Research for Better Treatments and Cures


Our Vision Our History / Who We Are

To dramatically improve The Foundation began as a family movement and has become the world’s the lives of those with mental illness leading private funder of mental health research grants. The Foundation and ultimately enable people to live funds the most innovative ideas in neuroscience and psychiatry to better full, happy and productive lives. understand the causes and develop new ways to effectively treat brain and behavior disorders. These disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, , , attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The first NARSAD Grants were awarded in 1987. Since then the Foundation has awarded more than $324 million to fund more than 4,800 grants to more than 3,800 leading scientists around the world. This has led to over $3 billion in additional funding for these scientists. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 3

How We Do It Our Values

100% of dollars raised for research are invested in grants leading to advances • We believe better treatments and and breakthroughs in brain and behavior research. breakthroughs come from scien- tific discovery. Our grants support a broad range of the best ideas in brain research. • We fund only those scientists Funding for our grants is focused on three priority areas to better understand whose research is reviewed and and treat mental illness, aiming toward prevention and ultimately cures: recommended by our world-re- nowned Scientific Council. Basic Research to understand what happens in the brain to cause • 100% of contributions for mental illness research go directly to research. Costs for administration and New Technologies to advance or create new ways of studying and fundraising are underwritten by understanding the brain two family foundations. • Our financial operations are Next Generation Therapiesto reduce symptoms of mental illness and transparent. Those who manage ultimately cure and prevent brain and behavior disorders our Foundation are committed to honesty and integrity. Scientific Council

Led by Dr. Herbert Pardes, the founding President of our Scientific Council, the Council reviews and selects the most promising research ideas with the greatest potential to lead to breakthroughs. The Council is composed of 150 world-renowned scientists including 2 Nobel Prize winners, 4 former direc- tors of The National Institute of Mental Health, 4 recipients of the National Medal of Science, 13 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 21 chairs of psychiatric departments, and 47 members of the Institute of Medicine. 4 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION


OFFICERS Chairman Stephen A. Lieber Vice President Suzanne Golden Secretary John B. Hollister Treasurer Arthur Radin, CPA

DIRECTORS Anne E. Abramson Mark H. Alcott, Esq. Donald M. Boardman J. Anthony Boeckh Susan Lasker Brody Paul T. Burke Bonnie D. Hammerschlag John Kennedy Harrison II Carole Mallement Milton Maltz Marc R. Rappaport Virginia M. Barbara K. Streicker Barbara Toll Robert Weisman, Esq.

EX-OFFICIO President & CEO Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. President, Scientific Council Herbert Pardes, M.D. President Emerita Constance E. Lieber

PUBLICATION CREDITS Writers Peter Tarr, Ph.D. Randi Londer Gould Editor Lauren Duran Design Kim Howie © 2015 The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2014 5

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is the World’s Leading Charity Dedicated to Mental Health Research Grants

Table of Contents

Leadership Letter ...... 6 Newest Scientific Council Members ...... 8. . . 10 Major Discoveries of 2014 ...... 10. . . 2014 Investments in Research Grants ...... 21. . . Distinguished Investigators...... 22 Independent Investigators...... 24 . . . Young Investigators ...... 26. . . . Community Events ...... 31. . . . Events ...... 32 . . . . Meet The Scientists Webinar Series . 36 Stories of Productive Lives ...... 37 . . . Research Partners Program...... 42 Team Up for Mental Health...... 46 Donors ...... 47 . . . . Honor Tributes...... 53 . . . . Memorial Tributes...... 56 . . . Statement of Financial Position...... 60 Scientific Council Members...... 63 6 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Dear Foundation Supporters,

The year 2014 was one of outstanding advances in the Some of the major discoveries made by our grantees field of brain and behavior research thanks to you and in 2014 are highlighted in this report. They include the many others who generously support the Brain & findings that identify a new brain biomarker for depres- Behavior Research Foundation. sion risk in young children; the capability of a fast acting antidepressant to quickly restore the ability to The Foundation increased its commitments to alleviat- experience pleasure in people with bipolar disorder; a ing the suffering of mental illness by awarding grants comprehensive study of rare autism mutations; a poten- that lead to further advances and breakthroughs in tial method for predicting suicide risk with a blood test; scientific research. Since 1987, we have awarded more and the largest study to date of common gene disrup- than $324 million to fund more than 4,800 grants to tions in schizophrenia. more than 3,800 leading scientists around the world who are researching the causes of and new and better We are pleased to report that the Foundation has ini- ways to treat brain and behavior disorders. Our seed tiated an annual prize to honor humanitarian leaders money has led to over $3 billion in additional funding worldwide who enhance the life of persons impacted for these scientists. These disorders include depression, by mental illness—The Pardes Prize. The first prize bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, attention-deficit was named for and awarded to Dr. Herbert Pardes in hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, borderline personality recognition of his more than 50 year achievements disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-trau- in pioneering better treatments and organizational matic stress disorder. structures to bring better and more hopeful lives for those impacted by mental illness. We honored all of his Our NARSAD grants are one of the most vital supports achievements, from his earliest medical and psychiatric for mental health research in the world, focused on work, to his service as U.S. Assistant Surgeon General three priority areas: and Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Presidency of the American Psychiatric Association, Basic Research to understand what happens in the Vice Presidency for Health Sciences for Columbia brain to cause mental illness University and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and New Technologies to advance or create new ways of his leadership as President and CEO of the Columbia studying and understanding the brain Presbyterian Medical System, as well as his volunteer achievements in initiating and leading the Scientific Next Generation Therapies to reduce symptoms of Council of this organization for the past 28 years. The mental illness and ultimately cure and prevent brain award will be one of the very few renowned interna- and behavior disorders tional prizes for humanitarian achievement.

The research community can no longer rely as it has In our selection of prize winners we honored the in past years on ample government funding with unique achievements of 14 distinguished scientists reasonable annual increases. Because of the decrease and researchers. One example of the caliber of our in government funding for young scientists, we are at prizewinners includes a physician who serves both as a great risk of losing an entire generation of scientists. professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and at We must now look to the private sector for leadership the University of North Carolina in the United States - and innovation. Dr. Patrick F. Sullivan. Dr. Sullivan received the Lieber Prize for outstanding achievement in schizophrenia This past year we granted a total of $18 million to our research as a leader in the important movement in psy- 200 Young Investigator Grantees, 40 Independent chiatric genomics—the study of genes linked to mental Investigator Grantees and 15 Distinguished Investigator disorders. In a remarkable achievement which broadens Grantees. We expect they will make exciting discoveries the research field, he and a few colleagues cofounded over the next few years. the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium in 2007, which ANNUAL REPORT 2014 7

now includes some 800 scientists from more than 90 Quarterly publications which will have guidance and research institutions in 25 countries. They have amassed advice from Scientific Council members and recipients samples from 60,000 patients suffering from schizo- of NARSAD research grants who are leaders in the field phrenia and estimate that the total number of samples of pediatric psychiatry. across psychiatric illnesses could reach 400,000 people. Dr. Sullivan received a NARSAD grant as a Distin- As science continues to unlock the complex brain and guished Investigator in 2010. behavior disorder puzzle, we will continue to find new and better ways to prevent, treat and hopefully Research shows anywhere from 25 percent of Americans cure these devastating diseases. Without your support will experience a mental illness during their lifetime. we would not have the funding to meet our essential One of the saddest aspects of mental illness is that it research goals to dramatically improve the lives of those often strikes people at a very young age. Psychiatric with mental illness, and ultimately, enable people to conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, live full, happy and productive lives. It is a privilege to depression, and chemical dependence all begin to report that 100% of the dollars we raise for research are surface in adolescence and young adulthood. For the invested into our grants leading to advances and break- parents and siblings of young people diagnosed with throughs in brain and behavior research because our psychiatric disorders, it can be frightening, bewildering, operating expenses are covered by two family founda- and frustrating. Where do they turn for help? As part tions. And while we are pleased with our progress over of our focus, information that can be of practical use the past 28 years, we know that we cannot sit back and to families coping with the diagnosis of a behavioral rest because finding the cures for brain and behavior disorder or mental illness will now be featured in our disorders is one of our society’s greatest challenges.

With sincere thanks and regards,

JEFFREY BORENSTEIN, M.D. STEPHEN A. LIEBER HERBERT PARDES, M.D. President & C.E.O. Chair, Board of Directors President, Scientific Council 8 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION Newest Scientific Council Members

Led by Dr. Herbert Pardes, the founding President of our Scientific Council, the all-volunteer group of leading mental health researchers reviews and selects the most promising research ideas with the greatest potential to lead to breakthroughs.

The Council is composed of 150 world-renowned scientists including 2 Nobel Prize winners, P. JEFFREY CONN, PH.D. JAY N. GIEDD, M.D. 4 former directors of Lee E. Limbird Professor of Pharmacology Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist The National Institute of Mental Director, Vanderbilt Center for Chief, Brain Imaging in the Health, 4 recipients of the Neuroscience Drug Discovery Child Psychiatry Branch Vanderbilt University National Institute of Mental Health National Medal of Science, National Institutes of Health 13 members of the Dr. Conn’s translational research, for which National Academy of Sciences, he has won numerous awards, focuses on Since 1991, Dr. Giedd has been conducting 21 chairs of psychiatric schizophrenia, depression, and other brain large-scale longitudinal studies on autism, departments, and 47 members disorders. With his colleagues, Dr. Conn’s attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and of the Institute of Medicine. efforts include discovery of a fundamentally childhood-onset schizophrenia. His research new mechanism for targeting specific neu- has led to over 200 papers covering a wide The Scientific Council guides the rotransmitter receptors that show promise as range of topics and helped advance neuro- Foundation to fund creative and drug targets. As Director of the Vanderbilt developmental hypotheses of psychiatric impactful research proposals Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery, he disorders that remain the focus of several relevant to the whole spectrum has pioneered a new model by which univer- ongoing investigations throughout the world. of mental health. sities can actively take part in drug discovery Dr. Giedd’s current focus is on application of research and novel approaches for treatment the brain development insights obtained to of major brain disorders. This work has gen- guide interventions and improve the lives of We welcome our erated multiple drug candidates now being young people and their families. advanced in partnership with foundations newest members. and pharmaceutical companies. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 9 Newest Scientific Council Members

PAMELA SKLAR, M.D., PH.D. MURRAY B. STEIN, M.D., M.P.H. JIM VAN OS, M.D., PH.D., MRCPSYCH Chief, Division of Psychiatric Genomics Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry Professor and Chairman, Department of Professor of Psychiatry, and Family & Preventive Medicine Psychiatry and Psychology Neuroscience and Genetic and Vice Chair, Clinical Research in Psychiatry Maastricht University Medical Centre, Genomic Sciences Director, Anxiety & Traumatic Stress The Netherlands Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Disorders Program University of California, San Diego As Director of Psychiatric Services at Dr. Sklar has been engaged in genetic Maastricht University Medical Centre, research on causes of schizophrenia and Dr. Stein’s research interests include the Dr. van Os runs a service for treat- bipolar disorder for the past 15 years. Her epidemiology, neurobiology, and treat- ment-resistant depression and first episode research utilizes both family and popula- ment of anxiety disorders especially social psychosis. He serves as coordinator of a tion-based approaches, with linkage as well phobia, panic disorder, and post-traumatic project on gene environment interactions as association studies. Currently, she is the stress disorder. His research studies include in schizophrenia, and is active in clinical Principal Investigator on three National interventions for anxiety disorders in pri- gene-environment interaction research in Institutes of Health grants on the genetics mary care, pharmacological approaches depression and bipolar disorder. In 2011, of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Dr. to treatment-resistant anxiety disorders, he was elected member of the Royal Neth- Sklar is also the founder of the International and functional neuroimaging research in erlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and Schizophrenia Consortium; co-chair of anxiety and trauma-related disorders. He serves on the editorial boards of several the bipolar disorder working group and has written or co-written more than 500 psychiatric journals such as Psychological coordinating committee member for the peer-reviewed scientific articles on these Medicine, Schizophrenia Research,Schizophre- Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association topics. Dr. Stein is coeditor, with Martin nia Bulletin, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, Study (GWAS) Consortium; member of Antony Ph.D., of the Oxford Handbook of Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, Psy- the schizophrenia working group for the Anxiety and Related Disorders (2009). In chosis Journal, The Journal of Mental Health Psychiatric GWAS Consortium; manuscript addition to his posts at UCSD, he is also and the Journal of Psychiatry and Neurolog- writing team member; and is on the edito- a Staff Psychiatrist at the VA San Diego ical Sciences. He is an Academic Editor at rial boards of Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Healthcare System. PLOS ONE. Dr. van Os is also a Visiting Psychiatric Genetics. Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. 10 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

10 Major Discoveries of 2014

– A Brain Biomarker That Can Predict Recurrent Major Depression in Toddlers

– Our Clearest Glimpses So Far of the Complex Genetics Underlying Autism

– Ketamine Restores the Ability to Experience Pleasure in Bipolar Depression

– Novel Marker in Brain Scans Reveals Patient-Specific PTSD Brain Dysfunction

– Research Shows Too Many Synaptic Connections in Brains of Children with Autism

– Foundation-Supported Study Identifies Potential Method for Predicting Suicide Risk with a Blood Test

– Largest Schizophrenia Genetics Study Confirms Role of Common Gene Disruptions

– Sophisticated Stem Cell Technology Enables Team To Trace Gene-Induced Pathologies Implicated in Schizophrenia

– A Drug That Blocks Formation and Recall of Fear Memories in Mice Could Be Used in PTSD

– Scalp EEG Test Could Be Used to Predict Future Psychosis ANNUAL REPORT 2014 11

A Brain Biomarker That Can Predict Recurrent Major Depression in Toddlers

A team that included three past recipients of NARSAD Grants—nine grants in all, span- DEANNA M. BARCH, PH.D. ning the period 1995 to 2013—reported the first-ever structural brain biomarker that Chair, Department of Psychology predicts a small child’s risk of having recurrent major depressive disorder (MDD). Professor of Psychology and Radiology The researchers used MRI scans to measure the volume of a brain area called the anterior Washington University insula (AI). They found that in children at high risk for recurrent MDD, the volume of the AI School of Medicine, St. Louis was smaller than in children not at risk for depression or other psychiatric disorders. The AI is a part of the brain that is engaged when we process self-conscious emotions, including guilt. JOAN L. LUBY, M.D. Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig The result, published in JAMA Psychiatry November 12th, was made possible by careful Professor of Child Psychiatry follow-up of a large group of children over a 10-year period. Over 300 children aged 3 Director, Early Emotional to 5 were initially recruited for the study. Of these, 145 were found after examination to Development Program have already suffered a depressive episode or were deemed at risk of becoming depressed. Washington University Although depression, like other disorders, is sometimes hard to diagnose in small children, School of Medicine, St. Louis the team knew that one of the most consistent and robust correlates of preschool-onset depression has been the tendency for pathological guilt. Examples of such guilt include fix- KELLY N. BOTTERON, M.D. ation on feeling bad about a minor misbehavior; feeling like “a bad kid” without objective Professor of Psychiatry reason, or taking blame for things without warrant. In children under 3 who experience (Child) and Radiology such feelings, risk of having MDD by age 5 has been estimated at 10 times the norm. Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis Thus, the team’s discovery of a correlation between small AI volume and MDD risk is a sig- nificant advance, making possible improved diagnosis and estimation of prognosis. The next question to be addressed concerns causality: does the AI shrink in response to pathological guilt feelings? Or does a smaller than normal AI dispose a child to have such feelings? 12 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Our Clearest Glimpses So Far of the Complex Genetics Underlying Autism

JOSEPH BUXBAUM, PH.D. Two studies of DNA sampled from families with one child diagnosed with autism spectrum Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, disorder (ASD)—the largest such studies published to date—have provided our most vivid and Genetics and Genomic Sciences picture of autism’s vexing genetic complexity. Together, the studies identified dozens of Icahn School of Medicine genes not previously linked with autism. They also predict that advances in technology will at Mount Sinai make possible the discovery of hundreds of additional autism-risk genes.

PAMELA SKLAR, M.D., PH.D. Both studies were published online in Nature on October 29th. Six former recipients of Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, NARSAD Grant awards, two members of the Foundation’s Scientific Council (Dr. Sklar and Dr. and Genetics and Genomic Sciences Buxbaum), and the 2012 winner of the Foundation’s Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement Icahn School of Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research (Dr. State), were among the authors of the two at Mount Sinai papers, along with colleagues working at 50 labs across the U.S. and overseas.

MATTHEW STATE, M.D., PH.D. Much of autism risk will ultimately be traced to mutations inherited by a child from a Oberndorf Family Distinguished parent. The new studies focused on another contributor to total risk, stemming from Professor Chair, Department of mutations that are seen in a child with ASD but not in either parent. These “spontaneous” Psychiatry Director, Langley Porter mutations, which are the result of errors in DNA copying when sperm and egg combine to Psychiatric Institute and Hospital form a unique individual, are called de novo, or new mutations. University of California, San Francisco Some de novo mutations are harmless—they occur in places in the chromosomes where Also contributing to these studies: they do not interfere with the operation of important genes. Others, occurring in criti- CHRISTIAN MARSHALL, PH.D. cal spots, can disrupt the action of key genes and can be devastating. Twenty-seven such (2007 YI*), “likely gene-disrupting” (LGD) mutations were closely examined in one of the two papers. MICHAEL OWENS, M.D., PH.D. The other study scrutinized 107 mutated risk genes “enriched” in a sample of 3,871 ASD (two-time NARSAD Grantee), patients. In both studies, many of the affected genes are known to be activated at the dawn SHAUN MATTHEW PURCELL, PH.D. of life, when the brain is building neural networks. Among the specific functions impacted (2006 YI), ABRAHAM REICHENBERG, PH.D. are the formation of synapses, or communications junctions between nerve cells; tran- (2004 YI), scription, the process by which a class of regulatory genes encodes proteins to regulate the LAUREN WEISS, PH.D. expression of other genes; and the bundling of DNA in the cell nucleus in packages called (2010 YI), chromatin, which helps determine when specific genes can be activated. CHRISTOPHER WALSH, M.D., PH.D. (two-time NARSAD Grantee). *YI-NARSAD Young Investigator Grantee ANNUAL REPORT 2014 13

Ketamine Restores the Ability to Experience Pleasure in Bipolar Depression

Many psychiatric patients lose interest in simple activities that once they may have enjoyed. CARLOS A. ZARATE, JR., M.D. It’s a condition known medically as anhedonia, and now there is hope for relief, thanks to Chief, Section on the Neurobiology the work of two Foundation-funded researchers—Carlos Zarate, Jr., M.D and Jonathan and Treatment of Mood Disorders Paul Roiser, Ph.D., both former recipients of NARSAD Independent Investigator Awards. Chief, Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch For the first time, their work reveals that, in patients with bipolar depression, the experi- National Institute of Mental Health mental drug ketamine can help quickly reduce feelings of disinterest when other treatments Clinical Professor, Psychiatry have failed. Approved by the FDA decades ago as an anesthetic and known to have halluci- and Behavioral Sciences nogenic side effects—particularly when abused as a recreational drug—ketamine has been George Washington University the subject of intensive clinical research. Dr. Zarate and other investigators (including Foun- dation Scientific Council members Dennis Charney, M.D., and John Krystal, M.D.) have JONATHAN PAUL ROISER, PH.D. previously shown that controlled administration of ketamine can quickly relieve general Associate Professor symptoms in people with treatment-resistant major depression. Only recently has ketamine’s University College London effects on anhedonia specifically been explored.

