DanskDansk PatentPatent TidendeTidende

Dansk Varemærke- tidende

Nr. 23. 129. årgang. 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende, DK Dansk Varemærketidende


Offentliggørelse af registreringer ...... 1245 Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer ...... 1259 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger ...... 1260 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold...... 1261 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning...... 1266 Fornyede registreringer ...... 1267 Udslettede registreringer ...... 1268 Ansøgningsregister ...... 1269 Navneregister ...... 1271 Mærkeregister ...... 1273 Klasseregister ...... 1274 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer ...... 1276 Ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse...... 1331 Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse ...... 1332 Navneregister internationale registreringer ...... 1333 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer ...... 1335 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer...... 1337

Dansk Varemærketidende kan rekvireres som papirkopi for kr. 150 stk. (sort/hvid) og kr. 220 stk. (farve) på tlf. 43 50 85 35

Ansvarlig for redaktion: Keld Nymann Jensen Udgives af Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen, Helgeshøj Allé 81, 2630 Tåstrup, tlf. 43 50 80 00 ISSN 1602-6683 Offentliggørelse af registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01872 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 Varemærker og fællesmærker (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01389 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-09 Offentliggørelse af registreringer PARKEN VENUES

(730) Indehaver: PARKEN VENUES A/S, Øster Allé 50, 2100 København Ø, Danmark Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Advokatfirmaet Nørkær & Horn Andersen I/S, Det dato, jf. varemærkelovens § 23 Gule Pakhus, Havnepladsen 3 A, 1., 5700 Svendborg, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, herunder beklædningsgenstande benyttet i forbindelse med udøvelse af sport, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01869 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (511) Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01225 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-31 andre klasser), julepynt. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. Selfness (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer; udlej- (730) Indehaver: INDRE SUNDHED ApS, Rathsacksvej 1, 3. th., 1862 Frede- ning af lokaler og faciliteter til brug for afvikling af underholdningsvirksomhed, riksberg C, Danmark sportsarrangemenger og kulturelle arrangementer. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, midlertidig indkvartering. delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01873 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00179 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-15 af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01870 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01414 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-10

(730) Indehaver: Eric Lansohn, P. Fach 1016, CH-8201 Schaffhausen, Schweiz (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Asta Larsen, Skovvej 54, 8550 Ryomgård, Danmark (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater, sanitæ- re præparater til medicinske formål, desinfektionsmidler, lotions og geler for terapi og diagnose (til medicinske formål). (511) Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologiske og veterinære appara- ter og instrumenter, herunder apparatur for terapi og diagnose, ortopædiske artikler. (511) Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, sundheds- og skøn- hedspleje af mennesker og dyr.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01874 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04059 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-10-12 OPTIMAIL

(730) Indehaver: Francotyp-Postalia AG & Co., Triftweg 21-26, D-16547 Bir- kenwerder, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Frankeringsmaskiner, farvebånd.

(730) Indehaver: DANAMICS ApS, Bouet Møllevej 4, 9400 Nørresundby, Dan- mark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 07: Kompressorer, dampkondensatorer og pumper, herunder elektromagnetiske pumper (dele af maskiner) til køleanlæg til køling af elektro- nisk udstyr. (511) Klasse 09: Interne køleindretninger og køleinstallationer til køling af PC'er, integrerede kredsløb og mikroprocessorer. (511) Klasse 11: Køleindretninger og køleinstallationer til køling af elektronisk udstyr, herunder PC'er, integrerede kredsløb og mikroprocessorer, ventilati- onsinstallationer og -apparater til elektronisk udstyr.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01871 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 03102 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-08-09 Bliv klar til vægttab

(730) Indehaver: Medicine Melodies/Bliv klar til vægttab v/Helle Bjarning Mar- cussen, Strandboulevarden 57, st, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Magnetiske- og optiske databærere, herunder CD. (511) Klasse 41: Komponering af musik, udgivervirksomhed, ikke downloada- ble online publikation af musik.

1245 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01875 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01878 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04572 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00585 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-12

(730) Indehaver: FONDEN ESRUM KLOSTER OG MØLLEGÅRD, Klostergade 11-12, 3230 Græsted, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk; spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, pølse. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, (730) Indehaver: Scandinavian Movie Channel Aps, Filmbyen 14, 2650 Hvidov- mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, re, Danmark honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Scandinavian Movie Channel Aps, Filmbyen 14, 2650 krydderier, råis. Hvidovre, Danmark (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (511) Klasse 35: Detailhandel med kortfilm, dokumentarfilm og spillefilm, her- (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø under via Internettet. og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. (511) Klasse 38: Udsendelser via kabel-tv; transmission af meddelelser og (511) Klasse 32: Øl, herunder klosterøl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande billeder (computerunderstøttet); tilvejebringelse af adgang til databaser; fjern- og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre synsudsendelser samt fiberoptisk netværkskommunikation. præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 41: Udlejning af kortfilm, dokumentarfilm og spillefilm; fjernsyns- (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- underholdning. holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, Es- rum Klosters Riddermarked.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01876 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00692 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01879 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00584 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-12 STINGRAY Esrom Kloster (730) Indehaver: R82 A/S, Parallelvej 3, 8751 Gedved, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco A/S, Åboulevarden 17, 8000 Århus C, (730) Indehaver: FONDEN ESRUM KLOSTER OG MØLLEGÅRD, Klostergade Danmark 11-12, 3230 Græsted, Danmark (511) Klasse 10: Møbler og senge, specielt udformede til medicinske formål. (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, (511) Klasse 12: Klapvogne. tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk; spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, pølser. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01877 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04846 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-04 honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. (511) Klasse 32: Øl, herunder klosterøl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, Es- rum Klosters Riddermarked.

(730) Indehaver: FREDERIKSBERG VVS A/S, Pile Alle 21, 2000 Frederiks- berg, Danmark (511) Klasse 37: VVS-installationsvirksomhed; blikkenslagerarbejde.

1246 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01880 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01883 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00583 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-12 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01383 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-09 Esrum Kloster Thinking People

(730) Indehaver: FONDEN ESRUM KLOSTER OG MØLLEGÅRD, Klostergade (730) Indehaver: C-BC. CROSS-BORDER COMMUNICATIONS A/S, Ryesgade 11-12, 3230 Græsted, Danmark 3 B, 2200 København N, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk; delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, pølser. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirk- (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, somhed. mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forsk- honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), ning og design i forbindelse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, design og krydderier, råis. udvikling af computer hardware og computer software. (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01884 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (511) Klasse 32: Øl, herunder klosterøl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 03420 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-09-01 og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- Aalborg+ holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer Es- rum Klosters Riddermarked. (730) Indehaver: AALBORG-NØRRESUNDBY ANTENNEFORENING, c/o Mor- tensen & Beierholm, Voergårdvej 2, 9200 Aalborg SV, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Advokatfirmaet Hjortlund & Partnere I/S, Torvet 1, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01881 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 9400 Nørresundby, Danmark (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01250 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-01 (511) Klasse 09: Elektriske og elektroniske apparater og instrumenter, herun- der til tv-transmission og analog og digital kommunikation, apparater og instru- menter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, undervisning, apparater og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elektricitet, apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signa- lering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter til led- ning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elek- tricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, databehandlingsudstyr. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, tidsskrifter, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, in- struktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater). (730) Indehaver: CON E COM A/S, Hjallesegade 45, 5260 Odense S, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- (511) Klasse 42: Tilvejebringelse af software, herunder i forbindelse med delse og forretningsadministration. hosted IP-telefoni. (511) Klasse 38: Tv transmission, modtagelse og viderefordeling af radio- og (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er i grå, hvid og orange. fjernsynsprogrammer via antenneanlæg, telekommunikationsvirksomhed, her- under national og international kommunikation; datakommunikation gennem fællesantenneanlæg; information vedrørende tv-transmission, rådgivning ved- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01882 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 rørende alle ovennævnte ydelser; computerstøttet transmission af meddelel- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00837 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-28 ser og billeder; broadcastvirksomhed; fjernsynsudsendelser, uanset distribut- ions - og finansieringsmetode, telekommunikationsmæssig rådgivning i forbin- FUSION delse med produktion og udvikling af tv-programmer; tilvejebringelse af elek- troniske opslagsværker (telekommunikation), elektronisk post, radioudsendel- se, tilvejebringelse af brugeradgang til internetportal med beskrivelse og vis- (730) Indehaver: Danisco A/S, Langebrogade 1, 1001 København K, Danmark ning af tv-udsendelse, samt udveksling af information og billeder; rådgivning (511) Klasse 01: Ingredienser til industriel fremstilling af fødevarer, drikkeva- vedrørende radio- og tv-drift (ikke forretningsdrift). rer, dyrefoder og farmaceutiske produkter, især enzymer, betain, antioxidan- (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- ter, kulturer af mikroorganismer og smagsstoffer. Kemiske konserveringsmid- holdningsvirksomhed, herunder entertainmentvirksomhed, fjernsynsunderhold- ler for anvendelse i fødevarer, drikkevarer, dyrefoder og farmaceutiske pro- ning, herunder tilvejebringelse af underholdningsformater og andre formater; dukter; kemiske produkter til hæmning af bakterienedbrydning for anvendelse sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, organisering af konkurren- i fødevarer, drikkevarer, dyrefoder og farmaceutiske produkter; anti-bakteriel- cer, tilvejebringelse af online publikationer og spiltjenester, publikation af le præparater for anvendelse i fødevarer, drikkevarer, dyrefoder og farmaceu- elektroniske bøger og tidsskrifter, udgivelse af tekster - undtagen reklametek- tiske produkter; kemiske præparater til stimulering af aktiviteten af gavnlige ster, forlagsvirksomhed, fotografering, fotografisk reportage, digital billedbe- værtsbakterier til anvendelse i fødevarer, drikkevarer, dyrefoder og farma- handling, nyhedsformidling, produktion af shows, film, videofilm, radio- og ceutiske produkter. Kemiske sødemidler alle til anvendelse i fødevare-, drikke- fjernsynsprogrammer og organisering af sportskonkurrencer, konferencer, vare- og dyrefoderindustrien, samt i den farmaceutiske industri. udvikling af tv-formater og -koncepter. (511) Klasse 03: Aromastoffer, essentielle olier, æteriske essenser, æteriske (511) Klasse 42: Teknisk rådgivnings- og konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende olier, smagsstoffer for anvendelse i føde- og drikkevarer og dyrefoder. transmission. (511) Klasse 05: Enzymer og enzympræparater, gelatine, pektin og gummiar- ter, alle til medicinske og veterinære formål; gær til farmaceutiske og veterinæ- re formål; kulturer af mikroorganismer til medicinske og veterinære formål, substrater til bakteriekulturer, næringsstoffer for mikroorganismer; naturlige sødemidler og sukker til medicinsk brug, medicinske konfekturevarer, medi- cinsk alkohol, dietetiske stoffer tilpasset til medicinsk brug. Tilsætningsstoffer til anvendelse i farmaceutiske og veterinære produkter og i diætetiske tilskud, navnlig kulturer af mikro-organismer til anvendelse i farmaceutiske og veteri- nære præparater, diætetiske føde- og drikkevarer og dyrefoder-produkter til- passet medicinske formål, næringsmidler til spædbørn, vitaminpræparater og mineralske næringstilskud til brug for mennesker og dyr. (511) Klasse 31: Dyrefoder; tilsætningsstoffer til foder, ikke til medicinske formål.

1247 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01885 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01888 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 03421 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-09-01 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01032 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 Aalborg plus HALL OF FAME

(730) Indehaver: AALBORG-NØRRESUNDBY ANTENNEFORENING, c/o Mor- (730) Indehaver: Danmarks Idræts-Forbund, Idrættens Hus, Brøndby Stadion tensen & Beierholm, Voergårdvej 2, 9200 Aalborg SV, Danmark 20, 2605 Brøndby, Danmark; TEAM DANMARK, Brøndby Stadion 20, (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Advokatfirmaet Hjortlund & Partnere I/S, Torvet 1, 2605 Brøndby, Danmark; Parken Sport & Entertainment A/S, Øster Alle 9400 Nørresundby, Danmark 50, 2100 København Ø, Danmark; JP/Politikens Hus A/S, Grøndalsvej (511) Klasse 09: Elektriske og elektroniske apparater og instrumenter, herun- 3, 8260 Viby J, Danmark der til tv-transmission og analog og digital kommunikation, apparater og instru- (511) Klasse 06: Buster og statuetter af metal. menter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, undervisning, apparater og (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver; eller kontrol af elektricitet, apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signa- kommercielle udstillinger. lering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter til led- (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- ning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af elek- holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, her- tricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, under kulturelle udstillinger. magnetiske databærere, lydplader, databehandlingsudstyr. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, tidsskrifter, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, in- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01889 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 struktions- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater). (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00345 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-25 (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- delse og forretningsadministration. (511) Klasse 38: Tv transmission, modtagelse og viderefordeling af radio- og Tr yg fjernsynsprogrammer via antenneanlæg, telekommunikationsvirksomhed, her- under national og international kommunikation; datakommunikation gennem (730) Indehaver: TRYGVESTA FORSIKRING A/S, Klausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 fællesantenneanlæg; information vedrørende tv-transmission, rådgivning ved- Ballerup, Danmark rørende alle ovennævnte ydelser; computerstøttet transmission af meddelel- (511) Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed, pakning og opbevaring af varer, arran- ser og billeder; broadcastvirksomhed; fjernsynsudsendelser, uanset distribut- gering af rejser. ions - og finansieringsmetode, telekommunikationsmæssig rådgivning i forbin- (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, midlertidig indkvartering. delse med produktion og udvikling af tv-programmer; tilvejebringelse af elek- (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse troniske opslagsværker (telekommunikation), elektronisk post, radioudsendel- af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at se, tilvejebringelse af brugeradgang til Internetportal med beskrivelse og vis- efterkomme individuelle behov. ning af tv-udsendelse, samt udveksling af information og billeder; rådgivning vedrørende radio- og tv-drift (ikke forretningsdrift). (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01890 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 holdningsvirksomhed, herunder entertainmentvirksomhed, fjernsynsunderhold- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00928 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-07 ning, herunder tilvejebringelse af underholdningsformater og andre formater; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, organisering af konkurren- cer, tilvejebringelse af online publikationer og spiltjenester, publikation af BAYMITE elektroniske bøger og tidsskrifter, udgivelse af tekster - undtagen reklametek- ster, forlagsvirksomhed, fotografering, fotografisk reportage, digital billedbe- (730) Indehaver: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, Bayerwerk, D-51368 Leverkusen, handling, nyhedsformidling, produktion af shows, film, videofilm, radio- og Tyskland fjernsynsprogrammer og organisering af sportskonkurrencer, konferencer, (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Køben- udvikling af tv-formater og -koncepter. havn V, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Teknisk rådgivnings- og konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende (511) Klasse 05: Veterinærmedicinske præparater, præparater til udryddelse transmission. af skadedyr.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01886 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01891 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00090 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-09 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00945 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-08 CYNARA Penning

(730) Indehaver: CYNARA A/S, Tuborg Boulevard 12, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: SIRIUS advokater I/S, Holmens Kanal 7, 1060 Køben- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Novo Nordisk A/S, Att.: Varemærkeafdelingen, Novo havn K, Danmark Alle, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved udøvelse af forretningsvirksomhed, ledelse og (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater. administration, herunder personalerekruttering; rådgivning vedrørende perso- (511) Klasse 42: Rådgivning, design og udvikling af computerhardware; de- naleledelse; annonce og reklamevirksomhed. sign, rådgivning, udlejning, installation og vedligeholdelse af computersoft- ware; genoprettelse af computerdata; udlejning af computere; design, ajourfø- ring og kopiering af computerprogrammer; computerprogrammering; design af (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01887 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 computersystemer; udvikling og vedligeholdelse af hjemmesider for andre; (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01422 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-10 web-hosting for andre; udlejning af web-servere. (511) Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, hospitaler og medicinske klinikker. X-pert kort (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01892 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (730) Indehaver: CYKEL-X-PERTEN ApS, Roskildevej 14, 2620 Albertslund, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01054 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 Danmark (511) Klasse 12: Køretøjer, befordringsmidler til brug på land, i luften eller i vandet. UNI-Deck (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirk- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 somhed. København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), herunder beton. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- se af beton i byggeri.

1248 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01893 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01897 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01052 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01097 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-17 UNI-Light ALLEZ ALLEZ by LêLê

(730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark (730) Indehaver: LÊ LÊ ApS, 40, 1620 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), herunder beton. (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt og produkter af disse varer til (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, supper og færdigretter til hel eller delvis tilbered- se af beton i byggeri. ning bestående hovedsagelig af en eller flere af de forannævnte varer. (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med nærings- og nydelsesmidler såvel i fast form som i flydende form, herunder særlig kød, fisk, fjerkræ, vildt, produkter af disse varer til human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01894 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, kaffe, te, cacao, sukker, ris, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01056 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 rispapir, risnudler, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, pasta, pastaretter, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), fiskesaucer, UNI-Log hoisinsaucer, tamarindsaucer, marinader, dressinger, krydderier, råis, friske frugter, grøntsager og urter, supper og færdigretter, salater og nudelsalater, (730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark alkoholholdige og ikke-alkoholholdige drikkevarer, herunder gennem postor- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 drekataloger eller via elektroniske medier; import- og eksportagenturer; ind- København V, Danmark købsbistand til andre ved køb af varer og tjenesteydelser; salgsfremmende (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), herunder beton. foranstaltninger for andre. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, herunder restauranter, konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. barer, cafeterier, caféer, catering, diner transportable og kantiner; midlertidig (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- indkvartering. se af beton i byggeri.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01898 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01895 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01051 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01048 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 UNI-Energy UNI-Surface (730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), herunder beton. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), herunder beton. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- se af beton i byggeri. se af beton i byggeri.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01899 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01896 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01098 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-17 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01096 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-17 COCHINE by LêLê LELE (730) Indehaver: LÊ LÊ ApS, Vesterbrogade 40, 1620 København V, Danmark (730) Indehaver: LÊ LÊ ApS, Vesterbrogade 40, 1620 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt og produkter af disse varer til (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt og produkter af disse varer til human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, supper og færdigretter til hel eller delvis tilbered- spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, supper og færdigretter til hel eller delvis tilbered- ning bestående hovedsagelig af en eller flere af de forannævnte varer. ning bestående hovedsagelig af en eller flere af de forannævnte varer. (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med nærings- og nydelsesmidler (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med nærings- og nydelsesmidler såvel i fast form som i flydende form, herunder særlig kød, fisk, fjerkræ, vildt, såvel i fast form som i flydende form, herunder særlig kød, fisk, fjerkræ, vildt, produkter af disse varer til human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, produkter af disse varer til human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, kaffe, te, cacao, sukker, ris, og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, kaffe, te, cacao, sukker, ris, rispapir, risnudler, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af rispapir, risnudler, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, pasta, pastaretter, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, korn, pasta, pastaretter, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), fiskesaucer, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), fiskesaucer, hoisinsaucer, tamarindsaucer, marinader, dressinger, krydderier, råis, friske hoisinsaucer, tamarindsaucer, marinader, dressinger, krydderier, råis, friske frugter, grøntsager og urter, supper og færdigretter, salater og nudelsalater, frugter, grøntsager og urter, supper og færdigretter, salater og nudelsalater, alkoholholdige og ikke-alkoholholdige drikkevarer, herunder gennem postor- alkoholholdige og ikke-alkoholholdige drikkevarer, herunder gennem postor- drekataloger eller via elektroniske medier; import- og eksportagenturer; ind- drekataloger eller via elektroniske medier; import- og eksportagenturer; ind- købsbistand til andre ved køb af varer og tjenesteydelser; salgsfremmende købsbistand til andre ved køb af varer og tjenesteydelser; salgsfremmende foranstaltninger for andre. foranstaltninger for andre. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, herunder restauranter, (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, herunder restauranter, barer, cafeterier, caféer, catering, diner transportable og kantiner; midlertidig barer, cafeterier, caféer, catering, diner transportable og kantiner; midlertidig indkvartering. indkvartering.

1249 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01900 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01902 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01099 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-17 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01221 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-30

(730) Indehaver: Det Danske Frimurerlaug af gamle, frie og antagne murere, (730) Indehaver: LÊ LÊ ApS, Vesterbrogade 40, 1620 København V, Danmark Vesterbrogade 10, 1503 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Børge Holm, Havdrupvej 14, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, fotografier instruktions- og undervisningsmateria- (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt og produkter af disse varer til le (dog ikke apparater), tryktyper, klichéer. human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter (511) Klasse 26: Emblemer af ikke ædelmetaller og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, supper og færdigretter til hel eller delvis tilbered- af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at ning bestående hovedsagelig af en eller flere af de forannævnte varer. efterkomme individuelle behov, herunder sådanne ydelser udøvet af foreningen (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med nærings- og nydelsesmidler og logen overfor dens medlemmer. såvel i fast form som i flydende form, herunder særlig kød, fisk, fjerkræ, vildt, produkter af disse varer til human konsumption, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, mælk (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01903 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedtstoffer, kaffe, te, cacao, sukker, ris, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01238 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-31 rispapir, risnudler, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, pasta, pastaretter, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), fiskesaucer, hoisinsaucer, tamarindsaucer, marinader, dressinger, krydderier, råis, friske frugter, grøntsager og urter, supper og færdigretter, salater og nudelsalater, alkoholholdige og ikke-alkoholholdige drikkevarer, herunder gennem postor- drekataloger eller via elektroniske medier; import- og eksportagenturer; ind- købsbistand til andre ved køb af varer og tjenesteydelser; salgsfremmende foranstaltninger for andre. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, herunder restauranter, barer, cafeterier, caféer, catering, diner transportable og kantiner; midlertidig indkvartering.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01901 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01050 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-13 UNI-Wall

(730) Indehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 19: Byggevirksomhed (ikke af metal), herunder beton. (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, herunder information vedrørende bygge- konstruktioner og byggematerialer primært bestående af beton. (511) Klasse 42: Ingeniørvirksomhed, herunder rådgivning indenfor anvendel- se af beton i byggeri. (730) Indehaver: Det Danske Frimurerlaug af gamle, frie og antagne murere, Vesterbrogade 10, 1503 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Børge Holm, Havdrupvej 14, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, fotografier instruktions- og undervisningsmateria- le (dog ikke apparater), tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 26: Emblemer af ikke ædelmetaller (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov, herunder sådanne ydelser udøvet af foreningen og logen overfor dens medlemmer.

1250 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01904 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-19 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01908 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01420 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-10 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04605 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-20 BONUSVÆRKSTED

(730) Indehaver: FALCK A/S, Falck-Huset, Polititorvet 1, 1780 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 37: Reparations- og installationsvirksomhed; polering, rengøring, reparation, vedligeholdelse, smøring og vask af automobiler og andre befor- (730) Indehaver: Fredericia Furniture A/S, Treldevej 183, 7000 Fredericia, dringsmidler; information vedrørende reparation; installation og reparation af Danmark elektriske apparater og tyverialarmer; starthjælp, døråbning og hjulskift som (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- assistance til køretøjer; rustbeskyttelsesbehandling; gadeoprydning; brønd- benhavn K, Danmark boring; formidling af kunstig sne; udlejning af gravemaskiner; malmudvinding; (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre opførelse af markedsstande og -boder; stenbrud. klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiske- (511) Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed; udlejning og udlån af befordringsmidler ben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for til brug på land; bortslæbning af køretøjer; redningstransport af personer og disse materialer eller af plastic. køretøjer; transport, bjærgning og bugsering af køretøjer; opbevaring af nøgler; (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- information vedrørende transport; redningstjeneste; aflæsning af fragtgods; delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. arrangering af krydstogter; distribution af aviser; blomsterlevering; distribution af energi; udlejning af dykkerklokker; isbrydning; hesteudlejning; opsendelse af satellitter for andre; udlejning af racerbiler; åbning og lukning af sluseporte. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01905 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (511) Klasse 42: Kvalitetskontrol; test af befordringsmidlers køreegenskaber (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00964 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-10 og vejsikkerhed; tjenester tilvejebragt af ingeniører som udfører evalueringer, beregninger, forskning og udarbejdelse af rapporter inden for det videnskabe- lige og teknologiske område; videnskabelig forskning til medicinske formål; Thema syn af biler; fremprovokering af nedbør; matrikelopmåling; meteorologisk infor- mation, herunder vejrmeldinger; oliefeltopmåling; web-hosting for andre; com- (730) Indehaver: ET VINDUER A/S, Annasmindevej 4, Eriknauer, 8700 Hor- putervirusbeskyttelse. sens, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01909 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00899 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-05 transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbanespor, ikke elektriske kabler og tråd af metal, kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, Dinomundo metalrør, pengeskabe, varer af metal ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, malm. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør (ikke af metal) til bygningsbrug, asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af (730) Indehaver: Vanessa Selandia, Svanehuset Norddyssen 76 A, 1441 metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervis- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01906 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 ningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00965 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-10 indeholdt i andre klasser), tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer, ikke indeholdt i andre klas- ser, senge- og bordtæpper. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01910 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01272 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-02

(730) Indehaver: ET VINDUER A/S, Annasmindevej 4, Eriknauer, 8700 Hor- sens, Danmark FLIPMAKER (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark (730) Indehaver: Inspirat v/Søren Hindborg, Absalonsgade 16, 1658 Køben- (511) Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, byggematerialer af metal, havn V, Danmark transportable bygninger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbanespor, ikke (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 elektriske kabler og tråd af metal, kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, København V, Danmark metalrør, pengeskabe, varer af metal ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, malm. (511) Klasse 09: Databehandlingsudstyr; computer software; optagne og down- (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør (ikke af metal) til loadable computerprogrammer, herunder computerprogrammer der indeholder bygningsbrug, asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af ringetoner til mobiltelefoner; elektroniske downloadable publikationer, herun- metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). der aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøger; compactdisk; downloadable lyd/ (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- video; downloadabel online computer spil; computer software; videokassette- delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. bånd og optagne DVD-disks. (511) Klasse 42: Design og udvikling af web baserede værktøjer for andre, herunder digitale online publikationer, digitale interaktive banner, digitale ringe- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01907 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 toner samt online computerspil; design, udarbejdelse, vedligeholdelse og ajour- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2006 02980 (220) Ans.dato: 2006-07-17 føring af computer software. Drømmebolig i Udlandet

(730) Indehaver: Aller International A/S, Marielundvej 46 E, 2730 Herlev, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Køben- havn V, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Forlagsvirksomhed, udgivelse af bøger, tidsskrifter og maga- siner.

1251 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01911 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01914 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00854 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-03 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00009 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-02 Energy Excellence ShineOn

(730) Indehaver: ENERGY EXCELLENCE ApS, Willemoesgade 64, 4 tv, 2100 (730) Indehaver: SCF Technologies A/S, Smedeholmen 13B, 2730 Herlev, København Ø, Danmark Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Energy Excellence ApS, Lindholm Havnevej 31, 5800 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard, H.C. Andersens Nyborg, Danmark Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virk- (511) Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotogra- somhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed. fiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøje- (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, under- med, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, plastic i rå tilstand, gødning, ildslukningsmid- holdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer. ler, præparater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske konserveringsmidler til lev- (511) Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, veterinærvirksomhed, sundheds- og skøn- nedsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål; kemiske præpara- hedspleje af mennesker og dyr, landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsvirksom- ter til brug i rengøringsmidler; kemiske præparater, der forhindrer tilsmudsning hed. af overflader, herunder overflader på vinduer; rensemidler til brug i fabrikati- onsprocesser. (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01912 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter, sæbe, parfumerivarer, (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04226 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-10-26 æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler; præparater til polering; præparater til pudsning; præparater til rengøring; klude, herunder engangsklude imprægneret med rengøringsmiddel til rengøring, bakteriedræ- Logokager.dk bende præparater til husholdningsbrug (rengøring). (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater, sanitæ- (730) Indehaver: PANDO FOODS TRADING ApS, Flintebjerg 11, 4000 Roskil- re præparater til medicinske formål, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, de, Danmark næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplom- (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, bering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af ska- tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til dedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler; insektdræbende og desodorise- papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, rende præparater til husholdningsbrug. skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervis- (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere, kamme ningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke og svampe, børster, børstenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, indeholdt i andre klasser), tryktyper, klichéer. samt dele og tilbehør hertil (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ståluld, glas i rå (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, por- mel, brød, spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, celæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; rengøringsklude, klude, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. skuresvampe, svampe, ståluld, rengøringssvampe. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01913 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01915 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00010 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-02 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01112 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-18 DLBR Revision

(730) Indehaver: Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landscentret, Udkærsvej 15, Skejby, 8200 Århus N, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministration, herunder revisionsvirksomhed; bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver. (511) Klasse 36: Finansiel virksomhed. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed.

(730) Indehaver: SCF Technologies A/S, Smedeholmen 13B, 2730 Herlev, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01916 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 Danmark (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01111 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-18 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark AgroFood Park (511) Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, videnskabelige og fotogra- fiske formål samt til anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsøje- med, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, plastic i rå tilstand, gødning, ildslukningsmid- (730) Indehaver: Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landscentret, Udkærsvej 15, ler, præparater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske konserveringsmidler til lev- Skejby, 8200 Århus N, Danmark nedsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål; kemiske præpara- (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, skovbrugs-, garneri- og havebrugsprodukter ter til brug i rengøringsmidler; kemiske præparater, der forhindrer tilsmudsning samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og af overflader, herunder overflader på vinduer; rensemidler til brug i fabrikati- grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, onsprocesser. malt. (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, (511) Klasse 35: Bistand, rådgivning og information vedrørende forretnings- præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter, sæbe, parfumerivarer, virksomhed, herunder hjælp til drift, ledelse eller administration af en forret- æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandplejemidler; præparater ningsvirksomhed. til polering; præparater til pudsning; præparater til rengøring; klude, herunder (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, herunder kur- engangsklude imprægneret med rengøringsmiddel til rengøring, bakteriedræ- sustilrettelæggelse og administration samt andre tiltag vedrørende kompeten- bende præparater til husholdningsbrug (rengøring). ceudvikling. (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicinske præparater, sanitæ- (511) Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tjenesteydelser samt forsk- re præparater til medicinske formål, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk brug, ning og design i forbindelse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, design og næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og forbindsstoffer, materiale til tandplom- udvikling af computer software. bering og til tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til udryddelse af ska- (511) Klasse 44: Veterinærvirksomhed, herunder veterinære kontrolopgaver dedyr, svampe- og ukrudtsdræbende midler; insektdræbende og desodorise- og sundhedsmæssig rådgivning om forebyggelse samt andre sygdomsregule- rende præparater til husholdningsbrug. rende tiltag; rådgivning inden for gartneri, havebrug og landbrug, herunder (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere, kamme planteavl, kvæg, svin, fjerkræ, heste, pelsdyr. og svampe, børster, børsten-bindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, samt dele og tilbehør hertil (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, por- celæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre klasser; rengøringsklude, skure- svampe, ståluld, rengøringssvampe.

1252 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01917 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01919 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01216 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-30 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04810 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-04

(730) Indehaver: MÆGLERGRUPPEN A/S, Peberlyk 2, 6200 Aabenraa, Dan- mark (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, foderafgrøder. (511) Klasse 35: Professionel rådgivning vedrørende forretningsvirksomhed; forretningsmæssig bistand til andre ved køb og salg af varer og tjenesteydel- ser; engroshandel med landbrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt levende dyr og afgrøder. (511) Klasse 36: Ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, herunder finansiel og skatte- teknisk rådgivning vedrørende omsætning af fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 44: Rådgivning vedrørende landbrugsvirksomhed, jordbrugsvirk- somhed, skovbrugsvirksomhed samt dyrehold inden for produktionslandbrug, deltidslandbrug og nedlagte landbrug. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i sort og grønt.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01920 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04808 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-04 (730) Indehaver: Det Danske Frimurerlaug af gamle, frie og antagne murere, Vesterbrogade 10, 1503 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Børge Holm, Havdrupvej 14, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, fotografier, instruktions- og undervisningsmateri- ale (dog ikke apparater), tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 26: Emblemer af ikke ædlemetaller. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov, herunder sådanne ydelser udøvet af foreningen og logen overfor dens medlemmer. (730) Indehaver: MÆGLERGRUPPEN A/S, Peberlyk 2, 6200 Aabenraa, Dan- mark (511) Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt korn (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01918 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, frø (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01217 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-30 og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, foderafgrøder. (511) Klasse 35: Professionel rådgivning vedrørende forretningsvirksomhed; forretningsmæssig bistand til andre ved køb og salg af varer og tjenesteydel- ser; engroshandel med landbrugs- og skovbrugsprodukter samt levende dyr og afgrøder. (511) Klasse 36: Ejendomsmæglervirksomhed, herunder finansiel og skatte- teknisk rådgivning vedrørende omsætning af fast ejendom. (511) Klasse 44: Rådgivning vedrørende landbrugsvirksomhed, jordbrugsvirk- somhed, skovbrugsvirksomhed samt dyrehold inden for produktionslandbrug, deltidslandbrug og nedlagte landbrug. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i sort og grønt.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01921 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-20 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 00797 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-02-24 Tønder Festival

(730) Indehaver: TØNDER FESTIVAL FOND, Vestergade 80, 6270 Tønder, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Tom Buhmann, c/o Bang + Regnarsen, St. Kongengs- gade 49, 1022 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, fotografiske, kinema- tografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumen- ter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervisning, appara- ter og instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transformation, akkumulering, regu- lering eller kontrol af elektricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, salgsauto- mater og mekanismer til møntopererede apparater, kasseapparater, regnema- (730) Indehaver: Det Danske Frimurerlaug af gamle, frie og antagne murere, skiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. Vesterbrogade 10, 1503 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Bistand ved forretningsadministration. (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Børge Holm, Havdrupvej 14, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Undervisningsvirksomhed, forlagsvirksomhed. (511) Klasse 16: Tryksager, fotografier instruktions- og undervisningsmateria- le (dog ikke apparater), tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 26: Emblemer af ikke ædelmetaller. (511) Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og mennesker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov, herunder sådanne ydelser udøvet af foreningen og logen overfor dens medlemmer.

1253 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01922 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01924 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04490 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-13 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01148 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-25

(730) Indehaver: BLOMINFO A/S, Masnedøgade 20, 2100 København Ø, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Visioncraft v/Annethia Teresa Lilballe, Krogtoften 18, 3320 (511) Klasse 09: Computerhardware og optaget eller downloadable computer- Skævinge, Danmark software, herunder elektroniske billeder, kort og foto. (740/750) Fuldmægtig: House of Trademark v/Maiken Lind, Krakasvej 17, (511) Klasse 16: Geografiske kort. 3400 Hillerød, Danmark (511) Klasse 42: Udvikling, design og ajourføring af software til anvendelse i (511) Klasse 09: Elektronisk instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale; compu- forbindelse med udvikling af tre-deminsionelle kort, landskabsmodeller, bymo- ter software (optaget); computerprogrammer (downloadable); computerprogram- deller og fotooptagelser. mer (optagne); computerspil (edb-programmer); cd-rom; komponenter og peri- (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. fere enheder til computere, herunder til lagring af tekst og billedmateriale; elektroniske publikationer (downloadable). (511) Klasse 16: Trykte informationer og publikationer, herunder manuskripter, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01925 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 brochurer, bøger, håndbøger, kataloger, nyhedsbreve, pjecer, rapporter, hånd- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00162 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-11 bøger, blade, magasiner og vejledninger til brug for ledelse og lederudvikling; trykt instruktions- og undervisningsmateriale. (511) Klasse 35: Forretningsmæssig rådgivning vedrørende forretningsledelse og -organisation; forretningsmæssig rådgivning vedrørende lederudvikling og personaleudvikling; skrivning af reklametekster; radioreklame; fjernsynsrekla- mer; public relation; publikation af reklametekster; udlejning af reklameplads; udarbejdelse af reklamerubrikker; offentliggørelse af reklametekster; udlejning af reklametekster på kommunikationsmedier; salgsfremmende foranstaltnin- (730) Indehaver: Immediad ApS, Østerbrogade 46, 1. sal, 2100 København Ø, ger for andre; tekstbehandlingsvirksomhed. Danmark (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed; undervisningsvirksomhed, herun- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Johan Schlüter Advokatfirma I/S, Højbro Plads 10, der undervisningsvirksomhed ved hjælp af skuespilteknik; underholdnings- 1200 København K, Danmark virksomhed; sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer; foredragsvirk- (511) Klasse 09: Optaget computersoftware til kommunikation af information somhed; kursusvirksomhed, herunder online kurser; ledertræning (undervis- og formidling af nyheder; computersoftware og hardware i form af intelligente ning); teamudvikling (undervisning); supervision/coaching (undervisning) af skærm- og netværksløsninger; digitale lyd-, data- og billedbærere; LCD-skær- enkeltpersoner og grupper; arrangering og ledelse af rollespil (underholdning me; og undervisning), seminarer, konferencer, kongresser, symposier, gå-hjem (511) Klasse 35: Reklame-, annonce- og medievirksomhed, herunder produk- møder (undervisning), temadage og workshops; skrivning af manuskripter; tion af reklamespots, udvikling af point-of-sales løsninger, udvikling af public skrivning af tekster (ikke reklametekster); udgivelse af uddannelses- og un- display medieløsninger, måling af mediarespons. dervisningsmateriale, bøger, poesi, skuespil, musik, manuskripter, tekster (511) Klasse 41: Tilrådighedsstillelse af nyheder; underholdningsvirksomhed. (ikke reklametekster) og nyhedsbreve, herunder udgivelse on-line; filmproduk- (511) Klasse 44: Information om læge- og tandlægevirksomhed, veterinærvirk- tion; produktion af radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer; produktion af videofilm; somhed og hospitaler; rådgivning om læge- og tandlægevirksomhed, veteri- produktioner af shows; fotografering; fotografiske reportager; udlejning af nærvirksomhed og hospitaler; farmaceutisk rådgivning; information og rådgiv- dekorationer til shows og andre forestillinger; udlejning af teaterdekorationer; ning om sundhedspleje og helse, organisering af udstillinger med kulturelt eller uddannelsesmæssigt sigte. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i blåt og lyseblåt (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke; midlertidig indkvartering; reservation af lokaler. (511) Klasse 44: Sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker og rådgivning i (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01926 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 forbindelse hermed; massage; alternativ sundhedsbehandling i form af af- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2006 02951 (220) Ans.dato: 2006-07-14 spænding, åndedrætsterapi, kinesiologi, aromaterapi, clairvoyance, healing, meditation, forebyggelse og håndtering af stress; psykoterapi, kropsterapi, FRISKVAND ergoterapi; zoneterapi; homøopati. (730) Indehaver: Air-Consult ApS, Ebeltoft, Vandkærsholmvej 2, 8400 Ebel- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01923 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 toft, Danmark (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00136 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-10 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Torben Jensen, Østergade 10, 8450 Hammel, Dan- mark (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirk- somhed.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01927 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04744 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-28 Kalle & Co.

(730) Indehaver: Ny Form A/S, Petersmindevej 8, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); skind og huder; kufferter og rejse- tasker; paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 35: Detailhandel med læder og læderimitationer samt varer frem- stillet af disse; skind og huder; kufferter og rejsetasker; paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer, beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning.

(730) Indehaver: Berlin-Chemie AG, Glienicker Weg 125, D-12489 Berlin, Tysk- land (511) Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske præparater, diætetiske præparater til medi- cinsk brug. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver.

1254 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01928 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01930 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04745 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-28 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04778 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-03

(730) Indehaver: Ny Form A/S, Petersmindevej 8, 6000 Kolding, Danmark (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser); skind og huder; kufferter og rejse- tasker; paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (730) Indehaver: Frk. Skrump I/S v/Majbritt Hansen og Alice Apel Jacobsen, (511) Klasse 35: Detailhandel med læder og læderimitationer samt varer frem- Strandvejen 84, st tv, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark stillet af disse; skind og huder; kufferter og rejsetasker; paraplyer, parasoller (511) Klasse 41: Undervisningsvirksomhed, herunder madlavningskurser, og spadserestokke; piske og sadelmagervarer, beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj wellness kurser. og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 42: Teknologisk certificering af caféer og kantiner. (511) Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, nemlig frokost og kantine ordninger og take away mad; midlertidig indkvartering, nemlig weekendophold. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01929 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er i gult, sort, hvid og pink (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00125 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-10

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01931 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 CADISO (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04849 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-06

(730) Indehaver: Co-Ro Food A/S, Ellekær 1, 3600 Frederikssund, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 TRÄLYFTET København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 30: Konfekturevarer, spiseis, frys-selv is, ispinde. (730) Indehaver: Setra Group AB, Gårdsvägen 18, 105 22 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvande og kulsyreholdige vande samt andre ikke- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Awapatent A/S, Lergravsvej 59, 3., 2300 København alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke, frugtsaft og frugtjuice; og kulsyreholdigt S, Danmark mineralvand, koncentrat til frugtdrikke, sirup og andre præparater til fremstil- (511) Klasse 19: Præfabrikerede husmoduler i træ; byggeskeletter, ikke af ling af drikke. metal; bygninger, ikke af metal; flytbare bygninger (byggerier), ikke af metal; (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med konfekturevarer, spiseis, frys- lofter, ikke af metal; beklædninger, ikke af metal, til bygninger; facadebeklæd- selv is, ispinde, ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, mineralvand og kulsyreholdigt ninger, ikke af metal, til byggerier; byggepaneler, ikke af metal; byggemateri- mineralvand, frugtdrikke, frugtjuice, koncentrat til frugtdrikke, sirup og andre aler (ikke af metal); stive rør (ikke af metal) til byggerier; savede trævarer præparater til fremstilling af drikke. (byggematerialer); byggetræ og tømmer; videreforædlede trævarer (halvfabri- keret) til byggeformål; bjælker, planker, paneler, finer, gulve, vinduer, vægge, lister og plader, alle foranstående varer af træ. (511) Klasse 37: Opførelse/anlægning af byggerier, herunder af et- og fler- planshuse af træ. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af træ og tømmer, herunder savning og høvling (savværker) samt fældning. (511) Klasse 42: Arkitektvirksomhed, herunder teknisk rådgivning herom.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01932 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01334 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-07 Acapulco

(730) Indehaver: Oficinakreativa v/Jacob Fasting Andersen, Prinsesse Char- lottes Gade 57, 1.th., 2200 København N, Danmark (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiske- ben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic.

1255 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01933 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-21 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01936 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01294 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-03 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04798 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-12-04 Infonizer DMS DEN ØKOLOGISKE AMBASSADE

(730) Indehaver: INFONIZER ApS, c/o Nellemann Holding, Bryggervangen 39, (730) Indehaver: Niels Langkilde, Bramstrup 1, Nr. Lyndelse, 5792 Årslev, 1., 2100 København Ø, Danmark Danmark (511) Klasse 09: Computer software (optaget); computerprogrammer (down- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 loadable); computerprogrammer (optagne); software (computer -) (downloada- København V, Danmark ble); software (computer -) optaget. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, detailhandel med fødeva- (511) Klasse 38: Adgang til et globalt computernetværk (tilvejebringelse af rer, beklædning, brugskunst, husholdningsartikler og køkkenredskaber, ren- bruger -); brugeradgang til et globalt computernetværk (tilvejebringelse af -); gøringsartikler, parfumerivarer og kosmetiske præparater. computernetværk (etablering af forbindelse til et -) (telekommunikation); com- (511) Klasse 41: Organisering af udstillinger med kulturelt eller uddannelses- puterunderstøttet transmission af meddelelser og billeder databaser (tilveje- mæssigt sigte, uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisningsvirksomhed, underhold- bringelse af adgang til -); forbindelse til computernetværk; (etablering af -) ningsvirksomhed og kulturelle arrangementer. (telekommunikation); kommunikation via computerskærme. (511) Klasse 43: Restaurationsvirksomhed og udbringning af mad og drikke; (511) Klasse 42: Computer hardware (rådgivning vedrørende -); computer cafeer og snackbarer. software (rådgivning vedrørende -); computer software (udlejning af -); compu- (511) Klasse 44: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugsvirksomhed. ter software (vedligeholdelse af -) computerdata; (genoprettelse af -); compu- tere (udlejning af -) computerprogrammer (ajourføring af -); computerprogram- mer (design af -); computerprogrammer (kopiering af -); computerprogramme- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01937 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 ring; computersoftware (installation af -); computersystemer (design af -) com- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00921 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-06 putervirusbeskyttelse; design af computer software; design af computerpro- grammer; design af computersystemer; design (industriel -); duplikering af computerprogrammer; Edb-programmering (ikke-fysisk) konvertering af com- puterprogrammer og data; installation af computersoftware; konvertering af computerprogrammer og data;(ikke-fysisk -); konvertering af data eller doku- menter til elektroniske medier (fysisk -); programmering (computer -); rådgiv- ning vedrørende computer hardware; rådgivning vedrørende computer soft- ware; software (ajourføring af computer -); software (design af computer -); software installation af computersoftware; udlejning af computersoftware; soft- (730) Indehaver: JYSK ELEMENT A/S, Vester Borupvej 20, 9830 Tårs, Dan- ware (vedligeholdelse af computer -), udlejning af computerprogrammer; vedli- mark geholdelse af computer software. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), stive rør (ikke af metal) til bygningsbrug, asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01934 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 (511) Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirksomhed, installationsvirk- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01189 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-27 somhed. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i blå og grå.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01938 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01482 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-15 i30CW

(730) Indehaver: Hyundai Motor Company, 231, Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, 137-938 Seoul, Sydkorea (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 12: Befordringsmidler til brug på land; køretøjer, automobiler, herunder personbiler, lastbiler, busser, varevogne, trailere, traktorer, hjul til befordringsmidler, dæk til hjul til befordringsmidler, motorer til befordringsmid- (730) Indehaver: Torben Kasimzade, Berliner Str. 31, D 38542 Leiferde, Tysk- ler, sikkerhedsseler til befordringsmidler, transmissioner til befordringsmidler, land ruder til befordringsmidler, vinduesviskere, sikkerhedsudstyr til befordrings- (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller midler, nemlig airbags, dele og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til alle de eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), juvelerarbejder, førnævnte varer. smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), skind og huder, kufferter og rejse- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01939 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 tasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagervarer. (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2007 04588 (220) Ans.dato: 2007-11-20 (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer, ikke indeholdt i andre klas- ser, senge- og bordtæpper. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. jyskelement (511) Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), julepynt. (730) Indehaver: JYSK ELEMENT A/S, Vester Borupvej 20, 9830 Tårs, Dan- (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i hvid, rød og grå. mark (511) Klasse 19: Asfalt, beg, tjære og bitumen. (511) Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af materialer og genstande. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01935 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-22 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00766 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-25 RockXolid

(730) Indehaver: RockDelta a/s, Hovedgaden 485, 2640 Hedehusene, Dan- mark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 17: Isoleringsmaterialer, især mod varme, kulde, lyd, ild samt vibrationer. (511) Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal).

1256 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01940 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01943 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00910 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-05 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00716 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-02-20

(730) Indehaver: Josephine Blay, Bolbrovej 181, 2970 Hørsholm, Danmark (511) Klasse 35: Detail- og engroshandel med husholdnings- og køkkenred- skaber, glas- og porcelænsvarer samt tekstilvarer også handlet via et globalt netværk.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01944 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01256 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-01 GYLLDA

(730) Indehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, D-74167 Neckar- sulm, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Frisk og dybfrosset fjerkræ; friske og dybfrosne fjerkræ produkter.

(730) Indehaver: Breweries A/S, 100, 1760 Køben- havn V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01945 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01258 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-01 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke- alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til REILU fremstilling af drikke. (511) Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). (730) Indehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, D-74167 Neckar- sulm, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01941 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 benhavn K, Danmark (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 00242 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-01-17 (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fjerkræ og vildt; kød-, fjerkræ- og vildt produkter.

Dyberg-Larsen (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01946 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01312 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-04 (730) Indehaver: DYBERG-LARSEN ApS, Middelfartvej 47, 5466 Asperup, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Smykker. (511) Klasse 18: Tasker; parasoller. (511) Klasse 21: Porcelæn; lysestager; vaser; pynteskåle; fade; krukker og kurve til husholdningsbrug. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01942 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01797 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-05-13

(730) Indehaver: Varpelev Tomater A/S, Myrekærvej 3, Varpelev, 4652 Hårlev, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Køben- (730) Indehaver: Thomas Møller Pedersen, Årnakke 33, Alsted, 7900 Nykø- havn V, Danmark bing M, Danmark (511) Klasse 29: Konserverede, frosne, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsa- (511) Klasse 09: Fjernsynsapparater, DVD afspillere, beskyttelseshjelme. ger, herunder tomater. (511) Klasse 12: Motorcykler, scootere, knallerter, befordringsmidler til brug (511) Klasse 31: Friske frugter og grøntsager, herunder tomater. på land, nemlig ATV'er (all terain vehicles), RTV'er (rougf terrain vehicles), (511) Klasse 35: Engrossalg, detailsalg, postordresalg og eksport af frugt og buggyer, samt reservedele og tilbehør hertil. grøntsager, herunder tomater. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædning, nemlig køredragter, støvler og handsker til brug ved kørsel på motorcykel. (591) Farvetekst: Mærket er udført i farver. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01947 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01154 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-26 Danurlaub Aps

(730) Indehaver: DANURLAUB ApS, Hovgårdsvej 73, 7100 Vejle, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Boliganvisning (lejligheder), udlejning af ferieboliger. (511) Klasse 43: Udlejning af midlertidig indkvartering.

1257 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01948 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01951 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01445 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-12 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01469 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-15 CARLSBERG LITE

(730) Indehaver: Carlsberg A/S, Ny Carlsberg Vej 100, 1760 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke- alkoholholdige drikke, frugtdrikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til fremstilling af drikke.

(730) Indehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, D-74167 Neckar- sulm, Tyskland (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01954 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01325 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-05 benhavn K, Danmark (511) Klasse 03: Stof, klude og bind imprægneret med kosmetisk lotion, bomuldsvat til kosmetiske formål, vatpinde og vatrondeller til kosmetiske 7six2 formål. (511) Klasse 05: Hygiejneartikler til kvinder, nemlig trusseindlæg, hygiejne- (730) Indehaver: CLEARWAY ApS, Sct Cathrine Vej 8, 9800 Hjørring, Danmark bind, hygiejnetrusser, tamponer, interlabiale pads til feminin hygiejne, stof, (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller klude og bind imprægneret med farmaceutisk lotion. eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), juvelerarbejder, (511) Klasse 16: Varer fremstillet af papir (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. toiletpapir, servietter af papir, ansigtsservietter af papir, papirhåndklæder, (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. papirduge, renseservietter af papir til fjernelse af make-up, køkkenruller, plast- folie, affaldsposer af papir eller plastic, transparent film til indpakning. (511) Klasse 21: Rengøringsklude, karklude, husholdningsklude, gulvklude, møbelklude, støvklude. (591) Farvetekst: Blå (Pantone 280C), rød (Pantone 185C) og hvid.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01949 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01280 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-04-02

(730) Indehaver: SOS INTERNATIONAL A/S, Nitivej 6, 2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark (511) Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, herunder håndtering af skadesbe- handling for andre forsikringsselskabers rejse-, syge- og ulykkesforsikringer; finansiel virksomhed; valutarisk virksomhed. (511) Klasse 39: Transport, herunder hjemtransport fra udlandet af syge og tilskadekomne rejsende samt havarerede motorkøretøjer; arrangering af rej- ser. (511) Klasse 44: Medicinsk virksomhed, herunder rådgivning og styring af medicinsk og kirurgisk behandling af tilskadekomne og syge rejsende i udlan- det; akut psykologhjælp, nemlig tilvejebringelse af psykologhjælp og assistan- ce i forbindelse med nødsituationer, uventede begivenheder og kriser. (511) Klasse 45: Personlige og sociale tjenester ydet af andre for at imøde- komme individuelle behov under rejser, herunder krisehjælp, vagttjenester med sigte på beskyttelse af værdier og individer, alarmcentralvirksomhed, juridisk rådgivning. (591) Farvetekst: Rød cirkel.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01950 (151) Reg.dato: 2008-05-23 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 01214 (220) Ans.dato: 2008-03-29 Marcie

(730) Indehaver: NYBODER MØNTHUS GULD, SØLV OG DIAMANTER ApS, Strandvejen 100, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), juvelerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter.

1258 Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

Varemærker og fællesmærker Offentliggørelse af udskilte registreringer

(111) Reg.nr.:VR 2008 01952 (151) Reg.dato: 1959-06-27 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 02018 (220)Ans.dato: 1958-01-15

(730) Indehaver: Avery Weigh-Tronix B.V., Lellegracht 10, NL-1015 DE Amsterdam, Holland (740/750) Fuldmægtig:Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 København K, Danmark (511) Klasse 08: Knivsmedevarer, håndværktøj og - instrumenter, gafler og skeer, dele af og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til de nævnte varer. (511) Klasse 09: Mekaniske vægte og vejeapparater, skalaer, vægtskåle, glidere, vognvægte og andet udstyr til vejning, videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), fotografiske, kinema- tografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter, måle-, signaliserings-, kon- trol-, livrednings- og undervisningsapparater og -instrumenter, automater, tale- maskiner, kasseapparater, kontormaskiner (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ildslukningsapparater, elektriske rengøringsapparater, dele af og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til de nævnte varer. (641) Udskilt fra: VA 1958 00113 (646) Udskilt dato: 2008-05-23

(111) Reg.nr.:VR 2008 01953 (151) Reg.dato: 1960-09-10 (210) Ans.nr.: VA 2008 02020 (220)Ans.dato: 1960-04-22 BURLINGTON

(730) Indehaver: Burlington Fashion GmbH, Oststr. 5, 57392 Schmallenberg, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig:Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (511) Klasse 25: Manufakturvarer i form af beklædningsgenstande, strømpe- varer. (390) Hjemlandsregistrering: Washington 49211 m.fl. (641) Udskilt fra: VA 1960 01445 (646) Udskilt dato: 2008-05-23

1259 Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

Varemærker og fællesmærker Afslåede eller tilbagetagne ansøgninger

VA 2007 03740 VA 2007 04098 VA 2007 04099 VA 2007 04128 VA 2007 04145 VA 2007 04340 VA 2007 04719 VA 2008 01174

1260 Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagtsforhold Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 00546 Varemærker og fællesmærker (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige Tilførsler af registreringer (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 03856 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige Ændringer af indehaver- og/eller fuldmagts- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- forhold benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VG 1961 00249 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1982 04234 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (730) Indehaver: BUTLER - RICHARD I/S, Gøteborgvej 15, 9200 Aalborg SV, (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01158 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1963 00669 (730) Indehaver: Ergonomic Solutions International Limited, Unit B2, Long- (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige mead Business Centre, Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9QQ, (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- Storbritannien benhavn K, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1977 01676 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01552 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (730) Indehaver: Ergonomic Solutions International Limited, Unit B2, Long- benhavn K, Danmark mead Business Centre, Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9QQ, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 00077 Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 00514 (730) Indehaver: Ergonomic Solutions International Limited, Unit B2, Long- mead Business Centre, Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9QQ, (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 01359 Storbritannien (730) Indehaver: Baldor Electric Company, a Missouri corporation, P.O. Box (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Larsen & Birkeholm A/S Skandinavisk Patentbureau, 2400, 5711 R.S. Boreham Jr. Street, Fort Smith, AR 72902, USA Banegårdspladsen 1, 1570 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1960 00224 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 02677 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (730) Indehaver: Saturn Petfood GmbH, Senator-Mester-Straße 1, D-28197 benhavn K, Danmark Bremen, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1962 01862 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1955 00184 benhavn K, Danmark (730) Indehaver: AB SCA Finans, Stureplan 3, 103 97 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1965 02523 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1975 04067 benhavn K, Danmark (730) Indehaver: AB SCA Finans, Stureplan 3, 103 97 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1968 03041 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 07477 benhavn K, Danmark (730) Indehaver: AB SCA Finans, Stureplan 3, 103 97 Stockholm, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1981 01681 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 00706 benhavn K, Danmark (730) Indehaver: SECOMEA A/S, Diplomvej 381, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Dan- mark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1980 02338 Hellerup, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01820 (730) Indehaver: TheNailShop v/Mariya Pepelanova Larsen, Thor Langes Alle 4, 2860 Søborg, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1997 03410 (730) Indehaver: Meda AB, Pipers Väg 2A, Box 906, S-170 09 Solna, Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 04867 benhavn K, Danmark (730) Indehaver: MAPICTURE ApS, Njalsgade 88, 2., lok. 3.3.115, 2300 Kø- benhavn S, Danmark

1261 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 01958 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02289 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1970 02571 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 03974 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02287 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1975 03040 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 00779 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2003 03043 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1965 01076 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1993 08181 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 04246 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1968 03456 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 03918 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1980 00306 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 00004 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 02124 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 01415 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 05819 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 02825 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1967 01245 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 02288 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1975 01841 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, Sverige Sverige (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 02558 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 01934 (730) Indehaver: Swedish Match North Europe AB, S-118 85 Stockholm, (730) Indehaver: Graco Minnesota Inc., 88 11th Avenue NE, Minneapolis, Sverige Minnesota 55413, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Køben- benhavn K, Danmark havn V, Danmark

1262 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1970 00006 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 08988 (730) Indehaver: Lion Polymer Geismar, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Earby) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- 5955 Scenic Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70805, USA noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 Hellerup, Danmark København V, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 01629 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 02278 (730) Indehaver: TheNailShop v/Mariya Pepelanova Larsen, Thor Langes Alle (730) Indehaver: SANOFI PASTEUR MSD S.N.C., 8, rue Jonas Salk, F-69007 4, 2860 Søborg, Danmark LYON, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 11485 (730) Indehaver: Harry Rosen Inc., 77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1600, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2, Canada (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 00321 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard, H.C. Andersens (730) Indehaver: LÊ LÊ ApS, Vesterbrogade 40, 1620 København V, Danmark Boulevard 12, 1553 København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1938 00541 (730) Indehaver: COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHE- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2004 02117 LIN, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, Frankrig (730) Indehaver: CONMENTOR A/S, Søren Frichs Vej 40, 8230 Åbyhøj, Dan- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- mark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2002 04187 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 02105 (730) Indehaver: N&N Hong Kong Europe Branch ApS, Sejling Hedevej 3, 8600 (730) Indehaver: E. MISSEL GMBH & CO., Hortensienweg 27, D-70374 Stutt- Silkeborg, Danmark gart, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- benhavn K, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 04129 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1988 02732 (730) Indehaver: ROYAL A/S, Smedeland 17, 2600 Glostrup, (730) Indehaver: MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG, Danmark Metro-Strasse 1, DE-40235 Düsseldorf, Tyskland (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Budde Schou A/S, Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Køben- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Sandel, Løje & Wallberg, Frederiksgade 7, 1265 Kø- havn V, Danmark benhavn K, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 04465 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1949 01424 (730) Indehaver: DAN SALMON A/S, Østhavnsvej 12, 9850 Hirtshals, Dan- (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Earby) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- mark noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 05488 (730) Indehaver: Smiths Holding AS, Bentsrudveien 11, NO-3080 Holmestrand, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1966 00116 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Earby) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- København K, Danmark noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 København V, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1986 02240 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1978 02332 mark (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Blackburn) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1983 01701 København V, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 03218 (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Holdings) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1987 00753 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark København V, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 08118 (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Earby) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1990 07680 noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- København V, Danmark mark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1992 08529 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 04422 (730) Indehaver: Wardle Storeys (Earby) Limited, Grove Mill, Earby, Bar- (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark noldswick BB18 6UT, Storbritannien (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 mark København V, Danmark

1263 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 01401 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 08824 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- Helena, CA 94574, USA mark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2000 05157 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 03055 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. mark Helena, CA 94574, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 00347 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 08699 mark (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. Helena, CA 94574, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 00146 Hellerup, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 08825 (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. Helena, CA 94574, USA (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 01258 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark Hellerup, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- mark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1999 03056 (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2003 04015 Helena, CA 94574, USA (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- Hellerup, Danmark mark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1995 08826 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 05121 (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. (730) Indehaver: Pressalit Group A/S, Pressalitvej 1, 8680 Ry, Danmark Helena, CA 94574, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: PATRADE A/S, Fredens Torv 3, 8000 Århus C, Dan- (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 mark Hellerup, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 03113 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 02713 (730) Indehaver: Petronas Lubricants Italy S.p.A., Via Santena 1, I-10029 (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. Villastellone, Torino, Italien Helena, CA 94574, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S, Rigensgade 11, 1316 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 København K, Danmark Hellerup, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2001 00924 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1960 01188 (730) Indehaver: ALLER PRESS A/S, Vigerslev Alle 18, 2500 Valby, Danmark (730) Indehaver: ENIA TECSOM, 2, avenue Francois Sommer, F-08200 Se- dan, Frankrig (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2003 03583 København V, Danmark (730) Indehaver: ALLER PRESS A/S, Vigerslev Alle 18, 2500 Valby, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01736 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01212 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, (730) Indehaver: ALLER PRESS A/S, Vigerslev Alle 18, 2500 Valby, Danmark Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2008 00397 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 01156 (730) Indehaver: ALLER PRESS A/S, Vigerslev Alle 18, 2500 Valby, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1958 02240 (730) Indehaver: MARS DANMARK A/S, Ørestads Boulevard 67, 2300 Køben- (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 02960 havn S, Danmark (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Chas. Hude A/S, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 Danmark København V, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 02376 (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 05519 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. Danmark Helena, CA 94574, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 02392 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark (111) Reg.nr.: VR 1991 02151 (730) Indehaver: KODO Inc. a California corporation, 1500 Whitehall Ln., St. Helena, CA 94574, USA (111) Reg.nr.: VR 2005 03214 (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Hellerup, Danmark Danmark

1264 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2007 00529 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 03245 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 02329 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 01801 (730) Indehaver: Hans Henrik Christiansen, Høstvej 25, 2920 Charlottenlund, Danmark

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1988 01373 (730) Indehaver: Borland International, Inc., a corporation of the State of California, 100 Borland Way, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, USA (740/750) Fuldmægtig: Zacco Denmark A/S, Hans Bekkevolds Allé 7, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark

1265 Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begrænsning 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1960 02157 Varemærker og fællesmærker (511) Klasse 16: Duge og servietter af papir. Tilførsler til registreringer (511) Klasse 23: Garn. (511) Klasse 24: Metervarer fremstillet af uld, bomuld, syntetiske fibre eller blandinger heraf, sengetæpper, duge og servietter af tekstilmateriale eller af plastic, sengetæpper af papir, manufakturvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klas- Klasse- og varefortegnelse efter begræns- ser). ning, herunder begrænsning efter indsi- gelse eller efter deling

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 2006 00887 (511) Klasse 42: Juridisk bistand.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1998 02650 (511) Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, polering og fjernelse af pletter samt slibemidler, sæ- be, parfumerivarer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hårvand, tandple- jemidler. (511) Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodætiske, elektriske, fotografi- ske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kontrol, livredning og undervis- ning, apparater til optagelse, transmission og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske databærere, lydplader, møntautomater og -apparater, kasseappa- rater, regnemaskiner og databehandlingsudstyr, ildslukningsapparater. (511) Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtrukket hermed og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, juvelerarbej- der, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kronometriske instrumenter. (511) Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, tryksager, bogbinderiartikler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- og undervis- ningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), spillekort, tryktyper, klichéer. (511) Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer fremstillet af disse materialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, skind og huder, kufferter og rejsetasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestokke, piske og sadelmagerva- rer. (511) Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, fiske- ben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer eller af plastic. (511) Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber samt beholdere (dog ikke af ædle metaller eller overtrukket hermed), kamme og svampe, børster, bør- stenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsformål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet tilstand (med undtagelse af glas til bygningsbrug), glasvarer, porcelæn og keramik (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser). (511) Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer (ikke indeholdt i andre klas- ser), senge- og bordtæpper. (511) Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og hovedbeklædning. (511) Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sportsartikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), julepynt. (511) Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødekstrakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, frugtsauce, æg, mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og spisefedt. (511) Klasse 30: Kaffe, the, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstat- ning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, spis- eis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, sennep, eddike, herunder vineddi- ke, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, råis. (511) Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, bistand ved forretningsle- delse og forretningsadministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontoropgaver, udlejning og leasing af udstillingsfaciliteter med kommercielle eller reklame- mæssige formål. (511) Klasse 41: Uddannelses- og undervisningsvirksomhed, underholdnings- virksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangementer, udlejning og leasing af udstillingsfaciliteter med kulturelt eller uddannelsesmæssigt sigte. (511) Klasse 42: Design; edb-programmering, vedligeholdelse af computerpro- grammer; udlejning og leasing af computere, herunder udlejning og leasing af centrale databehandlingsenheder, optagne databærende elektroniske kreds- løb, magnetiske disketter og magnetiske bånd samt andet perifert udstyr.

