ef O o ?2SfiAESlBfe! oar j!m-y3a- m 4-- ' aanaa, -- ftliiiiathsJ MllaTlf llISl v r'T" T y . amvaMtm ' FCBLUUED BT f - .;i:t .O i Ti jMifTirif iASo)ireSli ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. U aLt! T&tfntSiM a:vwy Wfdnr.dnj Mornlnc. ttliBtal aTlaiioFt! km unijifslsjir OwavnoarofC MCifri-fri- f i 14 1 Iti4seja9t-mjh- 24 XT FIVE mimmimm DOLLARS PER ANNUM i TwT1rir4CWi teaipS SMias9tt4 1M TJ KLB IX J D JVI.YCJ!. 9oira Mir . affile who er ata Mmm Ct wWw twmoMT4 m imhk F"le"'SkTtbr .os la Alum, m tick 1 rla4rapoatag.ipr?jl. XJW tlMiitioistii.TBTST'liliT'iiriiiiiinrtiTTi twit !t lit fojr.i MvwttnaMwt arm W ma tat -- y tw1- wttiW'iatv w Oazett Bslldlnc, 25 and 27 VOL. nlTtiM Sbot latar amirltma avrlTijUii . e Marchajt Street. XIX No. 27. HONOLULU, WEDlfESDAY, JULY 2. 1884. WHOLE No. 1016. CTsloai swy a atart y bsaa Wb(Miymti fw McvviMPr. to The HawaiianLegislature the Board of OtnealogT, that owiuc to the (Cotfts. upss of tba Secretarr and tho aJoMmro f th.0 Business Carts. Jllnljanical (Carlis. illtttxtniral Josnromt Notttts. Jnttmnut jLYctitw. iortign AtWtrtisfmrats. - GoTcrnen of liawau, the report would be some-- . WDM HPUtTFO. VT. 0. Sum. L. A. TnrneToi, ED. U. KUWt 1 Session. 1SS4-- The Order of the Day vaa neit taken np. THURSTON, Y ! Boston Board of tBttfmTiters. UNION INSURANCE OQMPANT WILUAXS, DIM03D 4 CO. Second reading of a bill to SMITH & IIosm and Slfin Painter, P.pcr H&ncv C CONFECTIONER inenrpsrate a km A OKXTS far tka.IIaw.lla. lalaaiaa. ShJpplnjc Tklrtr-nlBtkD- r, company in Honolulu. Aaaembly renolre-- EY8 LAW. TUlr mn c. CO. lad Caalss!on Wffdaian 23rd- - The garATTORN AT 5 lKlllj8ttt,IIoIl. x ly skxwib a or ias vnAacttr;o. Jan. itwlf into Commute of the Whole. So. as Mfrthim 8t- - noRoioia, n. 1. if Hen. J. 8. i I JE. 33LtIOl3SrE3r:tIXr'' an B CalUattla Wrwv. taa Fiaatla.Ij Walker in the chair. w. o. c :oi.i:jia.'. nilidtlphli Board of Undenrrittrst Sottvtrino. At 12 Fim. L.A.THCarv, Bo. 71 Fort St., ibovo Hotel St., Haadet la u chair. Prayer and o'clock the Home took a recess. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST . H. CEOSSHiS &SX&. reiduK of mm W. O. SMITH & CO, f4holnir, 'Tork, I A nr.ju far ta. Hawaii., fal.aae. IHCOBPOBATBD, ntfc of prerfou meeting. arzxzxooK. Il.m rfTls V 1SS following ItmthlnrTT, Jtt. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND iMir v.aaswaaui COJIMISSIOS HERCnAKTS, lo l"tition were then pccftcalcd The Committee reasannblM nil mnA iru. Stock and Real Estato Brokors, rlantntl.n ' conuderation ... Ins Xo.ailfremiyillooll.U.I.. 11 ya FhoponKlDgPtrfpt. BitCitl ACnote'a. fly ASottBtof tketeaCFrracbsnd CASTLE ft COOKE, AGENTS CaaBtw Tart UepmenUUTe of the Oaa Bill was cone on with, Califorala naoaraetarrd F. A. DDHAETER, 73 .. Hawaiian faleaae, Iia mnt, Sw KaniaVeU, from resides t of the following Sections brine pasted : XV. Braaaaa tae l yyr.ara.CaaOaaiCae4a.aa4XT:1aTe.air JUkawaa, CLAKESUE ASItFORS. urn D.aW.FIIaa.tarelUra, - tout a boe of uteamen be established Sections. Pipes and Mama. The; ahall j nun. AGaUTT.f Dmdca Caraaf UadfrwTturfa MStjT between San Franaaro and Kalepolepo, ha, Attornoy, ilio., Importer and Sealer In