As Drs. Zarate, Roiser, and colleagues reported on October 14th in Translational Psychiatry, 36 people with treatment-resistant bipolar depression received a dose of ketamine or a pla- cebo on two test dates, two weeks apart. Patients who were given a single dose of ketamine reported a reduction in their levels of anhedonia in as little as 40 minutes. This improvement lasted for as long as two weeks in some patients and occurred independently of reductions in other depression symptoms. The results now need to be reproduced in larger studies. They lend support to continuing efforts to develop ketamine analogs with reduced side-effects. 14 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Novel Marker in Brain Scans Reveals Patient-Specific PTSD Brain Dysfunction

ALEXANDER NEUMEISTER, M.D. People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience a variety of symptoms, two Director, Molecular Imaging of which can be listlessness and emotional detachment. New research using high-resolution Program for Mood and positron emission tomography (PET) brain imaging now links these symptoms to specific Anxiety Disorders abnormalities in brain function. This raises the prospect that treatments for PTSD, like Professor, Departments of those for, say, cancer or heart disease, might be adjusted to fit an individual’s specific case, Psychiatry and Radiology an example of “precision medicine.” New York University Langone Medical Center Published in JAMA Psychiatry on September 17th, 2007 NARSAD Independent Investi- gator grantee Alexander Neumeister, M.D., and colleagues reported using a new, harmless radioactive tracer in concert with PET scanning to look at parts of the brain presumed to be associated with PTSD symptoms. The tracer binds to a class of natural opioid receptors in the brain known as kappa opioid receptors (KORs). The tracer’s use is an example of how basic research findings build, one upon the next, to generate progress. Prior work in animals had established a link between KORs and dynorphin, a naturally occurring opioid released in response to stress.

Dr. Neumeister and colleagues found that after exposure to trauma, a low availability of KOR in the brain’s amygdala (a processor of emotion) is associated with heightened symptoms of listlessness and detachment––but not other PTSD symptoms such as anxious arousal or hypervigilance. Further research will test the hypothesis that reduced KOR levels may be linked to PTSD symptoms in concert with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, suggest- ing a potentially new role for cortisol as a biomarker of certain types of PTSD symptoms. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 15

Research Shows Too Many Synaptic Connections in Brains of Children with Autism

Early in its development the brain generates a vast number of neurons. In accordance with a DAVID SULZER, PH.D. developmental program inscribed in our genes, these neurons forge networks of connections Professor, Clinical Neurology, with other neurons, near and far. The ultimate result is the astonishingly complex adult Pharmacology and Psychiatry brain. But long before we reach maturity, our brain crucially embarks on a process of “prun- Research Laboratories for ing” the dense tangle of connections made across tiny gaps called synapses between cells. It Parkinson’s Disease has been proposed that this pruning process is disrupted in people with autism spectrum Professor, Departments of disorder (ASD). Neurology and Psychiatry Columbia University Research published August 21st in Neuron by a team of researchers led by David Sulzer, Ph.D., a two-time NARSAD grantee, and 2010 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator BRADLEY S. PETERSON, Grantee Bradley S. Peterson, M.D., Ph.D., and including four other former NARSAD M.D., PH.D. Grantees, demonstrated that there is indeed an over-abundance of synapses in the brains of Director, Institute for the young people with ASD. Developing Mind Children’s Hospital Los Angeles The researchers tested the theory by comparing postmortem brains donated by families of Director, Division of children who had been diagnosed with ASD with those of children without ASD: 13 from Child and Adolescent Psychiatry children with ASD aged 2 to 9; 13 from children with ASD aged 13 to 20; and 22 from Keck School of Medicine children without ASD (“controls”). The team discovered that by late childhood, synaptic University of Southern California density was more than 50 percent higher in children with ASD vs. those with typically developing brains, and sometimes as much as two-thirds greater.

This deficit in pruning synapses may contribute to abnormalities in cognitive functions that humans acquire in their late childhood, teenage or early adult years, such as the acquisition of executive skill such as reasoning, motivation, judgment, language and abstract thought, the researchers reported. Many children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders reach adolescence and adulthood with functional disability in these skills. 16 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Foundation-Supported Study Identifies Potential Method for Predicting Suicide Risk with a Blood Test

ZACHARY AARON Zachary Kaminsky, Ph.D., used his 2010 NARSAD Young Investigator grant to perform KAMINSKY, PH.D. basic research that led in 2014 to the identification of a method that could predict with Assistant Professor 80% to 96% accuracy, who, within a group of psychiatric patients, had experienced suicidal Department of Psychiatry thoughts or had attempted suicide. and Behavioral Sciences Johns Hopkins University The study first focused on a mutation in a gene called SKA2—involved in the brain’s School of Medicine response to stress hormones—in brain samples from control subjects and from people with mental illness. From this analysis, researchers including former NARSAD Young Investiga- tor Grantees Jennifer Payne, M.D., and Holly Wilcox, Ph.D., noticed that in samples from brains of people who had died by suicide, levels of SKA2 were significantly reduced. They discovered, within the common mutation of this gene, that in some subjects an attachment of a particular chemical group to the DNA––called an epigenetic modification––altered the way the SKA2 gene functioned. A more significant level of this modification was found in the subjects who had died by suicide.

In another part of the study, blood samples from living participants were tested. From the largest sample (325 participants), the researchers found similar epigenetic changes to the SKA2 gene in participants with suicidal thoughts or attempts. From this data, they were able to create a model that predicted which of the participants were experiencing suicidal thoughts or had attempted suicide with 80% to 96% certainty, based on the results of a blood test. The results were published in The American Journal of Psychiatryon July 30th.

It is thought SKA2 may be linked to inhibition of negative thoughts and controlling impul- sive behavior. The researchers reason that if there isn’t enough SKA2 protein, or if it is altered in some way, stress hormone receptors are unable to suppress the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, throughout the brain. Previous research has shown that such cortisol release is abnormal in people who attempt or die by suicide. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 17

Foundation-Supported Study Identifies Potential Method for Predicting Suicide Risk Largest Schizophrenia Genetics Study with a Blood Test Confirms Role of Common Gene Disruptions

Some questions in science are solved by a few pioneers toiling in their laboratories, but PATRICK SULLIVAN, M.D. others depend on huge international teams. In the past several years, “Big Science” has come Professor, Karolinska Institutet to schizophrenia research in the form of large genome-wide association studies (GWAS). In M. Hayworth & Family the latest news from this effort, published July 22nd in Nature, more than 100 regions of Distinguished Professor the genome show association with schizophrenia, the genetic version of smoke indicating of Psychiatry the strong likelihood of fire. In genetic terms, the smoke could signal a genetic variation that Professor of Genetics & changes a person’s odds of developing schizophrenia. Psychiatry Director, Center for Psychiatric Genomics More than 80 institutions participating in the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) University of North Carolina, contributed blood samples from nearly 37,000 people with schizophrenia and more than Chapel Hill 113,000 control subjects without mental illness, making this one of the largest biomedical experiments ever, and certainly the largest in mental illness. “The fact that we were able to MICHAEL O’DONOVAN, detect genetic risk factors on this massive scale shows that schizophrenia can be tackled by M.D., PH.D. the same approaches that have already transformed our understanding of other diseases,” Deputy Director, Institute of said the paper’s senior author and 2012 Foundation Lieber Prizewinner for Outstanding Psychological Medicine and Achievement in Schizophrenia Research Michael O’Donovan, M.D., Ph.D. The success of Clinical Neurosciences the massive Consortium was due in no small part to its co-founder Patrick Sullivan, M.D., Deputy Director, recipient of a 2010 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator grant and the winner of the Foun- MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric dation’s Lieber Prize in 2014. Genetics & Genomics Cardiff University School of Medicine The international research team identified 128 independent genetic associations spanning 108 different “loci,” or areas of the genome where variations in sequence were associated A number of other NARSAD Grantees with schizophrenia. Eighty three of these loci had not been previously identified. Greater and Foundation Scientific Council association was found with genes that are expressed in the brain, and also among genes with Members were involved in this important roles in the functioning of the immune system. This work confirms some previ- large study. ous hypotheses about genetic associations and also offers some entirely new insights. 18 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Sophisticated Stem Cell Technology Enables Team To Trace Gene-Induced Pathologies Implicated in Schizophrenia

GUO-LI MING, M.D., PH.D. A remarkable new technology that enables the reprogramming of patients’ skin cells so that Professor of Neurology they develop into other types of cells, including neural precursors and neurons, has enabled and Neuroscience a team of researchers to gain new insight into what brain mechanisms can cause schizophre- Institute for Cell Engineering nia to develop. Johns Hopkins University Working with this stem cell technology, the team was able to reprogram human skin cells HONGJUN SONG, PH.D. from people who had a genetic mutation in a region on chromosome 15 called 15q11.2—a Professor of Neurology region known to be irregular in schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder and intellectual Director, Stem Cell Program disability. The cells were reprogrammed to form neural progenitor cells (precursor cells for Institute for Cell Engineering neurons) in a laboratory dish. The team, led by the wife-and-husband team of Guo-li Ming, Johns Hopkins University M.D., Ph.D., and Hongjun Song, Ph.D., 2010 and 2008 NARSAD Independent Inves- tigator Grantees, respectively, reported July 3rd in the journal Cell that they identified a Other NARSAD Grantees particular gene whose loss in these patients altered typical developmental brain processes. involved in the study: KIMBERLY M. CHRISTIAN, PH.D., Each of the patients’ cell samples was missing one of the normal two copies of a gene called 2012 Young Investigator Grant; CYF1P. The experiments showed that loss of this gene altered the skeletons of developing THOMAS M. HYDE, M.D., PH.D., brain cells, which in turn disrupted the orderly layers those cells would normally form in 1989 Young Investigator Grant; the brain. The researchers then worked with animal models to alter the genomes in mouse DAN RUJESCU, M.D., PH.D., 2006 Independent Investigator Grant embryos so that they made less of the protein created by CYFIP1. The brain cells in these mice turned out to have similar defects in structure compared to those in the dish-grown human cells. Having less CYFIP1 protein also caused some neurons in the developing mice to end up in the wrong layer within the brain.

The researchers also found that CYFIP1 is part of a complex of proteins called WAVE, which has also been linked to schizophrenia pathology. This angle was studied with 2013 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Grantee Joel E. Kleinman, M.D., Ph.D., Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D.,1990 and 2000 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Grantee, and others. The work broadly illustrates the potential of using human induced pluripotent stem cells—iPSCs—as a discovery tool in tackling the mystery not only in schizophrenia pathol- ogy but also that of other complex psychiatric disorders. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 19

A Drug That Blocks Formation and Recall of Fear Memories in Mice Could Be Used in PTSD

A research team led by two-time NARSAD Grantee and Foundation Scientific Council KERRY RESSLER, M.D., PH.D. member Kerry Ressler, M.D., Ph.D., reported in the June 26th issue of Neuron that a medi- Professor cation called osanetant, already known to be safe for use in humans, shows potential to treat Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) before they become disabling. Emory University School of Medicine

Dr. Ressler and colleagues focused their efforts on examining the activity of a pair of genes active in the brain’s amygdala region—involved in the processing of emotions and fear. These genes that had been linked in earlier studies to the formation, retention and recall of traumatic memories. Traumatic memories that get retriggered persistently and cannot be “extinguished” are the primary symptom of PTSD, and can play a role in panic disorder and many phobias.

The genes in question are called Tac1 and Tac2, and while previous research had attempted to treat the formation of fear memories by intervening with the mechanisms set in motion by Tac1, the experiments had not proven successful in treating PTSD-like symptoms. Dr. Ressler and team, however, showed promising results by focusing on intervening with mech- anisms set in motion by activation of the Tac2 gene.

The researchers found that drugs acting on cells in which Tac2 is active could be used to block fear memory consolidation shortly after exposure to a trauma. Mice given osanetant shortly after a “trauma” (a sound paired with a shock) could still learn to become afraid but the mice did not freeze as much in response to the sound a day later, even if the medication was given up to an hour after training. Further studies will determine if the desired effect is achieved and maintained in human patients. 20 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Scalp EEG Test Could Be Used to Predict Future Psychosis

DANIEL MATHALON, M.D., The clinical symptoms currently used to predict a patient’s risk of future psychosis fail two- PH.D. thirds of the time. Only one in three people identified by clinical criteria as being at risk Professor in Residence actually developed a psychotic disorder in a three-year follow-up study. This makes the deci- Co-director of Research Track sion to prescribe, or to take, antipsychotic medications as an early preventive intervention Co-director, Brain Imaging extremely difficult since these medications carry risk of serious side effects. and EEG Laboratory University of California, The need for an accurate biomarker—a biological predictor—of psychosis is critical. Two- San Francisco time NARSAD Grantee Daniel Mathalon, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues, reported March Staff Physician, 15th in Biological Psychiatry that they may have found such a biomarker in a brain event Mental Health Service called mismatch negativity. San Francisco VA Medical Center Detected in scalp electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, mismatch negativity is an EEG signal that is automatically elicited from the auditory cortex and frontal lobe of the brain in response to hearing sounds that deviate from preceding sounds. The response occurs even when we are not paying attention to the sounds. Believed to reflect the ability to form short-term memory, mismatch negativity has been shown to be deficient in patients with schizophrenia.

Dr. Mathalon and team assessed mismatch negativity in three groups: patients with schizophrenia, patients clinically assessed to be at high risk for psychosis, and healthy controls. Mismatch negativity was seen in schizophrenia patients, as expected, but also in the high-risk individuals. Observed over a 12-month period, mismatch negativity was significantly reduced in those who ultimately developed a psychotic disorder. This result demonstrated that mismatch negativity deficits precede the onset of psychosis in clinical high-risk individuals, and that the larger the deficit, the more imminent the risk for con- version to a psychotic disorder. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 21

2014 Investments in Research Grants

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research.

The Foundation’s Grant Program

Since 1987 the Foundation has awarded more than $324 million to fund more than 4,800 grants to more than 3,800 leading scientists around the world.

NARSAD DISTINGUISHED INVESTIGATOR GRANTS Initiated in 1988—enable outstanding scientists to pursue new, cutting-edge ideas with the greatest potential for breakthroughs.

NARSAD INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR GRANTS Initiated in 1995—support mid-career scientists during the critical period between initiation of research and receipt of sustained funding.

NARSAD YOUNG INVESTIGATOR GRANTS Initiated in 1987—help researchers launch careers in neuroscience and psychiatry and gather pilot data to apply for larger federal and university grants. 22 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Distinguished Investigators

The Distinguished Investigators’ projects demonstrate the variety 104 of ways in which our knowledge about mental illness and brain and Applications behavior disorders is advancing. Some of these studies represent collaborations of disciplines, while others took a deep look using a single discipline.

“The most striking conclusion is that a number of these projects, although labeled in terms of one or another syndrome, actually have 15 relevance for several. The underlying fundamental neurobiology and Grants psychobiology are beginning to come together in ways that suggest the emergence of a new integrative science for dealing with mental illness and addictive states. The result of this work will be better understanding of mental disorders and more personalized care.” JACK D. BARCHAS, M.D. $1 5M. Chair and Barklie McKee Henry Professor of Psychiatry Awarded Weill Cornell Medical College Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Weill Cornell Medical Center New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Payne Whitney Clinic Chair Distinguished Investigator Grant Selection Committee Founding Member, Foundation Scientific Council ANNUAL REPORT 2014 23

Next Generation Basic Research New Technologies Therapies

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER ADDICTION ANXIETY Karen Faith Berman, M.D. Harry A. Lester, Ph.D. David Eldon Clapham, M.D., Ph.D. National Institute of Mental Health, California Institute of Technology Harvard University National Institutes of Health DEPRESSION DEPRESSION Lee Stuart Cohen, M.D. Gerard Sanacora, M.D., Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital, Yale University Harvard University

MULTIPLE DISORDERS Lisa M. Monteggia, Ph.D. Jill M. Goldstein, Ph.D. University of Texas Southwestern Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Medical Center at Dallas Harvard University SCHIZOPHRENIA Robert D. Hawkins, Ph.D. Paul F. Worley, M.D. Columbia University Johns Hopkins University 104 Tracey J. Shors, Ph.D. Applications Rutgers University Claes Wahlestedt, M.D., Ph.D. University of Miami

SCHIZOPHRENIA Angelique Bordey, Ph.D. Yale University

15 Jane R. Taylor, Ph.D. Grants Yale University

Suzanne Zukin, Ph.D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

FEAR-RELATED LEARNING AND MEMORY $1 5M. Yi E. Sun, Ph.D. Awarded University of California, Los Angeles

“The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation was able to build a platform for recruiting new people as well as supporting accomplished people already in the field. This has made an enormous impact in our collective attempt to discover the biological basis of psychiatric disorders.”

ERIC R. KANDEL, M.D. Nobel Prize Winner Columbia University University Professor Fred Kavli Professor and Director, Kavli Institute for Brain Science Foundation Scientific Council Member 24 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Independent Investigators

Hailing from seven countries and 32 institutions, 40 mid-career 347 scientists are applying powerful new technologies and new insights Applications to study mental illnesses such as anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia.