(111) Reg.nr.: VR 1959 01123 (511) Klasse 07: Snitte-, skære-, hakke-, knuse og formalingsmaskiner, maskiner til industrielle formål, herunder værktøjsmaskiner, motorer (ikke til køretøjer), elektriske eller ikke elektriske kaffemøller (maskiner), dele af og tilbehør (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) til de nævnte varer.

1266 Fornyede registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

VR 1998 02277 Varemærker og fællesmærker VR 1998 02278 Fornyede registreringer VR 1998 02281 VR 1998 02377 VR 1998 02480 VR 1998 02635 VR 1998 02739 VR 1998 02756 VR 1998 02815 VR 1998 02965 VR 1998 03079 VR 1998 03259 VR 1998 03390 VR 1918 00511 VR 1998 03473 VR 1928 00817 VR 1998 03547 VR 1938 00541 VR 1998 03610 VR 1938 00918 VR 1998 03634 VR 1948 01399 VR 1998 03692 VR 1948 01421 VR 1998 03695 VR 1958 01133 VR 1998 03738 VR 1958 01248 VR 1998 03750 VR 1958 01292 VR 1998 03763 VR 1958 01359 VR 1998 03785 VR 1958 01595 VR 1998 03790 VR 1958 01636 VR 1998 03798 VR 1958 01644 VR 1998 03803 VR 1958 01782 VR 1998 03835 VR 1958 01934 VR 1998 03837 VR 1958 02008 VR 1958 02300 VR 1968 01308 VR 1968 01319 VR 1968 01648 VR 1968 01882 VR 1968 01956 VR 1968 02253 VR 1968 02409 VR 1968 02476 VR 1968 02712 VR 1968 02737 VR 1968 02744 VR 1968 02831 VR 1977 03970 VR 1978 01769 VR 1978 02105 VR 1978 02295 VR 1978 02391 VR 1978 02435 VR 1978 02442 VR 1978 02607 VR 1978 02751 VR 1978 02895 VR 1978 03091 VR 1978 03240 VR 1978 03260 VR 1978 03536 VR 1988 01099 VR 1988 02022 VR 1988 02140 VR 1988 02149 VR 1988 02163 VR 1988 02173 VR 1988 02180 VR 1988 02360 VR 1988 02552 VR 1988 02605 VR 1988 02732 VR 1988 02851 VR 1988 03007 VR 1988 03041 VR 1988 03386 VR 1988 03621 VR 1988 03629 VR 1988 03758 VR 1988 03835 VR 1988 03845 VR 1988 03982 VR 1988 04091 VR 1988 04099 VR 1997 04984 VR 1998 02151 VR 1998 02158 VR 1998 02159 VR 1998 02164 VR 1998 02177 VR 1998 02276

1267 Udslettede registreringer 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

Varemærker og fællesmærker Udslettede registreringer

VR 2007 00059 VR 2007 01670

1268 Ansøgningsregister Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

Varemærker og fællesmærker VA 1980 02933 VR 1988 02552 VA 1981 04016 VR 1986 02240 Ansøgningsregister VA 1982 00435 VR 1982 04234 VA 1982 02421 VR 1983 00077 VA 1982 03614 VR 1983 01701 VA 1982 03615 VR 1987 00753 VA 1985 02014 VR 1988 03386 Register over mærker i dette tidende VA 1985 02115 VR 1988 02180 VA 1986 02435 VR 1987 03218 angivet i ansøgningsnummerorden VA 1986 02974 VR 1988 01373 VA 1986 03571 VR 1988 01099 VA 1986 04109 VR 1988 02605 (210) Ans. nr. (111) Reg. nr. VA 1986 04702 VR 1988 02851 VA 1918 00490 VR 1918 00511 VA 1986 05148 VR 1988 03835 VA 1928 00924 VR 1928 00817 VA 1986 05818 VR 1988 02140 VA 1938 00653 VR 1938 00541 VA 1986 06164 VR 1988 02149 VA 1938 00777 VR 1938 00918 VA 1986 06171 VR 1988 02360 VA 1947 02097 VR 1948 01421 VA 1986 06590 VR 1988 03845 VA 1948 01464 VR 1948 01399 VA 1986 06919 VR 1988 03007 VA 1949 01760 VR 1949 01424 VA 1986 07073 VR 1988 02163 VA 1954 02443 VR 1955 00184 VA 1986 07487 VR 1988 02732 VA 1956 02068 VR 1958 01248 VA 1986 07603 VR 1988 02022 VA 1956 02070 VR 1958 01133 VA 1986 08137 VR 1988 02173 VA 1956 02351 VR 1958 01292 VA 1986 08469 VR 1988 03041 VA 1957 00312 VR 1958 01934 VA 1986 08505 VR 1988 03621 VA 1957 01962 VR 1958 01359 VA 1987 00237 VR 1988 03629 VA 1958 00113 VR 1959 01123 VA 1987 00843 VR 1988 03982 VA 1958 00617 VR 1958 01595 VA 1987 01605 VR 1988 04091 VA 1958 01217 VR 1958 02008 VA 1987 01926 VR 1988 03758 VA 1958 01247 VR 1958 01636 VA 1987 01950 VR 1988 04099 VA 1958 01413 VR 1958 01782 VA 1988 05291 VR 1990 07680 VA 1958 01437 VR 1958 01644 VA 1989 00495 VR 1990 02677 VA 1958 01785 VR 1958 01958 VA 1989 05983 VR 1990 03918 VA 1958 01902 VR 1958 02124 VA 1989 06608 VR 1991 08118 VA 1958 02438 VR 1958 02240 VA 1989 08917 VR 1992 08529 VA 1958 02721 VR 1958 02300 VA 1989 08918 VR 1992 08988 VA 1959 02824 VG 1961 00249 VA 1989 09565 VR 1991 05488 VA 1959 03247 VR 1960 00224 VA 1990 01327 VR 1991 05519 VA 1960 00941 VR 1960 01188 VA 1990 01328 VR 1991 02151 VA 1960 01445 VR 1960 02157 VA 1991 04256 VR 1992 11485 VA 1961 02229 VR 1968 02476 VA 1993 02218 VR 1993 08181 VA 1961 03311 VR 1962 01862 VA 1994 04579 VR 1998 03079 VA 1962 02483 VR 1963 00669 VA 1995 04616 VR 1995 07477 VA 1964 04275 VR 1965 01076 VA 1995 07248 VR 1998 03390 VA 1965 00948 VR 1965 02523 VA 1995 07645 VR 1998 02276 VA 1965 01513 VR 1966 00116 VA 1995 07646 VR 1998 02277 VA 1965 02397 VR 1970 00006 VA 1995 08287 VR 1998 02377 VA 1966 02761 VR 1968 01648 VA 1995 08321 VR 1995 08824 VA 1966 04483 VR 1967 01245 VA 1995 08322 VR 1999 03055 VA 1967 00004 VR 1968 02409 VA 1995 08323 VR 1995 08699 VA 1967 00509 VR 1968 01308 VA 1995 08325 VR 1995 08825 VA 1967 01412 VR 1968 01882 VA 1995 08326 VR 1999 03056 VA 1967 03072 VR 1968 01319 VA 1995 08327 VR 1995 08826 VA 1967 03304 VR 1968 02253 VA 1995 09426 VR 1998 03259 VA 1967 04200 VR 1968 02737 VA 1996 05453 VR 1998 03113 VA 1968 00363 VR 1968 02744 VA 1996 06898 VR 1998 03610 VA 1968 00492 VR 1968 01956 VA 1997 00686 VR 1998 02278 VA 1968 00569 VR 1968 02712 VA 1997 01494 VR 1998 02756 VA 1968 00988 VR 1968 03041 VA 1997 02769 VR 1997 04984 VA 1968 01265 VR 1968 02831 VA 1997 02926 VR 1997 03410 VA 1968 02507 VR 1968 03456 VA 1997 03183 VR 1998 02480 VA 1970 00579 VR 1970 02571 VA 1997 04235 VR 1998 03837 VA 1973 01117 VR 1975 04067 VA 1997 04453 VR 1998 02739 VA 1974 04074 VR 1975 01841 VA 1997 05902 VR 1998 02151 VA 1974 04095 VR 1975 03040 VA 1997 06116 VR 1998 03473 VA 1976 02239 VR 1978 02332 VA 1997 06128 VR 1998 02965 VA 1976 03376 VR 1977 01676 VA 1997 06141 VR 1998 02281 VA 1976 03990 VR 1978 02607 VA 1997 06366 VR 1998 02158 VA 1976 04643 VR 1978 03240 VA 1997 06367 VR 1998 02159 VA 1977 01925 VR 1977 03970 VA 1998 00013 VR 1998 02650 VA 1977 02260 VR 1978 02895 VA 1998 00269 VR 1998 02164 VA 1977 02399 VR 1978 02442 VA 1998 00653 VR 1998 04246 VA 1977 02778 VR 1978 02105 VA 1998 00654 VR 1999 00004 VA 1977 03718 VR 1978 00779 VA 1998 00947 VR 1998 02177 VA 1977 04637 VR 1978 02751 VA 1998 01652 VR 1998 02815 VA 1977 04714 VR 1978 02435 VA 1998 01710 VR 1998 03785 VA 1977 04927 VR 1978 01769 VA 1998 02088 VR 1998 03738 VA 1978 00207 VR 1978 02295 VA 1998 02094 VR 1998 02635 VA 1978 00374 VR 1978 02391 VA 1998 02377 VR 1998 03547 VA 1978 00773 VR 1978 03260 VA 1998 02390 VR 1999 02558 VA 1978 01079 VR 1978 03091 VA 1998 02391 VR 1998 03974 VA 1978 01223 VR 1978 03536 VA 1998 02736 VR 1998 03634 VA 1978 02123 VR 1981 01681 VA 1998 02773 VR 1998 03695 VA 1979 01575 VR 1980 02338 VA 1998 02936 VR 1998 03692 VA 1979 02271 VR 1980 00306 VA 1998 03028 VR 1998 03790

1269 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

VA 1998 03047 VR 1998 03763 VA 2008 00242 VR 2008 01941 VA 1998 03346 VR 1999 02825 VA 2008 00345 VR 2008 01889 VA 1998 03499 VR 1998 03798 VA 2008 00583 VR 2008 01880 VA 1998 03500 VR 1998 03803 VA 2008 00584 VR 2008 01879 VA 1998 03602 VR 1998 03750 VA 2008 00585 VR 2008 01878 VA 1998 03840 VR 1998 04422 VA 2008 00692 VR 2008 01876 VA 1998 03965 VR 2000 00546 VA 2008 00716 VR 2008 01943 VA 1998 04172 VR 1998 03835 VA 2008 00766 VR 2008 01935 VA 1998 04713 VR 1998 04465 VA 2008 00837 VR 2008 01882 VA 1998 04757 VR 2000 01401 VA 2008 00854 VR 2008 01911 VA 1999 03366 VR 1999 03856 VA 2008 00899 VR 2008 01909 VA 2000 02896 VR 2000 05157 VA 2008 00910 VR 2008 01940 VA 2000 03034 VR 2001 00347 VA 2008 00913 VR 2008 01629 VA 2000 03881 VR 2001 00146 VA 2008 00921 VR 2008 01937 VA 2000 04237 VR 2001 00924 VA 2008 00928 VR 2008 01890 VA 2000 05082 VR 2000 05819 VA 2008 00945 VR 2008 01891 VA 2001 00261 VR 2001 01258 VA 2008 00964 VR 2008 01905 VA 2001 01050 VR 2001 02713 VA 2008 00965 VR 2008 01906 VA 2002 01481 VR 2002 02287 VA 2008 01032 VR 2008 01888 VA 2002 01482 VR 2002 01415 VA 2008 01048 VR 2008 01895 VA 2002 01483 VR 2002 02288 VA 2008 01050 VR 2008 01901 VA 2002 01484 VR 2002 02289 VA 2008 01051 VR 2008 01898 VA 2002 04378 VR 2002 04187 VA 2008 01052 VR 2008 01893 VA 2003 01895 VR 2003 03043 VA 2008 01054 VR 2008 01892 VA 2003 03448 VR 2003 03583 VA 2008 01056 VR 2008 01894 VA 2003 03858 VR 2003 04015 VA 2008 01096 VR 2008 01896 VA 2004 01272 VR 2004 02117 VA 2008 01097 VR 2008 01897 VA 2005 00796 VR 2005 01212 VA 2008 01098 VR 2008 01899 VA 2005 00910 VR 2005 01736 VA 2008 01099 VR 2008 01900 VA 2005 01130 VR 2005 01156 VA 2008 01111 VR 2008 01916 VA 2005 01131 VR 2005 02960 VA 2008 01112 VR 2008 01915 VA 2005 01143 VR 2005 01158 VA 2008 01148 VR 2008 01924 VA 2005 01144 VR 2005 01552 VA 2008 01154 VR 2008 01947 VA 2005 01348 VR 2005 01820 VA 2008 01174 VA 2005 01613 VR 2005 02376 VA 2008 01189 VR 2008 01934 VA 2005 01948 VR 2005 02392 VA 2008 01214 VR 2008 01950 VA 2005 01949 VR 2005 03214 VA 2008 01216 VR 2008 01917 VA 2005 02952 VR 2007 00529 VA 2008 01217 VR 2008 01918 VA 2005 03960 VR 2006 03245 VA 2008 01221 VR 2008 01902 VA 2005 04091 VR 2005 05121 VA 2008 01225 VR 2008 01869 VA 2005 04383 VR 2006 02329 VA 2008 01238 VR 2008 01903 VA 2005 04490 VR 2005 04867 VA 2008 01250 VR 2008 01881 VA 2005 04505 VR 2006 00321 VA 2008 01256 VR 2008 01944 VA 2005 04528 VR 2006 01801 VA 2008 01258 VR 2008 01945 VA 2006 00902 VR 2006 00887 VA 2008 01272 VR 2008 01910 VA 2006 02951 VR 2008 01926 VA 2008 01280 VR 2008 01949 VA 2006 02980 VR 2008 01907 VA 2008 01294 VR 2008 01933 VA 2006 03007 VR 2007 00514 VA 2008 01312 VR 2008 01946 VA 2006 03892 VR 2007 00059 VA 2008 01325 VR 2008 01954 VA 2006 04897 VR 2007 01670 VA 2008 01334 VR 2008 01932 VA 2007 00797 VR 2008 01921 VA 2008 01383 VR 2008 01883 VA 2007 02666 VR 2007 04129 VA 2008 01389 VR 2008 01872 VA 2007 03102 VR 2008 01871 VA 2008 01414 VR 2008 01870 VA 2007 03420 VR 2008 01884 VA 2008 01420 VR 2008 01904 VA 2007 03421 VR 2008 01885 VA 2008 01422 VR 2008 01887 VA 2007 03740 VA 2008 01445 VR 2008 01948 VA 2007 04059 VR 2008 01874 VA 2008 01469 VR 2008 01951 VA 2007 04098 VA 2008 01482 VR 2008 01938 VA 2007 04099 VA 2008 01797 VR 2008 01942 VA 2007 04128 VA 2008 02018 VR 2008 01952 VA 2007 04145 VA 2008 02020 VR 2008 01953 VA 2007 04226 VR 2008 01912 VA 2007 04340 VA 2007 04490 VR 2008 01922 VA 2007 04572 VR 2008 01875 VA 2007 04588 VR 2008 01939 VA 2007 04605 VR 2008 01908 VA 2007 04719 VA 2007 04744 VR 2008 01927 VA 2007 04745 VR 2008 01928 VA 2007 04778 VR 2008 01930 VA 2007 04798 VR 2008 01936 VA 2007 04808 VR 2008 01920 VA 2007 04810 VR 2008 01919 VA 2007 04846 VR 2008 01877 VA 2007 04849 VR 2008 01931 VA 2007 04878 VR 2008 00397 VA 2008 00009 VR 2008 01914 VA 2008 00010 VR 2008 01913 VA 2008 00090 VR 2008 01886 VA 2008 00096 VR 2008 00706 VA 2008 00125 VR 2008 01929 VA 2008 00136 VR 2008 01923 VA 2008 00162 VR 2008 01925 VA 2008 00179 VR 2008 01873

1270 Navneregister Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04


1271 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende


1272 Mærkeregister Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

Thema (w) VR 2008 01905 Varemærker og fællesmærker Thinking People (w) VR 2008 01883 Mærkeregister TMP THOMAS MØLLER PEDERSEN APS (fig) VR 2008 01942 Tryg (w) VR 2008 01889 TRÄLYFTET (w) VR 2008 01931 TUBORG LEMON (fig) VR 2008 01940 Register over mærker offentliggjort som Tønder Festival (w) VR 2008 01921 UNI-Deck (w) VR 2008 01892 registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabe- UNI-Energy (w) VR 2008 01898 tisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst UNI-Light (w) VR 2008 01893 UNI-Log (w) VR 2008 01894 UNI-Surface (w) VR 2008 01895 (540) Mærke (111) Reg. nr. UNI-Wall (w) VR 2008 01901 VisionCraft (fig) VR 2008 01922 X-pert kort (w) VR 2008 01887 (fig) VR 2008 01870 7six2 (w) VR 2008 01954 (fig) VR 2008 01900 (fig) VR 2008 01923 (fig) VR 2008 01928 (fig) VR 2008 01949 Aalborg plus (w) VR 2008 01885 Aalborg+ (w) VR 2008 01884 Acapulco (w) VR 2008 01932 AgroFood Park (w) VR 2008 01916 ALLEZ ALLEZ by LêLê (w) VR 2008 01897 Autoriseret VVS - installatør FREDERIKSBERG VVS BLIKKENSLAGERFIRMA A/S (fig) VR 2008 01877 BAYMITE (w) VR 2008 01890 blay's DENMARK (fig) VR 2008 01943 Bliv klar til vægttab (w) VR 2008 01871 BONUSVÆRKSTED (w) VR 2008 01908 CADISO (w) VR 2008 01929 CARLSBERG LITE (w) VR 2008 01951 CLUTTER DK (fig) VR 2008 01924 COCHINE by LêLê (w) VR 2008 01899 Con e Call (fig) VR 2008 01881 CYNARA (w) VR 2008 01886 Danurlaub Aps (w) VR 2008 01947 Den gamle Gartner Snack tomater små delikatesser fra Stevns (fig) VR 2008 01946 DEN ØKOLOGISKE AMBASSADE (w) VR 2008 01936 Dinomundo (w) VR 2008 01909 DLBR Revision (w) VR 2008 01915 Drømmebolig i Udlandet (w) VR 2008 01907 Dyberg-Larsen (w) VR 2008 01941 Energy Excellence (w) VR 2008 01911 Esrom Kloster (w) VR 2008 01879 ESRUM KLOSTER & MØLLEGÅRD (fig) VR 2008 01878 Esrum Kloster (w) VR 2008 01880 FLIPMAKER (w) VR 2008 01910 FREDERICIA FURNITURE (fig) VR 2008 01904 FRISKVAND (w) VR 2008 01926 FRK. SKRUMP (fig) VR 2008 01930 frotto (fig) VR 2008 01948 FUSION (w) VR 2008 01882 GYLLDA (w) VR 2008 01944 HALL OF FAME (w) VR 2008 01888 Healthcarechannel (fig) VR 2008 01925 Infonizer DMS (w) VR 2008 01933 i30CW (w) VR 2008 01938 JYSK ELEMENT (fig) VR 2008 01937 jyskelement (w) VR 2008 01939 Kalle & Co. (w) VR 2008 01927 LandboGruppen Din professionelle landbrugsmægler (fig) VR 2008 01920 LandboGruppen (fig) VR 2008 01919 LELE (w) VR 2008 01896 LOGEN DEN RAA STEN KØBENHAVN NR.825 (fig) VR 2008 01902 LOGEN ORION SILKEBORG NR. 838 (fig) VR 2008 01917 LOGEN SIRIUS SILKEBORG NR. 821 (fig) VR 2008 01918 Logokager.dk (w) VR 2008 01912 LÖNNEBERGA FASHION (fig) VR 2008 01934 Marcie (w) VR 2008 01950 Movieropa (fig) VR 2008 01875 OPTIMAIL (w) VR 2008 01874 PARKEN VENUES (w) VR 2008 01872 Penning (w) VR 2008 01891 REILU (w) VR 2008 01945 RockXolid (w) VR 2008 01935 Selfness (w) VR 2008 01869 ShineOn (fig) VR 2008 01913 ShineOn (w) VR 2008 01914 ShockWave (fig) VR 2008 01873 STINGRAY (w) VR 2008 01876 T LOGEN TROSKAB NR. 835 HERNING (fig) VR 2008 01903 THEMA (fig) VR 2008 01906

1273 Klasseregister 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

21 VR 2008 01913 Varemærker og fællesmærker 21 VR 2008 01914 21 VR 2008 01941 Klasseregister 21 VR 2008 01948 24 VR 2008 01909 24 VR 2008 01934 25 VR 2008 01872 25 VR 2008 01909 Register over mærker off. som registreret 25 VR 2008 01927 25 VR 2008 01928 i dette tidende angivet efter klasse 25 VR 2008 01934 25 VR 2008 01941 25 VR 2008 01942 (551) Klasse (111) Reg. nr. 25 VR 2008 01954 01 VR 2008 01882 26 VR 2008 01902 01 VR 2008 01913 26 VR 2008 01903 01 VR 2008 01914 26 VR 2008 01917 03 VR 2008 01882 26 VR 2008 01918 03 VR 2008 01913 28 VR 2008 01872 03 VR 2008 01914 28 VR 2008 01934 03 VR 2008 01948 29 VR 2008 01878 05 VR 2008 01873 29 VR 2008 01879 05 VR 2008 01882 29 VR 2008 01880 05 VR 2008 01890 29 VR 2008 01896 05 VR 2008 01891 29 VR 2008 01897 05 VR 2008 01913 29 VR 2008 01899 05 VR 2008 01914 29 VR 2008 01900 05 VR 2008 01923 29 VR 2008 01944 05 VR 2008 01948 29 VR 2008 01945 06 VR 2008 01888 29 VR 2008 01946 06 VR 2008 01905 30 VR 2008 01878 06 VR 2008 01906 30 VR 2008 01879 07 VR 2008 01870 30 VR 2008 01880 09 VR 2008 01870 30 VR 2008 01912 09 VR 2008 01871 30 VR 2008 01929 09 VR 2008 01884 31 VR 2008 01878 09 VR 2008 01885 31 VR 2008 01879 09 VR 2008 01910 31 VR 2008 01880 09 VR 2008 01921 31 VR 2008 01882 09 VR 2008 01922 31 VR 2008 01916 09 VR 2008 01924 31 VR 2008 01919 09 VR 2008 01925 31 VR 2008 01920 09 VR 2008 01933 31 VR 2008 01946 09 VR 2008 01942 32 VR 2008 01878 10 VR 2008 01873 32 VR 2008 01879 10 VR 2008 01876 32 VR 2008 01880 11 VR 2008 01870 32 VR 2008 01929 12 VR 2008 01876 32 VR 2008 01940 12 VR 2008 01887 32 VR 2008 01951 12 VR 2008 01938 33 VR 2008 01940 12 VR 2008 01942 35 VR 2008 01869 14 VR 2008 01934 35 VR 2008 01872 14 VR 2008 01941 35 VR 2008 01875 14 VR 2008 01950 35 VR 2008 01883 14 VR 2008 01954 35 VR 2008 01884 16 VR 2008 01874 35 VR 2008 01885 16 VR 2008 01884 35 VR 2008 01886 16 VR 2008 01885 35 VR 2008 01887 16 VR 2008 01902 35 VR 2008 01888 16 VR 2008 01903 35 VR 2008 01896 16 VR 2008 01909 35 VR 2008 01897 16 VR 2008 01912 35 VR 2008 01899 16 VR 2008 01917 35 VR 2008 01900 16 VR 2008 01918 35 VR 2008 01904 16 VR 2008 01922 35 VR 2008 01905 16 VR 2008 01924 35 VR 2008 01906 16 VR 2008 01948 35 VR 2008 01912 17 VR 2008 01935 35 VR 2008 01915 18 VR 2008 01927 35 VR 2008 01916 18 VR 2008 01928 35 VR 2008 01919 18 VR 2008 01934 35 VR 2008 01920 18 VR 2008 01941 35 VR 2008 01921 19 VR 2008 01892 35 VR 2008 01922 19 VR 2008 01893 35 VR 2008 01925 19 VR 2008 01894 35 VR 2008 01927 19 VR 2008 01895 35 VR 2008 01928 19 VR 2008 01898 35 VR 2008 01929 19 VR 2008 01901 35 VR 2008 01936 19 VR 2008 01905 35 VR 2008 01943 19 VR 2008 01906 35 VR 2008 01946 19 VR 2008 01931 36 VR 2008 01911 19 VR 2008 01935 36 VR 2008 01915 19 VR 2008 01937 36 VR 2008 01919 19 VR 2008 01939 36 VR 2008 01920 20 VR 2008 01904 36 VR 2008 01947 20 VR 2008 01932 36 VR 2008 01949

1274 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

37 VR 2008 01877 45 VR 2008 01918 37 VR 2008 01883 45 VR 2008 01949 37 VR 2008 01887 37 VR 2008 01892 37 VR 2008 01893 37 VR 2008 01894 37 VR 2008 01895 37 VR 2008 01898 37 VR 2008 01901 37 VR 2008 01908 37 VR 2008 01926 37 VR 2008 01931 37 VR 2008 01937 38 VR 2008 01875 38 VR 2008 01884 38 VR 2008 01885 38 VR 2008 01933 39 VR 2008 01889 39 VR 2008 01908 39 VR 2008 01949 40 VR 2008 01931 40 VR 2008 01937 40 VR 2008 01939 41 VR 2008 01869 41 VR 2008 01871 41 VR 2008 01872 41 VR 2008 01875 41 VR 2008 01878 41 VR 2008 01879 41 VR 2008 01880 41 VR 2008 01884 41 VR 2008 01885 41 VR 2008 01888 41 VR 2008 01907 41 VR 2008 01911 41 VR 2008 01915 41 VR 2008 01916 41 VR 2008 01921 41 VR 2008 01922 41 VR 2008 01925 41 VR 2008 01930 41 VR 2008 01936 42 VR 2008 01881 42 VR 2008 01883 42 VR 2008 01884 42 VR 2008 01885 42 VR 2008 01891 42 VR 2008 01892 42 VR 2008 01893 42 VR 2008 01894 42 VR 2008 01895 42 VR 2008 01898 42 VR 2008 01901 42 VR 2008 01908 42 VR 2008 01910 42 VR 2008 01916 42 VR 2008 01924 42 VR 2008 01930 42 VR 2008 01931 42 VR 2008 01933 43 VR 2008 01872 43 VR 2008 01889 43 VR 2008 01896 43 VR 2008 01897 43 VR 2008 01899 43 VR 2008 01900 43 VR 2008 01922 43 VR 2008 01930 43 VR 2008 01936 43 VR 2008 01947 44 VR 2008 01873 44 VR 2008 01891 44 VR 2008 01911 44 VR 2008 01916 44 VR 2008 01919 44 VR 2008 01920 44 VR 2008 01922 44 VR 2008 01925 44 VR 2008 01936 44 VR 2008 01949 45 VR 2008 01869 45 VR 2008 01889 45 VR 2008 01902 45 VR 2008 01903 45 VR 2008 01917

1275 Offentliggørelse af internationale registreringer 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

Internationale registreringer (111) Reg. nr.: MP661273 (800) Design. dato: 2006-10-09 Offentliggørelse af registreringer

Indsigelsesfristen udløber 2 måneder fra dato, jf. §23 i bekendtgørelse nr. 1264 af 23 december 1996

(111) Reg. nr.: MP509447 (800) Design. dato: 2006-11-23

VORTELLA (730) Indehaver: Landidyll e.V., Humboldtstraße 19, 99423 Weimar, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Brose + Brose, Leutstet- tener Strasse 13, D-92329 Starnberg, Tyskland (730) Indehaver: VORTELLA-LEBENSMITTELWERK W. VORTMEYER GMBH, (511) Klasse 42: Accommodation and provision of food and drinks. 32353 PREUSSISCH OLDENDORF, Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 1996-06-25 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Boehmert & Boehmert, Hollerallee 32, Gazette No.: 19/2007 D-28209 Bremen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 29: Edible oils and fats, including margarine; mayonnaise, sauces, meat salads, fish, poultry and vegetables, poultry, meat, fish and vegetable (111) Reg. nr.: MP667814 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-07 preserves, tinned soup with the exception of cold fruit soups, soup preparati- ons, namely soup extracts; prepared dishes mainly consisting of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, potatoes; coconut for making coconut macaroons; fresh E-GUARD meat, fish products, potato products, namely potato dumplings, potato purée, potato croquets and French fries. (730) Indehaver: PVG International B.V., Euterpehof 20, NL-5342 CW Oss, (511) Klasse 30: Ketchup, sauces, curry, prepared horseradish (condiment), Holland mustard, vinegar; prepared dishes mainly consisting of pasta and rice; raw (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Novagraaf B.V., Hogehilweg 3, NL-1101 materials for use in preparing pastry and confectionery, namely materials for CA Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland preparing florentines, fine mixtures for preparing cooked pastes and poppy (511) Klasse 11: Stoves (heating apparatus). seeds for filling and covering fine pastry, flavours for use in pastries, essen- (800) International registreringsdato: 1997-01-08 ces for use in pastries. Gazette No.: 29/2007 (800) International registreringsdato: 1986-11-05 Gazette No.: 31/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP670317 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP510845 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-09 BOUQUET-CHARDON

(730) Indehaver: Pascal Bouchard SAS, Parc des Lys, F-89800 CHABLIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 33: Local wines or wines with appellation of origin. (800) International registreringsdato: 1997-03-04 Gazette No.: 31/2007 (730) Indehaver: N.V. NEDERLANDSE SPOORWEGEN, Moreelsepark 1, NL-3511 EP UTRECHT, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Octrooibureau Vriesendorp & Gaade B.V., Dr. Kuyperstraat 6, NL-2514 BB LA HAYE, Holland (511) Klasse 39: Transport of people, goods and luggage. (800) International registreringsdato: 1987-03-09 Gazette No.: 29/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP598163 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-20 CARNIFEED

(730) Indehaver: LONZA AG (LONZA Ltd), GAMPEL, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: A.W. Metz & Co. AG, Hottingerstrasse 14, Postfach, CH-8024 Zürich, Schweiz (511) Klasse 01: Chemical products for use in industry and science. (511) Klasse 31: Additives to fodder not for medical use. (800) International registreringsdato: 1993-02-09 Gazette No.: 31/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP629584 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-14 BACTOCELL

(730) Indehaver: LALLEMAND S.A.S., Parc d''Activité de Font Grasse, 19 rue des Briquetiers, F-31700 BLAGNAC, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet Morelle & Bardou, Parc Techno- logique du Canal, 9 Avenue de l''Europe, BP 53, F-31527 Ramonville St- Agne, Frankrig (511) Klasse 31: Foodstuffs for animals, additives and supplements for non- medical purposes for animal nutrition. (800) International registreringsdato: 1995-01-04 Gazette No.: 31/2007

1276 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP717863 (800) Design. dato: 2006-10-13 (111) Reg. nr.: MP770579 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-28 GIKO

(730) Indehaver: Giko Holding AG, 2, Römerweg, A-6833 Weiler, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Hefel, Mag. Dr. Ralf Hofmann, Egelseestraße 65a, A-6806 Feldkirch, Østrig (511) Klasse 06: Packaging materials of metal; packaging containers of metal; packaging sheets, bags and covers of metal; packaging materials made of tinplate sheet. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials not included in other classes; printed matter, bookbinding material; stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, instructional or teaching material except apparatus, plastic materials for packaging not included in other classes; cases and covers made of cardboard, mandrels, tubes for storage and rolls of cardboard, decorative tubes of cardboard, corrugated cardboard, folding cartons, garbage bags of plastic or paper, sachets, covers and bags for packaging made of paper or plastic, non-textile labels, paper or cardboard packaging for bottles, plastic sheets with air pads for packaging, plastic sheets for pallet packaging, viscose sheets for packaging, jackets for papers, hatboxes of cardboard, cardboard articles, cardboard tubes, plastic packaging sheets, plastic sheets being printed or not in rolls for subsequent processing in automatic vending machines, wrapping paper, cardboard tubes, paper or cardboard boxes, signboards of paper or cardboard, table covers, (730) Indehaver: MANAGEMENT EUROPE MEETING (M.E.M.), 66, rue Escu- tablecloths and table linen made of paper. dier, F-92100 Boulogne Billancourt, Frankrig (511) Klasse 17: Packaging materials, sachets, covers and bags for pack- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet @MARK - Gilbert PIAT, 16 rue aging made of rubber, materials for packing (stuffing) made of rubber or Milton, F-75009 PARIS, Frankrig plastic. (511) Klasse 35: Business advice, information or inquiries; organization of (511) Klasse 18: Packaging pouches, covers and bags of leather. events for commercial or advertising purposes; market studies; sales promo- (511) Klasse 19: Shuttering, not of metal, for concrete; shuttering of card- tion; opinion polls; organization of competitions and distribution of prizes for board for concrete, cardboard shuttering tubes for building, cardboard shutte- commercial or advertising purposes. ring for building. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications; communications by computer termi- (511) Klasse 20: Packaging containers of plastic; decorative tubes. nals; information transmission via telematic means, by cable, by satellite, by (511) Klasse 22: Packaging pouches, covers and bags of textile; packing laser beam, by radio waves; transmission of information via the Internet rope. relating to the distribution of prizes, to competitions, to lists of awards. (511) Klasse 42: Services provided by a packaging designer; preparation of (591) Farvetekst: Red and white. models, printing work, lithographic printing work. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-10-12 (800) International registreringsdato: 1999-05-28 Gazette No.: 32/2007 Gazette No.: 16/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP829292 (800) Design. dato: 2007-10-04 (111) Reg. nr.: MP750949 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-01 PORAFORM

(730) Indehaver: DENNERT PORAVER GMBH, 17, Gewerbegebiet Ost, 92353 Postbauer-Heng, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rau Manfred Dr. Dipl.-Ing., Schneck Herbert Dr. Dipl.-Ing., Hübner Gerd Dipl.-Ing., Rau Albrecht Dr. Dipl.- Phys., Patentanwälte, Königstrasse 2, 90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 19: Non-metallic construction materials, prefabricated construc- tions and parts of constructions, prefabricated cellars, prefabricated garages, construction elements, namely interior wall elements, ceiling elements, housi- ngs for rolling shutters (not made of metal), all goods entirely or partly made of natural stone, artificial stone, concrete, pumice stone, wood and/or foamed (730) Indehaver: bon prix Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Haldesdorfer Straße 61, glass, porous concrete. 22179 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 37: Construction. (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-02-02 materials (included in this class); trunks and travelling bags; backpacks, Gazette No.: 31/2007 wallets, purses, bags. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing (except bath robes and pockets for clothing); foot- wear, headgear (except shower caps). (111) Reg. nr.: MP761109 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-15 (800) International registreringsdato: 2004-03-20 Gazette No.: 45/2007

(730) Indehaver: COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHE- LIN, 12, Cours Sablon, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Clarisse LE DEVEHAT, MICHELIN & CIE, Service SGD/LG/PI-LAD, F-63040 CLERMONT-FERRAND CEDEX 09, Frankrig (511) Klasse 12: Tyres and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retrea- ding tyres; tracks for crawler-tracked vehicles. (591) Farvetekst: Pantone red 032C. (800) International registreringsdato: 2001-05-07 Gazette No.: 28/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP862960 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP868221 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-12

(730) Indehaver: EURONDA SPA, Via dell''Artigianato, 7, I-36030 MONTEC- CHIO PRECALCINO (VI), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DOTT. FRANCESCO BONINI STUDIO BONINI S.R.L., Corso Fogazzaro, 8, I-36100 VICENZA (VI), Italien (511) Klasse 10: Dental apparatus. (511) Klasse 11: Autoclaves for sterilizing dental apparatus. (730) Indehaver: Auer "BÄRENLAND" Finanzholding GmbH, Kalvarienberggas- (800) International registreringsdato: 2005-05-18 se 10a, A-4600 Wels, Østrig Gazette No.: 32/2007 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwalt Dipl.-Phys. Dr.rer.nat. Al- brecht Rau, Königstraße 2, 90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter, paper, cardboard and goods made of these (111) Reg. nr.: MP880080 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-02 materials included in this class, plastic materials for packaging (included in this class). (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys. (511) Klasse 30: Sugar confectionery consisting of or containing jellified gum and/or candy floss and/or jelly and/or liquorice, for non-medicinal purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2005-09-07 Gazette No.: 32/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP863702 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-06

(730) Indehaver: Volna SA, Av. Sécheron 6, CH-1202 Genéve, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: INFOSUISSE Information Horlogére et Industrielle, 18, rue du Grenier, CH-2302 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Schweiz (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of these materials or plated therewith included in this class; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments and their parts included in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-03-06 Gazette No.: 31/2007

(730) Indehaver: Love Therapy S.R.L., Viale Vittorio Veneto, 6, I-20124 Mila- no, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DR. PROF. FRANCO CICOGNA, Via Visconti di Modrone, 14/A, I-20122 MILANO, Italien (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetics in general, including perfumes; perfumes in solid form; deodorants; soaps; liquid soaps; cakes of soap; foaming bath products; dentifrices; shampoos; essential oils; hair lotions; hair perming and setting products; gels, dyes for hair; face creams; mascara; eye liners; eye shadows; make-up pencils; face powders; lipsticks; foundations; body creams; nail polish; nail hardeners; suntan oils and creams. (511) Klasse 18: Bags; handbags; suitcases; backpacks; wallets; purses; briefcases; document holders made of skin, hide and their substitutes; men''s handbags; trunks; skins and hides; articles of skin or hide; leather and leather goods; parasols; beach umbrellas; umbrellas; walking canes. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing for men, women and children in general, including clothing made of skin or hide; shirts; chemisettes; skirts; ladies'' suits; jackets; trousers; short trousers; sweaters; woolen clothing; pajamas; stockings; sle- eveless t-shirts; corsets; sock suspenders; briefs; brassieres; underwear; hats; scarves; neckties; raincoats; overcoats; coats; bathing suits; sports suits; windbreaker jackets; ski pants; belts; pelisses; sashes for wear; glo- ves; dressing gowns; footwear in general, including slippers, shoes, sports shoes, boots and sandals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2005-03-01 Gazette No.: 16/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP909641 (800) Design. dato: 2006-07-26 class, particularly toilet seats; lighting apparatus and systems; electrical lamps, fairy lights; Christmas tree lighting (electrical); torches; bulbs; barbe- cue grills and grill spits (included in this class); lava stones for barbecue grills; lanterns, lampions (paper lanterns); flashlights; fountains, decorative fou- ntains; barbecues; baths, inserts for baths; toilets. (511) Klasse 12: Bicycles and accessories for bicycles, included in this class, particularly bicycle pumps, bicycle panniers, luggage panniers for bicycles. (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods of precious (730) Indehaver: INNOARTISTICO GmbH, Industriestrasse 1, CH-8372 Hinwil, metals or coated therewith, included in this class; jewellery, finery, precious Schweiz stones; horological and chronometric instruments. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Frei Patentanwaltsbüro AG, Postfach (511) Klasse 16: Paper and cardboard and goods made from these materials, 1771, CH-8032 Zürich, Schweiz included in this class; streamers; stationery; office products (except furnit- (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, business management consultancy, in particular ure); printed matter, bookbinding material, books, magazines, journals; statio- professional business consultancy, sales promotion, marketing, all named nery, calendars, advent calendars; commodities for pupils, included in this services in the field of organisation of events and exhibitions of artists and for class, ring binders, sheet protectors, writing implements, writing utensils, artists and in the field of art and artists; business management for artists; writing material, exercise books, stationery cases, pads; albums; photo al- promotion of artists by means of advertising; business inquiries and consul- bums; adhesives for paperware and stationery or household purposes; artists'' tancy, in particular agencies of business contacts and business addresses; materials, paint brushes; pen and pencil cases, pencil bags, writing cases, organisation of exhibitions and fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; writing sets; drawing instruments, rubbers; flags and pennants made of paper; provision of advertising space for others on homepages; compilation and candy cones for pupils, included in this class. systematisation of information into computer databases; tour management for (511) Klasse 17: Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made artists (business management). from these materials, included in this class; plastics in extruded form for use (511) Klasse 36: Financial sponsorship and financial support for artists (spon- in manufacture; flexible pipes (not of metal), particularly hosepipes. soring, grants). (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these (511) Klasse 38: Providing access to web-sites for downloading information, in materials, included in this class; collars, leashes, bags, muzzles and whips for particular information about events, exhibitions, artists, artist''s materials, in animals; blankets for animals, included in this class; trunks and traveling particular concerning musicians, singers, conductors, painters, actors, musi- bags; billfolds, purses and money bags; bags included in this class, particular- cal instruments and spare parts thereof, event locations and contacts; provi- ly handbags, sportbags, schoolbags, satchels, umbrellas, parasols, sticks, ding access to global computer networks (internet), transmission of data via included in this class, particularly hiking sticks, walking sticks, rambling sticks. computer networks. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, included in this class, particularly garden furniture, (511) Klasse 41: Organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purpo- office furniture, bathroom furniture; mirrors, frames; goods, included in this ses; arranging and conducting colloquiums, seminars; arranging and organisa- class of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, tion of concerts, guest performances, readings, operas and music festivals; amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials or seat reservations for entertainment events; artist agencies, in particular pla- of plastics; letter-boxes (neither of metal nor of brickwork); basketry, baskets cement of artists with event organisers, providing artists for orchestra ser- (not of metal); waxworks; cushions (included in this class); decoration articles vices, for events, for sound and recording studios and (artistic) support of included in this class; scratching posts for cats. artists; orchestra services; providing karaoke services; production of shows; (511) Klasse 21: Household or kitchen utensils and containers, included in this entertainment events information; providing interactive information on enter- class; boilers, included in this class; kitchen wares, crockery, pots and pans, tainment events, online from data bases or on the internet; educational ser- included in this class; glass and glassware, porcelain and earthenware, inclu- vices, correspondence courses, arranging and conducting of seminars, ar- ded in this class; glass powder for decoration use; bottles, included in this ranging and conducting of symposiums, all named services in the field of class; candle holders and candle frills (not of precious metal); combs and support of art and artists; translation services, translation services for concert sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); articles for cleaning purposes; programs. flower and plant holders, flower arrangements; flowerpots, flower planters (not (511) Klasse 43: Rental and provision of premises for cultural events. of paper); cool bags and cool boxes (included in this class); cages for pets; (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: litter boxes for pets; litter pans and covers therefor (included in this class); 2006-01-31 CH 543927 Schweiz feeding dishes for animals, included in this class; sprinklers; gloves, included (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-07-26 in this class, particularly garden gloves, household gloves, oven gloves, Gazette No.: 02/2007 polishing gloves; grill grates, grill racks; clothes pegs; clothes hangers and clothes stretchers; accessories for bathrooms, included in this class, particu- larly soap dispensers, soap dishes, soap holders, soap boxes, perfume atomi- (111) Reg. nr.: MP911101 (800) Design. dato: 2006-07-19 zers, towel-rails, towel bars, paper and plastic beakers, toilet paper holders; buckets; rubbish bins. (511) Klasse 22: Nets, tents, tarpaulins, sails, sacks (included in this class); hammocks. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, included in this class, particularly towels, flannels; home textiles; blankets, included in this class, particularly bed and table covers; curtains, included in this class; shower curtains of (730) Indehaver: MARKANT Handels-und Service GmbH, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer- textile material or of plastic film; flags and pennants (not of paper). Strasse 2, D-77656 Offenburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear, including childrens'' and babi- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Vogeser, Liedl, Alber, Dr. Strych, Müller, es'' clothes; gloves (included in this class), aprons; sportswear, sport shoes, Dr. Brehm, Groß, Albert-Roßhaupter-Str. 65, 81369 München, Tyskland jersey clothes, water ski suits, swimsuits, trunks, bathing shoes, bathing (511) Klasse 04: Fuels and illuminants, charcoal (fuel); candles and wicks for caps, bathrobes; fancy dresses. lighting purposes, candles for Christmas trees. (511) Klasse 26: Garlands (imitation); artificial flowers, artificial fruits; false (511) Klasse 06: Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; beards, wigs, hairpieces. transportable buildings of metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials pipes and tubes of metal; goods of common metal, included in this class; for covering existing floors, included in this class. letter-boxes of metal; baskets and wastepaper baskets of metal; figures (511) Klasse 28: Games and playthings; soft toys, dolls; joke articles; confet- (statues) of common metal. ti; gymnastic and sporting articles as well as exercise, sport and gymnastic (511) Klasse 07: Electrical machines and implements for the preparation of apparatus, included in this class, including skies, snowboards, skates, inline- food, included in this class, particularly food processors; lawn mowers. skates, home trainers, balls, skipping ropes; accessories to the preceding (511) Klasse 08: Hand operated tools and implements for garden care and goods included in this class; Christmas trees of synthetic material; Christmas landscape management, included in this class, particularly gardening imple- tree stands, decorations for Christmas trees (except lighting apparatus and ments and instruments, hand operated tools and implements for the prepara- sweets); candle holders for Christmas trees; flippers; carnival masks; play- tion of foods, included in this class; hand operated tools and implements for things as well as gymnastic and training apparatus for animals. do-it-yourself needs, included in this class; cutlery, forks and spoons; side (511) Klasse 31: Litter for animals; dried flowers and plants for decoration use. arms; razors. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 09: Calculating machines, pocket calculators; video games as 2006-01-20 DE 306 03 947.8/21 Tyskland ancillary equipment for television; protective helmets for sports; universal (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-07-19 safety belts (included in this class); glasses for sports; diving suits, diving Gazette No.: 05/2007 masks, diving apparatus; water wings, swimming belts, lifejackets; cases especially adapted to contain mobile phones, laptops, cameras. (511) Klasse 10: Dummies for babies; baby bottles, teething rings. (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; fittings and taps, included in this class; accessories for bathrooms, included in this

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP913801 (800) Design. dato: 2006-07-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP915712 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-20 VSP FLASHPAY

(730) Indehaver: Vizyon Deri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Eski Londra (730) Indehaver: KOMISSARUK MYKHAILO BORYSOVYCH, Vul. Konstitutsii, asfaltı No: 79, TR-34605 Güngören, istanbul, Tyrkiet 6, kv. 34, Donetsk 83000, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: OZLEM FUTMAN, Halaskargazi Cad., (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate No: 266, k: 2, TR-34371 SISLI-ISTANBUL, Tyrkiet affairs; all services of this class, including: financial analysis; banking; clea- (511) Klasse 18: Processed or unprocessed leather and fur, imitation leather, ring (financial); issuing of travellers'' checks (cheques); issuance of credit stout leather, leather for lining; goods made of leather, imitation leather or cards; issue of tokens of value; capital investments; fiscal valuations; apart- other materials (not included in other classes); bags, valises, wallets, portfo- ment house management; accommodation bureaux (apartments); deposits of lios, bags for carrying babies (baby carriers), leather or stout leather boxes valuables; charitable fund raising; rent collection; organization of collections; included in this class, leather and/or imitation leather suitcases, empty toilet stock exchange quotations; insurance consultancy; hire-purchase financing; bags, empty tool bags, money purses, bags, backpacks, document bags, leasing of real estate; customs brokerage; marine insurance underwriting; shopping and school bags, leather and/or imitation leather cases, key cases; instalment loans; lease-purchase financing; exchanging money; antique ap- umbrellas, sun umbrellas, sunshades, walking sticks; whips, harnesses, saddles, praisal; jewellery (jewelry) appraisal; stamp appraisal; art appraisal; real estate stirrups, saddle belts; gut and artificial gut (for making bologna, salami and appraisal; numismatic appraisal; savings banks; check (cheques) verification; sausage etc.). mortgage banking; credit bureaux; lending against security, pawnbrokerage; (511) Klasse 25: Clothing made of leather, headwear, footwear, shawls, deta- factoring; brokerage; insurance information; insurance brokerage; financial chable collars, bandanas, muffs, armbands, headbands, wristbands, belts, sponsorship; financial information; financial management; financial consultan- braces for clothing. cy; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financing services. (511) Klasse 35: The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. 2006-10-02 UA m 2006 15172 Ukraine (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-07-28 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-20 Gazette No.: 09/2007 Gazette No.: 11/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP915126 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP915714 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-20 DREAMSKIN FLASHKEY

(730) Indehaver: PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR, 33, avenue Hoche, F-75008 (730) Indehaver: KOMISSARUK MYKHAILO BORYSOVYCH, Vul. Konstitutsii, PARIS, Frankrig 6, kv. 34, Donetsk 83000, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR, DIREC- (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate TION JURIDIQUE, MADELEINE VENDEUIL-DENISE, 125, rue du Prési- affairs; all services of this class, including: financial analysis; banking; clea- dent Wilson, F-92593 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, Frankrig ring (financial); issuing of travellers'' checks (cheques); issuance of credit (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetics, namely moisturizing milks, lotions, creams, emul- cards; issue of tokens of value; capital investments; fiscal valuations; apart- sions, balms, gels and fluids for face, eye, lip and body care; beauty masks; ment house management; accommodation bureaux (apartments); deposits of anti-wrinkle cosmetics. valuables; charitable fund raising; rent collection; organization of collections; (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: stock exchange quotations; insurance consultancy; hire-purchase financing; 2006-06-06 FR 06 3 432 836 Frankrig leasing of real estate; customs brokerage; marine insurance underwriting; (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-05 instalment loans; lease-purchase financing; exchanging money; antique ap- Gazette No.: 10/2007 praisal; jewellery (jewelry) appraisal; stamp appraisal; art appraisal; real estate appraisal; numismatic appraisal; savings banks; check (cheques) verification; mortgage banking; credit bureaux; lending against security, pawnbrokerage; (111) Reg. nr.: MP915153 (800) Design. dato: 2006-11-20 factoring; brokerage; insurance information; insurance brokerage; financial sponsorship; financial information; financial management; financial consultan- cy; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financing services. ZERO-TOUCH CONSUMER (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-10-02 UA m 2006 15170 Ukraine AUTHENTICATION (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-20 Gazette No.: 11/2007 (730) Indehaver: Entrust, Inc., One Hanover Park, 16633 Dallas Parkway, Suite 800, Addison, TX 75001, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: John C. McElwaine Nelson Mullins Riley (111) Reg. nr.: MP915715 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-20 & Scarborough, LLP, 151 Meeting Street, Suite 600, Charleston, SC 29401, USA (511) Klasse 09: Computer software for providing real-time and background FLASHWIRE fraud detection for transactions in or on various operating environments, platforms, networks and/or network protocols and authentication of users of in (730) Indehaver: KOMISSARUK MYKHAILO BORYSOVYCH, Vul. Konstitutsii, or on such operating environments, platforms, networks and/or network proto- 6, kv. 34, Donetsk 83000, Ukraine cols; computer software to detect suspicious, anomalous or unusual transac- (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate tion or account behaviors in or on various operating environments, platforms, affairs; all services of this class, including: financial analysis; banking; clea- networks and/or network protocols; computer programs for providing alerts ring (financial); issuing of travellers'' checks (cheques); issuance of credit and reports on potentially fraudulent transactions and suspicious, anomalous cards; issue of tokens of value; capital investments; fiscal valuations; apart- or unusual behaviors for and across various operating environments, plat- ment house management; accommodation bureaux (apartments); deposits of forms, networks and/or network protocols; computer software for providing valuables; charitable fund raising; rent collection; organization of collections; access control functions for and across various operating environments, stock exchange quotations; insurance consultancy; hire-purchase financing; platforms, networks and/or network protocols; computer software for providing leasing of real estate; customs brokerage; marine insurance underwriting; identification functions for and across various operating environments, plat- instalment loans; lease-purchase financing; exchanging money; antique ap- forms, networks and/or network protocols; computer software for providing praisal; jewellery (jewelry) appraisal; stamp appraisal; art appraisal; real estate policy enforcement functions for and across various operating environments, appraisal; numismatic appraisal; savings banks; check (cheques) verification; platforms, networks and/or network protocols; computer software for scanning mortgage banking; credit bureaux; lending against security, pawnbrokerage; and analyzing electronic transactions for and across various operating env- factoring; brokerage; insurance information; insurance brokerage; financial ironments, platforms, networks and/or network protocols; computer software sponsorship; financial information; financial management; financial consultan- for creating, storing, and using data in provision of multiple factors of identifi- cy; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financing services. cation and/or authentication for and across various operating environments, (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: platforms, networks and/or network protocols. 2006-10-02 UA m 2006 15173 Ukraine (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-20 2006-07-28 US 78940075 USA Gazette No.: 11/2007 (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-11-20 Gazette No.: 10/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP916987 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-07 (111) Reg. nr.: MP917390 (800) Design. dato: 2006-09-07 ICLAREX NGPs

(730) Indehaver: ARPIDA AG, Duggingerstrasse 23, CH-4153 Reinach, Schweiz (730) Indehaver: Erber Aktiengesellschaft, Industriestrasse 21, A-3130 Her- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Braunpat Braun Eder AG, Reussstrasse zogenburg, Østrig 22, CH-4054 Basel, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Miksovsky & Pollhammer (511) Klasse 03: Soaps for human use; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, OEG, Währingerstraße 3, A-1096 Wien, Østrig hair lotions; dentifrices. (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical products for human medicine; sanitary pro- manures, plant growth regulating preparations, substances for preserving ducts for human medicine; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food foodstuffs for animals. for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and (511) Klasse 05: Veterinary preparations, preparations for destroying vermin, dental wax; disinfectants for human use; products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. fungicides, herbicides. (511) Klasse 31: Foodstuffs for animals, meal for animals, grains for animal (511) Klasse 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and in- consumption, additives to fodder, not for medical purposes, especially mineral struments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture mate- additives to fodder, fodder. rials. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-03-07 AT AM 1696/2006 Østrig 2006-08-10 CH 550809 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-09-07 (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-07 Gazette No.: 13/2007 Gazette No.: 13/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP917485 (800) Design. dato: 2006-10-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP917016 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-02 DREAMWEBSPACE

