Keeping Your Bill Lower Than the State, Regional and National Averages
Edison Electric Institute National Data Keeping your bill lower than the state, regional and national averages A comparison of monthly bills for typical residential and business customers Residential 1,000 kWh Small Business 1,500 kWh Typical monthly usage for a home or apartment Examples: office, storefront, farm pumps National Average $135.33 National Average $197.84 South Atlantic $121.99 Southeast $184.91 Florida IOUs $116.35 South Atlantic $179.19 Southeast $116.16 Florida IOUs $178.15 Florida Power Florida Power $145.03 & Light Company $91.84 & Light Company $0 $35 $70 $105 $140 $0 $40 $80 $120 $160 $200 Commercial 40 kW, 10,000 kWh Commercial 500 kW, 180,000 kWh Examples: small manufacturing facility, bank branch office, Examples: school, department store, large call center, grocery store retail store, restaurant, medical office National Average $1,264 National Average $18,763 South Atlantic $1,120 South Atlantic $17,245 Florida IOUs $1,071 Florida IOUs $16,920 Southeast $1,068 Southeast $16,163 Florida Power $936 Florida Power $14,028 & Light Company & Light Company $0 $260 $520 $780 $1040 $1300 $0 $5000 $10000 $15000 $20000 Industrial 1,000 kW, 400,000 kWh Industrial 1,000 kW, 650,000 kWh Examples: manufacturing facility, large school Example: large manufacturing facility National Average $38,380 National Average $53,385 Florida IOUs $36,259 Florida IOUs $51,492 South Atlantic $34,462 South Atlantic $47,897 Southeast $32,763 Southeast $44,477 Florida Power Florida Power $29,735 & Light Company & Light Company $40,247 $0 $10500 $21000 $31500 $42000 $0 $10000 $20000 $30000 $40000 $50000 $60000 Data source: Edison ElectricIndustrial Institute (EEI) 50,000 Typical Bills andkW Average 32,500,000 Rates Report for Summer kWh 2016 based on utility rates effective July 2016.
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