Noting that almost half of these men and women received NARSAD Young Investigator Grant support early in their careers, Dr. Post stated: “All of these investigations made possible with the support 40 of NARSAD Grants are cumulatively and exponentially advancing Grants what is known about the brain and how to treat its illnesses. By expanding our knowledge of genetics and epigenetics, brain circuitry, neural pathways and how these impact behavior, we are steadily increasing the possibilities for those with mental illness to live full and productive lives.” $4M ROBERT M. POST, M.D. Awarded Head, Bipolar Collaborative Network George Washington University Chair, Independent Investigator Grant Selection Committee Foundation Scientific Council Member ANNUAL REPORT 2014 25

Next Generation Basic Research New Technologies Therapies

ANXIETY BIPOLAR DISORDER ANXIETY Garret D. Stuber, Ph.D. Benicio N. Frey, M.D., Ms.C., Ph.D. Rajeshwar Awatramani, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at McMaster University, Canada Northwestern University Chapel Hill Vincent A. Magnotta, Ph.D. Thomas L. Kash, Ph.D. BIPOLAR DISORDER University of Iowa University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Benjamin I. Goldstein, M.D., Ph.D. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Dimitri Van De Ville, Ph.D. DEPRESSION University of Toronto, Canada Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Rodrigo A. Cunha, Ph.D. Lausanne, Switzerland University of Coimbra, Portugal Tracey L. Petryshen, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital, MULTIPLE DISORDERS Flavio Frohlich, Ph.D. Harvard University Adam G. Carter, Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill New York University DEPRESSION Dimitris N. Kiosses, Ph.D. Maura Boldrini, M.D., Ph.D. David J. Foster, Ph.D. Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell 347 Columbia University Johns Hopkins University University Kathryn L. Evans, Ph.D. John M. Hettema, M.D., Ph.D. SCHIZOPHRENIA Applications University of Edinburgh, Scotland Virginia Commonwealth University Katherine E. Burdick, Ph.D. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Erika E. Forbes, Ph.D. SCHIZOPHRENIA University of Pittsburgh Romina Mizrahi, M.D., Ph.D. Erika Jääskeläinen, M.D., Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Oulu, Finland Roxann Roberson-Nay, Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada Virginia Commonwealth University Einat Liebenthal, D.Sc. ADDICTION Brigham & Women’s Hospital, 40 Daniel J. Smith, M.B., Ch.B., M.D. Sheena A. Josselyn, Ph.D. Harvard Medical School Grants University of Glasgow, Scotland Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Canada Steffen Moritz, Ph.D. MULTIPLE DISORDERS University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Kathryn Grace Commons, Ph.D. Germany Children’s Hospital, Boston Yuri Rassovsky, Ph.D. Alysson Renato Muotri, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego $4M Joshua L. Roffman M.D., M.MSc. “Before I joined the National Institute Awarded Anju Vasudevan, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital McLean Hospital, of Mental Health, I reviewed Harvard University NARSAD Grant applications. In Jason Tregellas, Ph.D. every case, the discussion went in University of Colorado SCHIZOPHRENIA exactly the opposite direction. We Anschutz Medical Campus Alberto Bacci, Ph.D. Brain and Spine Institute, Paris would ask, ‘Has somebody done this Aristotle N. Voineskos, M.D., Ph.D. before?’ Then we shouldn’t fund it Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Oleg V. Evgrafov, Ph.D., D.Sc. as a NARSAD Grant. ‘Are we going University of Toronto, Canada University of Southern California to find out something we know MULTIPLE DISORDERS David C. Glahn, Ph.D. already?’ Then it’s not a NARSAD Angel Barco, Ph.D. Yale University Grant. ‘Is this truly innovative? Is this Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona, Spanish Research Council, Spain EATING DISORDERS cutting edge? Is this something that Benjamin R. Arenkiel, Ph.D. no one has tried to do before?’ Benjamin N.R. Cheyette, M.D., Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine If so, then this is a NARSAD Grant.” University of California, San Francisco

Allison D. Redlich, Ph.D. THOMAS R. INSEL, M.D. State University of New York, Albany Director, National Institute of Mental Health Former Foundation Scientific Council Member 26 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Young Investigators

Covering a broad spectrum of mental illnesses, these Young 700 Investigator Grants function as catalysts to get new ideas off the Applications ground that may not otherwise be supported. The Foundation is very grateful to all of our donors for making these awards possible.

“In addition to a significant base of grants for basic brain research to understand what happens in the brain to cause mental illness, we also see an uptick in the number of grants focused on the 200 development of next generation treatments and therapies. There Grants is also an increasing trend in the number of investigators utilizing cutting-edge technologies to better study the brain.”

HERBERT Y. MELTZER, M.D. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine $12 5M. Chair, Young Investigator Grant Selection Committee Founding Member, Foundation Scientific Council Awarded


For more information, visit ANNUAL REPORT 2014 27

Basic Research

ANXIETY Simone de Jong, Ph.D. Santhosh Girirajan, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. Andrew L. Eagle, Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, Lehigh Valley Hospital Michigan State University University of London, England Medical Center, Pennsylvania State University

ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY Susanne Rosalie de Rooij, Ph.D. Brad Alan Grueter, Ph.D. Marta Ribases, Ph.D. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vanderbilt University Vall d’Hebron Research Institute VHIR, Spain Dani Dumitriu, M.D., Ph.D. Matthew C. Judson, Ph.D. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Elise Brooks Robinson, SC.D., M.P.H. Massachusetts Carrie R. Ferrario, Ph.D. Marija Kundakovic, Ph.D. General Hospital, Harvard University University of Michigan Columbia University

Yijing Su, Ph.D. Peter Matthew Kaskan, Ph.D. Julien Muffat, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University National Institute of Mental Health, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research National Institutes of Health Simone Tomasi, M.D., Ph.D. Shraddha Pai, Ph.D. Yale University Ian Sutherland Maze, Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, The Rockefeller University University of Toronto, Canada 700 Ryan K.C. Yuen, Ph.D. The Hospital for Sick Children, Divya Deepak Mehta, Ph.D. Kanaka Rajan, Ph.D. Applications University of Toronto, Canada University of Queensland, Australia Princeton University

BIPOLAR DISORDER Therese Marion Murphy, Ph.D. Alma I. Rodenas-Ruano, Ph.D. Seth A. Ament, Ph.D. University of Exeter, England Albert Einstein College of Medicine Institute for Systems Biology of Yeshiva University Thalia K. Robakis, M.D., Ph.D. Jacob C. Garza, Ph.D. Stanford University Laura J. Sittig, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Chicago 200 Harvard University Marianne Louise Seney, Ph.D. Grants University of Pittsburgh Karin Johanna Hendrika Verweij, Ph.D. Marla Kay Perna, Ph.D. VU Medisch Centrum, Vrije Universiteit Vanderbilt University William Kyle Simmons, Ph.D. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Laureate Institute for Brain Research Diana I. Simeonova, Melanie von Schimmelmann, Ph.D. Dipl.-Psych., Ph.D. Nicholas Stavropoulos, Ph.D. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Emory University School of Medicine New York University School of Medicine POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER $12 5M. Abdullah Cagri Yuksel, M.D. Marcus Stephenson-Jones, Ph.D. Joanna Izabella Giza, Ph.D. Awarded McLean Hospital, Harvard University Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cornell University

DEPRESSION Makoto Taniguchi, Ph.D. Stephanie Sillivan, Ph.D. Anita Ellen Autry, Ph.D. McLean Hospital, Harvard University The Scripps Research Institute Harvard University Eva Haimo Telzer, Ph.D. SCHIZOPHRENIA Mounira Banasr, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jessica A. Bernard, Ph.D. Yale University University of Colorado, Boulder Junqian Xu, Ph.D. Joanna M. Chango, Ph.D. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hong Goo Chae, Ph.D. McLean Hospital, Harvard University Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory MULTIPLE DISORDERS Itzamarie Chevere-Torres, Ph.D. Monica Aas, Ph.D. Joshua J. Chiappelli, M.D. Rutgers University University of Oslo, Norway Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland Hyong Jin Cho, M.D., Ph.D. Simona L. Buetti, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Yongku P. Cho, Ph.D. Hartford Hospital, University of Connecticut Victoria Stephanie Dalton, B.Sc., Ph.D. Sebastien Delcasso, Ph.D. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lot de Witte, M.D., Ph.D. University Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 28 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Basic Research CONTINUED

Laurie R. Earls, Ph.D. Ada Ledonne, Ph.D. EATING DISORDERS St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Italy Sindy Cole, Ph.D. Boston College Suleyman I. Gulsuner, M.D., Ph.D. Matthew Luke MacDonald, Ph.D. University of Washington University of Pittsburgh Marcelo Dietrich, M.D., Ph.D. Yale University Libi Hertzberg, M.D., Ph.D. Jacob J. Michaelson, Ph.D. Tel Aviv University, Israel University of Iowa EPILEPSY Seung Tae Baek, Ph.D. Sehba Husain-Krautter, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. Simon Trent, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego Zucker Hillside Hospital, Cardiff University, Wales The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Ramon Y. Birnbaum, Ph.D. Brooke Viertel, Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Aaron R. Jeffries, Ph.D. University Medical Center Hamburg- University of Exeter, England Eppendorf, University of Hamburg, Germany PANIC DISORDER Justin S. Feinstein, Ph.D. Eunchai Kang, Ph.D. Guangying K. Wu, Ph.D. Laureate Institute for Brain Research Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine George Washington University RETT SYNDROME Yongsung Kim, Ph.D. Wenchi Zhang, Ph.D. Hao Wu, Ph.D. Salk Institute for Biological Studies Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

New Technologies

ANXIETY Lucina Q. Uddin, Ph.D. MULTIPLE DISORDERS Avishek Adhikari, Ph.D. University of Miami Cendra Agulhon, Ph.D. Stanford University Université René Descartes, France Nan Yang, Ph.D. Johanna Molly Jarcho, Ph.D. Stanford University Philip G. Browning, Ph.D. National Institute of Mental Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Institutes of Health BIPOLAR DISORDER Danai Dima, Ph.D. Jeremiah Yaacov Cohen, Ph.D. Dilja Krueger, Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Max-Planck-Institute for University of London, England Experimental Medicine/ Max-Planck Society, Lauren Celia Faget, Ph.D. Max Planck Institutes, Germany Luciano Minuzzi, M.D., Ph.D. University of California, San Diego St. Joseph’s Hospital, McMaster University ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY Jennifer H. Foss-Feig, Ph.D. DISORDER DEPRESSION Connecticut Mental Health Center, Nikola Todorov Markov, Ph.D. Jessica Andrews-Hanna, Ph.D. Yale University Princeton University University of Colorado, Boulder

Redmond O’Connell, Ph.D. Rosemary Bagot, Ph.D. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Chun-hui Chang, Ph.D. Brenda L. Bloodgood, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh “NARSAD Young Investigator Grants University of California, San Diego Jonathan J. Nassi, Ph.D. are the backbone of the effort and Denis Jabaudon, M.D., Ph.D. Salk Institute for Biological Studies the most important philanthropic University of Geneva, Switzerland program for supporting the early careers Karen Ryan, Ph.D. Brian J. O’Roak, Ph.D. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland of young investigators interested in Oregon Health and Science University mental illness research.” Jennifer Tropp Sneider, Ph.D. Kaustubh Satyendra Supekar, Ph.D. McLean Hospital, Harvard University DANIEL R. WEINBERGER, M.D. Stanford University CEO, Lieber Institute for Brain Development Brendon Omar Watson, M.D., Ph.D. Weill Cornell Medical College Foundation Scientific Council Member ANNUAL REPORT 2014 29

Virginia Garcia-Marin, Ph.D. POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Felice Reddy, Ph.D. New York University Chadi Abdallah, M.D. VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Yale University West Los Angeles, University of California, Ozgun Gokce, Ph.D. Los Angeles Stanford University Joshua Cisler, Ph.D. Ian Cameron Gould, D. Phil. University of University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Yuri B. Saalmann, Ph.D. New South Wales, Australia University of Wisconsin-Madison Jonathan Richard Epp, Ph.D. R. Matthew Hutchison, Ph.D. The Hospital for Sick Children, Peter Savadjiev, Ph.D. Harvard University University of Toronto, Canada Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University Roozbeh Kiani, M.D., Ph.D. Jonathan Paul Fadok, Ph.D. New York University Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland Ilana Witten, Ph.D. Princeton University Markita Patricia Landry, Ph.D. Léma Massi, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland Tracy L. Young-Pearse, Ph.D. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Elena Michaelovsky, Ph.D. SCHIZOPHRENIA Harvard University Tel Aviv University, Israel Joshua W. Cordeira, Ph.D. Harvard Medical School, Harvard University ADDICTION Jacqueline Morris, Ph.D. Kevin Wang, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania Fei Du, Ph.D. Oregon Health and Science University Harvard Medical School, Alexandre Mourot, Ph.D. Harvard University BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER University Pierre and Marie Curie, France Sarah Kathryn Fineberg, M.D., Ph.D. Colin Shaun Hawco, Ph.D. Yale University Ligia Assumpcao Papale, Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Toronto, Canada Emma Puighermanal, Ph.D. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER Conrad Lyegbe, Ph.D. INSERM, France Yen-Yu Ian Shih, Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of London, England TOURETTE SYNDROME Deanna Jacquelyn Greene, Ph.D. Youngcho Kim, Ph.D. Washington University School of Medicine University of Iowa

Next Generation Therapies

ANXIETY Latha Soorya, Ph.D. Sharon Dekel, Ph.D. Christine Elizabeth Gould, Ph.D. Rush University Massachusetts General Hospital, VA Palo Alto Harvard University Health Care System, Stanford University Brittany Gail Travers, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Christine Ann Denny, M.S., Ph.D. Tija Carey Jacob, Ph.D. Columbia University University of Pittsburgh BIPOLAR DISORDER Nao Jennifer Gamo, Ph.D. Faranak Farzan, Ph.D. Ting Lu, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Toronto, Canada DEPRESSION ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY Alison R. Berent-Spillson, Ph.D. Jennifer C. Felger, Ph.D. DISORDER University of Michigan Emory Clinic, Emory University Agatha Lenartowicz, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles Becky Catherine Carlyle, Ph.D. Allyson Kimberly Friedman, Ph.D. Yale University Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Stephanie Dunkel Smith, Ph.D. Yale Child Study Center, Yale University Shun-Chiao Chang, Sc.D. Miguel Angel García-Cabezas, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, M.D., Ph.D. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Harvard University Boston University Lior Brimberg, Ph.D. Zucker Hillside Hospital Campus of The Dipesh Chaudhury, Ph.D. Stefan Goetz, Ph.D. Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Duke University Medical Center, Duke University 30 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Next Generation Therapies CONTINUED

Mira Alexandra Jakovcevski, Ph.D. Benjamin C. Nephew, Ph.D. Anna Rose Docherty, Ph.D. Max-Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Tufts University Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Max-Planck Society, Max Planck Institutes, Behavioral Genetics, Germany Stephanie Perreau-Lenz, Ph.D. Virginia Commonwealth University SRI International Chung Sub Kim, Ph.D. Paolo Fusar-Poli, Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin Ann Polcari, Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, Northeastern University University of London, England Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, Ph.D. Northwestern University Seethalakshmi Ramanathan, M.D. Rachel A. Hill, Ph.D. Hutchings Psychiatric Center University of Melbourne, Australia Chun Hay Alex Kwan, Ph.D. Yale University Alessandra Raudino, Ph.D. Dennis Kaetzel, Ph.D. University of New South Wales, Australia Institute of Neurology/ University College Benjamin Bruce Land, Ph.D. London, University of London, England Yale University Ling Shan, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles Sarah Christine McEwen, Ph.D. Joelle LeMoult, Ph.D. Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, Stanford University Sonal G. Thakar, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego Margarita Rivera, Ph.D. Brent Gregory Nelson, M.D. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Spain OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER University of Minnesota Carolyn I. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D. Benjamin A. Samuels, Ph.D. Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc., Nichole Marie Neugebauer, Ph.D. Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc., New York State Psychiatric Institute, Northwestern University New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Columbia University Maria V. Puig, Ph.D. POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Massachusetts Institute of Technology Marina Lopez Sola, Ph.D. Antoine Besnard, Ph.D. University of Colorado, Denver Massachusetts General Hospital, Jianping Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Harvard University Zucker Hillside Hospital Giulia Treccani, Ph.D. Campus of The University of Milano Bicocca, Italy Lorenzo Diaz-Mataix, Ph.D. Feinstein Institute for Medical Research New York University Hongyu Yang, Ph.D. ADDICTION University of California, Los Angeles Raül Andero Galí, Ph.D. Carmelo Mario Vicario, Ph.D. Emory University Bangor University, United Kingdom Kymberly D. Young, Ph.D. Laureate Institute for Brain Research Linda Isaac, Ph.D. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Stanford University Sanjeev Kumar, M.D. MULTIPLE DISORDERS Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Wesley Brian Asher, Ph.D. Sandra Jurado, Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada Columbia University University of Maryland School of Medicine BORDERLINE Valeria Gazzola, Ph.D. Imanuel Ruvin Lerman, M.D., M.S. PERSONALITY Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego DISORDER & SUICIDE The Netherlands Anthony Charles Ruocco, Ph.D. Alik Sunil Widge, M.D., Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Lior Greenbaum, M.D. Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Harvard University Tel Aviv University, Israel RETT SYNDROME SCHIZOPHRENIA Hyeong-Min Lee, Ph.D. Michy Kelly, Ph.D. John Daniel Cahill, M.B.B.S University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of South Carolina Yale University

Shalini Lal, Ph.D. Hsun-Hua Chou, M.D., Ph.D. Douglas Mental Health University of California, San Diego University Institute, McGill University, Canada Charmaine Demanuele, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University ANNUAL REPORT 2014 31 Community Events

When you hold a fundraiser, you play a key role in helping us fund better prevention and treatment protocols. With the support of family, friends and your community, you can make a difference in the fight against mental illness and the stigma it bears.

HIKE for Mental Health, Various Dates

HIKE for Mental Health was born of a single vision: a world in which everyone, including those who suffer from mental illness, can find the simple joy of living. Joining a hike helps raise awareness and money for mental health research.

Team Daniel: Running to Support Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, Year Round

Team Daniel consists of members of the Laitman family including Daniel who lives a productive life with schizophrenia and his parents, Rob and Ann. They run the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon every year as well as other races across the country in an effort to raise money for schizophrenia research. 32 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION Foundation Events

NY Symposium, October 24, 2014

Above, From left to right: Jack D. Barchas, M.D., Scientific Council Anita Thapar, M.D., Ph.D. David L. Braff, M.D. Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D. Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D., Scientific Council Patrick F. Sullivan, M.D. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 33

Klerman Freedman Awards Dinner, July 25, 2014

From left to right: Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D., Scientific Council Stephen and Connie Lieber, Chairman of the Board and President Emerita BJ Casey, Ph.D., Scientific Council 34 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Annual Dinner, October 24, 2014

Above, From left to right: Eric R. Kandel, M.D., Scientific Council, Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., President & CEO, Mehmet Oz, M.D. Herbert Pardes, M.D., President , Scientific Council, Nancy Wexler, M.D., Bob Wright Dr. Oz gives the inaugural Pardes Prize to Dr. Herbert Pardes Board Members and Annual Dinner Co-Chairs, Suzanne Golden and Virginia Silver

Productive Lives Awards, April 30, 2014

From left to right: Tom Insel, M.D., Judy Collins, Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., and Board Member Susan Lasker Brody Dr. Tom Insel and Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein Bruce Cohen, Gabe Catone and Mark B. Porter Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. and Dr. Francis Collins ANNUAL REPORT 2014 35

Annual Dinner, October 24, 2014 Discovery to Recovery Conference, Washington, D C. ,.