(730) Indehaver: Left Behind Games Inc., 25060 Hancock Ave., Suite 103, Box 110, Murrieta, CA 92562, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Joseph R. Marcus, Welsh & Katz, Ltd., 120 S. Riverside Plaza, 22nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60606, USA (511) Klasse 09: Audio recordings featuring music; video recordings featuring music; downloadable audio and video recordings; prerecorded music on CD, DVD and other media. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising and information distribution services, namely, providing classified advertising space via the global computer network; promo- ting the goods and services of others over the internet; providing on-line computer databases and on-line searchable databases featuring classified listings and want ads. (511) Klasse 38: Providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; providing email and instant messaging services. (511) Klasse 42: Computer services, namely, hosting online web facilities for (730) Indehaver: Torunskie Zaklady Materialów Opatrunkowych, Spólka Akcyj- others for organizing and conducting online meetings, gatherings, and interac- na, Zólkiewskiego 20/26, PL-87-100 Torun, Polen tive discussions; and computer services in the nature of customized web (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Genowefa Borczykowska, Zbozowa 55A pages featuring user-defined information, personal profiles and information. m 12, PL-87-100 Torun, Polen (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 03: Cotton wool for cosmetic purposes and goods made from 2006-10-30 US 77032511 USA cotton wool for cosmetic purposes, tissues impregnated with cosmetic liquid, (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-10-30 shampoo, moisturizing bubble bath, baby oil, preparation for skin care, cotton Gazette No.: 13/2007 sticks. (511) Klasse 16: Disposable paper tissue, disposable diapers made from paper and cellulose, toilet paper, paper towels, paper napkins, disposable tape (111) Reg. nr.: MP918112 (800) Design. dato: 2006-10-18 reels for stationery, for packaging, paper pouches, babies'' diaper-pants made from paper and cellulose, adhesive tapes. (591) Farvetekst: Red, white, yellow, navy blue. UVISION (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-05 Gazette No.: 32/2007 (730) Indehaver: UVEX WINTER HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburger Straße 181, 90766 Fürth, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Rau, Schneck & Hübner, (111) Reg. nr.: MP917121 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-28 Königstraße 2, 90402 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Safety goggles for motorcyclists, ski goggles, sports goggles, sunglasses, industrial safety goggles and glasses, optical glasses, spectacle SENTINEL frames and lenses, sight pieces of plastic material; safety helmets for labour, motorcyclists, cyclists, skiers and ski-jumpers, sports helmets; protective (730) Indehaver: M & FC Holding LLC, 8601 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC face-peaks and shields; industrial safety shoes and industrial safety clothing, 27615, USA respirators, in particular respiratory masks and apparatus for labour, ear muffs (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Möll & Bitterich, Patentanwälte, West- and plugs; industrial safety devices to protect from falling, namely, safety ring 17, 76829 Landau, Tyskland nets, safety tarpaulins, safety signaling panels, safety display panels, safety (511) Klasse 09: Water meters, water flow-meters, metering apparatus for harnesses, harnesses incorporated in industrial safety clothing, safety lan- liquids and flow-meters for liquids of all types. yards, elastic shock absorbing lanyards, fall limiters, rope lifelines, safety (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-28 ropes, rope grabs; parts of the aforementioned goods; damping elements to be Gazette No.: 13/2007 incorporated in soles for shoes; parts of the aforementioned goods; all the aforementioned goods as far as included in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-10-18 Gazette No.: 15/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP918185 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-06 or vegetable, raw material); albuminized paper; alcohol; aldehydes; algarovilla (tanning material); alginates (gelling and inflating preparations) other than for alimentary purposes; alkalies; alkaline iodides for industrial purposes; alkaline METRICA metals; alkaline-earth metals; alkaloids; alum; alumina; aluminium acetate; aluminium alum; aluminium chloride; aluminium hydrate; aluminium iodide; alu- (730) Indehaver: Metrica, Inc., Suite 6038620 N. New Braunfels, San Antonio, minium silicate; americium; ammonia; ammonia alum; ammonia (volatile alkali) TX 782176363, USA for industrial purposes; ammoniacal salts; ammonium aldehyde; ammonium (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Carl E. Anderson CGA Law Firm, 135 salts; amyl acetate; amyl alcohol; anhydrides; anhydrous ammonia; animal North George Street, York, PA 17401, USA albumen (raw material); animal carbon preparations; animal carbon; animal (511) Klasse 35: International logistics and commercial relocation and destina- charcoal; anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; antifreeze; anti-frothing tion services. solutions for accumulators; anti-frothing solutions for batteries; anti-incru- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: stants; anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines; anti-sprouting 2006-10-21 US 77033278 USA preparations for vegetables; anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows; antiboil (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-06 preparations for engine coolants; antifreeze; antimony oxide; antimony sulp- Gazette No.: 15/2007 hide; antimony; antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes; antranilic acid; argon; arsenic; arsenious acid; artificial resins, unprocessed; artificial sweeteners (chemical preparations); astatine; auxiliary fluids for use (111) Reg. nr.: MP918307 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-01 with abrasives; bacterial preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for acetification; bacteriological preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; balm of gurjun (gurjon, gurjan) for making varnish; barium compounds; barium sulphate; barium; baryta paper; baryta; barytes; bases (chemical preparations); basic gallate of bismuth; bate for dressing skins; baths for galvanizing; bauxite; beer preserving agents; beer-clarifying and preserving agents; bentonite; benzene derivatives; benzi- ne (methyl); benzene-based acids; benzoic acid; benzoic sulphinide; berkeli- um; bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes; bichloride of tin; bichromate of potassium; bichromate of soda; biochemical catalysts; biological preparations (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); birdlime; bismuth; bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes; bleaching preparations (decolorants) for industri- al purposes; blood charcoal; blueprint cloth; blueprint paper; bone charcoal; borax; boric acid for industrial purposes; brake fluid; brake fluids; brazing (730) Indehaver: TIRYAKILER OTO MAKINA TICARET VE SANAYI ANONIM fluxes; brazing preparations; brickwork preservatives, except paints and oils; SIRKETI, Umurbey Mahallesi, 1520 Sokak, No:34, Alsancak-IZMIR, Tyr- bromine for chemical purposes; by-products of the processing of cereals for kiet industrial purposes; caesium; calcined soda; calcium carbide; calcium cyana- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, mide (fertilizer); calcium salts; californium; camphor, for industrial purposes; Ortapazar Caddesi No:7, TOPHANE-BURSA, Tyrkiet carbide; carbolineum for the protection of plants; carbon black for industrial (511) Klasse 07: Engines and motors, not for land vehicles; segments, namely purposes; carbon for filters; carbon sulphide; carbon tetrachloride; carbon; engine cases for vehicles; engine and motor transmission chains and shafts; carbonates; carbonic acid; carbonic hydrates; casein for industrial purposes; engine and motor parts, namely transmission chains and shafts; engine and cassiopium (lutetium); catalysts; catechu; caustic alkali; caustic soda for motor parts, namely transmission shaft bearings; vehicle engine and motor industrial purposes; caustics for industrial purposes; cellulose derivatives parts, namely pressure reducers, fuel pressure regulators, pressure valves, (chemicals); cellulose esters for industrial purposes; cellulose ethers for indu- hydraulic and pneumatic controls, namely pump control valves, pulleys being strial purposes; cellulose; cement (metallurgy); cement for boots and shoes; parts of machines, bobbins being parts of machines, speed governors, varia- cement for mending broken articles; cement for pneumatic tires (tyres); ce- ble speed drives for use with fluid pumping systems, driving mechanisms, ment preservatives, except paints and oils; cement-waterproofing preparati- namely driving devices for lifts, drives for vacuum pumps; torque transfor- ons, except paints; ceramic compositions for sintering (granules and pow- mers, not for land vehicles; machine parts, namely, clutches, turbines, other ders); ceramic glazings; ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as than for land vehicles, namely for working machines and water and air ve- filtering media; cerium; chemical additives to drilling muds; chemical additives hicles; pistons, namely engine cylinders, engine sleeves, namely piston sle- to fungicides; chemical additives to insecticides; chemical additives to motor eves. fuel; chemical condensation preparations; chemical intensifiers for paper; (511) Klasse 12: Automobile engines, automobile chassis, axles for land chemical intensifiers for rubber; chemical preparations for analyses in labora- vehicles; automobile parts, namely, axle trees, connecting rods for land ve- tories other than for medical or veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for hicles other than parts of motors and engines; transmission gearboxes, parts decarbonising engines; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of for land vehicles, namely clutches; transmission chains for land vehicles, metals; chemical preparations for protection against wheat blight (smut); che- gears for vehicles, land vehicle tires, wheel rims for land vehicles, mudguards mical preparations for scientific purposes (other than for medical or veterinary for bicycles and motorbikes, bicycles, motorbikes, mopeds and motorized use); chemical preparations for self defence; chemical preparations for smo- scooters, and their bodies, handlebars. king meat; chemical preparations for the manufacture of paints; chemical (591) Farvetekst: Turquoise and dark blue. preparations for the manufacture of pigments; chemical preparations for use in (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: photography; chemical preparations to prevent mildew; chemical preparations 2006-07-17 TR 2006/34516 Tyrkiet to prevent wheat smut; chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manu- (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-01 facture of enamel; chemical reagents other than for medical or veterinary Gazette No.: 15/2007 purposes; chemical substances for analyses in laboratories (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); chemical substances for preserving food- stuffs; chemicals for forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and (111) Reg. nr.: MP918350 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-28 parasiticides; chemicals used in fermenting wine; chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; chimney cleaners, chemical; china clay; china slip; chlorates; chlorides; chlo- rine; cholic acid; chromates; chrome alum; chrome salts; chromic acid; chro- mic salts; chromium oxide; cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed; citric acid for industrial purposes; clarification preparations; coal saving prepa- rations; cobalt oxide for industrial purposes; collodion; color-brightening che- micals for industrial purposes; combusting preparations (chemical additives to motor fuel); compositions for repairing inner tubes of tires; compositions for repairing tires; compositions for the manufacture of phonograph records; com- (730) Indehaver: REHAU AG + Co, Rheniumhaus, D-95111 Rehau, Tyskland positions for the manufacture of technical ceramics; compositions for threa- (511) Klasse 01: Acetate of cellulose, unprocessed; acetates (chemicals); ding; compost; concrete preservatives, except paints and oils; concrete- acetic anhydride; acetone; acetylene tetrachloride; acetylene; acid proof che- aeration chemicals; condensation-preventing chemicals; coolants for vehicle mical compositions; acids; acidulated water for recharging accumulators; aci- engines; copper sulphate (vitriol); corrosive preparations; cream of tartar, dulated water for recharging batteries; acrylic resins, unprocessed; actinium; other than for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for chemical purposes; activated carbons; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; additives, chemical, crotonic aldehyde; cryogenic preparations; cultures of microorganisms other to fungicides; additives, chemical, to insecticides; additives, chemical, to than for medical and veterinary use; curium; currying preparations for leather; motor fuel; adhesive preparations for surgical bandages; adhesives for bill- currying preparations for skins; cyanides (prussiates); cymene; damp proofing posting; adhesives for industrial purposes; adhesives for paperhanging; adhe- preparations, except paints, for masonry; decolorants for industrial purposes; sives for wall tiles; adhesives used in industry; agar-agar; agglutinants for defoliants; degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; de- concrete; aggressor repellent chemicals; agricultural chemicals, except fungi- gumming preparations; dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes; de- cides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; albumen (animal fortsættes

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tergent additives to gasoline (petrol); detergent additives to gasoline; deter- galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aero- gent additives to petrol (gasoline); detergents for use in manufacturing proces- sols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial purposes; gelatine for ses; dextrine size; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterina- photographic purposes; getters (chemically active substances); glass-fro- ry purposes; diastase for industrial purposes; diatomaceous earth; diazo sting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glucose for industrial purposes; papers; dioxide of hydrogen; disincrustants; dispersions of plastics; distilled glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten (glue), other than for stationery water; dolomite for industrial purposes; dressing and finishing preparations for or household purposes; glutinous preparations for tree-banding; glutinous textiles; dressing, except oils, for skins; drilling muds; dry ice (carbon dioxi- preparations for tree-grafting; glutinous tree-banding preparations; glutinous de); dysprosium; earth for growing; emollients for industrial purposes; emulsi- tree-grafting preparations; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol fiers; enamel and glass-staining-chemicals; enamel-staining chemicals; engi- ether; glycol; gold salts; grafting mastic for trees; grafting wax for trees; ne-decarbonising chemicals; enzyme preparations for industrial purposes; graphite for industrial purposes; grease-removing preparations for use in ma- enzymes for industrial purposes; epoxy resins, unprocessed; erbium; esters; nufacturing processes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purposes; gum sol- ethane; ethers; ethyl alcohol; ethyl ether; europium; fat-bleaching chemicals; vents; gums (adhesives) other than for stationery or household purposes; fatty acids; ferments for chemical purposes; fermium; ferrocyanides; ferrotype heavy water; helium; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; plates (photography); fertilizers; fertilizing preparations; filtering materials (che- horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasi- mical preparations); filtering materials (mineral substances); filtering materials ticides; humus top dressing; humus; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochlorates; (unprocessed plastics); filtering materials (vegetable substances); filtering hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen peroxide; hydrogen; hypochlo- preparations for the beverages industry; finishing preparations for use in the rite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for chemical manufacture of steel; fire extinguishing compositions; fireproofing preparati- purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised salts; ion ons; fissionable chemical elements; fissionable material for nuclear energy; exchangers (chemical preparations); ion exchangers (chemicals); iron salts; fixing baths (photography); fixing solutions (photography); flashlight prepara- isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes; isotopes tions; flocculants; flour for industrial purposes; flower preservatives; flowers for industrial purposes; kainite; kaolin; ketones; kieselgur; krypton; lactic of sulphur for chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluor- acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsena- spar compounds; formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry te; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating binding substances; foundry molding preparations; foundry sand; francium; chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing chemicals; le- fuel for atomic piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller’s earth for use in textile cithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone industry; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; hardening substances; liquid rubber; liquids for hydraulic circuits; liquids for gadolinium; gall nuts; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; removing sulphates from accumulators; liquids for removing sulphates from gallotannic acid; galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; lutetium (cassiopi- propellents for aerosols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial um); magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magnetic fluid for purposes; gelatine for photographic purposes; getters (chemically active sub- industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove stances); glass-frosting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glucose for in- bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; manures; masonry preser- dustrial purposes; glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten (glue), other vatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for tires; meat than for stationery or household purposes; glutinous preparations for tree- tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury salts; mercury; banding; glutinous preparations for tree-grafting; glutinous tree-banding prepa- metal annealing preparations; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; rations; glutinous tree-grafting preparations; glycerides; glycerine for industri- metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzene; methyl al purposes; glycol ether; glycol; gold salts; grafting mastic for trees; grafting benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral acids; wax for trees; graphite for industrial purposes; grease-removing preparations moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in manufacturing processes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purpo- for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in dyeing; ses; gum solvents; gums (adhesives) other than for stationery or household moistening (wetting) preparations for use in the textile industry; mold-release purposes; heavy water; helium; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening preparations; mordants for metals; must-fining preparations; naphthalene; of fruit; horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric parasiticides; humus top dressing; humus; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochlora- acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilisers; nitrogenous lime (man- tes; hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen peroxide; hydrogen; hypo- ure); nitrous oxide; oenological bactericides (chemical preparations used in chlorite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for wine making); oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; chemical purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised oil-separating chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in salts; ion exchangers (chemical preparations); ion exchangers (chemicals); the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of iron salts; isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purpo- food; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; ses; isotopes for industrial purposes; kainite; kaolin; ketones; kieselgur; kryp- opacifiers for enamel; opacifiers for glass; organic bleaching chemicals; oxa- ton; lactic acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); lead arsenate; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather- peat pots for horticulture; pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percar- impregnating chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing bonates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; chemicals; lecithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; phenol for industrial purposes; flower preservatives; flowers of sulphur for limestone hardening substances; liquid rubber; liquids for hydraulic circuits; chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluorspar compounds; liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators; liquids for removing sulpha- formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry binding substan- tes from batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; lutetium ces; foundry molding preparations; foundry sand; francium; fuel for atomic (cassiopium); magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magne- piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller’s earth for use in textile industry; fulling tic fluid for industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; preparations for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; gadolinium; gall mangrove bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; manures; ma- nuts; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallotannic acid; sonry preservatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aero- tires; meat tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury salts; sols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial purposes; gelatine for mercury; metal annealing preparations; metal earths; metal hardening prepara- photographic purposes; getters (chemically active substances); glass-fro- tions; metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzene; sting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glucose for industrial purposes; methyl benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten (glue), other than for stationery acids; moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting) prepara- or household purposes; glutinous preparations for tree-banding; glutinous tions for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in dyeing; preparations for tree-grafting; glutinous tree-banding preparations; glutinous moistening (wetting) preparations for use in the textile industry; mold-release tree-grafting preparations; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol preparations; mordants for metals; must-fining preparations; naphthalene; ether; glycol; gold salts; grafting mastic for trees; grafting wax for trees; neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric graphite for industrial purposes; grease-removing preparations for use in ma- acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilisers; nitrogenous lime (man- nufacturing processes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purposes; gum sol- ure); nitrous oxide; oenological bactericides (chemical preparations used in vents; gums (adhesives) other than for stationery or household purposes; wine making); oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; heavy water; helium; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; oil-separating chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasi- the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of ticides; humus top dressing; humus; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochlorates; food; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen peroxide; hydrogen; hypochlo- opacifiers for enamel; opacifiers for glass; organic bleaching chemicals; oxa- rite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for chemical lates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised salts; ion peat pots for horticulture; pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percarbo- exchangers (chemical preparations); ion exchangers (chemicals); iron salts; nates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes; isotopes phenol for industrial purposes; flower preservatives; flowers of sulphur for for industrial purposes; kainite; kaolin; ketones; kieselgur; krypton; lactic chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluorspar compounds; acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsena- formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry binding substan- te; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating ces; foundry molding preparations; foundry sand; francium; fuel for atomic chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing chemicals; le- piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller’s earth for use in textile industry; fulling cithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone preparations for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; gadolinium; gall hardening substances; liquid rubber; liquids for hydraulic circuits; liquids for nuts; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallotannic acid; fortsættes

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removing sulphates from accumulators; liquids for removing sulphates from photographic paper; photographic sensitizers; photometric paper; photosensi- batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; lutetium (cassiopi- tive plates; picric acid; plant growth regulating preparations; plasticizers; um); magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magnetic fluid for plastics, unprocessed; plastisols; plutonium; polish removing substances; industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove polonium; potash water; potash; potassium dioxalate; potassium; potato flour bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; manures; masonry preser- for industrial purposes; potting soil; power steering fluid; praseodymium; pre- vatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for tires; meat parations for preventing the tarnishing of glass; preparations for preventing tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury salts; mercury; the tarnishing of lenses; preparations for stimulating cooking for industrial metal annealing preparations; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; purposes; preparations for the purification of gas; preparations for the separa- metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzene; methyl tion of greases; preparations of microorganisms other than for medical and benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral acids; veterinary use; preparations of the distillation of wood alcohol; preparations of moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting) preparations trace elements for plants; preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; pre- for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in dyeing; servatives for tiles, except paints and oils; promethium; protactinium; protec- moistening (wetting) preparations for use in the textile industry; mold-release tive gases for welding; protein (raw material); prussiates; purification prepara- preparations; mordants for metals; must-fining preparations; naphthalene; tions; pyrogallic acid; pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar); quebracho for indu- neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric strial purposes; radiator flushing chemicals; radioactive elements for scientific acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilisers; nitrogenous lime (man- purposes; radium for scientific purposes; radon; rare earths; reagent paper; ure); nitrous oxide; oenological bactericides (chemical preparations used in reducing agents for use in photography; refrigerants; refrigerating preparati- wine making); oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; ons; renovating preparations for phonograph records; rhenium; rock salt; oil-separating chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in roentgen films, sensitized but not exposed; rubber preservatives; rubber solu- the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of tions; rubidium; saccharin; sal ammoniac spirits; sal ammoniac; salicylic acid; food; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; salpetre; salt for preserving, other than for foodstuffs; salt, raw; saltpeter; opacifiers for enamel; opacifiers for glass; organic bleaching chemicals; oxa- salts (chemical preparations); salts (fertilisers); salts for coloring metal; salts lates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); for galvanic batteries; salts for galvanic cells; salts for industrial purposes; peat pots for horticulture; pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percarbo- salts from rare earth metals; salts of alkaline metals; salts of precious metals nates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; for industrial purposes; samarium; sauce for preparing tobacco; scale remo- phenol for industrial purposes; flower preservatives; flowers of sulphur for ving preparations, other than for household purposes; scandium; sea water chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluorspar compounds; (for industrial purposes); seaweeds (fertilizers); sebacic acid; seed preserving formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry binding substan- substances; selenium; self-toning paper (photography); sensitized cloth for ces; foundry molding preparations; foundry sand; francium; fuel for atomic photography; sensitized films, unexposed; sensitized paper; sensitized pho- piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller’s earth for use in textile industry; fulling tographic plates; sensitized plates for offset printing; sensitized printing pla- preparations for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; gadolinium; gall tes for offset; separating and unsticking (ungluing) preparations; silicates; nuts; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallotannic acid; silicon; silicones; silver nitrate; silver salt solutions for silvering; size for galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aero- finishing and priming; sizing preparations; slag (fertilisers); soap (metallic) for sols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial purposes; gelatine for industrial purposes; soda ash; sodium salts (chemical preparations); sodium; photographic purposes; getters (chemically active substances); glass-fro- soil-conditioning chemicals; soldering chemicals; soldering fluxes; solidified sting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glucose for industrial purposes; gases for industrial purposes; solutions for cyanotyping; solvents for var- glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten (glue), other than for stationery nishes; soot for industrial or agricultural purposes; sorrel salt; spinel (chemical or household purposes; glutinous preparations for tree-banding; glutinous preparations); spirits of salt; spirits of vinegar (dilute acetic acid); stain- preparations for tree-grafting; glutinous tree-banding preparations; glutinous preventing chemicals for use on fabrics; starch for industrial purposes; starch tree-grafting preparations; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol paste (adhesive), other than for stationery or household purposes; starch size ether; glycol; gold salts; grafting mastic for trees; grafting wax for trees; (chemical preparations); starch-liquifying chemicals (ungluing agents); stearic graphite for industrial purposes; grease-removing preparations for use in ma- acid; strontium; substances for preventing runs in stockings; substances for nufacturing processes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purposes; gum sol- removing polish; substrates for soil-free growing (agriculture); sulphates; sulp- vents; gums (adhesives) other than for stationery or household purposes; hides; sulphonic acids; sulphur; sulphuric acid; sulphuric ether; sulphurous heavy water; helium; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; acid; sumac for use in tanning; superphosphates (fertilisers); surface-active horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasi- chemical agents; synthetic materials for absorbing oil; synthetic resins, unpro- ticides; humus top dressing; humus; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochlorates; cessed; talc (magnesium silicate); tan-wood; tan; tannic acid; tannin; tanning hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen peroxide; hydrogen; hypochlo- substances; tapioca flour for industrial purposes; tartar other than for pharma- rite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for chemical ceutical purposes; tartaric acid; technetium; tellurium; tempering and soldering purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised salts; ion preparations; tensio-active agents; terbium; test paper, chemical; tetrachlori- exchangers (chemical preparations); ion exchangers (chemicals); iron salts; des; textile-brightening chemicals; textile-impregnating chemicals; textile wa- isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes; isotopes terproofing chemicals; thallium; thiocarbanilide; thorium; thulium; tire repairing for industrial purposes; kainite; kaolin; ketones; kieselgur; krypton; lactic compositions; titanite; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; toluene; toluol; acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsena- toning baths (photography); toning salts (photography); toxic gas neutralizers; te; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating tragacanth gum for use in manufactures; transmission fluid; tree cavity fillers chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing chemicals; le- (forestry); tungstic acid; tyre repairing compositions; ungluing agents (chemi- cithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone cal preparations for liquifying starch); ungluing preparations; unprocessed hardening substances; liquid rubber; liquids for hydraulic circuits; liquids for artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; unsticking and separating preparati- removing sulphates from accumulators; liquids for removing sulphates from ons; uranium oxide; uranium; vine disease preventing chemicals; vinic alcohol; batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; lutetium (cassiopi- viscose; vitriol; volatile alkali (ammonia) for industrial purposes; vulcanisation um); magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magnetic fluid for accelerators; vulcanising preparations; water glass (soluble glass); water pu- industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove rifying chemicals; water softening preparations; water-softening preparations; bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; manures; masonry preser- wax-bleaching chemicals; welding chemicals; wetting preparations for use in vatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for tires; meat bleaching; wetting preparations for use in dyeing; wetting preparations for use tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury salts; mercury; in the textile industry; wine finings; witherite; wood alcohol; wood pulp; wood metal annealing preparations; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; vinegar (pyroligneous acid); x-ray films, sensitized but not exposed; xenon; metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzene; methyl ytterbium; yttrium; zirconia. benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral acids; (511) Klasse 02: Agglutinants for paints; alizarine dyes; aluminium paints; moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting) preparations aluminium powder for painters, artists and decorators; aluminium powder for for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in dyeing; painting; aniline dyes; annatto (dyestuffs); anti-corrosive bands; anti-corrosi- moistening (wetting) preparations for use in the textile industry; mold-release ve preparations; anti-fouling paints; anti-rust greases; anti-rust oils; anti-rust preparations; mordants for metals; must-fining preparations; naphthalene; preparations (for preservation); anti-tarnishing preparations for metals; asbe- neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric stos paints; auramine; bactericidal paints; badigeon; binding preparations for acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilisers; nitrogenous lime (man- paints; bitumen varnish; black japan; blacks (colorants or paints); blues (colo- ure); nitrous oxide; oenological bactericides (chemical preparations used in rants or paints); bright gold for ceramics; bright platinum for ceramics; bronze wine making); oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; powder (paint); bronze powder; bronzing lacquers; canada balsam; caramel oil-separating chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in (food colorant); carbon black (pigment); carbonyl (wood preservative); ceramic the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of paints; coatings (paints); coatings for roofing felt (paints); coatings for tarred food; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; felt (paints); cobalt oxide (colorant); cochineal carmine; colophony; colorants opacifiers for enamel; opacifiers for glass; organic bleaching chemicals; oxa- for beer; colorants for beverages; colorants for butter; colorants for liqueurs; lates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); colorants; coloring wood; copal varnish; copal; creosote for wood preservati- peat pots for horticulture; pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percarbo- on; distempers; dyes; dyestuffs; dyewood extracts; dyewood; enamel paints; nates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; enamels (varnishes); enamels for painting; engraving ink; fireproof paints; phenol for industrial purposes; phosphates (fertilisers); phosphatides; phos- fixatives (varnishes); fixatives for watercolors; food colorants; food dyes; phoric acid; phosphorus; photographic developers; photographic emulsions; fortsættes

1284 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

gamboge for painting; gildings; glazes (paints, lacquers); glaziers’ putty; glos- silicon carbide (abrasive); skin whitening creams; smoothing preparations sy platinum paint for ceramics; gum resins; gum-lac; indigo (colorant); ink (starching); smoothing stones; soap for brightening textile; soap for foot (toners) for photocopiers; ink for leather; ink for skin-dressing; lacquers; lamp perspiration; soaps; soda lye; stain removers; starch for laundry purposes; black (pigment); lime wash; litharge; malt caramel (food colorant); malt colo- starch glaze for laundry purposes; sun-tanning preparations (cosmetics); suns- rants; marking ink for animals; mastic (natural resin); metal foil for painters, creen preparations; swabs (toiletries); tailors’ wax; talcum powder, for toilet decorators, printers and artists; metals in foil and powder form for painters, use; terpenes (essential oils); tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; toilet decorators, printers and artists; metals in powder form for painters, decora- water; toiletries; tripoli stone for polishing; turpentine, for degreasing; varnish- tors, printers and artists; minium; mordants for leather; mordants; natural removing preparations; volatile alkali (ammonia) (detergent); volcanic ash for resins (raw); oil cement (putty); oils for the preservation of wood; orange lead; cleaning; wallpaper cleaning preparations; washing preparations; washing so- paints, varnishes, lacquers; paints; paper for dyeing easter eggs; pigments; da, for cleaning; waving preparations for the hair; waxes for leather; whiting; preservative oils for wood; preservatives against rust and against deteriorati- windscreen cleaning liquids; windshield cleaning liquids. on of wood; primers; printers’ pastes (ink); printing compositions (ink); printing (511) Klasse 04: Additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; alcohol (fuel); anthra- ink; protective preparations for metals; raw natural resins; red lead; saffron cite; beeswax; belting wax; benzene; benzol; blocks of peat (fuel); bone oil for (colorant); sandarac; shellac; shoe dyes; siccatives (drying agents) for paints; industrial purposes; candles and wicks for lighting; candles; carburants; car- sienna earth; silver emulsions (pigments); silver foil (leaf); silver paint for nauba wax; castor oil for technical purposes; ceresine; charcoal (fuel); christ- ceramics; silver paste; silvering powders; soot (colorant); stains for leather; mas tree candles; coal briquettes; coal dust (fuel); coal naphtha; coal tar oil; sumac for varnishes; thickeners for paints; thinners for lacquers; thinners for coal; coke; combustible briquettes; combustible oil; cutting fluids; diesel oil; paints; titanium dioxide (pigment); toner cartridges (filled) for printers and dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; dust binding compositions photocopiers; toners (ink) for photocopiers; turmeric (colorant); turpentine for sweeping; dust laying compositions; dust removing preparations; fireligh- (thinner for paints); undercoating for vehicle chassis; undersealing for vehicle ters; firewood; fish oil, not edible; fuel gas; fuel oil; fuel with an alcoholic base; chassis; varnishes; wallpaper removing preparations; white lead; whites (colo- fuel; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; gas for lighting; gas oil; rants or paints); whitewash; wood coatings (paints); wood dyestuffs; wood gasoline; grease for arms (weapons); grease for belts; grease for boots; mordants; wood preservatives; wood stains; yellowwood (colorant); zinc oxide grease for leather; grease for shoes; illuminating grease; illuminating wax; (pigment). industrial oils and greases; industrial wax; kerosene; lamp wicks; lanolin; (511) Klasse 03: Abrasive cloth; abrasive paper; abrasives; adhesives for lighting fuel; lignite; ligroin; lubricants; lubricating graphite; lubricating grease; affixing false eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false hair; adhesives for cos- lubricating oil; mazut; methylated spirit; mineral fuel; moistening oil; motor fuel; metic purposes; after-shave lotions; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; al- motor oil; naphtha; nightlights (candles); non-slipping preparations for belts; oil mond oil; almond soap; alum stones (antiseptic); amber (perfume); ammonia for the preservation of leather; oil for the preservation of masonry; oil-gas; oils (volatile alkali) (detergent); antiperspirant soap; antiperspirants (toiletries); for paints; oils for releasing form work (building); oleine; ozocerite (ozokerite); antistatic preparations for household purposes; aromatics (essential oils); paper spills for lighting; paraffin; peat (fuel); peat briquettes (fuel); petrol; astringents for cosmetic purposes; badian essence; bases for flower perfu- petroleum (raw or refined); petroleum ether; petroleum jelly for industrial purpo- mes; bath salts, not for medical purposes; beard dyes; beauty masks; berga- ses; preservatives for leather (oils and greases); producer gas; rape oil for mot oil; bleaching preparations (decolorants) for cosmetic purposes; bleaching industrial purposes; solidified gases (fuel); soya bean oil preparations for non- preparations (laundry); bleaching preparations and other substances for la- stick treatment of cooking utensils; stearine; sunflower oil for industrial purpo- undry use; bleaching salts; bleaching soda; blueing for laundry; boot cream; ses; tallow; tapers; textile oil; vaporized fuel mixtures; wax (raw material); boot polish; breath freshening sprays; cake flavourings (essential oils); cakes wicks for candles; wood briquettes; wood spills for lighting; wool grease; of soap; cakes of toilet soap; carbides of metal (abrasives); cleaning chalk; xylene; xylol. cleaning preparations; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparati- (511) Klasse 05: Absorbent cotton; absorbent wadding; acaricides; acetates ons; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; clearing blocked drains preparations; for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; aconitine; cobblers’ wax; colour-brightening chemicals for household purposes (laundry); additives to fodder for medical purposes; adhesive bands for medical purpo- colorants for toilet purposes; color-removing preparations; corundum (abrasi- ses; adhesive plaster; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; adhesives for ve); cosmetic creams; cosmetic dyes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic pencils; cos- dentures; adjuvants for medical purposes; air freshening preparations; air metic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; cosmetic purifying preparations; albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes; albumi- preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cos- nous milk; albuminous preparations for medical purposes; alcohol for pharma- metics for animals; cosmetics; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton ceutical purposes; aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; algicides; alkaline wool for cosmetic purposes; cream for whitening the skin; creams for leather; iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; alkaloids for medical purposes; alloys of decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; degreasers other than for use in precious metals for dental purposes; aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical manufacturing processes; dentifrices; denture polishes; deodorant soap; de- purposes; amino acids for medical purposes; amino acids for veterinary purpo- odorants for personal use; depilatories; depilatory preparations; depilatory ses; anaesthetics; analgesics; angostura bark for medical purposes; animal wax; detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical washes; anthelmintics; anti-horse-fly oils; anti-rheumatism bracelets; anti- purposes; diamantine (abrasive); disinfectant soap; dry-cleaning preparati- rheumatism rings; anti-uric preparations; antibiotics; anticryptogamic prepara- ons; eau de cologne; emery cloth; emery paper; emery; essential oils of tions; antiparasitic collars for animals; antiparasitic preparations; antiseptic cedarwood; essential oils of citron; essential oils of lemon; essential oils; cotton; antiseptics; appetite suppressants for medical purposes; articles for ethereal essences; ethereal oils; extracts of flowers (perfumes); eyebrow headache; aseptic cotton; asthmatic tea; bacterial poisons; bacterial prepara- cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; fabric softeners (for laundry use); false eyela- tions for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological culture mediums; bacteri- shes; false nails; flavourings for beverages (essential oils); flavourings for ological preparations for medical and veterinary use; balms for medical purpo- cakes (essential oils); floor wax removers (scouring preparations); floor wax; ses; balsamic preparations for medical purposes; bandages for dressings; fumigation preparations (perfumes); furbishing preparations; gaultheria oil; barks for pharmaceutical purposes; bath preparations, medicated; bath salts geraniol; glass cloth; glass paper; greases for cosmetic purposes; grinding for medical purposes; belts for sanitary napkins (towels); bicarbonate of soda preparations; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving for pharmaceutical purposes; biocides; biological preparations for medical preparations; heliotropine; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; incense; purposes; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; bismuth preparati- ionone (perfumery); jasmine oil; javelle water; jewellers’ rouge; lacquer-remo- ons for pharmaceutical purposes; bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical pur- ving preparations; laundry bleach; laundry blueing; laundry glaze; laundry poses; blood for medical purposes; blood plasma; bone cement for surgical preparations; laundry soaking preparations; laundry starch; laundry wax; la- and orthopaedic purposes; bouillons for bacteriological cultures; bracelets for vender oil; lavender water; leather bleaching preparations; leather preservati- medical purposes; breast-nursing pads; bromine for pharmaceutical purposes; ves (polishes); lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up powder; bronchodilating preparations; bunion pads; by-products of the processing of make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; make-up; mascara; cereals (for medical purposes); cachets for pharmaceutical purposes; cachou medicated soap; mint essence (essential oil); mint for perfumery; moustache for pharmaceutical purposes; calomel; camphor for medical purposes; camp- wax; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; musk (perfumery); mustache hor oil for medical purposes; candy for medical purposes; candy, medicated; wax; nail care preparations; nail polish; nail varnish; neutralizers for permanent capsules for medicines; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; carbolineum waving; oil of turpentine for degreasing; oils for cleaning purposes; oils for (parasiticide); castor oil for medical purposes; cattle washes; caustic pencils; cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for toilet purposes; paint caustics for pharmaceutical purposes; cedar wood for use as an insect repel- stripping preparations; parquet floor wax; pastes for razor strops; perfumery, lent; cellulose esters for pharmaceutical purposes; cement for animal hooves; essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; perfumery; perfumes; petroleum jelly for charcoal for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical conductors for electrocardio- cosmetic purposes; polish for furniture and flooring; polishing creams; po- graph electrodes; chemical contraceptives; chemical preparations for medical lishing paper; polishing preparations; polishing rouge; polishing stones; po- purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical pre- lishing wax; pomades for cosmetic purposes; potassium hypochloride; pot- parations for the diagnosis of pregnancy; chemical preparations for treating pourris (fragrances); preparations for cleaning dentures; preparations for clea- phylloxera; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical prepara- ning waste pipes; preparations for soaking laundry; preservatives for leather tions to treat mildew; chemical preparations to treat wheat blight (smut); (polishes); pumice stone; quillaia bark for washing; rose oil; rust removing chemical preparations to treat wheat smut; chemical reagents for medical or preparations; sachets for perfuming linen; safrol; sandcloth; sandpaper; scale veterinary purposes; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; chewing gum for removing preparations for household purposes; scented water; scented wood; medical purposes; chilblain preparations; chinoline for medical purposes; chlo- scouring solutions; shampoos for pets; shampoos; sharpening preparations; roform; cinchona for medical purposes; cocaine; cod liver oil; collodion for shaving preparations; shaving soap; shaving stones (antiseptic); shining pre- pharmaceutical purposes; compresses; condurango bark for medical purpo- parations (polish); shoe cream; shoe polish; shoe wax; shoemakers’ wax; fortsættes

1285 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

ses; confectionery, medicated; contact lens cleaning preparations; corn reme- stroying noxious plants; preparations for destroying vermin; preparations for dies; corn rings for the feet; cotton for medical purposes; court plaster; cream the treatment of burns; preparations of lime for pharmaceutical purposes; of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; preparations croton bark; cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; cura- of trace elements for human and animal use; preparations to facilitate teething; re; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; dental abrasives; dental amal- purgatives; pyrethrum powder; quassia for medical purposes; quebracho for gams of gold; dental amalgams; dental cements; dental impression materials; medical purposes; quinine for medical purposes; quinquina for medical purpo- dental lacquer; dental mastics; deodorants, other than for personal use; de- ses; radioactive substances for medical purposes; radiological contrast sub- puratives; detergents for medical purposes; diabetic bread; diagnostic prepa- stances for medical purposes; radium for medical purposes; rat poison; redu- rations for medical purposes; diastase for medical purposes; dietetic bevera- cing tea for medical purposes; remedies for foot perspiration; remedies for ges adapted for medical purposes; dietetic food preparations adapted for perspiration; repellents for dogs; rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes; medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; dietetic sub- royal jelly (for medical purposes); rubber for dental purposes; sal ammoniac stances adapted for medical use, food for babies; dietetic substances adapted lozenges; salts for medical purposes; salts for mineral water baths; sanitary for medical use; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; digitalin; dill oil for knickers; sanitary napkins; sanitary pads; sanitary panties; sanitary pants; medical purposes; disinfectants for chemical toilets; disinfectants for hygiene sanitary preparations for medical purposes; sanitary towels; sarsaparilla (for purposes; disinfectants; dog lotions; dog washes; dressings (medical); drugs medical purposes); scapulars for surgical purposes; sea water for medicinal for medical purposes; edible plant fibers (non-nutritive); elixirs (pharmaceutical bathing; sedatives; semen for artificial insemination; serotherapeutic medici- preparations); enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzyme preparati- nes; serums; siccatives (drying agents) for medical purposes; slug extermina- ons for veterinary purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; enzymes for ting preparations; smelling salts; smoking herbs for medical purposes; sodium veterinary purposes; ergot for pharmaceutical purposes; esters for pharma- salts for medical purposes; soil-sterilising preparations; solutions for contact ceutical purposes; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; eucalyptol for pharma- lenses; solutions for use with contact lenses; solvents for removing adhesive ceutical purposes; eucalyptus for pharmaceutical purposes; evacuants; ex- plasters; soporifics; starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes; sterilising tracts of hops for pharmaceutical purposes; eye-wash; eyepatches for medi- preparations; steroids; stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; sticking cal purposes; febrifuges; fennel for medical purposes; ferments for pharma- plasters; strychnine; styptic preparations; sugar for medical purposes; sulpho- ceutical purposes; first-aid boxes (filled); fishmeal for pharmaceutical purpo- namides (medicines); sulphur sticks (disinfectants); sunburn ointments; sun- ses; flour for pharmaceutical purposes; flowers of sulphur for pharmaceutical burn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; suppositories; surgical cloth purposes; fly catching adhesives; fly catching paper; fly destroying prepara- (tissues); surgical dressings; surgical implants (living tissues); surgical tis- tions; fly glue; food for babies; formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes; sues; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; tartar for pharmaceutical purpo- frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes; fumigating pastilles; fumigating ses; teeth filling material; therapeutic preparations for the bath; thermal water; sticks; fumigation preparations for medical purposes; fungicides, herbicides; thymol for pharmaceutical purposes; tincture of iodine; tinctures for medical fungicides; gallic acid for pharmaceutical purposes; gamboge for medical purposes; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; tobacco extracts purposes; gases for medical purposes; gauze for dressings; gelatin)e) for (insecticides); tobacco-free cigarettes for medical purposes; tonics (medici- medical purposes; gentian for pharmaceutical purposes; germicides; glucose ne); tranquillizers; turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; vaccines; vaginal for medical purposes; glycerine for medical purposes; glycerophosphates; washes; vermifuges; vermin destroying preparations; vesicants; veterinary goulard water; greases for medical purposes; greases for veterinary purposes; preparations; vine disease treating chemicals; vitamin preparations; vulnerary guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes; gum for medical purposes; gummed sponges; wadding for medical purposes; wart pencils; weedkillers; yeast for taffeta plasters; gurjun (gurjon, gurjan) balsam for medical purposes; heada- pharmaceutical purposes. che pencils; hematogen; hemoglobin; hemorrhoid preparations; hemostatic (511) Klasse 06: Advertisement columns of metal; alloys of common metal; pencils; herbicides; herbs teas for medicinal purposes; hormones for medical aluminium foil; aluminium wire; aluminium; anchor plates; anchors; angle irons; purposes; hydrastine; hydrastinine; hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical pur- anti-friction metal; anvils (portable); anvils; armour plate; armour plating; avia- poses; hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes; hygienic bandages; insect ries of metal (structures); badges of metal for vehicles; balls of steel; bands of repellent incense; insect repellents; insecticides; iodides for pharmaceutical metal for tying-up purposes; barbed wire; barrel hoops of metal; barrels of purposes; iodine for pharmaceutical purposes; iodoform; irish moss for medi- metal; bars for metal railings; baskets of metal; beacons of metal, non-lumi- cal purposes; isotopes for medical purposes; jalap; jujube (medicated); lacteal nous; beak-irons (bick-irons); bed casters of metal; bells for animals; bells; flour (for babies); lactose; larvae exterminating preparations; laxatives; lead belt stretchers of metal; belts of metal for handling loads; beryllium (glucinium); water; lecithin for medical purposes; leeches for medical purposes; liniments; bicycle parking installations of metal; binding screws of metal for cables; linseed for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed meal for pharmaceutical purpo- binding thread of metal for agricultural purposes; bindings of metal; bins of ses; lint for medical purposes; liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions metal; bird baths (structures of metal); blooms (metallurgy); boarding stairs of for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; lozenges for metal, mobile, for passengers; bolts (flat); bolts of metal; bolts; booths of pharmaceutical purposes; lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes; magnesia for metal for spraying paint; bottle caps of metal; bottle closures of metal; bottle pharmaceutical purposes; malt for pharmaceutical purposes; malted milk be- fasteners of metal; bottles (metal containers) for compressed gas or liquid air; verages for medical purposes; mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes; box fasteners of metal; boxes of common metal; braces of metal for handling material for stopping teeth, dental wax; meal for pharmaceutical purposes; loads; braces of metal for load handling; brackets of metal for building; brads; media for bacteriological cultures; medical preparations for slimming purposes; branching pipes of metal; brass, unwrought or semi-wrought; brazing alloys; medicinal alcohol; medicinal drinks; medicinal hair growth preparations; medi- bronze; bronzes (works of art); bronzes for tombstones; broom handles of cinal herbs; medicinal infusions; medicinal mud; medicinal oils; medicinal roots; metal; buckles of common metal; building boards of metal; building materials of medicinal sediment (mud); medicinal tea; medicine cases (portable) (filled); metal; building or furniture fittings of nickel-silver; building panels of metal; medicines for alleviating constipation; medicines for dental purposes; medici- buildings of metal; buildings, transportable, of metal; bungs of metal; busts of nes for human purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; melissa water for common metal; cabanas of metal; cable joints of metal, non-electric; cable pharmaceutical purposes; menstruation bandages; menstruation knickers; linkages of metal (nonelectric); cables of metal, non-electric; cadmium; capsu- menstruation pads; menstruation tampons; menthol; mercurial ointments; milk les of metal for bottles; casement windows of metal; cashboxes of metal; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; milk of almonds for pharmaceutical casings of metal for oilwells; cask stands of metal; casks of metal; cast iron, purposes; milk sugar (lactose); milking grease; mineral food-supplements; unwrought or semi-wrought; cast steel; cattle chains; ceilings of metal; celtium mineral water for medical purposes; mineral water salts; mint for pharmaceuti- (hafnium); cermets; chains for dogs; chains of metal; chests of metal for food; cal purposes; molding wax for dentists; moleskin for medical purposes; moth- chests of metal; chicken-houses, of metal; chill-molds (foundry); chimney proof paper; mothproofing paper; mothproofing preparations; moulding wax for cowls of metal; chimney pots of metal; chimney shafts of metal; chimneys of dentists; mouthwashes for medical purposes; mud for baths; mustard for metal; chrome iron; chrome ores; chromium; cladding of metal for construction pharmaceutical purposes; mustard oil for medical purposes; mustard plasters; and building; clips of metal for cables and pipes; clips of metal for pipes; mustard poultices; myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes; napkins for closures of metal for containers; clothes hooks of metal; cobalt (raw); collars incontinents; narcotics; nervines; nutritional additives for medical purposes; of metal for fastening pipes; common metals and their alloys; common metals, nutritive substances for microorganisms; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical unwrought or semi-wrought; containers of metal (storage, transport); contai- purposes; ointments for pharmaceutical purposes; opiates; opium; opodeldoc; ners of metal for compressed gas or liquid air; containers of metal for liquid opotherapy preparations; organotherapy preparations; oxygen baths; pants, fuel; containers of metal for storing acids; copper rings; copper wire, not absorbent, for incontinents; panty liners (sanitary); paper for mustard pla- insulated; copper, unwrought or semi-wrought; cornices of metal; cotter pins; sters; paper for mustard poultices; parasiticides; pastilles for pharmaceutical couplings of metal for chains; crampons (climbing irons); crampons of metal purposes; pectin for pharmaceutical purposes; pepsins for pharmaceutical (cramps); cramps of metal (crampons); crash barriers of metal for roads; diving purposes; peptones for pharmaceutical purposes; pesticides; petroleum jelly boards of metal; door bells (non-electric); door bolts; door cases of metal; door for medical purposes; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; pharma- closers (non-electric); door fittings, of metal; door frames of metal; door ceutical preparations for skin care; pharmaceutical preparations for treating handles of metal; door knockers; door openers, non-electric; door panels of dandruff; pharmaceutical preparations; phenol for pharmaceutical purposes; metal; door scrapers; door springs (non-electric); door stops of metal; doors of phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes; pills for pharmaceutical purposes; metal; drain pipes of metal; drain traps (valves) of metal; duckboards of metal; plasters for medical purposes; plasters, materials for dressings; poisons; ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installations; ducts of metal for pomades for medical purposes; porcelain for dental prostheses; potassium ventilating and air conditioning installations; ducts of metal, for central heating salts for medical purposes; poultices; powder of cantharides; preparations for installations; elbows of metal for pipes; enclosures of metal for tombs; eye callouses; preparations for destroying dry rot fungus; preparations for destro- bolts; fences of metal; ferrotitanium; ferrules of metal for handles; ferrules of ying mice; preparations for destroying noxious animals; preparations for de- fortsættes

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metal for walking sticks; ferrules of metal; figurines (statuettes) of common tombstone stelae of metal; tombstones of metal; tool boxes of metal (empty); metal; filings of metal; fire-dogs (andirons); fish plates (rails); fittings of metal tool chests of metal (empty); tool handles of metal; towel dispensers, fixed, of for beds; fittings of metal for buildings; fittings of metal for coffins; fittings of metal; transport pallets of metal; transportable buildings of metal; traps for wild metal for compressed air ducts; fittings of metal for furniture; fittings of metal animals; tree protectors of metal; trellis of metal; troughs of metal for mixing for windows; flanges of metal (collars); flashing of metal, for building; floating mortar; tubbing of metal; tubes of metal; tungsten iron; tungsten; turnstiles, containers of metal; floating docks of metal for mooring boats; floor tiles, of non-automatic; turntables (railways); valves of metal (other than parts of metal; floors of metal; foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; foot scrapers; machines); vanadium; vats of metal; vaults of metal (burial); vice benches of foundry molds (moulds) of metal; frames of metal for building; framework of metal; vice claws of metal; wainscotting of metal; wall claddings of metal metal for building; furnace fire screens; furnace fireguards; furnace screens; (building); wall hooks of metal for pipes; wall linings of metal (building); wall furniture casters of metal; galena (ore); gate stops of metal; gates of metal; plugs of metal; washers of metal; water-pipe valves of metal; water-pipes of german silver; germanium; girders of metal; glucinium (beryllium); gold solder; metal; weather vanes of metal; weather or wind-vanes of metal; wheel clamps goods of common metal not included in other classes; gratings of metal; (boots); white metal; wind vanes of metal; winding keys of metal; winding gravestone slabs of metal; gravestones of metal; grease nipples; greenhouse spools of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; window casement bolts; frames of metal; greenhouses of metal, transportable; grilles of metal; guard window fasteners of metal; window frames of metal; window pulleys; window rails of metal; gutter pipes of metal; gutters of metal; hafnium (celtium); stops of metal; windows of metal; wire cloth; wire for aerials; wire gauze; wire handcuffs; handling pallets of metal; hardware of metal (small); harness of of common metal alloys (except fuse wire); wire of common metal; wire rope; metal for handling loads; harness of metal for load handling; hinges of metal; wire stretchers (tension links); works of art of common metal; wrapping or hooks (metal hardware); hooks for slate (metal hardware); hooks of metal for binding bands of metal; zinc; zirconium. clothes rails; hoop iron; hoop steel; hoppers (non-mechanical) of metal; horse- (511) Klasse 07: Acetylene cleaning apparatus; adhesive bands for pulleys; shoe nails; horseshoes of metal; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; ice adhesive tape dispensers (machines); aerated beverages making machines; moulds of metal; ice nails (climbing irons); identification bracelets of metal for aerated water making apparatus; aerating pumps for aquaria; aerators; aero- hospitals; identity plates of metal; indium; ingots of common metal; insect condensers; aeronautical engines; aeroplane engines; agitators; agricultural screens of metal; iron ores; iron slabs; iron strip; iron wire; iron, unwrought or elevators; agricultural implements other than hand-operated; agricultural ma- semi-wrought; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; ironmongery; ironwork chines; air brushes for applying colour; air condensers; air cushion devices for for doors; ironwork for windows; jalousies of metal; jets of metal; joists of moving loads; air pumps (garage installations); air suction machines; alterna- metal; junctions of metal for pipes; keys; knife handles of metal; knobs of tors; anti-friction pads for machines; anti-pollution devices for motors and metal; ladders of metal; latch bars of metal; latches of metal; laths of metal; engines; anti-friction bearings for machines; apparatus for drawing up beer latticework of metal; lead seals; lead, unwrought or semi-wrought; letter boxes under pressure; apparatus for dressing; apparatus for machining; aprons of metal; letters and numerals (of common metal), except type; limonite; linings (parts of machines); atomisers (machines); automatic grapnels for marine of metal (building); lintels of metal; loading gauge rods, of metal, for railway purposes; axles for machines; ball rings for bearings; ball-bearings; bearing waggons; loading gauge rods, of metal, for railway wagons; loading pallets of brackets for machines; bearings (parts of machines); bearings for transmissi- metal; lock bolts; locks (other than electric) of metal; locks of metal for bags; on shafts; beaters, electric; beating machines; beer pumps; bellows (machi- locks of metal for vehicles; machine belt fasteners of metal; magnesium; nes); belt conveyors; belts for conveyors; belts for machines; belts for motors manganese; manhole covers of metal; manifolds of metal for pipelines; masts and engines; bending machines; beverage preparation machines, electrome- of metal; materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways; materials of chanical; bicycle assembling machines; bicycle dynamos; binding apparatus metal for railway tracks; meat safes of metal; memorial plaques, of metal; for hay; bitumen making machines; blade holders (parts of machines); blade memorial plates of metal; metal building materials; moldings of metal for cor- sharpening (stropping) machines; blades (parts of machines); blenders, elec- nices; molybdenum iron; molybdenum; money boxes of metal; money clips of tric, for household purposes; blowing engines; blowing machines for exhausti- common metal; monuments of bronze for tombs; monuments of metal for on of dust, etc.; blowing machines for the compression, exhaustion and tombs; monuments of metal; mooring bollards of metal; mooring buoys of transport of gases; blowing machines for the compression, sucking and carry- metal; mouldings of metal for cornices; nails; nickel-silver; nickel; niobium; ing of grain; blowing machines or fans for the compression, sucking and non-electric cables and wires of common metal; nozzles of metal; numberpla- carrying of grain; bobbins for weaving looms; boiler tubes (parts of machines); tes, of metal; nuts of metal; ores of metal; ores; outdoor blinds of metal; bookbinding apparatus and machines for industrial purposes; bottle capping packaging containers of metal; padlocks; paint spraying booths, of metal; machines; bottle filling machines; bottle sealing machines; bottle stoppering palings of metal; partitions of metal; paving blocks of metal; pegs of metal; machines; bottle washing machines; boxes for matrices (printing); braiding penstock pipes (of metal); pilings of metal; pillars of metal for buildings; pins machines; brake linings other than for vehicles; brake segments other than for (hardware); pins for wheels, etc.; pipe muffs of metal; pipes and tubes of vehicles; brake shoes other than for vehicles; bread cutting machines; bre- metal; pipes of metal, for central heating installations; pipes of metal; pipework wing machines; brushes (parts of machines); brushes, electrically operated; of metal; pitons of metal (mountaineering equipment); platforms, prefabricated, bulldozers; butter machines; calenders; can openers, electric; capstans; car- of metal; plugs of metal; poles of metal, for electric lines; poles of metal; bon brushes (electricity); carburetter feeders; carburetters; card clothing (parts porches of metal (building); posts of metal for electric lines; posts of metal; pot of carding machines); carding machines; carriage aprons; carriages for knit- hooks of metal; preserve tins; preserving boxes of metal; props of metal; ting machines; cartridges for filtering machines; catalytic converters; central pulleys of metal (other than for machines); pyrophoric metals; railroad ties of vacuum cleaning installations; centrifugal machines; centrifugal mills; centrifu- metal; rails of metal; railway material of metal; railway points; railway sleepers gal pumps; centrifuges (machines); chaff cutter blades; chaff cutters; chain of metal; railway switches; reels of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; saws; chisels for machines; chucks (parts of machines); churns; cigarette registration plates of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for building; reinfor- machines for industrial purposes; cinder sifters (machines); clack valves cing materials of metal for machine belts; reinforcing materials of metal for (parts of machines); cleaning appliances utilizing steam; clippers (machines); pipes; reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete; rings of common metal for clutches other than for land vehicles; coalcutting machines; coffee grinders, keys; rings of metal; rivets of metal; rocket launching platforms of metal; rods other than hand-operated; coin-operated washing machines; colour-washing of metal for brazing and welding; roller blinds of steel; roof coverings of metal; machines; compressed air engines; compressed air guns for the extrusion of roof flashing of metal; roofing of metal; rope thimbles of metal; ropes of metal; mastics; compressed air machines; compressed air pumps; compressors (ma- runners of metal for sliding doors; safes (strong boxes); safes; safety cash chines); compressors for refrigerators; concrete mixers (machines); conden- boxes; safety cashboxes; safety chains of metal; sash fasteners of metal for sers (steam) (parts of machines); condensing installations; connecting rods windows; sash pulleys; scaffolding of metal; screw rings; screws of metal; for machines, motors and engines; construction machines, textile machines; scythe handles of metal; sealing caps of metal for bottles; sealing caps of control cables for machines, engines or motors; control mechanisms for ma- metal; sheaf binders of metal; sheet piles of metal; sheets and plates of metal; chines, engines or motors; converters for steelworks; conveyors (machines); shims; shuttering of metal for concrete; shutters of metal; signalling panels, cord making machines; corn and grain husking machines; corn husking machi- non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal; signboards of metal; signs, non- nes; couplings other than for land vehicles; cowlings (parts of machines); luminous and non-mechanical, of metal, for roads; signs, non-luminous and cranes (lifting and hoisting apparatus); crank shafts; crankcases for machi- non-mechanical, of metal; silicon iron; sills of metal; silos of metal; silver nes, motors and engines; cranks (parts of machines); cream/milk separators; plated tin alloy; silver solder; skating rinks (structures of metal); sleeves crushing machines; cultivators (machines); current generators; curtain dra- (metal hardware); slings of metal for handling loads; soldering wire of metal; wing devices, electrically operated; cutters (machines); cutting blow pipes, spring locks; springs (metal hardware); spurs; stair treads (steps) of metal; gas-operated; cutting machines; cylinder heads for engines; cylinders for staircases of metal; statues of common metal; statuettes of common metal; machines; cylinders for motors and engines; dairy machines; darning machi- steel alloys; steel buildings; steel masts; steel pipes; steel sheets; steel strip; nes; dashpot plungers (parts of machines); de-aerators for feedwater; degre- steel tubes; steel wire; steel, unwrought or semi-wrought; steps (ladders) of asers (machines); derricks; die-cutting and tapping machines; die-stamping metal; stirrups of metal; stop collars of metal; stops of metal; strap-hinges of machines; diggers (machines); dishwashers; disintegrators; ditchers (plou- metal; straps of metal for handling loads; stretchers for iron bands (tension ghs); dividing machines; domestic crushers/grinders, electric; drain cocks; links); stretchers for metal bands (tension links); stringers (parts of stairca- drainage machines; drill chucks (parts of machines); drilling bits (parts of ses) of metal; swimming pools (metal structures); tacks (nails); tanks of metal; machines); drilling heads (parts of machines); drilling machines; drilling rigs tantalum (metal); taps for casks of metal; telegraph posts of metal; telephone (floating or non-floating); driving chains other than for land vehicles; driving booths of metal; telpher cables; tension links; tent pegs of metal; thread of motors other than for land vehicles; drums (parts of machines); drying machi- metal for tying-up purposes; tie plates; tile floorings of metal; tiles of metal for nes; dust exhausting installations for cleaning purposes; dust removing instal- building; tiles of metal; tin cans; tin; tinfoil; tinplate packings; tinplate; tins; lations for cleaning purposes; dyeing machines; dynamo belts; dynamo bru- titanium iron; titanium; tombac; tombs of metal; tombstone plaques of metal; fortsættes

