No 14, 19 March 1947

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No 14, 19 March 1947 )aumb. 14 321 NEW ZEALAND SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1947 Notice of a Scheme of Development and Reconstruction in Westland I (2) The establishment, development, and improvement of· and Buller industry on lands drained or otherwise reclaimed. (3) Development and improvement of the. c~al-mi~ing industry URSUANT to subsection (2) of section 29 of the Finance Act throughout the area, including particularly the Stockton State P (No. 3), 1944, I, Robert Semple, the Minister of Works, Mine, Burke's Creek Colliery, Garvey's Creek Mine, Liverpool hereby give notice of the nature of the work to be included in the Colliery, Mount Davey Coalfields, the Dobson Colliery, Strongman scheme of development and reconstruction described in the First Colliery, and the Tyneside Mine. Schedule hereto, and that the approximate boundaries of the area (4) The processing of coals, utilizing slack coals ai1d lignites of hereby affected are as described in the Second Schedule hereto, the West Coast and Buller regions, in particular the slack coals such area being hereinafter referred to as " the area." This notice of Westport District and the Charleston lignites. shall remain in force until the 30th day of September, 1956. FIRST SCHEDULE 3. Commercial NATURE OF WORK (1) The establishment of commercial areas, and the provision THE improvement of the lands and the development of the area and development of sites'and buildings for commerce in conjunction for industrial, commercial, residential, and recreational purposes, with residential and industrial areas. including, in particular, the provision of:- (2) The provision of accommodation and other facilities for 1. Land Development tourist and holiday traffic. (1) Land. improvement and development works generally, including the acquisition of suitable blocks of land, clearing, sub­ 4. Communications division, fencing, provision of houses, buildings, water-supply, (1) Improvement of radio, telegraph, telephone, and postal access, and amenities. services throughout the area, including new post-office at Hokitika, (2) Soil-conservation and river-control works and land drainage new post-offices and quarters at Kumara and Otira ; additions to and reclamation throughout the area, including the following major existing post-offic~s at Greymouth and Westport; new automatic­ works:- telephone exchange at Greymouth ; stores-garages at Greymouth, (a) ·works for the control of flood-waters and prevention of Hokitika, and Reefton ; and a workshop at Greymouth. erosion and flooding, in particular in the basiris of the (2) Arterial and 'Local Access: Improvements and extensions various rivers in the area, the most important being 9f of existing and provision of new arterial and local access generally the Inangahua, Oparara, Little Wanganui, Mokihinui, throughout the area, including, particularly, the following main Ngakawau, ·waima,ngaroa, Little Totara, Nile, Puna­ works:- kaiki, Grey, Taramakau, Hokiti\a, Waitaha, Big Wanga­ nui, Poerua, \i\Tataroa, Waitangi, Waiho, and Arawata (a) Reconstruction and improvement, including deviations, Rivers and their tributaries. grade and alignment improvements, and sealing the (b) Works for the improvement of the drainage of low-lying following highways-: Nelson-Westport, Inangahua J unc - areas, particularly in the Buller County. tion - Greymouth, Greymouth-Waiho, Waiho-Karanga­ rua, and Christchurch-Kumara Junction State Highways, (3) Afforestation: The development and expansion of forests the Westport-Karamea, . Westport-Greymouth (C,o~st generally . within the area, with improved facilities for culture, Road), and the Reefton - Hanmer Junction Main fffgli­ control, and protection, particularly at Tawhai, Hukuwai, Granville, ways, with works for the protection of highways ftbm Rimu, Lake Ianthe, Seddonville, Te Kuha, and Nile River State flood and the replacement of existing bridges dt pro - Forests. vision of new bridges where necessary, major btidge 2. Industrial works being over the Taramakau, Arahura, Mikonui, (1) The establishment of industrial areas, and the provision Big Waitaha, Big Wanganui, Poerua, Buller (at West­ and development of sites and buildings for industries, particularly port), · Inangahua (at Reefton), Little Grey ahd Big at Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika. Grey and Otira Rivers, and over Blackwater Creek. 