Above, From left to right: September 16, 2014 Eric R. Kandel, M.D., Scientific Council, Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., President & CEO, Mehmet Oz, M.D. Herbert Pardes, M.D., President , Scientific Council, Nancy Wexler, M.D., Bob Wright Below, From Left to Right: Dr. Oz gives the inaugural Pardes Prize to Dr. Herbert Pardes Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. and Congressman Tim Murphy, Ph.D. Board Members Virginia Silver and Suzanne Golden Keith O’Neil, Former NFL Super Bowl Champion 36 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Meet the Scientists

Webinar Series

Join us the second Tuesday of each month for our Meet the Scientist Webinar Series hosted by Foundation President & CEO, Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D.

Hear the world’s leading mental health researchers and members of our Scientific Council present the latest in new technologies, diagnostic tools, early intervention strategies and next-generation therapies for mental illness.

Upcoming Events

BORDERLINE ADDICTION NEW APPROACHES IN TREATING PERSONALITY DISORDER Nora D. Volkow, M.D. DEPRESSION D. Bradford Reich, M.D. Wednesday, Fritz A. Henn, M.D., Ph.D. Tuesday, July 14, 2015, August 19, 2015, Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST

MOOD DISORDERS SCHIZOPHRENIA AUTISM AND NEW FINDINGS Carrie E. Bearden, Ph.D. Carol A. Tamminga, M.D. Joseph Buxbaum, Ph.D. Tuesday, October 13, 2015, Tuesday, November 10, 2015, Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EST ANNUAL REPORT 2014 37

Stories of Productive Lives

People living with mental illness often face numerous challenges in managing their day to day life. Inspired by their unique stories of grace and determination we acknowledge these challenges and recognize the capacity for families and individuals to persevere and often live productive lives with the help of both science and the support of family and friends which in turn gives voice to often silent, closeted and misunderstood illnesses of the brain. 38 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Pride in a Son’s Courage

Through the Foundation, Martha Atherton says she has a better understanding of mental illness and a strong conviction that research will alleviate the suffering caused by mental illness.

John Atherton is a 53-year-old electronics whiz and inventor living in Portland, Oregon. He also lives with schizophrenia and Asperg- er’s syndrome. His mother, Martha Atherton, explains that it took years for John to get the right combination of medications to alleviate his debilitating symptoms. She has been his unwavering supporter and a trusted companion during many dark periods when John questioned whether his life was worth living.

Martha and her late husband Robert Atherton had three sons, and lost two of them to cystic fibrosis. John, the middle son, began showing signs of psychiatric illness in his teens.

As is often the case in children with Asperger’s, John was an out- standing student. Toward the end of high school, he says, “I began to unravel.” John struggled through three years of electrical engi- neering studies at the University of Illinois, but could not complete his degree. By that time, he says, “I was down and out. I thought about suicide.”

After a long and agonizing period marked by disappearances from home, hospitalizations and trial-and-error treatments, John finally found some relief with the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac). Today, he is stabilized on a combination of antipsychotic and antidepres- sant medications. John Atherton with one of several inventions he has patented—a hand-held voltage indicator that deter- It is hard for Martha to articulate the pride she feels in her son’s mines whether a power cord is live or dead. courage and the joy she shares in his success as an inventor. She and her late husband are longtime supporters of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, through which she says she has developed a better understanding of autism and schizophrenia and a strong con- viction that research will eventually lead to the alleviation of suffering caused by mental illness. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 39

Staving Off “The Darkness”

Arthur Peck puts his faith in the promise of research if the day should come that more of his family members will need effective treatments to treat psychiatric illness.

The Peck siblings—Wendy, Amy, and Robert—have in common a history of clinical depression, something they shared with their late mother. Fortunately, they have all found treatments that worked, and they all also benefit from a Rock-of-Gibraltar father whom Amy says “has essentially saved each of us from the dark- ness, at some point.”

The Pecks are determined not to let mental illness upend their lives.

Eleven years ago, when Amy moved from Washington, D.C. to St. Louis for her husband’s new job, it triggered a deep depression. “Within a month of the move, I was in a bad way,” she recalls. Robert Peck, Wendy Peck, Dr. Arthur Peck and Amy called her father. Not knowing a soul in St. Louis, he in turn Amy Peck Abraham called the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. Responding to Amy’s plight, the Foundation put Dr. Peck in touch with Herbert Pardes, M.D., President of the organization’s Scientific Council. “Dr. Pardes told me he’d make sure someone in St. Louis would see Amy that day,” Dr. Peck says, “And that’s exactly what happened.”

Psychiatrist Dan W. Haupt, M.D., diagnosed Amy with bipolar depression and prescribed the mood stabilizer lamotrigine (Lamic- tal), which successfully treated her. Amy also credits her recovery to Dr. Haupt’s astute assessment of the person inside her illness and his unpatronizing and reassuring approach to her care.

The Peck children now have grown children of their own, bright, independent and engaged in busy lives. Arthur Peck fervently hopes his grandchildren are spared the family’s struggles with depression. He crosses his fingers, saying “so far, so good” and puts his faith in the promise of research if the day should come that more of his family members will need effective treatments to treat psychiatric illness. 40 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Finding a Way to Help and Heal

An annual event commemorating the life of Jonathon Robbins raised $27,000, all of which was donated to a Foundation Research Partner.

Toward the end of his freshman college year, Jonathon Robbins began to experience symptoms of schizophrenia. He didn’t make it through his sophomore year.

“He went from being an outgoing, honor-roll student to a young man who didn’t want to leave the house,” says Kathy Robbins of her son. One night, after driving to Texas, presumably on the instruc- tion of the voices he heard, he came back home after driving for 48 hours, and asked for help.

“When we took him to the hospital,” Kathy says, “they told us he had caffeine-induced psychosis. I remember thinking, ‘Well, I suppose there is such a thing.’ But of course it was ridiculous.” Jon- athon’s hallucinations and delusional thoughts began to worsen. Hospitalized once more, he finally received a definitive diagnosis. When the doctors thought Jonathon was stabilized, they released him. That day he went home and took his life. Jonathon was 22 years old.

“I kept wondering what would have helped Jonathon,” Kathy says. She searched the Internet and discovered the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. “I knew we had to raise money for their research.” The Robbins are not wealthy people. But they are rich in relatives and friends, whom they counted on to pitch in when they Top: Jonathon’s younger brother Jordan, mom Kathy, came up with the idea of holding an annual walk/run event to raise younger sister Arianna and dad Curt at Arianna’s money for the Foundation. The Robbins named the event “Let the graduation. Unable to take a family photo without Sun Shine,” because, says Kathy, “Jonathon was the sunshine in our Jonathon, their Jonathon bear wore a suit for the lives.” In 2014, Let the Sun Shine raised $27,000, all of which was special occasion. donated to the Foundation’s Research Partners Program. Bottom: A sea of people at the 2014 starting line of “Let the Sun Shine Run/Walk.” Kathy says her consolation is the certainty that “Jonathon died knowing how much we loved him.” ANNUAL REPORT 2014 41

An Agonizing Journey and a “Blessing”

“Seeing positive treatments that have come from research is a blessing.”

Janet and Donald Boardman, Sr. (a Foundation board member), remember with chilling clarity the last time their son Donald, Jr., had to be hospitalized against his will.

“When the sheriffs came,” Janet says, “he was in our back yard, very ill, very angry, and when he started walking away, one of the officers hit him with a billy stick. Then they pushed him down, put hand- cuffs on him and pepper-sprayed him.” As the spray drifted into the house, Mrs. Boardman, and her younger daughter, Kate, watched him being taken away—again.

For years the Boardmans, like many families in similar circum- stances, lived with the anguish and frustration of trying to protect a loved one with schizophrenia, often from himself. Before lasting help finally came in the form of the antipsychotic medication clozapine (Clozaril), Donald, Jr., had gone through periods of homelessness, suicidal thoughts, 15 hospitalizations, and an arrest for assault. A sympathetic judge helped Donald Jr. focus on compli- ance with his treatment plan.

The Boardmans have supported the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation for the past 15 years. Their faith in research is under- standable. Donald Jr.’s recovery was due in large measure to the work of Foundation Scientific Council Member Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D., the principal investigator on the trials that led to the approval of the use of clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. With clozapine and supplemental antidepressant and anti-anxiety medi- cation, the voices in Donald, Jr.’s head, while not completely gone, became controllable.

Today, Donald, Jr. lives on his own in Baltimore, near his doctors. He has a job, which he has held for 12 years, driving for a pharmacy. Says Donald, Sr., “Seeing positive treatments that have come from From top to bottom: research is a blessing.” Donald and his cat Homer; With his dad Donald, Sr.; With mom, Janet, on the golf course, Captiva Island, Florida 42 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Research Partners Program

Our Research Partners Program enables donors to select and support a scientist’s project from amongst the most promising, cutting-edge proposals in mental illness research. Sponsoring one year of support for a Young Investigator is $30,000 (now $35,000 in 2015); an Independent Investigator, $50,000; and a Distinguished Investigator, $100,000.

We are deeply grateful to all Research Partners for their critical support and generosity.

JAN AND STEFAN ABRAMS ANONYMOUS DIANA AND DAN ATTIAS Jan and Stefan Abrams Investigator Haddie Investigators Attias Family Foundation Investigators

Young Investigator Young Investigators Young Investigators Yongsoo Kim, Ph.D. Solange P. Brown, M.D., Ph.D. Kelly Anne Barnes, Ph.D. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Johns Hopkins University Baylor College of Medicine Julie S. Haas, Ph.D. Martin Debbané, Ph.D. Lehigh University University of Geneva ANNE AND RON ABRAMSON Abramson Family Foundation Investigators Theodoros Tsetsenis, Ph.D. Avniel S. Ghuman, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Distinguished Investigator David L. Roberts, Ph.D. John R. Kelsoe, M.D. University of Texas Health Science Center University of California, San Diego ATHERTON FOUNDATION at San Antonio Atherton Investigators Young Investigator Sharmin Ghaznavi, M.D., Ph.D. Young Investigators SIDNEY R. BAER, JR. FOUNDATION Massachusetts General Hospital Lior Brimberg, Ph.D. Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Investigators Harvard University The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Independent Investigator Peter G. Enticott, Ph.D. Stephen J. Glatt, Ph.D. ANONYMOUS Monash University State University of New York, Brian J. O’Roak, Ph.D. Upstate Medical University Distinguished Investigator Oregon Health and Science University Nenad Sestan, M.D., Ph.D. Young Investigators Yale University School of Medicine Latha Soorya, Ph.D. Brian P. Brennan, M.D. Yale University Rush University McLean Hospital Harvard University Kaustubh Satyendra Supekar, Ph.D. Mark Christian Eldaief, M.D. Young Investigators Stanford University Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Chadi Abdallah, M.D. Harvard University Yale University Mei-Hua Hall, Ph.D. Gianfilippo Coppola, Ph.D. Harvard Medical School Harvard University Yale University Zhicheng Carl Lin, Ph.D. McLean Hospital Harvard University ANNUAL REPORT 2014 43

William B. Ruzicka, M.D., Ph.D. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT ENGMAN Sebastien Parnaudeau, Ph.D. McLean Hospital Harvard University Engman Investigator Columbia University Eli Ayumi Stahl, Ph.D. Sarah I. Tarbox, Ph.D. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Young Investigator Yale University School of Medicine Heather C. Brenhouse, Ph.D. Yale University Luke E. Stoeckel, Ph.D. Northeastern University Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard University FAMILIES FOR BORDERLINE Gordana D. Vitaliano, M.D. ESSEL FOUNDATION PERSONALITY DISORDER RESEARCH McLean Hospital Harvard University Essel Investigators Families For Borderline Personality Disorder Research Investigators Independent Investigators BARBARA AND MICHAEL BASS Wen-Jun Gao, M.D., Ph.D. Young Investigators Brian Bass Investigator Drexel University College of Medicine Sarah Kathryn Fineberg, M.D., Ph.D. Kirsty Millar, Ph.D. Yale University Young Investigator University of Edinburgh Paul Ashwood, Ph.D. D. Bradford Reich, M.D. McLean Hospital Harvard University University of California, Davis Young Investigators Wesley Brian Asher, Ph.D. Anthony Charles Ruocco, Ph.D. Columbia University Centre for Addiction and Mental Health DONALD AND JANET BOARDMAN University of Toronto Donald and Janet Boardman Invetigator Javier Contreras, M.D. Universidad de Costa Rica Kate Eleanor Anne Saunders, B.M., B.Ch., M.A. Young Investigator Santhosh Girirajan, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. University of Oxford Jessica A. Bernard, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University University of Colorado, Boulder Edward A. Selby, Ph.D. Laura M. Harrison, Ph.D. Rutgers University Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport MR. AND MRS. EVERETT DESCHNER Katherine Deschner Family Investigator Charles Albert Hoeffer, Ph.D. LUISA FRANCOEUR University of Colorado, Boulder FRANCOEUR INVESTIGATOR Young Investigator Tija Carey Jacob, Ph.D. Shannon Leigh Gourley, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh Young Investigator Emory University Christopher P. Ford, Ph.D. Roozbeh Kiani, M.D., Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University New York University

NARSAD RESEARCH FUND Markita Patricia Landry, Ph.D. NARSAD RESEARCH FUND Domenici Investigator Massachusetts Institute of Technology Daniel X. Freedman Investigator David James Margolis, Ph.D. Young Investigator Rutgers University Young Investigator Kelly Anne Aschbrenner, Ph.D. Junghee Lee, Ph.D. Jacqueline Morris, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles Dartmouth College University of Pennsylvania Semanti Mukherjee, Ph.D. SUZANNE AND Zucker Hillside Hospital NARSAD RESEARCH FUND Suzanne and John Golden Investigator Campus of The Feinstein Stephen G. Doochin Memorial Investigator Institute for Medical Research Independent Investigator Young Investigator Todd F. Roberts, Ph.D. Peng Jin, Ph.D. Machteld Christa Marcelis, M.D., Ph.D. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Emory University Maastricht University Center at Dallas

BONNIE AND ALAN HAMMERSCHLAG TAKING STRIDES AGAINST FAMILY OF JOSEPH M. EVANS PHILANTHROPIC FUND MENTAL ILLNESS INVESTIGATORS Hammerschlag Family Investigator Rebecca Ehrlich Taking Strides Against Mental Family of Joseph M. Evans Investigators Illness Investigator Young Investigator Independent Investigator Shinichi Kano, M.D., Ph.D. Young Investigator Alessandro Bertolino, M.D., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Sun-Hong Kim, Ph.D. University of Bari Johns Hopkins University Young Investigators JOHN KENNEDY HARRISON Eric A. Epping, M.D., Ph.D. John Kennedy Harrison Investigator University of Iowa Young Investigator David P. Gavin, M.D., M.Sc. Chung Sub Kim, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago University of Texas at Austin 44 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

HOFMANN TRUST CONSTANCE AND STEPHEN LIEBER Young Investigators Hofmann Trust Investigator Lieber Investigators Antti S. Alaräisänen, M.D. University of Oulu Distinguished Investigator Distinguished Investigators Stefan Ehrlich, M.D. Sohee Park, Ph.D. Claes Wahlestedt, M.D., Ph.D. Dresden University of Technology Vanderbilt University University of Miami Herman B. Fernandes, Ph.D. Suzanne Zukin, Ph.D. Northwestern University Albert Einstein College of Medicine THE RONA JAFFE FOUNDATION Yeshiva University George Foussias, M.D, M.Sc. The Rona Jaffe Foundation Investigator Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Independent Investigator University of Toronto Young Investigator Stanislav S. Zakharenko, M.D., Ph.D. Anna Francesconi, Ph.D. June Gruber, Ph.D. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Albert Einstein College of Medicine University of Colorado, Boulder Yeshiva University Young Investigators Karen J. Gregory, Ph.D. Gemma Modinos, Ph.D. Vanderbilt University KAPLEN FOUNDATION King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry Michael F. Kaplen Investigator University of London Sarah J. Hart, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Young Investigator Jess Nithianantharajah, Ph.D. Florey Neuroscience Institutes University Jason K. Johannesen, Ph.D. Mariana Pereira, Ph.D. Yale University Rutgers University of Melbourne Edwin C. Oh, Ph.D. Sangwon F. Kim, Ph.D. Duke University University of Pennsylvania MIRIAM KATOWITZ AND Krishnan Padmanabhan, Ph.D. Janghoo Lim, Ph.D. ARTHUR RADIN Salk Institute for Biological Studies Yale University School of Medicine Katowitz/Radin Investigators Yale University Krystal Lynn Parker, Ph.D. University of Iowa Edward O. Mann, D. Phil. Young Investigators University of Oxford Ioana Carcea, M.D., Ph.D. Marta Ribases, Ph.D. Frederick Charles Nucifora, Ph.D., New York University School of Medicine Vall d’Hebron Research D.O., M.H.S. New York University Institute VHIR Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Frederick Charles Nucifora, Ph.D., D.O., Panagiotis Roussos, M.D., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University M.H.S. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Arun K. Tiwari, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Jingchun Sun, Ph.D. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Johns Hopkins University University of Texas Health Science Center University of Toronto at Houston Lingjun Zuo, M.D., Ph.D. Simon Trent, Ph.D. CAROLE AND MARVIN LEICHTUNG Yale University Cardiff University Leichtung Family Investigators Carmen Varela, Ph.D. Young Investigators Massachusetts Institute of Technology EUNICE K. MEYER CHARITABLE Fei Du, Ph.D. Qi Wang, Ph.D. FOUNDATION McLean Hospital Harvard University Columbia University Eunice K. Meyer Charitable Foundation Investigators Joshua Hunsberger, Ph.D. Joshua Woolley, M.D., Ph.D. National Institute of Mental Health University of California, San Francisco Young Investigators Kanchna Ramchandran, Ph.D. Nan Yang, Ph.D. Corinna Haenschel, Ph.D. University of Iowa Stanford University City University London Wenchi Zhang, Ph.D. Tara A. Niendam, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University University of California, Davis MR AND MRS. CURT ROBBINS Let The Sun Shine Run Investigator Fiza Singh, M.D. University of California, San Diego MILTON & TAMAR MALTZ FAMILY Young Investigator FOUNDATION Jared W. Young, Ph.D. Ricardo E. Carrion, Ph.D. Maltz Investigators University of California, San Diego Zucker Hillside Hospital, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Distinguished Investigator Bruce M. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. NAMI MICHIGAN Harvard University Nami Michigan Investigator LAUREN LEVINE Levine Investigator Young Investigator Maria Muzik, M.D. Young Investigator University of Michigan Paul Siegel, Ph.D. State University of New York, Purchase College ANNUAL REPORT 2014 45