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shes; dynamos; earth moving machines; edible pastes making machines; rack and pinion jacks; racket stringing machines; radiators (cooling) for motors ejectors; electric hammers; electric hand drills; electromechanical machines and engines; rail-laying machines; railroad constructing machines; rakes for for chemical industry; elevating apparatus; elevator belts; elevator chains raking machines; raking machines; rammers (machines); rams (machines); (parts of machines); elevators (lifts); embossing machines; emergency power reapers and binders; reapers and threshers; reapers; reduction gears other generators; engines for air cushion vehicles; engines for boats; engines, other than for land vehicles; reeling apparatus, mechanical; reels (parts of machi- than for land vehicles; engraving machines; escalators; excavators; exhaust nes); reels for weaving looms; reels, mechanical, for flexible hoses; regulators manifold for engines; exhausts for motors and engines; expansion tanks (parts of machines); rinsing machines; riveting machines; road making machi- (parts of machines); extractors for mines; fan belts for motors and engines; nes; road rollers; road sweeping machines (self propelled); robots (machines); fans for motors and engines; fans for the compression, sucking and carrying roller bearings; roller bridges; rolling mill cylinders; rolling mills; root slicers of grain; feeders (parts of machines); feeding apparatus for engine boilers; (machines); rotary printing presses; rotary steam presses, portable, for fa- feedwater regulators; filling machines; filter presses; filtering machines; filters brics; satinizing machines; sausage machines; saw benches (parts of machi- (parts of machines or engines); filters for cleaning cooling air (for engines); nes); saw blades (parts of machines); saws (machines); scissors, electric; finishing machines; fittings for engine boilers; fleshing machines; flour mill sealing joints (parts of engines); sealing machines for industrial purposes; machines; flour mills; flues for engine boilers; fodder presses; food preparation self-oiling bearings; separators; sewage pulverisers; sewage pulverizers; se- machines, electromechanical; food processors (electric); forge bellows; fou- wing machines; shaft couplings (machines); sharpening machines; sharpening ndry machines; freewheels other than for land vehicles; friezing machines; wheels (parts of machines); sheaf-binding machines; shearing machines for fruit presses, electric, for household purposes; fuel conversion apparatus for animals; shears, electric; shock absorber plungers (parts of machines); shoe internal combustion engines; fuel economisers for motors and engines; garba- lasts (parts of machines); shoe polishers, electric; shovels, mechanical; sh- ge (waste) disposals; garbage disposals; gasifiers; gear boxes other than for redders (machines) for industrial use; shuttles (parts of machines); sidewalks land vehicles; gears for weaving looms; gears, other than for land vehicles; (moving pavement); sieves (machines or parts of machines); sifters; sifting generators of electricity; glass working machines; glaziers’ diamonds (parts of installations; sifting machines; silencers for motors and engines; sizing machi- machines); glow plugs for diesel engines; glue guns, electric; grain husking nes; slide rests (parts of machines); sliders for knitting machines; slides for machines; grain separators; grating machines for vegetables; grease boxes knitting machines; smoothing presses; snow ploughs; soldering apparatus, (parts of machines); grease rings (parts of machines); grinders/crushers, gas-operated; soldering blow pipes, gas-operated; soldering irons, gas-ope- electric, for household purposes; grinding machines; grindstones (parts of rated; sorting machines for industry; sowers (machines); sparking plugs for machines); guards (parts of machines); guides for machines; guns (tools using internal combustion engines; speed governors for machines, engines and explosives); hair clipping machines for animals; hair cutting machines for motors; spin driers; spinning frames; spinning machines; spinning wheels; animals; hammers (parts of machines); hand-held tools, other than hand- spray guns for paint; spraying machines; springs (parts of machines); stalk operated; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; handling machines, separators (machines); stamping machines; stands for machines; starters for automatic (manipulators); hangers (parts of machines); harrows; harvesting motors and engines; staters (parts of machines); steam engine boilers; steam machines; haulage apparatus (mining); heat exchangers (parts of machines); engines; steam traps; steam/oil separators; steamrollers; stereotype machi- heel-making machines; hemming machines; high pressure washers; hoists; nes; stitching machines; stone working machines; straw (chaff) cutters; strop- holding devices for machine tools; hoods (parts of machines); hoppers (me- ping machines; stuffing boxes (parts of machines); suction cups for milking chanical discharging); hosiery looms; housings (parts of machines); hydraulic machines; suction machines for industrial purposes; sugar making machines; controls for machines, motors and engines; hydraulic door openers and clo- superchargers; superheaters; swaging machines; tables for machines; tam- sers (parts of machines); hydraulic engines and motors; hydraulic turbines; bours for embroidery machines; taps (parts of machines, engines or motors); igniting devices for internal combustion engines; igniting magnetos for engi- tarring machines; teat cups (suction cups) for milking machines; teat cups for nes; igniting magnetos; incubators for eggs; injectors for engines; inking milking machines; tedding machines; thermic lances (machines); threading apparatus for printing machines; ironing machines; jacks (machines); jet engi- machines; threshing machines; tilt hammers; tin openers, electric; tobacco nes other than for land vehicles; joints (parts of engines); journal boxes (parts processing machines; tools (parts of machines); torque converters other than of machines); journals (parts of machines); kick starters for motorcycles; for land vehicles; transmission chains other than for land vehicles; transmis- kitchen machines, electric; kneading machines; knitting machines; knives sion shafts (other than for land vehicles); transmissions for machines; trans- (parts of machines); knives for mowing machines; knives, electric; labellers missions, other than for land vehicles; trash compacting machines; trimming (machines); lace making machines; lasts for shoes (parts of machines); lathes machines; truck lifts; trueing machines; trussing apparatus for hay; tube (machine tools); lawnmowers (machines); leather paring machines; leather- conveyors, pneumatic; turbines other than for land vehicles; turbocompres- working machines; lift belts; lifting apparatus; lifts (other than ski-lifts); loading sors; turf removing ploughs; turnip cutters (machines); tympans (parts of ramps; loom shafts; looms (machines); looms; lubricating pumps; lubricators printing presses); type-setting machines (photocomposition); type-setting (parts of machines); machine boiler scale collectors; machine coupling and machines (printing); typecasting machines; typographic machines; typogra- transmission components (except for land vehicles); machine fly-wheels; mac- phic presses; universal joints (cardan joints); vacuum cleaner attachments for hine tools; machine wheels; machine wheelwork; machines and apparatus for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants; vacuum cleaner bags; vacuum carpet shampooing (electric); machines and apparatus for cleaning (electric); cleaner hoses; vacuum cleaners; vacuum pumps (machines); valves (parts of machines and apparatus for polishing (electric); machines and apparatus for machines); vehicle washing installations; vibrators (machines) for industrial wax-polishing (electric); machines and machine tools for metal-, wood-, pla- use; vulcanisation apparatus; waggon lifts; washing apparatus; washing in- stics processing; machines for beverages industry; machines for the chemical stallations for vehicles; washing machines (laundry); washing machines; wa- industry, agriculture, mining; machines for the textile industry; mangles; matri- ste compacting machines; waste disposals; waste disposers (machines); wa- ces for use in printing; meat choppers (machines); meat mincers (machines); ter heaters (parts of machines); water separators; weaving looms; weeding mechanized livestock feeders; metal drawing machines; metalworking machi- machines; welding apparatus, gas-operated; welding machines, electric; whisks, nes; milking machines; milling machines; mills (machines); mills for household electric, for household purposes; whitewashing machines; winches; wine pres- purposes (other than hand-operated); millstones; mine borers; mineral water ses; winnowers; woodworking machines; wrapping machines; wringing machi- making machines; mineworking machines; mixers (machines); mixing machi- nes for laundry. nes; molding machines; molds (parts of machines); mortising machines; moto- (511) Klasse 08: Abrading instruments (hand instruments); adzes (tools); rized cultivators; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); motors for agricultural implements (hand-operated); annular screw plates; appliances and boats; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; motors, other than for instruments for slaughtering butchers’ animals; augers (hand tools); awls; land vehicles; moulding machines; moulds (parts of machines); moving pave- axes; bayonets; beard clippers; bill-hooks; bits (hand tools); bits (parts of ment (sidewalks); moving staircases (escalators); mowing and reaping machi- hand tools); blade sharpening instruments; blades (hand tools); blades (wea- nes; mud catchers and collectors (machines); mufflers for motors and engi- pons); blades for planes; bludgeons; border shears; borers; bow saws; brai- nes; net hauling machines (fishing); notchers (machine tools); nut-tapping ders (hand tools); branding irons; breast drills; budding knives; bushhammers; machines; oil refining machines; ore treating machines; packaging machines; can openers, non-electric; carpenters’ augers; cattle marking tools; cattle packing machines; painting machines; paper feeders (printing); paper machi- shearers; cattle skinning instruments; cattle stunning apparatus; cattle stun- nes; papermaking machines; paring machines; parquet wax-polishers, elec- ning appliances; caulking irons; centre punches (hand tools); cheese slicers tric; pedal drives for sewing machines; peeling machines; pepper mills other (non-electric); chisels; choppers (knives); clamps (for carpenters or coopers); than hand-operated; piston rings; piston segments; pistons (parts of machines cleavers; crimping irons; crow bars; curling tongs; cuticle nippers; cuticle or engines); pistons for cylinders; pistons for engines; planing machines; tweezers; cutlery; cutter bars; cutters; cutting bars; cutting tools (hand tools); ploughs; ploughshares; plunger pistons; pneumatic controls for machines, daggers; depilation appliances, electric and non-electric; destructing appara- motors and engines; pneumatic door openers and closers (parts of machines); tus for plant parasites; dies (hand tools); diggers (hand tools); ditchers (hand pneumatic hammers; pneumatic transporters; pneumatic tube conveyors; pot- tools); drawing knives; drill holders (hand tools); drills; ear piercing apparatus; ters’ wheels; power hammers; presses (machines for industrial purposes); earth rammers (hand tools); edge tools (hand tools); egg slicers (non-electric); presses; pressing machines (to make satin-like); pressure reducers (parts of embossers (hand tools); emery grinding wheels; engraving needles; expan- machines); pressure regulators (parts of machines); pressure valves (parts of ders (hand tools); extension pieces for braces for screw taps; eyelash curlers; machines); printing cylinders; printing machines for use on sheet metal; prin- farriers’ knives; files (tools); fingernail polishers (electric or non-electric); fire ting machines; printing plates; printing presses; printing rollers for machines; irons; fireplace bellows (hand tools); flat irons (non-electric); fleshing knives propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; puddling machines; pul- (hand tools); forks; foundry ladles (hand tools); frames for handsaws; fruit leys (parts of machines); pulleys; pulverisers (machines); pump diaphragms; pickers (hand tools); fullers (hand tools); fulling tools (hand tools); garden pumps (machines); pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors); pumps for tools (hand-operated); gimlets (hand tools); glaziers’ diamonds (parts of hand heating installations; punches for punching machines; punching machines; fortsættes

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tools); glazing irons; goffering irons; gouges (hand tools); grafting tools (hand struments; branch boxes (electricity); breathing apparatus for underwater tools); graving tools (hand tools); grindstones (hand tools); guns (hand tools); swimming; breathing apparatus, except for artificial respiration; bullet-proof guns, hand-operated, for the extrusion of mastics; hackles (hand tools); vests; bullet-proof waistcoats; buzzers, electric; buzzers; cabinets for loud- hainault scythes; hair clippers for animals (hand instruments); hair clippers for speakers; cables, electric; calculating disks; calculating machines; calibrating personal use (electric and non-electric); hair-removing tweezers; hammer shar- rings; calipers; camcorders; cameras (photography); capacitors; capacity peners; hammers (hand tools); hand drills (hand tools); hand implements for measures; capillary tubes; carpenters’ rules; carriers for dark plates (photo- hair curling non-electric; hand pumps; hand tools and implements (hand-ope- graphy); cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments; rated) for agricultural, garden and forestry purposes, for construction of ma- cases fitted with dissecting instruments (microscopy); cash registers, calcu- chines/apparatus and vehicles as well as structural engineering; hand tools, lating machines, data processing equipment and computers; cassette players; hand-operated; harpoons for fishing; harpoons; hatchets; hoes (hand tools); cathodes; cathodic anti-corrosion apparatus; cell switches (electricity); cente- holing axes; hollowing bits (parts of hand tools); hoop cutters (hand tools); ring apparatus for photographic transparencies; central processing units (pro- hunting knives; ice picks; implements for decanting liquids (hand tools); insec- cessors); chargers for electric batteries; chemistry apparatus and instru- ticide atomizers (hand tools); insecticide sprayers (hand tools); insecticide ments; chips (integrated circuits); choking coils (impedance); chromatography vaporizers (hand tools); instruments and tools for skinning animals; instru- apparatus for laboratory use; chronographs (time recording apparatus); cigar ments for punching tickets; irons (non-electric hand tools); jig-saws; knife lighters for automobiles; cinematographic cameras; cinematographic film (ex- steels; knives; knuckle dusters; ladles (hand tools); ladles for wine; lasts posed); circuit breakers; circuit closers; cleaning apparatus for phonograph (shoemakers’ hand tools); lawn clippers (hand instruments); leather strops; records; cleaning apparatus for sound recording discs; clinometers; clothing levers; lifting jacks, hand-operated; livestock marking tools; machetes; mal- for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; clothing for protection lets (hand instruments); manicure sets, electric; manicure sets; marline spikes; against fire; coaxial cables; coils, electric; coin-operated gates for car parks masons’ hammers; mattocks; meat choppers (hand tools); metal band stret- or parking lots; coin-operated gates for car parks; coin-operated mechanisms chers (hand tools); milling cutters (hand tools); mincing knives (hand tools); for television sets; coin-operated musical automata (juke boxes); collectors, mitre boxes (hand tools); molding irons; money scoops; mortars for pounding; electric; commutators; compact disc players; compact discs (audio-video); mortise axes; mortise chisels; moulding irons; nail buffers (electric or non- compact discs (read-only memory); comparators; compasses (measuring in- electric); nail clippers (electric or non-electric); nail drawers (hand tools); nail struments); computer game programs; computer keyboards; computer memo- extractors; nail files, electric; nail files; nail nippers; nail punches; needle files; ries; computer operating programs, recorded; computer peripheral devices; needle-threaders; nippers; numbering punches; nutcrackers, not of precious computer programmes, recorded; computer programs (downloadable software); metal; oyster openers; palette knives; paring irons (hand tools); paring knives; computer software (recorded); computers; condensers (capacitors); conduc- pedicure sets; penknives; perforating tools (hand tools); pestles for pounding; tors, electric; connections for electric lines; connections, electric; connectors pickaxes; pickhammers; picks (hand tools); pin punches; pincers; pizza cut- (electricity); contact lenses; contacts, electric, of precious metal; contacts, ters (nonelectric); plane irons; planes; plant parasite killing apparatus; pliers; electric; containers for contact lenses; containers for microscope slides; police batons; polishing irons (glazing tools); priming irons (hand tools); pru- control panels (electricity); converters, electric; copper wire, insulated; cor- ning knives; pruning scissors; pruning shears; punch pliers (hand tools); recting lenses (optics); cosmographic instruments; counterfeit (false) coin punch rings (knuckle dusters); punches (hand tools); rabbeting planes; rakes detectors; counters; couplers (data processing equipment); couplings, elec- (hand tools); rammers (hand tools); rams (hand tools); rasps (hand tools); tric; covers for electric outlets; crucibles (laboratory); cupels (laboratory); ratchets (hand tools); razor blades; razor cases; razor strops; razors, electric current rectifiers; cyclotrons; darkroom lamps (photography); darkrooms (pho- or non-electric; razors; reamer sockets; reamers; riveters (hand tools); rive- tography); data processing apparatus; decompression chambers; decorative ting hammers (hand tools); sabres; sand trap rakes; saw blades (parts of hand magnets; demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes; densimeters; densito- tools); saw holders; saws (hand tools); scaling knives; scissors; scrapers meters; detectors; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; diaphragms (hand tools); scraping tools (hand tools); screw stocks (hand tools); screw- (acoustics); diaphragms (photography); diaphragms for scientific apparatus; thread cutters (hand tools); screwdrivers; scythe rings; scythe stones; scythes; dictating machines; diffraction apparatus (microscopy); directional compas- secateurs; sharpening instruments; sharpening steels; sharpening stones; ses; discharge tubes, electric, other than for lighting; disk drives (for compu- sharpening wheels (hand tools); shaving cases; shear blades; shearers (hand ters); disks (magnetic); distance measuring apparatus; distance recording instruments); shears; shovels (hand tools); sickles; side arms, other than apparatus; distillation apparatus for scientific purposes; distribution boards firearms; side arms; silver plate (knives, forks and spoons); skinning applian- (electricity); distribution boxes (electricity); distribution consoles (electricity); ces and instruments for butchers’ animals; sledgehammers; spades (hand distribution machines, automatic; divers’ apparatus; divers’ masks; diving suits; tools); spanners (hand tools); spatulas (hand tools); spoons; squares (hand dog whistles; door closers, electric; door openers, electric; dosage dispen- tools); stamping-out tools (hand tools); stamps (hand tools); stone hammers; sers; dosimeters; drainers for use in photography; dressmakers’ measures; stretchers for wire and metal bands (hand tools); stropping instruments; sugar drying apparatus for photographic prints; drying racks (photography); ducts tongs; sword scabbards; swords; syringes for spraying insecticides; table (electricity); dynamometers; ear plugs for divers; ear plugs; editing appliances cutlery (knives, forks and spoons); table forks; tableware (knives, forks and for cinematographic films; egg timers (sandglasses); egg-candlers; electric spoons); tap wrenches; taps (hand tools); thistle extirpators (hand tools); apparatus for commutation; electric apparatus for remote ignition; electric arc threaders; tin openers, non-electric; tongs; tool belts (holders); tree pruners; cutting apparatus; electric arc welding apparatus; electric devices for attrac- trowels (gardening); trowels; truncheons; tube cutters (hand tools); tube cut- ting and killing insects; electric discharge tubes, other than for lighting; elec- ting instruments; tweezers; vegetable choppers; vegetable knives; vegetable tric door bells; electric installations for the remote control of industrial opera- shredders; vegetable slicers; vices; weeding forks (hand tools); whetstone tions; electric loss indicators; electric welding apparatus; electrical apparatus holders; whetstones; wick trimmers (scissors); wire stretchers (hand tools); for sealing plastics (packaging); electricity conduits; electrified fences; elec- wrenches (hand tools). trified rails for mounting spot lights; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote (511) Klasse 09: Abacuses; accounting machines; accumulator boxes; accu- control of railway points; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of mulator jars; accumulators, electric, for vehicles; accumulators, electric; acid signals; electrolysers; electromagnetic coils; electronic agendas; electronic hydrometers; acidimeters for batteries; acoustic (sound) alarms; acoustic notice boards; electronic pens (visual display units); electronic pocket trans- conduits; acoustic couplers; actinometers; adding machines; aerials; aerome- lators; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic tags for goods; elec- ters; air analysis apparatus; alarm bells, electric; alarms; alcoholmeters; alida- troplating apparatus; elevator operating apparatus; encoded cards, magnetic; des; altimeters; ammeters; amplifiers; amplifying tubes; amplifying valves; enlarging apparatus (photography); epidiascopes; ergometers; exposure me- amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only; anemo- ters (light meters); extinguishers; eyeglass cases; eyeglass chains; eyeglass meters; animated cartoons; anode batteries; anodes; answering machines; cords; eyeglass frames; eyeglasses; eyepieces; eyeshades; facsimile machi- antennas; anti-dazzle shades; anti-glare glasses; anti-glare visors; anti-inter- nes; false coin detectors; fibre optic cables; film cutting apparatus; films, ference devices (electricity); anti-theft warning apparatus; anticathodes; apert- exposed; filters (photography); filters for respiratory masks; filters for ultravi- ometers (optics); apparatus and instruments for astronomy; apparatus and olet rays, for photography; fire alarms; fire beaters; fire blankets; fire boats; instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating fire engines; fire escapes; fire extinguishing apparatus; fire hose nozzles; or controlling electricity; apparatus and instruments for physics; apparatus for flash-bulbs (photography); flashing lights (luminous signals); flashlights (pho- changing record player needles; apparatus for editing cinematographic film; tography); flat irons, electric; floats for bathing and swimming; floppy disks; apparatus for fermentation (laboratory apparatus); apparatus for games adapted fluorescent screens; fog signals, non-explosive; food analysis apparatus; for use with television receivers only; apparatus for measuring the thickness frames for photographic transparencies; frequency meters; fuel dispensing of skins; apparatus for recording distance; apparatus for recording, transmis- pumps for service stations; furnaces for laboratory experiments; furniture sion or reproduction of sound or images; apparatus to check franking; appara- especially made for laboratories; fuse wire; fuses; galena crystals (detectors); tus to check stamping mail; appliances for measuring the thickness of leather; galvanic batteries; galvanic cells; galvanizing apparatus; galvanometers; gar- armatures (electricity); asbestos clothing for protection against fire; asbestos ments for protection against fire; gas testing instruments; gasoline gauges; gloves for protection against accidents; audio receivers and video receivers; gasoline pumps for service stations; gasometers; gauges; glass covered with audiovisual teaching apparatus; automatic indicators of low pressure in ve- an electrical conductor; glazing apparatus for photographic prints; gloves for hicle tires; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated divers; gloves for protection against accidents; gloves for protection against apparatus; azimuth instruments; balances (steelyards); balancing apparatus; x-rays for industrial purposes; goggles for sports; gradient indicators; gradu- bar code readers; barometers; batteries for lighting; batteries for pocket lamps; ated glassware; grids for batteries; hair-curlers, electrically heated; head batteries, electric, for vehicles; batteries, electric; battery boxes; battery cleaning tapes (recording); headphones; heat regulating apparatus; heliogra- chargers; battery jars; beacons, luminous; bells (warning devices); betatrons; phic apparatus; hemline markers; high tension batteries; high-frequency appa- binoculars; blinkers (signalling lights); blueprint apparatus; boiler control in- fortsættes

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ratus; holders for electric coils; holograms; horns for loudspeakers; hydrome- shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; shutter releases ters; hygrometers; identification sheaths for electric wires; identification threads (photography); shutters (photography); sighting telescopes for firearms; sig- for electric wires; identity cards, magnetic; igniting apparatus, electric, for nal bells; signal lanterns; signalling buoys; signalling panels, luminous or igniting at a distance; inclinometers; incubators for bacteria culture; indicators mechanical; signalling whistles; signals, luminous or mechanical; signs, lumi- (electricity); inductors (electricity); instruments containing eyepieces; inte- nous; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sirens; slide calipers; grated circuit cards (smart cards); integrated circuits; intercommunication slide projectors; slide-rules; slides (photography); slope indicators; smart car- apparatus; interfaces (for computers); inverters (electricity); invoicing machi- ds (integrated circuit cards); smoke detectors; sockets, plugs and other nes; ionisation apparatus, not for the treatment of air; jigs (measuring instru- contacts (electric connections); socks, electrically heated; solar batteries; ments); juke boxes (for computers); juke boxes (musical); junction boxes solderers’ helmets; soldering apparatus, electric; soldering irons, electric; (electricity); junction sleeves for electric cables; kilometer recorders for ve- solenoid valves (electromagnetic switches); sonars; sound alarms; sound hicles; knee-pads for workers; laboratory trays; lactodensimeters; lactome- locating instruments; sound recording apparatus; sound recording carriers; ters; laptop computers; lasers, not for medical purposes; lens hoods; lenses sound recording discs; sound recording strips; sound reproduction apparatus; for astrophotography; letter scales; levelling instruments; levelling staffs (sur- sound transmitting apparatus; sounding apparatus and machines; sounding veying instruments); levels (instruments for determining the horizontal); lever leads; sounding lines; spark-guards; speaking tubes; spectacle cases; spec- scales (steelyards); life belts; life buoys; life jackets; life nets; life saving tacle frames; spectacle glasses; spectacles (optics); spectrograph appara- apparatus and equipment; life-saving rafts; lift operating apparatus; light con- tus; spectroscopes; speed checking apparatus for vehicles; speed indicators; ducting filaments (optical fibers); light dimmers (regulators) (electric); light speed measuring apparatus (photography); speed regulators for record play- regulators (dimmers) (electric); light-emitting electronic pointers; lighting bal- ers; spherometers; spirit levels; spools (photography); sprinkler systems for lasts; lightning arresters; lightning conductors (rods); lightning conductors; fire protection; stage lighting regulators; stands for photographic apparatus; limiters (electricity); locks, electric; logs (measuring instruments); loudspea- starter cables for motors; steelyards (lever scales); steering apparatus, auto- kers; magic lanterns; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; magnetic data matic, for vehicles; stereoscopes; stereoscopic apparatus; stills for laborato- media; magnetic encoders; magnetic tape units (for computers); magnetic ry experiments; styli for record players; sulphitometers; sunglasses; survey- tapes; magnetic wires; magnets; magnifying glasses (optics); make-up remo- ing apparatus and instruments; surveying chains; surveying instruments; sur- ving appliances, electric; manometers; marine compasses; marine depth fin- veyors’ levels; swimming belts; swimming jackets; switchboards; switchboxes ders; marking buoys; marking gauges (joinery); masts for wireless aerials; (electricity); switches, electric; tachometers; tape recorders; taximeters; tea- material for electricity mains (wires, cables); material testing instruments and ching apparatus; teeth protectors; telegraph wires; telegraphs (apparatus); machines; mathematical instruments; measures; measuring apparatus; mea- telemeters; telephone apparatus; telephone receivers; telephone transmitters; suring devices, electric; measuring glassware; measuring instruments; mea- telephone wires; teleprinters; teleprompters; telerupters; telescopes; teletype- suring spoons; mechanical signs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; writers; television apparatus; temperature indicators; terminals (electricity); mechanisms for counter-operated apparatus; megaphones; mercury levels; test tubes; testing apparatus not for medical purposes; theft prevention instal- metal detectors for industrial or military purposes; meteorological balloons; lations, electric; theodolites; thermionic lamps and tubes; thermionic valves meteorological instruments; meters; metronomes; micrometer gauges; micro- (radio); thermometers, not for medical purposes; thermostats for vehicles; meter screws for optical instruments; micrometers; microphones; micropro- thermostats; thread counters; ticket dispensers; time clocks (time recording cessors; microscopes; microtomes; milage recorders for vehicles; mirrors devices); time recording apparatus; time switches, automatic; tone arms for (optics); mirrors for inspecting work; modems; money counting and sorting record players; totalizators; transformers (electricity); transistors (electronic); machines; monitoring apparatus, electric; monitors (computer hardware); mo- transmitters (telecommunication); transmitters of electronic signals; transmit- nitors (computer programs); motor fire engines; mouse (data processing equip- ting sets (telecommunication); transparencies (photography); transparency ment); mouse pads; nautical apparatus and instruments; naval signalling ap- projection apparatus; tripods for cameras; turnstiles, automatic; urinometers; paratus; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); navigational vacuum gauges; vacuum tubes (radio); variometers; vehicle breakdown war- instruments; needles for record players; neon signs; nets for protection against ning triangles; vehicle radios; vending machines; verniers; video cassettes; accidents; nose clips for divers and swimmers; notebook computers; objec- video game cartridges; video recorders; video screens; video telephones; tives (lenses) (optics); observation instruments; octants; ohmmeters; optical videotapes; viewfinders, photographic; viscosimeters; voltage regulators for apparatus and instruments; optical character readers; optical condensers; vehicles; voltage surge protectors; voltmeters; voting machines; wafers (sili- optical data media; optical discs; optical fibers (light conducting filaments); con slices); waling glasses; walkie-talkies; washing trays (photography); water optical glass; optical goods; optical lamps; optical lanterns; optical lenses; level indicators; water wings; wavemeters; weighbridges; weighing apparatus oscillographs; ovens for laboratory experiments; oxygen transvasing appara- and instruments; weighing machines; weights; welding apparatus, electric; tus; ozonisers (ozonators); parking meters; particle accelerators; pedome- welding electrodes; whistle alarms; wind socks (for indicating wind direction); ters; peepholes (magnifying lenses) for doors; periscopes; personal stereos; wire connectors (electricity); wires of metal alloys (fuse wire); wires, electric; petrol gauges; petrol pumps for service stations; phonograph records; photo- word processors; workmen’s protective face-shields; wrist rests for use with copiers (photographic, electrostatic, thermic); photographic racks; photome- computers; x-ray films, exposed; x-ray photographs, other than for medical ters; phototelegraphy apparatus; photovoltaic cells; pince-nez cases; pince- purposes; x-rays producing apparatus and installations, not for medical purpo- nez chains; pince-nez cords; pince-nez mountings; pince-nez; pipettes; plane ses; x-rays tubes not for medical purposes. tables (surveying instruments); planimeters; plates for batteries; plotters; (511) Klasse 10: Abdominal belts; abdominal corsets; abdominal pads; acu- plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections); plumb bobs; plumb puncture needles; aerosol dispensers for medical purposes; air cushions for lines; pocket calculators; polarimeters; portable telephones; postage stamp medical purposes; air mattresses, for medical purposes; air pillows for medical meters; precision balances; precision measuring apparatus; pressure gauges; purposes; ambulance stretchers; anaesthetic apparatus; anaesthetic masks; pressure indicator plugs for valves; pressure indicators; pressure measuring apparatus and installations for the production of x-rays, for medical purposes; apparatus; printed circuits; printers for use with computers; prisms (optics); apparatus for artificial respiration; apparatus for the treatment of deafness; probes for scientific purposes; processors (central processing units); projec- apparatus for use in medical analysis; appliances for washing body cavities; tion apparatus; projection screens; protection devices against roentgen rays, arch supports for boots and shoes; armchairs for medical or dental purposes; not for medical purposes; protection devices against x-rays (roentgen rays), arterial blood pressure measuring apparatus; artificial breasts; artificial eyes; not for medical purposes; protection devices for personal use against acci- artificial jaws; artificial limbs; artificial skin for surgical purposes; artificial dents; protective helmets for sports; protective helmets; protective masks; teeth; babies’ bottles; babies’ pacifiers (teats); balling guns; bandages (ela- protective suits for aviators; protractors (measuring instruments); punched stic); bandages for joints (anatomical); basins for medical purposes; bed pans; card machines for offices; push buttons for bells; pyrometers; quantity indica- bed vibrators; beds, specially made for medical purposes; belts for medical tors; radar apparatus; radio pagers; radiological apparatus for industrial purpo- purposes; belts, electric, for medical purposes; blankets, electric, for medical ses; radiology screens for industrial purposes; radios; radiotelegraphy sets; purposes; blood testing apparatus; boots for medical purposes; bougies (sur- radiotelephony sets; railway traffic safety appliances; range finders; readers gery); breast pumps; brushes for cleaning body cavities; cannulae; cases (data processing equipment); record players; reducers (electricity); reflecting fitted for medical instruments; cases fitted for use by surgeons and doctors; discs for wear, for the prevention of traffic accidents; refractometers; refrac- castrating pincers; catgut; catheters; childbirth mattresses; clips (surgical); tors; regulating apparatus, electric; relays, electric; remote control apparatus; clothing especially for operating rooms; commode chairs; compressors (surgi- resistances, electric; respirators (other than for artificial respiration); respira- cal); condoms; contraceptives, non-chemical; corn knives; corsets for medi- tors for filtering air; respiratory masks (other than for artificial respiration); cal purposes; crutches; cupping glasses; cushions for medical purposes; resuscitation mannequins (teaching apparatus); retorts’ stands; retorts; revo- cutlery (surgical); defibrillators; dental apparatus, electric; dental apparatus; lution counters; rheostats; road signs, luminous or mechanical; rods (survey- dental burs; dentists’ armchairs; dentures; diagnostic apparatus for medical ing instruments); rods for water diviners; roentgen apparatus not for medical purposes; dialyzers; drainage tubes for medical purposes; draw-sheets for purposes; roentgen films, exposed; rulers (measuring instruments); rules (me- sick beds; drop counting phials, for medical purposes; dropper bottles for asuring instruments); saccharometers; safety nets; safety restraints (other medical purposes; droppers for medical purposes; dummies (teats) for babies; than for vehicle seats and sports equipment); safety tarpaulins; salinometers; ear picks; ear trumpets; elastic stockings (surgery); elastic stockings for satellite navigational apparatus; satellites for scientific purposes; scales; surgical purposes; electric acupuncture instruments; electrocardiographs; elec- scanners (data processing equipment); scientific, nautical, surveying, photo- trodes for medical use; enema apparatus for medical purposes; esthetic mas- graphic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking sage apparatus; feeding bottle teats; feeding bottle valves; feeding bottles; (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; screens filters for ultraviolet rays, for medical purposes; finger guards for medical (photography); screens for photoengraving; screw-tapping gauges; self-regu- purposes; fleams; forceps; fumigation apparatus for medical purposes; furnit- lating fuel pumps; semi-conductors; sextants; sheaths for electric cables; fortsættes

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ure especially made for medical purposes; galvanic belts for medical purpo- trees; electrically heated carpets; evaporators; expansion tanks for central ses; galvanic therapeutic appliances; gastroscopes; gloves for massage; heating installations; extractor hoods for kitchens; fairy lights for festive gloves for medical purposes; hair prostheses; hearing aids for the deaf; decoration; fans (air-conditioning); fans (parts of air conditioning installations); hearing protectors; heart pacemakers; heating cushions, electric, for medical faucets for pipes (am.); feeding apparatus for heating boilers; filaments for purposes; heating pads, electric, for medical purposes; hematimeters; hernia electric lamps; filters (parts of household or industrial installations); filters for bandages; horsehair gloves for massage; hot air therapeutic apparatus; hot air air conditioning; filters for drinking water; fire bars; fireplaces (domestic); vibrators for medical purposes; hydrostatic (water) beds for medical purposes; fittings, shaped, for furnaces; fittings, shaped, for ovens; flare stacks for use hydrostatic beds for medical purposes; hygienic basins; hypodermic syringes; in oil refineries; flare stacks for use in the oil industry; flares; flashlights hypogastric belts; ice bags for medical purposes; incontinence sheets; incu- (torches); flues for heating boilers; flushing apparatus; flushing tanks; foot- bators for babies; incubators for medical purposes; inhalers; injectors for muffs, electrically heated; footwarmers (electric or nonelectric); forage drying medical purposes; instrument cases for use by surgeons and doctors; insuf- apparatus; forges, portable; fountains; framework of metal for ovens; free- flators; intraocular prostheses (lenses) for surgical implantation; invalids’ hoists; zers; friction lighters for igniting gas; fruit roasters; fuel economisers; fumiga- knee bandages (orthopedic); knives for surgical purposes; lamps for medical tion apparatus, not for medical purposes; furnace ash boxes; furnace grates; purposes; lancets; lasers for medical purposes; lenses (intraocular prosthe- furnaces, other than for experimental purposes; furnaces; gas boilers; gas ses) for surgical implantation; masks for use by medical personnel; massage burners; gas condensers (other than parts of machines); gas generators apparatus; maternity belts; medical apparatus and instruments; medical guide- (installations); gas lamps; gas lighters; gas scrubbers (parts of gas installati- wires; mirrors for dentists; mirrors for surgeons; needles for medical purposes; ons); gas scrubbing apparatus; germicidal burners; germicidal lamps for puri- nursing appliances; obstetric apparatus for cattle; obstetric apparatus; opera- fying air; globes for lamps; glue-heating appliances; griddles (cooking applian- ting tables; ophthalmometers; opthalmoscopes; orthodontic appliances; ortho- ces); grills (cooking appliances); guard devices for lighting; hair dryers; hand paedic belts; orthopaedic footwear; orthopaedic shoes; orthopaedic soles; drying apparatus for washrooms; hangings for lamps; headlights for automobi- orthopaedic articles; pacifiers for babies; pads (pouches) for preventing pres- les; hearths; heat accumulators; heat exchangers (not parts of machines); sure sores on patient bodies; pessaries; physical exercise apparatus, for heat pumps; heat regenerators; heaters for baths; heaters for heating irons; medical purposes; physiotherapy apparatus; pins for artificial teeth; plaster heaters for vehicles; heaters, electric, for feeding bottles; heating apparatus bandages for orthopaedic purposes (casts (am.)); probes for medical purpo- for defrosting windows of vehicles; heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gase- ses; protection devices against roentgen rays, for medical purposes; protec- ous fuels; heating apparatus, electric; heating apparatus; heating boilers; tion devices against x-rays, for medical purposes; pumps for medical purpo- heating cushions (pads), electric, not for medical purposes; heating elements; ses; quartz lamps for medical purposes; radiological apparatus for medical heating filaments, electric; heating installations (water); heating installations; purposes; radiology screens for medical purposes; radiotherapy apparatus; heating pads (cushions), electric, not for medical purposes; heating plates; radium tubes for medical purposes; receptacles for applying medicines; respi- hot air apparatus; hot air bath fittings; hot air ovens; hot plates; hot water rators for artificial respiration; resuscitation apparatus; roentgen apparatus for bottles; hot water heating installations; humidifiers for central heating radia- medical purposes; saws for surgical purposes; scalpels; scissors for surgery; tors; hydrants; ice boxes; ice chests; ice machines and apparatus; immersion sets of artificial teeth; soporific pillows for insomnia; sphygmomanometers; heaters; incandescent burners; incinerators; installations for conditioning air; sphygmotensiometers; spirometers (medical apparatus); spittoons for medical installations for processing nuclear fuel and nuclear moderating material; ioni- purposes; splints (surgical); spoons for administering medicine; sprayers for sation apparatus for the treatment of air; kettles, electric; kiln furniture (sup- medical purposes; sterile sheets (surgical); stethoscopes; stockings for vari- ports); kilns; kitchen ranges (ovens); laboratory burners; laboratory lamps; ces; strait jackets; stretchers, wheeled; supportive bandages; supports for lamp casings; lamp chimneys; lamp glasses; lamp globes; lamp hanging sup- flat feet; surgical apparatus and instruments; surgical drapes; surgical im- ports; lamp mantles; lamp reflectors; lamp shades; lamps for directional sig- plants (artificial materials); surgical sponges; surgical, medical, dental and nals of automobiles; lamps; lampshade holders; lanterns for lighting; lanterns; veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; sus- laundry dryers, electric; laundry room boilers; lava rocks for use in barbecue pensory bandages; suture materials; suture needles; syringes for injections; grills; level controlling valves in tanks; light bulbs for directional signals for syringes for medical purposes; teats; teething rings; testing apparatus for vehicles; light bulbs, electric; light bulbs; light diffusers; lighters; lighting medical purposes; thermal packs for first aid purposes; thermo-electric com- apparatus and installations; lighting apparatus for vehicles; lighting installati- presses (surgery); thermometers for medical purposes; thread (surgical); tips ons for air vehicles; lights for automobiles; lights for vehicles; lights, electric, for crutches for invalids; tongue scrapers; traction apparatus for medical for christmas trees; loading apparatus for furnaces; luminous house numbers; purposes; trocars; trusses; ultraviolet ray lamps for medical purposes; umbi- luminous tubes for lighting; magnesium filaments for lighting; malt roasters; lical belts; urethral probes; urethral syringes; urinals (vessels); urological microwave ovens (cooking apparatus); milk cooling installations; miners’ lamps; apparatus and instruments; uterine syringes; vaginal syringes; vaporizers for mixer taps for water pipes; nuclear reactors; oil burners; oil lamps; oil-scrub- medical purposes; veterinary apparatus and instruments; vibromassage appa- bing apparatus; ornamental fountains; oven fittings made of fireclay; ovens, ratus; water bags for medical purposes; water beds for medical purposes; x- other than for experimental purposes; oxhydrogen burners; pasteurisers; pe- ray photographs (for medical purposes); x-rays tubes for medical purposes. trol burners; pipe line cocks (spigots); pipes (parts of sanitary installations); (511) Klasse 11: Acetylene burners; acetylene flares; acetylene generators; plate warmers; pocket searchlights; pocket torches, electric; pocket warmers; air conditioners for vehicles; air conditioning apparatus; air conditioning instal- polymerisation installations; pressure cookers (autoclaves), electric; pressure lations; air cooling apparatus; air deodorising apparatus; air dryers; air filtering cooking saucepans, electric; pressure water tanks; processing installations installations; air purifying apparatus and machines; air reheaters; air sterili- for fuel and nuclear moderating material; projector lamps; purification installa- sers; air valves for steam heating installations; alcohol burners; anti-dazzle tions for sewage; radiator caps; radiators (heating); radiators, electric; refining devices for automobiles (lamp fittings); anti-dazzle devices for vehicles (lamp towers for distillation; refrigerating apparatus and machines; refrigerating app- fittings); anti-glare devices for vehicles (lamp fittings); anti-splash tap nozz- liances and installations; refrigerating cabinets; refrigerating chambers; refri- les; apparatus for dehydrating foodstuffs organic materials; apparatus for gerating containers; refrigerators; regulating accessories for water or gas lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, apparatus and pipes; regulating and safety accessories for gas apparatus; water supply and sanitary purposes; aquarium filtration apparatus; aquarium regulating and safety accessories for gas pipes; regulating and safety acces- heaters; aquarium lights; arc lamps; ash conveyor installations, automatic; sories for water apparatus; roasters; roasting apparatus; roasting jacks; roasting ash pits for furnaces; atomic piles; autoclaves (electric pressure cookers); spits; rotisseries; safety accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes; automobile lights; bakers’ ovens; barbecues; bath fittings; bath installations; safety lamps; sanitary apparatus and installations; sauna bath installations; bath linings; bath plumbing fixtures; bath tubs for sitz baths; bath tubs; scrubbers (parts of gas installations); searchlights; shaped fittings for fur- bedwarmers; beverages cooling apparatus; bicycle lights; bidets; blankets, naces; shaped fittings for ovens; shower cubicles (enclosures (am.)); show- electric, not for medical purposes; boiler pipes (tubes) for heating installations; ers; sinks; sockets for electric lights; solar collectors (heating); solar fur- boilers (other than parts of machines); brackets for gas burners; bread toast- naces; soldering lamps; spa baths (vessels); standard lamps; steam accumu- ers; burners for lamps; burners; carbon for arc lamps; ceiling lights; central lators; steam boilers (other than parts of machines); steam facial apparatus heating radiators; chandeliers; chimney blowers; chimney flues; chinese lan- (saunas); steam generating installations; sterilizers; stills; stoves (heating terns; chromatography apparatus (for industrial purposes); clean chambers apparatus); stoves; street lamps; structural plates for ovens; swimming pools (sanitary installations); coffee filters, electric; coffee machines, electric; cof- chlorinating units; tanning apparatus (sun beds); taps (cocks, spigots) (fau- fee percolators, electric; coffee roasters; coils (parts of distilling, heating or cets (am.)) for pipes; taps (faucets); thermostatic valves (parts of heating cooling installations); cookers; cooking apparatus and installations; cooking installations); toasters; tobacco roasters; toilet bowls; toilet seats; toilets rings; cooking utensils, electric; coolers for furnaces; cooling appliances and (water-closets); toilets, portable; torches for lighting; turkish bath cabinets, installations; cooling installations and machines; cooling installations for li- portable; ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; urinals (sanitary quids; cooling installations for tobacco; cooling installations for water; cooling fixtures); vehicle headlights; vehicle reflectors; ventilation (air-conditioning) vats for furnaces; curling lamps; cycle lights; dampers (heating); deep fryers, installations and apparatus; ventilation (air-conditioning) installations for ve- electric; defrosters for vehicles; dental ovens; deodorising apparatus, not for hicles; ventilation hoods for laboratories; ventilation hoods; waffle irons, elec- personal use; desalination plants; desiccating apparatus; discharge tubes, tric; walk-in refrigerators; warming pans; wash-hand basins (parts of sanitary electric, for lighting; disinfectant apparatus; disinfectant dispensers for toi- installations); wash-hand bowls (parts of sanitary installations); washers for lets; disinfectant distributors for toilets; disposable sterilization pouches; di- water taps; washing coppers; water closets; water conduits installations; stillation apparatus; distillation columns; diving lights; drip irrigation emitters water distribution installations; water filtering apparatus; water flushing instal- (irrigation fittings); drying apparatus and installations; drying apparatus for lations; water heaters (apparatus); water heaters; water intake apparatus; fodder and forage; drying apparatus; electric appliances for making yogurt; water purification installations; water purifying apparatus and machines; water electric fans for personal use; electric lamps; electric lights for christmas fortsættes

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softening apparatus and installations; water softening apparatus; water steri- turn signals for vehicles; two-wheeled trolleys; tyres for bicycles, cycles; lizers; water supply installations; water-pipes for sanitary installations; wate- tyres for vehicle wheels; tyres, solid, for vehicle wheels; undercarriages for ring installations, automatic; watering machines for agricultural purposes; whirl- vehicles; upholstery for vehicles; valves for vehicle tires; vans (vehicles); pool-jet apparatus. vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers (shaped); vehicle running (511) Klasse 12: Adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; aerial boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel hubs; ve- conveyors; aeronautical apparatus, machines and appliances; aeroplanes; air hicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires; vehicle wheels; bags (safety devices for automobiles); air balloons; air cushion vehicles; air vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; vehicles; waggons; water pumps (vehicle accessories); air vehicles; aircraft; airships; ambulances; vehicles; wheelbarrows; wheelchairs; wheels for bicycles, cycles; windows for amphibious airplanes; anti-dazzle devices for vehicles; anti-glare devices for vehicles; windscreen wipers; windscreens; windshield wipers; windshields; vehicles; anti-skid chains; anti-theft devices for vehicles; antitheft alarms for yachts. vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; audible warning (511) Klasse 13: Acetyl nitrocellulose; air pistols (weapons); ammonium nitrate systems for cycles; automobile bodies; automobile chains; automobile chas- explosives; ammunition and projectiles; ammunition for firearms; ammunition; sis; automobile hoods; automobile tires (tyres); automobiles; axle journals; apparatus for filling cartridge belts; artillery guns (cannons); ballistic missiles; axles for vehicles; baby carriages; balance weights for vehicle wheels; bands ballistic weapons; bandoliers for weapons; bengal lights; breeches of firearms; for wheel hubs; barges; baskets adapted for cycles; bells for bicycles, cycles; cannons; carbines; cartridge cases; cartridge loading apparatus; cartridge bicycle bells; bicycle brakes; bicycle chains; bicycle frames; bicycle handle pouches; cartridges; cleaning brushes for firearms; detonating caps other bars; bicycle pumps; bicycle rims; bicycle saddles; bicycle spokes; bicycle than toys; detonating fuses for explosives; detonating plugs; detonators; stands; bicycle tires; bicycles; boat hooks; boats; bodies for vehicles; bogies dynamite; explosive cartridges; explosive powders; explosives; firearm sights; for railway cars; brake linings for vehicles; brake segments for vehicles; brake firearms; firecrackers; fireworks; firing lanyards for explosives; firing plat- shoes for vehicles; brakes for bicycles, cycles; brakes for vehicles; buffers forms; fog signals, explosive; fuses for explosives, for use in mines; fuses for for railway rolling stock; bumpers for automobiles; cable cars; cable transport explosives; gun barrels; gun carriages (artillery); gun cases; gun cotton; gun apparatus and installations; caissons (vehicles); camping cars; caps for ve- stocks; gunpowder; guns (weapons); gunstocks; hammers for guns and rifles; hicle petrol (gas) tanks; caravans; carriages (railways); carrier tricycles; cars harpoon guns (weapons); hunting firearms; lead shot for hunting; machine for cable transport installations; cars; carts; casings for pneumatic tires; guns; mines (explosives); mortars (firearms); motorized weapons; nitrate of casters for trolleys (vehicles) (carts (am.)); casting carriages; casting cars; ammonia explosives; noise-suppressors for guns; percussion caps other than chains for bicycles, cycles; chairlifts; cleaning trolleys; cleats (nautical); toys; pistols (arms); powder horns; primings (fuses); projectiles (weapons); clutches for land vehicles; concrete mixing vehicles; connecting rods for land pyrophoric substances; pyrotechnic products; pyroxylin; revolvers; rifle bar- vehicles, other than parts of motors and engines; couplings for land vehicles; rels; rifle cases; rifles; rocket launchers; rockets (projectiles); shells (projec- covers for baby carriages; crankcases for land vehicle components (other tiles); shoulder straps for weapons; sighting mirrors for guns and rifles; sights, than for engines); cranks for cycles; cycle bells; cycle brakes; cycle cars; other than telescopic sights, for firearms; sights, other than telescopic sights, cycle chains; cycle frames; cycle handle bars; cycle hubs; cycle mudguards; for guns (artillery); signal rockets; sporting firearms; tanks (weapons); tear cycle pumps; cycle rims; cycle saddles; cycle spokes; cycle stands; cycle gas weapons; tinder; trigger guards for guns and rifles; trigger guards for rifles; tires; cycles; davits for boats; delivery tricycles; dining cars (carriages); trunnions for heavy weapons. dinner wagons (carriages); direction indicators for bicycles, cycles, etc.; di- (511) Klasse 14: Agates; alarm clocks; alloys of precious metal; amulets rection signals for vehicles; dirigible balloons (airships); dirigible balloons; (jewellery); anchors (clock and watch-making); ashtrays, of precious metal, for disengaging gear for boats; doors for vehicles; dredgers (boats); dress guards smokers; atomic clocks; badges of precious metal; barrels (clock and watch- for bicycles, cycles; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land making); baskets of precious metal, for household purposes; boxes of pre- vehicles; ejector seats (for aircraft); electric vehicles; elevating tailgates (am.) cious metal for needles; boxes of precious metal for sweetmeats; boxes of (parts of land vehicles); engines for land vehicles; fenders for ships; ferry precious metal; bracelets (jewellery); brooches (jewellery); buckles of precious boats; fitted perambulator covers; flanges for railway wheel tires; flanges of metal; busts of precious metal; cabarets (trays) of precious metal; candelabra railway wheel tires; fork lift trucks; frames for bicycles, cycles; freewheels for (candlesticks) of precious metal; candle extinguishers of precious metal; land vehicles; funiculars; funnels for locomotives; funnels for ships; gear candle rings of precious metal; candlesticks of precious metal; cases for clock boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; gears for cycles; golf carts; and watchmaking; cases for watches (presentation); chain mesh purses of goods handling carts; hand cars; handle bars for bicycles, cycles; head-rests precious metal; chains (jewellery); charms (jewellery); chronographs (watch- for vehicle seats; hoods for baby carriages; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods es); chronometers; chronometrical instruments; chronoscopes; cigar boxes of for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hose carts; hub caps; hubs for vehicle precious metal; cigar cases of precious metal; cigar holders of precious metal; wheels; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; hydroplanes; inclined ways for boats; cigarette cases of precious metal; cigarette holders of precious metal; clock inner tubes for bicycles, cycles; inner tubes for pneumatic tires; jet engines for cases; clock hands (clock and watchmaking); clocks and watches, electric; land vehicles; kick sledges; ladle carriages; ladle cars; launches; lifting cars clocks; clockworks; cloisonné jewellery; coffee services of precious metal; (lift cars); locomotives; lorries; luggage carriers for vehicles; luggage nets for coffeepots, non-electric, of precious metal; coins; control clocks (master vehicles; luggage trucks; military vehicles for transport; mine cart wheels; clocks); copper tokens; cruet stands of precious metal, for oil and vinegar; mopeds; motor buses; motor cars; motor coaches; motor homes; motorcycles; cruets of precious metal; cuff links; cups of precious metal; dials (clock and motors for cycles; motors for land vehicles; motors, electric, for land vehicles; watchmaking); diamonds; dishes of precious metal; earrings; egg cups of mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; oars; omnibuses; paddles for precious metal; epergnes of precious metal; figurines (statuettes) of precious canoes; panniers adapted for cycles; parachutes; pedals for cycles; pneuma- metal; flasks of precious metal; goblets of precious metal; gold and silver tic tires; pontoons; portholes; power tailgates (am.) (parts of land vehicles); ware, other than cutlery, forks and spoons; gold thread (jewellery); gold, prams (baby carriages); propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; pumps for unwrought or beaten; harness fittings of precious metal; hat ornaments (of bicycles, cycles; pushchair covers; pushchair hoods; pushchairs; railway precious metal); horological and chronometric instruments; household contain- couplings; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; refrigerated ers of precious metal; household utensils of precious metal; ingots of precious vehicles; refrigerated wagons (railroad vehicles); remote control vehicles (other metals; iridium; ivory (jewellery); jet, unwrought or semi-wrought; jewel cases than toys); repair outfits for inner tubes; reversing alarms for vehicles; rims for of precious metal; jewellery of yellow amber; jewellery, precious stones; jewel- vehicle wheels; rims for wheels of bicycles, cycles; rolling stock for funicular lery; jugs of precious metal; key rings (trinkets or fobs); kitchen containers of railways; rolling stock for railways; rowlocks; rudders; sack-barrows; saddle precious metal; kitchen utensils of precious metal; master clocks; match covers for bicycles or motorcycles; saddles for bicycles, cycles or motorcy- boxes of precious metal; match holders of precious metal; medallions (jewel- cles; safety belts for vehicle seats; safety seats for children (for vehicles); lery); medals; movements for clocks and watches; napkin holders of precious screw-propellers for boats; screw-propellers; screws (propellers) for ships; metal; napkin rings of precious metal; necklaces (jewellery); needle cases of sculls; seaplanes; seat covers for vehicles; security harness for vehicle precious metal; needles of precious metal; nutcrackers of precious metal; seats; ships’ hulls; ships’ steering gears; ships; shock absorbers for automo- objects of imitation gold; oil cruets of precious metal; olivine (gems); ormolu biles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; shopping trolleys (carts (am.)); ware; ornamental pins; ornaments (jewellery); ornaments of jet; osmium; palla- side cars; ski carriers for cars; ski lifts; sleeping berths for vehicles; sleeping dium; paste jewellery (costume jewelry (am.)); paste jewellery; pearls (jewel- cars; sleighs (vehicles); snowmobiles; space vehicles; spars for ships; spikes lery); pearls made of ambroid (pressed amber); pendulums (clock and watch- for tires; spoke clips for wheels; spokes for bicycles, cycles; sports cars; making); pepper pots of precious metal; pins (jewellery); plated articles (pre- sprinkling trucks; stands for bicycles, cycles (parts of bicycles, cycles); cious metal plating); platinum (metal); powder compacts of precious metal; steering gears for ships; steering wheels for vehicles; stern oars; stroller precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated covers (pushchairs); strollers; studs for tires (tyres); sun-blinds adapted for therewith, not included in other classes; precious metals, unwrought or semi- automobiles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tailboard lifts (parts of wrought; precious stones; purses of precious metal; rhodium; rings (jewellery); land vehicles); telpher railways (cable cars); tilting-carts; timbers (frames) for ruthenium; sacred vessels of precious metal; salad bowls of precious metal; ships; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons; tipping bodies for salt cellars of precious metal; salt shakers of precious metal; saucers of lorries (trucks); tires for bicycles, cycles; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, precious metal; semi-precious stones; services (tableware) of precious metal; for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for ve- shoe ornaments (of precious metal); silver and gold ware, other than cutlery, hicles; traction engines; tractors; trailer hitches for vehicles; trailers (ve- forks and spoons; silver ornaments; silver plate (plates, dishes); silver thread; hicles); tramcars; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts silver, unwrought or beaten; snuff boxes of precious metal; soup bowls of for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; treads for retreading tires; precious metal; spinel (precious stones); spun silver (silver wire); statues of treads for vehicles (roller belts); treads for vehicles (tractor type); tricycles; precious metal; statuettes of precious metal; stopwatches; strainers of pre- trolleys; trucks; tubeless tires for bicycles, cycles; turbines for land vehicles; fortsættes

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cious metal; straps for wristwatches; sugar bowls of precious metal; sun dials; board; hectographs; histological sections for teaching purposes; holders for sundials; table plates of precious metal; tankards of precious metal; tea checkbooks (cheque books); holders for stamps (seals); house painters’ roll- caddies of precious metal; tea infusers of precious metal; tea services of ers; hygienic paper; index cards (stationery); indexes; indian inks; indoor precious metal; tea strainers of precious metal; teapots of precious metal; aquaria; indoor terrariums (vivariums); ink sticks; ink stones (ink reservoirs); threads of precious metal (jewellery); tie clips; tie pins; tobacco jars of pre- ink; inking pads; inking ribbons for computer printers; inking ribbons; inking cious metal; toothpick holders of precious metal; towel holders of precious sheets for document reproducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; metal; trays of precious metal, for household purposes; trinkets (jewellery); inkstands; inkwells; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); urns of precious metal; vases of precious metal; watch bands; watch cases; isinglass for stationery or household purposes; jackets for papers; labels, not watch chains; watch crystals; watch glasses; watch springs; watch straps; of textile; ledgers (books); letter trays; letters (type); lithographic stones; watches; wire of precious metal (jewellery); works of art of precious metal; lithographic works of art; lithographs; loose-leaf binders; luminous paper; wristwatches. magazines (periodicals); manifolds (stationery); manuals (handbooks); mark- (511) Klasse 15: Accordions; bagpipes; bamboo flutes; bandonions; barrel ing chalk; mats for beer glasses; mimeograph apparatus and machines; mod- organs; bass drum sticks; basses (musical instruments); bellows for musical elling clay; modelling materials; modelling paste; modelling wax, not for dental instruments; bow nuts for musical instruments; bows for musical instruments; purposes; moisteners (office requisites); moisteners for gummed surfaces bridges for musical instruments; buccins (trumpets); carillons (musical instru- (office requisites); musical greeting cards; napkins of paper for removing ments); cases for musical instruments; castanets; catgut for musical instru- make-up; newsletters; newspapers; nibs of gold; nibs; note books; numbering ments; chin rests for violins; clarionets; clarions; concertinas; conductors'' apparatus; numbers (type); obliterating stamps; office perforators; office req- batons; cornets (musical instruments); cymbals; dampers for musical instru- uisites, except furniture; oleographs; packaging material made of starches; ments; double basses; drumheads; drums (musical instruments); drumsticks; packing paper; pads (stationery); paint boxes (articles for use in school); electronic musical instruments; flutes; gongs; guitars; handbells (musical in- paintbrushes; painters’ brushes; painters’ easels; paintings (pictures) framed struments); harmonicas; harmoniums; harp strings; harps; hats with bells or unframed; palettes for painters; pamphlets; pantographs (drawing instru- (musical instruments); horns (musical instruments); horsehair for bows (for ments); paper bows; paper clasps; paper coffee filters; paper cutters (office musical instruments); huqin (chinese violins); intensity regulators for mechan- requisites); paper for radiograms; paper for recording machines; paper knives ical pianos; jews'' harps (musical instruments); kettledrum frames; kettle- (cutters) (office requisites); paper knives (office requisites); paper ribbons; drums; keyboards for musical instruments; keys for musical instruments; paper sheets (stationery); paper shredders (for office use); paper tapes and lyres; mandolins; mouthpieces for musical instruments; music rolls (piano); cards for the recordal of computer programmes; paper, cardboard and goods music stands; music synthesizers; musical boxes; musical instruments; mutes made from these materials, not included in other classes; paper-clips; paper; for musical instruments; oboes; ocarinas; organs; pedals for musical instru- paperweights; papier mâché; parchment paper; passport holders; pastels (cray- ments; pegs for musical instruments; perforated music rolls; piano keyboards; ons); pastes for stationery or household purposes; patterns for dressmaking; piano keys; piano strings; pianos; picks for stringed instruments; pipa (chi- patterns for making clothes; pen cases; pen clips; pen wipers; pencil holders; nese guitars); plectrums; reeds; sheng (chinese musical wind instruments); pencil lead holders; pencil leads; pencil sharpeners (electric or non-electric); skins for drums; stands for musical instruments; sticks for bows (for musical pencil sharpening machines (electric or non-electric); pencils; penholders; instruments); stringed musical instruments; strings for musical instruments; pens (office requisites); perforated cards for jacquard looms; periodicals; suona (chinese trumpets); tambourines; tom-toms; triangles (musical instru- photo-engravings; photograph stands; photographs; pictures; placards of pa- ments); trombones; trumpets; tuning forks; tuning hammers; turning apparatus per or cardboard; place mats of paper; plans; plastic bubble packs (for wrap- for sheet music; valves for musical instruments; violas; violins; wind pipes for ping or packaging); plastic cling film extensible, for palletization; plastic cling organs; xylophones; zithers. film, extensible, for palletization; plastic film for wrapping; plastic materials for (511) Klasse 16: Address plates for addressing machines; address stamps; packaging (not included in other classes); plastics for modelling; portraits; addressing machines; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; postage stamps; postcards; posters; printed matter; printed publications; adhesive tape dispensers (office requisites); adhesive tapes for stationery or printed timetables; printers’ blankets, not of textile; printers’ reglets; printers’ household purposes; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes; type; printing blocks; printing sets, portable (office requisites); printing type; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; advertisement boards of prints (engravings); prospectuses; punches (office requisites); rollers for type- paper or cardboard; albums; almanacs; announcement cards (stationery); writers; rosaries; rubber erasers; school supplies (stationery); scrapbooks; apparatus for mounting photographs; aquarelles; aquarium hoods; architects’ scrapers (erasers) for offices; sealing compounds for stationery purposes; models; arithmetical tables; artists’ materials; artists’ watercolor saucers; at- sealing machines for offices; sealing stamps; sealing wafers; sealing wax; lases; babies’ diaper-pants of paper and cellulose (disposable); babies’ diapers seals (stamps); self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; of paper and cellulose (disposable); babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; shields (paper seals); signboards paper and cellulose (disposable); babies’ napkins of paper and cellulose (dis- of paper or cardboard; silver paper; slate pencils; song books; spools for posable); bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging; bags inking ribbons; square rulers; stamp pads; stamp stands; stamps (seals); for microwave cooking; balls for ball-point pens; bibs of paper; binding strips stands for pens and pencils; staples for offices; stapling presses (office (bookbinding); biological samples for use in microscopy (teaching material); requisites); starch paste (adhesive) for stationery or household purposes; blackboards; blotters; blueprints; bookbinding apparatus and machines (office stationery; steatite (tailor’s chalk); steel letters; steel pens; stencil cases; equipment); bookbinding cloth; bookbinding cords; bookbinding material; book- stencil plates; stencils (stationery); stencils; stickers (stationery); table cloths bindings; bookends; booklets; bookmarkers; books; bottle envelopes of card- of paper; table linen of paper; table mats of paper; table napkins of paper; tags board or paper; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; boxes for pens; boxes for index cards; tailors’ chalk; tanks (indoor aquaria); teaching materials (ex- of cardboard or paper; cabinets for stationery (office requisites); calculating cept apparatus); tear-off calendars; terrestrial globes; thumbtacks; tickets; tables; calendars; canvas for painting; carbon paper; cardboard articles; card- tissues of paper for removing make-up; toilet paper; towels of paper; tracing board tubes; cardboard; cards; cases for stamps (seals); catalogues; chalk cloth; tracing needles for drawing purposes; tracing paper; tracing patterns; for lithography; chalk holders; chaplets; charcoal pencils; chart pointers, non- transfers (decalcomanias); transparencies (stationery); trays for sorting and electronic; charts; chromolithographs (chromos); chromos; cigar bands; clip- counting money; type (numerals and letters); typewriter keys; typewriter rib- boards; clips for offices; cloth for bookbinding; coasters of paper; comic bons; typewriters (electric or non-electric); typewriters and office requisites books; compasses for drawing; composing frames (printing); composing sticks; (except furniture); vignetting apparatus; viscose sheets for wrapping; water- conical paper bags; copying paper (stationery); cords for bookbinding; cor- color saucers for artists; watercolors (paintings); waxed paper; wood pulp recting fluids (office requisites); correcting ink (heliography); covers (station- board (stationery); wood pulp paper; wrappers (stationery); wrapping paper; ery); covers of paper for flower pots; cream containers of paper; credit card wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; writing board erasers; imprinters, non-electric; decalcomanias; diagrams; document files (station- writing brushes; writing cases (sets); writing cases (stationery); writing chalk; ery); document laminators for office use; drawer liners of paper (perfumed or writing instruments; writing materials; writing or drawing books; writing pads; not); drawing boards; drawing instruments; drawing materials; drawing pads; writing paper; writing slates; writing tablets; xuan paper (for chinese painting drawing pens; drawing pins; drawing rulers; drawing sets; drawing squares; and calligraphy). drawing t-squares; duplicators; elastic bands for offices; electrocardiograph (511) Klasse 17: Acrylic resins (semi-finished products); adhesive bands paper; electrotypes; embroidery designs (patterns); engraving plates; engrav- other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes; adhesive ings; envelope sealing machines, for offices; envelopes (stationery); erasing tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes; artifi- products; erasing shields; etching needles; etchings; fabrics for bookbinding; cial resins (semi-finished products); asbestos cloth; asbestos coverings; as- face towels of paper; figurines (statuettes) of papier mâché; files (office bestos fabrics; asbestos felt; asbestos fibers; asbestos mill boards; asbestos requisites); filter paper; filtering materials (paper); finger-stalls (office requi- millboards; asbestos packing; asbestos paper; asbestos safety curtains; sites); flags (of paper); flower-pot covers of paper; folders (stationery); folders asbestos screens for firemen; asbestos sheets; asbestos slate; asbestos for papers; forms (printed); fountain pens; franking machines (stamping ma- soles; asbestos; bags (envelopes, pouches) of rubber, for packaging; balata; chines); french curves; galley racks (printing); garbage bags (of paper or of bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids; bark coverings for sound insulation; plastics); garbage bags of paper or of plastics; geographical maps; glue for boiler composition to prevent the radiation of heat; brake lining materials, stationery or household purposes; gluten (glue) for stationery or household partly processed; canvas hose pipes; carbon fibers, other than for textile use; purposes; graining combs; graphic prints; graphic representations; graphic caulking materials; cellulose acetate (semi-processed); chemical composi- reproductions; greeting cards; gummed cloth for stationery purposes; gummed tions for repairing leaks; clack valves of rubber; clutch linings; compositions to tape (stationery); gums (adhesives) for stationery or household purposes; prevent the radiation of heat; compressed air pipe fittings, not of metal; hand labelling appliances; handbooks (manuals); handkerchiefs of paper; connecting hose for vehicle radiators; cords of rubber; cotton wool for packing handrests for painters; handwriting specimens for copying; hat boxes of card- fortsættes