322 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 14 (b) Imprdvement and extension of the roading-system through­ 7. Social Services out the area, including the replacement of existing The provision of sites, buildings, and services throughout the bridges and the provision of new bridges and fords area for social and cultural and recreational purposes, including- where necessary, the following being the principal . (1) Educational: New primary school for Hokitika, new works:- classrooms at the Greymouth Technical School, and additional (i) New road construction from Karangarua to provision generally to meet growth and movement of population. Haast Pass with a bridge over the Haast River; Inch- (2) Health : Extensions to Hokitika Mental Hospital ; new ' bonnie to Jacksons; Lake Kanieri to Kokatohi via hospital and nurses' home, Reefton; extensions and improvements Dorothy Falls and Styx; Karangarua to Welcome Flat to buildings controlled by the Buller, Grey, and Westland Hospital. via the Copeland Valley; Arawata to Hollyford; Waiho Boards. Beach Road ; and Crooked River Valley Road. (ii) Improvements to Springs Junction to Mataki­ (3) Cultural- taki Road and Bruce Bay Access Road. (a) New broadcasting studio and transmitter at Greymouth (iii) Realignment and metalling of county roads and a new studio at Westport. and bridge replacements generally in the counties of (b) Community centre at Reefton. Buller, Inangahua, Grey, and Westland. (c) For Greymouth: New clock tower and civic square. (iv) Street and footpath construction and improve­ (4) Recreational- ments in Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Reefton, Ross, Rmianga, and Brunner. (a) At Granity : New swimming-baths. (b) At Reefton: Sports centre. (3) Railways: Improved rail facilities for all classes of traffic, (c) -At Westport: Recreation areas. including- (d) At Greymouth: Sports centre, recreation reserves. (a) Grade and curvature easements and station yard rearrange­ (e) At Ross: Improvements to the Public Hall. ments on the "\iV est Coast section of the Rolleston to (5) Other Amenities-· Hokitika Railway ; (b) A line linking the Nelson section of the Nelson-Inangahua (a) At Greymouth: Extension of the cemetery; new crema­ Railway at Glenhope with the South Island Main Line torium ; and new abattoirs. and Branches at Inangahua Junction; (b) At Franz Joseph Glacier: An aerial tramway. (c) Extension of the existing railway at Ross to Wataroa; and (d.) The construction of a branch railway from Westport to 8. Defence Charleston. Construction and improvement of defence installations. (4) Airways: The improvement of airfields, airports, and other facilities for civil aviation, including, in particular:- 9. Public Ad11iinistration (a) New aerodromes for Hokitika and Weheka or Fox Glacier New facilities for Government and local administration, and extensions of the existing aerodromes at Greymouth including- and Waiho. (a} Government centres at Greymouth and \Vestport. (b) Provision of airparks for club and private aviation through­ (b) New police-station for Greymouth and police-stations and ou.t the area. quarters at Karamea, Millerton, and Dobson. (5) Harbours- ( c) New courthouses for Westport and Reefton. (a) Improvements of the Westport and Greymouth Harbours, (d) New workshops at Greymouth for the Public Works including extension and improvement of training-walls, Department. clearing lagoons, wharf renewals, and extensions. (e) New offices, stores, workshops, and garages for the Grey (b) Improvements to the Okarito Harbour and construction of Electric~power Board. a new wharf at Bruce Bay. (f) N e:w· Town Hall for Hokitika. (g) New workshops at Westport for the Westport Borough (6) Road Transport: Additional facilities for transport of Council.· passengers and goods generally within the area. 5. Utilities SECOND SCHEDULE (1) Electricity-supply: Additional substations, transmission lines, and reticulation, and improved supply of electricity within APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES OF AREA the area generally, and, in particular:- ALL 'that area in the Nelson and ·westland Land Districts, being (a) New transmission line linking the Nelson system at Stoke the County of Buller, as described in the New Zealand Gazette of wit)J. the m.ain South Island system at Blackwater via 1922, at page 231, the County of Inangahua, as described in the Tophoul'le, Mµrchi!:lon, and Inangahua. New Zealand Gazette of 1924, at page 2501, the County of Grey, (b) Bra'll.<ih line fr<;>m Inangahua to Waimangaroa and erection as described in the New Zealand Gazette of 1930, at page 359, the of :a eubstation at y\raimangaroa. County of Westland, as described in the New Zealand Gazette of (c) EX'Wn-sioh of facilities for the distribution of electricity 1925, at page 1923; the Borough of Westport, as described in the throughout the area-in particular, the reticulation of New Zealand Gazette of 1873, at page 237 ; the Borough of Runanga, the area controlled by the Grey Electric-power Board. · as described in the New Zealand Gazette of 1930, at page 359 ; the Borough of Greymouth, as described in the New Zealand Gazette (2) Water-supply, sewerage, storm-water drainage, gas, and of 1934,
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