NARSAD ARTWORKS SCOTT-GENTLE FOUNDATION VAN AMERINGEN FOUNDATION, INC. NARSAD Artworks Investigator Scott-Gentle Foudnation Investigator Van Ameringen Investigators

Young Investigator Young Investigator Independent Investigator Adam L. Halberstadt, Ph.D. Kazue Hashimoto-Torii, Ph.D. Ramin V. Parsey, M.D., Ph.D. University of California, San Diego Children’s Research Institute (CRI) Stony Brook University School of Medicine Children’s National Medical Center Young Investigators NARSAD RESEARCH FUND Sofya Abazyan, Ph.D. Gwill Newman Memorial Investigator VIRGINIA SILVER Johns Hopkins University Silver Investigator Chihye Chung, Ph.D. Young Investigator Konkuk University Leah H. Rubin, Ph.D. Young Investigator University of Illinois at Chicago Eleonore Beurel, Ph.D. Lara C. Foland-Ross, Ph.D. University of Miami Stanford University Nadja Freund, Ph.D. MARION G. NICHOLSON McLean Hospital Harvard University Marion G. Nicholson Investigator BARBARA AND JOHN STREICKER Milena Girotti, Ph.D. Barbara and John Strecker Investigator University of Texas Health Science Center at Distinguished Investigator San Antonio Bonnie L. Firestein, Ph.D. Young Investigator Rutgers University Thomas J. Whitford, Ph.D. Ramiro Salas, Ph.D. University of Melbourne Baylor College of Medicine Eric Floyd Schmidt, Ph.D. PROJECT HOPE The Rockefeller University Project Hope Investigator LASZLO N.TAUBER FAMILY FOUNDATION, INC. Young Investigator Dylan Tauber Researchers HARRIET AND ESTEBAN VICENTE Yingwei Mao, Ph.D. FOUNDATION Pennsylvania State University Independent Investigator Vicente Investigator Alon Chen, Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science Independent Investigator MARC RAPPAPORT Beng-Choon Ho, M.D. Rappaport Family Investigator Young Investigators University of Iowa Sharon Dekel, Ph.D. Young Investigators Massachusetts General Hospital Jon M. Madison, Ph.D. Harvard University VITAL PROJECTS FUND INC. The Broad Institute of MIT and Michael L. Lutter, M.D., Ph.D. Vital Projects Fund Inc. Investigators Harvard University University of Iowa Young Investigators Theodore D. Satterthwaite, M.D., M.A. Douglas J. Sheffler, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania Chadi Abdallah, M.D. Sanford Burnham Medical Research Center Yale University Karuna Subramaniam, Ph.D. Irina Esterlis, Ph.D. WILLIAM RISSER CHARITABLE TRUST Northern California Institute Yale University William Risser Charitable Trust Investigator for Research and Education Jieun E. Kim, M.D. University of California, San Francisco Ewha W. University Young Investigators Wendy K. Marsh, M.D. Katie Lynn Nugent, Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Medical School Maryland Psychiatric Research Center EVELYN TOLL FAMILY FOUNDATION University of Maryland Evelyn Toll Family Foundation Investigators WAREHAM FAMILY Erik B. Oleson, Ph.D. Young Investigators Wareham Family Investigator University of Colorado Denver Ragy R. Girgis, M.D. Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Young Investigator Inc./ New York State Psychiatric Institute Stephanie Dunkel Smith, Ph.D. LINDA AND MARIO ROSSI Columbia University Yale Child Study Center Chrissy Rossi Investigators R. Matthew Hutchison, Ph.D. Harvard University Young Investigators WEISMAN FAMILY FOUNDATION Martine M. Mirrione, Ph.D. Lot de Witte, M.D., Ph.D. Adam S. Weisman Investigator Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory University Hospital Utrecht Utrecht University Anne Schaefer, M.D., Ph.D. Jianping Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Young Investigator The Rockefeller University Zucker Hillside Hospital, Feinstein Institute for Danielle M. Andrade, M.D. Medical Research University Health Network University of Toronto 46 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Team Up for Mental Health

With the support of family, friends and your community, you can make a difference in the fight against mental illness and the stigma it bears. When you raise money to support the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, you not only fund the most progressive and promising brain and behavior research, but you help chip away at the crippling effect that stigma has on these illnesses. The Foundation relies on the generosity of the community to help fund leading brain and behavior research.

$70,000+ $5,000+ Jenna Laubach 8th Annual Chrissy’s Wish Memorial Pottery Fundraiser Memorial Event Golf Outing Hilary and Bayard Maybank Joyce and Lauren Laubach Linda & Mario Rossi Los Angeles, CA Wayne, PA Manorville, NY The Quilt Fund Committee Anish Vaishnav F. Bowie and Helen Duncan Fundraising Campaign $35,000+ San Antonio, TX Sujata Vaishnav Hike for Mental Health Ilford, UK Tom Kennedy & Leo Walker Taking Strides Against Mental Illness Houston, TX Harryet, Rebecca & Stuart Ehrlich Bonus Stage Marathon Wayne, NJ Markland Davis Baltimore, MD $20,000+ The Jonathan Jay Fisher Memorial DTZ Boat Ride, Chilli Cook-Off & Campaign Remember Johnny: Kite Festival Jonathan Fisher Casino Night Adrian Conforti and Reid Fetter Point Reyes Station, CA Summer Reid Washington, DC Orange, CA

4th Annual Let the Sun Shine Run/Walk $1000+ Kathy and Curt Robbins A Day At The Beach $500+ Cold Spring, MN Arlene O’Rourke Lilly’s Fundraising Campaign Hampton Bays, NY Lillian Prado Horizon Group Properties Mall Ozone Park, NY Fundraising Jessica Rieth Memorial Event Gary Skoien and Gina Slechta Christine Rieth Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Chicago, IL Sudbury, MA Society of St. Paraskevi Terri Addamo and Kathy Karanzias Inaugural Charity Ride in Memory of Greenlawn, NY $10,000+ Lydia Torres Team Daniel: Running For Recovery From Mary and Analidia Ruiz Neil’s Wheels Mental Illness Long Beach, CA Margery Lynn McGrail Drs. Anne and Robert Laitman Naples, FL Orlando, FL & Port Washington, NY Dave Green Memorial Golf Classic Steve Green Neil’s Wheels NAMI Eastside Support Group Darien, CT Greg Barber Dr. Tom B. Coles New York, NY Harper Woods, MI 2014 for PTSD Melody Hensley Gingerbread House Auction Washington, DC Charles Gates & William R. Berkley Corporation Tufts Theta Chi-Epsilon Theta Chapter Greenwich, CT Ashley Shen Medford, MA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 47


DISTINGUISHED $250K+ LEADERS $25K+ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leichtung The Anne and Ronald Abramson Family ANONYMOUS Lovejoy Family Trust (Trust A) Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stefan D. Abrams Mr. and Ms. Leonard Lowengrub Estate of Iris Baranof Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bass Mrs. Helen Lowenstein The Carmel Hill Fund Robert and Joan Blackman Family Foundation Carole and Harvey Mallement The Oliver D. Colvin, Jr. Trust Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Boardman The Emil and Toby Meshberg Family Estate of Edith S. Eisler Ms. Isabel Brenner Foundation The Essel Foundation The Estate and Trust of Mary A. DeLeuw Montrone Family Charitable Lead Mrs. Constance E. Lieber Mr. Michael G. Fisch Annuity Trust Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lieber Golden Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rodger L. Nelson Maltz Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hammerschlag New York Presbyterian Hospital The Estate of Gary S. Sevitsky HIKE for Mental Health Mr. Jack Newman The Estate of Jeanne Ellen Skalsky-Carter The Rona Jaffe Foundation The Lee and Herman Ostrow Family The Starr Foundation The Kaplen Foundation Foundation Ms. Janice R. Lieber Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pasfield Mr. and Mrs. Milton Maltz The Portmann Family Charitable Fund BENEFACTORS $100K+ Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. The Toby and Nataly Ritter Family Foundation Mrs. Martha Atherton Mr. and Mrs. Curt Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Mario Rossi The Attias Family Foundation Scott-Gentle Foundation Schneider Family Charitable Foundation Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Mark Silver Ms. Marylou Selo Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Small Hiller Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Treco Mr. Russell Spangler Rust Consulting United Jewish Endowment Fund of Mrs. Patricia B. Specter van Ameringen Foundation, Inc. The Jewish Federation Tulchin Family Foundation Vital Projects Fund, Inc. The John P. and Lois C. Wareham Foundation Ms. Marilyn Waldman The Estate of Wylla Vogelgesang Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Weakland Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wallis Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wright

PACESETTERS $50K+ PATRONS $10K+ ANONYMOUS (2) ANONYMOUS SPONSORS $5K+ Borrego Foundation, Inc. Amgen ANONYMOUS Ms. Barbara Draper Ruth Jeane Arkley Administrative Trust Mr. Claude Accum and Ms. Diana D. Beth and Rob Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Blanchard Bradley-Accum Ms. JoAnn Fontana The Blue Oak Charitable Fund Dr. David Adler Drs. Adam P. and Carol Geballe Graham Boeckh Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Alcott Genentech, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Cerutti Alpine Woods Capital Investors, LLC Renate, Hans and Maria Hofmann Trust The Chicago Community Trust The George and Frances Armour Foundation, Independent Charities of America Columbia University Inc. MJS Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ascoli Mr. Arthur J. Radin and Ms. Miriam Katowitz Ms. M. Rebecca Enochs Auto Mall Nissan, Inc. William Risser Charitable Trust EOS Foundation Ms. Arleen Baez Roy H. and Natalie C. Roberts Family Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Friedrich Ms. Dorothy Bahna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. Mark Simon and Ms. Penelope I. Bellamy Golden Rule Family Foundation Ms. Norma Z. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jerry I. Speyer Neal and Marlene Goldman Foundation Dr. Scott C. Berk and Ms. Kathryn A. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Streicker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Greenberg W. R. Berkley Corporation The Evelyn Toll Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Grimes Mrs. Eleanor Betz Harriet and Esteban Vicente Foundation Mr. David Hansson and Ms. Jamie Mr. Gregg Betz The Weisman Family Foundation Heinemeier-Hansson Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Borenstein Marilyn G. Harwood Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Borowicz, Jr. Catharine Hawkins Foundation Ms. Sharon E. Bowyer The Henry Foundation Jeffrey J. and Mary E. Burdge Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinman Charitable Trust Hope Foundation Mark Bynum Foundation Horizon Group Properties Citigroup Business Services The Daniel L. Hoskinson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Coles Quentin J. Kennedy Foundation Command Financial Press Corporation 48 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Mary Cooney and Edward Essl Foundation Ms. Rebecca Amatangelo American Ms. Barbara L. Chuko The John D. and Jean E. Dinan Foundation Endowment Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Chutter Ms. Margaret J. Drury American Psychiatric Association Dr. Olivier Civelli Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. David Anderson CJR Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Furness Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Clendening The Joseph and Anna Gartner Foundation Mr. Max G. Ansbacher Clune Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Geyer Ms. Susan L. Archbald Dr. and Mrs. James E. Clune III D.W. Gore Family Foundation Mr. Rollin A. Armer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen Mrs. Roberta C. Gundersen , Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Coles Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe O. Hambric, Jr. Mr. Daniel M. Axelbaum Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hills Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bachman Ms. Eva Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Hal B. Hollister The Bachmann Strauss Family Fund, Inc. Corona Lions Universal Foundation, Ltd Mrs. Suzanne C. Hoyt Mr. Stephen Balek Mr. and Mrs. Mickey D. Cox Dr. Irving Jacobs and Ms. Jeanette Matye Mr. Ajay Banga Ms. Judith M. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Jacobs Ms. Marybeth Barraclough Ms. Margaret Crastnopol Jones Family Trust Bayberry Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Crawford Ms. Elizabeth N. Kimball Bear Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Denis F. Cronin King and Spalding, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belyea Dr. Areta V. Crowell Jeffrey and Nancy Lane Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bruce Benzler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cummings Lavin Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berger Mr. Charles Cuomo Mr. and Mrs. Howard Levine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bergers Ms. Joanna Curran Beth Maher Family Foundation Ms. Patricia N. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Curtis Thomas G. and Andrea Mendell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beshar Mr. John W. Curtis and Ms. Margaret A. Mr. Robert B. Menschel Mrs. Marilyn M. Bever Sarkela Ms. Maryfrances Metrick Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Binckes Dammann Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mueller Mr. and Mrs. John C. Binder Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Daniels NAMI Eastside Support Group Mrs. Anne L. Bird Danske Bank Gloria Neidorf Charitable Foundation Biscayne Contractors, Inc. Ms. McKaye Darling Nichols Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Bishay Datawatch Systems Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust Mrs. Michelle Blaskowski Mrs. Jackson B. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Charalambos Pashiardis Mr. and Mrs. James A. Block Mr. Sigmund E. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. S. Giles M. Payne Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom Mr. Markland Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Perkinson Bonardi Construction Service, Inc. Joseph P. Day Realty Corporation The Quilt Fund Committee Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Boral Mr. Robert J. de Rothschild RJW Foundation Boston Financial Data Services, Inc. Ms. Drusilla D. Demmy The Petros K and Marina T. Sabatacakis Ms. Susan C. Bourget and Dr. Peter G. Coles Ms. Lynn Derman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeStefano Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samberg Yvonne B. Bregman, LCSW Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Descherer Ms. Constance Schnuck Mr. Matthew K. Breitman and Ms. Meredith Dr. and Mrs. Elliott H. Dickler Schwab Charitable Fund Lawrence-Breitman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds, Jr. Ms. Phyllis Schwartz Bridgehampton National Bank Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Dolgin Ms. Cheryl Schweighardt Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Briscoe Mrs. Evangeline Douris Ms. Yvonne De C. Segerstrom Mr. James Brook and Ms. Isabelle Reverend and Mrs. Richard L. Dowling Seremet Family Foundation Pinzler-Brook Eagles 3208 Gambling Fund Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Shachat The Elise and Andrew Brownstein Mrs. Miranda Echternach Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Charitable Trust Julian I. and Hope R. Edison Foundation Mr. Paul Simpson Buch Construction, Inc. The Estate of Howard Eklind Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Steele Ms. Anna Bulgari Ms. Annikki H. Elkind Mrs. Lynn G. Straus Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Burke Dr. and Mrs. Bulent Ender Team Daniel Running for Recovery from The Irving T. Bush Foundation, Inc. Bonnie Englebardt Family Charitable Trust Mental Illness, Inc. Ms. Gretchen S. Cahn Ms. Emilie L. Enzmann Mr. Sydney Temple and Ms. Sarah J. Mr. James M. Call Mr. and Mrs. Preston Everdell Kupferberg PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Everitt Mr. and Mrs. David T. Zimmer Ms. Sarah Callender Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Falkner Ms. Karen Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Capodieci Dr. Gloria Farber and Mr. Hilliard Farber Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Carson Mrs. Stephanie Feinland ASSOCIATES $1K+ Ms. Renee M. Cassidy and Mr. Jordan D. Ms. Patricia Fernandez ANONYMOUS Gushurst The Fine Foundation 550 Brush, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Castellani Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fischbach Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Aaron Ms. Alexandra Cavoto Ms. Jennifer A. Fischer Mr. Howard and Dr. Hinda Abramoff Central Minnesota Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chang Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fisher A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jill M. Chapman and Mr. Richard K. Allen Rabbi Lyle A. Fishman and Ms. Debra A. Mr. Michael J. Adler Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Rosenman Ms. Amy L. Alexander Mr. Randolph F. Christen Ms. Sharon K. Fitzpatrick-Fletcher Follett Ms. Mia S. Alexander Ms. Barbara M. Christy The Framingham Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2014 49