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(caulking); cylinder jointings; dielectrics (insulators); draught excluder strips; parking installations, not of metal; binding agents for making briquettes; bind- ebonite (vulcanite) molds; ebonite (vulcanite); ebonite molds; elastic threads, ing agents for making stones; binding material for road repair; bird baths not for use in textiles; elastic yarns, not for use in textiles; expansion joint (structures, not of metal); bitumen; bituminous coatings for roofing; bituminous fillers; fiberglass fabrics for insulation; fiberglass for insulation; fillers for products for building; blinds (outdoor), not of metal and not of textile; branch- expansion joints; filtering materials (semi-processed foams or films of plastic); ing pipes, not of metal; bricks; building cardboard (asphalted); building card- fire hose; flexible pipes, not of metal; flexible tubes, not of metal; floating anti- board; building glass; building materials (non-metallic); building panels not of pollution barriers; foam supports for flower arrangements (semi-finished prod- metal; building paper; building stone; building timber; buildings, not of metal; ucts); foil of regenerated cellulose other than for packing; foils of metal for buildings, transportable, not of metal; busts of stone, concrete or marble; insulating; gaskets; glass fibers, for insulation; glass wool for insulation; gum, cabanas not of metal; caissons for construction work under water; calcareous raw or partly processed; guttapercha; horseshoes, not of metal; hoses of marl; calcareous stone; casement windows, not of metal; cask wood; ceilings, textile material; insulating fabrics; insulating felt; insulating gloves; insulating not of metal; cement for blast furnaces; cement for furnaces; cement posts; materials; insulating oil for transformers; insulating oils; insulating paints; cement slabs; cement; chicken-houses, not of metal; chimney cowls, not of insulating paper; insulating plaster; insulating tape and band; insulating tape; metal; chimney pots, not of metal; chimney shafts, not of metal; chimneys (not insulating varnish; insulators for cables; insulators for electric mains; insula- of metal); cladding, not of metal, for building; clay; clinker ballast; clinker tors for railway tracks; insulators; joint packings for pipes; joint packings; stone; coal tar; coatings (building materials); concrete building elements; junctions for pipes, not of metal; latex (rubber); lute; metal foil for insulation; concrete; construction materials, not of metal; cork (compressed); cornices, mica, raw or partly processed; mineral wool (insulator); non-conducting mate- not of metal; coverings, not of metal, for building; crash barriers, not of metal, rials for retaining heat; packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber or for roads; diving boards, not of metal; door casings, not of metal; door frames, plastics; packing, stopping and insulating materials; padding materials of not of metal; door panels, not of metal; doors, not of metal; drain pipes not of rubber or plastics; paper for electrical capacitors; pipe gaskets; pipe jackets, metal; drain traps (valves), not of metal or plastic; ducts, not of metal, for not of metal; pipe muffs, not of metal; plastic fibers, not for textile use; plastic ventilating and air-conditioning installations; earth for bricks; facings, not of film other than for wrapping; plastic film, not for wrapping; plastic sheeting for metal, for building; fair huts; felt for building; fences, not of metal; figurines agricultural purposes; plastic substances, semi-processed; plastics in extrud- (statuettes) of stone, concrete or marble; fire burrs; fireclay; fireproof cement ed form for use in manufacture; reinforcing materials, not of metal for pipes; coatings; flashing, not of metal, for building; floating docks, not of metal, for rings of rubber; rubber material for recapping tyres; rubber sleeves for protect- mooring boats; floor boards; floor tiles, not of metal; floors, not of metal; ing parts of machines; rubber stoppers; rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, folding doors, not of metal; foundry molds (moulds), not of metal; framework for mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; building, not of metal; furrings of wood; gates, not of metal; geotextiles; rubber, raw or semi-worked; safety curtains of asbestos; sealant compounds girders, not of metal; glass granules for marking out roads; granite; grave or for joints; seals; self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical tomb enclosures, not of metal; gravel; gravestone slabs, not of metal; grave- or household purposes; sheets of reclaimed cellulose, other than for packing; stones; greenhouse frames, not of metal; greenhouses, transportable, not of shock absorbing buffers of rubber; slag wool (insulator); slate asbestos; metal; grog (fired refractory material); grout; gutter pipes not of metal; gutters, sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines; soldering threads of plas- not of metal; gypsum; hips for roofing; horticultural frames, not of metal; huts; tic; soundproofing materials; stops of rubber; stuffing of rubber or plastic; insect screens not of metal; installations, not of metal, for parking bicycles; stuffing rings; substances for insulating buildings against moisture; synthetic insulating glass (building); jalousies, not of metal; joists, not of metal; laths, resins (semi-finished products); synthetic rubber; threads of plastic for solder- not of metal; latticework, not of metal; lengthening pieces, not of metal, for ing; threads of plastic materials, not for textile use; threads of rubber, not for chimneys; letter boxes of masonry; lighting slabs; lime; limestone; linings, not use in textiles; valves of india-rubber or vulcanized fiber; viscose sheets, of metal, for building; lintels, not of metal; lumber; luminous paving; macadam; other than for packing; viscose sheets, other than for wrapping; vulcanite magnesia cement; manhole covers, not of metal; mantlepieces; manufactured (ebonite) molds; vulcanite (ebonite); vulcanized fiber; washers of rubber or timber; marble; masts (poles), not of metal; materials for making and coating vulcanized fiber; water-tight rings; watering hose; waterproof packings; weath- roads; memorial plaques, not of metal; moldable wood; moldings, not of metal, erstripping compositions; weatherstripping. for building; moldings, not of metal, for cornices; monuments, not of metal; (511) Klasse 18: Alpenstocks; animal skins, hides; animal skins; attaché mooring bollards, not of metal; mortar for building; mosaics for building; mould- cases; backpacks; bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather, for packaging; bags able wood; non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, not of metal; non-metallic for campers; bags for climbers; bandoliers; bands of leather; beach bags; bits rigid pipes for building; non-metallic transportable buildings; olivine for building; for animals (harness); blinders (harness); blinkers (harness); boxes of leather paint spraying booths, not of metal; palings, not of metal; palisading, not of or leather board; boxes of vulcanised fibre; bridles (harness); bridoons; brief- metal; pantiles; paperboard for building; parquet floor boards; parquet flooring; cases; butts (parts of hides); canes; card cases (notecases); cases, of partitions, not of metal; paving blocks, not of metal; paving slabs, not of metal; leather or leatherboard; casings, of leather, for plate springs; casings, of penstock pipes (not of metal); perches; pigsties; pilings, not of metal; pitch; leather, for springs; cat o’ nine tails; cattle skins; chain mesh purses, not of planks (wood for building); plaster; plate glass (windows), for building; plat- precious metal; chamois leather, other than for cleaning purposes; chin straps, forms, prefabricated, not of metal; plywood; poles, not of metal, for electric of leather; clothing for pets; collars for animals; coverings of skins (furs); power lines; porches, not of metal, for building; posts, not of metal, for electric covers for animals; covers for horse-saddles; curried skins; dog collars; power lines; posts, not of metal; potters’ clay (raw material); potters’ clay; envelopes, of leather, for packaging; fastenings for saddles; frames for um- props, not of metal; quartz; railroad ties, not of metal; railway sleepers, not of brellas or parasols; fur-skins; fur; furniture coverings of leather; game bags metal; raw chalk; reeds, for building; refractory materials; reinforcing materi- (hunting accessory); garment bags for travel; goldbeaters’ skin; gut for making als, not of metal, for building; rigid pipes not of metal (building); road coating sausages; halters; handbag frames; handbags; harness fittings of iron; har- materials; road marking sheets and strips of synthetic material; rock crystal; ness fittings, not of precious metal; harness for animals; harness straps; rocket launching platforms, not of metal; roof coverings, not of metal; roof harness traces; hat boxes of leather; haversacks; head-stalls; horse blan- flashing, not of metal; roofing slates; roofing, not of metal; rubble; safety kets; horse collars; imitation leather; key cases (leatherware); kid; knee-pads glass; sand (except foundry sand); sandstone for building; sandstone tubes; for horses; leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materi- sawn timber; scaffolding, not of metal; scantlings (carpentry); schists; sheet als and not included in other classes; leather laces; leather leads; leather piles, not of metal; shingle; shuttering, not of metal, for concrete; shutters, not leashes; leather shoulder belts; leather shoulder straps; leather straps; leath- of metal; signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal; er thongs; leather thread; leather trimmings for furniture; leather twist; leather, signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal, for roads; silica (quartz); unworked or semiworked; leatherboard; moleskin (imitation of leather); moun- sills, not of metal; silos, not of metal; silver sand; skating rinks (structures, not taineering sticks; music cases; muzzles; net bags for shopping; nose bags of metal); slabs, not of metal; slag (building material); slag stone; slate powder; (feed bags); pads for horse saddles; parasols; parts of rubber for stirrups; slate; stables; stained-glass windows; stair-treads (steps), not of metal; stair- pelts; pocket wallets; pouches, of leather, for packaging; purses, not of cases, not of metal; statues of stone, concrete or marble; statuettes of stone, precious metal; purses; reins; riding saddles; rucksacks; saddle cloths for concrete or marble; stave wood; stone; stringers (parts of staircases), not of horses; saddle trees; saddlery; school bags; school satchels; shopping bags; metal; surfacings, not of metal, for building; swimming pools (structures, not of shoulder belts (straps), of leather; skins of chamois, other than for cleaning metal); tanks of masonry; tar; tarred strips, for building; telegraph posts, not purposes; sling bags for carrying infants; stirrup leathers; straps for skates; of metal; telephone booths, not of metal; telephone boxes, not of metal; terra straps for soldiers’ equipment; straps of leather (saddlery); suitcase handles; cotta; tile floorings, not of metal; tiles, not of metal, for building; tiles, not of suitcases; tool bags of leather (empty); traces (harness); travelling bags; metal; tomb or grave enclosures, not of metal; tombs (monuments), not of travelling sets (leatherware); travelling trunks; trimmings of leather for furni- metal; tombs, not of metal; tombstone plaques, not of metal; tombstone ture; trunks (luggage); trunks and travelling bags; umbrella covers; umbrella stelae, not of metal; tombstones; trellises, not of metal; tufa; vaults, not of handles; umbrella or parasol ribs; umbrella rings; umbrella sticks; umbrellas, metal (burial); veneer wood; veneers; vinyl siding; wainscotting, not of metal; parasols and walking sticks; valises; valves of leather; vanity cases (not wall claddings, not of metal, for building; wall linings, not of metal, for building; fitted); walking cane handles; walking stick handles; walking stick seats; wall tiles, not of metal, for building; water-pipe valves, not of metal or plastic; walking sticks; wheeled shopping bags; whips, harness and saddlery; whips. water-pipes not of metal; window frames, not of metal; window glass (except (511) Klasse 19: Advertisement columns (not of metal); agglomerated bagas- glass for vehicle windows); window glass, for building; windows, not of metal; ses of cane (building material); alabaster glass; alabaster; angle irons, not of wood for making household utensils; wood panelling; wood paving; wood pulp metal; aquaria (structures); aquarium gravel; aquarium sand; arbours (struc- board, for building; wood veneers; wood, semi-worked; worked timber; works of tures); artificial stone; asbestos cement; asbestos mortar; asphalt paving; art of stone, concrete or marble; works of stonemasonry; xylolith. asphalt, pitch and bitumen; asphalt; aviaries, not of metal (structures); balus- trading; beacons, not of metal, non-luminous; beams, not of metal; bicycle fortsættes

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(511) Klassse 20: Air cushions, not for medical purposes; air mattresses, not dispensers, fixed, not of metal; transport pallets, not of metal; trays, not of for medical purposes; air pillows, not for medical purposes; ambroid bars; metal; trestles (furniture); trolleys (furniture); trolleys for computers (furniture); ambroid plates; animal claws; animal hooves; animal horns; armchairs; artifi- troughs, not of metal, for mixing mortar; typing desks; umbrella stands; valves, cial honeycombs; bakers’ bread baskets; bamboo curtains; bamboo; barrel not of metal, other than parts of machines; vats, not of metal; vice benches hoops, not of metal; barrels, not of metal; baskets, not of metal; bassinettes; not of metal; wall plugs, not of metal; washstands (furniture); water beds, not bead curtains for decoration; bed casters, not of metal; bed fittings, not of for medical purposes; water-pipe valves of plastic; wax figures; waxcomb for metal; bedding (except linen); beds for household pets; beds; bedsteads beehives; whalebone, unworked or semiworked; wickerwork; wind chimes (dec- (wood); beehives; benches (furniture); binding screws, not of metal, for ca- oration); winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; bles; bins of wood or plastic; bins, not of metal; boarding stairs, not of metal, window fittings, not of metal; wood ribbon; work benches; works of art of wood, mobile, for passengers; bolsters; bolts, not of metal; book rests (furniture); wax, plaster or plastic; woven timber blinds (furniture); writing desks; yellow bottle caps, not of metal; bottle casings of wood; bottle closures, not of metal; amber. bottle racks; boxes of wood or plastic; broom handles, not of metal; brush (511) Klasse 21: Abrasive pads for kitchen purposes; abrasive sponges for mountings; bungs, not of metal; busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; cabinet scrubbing the skin; aerosol dispensers, not for medical purposes; animal work; cable and pipe clips of plastics; cable clips, not of metal; cable or pipe bristles (brushware); apparatus for wax-polishing, non-electric; appliances for clips of plastics; carts for computers (furniture); cases of wood or plastic; removing make-up (non-electric); articles for cleaning purposes; autoclaves cask hoops, not of metal; cask stands, not of metal; casks of wood for (pressure cookers), non-electric; baby baths (portable); basins (bowls); ba- decanting wine; casks, not of metal; chairs (seats); chests for toys; chests of sins (receptacles); baskets, for domestic use, not of precious metal; basting drawers; chests, not of metal; chopping blocks (tables); closures, not of spoons, for kitchen use; beaters, non-electric; beer mugs; bird baths; birdcag- metal, for containers; clothes hooks, not of metal; coat hangers; coathooks, es; blenders, non-electric, for household purposes; boot jacks; boot trees not of metal; coatstands; coffin fittings, not of metal; coffins; comb founda- (stretchers); bottle gourds; bottle openers; bottles; bowls (basins); boxes for tions for beehives; containers, not of metal (storage, transport); containers, sweetmeats, not of precious metal; boxes of glass; boxes of metal, for dis- not of metal, for liquid fuel; coral; cork bands; corks for bottles; corks; corozo; pensing paper towels; bread baskets (domestic); bread bins; bread boards; costume stands; cots; counters (tables); covers for clothing (wardrobe); cra- brooms; brush goods; brush-making materials; brushes (except paint brush- dles; crates; cupboards; curtain holders, not of textile material; curtain hooks; es); brushes for cleaning tanks and containers; brushes for footwear; brush- curtain rails; curtain rings; curtain rods; curtain rollers; curtain tie-backs; es, electric (except parts of machines); brushes; buckets made of woven cushions; deck chairs; decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; decorative wall fabrics; buckets; buckskin for cleaning; busts of china, terra-cotta or glass; plaques (furniture) not of textile; desks (furniture); desks; dinner wagons butter dishes; butter-dish covers; buttonhooks; cabarets (trays), not of pre- (furniture); display boards; display stands; divans; dog kennels; door fittings, cious metal; cages for household pets; cake molds (moulds); candelabra not of metal; doors for furniture; dowels, not of metal; drain traps (valves) of (candlesticks), not of precious metal; candle extinguishers, not of precious plastic; draughtman’s tables; dressing tables; dressmakers’ dummies; drinking metal; candle rings, not of precious metal; candlesticks, not of precious metal; straws; duckboards, not of metal; easy chairs; edgings of plastic for furniture; candy boxes, not of precious metal; carboys; carpet beaters (hand instru- embroidery frames; fans for personal use (non-electric); figurines (statuettes) ments); carpet beaters (not being machines); carpet sweepers; cauldrons; of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; filing cabinets; fire guards; fire screens ceramics for household purposes; chamber pots; chamois leather for cleaning; (domestic); fishing baskets; flagpoles; floating containers, not of metal; flow- cheese-dish covers; china ornaments; chopsticks; cinder sifters (household er-pot pedestals; flower-stands (furniture); fodder racks; footstools; founda- utensils); cleaning instruments (hand-operated); cleaning tow; closures for pot tions for beehives; funerary urns; furniture casters, not of metal; furniture lids; cloth for washing floors; clothes racks (for drying); clothes-pegs; clothes- fittings, not of metal; furniture of metal; furniture partitions of wood; furniture pins; clothing stretchers; cloths for cleaning; cloths impregnated with a deter- shelves; furniture, mirrors, picture frames; furniture; garment covers (stor- gent for cleaning; coal scuttles; coasters, not of paper and other than table age); goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, linen; cocktail stirrers; coffee filters, non-electric; coffee grinders, hand-oper- horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and ated; coffee percolators, non-electric; coffee services, not of precious metal; substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; gun racks; hairdressers’ coffeepots, non-electric, not of precious metal; comb cases; combs and chairs; hampers (baskets); handling pallets, not of metal; hat stands; head- sponges; combs for animals; combs; confectioners’ decorating bags (pastry rests (furniture); high chairs for babies; hinges, not of metal; honeycombs; bags); containers for household or kitchen use (except in precious metal); hooks, not of metal, for clothes rails; horn, unworked or semi-worked; hospital cookery molds (moulds); cookie (biscuit) cutters; cookie jars; cooking pins of beds; house numbers, not of metal, non-luminous; hydrostatic (water) beds metal; cooking pot sets; cooking pots; cooking skewers, of metal; cooking not for medical purposes; hydrostatic beds, not for medical purposes; identi- utensils, non-electric; coolers (ice pails); corkscrews; cosmetic utensils; cot- fication bracelets, not of metal, for hospital purposes; identity plates, not of ton waste for cleaning; covers for dishes; covers, not of paper, for flower pots; metal; index cabinets (furniture); indoor window blinds (shades) (furniture); crockery; cruet stands for oil and vinegar, not of precious metal; cruets, not of infant walkers; inflatable publicity objects; ivory, unworked or semi-worked; precious metal; crumb trays; crystal (glassware); cups of paper or plastic; jewellery cases (caskets), not of precious metal; kennels for household pets; cups, not of precious metal; currycombs; cutting boards for the kitchen; keyboards for hanging keys; knife handles, not of metal; ladders of wood or decanters; deep fryers, non-electric; demijohns; deodorising apparatus for plastics; latches, not of metal; lecterns; letter boxes, not of metal or masonry; personal use; dish covers; dishes for soap; dishes, not of precious metal; library shelves; loading gauge rods, not of metal, for railway waggons (wag- dishwashing brushes; domestic grinders, non-electric; door-handles of porce- ons); loading pallets, not of metal; lockers; locks (other than electric), not of lain; drinking flasks for travellers; drinking glasses; drinking horns; drinking metal; locks, not of metal, for vehicles; magazine racks; mannequins; mas- troughs; drinking vessels; drying racks for washing; dust bins; dustbins; sage tables; mats, removable, for sinks; mattresses; meat chests, not of dusting apparatus, non-electric; dusting cloths (rags); earthenware sauce- metal; medicine cabinets; meerschaum; mirror tiles; mirrors (looking glasses); pans; earthenware; egg cups, not of precious metal; egg cups; electric combs; mobile boarding stairs, not of metal, for passengers; mobiles (decoration); enamelled glass; epergnes, not of precious metal; eyebrow brushes; feather- moldings for picture frames; mooring buoys not of metal; mother-of-pearl dusters; feeding troughs for animals; feeding troughs; fiberglass other than for (unworked or semi-worked); nameplates, not of metal; nesting boxes for house- insulation or textile use; fiberglass thread, not for textile use; figurines (stat- hold pets; nesting boxes; newspaper display stands; numberplates, not of uettes) of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; fitted picnic baskets (including dish- metal; nuts, not of metal; office furniture; oyster shells; packaging containers es); fitted vanity cases; flasks, not of precious metal; flat-iron stands; flat-iron of plastic; partitions of wood for furniture; pegs, not of metal (pins); pet stands; floss for dental purposes; flower pots; flower-pot covers, not of paper; cushions; picture frame brackets; picture frames; picture rods (frames); pil- fly catchers (traps or whisks); fly swatters; food cooling devices containing lows; pins, not of metal (pegs); pipe or cable clips of plastics; placards of wood heat exchange fluids, for household purposes; fruit cups; fruit presses, non- or plastics; plaited straw (except matting); plastic key cards (not encoded); electric, for household purposes; frying pans; funnels; furniture dusters; fused plate racks; playpens for babies; plugs (dowels) not of metal; plugs, not of silica (semi-worked goods) other than for building; garbage cans; gardening metal; poles, not of metal; pulleys of plastics for blinds; racks (furniture); gloves; garlic presses (kitchen utensils); glass (receptacles); glass bowls; rattan; reeds (plaiting material); reels of wood for yarn, silk, cord; reels, not of glass bulbs (receptacles); glass caps; glass flasks (containers); glass for metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; registration plates, not of metal; vehicle windows (semi-finished product); glass incorporating fine electrical removable mats or covers for sinks; reservoirs, not of metal nor of masonry; conductors; glass jars (carboys); glass stoppers; glass vials (receptacles); rivets, not of metal; saw horses; school furniture; scratching posts for cats; glass wool other than for insulation; glass, unworked or semi-worked (except screens (furniture); screws, not of metal; scythe handles, not of metal; sealing building glass); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other caps, not of metal; seats of metal; seats; sections of wood for beehives; classes; glove stretchers; gloves for household purposes; glue-pots; goblets, settees; shells; shelves for filing-cabinets (furniture); shelves for storage; not of precious metal; graters (household utensils); griddles (cooking uten- shelves for typewriters; shoulder poles (yokes); showcases (furniture); side- sils); gridiron supports; grill supports; grills (cooking utensils); hair for brush- boards; signboards of wood or plastics; silvered glass (mirrors); slatted indoor es; heat insulated containers for beverages; heat-insulated containers; heat- blinds; sleeping bags for camping; sofas; spring mattresses; stag antlers; ers for feeding bottles, non-electric; holders for flowers and plants (flower stair rods; stakes for plants or trees; stands for calculating machines; statues arranging); horse brushes; hot pots (not electrically heated); household or of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); ice staves of wood; steps (ladders), not of metal; stools; stoppers for bottles, not buckets; ice cube molds; ice pails; indoor terrariums (plant cultivation); insect of glass, metal or rubber; stoppers, not of metal; straw edgings; straw mat- traps; insulating flasks; ironing board covers (shaped); ironing boards; isother- tresses; straw plaits; straws for drinking; stuffed animals; stuffed birds; table mic bags; jugs, not of precious metal; kettles, non-electric; kitchen contain- tops; tables of metal; tables; tailors’ dummies; tanks, not of metal nor of ers, not of precious metal; kitchen mixers, non-electric; kitchen utensils, not masonry; taps for casks (not of metal); tea carts; tea trolleys; tent pegs, not of metal; tool handles not of metal; tortoiseshell imitation; tortoiseshell; towel fortsættes

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of precious metal; knife rests for the table; knobs of porcelain; lamp-glass fabric; knitted fabric; labels (cloth); linen cloth; lingerie fabric; lining fabric for brushes; large-toothed combs for the hair; lazy susans; liqueur sets; litter shoes; linings (textile); loose covers for furniture; marabouts (cloth); napkins boxes (trays) for pets; litter trays (for pets); lunch boxes; lye washtubs; for removing make-up (cloth); place mats (not of paper); printed calico cloth; majolica; mangers for animals; mangers for livestock; material for brush- sanitary flannel; sleeping bags (sheeting); table cloths (not of paper); table making; menu card holders; mess-tins; metal boxes for dispensing paper linen (not of paper); table mats (not of paper); table napkins of textile; table towels; mills for domestic purposes, hand-operated; mixers, manual (cocktail runners; taffeta (cloth); tapestry (wall hangings), of textile; textile material; shakers); mixing machines, non-electric, for household purposes; mixing spoons textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; tick (linen); ticks (kitchen utensils); molds (kitchen utensils); mops; mosaics of glass, not for (mattress covers); tissues of textile for removing make-up; towels of textile; building; moulds (kitchen utensils); mouse traps; mugs, not of precious metal; traced cloths for embroidery; travelling rugs (lap robes); trellis (cloth); tulle; nail brushes; napkin holders, not of precious metal; napkin rings, not of upholstery fabrics; velvet; wall hangings of textile; washing mitts; woollen precious metal; nest eggs (artificial); noodle machines (hand-operated); noz- cloth; woollen fabric; zephyr (cloth). zles for sprinkler hose; nozzles for watering cans; oil cruets, not of precious (511) Klasse 25: Anti-sweat underclothing; anti-sweat underwear; babies’ dia- metal; opal glass; opaline glass; pads for cleaning; pails; painted glassware; pers of textile; babies’ napkins of textile; bath robes; bathing suits; bathing paper plates; pastry cutters; pepper mills, hand-operated; pepper pots, not of trunks; boas (necklets); bodices (lingerie); body linen (garments); boot up- precious metal; perfume burners; perfume sprayers; perfume vaporizers; pie pers; boots for sports; boots; braces for clothing (suspenders); brassieres; servers; pig bristles; piggy banks, not of metal; pipettes (wine-tasters); pitch- breeches (for wear); camisoles; cap peaks; caps (headwear); chasubles; ers, not of precious metal; plate glass (raw material); plates to prevent milk chemisettes (shirt fronts); clothing for gymnastics; clothing of imitations of boiling over; plungers for clearing blocked drains; polishing apparatus and leather; clothing of leather; clothing, footwear, headgear; clothing; coats; machines, for household purposes, non-electric; polishing gloves; polishing collar protectors; collars (clothing); combinations (clothing); corselets; cor- leather; polishing materials (for making shiny) (except preparations, paper and sets (underclothing); cuffs; cyclists’ clothing; detachable collars; drawers stone); porcelain ware; portable coldboxes, non-electric; portable coolers (am.); (clothing); dress shields; dressing gowns; ear muffs (clothing); esparto shoes pot lids; pots, not of precious metal; pots; pottery; poultry rings; powder or sandals; fishing vests; fittings of metal for shoes and boots; football boots; compacts, not of precious metal; powder puffs; powdered glass for decoration; football shoes; footmuffs, not electrically heated; footwear uppers; footwear; pressure cookers (autoclaves), non-electric; rags (cloth) for cleaning; rags for frocks; fur stoles; furs (clothing); gabardines (clothing); gaiter straps; gaiters; cleaning; rat traps; refrigerating bottles; refuse bins; rings for birds; rolling pins galoshes; garters; girdles; gloves (clothing); goloshes; gymnastic shoes; half- (domestic); roses for watering cans; sacred vessels, not of precious metal; boots; hat frames (skeletons); hats; headbands (clothing); headgear for wear; salad bowls, not of precious metal; salt cellars, not of precious metal; salt heel pieces for stockings; heelpieces for boots and shoes; heels; hoods shakers, not of precious metal; saucepan scourers of metal; saucers, not of (clothing); hosiery; inner soles; iron fittings for boots; iron fittings for shoes; precious metal; scoops (tableware); scouring pads; scrubbing brushes; serv- jackets (clothing); jerseys (clothing); jumpers (shirt fronts); knitwear (cloth- ices (tableware), not of precious metal; shakers; shaving brush stands; shav- ing); lace boots; layettes (clothing); leggings; liveries; maniples; mantillas; ing brushes; shirt stretchers; shoe brushes; shoe horns; shoe trees (stretch- masquerade costumes; miters (hats); mittens; money belts (clothing); motor- ers); sieves (household utensils); sifters (household utensils); signboards of ists’ clothing; muffs (clothing); neckties; non-slipping devices for boots and porcelain or glass; siphons for carbonated water; skins of chamois for clean- shoes; outerclothing; overalls; overcoats; pajamas (am.); pants; paper cloth- ing; smoke absorbers for household purposes; soap boxes; soap dispensers; ing; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; petticoats; pocket squares; pockets for cloth- soap holders; soup bowls, not of precious metal; spatulas (kitchen utensils); ing; pullovers; pyjamas; ready-made clothing; ready-made linings (parts of spice sets; sponge holders; sponges for household purposes; spouts; sprin- clothing); sandals; saris; sashes for wear; scarfs; scarves; shawls; shirt klers for watering flowers and plants; sprinklers; sprinkling devices; stands for fronts; shirt yokes; shirt yokes; shirts; shoes; shoulder wraps; shower caps; shaving brushes; statues of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; statuettes of singlets; ski boots; skirts; skull caps; slippers; slips (undergarments); smocks; porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; steel wool for cleaning; steelwool; stew-pans; sock suspenders; socks; soles for footwear; spats; sports jerseys; sports strainers for household purposes; strainers, not of precious metal; stretchers shoes; stocking suspenders; stockings; studs for football boots (shoes); stuff for clothing; sugar bowls, not of precious metal; syringes for watering flowers jackets (clothing); suits; sun visors; suspenders; sweat-absorbent stockings; and plants; table plates, not of precious metal; tableware (other than knives, sweat-absorbent underclothing (underwear); sweaters; swimsuits; teddies (un- forks and spoons) not of precious metal; tankards, not of precious metal; tar- dergarments); tee-shirts; tights; tips for footwear; togas; top coats; top hats; brushes, long handled; tart scoops; tea balls, not of precious metal; tea trouser straps; trousers; turbans; underclothing; underpants; underwear; uni- caddies, not of precious metal; tea infusers, not of precious metal; tea serv- forms; veils (clothing); vests; visors (hatmaking); waistcoats; waterproof cloth- ices, not of precious metal; tea strainers, not of precious metal; teapots, not ing; welts for boots and shoes; wet suits for water-skiing; wimples; wooden of precious metal; thermally insulated containers for food; tie presses; toilet shoes; wristbands (clothing). brushes; toilet cases; toilet paper holders; toilet sponges; toilet utensils; (511) Klasse 26: Artificial flowers; artificial fruit; artificial garlands; badges for toothbrushes, electric; toothbrushes; toothpick holders, not of precious metal; wear, not of precious metal; barrettes (hair-slides); belt clasps; binding nee- toothpicks; trash cans; trays for domestic purposes, not of precious metal; dles; birds’ feathers (clothing accessories); blouse fasteners; bodkins; bows trays for domestic purposes, of paper; trivets (table utensils); troughs for for the hair; boxes, not of precious metal, for needles; braids; brassards; livestock; trouser presses; trouser stretchers; unworked or semi-worked glass brooches (clothing accessories); buckles (clothing accessories); buttons, (except glass used in building); urns, not of precious metal; utensils for hooks and eyes, pins and needles; buttons; chenille (passementerie); collar household purposes, not of precious metal; vacuum bottles; vases, not of supports; competitors’ numbers; cords for clothing; cords for rimming, for precious metal; vegetable dishes; vessels of metal for making ices and iced clothing; corset busks; darning lasts; darning needles; dress body fasteners; drinks; vitreous silica fibers, not for textile use; waffle irons, non-electric; dress fastenings; edgings for clothing; elastic ribbons; embroidering crochet washing boards; washtubs; water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums; hooks; embroidery; expanding bands for holding sleeves; eyelets for clothing; watering cans; watering devices; wax-polishing appliances, non-electric, for false beards; false hair; false hems; false moustaches; fancy goods (embroi- shoes; whisks, non-electric, for household purposes; wine tasters (siphons); dery); fastenings for braces; fastenings for clothing; fastenings for suspend- wool waste for cleaning; works of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass. ers; feathers (clothing accessories); festoons (embroidery); frills (lacework); (511) Klasse 23: Chenille yarn; coir thread and yarn; cotton thread and yarn; frills for clothing; fringes; gold embroidery; haberdashery, except thread; hair darning thread and yarn; elastic thread and yarn for textile use; embroidery bands; hair coloring caps; hair curlers (other than hand implements), non- thread and yarn; fiberglass thread for textile use; hemp thread and yarn; jute electric; hair curling papers; hair curling pins; hair grips (slides); hair nets; hair thread and yarn; linen thread and yarn; rayon thread and yarn; rubber thread ornaments; hair pins; hat ornaments (not of precious metal); heat adhesive for textile use; sewing thread and yarn; silk thread and yarn; spun cotton; spun patches for decoration of textile articles (haberdashery); heat adhesive patch- silk; spun thread and yarn; spun wool; thread; threads of plastic materials for es for repairing textile articles; hook and pile fastening tapes; hooks (haber- textile use; woollen thread and yarn; worsted; yarn; yarns and threads, for dashery); hooks for corsets; knitting needles; lace and embroidery, ribbons textile use. and braid; lace for edgings; lace trimming; lace trimmings; letters for marking (511) Klasse 24: Adhesive fabric for application by heat; banners; bath linen linen; mica spangles; monogram tabs for marking linen; needle cases, not of (except clothing); bed and table covers; bed blankets; bed clothes; bed precious metal; needle cushions; needles for wool combing machines; nee- covers of paper; bed linen; bedspreads; billiard cloth; bolting cloth; brocades; dles; numerals for marking linen; numerals or letters for marking linen; orna- buckram; bunting; calico; canvas for tapestry or embroidery; cheese cloth; mental novelty badges (buttons); orsedew (trimmings for clothing); ostrich chenille fabric; cheviots (cloth); cloth; coasters (table linen); cotton fabrics; feathers (clothing accessories); passementerie; picot (lace); pin cushions; coverings of plastic for furniture; coverlets (bedspreads); covers (loose) for pins (other than jeweller); plaited hair; prize ribbons; reins for guiding children; furniture; covers for cushions; crepe (fabric); crepon; curtain holders of textile ribbons (haberdashery); rosettes (haberdashery); rug hooks; saddlers’ nee- material; curtains of textile or plastic; damask; diapered linen; dimity; door dles; sewing boxes; sewing needles; sewing thimbles; shoe buckles; shoe curtains; drugget; eiderdowns (down coverlets); elastic woven material; espar- eyelets; shoe fasteners; shoe hooks; shoe laces; shoe ornaments (not of to fabric; fabric for boots and shoes; fabric of imitation animal skins; fabric, precious metal); shoemakers’ needles; shoulder pads for clothing; shuttles for impervious to gases, for aeronautical balloons; fabric; fabrics for textile use; making fishing nets; silver embroidery; skirt flounces; slide fasteners (zip- face towels of textile; felt; fibreglass fabrics for textile use; filtering materials pers); slide locks for bags; slides (hair grips); snap fasteners; spangles for of textile; fitted toilet lid covers (fabric); flags (not of paper); flannel (fabric); clothing; tapes for curtain headings; tassels (haberdashery); tea cosies; thread frieze (cloth); furniture coverings of plastic; furniture coverings of textile; of metal for embroidery; tinsels (trimmings for clothing); top-knots (pompoms); fustian; gauze (cloth); glass-cloth (towels); gummed cloth, other than for toupees; tresses of hair; trimmings for clothing; trouser clips for cyclists; stationery; haircloth (sackcloth); handkerchiefs of textile; hat linings, of tex- whalebones for corsets; wigs; woollen laces; wreaths of artificial flowers; zip tile, in the piece; hemp cloth; hemp fabric; household linen; jersey (fabric); jute fasteners for bags; zip fasteners; zippers. fortsættes

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(511) Klasse 27: Artificial turf; automobile carpets; bath mats; carpet under- for human consumption; food products made from fish; foods prepared from lay; carpets for automobiles; carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and fish; frosted fruits; frozen fruits; fruit chips; fruit jellies; fruit peel; fruit preser- other materials for covering existing floors; carpets; door mats; floor cove- ved in alcohol; fruit pulp; fruit salads; fruit, preserved; fruit, stewed; fruits, rings; gymnasium mats; gymnastic mats; linoleum; mats of woven rope for ski tinned (canned (am.)); game (dead); garden herbs, preserved; gelatine for slopes; mats; non-slip mats; reed mats; rugs; tapestry (wall hangings), not of food; gherkins; ginger jam; ham; herrings; hummus (chickpea paste); isinglass textile; vinyl floor coverings; wall hangings (non-textile); wall hangings, not of for food; jams; jellies, jams, compotes; meat extracts; meat, fish, poultry and textile; wallpaper. game; peanut butter; potato chips; potato crisps; potato flakes; potato fritters; (511) Klasse 28: Air pistols (toys); amusement machines, automatic and coin- poultry, not live; powdered eggs; prawns (not live); preparations for making operated; apparatus for electronic games other than those adapted for use bouillon; preparations for making soup; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and with television receivers only; appliances for gymnastics; archery implements; vegetables; protein for human consumption; raisins; rape oil for food; rennet; artificial fishing bait; artificial snow for christmas trees; automatic games other salmon; salted fish; salted meats; sardines; sauerkraut; sausages in batter; than those adapted for use with television receivers only; backgammon games; sausages; sea-cucumbers (not live); sesame oil; shellfish (not live); shrimps bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; balls for games; bar-bells; (not live); silkworm chrysalis, for human consumption; snail eggs (for con- baseball gloves; bats for games; batting gloves (accessories for games); bells sumption); soups; soya beans, preserved, for food; spiny lobsters (not live); for christmas trees; billiard balls; billiard cue tips; billiard cues; billiard markers; suet for food; sunflower oil for food; tahini (sesame seed paste); tofu; tomato billiard table cushions; billiard tables; bingo cards; bite indicators (fishing juice for cooking; tomato purée; tripe; truffles, preserved; tuna fish; vegetable tackle); bite sensors (fishing tackle); bladders of balls for games; board juices for cooking; vegetable salads; vegetable soup preparations; vegetab- games; bob-sleighs; body boards; body rehabilitation apparatus; body-building les, cooked; vegetables, dried; vegetables, preserved; vegetables, tinned apparatus; body-training apparatus; bowling apparatus and machinery; bows (canned (am.)); weed extracts for food; whey; whipped cream; white of eggs; for archery; boxing gloves; building blocks (toys); building games; butterfly yoghurt; yogurt; yolk of eggs. nets; candle holders for christmas trees; caps for pistols (toys); chalk for (511) Klasse 30: Allspice; almond confectionery; almond paste; aniseed; billiard cues; checkerboards; checkers (games); chess games; chessboards; aromatic preparations for food; artificial coffee; barley meal; bean meal; bee chest expanders (exercisers); christmas tree stands; christmas trees of synthe- glue (propolis) for human consumption; beer vinegar; binding agents for edible tic material; clay pigeon traps; clay pigeons (targets); climbers’ harness; coin- ices; binding agents for ice cream (edible ices); binding agents for ice cream; operated billiard tables; confetti; conjuring apparatus; cosaques (toy fireworks); biscuits; bread rolls; bread; breadcrumbs; buns; cake paste; cake powder; counters (discs) for games; creels (fishing equipment); cricket bags; cups for cakes; candy for food; capers; caramels (candy); celery salt; cereal prepara- dice; darts; decorations for christmas trees; decoys for hunting or fishing; tions; chewing gum, not for medical purposes; chicory (coffee substitute); detonating caps (toys); dice; discuses for sports; divot repair tools (golf chips (cereal products); chocolate beverages with milk; chocolate-based bev- accessories); dolls’ beds; dolls’ clothes; dolls’ feeding bottles; dolls’ houses; erages; chocolate; chow-chow (condiment); chutneys (condiments); cinnamon dolls’ rooms; dolls; dominoes; draughtboards; draughts (games); dumb-bells; (spice); cloves (spice); cocoa beverages with milk; cocoa products; cocoa- edges of skis; elbow guards (sports articles); exercisers (expanders); explo- based beverages; cocoa; coffee beverages with milk; coffee flavorings; cof- sive bonbons (christmas crackers); fairground ride apparatus; fencing gauntlets; fee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; coffee-based fencing gloves; fencing masks; fencing weapons; fish hooks; fishing tackle; beverages; coffee; condiments; confectionery for decorating christmas trees; flippers for swimming; floats for fishing; flying discs (toys); foils for fencing; confectionery; cookies; cooking salt; corn (milled); corn (roasted); corn flakes; games and playthings; games; gloves for games; golf bags, with or without corn flour; corn meal; couscous (semolina); crackers; crushed barley; crushed wheels; golf clubs; golf gloves; gut for fishing; gut for rackets; guts for oats; curry (spice); custard; dressings for salad; edible decorations for cakes; rackets; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; hang edible ices; essences for foodstuffs (except etheric essences and essential gliders; harness for sailboards; harpoon guns (sports articles); hockey sticks; oils); farinaceous food pastes; farinaceous foods; ferments for pastes; flavor- horseshoe games; hunting game calls; ice skates; in-line roller skates; jigsaw ings, other than essential oils, for beverages; flavorings, other than essential puzzles; kaleidoscopes; kite reels; kites; knee guards (sports articles); lan- oils, for cakes; flavorings, other than essential oils; flour and preparations ding nets for anglers; lines for fishing; lures for hunting or fishing; machines for made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; flour for food; flour- physical exercises; mah-jong; marbles for games; marionettes; masts for milling products; fondants (confectionery); frozen yoghurt (confectionery ic- sailboards; mobiles (toys); nets for sports; ninepins; novelties for parties, es); fruit jellies (confectionery); ginger (spice); gingerbread; glucose for food; dances (party favors, favours); ornaments for christmas trees (except illumi- gluten for food; golden syrup; groats for human food; gruel, with a milk base, nation articles and confectionery); paintball guns (sporting apparatus); paint- for food; halvah; honey, treacle; honey; husked barley; husked oats; ice balls (ammunition for paintball guns) (sporting apparatus); paragliders; parlor cream; ice for refreshment; ice, natural or artificial; ice; iced tea; infusions, not games; percussion caps (toys); pitch mark repair tools (golf accessories); medicinal; ketchup (sauce); leaven; liquorice (confectionery); lozenges piñatas; play balloons; playing balls; playing cards; plush toys; practical jokes (confectionery); macaroni; macaroons (pastry); maize (milled); maize (roast- (novelties); protective paddings (parts of sports suits); punching bags; pup- ed); maize flakes; maize flour; maize meal; malt biscuits; malt extract for food; pets; quoits; rackets; radio-controlled toy vehicles; rattles (playthings); reels malt for human consumption; maltose; marzipan; mayonnaise; meal; meat for fishing; ring games; rocking horses; rods for fishing; roller skates; rollers gravies; meat pies; meat tenderizers, for household purposes; mint for confec- for stationary exercise bicycles; rosin used by athletes; roulette wheels; tionery; molasses for food; muesli; mustard meal; mustard; natural sweeten- sailboards; scale model vehicles; scooters (toys); scrapers for skis; seal ers; noodles; nutmegs; oat flakes; oat-based food; oatmeal; pancakes; pasta; skins (coverings for skis); shin guards (sports articles); shuttlecocks; skate- pastilles (confectionery); pastries; pastry; pasty; peanut confectionery; pep- boards; skating boots with skates attached; ski bindings; skis; skittles (games); per; peppermint sweets; peppers (seasonings); petit-beurre biscuits; petits skittles; sleighs (sports articles); slides (playthings); sling shots (sports ar- fours (cakes); pies; pizzas; popcorn; potato flour for food; powder for edible ticles); small balls for games; snow globes; snowshoes; soap bubbles (toys); ices; powders for ice cream; pralines; preparations for stiffening whipped sole coverings for skis; spinning tops (toys); spring boards (sporting articles); cream; propolis (bee glue) for human consumption; puddings; pâté (pastries); starting blocks (for sports); stationary exercise bicycles; strings for rackets; quiches; ravioli; relish (condiment); ribbon vermicelli; rice cakes; rice; royal surf boards; surf skis; surfboard leashes; swimming pools (play articles); jelly for human consumption (not for medical purposes); rusks; saffron (sea- swimming webs (flippers); swings; tables for indoor football; tables for table soning); sago; salt for preserving foodstuffs; salt, mustard; sandwiches; sauces tennis; targets; teddy bears; tennis ball throwing apparatus; tennis nets; (condiments); sausage binding materials; sea water (for cooking); seasonings; theatrical masks; toy masks; toy pistols; toy vehicles; toys for domestic pets; semolina; sherbets (ices); sorbets (ices); soya flour; soya sauce; spaghetti; toys; twirling batons; waterskis; wax for skis; weight lifting belts (sports spices; spring rolls; star aniseed; starch for food; starch products for food; articles). stick liquorice (confectionery); sugar confectionery; sugar; sushi; sweetmeats (511) Klasse 29: Albumen for food; alginates for food; almonds, ground; (candy); tabbouleh; tacos; tapioca flour for food; tapioca; tarts; tea-based anchovy; animal marrow for food; apple purée; bacon; beans, preserved; black beverages; tea; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs; tomato sauce; pudding (blood sausage); black pudding; blood sausage; bone oil, edible; tortillas; turmeric for food; unleavened bread; unroasted coffee; vanilla (flavor- bouillon concentrates; bouillon; broth concentrates; broth; butter; buttercream; ing); vanillin (vanilla substitute); vegetal preparations for use as coffee substi- casein for food; caviar; charcuterie; cheese; chocolate nut butter; clams (not tutes; vermicelli (noodles); vinegar, sauces (condiments); vinegar; waffles; live); cocoa butter; coconut butter; coconut fat; coconut oil; coconut, desic- weeds (condiment); wheat flour; yeast in pill form, not for medical use; yeast, cated; colza oil for food; corn oil; cranberry sauce (compote); crayfish (not baking-powder; yeast. live); cream (dairy products); croquettes; crustaceans (not live); crystallized (511) Klasse 31: Additives to fodder, not for medical purposes; agricultural, fruits; dates; edible birds’ nests; edible fats; edible oils; eggs, Albumen for horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; food; alginates for food; almonds, ground; anchovy; animal marrow for food; algae for human or animal consumption; algarovilla for animal consumption; apple purée; bacon; beans, preserved; black pudding (blood sausage); black almonds (fruits); animal fattening preparations; animal foodstuffs; aromatic pudding; blood sausage; bone oil, edible; bouillon concentrates; bouillon; broth sand for pets (litter); bagasses of cane (raw material); barley; beans, fresh; concentrates; broth; butter; buttercream; casein for food; caviar; charcuterie; beet; berries, fresh fruits; beverages for pets; bird food; bran mash for animal cheese; chocolate nut butter; clams (not live); cocoa butter; coconut butter; consumption; bran; bred stock; bulbs; bushes; by-products of the processing coconut fat; coconut oil; coconut, desiccated; colza oil for food; corn oil; of cereals, for animal consumption; cattle cake; cattle food; cereal seeds, cranberry sauce (compote); crayfish (not live); cream (dairy products); cro- unprocessed; chestnuts, fresh; chicory (salad); chicory roots; christmas trees; quettes; crustaceans (not live); crystallized fruits; dates; edible birds’ nests; citrus fruit; cocoa beans, raw; cocoanut shell; coconuts; cola nuts; copra; edible fats; edible oils; eggs, milk and milk products; eggs; fat-containing crayfish (live); crustaceans (live); cucumbers; cuttle bone for birds; distillery mixtures for bread slices; fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats; waste for animal consumption; dog biscuits; draff; edible chews for animals; fish (not live); fish fillets; fish, preserved; fish, tinned (canned (am.)); fishmeal fortsættes

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eggs for hatching (fertilised); fish spawn; fish, live; fishing bait (live); fishmeal shorthand; statistical information; systemization of information into computer for animal consumption; flax meal (fodder); flower bulbs; flowers, dried, for databases; tax preparation; telephone answering (for unavailable subscri- decoration; flowers, natural; fodder; foodstuffs for animals, malt; forage; fresh bers); television advertising; television commercials; transcription; typing; fruits and vegetables; fruit residue (marc); garden herbs, fresh; grains (cere- updating of advertising material; valuation of standing timber; word processing. als); grains (seeds); grains for animal consumption; grapes, fresh; groats for (511) Klasse 36: Accident insurance underwriting; accommodation bureaux poultry; hay; hazelnuts; hop cones; hops; juniper berries; lime for animal (apartments); actuarial services; antique appraisal; apartment house manage- forage; live animals; locust beans; menagerie animals; mushroom spawn; oil ment; art appraisal; bail-bonding; banking; brokerage; business liquidation cake; peanut cake for animals; pet food; pine cones; plant seeds; plants, services (financial); capital investment; capital investments; charitable fund dried, for decoration; pollen (raw material); potatoes, fresh; poultry for breed- raising; check (cheque) verification; check (cheque) verification; clearing (fi- ing; poultry, live; preparations for egg laying poultry; products for animal litter; nancial); clearing-houses (financial); credit bureaux; credit card services; protein for animal consumption; rape cake for cattle; raw barks; residual customs brokerage; debit card services; debt collection agencies; deposits of products of cereals for animal consumption; residue in a still after distillation; valuables; electronic funds transfer; exchanging money; factoring; fiduciary; rhubarb; rice meal for forage; rice, unprocessed; roots for food; rose bushes; financial affairs; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial evaluation rough cork; rye; salt for cattle; sanded paper for pets (litter); sea-cucumbers (insurance, banking, real estate); financial information; financial management; (live); seed germ for botanical purposes; seedlings; seeds, natural plants and financial sponsorship; financing services; fire insurance underwriting; fiscal flowers; sesame; shellfish (live); shrubs; silkworm eggs; silkworms; sod; spiny assessments; fiscal valuations; fund investments; guarantees; health insu- lobsters (live); squashes; stall food for animals; straw (forage); straw litter; rance underwriting; hire-purchase financing; home banking; housing agents; straw mulch; strengthening animal forage; sugarcane; trees; truffles, fresh; instalment loans; insurance brokerage; insurance consultancy; insurance in- trunks of trees; turf, natural; undressed timber; unsawn timber; vegetables, formation; insurance underwriting; insurance; issuance of credit cards; issue fresh; vine plants; weeds for human or animal consumption; wheat; wood chips of tokens of value; issuing of travellers'' checks (cheques); jewellery apprai- for the manufacture of wood pulp; wreaths of natural flowers; yeast for animals. sal; lease-purchase financing; leasing of farms; leasing of real estate; lending (511) Klasse 32: Aerated water; aperitifs, non-alcoholic; beer wort; beers; against security; life insurance underwriting; loans (financing); marine insuran- cider (non-alcoholic); cocktails, non-alcoholic; essences for making bevera- ce underwriting; monetary affairs; mortgage banking; mutual funds; numisma- ges; extracts of hops for making beer; fruit drinks and fruit juices; fruit nectars tic appraisal; organization of collections; pawnbrokerage; real estate affairs; (non-alcoholic); ginger ale; ginger beer; grape must (unfermented); isotonic real estate agencies; real estate appraisal; real estate brokers; real estate beverages; lemonades; lithia water; malt beer; malt wort; milk of almonds management; rent collection; rental of offices (real estate); renting of apart- (beverage); mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; mineral ments; renting of flats; retirement payment services; safe deposit services; water (beverages); must; non-alcoholic beverages; non-alcoholic fruit extracts; savings banks; securities brokerage; stamp appraisal; stock exchange quota- non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; orgeat; pastilles for effervescing bevera- tions; stocks and bonds brokerage; surety services; trusteeship. ges; peanut milk (soft drink); powders for effervescing beverages; preparati- (511) Klasse 37: Air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; airplane ons for making aerated water; preparations for making beverages; preparati- maintenance and repair; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; artificial snow-mak- ons for making liqueurs; preparations for making mineral water; sarsaparilla ing services; asphalting; boiler cleaning and repair; bricklaying; building con- (soft drink); seltzer water; sherbets (beverages); soda water; sorbets (bevera- struction supervision; building construction; building insulating; building of ges); syrups and other preparations for making beverages; syrups for bevera- fair stalls and shops; building sealing; burglar alarm installation and repair; ges; syrups for lemonade; table waters; tomato juice (beverage); vegetable burner maintenance and repair; cabinet making (repair); car wash; chimney juices (beverages); waters (beverages); whey beverages. sweeping; cleaning of buildings (exterior surface); cleaning of buildings (in- (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beer); alcoholic beverages terior); cleaning of clothing; clock and watch repair; clothing repair; con- containing fruit; alcoholic essences; alcoholic extracts; anise (liqueur); aniset- struction information; construction; damp-proofing (building); demolition of te (liqueur); aperitifs; arak; bitters; brandy; cider; cocktails; curacao; diges- buildings; diaper cleaning; disinfecting; drilling of wells; dry cleaning; electric ters (liqueurs and spirits); distilled beverages; fruit extracts (alcoholic); gin; appliance installation and repair; elevator installation and repair; factory hydromel (mead); kirsch; liqueurs; mead (hydromel); peppermint liqueurs; per- construction; film projector repair and maintenance; fire alarm installation ry; piquette; rice alcohol; rum; sake; spirits (beverages); vodka; whisky; wine. and repair; freezing equipment installation and repair; fulling of cloth; fur (511) Klasse 34: Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; ashtrays, not of precious care, cleaning and repair; furnace installation and repair; furniture mainte- metal, for smokers; books of cigarette papers; chewing tobacco; cigar cases, nance; furniture restoration; harbour construction; heating equipment instal- not of precious metal; cigar cutters; cigar holders, not of precious metal; lation and repair; installation services; installation, maintenance and repair cigarette cases, not of precious metal; cigarette filters; cigarette holders, not of computer hardware; interference suppression in electrical apparatus; irri- of precious metal; cigarette paper; cigarette tips; cigarettes containing tobac- gation devices installation and repair; kitchen equipment installation; knife co substitutes, not for medical purposes; cigarettes; cigarillos; cigars; firesto- sharpening; laundering; leather care, cleaning and repair; lift installation and nes; gas containers for cigar lighters; herbs for smoking; humidors; lighters for repair; linen ironing; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; mason- smokers; match boxes, not of precious metal; match holders, not of precious ry; mending clothing; mining extraction; motor vehicle maintenance and re- metal; matches; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; mouthpieces of yellow pair; motor vehicle wash; office machines and equipment installation, main- amber for cigar and cigarette holders; pipe cleaners (for tobacco pipes); pipe tenance and repair; painting or repair of signs; painting, interior and exterior; racks (for tobacco pipes); pocket machines for rolling cigarettes; smokers'' paper hanging; parasol repair; photographic apparatus repair; pier breakwa- articles; snuff boxes, not of precious metal; snuff; spittoons for tobacco ter building; pipeline construction and maintenance; plastering; plumbing; users; tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders; tobacco jars, not of pressing of clothing; pumicing; pump repair; quarrying services; rat extermi- precious metal; tobacco pipes; tobacco pouches; tobacco. nating; re-tinning; rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially de- (511) Klasse 35: Accounting; advertising agencies; advertising by mail order; stroyed; rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed; advertising; advisory services for business management; arranging newspa- renovation of clothing; rental of bulldozers; rental of cleaning machines; per subscriptions (for others); auctioneering; auditing; bill-posting; book-kee- rental of construction equipment; rental of cranes (construction equipment); ping; business administration; business appraisals; business information; busi- rental of excavators; rental of road sweeping machines; repair information; ness inquiries; business investigations; business management and organiza- repair of security locks; repair of the previously stated goods; repair; re- tion consultancy; business management assistance; business management treading of tires (tyres); retreading of tires; retreading of tyres; riveting; consultancy; business management of hotels; business management of per- road paving; roofing services; rustproofing; safe maintenance and repair; forming artists; business management; business organization consultancy; sanding; scaffolding; shipbuilding; shoe repair; street cleaning; strong-room business research; commercial information agencies; commercial or industrial maintenance and repair; telephone installation and repair; umbrella repair; management assistance; compilation of information into computer databases; underwater construction; underwater repair; upholstering; upholstery repair; computerized file management; cost price analysis; data search in computer varnishing; vehicle cleaning; vehicle greasing; vehicle lubrication (greasing); files (for others); demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; disseminati- vehicle lubrication; vehicle maintenance; vehicle polishing; vehicle repair; on of advertising matter; distribution of samples; document reproduction; vehicle service stations; vehicle wash; vermin exterminating other than for drawing up of statements of accounts; economic forecasting; efficiency ex- agriculture; vulcanization of tires (repair); wallpapering; warehouse construc- perts; employment agencies; evaluation of standing timber; evaluation of wool; tion and repair; washing of linen; washing; window cleaning. grading of wool; import-export agencies; location of freight cars by computer; (511) Klasse 38: Cable television broadcasting; cellular telephone communica- marketing research; marketing studies; modelling for advertising or sales tion; communications by computer terminals; communications by fiber optic promotion; news clipping services; office functions; office machines and equip- networks; communications by telegrams; communications by telephone; com- ment rental; on-line advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; organi- puter aided transmission of messages and images; electronic bulletin board zation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of services (telecommunications services); electronic mail; facsimile transmissi- trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; outdoor advertising; payroll on; information about telecommunication; message sending; news agencies; preparation; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; pho- paging services (radio, telephone or other means of electronic communicati- tocopying; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services on); providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; for other businesses); professional business consultancy; psychological te- providing user access to a global computer network (service providers); radio sting for the selection of personnel; public relations; publication of publicity broadcasting; rental of facsimile apparatus; rental of message sending appa- texts; publicity agencies; publicity columns preparation; publicity material ratus; rental of modems; rental of telecommunication equipment; rental of rental; publicity; radio advertising; radio commercials; relocation services for telephones; satellite transmission; sending of telegrams; telecommunications businesses; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on commu- routing and junction services; telecommunications; teleconferencing services; nication media; rental of photocopying machines; rental of vending machines; sales promotion (for others); secretarial services; shop window dressing; fortsættes