Store, Ranee, of ura Hani, and the right to lay down their main and distribut- Solicitor, FBrBlAlrffOoodo.CmekfTy.OIlMBd Area! Ylnraa Boara of redfrwrttrr. lomnnm muimi that Lb Oorenunent nmiat the asm. by a OFFICE-- IS Ku&.naai Stmt, )TfU1, Ilnape Ifaica for salt to tht trtJf.or atreUll, Glalna aubsidr. ing pipes and enpply pipe In all or any of the ChlBS lTactlrat llflaolo). D. it asalatt taa arsace Comaaaka wlUfn la Xnauraa&oas W. SEVEBAKCS, Inferred to Ooeomitt on Commerce. w IlftBota!. II. I. tf Ware. If of abota Boarda tare OoxnpAnr H. it rtt&. allera and mblte emtinri. .f ihn Pitv 1 tie ef Ua4trwtlMra.nl or laaSaWX A COIXBCKOII. BepwentatlTe bmlUi, from residenU Waila-k- tuniv AT REDUCED certlaad to by the to akftUtcai Coasal sxk! of of Honolulu, tber may deem necessary or ALFKi:i) S. IIAKTIVCLL. PRICES! abort Astat IfairalUir that fiihenss be thrown ojwn to the imtlic use. expedient, pronded, however, that they cause no J. M. OAT & CO, SAIUIAKmS, J ALSO raUa. unir laud on the UUe to be IUbllhd 1800. MERCWAMT conaideml with bill relat- unnecessary interruption to the use of each street, Lort la A. r. fooke" Ktw f EatUlae. ffrt C1GVRS COMMISSION ing W, THtBEST CRIADS OF CUOICR to Hooolnla finhrries. alleys or crounds in layinc the same, and at soch COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- of Naaaasbtrrtt. Insuranco Notico. CJariTAl.... ..... l.latao aacattiarala SU, Uaa naacltrat Cat. UeprrtesnUtire Dole, from Quaes c.T s- . IF tnerchauta reasonable deotha an will not with th j TobeoadiatbeBarktt. ActaiaalatH aaa IaTnte4 m Roaaa S on tha lalanda proUwUnc against !ntrfm Ilaaollla; II. I. ' tn l,7JI the bill Matinc ordinary use thereof, and to restore same, OFFICE-OV- En the BASK Of BISHOP Jt CO, Sa THE 6F5T PSFIB WITFR CORDlill to fceepinc book in ngliaa and llawauan. Ile--- after laying pood FU;i of all OMrtpHoai aiada tai rP.lffL. i Itt inn I t TC soch mains and pipe, to as m BtX.t ferrcd to J OommittMt. -ft -- t i ! ja DR. JORDAN & CO. ndidarr order and condition aa theT were in befo.a. Pro-- m Honolnla. II. I. In jm au . da' ara mni iBitrKutH ufamrn ma omi aaaa4ata4 AUXXTSfartka Saa4ka I.laaaa. PIONEER STEAK I A taal - inraace betwwa nonolnta .prtitiD of I Tided, however, that notion herein , lnnwtfTir n.; tnrilallierclJaCaaailXaa ai aaa .a o -- , --... ,, ... - - - r - - contained.... urMA-KiKKinr ..IWte1 1, ti iinna. PKonseoit tSsirtssiitS'10' ..l. - lonWM .M ;.. rtrriuKlCOBD.af rarla. Frrarlcsara r ara. .o flaaa Caa ftadlMatntd laMa. aaraa ar AaatMar. W rauaitrt ar Mlbr, OBU. 31luar.rt.,"aa rmrlm - kra. TIaib.r. Caala. t'aJlfaa.amu. Klb.ItT. Uyuaftt raaa ar aadrr repair. MA?fUCMirr. VIOIR A CO, uissAsisorTHa asci, jjm ALL W Ilavallaa lalaaaa oXA9E!i or axs. A BOOK SETT OS SXCZITT ef . Insurance Co. vr asctyrs. i IB. ! A Deronanlre Myatery, Slj'rpptng. lal. Fisiieries faarii)ic Gi.m 1IC CDEKSIO.IED ABB rBCXAU.1t Art ioqaest wu recently held at BUck-awto- o, 2 I T: prrparewtw near Dartmouth, on the body of a Gazette SupplementJuly PiTotlO Hawaiian ftTarislt Tirsul JE-15- .young ladj named Shortlanda, who wsa found SUPPLY THE HA WAIIA5 3 Ulyswned couple daj prcTionaly in a niarariaaj a of 3Ttro