0 £ Formaia Go .'Il K Corpp i the Herald t The Weather: r Local New* summit for 84 Tm* Today mostly dooijr tad tinu«d mild. Summit RtcoNt SUMMtT, N. J. THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1953 Eattretf M 8«COD4 CU» MMt«r »t to* rectotftea # lit Swmmlt, N. *., Usdwr tb« Act of Murb 3, * CENTS of School, Pre-School Juvenile Court Council Revives New Year Day Iren Starts Next Week Names Dougal Meeting. After 17-Year Lapse ece^ Sununit children of school As Local Referee At the request ©f the Summit For the first time in 17 years the Common Council ol age will be taken daring the period of Jan- will conduct its annual organization meeting on New Year's Municipal Youth Guidance Coun- jrh 19 by *** **? Cffloiittifctee on Education with Day. The traditional meeting will be held Thursday, Jan-, in of all FTA gnmpt. _ cil and with th« approval of Mayor wary 1, at 11 a.m. in the Council chambers at the City Hall. of the survey ii to aafet Perc.lv*! M. Bland, Judge Iibby The last time such a meeting was held on New, Year's Day of the E, Sftehar, Judge of the Juvenik was Jah. 1, 1936 and since that problem over tik»< and DomSet ie Relations Court of nme trie meetings nave ooen usu- • period. The wrwy Union. County, b*3 appointed Dr. ally on the second or third day of John B.Dougalf s* referee of that Mental Clinic at the new year. pjA member*,-IB In the brief ceremony the Coun- i district .-..'. court for the City of Summit. He Plainfield to Get cil will seat three members, elect »orth and validity ©f will begin U« duties after January a president for 1953 and appoint depends up standing committees. It will also net on appointments by the Mayor1 .' compkteneiit Dr. DougaH will hear those 510,000 County Aid b*en requested t» v • . • • * •. / "and lr is expected that some of 'easea of pre-1 clinqutnej- end be- ' New county budgetary requests these appointments will be of a • »|i question* put forth * totaling $160,000 were revealed this ,«, Ralph ft Sayi havior problems , Involving the promotional nature for members -week by the Union County .Board r cf the l*y Gam- yottUi of Summit u? to the age of of city d "«irtwents. of Freeholders in releasing infor- A highlight of th*e meeting • wiH ,' •t|-irtilch'"'at«"*njore wrioua'tftaa ilnaf idn'ttat thtf wilt rnrhrtle be the annual message by Mayor Ofork in its 1953 budget an jtem of $10,- ^•trJiVfrilig the• fleer but not mrkm» enough to 'l%Winr'Wfer»al"lo"'Jid«e"Sacbar' i»nmber-orlam "field and that the Freeholders had la Btfaafeette. A'i«porton-t«ctr'£Uft>' of Health and that the position of been • asked" by tht;* County Park- •City'ClerK/lert \ttBilj find dumber of pre- heard by him will be forwarded Commkiion to «How a $150,000 per family. nation of William R. Gilson who to the Juvenile Court. bond iasue for the coming year, left to become a candidate for rWormaMeh will-to^ ""Hi*'authority includes the guid- "•••• W; ""Richmond'"Tracy-of-Sumntlt," Council -in * tbr 1953- primary -eleo-- •• | will be the name of each ance of child ©r.parents, the engineer for the Park Commis- tion, will be filled. Vtjpe of dweOing auch to require restitution for sion and secretary, said that about Councllmen Ogden D. Gensemer or mtiitiple family Dtrid E *ge »ad plsetuy the child on un- ' WINNERS OF YULE CONTEST — Mr. and Mrs. $100,000 of the amount would be and John G. MacKechhie, who were are Miss Sarah Cadoo, principal of Franklin School, j 11 « rented, number'of ehfl re-elected this yeajr. and Vincent «'h'w>Ls oth?r than ffii probation to sr.y member IMeyrick Green and family of 61 Paasaic avenue who was one-of the Judges; Mrs. Green, Roberta! of the community deemed best proudly accept a turk«y from Mayor. Perdval M. Green, Mr. Green, Mayor Bland, Mrs. Ralph Strom-j develop present'holdings. If theJA Burgher, who was appointed , ones, birth d*te« bond issue k approved other j last month to fill the uhexpired children, childr«i »• suited to sa«et the n«4e of the Bland after being notified that their residence was sted and Donald Lawley, judges; and Myra Green.| David Knowles child. Such an appointment makes chosen the beat-decorated one in West Summit by The term of Ernest S. Hickok, will be Mnde teactiing a»d al devdopment of < the Elizabeth formally sworn in to office, at this 1 or not children now »t* available l&oal^y to the cititen* «f the West Summit Civic Association. Left to right Summit, the schools, parents, and River Parkway, completion of a meeting. I &0B*pubUc school* pton td Made President new golf course at Ash Brook, Amcng the appointments mad© Junior or Senior h other af«nci«s» In certain Jastaneea, the eervices of th« Juvenile Court. Scotch Plains, completion of the i by the Mayor and requiring no Of Kiwanis Club Such *vai!