1298 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

telegraph services; telephone services; television broadcasting; telex ser- texts); publication of texts, other than publicity texts; radio entertainment; vices; transmission of telegrams; wire service. recording studio services; recreation information; religious education; rental of (511) Klasse 39: Air transport; ambulance transport; armored-car transport; audio equipment; rental of camcorders; rental of cine-films; rental of lighting arranging of cruises; arranging of tours; barge transport; boat rental; boat apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios; rental of motion pictures; storage; boat transport; booking of seats for travel; bus transport; car parking; rental of movie projectors and accessories; rental of radio and television sets; car rental; car transport; carting; chauffeur services; coach rental; courrier rental of show scenery; rental of skin diving equipment; rental of sound services (messages or merchandise); delivery of goods by mail order; delivery recordings; rental of sports equipment (except vehicles); rental of stadium of goods; delivery of newspapers; distribution of energy; electricity distributi- facilities; rental of stage scenery; rental of tennis courts; rental of video on; escorting of travellers; ferry-boat transport; freight (shipping of goods); cameras; rental of video cassette recorders; rental of videotapes; scriptwriting freight brokerage; freight forwarding; freighting; frozen-food locker rental; ga- services; sign language interpretation; sport camp services; sporting and rage rental; guarded transport of valuables; hauling; horse rental; ice-breaking; cultural activities; subtitling; teaching; television entertainment; theatre produ- launching of satellites for others; lighterage; marine transport; message deli- ctions; timing of sports events; translation; tuition; videotape editing; video- very; newspaper delivery; operating canal locks; packaging and storage of tape film production; videotaping; vocational guidance (education or training goods; packaging of goods; parcel delivery; parking place rental; passenger advice); zoological gardens. ransport; piloting; pleasure boat transport; porterage; railway transport; refloa- (511) Klasse 42: Analysis for oil-field exploitation; arbitration services; ar- ting of ships; refrigerator rental; removal services; rental of diving bells; chitectural consultation; architecture; authenticating works of art; bacteriolo- t rental of diving suits; rental of motor racing cars; rental of storage containers; gical research; biological research; calibration (measuring); chemical analysis; rental of vehicle roof racks; rental of warehouses; rental of wheelchairs; chemical research; chemistry services; cloud seeding; computer program- rescue operations (transport); river transport; salvage of ships; salvaging; ming; computer rental; computer software design; computer system design; shipbrokerage; sightseeing (tourism); stevedoring; storage information; sto- computer systems analysis; construction drafting; consultancy in the field of rage of electronically-stored data or documents; storage of goods; storage; computer hardware; consultation in environment protection; conversion of streetcar transport; taxi transport; tourist offices (except for hotel reservati- data or documents from physical to electronic media; copyright management; on); towing; tram transport; transport and storage of trash; transport and cosmetic research; creating and maintaining web sites for others; data conver- storage of waste; transport brokerage; transport by pipeline; transport of sion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); design and travellers; transport reservation; transport; transportation information; tran- development of computer hardware and software; design of interior decor; sporting furniture; travel arrangement; travel reservation; truck rental; under- dress designing; duplication of computer programs; engineering; geological water salvage; unloading cargo; vehicle rental; vehicle towing; warehousing; prospecting; geological research; geological surveys; graphic arts designing; water distribution; water supplying; wrapping of goods. hosting computer sites (web sites); industrial analysis and research services; (511) Klassse 40: Abrasion; air deodorising; air freshening; air purification; industrial design; installation of computer software; intellectual property con- applying finishes to textiles; blacksmithing; boiler-making; bookbinding; bur- sultancy; intellectual property watching services; land surveying; land sur- nishing by abrasion; cadmium plating; chromium plating; cloth cutting; cloth veys; legal research; legal services; licencing of intellectual property; litigation dyeing; cloth edging; cloth fireproofing; cloth pre-shrinking; cloth treating; services; maintenance of computer software; material testing; mechanical cloth waterproofing; clothing alteration; colour separation services; coppers- research; meteorological information; oil prospecting; oil-field surveys; oil-well mithing; crease-resistant treatment for clothing; custom assembling of materi- testing; packaging design services; packaging design; physics (research); als (for others); custom fashioning of fur; decontamination of hazardous mate- quality control; recovery of computer data; rental of computer software; re- rials; destruction of waste and trash; dressmaking; dyeing services; elec- search and development (for others); scientific and technological services and troplating; embroidery; engraving; fabric bleaching; fabric fireproofing; fabric research and design relating thereto; styling (industrial design); surveying; waterproofing; firing pottery; flour milling; food and drink preservation; food technical project studies; technical research; textile testing; underwater ex- smoking; framing of works of art; fruit crushing; fur conditioning; fur dyeing; fur ploration; updating of computer software; urban planning; vehicle roadworthi- glossing; fur mothproofing; fur satining; galvanization; gilding; glass-blowing; ness testing; weather forecasting. gold-plating; grinding; incineration of waste and trash; key cutting; knitting (511) Klasse 43: Accommodation bureaux (hotels, boarding houses); bar machine rental; laminating; laser scribing; leather staining; leather working; services; boarding for animals; boarding house bookings; boarding houses; lithographic printing; magnetization; material treatment information; metal ca- cafeterias; cafés; canteens; day-nurseries (créches); food and drink catering; sting; metal plating; metal tempering; metal treating; millworking; nickel plating; holiday camp services (lodging); hotel reservations; hotels; motels; providing offset printing; optical glass grinding; paper finishing; paper treating; pattern campground facilities; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; rental of printing; permanent-press treatment of fabrics; photocomposing services; meeting rooms; rental of temporary accommodation; rental of tents; rental of photographic film development; photographic printing; photogravure; planing transportable buildings; restaurants; retirement homes; self-service restau- (saw mill); pottery firing; printing; processing of cinematographic films; proces- rants; services for providing food and drink; snack-bars; temporary accommo- sing of oil; production of energy; quilting; recycling of waste and trash; refining dation reservations; temporary accommodation; tourist homes. services; rental of generators; saddlery working; sawing (saw mill); services of (511) Klasse 44: Aerial and surface spreading of fertilizers and other agricul- a dental technician; shoe staining; silkscreen printing; silver-plating; skin tural chemicals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; animal breeding; dressing; slaughtering of animals; soldering; sorting of waste and recyclable animal grooming; aromatherapy services; artificial insemination services; beauty material (transformation); stripping finishes; tailoring; tanning; taxidermy; text- salons; blood bank services; chiropractics; convalescent homes; dentistry; ile dyeing; textile fireproofing; textile mothproofing; textile treating; timber farming equipment rental; flower arranging; gardening; hair implantation; hair- felling and processing; tin-plating; treatment of materials; vulcanization (mate- dressing salons; health care; horticulture; hospices; hospitals; hygienic and rial treatment); warping (looms); waste treatment (transformation); water trea- beauty care for human beings or animals; in vitro fertilization services; lands- ting; window tinting treatment, being surface coating; woodworking; wool trea- cape gardening; lawn care; manicuring; massage; medical assistance; medical ting. clinics; medical services; midwife services; nursing (medical); nursing homes; (511) Klasse 41: Academies (education); amusement parks; amusements; opticians'' services; pet grooming; pharmacy advice; physical therapy; physi- animal training; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; arranging and con- otherapy; plant nurseries; plastic surgery; public baths for hygiene purposes; ducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; arranging rehabilitation for substance abuse patients; rental of sanitation facilities; rest and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of symposiums; ar- homes; sanatoriums; services of a psychologist; tattooing; tree surgery; tur- ranging and conducting of workshops (training); arranging of beauty contests; kish baths; vermin exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry); boarding schools; booking of seats for shows; bookmobile services; circuses; veterinary assistance; veterinary services; weed killing; wreath making. club services (entertainment or education); correspondence courses; digital (511) Klasse 45: Adoption agency services; chaperoning; clothing rental; imaging services; discotheque services; dubbing; education information; edu- crematorium services; dating services; detective agencies; escorting in soci- cation; educational examination; educational services; electronic desktop ety (chaperoning); evening dress rental; fire-fighting; funerals; guards; horo- publishing; entertainer services; entertainment information; entertainment; film scope casting; marriage agencies; missing person investigations; monitoring production; game services provided on-line (from a computer network); ga- of burglar and security alarms; night guards; opening of security locks; orga- ming; gymnastic instruction; health club services; holiday camp services nization of religious meetings; personal and social services rendered by others (entertainment); instruction services; lending libraries; microfilming; mobile to meet the needs of individuals; personal body guarding; security consultan- library services; modelling for artists; movie studios; music composition ser- cy; security services for the protection of property and individuals; underta- vices; music-halls; news reporters services; night clubs; nursery schools; king. operating lotteries; orchestra services; organization of balls; organization of (591) Farvetekst: Gray. competitions (education or entertainment); organization of exhibitions for cul- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: tural or educational purposes; organization of shows (impresario services); 2006-03-03 DE 306 14 287.2/17 Tyskland organization of sports competitions; party planning (entertainment); photogra- (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-28 phic reporting; photography; physical education; practical training (demonstra- Gazette No.: 15/2007 tion); presentation of live performances; production of radio and television programmes; production of shows; providing amusement arcade services; providing casino facilities (gambling); providing cinema facilities; providing golf facilities; providing karaoke services; providing movie theatre facilities; provi- ding museum facilities (presentation, exhibitions); providing of training; provi- ding on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); providing recreation facilities; providing sports facilities; publication of books; publication of elec- tronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts (other than publicity fortsættes

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP918450 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-30 (111) Reg. nr.: MP918683 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-16 ACTIV M

(730) Indehaver: Hans Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH & Co. KG (société de droit allemand), Südliche Münchener Strasse 1, D-82031 Grünwald, (730) Indehaver: "ROTOPRINT" Ltd., "Kuzman Shapkarev" Str. 4, BG-1000 Tyskland SOFIA, Bulgarien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SNC SCHMIT CHRETIEN SCHIHIN, 8, (511) Klasse 39: Car transport; freight forwarding; wrapping of goods; pack- place du Ponceau, F-95000 Cergy, Frankrig aging of goods; freight (shipping of goods); carting; storage/warehousing; (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, body and beauty care storage of goods; storage of electronically-stored data or documents. preparations, namely hair lotions, hair care preparations; preparations for (511) Klasse 40: Material treatment information; bookbinding; laminating; litho- caring for, cleaning, dyeing, colouring, bleaching, setting hair, neutralizers for graphic printing; custom assembling of materials (for others); paper treating; permanent waving. pattern printing; offset printing; printing; photocomposing services; colour (511) Klasse 05: Medical preparations for the care, cleaning and beautification separation services; hot foil printing; screen printing; flexographic printing; die of hair; cosmetic preparations for medical use. cutting; embossing. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 42: Graphic arts designing; packaging design services; installa- 2006-09-13 FR 063450542 Frankrig tion of computer software; quality control; industrial design; research and (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-16 development (for others); styling (industrial design). Gazette No.: 16/2007 (591) Farvetekst: Red and black. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-09-11 BG 89723 Bulgarien (111) Reg. nr.: MP918697 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-19 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-30 Gazette No.: 15/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918492 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-02 Merveillance Lift

(730) Indehaver: LABORATOIRE NUXE, 25, rue des Petits-Hôtels, F-75010 PARIS, Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Cabinet SUEUR & L''HELGOUALCH, 109, boulevard Haussmann, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetics, essential oils, soaps, cleansing milk for toilet purposes; bath salts, not for medical purposes; creams, gels, milks, lotions, masks, pomades, powders and cosmetic preparations for skin care; anti- wrinkle cosmetics; sun block preparations; cosmetic suntan preparations; cosmetic aftersun products; cosmetic products for lip care; cosmetic prepara- tions for slimming purposes; cosmetic bath preparations; depilatories; hair sprays and lotions, shampoos; nail varnish; make-up, foundation, make-up and make-up removing products. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (730) Indehaver: LES GRANDS CHAIS DE FRANCE, 1, rue de la Division 2006-09-26 FR 06 3 452 684 Frankrig Leclerc, F-67290 PETERSBACH, Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-02 (511) Klasse 33: Vins de pays (protected local or regional wines) made with Gazette No.: 16/2007 Merlot grape variety. (591) Farvetekst: The mark is in colour. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (111) Reg. nr.: MP918665 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-11 2006-08-16 FR 06 3 445 973 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-19 ZAGO Gazette No.: 16/2007

(730) Indehaver: ZAGO srl, Via Zona Industriale, 19, I-35020 SANT''ANGELO (111) Reg. nr.: MP918714 (800) Design. dato: 2006-11-28 di PIOVE DI SACCO (PD), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BENETTIN ALESSANDRO, Via Sorio, 116, I-35141 PADOVA, Italien FIBRECELL (511) Klasse 07: Moulds (parts of machines) for the manufacture of footwear and moulds (parts of machines). (730) Indehaver: AGROMED AUSTRIA GMBH, Bad Haller Straße 23, A-4550 (511) Klasse 42: Technical project studies concerning moulds (parts of machi- Kremsmünster, Østrig nes) for the manufacture of footwear, technical project studies concerning (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Puchberger, Berger & Partner Patentanwäl- moulds (parts of machines). te, Reichsratsstraße 13, A-1010 Wien, Østrig (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 31: Foodstuffs for animals (lignocellulose). 2006-03-14 IT PD2006C000270 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-11-28 (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-11 Gazette No.: 16/2007 Gazette No.: 16/2007

1300 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918719 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-01

(730) Indehaver: PETRA STROJI PROIZVODNJA, STORITVE, TRGOVINA d.o.o., Gerbiceva Ulica 98, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ITEM d.o.o., Resljeva 16, SI-1000 Ljub- ljana, Slovenien (511) Klasse 07: Machines and machine tools; motors (except for land ve- hicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land ve- hicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; egg incubators; band saws; parts of machines included in this class and installations for band saws. (511) Klasse 08: Hand-operated hand tools and instruments; cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms; razors; saws included in this class; parts of tools and installations for hand saws included in this class. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail services; wholesale services, services for retailing goods via global computer networks and sales services by catalogue for the following goods: machines and machine tools, motors (except for land ve- hicles), machine coupling and transmission components (except for land ve- hicles), agricultural implements other than hand-operated, egg incubators, band saws, parts of machines and installations for band saws, hand-operated hand tools and instruments, cutlery, forks and spoons, side arms, razors, saws, parts of machines and installations for saws. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-01 Gazette No.: 16/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918728 (800) Design. dato: 2006-07-07 ForceGroove

(730) Indehaver: Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH, Nopitschstrasse 67, 90441 Nürnberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 06: Semi-finished and finished castings (included in this class). (511) Klasse 07: Dead-mould castings (machine parts) of light metals and their alloys as unfinished castings; pistons as machine or engine parts and parts thereof for internal combustion engines and compressors; parts of internal combustion engines for air and water vehicles and automotive vehicles (inclu- ding agricultural vehicles); accessories included in this class for the above- stated goods, namely bolts of metal, piston rings, locking rings and bearing bushes. (511) Klasse 40: Materials processing. (511) Klasse 42: Services of an engineer, materials development for others; industrial research and technical calculations together with product develop- ment for others in the field of automobile technology, in particular pistons and parts thereof for internal combustion engines and for compressors; the above- stated services in this class. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-07-07 Gazette No.: 16/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918765 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-21

(730) Indehaver: ANHUI FORKLIFT TRUCK GROUP, 15 Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, Anhui, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ANHUI ELITE TRADEMARK AFFAIRS CO., LTD., 2305, No.278 Fortune Plaza, Suixi Road, Hefei, Anhui, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Road roller; wheel loader. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-21 Gazette No.: 16/2007

1301 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918819 (800) Design. dato: 2006-06-05 boards, racks, non-metallic baskets; bedding (except linen) namely sleeping bags for camping, camp beds, mattresses, air mattresses, not for medical purposes; clothing covers (storage), non-metallic identity and registration plates, vehicle locks (non-metallic), infant walkers. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; online advertising on a computer network; adver- tising by mail order; publishing of advertising texts; press review services; radio advertising; dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectu- ses, printed matter and samples); dissemination of advertising matter, upda- ting of advertising documents; advertising mailing; newspaper subscription services for third parties; business management; business administration; business management assistance; business expertise, business inquiries; import-export agencies, commercial information agencies, economic foreca- sting; market studies; marketing research; opinion polling; statistical informa- tion; demonstration of goods; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; auctioneering; computerized file management; public (730) Indehaver: DECATHLON, 4, Boulevard de Mons, F-59650 VILLENEUVE relations; retailing of sports and leisure material and equipment, of clothing, D''ASCQ, Frankrig shoes and hosiery for sports as well as for all the above goods. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: T MARK CONSEILS, 31, rue Tronchet, (511) Klasse 37: Maintenance and repair of sports equipment and apparatus; F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig vehicle maintenance; vehicle breakdown repair services; assistance (repair (511) Klasse 01: Antifreeze, scale-preventing agent; chemical products for services) for bicycles in mountainous regions; vehicle greasing, for cycles; waterproofing leather, leather-renovating chemicals, oils for preparing leather vulcanization (tyre repair); clock and watch maintenance and repair; burglar in the course of manufacture, glues for leather, mastic for leather, vulcanising alarm installation and repair; information on repairs. preparations, grease-removing preparations for use in manufacturing proces- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: ses, compositions for repairing inner tubes of tyres, glue for repairing inner 2005-12-05 FR 05 3395547 Frankrig tubes, mastic for tyres, tyre repairing compositions, wheel tyre repairing com- (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-06-05 positions; penetrating oil (maintenance product); brake fluids; magnesium Gazette No.: 16/2007 carbonate; birdlime, cement for shoes; distilled water, ethyl alcohol, stain- preventing chemicals for cloths, silicone, talc (magnesium silicate). (511) Klasse 04: Oils and fats (maintenance products), lubricants, dust absor- (111) Reg. nr.: MP918848 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-16 bing, wetting and binding products, grease for arms, grease for shoes, oils for conserving leather, textile oils, petroleum jelly for industrial purposes, grease for saddles. (511) Klasse 06: Common metals and their alloys, metal construction materi- als, transportable metal constructions, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, bolts, padlocks, keys, metal rings, non-electric cables and wires of common metal, metal hooks, metal washers, metal carabiners, stirrups, metal racks, metal tubes and pipes, metal barriers, metal chests, metal boxes, metal baskets, non-luminous metal beacons, metal cramps, metal bins, nail produ- cts, metal tool-boxes, non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, metal pack- aging containers, metal horseshoes, chains for dogs, spurs; metal installati- ons for bicycle parking, metal workstand legs for repairing bicycles, metal platforms for transporting bicycles; bells. (511) Klasse 08: Hand-operated hand tools and implements namely, wrenches (tools), tyre levers, spare part-removers for cycles, levers, screwdrivers, pedal removers, bottom bracket tools, cranksets, pliers, chain braker tools (hand-operated instruments for assembling and dismantling cycle chains, not (730) Indehaver: Food Partners Co. S.A., Rue du Muturnia 299, B-6220 HEP- for industrial use), hand pumps (hand-operated tools for inflating and deflating) PIGNIES, Belgien and hand-operated multifunctional tools comprising such products, clamps. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Novagraaf Belgium S.A./N.V., Boulevard (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of du Souverain 7, B-1170 Bruxelles, Belgien sound or images, video recorders, DVD players, MP3 music players, data (511) Klasse 29: Canned foodstuffs included in this class; marinades included processing apparatus, computers, computer programs, computer printers, CD- in this class; smoked, frozen, deep-frozen, pasteurized, dried foodstuffs ROM software; amplifiers; videotapes; audio and video compact discs; audio included in this class; salads and dishes made with fish, fish roe, crustaceans and video receivers; magnetic disks; optical disks; optical compact disks; and shellfish, gastropods, meat, vegetables, fruits and/or other foodstuffs; diskettes; projection screens; sound recording carriers, magnetic encoders; butter-based preparations; yogurt-based salads, salads containing mayonnai- intercommunication apparatus, walkie-talkies, radios; mice (data processing se and other emulsified sauces. equipment); game appliances designed for use with a television set only; (511) Klasse 30: Prepared dishes not included in other classes and containing protection devices for personal use against accidents namely, protective vinegar, acacia honey, poppy seeds, salt, pepper, Cayenne pepper, mustard, eyewear, protective nets, safety restraints other than for vehicle seats or flavorings, other than essential oils, dill, ketchup and corn starch; sauces sports equipment, safety nets, protective helmets, swimming belts, life-belts; (condiments). spectacles, apparatus and instruments for astronomy; instruments for naviga- (591) Farvetekst: Red, blue, black and white. tion, hygrometers, sextants; observation instruments, telescopes, one-piece (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: telescopes, optical lamps; scales, luminous beacons, barometers, altimeters; 2006-11-23 BX 1123700 Beneluxlandene marking and signalling buoys; directional compasses, fog signals; breathing (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-16 apparatus for underwater swimming, diving suits, gloves and masks; mouth Gazette No.: 16/2007 guards; ski masks, glasses, mountaineering sunglasses, swimming goggles, spectacle cases; binoculars; fire extinguishers; hydrometers, barometers; guidance systems (GPS); GPS route finding software; torch batteries; rules (111) Reg. nr.: MP918872 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-07 (measuring instruments); photographic cameras, exposed photographic films; meters, speedometers, revolution counters, pedometers; limb guards not for sports; dog whistles; electronic agendas, mobile telephones, personal data AGATHA assistants, sonars, depth finders, search apparatus for avalanche victims; riding helmets. (730) Indehaver: AGATHA DIFFUSION, 45, avenue Victor Hugo, F-93300 AUBER- (511) Klasse 16: Teaching materials (except apparatus) specifically geogra- VILLIERS, Frankrig phical maps, books; school supplies specifically pencil sharpeners, pencils, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET WEINSTEIN, 56 A rue du pencil lead holders, rubber erasers, pens, pen cases, pen holders, writing or Faubourg Saint-Honoré, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig drawing books, scratch pads, diaries, files; scrapbooks, books, guides (books) (511) Klasse 26: Hair bands, barrettes (hair clips), buckles (clothing accesso- on getting fit; guides (books) on nutritional programmes; tourist guides (books), ries), shoe buckles, brooches (clothing accessories), belt clasps, hat orna- instruction manuals (books), education guides (books), user manuals, alma- ments (not of precious metal), shoe ornaments (not of precious metal), hair nacs, pamphlets, catalogues, calendars, posters, newspapers, magazines, ornaments, hair pins, hair nets, elastic ribbons, artificial flowers, head bands. printed publications; maps paper, protective map holders; geographical map (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-07 covers; transfers; wrapping paper; paper or cardboard signboards; postcards; Gazette No.: 16/2007 photographs, printing blocks. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture namely, garden chairs and tables, camping furniture namely folding and non-folding tables and chairs, folding and non-folding stools, armchairs; non-metallic chests, combined baskets and seats for fishing, walking stick seats; mirrors, furniture for playgrounds; picture frames; display

1302 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP918891 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-08 (111) Reg. nr.: MP918940 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-04 PIKENGO

(730) Indehaver: LEGUIDE.COM SA, 4, rue d'Enghien, F-75010 Paris, Frankrig (730) Indehaver: Prim''X Technologies, 10, place Béraudier, F-69428 LYON (740/750) International fuldmægtig: STAUB BENICHOU & Associés, Sacha CEDEX 03, Frankrig Bénichou - Avocat au Barreau de Paris, 89. bd. Haussmann, F-75008 (511) Klasse 09: Software (recorded programs) for computers; security sy- Paris, Frankrig stems for computers and servers, and communications between computers (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematogra- used for encrypt, embed, erase, authenticate, sign, conditionally deliver recor- phic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving ded or exchanged data. and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting (591) Farvetekst: Black, red and medium grey. and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-08 disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated appa- Gazette No.: 16/2007 ratus; game apparatus designed solely to be used with television sets; appa- ratus for data processing and computers; cash registers; calculating machi- nes; fire extinguishers. (511) Klasse 35: Advertising on all media; dissemination and updating of advertisements; dissemination of advertising material namely tracts, prospec- tuses, samples and printed matter; rental of advertising space especially on computer networks; rental of advertising material; business management; business administration; business management assistance to industrial or commercial companies; business advice, information or inquiries; office func- tions; distribution of brochures, samples and catalogs; accounting; document reproduction; employment agencies; rental of office machines and apparatus; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; computer file management; sale by auction; statistical work; market research and studi- es; opinion polling; comparative tests and qualitative study especially for all types of services available on the Internet; promotion of sales for third parties; selection and referencing of merchant sites on the Internet; cost-price analy- sis. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance underwriting and financial services, financial af- fairs, monetary affairs, real estate affairs; savings banks; issuing of travelers'' checks and letters of credit; real estate appraisal; management of buildings; securities, insurance and real property brokerage; capital investments espe- cially in the field of new technologies; debit and credit card services. (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications especially via the Internet; news and information agencies; services provided via a television channel namely disse- mination of television programs and broadcasts; radio, telegraph, telematic, telephone and television communications; television and radio broadcasts; broadcasting a TV shopping program with offers for sale; information transmis- sion services via a telewriter; transmission of messages, telegrams; program broadcasting by radio, television, cable, radio relay channel, satellites; commu- nication via computer terminals; electronic mail and messaging service inclu- ding sound and images, especially via the Internet; provision (transmission) of information on line from computer databases via the Internet; telephone call center, namely management of incoming and outgoing calls for third parties; services providing access and connection to the Internet; leasing access time to a database server center. (511) Klasse 39: Transport of travelers and goods; packaging and storage of goods; travel, excursion and cruise arrangement; seat reservation for travel and transport; rental of transport vehicles; taxi services, towing; travel infor- mation services; home delivery of goods; travel agency (with the exception of hotel and boarding house reservation). (511) Klasse 41: Education, training, entertainment; radio or television enter- tainment; sporting and cultural activities; editing of books, magazines, records and compact disks, audio and video cassettes and cassettes with show recordings, films, television films and television programs; agencies for perfor- ming artists; rental of films and phonographic recordings; rental of cinemato- graphic projection apparatus and accessories for theater sets; arranging of competitions in the field of education or entertainment; arranging and conduc- ting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, forums, exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; operation of movie theaters, amusement parks and gardens; videotape filming; operating lotteries. (511) Klasse 42: Legal services; scientific and industrial research in the field of new computer and multimedia technologies; computer programming; de- velopment, maintenance and updating of software; creation of sites, portals, homepages for the Internet including domain name reservation; creation of virtual and interactive images. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-03-03 FR 06 3 413 837 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-04 Gazette No.: 16/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP918949 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-12 (111) Reg. nr.: MP918982 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-09

(730) Indehaver: RAP KIDS, LDA, Av. do Brasil 231, P-3700-070 S. João da Madeira, Portugal (511) Klasse 12: Baby strollers. (511) Klasse 14: Jewelry, timepieces. (511) Klasse 16: School supplies (pencils, pens, note books, pencil holders, cases). (511) Klasse 18: Leatherware, trunks and suitcases, parasols and umbrellas, backpacks. (730) Indehaver: SIG Technology AG (SIG Technology Ltd.), Laufengasse 18, (511) Klasse 24: Textile household, bed, table and toilet products. CH-8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Schweiz (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: A.W. Metz Co. AG, Hottingerstrasse 14, (511) Klasse 28: Games, toys, balls and balloons. CH-8024 Zurich, Schweiz (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 20: Containers made of synthetic thermoplastic materials, con- 2006-06-12 PT 403274 Portugal tainers with a coating improving imperviousness to gases, containers with (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-12 inner coatings, containers with plasma coating; goods made of synthetic Gazette No.: 16/2007 materials, included in this class. (511) Klasse 42: Technical consultancy in the field of packaging manufacture; technical project studies in the field of packaging manufacture and technology. (111) Reg. nr.: MP918973 (800) Design. dato: 2006-11-09 (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-24 CH 554416 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-09 TANAX Gazette No.: 16/2007

(730) Indehaver: TANAX, a.s., Partizánska 73, SK-957 11 Bánovce nad Be- bravou, Slovakiet (111) Reg. nr.: MP918995 (800) Design. dato: 2006-07-20 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ing. Jaroslav Mrenica, Mládežnícka 1435, SK-020 01 Púchov, Slovakiet JUSTICE BROS. (511) Klasse 06: Metal constructions; pressed pieces and blanks; foundry moulds of metal; metal moulds; metal moulds for forming and pressing of metals (for automobile parts). (730) Indehaver: Justice Brothers, Inc., 2734 East Huntington Drive, Duarte, (511) Klasse 07: Metalworking machines; grinders, milling machines, lathes, CA 91010, USA drilling machines; tools (parts of machines for working metals); cutters (machi- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Tawnya R. Wojciechowski TRW Law nes), punching machines; machines and installations for the automobile indu- Group, 19900 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 1150, Irvine, CA 92612-8433, stry (for varnishing workshops, presses, manipulators); machine tools, for- USA ming machines and instruments; machine appliances, devices and mecha- (511) Klasse 01: Chemical additives for transmission fluid; chemical additives nisms included in this class. for treatment of diesel fuel; chemical engine treatments, chemical lubricants (511) Klasse 12: Automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobiles; auto- and chemical additives with lubricant qualities, chemical additives for engine mobile bodies; land vehicles, their parts and spare parts included in this class; oils, gasoline and diesel fuels; transmission fluids and chemical engine treat- cycle cars; convertible tops for land vehicles; lorries; axles; gearboxes for ments and additives for cooling systems; rust inhibitor for automotive radia- land vehicles; military transport vehicles. tors; foundry binding substances used as leak preventives for automotive (511) Klasse 35: Retailing of goods; professional business consulting; adver- radiators; radiator coolants; chemical engine oil additives for use as an aid in tising; market study; intermediary services in commercial matters relating to keeping engines tuned; gasoline treatments; foundry binding substances used automobiles and their accessories; business organisation consulting; market as leak preventives for use with transmissions; automatic transmission condit- research; research for business purposes; business organisation and ma- ioner; windshield de-icers. nagement; business intermediation services. (511) Klasse 03: Automotive radiator cleaners; automotive engine cleaners; (511) Klasse 37: Repair and maintenance of automobiles; varnishing; servi- transmission cleaners; cleaning solutions for general home and automotive cing and repair of motor vehicles; maintenance and repair of land vehicles, use. their parts, spare parts and accessories; installation (assembly), maintenance (511) Klasse 04: General lubricants for home and automotive use; motor oil and repair of machines and installations for the automobile industry; anti-rust and silicone lubricant for home and automotive use. treatment for vehicles. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 39: Automobile rental; hauling; navigation services; transport 2006-02-25 US 78823462 USA brokerage. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-07-20 (511) Klasse 42: Research in engineering, science and industry; research and Gazette No.: 16/2007 development of new products (automobiles) for third parties; industrial design; consulting in research and development. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-06-12 SK 1111-2006 Slovakiet (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-11-09 Gazette No.: 16/2007

1304 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP919013 (800) Design. dato: 2006-06-30 mail and news servers (software); providing e-commerce platforms on the Internet; providing Internet portals (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: adcatch 2006-01-23 DE 306 04 453.6/38 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-06-30 (730) Indehaver: Interactive Media CCSP GmbH, T-Online-Allee 1, 64293 Darm- Gazette No.: 16/2007 stadt, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: LOVELLS, Warburgstraße 50, D-20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (111) Reg. nr.: MP919017 (800) Design. dato: 2006-09-26 (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; marketing, in particular on the Internet and in other media as well as via online advertising platforms, including affiliate marketing, Webvertising; rental and placement of advertising space, in parti- cular on the Internet and in other media; sales promotional services for goods and services of third parties by means of placing promotional screens on electronic pages consulting services relating to advertising and communicati- on in electronic communication networks; business management and organi- sational consultancy; market research; placing of business and commercial information, particularly on the Internet; presentation of companies, adver- tising material and advertising contents on the Internet and in other media; systematisation and compilation of data in computer databases; drawing up and analysis of statistics; arranging of commercial and economic contacts, also via Internet; publication of advertising texts; invoicing services; order placement and invoice management, including via e-commerce; arranging con- tracts and commercial transactions for others, in particular operating electro- (730) Indehaver: GESAS GENEL GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKE- nic markets on the Internet, by arranging contracts online for both the purchase TI, Ankara Caddesi No: 146, Konya, Tyrkiet of goods and the provision of services; electronic commerce provider ser- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, vices, namely arranging sales and their invoicing in computer networks; busi- Tophane Ortapazar Cd. No: 7, 16040 Osmangazi Bursa - Turkey, Tyrkiet ness management; business administration; office functions; services of an (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, broth, bouillon, online provider and content provider, namely compilation of text, audio and shellfish, namely shrimp, lobster, clams, processed meat, frozen meat, dried image data of all kinds in computer databases; services of a database, namely meat, fried meat, meat jellies, meat juices, canned, dried, preserved or proces- maintenance of computer data; services of a multimedia database, namely sed fruits and vegetables, namely peaches, apricots, beans, instant or pre- compilation of data, image data, audio data and/or video data; providing cooked soups, frozen, prepared or packaged meals consisting primarily of information in the field of commerce and advertising. meat, fish, poultry or vegetables, tomato paste, preserved or processed (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs; clearing; provision of electronic payment beans, chickpeas, lentil, soy beans, ground almonds; processed olives, pick- processing services and clearing processing services via banking systems; les, raisins, prepared walnuts, olive oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, milk and milk factoring; leasing of computer software. products, namely milk, cheese, yoghurt, drink based on yoghurt (ayran), (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunication; electronic transmission of information cream, milk powder, milk based beverages containing fruits, edible oils and services of an online provider and content provider, namely transmission of fats, butter, margarine, jams, marmalades, eggs, fruit jellies, unflavored and text, audio and visual information of all kinds as well as electronic information unsweetened gelatins; processed and roasted nuts, proteins for use as food transmission; e-mail services; electronic transmission of short messages; additives, processed bee pollen for food purposes, potato chips, potato cris- providing of discussion forums and news groups on the Internet; web mess- ps, potato fritters. aging, namely forwarding of messages of all kind to Internet addresses; (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, cocoa, artificial coffee, vegetal preparations for use providing Internet access via Internet dial-in nodes; providing of access to as coffee substitutes, cocoa-based beverages, coffee-based beverages; ta- Internet offers and Internet platforms for computer user groups, which shall be pioca, sago, macaroni, ravioli, bakery products, namely sweet bakery goods; registered; operating chat lines, chat rooms and forums; services of an Inter- pastries, flour for food, flour-based products, namely chips, pasta, dough net provider, namely providing information on the Internet as well as Internet products, namely pizza dough, cake dough, bread dough, biscuits, waffles, accesses, as included in this class; providing access to an electronic com- crackers, tarts, cakes, bread, pizzas, sandwiches; puddings, ready cake mercial market network; providing access to the Internet; providing access to mixes, baking powders, chocolate food beverages not being dairy-based or texts, graphics, audio-visual and multimedia information, documents and com- vegetable based, honey, royal jelly for human consumption, propolis for human puter programs on the Internet; encrypted transmission of data; provision, consumption, Turkish delight (a kind of candy), halvah, flour, sugar, malt for arranging and rental of access time to computer mailboxes, computer net- food, chewing gums not for medical purposes; ice cream, ice, edible fruit ices, works, interactive computer communication networks; consultancy services in sorbets, salt; rice; tea; ketchups, mayonnaises, mustards, flavorings of le- the field of telecommunication; provision, arranging and rental of access time mons, sauces, salad dressings, spices namely, pepper, ginger, cinnamon to electronic publications in various fields; provision, arranging and rental of powder; snacks made of cereals, namely, corn flakes, oatmeal. access time to databases; arranging of access time to merchandising and (511) Klasse 32: Beers, namely alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers, extracts of service catalogues and computer based information; procurement of access hops for making beer, mineral and aerated water, fruit and vegetable juices, to software, data pictures, audio and/or video information. namely lemonades, peach juice, apricot juice, sour cherry juice, apple juice, (511) Klasse 41: Services of an Internet provider, namely provision of enter- tomato juice, concentrates or powders used in the preparation of fruit and tainment programs on the Internet; editing as well as digital capture of compu- vegetable juices, isotonic drinks. ter data. (591) Farvetekst: Red, green and white. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and technological services and research and (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-09-26 design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and Gazette No.: 16/2007 software; rental, updating and maintenance of computer software; computer programming; computer services, namely recovery, cancellation, copying, elec- tronic processing, editing, storage and backup services as well as digital (111) Reg. nr.: MP919039 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-04 capture of computer data; consultancy in the field of computers; computer systems analysis; licensing of intellectual property rights; consultancy in relation to the creation of webpages and websites; design, programming, KINDER MIGUELITO creation, installing and editing of Internet sites (support services) for online and offline performances; provision of Internet sites; providing and rental of (730) Indehaver: SOREMARTEC S.A., Dréve de l''Arc-en-Ciel 102, B-6700 storage locations on the Internet; services of an application service provider, Schoppach-Arlon, Belgien namely providing of software and software applications via the Internet, other (740/750) International fuldmægtig: OFFICE KIRKPATRICK SA, Avenue Wolfers new media and other communication networks; webhosting, namely setting up 32, B-1310 LA HULPE, Belgien websites on the Internet for others; providing web space; webhosting, namely (511) Klasse 29: Jams; milk beverages, milk and dairy products. providing memory capacity for external use; services of an Internet agency, (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial namely design and maintenance of Internet sites; services of a multimedia coffee; flours and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confec- agency, namely implementation of EDV-programs in network structures, hard- tionery, edible ices; honey, treacle syrup; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; ware and software consultancy; computer security services, namely securing vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. of software, data, pictures, audio and/or video information; providing and (511) Klasse 32: Non-alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups allocating e-mail addresses via the Internet or other electronic media; techni- and other preparations for making beverages. cal advice relating to the use of computer hardware and computer software as (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: well as new media and the Internet; computer services, namely digital capture, 2006-07-04 BX 1114835 Beneluxlandene storage, backup, cancellation and copying of data; operation of search engi- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-04 nes for the Internet; creation of a direct link to electronic pages of third parties; Gazette No.: 16/2007 creation of websites on the Internet or other online services; providing web,

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP919262 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP919573 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-20 EXTRIMA

(730) Indehaver: Adixen Sensistor AB, PO Box 76, SE-581 02 Linköping, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Valea AB, Teknikringen 10, SE-583 30 Linköping, Sverige (511) Klasse 09: Hydrogen leak detectors. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-09-25 SE 2006/07176 Sverige (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-20 (730) Indehaver: BLISS WORLD LLC, 75 Varick Street, New York, NY 10013, Gazette No.: 17/2007 USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: AINSLEE A. SCHREIBER Starwood Ho- tels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., 1111 Westchester Avenue, White Pla- (111) Reg. nr.: MP919629 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-30 ins, NY 10604, USA (511) Klasse 44: Spa services, beauty and hygiene services. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-28 Gazette No.: 17/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP919338 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-13

(730) Indehaver: GAMPACK S.r.l., Via Cavour, 28/A, I-29100 PIACENZA (PC), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: MILANI Giorgio, Via Cairoli, 16, I-29015 CASTELSANGIOVANNI (PC), Italien (730) Indehaver: Liang Yongcheng, No. 13, Xincun, Xixin, Xihuacun, Shiken, (511) Klasse 07: Packaging machines; binding machines; machines for pack- Nanhaiqu, Foshanshi, Guangdong, Kina aging batches of bottles and/or containers. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SUNSHINE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (591) Farvetekst: Dark blue; grey. AGENCY, Room 0429, Guoying 01 Building, Xizhimen nanxiaojie, Xi- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: chengqu, Beijing 100035, Kina 2006-11-23 IT PC 2006 C 000203 Italien (511) Klasse 11: Hydrants; hot air bath fittings; bath tubs; sauna bath instal- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-30 lations; washing coppers; wash-hand bowls (parts of sanitary installations); Gazette No.: 17/2007 bath fittings; shower cubicles; showers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-13 Gazette No.: 17/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP919641 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-03

(111) Reg. nr.: MP919438 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-15

(730) Indehaver: GUANGZHOU PANYU HAOJIAN MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY CO., LTD, Taishi Industry Center, Yuwotou Town, Panyu Zone, Guangz- hou City, Guangdong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GUANGZHOU QIYUE TRADEMARK AGENCY CO., LTD, Room 905, No. 538 of Dezheng, North Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong 510045, Kina (511) Klasse 12: Motorcycles; vehicle wheels; hubs for vehicle wheels; cycle cars; rearview mirrors; side cars; tires for vehicle wheels. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-03 Gazette No.: 17/2007

(730) Indehaver: LIN CHAIHUA, Via dell''Olmo, 193, SESTO FIORENTINO (Firenze), Italien (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-15 Gazette No.: 17/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP919549 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-19 RENAPHARMA

(730) Indehaver: Bo Danielsson, Box 938, SE-751 09 Uppsala, Sverige (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Ehrner & Delmar Patentbyrå AB, P.O. Box 10316, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; dietetic substances for medi- cal use. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-19 Gazette No.: 17/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP919683 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-10 (111) Reg. nr.: MP920685 (800) Design. dato: 2006-09-25 DigiSat

(730) Indehaver: NTC Nachrichtentechnische Componenten GmbH, Fröbels- traße 165, 50767 Köln, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Karl F. Grommes, Mehlgasse 14-16, 56068 Koblenz, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electrotechnical and electronic components (in so far as (730) Indehaver: AEROPORT DE BÂLE-MULHOUSE, F-68300 SAINT-LOUIS, included in this class) for satellites systems, in particular receivers for TV Frankrig programs, radio programmes and data from satellite transmission; aerials, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: NITHARDT ET ASSOCIES, 14 Bd Wal- offset aerials, community aerials, parabolic aerials, parabolic reflectors, aerial lach - BP 1445, F-68071 MULHOUSE CEDEX, Frankrig mounts, aerial masts, positional drives for aerials, control equipment, modula- (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, business organization and management consul- tors, high frequency converters, polarization plane reversing switches, recep- tancy, business information, business inquiries, assistance in business opera- tion horns, sound subcarrier receiving equipment, electrical cables, electric tions and/or management, advertising and commercial promotion, especially control cables, high frequency cables, electric cable connectors, selective regarding air transport and air traffic. signal couplers, aerial filters and combiners, aerials branching and junction (511) Klasse 39: Transport and storage, transport of passengers and/or goods, boxes, aerial amplifiers, antennae installation material (in so far as included in especially by air, escorting of travelers, travel agencies, freighting, rental of this class); receiver and/or transmitter installations built from the aforementi- transport vehicles, services in connection with the operation of airports and oned components for use with satellites; electric measuring instruments for with air traffic, namely, provision of runways, aircraft parking space and freight setting the aforementioned systems; TV appliance and video recorders with areas, transfer of passengers to the airplane, luggage sorting service, storage integrated satellite receivers. of goods, information and inquiries regarding travel and/or transport of goods, (511) Klasse 17: Cable insulators. especially by air. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-09-25 (511) Klasse 43: Services for providing food and drink, hotel services, hotel Gazette No.: 19/2007 reservations. (591) Farvetekst: Pantone blue 286 and black. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (111) Reg. nr.: MP920713 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-02 2006-07-11 FR 063439960 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-10 Gazette No.: 17/2007 MICRONSERVICES

(730) Indehaver: Berendsen Textiel Service B.V., Pieter Calandweg 2, NL-6827 (111) Reg. nr.: MP920526 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-18 BK Arnhem, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Novagraaf Nederland B.V., Hogehilweg 3, Postbus 22722, NL-1100 DE Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland (511) Klasse 03: Cleansing agents, cleansing oils. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (730) Indehaver: The Gates Corporation, 1551 Wewatta Street, Denver, Colo- (511) Klasse 37: Cleansing of textile and of industrial clothing; rental of textile rado 80209, USA for cleansing purposes. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Strahlberg & Partners, P.O. Box 156, (511) Klasse 45: Rental of industrial clothing. CH-3084 Wabern, Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-02 (511) Klasse 07: Power transmission belt drive system and its components Gazette No.: 19/2007 including tensioners, pulleys, tensioning idlers, adjustable lock centre pulleys, lockable tensioning devices, dual pulley tensioning systems, toothed belts and v-belts, low modulus belts, clutches and alternator decouplers, parts for (111) Reg. nr.: MP920716 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-09 asynchronous and synchronous belt drive systems including air conditioner compressors, power steering pumps, tensioners, idlers and pulleys; all the PL700 aforementioned goods other than for land vehicles. (511) Klasse 12: Power transmission belt drive system and its components including tensioners, pulleys, tensioning idlers, adjustable lock centre pulleys, (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tysk- lockable tensioning devices, dual pulley tensioning systems, toothed belts land and v-belts, low modulus belts, clutches and alternator decouplers, parts for (511) Klasse 01: Chemicals used in industry; unprocessed artificial resins, asynchronous and synchronous belt drive systems including air conditioner unprocessed plastics; adhesives used in industry. compressors, power steering pumps, tensioners, idlers and pulleys; all the (511) Klasse 16: Adhesives for household, stationery and do-it-yourself pur- aforementioned goods for land vehicles. poses. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 17: Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made 2006-03-03 US 78828354 USA from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded Power transmission belt drive system and its components, including tensio- form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexi- ners, pulleys, tensioning idlers, adjustable lock center pulleys, lockable tensi- ble pipes, not of metal. oning devices, dual pulley tensioning systems, toothed belts and v-belts, low (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: modulus belts, clutches and alternator decouplers; parts of asynchronous belt 2006-06-14 DE 30637285.1/01 Tyskland drive systems Power transmission belt drive systems and its components, (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-09 including tensioners, pulleys, tensioning idlers, adjustable lock centre pulleys, Gazette No.: 19/2007 lockable tensioning devices, dual pulley tensioning systems, toothed belts and v-belts, low modulus belts, clutches and alternator decouplers, parts for asynchronous belt drive systems (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-18 Gazette No.: 19/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP920793 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-19 (111) Reg. nr.: MP921032 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-29 IF YOUR HANDS COULD CHOOSE

(730) Indehaver: Granberg AS, Innbjoa, N-5584 Bjoa, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norge (511) Klasse 10: Gloves for medical use. (511) Klasse 21: Gloves for household purposes. (511) Klasse 25: Gloves (clothing). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-07-27 NO 200607932 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-29 Gazette No.: 19/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP921361 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-02 (730) Indehaver: Saline de Bex SA, Au Bévieux, usine des salines, CH-1880 Bex, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ANDRE ROLAND S.A., case postale Avi-Drome 1255, CH-1001 Lausanne, Schweiz (511) Klasse 03: Cosmetics from Switzerland. (730) Indehaver: Avi-Drome Holding B.V., Alexanderlaan 2, NL-1213 XS Hilver- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: sum, Holland 2006-09-20 CH 556486 Schweiz (511) Klasse 09: Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-19 sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; data processing Gazette No.: 19/2007 equipment and computers. (511) Klasse 35: Business management; business administration; office func- tions. (111) Reg. nr.: MP920856 (800) Design. dato: 2006-05-09 (511) Klasse 41: Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and technological services and research and ROTONDE DE CARTIER design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (730) Indehaver: Cartier International N.V., a holding and trading company 2006-10-17 BX 1121117 Beneluxlandene organized and existing under the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, Schar- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-02 looweg 33, Curaçao, Hollandske Antiller Gazette No.: 20/2007 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Richemont Intellectual Property Ser- vices, chemin de la Chênaie 50, CH-1293 Bellevue, Schweiz (511) Klasse 14: Cuff-links, tie clips, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, (111) Reg. nr.: MP921598 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-16 brooches; watches, chronometers, clocks, watch straps, watch bracelets, boxes of precious metals for watches and jewellery. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2005-11-22 AN D-500651 Hollandske Antiller (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-05-09 Gazette No.: 19/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP920885 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-16

(730) Indehaver: CHIAUS (FUJIAN) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD., SPRINTVAC HuiDong Industrial Area, HuiAn, Quanzhou, Fujian, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: UNITALEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 7th (730) Indehaver: MERIAL, 29, avenue Tony Garnier, F-69007 LYON, Frankrig Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22, Jian Guo Men Wai Ave, Chaoyang District, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET REGIMBEAU, 20 rue de Cha- 100004 Beijing, Kina zelles, F-75847 PARIS CEDEX 17, Frankrig (511) Klasse 16: Paper; towels of paper; cardboard; albums; printed publica- (511) Klasse 05: Veterinary vaccines. tions; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; babies'' diaper-pants of (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: paper and cellulose (disposable); babies'' diapers of paper and cellulose (dis- 2006-09-22 FR 06 3 452 037 Frankrig posable); pictures. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-16 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-16 Gazette No.: 19/2007 Gazette No.: 20/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP921031 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-29

(730) Indehaver: Granberg AS, Innbjoa, N-5584 Bjoa, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, N- 5817 Bergen, Norge (511) Klasse 10: Gloves for medical use. (511) Klasse 21: Gloves for household purposes. (511) Klasse 25: Gloves (clothing). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-03 NO 200700292 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-29 Gazette No.: 19/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP921690 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP921855 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-31 NORIEM

(730) Indehaver: Matsuo Sangyo Co., Ltd., 1-4-14, Awaza, Nishi-ku, Osaka- shi, Osaka 550-0011, Japan (740/750) International fuldmægtig: ADSIGNA, 43, rue Saint Augustin, F-75002 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitation leather, animal skins, hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; riding crops and whips, harness and saddlery, wallets, purses not of precious metal, handbags, ruck- sacks, bags with wheels, camping, travel, beach and school bags; unfitted vanity cases. (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; works of art and decorative (730) Indehaver: TREND AYAKKABI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, objects made of wood, wax, plaster, cork, reed, rush, wicker, horn, bone, E-5 Karayolu Üzeri, Marmaracik Köyü Mevkii, Edirne Kismi Çorlu, Tekir- ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl and meerschaum, substitutes dag, Tyrkiet for all these materials, or of plastics; chests of drawers, cushions, shelves, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, plastic packaging containers; armchairs, chairs, bedding (except linen), matt- Tophane Ortapazar Cd. No: 7, 16040 Osmangazi Bursa - Turkey, Tyrkiet resses, plate racks, wickerwork, wooden boxes. (511) Klasse 25: Footwear, namely shoes, excluding orthopaedic shoes, slip- (511) Klasse 24: Fabrics, fabrics for textile use; bed and table covers; bed pers, boots, sports shoes, lace boots and parts thereof; shoe parts, namely linen, household linen, table linen not of paper, bath linen (except clothing). heelpieces; heels. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear (with the exception of orthopaedic foot- (511) Klasse 35: Retail services connected with the sale of footwear. wear), headgear; shirts, clothing of leather or imitation leather or suede lea- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-31 ther, belts (clothing), furs (clothing), gloves (clothing), scarves, ties, hosiery, Gazette No.: 20/2007 socks, slippers, sports and beach shoes, underwear. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-08-11 FR 06 3 445 725 Frankrig (111) Reg. nr.: MP921863 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-27 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-05 Gazette No.: 20/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP921692 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-21

(730) Indehaver: Koninklijke Euroma BV, Kloosterweg 3, NL-8191 JA Wapen- veld, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Merkenbureau Knijff & Partners B.V., Leeuwenveldseweg 12, NL-1382 LX Weesp, Holland (511) Klasse 30: Herbs and spices, herb mixes, mixes of herbs in solid, liquid and powder form, herb cubes and bouquet garnis; salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces and herb sauces. (730) Indehaver: OPEROSA EOOD, ul. Khan Asparukh 8, BG-1463 Sofia, (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: Bulgarien 2007-02-22 BX 1129797 Beneluxlandene (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Iliana Muhibian, Pozitano str. 3, (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-27 BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgarien Gazette No.: 20/2007 (511) Klasse 41: Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (111) Reg. nr.: MP921873 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-05 2006-11-10 BG 91180 Bulgarien (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-21 Gazette No.: 20/2007 TRIRON

(730) Indehaver: SAMYANG CORPORATION, 263, Yeonji-dong, Chongno-gu, (111) Reg. nr.: MP921806 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-17 Seoul, Sydkorea (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KIM Yoon Bae, 8th Fl., Dongduk Bldg., 151-8 Kwanhoon-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul 110-300, Sydkorea ANGINOL (511) Klasse 23: Threads for textile use, rayon thread and yarn, spun thread and yarn, sewing thread and yarn, semi-synthetic fiber tread and yarn for (730) Indehaver: Zentiva, a.s., Nitrianska 100, SK-920 27 Hlohovec, Slovakiet textile use, threads of plastic materials for textile use, synthetic fiber thread (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Rott, Ruzicka & Guttmann Patentová, and yarn for textile use, chemical fiber thread and yarn for textile use. známková a právna kancelária, v.o.s., Pionierska 15, SK-831 02 Bra- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-05 tislava, Slovakiet Gazette No.: 20/2007 (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations containing trimetazidine inten- ded exclusively for the treatment of "angina pectoris". (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-17 (111) Reg. nr.: MP921935 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-09 Gazette No.: 20/2007 Saxon

(730) Indehaver: Deutsche Saatgutgesellschaft mbH Berlin, Grünauer Str. 5, 12557 Berlin, Tyskland (511) Klasse 31: Living plants and natural flowers, except for hydrangea. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-09 Gazette No.: 20/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP921940 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP923569 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-17 SWISS ATTIXS

(730) Indehaver: ATTIXS GLOBAL COLLECTION SA, 75 rue de Lyon, CH-1203 Genéve, Schweiz (511) Klasse 20: Furniture; all the above products from Switzerland. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles not included in other classes; all the above products from Switzerland. (511) Klasse 25: Sportswear; all the above products from Switzerland. (511) Klasse 28: Sports articles not included in other classes; all the above products from Switzerland. (511) Klasse 32: Non-alcoholic beverages; all the above products from Swit- zerland. (730) Indehaver: SC ASESOFT NET SRL, Str Mihai Bravu nr 10, 100550 (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. Ploiesti, Prahova, Rumænien (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 35: Advertising. 2006-10-25 CH 557342 Schweiz (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-17 (511) Klasse 42: Scientific and technological services and research and Gazette No.: 22/2007 design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP924465 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-14 Gazette No.: 20/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP923092 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-18 C1

(730) Indehaver: MGI Luxury Group S.A., Rue de Nidau 35, CH-2502 Biel/ Bienne, Schweiz (730) Indehaver: Landauer, Inc., 2 Science Road, Glenwood, IL 60425, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TROLLER HITZ TROLLER & PARTNER, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: RICHARD A. GIANGIORGI Trexler, Bushnell Schweizerhofquai, 2, Postfach, CH-6002 Luzern, Schweiz et al., 105 W. Adams Street, Suite 3600, Chicago, IL 60603, USA (511) Klasse 14: Wristwatches, watchstraps, watch cases, watch dials, watch- (511) Klasse 09: Dosimeters and dosimetry readers. strap clasps, watch movements, watch winder crowns, watch hands, clocks. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-14 US 77043606 USA 2007-02-27 CH 557431 Schweiz (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-14 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-18 Gazette No.: 24/2007 Gazette No.: 22/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP924589 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP923483 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-24 XERNECAN

(730) Indehaver: Vifor (International) AG, (Vifor (International) Ltd) (Vifor (In- ternational) Inc.), Rechenstrasse 37, CH-9014 St-Gallen, Schweiz (740/750) International fuldmægtig: A. W. METZ & CO. AG, Hottingerstrasse 14, CH-8024 Zürich, Schweiz (730) Indehaver: RICHARD BARBETT INTERNATIONAL (RBI), Zac du Bacon- (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products as well as products net, F-69700 MONTAGNY, Frankrig for health care. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET GERMAIN & MAUREAU, 12, (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-24 rue Boileau, F-69006 LYON, Frankrig Gazette No.: 22/2007 (511) Klasse 28: Games and toys. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-10-19 FR 06 3 457 662 Frankrig (111) Reg. nr.: MP923517 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-22 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-16 Gazette No.: 24/2007 HLD (111) Reg. nr.: MP924777 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-12 (730) Indehaver: Zhenjiang Henglida Bearing Co., Ltd., Xinfeng Town, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Zhenjiang Guangda Trademark Agency Back on Track Co., Ltd., 5, Shouqiu Street, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Bearings (machine parts), ball bearings; self-oiling bearings; (730) Indehaver: Back on Track AB, Sofielundsgatan 5, SE-753 23 Uppsala, ball rings for bearings; ball bearings as part of bearings for machines; durable Sverige bearings for machines; transmission shaft bearings; transmissions for machi- (511) Klasse 10: Braces for limbs and joints, for medical use, medical braces nes; rotating bearings for machines; bearing brackets for machines. for ankles, wrists, knees, backs, spines and elbows, medical hosiery, namely (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-22 elastic hose supporters, knee high hose, thigh high hose, orthopedic braces, Gazette No.: 22/2007 supports for ankles, wrists, knees, backs, spines, and elbows for medical use for horses and humans, pillows for medical use. (511) Klasse 18: Horse blankets, leggings for horses. (511) Klasse 24: Textile products not included in other classes; bed linen, bed sheets, bed blankets. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, namely sweaters, T-shirts, turtlenecks, turtleneck sweaters, athletic footwear, t-shirts, v-neck sweaters, polo shirts, unders- hirts, mock turtle-neck sweaters, underclothes, undergarments, underpants, underwear, panties, shorts, boxer briefs, boxer shorts, thermal underwear, socks, anklets being socks, stockings, thermal socks, footwear, athletic shoes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-12 Gazette No.: 24/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP925128 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-14 (111) Reg. nr.: MP925207 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-26