Uwrrtistmtnts. HIT 11 TBI1 'porid onlicr father's estate,' standing erect in (Pcntral SUirtrtisciiirnts. (Srntral SUrotrt'tstmnits. TOTilTUlHUD WixaEruri ten feet of water. The deceased, who was Hlshest Orado of Cotton XtUagi VT.F. --WHITE HcrSftart adava 22 years of age, was the danghter of Mr. Orj 4jraral3iUfa Dimes, of Oldstono'IIonsc, near Blaclar, ton, J.T.Waterhouse, Jry ttrart ffdara axd xads nrro Vpleaaant baronial mansion, enrromidcd by a FOB tier Iraaraafaara largo park and drives. She had only been EM FM1MI1 Nets and Seines toOnis?; and as the Inter-lslandS.N.- married threo weeks to a barrister, - lAM'CCTlOX OF TUB Co BOO,OOOI ' consent, she HE tlSVITtS. Currrlas rrvr; awrara af Flah. lars, aai fauS, match was against the parents' icaaftCT. eflaa rar.lt Oraaa. bad run away with her lover, and they were TIES TO SUIT flala married at a registry cfScc. Tho husband Following Goods Just Received Cotton is lighter thaa Heap, taer StaaU family residence, TICKKTS TO T11K brought his brido back to tho TIIIIOUOII ItKTUtUr, caa sow b had U the AJEMT8 and less Sxpessm. and two days afterwards he left with the in- efflceof ths Inter li land S.N. Co. Tonrlita U&rtif ltlD" tention of going to Xew Zealand, where hie kLEWERS lTt L.ITC ARKIV.tt.Hl Honolnla pr time table of the - FLASTIR," wtU b TJalTUaaJIy aaad ia tk. ITailaat ttataav LE-Y-ECA- N landed nt FanaJna, thence by Railroad t afshaU. tUTUAL parents and friends reside, and where be was where Horace and Oatdaa will be 1b atleadaace. 1 said to bare practiced at the bar, his state BjUiti nrate.Totulftitan make the rmudtxlp 1T Amorican Net and So I no Co. neces- BUBBEK darn, tHriac 4 dara to vtilt the VoIcm. ment being that his presence there was Black Frenoh Merinos. TICKETS rck TII ItOUSD TRIP, Indadiai XOMPANY miir sary to scale up affairs, and that be would re- Uoraee. Gnlde, Doard and LodfftBff, 940. turn as soon as possible. Xolking unusual w airuicT psrucaiarv vBnirn atinn mac bi DR.J.CQLLISBRQWNFSCH10A06TK. of the husband. T Timber, Ladiea'and Ocnfa Vmbrrlla. it occurred after the departure or' West Linen Fheetlnf. , d S. N. Co., Honalnln, ntioo of eeerybody, THE OBIQIAL and OSLT CESCWE. Tho deceased was very fond of riding, and on PARLOR SETS, PIANOS Ladle ai.dGei.Ci Hrslcr II Cloth Table Corers Or la J. r. JORDAN. Vottuo Horn. in) AdTko to laraJU- .- 't ya wlA Ut obtain srartt re the day disappearance wentontas us- SCANTLING of all sizes; Embroidertd rretblattWp, of ber BEDBOOJI- - SETS, ORGANS, fiftott.mdr,Ktefftmtat4 ual. On ber return she was not seen by any aaanien. run ana aunarw ie weary aesisfi k Boards, Battens. I PoUcies I prvwasis" aaivrtiaar, miiiTU lav Knifivag one in the bouse, but was beard to call the GUITARS, Ladies' & Gent's JJndenvcar, TTTLBER'S iTTinw uw ciTTomnosr Of UO I ODD CHAIRS, 'l-u..-- Treo0 colley dog, and together they went toward tho - neoTiao rooreeir wii , n- Tor Sale by' W Rritdene1, edbyDe.J CollUS ponds, as they frequently did. She did not DINING TABLES, ACCORD-EONS- Woolen.&.Cotton.Shirts, whtcn ho aae tho m return, however, and in the evening her mo- Lowers & Cooko.
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