Informational letter № 1

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the Scientific-Practical Conference “Medical Rehabilitation in Sanatorium and Resorts of Ukraine. New technologies for the rehabilitation of patients in European resorts. Modern requirements for the organization of SPA complexes in resorts and the experience of using SPA procedures in medical rehabilitation. Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Morshyn resort”.

The conference is included into the “Register of congresses, scientific meetings, symposiums, scientific-practical conferences, which will be run in 2018” in accordance with “Instruction on the preparation and holding of congresses, scientific meetings, symposiums and scientific-practical conferences”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and NASU of Ukraine dated June 23, 2017 № 699/41.

The conference will be run on September 27-28, 2018 in Morshyn. The beginning of the conference is on September 27, 2018 at 10:00 in the premises of the “Palace of Culture”, Morshyn, str. Ivan Franko 52, central assembly hall.

Conference organizers: SHEI “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University” Subsidiary enterprise “Sanatorno-kurortny complex “Morshynkurort” Co-organizers: Private Joint Stock Company of Medical and Health Institutions of Ukraine’s Trade Unions “Ukrprofozdorovnytsia” SE “Sanatorno-Kurortny Complex “Morshynkurort” Ukrainian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Public Association “Prykarpatske Tovarystvo Terapevtiv”

The conference will discuss the following issues: • History of the development of sanatorium and resort affairs. • Introduction to the experience of sanatorium-resort treatment in the countries of . • World experience in training of the staff for medical rehabilitation. • Modern approach to personnel training and the state of implementation of the latest educational programs in Ukraine. • Ways of implementing modern standards of medical rehabilitation on various medical profiles in Ukraine. • The role of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment in preserving the health of the population of Ukraine. • Issues of cooperation of doctors on various profiles with the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine on receiving of rehabilitation treatment in sanatorium and resort institutions of Ukraine by the insured persons. • Modern problems of exploitation, protection and use of natural therapeutic resources in sanatorium-resort (rehabilitation) treatment. • Improvement of the organization of nutrition in sanatorium-resort institutions. • Experience of medical-psychological rehabilitation of ATO soldiers on the basis of sanatorium- resort establishments of Ukraine. • Familiarization with modern equipment used in sanatorium-resort treatment and medical rehabilitation.

Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English.

Primary registration. To participate in the conference you must fill in: Application form for the participant of the conference • surname, name, and patronymic • place of work, position/scientific degree • form of participation in the conference • title of the report and indication of the main speaker •contacts.

Forms of participation in the conference: - publication of articles and oral report (articles will be published in the specialty journal “Art of medicine”) - publication of abstracts and oral report (abstracts will be published in the conference abstracts) - only an oral report - only publication of articles/abstracts - audience member The application form shoud be submitted by 10.05.2018 at the e-mail [email protected]

Requirements for the presentation of abstracts: • abstracts should be written in Ukrainian and English; • typing of abstract should be executed in Microsoft Word editor; • font – Times New Roman; font size – 12; • line interval – 1.0; • paragraph – 1.25 cm; • upper, lower, left and right margins – 2.0 cm; • in the text of the abstract the reference to the used literature sources should be indicated by a serial number, separated by two square brackets, according to the list of sources (position of the cited publication in the list of literature) [1]. List of references is given at the end of theses in the order of the appearance of the relevant references (no more than 3); • at the beginning of the theses, it is necessary to indicate the author’s surname and initials, institution, city, country, job title; • recommended volume of abstracts – is 1 page of А4. Please send your abstracts by 10.05.2018 to the e-mail [email protected] The cost of publication of abstracts for participants from Ukraine is 100 UAH, for participants from other countries – the hryvnia equivalent of 5 USD (according to the NBU rate on the date of payment). The payment for the publication of abstracts must be made to: Public Association “Prykarpatske Tovarystvo Terapevtiv” Code ЄДРПОУ (EDRPOU) 40677127 р/р (current account) 26001052530090 in PJSC CB “Privatbank” in Ivano-Frankivsk, MFO 336677 with a note: to the conference “Medical rehabilitation”. The abstracts of the reports, executed without compliance with requirements and sent after the specified deadline, will not be published.