(730) Indehaver: Wuhu Cigarette Factory, 135 Wushi Road, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Kina (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco; matches; cigars; cigarettes; cigarette paper; ciga- rette filters; lighters for smokers; cigarette cases, not of precious metal; ashtrays, not of precious metal, for smokers. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-14 Gazette No.: 24/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP925157 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-23

(730) Indehaver: MARTELL & Co, Place Edouard Martell, F-16100 COGNAC, (730) Indehaver: ACCOR, 2 rue de la Mare Neuve, F-91000 EVRY, Frankrig Frankrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET BEAU DE LOMENIE, 158, rue (740/750) International fuldmægtig: SODEMA CONSEILS S.A., 67, Boule- de l'Université, F-75340 PARIS, Frankrig vard Haussmann, F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 09: Disposable or rechargeable magnetic, optical, memory or (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers). electronic chip cards with or without contact (radio, infrared or other frequen- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: cy), for prepaid or postpaid use, whether containing one or several electronic 2006-11-08 FR 06 3 461 455 Frankrig purses or not, valid for all types of applications and namely physical access (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-26 control, control of access to computer systems, checking loyalty cards; Gazette No.: 25/2007 devices for data storage, collection and feeding; encoded cards; payment cards, magnetic or code-protected credit and debit cards; magnetic or code- protected cards for the electronic transfer of funds and for financial transac- (111) Reg. nr.: MP926340 (800) Design. dato: 2006-11-23 tions in general; cards loaded with electronically-recorded data; cards fitted with integrated circuits; encoded or magnetic cards for use with computers; cards with rechargeable microcalculators for the calculation of any currency MOTORSYS used for payment; pocket-sized or desktop currency converters. (511) Klasse 35: Organisation of commercial transactions within customer (730) Indehaver: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS, 89, boulevard loyalty schemes, commercial information and consulting services, commercial Franklin Roosevelt, F-92500 RUEIL-MALMAISON, Frankrig promotion of all kinds and via all types of media including a computer commu- (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, electric and electronic appliances, namely scienti- nication network (such as the Internet or intranet) and namely through the fic, electric and electronic appliances for the transport, conducting, distributi- supply of privilege cards or tickets or the provision of privilege services; on, transformation, storage, regulation, filtering, measuring, signalling, monito- organisation of competitions for commercial and promotional purposes as well ring or control of electric current, including electric or electronic components as for staff motivation purposes, including via a computer communication for such apparatus and instruments, rectifiers, semiconductors, electric re- network (such as the Internet or intranet); business administration services for lays, capacitors, inductors, circuit breakers, switches, contactors, automa- acquisition of goods or services using electronic cards, coupons, vouchers or tons, cabinets, distribution boxes, electric, electronic, distribution, measuring, control tickets; services for promotional offers, namely sales promotion for signalling, switching, monitoring and control panels; static converters, pro- third parties via the sale of goods on offer in particular in catalogues at grammers, computers, batteries, accumulators, apparatus for supply, filtrat- advantageous conditions in order to incite consumers to purchase goods and/ ion, transformation, maintenance and storage of electrical power. or to incite customer loyalty. (511) Klasse 37: Installation of electrical apparatus or electric or automation (511) Klasse 36: Handling of the payment of meals by issuing, distributing and equipment or installations or systems; bringing into service (installation) of offsetting vouchers, tickets, coupons, talons, or any other means of payment, electric apparatus or equipment or installations or automation; maintenance of including over the Internet; electronic payment services, credit card services electric or automation equipment or installations or systems; servicing, correc- enabling electronic payment using a bank card, customer card or check; tive maintenance and repair of electric or automation equipment or installations insurance underwriting and financial services; issuance and financial manage- or systems. ment of payment facilities particularly of purchase vouchers; financial ser- (511) Klasse 40: Recycling of electric apparatus or equipment or installations vices in connection with possessing loyalty cards; services for payment using or electric or automation systems. loyalty cards; financial services in connection with possessing promotional (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: loyalty coupons; services for payment with promotional loyalty coupons. 2006-05-29 FR 06 3 430 855 Frankrig (511) Klasse 38: Provision of advice, consultancy and assistance, including (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-11-23 at home, in connection with access and navigation of an Internet network. Gazette No.: 26/2007 (511) Klasse 39: Home-delivery services, namely for the delivery of meals and the delivery of goods such as food items or household supplies, errand services. (511) Klasse 42: Provision of advice, consultancy and assistance, including at home, in connection with information technology. (591) Farvetekst: Blue (Pantone 280)and red (Pantone 032). (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-09-28 FR 06 345 3253 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-23 Gazette No.: 24/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP926347 (800) Design. dato: 2006-09-29 (111) Reg. nr.: MP926635 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-12 Aquaquell

(730) Indehaver: Brita GmbH, Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 4, 65232 Taunusstein, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Fuchs, Meh- ler, Weiß & Fritzsche, Söhnleinstrasse 8, 65201 Wiesbaden, Tyskland (511) Klasse 07: Apparatus for producing sparkling drinking water. (511) Klasse 11: Filters for water, water filtration apparatus, filters for drinking water, water treatment apparatus, tap water filters, cartridges for water filtrat- ion containing ion exchangers and/or adsorbents, especially for use in water filters, coffee machines, tea machines, espresso machines, beverage vending machines, industrial kitchen equipment for the preparation of food and bevera- ges, ice-making machines, steamers, combination steamers, ovens, industrial (730) Indehaver: BEIJING SHUNXIN AGRICULTURE CO., LTD. NIULANSHAN coffee and tea machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, cooling units, cold drink WINERY, Niushan Area, Shunyi District, Beijing, Kina dispensers, water taps for kitchens, humidifiers, air conditioning unit, trans- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: WANG & ASSOCIATES, Prime Tower, portable climate control unit, rotary irons, showers, steam generators, steam Suite 408, No. 22 Chaoyangmen Wai Dajie, Chaoyang District, 100020 baths; heating systems comprising closed water circulation. Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 36: Leasing of water filters, leasing of water filtration apparatus. (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic extracts; spirits (beverages); liqueurs; arrack; fruit (511) Klasse 37: Installation of water filters and water filtration apparatus, extracts (alcoholic); yellow rice or millet wine; distilled beverages; light spar- maintenance and replacement of water filters and water filtration apparatus. king wine; wine; sake. (511) Klasse 40: Rental of water filters, rental of water filtration apparatus. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-12 (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: Gazette No.: 26/2007 2006-04-06 DE 306 22 138.1/11 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-09-29 Gazette No.: 26/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP926825 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-12

(111) Reg. nr.: MP926353 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-02 BEAT PER MINUTE

(730) Indehaver: LABORATOIRE DUCASTEL, F-46140 CASTELFRANC, Frank- rig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Pierre de BOISSE c/o NOVAGRAAF FRANCE, 122 rue Edouard Vaillant, F-92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, Frank- rig (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfume- ry, perfumes, eaux de toilette, essential oils, cosmetics, beauty products, non-medical preparations for skin care, hair lotions, shampoos, hair products; dentifrices; depilatory preparations; make-up removing products; lipstick; beauty masks; shaving products. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; disinfectants; medicated bath preparations; chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical use; medicinal herbs, herb teas; sugar for medical purposes. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-12 Gazette No.: 27/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP926917 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-07 (730) Indehaver: Rauch Fruchtsäfte GmbH, Langgasse 1, A-6830 Rankweil, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dr. Michael Konzett Rechtsanwalt, Fohren- burgstrasse 4, A-6700 Bludenz, Østrig (511) Klasse 30: Tea. (511) Klasse 32: Non-alcoholic beverages namely beverages containing tea or tea extracts or being tea-flavored. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-22 AT AM 1297/2007 Østrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-02 (730) Indehaver: fundinfo AG, Rüdigerstrasse 15, Postfach, CH-8045 Zürich, Gazette No.: 26/2007 Schweiz (511) Klasse 35: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. (111) Reg. nr.: MP926397 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-27 (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-07 Denivit White & Brilliant Gazette No.: 27/2007

(730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tysk- land (511) Klasse 03: Preparations for body and beauty care, namely non-medi- cated preparations for oral and dental care; non-medicated toothpastes, den- tifrices and mouthwashes. (511) Klasse 05: Medicated preparations for oral and dental care, medicated toothpastes, medicated dentifrices and medicated mouthwashes. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-17 DE 307 02 834.8/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-27 Gazette No.: 26/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP926956 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-27 (111) Reg. nr.: MP926991 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-09

(730) Indehaver: Fronius International GmbH, Vorchdorfer Strasse 40, A-4643 Pettenbach, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Sonn & Partner Patentanwälte, Riemer- gasse 14, A-1010 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 07: Welding and cutting apparatus (non-electric); welding torches (all the aforementioned goods not included in other classes). (511) Klasse 09: Charging apparatus for accumulators; arc or laser welding apparatus (for non-medical use); electrical welding appliances and electric cutting torches, in particular arc welding apparatus; welding electrodes; cur- rent sources, in particular reverse current sources, frequency changers, cur- rent sources for plasma arc welding; transformers, photovoltaic installations, (730) Indehaver: Rectus Tema AS, Brandstadveien 20, N-1550 Hølen, Norge electrical displacement units for vehicles, controls for material handling machi- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, PO Box 1204, nes or robots, microprocessor controls for all the aforementioned products; Vika, N-0110 OSLO, Norge computer software on data media, parts of all the aforementioned products not (511) Klasse 06: Metal building materials; small items of metal (hardware), included in other classes. clips for tube, cable or pipe; metal reels, non-mechanical, for tubes and flexible (511) Klasse 42: Professional consulting and project or construction planning, pipes, steel tubes. all the aforementioned services relating to the development of current sources (511) Klasse 07: Universal joints and joints other than for land vehicles; joints and welding apparatus, appliances and controls, in particular in relation with and adapter nipples (parts of engines); machine tools including air and pneu- electronic systems for current sources or welding apparatus; development of matic tools; filters, parts of machines and engines; reels, mechanical, for computer software, in particular for welding apparatus, for controls, for quality tubes and flexible pipes; machines including compressed air and pneumatic assurance and for administration of orders; development of new welding proce- equipment. dures or new additive materials for such procedures. (511) Klasse 08: Hand tools and implements (hand-operated). (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-09 (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: Gazette No.: 27/2007 2007-03-14 NO 200703000 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-27 Gazette No.: 27/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP927077 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-03

(111) Reg. nr.: MP926969 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-07

(730) Indehaver: Dalli-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Zweifaller Strasse 120, D-52224 Stolberg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; cosme- (730) Indehaver: Marc ASSEDO, 40, Traverse Montclam, F-13013 MARSEILLE, tics; perfumeries; essential oils; dentifrices; hair lotions. Frankrig ; Gil CAPALDINI, 22, Traverse Margayany, F-13012 MARSEILLE, (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-03 Frankrig Gazette No.: 27/2007 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Karen Benhamou-Koskas, 22, cours Pierre Puget, F-13006 MARSEILLE, Frankrig (511) Klasse 18: Baggage, handbags, rucksacks, wheeled shopping bags, (111) Reg. nr.: MP927253 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-21 travelling bags, beach bags and satchels. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles; textile products namely: bed linen, household linen, textile table linen and bath linen (except clothing). (511) Klasse 25: Clothing. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-07 Gazette No.: 27/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP926970 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-05 Fortunecookie (730) Indehaver: LI GUANJUN, Yuxin Village, Xinqian Town, Huangyan, Taiz- (730) Indehaver: Bombera Gábor, IrottkÅ` utca 14, 5/34, H-1142 Budapest, hou, Zhejiang, Kina Ungarn (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CHINA TRADEMARK & PATENT LAW (511) Klasse 35: Advertising, advertising agencies, advertising by mail order, OFFICE CO., LTD., 14, Yuetan Nanjie, Xichengqu, Yuexin Bldg., 100045 updating of advertising material, dissemination of advertising matter, commer- Beijing, Kina cial information agencies, marketing research, marketing studies, modelling (511) Klasse 08: Abrading instruments; hand-operated agricultural implements; for advertising or sales promotion, organization of exhibitions for commercial insecticide atomizers; appliances and instruments for slaughtering butchers'' or advertising purposes, organization of trade fairs for commercial or adver- animals; oyster openers; electric or non-electric fingernail polishers; hand- tising purposes, outdoor advertising, public relations, publicity, publicity agen- operated hand tools, hand pumps, masons'' hammers, pruning scissors, dag- cies, publicity columns preparation, publicity material rental, publicity texts, gers; table cutlery namely, knives, forks and spoons. sales promotion (for others), distribution of samples, organization of trade fairs (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-21 for commercial or advertising purposes. Gazette No.: 27/2007 (511) Klasse 41: Providing casino facilities (gambling), providing amusement arcade services, game services provided on-line (from a computer network), operating lotteries, gaming. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-06-14 HU M0602099 Ungarn (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-05 Gazette No.: 27/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP927347 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-28 (111) Reg. nr.: MP927879 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-19 ALIAUNE

(730) Indehaver: Aliaune Thiam, 2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Auma N. Reggy, Esq. Troutman Sanders LLP, 600 Peachtree Street, N.E., Bank of America Plaza - Suite 5200, Atlanta, GA 30308-2216, USA (511) Klasse 14: Jewelry. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, namely, shirts, pants, t-shirts, jerseys, jackets, shoes, dresses, coats, blouses, suits, hats, underwear, socks, ties, sleep- wear. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-28 Gazette No.: 27/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP927546 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-02 Vanwa (730) Indehaver: Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, D-40589 Düsseldorf, Tysk- land (730) Indehaver: SHANGHAI VANWA INDUSTRIAL, LTD, Xijiao Investment (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Henkel KGaA, D-40191 Düsseldorf, Tysk- Zone, Xujing, Qingpu District, Shanghai 200000, Kina land (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BTA Trademark & Patent Law Office, (511) Klasse 03: Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry 16th Floor, Yuetan Tower, No.2 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, use, fabric softeners for laundry use, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware, 100045 Beijing, Kina spot removing agents, laundry starch; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abra- (511) Klasse 10: Plaster bandages, anaesthetic apparatus, surgical and me- sive preparations, chemical preparations for cleaning metal, wood, stone, dical apparatus and instruments, pumps for medical use, catheters, electro- porcelain, glass, plastics and textiles; soaps. des for medical use, water bags for medical use, injectors for medical use, (511) Klasse 05: Disinfectants; deodorising agents, not for personal use, air diagnostic apparatus for medical use. freshening preparations and air deodorising preparations. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-02 (591) Farvetekst: Red, green, white, yellow and blue. Gazette No.: 27/2007 (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-25 DE 206 76 091.6/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-19 (111) Reg. nr.: MP927556 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-14 Gazette No.: 28/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP928098 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-04

(730) Indehaver: Landauer, Inc., 2 Science Road, Glenwood, IL 60425, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: RICHARD A. GIANGIORGI Trexler, Bushnell et al., 105 W. Adams Street, Suite 3600, Chicago, IL 60603, USA (511) Klasse 09: Dosimetry readers; a kit containing a dosimetry reader, a computer and a dosimeter. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-15 US 77044685 USA (730) Indehaver: SHANDONG LAIYANG CHANGYU SEALING PRODUCT CO., (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-14 LTD., No. 057 West Longmen Rd, Laiyang City, Shandong, Kina Gazette No.: 27/2007 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Satihonest Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. Beijing China, Rm 325, Building 2, No. 28, Donghouxiang, Andingmen- wai, Dougcheng District, 100710 Beijing, Kina (111) Reg. nr.: MP927737 (800) Design. dato: 2006-12-29 (511) Klasse 17: Rings of rubber, stuffing rings, water-tight rings, shock- absorbing buffers of rubber, clutch linings, seals, lute, rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines, sealant compounds for joints, washers of rubber RACE of vulcanized fiber. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-04 (730) Indehaver: Mag. Günther Scheler, Horneckgasse 12/6, A-1170 Wien, Gazette No.: 28/2007 Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Casati, Dipl.-Ing. Peter Itze, Patentanwälte, Amerlingstraße 8, A-1061 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 32: Non alcoholic beverages, effervescent-powder and tablets for beverages. (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-12-29 Gazette No.: 28/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP928182 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-19 (111) Reg. nr.: MP928605 (800) Design. dato: 2007-02-14 RAINMATES

(730) Indehaver: Adrianus Cornelis Bas, Korte de Wittenstraat 47, NL-1052 DG Amsterdam, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Protective helmets; spectacles [optics]; sun glasses. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, including clothing for protection against cold and rain; gloves, rain coats, rain ponchos, sports clothing, nylon clothing, coats, jackets, blouses, underwear, footwear including rain boots, overshoes, socks, footmuffs [non electrical], head coverings, including rain hats and caps. (730) Indehaver: Žywiecka Fabryka Sprzctu Szpitalnego "FAMED" SPÓlKA (511) Klasse 35: Publicity and commercial affairs; business intermediary ser- AKCYJNA, ul. Fabryczna 1, PL-34-300 Zywiec, Polen vices, including advice, for the commercialisation of products or services; (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Andrzej RYGIEL Kancelaria Rzecznika organising publicity events; organisation of promotional campaigns and activi- Patentowego, ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 26 Lok.F, PL-43-300 Bielsko- ties, including openings, demonstrations and product presentations; commer- Biala, Polen cial business management; public sports promotion, sponsorship search, pub- (511) Klasse 10: Dental chairs and units, dental swivel stools, neonatal incu- lic relations, sales promotions, merchandising; business intermediary services bators, rehabilitation beds, examination tables, gynaecological and delivery for the purchase and sale, import and export of clothing, shoes and head chairs, delivery beds, trolleys for patient transport, equipment for doctors'' coverings including clothing, shoes and head coverings for protection against cabinets in the form of treatment units, examination couches, rehabilitation cold and rain, helmets, gloves, spectacles, rain coats, rain jackets, rain couches, assists cupboards, chairs for blood donation, ophthalmic and laryn- ponchos, sports clothing, nylon clothing, coats, jackets, blouses, underwear, gological chairs, equipment for operating theatres such as supply pendants, shoes, rain boots, rain hats, overshoes, socks and foot bags, also through a operating and treatment tables, equipment for hospital wards such as gel wholesaler; retail trade services relating to clothing, shoes and head covers mattresses, gel rings, chairs for dialysis, stands for infusion holders, prosthe- for protection against cold and rain, helmets, gloves, glasses, rain coats, rain tic tables, medical diagnostic devices, crutches for disabled persons, stret- jackets, rain ponchos, sports clothing, nylon clothing, coats, jackets, blou- chers, roll-away stretchers, control tables, carts for operating and treatment ses, underwear, shoes, rain boots, rain hats, overshoes, head coverings, apparatus and instruments. gloves, socks and footmuffs. (511) Klasse 12: Trolleys for neonates, trolleys for babies, transport trolleys (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-02-14 for dirty clothes and linen. Gazette No.: 29/2007 (511) Klasse 20: Hospital beds, children''s beds, screens, desks, room furnit- ure, chairs, stools, treatment tables for babies, bedside lockers, bedside tables. (111) Reg. nr.: MP928634 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-30 (591) Farvetekst: Blue and white. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-19 Gazette No.: 28/2007 A. FAVRE & fILS

(730) Indehaver: Laurent Favre, 44 rue Caroline, CH-1227 Carouge GE, Schweiz (111) Reg. nr.: MP928325 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-13 (511) Klasse 14: Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. MARCELLO DE CARTIER (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-26 CH 558821 Schweiz (730) Indehaver: Cartier International N.V., a holding and trading company (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-30 organized and existing under the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, Schar- Gazette No.: 29/2007 looweg 33, Curaçao, Hollandske Antiller (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Curaçao Trade Mark Agency, Inc., L.B. Smithplein 3, Curaçao, Hollandske Antiller (511) Klasse 18: Goods made of leather or imitations of leather and not included in other classes; small leather goods; purses, wallets, card cases, pouches, handbags, shopping bags, belt bags, wheeled bags, backpacks, attaché cases, briefcases, suitcases, vanity cases; trunks and travelling bags; travelling sets and key cases made of leather or imitations of leather. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-09-21 AN D-600614 Hollandske Antiller (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-13 Gazette No.: 28/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP928353 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-16

(730) Indehaver: Hans Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH & Co. KG, Südliche Münchener Straße 1, 82031 Grünwald, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair preparati- ons for caring, cleaning, dyeing, tinting, bleaching, styling, fixing and perming. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-18 DE 307 04 075.5/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-16 Gazette No.: 28/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP928709 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-23 structures for buildings); cornices, not made of metal; greenhouses (transpor- table), not made of metal; greenhouse frames, not made of metal; foundry moulds, not made of metal; plaster (fired); plaster (raw); geotextile grid; glass RAUCORD (exception: glass for vehicle windows); glass granules for road markings; glass panes for building purposes; headstones, not made of metal; grave (730) Indehaver: REHAU AG + Co., Rheniumhaus, 95111 Rehau, Tyskland borders, not made of metal; gravestones, not of metal; tombs, not made of (511) Klasse 17: Latex, guttapercha, rubber, asbestos, mica and goods made metal; gravestones, plaques, not made of metal; gravestones; grave columns, thereof, unless contained in other classes; goods made of plastics (semi- not made of metal; granite; blast furnace cement; wood (shaped); wood (pres- finished goods); sealing, packaging and insulating materials; hoses (not made sable); wood (partially processed); wood fibre concrete; veneers; wooden bars of metal); acrylic resins (semi-finished goods); reinforcement for compressed for panelling; hardboard for building purposes; wood paving blocks; wooden air lines (not made of metal); asbestos fibres; asbestos felt; asbestos mesh; panelling; chicken coops, not made of metal; insulating glass for building asbestos fabrics; asbestos paper; asbestos cardboard; asbestos slate; asbe- purposes; roller shutters, not made of metal; tiles for building purposes, not stos screens for firemen; asbestos soles; asbestos cloths; asbestos clad- made of metal; prefabricated cement post, mouldings, not made of metal of ding; balata; wood bark for acoustic insulation; cotton for sealing; protective quays; lime; lime marl; limestone; gussets, not made of metal; gusset troughs, plastic frame films for windows (tinted); flower arranging foam (semi-finished not made of metal; gusset troughs, not made of metal, for roofs, for building goods); chemical leak sealing agents; seals; seals for expansion joints; sea- purposes; ceramic raw materials; gravel; silica (quartz); stained-glass windows ling compounds; sealing agents; sealing rings; sealing strips; dielectrics (insu- for church; gate valves for drainage pipes, not made of metal or made of lators); elastic yarns and threads, not for textile purposes; moisture insulating plastic; gate valves, not made of metal or plastic, for water piping; cork materials for buildings; fire hoses; filter materials (plastic or foam semi-finished (compressed): ice rinks (transportable structures), not made of metal; objects goods); films made of regenerated cellulose (apart from for packaging purpo- of art made of stone, concrete or marble; synthetic stone; beams, not made of ses); moulds made of ebonite; garden hoses; fibreglass fabric for insulation metal; pre-fabricated summer houses (buildings); roadside barriers, not made purposes; fibreglass wool for insulation; mica, raw or partially processed; of metal, for roads; ducts for ventilation and air conditioning, not made of rubber material for recapping tyres; rubber, raw or partially processed; rubber metal; illuminated paving blocks; magnesite binding agent; tar macadam; awning seals for glass vessels; rubber threads, not for textile purposes; rubber flaps structures, not made of metal; market stalls; marble; masts, not made of (rubber valves); rubber sleeves to protect mechanical parts; rubber buffers metal; brickwork panelling parts, not made of metal; mortar (building material); (stops); rubber buffers (shock absorbers); rubber rings; rubber ropes and mosaics for building purposes; timber; skylights (window leaves), not made of cords; rubber stoppers; semi-finished goods for brake linings; hard rubber metal; framework for summer houses, not made of metal; furnace cement; (ebonite); hoof soles, not made of metal; insulators for electrical cables; olivine for building purposes; paper for building purposes; cardboard for building insulators for rail way tracks; insulators and insulating materials (electricity, purposes; parquet; parquet battens; pitch; posts, not made of metal; post heat, sound); insulating paints; insulating tape; insulating felt; insulating var- fences, not made of metal; paving blocks, not made of metal; posts made of nishes; insulating films made of metal; insulating fabrics; insulated gloves; cement; signposts (not made of metal); flagstones; blocks made of cement; insulating materials; insulating materials for cables; insulating oil for transfor- block coverings, not made of metal; profile strips, not made of metal, for mers; insulating oils; insulating paper; insulating mortar; adhesive tapes and building purposes; rocket launching platforms, not of metal; edging strips, not strips, apart from for medical purposes, for paper and stationery or for house- made of metal, for cornices; raw chalk; pipes made of sandstone; pipes for hold purposes; carbon fibres, not for textile purposes; synthetic resins (semi- building purposes, not made of metal; sand (excluding moulding sand); silver finished goods); plastics, partially processed; plastic fibres, not for textile sand; sandstone for building purposes; shaft covers, not made of metal; purposes; plastic films for agricultural purposes; plastic films, apart from for fireproof clay; slate; slate powder; reeds for building purposes; slag (building packaging purposes; plastic yarns, not for textile purposes; clutch linings; material); slag bricks; dressed timber; chimney tops, not made of metal; linen hoses; cable reinforcement, not made of metal; gaskets; soldering wire chimneys (not made of metal) (prefabricated); chimney hoods, not made of made of plastic; mineral wool (insulating material); materials to prevent heat metal; chimney cases; chimney pipes, not made of metal; sharp gravel; pigsties; radiation; materials to prevent heat radiation in boilers; paper for electrical beams, not made of metal; swimming pools (prefabricated, not made of metal); capacitors; upholstery materials (upholstery fillings and materials for cushio- floating docks, not made of metal, to hold ships; caissons for construction ning and wedging) made of rubber or plastic; cushioning materials (packaging) work under water; signal systems, not illuminated, not mechanical and not made of rubber or plastic; pipe sockets, not made of metal; pipe joints, not made of metal; signal signs, not illuminated, not mechanical and not made of made of metal; acoustic insulation materials; slag wool (insulating material); metal; silos, not made of metal; plywood; diving boards, not made of metal; hoses made of textile materials; hoses, not made of metal; plastic substances hoarding posts, not made of metal; stalls; statues made of stone, concrete or used as welding wire; floating barriers to contain environmental contaminants; marble; statuettes made of stone, concrete or marble; stone; bricks (refractory); self-adhesive tapes, apart from for medical purposes, for paper and stationery tar; masonry articles; roadbuilding binding agents; roadbuilding materials and or for the household; safety curtains made of asbestos; synthetic rubber; road covering materials; roadside posts, not illuminated, not mechanical and washers made of rubber or vulcanised fibre; valves made of rubber or vulcani- not made of metal; road covering materials; roadside barriers, not made of sed fibre; connecting hoses for vehicle radiators; packaging bags (sleeves, metal; road marking sheets and blocks made of plastic; electricity masts, not pouches) made of rubber; viscose films, apart from for packaging purposes; made of metal; supports (struts), not made of metal; panelling, not made of vulcanised fibre; thermal insulating materials; cellulose acetate, partly proces- metal; tar; tarred tape and membranes for building purposes; tar board; telephone sed; cylinder seals. boxes, not made of metal; telegraph masts, not made of metal; terracotta (fired (511) Klasse 19: Building materials (not made of metal); pipes (not made of clay); clay; clay schist; pottery clay; gates, not made of metal; joist (supports), metal) for building purposes; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; transportable not made of metal; supporting structures for buildings, not made of metal; constructions (not made of metal); monuments (not made of metal); drainage transportable structures, not made of metal; partitions, not made of metal; pipes, not made of metal; pipe branches, not made of metal; alabaster; alabaster stairs, not made of metal; steps, not made of metal; stair stringers, not made glass; bollards, not made of metal; aquarium gravel; aquarium sand; reinforcing of metal; tuff; doors, not made of metal; door leafs, not made of metal; door materials for building purposes, not made of metal; asbestos mortar; asbestos frames, bars, not made of metal; cladding parts for buildings, not made of cement; asphalt; asphalt paving blocks; beacons, not illuminated and not metal; extensions for chimneys, not made of metal; plastering materials; rigid made of metal; beams (small), not made of metal; beams, not made of metal; pipe elements, not made of metal; vinyl rails (building material); bird baths balustrades; transportable buildings not of metal „barracks“; building wood and (built), not made of metal; bird tables, not made of metal; aviaries, not made of timber; building felt; building glass; building materials, not made of metal; metal; wall cladding parts, not made of metal; water piping, not made of metal building blocks, not made of metal; bricks; constructions, not made of metal; (components); fences, not made of metal; cement; cement mortar (refractory); brickwork tanks, rock crystal, quartz; concrete; concrete components; concrete brick clay; bricks; room ceilings, not made of metal; gangways, not made of shuttering elements, not made of metal; bonding agents to manufacture bricks; metal. bitumen; bitumen products for building purposes; bituminous covering (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, frames; goods, in as far as not contained compounds for roofs; boards (timber); brickwork letter boxes; natural stone; in other classes, made of wood, cork, cane, reeds, willow, horn, bone, ivory, platform structures, not made of metal; busts made of stone, concrete or fishbone, tortoise-shell, amber, mother of pearl, meerschaum and their marble; roof coverings, not made of metal; roofs, not made of metal; roofs, not substitutes or made of plastics; work tops; filing cabinets; ambroid boards; made of metal, with integrated solar cells; roofing felt; roof tiles, not made of ambroid rods; anchor buoys, not made of metal; cupboards (furniture); strike metal; gutters, not made of metal; roof cladding boards; roof slates; roof plates; medicine cabinets; inflatable furniture; inflatable advertising articles; shingles; roof slats; roof hip slats; bollard timber; monuments, not made of trestles (furniture objects); stuffed animals; stuffed birds; oyster shells; bamboo; metal; wire-reinforced glass; drainage pipes, not made of metal; pressure bamboo curtains; benches (furniture); clips made of plastic for cables and piping (not made of metal) (components); railway sleepers, not made of metal; pipes; fastening materials made of plastic; vessels (tanks), not made of metal paint spraying booths, not of metal; windows, not made of metal; window glass and not brickwork; tank stoppers, not made of metal; amber; brush handles, (except glass for vehicle windows); window shutters, not made of metal; not made of metal; cremation urns; bed fittings, not made of metal; beds window frames, not made of metal; window glass (building glass); refractory (furniture); beds for pets; bed frames made of wood; bed castors, not made of building materials; figures (statuettes) made of stone, concrete or marble; metal; bedding (excluding bed linen); bee baskets; beehives; picture staves gratings, not made of metal; tile coverings, not made of metal; leaf of a door, (framing); picture frames (framing); plant stands (furniture); plant tables (furnit- not made of metal; mouldings made of sugar cane bagasse (building material); ure); pins, not made of metal; portable tubs, not made of metal; letter boxes veneers; floors, not made of metal; testimonial plaques, not made of metal; not made of metal or brickwork; bookcases; buffets (furniture); tea trolleys poultry perches; columns (balustrades); geotextiles; scaffolding (building (furniture); office furniture; brush mountings; busts made of wood, wax, plaster scaffolding), not made of metal; scaffolding, not made of metal (supporting fortsættes

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or plastic; computer desks; computer trolleys; containers, not made of metal; (111) Reg. nr.: MP928723 (800) Design. dato: 2006-08-24 decoration articles made of plastic for food; divans; cases, boxes and crates made of wood or plastic; dowels (joint dowels, pins), not made of metal; dowels (wall plugs), not made of metal; ivory, raw or partially processed; shelves for FOUGANZA furniture; fans for personal use (not electric); flag poles; vehicle locks, not made of metal; barrel staves; barrels (small), not made of metal; barrels, (730) Indehaver: DECATHLON, 4, Boulevard de Mons, F-59650 VILLENEUVE drums, not made of metal; barrel taps, not made of metal; barrel hoops, not D''ASCQ, Frankrig made of metal; window fittings, not made of metal; fish bone, raw or partially (740/750) International fuldmægtig: TMARK Conseils, 31, rue Tronchet, processed; fish crates; bottle caps, not made of metal; bottle crates; bottle F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig corks, stoppers; bottle packaging made of wood; bottle stoppers, not made of (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary preparati- metal; butchers’ blocks; transport pallets, not made of metal; hairdressing ons for medical purposes; antibacterial products; articles for dressings (exclu- seats; fodder troughs; wardrobe hooks, not made of metal; wardrobe stands; ding instruments); grooming bags; adhesive bands for medical purposes; curtain hooks; curtain holders, not made of textile materials; curtain rings; dressing bandages; compresses; cotton for medical purposes; balms for me- curtain rolls; curtain rods; braids made of straw (excluding mats); plaited, dical and veterinary purposes; chilblain preparations; sunscreen preparations carved wood trim (furniture); cupboards; gun stands; hand mirrors (cosmetic (sunburn ointments); pomades for medical purposes; products for muscle mirrors, bathroom mirrors); towel cabinets (furniture); towel dispensers (fixed), warm-up; greases for veterinary purposes; veterinary gels; animal washes; not made of metal; crates; house numbers, not illuminated and not made of shampoos and lotions for horses; dietetic substances adapted for medical metal; antlers; workbenches; buffets; wooden strips; wooden bobbins (for use; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; food supplements for yarns, silk, string); honeycombs; horn, raw or partially processed; covers for medical use; vitamin preparations; plasters; cements for animal hooves; anti- clothing (storage); kennels; hat stands; pet houses; identity badges, not made septics; disinfectants for medical, veterinary or sanitary purposes (except for of metal; interior shutters for windows; venetian blinds; cable clips, not made soaps); preparations for destroying vermin; antiparasitic preparations; antipa- of metal; fire screens for the household; canopies for beds; edgings of plastic rasitic collars; anti-mosquito products; fungicides; herbicides; medicinal alco- for furniture; trolleys for computers (furniture); filing cabinets; boxes, crates, hol; vermifuges; repellents for horses; insect repellents. not made of metal; triangular cushions; signboards of wood or plastics, for (511) Klasse 06: Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; vehicles; high chairs; childrens’ walking frames; cushions; cushions for pets; transportable metal buildings; metal fittings; bolts; metal doors; padlocks; gate valves made of plastic for water piping; gate valves made of plastic for keys; metal rings; metal flange holders, metal saddle supports; non-electric drainage pipes; clothes hangers; clothes hooks, not made of metal (household cables and wires of common metal; nails; metal fences; fence pickets; fence articles); mannequins; clothes stands (furniture); commodes; pillows; headrests; wires; metal hardware; tree protectors of metal; beacons of metal, non-lumi- head supports (furniture); coral; baskets, not made of metal; baskets (large); nous; boxes of common metal; metal baskets; metal cramps; metal washers; baskets (with handles), not made of metal; basketry; corks; cork bands; metal carabiners; stirrups; metal racks; metal barriers; barbed wire; metal cosmetic mirrors; hospital beds; playing posts for cats; objects of art made of horseshoes; chains for dogs; spurs; traps for wild animals. wood, wax, plaster or plastic; plastic key cards (uncoded); cabinet work; (511) Klasse 22: Ropes; string; straps made of textile materials, nets, hay furniture for shop counters; loading gauge rods not of metal for railway waggons; nets; fence wires (not made of metal); tents; tarpaulins, raw fibrous textile storage racks, not of metal, for drums; bedsteads, not made of metal; playpens materials, duvets (feathers); padding materials, not of rubber or plastics. for infants; lecterns; beds for pets; sun loungers; inflatable pillows, not for (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: medical purposes; air pillows, not for medical purposes; airbeds, not for medical 2006-02-28 FR 06 3 412 991 Frankrig purposes; massage seats; massage benches; mattresses; meerschaum; knife (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-24 handles, not made of metal; furniture; furniture made of metal; furniture fit- Gazette No.: 29/2007 tings, not made of metal; wooden shelves; castors, not made of metal; furnit- ure doors; mobiles (decorative articles); mortar troughs, not made of metal; neck rolls; name bracelets, not made of metal, for use in hospitals; name badges, not made of metal; nesting boxes for household pets; rivets, not made of metal; nesting boxes; registration plates, not made of metal, for vehicles; oven fire guards for the household; paper baskets (not made of metal); furnit- ure partitions of wood; park benches; bead curtains for decorative purposes; mother of pearl, raw or partially processed; sideboards made of wood or plastic; upholstered furniture; armchairs; profile staves for frames (framing); desks; rosettes for curtains; embroidery frames; frames for beehives; picture frames; rattan; room dividers (furniture); computer frames; shelves; shelves for file folders (furniture); trestles; coffin fittings, not made of metal; coffins; hinges, not made of metal; showcases; buffets; ship sun loungers; tortoiseshell; imitation tortoiseshell; reeds (braided material); umbrella stands; sleeping bags for camping; reels, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; locks (excluding electrical), not made of metal; key hangers; jewellery cases, not made of noble metals; tailors’ busts; cabinets; screws, not made of metal; nuts, not made of metal; vice benches, not made of metal; typewriter desks; stationery cabinets; desks; drawers; school furniture; covers for clothing; floating containers, not made of metal; scythe handles, not made of metal; tea trolleys (furniture); seats made of metal; sofas; sofas (divans); plant props; food cupboards, not made of metal; mirrors; mirror tiles; mirror glass; toy boxes; ladders, made of wood or plastic; sprung mattresses; sink mats; stands for flower pots; rods, not made of metal; statues made of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; statuettes made of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; step ladders, not made of metal; ivory nut; embroidery frames; straw edgings; straw braids; straw mattresses; chairs; tanks, not made of metal and not brickwork; tanks, not made of metal, for liquid fuels; bakers’ bread baskets; carpet rods for stair carpets; animal horns; animal hooves, paws; animal claws; tables; tables made of metal; table tops; vanity drawers (furniture); barrel hoops, not made of metal; transport pallets, not made of metal; drinking straws made of straw and plastic; door fittings, not made of metal; door handles, not made of metal; door bolts, not made of metal; valves or gate valves (excluding machine parts), not made of metal; packaging containers made of plastic; sealing caps, not made of metal; silvered glass (mirrors); show cabinets (furniture); curtain rings; curtain rollers made of pla- stic; curtain rails; curtain rods; honeycomb bases for bee hives; wax (with chambers) for beehives; wax figures; wall decoration articles (interior decorating), not made of textile materials; vanity cabinets (furniture); water beds, not for medical purposes; wine clarifying tubs made of wood; workbenches; tool handles, not made of metal; cots; wind chimes (decorative article); drawing desks; newspaper racks; newspaper stands; tent pegs, not made of metal. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-02-28 DE 306 13 012.2/17 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-08-23 Gazette No.: 29/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP928752 (800) Design. dato: 2007-01-11 (111) Reg. nr.: MP928977 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-03

(730) Indehaver: Kolesnikov Borys Viktorovych, 31 Vitchiznyana Str., flat 2, Donetsk 83050, Ukraine (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectio- (730) Indehaver: COREALCREDITBANK AG, Bockenheimer Landstrasse 25, nery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Tyskland (condiments); spices; ice; almond paste; almond confectionery; cake paste; (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Patentanwälte Maxton Langmaack & farinaceous foods; pastries; bread; bread rolls; buns; coffee-based bevera- Partner, Mathiaskirchplatz 5, 50968 Köln, Tyskland ges; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; chocolate; choco- (511) Klasse 35: Business management; business administration; office func- late bars; chocolate-based beverages with milk; caramels (candy); cakes; tions; procurement of contracts for third parties with respect to selling goods candy; crackers; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; cookies; flour- and the sale of goods (online shopping) in computer networks and/or other milling products; fondants (confectionery); fruit jellies (confectionery); halvah; electronic distribution channels; procurement of contracts for third parties with gingerbread; sandwiches; confectionery; marzipan; oat-based food; petits respect to the procurement of goods and the provision of services, in particu- fours (cakes); pastry; pâté (pastries); petit-beurre biscuits; pralines; con- lar by operating virtual commercial centers in electronic media, in particular the fectionery products covered with chocolate; rusks; sweetmeats (candy); su- Internet; conducting of commercial transactions for third parties, in particular gar confectionery; waffles. within the framework of an electronic department store; systematization and (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-03 compilation of data in computer databases, in particular in the field of insuran- Gazette No.: 30/2007 ce, real estate and finance; conducting customer opinion polls; accounting services relating to chip cards and/or magnetic cards and other computer- aided insurance and/or financial matters; consultancy in the field of business (111) Reg. nr.: MP928978 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-03 management; all aforementioned services also via the Internet; office func- tions for the administration of chip cards and/or magnetic cards and other computer-aided insurance and/or financial matters; systematization and com- pilation of information and data in computer databases; business management administration services in the field of administering Internet forums. (511) Klasse 36: Insurance; financial affairs, including credit services, and stock and bonds brokerage, in particular granting of loans, procuring mortga- ges and public mortgage bonds, communal debentures and other debentures; (730) Indehaver: Kolesnikov Borys Viktorovych, 31 Vitchiznyana Str., flat 2, financial services for the issuance of mortgages and public mortgage bonds, Donetsk 83050, Ukraine communal debentures and other debentures; deposit services; real estate and (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., mortgage transactions, monetary transactions; real estate affairs; issuance of office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine chip cards and/or magnetic cards, in particular credit cards; financial consul- (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial ting in the field of insurance, real estate and finance; consulting via the coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectio- Internet in the field of insurance, finance and real estate; providing advice in nery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces the fields of insurance, finance and real estate, all aforementioned services (condiments); spices, ice; almond paste; almond confectionery; cake paste; also via the Internet. farinaceous foods; pastries; bread; bread rolls; buns; coffee-based bevera- (511) Klasse 38: Telecommunications, in particular telecommunication ser- ges; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; chocolate; choco- vices for third parties in the field of insurance, real estate and finance; late bars; chocolate-based beverages with milk; caramels (candy); cakes; operating an Internet forum, in particular relating to the field of insurance, real candy; crackers; croissants; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; estate and finance; electronic telecommunication services for open and clo- cookies; flour-milling products; fondants (confectionery); fruit jellies (confec- sed user groups; electronic transmission of information for open and closed tionery); halvah; gingerbread; sandwiches; confectionery; marzipan; oat-ba- user groups; providing access to Internet portals; providing access to Internet sed food; petits fours (cakes); pastry; pâté (pastries); petit-beurre biscuits; websites; telephone services for call centers and hotlines; electronic transfer pralines; confectionery products covered with chocolate; rusks; sweetmeats of information, texts, news, drawings and pictures, also in the form of data (candy); sugar confectionery; waffles. centers, in particular in the field of finance, real estate and insurance via the (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-03 Internet, online services or electronic media; compiling and transferring news; Gazette No.: 30/2007 providing access to information, texts, news, drawings and pictures via a computer network, in particular in the field of finance, real estate and insuran- ce; providing access to national and/or international computer networks for (111) Reg. nr.: MP929023 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-20 finance businesses, real estate businesses and insurance companies by providing online access to texts, graphics, documents, databases and compu- ter programs; procuring and granting access rights for users to different SQUAMEAL electronic communication networks. (591) Farvetekst: Green. (730) Indehaver: PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE, 45, Place Abel Gan- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: ce, F-92100 BOULOGNE, Frankrig 2006-08-07 DE 306 48 003.4/36 Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: DOAT Jean-Pierre, Direction Propriété (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-01-11 Intellectuelle -, 17, avenue Jean Moulin, F-81106 CASTRES CEDEX, Gazette No.: 29/2007 Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soaps; cosmetics; cosmetic hair care products. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations; dermatological products; der- mo-cosmetic products for skin and hair hygiene and care. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-08 FR 06 3 462 332 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-20 Gazette No.: 30/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP929063 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP929733 (800) Design. dato: 2006-06-19

(730) Indehaver: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "Kompa- niya Zolotoy Terem", 4, str. 15, nab. Danilovskaya, RU-113114 Moscow, Russiske Føderation (511) Klasse 29: Charcuterie; sausages; caviar; meat, preserved; fish, pre- served; shrimps (not live); clams (not live); mussels (not live); oysters (not live); meat; vegetables, preserved; vegetables, cooked; potato fritters; milk (730) Indehaver: MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG, products; mushrooms, preserved; jellies for food; fruit jellies; foods prepared Metro-Strasse 1, D-40235 Düsseldorf, Tyskland from fish; vegetable juices for cooking; soups; potato flakes; potato chips. (511) Klasse 01: Photosensitive, unexposed films; chemical impregnating (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-05 agents, especially for tents, articles of clothing, footwear; chemical products Gazette No.: 30/2007 for industrial and scientific purposes; chemicals for the treatment of water, swimming pools, baths and hot water tubs; adhesives for industrial purposes; chemical products used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, namely natural (111) Reg. nr.: MP929093 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-24 and artificial fertilizers and other chemical agents for conditioning soil and crops; earth for growing flowers; agents for preserving cut flowers; peat (fertilizer); humus coverings; preparations containing trace elements for plants; chemical defrosting agents, antifreeze agents for radiators, antifreeze agents for windscreen washer systems; salt, included in this class; putties for vehicle bodies, denaturated alcohol. (511) Klasse 02: Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust; preservatives against deterioration of wood, wood varnishes; wood stains; repair materials for the treatment of subsurfaces (priming colors); precoating compositions, metal and wood preserving agents, coating preserving agents, (colors); preservatives against rust, preserving agents for use on wood and iron. (511) Klasse 03: Washing and bleaching preparations, fabric softeners for laundry use, dishwashing liquid, spot removers/spot removing agents, starch for laundry purposes, brightening and smoothing agents for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, cleaning agents, oven cleaning agents, toilet cleaning agents, agents for cleaning glass surfaces, (730) Indehaver: MOON Jang Kyu, c/o International Karate Organization, decalcification agents for household purposes, cleaning liquid for windshields, Kyokushin Kaikan, 2-16-9 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0011, Japan cleaning agents for cars, lacquer polish agents, cleaning sprays, preferably (740/750) International fuldmægtig: YOSHIDA Kenji, 1-34-12 Kichijoji-Hon- for use in cars in the dashboard region, lacquer cleaners, car waxes, car cho, Musashino-shi, TOKYO 180-0004, Japan shampoos, car polishing agents; soaps; perfumery, ethereal oils, preparations (511) Klasse 25: Clothing; garters; sock suspenders; braces; bands; belts; for body and beauty care, cosmetics, lotions for cosmetic purposes, shower footwear; masquerade costumes; special sporting and gymnastic wear; spe- gel and bath gel, deodorants for personal use, hair tonics, hair lacquer, hair cial sporting and gymnastic footwear. setting lotions, shampoos, dentifrices, mouth washes, not for medical use, (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: cosmetic cotton products such as cotton swabs, cosmetic cotton, cotton 2006-12-27 CA 1,329,635 Canada pads, cotton balls as well as tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-24 impregnated or wet tissues or wipes for personal hygiene; cleaning agents for Gazette No.: 30/2007 office machines and office furniture, cleaning agents for automatic writing machines; abrasive agents, underbody protection agents for motor vehicles; cleaning agents and care products for furniture. (111) Reg. nr.: MP929337 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-12 (511) Klasse 04: Combustibles (including motor fuels), fire lighters for barbe- cue units and firesides, charcoal; camping gas; industrial oils and greases, lubricants, in particular for vehicle engines; Christmas tree candles, candles (for illumination purposes), scented candles, fumigating candles. (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical and veterinary products, drugs (as far as they are not pharmacy-only drugs); sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic products for medical purposes, baby food, dietetic food for health care on the basis of vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace elements, either singly or in combination, dietary supplements on the basis of amino acids, minerals and trace elements and for medical purposes; plasters, dressing material; hygienic articles for women, in particular menstruation bandages, sanitary pants, panty liners, tampons; tooth stopping preparations and molding compounds for den- tal use; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbici- des; deodorants (not for personal use), scented preparations and blocks for use in toilets and urinals, filled first-aid boxes, pads with dressing materials. (511) Klasse 06: Cashboxes of metal, safes; ladders of aluminium, ladders of metal, hinged steps made of metal, packing containers of metal, baskets of metal; metal blinds, installation accessories of metal for window shades inclu- (730) Indehaver: ZHONGLU (FUJIAN) AGRICULTURE COMPREHENSIVE DE- ded in this class, upper rails, lower rails, faceplates and lateral guides of VELOPMENT CO.,LTD., Westside of Fuxia Road, Xiaguang Village, Luo- aluminium and steel, metal brackets, fastening elements, springs, locks, chains, yang Town, Hui''an, Quanzhou, Fujian, Kina all of metal and for blinds and net curtains, roller tubes of aluminium, cable (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Xiamen Shinhwa Patent and Trademark tensioner sets of metal; tent pegs of metal; swimming pools (prefabricated Agency Co. Ltd., 1/F, Taiwan Hotel, Hubin East Road, Xiamen, Fujian constructions of metal); cables and wires of metal (not for electrical use); 361004, Kina transportable constructions of metal; tool sheds of metal; transportable sum- (511) Klasse 29: Meat; foods prepared from fish; vegetables canned, vegetab- merhouses of metal; ironmongery; small items of metal hardware, in particular les, tinned; frozen fruits; fruit pulp; vegetables preserved; vegetable soup nails, rivets, nuts, screws, hooks, ends; embeddable pipes of metal; petrol preparations; pickles; deep frozen vegetables; eggs. cans of sheet metal; dowels (connecting dowels, pegs) of metal; metal locks (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-12 (except electrical ones); petrol cans of sheet metal, including attachments; Gazette No.: 30/2007 dog grids of metal. (511) Klasse 07: Machines for use in kitchens and canteen kitchens; electrical kitchen machines and apparatus for processing foods; electrical juice sque- ezers, electrical mixers, electrical centrifuges, electrical cutting machines, washing machines, dishwashers (all aforementioned apparatus included in this class); sewing machines and parts therefor, knitting machines and parts therefor, vacuum cleaner accessories, namely vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum fortsættes

1319 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

cleaner filters and vacuum cleaner hoses, electrical cleaning apparatus for the valves for connecting to water conduits and for sanitary equipment, filters for household, vacuum cleaners and (electrical) floor waxing machines, electrical retaining contaminations in water; thermostatically controlled mixing faucets shoe cleaners, electrical machines for furniture care and floor care; accesso- and mixing faucets which are operated in a contact-less manner (parts of ries for all aforementioned goods, included in this class; binding apparatus; sanitary equipment); controlling, regulating, mixing, closing and self-closing electrical and battery-powered cleaning machines and apparatus as well as valves for water conduits and sanitary equipment; showers, shower cubicles, parts therefor; dynamos for bicycles; apparatus for compressing, mixing, spraying nozzles, spraying heads, showers, shower barriers, shower seats, pumping and electric power generation; spark plugs and spark coils for auto- shower columns, shower hoses, wash hand bowls (parts of sanitary installa- mobiles; air filters and oil filters for automobiles; electrical and pneumatic tools tions), complete shower and washing cabins; shower barriers, bath tub walls, for the building industry, for the timber industry, for craftsmen and do-it- washing room accessories, bathroom accessories (included in this class), tub yourself, in particular drilling machines, hammer drills, power screwdrivers, handles, grab handles of metal or plastic for baths and showers, toilet tanks; suction devices, grinders, saws (machines), hot air blowers, smoothing pla- toilet seats of plastic, wood or metal, single components and spare parts for all nes, hot glue guns, milling machines, scissors, thread cutters, nibbling machi- aforementioned goods, included in this class; electrical rope and string lights; nes, agitators, tackers, soldering guns, scrapers, paint spraying pistols, wall- electric light hoses; safety inserts (mats) for showers and tubs. paper removers, chaff cutters, hedge shears and high-pressure cleaners, as (511) Klasse 12: Bicycles and bicycle accessoires (included in this class); well as insert tools therefor, namely drills, drill bits, chisels, adapters, abrasive bicycles with auxiliary engine, motor scooters, mopeds, covers for bicycle sheets, abrasive disks, abrasive belts, polishing sponges, disk wheels, saw seats or motorbike seats; bicycle supports and wheel supports, bicycle bra- blades, planer blades, milling cutters, drive belts, screwdriver blades; machi- kes, two-wheeler brakes, bicycle rims, bicycle forks, bicycle chains, bicycle nes and apparatus for making beverages and/or meals; valves for water bells, bicycle baskets, bicycle handle bars, bicycle motors, hubs of bicycle bottles, pumps (included in this class); agricultural machines; kitchen machi- wheels, bicycle carriers, bicycle pedals, bicycle pumps, bicycle tires, bicycle nes (electric), paper cutting machines. bogie wheels, bicycle tubes, bicycle spokes, bicycle saddles, bicycle panni- (511) Klasse 08: Hand-operated pumps included in this class; shavers (elec- ers, bicycle front mounts, bicycle saddle tubes, bicycle bottom brackets; tric or non-electric) and accessories for shavers included in this class, epila- boats and additional parts and spare parts therefor included in this class; tors (electric and non-electric), hair cutting machines (electric and non-elec- paddles; vehicles; motor vehicle parts, namely transport devices for the trans- tric), razor blades, cases for shavers, razors, shaving accessories, cutters port of luggage with and on motor vehicles included in this class, roof racks, for nasal hairs; paper cutting machines; flatware, also made of precious metals trunk mounts, ski racks, racks for bicycles, racks for surfboards, luggage or plated therewith, namely knives, forks, spoons, service pieces, namely awnings, luggage spiders for attaching loads, luggage trailers (vehicles), trai- soup spoons and sauce spoons, cake shovels, sugar tongs, fondue forks; ler couplings, windshield wipers, snow chains and spoilers. hand-operated tools for bicycles and other pieces of sports equipment; cutlery (511) Klasse 13: Fireworks. including scissors, knives and special purpose cutters; hand tools and hand- (511) Klasse 14: Watches; chronometric instruments; containers and vessels operated tools, not operated electrically or pneumatically, in particular ham- of precious metal for household and kitchen; tea sets, table decorations and mers, awls, files, planes, screwdrivers, saws, caulking tools, wrenches, sand dinner services of precious metal; alarm clocks. paper grinding machines, push drills, hand-held drills, routers, stapling machi- (511) Klasse 16: Paper, paperboard, paper and paperboard goods, included in nes, nail drivers, pliers, wrenches; drilling bits, saw blades and frames for this class, exercise books, cut size paper, photocopy paper, copy paper, hacksaws; screwdriver inserts, skewed planes, clips, vices, wire brushes and continuous paper, carbon copy paper; note pads and writing pads, letter wheels, trowels, spatulas, hatchets (axes), crimping tools, tweezers, carving envelopes, packaging envelopes made of paper or plastic; paper rolls for tools, gouges, Allen key sets, ratchet handle boxes, mitre boxes and mitre calculators, brochures, journals and magazines, books; printed matter, namely planing boxes; agricultural apparatus (hand-operated) and cultivation and hor- forms and labels; adhesives for stationeries and writing materials, for office ticultural implements, picks, spades, forks, rakes, shovel, sticks, scissors, and school supplies; office supplies (except furniture), namely non-electric knives; hand-operated lawn mowers and lawn edge cutters; parts and compo- office machines; writing utensils, in particular pencils, ball pens as well as felt- nents for all aforementioned goods, included in this class. tip pens and fibre-tip pens; supplies for writing utensils, namely ink pens, (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, opti- refills, ink, refill cartridges for stylographs, pencil cases, erasers and eraser cal, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and pens, pencil sharpeners, ink erasers, highlighters, colored pencils; requisites teaching apparatus and instruments; electric flat irons, batteries of any kind for painting and drawing, namely board chalk, wax crayon, finger colors, and size, rechargeable batteries of any kind and size, charging sets for colored crayons, water-based fibre-tip pens, water colors, poster colors, oil electric accumulators, electric foil welding apparatus, computer hardware, paints, brushes, painter’s palettes, painter’s canvas and easels; coloring and computer, notebooks, desktop computers, monitors, projectors, printers, scan- sketch pads, colored fancy paper, metal paper, handicraft folders, pastel ners, digital sound reproducing apparatus, digital video units, computer perip- chalks, aquarelle colors, crayons and refills thereof, ink pens for use with heral devices, in particular printers, keyboards, mouse; portable computers, Indian ink, Indian ink; drawing equipment, in particular writing and drawing pocket PCs, personal and digital assistants, telephones, cellular phones, stencils, rulers, set squares, protractors, set of drawing instruments, drawing pagers, wireless e-mail apparatus, computer products and software, accesso- paper; scale paper, transparent paper, stationeries, writing paper, writing ries (included in this class), parts and components for all aforementioned cases, pads for writing on; ring binders and loose sheets therefore; sliding goods; computer software, namely operating system software, network soft- rules and disc calculators, booklet organization folders, letter paper and enve- ware, network managing software, training software; CD ROMs incorporating lopes, bill pads and delivery note pads, ticketing equipment, namely manual user instructions, manuals, schooling material and product information; optical embossing devices and ticketing devices (office machines), embossing tapes disks for recording, storing and reproducing of sound, images and data, of paper, paper rolls for ticketing devices, labels (not of textile materials), including compact disks (CDs), magneto-optical disks (MDs, MOs) and digital letters and numbers, pinboards and magnetic boards as well as letters and versatile disks (DVDs); magnetic disks and magnetic disks with large capacity numbers for pinboards and magnetic boards; transparent envelopes; plastic for recording, storing and reproducing data; portable storage media, in particu- file envelopes, punched pockets, document pockets and loose leaf binders; lar USB sticks, digital cards, virgin smart media cards, compact flash memo filers and folders, back labels for folders, file indexes; registry and archiving cards; recorded and writeable storage media, namely disks, CDs, DVDs, audio systems (office supplies), in particular hanging file folders, hanging file pock- and video cassettes; equipment and apparatus for displaying, coding, deco- ets, hooking binders and eyelet binders; record cards and record card in- ding, transmitting, receiving, storing and processing sound signals and/or dexes; letter baskets, containers for stationeries and writing materials; adhe- picture signals and/or picture data, in particular digital and analogue satellite- sive and stapling material for office use, stapling machines for office use, hole supported compact units, DVBT receivers, DVBT antennas, SAT receivers and punchers; appliances for office organization (office machines), in particular SAT dishes, amplifiers, receiving devices, audio/video receiving devices, audio/ desk files, appointments desk files and signature folders; materials for book- video processors, tuners, video players, DVD players, DAT players, CD play- binding, namely bookbinding yarn and linen as well as other textile materials for ers, MP3 players, remote control units, bookbinding; binding spirals, spine gluing apparatus; foils for laminating, photo (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, albums, photographs, photographic prints, adhesive corners for fixing photos, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and water supply; light bulbs; microwave de- adhesive agents for photos; electrically and mechanically operated document vices; electrically operated extractor hoods; percolators; electrically operated shredders (office machines); mechanical and electrical typewriters; automatic household devices, also for use in canteen kitchens, namely popcorn machi- writing machines and accessories (included in this class), namely ink ribbons, nes; lamps (electric), floor lamps, table lamps, ceiling lamps, lamp tubes and cases; laminators. cylinders, oil lamps, halogen lamps and spot beams, lamp shades, lamp shade (511) Klasse 17: Sealants, packaging and insulating means; plastic pipes for holders, skin tanning apparatus, ultraviolet lamps, not for medical purposes, laying, included in this class; hoses (non-metallic); rubber, mica and goods line light fixtures, luminescent tubes, reflector lamps, candle-like lamps; radi- made of these, not included in other classes, insulating mats. ant heaters; pocket lamps; teapot warmers, rechauds with candles, gas bur- (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these ners or also electrically operated, pressure cooking pots (electric), pressure materials, included in this class, small articles of leather, included in this cooking pans (electric); bicycle lamps; devices and apparatus for supplying class, animal skins and hides; trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols, water, sanitary facilities; devices for dispensing water; devices and apparatus walking sticks; bags, included in this class, in particular wallets, camping (as well as equipment composed of these) for feeding, discharging, supplying, bags, sport bags, travelling bags, bags for transporting children, wallets card holding, distributing and extracting water; hot water installations; fittings and (511) Klasse 19: Wall plasters and plasters for building faces. valves for feeding and discharging water for bath and showers; fittings for (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, mirrors, frames; bedding (included in this class), douche, washing, flushing, bidet and toilet facilities; washing stand fittings and namely mattresses, overlay mattresses, pillows, slatted frames; ladders and sink fittings; single lever faucet fittings, two-handled fittings (parts of sanitary hinged steps (non-metallic), packaging containers of plastic, bottle cases, all- equipment); thermostat fittings; energy-saving and water-saving fittings and fortsættes

