0 £ Formaia Go .'Il K Corpp i the Herald t The Weather: r Local New* summit for 84 Tm* Today mostly dooijr tad tinu«d mild.

Summit RtcoNt

SUMMtT, N. J. THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1953 Eattretf M 8«COD4 CU» MMt«r »t to* rectotftea # lit Swmmlt, N. *., Usdwr tb« Act of Murb 3, * CENTS of School, Pre-School Juvenile Court Council Revives New Year Day Iren Starts Next Week Names Dougal Meeting. After 17-Year Lapse ece^ Sununit children of school As Local Referee At the request ©f the Summit For the first time in 17 years the Common Council ol age will be taken daring the period of Jan- will conduct its annual organization meeting on New Year's Municipal Youth Guidance Coun- jrh 19 by *** **? Cffloiittifctee on Education with Day. The traditional meeting will be held Thursday, Jan-, in of all FTA gnmpt. _ cil and with th« approval of Mayor wary 1, at 11 a.m. in the Council chambers at the City Hall. of the survey ii to aafet Perc.lv*! M. Bland, Judge Iibby The last time such a meeting was held on New, Year's Day of the E, Sftehar, Judge of the Juvenik was Jah. 1, 1936 and since that problem over tik»< and DomSet ie Relations Court of nme trie meetings nave ooen usu- • period. The wrwy Union. County, b*3 appointed Dr. ally on the second or third day of John B.Dougalf s* referee of that Mental Clinic at the new year. pjA member*,-IB In the brief ceremony the Coun- i district .-..'. court for the City of Summit. He Plainfield to Get cil will seat three members, elect »orth and validity ©f will begin U« duties after January a president for 1953 and appoint depends up standing committees. It will also net on appointments by the Mayor1 .' compkteneiit Dr. DougaH will hear those 510,000 County Aid b*en requested t» v • . • • * •. / "and lr is expected that some of 'easea of pre-1 clinqutnej- end be- ' New county budgetary requests these appointments will be of a • »|i question* put forth * totaling $160,000 were revealed this ,«, Ralph ft Sayi havior problems , Involving the promotional nature for members -week by the Union County .Board r cf the l*y Gam- yottUi of Summit u? to the age of of city d "«irtwents. of Freeholders in releasing infor- A highlight of th*e meeting • wiH ,' •t|-irtilch'"'at«"*njore wrioua'tftaa ilnaf idn'ttat thtf wilt rnrhrtle be the annual message by Mayor Ofork in its 1953 budget an jtem of $10,- ^•trJiVfrilig the• fleer but not mrkm» enough to 'l%Winr'Wfer»al"lo"'Jid«e"Sacbar' i»nmber-orlam "field and that the Freeholders had la Btfaafeette. A'i«porton-t«ctr'£Uft>' of Health and that the position of been • asked" by tht;* County Park- •City'ClerK/lert \ttBilj find dumber of pre- heard by him will be forwarded Commkiion to «How a $150,000 per family. nation of William R. Gilson who to the Juvenile Court. bond iasue for the coming year, left to become a candidate for rWormaMeh will-to^ ""Hi*'authority includes the guid- "•••• W; ""Richmond'"Tracy-of-Sumntlt," Council -in * tbr 1953- primary -eleo-- •• | will be the name of each ance of child ©r.parents, the engineer for the Park Commis- tion, will be filled. Vtjpe of dweOing auch to require restitution for sion and secretary, said that about Councllmen Ogden D. Gensemer or mtiitiple family Dtrid E *ge »ad plsetuy the child on un- ' WINNERS OF YULE CONTEST — Mr. and Mrs. $100,000 of the amount would be and John G. MacKechhie, who were are Miss Sarah Cadoo, principal of Franklin School, j 11 « rented, number'of ehfl re-elected this yeajr. and Vincent «'h'w>Ls oth?r than ffii probation to sr.y member IMeyrick Green and family of 61 Paasaic avenue who was one-of the Judges; Mrs. Green, Roberta! of the community deemed best proudly accept a turk«y from Mayor. Perdval M. Green, Mr. Green, Mayor Bland, Mrs. Ralph Strom-j develop present'holdings. If theJA Burgher, who was appointed , ones, birth d*te« bond issue k approved other j last month to fill the uhexpired children, childr«i »• suited to sa«et the n«4e of the Bland after being notified that their residence was sted and Donald Lawley, judges; and Myra Green.| David Knowles child. Such an appointment makes chosen the beat-decorated one in West Summit by The term of Ernest S. Hickok, will be Mnde teactiing a»d al devdopment of < the Elizabeth formally sworn in to office, at this 1 or not children now »t* available l&oal^y to the cititen* «f the West Summit Civic Association. Left to right Summit, the schools, parents, and River Parkway, completion of a meeting. I &0B*pubUc school* pton td Made President new golf course at Ash Brook, Amcng the appointments mad© Junior or Senior h other af«nci«s» In certain Jastaneea, the eervices of th« Juvenile Court. Scotch Plains, completion of the i by the Mayor and requiring no Of Kiwanis Club Such *vai!«bi;ity Is these cases More Than 3 Million Letters Police and Fire renovation and expansion of the j Council confirmation which will be Em Many Hetuit* can ciimitiatc trips to Eliiabeth of Galloping Hill Golf Clubhouse, (made are a trustee to serve a five- tidx»! population census, *G- Dmvld H. Klnowlfs, Summit In- isoun duration and make road improvement throughout the ' year term on the board of the f te Hit Uy Corn mi tW, will turance agent, became the thir- laforsal conference* dur- Handled Here in Two Weeks Departments Slate park system and Improvement and ; Public Library, two members of •detailed Information on the tieth president of the Kiwani* dub ing evening or other hour» con- addition to picnic facilities, guard jthe Planning Board, one to serve rails and parking arca«. ja six-year term and. the other a of school children by of Summit yiaterday u Lieuteit- venient for those concerned, Summit's Post Offloe la back tions were placed in the lobby for «nt Governor Joseph Zeignet per- Applicants Tests ( term and a member of on*sche*u!e after ft frantic holiday the convenience of patrons. The decision to appropriate $10.- ; , „ „ „ _. K, formed the irwtalhition ceremonies Handling of incipient erobkms thc B ri of «btainli)« Information of ceason which established new rec- He ako pointed out that resi- Written examinations for appli- 000 for the Mental Hygiene Clinic f ™ Education to serve a ! children by dkftrlcts the during the regular KlwranLi lunch- of juvenile delinquency to the ex- was approved by th Freeholders' Hve-ycar term. tent possible bj a refere* not only ords for volume of letter mail and dents mailed earlier this year than cants for hoth police and fire de- e l«houM Indicate which dis- eon meeting at the New Hantp- partments will be held during Jan- ,„ ..1 , „, , A-ppolntments wh ch require relieves the bmrtten of work ora the parcel post packages. last and that the rush began on (flill rtctive the larfeat pft- ehlre HOIMK. uary, It was announced this week. welfare committee and will mark „ **.t „ .. .