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford F. Freer Ms. Claudia Huzar Ms. Cheryl MacLachlan and Mr. Fred S. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. French Mr. Ricardo Ibarría Gorelick Ms. Helen Friedman Mrs. Mary T. Ingriselli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Maiuro Fulton Family Legacy Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis Innamorato The Chris and Melody Malachowsky Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gadsden Dr. and Mrs. Mervyn Israel Foundation Ms. Catherine B. Gardner J Squared Press, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger V. Manderscheid Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatti J.R. Realty Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Manheimer Mrs. Nancy S. Geller Mr. Eric M. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marin Mr. David G. Gensemer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jackson Maroni Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Sr. Mrs. Vivian B. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Sanjay Mathew Ms. Carolyn Gero John Mary and Bernard Jacobs Maureen’s Kitchen, Inc. Mrs. Betty B. Giles Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Maybank Earl B. Gilmore Foundation Mr. Niles Jager Mr. Kevin McClintock Dr. Jerry Gliklich and Dr. Jane Salmon Ms. Carolyn R. Jakopin Ms. Katherine H. McNabb Mr. Ron G. Gonen Ms. Ellen E. Jamason Mr. James D. McNichol Michael and Lola Goodstein Charitable Mrs. Marion Jamgochian Ms. Karen L. Meadows Foundation Trust Mr. James P. Jamilkowski Mr. William Megowen Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Rosemary Janousek Mr. William J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Grace Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ms. Constance Miller Ms. Sheila Grant Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Jayne George Todd Miller Estate Ms. Marcy Grau Ms. April Johnson Ms. Marianne Miller Mrs. Helen M. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Miller David E. Green Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Johnson Mrs. Edwina S. Mindheim Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Greene, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jonas MMW Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Greene Ms. Mary E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Moberly Mr. Avet Grigoryan Ms. Sarah J. Montague Mr. Sam Gross Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kampff Mrs. Jane V. Montecillo Mrs. Margaret E. Grube Mr. Igor Kaper Mrs. Charles M. Moon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gunness Fern Karesh Hurst Foundation Mr. J. Clifford Moos Mr. Ruben Gur and Dr. Raquel E. Gur Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kastenholz Mr. Gregory D. Morris Mrs. Bobbie D. Hackler Ms. Elizabeth R. Kaye The Alfred L. Morse and Annette S. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Halis Mr. Lawrence Kaynes Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Hall Mr. Kyle Keady Mr. E. James Morton and Ms. Matthild C. Ms. Leona M. Hanselman Mr. Brett Keintz Schneider Mrs. Susan Harper Ms. Elizabeth G. Keller Municipal Credit Union (MCU) Ms. Janet G. Harris Mr. and Mrs. William A. Keller Mr. Thomas Nader Mr. John Kennedy Harrison II Sandra Walsh Kelley Foundation Ms. Rita Nalebuff Ms. Martha P. Harrison Mr. Kevin Kielbasa NAMI LAMP / SW Nassau NY, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Harrison Ms. Yvonne S. Kilbourne NAMI - MI Dearborn Area Ms. Linda A. Heban Mrs. Manisha Kimmel Ms. Verna M. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Hegyi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kittredge Network For Good Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Koch Ms. Kathryn A. Nuss Mrs. June Henebury Ms. Ellen Krantz Mr. and Mrs. James M. O’Donoghue Mr. Michael K. Herman Mrs. Esther W. Krebs Ms. Jean Ostrem Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Himler Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Kristol The Ottilie Fund Ms. Mary P. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Ted Krolikowski Dr. Herbert Pardes and Dr. Nancy Wexler Mr. Daniel Hinkes Mrs. A. Margaret Krugers-Gilroy Mrs. Bonnie A. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Hitchcock The Kupferberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George E. Pawlowski HITT Contracting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Kussmaul Dr. Arthur Peck Mr. Robert L. Hohman, Jr. Elisabeth Lachmann, M.D. Mrs. Mary J. Pedrosa Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Holmstrom Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Lahti Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Perry Honokohau Properties Drs. Robert S. and Ann C. Laitman Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Pestronk Barry H. Horowitz, C.P.A., M.S.T. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lanquetot Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Pickholz Estate of Gretattorn Horn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lathrop Ms. Deborah Pines and Mr. Tony Schwartz Mr. William G. Horstman Mr. and Mrs. Burton L. Lehman Mr. Daniel Pipinich Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust Ms. Annie F. Levine Pat H. Porter M.S. Howells Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levy Mr. and Mrs. William H. Porter HRG Contracting, LLC Mrs. Ellen F. Levy Premier Store Fixtures, Inc. Mr. Richard Humphrey Lieber Institute, Inc. Mr. Roger Prior and Dr. Barbara A. Page Mrs. Hazel Hundert Clemence S. Lieber Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. Propper Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hundert Mrs. Angela C. Locatelli PRP Restaurant, Inc. Rita G. Hungate, M.D. Ms. Judith D. Lohaus and Mr. Michael S. Pure Insurance Ms. Sarah M. Hunt Mudd QMT Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hurley, Jr. The Lookout Foundation, Inc. Ms. Susan P. Quasney Mrs. Gail J. Hurvitz Mr. Dan C. Lortie Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Quinn Mr. Craig Hutson Mr. and Mrs. L. Alan Lowry Quontic Bank 50 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad E. Qureshi Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Shapiro Dr. Myrna M. Weissman Carol and Harvey Raff Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sheldon Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ramer The Sibley-Saltonstall Charitable Ms. Martha C. Wells Mr. and Mrs. John W. Randall Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wertheim Mr. Anthony R. Rando Mrs. Lilian Sicular Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. West Mrs. Grace Rapinchuk Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Sidden, Jr. The Westport Fund Mrs. Margot E. Razziano Ms. Helen Siembab Harold Wetterberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Reber Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mrs. Phyllis Whisler Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Redden Mr. Jeffrey C. Silver Mrs. Virginia J. Whitcombe Ms. Nancy Reeve Mr. Daniel Simon Mr. Christopher M. White Ms. Rebecca A. Rein Mrs. Marcia Simon-Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham White III Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Rein Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Sirulnick Mr. John P. Wierzba and Ms. Ruth A. B. Marie Rengstorff, Ph.D. Mrs. Barbara R. Smith Lane-Wierzba Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rhoads Mr. Richard M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wille Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ricci Mr. Kenneth H. Sonnenfeld Dr. and Mrs. Martin S. Willick Ms. Rhoda G. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Sosnow Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Winston Ms. Jennifer Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spetnagel Mr. Kenneth G. Witte and Ms. Gail Noah Ms. Margaret A. Ricketts Ms. Cullen Stanley Ms. Cherie D. Wrigley Lois Riemath Trust Ms. Susan E. Stanton Mr. Patrick J. Wynne The Louis A. Ritter Foundation Ms. Elizabeth Steele Mr. and Mrs. James Zartman Mr. and Mrs. Toby G. Ritter Mr. Michael L. Stein and Ms. Laurie J. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Zenker Ms. Min S. Ro Mr. Max Steinberg Zickler Family Foundation Max Robinowitz, M.D. and Carolyn B. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strasbaugh Robinowitz, M.D., Ph.D. Strategic Wealth Managment Group SUPPORTERS $500+ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Rodgers Peggy Straw Advised Fund ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rofé Mr. Andrew G. Street Mr. Mark Abbott The Ronnie and Jerrold Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Stutzman Mr. Jesse M. Abraham and Ms. Amy Peck- Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlyle Rood Dr. and Mrs. Myron Susin Abraham Ms. Kathleen F. Rorick-McNichol and Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Swanson Adlhoch and Associates, Inc. Rosewood Foundation Ms. Patricia I. Swift Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tagge Dr. Audrey S. Amdursky Ms. Raquel Ross Taking Strides Against Mental Illness American Enterprise Investment Services, Inc. Mrs. Ann R. Roth Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tausig Mr. John R. Anderson The Lewis Roth Family Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth J. Taylor Lauren B. Anthone, LLC Ms. Debbie Roumell TD Ameritrade Institutional Mr. Andrew K. Antwih Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rousseau Theta Chi-Epsilon Theta Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Apen Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Mr. Jorgen Thelin Apple Bank Dr. George Rozanski Mr. and Ms. Bob F. Thompson ASD Mrs. Carol A. Rudder Mr. Joel C. Tillinghast Association of American Medical Colleges Ms. Ruth A. Rydstedt Glen and Lynn Tobias Family Foundation, Inc. (AAMC) and Mr. Ted T. Amsden Robert and Jane Toll Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bak Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Saideman Mr. Peter Torres Mr. Brian Baker Ms. Mary C. Salpukas Ms. Linda D. Tosti Mr. Michael H. Balmuth Mr. Eric F. Saltzman and Ms. Victoria S. Mr. and Mrs. David Trainer Mr. James G. Banghart Munroe Ms. Andrea Trewyn-Strom Mr. and Mrs. David O. Barrows Jos. T. Samuels, Inc. Ms. Clara M. Ueland and Mr. Walter Mr. Daniel Barry and Ms. Diane Dr. William Sanson McCarthy Anderson-Barry Mr. Eduardo Santos United Way Dr. and Mrs. John R. Baudler Sarris Candies, Inc. United Way of the Columbia-Willamette Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beard Dr. Mark A. Satterthwaite and Dr. Lauren M. United Way of Milford Mr. James Beer Pachman Mr. and Mrs. Leo Urbanske Mr. Peter P. Belton Ms. Sheila Scharfman Mr. Sujata Vaishnav Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bennett, Jr. Anthony A. Schmidt Family Foundation Vallone and Vallone, LLP Amy and Craig Beresin Ms. Kimberly Schober Mr. Erik Van Der Poel The Herman Berger Family Trust Mrs. Ruth B. Schoenrock Mr. Robert W. Vogel The Berkley Family Foundation Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Walker III Ms. Amy Berko-Iles Mr. Daniel J. Schreiber Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Berlly Dr. R. David Schreiber WalMart Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bernardoni Estate of David Schwartz Ms. Jeanette Wan Mrs. Judith R. Beyer Mr. Marc A. Schwartz Warren County Foundation Depository Ms. Gail Binderman Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Seaman Washington Workplace Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Bjorklund Dr. Lloyd I. Sederer and Ms. Rosanne Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Warsett Mrs. Irene Bodden Haggerty John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation Mr. David D. Boes and Ms. Martha Ms. Erica L. Selekman Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Weintraub Mayes-Boes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Seremet Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Weis Mrs. Kenyon C. Bolton III Ms. Toby R. Serrouya Mr. Howard P. Weiss Bondee Enterprises, Inc. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 51

Mrs. Marie Bone Mr. and Mrs. Josh Duitz Ms. Judith K. Hall and Mr. Donald S. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Bouton Jr. Dulinski Family Foundation Mr. Jerry M. Hamovit Mr. Lloyd Bowers III Eaglemere Foundation, Inc. Mr. Christopher Harper Mr. Tom M. Brakebill Ms. Mary Eaton Mrs. Claudine M. Harris Dr. Adrian Bradley Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Edelman Mrs. Esther M. Hartman Ms. Dale L. Brodsky Ms. Hope A. Egan Mr. Benjamin J. Haskin Dr. Carl N. Brownsberger and Mrs. Susan Mr. Gary P. Elliott Dr. Samuel E. Hazen Brownsberger Ms. Kristie Jo Embree Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hazlitt Dr. and Mrs. William Brownstein Mr. Peter Engeian HBW Group Mr. Joshua Bruckner Leslie R. Evans Fund Ms. Phyllis Heischuber Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burns Executive Maintenance, Inc. Hempstead Auto Sales, LLC William F. Byerley, M.D. Ms. Kate S. Ezra Dr. Aude I. Henin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caiaccia Ms. Mary Ellen Falk Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callahan III Dr. and Mrs. Ahmed A. Fareed Mr. Robert C. Hewitt Mr. Gary J. Campbell Mr. Michael K. Federman Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Higgins Mr. William F. Campbell, Jr. Hyman and Susan Feldman Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll Foundation Ms. Saralee G. Hillman Mr. Roderick D. Carroll Mr. James G. Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hilton Carter, DeLuca, Farrell, and Schmidt, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fields Ms. Carol M. Hofert Ms. Mary Casey Mr. Robert Fingeroth Ms. Janet F. Hollingsworth Mr. Walter D. Chapadeau Ms. Jacqueline Flaherty Mr. Timothy A. Hood Mr. Stuart A. Chapman Ms. Carol Flint and Mr. Stephen E. Jones Ms. Sheryl L. Howe Mr. Stephen Chasanoff Ms. Laura Flook Mr. Peter Howell Ms. Rebecca Chen Mrs. Margaret A. Flynn Mr. John W. Huberty and Ms. Christine Mr. and Mrs. E. Barney Ciotti Ms. Letitia W. Ford Mauro-Huberty Ms. Lillian Clagett Mr. Daniel Forhan Mr. and Mrs. Scot W. Humphrey Mr. Roy Clarkson and Mrs. Lydia Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frayda Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hurvitz Mrs. Karen L. Cohen Ms. Phyllis K. Friedman Dr. Donald E. Hutchings Mr. and Mrs. Bertram J. Cohn Ms. Colleen A. Frobose Independent O.T.C. Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Warren Collmer Ms. Diana Furrow Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Insel Instinet Contemporary Electrical Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Norman Isler Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooney, Sr. Ms. Charlene A. Gates Mr. John M. Jackson Ms. Lisa Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Jacobs Mr. Daniel E. Cromie Theodore F. and Josephine Gerson Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobson Ms. Janice Crosby Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Jahncke CTA Consulting Engineers Mr. Thomas Giordano-Lascari Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jespersen Ms. Elissa Cullman Edoardo Giuliani, M.D J.M.A. Foundation Ms. Johanna S. Cummings / Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Johnson Mrs. Camilla Dalglish Give with Liberty Employee Donations Mr. and Mrs. Milnor Jones Ms. Enid B. Dalkoff Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gold Mr. Mathias Jourdain André and Marilyn Danesh Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kain Ms. Charmaine J. Dapena Ms. Esther Z. Gordon Ms. Carol A. Kallen and Mr. Fred Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Davis Ms. Laurie Gordon Mr. Matthew D. Kalos Ms. Maureen E. Davis Ms. Laila Gordy Mr. and Mrs Joseph J. Kaminski Dr. Jan De Bakker and Mrs. Gerarda De Mr. Robert W. Gosselink Ms. Kathe Kane Bakker Dr. and Mrs. Irving I. Gottesman Ms. Susan S. Karsh Mr. Henry DeAngelis, Jr. Mrs. Martha S. Graham Ms. Sandra Kazlow DeBartolo Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gray Mr. Paul Keith Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Deely Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society Hale and Andrea Kell Mr. and Mrs. Gaspare R. Degaetano of St. Paraskevi Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Kellogg Mr. Joseph V. DeGaetano Mr. Gary R. Green Ms. Judith S. Kelly Dr. José DeLeon and Ms. Victoria Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Greenberg Dr. Richard Kelter and Mrs. Louise Kelter Ms. Deborah K. Delano The Niki and Joe Gregory Charitable Mr. and Ms. Justin R. Kerker Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Dellutri Foundation Ms. Sandra K. Killough Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt M. Denmark Ms. Lynn Griffin Mr. William H. Kirby and Dr. Lenore S. Kirby Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Denton Linda J. Griffith, M.D. Mr. Daniel S. Klein Ms. Helle K. DeSimone Mr. James Griner Mr. Madhuri Kondepudi Dr. and Mrs. Pedro M. Diaz Dr. and Mrs. John M. Grohol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozak Mr. and Mrs. John DiGregorio Mr. Aaron J. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kroll Diligent Board Member Services, Inc. Michael Grunebaum, M.D. Dr. Jonathan LaDuca Ms. Rose F. DiMartino Grunley Construction Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Lafferty Mr. Nathan Dixon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hacker Mr. Michael Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drake Mrs. Lacey Hadwin Mr. and Mrs. Blake N. Lancaster Mr. Mathew Drinkwater and Dr. Adrienne Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hagen Dr. and Ms. William N. Langstaff Drinkwater Dr. and Mrs. William H. Hague Mr. and Mrs. George Lantos Mr. and Ms. Daniel Dugan Mr. Ghattas Hajjo Mr. and Mrs. David Laubach 52 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Ms. Winona Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Owen Taylor Survivor’s Trust Ms. Dianne C. Leech Oyster Bay Acupuncture, P.C. Ms. Judith Tenzer-Benn Lehman Smith McLeish, PLLC Paragon Real Estate Group Theatrical Stage Employers Dr. Joan M. Leiman Mr. Eric Parlin Mr. Ernest L. Thomas Lemon Ice King of Corona, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Roderic A. Parnell, Jr. Ms. and Mr. Melinda M. Thompson Dr. Michael Lesser, M.D. Mr. Leland R. Payton Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomsen Ms. Karen Levine Mr. and Mrs. Preston A. Peak Mr. Gilbert E. Toll and Ms. Jane S. Friehling Ms. Carolyn Lichtenstein Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peck Mr. Daniel Toomey Ms. Marcie S. Lindsay Mrs. Marion F. Philips Mrs. Esther F. Trachtman Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Logan Mr. John J.H. Phillips and Ms. Carolyn Healy Ms. Fay M. Troybridge Mr. John Lohmeier Mr. Shawn V. Pleil Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Twaddle Ms. Clara F. Londoner Ms. Lillian Prado UCLA - Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Long Mrs. Linda J. Purdy-Ohland Human Behavior Ms. Ann Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Purifoy United Way of Central Maryland Mrs. Cynthia Luppen Mr. Kumar Rajan Dr. Margaret R. van Horn and Mr. Paul E. Ms. Cherie A. Lyford Ramco of DC, Inc. van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch Red Coats, Inc. Mr. Robert Varriano Mr. and Mrs. Morgan E. Lytle The Jeanne V. Reed Charitable Foundation Ms. Pam Vestal Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Madsen Ms. Wendy L. Reiner and Mr. Stevan A. Mr. Adam Vitarello Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maggi Gelinske Mrs. Virginia Vitarello Dr. James H. Maguire Ms. Jean Marie Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Gregory von Briel Ms. Grace Mah Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigoni Mr. Todd G. Wagner Ms. Florence C. Mahoney R.L.K., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wald Mrs. Alison C. Marer Mr. Brian A. Robbins Mrs. Pamela Walden Ms. Isabel S. Markovits Ms. Debra S. Rose Mr. Paul M. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Rothman Ms. Deanna Watson Mr. and Mrs. William G. Martens III Mr. James A. Sadewhite Mr. Zachary T. Webb Mr. William M. Matthews Ms. Willmetta P. Saldin Ms. Allison Weber-Butler Mr. John G. McCarthy Sanitation Officers Association Ms. Eleanor Wershow Ms. Catherine M. McEvilly Mr. Pankaj Sarin Mr. Glen White Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McGrail Mrs. Harriet R. Sarkaria Mr. and Mrs. John E. Whitmer Ms. Marlea McKinstry Ms. Edith J. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Widrew Mr. and Mrs. Ward McNeilly Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schlueter Ms. Liesl A. Wiederkehr Ms. Ellen C. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schoenecker Mr. and Mrs. John Wiegmann Mr. and Mrs. David B. Merchant Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schusterman David and Rae Wiener Foundation, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Adrian L. Meredith Ms. Joann Schwentker Mr. Donald Wiginton Metalmark Management II, LLC Mr. Jared N. D. Selengut Mr. John C. Williams and Ms. Joy Griffin Metropolitan Club Foundation, Inc. Mr. Samuel G. Shahade Mr. Steven B. Williams Millennium Telemanagement, Inc. Mr. Anthony G. Shearer Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mitchell Ms. Jean C. Sheller and Mrs. Roberta Fricker Wingate Hughes Architects, PLLC Dr. and Mrs. William J. Mitchell Mr. Benjamin A. Shepherd Mr. Robert and Dr. Janet Wittes Ms. Nola N. Miyasaki Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C. Mohr Ms. Cynthia Shestak Mr. Morgan R. Dallman and Ms. Carolyn Mr. and Mrs. Rick Monsanto A Shining Light Fund Woodruff Dr. Sarkis Morales Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Sigal Ms. Mary Woolley Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Moran IV Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Simon Amy J. Worrell, VMD Ms. Jane Moretz-Edmisten Joseph T. and Helen M. Simpson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.B. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Morgan Ms. Kathleen Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Mouney Mr. Brian M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Yakamavage Mr. and Mrs. William Muir Mr. Mike T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Zastrow Mr. Eric Murchison Mrs. Shirley W. Smith Mr. William R. Zink NAMI - Genesee County Ms. Linda Spielman NAMI - Pittsburgh South Ms. Maya Spivak NAMI - Saint Cloud Area Mr. Ryan Stacklin NAMI - San Joaquin County Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stewart Mr. Venicio Navarro Mr. Michael M. Stoaks Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nelson Sunrise Automall, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Nemes Ms. Marilyn J. Tabor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Novick Mr. and Mrs. David W. Talsma Mr. and Mrs. William O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Tannenbaum Ms. Pamela A. Orr Mr. Charles M. Tatham and Ms. Joanne Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Orr Adamko-Tatham ANNUAL REPORT 2014 53

Matching Gift Companies

AIG Matching Grants Program Freddie Mac Foundation Employee Giving Silicon Valley Community Foundation/Applied Allstate The Giving Campaign Program Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Amgen Pac Matching Gift Program GE Foundation - Matching Gifts Program Fund Bank of America Foundation Give with Liberty - Employee Donations Specialty Food Association, Inc. BNY Mellon Community Partnership Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Sun Trading, LLC Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Johnson & Johnson - Matching Gifts Program Symetra Financial / Symetra Gives Employee Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Kraft Foods Group Foundation Donations Chubb & Son, Inc. Merck Employee Giving Campaign Merck T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Matching ConocoPhillips Matching Gifts Partnership for Giving Gift Program Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program The Merck Foundation Discover Financial Services Mutual of America Foundation The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts eBay, Inc. Foundation / eBay Matching Oracle Foundation Matching Gifts Program Thomson Reuters Gifts Program Penguin Group (USA), LLC UBS Eli Lilly & Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program WalMart/Wal-Mart Foundation Gifts Program Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts YourCause, LLC