1320 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

purpose trolleys (furniture), baskets (not of precious metal), bottle case racks (included in this class), insulating floor coverings, wallpapers of textile produ- (non-metallic), coat-hangers, shelves and shelving systems (furniture) (non- cts. metallic), coat stands, also movable ones; blinds, window shades, blade-type (511) Klasse 28: Games, playthings, gymnastic and sporting equipment (inclu- blinds, cassette window shades, foldable blinds, pleating blinds, window sha- ded in this class); balls for sporting, bats for ball games, in particular for des, all non-metallic and non-textile and for indoor use; curtains of braided tennis, squash, badminton; golf clubs; gymnastic and sporting equipment wood, wooden roller shutters, wooden net curtains, gathering window shades (included in this class) for tennis, squash, golf and badminton, home exercise- (non-textile), parts and components for blinds, upper rails, lower rails, brack- rs, fitness trainers, steppers, skateboards, inline skates, roller skates; wheels ets, fastening elements, locks, chains, springs, clips and holders for fastening for skateboards and roller skates, skates, scooters; special purpose bags for blinds included in this class, roller tubes (non-metallic), non-metallic actuating pieces of sporting equipment, bags for storing and transporting skates and devices for blinds (non-electric), small parts of plastic for blinds and net roller skates; equipment for playing, climbing and swinging for outdoor use. curtains included in this class; small parts of wood for blinds and net curtains (511) Klasse 29: Meat, fish, poultry and game, products made from meat, fish, included in this class, rollers for blinds of wood or plastic, net curtain acces- poultry and game, sausage and sausage products, meat extracts, meat jellies, sories, namely curtain rods, pivoting rods, curtain rings, curtain rollers of preparations made from meat and minced meat, all aforementioned goods also plastic, curtain rails; door curtains of wood; cable tensioner sets, not of metal in the form of preserves or deep-frozen; convenience food and half-finished and textile material; air mattresses and air cushions (not for medical purpo- convenience food as well as ready-to-serve salads, essentially consisting of ses), sleeping bags for camping, mattresses, camping mats, garden furniture meat and/or fish and/or poultry and/or sausage and/or game; soups, soup and their parts of wood, rattan, metal or plastic; dowels (connecting dowels, preparations, beef tea; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, pegs), not of metal, locks (except electrical ones), not of metal; petrol cans of mixed pickles, finished and half-finished goods as well as ready-to-serve plastic, including mountings, drawing tables, plate drain racks. salads, essentially consisting of fruits and/or vegetables, preserved pot herbs, (511) Klasse 21: Ironing boards, rotary clothes drier, laundry baskets, clothes prepared potato products, included in this class, potato dumplings, potato pegs, drying racks for laundry purposes and other devices for drying laundry fritters, mashed potatoes, croquettes, French fries, fried grated potatoes; (not included in other classes), storage and sorting systems for laundry use, jellies, jams, stewed fruits, fruit jellies, fruit purees; eggs, milk and milk produ- namely devices and containers for the household (not of precious metal or cts, milk beverages (milk predominating), butter, cream, curd, yoghurt, créme plated), garbage cans, baskets for household use (not of precious metal), fraîche, heavy sour cream, buttermilk, cheese, cheese products and cheese washtubs, cleaning utensils, household sponges, steel wool, shoddy wool, preparations; edible oils and fats, margarine; fatty spreads and spreads on cotton waste for cleaning purposes, leather for cleaning purposes, polishing vegetarian basis (except chocolate créme and nougat créme); soy dishes as leather, wet mops, apparatus for waxing parquet flooring (non-electric), wipes, meat surrogate, tofu; nibbles, included in this class, potato based products for polishing apparatus and machines (non-electric) for household purposes, clean- alimentary purposes and made by extrusion, included in this class, potato ing devices (hand-operated), window cleaning equipment (hand-operated), chips, potato sticks, onion rings made from potatoes; dried fruits, raisins, scrapers for cleaning containers, scrubbing brushes, dusters, feather dust- processed nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, macadamia nuts, cashew nuts, shelled ers, furniture dusters, household appliances (not of precious metal), carpet pistachios and almonds, dried, roasted, salted, gratinated and/or spiced; sweepers (non-electric), brushes (except paint brushes), brooms, hand brushes, dietetic food or nutritional supplements for non-medical use on the basis of egg dust pans, goods of earthenware, glass and similar ceramic materials (in- white, fats, fatty acids, under addition of vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace cluded in this class); goods of porcelain, namely porcelain dishware, in particu- elements, singly or in combination, included in this class. lar dinner services, coffee services, tea sets, hot chocolate sets, mocha sets (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, coffee substitutes, coffee-based beverages, es- and breakfast dishes as well as household and kitchen appliances of porce- presso, tea, tea-based beverages, iced tea, aromatic preparations of vegeta- lain; articles of daily use and ornamental objects of ceramic materials, namely ble origin for use in beverages (except ethereal oils), essences for alimentary plates, bowls, dishes, cups, cans, mugs, jars, pouring vessels, boxes, vases, purposes (except ethereal essences and oils), cocoa, cocoa-based bever- table centrepieces namely ornaments, cutlery handles, honey dispensers, egg ages, sugar, natural sweeteners, rice, convenience food and half-finished cups, napkin rings, napkin racks; figures for ornamental purposes of porce- convenience food, essentially consisting of rice, nasi goreng (included in this lain, earthenware, glass and similar ceramic materials (included in this class); class), sushi, tapioca, sago; flour and preparations made from cereals, bak- glass ware and crystal glass ware, namely drinking glasses, bowls, dishes, ing-powder, oat flakes, muesli, cornflakes, cereal-based snacks, bread, bread vases, jars and napkin racks; apparatus and containers for household and wine gum and fruit gum, liquorice (sweets); sweet spreads, included in this kitchen (not of precious metal or plated); cookware and boiling apparatus; class, sweets and desserts (on the basis of wheat), puddings and pudding cooking pots, frying pans, thermos flasks, plates and dishes, tableware for powders, half-liquid jelly from red fruits, rice pudding; pasta, noodles of any arranging, serving tableware (not of precious materials or plated therewith); type, gnocchi, convenience food and semi-finished convenience food, essen- non-electrical and hand-operated appliances and machines for household and tially consisting of pasta, tortellini, lasagna, spaghetti, ravioli, spaetzle, pasta kitchen, sieves, tumblers, egg beaters, graters, corkscrews, cookie cutters; case filled with forcemeat, cheese or vegetables, spring rolls; ice cream; lids, knife-blocks, egg cutters, microwave crockery; paper tableware, plastic honey, molasses; yeast, salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments), soy tableware, in particular mugs, cups, plates, glasses, flatware; thermos flasks sauce, fruit sauces, salad dressings, ready-to-use sauces, tomato sauce, and cups; implements for body and beauty care (cosmetic devices); salvers ketchup, mayonnaise, remoulade, spices, spice mixtures, nutmegs; ice for (not of precious metal), ironing tables. cooling purposes; dietetic foodstuffs or nutritional supplements for non-medi- rolls, toast, bread for sandwiches, croissants and baguettes, all filled or cal use on the basis of carbohydrates, roughage, under addition of vitamins, unfilled, crisp bread and breadcrumbs, pizza with or without topping, hamburg- mineral nutrients, trace elements, singly or in combination, included in this ers, vegetable burgers, hotdogs, meat pastries; pastry and confectionery, class, meat pastries; spreads on vegetarian basis (chocolate and nougat pies, cakes, cookies, biscuits, waffles, cake mixtures (in powder form), cake crème). dough; products on the basis of wheat, rice and corn, for alimentary purposes (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, and made by extrusion, corn chips, onion rings made from corn, popcorn, salt included in this class, seeds, flower bulbs and tubers, straw mulch and litter sticks, savory biscuits, pretzels; candies and confectioneries, meringue prod- peat, animal litter, cat litter, bird sand; living animals; fresh fruits and vegetab- ucts, chocolate and chocolate products, chocolate-covered marshmallows, les, nuts; living plants and natural flowers; feedstuff, pet food, malt. (511) Klasse 22: Tents, ropes, tow ropes, belts, awnings and sails, included in (511) Klasse 32: Beers; mineral waters, aerated waters and other non-alcoho- this class; wind protection fabrics, visual protection fabrics, dismountable lic drinks; fruit drinks, fruit nectars and fruit juices, isotonic beverages, le- garden pavilions of metal braces covered with fabric of textile or plastic; monades, vegetable-based beverages, vegetable-based juices; syrups and strings and ribbons (non-metallic) for binding and packaging; gift ribbons and other preparations for making beverages, preparations for making liqueurs, decoration ribbons for binding, both of textile material, tarpaulins. sherbet powder and fizzy tablets for beverages, essences for making bevera- (511) Klasse 24: Blinds, window shades, gathering window shades and canopies, ges, products for making mineral waters and/or aerated waters. all of textile material, sun blinds of textile material, net curtains of textile (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers), alcoholic milk bevera- material and plastic, all aforementioned goods for indoor use; fabrics, bedspreads ges (milk predominating), alcoholic essences and extracts, aperitifs, cock- and table cloths, bed linen and table linen; fabrics and textile goods, not tails, liqueurs, spirituous beverages, wines, wine-based beverages, champag- included in other classes, bed linen and table linen, quilts, net curtains, ne and sparkling wines. curtains, decoration curtains, eiderdowns, bedding (included in this class), (511) Klasse 34: Tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco goods, cigarettes, blankets, bed linen, sheets, coverlets, bed linen, duvets, bedcovers, pillow cigars, small cigars; smoker''s articles, cigarette paper, cigarette filters, ciga- cases, plaids for furniture, curtains, textile towels, bath towels, sauna towels, rette mouthpieces, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, cigar cases and textile washcloths, table linen, napkins, table cloths, table mats made of cloth cigarette cases (not of precious metals), ashtrays (not of precious metals), or plastic, dishrags, dishtowels, glass towels, face cleaning towels, pillow cigar cutters, pipes, pipe cleaners, flint stones; matches, lighters for smokers, cases, textile napkins, bathroom rugs and toilet rugs, toilet seat covers, gas cartridges for lighters. upholstery cloths and blankets, textile wall paneling and window shades; (591) Farvetekst: Blue, yellow and red. textile sunshades for indoor use, bedspreads, coverings for ironing boards, (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: dress handkerchiefs. 2006-01-09 DE 306 00 534.4/16 Tyskland (511) Klasse 25: Clothing for women, men and children; stockings; waist belts (800) International registreringsdato: 2006-06-19 of leather; scarves; accessories for clothing articles, namely headscarves, Gazette No.: 31/2007 bandanas, fichus, ties; gloves; shoes for women, men and children; headgear; working clothes, gowns. (511) Klasse 27: Carpets, rugs and mats, also for use in motor vehicles; included in this class, wall hangings of paper and plastic; bathroom mats

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP930064 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-16 (111) Reg. nr.: MP930107 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-12 PROCARD

(730) Indehaver: CYATHUS Exquirere PharmaforschungsGmbH, Angererstras- se 22, A-1210 Wien, Østrig (740/750) International fuldmægtig: KLIMENT & HENHAPEL Patentanwälte OG, Singerstraße 8/3/9, A-1010 Wien, Østrig (511) Klasse 05: Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for use in cancer therapy, in particular in the form of gels, powders, solutions, suspens- ions and emulsions, all aforesaid goods for medical purposes and in particular products for injections, infusions or parenteral application. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-11-20 AT AM 7792/2006 Østrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-16 Gazette No.: 31/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930106 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-11

(730) Indehaver: ESCADA AG, Margaretha-Ley-Ring 1, D-85609 Aschheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, as well as goods made thereof included in this class; handbags and other cases not adapted to the product they are intended to contain; small articles of leather, namely purses, wallets and key cases; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-12 DE 307 09 976.8/18 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-12 Gazette No.: 31/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930108 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-12

(730) Indehaver: ESCADA AG, Margaretha-Ley-Ring 1, D-85609 Aschheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, as well as goods made thereof included in this class; handbags and other cases not adapted to the product they are intended to contain; small articles of leather, namely purses, wallets and key cases; trunks and travelling bags; parasols, umbrellas, walking sticks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (591) Farvetekst: Sea green, light blue and light grey. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-12 DE 307 09 977.6/18 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-11 Gazette No.: 31/2007

(730) Indehaver: ESCADA AG, Margaretha-Ley-Ring 1, D-85609 Aschheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather, as well as goods made thereof included in this class; handbags and other cases not adapted to the product they are intended to contain; small articles of leather, namely purses, wallets and key cases; trunks and travelling bags; parasols, umbrellas, walking sticks. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, footwear, headgear. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-12 DE 307 09 974.1/18 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-12 Gazette No.: 31/2007

1322 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930171 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-02 (111) Reg. nr.: MP930532 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-07 Schwarzkopf ACTIV ESPRIT DU LAC

(730) Indehaver: Hans Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH & Co. KG, Südliche (730) Indehaver: LES DOMAINES DU LAC, 17 avenue d''Eylau, F-75116 PA- Münchener Straße 1, 82031 Grünwald, Tyskland RIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Soaps, perfumery, essential oils; preparations for body and (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CABINET DEGRET, 24, place du Général beauty care especially hair lotions, hair care preparations; preparations for Catroux, F-75017 PARIS, Frankrig caring, cleaning, tinting, colouring, bleaching, fixing and permanent waving of (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers); distilled beverages; the hair. alcoholic essences and extracts; wines, mulled wines; aperitifs; cocktails; (511) Klasse 05: Medicated preparations for the care, cleaning and embellish- liqueurs, bitters (liqueurs), anise (liqueur); spirits; digesters (liqueurs and ment of the hair, medicated preparations for body and beauty care, especially spirits); eaux-de-vie; flavoured sparkling alcoholic beverages; champagnes; hair care preparations. ciders; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; alcoholic fruit extracts. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-02 (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: Gazette No.: 31/2007 2006-11-07 FR 06 3 461 146 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-07 Gazette No.: 32/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP930501 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-18 AsB (111) Reg. nr.: MP930533 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-07

(730) Indehaver: Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 56, 73447 Oberko- chen, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Electronic microscopes and the components thereof. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-18 Gazette No.: 32/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930522 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-23

(730) Indehaver: FERRERO S.P.A., Piazzale Pietro Ferrero, 1, I-12051 ALBA (CN), Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Jacobacci & Partners S.p.A., Corso (730) Indehaver: Obelisk International AG, Dammstrasse 19, CH-6300 Zug, Emilia, 8, I-10152 Torino, Italien Schweiz (511) Klasse 30: Coffee, tea, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flours (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Translex AG, Sinserstrasse 65, CH-6330 and milled cereal products (excluding feeds); bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry Cham, Schweiz and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle syrup; yeast, baking-powder; (511) Klasse 36: Financial affairs and real estate. cooking salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar, sauces, spices; ice for refreshment, (591) Farvetekst: Red, grey. cocoa, cocoa products, namely paste for beverages made with cocoa, choco- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: late paste, coatings and in particular chocolate coatings, chocolate, pralines, 2007-02-12 CH 558087 Schweiz chocolate articles for Christmas-tree decoration, food products consisting of (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-07 an edible chocolate casing filled with an alcoholic liquid, sugar confectionery, Gazette No.: 32/2007 pastry, including fine pastry and longlife pastry; chewing gum, sugarless chewing gum, sugarless sweets. (591) Farvetekst: Black, red, white, blue, light blue, dark brown, light brown, green. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-23 Gazette No.: 32/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930524 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-19 T JET

(730) Indehaver: FIAT AUTO S.P.A., Corso Giovanni Agnelli, 200, I-10135 TORINO, Italien (740/750) International fuldmægtig: JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.P.A, Corso Emilia 8, I-10152 TORINO, Italien (511) Klasse 12: Vehicles, bodyworks, engines, transmission assemblies, braking systems. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-02-05 IT TO2007C000442 Italien (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-19 Gazette No.: 32/2007

1323 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930563 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-11 (111) Reg. nr.: MP930636 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-11

(730) Indehaver: KENZO S.A., 1, rue du Pont Neuf, F-75001 PARIS, Frankrig (511) Klasse 03: Toilet soaps; perfumes; eau de toilette and eau de cologne; (730) Indehaver: KENZO S.A., 1, rue du Pont Neuf, F-75001 PARIS, Frankrig cosmetic products; make-up; essential oils for personal use; milks, lotions, (511) Klasse 03: Toilet soaps; perfumes; eau de toilette and eau de cologne; creams and emulsions for cosmetic use; cosmetic gels for the face and body; cosmetics; make-up; essential oils for personal use; milks, lotions, creams deodorants for personal use. and emulsions for cosmetic use; cosmetic gels for the face and body; personal (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: deodorants. 2006-12-08 FR 06 3 468 168 Frankrig (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-11 2006-12-08 FR 06 3 468 169 Frankrig Gazette No.: 32/2007 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-11 Gazette No.: 32/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930590 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-25 (111) Reg. nr.: MP930718 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-02

(730) Indehaver: XU YU, 11/F East Tower, China Tour Commerce Building, 39 Qiaolin Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GUANGDONG MINGYUE TRADEMARK BUSINESS OFFICE CO., LTD, Room No.1608 East Tower, Yangcheng Commercial Center, No.122 Tiyu Road East, Guangzhou, 510620 Gu- angdong, Kina (511) Klasse 03: Hair lotions, facewash gel, bodywash gel, essential oils, flower extracts (perfumery), lipsticks, nail varnish, cosmetics, perfumes. (511) Klasse 25: Shirts, clothing, ready-made clothing, trousers, hosiery, clothing of imitations of leather, briefs, brassieres, underclothing, trench coats, down clothing, traditional Chinese dresses, childrenswear, layettes, bathing suits, shoes, boots, headgear, gloves, sashes for wear, neckties, suspen- ders, belts (clothing), stockings and socks, furs (clothing). (511) Klasse 26: Shoe fasteners, fastenings for clothing, buttons, belt clasps, zip fasteners, hair clips, hair ornaments, trimmings for clothing. (730) Indehaver: KENZO S.A., 1, rue du Pont Neuf, F-75001 PARIS, Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-02 (511) Klasse 03: Toilet soaps; perfumes; eau de toilette and eau de cologne; Gazette No.: 32/2007 cosmetics; make-up; essential oils for personal use; milks, lotions, creams and emulsions for cosmetic use; cosmetic gels for the face and body; personal deodorants. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2006-12-15 FR 06 3 470 299 Frankrig (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-25 Gazette No.: 32/2007

1324 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930730 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-21 (111) Reg. nr.: MP931123 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-06

(730) Indehaver: CHEN JIN SHAN, No.204, Xialing, Lingshancun, Qingyangz- hen, Jinjiang, 362200 Fujian, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Xiamen Shinhwa Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., 1/F, Taiwan Hotel, Hubin East Road, Xiamen, 361004 Fujian, Kina (511) Klasse 07: Agriculture machines; lawnmowers (machines); pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors); hydraulic controls for machines, motors and (730) Indehaver: BEIJING GOME APPLIANCE CO., LTD, No. 43 Qianmen West engines; hydraulic component (not including vehicle hydraulic system); road Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, Kina sweeping machines (self propelled); snow ploughs; mixing machines; disinte- (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BEIJING SIDESUN INTELLECTUAL grators. PROPERTY LAW OFFICE, Room B705, 27 Finance Street, Xicheng (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-21 District, 100032 Beijing, Kina Gazette No.: 32/2007 (511) Klasse 37: Electric appliance installation and repair; air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; freezing equipment installation and repair; office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; kitchen (111) Reg. nr.: MP930760 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-05 equipment installation and repair; film projector repair and maintenance; ma- chinery installation, maintenance and repair; photographic apparatus repair; telephone installation and repair; construction. Bio-Booster B5 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-06 Gazette No.: 32/2007 (730) Indehaver: Chemoforma AG, Rheinstrasse 28-32, CH-4302 Augst, Schweiz (511) Klasse 31: Fodder material and fodder additives not for medical purpo- ses. (111) Reg. nr.: MP931272 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-18 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-05 Gazette No.: 32/2007 HiPath OpenOffice

(111) Reg. nr.: MP930784 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-25 (730) Indehaver: Siemens Enterprise Communications GmbH & Co. KG, Hof- mannstr. 51, 81379 München, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft CT NM, LOS MONEGRILLOS Post Office 22 16 34, 80506 München, Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Optical, electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and de- (730) Indehaver: PIERSON EXPORT, 55 boulevard Bineau, F-92200 NEUILLY vices (to the extent included in this class); electrical devices for recording, SUR SEINE, Frankrig emission, transmission, reception, reproduction and processing of sounds, (740/750) International fuldmægtig: INLEX CONSEIL, 68 rue Pierre Charron, signals, characters and/or images except for photographic, cinematographic F-75008 PARIS, Frankrig and radiographic devices; devices for recording, processing, sending, trans- (511) Klasse 33: Alcoholic beverages (except beers), namely wines. mission, switching, storage and output of messages and data; communicati- (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: ons computers, software for telecommunication technology; optical, electro- 2006-12-21 FR 06 3 471 110 Frankrig technical and electronic communications equipment, in particular pertinent to (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-25 telephone switching and telephone communications technology, such as te- Gazette No.: 32/2007 lephones, videophones, voice boxes, dialing devices, domestic telephone systems, private automatic branch exchanges; devices for voice recognition; telecommunication networks consisting of switching and transmission de- (111) Reg. nr.: MP930850 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-13 vices, individual modules and components of such devices, such as power supply units; transmission media such as telecommunication cables and opti- cal fibres and pertinent connection elements; parts of all the apparatus and Navelia devices mentioned above; installations composed of a combination of the aforementioned apparatus and devices. (730) Indehaver: BRITA GmbH, Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 4, 65232 Taunusstein, (511) Klasse 37: Installation, mounting, maintenance and repair of telecommu- Tyskland nication devices, systems and telecommunication networks (hardware). (740/750) International fuldmægtig: FUCHS PATENTANWÄLTE, Söhnleinstr. (511) Klasse 38: Operation of telecommunication systems, telecommunication 8, 65201 Wiesbaden, Tyskland networks and of pertinent facilities and parts (to the extent included in this (511) Klasse 11: Water filters for household purposes and for commercial class); renting of telecommunication appliances and devices and of tele- purposes, water treatment appliances, filter cartridges containing ion exchan- communication networks. gers and/or adsorbents for water filters. (511) Klasse 41: Training in the setting-up and operation of telecommunication (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-13 systems and telecommunication networks. Gazette No.: 32/2007 (511) Klasse 42: Consultancy in the setting-up and operation of telecommuni- cation systems and telecommunication networks, to the extent included in this class; technical development and project-design of telecommunication and information processing services and facilities and telecommunication net- works; technical planning and project-design of telecommunication and data processing systems, telecommunication networks and pertinent facilities and parts; development, generation and renting of data processing programs for telecommunication systems. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-16 DE 307 01 798.2/42 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-18 Gazette No.: 32/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP931300 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-13 (111) Reg. nr.: MP931892 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-29 Meister Gold Siedin

(730) Indehaver: BakeMark Deutschland GmbH, Theodor-Heuss-Allee 8, 28215 Bremen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Lovells, Warburgstrasse 50, D-20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 29: Edible oils and edible fats, in particular bakery fats and frying fats. (511) Klasse 30: Fine pastry and confectionery. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-04-10 DE 307 23 421.5/30 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-13 Gazette No.: 32/2007 (730) Indehaver: Beijing Meichao Decoration Material Co., Ltd., East 300M, Touhao Cunweihui, Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing, Kina (111) Reg. nr.: MP931692 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-15 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: UNITALEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 7th Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22, Jian Guo Men Wai Ave, Beijing 100004, Kina (511) Klasse 01: Anhydrous ammonia; alkalies; isotopes for industrial purpo- ses; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; flower preservatives; biochemical catalysts; reducing agents for use in photography; epoxy resins, unprocessed; seaweeds (fertilizers); fire extinguishing compositions; metal annealing preparations; brazing preparations; bacteriological preparations for acetification; antranilic acid; adhesives for industrial purposes; adhesives for paperhanging; adhesives for wall tiles; wood pulp. (511) Klasse 02: Mordants; silver foil (leaf); colorants for butter; printing ink; wood coatings (paints); lime wash; distempers; whites (colorants or paints); wood preservatives; canada balsam. (511) Klasse 19: Plaster; plasterboard; refractory materials; bituminous coa- tings for roofing; bituminous products for building; facings, not of metal, for building; coatings (building materials). (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-29 Gazette No.: 33/2007 (730) Indehaver: China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation, 7-13/ F, Tower A, Cofco Plaza No. 8 Jianguomennei Ave., Beijing, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Boss & Young Patent and Trademark Law (111) Reg. nr.: MP932015 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-25 Office, 5/F., Tower A, Bldg. No. 1, GT International Center, Jia 3 Yongan- dongli, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, 100027 Beijing, Kina (511) Klasse 33: Fruit extracts (alcoholic); cider; wine; brandy; rice alcohol; whisky; vodka; yellow wine; rice wine; liqueurs. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-15 Gazette No.: 33/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP931713 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-13

(730) Indehaver: Porolon AS, Vegsund, N-6020 Ålesund, Norge (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Onsagers AS, P.O. Box 6963, St. Olavs Plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norge (511) Klasse 20: Furniture, goods (not included in other classes) of plastics. (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-03-09 NO 200702748 Norge (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-25 Gazette No.: 33/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP932102 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-25

(730) Indehaver: CEVIAN CAPITAL LTD, c/o ABACUS FUND MANAGERS (JER- (730) Indehaver: SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, SEY) LTD, La Motte Chambers, St Helier, JE1 1BJ, Engelbrektsgatan 5, CH-4058 Basel, Schweiz Stockholm, Sverige (511) Klasse 05: Preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. (740/750) International fuldmægtig: GROTH & CO. KB, BOX 6107, SE-102 32 (591) Farvetekst: Yellow and green. STOCKHOLM, Sverige (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (511) Klasse 36: Insurance, financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate 2007-06-01 CH 559282 Schweiz affairs. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-13 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-25 Gazette No.: 33/2007 Gazette No.: 33/2007

1326 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP932209 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-23 (111) Reg. nr.: MP932665 (800) Design. dato: 2007-05-25

(730) Indehaver: Vacansoleil B.V., Marinus van Meelweg 16, NL-5657 EN EINDHOVEN, Holland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Novagraaf Nederland BV, Postbus 22722, NL-1100 DE Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Holland (511) Klasse 09: Sound, image or other information carriers, including CD''s and DVD''s; digital music files (downloadable or not from websites); electronic games in combination with a display; (mobile) telephone ring tones (downloada- ble); electronic publications; apparatus and instruments for recording, trans- mission, receiving, sending or reproducing of sound and/or image; advanced audio and/or image recordings; interactive audio and/or image recordings. (730) Indehaver: Sathya Sai Koordinations-Komitee Schweiz z. Hd. von Dr. (511) Klasse 39: Arranging of tours and journeys, also regarding holidays for Felix Wüst, Nationaler Koordinator (Präsident), In der Hinterzelg 4, children. CH-8700 Küsnacht ZH, Schweiz (511) Klasse 41: Education, training including training for animators; entertain- (511) Klasse 09: Magnetic recording media, audio cassettes, compact disks, ment; sporting, musical and cultural activities; production, issuing and disse- video tapes, cinematographic films; all the aforesaid goods with religious mination of sound, image or other information carriers, including CD''s and content. DVD''s; composing of music; issuing, publishing and dissemination of books, (511) Klasse 16: Printed matter; instructional materials; books; magazines; all magazines and/or lyrics; animation; all aforesaid services also regarding ho- of the aforementioned goods with religious content. lidays for children. (511) Klasse 41: Education; training; sporting and cultural activities; all the (511) Klasse 43: Restaurants; providing temporary accommodation, also for above services with religious content. holidays for children. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (591) Farvetekst: Blue, red, green and white. 2007-04-17 CH 560490 Schweiz (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-23 2006-11-30 BX 1124144 Beneluxlandene Gazette No.: 33/2007 (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-05-25 Gazette No.: 34/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP932313 (800) Design. dato: 2007-03-13 (111) Reg. nr.: MP932914 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-06

(730) Indehaver: XINJIANG XIAOCHU FOODSTUFF CO., LTD., No.46, Wuyi East Road, Changji, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE, 10/F, Ocean Plaza, 158 Fuxingmennei Street, CN-100031 Beij- ing, Kina (511) Klasse 30: Soy sauce; vinegar; chow-chow (condiment); pastries; condi- ments for food. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-03-13 (730) Indehaver: YONGGU GROUP CORPORATION CO., LTD, Changhong Ind. Gazette No.: 34/2007 zone, Liushi, Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: WENZHOU XINGYE TRADEMARK SER- VICE CO., LTD, 12F Balidasha, Xiaonanlu Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, Kina (511) Klasse 09: Plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections); electric switches; instrument transformer; junction sleeves for electric cables; connections for electric lines; electric conductors; terminals (electricity); di- stribution boxes (electricity); Cu-Al connecting terminals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-06 Gazette No.: 35/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP932915 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-14 (111) Reg. nr.: MP933308 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-26

(730) Indehaver: Catalytic Solutions, Inc., 1640 Fiske Place, Oxnard, CA 93033, USA (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Maryellen Feehery Hank, Esq. Reed Smith LLP, 1650 Market Street, 2500 One Liberty Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA (511) Klasse 01: Catalytic chemical compositions for use in catalytic conver- ters for motors and engines and for use in the manufacture of catalysts for industrial, energy, petrochemical/refining and diesel applications; catalysts and chemical products for the clean use of fossil fuels in power generation and industrial boiler operations. (511) Klasse 42: Research and development of catalytic chemicals and cata- lysts for industrial, energy, petrochemical/refining and diesel applications. (591) Farvetekst: Blue and gray. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: (730) Indehaver: Hans Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH & Co. KG, Südliche 2006-11-06 US 77037574 USA Münchener Strasse 1, 82031 Grünwald, Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-26 (511) Klasse 01: Chemical preparations for industrial purposes, namely inter- Gazette No.: 35/2007 mediary goods for cosmetic purposes. (511) Klasse 03: Soaps; perfumery, essential oils; preparations for body and beauty care; dentifrices; preparations for caring, cleaning, tinting, dyeing, (111) Reg. nr.: MP933358 (800) Design. dato: 2007-06-27 bleaching, fixing and permanent waving of hair. (511) Klasse 21: Household and kitchen utensils and containers (not of preci- ous metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except for painting purposes). (591) Farvetekst: Violet, yellow, orange, black, white and red. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-31 DE 307 06 162.0/03 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-14 Gazette No.: 35/2007 (730) Indehaver: August Storck KG, Waldstrasse 27, D-13403 Berlin, Tysk- land (111) Reg. nr.: MP933194 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-23 (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CMS Hasche Sigle, Stadthausbrücke 1- 3, D-20355 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 30: Confectionery, chocolate and chocolate products, pastries. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-01-26 DE 307 05 823.9/30 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-06-27 Gazette No.: 35/2007

(730) Indehaver: Georgia-Pacific S.à.r.l., 25, route d''Esch, L-1470 Luxem- bourg, Luxembourg (511) Klasse 03: Wipes impregnated with cosmetic lotions. (511) Klasse 16: Toilet paper; hand towels of paper; paper handkerchiefs; paper napkins. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-03-28 BX 1132204 Beneluxlandene (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-23 Gazette No.: 35/2007

1328 Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

(111) Reg. nr.: MP933385 (800) Design. dato: 2007-08-06 (111) Reg. nr.: MP935256 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-31

(730) Indehaver: freestyle fashion GmbH, Rheiner Strasse 28, 48499 Salzber- gen, Tyskland (740/750) International fuldmægtig: Lovells LLP, Warburgstrasse 50, 20354 Hamburg, Tyskland (511) Klasse 18: Leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these (730) Indehaver: CHANGCHUN HONGDA GUANGDIANZI YU SHENGWU TONGJI materials, included in this class; animal skins, hides; suitcases and travelling SHIBIE JISHU YOUXIAN GONGSI, No.1518, Huojulu, Gaoxinkaifaqu, bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Changchun, Jilin, Kina (511) Klasse 24: Textiles and textile goods, included in this class; bed and (740/750) International fuldmægtig: CHANGCHUN YONGHE TRADEMARK table covers. SERVICE, No.1788, Xi''an Dalu, Changchun, 130061 Jilin, Kina (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, particularly leisure clothing, footwear, headgear. (511) Klasse 06: Locks (other than electric) of metal; locks of metal for (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: vehicles; locks of metal for bags; metal display shelves. 2007-05-16 DE 307 32 152.5/18 Tyskland (511) Klasse 09: Fingerprint checking machines; electric door openers; elec- (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-31 tric door closers; remote control apparatus; domestic remote controllers; ma- Gazette No.: 38/2007 chines for checking work attendance; optical lenses. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-08-06 Gazette No.: 35/2007 (111) Reg. nr.: MP935504 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-05

(111) Reg. nr.: MP933549 (800) Design. dato: 2007-08-02

(730) Indehaver: ANJIXIAN SHENGXIN BANGONG JIAJU YOUXIAN GONGSI, Langli Cun, Dipu Zhen, Anji Xian, 313300 Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HUZHOU TIANHE SHANGBIAO SHIWU DAILI YOUXIAN GONGSI, 123, Qingtong Lu, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, Kina (511) Klasse 20: Furniture made of steel with plastic. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-05 Gazette No.: 38/2007

(730) Indehaver: ZHEJIANG HENGLIN JIAJU YOUXIAN GONGSI, Yangguang gongyeyuanqu, Wushansi Cun, Dipu Zhen, Anji Xian, 313300 Zhejiang, Kina (740/750) International fuldmægtig: HUZHOU TIANHE SHANGBIAO SHIWU DAILI YOUXIAN GONGSI, 123, Qingtong Lu, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, Kina (511) Klasse 20: Furniture. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-08-02 Gazette No.: 35/2007

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(111) Reg. nr.: MP935526 (800) Design. dato: 2007-07-05 (111) Reg. nr.: MP935798 (800) Design. dato: 2007-04-04

(730) Indehaver: sera GmbH, Max-Planck-Straße 6, D-52525 Heinsberg, Tysk- (730) Indehaver: Bayer AG, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee, 51373 Leverkusen, Tysk- land land (740/750) International fuldmægtig: BAUER WAGNER PRIESMEYER, Pa- (511) Klasse 01: Chemical preparations for use in agriculture, horticulture and tent- und Rechtsanwälte, Grüner Weg 1, 52070 Aachen, Tyskland forestry, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds (included in this (511) Klasse 01: Testing agents, water conditioning agents and filter material class); fertilizer. made of chemical, mineral and vegetable substances as well as of ceramic (511) Klasse 05: Preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin, insec- material, especially for aquaria and ponds; fertilisers for aquaria and pond ticides, herbicides, fungicides. plants; sea salt for aquaria fish and mineral nutriment for aquaria water. (511) Klasse 31: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains (511) Klasse 05: Preparations for destroying algae and vermin as well as (included in this class), seeds. fungicides for aquaria and ponds; veterinary and medicinal care preparations (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: for aquaria animals, pond animals, reptiles, amphibians and other terraria 2007-02-21 DE 307 11 821.5/01 Tyskland (vivaria) animals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-07-05 (511) Klasse 11: Apparatus for heating, apparatus for denitrification as well as Gazette No.: 38/2007 filter and filter cartridges for aquaria and garden pond water. (511) Klasse 31: Living and prepared foodstuff, animal and vegetable feed for ornamental fish, pond animals, reptiles, amphibians and other terraria (vivaria) (111) Reg. nr.: MP935728 (800) Design. dato: 2007-08-01 animals. (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-04-04 Gazette No.: 38/2007

(111) Reg. nr.: MP941921 (800) Design. dato: 2007-09-11

(730) Indehaver: TOYO BOSEKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 2-8, Dojima Hama 2- Chome, Kita-Ku, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, 530-8230, Japan (511) Klasse 17: Plastic film. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-06-15 JP 2007-061114 Japan (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-08-01 Gazette No.: 38/2007

(730) Indehaver: ESCADA AG, Margaretha-Ley-Ring 1, D-85609 Aschheim, Tyskland (511) Klasse 03: Perfumery; cosmetics. (511) Klasse 09: Eyeglasses and sunglasses; appliances for recordal, trans- mission or reproduction of sound or images; photographic, film and optical apparatus and instruments. (511) Klasse 14: Jewellery, fashion jewellery, precious stones, clocks and watches. (511) Klasse 16: Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, inclu- ded in this class, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, statione- ry, office requisites included in this class, plastic materials for packaging, included in this class. (511) Klasse 18: Goods made of leather and imitations of leather, namely bags (included in this class) and other cases not adapted to the products they are intended to contain (included in this class) as well as small articles of leather (included in this class), in particular purses, pocket wallets, key cases, trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols. (511) Klasse 25: Clothing, belts (clothing), footwear, headgear. (511) Klasse 35: Retail services with respect to clothing, belts (clothing), footwear and headgear, goods made of leather and imitations of leather, namely bags and other cases not adapted to the products they are intended to contain as well as small articles of leather, in particular purses, pocket wallets, key cases, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols, jewellery, fashion jewellery, precious stones, clocks and watches, eyeglasses and sunglasses, appliances for recordal, transmission and reproduction of sound or images, photographic, film and optical apparatus and instruments, perfumery, cosme- tics and body care products. (300) Prioritetsoplysninger: 2007-05-08 DE 307 30 483.3/35 Tyskland (800) International registreringsdato: 2007-09-11 Gazette No.: 45/2007

1330 Ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

Internationale registreringer Ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse

MP779780 MP846051

1331 Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

Internationale registreringer Delvis ugyldiggjort efter indsigelse

(111) Reg. nr.: MP879998 (511) Klasse 09: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; barometers, current rectifiers, gas testing instruments, thermometers not for medical purposes, voltmeters, microscopes, telescopes, periscopes; test tubes, ovens for laboratory experiments, furniture especially made for laboratories, laboratory trays; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; radios, television apparatus, video recorders, cameras (photography), cinematographic cameras, audiovisual teaching apparatus, amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only, apparatus for editing cinematographic films, loudspeakers, megaphones, projection apparatus; com- puters, computer software (recorded), computer programs (downloadable soft- ware), printers for use with computers, scanners (data processing equipment), cash registers, calculating machines, bar code readers; phonograph records, cassette players, optical discs, compact discs (audio-video and read only memory); enlarging apparatus (photography), exposure meters (light meters), exposed x-ray films, antennas; electric igniting apparatus for igniting at a distance; money counting and sorting machines, balancing apparatus, ticket dispensers; electric conductors, integrated circuits (chips), electric transistors, condensers (capacitors), water level indicators, heat regulating apparatus, electric converters; telephones (portable), telegraphs (apparatus), masts for wireless aerials; teleprinters; photographic, electrostatic and thermic photocopiers; meters; magnetic encoded cards; scales, balances (steelyards); protection devices against x-rays, not for medical purposes; life saving apparatus and equipment; life jackets, divers' apparatus and masks, respiratory masks (other than for artificial respiration), respirators for filtering air, life belts, life nets; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; gloves for divers, gloves for protection against accidents, signalling whistles, signal lanterns, signalling buoys; plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections), electric switches, circuit breakers and closers, fuses, elevator operating apparatus, electric resistors; electric door bells, electric alarm bells; electric cables, coaxial cables, fibre optic cables, junction sleeves for electric cables; electric flat irons; electricity indicators, quantity indicators, speed indicators, taximeters, tachometers; electric regulating apparatus; plumb li- nes; luminous or mechanical signalling panels, vehicle breakdown warning triangles; fire extinguishing apparatus; electric welding apparatus, welding electrodes; radar apparatus, lightning conductors (rods); dosage dispensers; electric devices for attracting and killing insects; electric door closers and openers; satellites for scientific purposes; anodes.

1332 Navneregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04


1333 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende


1334 Mærkeregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

Internationale registreringer F (fig) MP926991 Famed Zywiec (fig) MP928182 Mærkeregister FIBRECELL (w) MP918714 FLASHKEY (w) MP915714 FLASHPAY (w) MP915712 Register over mærker offentliggjort som FLASHWIRE (w) MP915715 ForceGroove (w) MP918728 registreret i dette tidende angivet i alfabe- Fortunecookie (w) MP926970 FOUGANZA (w) MP928723 tisk rækkefølge efter mærketekst FRESH safe.NET (fig) MP918982 fundinfo.com (fig) MP926917 GAMPACK (fig) MP919629 (540) Mærke (111) Reg. nr. gesas (fig) MP919017 GIKO (w) MP717863 (fig) MP510845 GO (fig) MP919438 (fig) MP761109 GranberG (fig) MP921031 (fig) MP829292 Háppy bella baby (fig) MP917016 (fig) MP924465 HELI (fig) MP918765 (fig) MP926635 HiPath OpenOffice (w) MP931272 (fig) MP928752 HLD (w) MP923517 (fig) MP929093 ICLAREX (w) MP916987 (fig) MP929337 IF YOUR HANDS COULD CHOOSE (w) MP921032 (fig) MP930106 INNO ARTISTICO (fig) MP909641 (fig) MP930107 IPR (fig) MP926956 (fig) MP930108 JUSTICE BROS. (w) MP918995 (fig) MP930533 KENZO EAU DE TOILETTE POUR HOMME TOKYO BY (fig) MP931123 KENZO (fig) MP930590 (fig) MP931692 kinder bueno WHITE (fig) MP930522 (fig) MP931713 KINDER MIGUELITO (w) MP919039 (fig) MP931892 L.A.C plus (fig) MP927077 (fig) MP932102 Landidyll Ländliche Lebensfreude Live Hotels (fig) MP661273 (fig) MP932209 L'EAUPARKENZO eau de toilette pour femme KENZO (fig) MP930636 (fig) MP932313 L'EAUPARKENZO eau de toilette pour homme KENZO (fig) MP930563 (fig) MP932914 LOS MONEGRILLOS (w) MP930784 (fig) MP932915 Love Therapy (fig) MP863702 (fig) MP933194 MARCELLO DE CARTIER (w) MP928325 (fig) MP933308 MARTELL Création (fig) MP925207 (fig) MP933358 Meister Gold Siedin (w) MP931300 (fig) MP933385 MERLOT (fig) MP918697 (fig) MP933549 Merveillance Lift (w) MP918492 (fig) MP935256 METRICA (w) MP918185 (fig) MP935504 MICRONSERVICES (w) MP920713 (fig) MP935526 MOTORSYS (w) MP926340 (fig) MP935728 Navelia (w) MP930850 (fig) MP935798 NGPs (w) MP917390 (fig) MP941921 NORIEM (w) MP921690 µ (fig) MP927556 NUR ECHT MIT DEM BÄRENSIEGEL (fig) MP862960 A. FAVRE & fILS (w) MP928634 OCHIRLY (fig) MP930718 ACTIV M (w) MP918683 o.k. (fig) MP929733 adcatch (w) MP919013 OPEROSA (fig) MP921692 AGATHA (w) MP918872 Persil (fig) MP927879 ALIAUNE (w) MP927347 PE-TRA (fig) MP918719 ANGINOL (w) MP921806 PIKENGO (w) MP918940 Aquaquell (w) MP926347 PL700 (w) MP920716 AsB (w) MP930501 PORAFORM (w) MP750949 Avi-Drome (w) MP921361 PROCARD (w) MP930064 Back on Track (w) MP924777 RACE (w) MP927737 BACTOCELL (w) MP629584 RAINMATES (w) MP928605 BEAT PER MINUTE (w) MP926825 RAP (fig) MP918949 Bio-Booster B5 (w) MP930760 RAUCH Ice Tea (fig) MP926353 bliss (fig) MP919262 RAUCORD (w) MP928709 BLONDME (fig) MP928353 red SOUL (fig) MP926969 BOUQUET-CHARDON (w) MP670317 REHAU (fig) MP918350 b'twin (fig) MP918819 RENAPHARMA (w) MP919549 B-type inspection system (fig) MP868221 ROTONDE DE CARTIER (w) MP920856 Camping Kids (fig) MP932665 ROTOPRINT (fig) MP918450 Captain Byrd (fig) MP918848 SANLI (fig) MP930730 CARNIFEED (w) MP598163 Saxon (w) MP921935 CHIAUS (fig) MP921598 Schwarzkopf ACTIV (w) MP930171 chy (fig) MP928098 SeeSa (fig) MP927253 COMYJIb (fig) MP929063 SEL DES ALPES (fig) MP920793 C1 (w) MP923092 SENTINEL (w) MP917121 Denivit White & Brilliant (w) MP926397 SHOP mania (fig) MP921940 DigiSat (w) MP920685 SpiZe (fig) MP921863 DREAMSKIN (w) MP915126 SPRINTVAC (w) MP920885 DREAMWEBSPACE (w) MP917485 SQUAMEAL (w) MP929023 Dribbling (fig) MP924589 SUKIDA (fig) MP919641 Dubliss (fig) MP925128 SWISS ATTIXS (w) MP923569 E-GUARD (w) MP667814 T JET (w) MP930524 ELU PRODUIT DE L'ANNEE Grand Prix Marketing TANAX (w) MP918973 Innovation (fig) MP770579 Ticket Ezybite (fig) MP925157 ESPRIT DU LAC (w) MP930532 TIRSAN (fig) MP918307 EuroAirport. BASEL MULHOUSE FREIBURG (fig) MP919683 Top Season (fig) MP911101 EXTRIMA (w) MP919573 TRIRON (w) MP921873 E3 DRIVE (fig) MP920526 UVISION (w) MP918112

1335 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

Vanwa (w) MP927546 VIRGO (fig) MP919338 VOLNA (fig) MP880080 VORTELLA (w) MP509447 VSP (w) MP913801 Wahtanb (fig) MP928978 wokotenb (fig) MP928977 XERNECAN (w) MP923483 yesil (fig) MP921855 ZAGO (w) MP918665 ZERO-TOUCH CONSUMER AUTHENTICATION (w) MP915153 ZoneCentral (fig) MP918891 ZOV madrasser (fig) MP932015

1336 Registreringsregister internationale registreringer Dansk Varemærketidende 2008-06-04

MP920885 Internationale registreringer MP921031 Registreringsregister MP921032 MP921361 MP921598 MP921690 MP921692 MP921806 Register over mærker i dette tidende angi- MP921855 vet i registreringsnummerorden MP921863 MP921873 MP921935 (111) Reg. nr. MP921940 MP923092 MP923483 MP509447 MP923517 MP510845 MP923569 MP598163 MP924465 MP629584 MP924589 MP661273 MP924777 MP667814 MP925128 MP670317 MP925157 MP717863 MP925207 MP750949 MP926340 MP761109 MP926347 MP770579 MP926353 MP779780 MP926397 MP829292 MP926635 MP846051 MP926825 MP862960 MP926917 MP863702 MP926956 MP868221 MP926969 MP879998 MP926970 MP880080 MP926991 MP909641 MP927077 MP911101 MP927253 MP913801 MP927347 MP915126 MP927546 MP915153 MP927556 MP915712 MP927737 MP915714 MP927879 MP915715 MP928098 MP916987 MP928182 MP917016 MP928325 MP917121 MP928353 MP917390 MP928605 MP917485 MP928634 MP918112 MP928709 MP918185 MP928723 MP918307 MP928752 MP918350 MP928977 MP918450 MP928978 MP918492 MP929023 MP918665 MP929063 MP918683 MP929093 MP918697 MP929337 MP918714 MP929733 MP918719 MP930064 MP918728 MP930106 MP918765 MP930107 MP918819 MP930108 MP918848 MP930171 MP918872 MP930501 MP918891 MP930522 MP918940 MP930524 MP918949 MP930532 MP918973 MP930533 MP918982 MP930563 MP918995 MP930590 MP919013 MP930636 MP919017 MP930718 MP919039 MP930730 MP919262 MP930760 MP919338 MP930784 MP919438 MP930850 MP919549 MP931123 MP919573 MP931272 MP919629 MP931300 MP919641 MP931692 MP919683 MP931713 MP920526 MP931892 MP920685 MP932015 MP920713 MP932102 MP920716 MP932209 MP920793 MP932313 MP920856

1337 2008-06-04 Dansk Varemærketidende

MP932665 MP932914 MP932915 MP933194 MP933308 MP933358 MP933385 MP933549 MP935256 MP935504 MP935526 MP935728 MP935798 MP941921

1338 Klassefortegnelse International klassifikation af varer og tjenesteydelser (Nice Arrangementet) 9. udgave - 2007


Klasse 01: Kemiske produkter til industrielle, Klasse 13: Skydevåben, ammunition og projek- Klasse 29: Kød, fisk, fjerkræ og vildt, kødeks- videnskabelige og fotografiske formål samt til tiler, sprængstoffer, fyrværkerigenstande. trakter, konserverede, tørrede og kogte frugter anvendelse i landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skov- og grøntsager, geléer, syltetøj, kompotter, æg, brugsøjemed, kunstig harpiks i rå tilstand, pla- Klasse 14: Ædle metaller og legeringer heraf mælk og mejeriprodukter, spiselige olier og fedt- stic i rå tilstand, gødning, ildslukningsmidler, præ- samt varer af ædle metaller eller varer overtruk- stoffer. parater til hærdning og lodning, kemiske kon- ket hermed (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), ju- serveringsmidler til levnedsmidler, garvestoffer, velerarbejder, smykker, ædelstene, ure og kro- Klasse 30: Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapio- bindemidler til industrielle formål. nometriske instrumenter. ka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler af korn, brød, konditori- og konfekturevarer, Klasse 02: Maling, fernis, lak, rustbeskyttelse- Klasse 15: Musikinstrumenter. spiseis, honning, sirup, gær, bagepulver, salt, smidler og træimprægneringsmidler, farvestoffer, sennep, eddike, saucer (krydrede), krydderier, bejdsemidler, naturlig harpiks i rå tilstand, blad- Klasse 16: Papir, pap, varer heraf og ikke inde- råis. metaller og metalpulver til brug for malere, de- holdt i andre klasser, tryksager, bogbinderiartik- koratører, bogtrykkere og kunstnere. ler, fotografier, papirhandlervarer, klæbemidler Klasse 31: Landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugs- til papirvarer og til husholdningsbrug, artikler til produkter samt korn (ikke indeholdt i andre klas- Klasse 03: Blegemidler og andre midler til vask brug for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og ser), levende dyr, friske frugter og grøntsager, og rensning af tøj, præparater til rengøring, po- kontorartikler (dog ikke møbler), instruktions- frø og såsæd, naturlige planter og blomster, næ- lering og fjernelse af pletter, sæbe, parfumeriva- og undervisningsmateriale (dog ikke apparater), ringsmidler til dyr, malt. rer, æteriske olier, kosmetiske præparater, hår- plasticmateriale til emballeringsbrug (ikke inde- vand, tandplejemidler. holdt i andre klasser), tryktyper, klichéer. Klasse 32: Øl, mineralvand og kulsyreholdige vande og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikke, frugt- Klasse 04: Olier og fedtstoffer til industrielle Klasse 17: Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, as- drikke og frugtsaft, saft og andre præparater til formål, smøremidler, midler til absorbering, fugt- best, glimmer samt varer fremstillet af disse ma- fremstilling af drikke. ning og binding af støv, brændstoffer (herunder terialer og ikke indeholdt i andre klasser, plastic motordrivmidler) og belysningsstoffer, lys og væ- i halvforarbejdet tilstand til brug i fabrikation, Klasse 33: Alkoholholdige drikke (dog ikke øl). ger til belysning. tætnings-, paknings- og isoleringsmaterialer, bø- jelige slanger, ikke af metal. Klasse 34: Tobak, artikler for rygere, tændstik- Klasse 05: Farmaceutiske og veterinærmedicin- ker. ske præparater, sanitære præparater til medicin- Klasse 18: Læder og læderimitationer samt varer ske formål, diætetiske præparater til medicinsk fremstillet af disse materialer (ikke indeholdt i Tjensteydelser brug, næringsmidler til spædbørn, plastre og for- andre klasser), skind og huder, kufferter og rej- bindsstoffer, materiale til tandplombering og til setasker, paraplyer, parasoller og spadserestok- Klasse 35: Annonce- og reklamevirksomhed, tandaftryk, desinfektionsmidler, præparater til ke, piske og sadelmagervarer. bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsad- udryddelse af skadedyr, svampe- og ukrudts- ministration, bistand ved varetagelse af kontor- dræbende midler. Klasse 19: Byggematerialer (ikke af metal), sti- opgaver. ve rør (ikke af metal) til bygningsbrug, asfalt, Klasse 06: Uædle metaller og legeringer heraf, beg, tjære og bitumen, transportable bygninger Klasse 36: Forsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virk- byggematerialer af metal, transportable bygnin- (ikke af metal), monumenter (ikke af metal). somhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæg- ger af metal, materialer af metal til jernbane- lervirksomhed. spor, ikke elektriske kabler og tråd af metal, Klasse 20: Møbler, spejle, billedrammer, varer kleinsmedearbejder, isenkramvarer af metal, me- (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser) af træ, kork, rør, Klasse 37: Byggevirksomhed, reparationsvirk- talrør, pengeskabe, varer af metal ikke inde- spanskrør, kurvefletning, horn, ben, elfenben, somhed, installationsvirksomhed. holdt i andre klasser, malm. fiskeben, skildpadde, rav, perlemor og merskum samt af erstatningsstoffer for disse materialer Klasse 38: Telekommunikationsvirksomhed. Klasse 07: Maskiner og værktøjsmaskiner, mo- eller af plastic. torer (ikke til befordringsmidler til brug på land), Klasse 39: Transportvirksomhed, pakning og koblinger og transmissionsdele (ikke til befor- Klasse 21: Husholdnings- og køkkenredskaber opbevaring af varer, arrangering af rejser. dringsmidler til brug på land), landbrugsredska- samt beholdere, kamme og svampe, børster, bør- ber (ikke hånddrevne), rugemaskiner. stenbindermateriale, redskaber til rengøringsfor- Klasse 40: Forarbejdning og behandling af ma- mål, ståluld, glas i rå eller halvforarbejdet til- terialer og genstande. Klasse 08: Håndværktøj og instrumenter (hånd- stand (undtagen glas til bygningsbrug), glasva- drevne), knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeer, hug- rer, porcelæn og keramik, ikke indeholdt i andre Klasse 41: Uddannelsesvirksomhed, undervisn- og stikvåben, barbermaskiner. klasser. ingsvirksomhed, underholdningsvirksomhed, sportsarrangementer og kulturelle arrangement- Klasse 09: Videnskabelige, nautiske, geodæti- Klasse 22: Tovværk, reb, liner, snore, net, telte, er. ske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske markiser, presenninger, sejl, sække (ikke inde- apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og holdt i andre klasser), polstringsmateriale (dog Klasse 42: Videnskabelige og teknologiske tje- instrumenter til vejning, måling, signalering, kon- ikke af kautsjuk eller af plastic), ubearbejdet nesteydelser samt forskning og design i forbin- trol, livredning og undervisning, apparater og fibermateriale til tekstilfabrikation. delse dermed, industriel analyse og forskning, instrumenter til ledning, omkobling, transforma- design og udvikling af computer hardware og tion, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrol af Klasse 23: Garn og tråd til tekstilfabrikation. computer software. elektricitet, apparater til optagelse, transmissi- on og gengivelse af lyd eller billede, magnetiske Klasse 24: Vævede stoffer og tekstilvarer, ikke Klasse 43: Tilvejebringelse af mad og drikke, databærere, lydplader, salgsautomater og me- indeholdt i andre klasser, senge- og bordtæpper. midlertidig indkvartering. kanismer til mønt-opererede apparater, kasse- apparater, regnemaskiner og databehandlings- Klasse 25: Beklædningsgenstande, fodtøj og Klasse 44: Lægevirksomhed, veterinærvirksom- udstyr, ildslukningsapparater. hovedbeklædning. hed, sundheds- og skønhedspleje af mennesker og dyr, landbrugs-, havebrugs- og skovbrugs- Klasse 10: Kirurgiske, medicinske, odontologi- Klasse 26: Kniplinger og broderier, bånd og pos- virksomhed. ske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter sementmagervarer, knapper, hægter og maller, samt kunstige lemmer, øjne og tænder, ortopæ- knappenåle og synåle, kunstige blomster. Klasse 45: Juridisk bistand; sikkerhedsmæssige diske artikler, suturmaterialer. ydelser til beskyttelse af ejendom og menne- Klasse 27: Tæpper, måtter, linoleum og andet sker, personlige og sociale ydelser udøvet af Klasse 11: Apparater til belysning, opvarmning, belægningsmateriale til eksisterende gulve, væg- andre for at efterkomme individuelle behov. dampdannelse, kogning, køling, tørring, ventila- beklædningsmateriale, som ikke er tekstilvarer. tion og vandledning samt sanitetsinstallationer. Klasse 28: Spil og legetøj, gymnastik- og sports- Klasse 12: Køretøjer, befordringsmidler til brug artikler (ikke indeholdt i andre klasser), jule- på land, i luften eller i vandet. pynt.

5.2-dec01/ls INID-koder Internationally agreed Numbers for Internationalt vedtagne Numre til the Identification of Data (INID) Identifikation af Data (INID) (100) Date of termination of the procedure regard- Dato for registreringsprocedurens afslutning ing registration (111) Registration number Registreringsnummer (141) Date of termination of the registration of the Dato for udslettelse af registreringen mark (151) Registration date Registreringsdato (180 Date of expected expiration of the registra- Dato for registrerings-/fornyelsesperiodens tion/renewal udløb (210) Application number Ansøgningsnummer (220) Application filing date Ansøgningsdato (230) Data concerning exhibition Udstillingsprioritetsoplysninger (300) Data relating to priority under the Paris Prioritetsoplysninger Convention (390) Data relating to the registration in the country Hjemlandsregistrering of origin (442) Date of publication of the application Bekendtgørelsesdato (450) Date of publication of the registration Offentliggørelsesdato (500) Various information Bemærkninger (511) Class or classes (and list of goods/services) Vare- eller tjenesteydelsesklasser (og liste over varer/tjenesteydelser) (540) Reproduction of the mark Varemærket (551) Indication to the effect that the mark is a Fællesmærkeoplysninger collective mark, a certification mark or a guarantee mark (580) Date of recording of amendment/change Dato for notering af tilførsel (591) Information concerning colors claimed Farvetekst (641) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related Data vedrørende delte/udskilte ansøgninger applications (646) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related Data vedrørende delte/udskilte registreringer registrations (730) Name and address of the applicant/holder of Indehaveroplysninger the registration (740)/(750) Name and address of the representa- Fuldmægtigoplysninger/korrespondanceadres-se tive/Correspondance address (791)/(793) Data concerning license Licensoplysninger (800) Data relating to registration under the Madrid Data vedrørende Madridprotokol-registreringer Protocol

Domestic Codes for the Interne koder til identifikation Identification of Data af data (DC) Date of shelving/withdrawal Henlæggelses/tilbagetagelsesdato (DP) Data concerning pawning Pantsætningsoplysninger

Where there is only an indication of the class Hvor der alene er angivet klassenummer (511), number (511), the application or registration omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen alle covers all goods or services within the class in varer eller tjenesteydelser i den pågældende question. klasse.

Where the class number in the case of code Hvor klassenummeret ved kode (511) efterføl-ges (511) is followed by a “:“ the application or af et “:“, omfatter ansøgningen eller registreringen registration covers only the goods or services kun de særligt nævnte varer eller tjenesteydelser. specifically mentioned.

Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af ““, followed by ““, the application or registration angår ansøgningen eller registreringen et ord- concerns a word mark. mærke.

Where (540) the “Reproduction of the mark“ is Hvor (540) “Varemærket“ efterfølges af ““, followed by ““, the trade mark involves non er der i varemærket figurelementer og/eller bog- standard letters and/or figurative elements. staver med særlig skrifttype.
