balat's ESDLESS VAEIETY.-- J Pheeton case, 4 Haw. Bep. 335, decided that an Act for Deaflra.0-- 4 GMi' noose Gonoral Grooora IS naturalization aa to make ' ' . forbidding the naturalization in ASD. t'xlUnotiimlnelilfciteujlrtbtock, and With Pole and Shnitai carrying on of the business of many cases impossible. This joa vlll crr anc 1c lperfcct laundry Act requires of not tall to U pleattd. 1 3S3 onler; ealtable for famll keeping or washing for hiro within the person wishing Celebrated Billiard Tables J- - to be naturalized, (1,) G. itcirjiBra Tiir.sciiBLiM F. Sale oj certain limits in Honolulu, was the W. Macfarlane & Co. Provision - - an exercise of approval of the King, (2,) that be shall have Dealers? T CASTLE Jb COOKE. the police OM0 eitlbll-bmen- t, 30.e7UOTM.8T, I t t HOSBLvLv. WESTERN ,HWAIIN power of the stato.with regard to resided within the Kingdom five to U cosnectad with the where lo'erf M. W. the years or more of the coo can participate. ltm Goods McCHESNEY & SON comfort, safety and welfare of society and next preceding his application, Exeeulnr's Vnftixi i DcUvercd to Customer's BesaV UmCRTMEK COMPANY, deat.t:r; was constitutional. (3,) that he 97 own taxable real estate within ibis Kiagdom, NOTICE. deneet. Free of Charter As at present advised wo T1 raMKSIOTJD, tgTelephono 30B.'S otf fLeather, "& are of tho opinion free from encumbrance, (4,) that HAVING JartBoelTedexIatearrirate.freh;Haeof., .1 ' mum JLHaned for Ling or Short Periods Hides, Tallow that the law authorizing he be not of IS TO CERTUT TILVT THE the segregating and immoral character, (5. j that he be nnl r, THIS heretofore ext,tIoj between II. A. :-- JOHST. WATERHOUSE, isolating of lepers, rr Garden Seeds m'jLTTwcvTm is not only a wholesome law from the justice of some ileen and Akrr, at rala. Hamaknavwko, Hani, nader & Fresh Groeriik kcourr. IKPOEIEU AUD CEKEEAi coanrrssioN SEEmcxEAjms pe other country, Co. IhladardU-aolre- o DSALEE IK and coLstitutional but that witlmnt i, the same or U. Sam Lot U , ' pr-Apirl- TV. LGIIEEN, AOESts FOB (6 ) that he be not a deserting lm HEECHAlmiBE, Lo-ya- the tailor, marine. brmntaal confentrJII07,aianies sltthedehU " result would eventually bo that much of and IlahUitlef of tbe arm and alt dahta ISLAND rcr Block, SSJ QaMnBtrt,nonolnlB,n.l Oom.ia'y. e dae the Una 1H OBDKB8 SOLRlTSa C jJTFJCE-Bea- rort8tittt I0W !j SS So.eqneeaSt.,Uonolaln,H.I.Soap i our usefuJpopulaU-onwouldleav- these island. wtlleepiTshletaUiii ISlzced) JI. A. ILEEK, llbTlrior ALOlf t nonolnjo, Jaae I3th, tL r. 10H 3t dose lo Ueaesteit itjlc. t?''ri,'i'ffla& at the Basttte Mhc.