Tributes Honor Tributes

Dylan Abraham Linda Beer Janice Busigó-Cordero Taylor Addison Shimon ben Klava Asuncion Calduch Joaquin Adell Daniel ben Michael Bill Callanan and family Howard K. Agran’s Family Members Fima ben Rasel Aaron Camarillo Bob Allen, Jr. Misha ben Raya Kristy Camarillo Gregory Allen Yosef ben Raya The Carney-Backer Family Morris A. Alper Emil ben Sveta Carolyn Susan L. Alpert David E. Berg William T. Carpenter, Jr., M.D. Amber Anderson’s friend Inge C. Bezemer Kathleen Carpenter-Kester Andrew Frederick Bird Samantha Cassidy Anita John J. Birkenhier CH and Family Marc Applebaum Michael Black Abbey Chakalis and Susi Ferrarello Major David J. Blackburn Swati Chanani Kate Arends Judi and Lawrence Blanner Sho Tin Chen Edward Arvey Gabriel Bloom Andrew Cheyney Gregory T. Bak Janet and Donald Boardman Ben Chinitz Mary Bales Mary F. Bolesta Virginia H. Choisnard Bane and Rieekan Ann Bolton Gabriela V. Christy Neil Barber Heather L. Bolton Adam L. Clark J.P. Barrett Marilyn Bolton Monte Clark Jessica Barrett Tyler Bolton Arnold Cohen James Barricklow and Family Garrett Boorman Jane Moos Cohen Laura E. Barstow Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D. Keith W. Cole Bella bat Margolot Zachary Bowin John F. Coleman Luba bat Margolot Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Peter G. Coles, M.D. Manya bat Margolot B. Craig Brenner Thomas Coles, Jr. Raya bat Margolot MarrLa Brown Thomas B. Coles Sarah bat Margolot Christopher Brugman Dr. Thomas B. Coles Liz Bates and Drew Luscombe Christine Burrows Colton Connelly John C. Bayat Lindsay and Ross Burt Patricia C. Corbett 54 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Thomas S. Cosentino Sherry Janowitz Grenz Lisa and Avram Kornberg Kristin and Tony Couzelis Tricia Gronell Timothy Krebs Curt Cox Harry Gubbing Susanne Krehel Mickey D. Cox Peter L. Guerra Shelley and Howard Kristol Jessica Cryderman Hossam H. Guirgis, M.D. Jonathan Krolikowski Chris Davey Judy E. Gunther Aaron M. Kurman’s Loved One Nathaniel Davis Marian Gushurst Megan Lade Michael De Blois Mitch Gussin The Laitman Family Mike De Windt Vivian Guze Daniel Laitman Tricia Dell Layla Hadwin Jenifer T. Laschen J.M. DePalma Linda Hahn Susan Lasker Brody J.D. Derby James Haigney and Timothy Sanchez Beth Laster Jennifer Derby’s loved one Katelyn R. Halpern Bryant Lathrop Dr. Scott Devalk Bonnie and Alan Hammerschlag Paul T. Laun Phyllis and Elliott Dickler Hank Hanau Muriel K. Layton’s Son Erin E. Dickman Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Hankoff Jay Lazar Carl Dieringer Doreen North Klein Hirschfeld Harris Thomas Boucher Bobby Dowling Kristen C. Harrison and Amanda J. Learned The Drennan Family Lesley Harvey Nechama Lerner Adrienne T. Drexel’s Mom Ruth S. Heald Harold LeRoy-New Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Bernard and Mary Healy Elllen Leuchtmann Margaret K. Drury Gregory R. Hebert Carol G. Levinbook David M. Duda Jason Herndon Paula and Gerald Levitt Raymond Dugan Mary Hofert John R. Lewis Lauren R. Duran The Hollister Family Constance E. Lieber Grant Dutkiewicz Paul Horelick David E. Lieber Joyce Dwight-Bolton Nancy and Bill Horn Stephen A. Lieber Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren Ebert Dr. R.S. Horning Dr. Seymour and Mrs. Phyllis Lifschutz Ms. Marta Edmisten Kevin and Reagan Hughes Tally Lincoln-Swanson Drs. Kurt and Mary Edwards Dudley Hunt Jessie Litwin Marshall S. Epstein Mary Hurrell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lowther’s Ezabel and Semih Angela Hurtado Loved One Jane Falk Nagib Husejnovic Michael Luatt Diane Feldon Kenneth Hyacinthe Rachel and Christopher Lubke Karen Fifer-Ferry Impact Team, University of Iowa Aria Lucchesi Rexford Finegan Indiana University Dan Luvisi Michele Fiotakis Kokomo School of Nursing Maddy and Peter Lynch Brooke Fisher Graduating Class of May 2016 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mackie’s Allie Fletcher Douglas D. Inmon Mother Charles Fletcher-Lovett Louis Innamorato Parwati C. Maddali, M.D. Lisa M. Fodero Dr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Insel Alexandros T. Maddock Julie Foresta Dr. Thomas R. Insel Dana V. Maggi Dr. Peter Forster Patrick Ireland Justin Magleby Ellen Foster-Booth Ivan Rajnish Mago, M.D. Luisa Francoeur Eric T. Jager Nikhil Dhawan and Courtney Mahony Bethany Frank Timothy Jed Carole and Harvey Mallement Molly Frantom and family Jeremy Jellison Tamar and Milton Maltz Marcia and Norman Frantom Jonathan Caryn Mandel Scott Frantom and Family JT and Family The Manniso Family Peter Fritz Juliet Brother of Mary Karen Marek Alan Fuchs Wendy Kalivoda Kathleen Marnock Susan Furay Sahaj Kamdar Carol Maurice Kim and Craig Gallimore Peter Kane and Thai Tran Michele Maurice David Gassner Ellen Kanfer Kevin Mayuri Theodore M. Gault Rachel Kaplan Brett McCarthy Gregory Geboy Daniel Katz Margaret A. McGurrin Emma Geller Elinor A. Katz Avery Beeson and Kimberly E. Meek Jori Gibson Brett Kawinski Mehrdad Suzanne and John Golden Lucile Keenan Marco Melloni Dr. Michael Golder Ava Killian Grant Meyer Robert L. Gordon Maryln Kimmel Gregory A. Meyer Lalleh Gordy Justin Kinsley Ruth Michelich Greg Rick Gransee Michael Kirsic Robert W. Miller Helen M. Gray Jack Kiser Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Lydia Jerry Miner Ted Gray Barbara and Ward Klocke Mary Ann and Mike Minniear Shirley Greene Jacob R. Koenig David Molnar ANNUAL REPORT 2014 55

Daniel Momyer Sylvia Post, RN, BSN, CGCM Justin Strong Celeste Moon Jeremy R. Purple Lindsay Strong Ray Moon Thomas Quigley Walter Stuelpe The Morisi Family Sara and Andrew Radin Beth Stuhr Elizabeth S. Morningstar Cathy Rahab Doris Sudhoff Janine M. Mosier Elizabeth S. Ramme’s Daughter Andrew Sullivan Leah Muccio Edith Rein Barbara Sullivan Norma J. Murchison Dave Richards Janet Susin Cate and Michael Murray Min J. Ro Michael Sweetman Grace Nagaur Robert (Laura Bong’s Brother) Karen and Skip Teel Joseph Nagy Rochelle Laura Terio, MSW, LCSW NAMI - Camden County Inc. Alex Rodriguez Talented Little Brothers NAMI - MI Dearborn Area Adrienne Rogovin The Future Generation Sam Nations Linda and Mario Rossi The RPG Crossing Community Herb Natof Marcia Rosten Those Struggling / Suffering Ana Navarro-Cebrian Faith Rothblatt from Mental Illness Danielle Nechuta Kathy Rottinghaus Joshua Thurman Freida and Jess Nemtzow Martha Royall Frank Torrisi Nianne Jamie Royston Maria and Vittorio Tosti David Novick Gregg Rubin Tufts Best Dance Crew Frank Nuyens Ann Rully David M. Unger Mary Nuyens Nabeel Saad Martin Ureel President Barack H. Obama II Ruth and Fred Sacher Liz Van Buren Phillip Ohler Sarah Diane Van Keuren Alan Okun Mark A. Satterthwaite, M.D. Ginny Van Nattan Joshua D. Okun Lori Sauage Shimon ven Margolot Lewis Opler, M.D., Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Scalzo, Jr. Kristen Walsleben Nieves A. Ortiz Justin Schatzman Jonathan Watson Sandy Ossolinski Jadon Schmitt Genevieve and Lewis Weeber Logan Owens Katie Schober Sharon Weinberg Angela R. Ozburn, Ph.D. Gary Schwartz, M.D. Frances and Robert Weisman Patricia Page Linda Schwartz Morris M. Westman Usha Parasher Julia Scullion Barbara B. White Herbert Pardes, M.D. Russell Shigeura Louise Wilcox Brett S. Parker The Sicular Family Martin S. Willick, M.D. Elizabeth Parlin Sadaf Siddiqi Matthew Winter Amber Parsley David Siegel Amy M. Wolfgang Patrick Tessa Sieler Dr. Dale Wood Diana Paul Virginia M. Silver Leland D. Wood Valerie E. Paul Kimberly Sine Sgt. Erik Wuorinen, USAF Retired Roger Pautz and Jean Dale Dr. and Mrs. Surinder Singh’s Lisa Yakamavage Danielle Pennetta Loved One Jennifer Yang Joel M. Penny Emory Skolkin Paul Yannopolous and Sophie Connolly Dominique Pepe Glen M. Smith Michael Yelenosky Mariana Pereira, Ph.D. Mrs. Okrey T. South Alex Zeigler Billy Jo and Mark Perkins Anthony L. Spadaccini Rachel Zelkowitz Kyle Perkuhn Bernice Spandorf Raleigh Zimmerman Alli and Cory Peterson Sim Sprankenis Ann and Paul Zonderman Daniel Peterson Nathanael (Nathan) St. John Allie Pires Caroline Staudenraus Jean Plessett Ruth and Harold Stein Carolyn Plumer Daniel Stewart Paula Poat Dr. Desanka Stipic Jean S. Porter Jean Stone 56 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Memorial Tributes

Randy Abbott Kathleen P. Bohanon Georgia D. Currier John B. Abrams Thomas J. Bolton, Jr. Benjamin S. Custer Marc D. Abrams Catherine Bour Michael Cutler Paul Actor Walter J. Boyle Lawrence Dalkoff Carlo A. Adan Josephine Braconi Colter Dallman Florence Agrest John E. Brader Richard D. Daly Mildred Alchimisti Mark Brader Stanley F. Dann Colt D. Allen Raymond Brakebill Vincent A. Dann Paul Allen Brenda Darlene Helen E. Amatangelo Brian T. Brice William C. Davidson Margaret Ambusk Karen Brides Deb Davis Vincent S. Amoroso, Jr. Margaret Brill Cheryl L. Dawson Jesse D. Anderson Harry Broide Frances de l’Eau Joan L. Anderson Evan Bromberg Warren Deane Jordan A. Anderson Laura Brooks-Fast A. Louise DeAngelis Silas Anderson, Jr. Alma V. Brosio Delicia DeAngelo Ulla Anderson Kent H. Brown II Jessi DeBaca Christina E. Angelo Matthew T. Brown Belle D’Elia John Anich Adam D. Bruckner Patricia E. Delmoe Alan G. Arkley Salvatore Buchetto Erik W. Demke Anthony “Tony” P. Arsneault Adam J. Buckley Hope E. Dempsey David J. Artino Edward G. Buckovich, Jr. Arvilla Denning Andrew Arzig Bud Janice E. Denning Frank J. Ascoli Walter W. Bundschuh Devin Marion L. (Sue) Auchter Jonathan Bunner-Moore Allison Diamond Lloyd C. Backart Peter R. Bunning Anthony DiGasper Gina M. Bailey Rachel Burd Dustin M. Dilley Gregory T. Bak Xavier Burgoyne, M.D. The Deceased Members of the Dinan Family Angela S. Balbi Colleen M. Burke Brian E. Dione Anna Balek William R. Cabeen, Jr. Kenneth Ditzel Marjory S. Ball Amy E. Calvin Brandon Dixon Marianne Banerjee Douglas H. Caplan Jonathan E. Dixon Robert P. Banghart Harry J. Carlisle, Ph.D. Matthew Dodge Iris Baranof Michael Carlson Charles C. Dolby James A. Barbagallo John-Paul K. Caro Anthony R. Dolcimascolo Ronald B. Baron, M.D. Dr. Angela Carr’s Beloved Parents Richard R. Donat Terrence Barraclough Andrew Michael Dicharry Carrico Christopher Donovan Scott R. Bartlett Robert Carver Bill Dornsife Dr. George Bartzokis Suzanne L. Castellani Zarko Draganic Carl A. Basak Patrick Cervone Sandra G. Dreyfuss Brian A. Bass Therese A. Christian Bernard Dubnick, Ph.D. William Baxter Andrew S. Christie Kyle DuBose Mafalda Bellavia Glennys Christie Michael Ducate Robert D. Bennett Eric A. Christy Christopher R. Dugan Ronald Berger Michael Clateman John A. Duitsman Elena Berinstein Robert J. Clousing Jane M. Duncan Sam Berinstein Justine I. Cohen Reneé Durham’s Mother, Grandson and Goldie N. Berman Sheila Cohen Daughter Harold B. Berman Oliver D. Colvin, Jr. Alan Dutka Logan Betz William W. Condon Patricia Dutra Marcus W. Bevill Cynthia Costello Mary Lou Dykes Kevin M. Bezonsky Jean Côté Edith S. Eisler Deepak Bhasin Richard Coverston Ian M. Elias Virginia Biddle William J. Coverston Tyler J. Ellis Alissa A. Bigelow Christopher Cowan Paul D. Embree Stephen J. Binder Brian E. Craft Jeanette Emmert Kenneth A. Blacic Joel Craft Percies A. Enzmann Dr. Morton Black Haley M. Cromer Ralph Enzmann Sally Blanco Ryan R. Crookston Kurt L. Erickson Katherine E. Bloch Jimmie D. Croy ES Charles F. Bodden, Sr. Cindy Cuellar Paul J. Esposito Kenneth A. Bohan Susan Culkin Michael Evans ANNUAL REPORT 2014 57

