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SEPT. 14] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE i739 Reg. Location of Mill. No. I Operator. Postal Addr.... ------~~-~-~-. WELLINGTON CONSERVANOY ~continued 84 Waipawa Cases. Ltd. P.O. Box 4, Waipawa Waipawa. 143 Wall, T. W., Ltd. P.O. Box 44, Waverley Waverley. 59 \¥anganui Sash and Door Factory and Timber Co., P.O. Box 77,Wauganui Wanganui. Ltd. 154 Wanganui Sash and Door FactOl'v and Timber Co., P.O. Box 77, Wanganui Erua. Ltd. .' 201 Wanganui Sawmills, Ltd. 9 Wicksteed Place, Wanganui Wanganui. 82 Ware, F. G., Ltd. P.O. Box 78, Hastings Hastings. 30 \,vaterrells, W. G. Parkville, Eketahuna Eketahuna. 241 \Yaterson Bros., and McDonell P.O. Box IS, National Park National Park. 227 I Waugh, S. R . P.O. Box 18, Martinborough Martinborough. 187 Weir and Kenny, Ltd. P.O. Box 34, Taumarunui Roto Aim. NELSON CONSERVANOY 26 A b bot and Christian R.lKD., Takaka Motupipi. 166 Albol'll, V. W, 190 Lincoln Road, Addington Cronadun. 16 Anderson, F. L., Ltd. P.O. Box 36, Murchison Lyell. 210 Anderson, F. L., Ltd. P.O. Box 36, ~lurchison Inangahua. 188 Andrews, C. R. Motupipi Road, Takaka Takaka. 1 Anglesey, E. W. Tadmor , Nelson Tadmor. 154 Aorere Timber Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 36, Takaka Bainham. 176 Badcock, .J. J. Murchison Matiri. Baigent, R., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Kainui. 6 Baigent, fl., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Tasman. 7 Baigent, R., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Belgrove. 38 Baigent, H., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Mildura. 61 Baigent, R., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Redwoods Valley. 103 Baigent, R., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Berlins. 115 Baigent, H., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Motueka. 116 Baigent, fl., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Waiwhero. 132 Baigent, H., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Waimea East. 133 Baigent, H., and Sons, Ltd. P.O. Box 97, Nelson Wakefield. 155 Bastin, W., and Sons .. Wakefield Howard. 112 Benara Timber Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 10, Nelson Mangarakau. , 206 Birkett, fl. G. Hampden Street, Murchison Gowan Valley. 199 Blackadder, W. D. Rahu, Reefton Rahu. 160 Blackwater Mines, Ltd. P.O. Box 41, Reefton Snowy River. 152 Brown's Creek Sawmill Ikamatua Ikamatua. 204 Bryant, P. E. Tinline, Marlborough Tinlinc. 157 Bunn, R. Ariki, Murchison Ariki. 11)6 Cain, Herbert Birchfield Birchfield. 8 Christian, W. I. Rotoiti R.M.D., Nelson Korere. 213 Crispin Bros. .. Havelock Havelock. 178 Cronadun Timbers, Limited P.O. Box 72, Greymouth Larry's Creek. 215 Cronadun Timbers, Limited P.O. Box 72, Greymouth Larry'S Creek. 24 De Boo, A. E. Rai Valley Carluke. 156 Deck Bros. Riwaka RYLD., Motueka Riwaka. 200 Eggers, R. T., and Sons Upper Moutere .. Harakeke. 212 Fraser, L. G. Upper Moutere R.M.D., Nelson jyIahaua. 165 Freeth Bros. .. Koromiko, Marlborough Koromiko. 105 Gilsenan Bros., Ltd. Care of P.O. Box 828, Christchurch Rotokohu. 35 Grant, H. H ... Private Bag, Collingwood .. Rockville. 41 Harris and Duncan, Ltd. Karamea Umere. 16S Harvey Bros. Ylanaroa, )larlborough Manaroa. 197 Harvey, Len .. Karamea R.M.D., \Vestport Te Namu. 179 Havill and De Filippi P.O. Box 72, Greymouth Rahu. 140 Hewetson Bros. Rai Valley, Marlborough Ronga Valley. (S9 Higgins, B. J. Tapawera R.M.D., Wakefield Tapawera. 186 HodgkinsOli, W. and O. Chalgrave Street, Murchison Murchison. 137 Holbrook, B. and G. T., Ltd. Hope Street, Nelson 'l'eal Valley. SO Hunter Timber Co. Domett Street, Westport Westport. 170 Jenkins and Burt P.O. Box 52, Murchison Tutaki. 193 Johnson, J. R. M. Market Cross, Karamea Karamea. 203 Kennedy Sawmilling Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 63, Westport Charleston 58 Kenny, E. J ... 101 Jeffrev's Road, Christchurch Loop Liue. 184 Knowles, F. H. Pangatot,;'ra Baton RM.D., Motueka Pangatotara. 34 Kongahu Sawmill Workers' Co. Kongahu Granite Creek. 172 Leach, R. C .. RM.D., Westport Corbyvale. 100 Levy, O. C.. Ngatowau, Westport Nikau. 94 Marris and Woollett Seddonville, via Westport Seddonville. 20S Matakitaki Co.op. Sawmill Co. Upper Matakitaki, Murchison Glenroy Valley. 158 McCallum and Co., Ltd. 117 Crawford Street, Dunedin Break Creek. 162 McDowell and Smout . Quail Valley, R.M.D., Wakefield Quail Valley. 123 Miller, R A. Renwicktown Renwicktown. 124 Mitchell, F. T. (trustees of late) P.O. Box 63, Westport Charleston. ISO Mullholland, P. G. fl. .. Seddonville Mokihinui. 135 Musgrove, F. E., Ltd. P.O. Box 56, Blenheim Burleigh. 121 Nelson Creek Sawmill, Ltd. P.O. Box 72, Greymouth Rahui. 191 Newport, J. L. R.M.D., Takaka Takaka. 173 Nicholls, F. G. Hope Hope. 161 Nixon, J. R B. Post· office, Hector .. Mokinui. 211 One Spec Mill Care of H. R. Drake, Public Accouutant, Nelson Mahinga Valley. 182 Orikaka Sawmilling Co. 37 A jyIill Street, Westport .. Buller Gorge 150 Pakawau Timber Co., Ltd. 173 Hardy Street, Nelson .. Pakawau. 209 Patterson, A. E. Post· office, Hope .. Hope. 205 Pope, A., and Son P.O. Box 52, Seddon Seddon. 2 Prentice, A. M., and Son Springlands, Blenheim Blenheim. 128 Price Bros. Private Bag, Nelson Korere. 192 Rahu Timbers Rahu, via Reefton Rahu. 194 Read Case and Timber Co. Selwyn Place, Nelson Rabbit Island. 143 Riordan Bros. Uruwhenua RM.D., Takaka Uruwhenua. 70 Robinson, W. W. Belgrove Belgrove... 171 Russ and Phipps 70 Emano Street, Nelson Stoke. 169 Sawmill~, Marlborough, Ltd. P.O .. Box 84, Blenheim .. I31enh!3i:m .•.. .