„ ? . , Juvenile ludfe bat p«rmit9 a more Postmaster Daniel J. Bitzpatrick December 10 whereas last year jwpuktion- Inforaiatioa Mr. Knowles, who lived in Sum- ,. t t MI \ i. i 4L jCouBril confirmation .will include Intimate *n& persor.a.1 eowi>.!-vra- this week announced that in the It was about five days later. Police ejoaine ere acheduled for f the total type of dwell- mit for 42 years, i* itartlng- M» the county's first venture ln the L . . .. ' , , tlon of auch probkn» tb&r. might two-week period from December The Postmaster had nothing but January 10 at 10 ft.m. at the Sum- i la Hich district and tbe el&nute. ytar M a member of the mit high school. Firemen's exam- otherwise be jK»ssfelf. ID through 24 Handled Incoming j praiae for his staff and gave credit • J «. i a 11 wu * *two membera to the Board of of «chool children board «f trustee* of the Summit inations will he heW around the The MjDlcipal Giiidiince Council and outgoing •nail totaling 33#?,028 j to tbsm for their extra efforts In mental hyKlene field. The grant L. ... " .. „ , „ . rtll aid in d*- Fr« P*l)li« Ubroo' a»d i» & s well Fire Station on Broad street^ The including Summit's. of VBr 0U3 c ty perso A. Wooten, handled 139,163 packages which Onion County Association for > jty physician, municipal auditor, Council vt Summit and Kotner <>. acquainted with UJ« community Hickok Jan. 22 police forms must be returned by c was a 45,567 increase, or 48 per Mental Health," Inc.; Mrs. T. E. j assistant city treasurer, assistant Iichtenwalter, Jr., iwcret&xjr-treas- and the prob!«f8Ji which the Mu- A testimonial dinner for former January 5 and the firemen's by cent, over the year before. Lenigan, president of the Summit I receiver of taxes, city engineer, urtr of the Vltm-SaU Company of nicipal Touth Gaidance Conncil Councilman Ernest S. Hickok, January 6. Chemist, In order to facilitate delivery League of Women Voters; Mrs. j building, Inspector, commissioner of thU dty, *s first and «ccond vice consider*. Anaistajit Commiarioner who will take his aeat as a mem- «nd handling of the mail for the Although no vacancies exist at Carl M. Andereon, health and wel- roads and sewers, joint mcetinj presidents, roapecti%'fly. Henry C. of'Eduoation for the State of New ber of the. Union County Board of Christmas rush the Post Office present in the fire department, fare chairman of the Summit representative, municipal maf Thompson, Jr. and Ruaw?li TVKer- Jewey from 1SW to 1M4. preiident Chosen Freeholders on Friday, hired 52 extra workers and four Chief Thomos J. Murray has League; Rev. Philip S. Walters of jistrate, municipal court clerk, dep- by, Jr. continue as treasurer of State Teachers Cbl)«ce at New* will be held Thursday, January A, Wooten, director of additional trucks. scheduled the exams in order to Oakes Memorial Church, chair- uty municipal court clerk, pubJio itcretary, wJWle Harten S. ark from 19*4 to J$51 and now 22, at Canoe Brook Country Club. d pbymica department of build up a reserve list of appli- man of the ministerial division of iofficer, director of welfare. will carry on «s awtetant «ecre*ary. profeaaor of fducation and Some residential routes were The affair Is being arranged by a laboratories #69 cants. the Summit Council of Churches. In practically all cases it Is ex- of t«ich«r tmialnx at given two deliveries a day and group of residents to honor Sum- New member* of th# KIWMJIB Men applying for either depart- pected that present office holders K died l«ge, he bring* to this position a parcel post was delivered on Sun- mit's new Freeholder. The Park System request for a Board of 41rcctoni for the ensuing ment must be 21 and 30 years old $150,000 bond issue for next year |*'llt fca renamed to these positions. wealth of «»xs»ericBe« with youth day in some (sections. There was Tickets for the dinner are be- two-year term are; Robert U H«t- and a broad understanding of their no Christmas delivery other than and a resident of Summit for at j se^ that body's 1953 budget figure Council will organize and *on, Rolwrt D. Brongb, h. Donald ing distributed by a committee least two years. Applicants over at $881,435 of which approximate- 1 nnnounee standing committees *** ^"Nt from problem* special delivery mail and by the headed by Edward A. Pizni, chair- home of hts parent* Cane *nd Frank Shepard. day before Christmas all mail was 30 m«y deduct time spent in the ly $305,000 la expected to be de- | which Include Public Finance, Pub- ra W. C W man of the City Republican Com- armed services*. Physical examina- rived from fees and ether revenue !ic Safety, Public Works, Public Mr, Knowlea announced the ap- cleared from the floor and the mittee. N, C, polBtmimt of the toUmring a* Red Ml FKts Briefly local office had little activity. tions will be given prior to the producing services. The amount Utilities, Public Welfare, Public !»28 he w a of The program for the dinner, written test. sought from the county, about •L&w' P"*5"0 Ration*. Veteran* flS chairmen of the aUmdtof com- But for other days it was a dif- which will be informnl, will be • »i«ff Of Bell Tde- mltteee for 1953: Over Memorial Fteld $575,000, Li approximately 5 per Housing, ferent story. The pmk doy was centered nbout Mr. Hickok ond Gn the rt* wh«re he was Planning Board Sets New cent 1MS than the maximum f"«owlng day, Friday, Boyt »»4 «!rte work asd voca- The "red ball," a «ymbo] denot- reached on Monday, December 15. f It is expected that a speaker of amount thtf Freeholders can give January 2, at 10 a.m., a large dele- r «M>c«rned with atudk* tton«l rultfanee, Mr. Ken^dty; un- ing ice itkitting and one that is The lobby of the office was jam- national prominence will be pres- Meeting Dates for 1953 yctlch ren, Mr. Htown; rawly eeen in these part* was fly- under state law. i gation ftorn Summit is expected to med from «irly morning hours ent Most of those attending will New meeting dates for the Plan- be at the Union fcounty Court to electron t»b«8 and conservation, ing Sunday M the Board of Recre- until late afternoon and even aft- be from Summit although some ing Board were announced this f "Wrenic device*. H# WAJ, Werper R. Mwui; puMtc u»d bvd- ation took Advantage* of the cold House Rt Elisabeth to witness tha er stamp win «tow« had closed mnny county and state officials will atao week by the City Hall. The Board swcaring-ln ceremony of Free* *« wie»rch In ca«nleal ne*l tflnlri, Richard Ofonhclm; •nap and flooded the courts at patrons made use of the stamp be among the diners. The affair will meet during 1953 on the sec- Latest Bird Tally holders Ernest S. Hickok of this * »nd li •upport of chuifchw, isSt Stone; Memorial FicM for lee skating. vending machine and mailed their will bo etag. ond and fourth Thursday of each attendance and tteaibership, Numerous youngsters flocked to city, Col- John H. M. Dudley and card* during th« evenings. Members of the committee in month at the City Hall. Sherwood C. Valentine as members Oiarlw 8. Modya; fta««cei John G. the rink on Sunday but thrir fun charge of arrangements Include Meeting dates in the post have Discloses Rare lBt«r-clwte rehiUotw. Ar- wa».