Molly Everdell David Gough Jane Irwin-Malinoff Jimmy M. Everett Helen Gould David N. Isler Derek J. Everitt Cameron Goulet Justin C. Jackson Daniel M. Falk Clayton J. Graham Victoria Jacobs Gray Karen A. Faulkner William Francis Grant 1st and 2nd Nyssa Jacobs Connie Feazel-Goeken Stephen M. Gray Lorraine Jacobus-Barnett Rochelle G. Feinberg Susan J. Gray Diane Jacoby Seymour Feinland David E. Green Sabrina I. James Joan Feldman Mark J. Greenlee Marie Jana’s Nephew Jeff Curtis L. Fenner Joanna Greer Gary Jeurajian Victoria Ferland George Gregory-Mayes Marilyn Johns David Ferreira Eugene Grosch’s Friend Michael D. Johnson Kelly Fetzer Peter Gunness Miranda L. Johnson Christopher M. Files Jerrad Gutierrez Scott Johnson Audrey Fine Stephan Guzzo Todd T. Johnson Bernard “Buck” Finkelstein Prof. Kenneth G. Hagen William R. Johnson Elvin B. Finley Charles A. Haines Wy Johnson Harris Fischer Jason R. Hargarten Richard A. Joseph Jonathan J. Fisher Loyd G. Hargis, Jr. Judy Sherri Fisten Vaughn R. Harp Holly A. June Ruth Flick Helen L. Harrington Jeffrey C. Kain Emma T. Flook Kevin R. Harris, M.D., Ph.D. Charlotte A. Kampia Leslie Ford Rebecca Harrison Robert J. Kannenberg Alexander R. Fox Stewart G. Harrison Titus J. Kauffman Beverly Fox Fred Hart Cheryl R. Kaufman Christopher Fox Clyde “Chip” Hasty, Jr. Claude R. Kaufman William H. Fox Joshua Hathaway Howard R. Kaufman Robert L. Fredricksen, Jr. Margaret L. Havlicek Frank Keller Daniel Freeman Jean Hay Grace B. Keller Todd Freer Michael C. Hazzard Remington Kemmet Rosemary Freimuth Kevin Heald Louis Kempf Harvey Friedenberg Kevin J. Healey Gary Keurajian Hannah C. Friedlander Bradley R. Heilman Jill A. Kirby Herbert V. Friedman Michael Heitchew James P. Kirk, Jr. Jason C. Frisco Bernice L. Hellige William J. Kissell Eric A. Fritts Henry Hellmuth Eva Klahr Milton T. Fujita, M.D., M.H.A., F.A.P.A Jerry Hendricks Robert Klahr Rudolph H. Funke, Jr. Joan L. Hendricks Robert Klamo J.B. Fuqua Reba M. Hendricks Tatiana Klamo Christopher Furay Mollie Hersch Scott A. Klepfer John G. John M. Herum John N. Klingel James I. Gabby, M.D. Steven K. Hickman Laura Knox’s Mother Dennis Gackin Alexis N. Higgins Christine Kohlstedt Lorene Gajeske Alan G. Hilliard Richard L. Komray Kathleen Gambal Darilyn Hill-Szalay Dennis J. Kos Perry W. Gard III Daniel G. Hinden Cynthia Kozak Kevin W. Gardiner Mr. Danny Hinden Frank E. Kozak, Jr. Lillian Garth Charles L. Hindle John B. Kramer, Jr. David Gatti Sara Hoffman Jay I. Kreider, Jr. Charles J. “Charlie” Gawley John R. Holmes Ida Kreingold Peter B. Gemma Philip S. Holzman Nancee A. Kretschmer Thomas F. Gibson Heather Hood-Barthel Michael Kreul Reverend Dr. T. Edward Giles Colleen M. Horn Zachary Krodel Ted R. Giles Sara T. Howard Michael Kruczkiewicz Matthew L. Gill Dorothea E. Howland Ellen Kurtis Daniel Gillman John D. Huberty Sadie E. Ladick Ryan C. Gilroy Franz P. Hugdahl Victor M. LaFata Marietta M. Gjessing Alan Hundert Anne N. Lammers Irving Glasgold Dorothy Hunt Laura E. Lancaster Brenda Glenn Larry D. Huskey Paul Langford Kyle W. Glenn Patricia J. Hutchings Nicholas B. Lanois Elfrida B. Goetzenberger David R. Hutchison Jenna R. Laubach Daniel Golin Joseph Iacono Megan Lavin Ron G. Gonen’s Loved One Matthew J. Ibarría Jerome C. “Jerry” Lawrence Ethel G. Gordon Elizabeth “Betty” M. Inkmann Marsha D. Lawson Rita Gordon David J. Ioele Mary Lawson 58 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Keith F. Lefley David McKenna Todd Orton Norm Legacki Carolyn McNamara Erik Osthus Edward Lester Tim McNamara Margote Ostrowski-Taddeucci Noah D. Levin Caleb E. Mead Jason M. Ouellet Irwin S. Levinbook Carla V. Meluso Barbara W. Page Fival Levine Jeffrey M. Mercer Frank J. Paolella Michael S. Levine Roderick W. Merrill Nancy E. Parady Dr. Joanne Levy Lynne M. Meyer Gary Parker Colleen R. Lewis Bette Meyers Josiah E. Parker III Erma Liberty Carolyn Meza Kathy Parker Jacob Lichtenstein David C. Michaels Dr. Robin Parker Melita Lichtenstein Apphia Michelich Kathleen D. Parkington Jonathan B. Lindenberg Ronald Michelich Mary Louise R. Parks Hans Lindgren Maureen L. Mikel Zachary S. Parsons Lina Litinskaya-Weinbaum Paul Millard, Jr. Fairlie M. Pasfield Dr. Doreen Littlejohn Karen Miller Miriam Pass Detective Wenjian Liu Michael Miller Karen Patanelli Leila Goss Liuzza Lori Miller-Levine Tim Patterson Ronald E. Ljunggren Marcella Mills Andrew Pawlowski Bunny Lohmann Stuart Mindheim Ralph L. Pearsey Alexander Longendyke Robert Minicucci Christopher J. Pearson Peter Lortie Samuel H. Mintz-Straus Edith Perez Basil L. Loudas Jonathan Mitchell Donald S. Perrino Betty Lou Lovejoy Neil Molberger Rick Perry Richard Lovejoy Molly Dixon Pfefferkorn Anthony “Tony” Lovett Monte, Reesa, Kenny, Gloria and W. Patrick C. Phear Joanna Lowry Wonderful Grandma Gagne Debra Phillips William C. Lund Frances M. Mooney Lynn Phillips Helene Lundak Mamie Moore-Kennedy Parker E. Phillips II Mary L. Lunney Irene Moran Sybil Pierce Noel A. Machado Angela Morgan Patricia A. Pilgrim Alexis Maddock Stanley R. Morse Mark Pinkman Joel R. Maginley Timothy M. Morton George S. Poirier Roman Makuch Ms. Ellen Mosher Dr. Raymond D. Potterf Richard P. Maley Mr. Rick Mosher Sheran Powers Ruth Malkoff Howard C. Mueller John W. Price Sol Malkoff Howard E. Mueller Oliver Priceman Merrill M. Manning III Elizabeth Muhleisen Steven Proper Patricia Manning Michael R. Mullins Edwin T. Prothro, Jr. Alan G. Marer Thomas W. Mulryan Ryan R. Putrus Steve Maroney’s Loved One Donna Murphy Helen McLaughlin Quinn John R. Marshall Sgt. Stephen Murphy Samantha A. Quinn Sarah Martel-Bradley Joann Musgrove Hamilton Varble Dr. John P. Quirk Harriett Martin Neha Musipatla Daniel A. Radell Nicolas I. Martinez Tina M. Musso Detective Rafael Ramos Elizabeth Martino Arthur A. Myers Raymond Rando Dolores Massey-Healy Roberta L. Myers Jodi C. Reagan-Booze Zoe H. Mathies Julia Nagy John Reason John Matsuura Gloria E. Neidorf Theodore Reich, M.D. Thomas Matye Christina D. Nelson Robert M. Rein Travis Matye Joel Nelson Robert Reisner James M. Maxwell Todd M. Nelson Marci S. Reller Bonnie McBean Frances R. Newman Charles W. Renz Timothy P. McBride Marian S. Nibler Mark Reuling Craig S. McCasland Ian D. Nicklas Dr. Sun Hong Rhie Robert L. McCaul III Carol R. Nielsen Gail Richards Julia A. McClary Mary C. Noble William L. Ricketts Patrick McCue Richard W. Noble Dea Rider June McDonald Thomas A. Noeker Jessica S. Rieth Margaret McEvilly Sean Noonan Moylan Dr. Harris Ripps Sean McGarvey Stanley W. Norkunas Rishi James E. McGee Thomas C. Nutting Evan L. Ritenburg David McGibbon, Jr. James V. O’Donoghue Lydia Rivera Joel McGinley Susan Okun Anthony M. Rizzo Andrew McGowan Brooke A. Olson Jonathon J. Robbins Marjorie A. McHarg Cameron R. Orr Trandl Robbins ANNUAL REPORT 2014 59

Joseph F. Robinson Edmund Smith Joseph Van Green Dr. W.P. Roche, Jr. Shannon Smith Chase Van Horn Dr. Michael Rodbro Wallace E. Solo Cecil L. Van Nortwick Ivan Rodriguez John T. Sommers Charles Varkoly Davis Rogers Kelly Sorensen Keith A. Vinskofski David J. Romano Nathan Sosnow Lucie Voso Marc C. Romanz David J. South William F. Wagner, Jr. Brian Rorick Marian Sowa Barry M. Walden Tommy Rorick Louis Spadaccini Charles S. Walker Matthew Rosen Leo Spandorf Wanda S. Walls Edna Rosenman Pauline L. Spangler Mary Walsh-Harris David Rosenthal Aaron St. John Mary H. Weaver Arnold Ross Kolne M. Stella Scott C. Webb Mitchell S. Ross Lyla Stern Mary Weber Christina Rossi Anita B. Stevens Richard Webster Lewis Roth Barbara P. Stevens David A. Weidner Matthew S. Rothman Dustin J. Stittsworth Daniel Weiss Rose A. Rowe Starr D. Streight Sylvia Weisz S. Alexander Royden Mary J. Strub-Caulkins Thomas J. Wendt Chris Rudder Piper Stumpf-Decareaux Sarah A. Wengert Gerald Rudnet’s Relative Kenneth E. Stutzman Bernard White Gordon R. Sabatier Master Choa Kok Sui Frances S. White Florence E. Salata Frank Supenia Timothy L. Whitmer Agis Salpukas Susan Henry C. Whittlesey John J. Santana and Bernadette Kathleen Swagulski Eamonn D. Wholley Divito-Santana’s Beverly M. Sweet Aaron J. Wieczorek Mother and Wiggles Andrew Taddy John A. Wiederkehr II Gurmukh S. Sarkaria Ms. Basima Tadros Michael G. Wieman Leigh Sasser Donald L. Taggart, Jr. Dr. Lewis M. Wiener Barbara Schaefer Traci Tasovac Lisa Wiese Herbert Schirmer Brian Taylor Janet Wilkinson Jerralee A. Schmick-Robbins H. Vonn Taylor Robin Williams Barry Schreiber Theresa R. Taylor Margaret Wills Richard B. Schreiber Gerald P. Tchir Richard K. Wilson Adam Schulman Jason Tennies Mary T. Wiragh Sue Schulmeister Flora Terelle Helen H.T. Wisniewski Briana M. Schutze Gregory M. Terrell Joannie Wisniewski Arthur Schwartz Karen K. Terrell Leo Wisniewski, Jr. Michael L. Schwartz Robert Thatcher Leo Wisniewski, Sr. Suzanne Schwietzer Mary N. Thawley Rick Witt Gregg J. Selander Raynald A. Thibodeau Frank K. Wolfe Leigh “Doll” Sellers Levi Thomas Geoffrey M. Wood Paz Selo Camilla “Cammie” L. Thompson Ivan Wood Werner A. Selo Duane Thompson Sarah Woods Marilynn C. Sepich Those Who Have Struggled / G. Richard Worrell Gary Sevitsky Suffered from Mental Illness Keith C. Worrell William Shannon Ethel M. Toepel Judith A. Woy-Irwin Barry Shenkman, Ph.D. Richard D. Toll Mindy Wright-Osborne Muriel Shepherd Howard Tommelein William B. Wrigley Edwin Neal Sherr John F. Torian Richard J. Wyatt, M.D. Charles Shetler Frances S. Trager Natalie Yager Sylvia Shick Morris Trager Andrew Yelenosky Richard B. Shirk Samuel P. Trice Peter P. Young Edwin Shmerler Naomi L. Tripp Dorothy Young-Fraser Jerry Shreve Richard Trommer Andrew Zajack Duncan N. Simic Richard L. Tull Marilyn Zalokar Margery E. Simms Howard N. Uhrig Anna Zarski SimSima, Kookz and Boodee David Unours Peter W. Zartman Frances A. Sinacola Mary Unours Andrew W. Zeh Dr. James W. Skog Anish Vaishnav Joel Zeichner Torr Skoog Raul Valles Maria Zeier Judy Slade’s Brother-in-Law Karen L. Van Dyke 60 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Statement of Financial Position

2014 Financial Summary

We are pleased to report on the financial position and With our strengthened financial posture, we continue to results of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation aim for a future of accelerating research accomplishments for 2014. We are appreciative and thankful for the to help those living with mental illness to live full and commitment of Foundation leadership, dedicated staff, productive lives. In 2014, the Foundation awarded volunteers and our strong donor support base that allows additional NARSAD Grants bringing the total invest- the Foundation to perform its vital work. We remain ment in mental health research to more than $324 indebted to the Foundation Scientific Council, our million since inception. distinguished research leaders covering virtually every major discipline within brain and behavior science, who With thanks to the generosity of two family foun- volunteer their expertise to select and recommend the dations, all supporting services were once again most promising grant projects to fund. underwritten in 2014. This allows for contributions tar- geted for research to go directly to funding NARSAD Contributions increased in 2014 and we received major Grants. The financial report shown herein has been support from bequests for which we are deeply grateful summarized from our 2014 audited financial statements. for the generosity of the individuals and their families. The Foundation’s complete audited financial state- We would like to acknowledge the extraordinary ments and our most recent IRS Form 990 are available bequest from the late Oliver D. Colvin, Jr. that contin- online at or contact our office at ues to support our efforts at the Foundation. Together, 800.829.8289 for copies of the material. all these donations further the Foundation’s mission to alleviate the suffering caused by mental illness by award- ing grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 61

Combined Statement of Financial Position


Cash and cash equivalents $22,350,676 $9,825,107 Investments, at fair value 11,164,075 9,951,960 Contributions receivable 1,436,500 1,873,281 Other receivables 12,009 87,031 Pledges receivable, net 780,440 2,247,449 Prepaid expenses and other assets 21,415 19,868 Assets held in charitable remainder trusts 1,460,182 1,404,297 Fixed assets, net 81,617 101,242 Security deposits 77,110 77,110 $37,384,024 $25,587,345

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $209,211 $269,558 Grants payable 20,093,716 12,578,705 Accrued compensation 50,295 42,426 Annuities payable 871,832 861,080 Charitable gift annuities payable 317,912 360,716 Total Liabilities 21,542,966 14,112,485 Net Assets Unrestricted (1,081,384) 2,142,098 Unrestricted - board designated endowment 11,509,262 4,509,262 Total Unrestricted 10,427,878 6,651,360 Temporarily restricted 499,680 100,000 Permanently restricted 4,913,500 4,723,500 Total Net Assets 15,841,058 11,474,860 $37,384,024 $25,587,345 62 BRAIN & BEHAVIOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION

Combined Statement of Activities


Contributions $7,816,588 $6,509,363 Special Events, net 584,805 428,779 Contribution of services 1,389,537 1,310,739 Bequests 21,683,838 4,442,392 Net realized and unrealized gains on investments 1,184,440 697,782 Net appreciation of assets held in charitable remainder trusts 55,885 271,676 Dividend and interest income 322,676 344,568 Total Support and Revenue 33,037,769 14,005,299 EXPENSES Program Services Research grants and awards 22,681,953 8,915,971 Scientific advancement 1,747,843 1,641,936 Program support 2,101,977 1,954,619 Total Program Services 26,531,773 12,512,526 Supporting Services Fundraising* 793,219 877,139 Administration* 1,346,579 1,661,858 Total Supporting Services 2,139,798 2,538,997 Total Expenses 28,671,571 15,051,523 Change in Net Assets 4,366,198 (1,046,224) Net Assets, beginning of year 11,474,860 12,521,084 NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $15,841,058 $11,474,860 *All fundraising and administration expenses are funded by specially designated grants. ANNUAL REPORT 2014 63

Scientific Council

PRESIDENT Mark S. George, M.D. Robert W. McCarley, M.D. Akira Sawa, M.D., Ph.D. Herbert Pardes, M.D. Elliot S. Gershon, M.D. Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D. Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D. Mark A. Geyer, Ph.D. Ronald D.G. McKay, Ph.D. Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT EMERITUS Jay N. Giedd, M.D. James H. Meador-Woodruff, M.D. Robert Schwarcz, Ph.D. Floyd E. Bloom, M.D. Jay A. Gingrich, M.D., Ph.D. Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D. Philip Seeman, M.D., Ph.D. Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D. David Goldman, M.D. Richard J. Miller, Ph.D. Yvette I. Sheline, M.D. George K. Aghajanian, M.D. Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D. Karoly Mirnics, M.D., Ph.D. Pamela Sklar, M.D., Ph.D. Schahram Akbarian, M.D., Ph.D. Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D. Bita Moghaddam, Ph.D. Solomon H. Snyder, M.D., D.Sc., Huda Akil, Ph.D. Elizabeth Gould, Ph.D. Dennis L. Murphy, M.D. D.Phil. Susan G. Amara, Ph.D. Anthony A. Grace, Ph.D. Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D. (Hon. Causa) Stewart A. Anderson, M.D. Paul Greengard, Ph.D. Eric J. Nestler, M.D., Ph.D. Murray Stein, M.D., M.P.H. Nancy C. Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. Suzanne N. Haber, Ph.D. Andrew A. Nierenberg, M.D. John S. Strauss, M.D. Amy F.T. Arnsten, Ph.D. Philip D. Harvey, Ph.D. Patricio O’Donnell, M.D., Ph.D. J. David Sweatt, Ph.D. Gary S. Aston-Jones, Ph.D. Stephan Heckers, M.D. Steven M. Paul, M.D. John A. Talbott, M.D. Jay M. Baraban, M.D., Ph.D. Nathaniel Heintz, Ph.D. Godfrey D. Pearlson, MBBS, M.D. Carol A. Tamminga, M.D. Jack D. Barchas, M.D. René Hen, Ph.D. Daniel S. Pine, M.D. Laurence H. Tecott, M.D., Ph.D. Samuel H. Barondes, M.D. Fritz A. Henn, M.D., Ph.D. Robert M. Post, M.D. Ming T. Tsuang, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. Francine M. Benes, M.D., Ph.D. Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D. James B. Potash, M.D., M.P.H. Leslie G. Ungerleider, Ph.D. Karen F. Berman, M.D. L. Elliot Hong, M.D. Steven G. Potkin, M.D. Rita J. Valentino, Ph.D. Wade H. Berrettini, M.D., Ph.D. Steven E. Hyman, M.D. Pasko Rakic, M.D., Ph.D. Jim van Os, M.D., Ph.D., Randy D. Blakely, Ph.D. Robert B. Innis, M.D., Ph.D. Judith L. Rapoport, M.D. MRCPsych Pierre Blier, M.D., Ph.D. Jonathan A. Javitch, M.D., Ph.D. Perry F. Renshaw, M.D., Ph.D., Nora D. Volkow, M.D. Robert W. Buchanan, M.D. Daniel C. Javitt, M.D., Ph.D. M.B.A. Mark von Zastrow, M.D., Ph.D. Peter F. Buckley, M.D. Lewis L. Judd, M.D. Kerry J. Ressler, M.D., Ph.D. Karen Dineen Wagner, M.D., William E. Bunney, Jr., M.D. Peter W. Kalivas, Ph.D. Carolyn B. Robinowitz, M.D. Ph.D. Joseph D. Buxbaum, Ph.D. Eric R. Kandel, M.D. Bryan L. Roth, M.D., Ph.D. Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D. William Byerley, M.D. Richard S.E. Keefe, Ph.D. John L.R. Rubenstein, M.D., Ph.D. Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D. Marc G. Caron, Ph.D. Samuel J. Keith, M.D. Bernardo Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D. Jon-Kar Zubieta, M.D., Ph.D. William T. Carpenter, Jr., M.D. Martin B. Keller, M.D. Cameron S. Carter, M.D. John R. Kelsoe, M.D. BJ Casey, Ph.D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D. Dennis S. Charney, M.D. James L. Kennedy, M.D. Bruce M. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. Robert M. Kessler, M.D. Jonathan D. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. Kenneth K. Kidd, Ph.D. Peter Jeffrey Conn, Ph.D. Mary-Claire King, Ph.D. Richard Coppola, D.Sc. Rachel G. Klein, Ph.D. Joseph T. Coyle, M.D. John H. Krystal, M.D. Jacqueline N. Crawley, Ph.D. James F. Leckman, M.D. John G. Csernansky, M.D. Francis S. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Karl Deisseroth, M.D., Ph.D. Ellen Leibenluft, M.D. J. Raymond DePaulo, Jr., M.D. Robert H. Lenox, M.D. Ariel Y. Deutch, Ph.D. Pat Levitt, Ph.D. Wayne C. Drevets, M.D. David A. Lewis, M.D. 150 Members Ronald S. Duman, Ph.D. Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D. Jan A. Fawcett, M.D. Irwin Lucki, Ph.D. 2 Nobel Prize Winners Stan B. Floresco, Ph.D. Robert C. Malenka, M.D., Ph.D. Judith M. Ford, Ph.D. Anil K. Malhotra, M.D. 4 Former Directors of The National Institute Alan Frazer, Ph.D. Husseini K. Manji, M.D., FRCPC of Mental Health Robert R. Freedman, M.D. J. John Mann, M.D. Fred H. Gage, Ph.D. John S. March, M.D., M.P.H. 4 Recipients of the National Medal of Science Aurelio Galli, Ph.D. Helen S. Mayberg, M.D. 13 Members of the National Academy of Sciences 21 Chairs of Psychiatry & Neuroscience Departments at Leading Medical Institutions 47 Members of the Institute of Medicine 90 Park Avenue, 16th floor, New York, NY 10016–1301 646.681.4888 | 800.829.8289

Investing in Breakthroughs To Find a Cure

OUR MISSION: The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research.

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HOW WE DO IT: 100% of our donor contributions for research are invested in NARSAD Grants leading to discoveries in understanding causes and improving treatments of disorders in children and adults, such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, autism, and bipolar, attention-deficit hyperactivity, post-traumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders. SIGN UP FOR ENEWS OUR CREDENTIALS For more than a quarter of a century, we have awarded more than FIND BBRFOUNDATION ON $324 million to fund more than 4,800 grants to more than 3,800 scientists around the world.