«bi;ity Is these cases More Than 3 Million Letters Police and Fire renovation and expansion of the j Council confirmation which will be Em Many Hetuit* can ciimitiatc trips to Eliiabeth of Galloping Hill Golf Clubhouse, (made are a trustee to serve a five- tidx»! population census, *G- Dmvld H. Klnowlfs, Summit In- isoun duration and make road improvement throughout the ' year term on the board of the f te Hit Uy Corn mi tW, will turance agent, became the thir- laforsal conference* dur- Handled Here in Two Weeks Departments Slate park system and Improvement and ; Public Library, two members of •detailed Information on the tieth president of the Kiwani* dub ing evening or other hour» con- addition to picnic facilities, guard jthe Planning Board, one to serve rails and parking arca«. ja six-year term and. the other a of school children by of Summit yiaterday u Lieuteit- venient for those concerned, Summit's Post Offloe la back tions were placed in the lobby for «nt Governor Joseph Zeignet per- Applicants Tests ( term and a member of on*sche*u!e after ft frantic holiday the convenience of patrons. The decision to appropriate $10.- ; , „ „ „ _. K, formed the irwtalhition ceremonies Handling of incipient erobkms thc B ri of «btainli)« Information of ceason which established new rec- He ako pointed out that resi- Written examinations for appli- 000 for the Mental Hygiene Clinic f ™ Education to serve a ! children by dkftrlcts the during the regular KlwranLi lunch- of juvenile delinquency to the ex- was approved by th Freeholders' Hve-ycar term. tent possible bj a refere* not only ords for volume of letter mail and dents mailed earlier this year than cants for hoth police and fire de- e l«houM Indicate which dis- eon meeting at the New Hantp- partments will be held during Jan- ,„ ..1 , „, , A-ppolntments wh ch require relieves the bmrtten of work ora the parcel post packages. last and that the rush began on (flill rtctive the larfeat pft- ehlre HOIMK. uary, It was announced this week. welfare committee and will mark „ **.t „ .. .„ ? . , Juvenile ludfe bat p«rmit9 a more Postmaster Daniel J. Bitzpatrick December 10 whereas last year jwpuktion- Inforaiatioa Mr. Knowles, who lived in Sum- ,. t t MI \ i. i 4L jCouBril confirmation .will include Intimate *n& persor.a.1 eowi>.!-vra- this week announced that in the It was about five days later. Police ejoaine ere acheduled for f the total type of dwell- mit for 42 years, i* itartlng- M» the county's first venture ln the L . .. ' , , tlon of auch probkn» tb&r. might two-week period from December The Postmaster had nothing but January 10 at 10 ft.m. at the Sum- i la Hich district and tbe el&nute. ytar M a member of the mit high school. Firemen's exam- otherwise be jK»ssfelf. ID through 24 Handled Incoming j praiae for his staff and gave credit • J «. i a 11 wu * *two membera to the Board of of «chool children board «f trustee* of the Summit inations will he heW around the The MjDlcipal Giiidiince Council and outgoing •nail totaling 33#?,028 j to tbsm for their extra efforts In mental hyKlene field. The grant L. ... " .. „ , „ . rtll aid in d*- Fr« P*l)li« Ubroo' a»d i» & <Jir^-- mitilie of January; tl,%? exact date U ttet Dr. Clofiikl! Is {*f- plccea. Tliir he eatA, rupn^Knts a r«pe«<iing the mails and eceora- . , „ , . iHeath, one to the Zoning Board tot «f tW^JI»iuTrust Ct^ivu-y, to be announced later. weU faalified to »lrve ma Ti2,W2'increfls* over Uu*t ytar for j pushing a tremendous |oh. to a private agency is allowed in ; , , ,' . .~ T , to tht lehool load. He to «(*hff in Cfentral Pr«*yt«r- Police application forais may be ... " : ... , . , |of Adjustment^^ , one to the Local refere« to Saannit A r«!dent ©f the same period, or ft 29 per cent mis such ' Important factor in the tan Chuotfe, haviaf i*rved at ft boost in volume. obtained from Chief Edward K, e statute enacted by the Legisla- i... OJ jm i» I {Continued on p*ge 2) Summit for many ywira and super- Among local residents backing j BoardBoard,,6 9LocaLoca Boardll AssistancAssistanc and eeP!annin Boardg, deaeoa there. Friends to Give Egan at headquarters on Spring- pKe in ,*UTb* Mental Hygiene Sff ' intendlfHt e€ schools from 1923 to The growth in mailings was also thhe mpve t o ^rant countty fundfd s ii Board of School Estimate, pther Abo Inducted to of flee for the field avenue, and firemen's applica- WS duo graven fund, from °^djUtIon tQ theM the ComJ 1HO, active in many of the ag?arl<-a reflected in the parcel post divi- for the clinic were Mrs.
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