*h©rt-ttwd M th» sun aoon Mr. Fiistpatrlck had a pat on of thff Union County Board of the back for Biimmlt residents and Bryant W, Griftln, Kaymond H. been the fourth Tuesday and held ^ thur B. Becker; edtM*tat turned the rink into more water : CThosen Freeholders. Invitations to expressed the appreciation of hl« Hartlaub, Harry T. Doyl^, Michael Wednesday of each month. the event have already been mailed. 'he ftrid of wikip, Mr. Broufh, than ice. On Monday the courts H. Formichella, Frank J. Kerri- The Board brlievcs the new ' nd in Summit w#rt again flooded tn th«» b©j>es staff for the way mailers cooper- Alao, progwnM *nd mualc, gan, Onrl S. Hulett and Mr. Pizai, schedule will be of a greater con- A total of sixty species of birds that th# coM wvath*r will con- Jtt«3 by prlm*n Edward 3) in diameter, iwlnnskl, who investigated, oc- Dr. Walttr 0. W»1I*B», «t« «* Gtven Vlllmgp us tho center rupantm of the* vehicles reported «irmftrk«d tot pay boots for city During; February the eomlnff raw, He wan Raymond F. Bon- ttdMlt« of Hilt «teh©e4 of Thto- Both load an4 national Mr. Hnwley eommcntrd tlwt al- no Injuring to the offierra.? How- rmploycca. prlmary election kept newswriteM nell, « native »on of Summit, re- ogy, Denver,-<3n!,, will ehow *Hd«i ha SSummit though thf ground wn» covered ever, lat of Chatham, told police hi* aoa !?#ptt%Utied a fading statiorw - • tin- count was Overlook Hospital for Injurlca, lh» fin* urn* Jn 80 Eugene Daly, Summit reiident dropped out of th«» tton of Biblical iJtttrueton, IX. dwipt. . • ' not M (foed a* th«t ohtAlwd dur- r\>ll«? m\A the hodpltal IUt«d GUI Witt and tteveral ttnt«* defe«t#d anplr- rnco, plHlK'nfr hl« Aipport to Wllll«m» l» in Nmr torlt A Svwmit #oWier, He. § ing th«» jam* period In liKM wh«-n iw being treated for shock anf • HHMN ant to Common Council. Daly «l»o Hickok «nd S«f*rwood O. Val«ni- f ttietr anmul ©oliferene* E. ColWy, 23, ftM wounded while «• Mug unnounoed ihftt hm «pUn would l!ftt> of nahwa.y, who ran an A Thii m#*4lnf U under th« fighting In Korea, and Mn«, Frnnk dlvlduaki WPW wrn. Rome r«lur<*fe*Wy will M tt i run for th* Council v^pmncy In th« tram. •orehlp of thw- SnAihw Ctrel** «* highly eontAttHT «-t*«ftt«ti In April, Di Mucelo. of Summit, wfat mtiwd tlon In I he total wunt may h«ve right to*. •f Second Ward, bmt dttfr, Hr. Itawlcy wh» tht WoAMfn'H Society of diliitlati The Unit tfn Aiy* of th« K*«w Na*y mother of the y»ar. All of Air raid *h«lU>n were mi np to 8mt«». M Mroie w*m*e»« *»d her nix »onj| bftv« had! military Within it vwk Daly withdrar In th" bw#inp«t auction of th* city fcw«r field in 1953, their huitmitd* are Im4t»« to at- from th« Fr«*hold««r oontftW, to de- of *h* Common Council okayed a bMt "find" dwrln* thr NS- On mmgm tend and vote hi* campaigning time tot th« ctnt fount, »«cordin|c to Mr. Haw- it of Harnmlt, A* January profw«a#d «n- Zoning Board rewmnwmdfttkui iKnuicnaftit «u nw.de of the for- Council ne«t ley, wu a DlekdsM which wiw Il which p«rrnltt*d Induatry In • Mayor ¥toe<«*| M nwtbfi fey Ui* Von Si«f«ri fumlly Whll« th« politico* UUt«d, an* reported at the feeding xMfnn of Amuiim«nft .....,. *. Ift r«d th« t\tf «M Id of * fotwiititlwi to Aid area ywuth* fr«nip at rMldent* H two«fatntiy awn- Mr*. 3tAm lVm*re»t of 43 Oanoe BlftNl 1 BerMty Htl9 " iM In N*w Ptwl- #«rvic« wu ln- rmlnf th« fir*t What wa« to irtart «n all-out Brook Parkway, Summit. Thlt Church at thin «rta and d t in Vtm elty *Hh 0w «f eontrownur ymn th* purch«Hf of bird, a m*mh*r of th* «p«rrow Bu*Jn»i* DN«* . <.. rival of an Oldnmoblta «mtH>l«nc# Rutf«r* UnlvernHy plpk«*d Owr- family, to wry r*n» In thl» ««"&. property *t Morrki and Broad GniiN{"l. * *-*•* • • »,*•#* **?*Sa| d»n»t#d by a froup of b«*lnft»»- look nit«t to try-out an In fact, until last ttoftpmbw when r th* (hint t*rm. M«MI«MI#. Itt mental nmirfnfr ewbool. #trp»ta by th* an ltnmaltur« nml« blr<3 irim Itarlfeelly « Out*!! I*. BhuiMtt, M««nwWl<», In N« l«f Board, whn imotpatikiM for »#T*r«l whfkM ml th# m«n, Puny Vwdm tmA Council IV**rii*»nt Badfl«y an« station of Mr. and Mr* X A- ttur- to Ik* imtth, rmt«ft*f fcn # th« «»ftiln*er, bunln, and Summit GMiferatta*. Th* iMt at* nwmwd that H* «wwM Wft fdnr of « r»ll« ««mtt#, CS»*th*«( *f a mtkm di#d Ju*t httorv hi# »i>th tt* rft« for * ««* mi tem «**« lit •» * Wrth*iy, IkirtJMnln (}, SDiti By Mmn* tint, thto *t«l«lty tm atmi*t f8 ?«***, a farmor (Cattlnued tn jx|« ») * partjr. m mm a> HERALD. THURSDAY. JANUARY I. \m THE I »cored «n upert In Ward 1 of the highlight* of record breaking turnout •3 ! An air raid test proved Summit is survived by his wife, the for- Little Known Yule lacking in eff kkscy and Overlook ejection was forecast which mer Edith Holdstoek, and a son, Resident Named Hoipit&l plaeed th« cornerstoae correct, leland A. Wooten Rlehard.L. Wooten. ol it# .new WiWiBg. flit aftermath of the No U entirely desirable and fitting vlcted. cen Ghernicai Society. « member June brought the graduation of j John. O.itUl. In both the Boi census, the Lay Committee pointed rector.of Sylvania Electric Prod- The Mes4ah, for instance,nhouM Berkeley Heights the of the Electrochemical Society, , 180 high school student* »»d a » j out, is the permanency of the oe- ucts, Inc., has been named a be. and I*, performed by cho.n ticket won. Sigma Xi, and I'M Lambda Upsi- member of a newly created board • parking ban on the east aide of ! eupanto of the varioyw dwelling and choruses ev«*ywhere at this '"Staple street, the city's six pJay.; During the middle of No«| Ion. for development at New York Uni- season of the year, but there » j units/ Therefore, each family will grounds opened for the (summer. ber, the Zoning Board of Ht? waa'ai'tiye in the Summit versity by Chancellor Henry T- much excellent Christmas mu»le, 1 United Campaign and WAS a troop i be iwktd if moving is contem- Heald. In early July Council g&vc the ment denied the Summit Co "equally reverent, antedating H-ir- ^reen light to the Substandard i;oip.iiiitte« chairman in the Boy plfttcd, ' Mitchell and other membt-rs of tlve, Inc. permission for * del and Bach, which H heard a.". • Bousing Committee -wbtB it ap- ik-out organisation. the