Requirements for Registration of the Articles The editorship of the magazine «Art of medicine» takes into consideration the publication of the article if neither the manuscript nor any part of it, tables, drawings have not been published earlier in print or electronic form and are not under consideration for publication in another journal. Category of the articles: - Discussion and problem articles - Original research - Literature review - Cases from practice - Organization of the health care - Medical education - Medical rehabilitation Language of publication. Language of the article: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish, French, German The author must carefully read and reread and edit the text of the manuscript. The content must be clear, without repetitions, Ukrainian spelling is required, usage of Ukrainian terminology and adhere to the norms of the literary (when published in other languages - Russian, English, Polish, French, German respectively) are also needed. The units of measurement are indicated by the system CI. Requirements for registration of the articles The manuscript has to be completed with the help of MS Office on a standard sheet of format А4 (210х297 mm), type – “Times New Roman”, type size – 14, interval – 1,5, paragraph indentation - 1,25 mm, equalization - on width. Document fields - 20 mm (from all sides), the volume - from 10 to 25 pages. Structure of the article: • UDC code. • Title of the article (capital letters, in bold, alignment in the middle). • Surname, initials of the author (authors) in the language of the article (the number of authors of one article should not exceed five persons). • Establishment (full name, city, country, e-mail). • The summary is written in the language of the article at the beginning, and other abstracts are written at the end of the article (Ukrainian, Russian, the volume is not more than 1500 characters), (the English summary should be 2 pages), which fully reveals the content of the article, for original studies to contain clearly identified goals, methods, results of the study and conclusions. To summarize, the initials and surnames of the author (s) and the title of the article and institution should be translated into Russian and English. • Keywords (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) - no more than 5 words or phrases.

Main sections of the article: 1. Introduction:must provide the reader with all information (including background information) needed to understand your research and the reasons for which you are conducting them. In this section, the articles must be created background (preconditions for the study: give a general understanding of the problem that you are doing and reasonably justify the relevance of your research). 2. Substantiation of the research: this section of the article should answer the question of the need for the author of the study. The section of the article "The justification of the study" aims to highlight the unsolved problems of other scientists in the study problem and points to the "field source" of the research, not occupied by other scholars in this problem (of course, answering the two questions formulated above). This section is written on the basis of publications of periodical scientific publications (books, textbooks, monographs do not belong to such). An overview of the periodicals on the problem being studied by the author should include sources no more than 5 years old and a mandatory review of foreign scientific periodicals on the problem being studied by the author. The number of foreign sources should be at least 40%. Permissible level of self-quotation - no more than 30%. Mandatory when using references to literary sources is a critical analysis of these sources, that is, the indication of what the authors of these works were able to achieve, and what failed. At the same time, it is desirable for such an analysis for each source (use of a wide range of references such as "in works [3-7]" is not recommended). The section “Substantiation of the research “should give the reader an understanding of what the research was being carried out, the results of which the author intends to publish in this article. 3. Purpose of the research: In this section it is necessary to clearly formulate the purpose of the research, which should logically follow from the section "Justification of the research". The purpose of the study, formulated by the author, may also be the formulation of the Hypothesis, which the author wanted to confirm or refute. (Advice: Do not write phrases like: "The purpose of our work was to compare drug A and drug B with pathology C. Write what would allow us to understand what the authors expect to see as a result of this comparison). 4. Materials and methods: Materials - it means that the author must demonstrate the representativeness of the submitted material: the characteristics of the patients (or other research objects), the method of their selection and the conditions of the research (the basis of the research) should be set out in such detail that the reader could decide on his own, whether they are properly described and does the description describe the specific conditions of its clinical practice? (Advice: to meet the requirements of representativeness, the author should explain 3 main points: - Answer the question: "Why was this exactly chosen, and not another material?" - The principle of selection of material should be stated (the criteria for inclusion / exclusion of research objects are described). - The principle and meaning of the division of material into any groups (by age, gender, etc.) should be explained. WARNING! The explanation of the type "traditionally" and the like is unacceptable. Methods - in this part of the section it is necessary: - To justify why this particular method was used, and not just some other method. - Formulate criteria for assessing the effect or result of the method used.