new board will help determine change which would hav* alk The survey Ls concerned with too infrequently. , proved a zoning change for the the erection of the low cost I Born i,n Stateiville, Mr. Woot«n school growth for the, next1 five and Implement policies in connec- attended Statesvllle High School In its annual Christina* concert • proposed low coat homing project in« project In East. Summit j yeara and thus children born on or tion with the University's ten-year r| and was graduated from Davidson given at Calvary ChufcH on *' - I at Morris avenue and Morrii group then took court before November 30, 1952, are the 1102,000,000 program for new build- day evening, December 19, the College with a B. 8. degree In 1&22 Ings and endowment. Chairman of street, * against the Eastern Civic primary concern of the survey. Summit Community Chorua paid tion of Sujnrriit, Inc. which after which he-did graduate study The census Is also to determine the the board Is Charles R. Cox, presi- An .estimated 1T.00O persons At the University of North Caro- tribute to both ancient and con- turned out for the city's Fourth main opposition group to the I number of children who have dent of the Kennecott Copper Don O. Mitchell l'KOMOTED — The appointment lina. He received hla Ph. D degree temporary celebration of the Holy of U. Col. Haddon H. Smith M a of July celebration and a legal Ing project. moved Into the city and whose Corp. and member of the Univer- Birth In presenting, for the first in chemistry from Columbia Unl- birth statistics are not filed locally sity Council, governing group of vioe-pr«ldent of the First Nation- battle' loomed on the horizon be- December brought an early j vemity in 1&35. work, Mitchell has been a director half* of the prof ram: "Rejoice, cause of the Ea^t .Summit re- with the Board of Health. N.Y.U. 1 al Bank and Trust Company of from Santa Cla.ua wb,a During his tarly period of gradu- of the .National'Association, of Beloved Christiana' by Buxtehude, Summit haa be*n announced by way of Krejge-Newark ajv ate training, h« taught chemiatry All buildings whether vacant or Members of the board will work Manufacturers, American Manage- a composer whose works undoubt- with Chancellor Heald, Frank L. Dean H. Travis, president Colonel fUpublican leaders and Demo- Delaware, Lackawanna and «nd physics in preparatory school under construction will be lilted. ment Association, National Elec- edly Influenced the writing of the Smith, formerly an assistant vice- crats alike worked to strengthen era Railroad. and aervtd as a teaching aaalst- The sole exceptions will be busi- Howley, vice chancellor for Univer- trical Manufacturers Association, tt' which followed. two cantatas president, came to First National their respective partle* mi Over- Hlckok resigned from aat in chemistry at the University ness firms and public buildings- sity development, and a special and National §ales Executives, and Mark Ye Well Thla "Chrlitlam, In May, 1&47, from the Rockefeller look Hospital WM prqented with Council and Vincent A Bur of North Carolina. From 1927 to Owners' names are not called for development committee of the Is chairman of the AMA's executive Day" by J. 8. Bach and "Jesu, Center branch of the Irving Trust A $9,000 ambulance by a group of a viee-pre*ldent of Oho. Ph« J928 he was en Instructor in chem- in the case of vacant and under Council. committee. Heir ThU Song of Fratee" by Jr. construction buildings but ad- Company, New York, wbtfrevhe business men. ccuHcal Products, Inc. istry at Davidson College. Mitchell joined the Sylvanta Hold* Many Directorships C. Bach; and ftjr the second half: was engaged ' with commercial By August the Summit Herald- dresses must be obtained. organization as vice president in pointed to fill hla unexplred In addition to has parents, he He is ft director of Nylok Cor- Randall Thompson'* Alleluia," the loam and business development Family Association camp fund charge of sales in 1942, became Qiwtav Hoist choral fantasy, William ft GlUon resigned poration, Qer.er.ar Time Corpora During World War II he served drive was completed with dona- poat as City Clerk tnd.an.nod executive'vice president In Janu- "Christmas Day" and a triumphant tions totaling $1,838; tne second tion, Thorn Electrical Industrie* for five- yeara with thu Marine his intentions to run for thn«h For largest flmpunt in the Jiiatary of year was elected president. He days, with every shop and depart- the drive. cant council seat which STENOGRAPHER - ^ Nklona! ;Bank and Trust several yeara. thereafter he com- voted on at the April, was named to the board of direc- ment store grinding out carols. It rnandeti the .Organized Reserve of During August two total banks tors In 1943. Company of Summit, and a num- tion. • • Fulltime Position ber of the Summit Board of Educa- was a pleasant relief to hear, some th Marine Corps In the State of a*ked the State Banking and In- The Beacon jttiil.'civlc-. Was with Pepsi Coin tion,- He is alio a director of the of the familiar on«a In {Justsv New Jersey. Recalled to surance Department for permLs- Country Club Section He had been formerly; general National Biscuit Co., having been Hoist's adroit arrangement. sales manager of the raanufactur- :T s^ He was born in Bayonne and Ralph Burrler'a sure direction, ex 1952. Col. Smith Indu!tri,..bualn«!U,, hospitals] bfijter ft Sorter Cornpany, vice president jnjsba hrbtt«#:tt thoroUgh• ' dlicl- In"Itepiewood! Inl937, he was quently granted:' , • igchool opened September S wltb charitable, institutions gave and Mortgage Banker*) A oflilSofJhe Pepsi-Cola Com- School. He attended th« University pline — the. foittaj.|irKtti.'.tMU«jaa:: fraduatea-front Ehike'Unitvcrsjty annual ChrSstmns. parties. pany, and manager of • tht? mar key- of "Cinc'lnniitl" aha'tne'tJnlverslTy' strong without shouting, the pla- 14 new teachers.in the system and and for the next three years at- ._,.Meanwhile,- the. police 235 Whit* Oak Ridge Rood Short HIOi. N. J. ing division of the American Can of Florida and holda honorary de- nlwlmos admirably achieved with- tended evening sessions at the a new course "behind the wheel Company where he Introduced the grees from Northeastern Univer- out tricks. The control was a bit J f heckled by a recurrence of (Jraduat-School oi -Bu*4rt«* -Ad- beriea which had been under I paper milk container and the metal sity,; Pomona ©crtrege and Renxse* toor"rigid""at -timea in the Bach mlnJstration of New York Univer- Two things designed to cause beer can to the American market. laer Polytechnic Institute, Mitch* cantatas which hardly sounded as "comrHotion" was the dropping of trol since late October when sity, where hla studies were inter- was a wave of breaks and cr,^ Mitchell also served as chairman ell Is a member of the advisory gay and exuberant as the text rupted by the war. In 1930, before rent contA>l>*nd the parchai* of The holiday season was of an unofficial advisory group of committee of N.Y.U.'s Graduate Would Indicate. Speaking of the hU recall to the service, Col. Smith the Beechwood Hotel by Lumber- industrialists during Paul Hoff- School of Business Administration text, even with the words In hand, was chairman of the local fund men's Mutual Casualty Insur- ing to a close when on II man's tenure as economic coopera- and its School of Commerce, Ac- it was difficult for the listener to drive of the American Red Crass, ance Company of Chicago. night Council held Its last tion administrator. Following the counts, and Finance, a member of distinguish them. The chorus as wfrll as treasurer and a director Plans by Oak Knoll School for alon of 1952 winding up outbreak of the Korean war, he the corporation of the Polytechnic could do more to improve it* dic- of the Family Service Association. a $500,000 new building was one | and preparing for the 1953 was appointed advisor on elec- Institute of Brooklyn. tion, although this phase of Its H« will again direct.the Red Cross tronics to the Under Secretary of Mitchell is married to the for- schooling has obviously not been fund drive ,irt March, 1953. He is mer Constance Walcutt of Mont- neglected. Perfect diction and also a member of the Summit Ro- A leader in industry association clalr. They have a son and two thrilling tonal beauty were pres- tary Club. Col. Smith, with hia SAVE MONEY daughters, ent In the voice of Mary Lou wife, Betty, and their two sons, From, both In the recitative* and resides at 68 West End avenue. RENT OR LEASE It is our wish that 1953 may Headquarters For Tipsy, Unlicensed in the two Richard Trunk songs: "Advent-Tide" and "Maria." hold the meat generous por- Nationally Advertised Driver Fined $278 A NEW OR USED CAR Work Clortiei & Sportiwtar. Magistrate Albert H. Bierman Highlights of 1952 tions of health, happiness and Hunting outfits for HMR. last week fined a Montclair man (Continued from Page i> • Low Monthly Paym«rtt* • No Invtitment] a totnl of $278 on charges of Stamler to Head Shots ft Luggage. Laundry prosperity for all. drunken driving and operating a lie?. The area H which the land WERNER MOTOR CO. Mailing Cases for Men car without a driver's license. The Heart Aid Drive lays Is zoned for one-family units. andf Boys. man, Helmer Tate, 57, also wa» April taw Common Council in- Ht TM Derails Coll fad L Werner, Su. MUM prohibited from seeking a license troducing* an ordinance to we* the 517 Sprlft^fitld Av#. Summit] for two yeara. In Union County Village Green on \in\t .11,*. rtwiije Building Kxhibits at I'. S, BllU»l.\(i ATT M1DNK.HT:. Briliiant «ew.jAreM4.lwdjaUatJoiM*-U»--«*w li(;lita:tBottOH»> ^'Wke'Secliba tiro -Anwrtearrr'AMOtiklMh"'f' DHF" •t'ftf?f»t*CTS TCK wfi«WTb"fiTTTlmJ nHw"^e"mn'if«"«Td'~lie1pr , IMI Jdetlx ill. tuuvshUL .liiiiri-itt we#k» -af-sfa,rehiwj(.dM;vvhfie». ,','We held_h£rji .MC«Uly»«^rtrt"rortJmdYrp^ Jersey I as it now appears wjt.i tlic 16 newj#000.cttndk'power ~f""niourn her loss, nnd will al-;Central Pawer & yght,fejjipaiyi«cooperatfon •with !1aJrTpf mounted""on SO-foot ornamental alun'iinuni i-»-"*y* be foreptrpilny her"WhV ex- tfsc clly, turn ifight into Uiiy and. provide an aid to, pole.1 providing better than ten times the amount j Two Injured in ' amplp of intelHgcBt «nd urtselflfih ,snffty ttrid crime prevention./Top) Looking'out. on of illumination of the seven, ^.candle-jrawer,12-foot Auto Accident p higrh, Btandarda^ Tcplaced _/ ». citiwnshlp." !Union pi»cf toward tiiic riiilro.uljiliiUQii prior t«-the A two-eflr eollijtion CTiruttniaji "Lumber and Alt Kinds of Building Material*"-- night at Linden place and Maple 700 Springfield Ave. Berkeley Heights, N. J. siskin, 41; goldfinch, ?8; towliee, Central Church Receives street sent two persons to Over- 18; aj>arrow; vesper, one; junco, look Hospital. Telephone: Summit 6-3355 Latest Bird Tally $2,500 for Building Fund Alfred Benge, *4, of Jersey City (Continued from 1'agc 1) |7W; trw, 286; field, 29; white- "(hit? i fVic Minute* From The Center Of Summit" it hroatcd, 400'; fox, 62; swan)p, 21; A gift of $2,500 in stock and was treated for shock suffered Early in the 1800s, thU specks I song 148. caish to be used for the planned was (airly abundant in this re- i enlargement of Central Presby- gion, but by 1880 moat of them terian Church was announced this THI SHOi WITH THI IT MAUttf «l HI had* disappeared and had worked Man Attempts to week by the board of trustees. The their way to the Middlewcst whore identity of the donor was not re- they arc still quite numerous. Mr. Shoot Girl Friend vealed, Not long ago an anony- Hawlcy .stated. Edward Cromwell, 60, of 2« mous gift of $5,000 wa« announced. 24 Hr. Laundry Service WYmvor street, charged with «t- Mr. Hawlcy during the DeiT trrtipting to ,«hoot hiff jrlrl friend, Top w«» relca.Hod in $100 bail for hear- Daughter Is Legatee Free & Easy Parking ceniiU.s period were: a vesper ing today. According to police ibw Ulic fir.nt time this bird has Application for probate of the Cromwell tried to shoot Mary been even by nirniboM of tho Na- will of Margaret A. Wall has been SUMMIT DRIVE-IN LAUNDRY Gulp. HISO of 28 Weaver street, low prices in this ture Club i••• time of year,v Mai-lings C:,2-Hi>, house sparrow »SOS», junco iTiM) and white-throated ^parrovv.s (400) SEMI-ANNUAL were the mail numerous .specica of birds seen, Mr. Hawley s«id. The complete count for Decem- ber 1-7 was: g'reat blue heron, twn; Owners Are Our BesTSalesmen"! mftllard duck. M; black dm-k, JS"; American Meigon.ser, 22t: hawk; IVER could we tell all the wonderful things about Nash Read these wonderful unsolicited reports about Nash. sharp-shirnifii, two; rod-taiietl, l-\ rcd-shouldrrcd, 12; nwrsh, two; N as forcefully as do Nash owners. And the more they But—better yet—drive a Nash Golden Airllyle for yourself. wprey, one; BpHrrovv, 2S; phoa.s- travel—the more enthusiastic they are. ... the Ambassador, Statesman or Rambler. Learn lirst hand ant, four; killdeer, eiglu; gull; They talk about performance second to none. They talk about such exclusive features as Farina styling. Airilytc Con- herring, 1T7; ring-biilrd. three; mourning dovo, »i^; lot^-eared about the world's finest ride. They talk about the life-saving struction, Airliner Reclining Seats, Twin Beds, Weather Eye owl. one; kingfi^hfr. «is; wood- safety of Airliyte Construction. They talk about beauty, Conditioned Air System, and dozens more. Come in today. pecker; flieker, 23; pIlcatKl. two; Take an Airliyte ride in the world's most modern car. Mpsuvker. three; hairy, 37; about room, about luxury, about economy unmatched by KG.!)O and $7.