WARNING! Methods of quantitative analysis are better than descriptive. Therefore, if they are not used and their absence has no apparent justification, it is necessary to indicate why statistical methods are not used. This section should be named in such a way that the "experimental" and "methodical" components of the author's research were understood. An article is written using software for the processing of statistical data or other methods, the author must specify the license number of the program or where the program or the link on the Internet is located.

5. Results of the research: this section should reflect all the results obtained during the study, and only in a form that can be formulated as "bare facts". You do not need to interpret the results in this section! In this section, it is recommended to submit materials as follows: - as in the "Materials and Methods" section, the results that correspond to different experiments can be divided into subdivisions; - the results should be presented in a logical order, and it is recommended to give results in order of importance, not necessarily use the order in which the experiments were carried out; - do not duplicate the data shown in the figures, charts and tables. The common mistake is to bring the data shown in the figures and tables in the text of the article. Instead, the text of the article should summarize the material that the reader will find in the table or draw the attention of the reader to the main points in the picture or table. It is usually easier for the reader to read data in the table than in the text of the article. (TIP: There is a well-known saying in the English language: "A picture is worth 1,000 words." This means that the image can explain the findings much better than the text, however, avoid excessive drawings and tables. If data for full tables and drawings is missing , it is better to describe this information in the text). 6. Discussion of the results: in this section of the article you must express your point of view on the results of the study. In other words, it is necessary to answer the main question: "What do your results mean (in your interpretation)?". In this section you must: discuss your results in order from the most to the least important; Compare your results with the results of other researchers - what are the differences and discuss their causes; Additional research can be proposed to improve or deepen the results. 7. Conclusions: in this section of the article, be sure to provide the main general results of your work again, paying particular attention to the conclusions reached in the research goal from the section "The purpose of the research" - they should coincide. This means that the Conclusions should reflect the specific results obtained by the author, on the basis of which it can be concluded that scientific novelty and the practical application of the results of the study are described in the article.

(IMPORTANT! The conclusions should be presented in such a way that the reader (whether a scientist or practicing doctor), after reading only the Conclusions, wanted to read the entire article).

8. Design of drawings / tables: are given in the text of the article, without flow; references to tables and drawings are also given in the text of the article (Table 1, Figure 1); All drawings must be in JPG format (with a resolution of 300dpi); In the table there should be no empty cells in accordance with the requirements of the State Tax Code of Ukraine and placed in the text. 9.Literature: the list of used literature in the English version of the article must be made in accordance with the citation style of Vancouver Style. The works originally published by Cyrillic should be transliterated. References to used sources are made as they appear in the text in square brackets [1, 2, 3, 10]. Hyperlinks are not allowed! The editorial emphasizes that the main source of scientific information is a scientific article. • Information about the authors in Ukrainian, Russian and English: - Surname and name (in full) - Position, rank, place of work - Work address, contact phone number and e-mail address. To find out any questions regarding the publication of the article, the author (s) can contact: [email protected].

Articles should be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal “Art of medicine” with a note for the conference “Medical rehabilitation in sanatorium and resort institutions of Ukraine”: [email protected] The cost of publishing articles in the journal “Art of medicine” for the participants from Ukraine is 45 UAH for 1 page, for participants from other countries – the hryvnia equivalent of $ 2 per page (according to the NBU rate on the date of payment). The payment for the publication of articles should be made to: Public Association “Prykarpatske Tovarystvo Terapevtiv” Code ЄДРПОУ (EDRPOU) 40677127 р/р (current account) 26001052530090 in PJSC CB “Privatbank” in Ivano-Frankivsk, MFO 336677 with a note: to the conference “Medical rehabilitation”.

About the full program of the conference, registration, check-in, payment of registration fee, participation in the gala banquet will be announced in the informational letter № 2. On all issues related to the organization and meeting for the conference, please contact the organizing committee of the conference: SHEI “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”, +38 (050) 5403435 (Scientific Department, Vice-Rector Vakalyuk Ihor Petrovych) SE “Sanatorno-Kurortny Complex “Morshynkurort” +38 (067) 3402202 (Deputy Chief Physician, Subsidiary Enterprise “SKC “Morshynkurort” Zlupko Mykola Liubomyrovych)

Best regards, Organizing committee of the conference