« J downy, 143; horned brk. three; any other automobile in the world today. Once you do, you'll be enthusiastic about Nash, tod! blue jity. 483; erow, 205; ehiekadee, formerly 8.95 to 11.95 3W?: lufted titmouse, 152: white- We've many styles in-this "shoe with the beautiful breasted nuthatch. US; rcd- brea«tcd nutlmtch, twh; brown fit''... dress shoes, suit shoes, sport and casuals "EIGHT OP US" "32.3 MllES PER GALLON" creeper, 16; wren; winter, one; I drove from ik'Itnt to •all from regular fall and winter stock at greatly "... I fotaul seven of tnvfriends "HELPED SAVE ME" Carolina, one; catbird, one; robin. "30,000 MILES ... from camp stranded,..«// \fimxtjm, Htsc, (.Vi miles) reduced prices, Of course, not all sizes in all styles, en 8.8gallons .. . 32 J miles pet "Lwmrmdover three times 75- hermit thrush, seven; blue- $9.32 REPAIRS" I heir iiftgage an lop of my golf bat a wonderful selection of footwear fashions. All gallon, . .at 50 miles per htmt I received only a ft* bird 2.V golden-crowned kinglet, "TAKES A BACK SEAT "After 30,000 miles of hard bap and baggage fitted neatly sale final. .. . Armmd h>nn, I /ton* been scratches.. .It helped save nine; ruby-crowned MjiRlet.lO; TO NONE" driving in less than one year into the womv trunk (1952 getting • 5-27 . . . I hhae foumt me ., .for security in the cedar waxwlnjt, 37; starling 3246 "/ have driven my 1952 Nash .. .the total amount vf Ambassador). All eight of us. mv Rambkrjo hare excellent event of an accident, there is myrtle warbler, eight; djidwsaxlor !2fiOO miles... repairs on my Nash Rambler four in front and four in back, riding comfort anil it's a fi>v to no better construction than Sum mi I 808; redwing. 611 P«r- my sixth Nash and by far the has been $9.32. which to ni? \\frc seated without anyone .Sash..." ARTHUR S. HAK- Shop drive." MARUARU ASKI«S»S. le. n; eowbin,, one; best ...'As McCahill says, 'It is almost unbelievable." sitting on anyone clse'i lap." iii ir, Baltimore, Maryland. has the finest shockproofride BeloU, Wise. Lrdina!, 114; purple finch. 32 O. DARWIN Krrctus, SIC LlilN t. ROSINIHAL, "«SprinqficM Avt. Summit 4-2688 in the world' and it takes a redpoll, one; dlckctoael. one; pine Himtingtan, W. >'«. Pickett. back seat to none on hills, for "CANT M «AT" speed or readability... "/ AaiV owned 14 Sa*h can .. . they are the best P.S. Mrs. Leu drives a Nash cm% I have ever driven ami I ha\e onned and Rambler." ELMORC H. UU, drtven nearly all other mikes- and models .. , Fond '.it Lacx Wise. , lor riding, eccnomy, and for speed under all kinds of dri\iir% encountered in pelic? work .. , rhev can't be beat. They're tops." Thief nf JW/fr. HAROLD WALLAI*, Sikeston, Missouri.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF DIVIDENDS The Board of Director* tabs pleasure in announcing that m of Dficembtr 31, HS2, another regular stmi-annual a>idend wl 4 AS A USED CAR, TOO, NASH IS TOPS! » be credHta or paid to all eligible saveri, at tht.rate «t Here'* what men i*y who " We operate one of the largest ilevleis whole- knowusedcarvattJet—usifed sale auctions in the nvrld.,. and among usetl ,,.l car dealers and auctbnwrs, car dealers the Nasfi line is always In demand. 1% " The 'hottest'car on Used The only ctmphrint we haw Is that we dmt't ', jitr annum. Car Lots,"' O.K. Auto rccrtw enough Nash Ramblers." Wins" Auto Auction, Cleveland, Ohio. AtJCltoN, Iterator, Illinois, You art Invited to take advantage of thett profitable ne j"9» for your savings by opening an account now. M° i See AND DRWM AMER/CA'S Newesr AND SMARTEST CARS .. - by the I Oth of any month" will eanr dividend* from fhe Ut of that month. Start now and i«f« *<>' ••»• ful1 SIX' m™ dividend period. SEE YOUR NEARRYHftttADEALER TODAYI YOUR SAVINS INSURIO UP TO $«0,000 SUMMIT FEDERAL SAVINGS , and loan Association ;^ springfiild Av«nue, between Beechwood Hxmd ifld M«Plc StrWt StJmailt6-8150 • Heun: D«ily, I to4; FtW«y Mnnlm6w9 s**ktlt w*m mmm • mm mm* *umm ' THt SUMMIT HERALD. THUMPS JANUARY I, ,l«l which the burd«n en; P»g» 4 ew might be decreaseC or State PTA Head tVeirted from^rWng'.' Such ^ Del Duca States | Greentey Slated to Fill t | cr«f3B is considered inev;iab.« New Providence Borough Urges More Aid der the present economic « One of Council Vacancies Uons and with a fcarsng Qualifications rate. and New Pro%W»ee-Wh:'.e secrecy Council, one for the remaining on* >'«r of the term of Carl For Public Schools shroud* rn*ny ot the appointment* Sunihler. "who has resigned, and "The alternative to providing Summit Giri Set to Berkeley Heights For School Job that will be m«de tomorrow (New BerHel«y Height*- Sftlvatore Del ; Y«ar'a D«y) »t Jh* ors'anUatio'n th« two-y«ar term of present more state aid for our schools.ta. College Winter half sessions, sessions held in leryl L Weld, Correipondtnt, Summit i- 3*72 Duca, who' has announced Jits ; meeting of Borough ' COUIK . at I Council president Badgeley, wfio Miss Jtmn d*£*t« of K candidacy for the Board.of Eduea- i noon, It haa iseec.rr.e , known that i will- re«:gn his p«t to become temporary spare rooms in com- £ic«4tl avenue, head* the Uon.ii a native of the Township. : Fr«d Gfi'tri'ey, «. In*o*o...-•--d- rbad.'-i , mayor, munity'hutldings, or no tstt&ion* «t Committee" for the 22nd «tr,r,f the road*," j that.no roijitl •will stand up under h«» been building inspector. lie booms. This growth is extending .school there, and also the Whar- *lnce. 1M9 ha* oW man w««ts which, the' M«>«»r jwid, were "the j vi'iu, secretary of, the Fire Depart- Giri Scouts Bring Yule southwartl and uvay lie expected ment for 19 year*, from 1929 to !on Sei;«»; of Finance, University failed to produce' the worst th«-y h«d been in many j The resignation of. Rudolph J. To Kessler Institute to continue for yearw f» coiue, she weather for skiing and 1 ;nthi-r from the Board of Ad- 1'rfSO. He la commander of the first New Fr«%id?nc« —, Girl Scout AT ORANGE B0WI#-Mls» Madge said, In view of the Garden State University. He"was formerly with events, but the «lternttt district In the Civilian Defense Twnp ^ }ounity^ to tthh e Kaaeler University. H y j £1, Evanj*, daughtedg r of Mr, and Mrs. Parkway construction coupled with ."tatement, paying that it '*'m 'not • ju.s>".ment was accepted wih regret. V is ready just In case. my fault. :f the ba-ib of- the roadts ' The Committee agreed to set Council, and secretary-and trustee.; iMtitute |©r Rehabiliution Thun»-" lhe SEC in Washington and was J xhomiw J. Evana of 133 Summit the proposed ferry from Cape May of the Welfare Fund of the Brick- ior the ; The 1953 carnival will f< was unsound'at the t irn<- 1 bevamt; ' aside .$3,253 in iurplun Slat*' aid d&y jyjn^g t0 ting oa/*^ aesocteted with Sec re tar y of j aVenue, U one of eight Syracuse to Lewi*, Delaware, and increa*- layer and Pkutercr* Union Local the Eastern Intereolleyiati chairman of he comm:Ufe " j funds to put shoulders on Snyder patienU .Each girl contributed T5 Treasury Morgenthau for two j (jnivjeVslty cheerleaders attending ing Indus trial expansion, 48, A-F.of L. He w«s aUo a former Ass-scx'tation championships, avenue. . ttnts, which will be u-*ed towardd yeRra |1(, j, now with Olin IndusId - the Orange Bowl festivities at. Onujse of the ar^uriunt \VH> tht? j president of the local. "Families In New Jer.sey'w . af» Middlebury the defending chj the purclwae of CARE package*• tries, whore he is a.^wtant to the Miami, Fin. The cheerleaders, will state ' t»f Rutgers u,Vtnu<\ whiTe j V:to IiiS.u'.-o WBS ap- fected areas,must decide jiwt how pion; The leading women j One of the organizer* of the : fof ^ vl.ctiro» Mr*. HoL'y Lock- v:cf.-pr*aior- education at today's inflated cost tHiniva* include a-.hockey hqnty f>f Aibi rt L. Rn.ndolyh, of ! ftbwnee fo'r reason. * of fieulth. junior in'tne college of home eco- (•'Mr. D<-1 Duca rwided at 274: thy Beboux. Elaine Brown, Carol be rr.«d'e '.omo'rrow, including the h the choice, You p.iy only the Mountain avenue, who sold the tar -Library bid* haw be«?n adver- i Washington street with hU wife nomics, « member of Delta Delta tised, - FUgier and Jean Over*. „ Bush dance*, skier** banquet, 1952 .Council U sschedulec d for -11 J junior wwomen'o s honorarhy society, ;; A tes-. of automatic speed de- j • bt«n"a"eBn«" New Homing Blamed i fraternity dances Manner .«ud that Randolph, had th( ? {jrgt ttme h(V hm t the hc>:n« o. -.-t*m«M-j^J)jiJi^-iAflrlly^UULiM^te..fw.v.^^ , , i otto Jit noon. . . \ the traditional, parade Prying ; «* "J ; equipment will be brought here „ . • - made several •••it tr.e i televised; to a national aud^itce. |hew orpi^pOMT![ txrosmf - j ' rphditioiu). Action to proceed witih f b'y ' (hnIATn7tfcTa'"P«ltee--1>«Wrt*' -^yj, A# M«lld»; Committee what redrese delil of 45 Park avenue, died a't'Tforr'rea"...... Llc.Vies. on property,' ow.nt'rs, de- Summit have been recorded in teeinan Ira IJoiley ,Pi*f«>. . rerUsterMffUter, court- new housing La being t Peer Rcaato to" ILocal Records dren, for whom echooiing must be J to Katheken N, Chl«holna, pro department of laxity, saying that "(shoot or poison the dogs," add- many year*. He retired several • Mr, and-- Mr* Har'ry England, j Well-satisfied Summit merchants provided. Family growth hn.s been : ty in Valemont way, : At Mosque Theater he h«d. toured the entire township ing that he did not mean to do yeara ago. prdperty et corner of bur.'&p and i ended thdr late hour Christmas so pronounced in this .<>tate that i frnrn GIen»id«- avenue, Monday afternoon find could not that, dnyway. He was advised thet Mr, Mondelli, who was born in Potter streets. • •• 1 shopping «ehedules last week with One of the outstanding con- average'figures'per family, used _ Mr and Mral Harold S. Gre find any members of the rotul de- his «wle recourse was to make a Italy, had lived here for 45 •Mr *nd Mrs J«nu M. H«nil- ! comments that in general sales temporary conductor*, Bruno Wal- by school administrators • in prr-' to Mr. andl Slra. George partment working, Manner retort- formal complaint, as often m the yeara. He was a communicant of ton to'Mr. as* Mr... Frank Korp. j '*«e higher thaivlast year, threat- ter, will be on the podium when dieting enrollments, must ho re- KunoiW, Jr., property In A/ih".| ed that the "Comniiitw sis n whole violation continued. Towiuhlp the Church of the Little Flower !„ I ; .:„„*{*- avenue ' '"fi11?- •' n°t breaking, record th« New York Philharmonic-Sym- vised to present an accurate pie- roi-l, 139 feet from Pine Gr last January had agreed not to ac- Clerk William Ruaso said he would Hi* wife, Mr*. Maria Mondelli, r phony Orcheetra playa at the WH 'Lr[rom "w^knd ave- ! ChrlStn1EU aale« of the past. Both ture. cept complaints un!ets.s they were be interested in the case because died three months ago. Mosque Theater, Newark, on avenue. I volume and unit sialea were higher, "In the last ten years almost «H Kirk Uros. Inc., to Be» •made in "writing," and said he | he did not know of anyone in the Mr. Mondelli leaves five daugh- reported. " . Tuesday night, January 6, in the Mr, and Mra -Ednmrd J. Gna.*- of New Jersey'* 5-12 echooi dis- Homes., Inc., property at cornet would not accept Swenson'n atflte- j Township who had taken out ters. Mra. Kose Montesano of Tbl* wee',( ail stores will resume second of this Reason's symphony naent unless it woe received In the license* for five dog». Stirling: Mrs. Ida Riuio of Glad- mann lo Jarn?« A Geypook. prop- concerts of the Griffith Music tricts have been forced to increase Brantwood clirve and Ftrn** normal hours and will be open their.budgets by more than 50 per form of « communication. This, Friday, January 2, «t 8 p.m., was stone: Mrs. Lena Viapoli and Mrs. erty m PoMua way, I0O fett from Foundation. only on Friday nighu until 8 cent," Mrs, Anderson- point* out. Cromwell Fork, Inc., to Mr S*en*on refused to do, end Holley set for the organization meeting of Joseph A. Mattcla, both of Sum- Ryder wav. known tut lot 2 and Long associated with that or- 1 Mrs, Edwin Soren&en, property interposed with the remark that the Committee. mit; and Mrs. Marie Pieco'.a of part of lot 3. ma? of Po*auin way J p.m. . • •• • -•• chestra as guest conductor and as "Increased enrollments in our f Nnswati drive. 1B9.27 feet fi "it is a favorite atunt to draw red Scotch Plains; a stepson, William section, Providence Hi-ti. On la-st Friday and Saturday mufllwJ adviser, Dr. Walter has schools during this -juT-iod, to- herrings across the eyes of people Seven-Year-OId Boy Pweatore of Gillette: two son*, Mr. ««1 Mr* Ei'*«:4 J the rush continued. Many cus- arranged a program which will gether with inflation, havo been Cromwell parkway. . to detract from your own short- UmiB A. Mondelli, Jr. and Charlc* m%T.a ti Mr. and Mr*. H*nry J. tomers were exchanging presents open with Weber's "Der Frei- responsible for ' this rise. More j Estate of Wiiliasa U. Risk comings, Mr. Mayor." Injured by Auto Mondelli, both of the township; Kiep. Jr. property but there were alto many who schutz" Overture and will be fol- children in our fiehooln require ! Boacon Homes, Ine, one tract Hollcy also charged th«t Com- Borough—A «even-y«ir«old boy, a brother, Rosarlo of New York, «>• *cction. were making new purchaaes, pre- lowed* by"Mowt's*G minor" Sym- more of-everything, from build- N^rner of Brantwood drive sumably" Aith money which had mitt«eni«n Victor Dunkol, who Theodore E. Baker, ipus injured and twelve grandchildren. Providence H-'-« nhr,«phonyv, NoNr,. *4o0 (K(K . 550R50) and ththee Ingsings, • claw rooms and teachers ; F< rnwcnxi road; and one tract ftctedes Mayor while Swenson was Sunday when struck by a c«r been rcct.ved aa gifts. • down to pencib, pnper nnd erasers. BrnnUvood drive, 427 teoi U The funeral waa from the Me- Mr .and Mr* £i**?,r d J. -Grajss- The itoroa began their late ew- Richard Strauss tone poem. "Don while playing near hia home in Nanrnra Funeral Home, 7 Summit Riir.r. to H«.-..-/ A. K:t j! Jr part Juan," Opun 20. The last half of In .ihort, it tnltM just .fllxiut two Fern wood raad; Maple street. He is the *on of Mr. nir.g hours on December 12 and dollars tod«y to buy whit one dol- Mr. and .Mra, William F. McCl avenue, Summit, on Monday at 9 of !o: 3 ar.d part c; .'.: 4. smp of several mailers reported that the the program will be devoted to the and XIra, William Baker, lar did ten years ago.' ney to Mr. and Mrs. Gustav am., thence U> the Church of the way tt'.'^'j'. Previdence ftar'y .days o? this schedule were Brahma D major Symphony, Opua According to police the youth LitU* flower where tt 9:10 a tol- 78. The eo*t of education In Union Nelson, propeertjr in Greenb 'fruitless' with very few custom- drive. 1,031.62 feet from O*k Ri wa* hit by a oar drlveir-by Mr«. «mn high n»«u» of requiem wu Mr ar.d Mr» er! taking advantage of the eve- Despite the variety of the pro- county, according to the state PTA Jessie Francis, 39, of Rahway. The celebrated. Burial » In St. Mary's br::t«-.,r. :o Mr ^ jj-t- Frt-c gram, Interest i« Hkely to center president, wan $0,997,121 in 1941 lawntie. : ning hwn. The real crush hit I Cromwell Park, Inc., to Mr, boy wa« taken to hia home by Mra. Cemetery, Stony Hill. .tk fcb'ut L'tcember 1ft most reported on the performance of the Strauws and !aM y*ar totnl. .,1 $H,72-».77fi. Francia and waa tre«t«d for M I Mra, Howard F, Fischer, prop* fMi »**" ft*-. v,i continued right through De- tone poem bcca«we It wa« with it ThLi 1.1 ft 110.1 per cent Jncrense. lacerations by Dr, Richard Wag- , in Nasmu drive, 78.15 feet f one ]Hflto:rfr-T. ' ctnjbfr 24- Only a fe.v stores re- that Strauss first achieved the Property owners who in New ner. New Tax list Optn for Cromwell parkway. •a L ' zntinH open Christmas Eve nnd rank of a great modern composer. Jersey a-Munw; nlmrwit *70 per efnt Mrs. Francis waa L&mied « care- Public Scrutiny Friday r Three? principal themes dominate Mr, «nd Mra. Salvatore Ora Furc«^, VA t K* i moat had clfwed their doors that of the total costs of the school}*, less driving aummojw end will ap- Berkeley Heights—Tho 1953 tax : thU work. The tempestuous open- to Ira Holding Co., property kn property of S;s»x Inc afternoon to allow tired staff mem- nre bearing most r>f this fwlded pear before Police Court on Jan- list for thetownahlp will be on In jt theme symbolizes the restless- na 5 IrU road. part of b.ock VA j bers a respite. Tapering off of burden, reports Mr«. Anderson, uary 13. list for the township will be on | buyers was noted on the day be- ness- of Don Juan, the second de- who cittw tht; recent report of to 10 p.m., according to an an- i fore Christmas. scribes the object of hla affections, Berkeley HeifkU — Tbe foKow- the State School Aid C'ommi.saion. nouncement made this week by { Luxury Itema were popular one*. and the third, the Don Juan theme, Thi.i Commission establi.ihed by PARAKEETS Tax Aweasor Theodore Plumb. In- ing deeds for t*£ wta*.« traMtc is « vljrorou* and majestic subject tionj have betn ?f3rS*d in the { Specially women's wear stores the Legislature In 11*50 to review for talking stock spection may be made in the Town j and houseware stores said that in for horns. The ending comes the status of education in New Hall! All Interested taxpayers are office of Herb*ft 3 Pairoe. regis- | most cases higher price items out- abruptly. The work was based on \ J(,rM,y mm, tim, ago rel('a.ifd ft SINGING invited to inspect the assessments ter, courthouse, Elizs-bt-th -. Mr. and Mr*. Wiljiam N. Linde Bold cheaper lines. Sales of costly a poem by Nlcolaiw Lonau. a: ronlprehewiv report on the edu- CANARIES included on the list at thai time, philosophical and mystic German Mr. Plumb aald. to Mr. and Mrs. J«rr.«s A. Rpindrl, appliances, television seta and crisifl in the Garden record players wo.1 also reported poet of the parly nineteenth cen-1 ^^ The report recommended BIRD CAGES property in Map!* avenue, 599 16 tury. j Presbytcrtons to feet from Springfield avenue. to be considerably higher than last consideration of a tax on eorporate TROPICAL Mr and Mrs. William J. Wciler year. The placid, sunnier mooda of the iprofits, a personal income t

Home Page i' i Child Need Best Spot for Pine Paneling This fear? Ventilating Fan Leads Beauty Parents' ,-orafort are two culls art good awns of Jetting mnth trA down the garment when needed. Problems ,.th»t » Is Above Stove To Kitchen garment U "How tt> clean the snowiult will Homemakeri are now learning b© governed by Its construction In view of the compactness of tf DONALD M. MAYNARD ,.,„ of its wearer. as well M its fiber content. Look j today*'hqnua,'and the open plan- /that the kitchen should nok-»nly particular «!»*• for a tag which will give you ning which in many of them makes be a good place to work in but some care directions. The newer the kitchen part of the dining-Uv* also to live in, n weight a»4 I, the may need a bit more Ing-room, eontrolof grease, grime-; One of the b&st ways to lend „ Mrs. Carolyn Yuk* synthetic fibers have the .advan- Kge» nioe- I a&Mrance . ttmn other 'children of vapor and cooking odors U,*fl Im- beauty and charm to the kitchen county .tesbtant honw tage of quick drying provided one-half »nd one »nd-owe- • yvtir \o\t tor h*r and of 'her firiii portant.'To find method^ of keep- is to we pine paneling, suggests (~thr'«bdJ or .outer all parti of ttte garment are of ycarsi. We have * rather UM- ; pojition- in your family circle. ' ing the kitchen and h*Vne cleaner, ' Obrig. Back prime your paneling: he snowsult m&y b" thU fiber. Sometimes, however, uaual §lt«atton In taking « child ; If you wiU guard egairuit ridi- hie of extensive tests of. wall and floor before putting it In. A clear coat lightweight fabric If it is bonier to take out stains as old as we did. A good nun) ; culing- or &co2ding her' -because ,of finishes and ventilating systems j of shellac will prevent condenaa,- jg Vl.ry closely wo veto from aome of th« new fabrics. of our problems were Kit before i her t